Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Help for Those Who Suffer

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @verygood6625
    @verygood6625 4 місяці тому

    I have Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE) and could not figure out for 20 years. I have constatnt headaches as soon as wake up in the morning, I am underweight. I had brain MRI done but nothing came from the MRI. EE disrupts gut-brain axis altering serotonin production which results in constant headaches. I could never figure out the problem was with the gut. Once I figured out the problem was in the gut, I started taking Darolac-IBS daily at night. I avoided all the trigger foods. Highly disciplined with eating food at same time daily. Now I do not get headaches and I live my life very normally. EE mainly effects the quality of life.

  • @NicholasRaper
    @NicholasRaper 9 років тому +2

    I suffered with it sense I was 14 and I went crazy lost weight but now I'm a body builder and o eat what ever I want really ! I just push through it !

  • @kurtoogle4576
    @kurtoogle4576 7 років тому +27

    After twenty years of having my esophagus occasionally close on food, I began reacting to everything, even water & saliva, with blockages lasting minutes to hours. Only after I was admitted to emergency with a torn throat (also severely damaged my thyroid) was I given a barium swallow test. I had no scar rings from acid reflux, so I got the same "chew your food line" from the surgeon. He soon apologized as cell tests revealed Eosinophilic Esophagitis (high Immunoglobulin E (IgE) and extremely high white blood cell count).
    I have been using Swallowed Fluticasone (Flovent Corticosteroids) Therapy for two years - a puffer in the mouth once in the evenings and mornings, and I can eat and drink without fear once again.

    • @KarenLMagno
      @KarenLMagno 6 років тому +1

      Kurt Terfloth glad to hear Fluticasone is working for you. I just started taking this medication a month ago and I hope it will help so I don’t have any more issues with food blockages.

    • @tammyroberts7746
      @tammyroberts7746 5 років тому +1

      Kurt Terfloth how are you now

      @KEEPINITRIL 5 років тому +2

      I was using fluticasone but they couldnt figure out how to order the right inhaler, so eventually I was given the nasal spray... to swallow. That didnt help a ton. I am on an elimination diet and its working well so far. I dumped wheat, dairy and soy.

  • @angelfreedom911
    @angelfreedom911 Рік тому

    My eosinophils esophagus was triggered by a seronegative celiac disease with lactose intollerance that turned into refractory celiac disease type 1.

  • @futahl.2061
    @futahl.2061 3 роки тому

    My toddler just got diagnosed with this disease. She has many food allergies, eggs, seafood, coconut, peanut, soy, nuts. They want to eliminate the dairy products but at her age (2 years) it would be very hard to do so. We are trying to get her on the steroids until she understands the disease. She loves dairy products and it is going to be very difficult to eliminate them. But we are to meet a dietitian to further help us.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  3 роки тому

      It's less difficult than you might think. She may "love" dairy but it doesn't love her. She's only 2 years old; believe me her palate will change. It is important to make this change because the side effects of steroids are very dangerous. Please do more research on this. A solution, a natural one, is to hand. You don't want to look back and realize the steroids created irreversible effects. We change individual's diets all the time. Hopefully you can find a great dietitian who knows how to make the transition with your daughter. If not, please reach out. Our dietitian is highly experienced in this area. You can call us at 408-733-0400.

  • @shumashuma83
    @shumashuma83 7 років тому

    Hi I see this posted 2 years ago...my daughter just turned 4 and has been diagnosed with EoE since she was 1. It's something we have been fighting for A LONG time. We've done all the test and even all the allergy testing and all I was told they could do was give her these awful meds I hate she has to take. About a year later she was still throwing up (even being on meds) and I wanted to get to the root of the problem. He GI doctors said that we would have to take her completely off everything, feed her a formula for 6 weeks put her under for an endoscopy make sure she is in the clear, if not she stays on the formula longer and goes under again until she is "normal" ...then they would reintroduce food groups to see what she is allergic to. It sounded awful, my daughter will literally cry ALL day long some days and her cheeks are always bright red, her lips always bright red and she has a raspy voice all the time. All the doctors tell me is to either take her off the meds because she had a normal Endoscopy (even though symptoms are all still the same) or to increase her meds which I'm not a fan of doing. We have been off meds and haven't been in to see a doctor for about 6 months because I just felt like we were a check list and no one really knew anything about EOE or care about my kid. she is getting really bad again and I'm just dreading having to put her through all that again. We have taken her off Dairy as we have noticed that it's been almost instant allergic reaction. I know dairy brothers her but she is still bad even though she has been off for a few weeks. Anyways do you guys have places in California?

  • @SuperLosi22
    @SuperLosi22 9 років тому

    i have EE and I've had it for about 5/6 years. in my country Gibraltar they never knew what i had, so i went over to the UK London and they did me endoscopy. They found out right away that i had EE, I'm 15 now and it was just painful and horrible when trying to eat. i refused to have foods like meat, it would never go down properly. I'm now feeling much better but not fully cured. I'm having steroids mixed with a sugar sweetening, and Omeprazole to slow down the acids thats being produced in my stomach.

    • @latinboy906
      @latinboy906 7 років тому

      I'm on the exact same meds as you Omeprazole and Budesonide swallowed with packets of splenda, just started. How are you feeling now, has it made much of a difference?

  • @thatslena
    @thatslena 5 років тому +3

    I wonder WHAT is the reason such horrible diseases are on the rise? WHAT is it what is in our foods and medications that has completely compromised our body's ability to function normally. If we are eating clean foods (which as far as i am aware i have been as i never drunk excessively or ate sugar or soy etc) then WHY is my esophagus going crazy all of a sudden? I will tell you why. Because i took antibiotics last December and immediately after, i started experiencing significant reflux symptoms. Then i took PPIs and became much worse as my stomach started to hurt after eating. I hope people wake up. Pharmaceutical companies do this on purpose. IT IS on purpose and there is no denying that. This is NOT a conspiracy theory without logic. Their logic is money because money is power and power is what they want.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  5 років тому

      Sadly I cannot disagree with you. The excessive use of antibiotics and PPIs is a definite problem. The good news is the body CAN heal, and if you need assistance we're happy to assist. You can call us at 408-733-0400.

    • @advenco344
      @advenco344 4 роки тому

      I completely agree with you. I only started having issues with my esophagus after I ingested ONE PPI last summer in late June and ever since my esophagus has never been the same.
      Look up the etymology of the word "pharmacy". Pharmacy comes from the Greek word "pharmakon" which means drug, poison, and spell. This one piece of information explains a lot.

  • @pinkoceanflower3045
    @pinkoceanflower3045 4 роки тому +1

    Can Eosinophilic Esophagitis be caused by Histamine Sensitivities, Candida, Hypochlorhydria, and Leaky Gut? Can this also cause resistant hypertension.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  4 роки тому

      I think there are often inter-relationships but an absolute cause and effect I haven't seen in the data.

  • @latinboy906
    @latinboy906 7 років тому +1

    I have EoE I think as the result of Environmental allergies, rather than food allergies.
    I went to an allergist for Immunotherapy/Allergy shots, due to my post nasal drip worsening (allergic to dust mites and dog/cat dander). Two days after my first allergy shot, I was having difficulty swallowing.
    I went to my ENT, and she prescribed Ranitidine, which had no effect. She then referred me to an otolaryngologist, who had me do a Barium swallow, and as a result diagnosed me with EoE. I have been taking the PPI Omeprazole, and swallowed budesonide for a few days now, and have not noticed much of a difference.
    Should I stop taking my allergy shots, as I think they might be causing the reaction causing the EoE? Has anyone experienced EoE not as result of food allergies?

    • @Hedgeflexlfz
      @Hedgeflexlfz 6 років тому

      latinboy906 Some patients have seasonal allergies which make EoE worse. It it very rare, and they usually have food allergies as well. There is evidence strongly linking food to EoE.

  • @Drackleyrva
    @Drackleyrva 10 років тому

    Great video! Thanks for posting. I was recently dx'd with EE and was placed on omeprazole. The omeprazole and dilation from endoscopy has made a HUGE difference. I can pretty much eat what I want (except walnuts). However, I still have some sort of reaction with certain beers. I only drink on occasion, but beer seems to cause something. Cocktails or malt drinks are fine---but certain beers will cause excessive belching, hiccups etc. Its very annoying. Is it the hops?? I can't seem to find any info on this. I have an appt with my allergy doc in 2 weeks. Thanks again. M

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  10 років тому

      You may want to be checked for celiac and gluten sensitivity. It's great that you're feeling better but neither the dilation nor the drug is actually addressing the root cause of the problem.
      If getting to the root of it interests you, consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400. That way we can speak, I can get more information and ensure the best steps are being taken to really improve your health. We are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally. You don't need to live locally to us to receive assistance. We are here to help!
      I look forward to hearing from you.
      Dr Petersen

    • @lyndamagirl6761
      @lyndamagirl6761 6 років тому

      I just read yesterday someone (a doctor perhaps?) post online about drinking alcohol and she said people with EoE should only drink gluten free beer and ciders, drinking wine is questionable, and mixed cocktail drinks are safe. She also said though it is important to only have 1 or 2 drinks.

  • @Rogue77X5
    @Rogue77X5 10 років тому

    I was diagnosed with EE/EoE in March of 2014. I have now had 3 EGD's and 1 Colonoscopy. I tested high (IGE) for Dairy, Eggs, Wheat, Soy, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Fish, Shellfish, Corn and Sesame. I also tested high (IGE) for 21 out of the 26 common RAST inhalant enviromental allergens. I can have Applesauce and Rice Milk without a problem but everything else causes too many problems. I'm now drinking 5 boxes of Neocate EO 28 Splash a day. My dietitian has said to get a Feeding Tube, my new GI mentioned it but that it was a long time from now. That was before I had my EGD last week. Should I discuss getting a Feeding Tube? Thanks

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  10 років тому

      I cannot make medical recommendations for you when I haven't examined you. However, I can say that there's a reason your immune system is reacting to so many different food items and it is that issue that must be addressed.
      I think there are other measures that could be taken before resorting to, or living permanently with, a feeding tube. Especially if what you're being fed is continuing to inflame the situation.
      I know it's a difficult situation for you and I am empathetic to that.
      In order to best assist you consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400. That way we can speak, I can get more information and ensure the best steps are being taken to really improve your health. We are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally. You don't need to live locally to us to receive assistance. We are here to help!
      I look forward to hearing from you.
      Dr Petersen

  • @iseekknowledge8293
    @iseekknowledge8293 9 років тому

    Does greek yogurt count as milk? I'm trying to eat plain no fat greek yogurt for the probiotics and high protein.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  8 років тому +1

      +Iseekknowledge Yes, yogurt is dairy. There are better ways to get probiotics and protein.

  • @HumDoodle
    @HumDoodle 7 років тому +1

    I have EoE and no specific allergies ( i have been tested 7 times) I can have a reaction to something but then eat the exactly the same thing and be completely fine and anything can cause a reaction so changing diet won't work for me. because they have tried doing that since I was 8.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  7 років тому

      I understand. There's a big difference however between allergies and sensitivities. Due to the delayed response associated with sensitivities you can go crazy trying to see the association of eating and feeling the effect. I realize this is a source of frustration for you but if you'd like to speak over the phone (there's no charge), I could get a better idea of what exactly has been done and then make suggestions. We do have excellent success and I would be happy to help. Call 408-733-0400.

      @KEEPINITRIL 5 років тому

      Ive had the same issue. Ive had choking problems for 20 years, it wasnt until a year ago when it was diagnosed as EOE, the egd from 20 years ago said it was a hiatel hernia.
      But I began to track the foods that I choked on and there wasnt a correlation. A few things from my log; meatballs, mashed potatoes, peaches, sandwhiches, steak, even a blended smoothie and water.
      I just began an elimination diet and I think its helped a lot.

  • @johnsimms3957
    @johnsimms3957 5 років тому

    So is Eosinophilic Esophagitis caused by food allergies?

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  5 років тому +1

      It can be related to allergies, sensitivities, as well as other sources of inflammation. It doesn't tend to be a single initiator for everyone, but there are common culprits. In other words, we have to evaluate each patient for the source of the inflammation.

  • @ShanLHines
    @ShanLHines 7 років тому

    I have been experiencing some of the symptoms of what I believe to be EE for a few months now, mostly food getting stuck in my throat. I had a barium swallow test today and I was wondering how good those are as far as showing signs of EE?

    • @thelifeofshamiyah9681
      @thelifeofshamiyah9681 7 років тому +1

      I was diagnosed 3 years ago and they are really good at showing the signs. The white liquid shows up on x ray screens which can show the drs where the flow of water is slower in you esophagus. It is better if the cover bread in the white liquid as it can show what happens to the food as well

    • @ShanLHines
      @ShanLHines 7 років тому

      Yeah, it ended up showing nothing out of the ordinary. But it has only been a few months? I have a scope scheduled so we'll see if they see anything while in there.

    • @silverr12310
      @silverr12310 7 років тому

      Shannon Hines the way my diagnosis went was a trial of ppi's, then digestive enzymes and Probiotics, then they ordered a barium swallow test (which was also normal), when they finally did the endoscopy they figured out what it was, good luck with your endoscopy, i hope you get an answer soon, took years for them to diagnose and along the way we're plenty of misdiagnosis, its a process but hopefully you'll figure it out soon :)

    • @ShanLHines
      @ShanLHines 7 років тому

      Thank you Trevor! Yeah, I'm glad to went ahead and did what you're not supposed to do and googled it. I'm hoping I can get this figured out sooner rather than later!

    • @Hedgeflexlfz
      @Hedgeflexlfz 6 років тому

      Shannon Hines A biopsy is needed to diagnose EoE.

  • @Chereemnm
    @Chereemnm 9 років тому

    I was recently diagnosed with EE. I have had severe acid reflux for 2 years. I take nexium everyday but sometimes that doesn't help. If I don't take it; from about where my stomach is; all the way up to the back of my throat will feel like it's on fire. I was recently put on the Flovent HFA inhaler; except swallowing the medication instead of inhaling it to help heal my esophagus. (I haven't tried it just yet; little scared of how awful the meds will taste)
    Just wondering if anyone may have an idea about something: around the same time my acid reflux got bad; I started doing this strange hiccup thing. The more often my acid reflux got; so did the random hiccup(s). It's only one hiccup; sometimes loud; sounds nothing like the typical hiccup you've heard (almost like a squeak lol) and sometimes I'll have acid reflux with it. (I'll randomly hiccup 15-20 times a day; I'd say 5 at the most include acid reflux) I'm guessing from the hiccup being so intense(?) Most of them hurt from being such an intense hiccup. I know that probably sounds so ridiculous lol; but sometimes they jerk me back a little o.O

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  9 років тому

      Hi, I think we can do better by really getting to the root cause of the problem - something we have very good success with. I"m not sure where you live but we are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally. Consider contacting us for a free consultation - call 408-733-0400.
      I look forward to hearing from you!

  • @evanescence12100
    @evanescence12100 9 років тому

    I was just diagnosed with ee and I have been having pain in my chest neck and left arm is that normal with this disease? And my arm is more weak than pain

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  9 років тому +1

      I cannot diagnose you nor make recommendations over the internet, but you should check with your doctor regarding the weak arm. I hope you have found a clinician who will work w/ your condition naturally and really get to the root cause of the problem. If not, consider contacting us for a FREE consultation - we're here to help! Call 408-733-0400.
      I look forward to hearing from you.

    • @Steveguy124
      @Steveguy124 9 років тому

      hi I have ee as well I think the reason you feel weaker is because with ee your body isn't getting energy at the same rate it is used to. Hope this helps you :D

  • @renaelynn6376
    @renaelynn6376 8 років тому

    Ever tried not to eat gluten and dairy?????

    • @LiamGutierrez
      @LiamGutierrez 7 років тому

      Yes, but still I have problems, now I try to eliminate corn and rice, too.

    • @candacemichelle8345
      @candacemichelle8345 7 років тому

      Renae Lynn it makes it hard to Get all the vitamins u need tho, plus it just keeps cutting out more and more food, so eventually we can't eat anything?

    • @aneilmayank8423
      @aneilmayank8423 7 років тому +2

      eating a mainly plant based diet and removing ALL processed food will resolve 99% of cases.

    • @lyndamagirl6761
      @lyndamagirl6761 6 років тому

      Aneil-Are you cured? Have you tried Probiotics and Prebiotics for this condition? I just found out today that I have EE and acid reflux. Dr only said for me to take PPI for three months and then get rescoped. I'm upset that she didn't suggest any dietary change, which is what I plan to do anyway. I don't want to be on medicine the rest of my life or get scoped regularly.

  • @jacquelinegrenier9954
    @jacquelinegrenier9954 7 років тому +14

    2 years ago I started too experience difficulties in swallowing foods, had no issue with liquids. Well the symptoms started too progress worst so I saw my doctor and she scheduled me an appointment to have an endoscopy done. Well the endoscopy didn't go so well due to light sedation I woke up. Then I was scheduled to have a barium swallow done, couldn't swallow the stuff, was almost like cement. Anyway, I was at the point of giving up, felt like my doctors couldn't help me. So I was told it was linked to anxiety, prescribed xanex, helped a little but unable to have a decent meal, just able to drink easier. I lost a lot of weight my doctor feared it was cancer made things worst for me. then just a month ago I was finally made an appointment to have another endoscopy done but at the hospital for day surgery, I was knocked out! so finally the procedure was done! I was told I have a slight hernia and EOE yay me! I have been placed on omeprazole they stretched my esophagus. I was also told since I keep losing weight that I have an eating disorder and sent to a counselor. Unbelievable what an allergen can do to you! scary stuff! I'm still battling it, I see a doctor soon to be placed on more meds, yay.... I just want too way a big hamburger from five guys!

    • @colinbassett5454
      @colinbassett5454 7 років тому +1

      Jacqueline Grenier same problem here. Been a year and a half since I've been able to eat comfortably. I had my esophagus dilated and it made my symptoms far worse. Now I'm on swallowed inhaler and still not seeing much inprovement

    • @prakashdesai534
      @prakashdesai534 6 років тому +1

      Hi there what food were causing your allergies and how did you know about them is there any food test?

    • @carlysemanchik7634
      @carlysemanchik7634 5 років тому

      Problem with Eoe is how hard it is to diagnose. Took years of suffering for me. But ever since I was diagnosed, I have been taking Omeprazole everyday and it has relieved me of a majority of my problems- but it isn’t perfect. I still have random choking episodes every now and then. I hope you’re doing better, what a scary experience you’ve had!

    • @samss9744
      @samss9744 5 років тому

      Collin how are you now?

  • @aneilmayank8423
    @aneilmayank8423 7 років тому +20

    If you have acid reflux or Eosinophilic Esophagitis, the only solution is dietary change. I am physically fit and suffered from this for years. I stupidly took acid reducing drugs and they ended up causing more problems for me. It wasn't until I changed my diet, removing all processed foods from my diet that I no longer had any digestive or esophageal problems. When you cut out all foods containing refined sugar, refined flour and eat only whole foods, only then you will be cured!

    • @prakashdesai534
      @prakashdesai534 6 років тому +1

      Thanks for the comment i totally agree with you. I had GERD Sliding hiatus hernia and going all natural food cured me but still i am having shortness of breath for that i did eosinophils blood test and it came EOSINOPHILS 13.2 % reference range 0 - 6 and EOSINOPHILS - ABSOLUTE COUNT 0.66 X 103 / μL reference range 0.02 - 0.5. Can you please suggest if the results are too bad? and what should i do for my shortness of breath. looking forward to hearing from you

    • @RyanKWilliamson
      @RyanKWilliamson 6 років тому +1

      How long did it take to heal?

    • @janninenavarro2890
      @janninenavarro2890 6 років тому +1

      Hey. I am an athlete and i have the same problem especially during my conditioning training. I thought i was gonna die plus when i gwt panicked, it gets worse.. I feel like im choking ans i couldn't breath properly

    • @olivial2688
      @olivial2688 6 років тому +1

      What did the acid reducing drugs do? I’ve been taking them for about a year and having a lot of issues lately, trying to get answers because I’ve seen so many doctors

    • @KarenLMagno
      @KarenLMagno 6 років тому +1

      I have been asking Fluticasone for a month. I hope it works. I am a 51 year old female.

  • @shannoncarbone5318
    @shannoncarbone5318 6 років тому +5

    Loved this video! One thing that was not talked about was the fact that people with EOE may also suffer from environmental allergies (as well as food allergies) which create great issues. I agree with the food approach first. My gastro told me that they usually suggest steroids or ppi's first because it is a "quicker fix" although often times you are still exposing yourself to what you should not be exposed to.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  6 років тому +1

      I agree with you completely. It's unfortunate that traditional MDs go for the "quick fix" to make their patients happy, when in fact that approach is creating long-term damage. If they explained that thoroughly I don't think their patients would opt for the quick fix in the main.

  • @tattoogirlog
    @tattoogirlog 6 років тому +4

    I lead a very healthy lifestyle, eat properly, I drink nothing but water and I have this problem. So a change in diet isn't a cure. I started having this AFTER my gallbladder was removed.

  • @DrSultanV
    @DrSultanV 5 років тому +2

    how can I know the types of food that I'm allergic of, my doctor diagnosed me today with EOE (eosinophilic esophagitis) and prescribed me medications but I'm convinced that the only treatment is to change diet.

  • @marilynpaisley8797
    @marilynpaisley8797 6 років тому +2

    Hi Dr. Petersen, I have an inflamed esophagitis, what foods would you recommend, and supplements for this condition? Thank you

  • @mizm7865
    @mizm7865 6 років тому +2

    My take away from this is that, as far as we know, allergies and acid reflux cause EoE...Growing up I had no issues or allergies what so ever. Why now at age 21 does my body constrict the throat resulting in (EoE)? Why weren't allergies and acid reflux affecting me in my younger years? If anyone knows the answer to this please comment !

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  6 років тому +1

      Miz M Your health has changed. I see this all the time with patients. They haven’t “done” anything different but seemingly “suddenly”, they have an issue. It’s not unusual but you’re quite young. If you need assistance please reach out for a free phone consultation. I’m happy to assist. Call 408-733-0400.

  • @turbokid6996
    @turbokid6996 8 років тому +2

    I've had this s*** most of my life. Had several dilation been on the ppis. but honestly a think a lot has to do with chronic dehydration and of course the allergic reaction but dehydration I think pays a big Key.

    • @Hedgeflexlfz
      @Hedgeflexlfz 6 років тому

      Turbo Kid No, food plays the largest role in the actually disease and symptoms. Try to pin point what foods you are allergic to.

  • @RubberWilbur
    @RubberWilbur 10 років тому +1

    Dr Vikki I've heard you mention previously that you are now eating a vegan diet? Is this true and why? I've heard it's really hard to get your B12 doing this even through supplements. One doctor on youtube I heard interviewed said she went back to eating meat after memory loss.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  10 років тому +2

      Yes I am a vegan...mostly - I eat the occasional egg. The reason why is a bit too lengthy for this space, but I can appease your concerns re: vitamin B12. I have a multiple vitamin supplement that has 1,000 mcg of B12, way beyond the required minimum daily dose. I get tested regularly and my B12 levels are excellent. There is no reason for a responsible vegan to have low B12 levels.
      It is important to make sure you're absorbing B12. We spend a lot of time discussing celiac disease and for those individuals, especially pre-diagnosis, they may well be compromised on their absorption. So that's important to monitor.
      I hope that helps!

  • @Bellasilver22
    @Bellasilver22 Рік тому

    Hi! My 5 month old baby has severe reflux and people think perhaps EoE. She’s on an elemental formula. But I’m curious, if she has a corn or dairy allergy- do you think her elemental formula could be triggering her since it’s cow milk based and corn syrup solids are the first ingredient? Do you think breast milk would be better if I’ve been eliminating all of the top allergens? Thanks!

  • @NicholasRaper
    @NicholasRaper 9 років тому +2

    It don't really bother me no more

  • @SaM-bf1hx
    @SaM-bf1hx 5 років тому +1

    I'm 11 please help I can't even swallow water sometimes everyone thinks it's a joke or for attention but food gets STUCK in my throat it's still stuck now I was eating and apple and swallowed but everyone keeps saying "Chew your good properly" please help someone it won't go down please I'm scared It happens a lot once I almost died please

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  5 років тому +1

      I would be happy to help, but since you're a minor I'd need to speak to a parent. Where do you live? You can have one of your parents call us for a consultation - 408-733-0400. I look forward to helping you.

    • @gemma8096
      @gemma8096 5 років тому +1

      how did you almost die, did you choke? I am sorry that you are having these experiences x

  • @HelloHello-hk4sx
    @HelloHello-hk4sx 5 років тому +1

    I got my usual stomach ache again & almost threw up. Even false alarms take a lot out of me. I'm exhausted. 😓😧😴

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  5 років тому

      I understand. It is miserable. If you'd like help please reach out - you can call us at 408-733-0400.

  • @InspirationHits
    @InspirationHits 8 років тому +1

    Thank you for this video, I was diagnosed a while ago, and I have refused to take the PPI's long term. I don't have acid reflux, I am in my 30's and don't want to loose calcium by being on PPI's long term. I hadn't considered that using them long term might cause other allergies. When I was originally diagnosed, (10 years ago) the only thing that came up on the allergy test was a really mild reaction to soy. I was just retested (I moved to a different area) and came up with a whole host of allergic reactions. The allergist has suggest probiotics to help reset gut bacteria. I can't find much research on how probiotics can help reduce allergic reactions. I understand there is a connection between gut bacteria and properly digesting food. What is your opinion, would the probiotics help with reducing the allergic reaction?

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  8 років тому +1

      +Inspiration Hits! Probiotics, when properly administered, increase the function of the immune system in the gut. Since allergies are mediated by the immune system it makes sense that a stronger immune system could help with allergies. However, clinically I see there are other stressors that typically need to be addressed and removed in order to fully handle allergies. If you'd like assistance, consider contacting us for a free phone consultation - 408-733-0400. We are here to help!

  • @The1RobynHode
    @The1RobynHode 10 років тому +1

    Wondering... if because we've got an Adam's apple, we have more of a mechanics issue in the throat and there is a greater pinch-point than women?

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  10 років тому

      I haven't heard that concept but I'll look into it.

  • @Bobby007D
    @Bobby007D 4 роки тому +1

    Diet is the key to health. Along with rest and cool water!

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  4 роки тому

      Can't disagree with that. Thank you for the comment.

  • @kalkeikuu
    @kalkeikuu 3 роки тому

    Is Eosinophilic Esophagitis connected to a Hiatal Hernia and low HCL?

    • @vikkipetersen220
      @vikkipetersen220 3 роки тому

      It can be or EoE can stand on its own as well. If you need assistance we would be happy to help. Call us for a free phone consultation in California 408-733-0400 or Florida 727-335-0400. We have excellent success with our natural treatment program.

  • @gemma8096
    @gemma8096 5 років тому +1

    Hello, I was wondering if EoE can cause life threatening choking, swelling, or impaction? My gastroenterologist said that it cannot as the oesophagal inflammation is below/past the trachea and completely separate to the bronchi, but I read earlier that food getting wedged in the esophagus can be a medical emergency, so I am not entirely sure what to think! I would really appreciate it if you could get back to me, as I've been feeling very anxious about this. Thank you.

    • @nolives
      @nolives Рік тому +1

      Hi I know this is an old comment but I wanted to thank you for sharing as I was always worried about another food impaction causing suffocation but your information helped me. So I wanted to respond and help you, yes it can be a medical emergency but not life threatening, for example I got a piece of meat stuck in my throat and had to rush to the emergency room for them to help. I could still talk and breathe but obviously it was scary and uncomfortable. I hope this helps clear up how it can both be a medical emergency but not life threatening.

    • @San-ny1pg
      @San-ny1pg 5 місяців тому

      ​@@noliveshow's you doing now , and eoe?

  • @estorm25
    @estorm25 9 років тому

    Hi, I was recently diagnosed with EE... thank you for your video! My doctor is having me eliminate all of the foods you mentioned, and I have been doing this for almost a week. It is encouraging to hear the improvement rate. I have a question- I have eliminated lactose... would lactaid milk and lactaid products still give me an allergic reaction in my esophagus?

  • @HelloHello-hk4sx
    @HelloHello-hk4sx 5 років тому

    I don't know why I bother eating or drinking, I'm just going to get sick anyway. 🙁

  • @MakeHealthyYou
    @MakeHealthyYou 8 років тому

    Thank you for taking the time to explain this! My husband has had swallowing issues for years and recently was diagnosed with EE. I absolutely appreciate you taking the time to make this video so we can make informed educated decisions for him.

  • @ddgriffin2002
    @ddgriffin2002 5 років тому

    Thanks for sharing. I’m new to this EOE. Looking for ideas on how to manage/eliminate it.

  • @ph4n70md347h
    @ph4n70md347h 4 роки тому

    6 years later, and doctors still primarily focus on PPI’s, and fail to show empathy or care toward the food allergy underlying condition of EOE patients. Speaking from experience. Probably not all doctors, but at least my pcp and gi doc had no idea what this was and continuously treated me like someone they didn’t want to help. Told me I had gerd, take some tums and get over it. I’ve lost 80lbs due to my symptoms and malnutrition. This disease is a killer and the medical system continues to be trash for anyone who doesn’t have money..

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  4 роки тому

      I am so sorry you have had such a horrible experience. If you would like assistance I would be delighted to help. This is an area of expertise of ours. Consider calling us for a free phone consultation: 408-733-0400. You shouldn't need to continue suffering.

  • @thatslena
    @thatslena 5 років тому

    Is this a life sentence Dr Petersen? What could i have ever done wrong to deserve this? I was told i had allergic bronchial asthma when i was 12. I am 32 now and hardly ever needed any of the inhalers i was prescribed - probably used them 10 times in my life. I remember having a choking episode when i was 17 which mimics the choking episodes people suffering from silent reflux have. I took antibiotics last december and after that, my stomach started playing up to the extreme. I have had all the silent reflux symptoms including extreme bitter mouth, burning in the chest, burning tongue, tinnitus, heartburn, hoarseness and clearing of throat, globus and mucus, postnasal drip, sharp pains in the back etc. I went on a low acid diet which improved all these symptoms and eradicated some completely. 8 months later, i took a pH impedance and manometry test and yesterday they called me back and said that even though my sphincter failed 90% of the liquid swallows test and my esophagus has 90% dismotility failure, they think i have oesinophilic esophagitis. This is mind boggling as i dont consider dysphagia as a major symptom at all and i am going down the depression spiral..I feel they dont know what they are talking about and I can't get help of get better with incompetent doctors by my side.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  5 років тому

      It shouldn't have to be something you continue to live with. Where do you live? I"m happy to do a consultation with you over the phone - you can call us at 408-733-0400.

  • @taliabarrington5356
    @taliabarrington5356 10 років тому

    Hi I have had problems with my digestive system most of my life. I get sick coming to my mouth everyday and my throat hurts if I don't chew food up properly. I have had many tests including a endoscopy but in my stomach not me esofigus but nothing showed up, dose it have to be a biopsy from your esofigus to tell if you have EE? Do you think I could possibly have it? Thanks

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  10 років тому +1

      Hello Talia,
      I cannot diagnose you over the internet, but I'd be happy to see if we can help. It's obvious that the root cause of your problem has not been established nor addressed and I understand your frustration.
      A healthy GI tract is key to good health and it's clear that your ability to digest is not proper.
      Consider calling us for a free health analysis - 408-733-0400. We are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally. We are here to help!
      I look forward to hearing from you!

  • @thisandthat65
    @thisandthat65 3 роки тому

    Is avoiding lactose helpful?

  • @67leftbehind
    @67leftbehind 6 років тому

    I personally suffer from this. I have for at least 10years without treatments. It finally came down to having to go have food extracted because it was not going down. It stuck. I could breath but could not swallow water or my own saliva. This unfortunately was the point of discovery. I knew I had a problem. It just happen infrequently. Then the food would pass and so would the thought of going to the Dr. If figured I had food allergies so I tried eliminating things. I noticed I had problem at red lobster. I would have sneezing fits and extreme mucis from the nose and coughing it up for about an hour after. What could it be? Chedder bay biscuits? I would try changing my order. The only thing that was consistent was the biscuits. Wheat allergies?
    I also had issues with hot dogs. Was it the bun? The mustard? Something in the hotdog itself?
    Then again could it be the gerd from not eating regularly? Of course that part started much later I believe.
    I willing to alter diet just not sure where to begin. I've done my own somewhat. Any help would be appreciated.

  • @kool-aid8914
    @kool-aid8914 6 років тому

    Honesty I have the same thing when I feel pressure on my throat I jrink tea it releases the pressure

  • @mskeakitty
    @mskeakitty 7 років тому +1

    EoE is related to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome as many who have Mast Cell disease also have EoE. Zantac/Ranitadine is a GERD medication that is also an H2 (type 2 Histamine Antagonist) and I haven't heard anyone mention taking an H2 to help with EoE. I'd like your thoughts on Mast Cell disease and H2 treatment in EoE.

    • @LiamGutierrez
      @LiamGutierrez 7 років тому

      That is interesting, hope to hear an answer soon.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  7 років тому

      Let me know what your question is and I'd be happy to answer it.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  7 років тому

      Thank you.

    • @judyconway8340
      @judyconway8340 7 років тому

      My son was diagnosed with EHLERS DANLOS at age 12. He is now 37,married and kids. He now has EXTREME Reflux??and is on the meds for that. He has ambulance trips with severe hip/buttock pain diagnoses as Sciatica. His jobs makes him stand all day, eat terribly and often can't go for a bathroom break. He is wonderful, I want to help him. Can yuo help me?

    • @LiamGutierrez
      @LiamGutierrez 7 років тому

      Judy Conway EoE is not reflux, does he have extreme pains while swallowing and when it happens can't he even swallow his on saliva?

  • @sampk9229
    @sampk9229 5 років тому

    MY EOE episode started with edema of eyes and lips, hives and itching all over the body and i later found it it was caused by allergic reaction to hair dye, it was so called a ppd free hair dye.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  5 років тому

      If you're still suffering feel free to call us for a consultation - 408-733-0400.

  • @cooldesiguy007
    @cooldesiguy007 6 років тому

    Will alkaline diet help with this condition?
    I choke almost every other on rice and bread and it has got embarrassing and dangerous at the same time.
    Anyone can help me?

    • @San-ny1pg
      @San-ny1pg 5 місяців тому

      How are u now

  • @kutieluvsmj7
    @kutieluvsmj7 10 років тому

    Ive been going through difficulty swallowing for 2 years ive lost so much weight. I cant get an endoscopy done i am pregnant. I dnt want to b put to sleep knowing i have a baby. My doctor put me on a pureed diet. Will this help? Will my esophagus heal?

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  10 років тому

      As I tried to mention in the video, one needs to get to the root cause of the problem in order for it to heal.
      I know you're pregnant, but treatment doesn't need to endanger your baby in any way.
      In order to best assist you consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400. That way we can speak, I can get more information and ensure the best steps are being taken to really improve your health. We are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally. You don't need to live locally to us to receive assistance. We are here to help!
      I look forward to hearing from you.
      Dr Petersen

    • @kutieluvsmj7
      @kutieluvsmj7 10 років тому

      Thank you i called and gave the lady my info look forward to hearing from you soon!

    • @jwsyt1
      @jwsyt1 8 років тому

      +missj Stephens the endoscopy can be done when you are fully awake with no anaesthetic or tranquilizers at all- just stay calm and focus on your breathing during the procedure....

  • @brooklynduggan127
    @brooklynduggan127 9 років тому

    I have had EE for about 3 years after my gallbladder was removed after that i have been getting alot of heartburn can't swallow food it get suck alot of the time and i can't puke it up because it won't come up at all.. Do you think i should go see a doctor asap?

  • @summerthesimmer860
    @summerthesimmer860 7 років тому

    It is not reflux and food gets stuck It hurts

  • @alisonford1799
    @alisonford1799 8 років тому

    I got rash for some reason is it a allric recton

  • @thejowatson
    @thejowatson 8 років тому

    What are your thoughts regarding "seasonal" or pollen induced EE? After several severe esophageal spasms that ended up in ER visits, my daughter has had and ECG that has shown the presence of esinophils at the tip of her esophagus. She has had allergy testing with no food allergies noted. She has rid her diet of gluten, dairy and wheat & is on Prevacid, b.i.d. and a corticosteroid inhaler regimen. For the past month of the winter on this regimen and diet, she has felt extremely better, with some days of no pain whatsoever, which is a dull, mostly ever-present pain "mid-sternum". As I said, she had a few weeks of relief! Now, with spring and the rainy season upon us, she has gone backward, with the pain returning full force - which increases her frustration and depression, and unwillingness to go out of the house for fear spasms may occur (both previous spasms occurred in April and October). Again, I am wondering what you have to say about the possibility of "seasonal" EE wrecking havoc once more?

  • @iseekknowledge8293
    @iseekknowledge8293 9 років тому

    I have this. 35 year old male. I can't gain muscle, I have no energy, I have chronic fatigue; no God.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  8 років тому

      +Iseekknowledge If you'd like assistance we are a destination clinic and we see patients from across the country and internationally. Consider contacting us for a free phone consultation - 408-733-0400. We are here to help!

    • @San-ny1pg
      @San-ny1pg 5 місяців тому

      How are you now

  • @influencedidea2901
    @influencedidea2901 8 років тому

    so what to do if nor PPI?PLZZZZZ

  • @katherinehinz1037
    @katherinehinz1037 7 років тому

    My boyfriend just got diagnosed with EoE yesterday. He is very confused about the condition and doesn't seem to think its a big deal. The doctors immediately dilated his esophagus, and also put him on a proton pump inhibitor and told him to cut diary and wheat out of his diet.

    • @jannam3204
      @jannam3204 7 років тому

      It's interesting, when I got the diagnosis my GI doctor didn't mention anything about cutting out dairy or wheat from my diet, they recommended I cut out the top foods I showed allergic to on the IgE test but they almost assumed that I wouldn't be able to cut out those foods and said I should take allergy drugs (in addition to Prilosec) every day forever. It was only after I went to a naturopathic doctor that they recommended I change my diet. I have been on a strict gluten free and grain free diet for a few weeks now and I feel a lot better. I thought I could still handle a small amount of grass fed cheese but I was wrong so more recently I cut that out too.

    • @aneilmayank8423
      @aneilmayank8423 7 років тому +3

      get your boyfriend off the pump inhibitor. drugs like Nexium are extremely toxic to the body and cause many other problems. get him to remove ALL processed food from his diet - anyting that contains gluten and refined sugar. So that means no cookies, cakes, crackers, soda, breads etc. That's what I did and it cured my EOE and diabetes at the same time!

    • @Hedgeflexlfz
      @Hedgeflexlfz 6 років тому

      Katherine Hinz Generally, skin prick tests will be done just as a guess because they have not been found to be effective. The greatest treatment involved a six food elimination diet and repeat endoscopies as food groups are reintroduced.

  • @acramos1
    @acramos1 8 років тому

    you say get to the cause, what causes this? leaky gut or something else?

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  8 років тому

      Please feel free to visit my website and search autoimmune disease (healthnowmedical.com) where I have several blogs on the topic. Basically a leaky gut is a primary causative factor along with an initial stressor such as an infection or food reaction. Those are the most common factors.

  • @koglerbastian7152
    @koglerbastian7152 4 роки тому

    I was lucky. One day I ate fish and I thoght that I'd die because I "couldnt" breathe. I lost 8 Kilos in 1 month. Now im fine because the doctor helped me fast

    • @vikkipetersen220
      @vikkipetersen220 4 роки тому

      Glad to hear it.

    • @baboom007
      @baboom007 4 роки тому

      would be nice to share how the doctor helped you

    • @koglerbastian7152
      @koglerbastian7152 4 роки тому

      First they Made a throat widening. Doesnt helped much. Then I got drugs for half of a year. That helped, but I think the best medicine is the Support of your family. It was 4 years Ago so unfortunately I dont know everything.

    • @koglerbastian7152
      @koglerbastian7152 4 роки тому

      @uzizoe 9 I dont remember the name but it could be them

  • @corporal1107
    @corporal1107 7 років тому

    is eoe related to increased bilirubin levels. can natural liquid supplements with trace minerals nutrients and amino acids along with aloe vera and curcumin work to diminish symptoms. would cellular immune booster in natural forms help to aid diet elimination inflammation and tissue issues associated with eoe. 18 year old male suffers from infant and is jaudice.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  7 років тому

      Perhaps. There is no harm in decreasing inflammation but it's important to get to the true root cause of the problem. What is causing the inflammation? Ruling out infections and food reactions is very important.

    • @corporal1107
      @corporal1107 7 років тому

      Dr. Vikki Petersen thank you for responding. it would appear the road for eoe patients is one of stop and go. on and off. the unknown causes is not fair. the suffering they endure inspires even a layman to seek an answer.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  7 років тому

      I understand your frustration. We truly do have a very good success rate treating the condition. If you'd like assistance give us a call for a free consultation - 408-733-0400. We are here to help!

    • @nikkimcbride696
      @nikkimcbride696 7 років тому +1

      Aloe vera juice has done wonders for me. I carry it with me. I have severe flair ups at times when I eat out and get something that irriates the EoE.

  • @amybaby369
    @amybaby369 7 років тому

    waѕ jυѕт dιagnoѕed

  • @adi_tya27
    @adi_tya27 7 років тому

    Thanks Doc

  • @carlysemanchik7634
    @carlysemanchik7634 5 років тому

    I am still having a hard time understanding this condition. I was diagnosed a couple years now, and have been taking Omeprazole ever since which has prevented my chocking episodes pretty well. I am just afraid of the long-term effects of taking Omeprazole everyday- it’s already been years now. It really helps me, but I am not sure how safe it is to continue an everyday dose for much longer. I’ve already tried to stop taking Omeprazole, but the choking episodes return right away.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  5 років тому

      I"d be happy to help. We have very good success with this. I too am concerned with you having to take Omeprazole for so long. Where do you live? Consider calling us for a consultation - we treat patients all over the country. Call 408-733-0400.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  5 років тому

      @아라이사박 Where does your sister live? If it's in the U.S. I'd be delighted to help! She can call me at 408-733-0400,

    • @samss9744
      @samss9744 5 років тому

      Vicky peterson why cant you help anyone who is not living in usa? Plzz i live in Pakistan and i also need help. Plzzz i will be greatful for your reply. Doctors are healers and hope of people. Plzzz help me.

    • @vikkipetersen220
      @vikkipetersen220 5 років тому +1

      I wish I could, truly. It's just that the tests we utilize that really separate us from traditional, conventional medicine are just not available outside the U.S. So then it's "guesswork", which of course I don't like. When we take on a patient we want to know that we can utilize all our tools that allow us to have a high success rate.

    • @samss9744
      @samss9744 5 років тому

      Plzzz your help will be really appreciated

  • @BSF628
    @BSF628 8 років тому

    Hello, Dr. Peterson
    I'm curious on your thoughts. I was diagnosed with EOE last February and was immediately put on PPI, prevacid to be exact, and a steroid inhaler. Initially I was still able to eat solid food but in the last six months I've completely gone on a liquid diet due to eating solids becoming virtually impossible. I've had 2 allergic tests and both came back negative also having had 3 endoscopy's to date, initially there was inflammation present in my esophagus but since the last endoscopy it's gotten better in that aspect but solid food for me has become harder to eat leading to not being able to eat at all. The last two endoscopy's my esophagus was dialated. I'm curious on your thoughts.
    Thank You for putting out good information on the matter.

    • @DrVikkiPetersen
      @DrVikkiPetersen  8 років тому

      Hello Brandon, I'm sorry you're suffering this way. A liquid diet is not something you should have to continue. The PPI and steroids are common "treatments" but they don't get to the root cause of the problem. That's why I shared the data I did on this video.
      I'm not sure where you live but consider contacting us for a FREE phone consultation - 408-733-0400. We are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally. We have great success treating EOE and would be more than happy to assist.
      I look forward to hearing from you.