Well I do have that one save file where I have caged leviathans, beak things, bone dogs, dust bandits, dragon ninjas, paladins, bug people, as well as every faction leader and an arena where I can make them all fight. I think that's the end of the game, really.
I once spent several weeks worth of profit from my city buying over a hundred goats, all of which became the unstoppable vanguard of my army. My conquest began in the Cannibal Plains. They didn't stand a chance. Next we traveled to Okran's realm. It was glorious. To the Shek Kingdom we went, slaying all in our path. It was in Hive territory that I realized our numbers were beginning to dwindle, and that most of my goat cannon fodder were crippled. It was time to return home. I sent my archers and swordsmen on ahead, and led my goats to a spot we discovered on our journey, but dared not venture into... A Beak Thing nest. With a single tear running down my face, I ordered my entire goat battalion into the nest with no auxillary support or clear escape route. It was a blood bath. There were no survivors. The bleating platoon of horned warriors fought to the very last goat, but were picked clean and devoured by the carnivorous giraffe birds. I made myself watch it all. They couldn't come home with me, because I couldn't afford to feed them. I told my men I released them into the wild, in a valley where they could frolic and play for generations to come. The truth is, I was selfish. If I couldn't be with my goat minions in this life, I would be with them in the next.
Amazingly my first Kenshi character is still alive. Started as a slave to the holy empire, worked for a very long time on their damn statue, eventually gathering so many fellow potential escapees that we stormed the gates. Unfortunately only my man made it out. Made my way to the escape shelter and getting slightly geared up and fed. Several days of real time later and I'm running from a horde of very hungry bandits that managed to disconnect me from my very precious legs just as I pass into the hellscape that rains acid. After patching myself up I crawl to the center of the flesh melting pit, seeing as why the hell not, got nothing to lose at this point. Finally make it to the robot city and spend all of my money on a set of very fast robot legs. Ran into the Ashlands, assassinated the big bad robot boss, stole his weapon and brain and I literally dont care about anything anymore as I naruto run at 35 mph with a sword on my back that weighs about as much as I do. Absolutely amazing. 10/10 the game runs like ass, looks like ass and I adore it.
Another thing about Prayer Day, you need to have at least one male in your camp when Prayer Day arrives. If all of your residents and player characters at your camp are female, the priest will say the following: _"Woman, are there no men to speak with me?_ _Wait... are there no men on this outpost? It is against sacred law to take up residence without brotherly guidance..._ _This will not do... This will not do at all. You are not welcome here... you will be removed."_ You won't have any dialogue options, and The Holy Nation will attack your residence after 24 hours. Even if the female character that greets the priest is holding a copy of The Holy Flame, it won't matter. Similarly, if a skeleton goes out and interacts with the priest, the group will instantly turn hostile and start attacking, as they would if they were to encounter a skeleton through other means.
That's because of the Lore. The Holy Nations are Okranites, the followers of Okran. Okran was formerly Chitrin, a being who saved Mankind at the cost of sacrificing himself, hence, being splitting in two: Okran, who is the god of Light, and Narko, the goddess of Darkess, the one who tempts pure men into sin and heresy. That's why they regard women as second class citizens in the Holy Nation. Also, Skeletons are viewed as Servants of Darkness (servants of Narko) because in the ancient times, at the very end of The First Empire, Skeletons tried to wipe out humanity and caused a Mass Extinction event that almost wiped out all life, and that's when the being known as Chitrin saved them. It's speculated that the being who saved mankind was a Behemoth Skeleton called Stobe (if you want to estimate how big they were, go walk around Obedience, where you will see the arms of the Behemoths buried under the earth in a pool of metal) but as years passed, they forgot about it. Still, during the Second Empire, Okranites formed a mostly pacifist cult but their teachings taught humans about how Skeletons almost wiped them out. Cat-lon, the most powerful Skeleton Warrior was the Emperor of the Second Empire, build with the premise of save the remnants of humanity and mend the mistakes of the past. But the teachings of the Cult angered him and used both the Hydraulic Knights and The Enforcers (Genetically modified humans, later known as Shek) to opress the Cult, causing the Cult to start an uprising and escaping from the Second Empire. Cat-Lon then started an even harder opression on humans, most of his servants weren't in agreement with this, so the Emperor lobotomized most of his closest servants (making them Thralls) and this caused that most skeletons exiled themselves from the Second Empire along with the remnants of humans inhabiting it, Exiled skeletons either built Black Desert City or started roaming the world, and the humans founded what are known today as United Cities. Maybe the ways aren't correct but Okranites have very valid reasons to act as they do, and there are even some Okranites who don't regard women as second class citizen (The Floatsam Ninjas if i remember correctly) If you want to know more about the lore of Kenshi search in google "The Definitive Lore of Kenshi" 1 and 2
@@shinsei1565 This game has the most deep lore imaginable? Splendid I shall ignore it completely and spend all my time getting my teeth kicked in by hungry bandits (for Toughness)
Kenshi be like : hm today I shall head to town to buy food and bandages whoops now I’m a slave gotta esca- whoops guess I need a new arm- whoops I’m starving to de- whoops I whoops I whoops I. Dang gotta try again
This rev. made me impulse buy the game two days ago. 10/10 didnt expect to find myself become a slaver but it's a surprisingly short jump from stealing cups to stealing people
@@patostrophia2948 Amazing! I just impulse bought it last night after accidentally finding it and watching some fantastic videos on it...I look forward to playing it when I finally have the time :D
First kenshi game: -start at hub -buy food -go to squin -try to rob the weapon store -get caught and beaten half to death -thrown out of the city -gets eaten by a group of goats 10/10 would do again
I have recently reached 300 hours registered on this game, all on an budget laptop with only Intel integrated Graphics and a mechanical hard drive... a 5400 RPM drive. No other game would make me download several mods do decrease graphical fidelity beyond the minimum options just to increase performance and loading times a bit. That's how enthralling this game is.
"I've included the bare essentials to make the game playable" *Looks at list* *Sees Crucifixion as one of the mods* I see you are a man of culture as well.
After a long break from Kenshi, I recently booted up the game again and made a new character. A single skeleton named Able who started in a north-western skeleton settlement. I didn't know much about the area aside from previous visits to Flotsam village and World's End, so I just explored by myself for a bit. Able just wanted to see the world and make friends along the way. Eventually, I enter Northern Hive territory. I'd never heard of or seen hivers discriminate against skeletons, so when a patrol came near, I stayed on the road. They spotted me and chased me back to a little human village. I ran into the bar so the guards would attack the hivers, but they were swiftly cut down. They then bashed my head open and left. Nobody else gave a shit, so the bar staff and I bled out. I immediately made another skeleton, but chose the legendary sword start. You get a top tier naginata, but you have a massive bounty from both the Holy Nation and the United Cities. His name? Cain. His goal? To gather whatever decent folk he can find and wipe this rotten world of the scum that plagues it. Monsters shall be hunted down. Savages shall be crushed. Madmen shall be put down. Tyrants shall kneel. Repent, or be put to the sword. 10/10 would lose faith again.
This game started being developed in 2006 so it's not far. Too bad they quit updating it to make Kenshi II @@LuLuNyx there is a mod out there that compresses textures and makes the game run with twice the fps.
There's a really old Russian meme copypasta where a guy with a bad grasp of grammar asks a gamedev company to make a game with a certain set of features. Weirdly, those features resemble Kenshi a lot.
Здраствуйте. Я, Кирилл. Хотел бы чтобы вы сделали игру, 3Д-экшон суть такова... Пользователь может играть лесными эльфами, охраной дворца и злодеем. И если пользователь играет эльфами то эльфы в лесу, домики деревяные набигают солдаты дворца и злодеи. Можно грабить корованы... И эльфу раз лесные то сделать так что там густой лес... А движок можно поставить так что вдали деревья картинкой, когда подходиш они преобразовываются в 3-хмерные деревья. Можно покупать и т.п. возможности как в Daggerfall. И враги 3-хмерные тоже, и труп тоже 3д. Можно прыгать и т.п. Если играть за охрану дворца то надо слушаться командира, и защищать дворец от злого (имя я не придумал) и шпионов, партизанов эльфов, и ходит на набеги на когото из этих (эльфов, злого...). Ну а если за злого... то значит шпионы или партизаны эльфов иногда нападают, пользователь сам себе командир может делать что сам захочет прикажет своим войскам с ним самим напасть на дворец и пойдет в атаку. Всего в игре 4 зоны. Т.е. карта и на ней есть 4 зоны, 1 - зона людей (нейтрал), 2- зона императора (где дворец), 3-зона эльфов, 4 - зона злого... (в горах, там есть старый форт...) Так же чтобы в игре могли не только убить но и отрубить руку и если пользователя не вылечат то он умрет, так же выколоть глаз но пользователь может не умереть а просто пол экрана не видеть, или достать или купить протез, если ногу тоже либо умреш либо будеш ползать либо на коляске котаться, или самое хорошее... поставить протез. Сохранятся можно... P.S. Я джва года хочу такую игру.
Hello I, Cyril. I would like you to make a game, the 3D aktion game the essence ... The user can play forest elves, guard the palace and the villain. And if is playing elves, then elves in the forest, wooden houses are crowded with palace soldiers and villains. You can rob cowowans ...And once a forest elf is done, then there is a dense forest ... And the engine can be set so that trees are far away when they come up when they are transformed into 3-dimensional trees. You can buy, etc. features like in daggerfall. And the 3-dimensional enemies, too, and the corpse, too, 3d. You can jump, etc. If you play for the protection of the palace, you must obey the commander, and protect the palace from evil (I did not invent a name) and spies, elf partisans, and go on raids on some of these (elves, evil ...). Well, if for evil ... it means that spies or partisans of elves sometimes attack, the user himself the commander can do what he wants to order his troops to attack the palace with him and go on the attack.There are 4 zones in total. Those. there is a map and 4 zones, 1 is a zone of people (neutral), 2 is the emperor's zone (where the palace is), 3 is elf zone, 4 is evil zone ... (in the mountains, there is an old fort ...) So so that in the game they could not only kill but also cut off the hand and if the user is not cured, he will die, just gouge out the eye but the user may not die but simply not see the floor of the screen, or get or buy a prosthesis if the leg either dies or dies crawling either in a stroler to go, or the best thing ... put a prosthesis. You can save ... P.S. I want this game for twho years.
Bought Kenshi because of this. Stared as two cannibal hunters, spent about an hour designing my characters. First dude was a robot, he died in about 2 mins while I got captured and swiftly broke out in the night, started a riot, killed two cannibals and ran into the desert in my pants in the ensuing battle. Then got eaten by beak things a week later 🤣 10/10 and I am blaming you entirely for my new addiction.
My first robot start, I didn't know the map. Wanderer start. Oh, "Stack" is a nearby city? Cool. I'l run my robot guy in the west gates and... out the east gates... They seemed busy, I'll come back later.
@@bitterleafcastle1552 I decided to outfit an old PC tower with an i7 4GHz cpu and gtx 980 ti back in 2015/2016 for shits and giggles, so it needs a VGA adapter to work
Good for you... now play this with a laptop theres no unscrewing or any hdmi to pull only addiction, black bags under your red dry eyes, Uncontrollable brain stimuli and lots of loss of sleep (Unless the laptop depending on the model and company allows you to remove its battery)
Oh shit you weren't kidding. And here I thought everyone who had any potential interest in the game already owned it, since it's more than a decade old.
How dares u not give credit where its worth. FunFact, did u know that Sseth here made a vid that blasted Farming Simulator to space. They sold so much coz of that vid. Sseth here can sell Water to Fish. Watch his 2nd video, its all the way down. Its his Magnum Opus.
The best part is he barely renamed him. There is a unique martial artist NPC actually named Chad. And he's wearing a Columbine trench coat and a bandana
Of course the joke is that with recovery frames of melee attacks a guy with a sword and the same stats (except with sword skill instead of melee) can take on three such Chads and murder them without taking a single hit.
Saw this video, played the game. Ended up with a colony in the fog islands, anything invading me got taken care of by the locals. And sometimes i had to deal with the locals myself. Got rich off mining a spot and growing food that i exported to the local city, got bored of my fortress and money so i started exploring with a crew of 4 highly trained people. Found some blueprints for metal hands and feet that out preformed my natural limbs so naturally i stuck my 4 highly trained warriors into potato peeling machines with a doctor there to heal them the moment a limb falls off. Ended up with 4 cyborgs who could change their legs from super speed to super sneak when ever they needed, so ofc what did i do? Explored the whole map, kited all the enemies with the 4 superhuman soldiers with crossbows and looted all the things. And it all started with me getting my ass kicked and about to be eaten by canibals outside the first town.
And that's why games like this are perfect games. Make your own adventure. The devs put a template in place, you create what you want of it. 9/10 game, 10/10 if the significant bugs that exist didn't have to be modded out.
He should have mentioned how you have to re-start the world every now and then (You load your characters in but the worldstate is rolled back, because hires don't respawn and the worldstate is not protected so some really weird shit might happen lol)
Other games: Friendly tutorial which teaches you how to play the game Kenshi: Bought one bowl of rice to travel to the next city, got raped by 17 bandits because they were hungry and they even took my wooden stick and then i had to crawl to the next bar with a broken arm
dude i didnt even make it out of the hub my first time, i misclicked a bandit entering the first building, got the shit beat out of me and bled out. my first playthrough lasted 2 mins 12 seconds
Me: "Oh hell yeah, this is definitely going on my wishlist to pick up during the next sale!" **click** **stares at the screen for five minutes** "God dammit" **buys game**
"Kenshi is the result of China after years of famine and an australian invasion" I couldn't stop laughing ps : Also it's nice to know you're left handed (1:39)
I bought this game back in 2014 and I thought they would never finish it and I just wasted money on the Early Access cash grab. Glad to see that this game is one of the few that actually made it out and looks really successful. Ill reinstall it on Steam and give it another go. Still, I would love to see a true spiritual successor to Battle Realms.
Same, my first time playing this just sucked, there were two tiny towns near my spawn. There wasn’t anything to do so I ran around a large chunk of the map through a dark swamp trying to find something new while not being able to see anything with spider like creatures attacking me. Sseth’s video has encouraged me to give it another shot.
seen this video - tried the game - got attacked by bandits when i stepped out town - dropped unconcious - some kind of animal came by and started to eat me alive - screamed so hard abomination got scared away - came back with five of his friends whle i was crawling away to "relative safety" -got eaten alive Happened in my first 7 minutes of gameplay , 10 rusty clubs out of / 10 blood spiders
I will say this for my first run. The goats I attacked as soon as I started? They didn't eat me as I bled to death. I didn't realize until later how kind that was of the game.
Oh, if you start off the "rock bottom" start? Look for "Drin" (near Bast).... Pointless town, only a bar, useless united cities outpost? Not at all. Look again. Holy Nation vs United Cities vs Cannibal battles there and nearby, nearly every day. (UC usually wins, so don't loot/jump that side, loot the other two) Tons of cash in sword sales are possible, even if you have to head out to find someone to buy them all.
This video inspired me. I bought the game because it looked fun. I'm now setting up what will eventually be a nation founded on cannibalism. I'm currently setting up an outpost in the cannibal plains, away from the capital for the time being. My primary food source will be human meat and I'll be using the villages as farms. Cannibalizing the cannibals with deathsquads composed of topless women and skeletons. Also trying to get the human peeler early so I can start setting up a human skin factory to begin setting up trade with the skin bandits. I will eventually ursup Savant using the funds I acquire from his people, peel his skin and adorn a skeleton companion with it. Once the Southern Hive moves in we will enslave them and undergo a sort-of decimation. One out of every 10 hivers I capture will be publicly beaten to death and eaten. Eventually, naturally, the queen will be subjugated and subsequently quartered by a massive ring of cages filled with her people. With the destruction of the two areas Powers I will then establish myself as overlord, build up and expand upon my new territory, and with each world state change will be another people enslaved and cannibalized. Those who can't be harvested or eaten will be turned into shields as my 256 strong squad invades town and city after another. With the total annihilation of all biological life on the continent I will amass enough skin and meat to begin enveloping the entire land in a suit of skin packed with foul meat. The natural decay on such a massive ecological scale will begin to produce bacteria and various fungal lifeforms never before seen or imagined. I will cultivate and begin a program of designed evolution in which I establish an advanced race of beings who will then begin to realise my true ambitions of expanding into the cosmos. I will be the progenitor of the first Eldritch beings, the allfather of gods and goddesses, and my finally my dream will be born. With my cosmological pantheon of incomprehensible beings I will then begin work on my greatest....and final, masterpiece. A CPU capable of handling Dwarf Fortress.
I only now, after a week of having the game and 50 hours of playtime understand Seth’s statement on watching his life slip away to feed his new addiction
try this maybe you like this kenshi serie viewers can even enter the game :) im under a shadowban so i post a few links ua-cam.com/video/9PM7coexunc/v-deo.html
So your telling me that the best ways to smuggle hash is to naruto run through places, with everyone assuming i have a disability so they don't notice? It's fool proof...
Yes like if you want to sell crack then just don't be black and don't look like any sort of subculture. Make yourself look like a business man or a mentally retarded person, but not too much so they won't think that it would be irresponsible to let you go without supervision. Maybe also a wheelchair so nobody will notice your huge bag of rocks and they will not expect you to run away like Usain Bold either.
my favorite part of this game is, that you can rip off the limbs of your enemies and replace them with "economy limbs" in the most brutal ways possible.
How did I ever find this channel... Still the greatest sub I've ever made Edit: I just remembered where I found him, I was looking up rim world and saw his "review". I think that was it, but I coulda just have found him in a random recommendation
That's a shitload of Patreons who want to give you their money. Good job on delivering excellent quality content and making me laugh (But also very interesting, as you deliver a very well thought review) every time. You're the best.
@@DWAR84 well...we can only hope that that the old saying "it gets worse before it gets better" is true, because otherwise the world of KENSHI starts to look more and more appealing to live in :S
@@DWAR84 yeah thats really true...twitter and youtube despise anyone who doesnt think socialism or communism are great forms of government. Fuckin left extremists want us all to be poor as shit
So I've just lost 3/4 of my party to the Ashlands, my main skeleton managed to take out Cat-lon, but we ran into like 200 skeletons on our way back. We were loaded with loot too, so running wasn't an option. Bruised and bloodied we try to drag ourselves to Spring to heal up, now we get ambushed by skin bandits, we're forced to drop the corpse of my dead heavy (used the body for storage) to get my scout out of the peeler and some f*cking skin bandit sprints into the room, grabs the body and yeets it into the incinerator... They just burned about 500k Cats of loot. And that my friends is what we call: "the Kenshi experience" P.s.: Agnu carried like 66% of Beep out of there so it's all good.
After 1200 hours of playing Kenshi I still haven't seen and done everything. Edit: 2k+ hours and after taking a long break started a new game today with even more mods.
Mista Mista The Story of obedience is amazing. They were loyal giant robots/skeletons that were instructed to basically bury themselves alive. One didnt follow though. You can find that one robot somewhere in the game.
First time on Kenshi. T-he main man bradders. -not going to live by your rules daddy-o. -Uses my initial money to buy some construction materials and build a shack a little way off so not to bother the locals. -go get some more materials in order to get a nice interior and door going. -while there i accidently get arrested for using the water fountain too much. -only in prison for a day. no trouble -takes a day or so to return. -get home and there are a group of soldiers outside my house, i see them from a while off but it isn't untill i get closer i see what they are saying. -pay your taxes or we'll burn your house down" -crap! i have money i'll just pay them and they'll be on their way! -as i get closer they speak again" thats it! kill him!" -they beat the shit out of me for essentially being in prison with them. -they knock me out and start carrying me back to homebase, i feel good knowing at least amazon wont do well out here with this level of attentiont o tax fraud! -what could the real punishment be i wonder, not getting an answer as the patrol is attacked by monsters killing everyone, leaving me to crawl away as everyone is fighting -back home i go on my last legs -some people in the distance"oh please help me!" -he'll make a good slave -ooh nooooOoo -they carry me back to the home base and put me in the slavepens passed the guards who wanted me for tax evasion. -i spend the night trying to break out of prison -we'll take him, i'll be back tomorrow - i hear from my cage. -fuck i cant sleep, need to escape! somehow manage it! take off my shackles too, like a boss -sneak out of prison, to get stopped at the gates -You didnt pay your taxes! to prison! -they beat me up and put me back in the same sells, i come to in time to get sold to the slavers who take me to there work prison thing. -pretty chill here tbh, they let you do what you want, just dont try and leave, they even let me level up my lockpicking a bit on the cages we are locked in. -the prison city is attacked routinly by crabmonster things -get an idea -during the night, i unlock as many of my fellow prisoners as possible, tell them"you are with me now" -some would rather stay inside, but most accept. -wait for the next attack, unlock one of the slaves working who immedietly makes a run for it, distracting the guards just as the city is attacked, i then command my fellow-slaves to rise up and attack the guards. -they immedietly get wrecked by the armoured guards, -i could imagine there betrayed faces when they called for commands. i have to imagine because i had legged it in the confusion, stolen some armour of a dead guard from one of the many attacks and flead into the desert. -cant go home now, my shack is the lands now. -spend 3 days travelling at night to escape the shitty desert and found a land that can only be described as "gods asshole" -everyone was pretty religious as there was a massive canyon that was constantly getting a lighting bolts striking it. -hello friend -holy crap a friendly guard! "HEY!" -did you do your prayers this morning? -prayers? -HERETIC! and he killed me immedietly. fucking loved that game. 10/10
Oh, it's an RPG? I have a character, wanderer, an bit of cash and an iron club? I know how to do this, I don't need to read any guides. Look for a weak target and level up time. *beat on a goat with iron club* *slowly bleed to death from goat-inflicted injuries* ??? I may need to reset my expectations for how I should play this game.
@@mdogpartyhog in spirit, capitalists only need to have no limits (de facto) imposed upon them. If they can do whatever the fuck they want then that's basically anarcho-capitalism.
@@mdogpartyhog sorry I missed your reply. Governments, whether publicly supported or forcibly enacted, make it their business and profit from ruling over their people. if a government's business policies are totalitarian or liberal with it's people the government is still the ruler and owner of it's entire business, making it capitalist. And since governments have no higher authorities to answer to, they are anarchic. Therefore, government is anarcho-capitalist.
Exactly. I went from getting the shit beat out of me by starving bandits and then I went one on one with the bugmaster, Cat-lon, and Lord Phoenix. Also took down the Empire.
@@Blei1986 Hey man! I came to let you all know that I've mastered this game, playing it constantly over this month. Cat-lon Falling sun is mine, so is the throne of the United Cities and Holy Nation
Being inspired by Sam's Chadbots Saga, I started as a Rock Bottom skeleton, who tried to settle down in The Great Desert. Constant taxation and bandit raids made me take down my outpost and move far away from there. But not before I've bumped into Burn, with whom we've travelled way down to the Fog Islands, where we decided to set up another outpost. At first Fogmen raids were scary, but now we have established a sturdy wall and a gate, so these idiots stopped getting too close. We also save Holy Nation Refugees from those beasts from time to time. Not everyone gets lucky though. Our next objective is to gather enough research and materials to be able to quickly establish a bigger outpost, get more skeletons and raze the United Cities for all the trouble it gave to my poor one-handed skeleton. From there we may try and topple down Holy Nation.
The game basically already is a bit Fist of the North Star out of the gate, or well Nanto Seiken is at least. If you have someone with high strength and martial arts stats he becomes so powerful that he can decapitate and tear limbs off of suckers with a simple jump kick.
Martial arts is already the most powerful skill. Weapons are trash. Martial arts are amazing. Granted, that's mostly one-on-one. Try that shit with Cat-Lon's army, and, well, you might not be dead depending on if you didn't have the 3x or higher attack slots mod, but, you're not going to have as good a time as I do swinging a falling sun like some Final Fantasy nutjob.
To clarify, Cat-Loin's the game's superboss. Guy has max stats in nearly every combat skill and 120 guards, each aggroing when the fight starts, each having 30 or 40 in every combat stat.
Mandalore off his meds again. HYPE. Also Sseth, could you make a video on Chris Sawyer's Locomotion? I know it isn't a very well known game but it made my childhood and I still like playing it from time to time.
There are only 2 valid options for how your faction turns out, either you ally with the crab raiders and become a crab master yourself or you get an army of kung fu black belt robots with industrial lifter arms.
played the game, -made a settlement a few dozen miles away from the other settlements -farmed and survived while selling my exports of iron and stuff to get by -was pillaged but put all of my stock on one over encumbered guy and he ran away which gained him a bunch of strength -he could single-handedly one shot all of the bandits -prayer day came and I chose the wrong dialogue option -was at war with the religious societies of kenshi -guy fought several paladins before going down excellent game, 10/10
You forgot to mention the part where you go out to maim and kidnap strong warriors so you can use them as punchingbags for your many recruits to quickly level stats as they pummel him into a coma only to heal him so that you can continue pummeling delicious stats out of his very being for all eternity.
I had multiple characters captured over and over again by the Holy nation, later in the game when had a strong enough team, I captured the Phoenix, build a cage half in a pool of acid in the dead lands, put the Phoenix in and left him to die. You really can have justice in this game. Awesome video ❤
after watching this, i bought kenshi.....without a doubt it has become my most favorite game to play in a long time. Nothing like running to your first village, only to talk to a bar thug who asks you for a clean fight, only to then when your back is turned pig stick you, leave you for dead so that way a bone dog squad comes to eat off your limbs and as you crawl back for hours to the outpost, only to then have the gate guards ask to inspect your inventory, find a thing of hash on you and then just kill you on their steps. games fucking amazing.
well i fight and then put them under the tree to honor them...one day i got into a fight with the bar thug but then loose a leg got thrown away from bar... thought im gonna die but fortunately the nomad came and heal me like...OMG THERE STILL KINDNESS IN THIS WORLD...little did i knew my head have bounty...so i cannot do trade anymore...starving so i move toward the sheck town.... crawling...after a long travel i reach the town buy food n then met the shek woman without horn....she join me and then i told her to steal n then got caught because shek bad at stealing...got prisoned...after freed she then join the guard to fight the enemy when they came and steal their gear...After get rich a bit..she venture outside to get me a pair of robotic leg...but then she dead after get attacked by bandit...feeling useless i venture into the swamp....got attacked by spider but still alive..got eaten but still alive...because i dont have swamp map.. i just wandering in swamp for very long time... finally i died peacefully hungry on the very grass part of the swamp..the first char i make named crazy old man...and his short journey is really crazy
My first play through... Oh look a snowy spot on the map let’s go there! Oh that’s not snow it’s fog. Whats the blue stick people group? Why are they screaming.... there’s a man on that post... ThErE EATing HIM! Massive group of stick people behind me too! Well. Run?... to surrounded. Get KO after 5 smacks. Get Eaten alive. 10/10 would get eaten again
There's something about games that have a slightly unoptimized experience where you *know* it's a game because it keeps accidentally reminding you by not doing things normally that I find particularly satisfying sometimes and Kenshi is one such game. I mean I spend more time exploiting quicksaves and mechanics in the game than anything and it's a blast every time.
The best game I don't have the time to play. Last time I played I accidentally stayed up till 4am after working a 12 hour shift to then wake up at 6am to get myself and my son ready for the day, take him to the babysitter, and then head to work for another 12 hour shift. 10/10
Same stuff for me man, I'm in the navy, stayed up til like 2 playing, woke up at 5, stood 6 hours of watch at noon and got back home at like 7pm just to play some more
Same for me too.. Ive spent hundreds of hours on Kenshi in a couple of months that I lost track of reality at the construction site, I thought that i was still living in kenshi; building a base while carrying building materials in my inventory. I stayed up till 5 am and slept till 6.30am to clock in. This game is just so addicting man.
Dont forget that seth plays his games heavily modded. Kenshi is a great game but everything takes ages, is highly frustrating and buggy and it runs like crap.
Getting into its systems is REALLY hard, there's a lot of stuff to keep track. And optimization is really bad sometimes. And the part he said companions get stuck, he's not joking. If you can pass through it all, there's an amazing game for you, good luck.
Loved Kenshi enough to spend time learning the Forgotten Construction Set (FCS) and made some mods. I made one which made every single fleshy factions hostile to me, while making most mechanical ones neutral, or even friendly. This changed more things than I expected, since acquiring basic building materials harder, while making research tech easier (ancient spiders just don't care about you looting their ruins). Early-outpost days was really hard, since every-single-goddamn random patrol spotted me and immediately decided to attack my ass. I had to design a way to make recruiting more skeletons easier (or even possible) since I couldn't visit bars, and there are only very few natural unique skeletons to recruit (i.e. make the Thrall Masters a possible ally, that could sell you thralls or other captured Skeletons). I even introduced Mechanical Spider traders, and a trade caravan based on the Black Desert City's scraphouse. Being forced to play as a skeleton, hostile to every blood-and-bone factions out there, is real fun. No diplomacy with any of the major factions for the most part, just unending carnage. Peace was never an option. Also made a mod with repeating crossbows. Made two patches to other popular mods, and a small tweak patch to the base game. Created an alternative power source mod to get rid of wind turbines which I think really broke the look of bases (it's nuclear power tech, so not exactly early-game stuff). Seeth did mention how customizable the game was with mods, but he didn't really touch upon how easy it is to make your own stuff. I made my first mod because I wanted to do an Apocalypse playthrough but didn't want to spend time slowly getting on everyone's bad side and I couldn't find anything like that on the workshop (or elsewhere). So, it was either learn the FCS and do it myself or give up. All of this thanks to Sseth's video. Kenshi had always been floating on my radar from all the way back, but I probably never would have played it if it weren't for this.
two months ago i watched this review and added the game to my cart. two weeks ago i went and actually bought the game and it swallowed me whole. my thoughts where completely and utterly consumed with plans of action and weapon/armor statistic spreadsheets. within a week i clocked 77 hours. i’m a college student. one of the best damn games i’ve ever played.
Made a big beaked merchant named Schmue Rosenzweig. Took two bodyguards with me. One day we were attacked by spiders. The bodyguards could escape but Mr.Rosenzweig spent the night getting sucked out by spiders. When he was almost dead and drained of life juice my bodyguards could sneak in and rescue him. After a week of regeneration Schmues toughness was off the charts. Almost nothing could kill him anymore. He's now watching over his flimsy bodyguards like a father.
Kenshi: Started at the bottom, now we’re still basically at the bottom.
Started at the bottom now we're one step from the bottom.
But now I have a base so I can starve to death in crab country because I would rather die then pay taxes.
Well I do have that one save file where I have caged leviathans, beak things, bone dogs, dust bandits, dragon ninjas, paladins, bug people, as well as every faction leader and an arena where I can make them all fight. I think that's the end of the game, really.
Drake has fallen on hard times as of late
Kenshi is basically all about dragging everyone down to your level in my opinion.
I once spent several weeks worth of profit from my city buying over a hundred goats, all of which became the unstoppable vanguard of my army. My conquest began in the Cannibal Plains. They didn't stand a chance. Next we traveled to Okran's realm. It was glorious. To the Shek Kingdom we went, slaying all in our path. It was in Hive territory that I realized our numbers were beginning to dwindle, and that most of my goat cannon fodder were crippled. It was time to return home. I sent my archers and swordsmen on ahead, and led my goats to a spot we discovered on our journey, but dared not venture into... A Beak Thing nest. With a single tear running down my face, I ordered my entire goat battalion into the nest with no auxillary support or clear escape route.
It was a blood bath. There were no survivors. The bleating platoon of horned warriors fought to the very last goat, but were picked clean and devoured by the carnivorous giraffe birds. I made myself watch it all. They couldn't come home with me, because I couldn't afford to feed them. I told my men I released them into the wild, in a valley where they could frolic and play for generations to come. The truth is, I was selfish. If I couldn't be with my goat minions in this life, I would be with them in the next.
Then I got killed by a guerilla.
I feel you brother/sister/fellow sentient talking bipedal being. You got this man here sheddin' tears
@@wimbusbert1249 Truly a tear jerking, heartfelt story. Bravo.
@@whatamidoingwithmylife4108 these are manly man tears
I shed manly tears reading this
Amazingly my first Kenshi character is still alive. Started as a slave to the holy empire, worked for a very long time on their damn statue, eventually gathering so many fellow potential escapees that we stormed the gates. Unfortunately only my man made it out. Made my way to the escape shelter and getting slightly geared up and fed. Several days of real time later and I'm running from a horde of very hungry bandits that managed to disconnect me from my very precious legs just as I pass into the hellscape that rains acid. After patching myself up I crawl to the center of the flesh melting pit, seeing as why the hell not, got nothing to lose at this point.
Finally make it to the robot city and spend all of my money on a set of very fast robot legs. Ran into the Ashlands, assassinated the big bad robot boss, stole his weapon and brain and I literally dont care about anything anymore as I naruto run at 35 mph with a sword on my back that weighs about as much as I do.
Absolutely amazing. 10/10 the game runs like ass, looks like ass and I adore it.
Best "review" ever.
Sounds like the plot of a surprisingly decent anime
assassination is a hell of a drug
That's some Shonen protagonist level of story.
Only in 7 days? I dont believe you
Another thing about Prayer Day, you need to have at least one male in your camp when Prayer Day arrives. If all of your residents and player characters at your camp are female, the priest will say the following:
_"Woman, are there no men to speak with me?_
_Wait... are there no men on this outpost? It is against sacred law to take up residence without brotherly guidance..._
_This will not do... This will not do at all. You are not welcome here... you will be removed."_
You won't have any dialogue options, and The Holy Nation will attack your residence after 24 hours. Even if the female character that greets the priest is holding a copy of The Holy Flame, it won't matter.
Similarly, if a skeleton goes out and interacts with the priest, the group will instantly turn hostile and start attacking, as they would if they were to encounter a skeleton through other means.
That's because of the Lore. The Holy Nations are Okranites, the followers of Okran. Okran was formerly Chitrin, a being who saved Mankind at the cost of sacrificing himself, hence, being splitting in two: Okran, who is the god of Light, and Narko, the goddess of Darkess, the one who tempts pure men into sin and heresy. That's why they regard women as second class citizens in the Holy Nation.
Also, Skeletons are viewed as Servants of Darkness (servants of Narko) because in the ancient times, at the very end of The First Empire, Skeletons tried to wipe out humanity and caused a Mass Extinction event that almost wiped out all life, and that's when the being known as Chitrin saved them. It's speculated that the being who saved mankind was a Behemoth Skeleton called Stobe (if you want to estimate how big they were, go walk around Obedience, where you will see the arms of the Behemoths buried under the earth in a pool of metal) but as years passed, they forgot about it. Still, during the Second Empire, Okranites formed a mostly pacifist cult but their teachings taught humans about how Skeletons almost wiped them out.
Cat-lon, the most powerful Skeleton Warrior was the Emperor of the Second Empire, build with the premise of save the remnants of humanity and mend the mistakes of the past. But the teachings of the Cult angered him and used both the Hydraulic Knights and The Enforcers (Genetically modified humans, later known as Shek) to opress the Cult, causing the Cult to start an uprising and escaping from the Second Empire. Cat-Lon then started an even harder opression on humans, most of his servants weren't in agreement with this, so the Emperor lobotomized most of his closest servants (making them Thralls) and this caused that most skeletons exiled themselves from the Second Empire along with the remnants of humans inhabiting it, Exiled skeletons either built Black Desert City or started roaming the world, and the humans founded what are known today as United Cities.
Maybe the ways aren't correct but Okranites have very valid reasons to act as they do, and there are even some Okranites who don't regard women as second class citizen (The Floatsam Ninjas if i remember correctly)
If you want to know more about the lore of Kenshi search in google "The Definitive Lore of Kenshi" 1 and 2
@@shinsei1565 This game has the most deep lore imaginable? Splendid I shall ignore it completely and spend all my time getting my teeth kicked in by hungry bandits (for Toughness)
Kenshi be like : hm today I shall head to town to buy food and bandages whoops now I’m a slave gotta esca- whoops guess I need a new arm- whoops I’m starving to de- whoops I whoops I whoops I. Dang gotta try again
Lmao so it's a band of bloodthirsty incels.
"A pack of weaboos keep dabbing away with our bread baskets."
A single phrase has never caused me so much joy and pain
A pack of weeaboos with tin hats*
I agree
This guy is one of the only actually funny youtubers i watch
*Cries in empty food Storage*
@@jimmyhopkins1 Try: Snipe and Wib, Pyrocynical, and Plague of Gripes
This rev. made me impulse buy the game two days ago. 10/10 didnt expect to find myself become a slaver but it's a surprisingly short jump from stealing cups to stealing people
Brilliant, thanks for the laugh
Same ! and i am reaching 600 hours now
@@patostrophia2948 Amazing! I just impulse bought it last night after accidentally finding it and watching some fantastic videos on it...I look forward to playing it when I finally have the time :D
life is the most personal property and like all properties, it can be stolen
well you know how it is, one day your selling meth to cids the next your surpasing pablo escobar as the most infamous drug lord in history
First kenshi game:
-start at hub
-buy food
-go to squin
-try to rob the weapon store
-get caught and beaten half to death
-thrown out of the city
-gets eaten by a group of goats
10/10 would do again
Best review ever XD
Alex Johnas guess I’ll have to buy it... I’m intrigued
Back when I played it you start at Sho-Battai. In the middle of the desert
@@jamesbautista4694 depends on the start
Lord Vivec, Living God of the Tribunal Before the Wanderer start started in Sho Battai. This was before the South East part of the map was available.
I have recently reached 300 hours registered on this game, all on an budget laptop with only Intel integrated Graphics and a mechanical hard drive... a 5400 RPM drive. No other game would make me download several mods do decrease graphical fidelity beyond the minimum options just to increase performance and loading times a bit. That's how enthralling this game is.
Damn how does it even run with that, amount of mods?
_mechanical hard drive_
"By god sir! Now there's a true afficionado of the game."
Get on my level.
I've run Battlefield until 1 using a 5400 rpm hard drive. Always on the top 4.
250 hours was just loading
I, for one, welcome our Naruto-running, Hash-smuggling Overlords.
Needs more Skin Banditry for sexy chainsaw massacre time.
@@samuelrs5138 because you’re a potato if you disagree and it’s potato peeling time . . . All the time
Hash smuggling slasher
"I've included the bare essentials to make the game playable"
*Looks at list*
*Sees Crucifixion as one of the mods*
I see you are a man of culture as well.
important for finishing off enemies
How else would you handle the profligates?
Sanhedrin cosplay.
*loads shotgun with denarii shells, with malicious intent*
Don't forget the titty mod
Klean told me to watch this and now I'm definitely buying it
i dont get it whos klean
fancy seeing you here
Donut Operator definitely should, game is fun when u start out.
Oh hey doney
Whats up Donut, You should do a gameplay Video of Kenshi.
After a long break from Kenshi, I recently booted up the game again and made a new character. A single skeleton named Able who started in a north-western skeleton settlement. I didn't know much about the area aside from previous visits to Flotsam village and World's End, so I just explored by myself for a bit. Able just wanted to see the world and make friends along the way. Eventually, I enter Northern Hive territory. I'd never heard of or seen hivers discriminate against skeletons, so when a patrol came near, I stayed on the road. They spotted me and chased me back to a little human village. I ran into the bar so the guards would attack the hivers, but they were swiftly cut down. They then bashed my head open and left. Nobody else gave a shit, so the bar staff and I bled out.
I immediately made another skeleton, but chose the legendary sword start. You get a top tier naginata, but you have a massive bounty from both the Holy Nation and the United Cities. His name? Cain. His goal? To gather whatever decent folk he can find and wipe this rotten world of the scum that plagues it. Monsters shall be hunted down. Savages shall be crushed. Madmen shall be put down. Tyrants shall kneel. Repent, or be put to the sword.
10/10 would lose faith again.
Thats the plot of second life Ranker
@@Matzkxmx How are they the same lol?
@@ultimaxkom8728 nice twin dies, edgy twin took that personally and min/max'es into a god
@@Matzkxmx That's hmm... That actually sounds about right.
If I saw a man Naruto running at 26mph, I would be so scared that I would let him do whatever he wants.
What if he wants to do you?
@@N0ES did he fucking stutter?
Rafal Pytlak *music starts* Issen koete furikaeruto mou nai bokura wa
Nani mo nani mo mada shiranu
"It's like a game made with 2003 depth and 2003 graphics."
and my PC cant run it at 30 fps
This game started being developed in 2006 so it's not far. Too bad they quit updating it to make Kenshi II
@@LuLuNyx there is a mod out there that compresses textures and makes the game run with twice the fps.
@@MegaLordBane its named compressed textures project, also "clean++" and the weather disable mod helps a lot fir fps
And needs a computer from 2k99
@@MegaLordBane updated literally every month. They haven't stopped working on it at all.
There's a really old Russian meme copypasta where a guy with a bad grasp of grammar asks a gamedev company to make a game with a certain set of features. Weirdly, those features resemble Kenshi a lot.
Tell me what that was!
@@user-xi3jg1eu8v ua-cam.com/video/Myr7bZJ0DVw/v-deo.html
Здраствуйте. Я, Кирилл. Хотел бы чтобы вы сделали игру, 3Д-экшон суть такова... Пользователь может играть лесными эльфами, охраной дворца и злодеем. И если пользователь играет эльфами то эльфы в лесу, домики деревяные набигают солдаты дворца и злодеи. Можно грабить корованы... И эльфу раз лесные то сделать так что там густой лес... А движок можно поставить так что вдали деревья картинкой, когда подходиш они преобразовываются в 3-хмерные деревья. Можно покупать и т.п. возможности как в Daggerfall. И враги 3-хмерные тоже, и труп тоже 3д. Можно прыгать и т.п. Если играть за охрану дворца то надо слушаться командира, и защищать дворец от злого (имя я не придумал) и шпионов, партизанов эльфов, и ходит на набеги на когото из этих (эльфов, злого...). Ну а если за злого... то значит шпионы или партизаны эльфов иногда нападают, пользователь сам себе командир может делать что сам захочет прикажет своим войскам с ним самим напасть на дворец и пойдет в атаку. Всего в игре 4 зоны. Т.е. карта и на ней есть 4 зоны, 1 - зона людей (нейтрал), 2- зона императора (где дворец), 3-зона эльфов, 4 - зона злого... (в горах, там есть старый форт...) Так же чтобы в игре могли не только убить но и отрубить руку и если пользователя не вылечат то он умрет, так же выколоть глаз но пользователь может не умереть а просто пол экрана не видеть, или достать или купить протез, если ногу тоже либо умреш либо будеш ползать либо на коляске котаться, или самое хорошее... поставить протез. Сохранятся можно...
P.S. Я джва года хочу такую игру.
Hello I, Cyril. I would like you to make a game, the 3D aktion game the essence ... The user can play forest elves, guard the palace and the villain. And if is playing elves, then elves in the forest, wooden houses are crowded with palace soldiers and villains. You can rob cowowans ...And once a forest elf is done, then there is a dense forest ... And the engine can be set so that trees are far away when they come up when they are transformed into 3-dimensional trees. You can buy, etc. features like in daggerfall. And the 3-dimensional enemies, too, and the corpse, too, 3d. You can jump, etc. If you play for the protection of the palace, you must obey the commander, and protect the palace from evil (I did not invent a name) and spies, elf partisans, and go on raids on some of these (elves, evil ...). Well, if for evil ... it means that spies or partisans of elves sometimes attack, the user himself the commander can do what he wants to order his troops to attack the palace with him and go on the attack.There are 4 zones in total. Those. there is a map and 4 zones, 1 is a zone of people (neutral), 2 is the emperor's zone (where the palace is), 3 is elf zone, 4 is evil zone ... (in the mountains, there is an old fort ...) So so that in the game they could not only kill but also cut off the hand and if the user is not cured, he will die, just gouge out the eye but the user may not die but simply not see the floor of the screen, or get or buy a prosthesis if the leg either dies or dies crawling either in a stroler to go, or the best thing ... put a prosthesis. You can save ...
P.S. I want this game for twho years.
Bought Kenshi because of this.
Stared as two cannibal hunters, spent about an hour designing my characters. First dude was a robot, he died in about 2 mins while I got captured and swiftly broke out in the night, started a riot, killed two cannibals and ran into the desert in my pants in the ensuing battle.
Then got eaten by beak things a week later 🤣
10/10 and I am blaming you entirely for my new addiction.
Pro tip
If you have robot arms or legs go to the holy nation areas they love that, might even give you good stuff.
You are such a good guy! Okran be praised!
@@TheVojTIn Praise him brother mm yes
My first robot start, I didn't know the map. Wanderer start.
Oh, "Stack" is a nearby city? Cool.
I'l run my robot guy in the west gates and... out the east gates...
They seemed busy, I'll come back later.
They will kill you if they see you with robot arm or leg
@@ugniuxpro3008 Do not lie to other people
I was literally just wishing for Kenshi review, and here it is.
Could you wish for my dad to return?
Could you wish for my mom to return?
Wish for Sseth in everyone bed. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sseth on Kenshi was my biggest fantasy ever since I started playing it.
This game nearly ruined my life. I put in 166 hours in 2 week. I had to unscrew my monitor from my pc to stop playing it. 10/10 best game ever
You've had your monitor screwed to your pc?
@@bitterleafcastle1552 I decided to outfit an old PC tower with an i7 4GHz cpu and gtx 980 ti back in 2015/2016 for shits and giggles, so it needs a VGA adapter to work
@@allaion2897 I want HDMI cables with the side screws that VGA has, damned HDMI's are always having a stroke anybody touches them XD
bro i got it then 269 hours in 2 weeks
Good for you... now play this with a laptop theres no unscrewing or any hdmi to pull only addiction, black bags under your red dry eyes, Uncontrollable brain stimuli and lots of loss of sleep (Unless the laptop depending on the model and company allows you to remove its battery)
"[Crab (Gender Neutral)]" made me laugh more than I should. You are truely blessed with the ability to name.
the fact that he still doesnt have 1 Million subs is a sin!
@@patostrophia2948 this aged... Well?
Kenshi is suddenly on steam top sellers. Coincidence? I think not.
Oh shit you weren't kidding. And here I thought everyone who had any potential interest in the game already owned it, since it's more than a decade old.
@@medhathobo It officially released somewhat recently. It was in alpha/beta for like 10 years tho
@@elperronimo probably beacuse it was made in 70% by only 1 guy.
Hotel? Trivago.
How dares u not give credit where its worth. FunFact, did u know that Sseth here made a vid that blasted Farming Simulator to space. They sold so much coz of that vid. Sseth here can sell Water to Fish. Watch his 2nd video, its all the way down. Its his Magnum Opus.
I like how a guy named Chad 2.0 was kicking ass shirtless with no weapons other than his fists.
What a Chad
The best part is he barely renamed him. There is a unique martial artist NPC actually named Chad. And he's wearing a Columbine trench coat and a bandana
also him carrying an entire cow and run for trade
They don't even have to be in the same region as one anover. When you see anover person, say "th" sounds with a "v"
Chad 2.0 also punches a guy’s whose arm just completely falls off afterwards
Of course the joke is that with recovery frames of melee attacks a guy with a sword and the same stats (except with sword skill instead of melee) can take on three such Chads and murder them without taking a single hit.
Good God, seeing a weed-smuggling Naruto-running Hobbs dash past guards at the speed of sound does my heart good.
Until the Holy Nation missionary crosses paths with him on Prayer Day.
Saw this video, played the game. Ended up with a colony in the fog islands, anything invading me got taken care of by the locals. And sometimes i had to deal with the locals myself.
Got rich off mining a spot and growing food that i exported to the local city, got bored of my fortress and money so i started exploring with a crew of 4 highly trained people.
Found some blueprints for metal hands and feet that out preformed my natural limbs so naturally i stuck my 4 highly trained warriors into potato peeling machines with a doctor there to heal them the moment a limb falls off.
Ended up with 4 cyborgs who could change their legs from super speed to super sneak when ever they needed, so ofc what did i do? Explored the whole map, kited all the enemies with the 4 superhuman soldiers with crossbows and looted all the things.
And it all started with me getting my ass kicked and about to be eaten by canibals outside the first town.
And that's why games like this are perfect games. Make your own adventure. The devs put a template in place, you create what you want of it. 9/10 game, 10/10 if the significant bugs that exist didn't have to be modded out.
I really like sseth's vidz
Me three.
He should have mentioned how you have to re-start the world every now and then (You load your characters in but the worldstate is rolled back, because hires don't respawn and the worldstate is not protected so some really weird shit might happen lol)
Oh hey basilisk backwards.
pls donat rivns
I remember you from TacPotato's discord.
once a month experience, well worth the investment.
greetings from the merchants guild
your profile pic caught my attention, good game
Doing gods work
Youre a big brain high iq big dicked individual and i do appreciate your great sacrifice for the greater good
God bless you
I love you
>that God Hand outro
absolute kino
What is the band name and the name for the song?
@@sneakillysneak2388 it's just the English ending credits theme for God Hand on PS2
@@Onanerable Thank you, kind stranger! I thought I googled wrong. I didn't expect it to be so easy:D
@@sneakillysneak2388 no worries lad, if you haven't played it I recommend it 100%
I thought it was a parody of the Mazinger Z theme
Other games: Friendly tutorial which teaches you how to play the game
Kenshi: Bought one bowl of rice to travel to the next city, got raped by 17 bandits because they were hungry and they even took my wooden stick and then i had to crawl to the next bar with a broken arm
dude i didnt even make it out of the hub my first time, i misclicked a bandit entering the first building, got the shit beat out of me and bled out. my first playthrough lasted 2 mins 12 seconds
You kept your arm? EZ
@@acceptablecasualty5319 no I think he used it as a walking stick to replace the wooden one that got stolen
ah yes, the Kenshi Experience
>Meat Pies and Crystal Meth
yea in my 23 years in Aus never seen anyone drink a fosters
crack pipe was spot on though
As long as vegemite isnt involved its alright mate
Three words, twelve letters. Say it and I'm yours.
"Hey hey people"
@@finnianquail8881 my guy really counted the fucking S P A C E S
@@aqualitymeme9476 I love that you took whatever bit of time to deduce that.
@@aqualitymeme9476 Dude must be a programmer
Me: "Oh hell yeah, this is definitely going on my wishlist to pick up during the next sale!" **click**
**stares at the screen for five minutes**
"God dammit" **buys game**
so fucking true i bought also game after watching this UA-cam xD
It's on sale now, you only had to wait 5 months
Thought same, played demo, woke up next morning and had purchased it at some point.
Why did exactly this happen to me a month ago after I watched another kenshi review. This game is genius
"Kenshi is the result of China after years of famine and an australian invasion"
I couldn't stop laughing
ps : Also it's nice to know you're left handed (1:39)
Now to be fair, I'm right-handed but use my left for the deed. Right hand just feels wrong and I can't make it work.
@@ForTheOmnissiah Also, bonus for us cross-handeds: you can use the mouse at the same time.
The amount of times I have rewatched this is unhealthy.
I watched this video as much as my playtime of Kenshi itself. XD
Cracked Helm same :))))
There is no bad videos on this channel.
Anyone else re-watch Sseths vids like 3-4 times per video?
3-4? Those are rookie numbers
Lightweight. I watch his vids religiously. My personal favorite is the Dakimakura review and i rate it 10/10.
I see every video... Everyday.
Is there other way to watch his vids ?
I've watched this and the morrowind review 3-4 times per day.
"You can build a outpost wherever you want"
Me: builds a outpost in the deadlands with only greenlanders without acid rain protection
I bought this game back in 2014 and I thought they would never finish it and I just wasted money on the Early Access cash grab. Glad to see that this game is one of the few that actually made it out and looks really successful. Ill reinstall it on Steam and give it another go. Still, I would love to see a true spiritual successor to Battle Realms.
Agreed, I miss Battle Realms. Shame about their attempts at starting up a sequel burning out.
Same, my first time playing this just sucked, there were two tiny towns near my spawn. There wasn’t anything to do so I ran around a large chunk of the map through a dark swamp trying to find something new while not being able to see anything with spider like creatures attacking me. Sseth’s video has encouraged me to give it another shot.
You can easily get a couple of hundred hours, but be warned. The game is a buggy, crashy mess.
@@wad671 "buggy, crashy mess" Cannot cnfirm, got the Cd-Version, no problems whatsoever. Been playing it for the last 15 years.
"I tend"
"I serve"
"I am the root"
"I obey"
I am really digging this new season of Naruto
I hope it has not filler episodes
Shut the fuck up lmao
seen this video
- tried the game
- got attacked by bandits when i stepped out town
- dropped unconcious
- some kind of animal came by and started to eat me alive
- screamed so hard abomination got scared away
- came back with five of his friends whle i was crawling away to "relative safety"
-got eaten alive
Happened in my first 7 minutes of gameplay , 10 rusty clubs out of / 10 blood spiders
I will say this for my first run.
The goats I attacked as soon as I started?
They didn't eat me as I bled to death.
I didn't realize until later how kind that was of the game.
Oh, if you start off the "rock bottom" start?
Look for "Drin" (near Bast).... Pointless town, only a bar, useless united cities outpost? Not at all. Look again.
Holy Nation vs United Cities vs Cannibal battles there and nearby, nearly every day. (UC usually wins, so don't loot/jump that side, loot the other two)
Tons of cash in sword sales are possible, even if you have to head out to find someone to buy them all.
@@gekkobear2 they might be herbivore, some animals are
Can't tell of Kenshi or SS13...
I was eaten alive by fogmen in the first 10 minuets. Classic.
It's 2 years and I still want to watch this multiple times a year.
So this is basically Dwarf Fortress mixed with Fist of the North Star
Punch people, turn them into training dummies, make an anime protagonist that dies several minutes into the game.
With Lisa, actually
@@letrouble5746 Ahh yeah, that's more like it
more like CDDA meets runescape
This video inspired me. I bought the game because it looked fun. I'm now setting up what will eventually be a nation founded on cannibalism. I'm currently setting up an outpost in the cannibal plains, away from the capital for the time being. My primary food source will be human meat and I'll be using the villages as farms. Cannibalizing the cannibals with deathsquads composed of topless women and skeletons. Also trying to get the human peeler early so I can start setting up a human skin factory to begin setting up trade with the skin bandits. I will eventually ursup Savant using the funds I acquire from his people, peel his skin and adorn a skeleton companion with it. Once the Southern Hive moves in we will enslave them and undergo a sort-of decimation. One out of every 10 hivers I capture will be publicly beaten to death and eaten. Eventually, naturally, the queen will be subjugated and subsequently quartered by a massive ring of cages filled with her people. With the destruction of the two areas Powers I will then establish myself as overlord, build up and expand upon my new territory, and with each world state change will be another people enslaved and cannibalized. Those who can't be harvested or eaten will be turned into shields as my 256 strong squad invades town and city after another. With the total annihilation of all biological life on the continent I will amass enough skin and meat to begin enveloping the entire land in a suit of skin packed with foul meat. The natural decay on such a massive ecological scale will begin to produce bacteria and various fungal lifeforms never before seen or imagined. I will cultivate and begin a program of designed evolution in which I establish an advanced race of beings who will then begin to realise my true ambitions of expanding into the cosmos. I will be the progenitor of the first Eldritch beings, the allfather of gods and goddesses, and my finally my dream will be born. With my cosmological pantheon of incomprehensible beings I will then begin work on my greatest....and final, masterpiece. A CPU capable of handling Dwarf Fortress.
Damian Willard Ok
Nah there won't be such CPU
This was fucking beautiful
Damian Willard this was a wild ride.
You should go write a book about that. I legit would like to read it
I only now, after a week of having the game and 50 hours of playtime understand Seth’s statement on watching his life slip away to feed his new addiction
At least you realized at 50. I realized it at 310 and I’ve owned this game the least amount of time.
I come here from time to time just to watch the ending of this video.
One of the best things I saw in UA-cam in my entire life.
try this maybe you like this kenshi serie
viewers can even enter the game :)
im under a shadowban so i post a few links
One of the crabs was named: "GET TO WORK SPONGEBOB" lol
I personally liked "CRAB (Gender Neutral)."
I wish one was named "Earl" and another "Crabman" and they would spend all day talking to each other
@@LucasCunhaRocha that's a deep cut, lol
This video suddenly poped out in my recommendation. I'm glad it did. Now i found a good quality game and a good quality channel.
So your telling me that the best ways to smuggle hash is to naruto run through places, with everyone assuming i have a disability so they don't notice?
It's fool proof...
What if the place you're running through is full of people who have a disability?
@@mortemtyrannus8813 make them my next customers. They need it. You know. For medical reasons.
Yes like if you want to sell crack then just don't be black and don't look like any sort of subculture. Make yourself look like a business man or a mentally retarded person, but not too much so they won't think that it would be irresponsible to let you go without supervision. Maybe also a wheelchair so nobody will notice your huge bag of rocks and they will not expect you to run away like Usain Bold either.
@Death Incarnate What? like an anime convention?
my favorite part of this game is, that you can rip off the limbs of your enemies and replace them with "economy limbs" in the most brutal ways possible.
Dont you dare not reviewing God Hand after teasing us with its theme ((Sseth)).
And if not Godhand, how about a DMC or Bayo video to coincide with the new release?
He said he really likes the game and might review it in the videos livechat. So there's a chance at least.
@Tiztu I would argue that the best way to play God Hand now is emulating it.
@@xxxmarcelino I second this. God Hand runs like silk on my overpriced MSI laptop.
How did I ever find this channel... Still the greatest sub I've ever made
Edit: I just remembered where I found him, I was looking up rim world and saw his "review". I think that was it, but I coulda just have found him in a random recommendation
For me it was his league stuff in like 2013, Then I forgot I was subbed until he started releasing the longer videos more frequently.
I found it through his other channel, mandalore gaming. ;)
found him by his PoE review. now I rabidly await uploads like a desperate crack addict looking for his next hit
I cant even remember that how i got here, but any video that he makes is a damn masterpiece!
I think i found sseth from either his elona review or his mlg farming simulator video.
That's a shitload of Patreons who want to give you their money. Good job on delivering excellent quality content and making me laugh (But also very interesting, as you deliver a very well thought review) every time.
You're the best.
I am amazed that he never fails to make a video that wont make your jaw drop and yet youtube seems to hate him with passion
@@soldierorsomething UA-cam hates everybody that doesn't think like they do. If your not a left wing extremist your days are numbered on social media.
@@DWAR84 well...we can only hope that that the old saying "it gets worse before it gets better" is true, because otherwise the world of KENSHI starts to look more and more appealing to live in :S
14:41 Пришлём, пришлём
@@DWAR84 yeah thats really true...twitter and youtube despise anyone who doesnt think socialism or communism are great forms of government. Fuckin left extremists want us all to be poor as shit
So I've just lost 3/4 of my party to the Ashlands, my main skeleton managed to take out Cat-lon, but we ran into like 200 skeletons on our way back.
We were loaded with loot too, so running wasn't an option.
Bruised and bloodied we try to drag ourselves to Spring to heal up, now we get ambushed by skin bandits, we're forced to drop the corpse of my dead heavy (used the body for storage) to get my scout out of the peeler and some f*cking skin bandit sprints into the room, grabs the body and yeets it into the incinerator...
They just burned about 500k Cats of loot.
And that my friends is what we call: "the Kenshi experience"
P.s.: Agnu carried like 66% of Beep out of there so it's all good.
After 1200 hours of playing Kenshi I still haven't seen and done everything. Edit: 2k+ hours and after taking a long break started a new game today with even more mods.
Definitely need to go to the skeleton graveyard near the fog islands - Its one of the best locations in the game, very atmospheric.
go see the fishmen
live at the pit
Mista Mista The Story of obedience is amazing. They were loyal giant robots/skeletons that were instructed to basically bury themselves alive. One didnt follow though. You can find that one robot somewhere in the game.
First time on Kenshi.
T-he main man bradders.
-not going to live by your rules daddy-o.
-Uses my initial money to buy some construction materials and build a shack a little way off so not to bother the locals.
-go get some more materials in order to get a nice interior and door going.
-while there i accidently get arrested for using the water fountain too much.
-only in prison for a day. no trouble
-takes a day or so to return.
-get home and there are a group of soldiers outside my house, i see them from a while off but it isn't untill i get closer i see what they are saying.
-pay your taxes or we'll burn your house down"
-crap! i have money i'll just pay them and they'll be on their way!
-as i get closer they speak again" thats it! kill him!"
-they beat the shit out of me for essentially being in prison with them.
-they knock me out and start carrying me back to homebase, i feel good knowing at least amazon wont do well out here with this level of attentiont o tax fraud!
-what could the real punishment be i wonder, not getting an answer as the patrol is attacked by monsters killing everyone, leaving me to crawl away as everyone is fighting
-back home i go on my last legs
-some people in the distance"oh please help me!"
-he'll make a good slave
-ooh nooooOoo
-they carry me back to the home base and put me in the slavepens passed the guards who wanted me for tax evasion.
-i spend the night trying to break out of prison
-we'll take him, i'll be back tomorrow - i hear from my cage.
-fuck i cant sleep, need to escape! somehow manage it! take off my shackles too, like a boss
-sneak out of prison, to get stopped at the gates
-You didnt pay your taxes! to prison!
-they beat me up and put me back in the same sells, i come to in time to get sold to the slavers who take me to there work prison thing.
-pretty chill here tbh, they let you do what you want, just dont try and leave, they even let me level up my lockpicking a bit on the cages we are locked in.
-the prison city is attacked routinly by crabmonster things
-get an idea
-during the night, i unlock as many of my fellow prisoners as possible, tell them"you are with me now"
-some would rather stay inside, but most accept.
-wait for the next attack, unlock one of the slaves working who immedietly makes a run for it, distracting the guards just as the city is attacked, i then command my fellow-slaves to rise up and attack the guards.
-they immedietly get wrecked by the armoured guards,
-i could imagine there betrayed faces when they called for commands. i have to imagine because i had legged it in the confusion, stolen some armour of a dead guard from one of the many attacks and flead into the desert.
-cant go home now, my shack is the lands now.
-spend 3 days travelling at night to escape the shitty desert and found a land that can only be described as "gods asshole"
-everyone was pretty religious as there was a massive canyon that was constantly getting a lighting bolts striking it.
-hello friend
-holy crap a friendly guard! "HEY!"
-did you do your prayers this morning?
and he killed me immedietly.
fucking loved that game. 10/10
yeah, that happen
Jesus christ
first start. i fight a raptor with a group of 5… everbody dies
Oh, it's an RPG? I have a character, wanderer, an bit of cash and an iron club?
I know how to do this, I don't need to read any guides. Look for a weak target and level up time.
*beat on a goat with iron club*
*slowly bleed to death from goat-inflicted injuries*
I may need to reset my expectations for how I should play this game.
Anarcho-Capitalism: The Game
All governments are anarcho-capitalists regardless of how their people live.
@@Nutsyism do you....know what anarchism is?
@@mdogpartyhog in spirit, capitalists only need to have no limits (de facto) imposed upon them. If they can do whatever the fuck they want then that's basically anarcho-capitalism.
@@mdogpartyhog sorry I missed your reply. Governments, whether publicly supported or forcibly enacted, make it their business and profit from ruling over their people. if a government's business policies are totalitarian or liberal with it's people the government is still the ruler and owner of it's entire business, making it capitalist. And since governments have no higher authorities to answer to, they are anarchic. Therefore, government is anarcho-capitalist.
It has roads
Like every few months I come back and watch thos because it's so damn good, thank you seth
>be me
>can't even win against a single starving bandit
>over 300 hours later
>mow down leviathans and slaughter whole cities
Exactly. I went from getting the shit beat out of me by starving bandits and then I went one on one with the bugmaster, Cat-lon, and Lord Phoenix. Also took down the Empire.
@@doc5686 where can I learn more about the game? Any recommended channels?
@@djstonedage5538 by playing it
seriously, learning by doing (and repeatingly getting beaten half to death)
@@Blei1986 Hey man! I came to let you all know that I've mastered this game, playing it constantly over this month. Cat-lon Falling sun is mine, so is the throne of the United Cities and Holy Nation
@@djstonedage5538 thats great :-)
i'm currently at my second "playthrough" (~600h) btw...
really an awsome game
Nothing in this game matters except prayer day, i speak from experience.
What happends when you refuse?
@@sebastiangniadek6473 Crusade
Only heretics, cannibals and Narko worshippers refuse, stay strong and true brother, glory to Okran.
Can I join the crusaders?
@@knightornstein5902 You bet your sweet ass you can, if you don't you're a heretic
Only real respected individuals are early on a Seth video
And the child soldiers forced to otherwise they will be sent to work in his diamond mines
I dont respect anyone here, I've seen the discord
Damn straight
Only gentlemen with fine expensive classy taste watched Sseth's vids on release.
Being inspired by Sam's Chadbots Saga, I started as a Rock Bottom skeleton, who tried to settle down in The Great Desert. Constant taxation and bandit raids made me take down my outpost and move far away from there. But not before I've bumped into Burn, with whom we've travelled way down to the Fog Islands, where we decided to set up another outpost. At first Fogmen raids were scary, but now we have established a sturdy wall and a gate, so these idiots stopped getting too close. We also save Holy Nation Refugees from those beasts from time to time. Not everyone gets lucky though.
Our next objective is to gather enough research and materials to be able to quickly establish a bigger outpost, get more skeletons and raze the United Cities for all the trouble it gave to my poor one-handed skeleton. From there we may try and topple down Holy Nation.
Guild 2 Sseth, DO IT. Mug your rivals, prevent them from getting to the trail and then throw them in jail for contempt of court.
the guild gold edition is way better imo
god i wish guild 3 was as good as they promised
I like when dead people are married to your child etc..
This game needs a fist of the north star mod.
Such a thing exists
The game basically already is a bit Fist of the North Star out of the gate, or well Nanto Seiken is at least. If you have someone with high strength and martial arts stats he becomes so powerful that he can decapitate and tear limbs off of suckers with a simple jump kick.
Martial arts is already the most powerful skill. Weapons are trash. Martial arts are amazing.
Granted, that's mostly one-on-one.
Try that shit with Cat-Lon's army, and, well, you might not be dead depending on if you didn't have the 3x or higher attack slots mod, but, you're not going to have as good a time as I do swinging a falling sun like some Final Fantasy nutjob.
To clarify, Cat-Loin's the game's superboss. Guy has max stats in nearly every combat skill and 120 guards, each aggroing when the fight starts, each having 30 or 40 in every combat stat.
Also I'd like to add his sword does around 200 damage a hit.
Mandalore off his meds again. HYPE.
Also Sseth, could you make a video on Chris Sawyer's Locomotion? I know it isn't a very well known game but it made my childhood and I still like playing it from time to time.
Sseth isnt mandalore
Yes, he is mandalore OFF HIS MEDS
I become like that ON my meds tbh
Oh yeah, locomotion was kinda nice, spent hours upon hours :D
@@ihatenwo The joke is that they talk very similarly and like a lot of the same games.
There are only 2 valid options for how your faction turns out, either you ally with the crab raiders and become a crab master yourself or you get an army of kung fu black belt robots with industrial lifter arms.
Ssethzentach independent website???
C-c-can we shut it down??
Its annudah shoah i tell you
- Nervous Gnomes
Said nobody ever.
@@bredt2750 I fucking wish, I'd be the hardest working Jew Defender on the Internet.
@@Sonamyfan875 LOL wouldn't everyone! holy shit that really made me laugh.
Gnomes fear the MERCHANT'S GUILD
11:36 Rule 34 : argonian big breasts
A man of good taste indeed.
Duck9000 technically the concept of the Lusty Argonian Maid is a common archetype within the Elder Scrolls lore.
"BBW scalies"
played the game,
-made a settlement a few dozen miles away from the other settlements
-farmed and survived while selling my exports of iron and stuff to get by
-was pillaged but put all of my stock on one over encumbered guy and he ran away which gained him a bunch of strength
-he could single-handedly one shot all of the bandits
-prayer day came and I chose the wrong dialogue option
-was at war with the religious societies of kenshi
-guy fought several paladins before going down
excellent game, 10/10
This basically the Laborer guy in Kung Fu Hustle
@@StrikeWarlock he is the king fu hustle character, fr
@@StrikeWarlock i'm still mad he got one-shotted by those 2 musician, like bruh i know those 2 are strong but he could atleast get a kick or 2 in.
@@thien0300 man didn't expect assassins, unfortunately. The musicians also knew all too well they couldn't win in a fair fight.
Only in Kenshi can you train a character up enough to be able to punch the legs off the Beak Things and one shot the leader of the slave nation
You're that ninja....
this is the first recent comment ive seen you do
Good luck running at the beck things, even if you have the highest stats at running.
Can i just punch you instead you annoying shit?
Have you even played the game before?
1. You can't remove limbs from anything non-humanoid
2. There is no Slave Nation
6:50 I love how you can hear Sseth barely holding in a laugh
I'm glad Hidden leaf deliveries is a successful business in this harsh wasteland
"Our deliveries are the greatest in the world. Believe it!"
You forgot to mention the part where you go out to maim and kidnap strong warriors so you can use them as punchingbags for your many recruits to quickly level stats as they pummel him into a coma only to heal him so that you can continue pummeling delicious stats out of his very being for all eternity.
I would chop off a leg so they literally can do nothing. By day 50 Id have a 30 man strong Martisl Artist Cult.
I rewatch this video about once a year, mostly from my annual cycle of losing myself to another playthrough of Kenshi. Love the content!!
The editing in these videos are literally perfect. 10/10
impressed by those zoom cuts huh
| Praise Okran™ | Dab on Skeletons™ | Destroy Narko™|
@Elaia sided Fury Fuck Tinfist
This is the only video game review ever that actually convinced me to buy said game.
I had multiple characters captured over and over again by the Holy nation, later in the game when had a strong enough team, I captured the Phoenix, build a cage half in a pool of acid in the dead lands, put the Phoenix in and left him to die. You really can have justice in this game.
Awesome video ❤
after watching this, i bought kenshi.....without a doubt it has become my most favorite game to play in a long time.
Nothing like running to your first village, only to talk to a bar thug who asks you for a clean fight, only to then when your back is turned pig stick you, leave you for dead so that way a bone dog squad comes to eat off your limbs and as you crawl back for hours to the outpost, only to then have the gate guards ask to inspect your inventory, find a thing of hash on you and then just kill you on their steps.
games fucking amazing.
Damn. Lol
well i fight and then put them under the tree to honor them...one day i got into a fight with the bar thug but then loose a leg got thrown away from bar... thought im gonna die but fortunately the nomad came and heal me like...OMG THERE STILL KINDNESS IN THIS WORLD...little did i knew my head have bounty...so i cannot do trade anymore...starving so i move toward the sheck town.... crawling...after a long travel i reach the town buy food n then met the shek woman without horn....she join me and then i told her to steal n then got caught because shek bad at stealing...got prisoned...after freed she then join the guard to fight the enemy when they came and steal their gear...After get rich a bit..she venture outside to get me a pair of robotic leg...but then she dead after get attacked by bandit...feeling useless i venture into the swamp....got attacked by spider but still alive..got eaten but still alive...because i dont have swamp map.. i just wandering in swamp for very long time... finally i died peacefully hungry on the very grass part of the swamp..the first char i make named crazy old man...and his short journey is really crazy
My first play through...
Oh look a snowy spot on the map let’s go there! Oh that’s not snow it’s fog. Whats the blue stick people group? Why are they screaming.... there’s a man on that post... ThErE EATing HIM! Massive group of stick people behind me too! Well. Run?... to surrounded. Get KO after 5 smacks. Get Eaten alive. 10/10 would get eaten again
There's something about games that have a slightly unoptimized experience where you *know* it's a game because it keeps accidentally reminding you by not doing things normally that I find particularly satisfying sometimes and Kenshi is one such game.
I mean I spend more time exploiting quicksaves and mechanics in the game than anything and it's a blast every time.
Sseth needs to do a playthrough of this game in the same style as his reviews
Is that something people would be interested in?
He should upload it on his Mandalore channel!
Thank you Sseth, very cool
The best game I don't have the time to play. Last time I played I accidentally stayed up till 4am after working a 12 hour shift to then wake up at 6am to get myself and my son ready for the day, take him to the babysitter, and then head to work for another 12 hour shift.
Same stuff for me man, I'm in the navy, stayed up til like 2 playing, woke up at 5, stood 6 hours of watch at noon and got back home at like 7pm just to play some more
Same for me too.. Ive spent hundreds of hours on Kenshi in a couple of months that I lost track of reality at the construction site, I thought that i was still living in kenshi; building a base while carrying building materials in my inventory. I stayed up till 5 am and slept till 6.30am to clock in. This game is just so addicting man.
hey hey people
Depression here
Gene here
sex here
you mean SAX here
I'm sorry you had to go through that in 5th grade sseth
How did a month already pass since the dwarf fortress one?
WHAT!? It came out like a week ago I swear!
I'm still looking for a tileset that I'll consider playable, looks amazing but can't do text graphics xD
I'm glad it wasn't just me
@@Braxtonkai Just use the Isometric view
Time is a scary concept
0:12 My boy Beep simping in the distance.
I ended up buying this game due to this review, nobody knows how to make me want to buy a game more than Seth.
I bought the game later than most but right before this vid. But this sold my brother on trying Kenshi lol
Stealing, slicing, slaughtering, smuggling, starvation, slavery, skinning, sewing, simulating, stacking, slandering, sacrilidge, stupidity...
And getting killed by beak things.
Smile, sweet, sister, smuggling, slavery, skinning, shitty spooky spiders.
Ahh, yes. The world's natural order. Unconscious > Critical > Wounded > HUNGERY
This made me buy Kenshi after watching it for 15 times over the past 3 years and I love it so much that i cannot stop playing at all.
Holy shit this game looks amazing how have I never heard of it before it literally sounds like the game I’ve always wanted.
its really great, I've been following it since the first early access versions were up on Desura. truly a labor of love
Dont forget that seth plays his games heavily modded.
Kenshi is a great game but everything takes ages, is highly frustrating and buggy and it runs like crap.
@@Spezifischable does it? I have a mediocre mid tier PC and it runs fine
Getting into its systems is REALLY hard, there's a lot of stuff to keep track. And optimization is really bad sometimes. And the part he said companions get stuck, he's not joking.
If you can pass through it all, there's an amazing game for you, good luck.
@@thepurplepanda4 Try hiring a few more party members and make them do stuff at different parts in the world. Watch your cpu implode.
what about the guy in the skin peeler?
What man all i see is a potato
I was hoping someone else noticed
We wuz samurais and sheet.
Das rite
das rite
That is indeed correct.
Correcta mundoooo!
I don't get, yes?
I dunno... Can she?
Bad joke.
I love it.
good one, I like it
Good joke.
I hate it.
Kill me.
May she?
Alvar Merchant guild productions presents:
A Film by Sseth Tzeentach
"Weeb hard, sperg harder"
I swear I dont end up playing most the games you review but you are damn entertaining
Loved Kenshi enough to spend time learning the Forgotten Construction Set (FCS) and made some mods.
I made one which made every single fleshy factions hostile to me, while making most mechanical ones neutral, or even friendly. This changed more things than I expected, since acquiring basic building materials harder, while making research tech easier (ancient spiders just don't care about you looting their ruins). Early-outpost days was really hard, since every-single-goddamn random patrol spotted me and immediately decided to attack my ass. I had to design a way to make recruiting more skeletons easier (or even possible) since I couldn't visit bars, and there are only very few natural unique skeletons to recruit (i.e. make the Thrall Masters a possible ally, that could sell you thralls or other captured Skeletons). I even introduced Mechanical Spider traders, and a trade caravan based on the Black Desert City's scraphouse. Being forced to play as a skeleton, hostile to every blood-and-bone factions out there, is real fun. No diplomacy with any of the major factions for the most part, just unending carnage. Peace was never an option.
Also made a mod with repeating crossbows.
Made two patches to other popular mods, and a small tweak patch to the base game.
Created an alternative power source mod to get rid of wind turbines which I think really broke the look of bases (it's nuclear power tech, so not exactly early-game stuff).
Seeth did mention how customizable the game was with mods, but he didn't really touch upon how easy it is to make your own stuff. I made my first mod because I wanted to do an Apocalypse playthrough but didn't want to spend time slowly getting on everyone's bad side and I couldn't find anything like that on the workshop (or elsewhere). So, it was either learn the FCS and do it myself or give up.
All of this thanks to Sseth's video. Kenshi had always been floating on my radar from all the way back, but I probably never would have played it if it weren't for this.
two months ago i watched this review and added the game to my cart. two weeks ago i went and actually bought the game and it swallowed me whole. my thoughts where completely and utterly consumed with plans of action and weapon/armor statistic spreadsheets. within a week i clocked 77 hours. i’m a college student. one of the best damn games i’ve ever played.
So this is anarcho-capitalism realized? I need to buy this game.
Deffinetly a Libertarian paradise, they don't even have roads.
@@SleepyMatt-zzz fuck yeah no traffic
No thats Bioshock.
Made a big beaked merchant named Schmue Rosenzweig. Took two bodyguards with me. One day we were attacked by spiders. The bodyguards could escape but Mr.Rosenzweig spent the night getting sucked out by spiders. When he was almost dead and drained of life juice my bodyguards could sneak in and rescue him. After a week of regeneration Schmues toughness was off the charts. Almost nothing could kill him anymore. He's now watching over his flimsy bodyguards like a father.
Thanks to this video i discovered the amazing game ost i listen to repeat lately.