I was using pos 9.0. when i needed to generate a receipt, i was just copying a previous one and edited the quantity column for all the items. Is this possible with pos 2013 coz i can see as if you can only edit one item’s quantity at time going through a very long process to create a receipt from the one you copied?
I don’t have Facebook account, i wanted to ask how can i record sales that is not paid,as in debt, he bought goods from me but he didn’t paid and the goods has already dispatched to him,and still i bought goods from my vendor as debt I didn’t paid,thank you
I was using pos 9.0. when i needed to generate a receipt, i was just copying a previous one and edited the quantity column for all the items. Is this possible with pos 2013 coz i can see as if you can only edit one item’s quantity at time going through a very long process to create a receipt from the one you copied?
Hi i just want to re-print a receipt after sale and customer wants receipt.
I don’t have Facebook account, i wanted to ask how can i record sales that is not paid,as in debt, he bought goods from me but he didn’t paid and the goods has already dispatched to him,and still i bought goods from my vendor as debt I didn’t paid,thank you
Peter if you copy a receipt and back date it as cash, will it be included in your end of day sales for that day or the back date?
Also if you received the items off a PO or sold the items off a Sales order will the copied document still be linked to to PO/SO?