The Definitive Guide to Jedi Weapons and all Their Uses

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024


  • @deph5183
    @deph5183 Рік тому +63

    I'm disappointed the Jocasta Nu's saber rifle isn't on here. It used lightsabers for ammo and was used against Vader when he took the temple.

    • @twinodoom
      @twinodoom Рік тому +5

      "I'm gonna make a Blaster that shoots Lightsabers!"-Unused Dialogue from the SWTOR Bounty Hunter.

    • @buck342443
      @buck342443 Рік тому +2

      The Farkiller is another awesome lightsaber/blaster hybrid, it just makes sense to use lightsaber tech in a sniper rifle.

    • @mechanwhal6590
      @mechanwhal6590 Рік тому +2

      I never understood the point of that thing. Any Force sensitive it’s used against will just deflect the shots.

  • @blackfire3744
    @blackfire3744 Рік тому +16

    I've came up with a unique, and unusual, design for a light saber a while ago.
    The design is based on the Japanese war fan "tessen". When opened, the energy blade shows as a crescent-shaped energy blade. This design is meant exclusively as a defensive weapon as it lacks the range other light sabers have over it. But, as a close range weapon, it also lends to a more "aggressive" detachment of limbs and maiming jedi weapons are known for. As well as making it easier to deflect Blaster bolts with less movements.

    • @minatouchiha9971
      @minatouchiha9971 2 місяці тому

      I like that, it's better than my light saber mace idea

  • @bruteforceknights
    @bruteforceknights Рік тому +63

    Interesting view on the crossguard lightsaber, felt more like a traditional longsword from hema to me but the concept is similar, protect the hands, catch the blade and hopefully respond

    • @Ilurblur
      @Ilurblur Рік тому +13

      Yeah comparing it's straight crossguard to a sai didn't make sense to me

    • @spacemanapeinc7202
      @spacemanapeinc7202 Рік тому +8

      @@Ilurblur Sai are more smaller in length.

    • @Ilurblur
      @Ilurblur Рік тому

      @@spacemanapeinc7202 Yup

    • @JainaSoloB312
      @JainaSoloB312 Рік тому +1

      ​@@spacemanapeinc7202 And their guards are pointed up, which makes a massive difference in how they can trap blades

  • @ThinWhiteAxe
    @ThinWhiteAxe Рік тому +80

    Lightsabers are so cool I honestly feel like the classic design is still the coolest after all these years. Maybe I'm a bit of a traditionalist.

  • @ladyoftheunknown2616
    @ladyoftheunknown2616 Рік тому +11

    I love the Lightfoils, so elegant, deadly and unique. A proper Rapier-like blade for piercing, making it easier to strike a foe instead of dancing around like Yoda or Palps do.

  • @cameronis8089
    @cameronis8089 Рік тому +10

    My favourite lightsaber variant is the dual-phase saber, that which Vader used. Like the pike, it can be used to keep opponents away; unlike the pike, it can be extended or retracted at any time via a switch on the custom lightsaber hilt. I think the lengths are 1 metre and 1.5 metres respectively.

  • @ilsingr5750
    @ilsingr5750 Рік тому +7

    My personal favorite is the light whip specifically the variation that can also be used as a normal light saber as well.

  • @OvSpP
    @OvSpP Рік тому +59

    How come Ezra's blaster saber wasn't more popular? Especially in times of war? I mean I know they didn't _need_ it, but it could've helped a lot of young wielders who couldn't use ranged attacks with their saber or the force yet.

    • @iainballas
      @iainballas Рік тому +13

      Jedi Philosophy is the short answer.
      The belief that if you had to kill someone, you should do it up close so that you don't get casual about mowing people down with a rotary autocannon.
      Even using stun blasters would be discouraged I'd imagine due to encouraging younger jedi (as you suggest) to become familiar and comfortable with ranged weapons.
      Some jedi DID go against it, and the Grey Jedi in legends used whatever would get the job done.

    • @foxmcqwerty608
      @foxmcqwerty608 Рік тому +7

      @@iainballas if i recall correctly grey jedi were particularly keen marksmen, able to fire a shot down the barrel of another's blaster in a firefight. i can't remember where i heard this though so it's probably best to treat this statement as hearsay until otherwise corroborated.

    • @Jedi_Spartan
      @Jedi_Spartan Рік тому +5

      Because it's "So uncivilized"

    • @isaackim7675
      @isaackim7675 Рік тому +5

      @@Jedi_Spartan It’s over! I high the high ground!
      Me, “Say hello my little friend.” (Deactivates lightsaber, shoots stun round)

    • @bet0v966
      @bet0v966 Рік тому +2

      Well this list are weapons specifically used by the Jedi Order & have an established base within it. Ezra’s blaster saber was unique to him. If the weapon had been made prior to Ezra & introduced to the Jedi Order as a possible weapon to build some form upon, it is likely they would’ve declined. They seem to not like blasters, which is a shame with how useful (and cool) they are

  • @lanesmith1465
    @lanesmith1465 Рік тому +11

    My favorite is the cross-guard variant. It's better suited to Form 5 because it looks like a European longsword. Djem So is similar to German longsword, and Shien is more similar to Italian longsword.

  • @rolandswift4311
    @rolandswift4311 Рік тому +7

    I think a more accurate comparison for the lightwip would be the Indian urumi. It was an extremely long sword made from flexible metal that would be swung around in wide arcs so that centrifugal force would pull it tight.

  • @lennartgamer2339
    @lennartgamer2339 Рік тому +13

    Lightsaber gauntlet in one hand to defend, while the other holds a normal lightsaber to attack..... That's genious..... To be able to attack and defend at the same time while your opponent either uses their equipment to attack or defense is very OP

    • @sealteamtwix
      @sealteamtwix Рік тому +2

      Lightsaber tonfa yes im talking the force unleashed

  • @PirateJohnson
    @PirateJohnson Рік тому +10

    I definitely like the idea of 2 shoto. The 10th Inquisitor's weapon seemed the most interesting.

    • @blackc1479
      @blackc1479 Рік тому +1

      I always pictured it either like escrima, or maybe legolas' knives. Quick, close in, and entangling attacks👍

  • @nuclearsimian3281
    @nuclearsimian3281 Рік тому +2

    Sandan in Ryukyu Kobujutsu here. Here's my take on what's been said.
    The side-bladed lightsabers are not emblematic of sai whatsoever. Sai have deeply curved tines that are meant for catching blades and is meant to be used as a paired weapon. Kylo's saber has what are referred to as _quillions,_ a crossguard meant to provide additional protection and (in HEMA at least,) sometimes an additional grip to change the orientation of the sword to make it easier to thrust directly forward with, not totally unlike a Sai, sure, but very different. Sai are also bashing/stabbing weapons, and thrown weapons, they have too many issues with being small to be meant or used for fencing. When you typically fight a larger weapon with sai, you brace them against your forearm (sorry I can't show a picture here, if I could, I would,) but then you flip them out to 'engage' them, and then can use them to smash the opponent's fingers/wrist and break bone that way. Naturally this isn't the only application, but its text and I wish I could record an actual response video, but that's ultimately unfeasible. You're still not wrong that a saber with quillions could be used to wrench a saber from the opponent's hands, but I'd just prefer they make the quillions out of something saberproof and that would allow the weapon to have a more HEMA-esque movestyle and applications.
    The double sided saber is entirely a SW creation, there is no weapon in history I've ever heard of that was like that, there are some Shaolin monk weapons that have an oak/waxwood haft and blades at either end, but you _cannot_ use bo techniques with the double sided saber, because the bo relies on bringing the staff alongside the outside of the arm, or into the armpit for a reinforced thrust that is much more difficult to parry to the side. Every defensive technique requires way too much additional hand movement. You cannot nuki with the double sided saber, you can't do thrust catches with it, you can't use it in alternate grips like the tiger tail methods, you can only use it dragon whisker style with both hands in the center, and you cannot safely thrust with it without either deactivating a blade, or making the hilt literally twice as long in most cases and making it out of cortosis, electrum, or beskar. Its one of the reasons I have always wanted to meet Ray Park and talk to him personally about this so that I can see his insights into it.
    Lightsaber pike is what the dual-saber should have been and is 1:1 a perfect substitute for a huge number of weapons from the bo itself to the nunti-bo, an eku, hell, even a jo, yaris, and naginatas. Make the haft out of something saberproof, or even resistant like the Magnaguard Phrik staffs, and then you have essentially a perfect range-controlling weapon that would be insanely difficult to overcome. This is essentially the perfect lightsaber variation and its a travesty it has never appeared in canon media of any kind so far as I'm aware. It desperately needs to. This is what Kylo Ren should have been armed with. And if you want to use the argument that a spear/pike is bad in close range, sure, I can see that, that's why the haft should be able to be detached by the user so that they can have a practical saber and a jo. There are styles that teach dual short-staff fighting, but I haven't learned any myself yet, and would very much like to.
    The routine shown at 5:04 is not practical martial arts. You would never, ever engage a spear user that way, they would not fight in that manner, it'd be suicidal for the unarmed combatant. You have to wait for them to expose a weakness, first, or you end up with a spear in your chest or cutting your femoral artery.
    Your comment at 6:04 is _perfectly spot on._ That's why before the Tokugawa shogunate rose to power, katana were not standardized, and you'd have a gigantic range of sizes of them, from shorter samurai having a more today-standard length blade, to taller Samurai like the legendary Benkei Musashibo or Sasaki Kojiro using nodachi, or you'd have the long as hell nagimaki that had a three foot hilt and a three and a half foot blade. They were intimidation weapons, because it was so rare to see a samurai of that stature, you'd have to totally change your fighting style so as to never, ever allow them to close in on you, which was insanely difficult because even then, a nodachi is _not very heavy._ It can also attack in a variety of different ways than a spear could, or it could just be used to control distancing the same way a spear could. After the Tokugawa, though, katana lengths were standardized, and I've since always had a headcanon that something similar may have happened with the Jedi Order, and that's why its so rare to see alternate weapons.
    I don't see lightfoils as being any different from normal sabers, tbh, beyond aesthetics. With the weight of a foil actually being heavier than most arming swords, they were that way to ensure that they had the weight needed to penetrate through and rip open mail if someone was wearing it. Its a neat idea to differentiate them though, so that's pretty much all I have here. Unfortunately I've never been able to find a very skilled foil/rapier master that isn't oriented towards standard fencing, so that's still on my to-do list as well. But only one note; rapiers and foils are _very_ different weapons and meant for different tactics when talking about the traditional HEMA variants, not really represented super well in fencing, but the fundamentals may still be there.
    Lightwhips are where everything just breaks down to a foundation of sand though. They are insane, and absolutely eschew literally all lessons from any school of whip techniques. Whips, and other similar weapons, notably the Kusarigama (sorry, its a clumsy metaphor, but its the closest weapon I have firsthand experience with,) often require you to be able to hold onto or to gather the whip back to you to hold it, so unless someone is wearing Beskar mail on their hands, it is going to have to be used in a dramatically unintuitive way and has to change all the lessons learned on how to actually use whips. Plus, it may just be a better idea to have a weapon like this be physical so that you could still use it to bind someone and tie them up with it, or disable them otherwise and disarm them. You are spot on with the analysis of their weaknesses though, that's pretty much what I'd have to say on them anyway.
    The...lightsaber gauntlet would be much better if it were much smaller. Keep them the size of Wolverine claws, add a gauntlet coated in beskar or cortosis/electrum, and then you have me on your side, but the problems inherent in the weapon make it much more difficult to justify. However! You turn it into a weapon like the Katar, you instantly overcome most of those, if not all of those problems, you can turn it much easier, its easier to defend/block with, its easier to parry with, and most of all, you can grapple with it if necessary without putting the weapon down. Plus they were meant to be used paired from what little I understand of them, although sometimes they were used with small parrying shields, I've found that they were more paired like a sai would be.

  • @cerealsgames3118
    @cerealsgames3118 Рік тому +51

    Thanks again for carrying the entire star wars franchise on your back with your videos ❤️
    Not only on UA-cam

    • @sealteamtwix
      @sealteamtwix Рік тому +7

      Better than disney is doing

    • @geetslys
      @geetslys  Рік тому +7

      Haha you're too kind

    • @sealteamtwix
      @sealteamtwix Рік тому +1

      @@geetslys you didn't throw out thousands of hours of expanding universe and call it "legends"

    • @justgaming7679
      @justgaming7679 Рік тому +3

      @@sealteamtwix i still think that Legends should be canon

    • @sealteamtwix
      @sealteamtwix Рік тому +3

      @@justgaming7679 legends ARE canon disney is wrong you cant just micky mouse magic bullshit THOUSANDS OF HOURS OF EXPANDED UNIVERSE AND POOF ITS GONE BECAUSE YOU BOUGHT IT im still not over disney butchering the last idek how many films id have been ok with them buying the franchise if they kept the expanded universe and hired like james cameron or someone competent to direct the new movies dont get me started about how disney murdered the force unleashed 3

    @EZ-D-FIANT Рік тому +3

    The problem with a weapon fixed at the wrist is its lack of dexterity, for me the staff tipped with light sabers would be my go to, great episode....👍👌👍

  • @jj_grabes
    @jj_grabes Рік тому +5

    I find the Jedi Temple guard saberpike the most interesting. It combines two exotic lightsaber hilt variants to make something really unique.

  • @kanekikingstorm2113
    @kanekikingstorm2113 Рік тому +21

    I disagree about the saberstaff being effective for Makashi. Makashi is designed for for singular saber combat, and more critically, has a dedicated one handed combat style. You’d have to retool a lot of Makashi’s sequences to even make it applicable to the saber staff. Though I would say the saber staff would thrive in the other lightsaber forms, especially Djem so/ Shien, and Ataru

    • @rafibausk7071
      @rafibausk7071 Рік тому +1

      Yeah I agree to me it seems like he got saberstaffs completely backwards. Might be because he's comparing it to much to staff? And yes it is a fast weapon but it's a fast power weapon. Ideal for sweeps and chops, not thrusts. The two-handed grip and longer hilt on most plus the added "wait" of the other blade. Make it extremely powerful cutter.

    • @kanekikingstorm2113
      @kanekikingstorm2113 Рік тому +3

      @@rafibausk7071 we’ve seen how capable a towering muscle tank like Savage was with a saberstaff. Strong stance, wide sweeping attacks. The extra weight and range of the additional blade really allows for some devastating power blows. And If you want an example for Ataru, look no further than Sateele Shan. Her acrobatics and somersaulting with a saber staff in the Hope Cinematic trailer allowed her to cut through scores of sith droids and sith warriors alike like a lawnmower through tall grass.

  • @marshalllatta2073
    @marshalllatta2073 Рік тому +79

    Lightsabers and all the different types of lightsabers are the best weapons in star wars universe They are so cool

    • @Catchierduck
      @Catchierduck Рік тому +4

      I prefer the mandalorian ripper

    • @sealteamtwix
      @sealteamtwix Рік тому +3

      Personally if i had to choose between a blaster and a lightsaber im picking blaster too easy to delete limbs with a lightsaber

    • @brunonogueira7319
      @brunonogueira7319 Рік тому

      Dude a blaster with a precise scope would be revolutionary

    • @sonicguyver7445
      @sonicguyver7445 Рік тому +5

      An elegant weapon, of a more civilized age.

    • @samfire3067
      @samfire3067 Рік тому +3

      * gatling lazer: cof cof*

  • @NekoKat.
    @NekoKat. Рік тому +1

    I can just picture Anikin having way to much fun with a pair of saber gauntlets. I think even Grivus would be like "yah nope"

  • @RadarHawk
    @RadarHawk Рік тому +8

    What's with the zoom-in at 9:02

  • @TempestGhost
    @TempestGhost Рік тому +12

    I think we missed the variant of the double-bladed lightsaber that has a folding hilt such as Pong Krell and Empress Rey Palpatine's lightsabers.

  • @teleportedbreadfor3days
    @teleportedbreadfor3days Рік тому +5

    9:03 What the hell happened here?

  • @isaackim7675
    @isaackim7675 Рік тому +7

    I would prefer the lightsaber/blaster that Ezra Bridger used in the first two seasons of Rebels

  • @sonicguyver7445
    @sonicguyver7445 Рік тому +7

    There is just something undeniably cool about lightsabers. I'm so glad I got to build one at Galaxy's Edge years ago. I went very traditional. Peace and Justice parts with a blue kyber crystal.
    Also a good game to try is "Jedi Academy." It's a barebones story that's more an excuse to let your character explore famous places from Star Wars history. Lightsaber combat is really fun and by the third rank in the game you can duel wield or go double sided.

    • @michaelandreipalon359
      @michaelandreipalon359 Рік тому +1

      Agreed. Jedi Academy, despite its flaws, is Legends fanservice at its best, alongside X-Wing Alliance and Empire at War.
      Can also agree that it plays better than Jedi Outcast, all while it gets better with the Movie Battles mods in mind.

  • @lerneanlion
    @lerneanlion Рік тому +3

    Now, imagine the Shredder as a Sith Lord equipped with a pair of red lightsaber gauntlets! How will the Ninja/Jedi Turtles fight him?

  • @tubby1833
    @tubby1833 Рік тому +26

    I’ve seen sooo many cool concepts for lightsaber variants. Like a light Kunai (the chain weapon Scorpion uses in MK) and a Light Dart. A regular lightsaber that can be adjusted so that the blade retracts to only an inch in length and fired out the top of the saber like a bullet.
    Thanks for uploading this.

    • @thomasboland540
      @thomasboland540 Рік тому

      Kunai don't typically have chains attached to them...

  • @cvalerinv
    @cvalerinv Рік тому +2

    I honestly always imagined the lightsaber gauntlets more like little curved blades that emit from opposite sides. So something more like brass knuckles but lightsabery. Just made more sense in my head

  • @dorianwiesner4477
    @dorianwiesner4477 Рік тому +8

    There was also a very exotic variant of the Shoto, called the Guard-Shoto. Its basically a tonfa with a plasma blade. Marris Brood used two of them in The Force Unleashed.
    Also if you would ask me what a lightsaber I would use, it would like a combination of a curved-hilt lightsaber and a lightfoil with a silver color crystal. It would be the ultimate form-II weapon

  • @cherrybramble
    @cherrybramble Рік тому +2

    "in today's modern equivalent to the light foil, we bring you.."
    me: "oh cool they're gonna talk about foils"
    geetsly's: "...rapiers!"

  • @calebstrege4265
    @calebstrege4265 Рік тому +1

    I like the lightfoil best it's elegant look combined with its quick jabs and thrusts makes it the perfect weapon for a sith noble

  • @Lack_of_response
    @Lack_of_response Рік тому +1

    My favorite is a variant from the high republic books, the Merry Maker. Lightsaber frisbe controlled with a special glove.

  • @zacharybyford8200
    @zacharybyford8200 4 місяці тому

    I love the elegance and artistry of a lightfoil. I feel that if you make something akin to an arm shield with lightsaber tech and use it with a lightfoil you'd be unstoppable.

  • @SquiidGravy
    @SquiidGravy Рік тому +2

    9:01 editor said im giving this one the big zoom 😎

  • @msalinastb5093
    @msalinastb5093 Рік тому

    Bro that wolverine with those saber claws looked so dope. He would definitely fit in in the Star Wars universe and he would definitely dominate.. may the force be with you, always ✌🏼 peace

  • @tonywright9906
    @tonywright9906 Рік тому +1

    The Light Saber gauntlets are now my new fav and has got me very curious.

  • @onbedoeldekut1515
    @onbedoeldekut1515 Рік тому

    Swords with 'pistol grips' are generally used for penetrative (stabby) motions, and you can find them on many modern 'sport' fencing hilts.
    Like you said, they bring the blade in line with the arm when in a lunge, giving that tiny bit of extra reach.

  • @goldenapplesaga5446
    @goldenapplesaga5446 Рік тому +1

    "Your weapon should be proportionate to your body size"
    Sephiroth be like: *Yall hear somethin?*

  • @nathanweast4397
    @nathanweast4397 Рік тому +1

    I'd love to see a Lightsaber Tonfa used; also you forgot to mention the most unique lightsaber variant of all: Ezra Bridger's lightsaber pistol.

  • @aceundead4750
    @aceundead4750 Рік тому +1

    I love the rifle Jocasta used against Vadey.

  • @princeofpokemon2934
    @princeofpokemon2934 Рік тому +20

    The worst lightsaber design has to be the one with a power pack. If my memory serves me right, if you use one of those, you have to be very careful when using it. Because you might accidentally yank the cord out of the hilt and the blade will turn off immediately. Kind of like charging your phone, and when you have to go somewhere quickly, you accidentally yank the charger cord from your phone, and potentially breaking it

    • @Iluvlollipops
      @Iluvlollipops Рік тому +2

      Funny story, Luke is using one of those in ROTJ, at least Mark Hammil is lol. The prop Saber had a wire running up his arm to a battery on his hip.

    • @iainballas
      @iainballas Рік тому +7

      Those were Protosabers for the most part. They didn't have a choice at the time until they figured out how to make the energy loop return unused power to the battery, thus allowing blades to be used with built-in cells and turned on for a long time.
      I know way too much about fictional engineering :(

    • @Iluvlollipops
      @Iluvlollipops Рік тому

      @@iainballas same sweetie, same

    • @princeofpokemon2934
      @princeofpokemon2934 Рік тому +1

      @@iainballas knowing too much about fictional engineering is nothing to ashamed of. I also know a bit about fictional engineering. Because of that, you have my respect. By the way, thanks for reminding me about that one lightsaber in particular. I forgot what it was called

    • @Jedi_Spartan
      @Jedi_Spartan Рік тому +2

      And closely followed by the Guard Shoto from Force Unleashed.

  • @taylorlibby7642
    @taylorlibby7642 Рік тому +3

    I get that this is speculative fiction, but some of these lightsaber variants seem incredibly dubious to me from a practical usability standpoint (looking at you lightwhip) even if they do look really cool. I've been a fencer since high school, and I've trained in both kendo and HEMA, so I've got some experience but I don't claim expert status.

    • @Alex-sv7vt
      @Alex-sv7vt Рік тому +1

      We understand where you're coming from. In real life, many of these weapons would be impractical. However, Force Users relied heavily on the Force during combat, so they were able to wield weapons the rest of us wouldn't be able to.

  • @brokenbridge6316
    @brokenbridge6316 Рік тому +1

    If I were a force-user my lightsaber of choice would be the double-bladed lightsaber. With a nice Veridian Crystal and I would use Shi-Cho, and Juyo as my lightsaber forms. With perhaps Vapaad thrown in.

  • @morlath4767
    @morlath4767 Рік тому +2

    Sabrestaffs are nothing like Bo. The problem with double-sided sabres is the very thing that Bo/quarterstaff fighting is built on - The ability to use the entire length of the weapon in combat via shifting where on the stick the hands are. You can't do that with sabrestaffs. Double-sided lightsabres are two blades end to end on a (sometimes) extended grip, NOT a SW version of a Bo.

  • @ImpishDelta
    @ImpishDelta Рік тому

    my favourite lightsaber variant is probably the double bladed lightsaber with a standard length hilt, a lot less common though and I can really only think of Exar Kun's lightsaber as an example; It gives you that in-between where you can use it as a standard lightsaber while still benefiting from a second blade should you desire to use it.

  • @luckyluca8718
    @luckyluca8718 Рік тому +2

    2:49 and 9:01 I think whoever edited this was feeling funny and mischievous

    • @davidvasquez08
      @davidvasquez08 Рік тому

      Glad I wasn’t the only who noticed that

    • @Epsolon885
      @Epsolon885 Рік тому

      What happened at 2:49

    • @davidvasquez08
      @davidvasquez08 Рік тому

      @@Epsolon885 that’s what I want to know as well

  • @joshuamidgette4846
    @joshuamidgette4846 Рік тому +4

    Honestly, the light club should have been more popular as vehicle mounted weapons.

  • @bet0v966
    @bet0v966 Рік тому +1

    As someone whose into martial arts & used to box, I’m lost in imagination in how the gauntlet could be incorporated. Like if the length of the blade(s) could be switched about by the user at any moment on the fly it opens up so many options. If say I go for a hook with the size shown in the image(s) but am able to decrease it whether through Force or a button, I throw my opponent’s counter. Or if they go for downward strike & my blade(s) go to short, I can block with both & then proceed to use one hand to grapple their wrist or slice it. Can it be configured to produce a blade on the forearm for blocks. So many options. Plus if my opponent just sees me ready to throw hands & they assume I ain’t got no weapon can catch by surprise

  • @marklastname373
    @marklastname373 Рік тому +1

    Those Gauntlets, which I'd call a Lightsaber Shrike, probably wouldn't be as effective as a primary weapon or dual-wielded as they would be as an off hand weapon for blocking and parrying, similar to how the Shoto was frequently used

  • @alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723

    You forgot to mention the dual staff hybrid, two single blade that could be joined to form a staff

  • @jacobdrolet4262
    @jacobdrolet4262 Рік тому

    Awesome video of the different types of light sabers In stars wars,fantastic job. I like the lightsaber lance,whip and light sabers claws too.

  • @darknessoftruth9314
    @darknessoftruth9314 Рік тому +4

    So many designs to chose from. I love the curved hilt, but I really like the gauntlet design. What forms can it be used with?

    • @BeregondFirstCaptain
      @BeregondFirstCaptain Рік тому

      I dont think you can do many formed. You can't twist the blades like you can with a handle. You have to see it as more unarmed combated with stabbing potential.

    • @nightlordnorris4446
      @nightlordnorris4446 Рік тому

      Form 6 is Niman - you amplify your force abilities to basically cover anything lacking in your defenses, but you have a basic Mastery of ALL forms.
      Takata is also probably the most applicable, as it is a style that works on using the sabers skill to turn off and on, at will. You also can amplify the charge of the lightsaber - it was essentially outlawed by Jedi and Sith and I feel like it's because in the hands of a skilled assassin it's basically impossible to predict.
      I mean if you use two Lightsabers you could still use Jar-Kai, Juyo, and Makashi. Maybe Soresu - but gauntlets really aren't for defense and you want to be close.
      I think Form 6 is a good choice personally because gauntlets don't really seem to provide a defense against blasters, unless you are wearing Sith armor or some kind of ion shielding. So your use of the force alongside your sabers is best bet.

  • @maxxor-overworldhero6730
    @maxxor-overworldhero6730 Рік тому

    A Swashbuckler-esque Jedi would make great use of a Lightfoil and a dagger-sized Shoto. Ideas, ideas...

  • @freo-xk2nf
    @freo-xk2nf Рік тому

    I like the gun JoCasta Nu uses in the darth Vader comic that was powered by a kyber crystal

  • @yokai333
    @yokai333 Рік тому +3

    I'm more curious about Saber handle material than style of handle

  • @randommemeaddict249
    @randommemeaddict249 Рік тому

    While not nearly as big as the lightclub, I love Pong Krell's 2 double bladed foldable greatsabers.

  • @slashinswingin4369
    @slashinswingin4369 Рік тому

    Moment of silence for Ventress' curved double blade and Ezra's blaster saber. So glad the Light Gauntlet made it tho.
    Favorite gotta be the curved hilt, cross guard, foil, whip, and gauntlet

  • @WolfeSaber9933
    @WolfeSaber9933 Рік тому +1

    They're so powerful, Gundam wanted them, Warhammer had some lore to similar designs. Star Wars was not the first to use them, but basically owns it, even without Disney getting antsy.

  • @josephtownsend2103
    @josephtownsend2103 Рік тому +4

    Were lightsaber tonfas not popular enough to make this list?

    • @robertagu5533
      @robertagu5533 Рік тому

      They probably forgot. Not to mention there's just that 1 practicioner in Legend or Cannon that we know of ever using one

  • @ozymandiasprometheus1926
    @ozymandiasprometheus1926 Рік тому +1

    I've always loved lightfoils

  • @Darcy_Winterthorn
    @Darcy_Winterthorn Рік тому +4

    Crossguards were not like Sai. They were like... I dunno, Longswords?
    Saberstaff were not like Bo. A bo you can grip anywhere. A saberstaff you cannot. A saberpike is more akin to the bo/quarterstaff.
    Not sure why you've pulled an 'expert' out that is limited to just one martial art, specifically Eastern martial arts, while ignoring Western arts...

    • @Kadeo-ms6qw
      @Kadeo-ms6qw Рік тому

      I saw the “expert” compare it to a sai and headed straight to the comments. The Urumi is more like the lightwhip then the 9 chain whip.

    • @robertagu5533
      @robertagu5533 Рік тому

      An they was wrong on sai it's in general to ALOT of arts an was more akin to a 3 pronged round shaped knife then sword

  • @funnature8679
    @funnature8679 Рік тому

    Nornal plasmablade-equal to a lightweight shinai
    plasma pike-finction as a polearm.
    Doublebladed laserblade-staff
    shoto blade-tonto, dagger or similar to wakasahi
    Crossguard LS-Longsword
    Light foil-olympic foil
    Lightwhip-a real whip.

  • @GoranXII
    @GoranXII Рік тому

    Saberstaffs _aren't_ like bo/quarterstaffs. With those weapons, you can quickly move your handholds from the middle to the centre and back again, where as trying to do that with a saberstaff would be terminally unwise. As for the lightwhip, the closest equivalent would probably be the Indian urumi, albeit single-blade versions of those aren't especially common.

  • @pyronuke4768
    @pyronuke4768 Рік тому

    My favorite lightsaber variant was Ezra Briger's hybrid blaster-saber; effective at both long and short range.

  • @E7VZ
    @E7VZ Рік тому

    Not forgetting that Kylo Ren had to have the vents on the side because in the comics, when he was bleeding the crystal he cracked it making it unstable. So for it to not explode in his hands he had to add the vents on the side, you can actually see how his lightsaber fluctuates & moves around sort of because it’s so unstable.

  • @DarkTraveler09
    @DarkTraveler09 Рік тому

    Honestly, a lot of these variants are amazing in their own rights. Especially in the hands of those who have trained and/or mastered specific techniques and styles. I truthfully couldn't really decide which would be my favorite amongst them.
    On a side note though, the way the Knights of Zakuul paired their saber pikes with shields just seem so interesting to me when it concept to a combat.

  • @mystictimewarp9831
    @mystictimewarp9831 Рік тому

    The coolest lighsaber I saw was in legends the light Saber umbrella

  • @ShadowFox10587O
    @ShadowFox10587O Рік тому +1

    I'm not sure how practical it would be but I always thought it would be cool to have a bunch of light sabers and fire them at your opponent with the force
    like gilgamesh does in fate he basically uses swords and missiles

    • @nuclearsimian3281
      @nuclearsimian3281 Рік тому

      Kreia basically does that in KOTOR, but iirc she only has three. If anyone had a Gate of Babylon style amount of sabers and *didn't* use them that way, they'd be morons. However, that's also Gilgamesh's biggest weakness, he may have all those weapons, but he is a master with absolutely none of them, and any true master could defeat him if they had the ability to survive Ea and the Enuma Elish. Think Scathach, or Artoria, and you get my meaning in that regard. Hell, Scathach, being a Lancer would be Gilgamesh's toughest opponent more than likely, if you don't want to bring in a Grand like Romulus Quirinus that is.

    • @ShadowFox10587O
      @ShadowFox10587O Рік тому

      @@nuclearsimian3281 Gilgamesh's strategy may not be the best but is was always fun to watch
      just watching light sabers fall on your opponent like meteors would be extremely cool the hard part would be carrying that many around
      I know controlling that many at once would be difficult but gravity can help in this case

  • @OvSpP
    @OvSpP Рік тому +1

    Bought to see that Lightswiss army knife

  • @cindya4951
    @cindya4951 Рік тому

    I recently came across your channel, and just fell in love with your content and scope of what you cover. Thanks for all that you do!

    • @geetslys
      @geetslys  Рік тому

      Thank you so much and welcome aboard!

  • @Nuetral768
    @Nuetral768 Рік тому +1

    I really wish people would talk more about the structure of lightsabers. Why did they require force users??? One of the reasons is because lightsabers had a very unique, very complex, counterbalance that actually makes them completely incomparable with any device known to us. Think about it, it's plasma... the kinetic force of a lightsaber isn't the blade itself as much as the air being heated by the blade to insane levels. This means that, yeah it can cut through some metals like butter, but anything that might resist plasma damage (special alloys or especially another lightsaber) would cause insane levels of kinetic recoil that could easily be enough to break your arm in multiple places.
    To protect the user extremely complex gyroscopic counterbalances we're placed within the blade to minimize this backlash... but if you didn't know exactly how to use that saber (which would heavily depend on precognitive abilities) you would probably be killed by your own saber versus being able to utilize it like a vibroblade or more conventional sword equivalent. This recoil could also mean that if it was poorly balanced then it might not even cut anything (the superheated air might actually push the saber back before the object intended to be cut was actually superheated to the point of cutting... this is seen in Jedi).
    All these factors are also part of the reason we see so much movement for each strike, and why we don't see as rapid movements as you would a rapier or knife (the reason the blade was smaller wasn't so it would weigh less, it's so it would create less force to have to compensate for... thus allowing more of these quicker strikes but also making the blade much weaker against anything plasma resistant). And the whip would have been a nightmare to control properly, the backlash of that would have been insane so the control of the practitioner would have to be greater than every best practitioner we've ever known combined (no wonder she was a sith).

    • @samueldimmock694
      @samueldimmock694 Рік тому +1

      Thinking about it pseudoscientifically, the path of the whip would have been determined by a combination of the energy tendril's natural tendency to curl and change shape (which could perhaps be altered by slightly shifting the locations of various components of the lightwhip and the flow of energy through them), micro-level fluctuations in the density, movement and thermal properties of the air, the exact movements of the wielder's body, and the attractive/repulsive properties of any nearby electrical/magnetic fields (such as those created by a lightsaber, or by other segments of the lightwhip itself). All three of these can be influenced by the Force, but the level of precision and complexity necessary to obtain any real degree of control over a lightwhip would require giving conscious control entirely over to the Force.

    • @Nuetral768
      @Nuetral768 Рік тому

      @@samueldimmock694 More accurately it would be very difficult to compensate for either way, you'd have to have developed a level of skill and experience more often associated with the rule of 2 sith while retaining a strong connection with the force... Someone like Dooku or Revan whom are described as using the dark side like a tool rather than relying on it like a god.
      Great contribution. 😊👍

  • @etzool
    @etzool Рік тому

    This is a really cool topic, and I was really hooked by the idea of having a weapons consultant, but... man, the amateurish demonstration clips absolutely killed this for me.

  • @HarenunHoppus
    @HarenunHoppus Рік тому +1

    The rapier is my instant fave

  • @jetwarrior101
    @jetwarrior101 Рік тому +1

    Enter the Halo energy sword, which can effectively counter most lightsabers.

  • @kieranlock3070
    @kieranlock3070 Рік тому

    I would ofsaid Lightfoils were based on Foils, the modern fencing blade. Personally, I'd use an orange crossguard saber, with a focus on Forms 1&2.

  • @OvSpP
    @OvSpP Рік тому +2

    Geets, do you think we'll see a new new cannon lightsaber variant before 2025? 2030?

    • @АлексейМомот-щ7о
      @АлексейМомот-щ7о Рік тому

      I hope not, we already got lightsaber umbrella recently bruh

    • @OvSpP
      @OvSpP Рік тому

      @@АлексейМомот-щ7о 😂😂😂 I gotta look that up

  • @avwillis5269
    @avwillis5269 Рік тому

    The lightsaber gauntlet looks to have parallels to the Indian weapon the katar, and to a lesser extent modern push daggers. The advantage of both is that they rely on gross muscle techniques such as boxing and as a result are easy for the casual user to pick up. From what I'm seeing here, the length is a little longer for this. I'd submit that as it is designed, this would work better as an ambush weapon or a literal ace in the sleeve-aim and activate at a specific target, either as a sucker punch, or an opportunity if there's an opening in their defense.

  • @Chris-bv4ko
    @Chris-bv4ko Рік тому

    Lightsaber gauntlets would have been epic to see on screen

  • @jeremyetremblay6663
    @jeremyetremblay6663 Рік тому +1

    I’m surprise that we don’t have light nunchucks yet

  • @solartraveler789
    @solartraveler789 5 днів тому +1

    What about BRASS KNUCKLES with Jedi saber like fist

  • @flossedinparadise1759
    @flossedinparadise1759 11 місяців тому

    lmao at that super boob zoom @9:02

  • @RuedigerJohne
    @RuedigerJohne 10 місяців тому

    I miss Warp Null's Saberstaff AND Vernestra Rwoh's Lightsaber-whip hybrid on this very list. Both creators ended up as unfortunate early victims of the force entity Abeloth!

  • @TheJedaiHero9000
    @TheJedaiHero9000 Рік тому

    Lightsabers are Most Definitely, without an Abso-fraking-lute doubt, one of my Most Absolute favorite weapons in the Star Wars Universe!!!!!
    All variants are fraking Awesome AF, since I Abso-fraking-lutely love Greatswords, the Greatsaber is Most Certainly my Most Definite favorite

  • @indianajones4321
    @indianajones4321 Рік тому +1

    Jedi: Use weapons
    Palpatine: I prefer Unlimited Power!

  • @lucasscherer2358
    @lucasscherer2358 Рік тому

    Do a video on different types of electro pike, staffs, and buttons.

  • @Sawtooth44
    @Sawtooth44 Рік тому +1

    anyone else catch the prolonged zoom at 9:00
    also i wouldent call the lightclub unwieldy, same with IRL greatswords, its all about how you use them, if you literally treat them like clubs then they shall be like how most video games and works of fiction do
    the best way greatswords have been used is by NEVER making them stop being in motion and where great for crowd control, no one wants to get near a 2m long sharpened steel blade swinging around at high speed, turn this into a lightsaber and you have a lightsaber made for an oversized kenobi
    also points you made about using extremely long blades is not realy unique to them, feinting high and aiming low us just a technique that any sword can when you can hit the head or legs, normal lightsabers can do this its just no one dose and as for blocking from everything ive seen and heard you dont want to do that, its better to deflect blows cause afterall, what happens when the block fails, IRL with power and weight you can blow through someones block and land a devastating hit, for a lightsaber its worse as you cant even brace the sword with your other hand to make the block more effective

  • @myevilplans
    @myevilplans Рік тому

    Don't forget Ezra Bridger (rebels) and his sabre/ stunblaster combo

  • @nebcyt-notenoughbraincells419
    @nebcyt-notenoughbraincells419 Рік тому +1

    When Mr Myiagi teaches geetsly fans on the real world okinawsn equivalent to lightsaber variants...

  • @onbedoeldekut1515
    @onbedoeldekut1515 Рік тому

    The pluralisation of staff is staves, not staffs.
    A staff weapon's 'shaft' is called the haft.
    (they're my personal specialty, I think them the King of weapons)

  • @jmallas984
    @jmallas984 Рік тому

    In star wars the force unleash shaak ti’s apprentice maris brood uses a baton like saber was pretty cool lookin

  • @aislemontecristo
    @aislemontecristo Рік тому

    In terms of crossovers, I have my own idea of a Highlander/Jedi mash-up. 😎

  • @joshk96
    @joshk96 Рік тому +1

    The Pike and Gauntlet are Awesome

  • @Nemo-Nihil
    @Nemo-Nihil Рік тому

    European hilted swords did a similar thing. Though props for bringing up sai. Love sai

  • @jamiewalsh3349
    @jamiewalsh3349 Рік тому

    Really liked the martial arts footage. But I didn't Wolverine claws were a thing in Star Wars.

  • @taylorlibby7642
    @taylorlibby7642 Рік тому +1

    Spears and similar pole weapons, not swords, are the most prolific and effective battle weapons in human history.

  • @zexalbrony4799
    @zexalbrony4799 Рік тому

    6:27-6:29: Size matters not. Well, I think these Gameroans beg to differ. lol.
    8:57-8:59: Nonlethal? I'm pretty sure if you shock someone enough they will die, that seems very lethal to me.
    11:02-11:05: What about those old Pooh's Adventures crossover that used to be on UA-cam, where Pooh and the gang got to be a part of the Star Wars universe, weren't those epic? XD.

  • @anthonymorales9869
    @anthonymorales9869 Рік тому

    Now with the traditional Jedi Order in further obscurity, I kinda wish Jedi from the Original and Sequel trilogies took more liberties when it came to Lightsaber variants. The standard saber will always be iconic, but it's ideal to adapt when your way of life is running a constant risk of extinction.

  • @edmccurdy469
    @edmccurdy469 Рік тому +1

    Githany? GITHANY?! DID YOU REALLY FORGET ABOUT LUMIYA? You know the original?!

    • @blackc1479
      @blackc1479 Рік тому

      Nah, she at least popped up in the artwork. 9:26

  • @FrenchSensei
    @FrenchSensei Рік тому

    The parallel of the double bladed lightsaber to a bo staff is a fairly inaccurate one. Even in the clip shown where reach is mentioned, you'll notice that it's the ability to freely move your grip and change where your leverage is that makes it effective. And there's a very good reason why double-bladed swords are only ever seen in fantasy settings.

  • @F0rceWielder
    @F0rceWielder Рік тому +1

    Sad that the Tonfa blades weren’t on here

  • @markcarpenter6020
    @markcarpenter6020 Рік тому

    Most effective would probably be pikes...the easiest to use would probably be the claws...though a single blade would actually be more effective than multiple blades since you wouldn't be spreading the force of the attack.