Please upload more of these constructed games, everyone's streaming arena-runs. And most people just play Warrior as I find boring to look at. Ty for uploading this! =)
Could the editor of these Video's please put in the description when the video was filmed, like the general week, just so we can see if the deck is worth using in the current meta the dayt it goes up?
Meta can change within a day - and since these are obviously not live even if the description said "played today" you could still encounter a different meta game. I've said several times that all time-relevant content like constructed is generally uploaded within a week - most of the time earlier - from the date it was streamed. The only exception is F2P where this is impossible. ~ Jens
Trump Would it be cool if you could just put the date of the stream in there? Would be helpful especially when i like to dig through videos and see what decks ran during what meta.
cupcakekevin The "put the date in the description" request pops up every once in a while. I won't. I actually used to in the very beginning but Trump told me not to. I will be honest - seeing "played 3 days ago" in a freshly released video can put people off. Nobody would do that on UA-cam - I personally watch the YogsCast and some of the videos they release are seriously old - doesn't impact the viewing experience very much though. Actually not having "this video is old" rubbed in your face might improve the experience. I also literally see no practical reason for this. The games in this video were played 4 days ago so there you go. That doesn't help anyone in their meta decision - you will always have to try the deck and see if it works for you in the meta environment you encounter. EDIT: edited to clarify some points ~ Jens
I think trump doesn't want people to know how much money he is making with just one day of work or how long he have to play heartstone for "youtube" a day or a week maybe or something like that. Its only my guess.
Opinions on my Control Paladin? I got to rank 5, but now I literally hit a brick wall: Equality 2x Holy Light 2x Pyro 2x Harvest Golem 2x Peacekeeper 2x BGH 1x True Silver 2x Hammer 1x Consecration 2x Azure Drake 2x Kodo 1x Sludge 2x Cairne Black Knight Sunwalker 1x Guardian of Kings 2x Rag Tirion Ysera Thanks :)
You have a lot of board wipe, paired with a lot of healing. It sounds like you are anti-aggro, but you wont be able to deal with control as consistently as you'd like to climb higher. I would suggest removing a Guardian for a lay on hands, then remove 1 holy light for maybe another hammer. It looks like your deck would want to fish out that equality combo asap, to cover for its mid-late weighted design, so it's going to need more card draw to both achieve that and give you more options as the game progresses. I don't know, just an observation.
Vault Boy The deck looks fine to me otherwise, but I would concider taking out 1 holy light for 1 more Kodo to go with your other Peacekeeper. With this you can concider taking out your lone BGH and replacing it with a Harrison, or something. In the end, best way to create a deck is to tip your toe in, see what works and what doesn't and change the deck 1, or 2 cards at a time. No big overhauls after just 1 game no matter how frustrated you felt about it.
Why does he run one golden Cabal? I thought Trump only used normal types unless he had an all-gold deck, I know he doesn't have a second but he can get one relatively easy. And from my knowledge he's got no plans for F2P so that can't be a reason... Ehh, just a question, he can do whatever he wants I'm just curious. Edit: The question was answered, thank you for your information.
I would like him to try Forsen Priest deck, which I personally find more interesting. It doesn't run anything that combos with Circle of Healing (including Auchenai) but in many respects it's more consistent, especially in the mirror matchup.
Hogger can be taken out just too easily. Cairne would be so much better. Hogger was my first legendary, I think, and it's only really useful when your opponent is top decking. Sunwalker 4/5 with a divine shield tends to be better since Hogger almost never lives more than a turn.
Onmur It costs 1 less and generally does the exact same thing, so I would agree. Hogger is only better when you're winning already anyway, so... it's just redundant.
You are all assuming it can be dealt with right away. Why not use it after the opponents direct damage stuff has been eaten up by Carrie and the like. Hogger beats any creature 1 on 1 'cept Ysera (also likely to lose vs Ragnaros). It ties with Baron Geddon (if played first), Sylvanas and Tirion Fordring (gets eaten by weapon charge). Edit: It also ties with Windfury Harpy if Hogger is played second, forgot about that one for a sec. Edit2: It should also be a good card to force a Flamestrike and the like.
I switched to handlock because with that deck i have the most winrate against warlock rush. Seriously im rank 8 and from rank 15 to 8 every other game is full face rush warlock ...zzz...
Good lord that control warrior made me sad. I mean seriously, executing a wild pyro? What's the world coming to? And every time he armoured up before he hit with a weapon I died a little inside.
Anybody else having this issue or is it just me ? When i watch trumps videos at 720p it goes all blurry. The text is almost unreadable. i have a AMD processor, and a AMD graphic card. If this helps.
Mairon Mantovani I don't think the Twitch quality is this bad. The videos are fine 720p is by no means "all blurry" and the text should be quite readable. Can't give you any technical help since I never encountered a problem like that. The only time I get bad quality is when I upload videos at the same time I watch something and the quality auto-sets to 144p or something. ~ Jens
Mairon Mantovani But the thing is Jens has always uploaded from twitch, and i haven't had this problem before. i think it might be my laptop. i will just return this pc for another one with an intel processer
Wasn't the first game mostly lost due to being a bit too greedy with your board clear? Kept looking like you were waiting for more value that never got better, the juggler and charge minions did everything.
On the left side of the screen, he has a panel of which cards he still has left in his deck, can you really have that?? Or did he just put it there while editing? It has been going around in my mind for MONTHS... please answer c:
For you guys who have played starcraft 2, which one is harder to get ? Grandmaster league in sc2 or legend in hearthstone ? I know the games doesn't compare but im wondering, which game has the highest skill cap ?
It's definitely the starcraft 2 one. To get to legend in hearthstone only requires to max out your stars after rank 1, and there's thousands of people who do it each season. While in starcraft 2 the grandmaster league is only the top 200 players, which creates a large skill difference. So without any arguments of "which is the harder game" coming in (where i'd lean towards starcraft generally imo), Grandmaster league is kind of like top 16 hearthstone legend, not just hearthstone legend in general.
I don't know why but it always bothers me that trump never chooses his golden cards, is there a reason for this or does he just pick the first card he sees?
Probably a dumb question but can someone tell me how zombie chow is good for aggro? No hate replies please I'm just curious, I'm a bit new to the game.
Im very proud of my druid deck right now it does very good : i play divine shield (argent squire and the 3/1) Harvest Golem and other minions that Stick to the Board and then i Soul of the Forest and get a Ton of 2/2s
Those decks are always fun, probably a lot better now. Especially if you toss haunted creeper or something like that in as well. I'm assuming you're using savage roar since you'd be able to amass minions pretty easily I imagine.
I thought the 23 card pickup Paladin deck was named because it ran seven legendaries, and there are 30 cards in a deck.. Is that just a coincidence? xD
There are even reasons to have only 1 SW:D ? I don't think that a 'dead' card against aggro decks make much of a difference while only 1 copy of this removal does against control matchups.. is actually 1 SW:D and 1 Mind Control enough? (i mean.. if Trump thinks so probably yes but i'm not convinced.. xD)
BlackScytheLP *almost always (If you have a tundra rhino out the 9/5 coming down is terrifying for your opponents, though admittedly that doesn't happen enough to make it worth running)
I wonder if in this new season Hunters will still attempt their decks. After all, anticipating that the decks will be terrible does not compare to actually having it occur.
Could some of you guys help with some arena tips. I usually just pick the general better card (only recently have i began looking at my costs) but my highest has been 5 wins. Plz reply, i cant cuz im on tablet but if you do answer me it is greatly appreciated. Yes you in the red shirt.
1 pick a class u know the most and play the most, if don't get him/her pick ur favorite out of the 3. 2 try to get low mana minion and high mana minion 3 don't pick deathwing 4 goodluck
There are a few things to look for in arena. 1. Card Quality - This means to pay attention to how good a card is individually. 2. Synergy - Look at the way cards can combine. 3. Mana costs - Look at your curve, make sure you don't have all your minions be 4 drops or anything like that.
Sometimes I am really lucky at this game but sometimes I have no words for how unlucky I am. Played a game as zoo and opponent played leroy while i had a knife juggler and it got killed (very lucky). Played 2 games as freeze Mage and both games the last 2 cards where ice block so i lost both.
I play a ,age deck that relies on Ice Block to survive too. Mad Scientist is the glue that made that deck stable. It doesn't matter if the Ice blocks end up at the bottom if you fetch them with mad scientist (I only play 3 secrets, 2 of them ice block).
is anyone else having problems in arena? at start of match i choose the cards i want to discard and the comp is throwing away the cards i kept, totally screwing me out of arena wins -_-
Trump's idea is "all gold or not gold" the only reason he has a golden cabal shadow priest is because he only has two priests, one gold and one non gold.
Kaleb Carvalho I think the #1 ranked legend on the NA server played hunter last month. Edit: I don't think he was #1 by the end of the month, but he made it to #1 four days after the hunter nerf.
He wants a more control oriented deck and not an aggro one, it's his preferred play style. Plus the undertaker priest deck runs a few other deathrattle cards.
Still feel like 8 deathrattles should be more than enough for an undertaker, i might be wrong and i wont say that he can't play the deck like that. Imo tho i think i would prefer to throw something out to get in 2 undertakers.
SGinDanish Oh yeah he definitely could run some, but at the same time since he prefers the controll-y aspect of it... Plus the deathrattle minions are for the most part higher drops. Undertaker can be good as a light, cheap minion (I mean a 2/3 for 1 is great), but for early game it's not so good with only 4 deathrattles. It works better in a priest deck where you have loot hoarders in as well for another early game boost.
Trump is one of those people that doesn't like to mix foil and non-foil cards in a deck. He's said before that he only wants to use golden cards if he has golden versions for all the cards in the deck.
It's cuz Trump is a derp. Golden Thoughtsteals are basically the sole reason I play priest, and golden Webspinners are the sole reason I play Hunter post Buzzard nerf.
Why always Auchenai Soulpriest? I find that card so overrated... It depends of many factors to be useful... And i think you'll have more space to run other cards more consisten than the Auchenai Soulpriest+circle of healing combo.
Mineboost Don't even think there's a name for it. It's looks like a tempo deck with lots of value trading into things. Unless someone has a better name for this, I'm just gonna cross my hands
There are tons of super aggro decks not because all of the people with pent up sexual frustration are unable to find catharsis through playing buzzard unleash so now they just hit you in the face.
I kind of like the hunter nerf, it actually made my hunter deck stronger since now so many classes that flood the board are back. Unleash for board clear or for a 10ish damage finisher with timber wolf is nice.
Deathrattle Hunter is pretty fun, but it has some key weaknesses that frustrated me while I played with it. 1. The deck is annoyingly weak to swipe because of Webspinners, animal companions (Misha/Leokk have 4hp), and Haunted Creeper. I can't tell you how many games I had where I lose tremendous tempo because the Druid sets up an amazing Swipe. 2. The deck is ridiculously weak to Shadow Madness and Cabal Shadowpriest. The deck just has too many goodies to steal; Harvest Golems, Mad Scientists, Web Spinner, Haunted Creeper, Undertaker, etc. Unlike with Shaman, where I can stall and usually the Priest settles with stealing a 0/2 totem, Hunter has no defense for the steals. 3. The deck generally struggles a ton versus Zoo unless I play an explosive trap (which I only run one of). It's still fun to play though. Maybe I'll try laddering with it later when I have free time.
I dunno about that Myzenan. Deathrattle Hunter gets to enjoy really good secrets from Mad Scientist, His Haunted Creepers can get buffed by Houndmasters, and they have Savannah Highmanes, which are one of the best deathrattle minions in the game. Eaglehorn Bow is really good, and Deadly shots are one of the best removal cards out there. Comparing deathrattle Hunter to deathrattle priest, I'd say Priest wins just because of Cabal Shadow Priest being so strong. idk about deathrattle Shaman. I don't think that deck is that amazing and it's usually weak to explosive trap. Secrets Mage is incredibly bad versus the new hunter simply because Hunters have flare. A good flare ruins everything.
Please upload more of these constructed games, everyone's streaming arena-runs.
And most people just play Warrior as I find boring to look at.
Ty for uploading this! =)
Trump your content honestly makes my days so much better.
Oh my lord that Shadow Madness + Thoughtsteal wombo combo vs the first mage was fantastic.
28:17 Look at my hand, my hand is amazing! Cit. The amazing horse...LoL!
Give it a lick;
Hmm, it tastes just like value
Could the editor of these Video's please put in the description when the video was filmed, like the general week, just so we can see if the deck is worth using in the current meta the dayt it goes up?
Meta can change within a day - and since these are obviously not live even if the description said "played today" you could still encounter a different meta game. I've said several times that all time-relevant content like constructed is generally uploaded within a week - most of the time earlier - from the date it was streamed.
The only exception is F2P where this is impossible.
~ Jens
Trump Would it be cool if you could just put the date of the stream in there? Would be helpful especially when i like to dig through videos and see what decks ran during what meta.
cupcakekevin The "put the date in the description" request pops up every once in a while. I won't. I actually used to in the very beginning but Trump told me not to. I will be honest - seeing "played 3 days ago" in a freshly released video can put people off. Nobody would do that on UA-cam - I personally watch the YogsCast and some of the videos they release are seriously old - doesn't impact the viewing experience very much though. Actually not having "this video is old" rubbed in your face might improve the experience.
I also literally see no practical reason for this. The games in this video were played 4 days ago so there you go. That doesn't help anyone in their meta decision - you will always have to try the deck and see if it works for you in the meta environment you encounter.
EDIT: edited to clarify some points
~ Jens
I think trump doesn't want people to know how much money he is making with just one day of work or how long he have to play heartstone for "youtube" a day or a week maybe or something like that. Its only my guess.
matchwk probably not enough if he had to be sponsored to change his potato.
Opinions on my Control Paladin? I got to rank 5, but now I literally hit a brick wall:
Equality 2x
Holy Light 2x
Pyro 2x
Harvest Golem 2x
Peacekeeper 2x
BGH 1x
True Silver 2x
Hammer 1x
Consecration 2x
Azure Drake 2x
Kodo 1x
Sludge 2x
Black Knight
Sunwalker 1x
Guardian of Kings 2x
Thanks :)
You have a lot of board wipe, paired with a lot of healing. It sounds like you are anti-aggro, but you wont be able to deal with control as consistently as you'd like to climb higher.
I would suggest removing a Guardian for a lay on hands, then remove 1 holy light for maybe another hammer. It looks like your deck would want to fish out that equality combo asap, to cover for its mid-late weighted design, so it's going to need more card draw to both achieve that and give you more options as the game progresses.
I don't know, just an observation.
Swap a Guardian for Sylvanas or Harrison and swap a holy light for a farseer
Or if you still keep hitting that brick wall, guymaker is the right choice
Vault Boy
The deck looks fine to me otherwise, but I would concider taking out 1 holy light for 1 more Kodo to go with your other Peacekeeper. With this you can concider taking out your lone BGH and replacing it with a Harrison, or something.
In the end, best way to create a deck is to tip your toe in, see what works and what doesn't and change the deck 1, or 2 cards at a time. No big overhauls after just 1 game no matter how frustrated you felt about it.
I agree with what he said, it all depends on what you encounter the most
King kept armoring up wrong
"That's not just lethal, that's hilarious lethal." Haha agreed!
I was wondering why I've seen this before, and then I realised I saw your stream
Why does he run one golden Cabal? I thought Trump only used normal types unless he had an all-gold deck, I know he doesn't have a second but he can get one relatively easy. And from my knowledge he's got no plans for F2P so that can't be a reason... Ehh, just a question, he can do whatever he wants I'm just curious.
Edit: The question was answered, thank you for your information.
CommanderShaker Learn to read entire comments, please.
Surprise !! He probably doesn't want to use the valuable dust to craft it the second normal Shadow Priest
I was wondering that too, he could just craft another normal one, if he cared about saving dust he wouldn't still have 3 BGHs.
I heard he has 5+ copies of some cards, I don't think dust is an issue for him, especially since he basically has every card in the game.
Surprise !! why do you waste 400 dust on a card you already have
I would like him to try Forsen Priest deck, which I personally find more interesting. It doesn't run anything that combos with Circle of Healing (including Auchenai) but in many respects it's more consistent, especially in the mirror matchup.
Trump, is there no way to squeeze Hogger into those decks? That looks to me, like a good card for these decks.
Hogger can be taken out just too easily. Cairne would be so much better. Hogger was my first legendary, I think, and it's only really useful when your opponent is top decking. Sunwalker 4/5 with a divine shield tends to be better since Hogger almost never lives more than a turn.
Hogger is too strong to be allowed to live for more than 1 turn. Thus it becomes a glorified Silverhand Knight.
Non Sen Silver Hand Knight > Hogger :P
It costs 1 less and generally does the exact same thing, so I would agree.
Hogger is only better when you're winning already anyway, so... it's just redundant.
You are all assuming it can be dealt with right away. Why not use it after the opponents direct damage stuff has been eaten up by Carrie and the like.
Hogger beats any creature 1 on 1 'cept Ysera (also likely to lose vs Ragnaros). It ties with Baron Geddon (if played first), Sylvanas and Tirion Fordring (gets eaten by weapon charge).
Edit: It also ties with Windfury Harpy if Hogger is played second, forgot about that one for a sec.
Edit2: It should also be a good card to force a Flamestrike and the like.
First game with the priest when you used pyro / thoughtsteal, you should have played pyro, circled and then thoughtstole.
The Circle triggers last
Essal Hawk Pyro's card text reads: AFTER you cast a spell deal deal 1 dmg to all minions, so no, circle would trigger first, followed by pyro.
Essal Hawk it doesnt
It dosnt? Sometimes it does, other times it dosnt! :D
Essal Hawk it never does lol, circle always goes off then the pyro
23 card pickup, what a clever name.
Does anyone know where I can find the image used for the tooltip picture for the video? That priest-image is great.
Anyone else facing an unusually large amount of hand-locks on the ladder right now?
Not that I mind, just curious if it's just my match-ups.
Yeah. It's back, for sure.
Its because the only popular deck which counterd handlock was hunter...
I switched to handlock because with that deck i have the most winrate against warlock rush.
Seriously im rank 8 and from rank 15 to 8 every other game is full face rush warlock ...zzz...
BlackScytheLP Control paladin says hi
Paulo Belchior 1. I was talking about Popular decks , I see control paladin 1 in like 20 games at rank 1-5
2.Paladin cries if he doesnt draw equality.
That thoughtsteal for lethal lol
Good lord that control warrior made me sad. I mean seriously, executing a wild pyro? What's the world coming to? And every time he armoured up before he hit with a weapon I died a little inside.
Can someone explain how his opponent got a 2nd Sylvanas at 14:00 ? Can't have more than 1 legendary in constructed right? Did I miss smth here?
Feels weird to watch this on stream and then on youtube.
You surely value your time)
Anybody else having this issue or is it just me ? When i watch trumps videos at 720p it goes all blurry. The text is almost unreadable.
i have a AMD processor, and a AMD graphic card. If this helps.
Its beacause Jens(The editor) Upload then from twitch tv and sometimes the quality is quite bad
Mairon Mantovani I don't think the Twitch quality is this bad. The videos are fine 720p is by no means "all blurry" and the text should be quite readable.
Can't give you any technical help since I never encountered a problem like that. The only time I get bad quality is when I upload videos at the same time I watch something and the quality auto-sets to 144p or something.
~ Jens
Ok then Jens :)
Mairon Mantovani But the thing is Jens has always uploaded from twitch, and i haven't had this problem before. i think it might be my laptop. i will just return this pc for another one with an intel processer
It could be compression or something?
Trump made a mistake at 6:40, he should've played wild pyromaster, circle of healing, then thoughtsteal for the board wipe.
Wasn't the first game mostly lost due to being a bit too greedy with your board clear? Kept looking like you were waiting for more value that never got better, the juggler and charge minions did everything.
On the left side of the screen, he has a panel of which cards he still has left in his deck, can you really have that?? Or did he just put it there while editing? It has been going around in my mind for MONTHS... please answer c:
cool haircut man.
Trump senpai why do you use a golden cabal shadow priest? i thought you dont like it when your cards dont look the same.
All that talk about his going to China makes me really sad that he missed his flight. I feel so bad for him. :(((
I dont even care that aggro zoo deck was beyond sexy
I am trying to understand why he named the priest Kibler from Brian Kibler, plz explain
Anyone else realize the awesomeness of beating Garrosh with double Cairne?
Lore wise, I mean. XD
14:17 lethal!
For you guys who have played starcraft 2, which one is harder to get ? Grandmaster league in sc2 or legend in hearthstone ? I know the games doesn't compare but im wondering, which game has the highest skill cap ?
It's definitely the starcraft 2 one. To get to legend in hearthstone only requires to max out your stars after rank 1, and there's thousands of people who do it each season. While in starcraft 2 the grandmaster league is only the top 200 players, which creates a large skill difference.
So without any arguments of "which is the harder game" coming in (where i'd lean towards starcraft generally imo), Grandmaster league is kind of like top 16 hearthstone legend, not just hearthstone legend in general.
awesomewin1337 Very complete answer ^^ Im agree with you =D
I don't know why but it always bothers me that trump never chooses his golden cards, is there a reason for this or does he just pick the first card he sees?
Probably a dumb question but can someone tell me how zombie chow is good for aggro? No hate replies please I'm just curious, I'm a bit new to the game.
Im very proud of my druid deck right now it does very good : i play divine shield (argent squire and the 3/1) Harvest Golem and other minions that Stick to the Board and then i Soul of the Forest and get a Ton of 2/2s
Those decks are always fun, probably a lot better now. Especially if you toss haunted creeper or something like that in as well.
I'm assuming you're using savage roar since you'd be able to amass minions pretty easily I imagine.
i am but i only have one right now :/ im trying to get force of nature as well but its just really hard because i spent all my gold on naxx
lol,I bet that druid was mad because you were taking so long to make your move.
I thought the 23 card pickup Paladin deck was named because it ran seven legendaries, and there are 30 cards in a deck.. Is that just a coincidence? xD
It's the fact that there were 23 unique cards in the deck, and only 7 cards were a copy of another.
Holy fire is really missing from the priest deck.
There are even reasons to have only 1 SW:D ? I don't think that a 'dead' card against aggro decks make much of a difference while only 1 copy of this removal does against control matchups.. is actually 1 SW:D and 1 Mind Control enough? (i mean.. if Trump thinks so probably yes but i'm not convinced.. xD)
Owh ok, i toss in a BGH, i guess it fits.. i really should have watched the entire video before posting a comment
Look at my hand, my hand is amazing!
Look at my hand
"My hand is amazing"
Give it a lick.
Hmm, It tastes just like raisins!
(If you know what I mean)
Is it better to just play Gore Hound,or play Gore Hound and then swaps stats with Crazed Alchemist?
Well , the best thing is not to play Core hound , but always remember : a 5-9 will always be better thana 9-5 ^^
BlackScytheLP *almost always
(If you have a tundra rhino out the 9/5 coming down is terrifying for your opponents, though admittedly that doesn't happen enough to make it worth running)
w1q2e3r4t5 If I had rhino up , I´d hit face than swap , but thats a given one.
Good Stuff
Why u don't put the golden cards in your deck?
Did tournament already happen
Wait, would a chow soul priest combo work?
Yes, because the Chow's effect is considerd as healing.
I wonder if in this new season Hunters will still attempt their decks. After all, anticipating that the decks will be terrible does not compare to actually having it occur.
Of course they will, hell they are, do you know how many hunters there are still out there? It's insane
chow + alchenai = 5 mana mind blast + board control + saiyan healing
Could some of you guys help with some arena tips. I usually just pick the general better card (only recently have i began looking at my costs) but my highest has been 5 wins. Plz reply, i cant cuz im on tablet but if you do answer me it is greatly appreciated. Yes you in the red shirt.
1 pick a class u know the most and play the most, if don't get him/her pick ur favorite out of the 3.
2 try to get low mana minion and high mana minion
3 don't pick deathwing
4 goodluck
There are a few things to look for in arena.
1. Card Quality - This means to pay attention to how good a card is individually.
2. Synergy - Look at the way cards can combine.
3. Mana costs - Look at your curve, make sure you don't have all your minions be 4 drops or anything like that.
Is this video from the actual season?
Can one actually put his deck card list at the side while playing, or trump just edits that?
14:20 missed lethal
Sometimes I am really lucky at this game but sometimes I have no words for how unlucky I am. Played a game as zoo and opponent played leroy while i had a knife juggler and it got killed (very lucky). Played 2 games as freeze Mage and both games the last 2 cards where ice block so i lost both.
will i destroyed a shaman with 30 health and had full board control and i only had 4 health, freeze mage is the best it needs alextrazsa tho
I play a ,age deck that relies on Ice Block to survive too. Mad Scientist is the glue that made that deck stable. It doesn't matter if the Ice blocks end up at the bottom if you fetch them with mad scientist (I only play 3 secrets, 2 of them ice block).
I still don't get why Trump does not use golden cards. They are so shinyyy
when do you get gold yeti?
Why you pick not golden cards?
Why doesnt he use the golden versions of the cards?
14:20 Trump misses lethal! shadow madness manna wurm then power word shield then doble circle. why Trump?
oh my i have to watch the whole video.....
is anyone else having problems in arena? at start of match i choose the cards i want to discard and the comp is throwing away the cards i kept, totally screwing me out of arena wins -_-
Lethal missed 14:15
why without golden mind control????(((
Trump's idea is "all gold or not gold" the only reason he has a golden cabal shadow priest is because he only has two priests, one gold and one non gold.
well trump you have to stay practiced if you want to make it next year
remove 1 cobal for 1 black knight? :D
Why does Trump use normal cards instead of using gold cards?
No F2P this season...? :(
He said he would do a F2P hunter deck. But, you know, with the Buzzard nerf... Unviable.
Kaleb Carvalho hunters have not been nerfed that mutch. they only lose their carddraw potential but that can be replaced
starfire 23 Oh really? So please show me a deck that works in the ladder (no sarcasm)
Kaleb Carvalho I think the #1 ranked legend on the NA server played hunter last month.
Edit: I don't think he was #1 by the end of the month, but he made it to #1 four days after the hunter nerf.
Zodroc Yeah that was before the nerf ti hunter
in which server Trump play?
how do so many people who don't like playing hearthstone get to such a high rank?
lol he did not have leathel ???
why doesnt he play with golden cards?
I dont have the legendary :(
Why did he take one golden Cabal ?
Hè doesn't have a second normal one
thank you !
Why doesn't he use undertaker in the deck?
He wants a more control oriented deck and not an aggro one, it's his preferred play style. Plus the undertaker priest deck runs a few other deathrattle cards.
Still feel like 8 deathrattles should be more than enough for an undertaker, i might be wrong and i wont say that he can't play the deck like that. Imo tho i think i would prefer to throw something out to get in 2 undertakers.
Oh yeah he definitely could run some, but at the same time since he prefers the controll-y aspect of it... Plus the deathrattle minions are for the most part higher drops. Undertaker can be good as a light, cheap minion (I mean a 2/3 for 1 is great), but for early game it's not so good with only 4 deathrattles. It works better in a priest deck where you have loot hoarders in as well for another early game boost.
Can someone tell why trump dont pick golden cards? Theyre are more focused?
He once said he'd only pick golden cards if he could make the entire deck consist of golden cards. He's that kind of guy.
He doesn't like the inconsistency of having some gold, some regular cards
Trump is one of those people that doesn't like to mix foil and non-foil cards in a deck. He's said before that he only wants to use golden cards if he has golden versions for all the cards in the deck.
It's cuz Trump is a derp. Golden Thoughtsteals are basically the sole reason I play priest, and golden Webspinners are the sole reason I play Hunter post Buzzard nerf.
lkjkhfggd Dont forget about mind visions
How come trump never uses golden cards in constructed?
Why always Auchenai Soulpriest? I find that card so overrated... It depends of many factors to be useful... And i think you'll have more space to run other cards more consisten than the Auchenai Soulpriest+circle of healing combo.
Trump, Why do you never use golden cards?
doesnt trump like gold cards?
Trump why don't u put golden cards ?
So wait, did Trump invent this Priest deck or did someone else?
This deck archetype has been around for a long time. This is simply Trump's version of the deck.
Fluffletoes The Gnome Ahh. What kind of archetype?
Mineboost Control
Mineboost Don't even think there's a name for it. It's looks like a tempo deck with lots of value trading into things. Unless someone has a better name for this, I'm just gonna cross my hands
Benjamin Thi It's definitely control. The description you gave fits Deathrattle Priest, but not this one.
Why Does Trump Not Use Gold Cards?
looks at my hand, my hand is amazing, give it a lick, mmmhh it tastes like victory...
There are tons of super aggro decks not because all of the people with pent up sexual frustration are unable to find catharsis through playing buzzard unleash so now they just hit you in the face.
I kind of like the hunter nerf, it actually made my hunter deck stronger since now so many classes that flood the board are back. Unleash for board clear or for a 10ish damage finisher with timber wolf is nice.
Look at my hand my hand is amazing give it a leak...
TSM worlds
"There is no missed lethal, only hilarious bm" Trump 2014
Its not missed lethal, ita just hillarious bm. Trump 2014.
Trump is really lucky!
will everyone is lucky in this game
Picks all ugly cards when he has golden ones.
Trump everyone.
Anyone Who Says Hunter Is Dead Theyre Wrong Because Theres Still My Deathrattle Hunter And Secret Hunter
Why all capital letters? xD Hunter isn't dead it got interesting again. Watch day9's video about the new hunter looks pretty sweet
ya raped a hunter like that with my mage and only had 4 health :P
Here is a clue freez mage
Deathrattle Hunter is pretty fun, but it has some key weaknesses that frustrated me while I played with it.
1. The deck is annoyingly weak to swipe because of Webspinners, animal companions (Misha/Leokk have 4hp), and Haunted Creeper. I can't tell you how many games I had where I lose tremendous tempo because the Druid sets up an amazing Swipe.
2. The deck is ridiculously weak to Shadow Madness and Cabal Shadowpriest. The deck just has too many goodies to steal; Harvest Golems, Mad Scientists, Web Spinner, Haunted Creeper, Undertaker, etc. Unlike with Shaman, where I can stall and usually the Priest settles with stealing a 0/2 totem, Hunter has no defense for the steals.
3. The deck generally struggles a ton versus Zoo unless I play an explosive trap (which I only run one of).
It's still fun to play though. Maybe I'll try laddering with it later when I have free time.
I dunno about that Myzenan. Deathrattle Hunter gets to enjoy really good secrets from Mad Scientist, His Haunted Creepers can get buffed by Houndmasters, and they have Savannah Highmanes, which are one of the best deathrattle minions in the game. Eaglehorn Bow is really good, and Deadly shots are one of the best removal cards out there.
Comparing deathrattle Hunter to deathrattle priest, I'd say Priest wins just because of Cabal Shadow Priest being so strong.
idk about deathrattle Shaman. I don't think that deck is that amazing and it's usually weak to explosive trap.
Secrets Mage is incredibly bad versus the new hunter simply because Hunters have flare. A good flare ruins everything.
I just beat a high ranked control mage playing regs with a shitty warrior deck, what a scrub. I hate mages.
did whisp comment yet? cause i swear he comments on every video with at least 90 likes
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