TheAmberFang To be fair didn't most people say that before muster was released? He probably would be a lot worse without it. Even as it is he's not quite as good as he seems because pally has no way to make him act right away or anything so he's even weaker to silence than Fordring. Still, I'll definitely use him when I get him and fordring>finniky cloakshield>blessed champion one hit KO could be a hilarious troll combo :P
HammerspaceCreature I'm pretty sure Muster for Battle was revealed before Bolvar was. People were just thinking he'd be bad because he could be silenced and that he's way too slow if you topdeck him later, but he definitely seems like a powerful legitimate threat a lot of the time for control paladin: if your opponent can't deal with him, they can just die, and if they do deal with him, it could be harder to deal with the other threats.
All completely valid points :) I never said he was bad, especially for that mana cost, just that realistically he's not actually going to be hitting your opponent for 15 damage per turn very often. And if the bit about the muster combo is as you say I stand corrected, I just couldn't be bothered looking it up :p
I just had a nostalgia-gasm when Bolvar was played. "Come forth coward... (And answer for your crimes!)" along with the Stormwind music. I love the Wrathgate cinematic.
My deckbuilding was extremely limited but i had alot of fun with a Goblin Blastmage deck with minions like Dragonling mechanic that summons another minion and brewmasters to replay things, especially the blast mage.
MugiHasDeclined Really? I don't play that many Blizzard games. I mainly play Hearthstone, Starcraft, and Heroes of The Storm. Could you give me some examples of the Paladin nerfs?
Finally a paladin video! there has been too many handlock videos here... I hope to see trump play Troggzor in some deck,I love that card's just so good to see the enemy reaction when they go for removal and troggs start coming out of the woodwork. Also Still need to get those quartermasters to try this "quartermuster"(credits go to Halloween137)-combo myself....well also Bolvar...and shredders and....
I would take out the shielded minibots for an owl and a knife juggler. Silence is pretty much mandatory nowadays and u can get a lot of value from knife juggler+muster
Just curiously, I have seen Trump go through his card collection and he basically has all golden versions of cards. He never seems to play with them though? This isn't arena, he has specifically constructed decks without gold's. Anyone know why?
Iv been having a lot of trouble deciding what class is best for budget right now. I really want to paladin I just don't own a single legendary xD Love the vids keep it up!
In these videos it really looks like Trump really likes the new paladin cards :D (How could someone not? I mean you get so many dudes, Mechs who summon other minions...much value!)
The GvG cards seemed fun on paper. Not enjoying them at all in game, though. Sounds ironic, but I think they actually made the game simpler... Like a "first player to drop their obligatory snowball card wins," sort of thing, especially now that they added a whole new array of control cards to effectively seal the deal once you're ahead. I'm probably just salty because I've already faced a buttload of pay-to-win GvG decks, but that aside, it just doesn't feel as fun anymore.
If you ever are lucky enough to get this combo in arena, it does soooo much work. Muster alone is a great play on turn 3, and if you never find a good time to Muster, you can just save the combo for turn 8 (or turn 10 for an extra 3/3), and against all classes except Mage (because of Flamestrike) and possibly Warlock (because of Hellfire), you just win the game with it. 3 3/3s and a 2/5 are just too many things to deal with neatly all at once, especially if you've been keeping the opponent's board nice and clear. The combo alone didn't get me to twelve wins, but it did get me a pretty good score of 8-3.
I really enjoyed this deck! Please do more. I know it may be a bit dependant on board state, but how about that on gnome that puts random abilities on all your guys?
I was thinking like...please do not summon a guy's a trap! Could have cleared everything with consecrate, if he had just been a little more patient...sigh
People seem to think Quartermaster is a persistent effect. I had a guy concede a game that was in my favor, but certainly not, over after I played QM.. I think I was probably only about 75% to win at that point..and it was Arena. If I recall the scenario correctly, I had played Muster, then QM the next turn, cleared his board, had my QM 2/5, 1 token 3/3, I had 2 cards in hand, he had 3..We were both approaching the final 3rd of our decks.. and I was up 15 to 9 health.. The only thing I could imagine was that he thought he couldn't take out QM and I was going to keep pumping out 3/3s.
wow, I JUST watched this video, then went to play hearthstone and the first guy i was matched up with had pretty much the exact same deck as trump did here and i lost to the quartermaster muster combo( not instantly but it took way too many cards to stabilize the board and he had a huge card advantage while i was just top-decking in the end)
I don't completely blame the Shaman for misunderstanding the card at the end there. Granted he should have paid more attention, but not knowing the card happens. I didn't know a single GvG card until the free Arena hit, and even then wasn't until release that I bothered to look at most of them at all.
It's fun how often it happens, I only have 1 Quartermaster and was always able to upgrade at least 3 recruits, because they tend to survive several turns after the Muster.
Quartermuster seems really...real... Now, I liked old control pally until it became nearly useless. Hopefully this one stays strong for a while, or at least by time I get the cards :P
Wasn't the whole crux with paladin that they didn't have enough reliable earlygame? Isn't that exactly what the Shielded Mini Bot is? I'm surprised that that is the one card Trump is hesitant about.
You have to understand that while shielded mini bot is amazing, a simple 2/3 or zoo 1/3 taunt will negate his usefulness. I also believe he is very good but I can see his weakness.
Rorik That's why you buff him/take a Hand of Protection. People truly underestimate the usefulness of HoP, I can't tell you how many times I've made disgusting trades with that thing + Blessing of Might. Those two, and Blessing of Kings are staples in all my Paladin decks because of how useful they are.
Zilenan91 But look at his deck here, doesn't it look so much stronger compared to a single blessing-shielded bot combo you got there? Actually almost everything in the game is perfect with blessing anyway so I don't see why you're so excited about it
TRUMP PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE DO A PIRATE DECK. The new GvG pirate cards are so much fun and I would LOVE to see a pirate deck. Rogue, warrior, pally IDC. I just want to see it !!!!!!!! maybe even make a road to legend series with it, or SOMETHING. I just want to see it :DD.
Nooo, we missed the rare Trump BM to the conceding Druid. I gotta admit, the way people were talking about Bolvar made me perhaps too skeptical. In a slow game he can really get going. That was a pretty impressive guy after Trump held him there.
I always hoped there would be some card that searches a certain card in your deck and puts it in your hand(Golden Sarcophagus in Yugioh), so you can complete that one piece of the puzzle you are missing. In this deck's case, Bolvar. But I guess that would be way too OP for Hearthstone.
Well, it depends. In the case of Gold Sarc, you have to wait 3 turns to get the card (I guess technically 2, since it adds on Standby), so something like that could be implemented in Hearthstone, especially if your opponent got to see what the card was when you picked it. That card specifically actually probably wouldn't be played much in Hearthstone because it would be too slow, but it really just depends on the meta.
C9R9D Heh. Helpoemer would never happen, because the effect that discards the opponent's hand was deemed "un-fun/frustrating" by Blizz, which is why they never implemented such an effect.
KJH Another thing which is vastly different about "hand discarding" in Yugioh is that given the nature of the game, the graveyard is more like another pool of cards you can go use rather than cards which are gone and never coming back.
If Bolvar gets more popular, then every deck will run a silence, and 20 turns into the game, there's a very great chance the enemy has drawn a silence of some kind. Not possible.
Thallanar Rabidtooth Yes, keep Bolvar in your hand, wait till he is a 30/7, then watch your opponent dominate the rest of the game and use either of these cards: - Naturalize - Poison Seeds - Keeper of the Grove - Starfire/Swipe/Starfall + Wrath - Hunter's Mark + any damage spell or charge minion in the game - Freezing Trap - Beast + Kill Command - Explosive Shot/Arcane Shot - Misdirection (BM deluxe) - Snipe + Almost any spell or charge creature or taunt - Actually many taunts + a low damage spell - Deadly Shot - Gladiator's Longbow + any damage spell or charge - King Crush - Any mage spell or combo...and fireblast...absolutely useless - Mirror Entity lol - Polymorph - Eye for an eye even... - Humility - Repentance or Equality + any charge or noble sacrifice or spell - Any silence - Inner Fire - Shadow Word Death - Mass Dispel - Holy Fire + Smite - Sap - Rogue combos - Assassinate - Vanish - Earth Shock - Hex - Siphon Soul - Twisting Nether - Other Warlock spell combos - Damage + Execute - Crazed Alchemist - Big Game Hunter - etc. Ofc, many of those cards are not run right now, but even without those, every class has enough ways to deal with Bolvar, which is a dead hand for quite a while. You have to draw into it, then also favourably trade, get all removal out of your opponent and then hope to play it to finish him off, but if you can play it this way you are probably already winning and Bolvar is useless once again. I would rather change him for a lot of other cards. An Enhanco-Mechano would be a neat combo with the Muster/CTA combo.imagine you can play this all from turn 4-6 for example, and you get 3 or 4 guys + the QM with possibly shield or WF (or taunt...bah). Relying on Bolvar is meh. It's a gimmick card. Not like fucking Kel Thuzad. I'm surprised I don't see that card more often...would also work really well with all the guys and muster shit...
Trump, please make a F2P paladin series please. I would love to see one since paladin is overpowered with muster for battle and quartermaster. I've been waiting for so long since the last F2P.
He called the deck inferior...which quality wise it was. You can still lose to bad decks. I almost won a game today that I built almost entirely out of random mage spells, just to get the daily for 40 spells done extremely quickly...and I was 1 turn away from beating a, there's that. Even bad decks and players win games.
Come on trump! Where are the videos? I really enjoy chilling out at the end of a day watching one of your long videos. Maybe youre having more internet problems I dont know. More uploads would be awesome :)
Should I craft sneed's or sylvanas? my main is preist but I want to play all classes and I think sneed's is a bit slow currently I have grommash and cenarius. (also thinking about crafting vol'jin)
If you're maining priest, Sylvannas and Vol'jin are both amazing right now. I'd personally say Sylvannas over Vol'jin, but I also haven't really gotten to play around with Vol'jin yet.
I wish Muster for Battle played "Reporting for Duty" layered three times over
EXACTLY!!! wtf was blizzard thinking!?
it does if you play knife juggler first
It does if you have knife juggler.
Well met would be better
You deserve so many likes right now
I prefer the MUSTERSQUAD ;)
I kinda like the Mustardmaster, but just my opinion :D
irontensu Mustardsquad?
I prefer gay orgy, all the men, just giving them the sword
mhm..lets go with that
oh man the quarter master call to arms combo. its even better than i thought it would be.
Imagine a knife juggler in the combo.
David Freitas for realz. too guud.
David Freitas That's why I have Knife Jugglers! :)
Aggro Paladin has never been more real. Or at least a Zoo-like Paladin deck With Muster, Juggler, Shielded Minibots and Quartermaster.
Please keep pally videos coming, I love this!
Pally sucks on ladder, Blizz can't fix that.
I'm sure they will, Trump played this deck on stream for a good few days.
i've played pally to legendary, a lot of people on't know how to deal with some decks
Omg that bolvar animation tho.
And that 15 attack power. And people were thinking he was bad, but those Musters and Piloted mechs buff up his attack so quickly lol
TheAmberFang To be fair didn't most people say that before muster was released? He probably would be a lot worse without it. Even as it is he's not quite as good as he seems because pally has no way to make him act right away or anything so he's even weaker to silence than Fordring. Still, I'll definitely use him when I get him and fordring>finniky cloakshield>blessed champion one hit KO could be a hilarious troll combo :P
HammerspaceCreature I'm pretty sure Muster for Battle was revealed before Bolvar was. People were just thinking he'd be bad because he could be silenced and that he's way too slow if you topdeck him later, but he definitely seems like a powerful legitimate threat a lot of the time for control paladin: if your opponent can't deal with him, they can just die, and if they do deal with him, it could be harder to deal with the other threats.
All completely valid points :) I never said he was bad, especially for that mana cost, just that realistically he's not actually going to be hitting your opponent for 15 damage per turn very often. And if the bit about the muster combo is as you say I stand corrected, I just couldn't be bothered looking it up :p
TheAmberFang as a priest when i play against a Pala i always save SW:D till the end
I think the most overpowered GvG combo is wild pyro muster for battle.
I love both the animation of the Quartermaster and it's effect, really nice.
I just had a nostalgia-gasm when Bolvar was played. "Come forth coward... (And answer for your crimes!)" along with the Stormwind music. I love the Wrathgate cinematic.
As a Pally player and advocate of justice, Muster + Quarter is so so great. I can finally win games way before turn 20! Its beautiful :')
My deckbuilding was extremely limited but i had alot of fun with a Goblin Blastmage deck with minions like Dragonling mechanic that summons another minion and brewmasters to replay things, especially the blast mage.
The Quartermaster dream is real right now!
Alvanix Yeah Buddy!!!!
Quaterdudes, always dudes.
MugiHasDeclined Yeah. They did sort of neuter Miracle by nerfing Leeroy and Gadgetzan. It's still viable, but less so.
MugiHasDeclined Really? I don't play that many Blizzard games. I mainly play Hearthstone, Starcraft, and Heroes of The Storm. Could you give me some examples of the Paladin nerfs?
Harrison Jones hitting a Lights Justice, one of the seven seals of Hearthstone hell has just been broken.
Finally a paladin video! there has been too many handlock videos here...
I hope to see trump play Troggzor in some deck,I love that card's just so good to see the enemy reaction when they go for removal and troggs start coming out of the woodwork.
Also Still need to get those quartermasters to try this "quartermuster"(credits go to Halloween137)-combo myself....well also Bolvar...and shredders and....
Love to see Paladin kick some ass. Another fun one to try is control paladin with the mustard combo and seal of light :)
Bolvar's play effect is insane. Dat lion roar.
15:50 Behold the TRUE might of Stormwind!
i wanna craft this card just cause i fucking love the animation and music
Will DobinsonMedia did you craft it?
***** I did, but i rarely play the game anymore
Will DobinsonMedia cool ;>
I would take out the shielded minibots for an owl and a knife juggler. Silence is pretty much mandatory nowadays and u can get a lot of value from knife juggler+muster
Finally gameplay of this deck! Great video
Damn, Bolvar's summoning animation gave me chills!
Awesome deck, ive been trying out a similar build and my only losses so far in constructed has been to mages
I love the deck names in the description xD
Just curiously, I have seen Trump go through his card collection and he basically has all golden versions of cards. He never seems to play with them though? This isn't arena, he has specifically constructed decks without gold's. Anyone know why?
He wants to either have a deck with no golden cards, or all golden cards.
It's been a long time since I've seen Trump so excited playing Constructed. SUPER happy this expansion came out. =)
Finally. I've been waiting so long for your videos.
Iv been having a lot of trouble deciding what class is best for budget right now. I really want to paladin I just don't own a single legendary xD Love the vids keep it up!
In these videos it really looks like Trump really likes the new paladin cards :D (How could someone not? I mean you get so many dudes, Mechs who summon other minions...much value!)
The GvG cards seemed fun on paper. Not enjoying them at all in game, though. Sounds ironic, but I think they actually made the game simpler... Like a "first player to drop their obligatory snowball card wins," sort of thing, especially now that they added a whole new array of control cards to effectively seal the deal once you're ahead. I'm probably just salty because I've already faced a buttload of pay-to-win GvG decks, but that aside, it just doesn't feel as fun anymore.
25:33 THAT EARTHSHOCK :'D u totally confuse him trump GG (poor shaman)
If you ever are lucky enough to get this combo in arena, it does soooo much work. Muster alone is a great play on turn 3, and if you never find a good time to Muster, you can just save the combo for turn 8 (or turn 10 for an extra 3/3), and against all classes except Mage (because of Flamestrike) and possibly Warlock (because of Hellfire), you just win the game with it. 3 3/3s and a 2/5 are just too many things to deal with neatly all at once, especially if you've been keeping the opponent's board nice and clear. The combo alone didn't get me to twelve wins, but it did get me a pretty good score of 8-3.
Even with frostwolf warlord I can see good potential combo.
3 1/1s and a 7/7 at turn 8.
Rorik Or you can just Onyxia for much better effect for one more mana
Thank you Trump for this deck. It's pretty amazing.
The description made me think of the battle block theater song
25:24 QUOTE: "Finally a card which justifies My Love for guys?..."
i started running 2 owl 1-2 spellbreaker depending on deck /class etc now because of all these good silence targets
I am so happy to see control Hunter again.
I really enjoyed this deck! Please do more. I know it may be a bit dependant on board state, but how about that on gnome that puts random abilities on all your guys?
Quartermaster: To arms men!
Tirion: Don't test me child!
Me: O.O
Wow that First game, Living dat QuarterMaster Dream !
I think, right now, the only weakness of that combo is that it's plain as day to see coming. Well, it SHOULD be now...
the weapon-guy combo is sick
Aah, why did it have to be snakes?
Well played Trump xD
I was thinking like...please do not summon a guy's a trap! Could have cleared everything with consecrate, if he had just been a little more patient...sigh
22:50 ............ The thing is, that works on many people I've seen play and they'd just concede
2:10 Trump was ACTUALLY upset, it's hilarious.
Hi Trump , will you create more good Decks like this one using the GvG cards? This one is pretty damn good!
People seem to think Quartermaster is a persistent effect. I had a guy concede a game that was in my favor, but certainly not, over after I played QM.. I think I was probably only about 75% to win at that point..and it was Arena. If I recall the scenario correctly, I had played Muster, then QM the next turn, cleared his board, had my QM 2/5, 1 token 3/3, I had 2 cards in hand, he had 3..We were both approaching the final 3rd of our decks.. and I was up 15 to 9 health.. The only thing I could imagine was that he thought he couldn't take out QM and I was going to keep pumping out 3/3s.
This paladin deck looks SO strong I'd love to have all the cards and play it :( I won't be surprised if legend players use for going rank 1
Replace Minibot with Panda? 2 drop that allows you to reuse both quarter master and Peacekeeper in late game.
*Puts lorewalker cho in deck*
wow, I JUST watched this video, then went to play hearthstone and the first guy i was matched up with had pretty much the exact same deck as trump did here and i lost to the quartermaster muster combo( not instantly but it took way too many cards to stabilize the board and he had a huge card advantage while i was just top-decking in the end)
That deck is sick I only need like all of the cards -.-
Haha I love the description. No more zoo, handlocks, etc..
This deck... SO MUCH VALUE!
I am building this deck... Seems awesome oOo
23:08 first time i saw trump not go for exact lethal
That Bolvar animation looks really cool.
yeah and guess what? it doesn't belong in a museum
6:45; insert druid of the fang sounds
I like looking back at the meta, trump being unsure if he thinks shielded minibot is worth playing, while Lil Exorsist apparently is a great card.
New content, no trump for three days, I'm getting the shakes here.
I don't completely blame the Shaman for misunderstanding the card at the end there. Granted he should have paid more attention, but not knowing the card happens. I didn't know a single GvG card until the free Arena hit, and even then wasn't until release that I bothered to look at most of them at all.
And people called Bolvar bad... Bolvar "You either have silence, hard removal or massive problem" Fordragon, that's his full name.
The synergy in the first game was op
It's fun how often it happens, I only have 1 Quartermaster and was always able to upgrade at least 3 recruits, because they tend to survive several turns after the Muster.
3 Days without a Trump Video...water supplies are getting low...I need value...heeelp...
Quartermuster seems really...real... Now, I liked old control pally until it became nearly useless. Hopefully this one stays strong for a while, or at least by time I get the cards :P
Is Trump still alive?? 3 days since the last video... I think I'm going through withdrawals
what paladin needs is its own version of savage roar then token paladin would be a pretty viable deck
Wasn't the whole crux with paladin that they didn't have enough reliable earlygame? Isn't that exactly what the Shielded Mini Bot is?
I'm surprised that that is the one card Trump is hesitant about.
You have to understand that while shielded mini bot is amazing, a simple 2/3 or zoo 1/3 taunt will negate his usefulness.
I also believe he is very good but I can see his weakness.
Rorik That's why you buff him/take a Hand of Protection. People truly underestimate the usefulness of HoP, I can't tell you how many times I've made disgusting trades with that thing + Blessing of Might. Those two, and Blessing of Kings are staples in all my Paladin decks because of how useful they are.
Zilenan91 But look at his deck here, doesn't it look so much stronger compared to a single blessing-shielded bot combo you got there? Actually almost everything in the game is perfect with blessing anyway so I don't see why you're so excited about it
Dont forget how hesitant he is to even include Enchanco mechano in a deck that could clearly benefit from it
Zilenan91 Why would you ever take Hand of Protection when you've got Argent Protectors? For an extra Mana you're getting 2/2 body as a bonus
TRUMP PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE DO A PIRATE DECK. The new GvG pirate cards are so much fun and I would LOVE to see a pirate deck. Rogue, warrior, pally IDC. I just want to see it !!!!!!!! maybe even make a road to legend series with it, or SOMETHING. I just want to see it :DD.
Hey Trump I love the Shaman class but I am having trouble making a solid build. Could you make a new constructed shaman deck video?
Please do more videos with this deck
Nooo, we missed the rare Trump BM to the conceding Druid.
I gotta admit, the way people were talking about Bolvar made me perhaps too skeptical. In a slow game he can really get going. That was a pretty impressive guy after Trump held him there.
Alvanix I now understand why you have 0 subscribers.
I just drafted an arena with two musters and two quartermasters. Maybe my first 12 win run? We'll see.
Hey Trump Great Videos Like Usual but your missing the rank 15 game where you got milled by a druid for 16 damage in 1 turn :-P
You should be able to use Alexstrasza on Bolvar to get Lich King Bolvar.
I really want to make this deck but unfortunately i dont have the card gold dust or money and grinding for cards is damn hard.
I know how you feel bro. SO many decks I want to make, so little dust.. and gold... and money....
I know the feel, it took me months of grinding just to make ONE decent deck....
P 2 W B O Y S
Just save up a 1000 gold, and from that point, buy a pack every day after dailies. That's what i do.
I'm in the same spot. I don't know if I should stack up the gold for Nax or Arena. The struggle is real.
Man... I love it this deck. If only I had enough dust to make it...
In all my months of watching Trump, I never actually played Hearthstone.
Until 4 hours ago.
18:12 Maximum BM would be pyro equality hit with weapon.
I always hoped there would be some card that searches a certain card in your deck and puts it in your hand(Golden Sarcophagus in Yugioh), so you can complete that one piece of the puzzle you are missing. In this deck's case, Bolvar.
But I guess that would be way too OP for Hearthstone.
Well, it depends. In the case of Gold Sarc, you have to wait 3 turns to get the card (I guess technically 2, since it adds on Standby), so something like that could be implemented in Hearthstone, especially if your opponent got to see what the card was when you picked it. That card specifically actually probably wouldn't be played much in Hearthstone because it would be too slow, but it really just depends on the meta.
I'd like that too, and a card that works like Winged Dragon of Ra and Helpoemer.
C9R9D Heh. Helpoemer would never happen, because the effect that discards the opponent's hand was deemed "un-fun/frustrating" by Blizz, which is why they never implemented such an effect.
Another thing which is vastly different about "hand discarding" in Yugioh is that given the nature of the game, the graveyard is more like another pool of cards you can go use rather than cards which are gone and never coming back.
Kreekakon Exactly. Graveyard mechanics would be interesting, but maybe that makes HS too complicated... for casuals?
Dam i wanted to see the priest matchup, i've had the toughest time againt poretss with this deck
This is like a premonition of secret paladin.
"To batte!" -Silver Hand Recruit
-Two arms, man!
-We know, quartermaster, everyone has two arms.
Jack Bandit I know! XD
It's also duty calls, and not booty calls. It's a joke!
Jack Bandit IT'S A JOKE OMG IDIOT!!!!!
If you get Bolvar in your starting hand, keep him, and then play him on turn 20 as a 30/7 for instant lethal.
If Bolvar gets more popular, then every deck will run a silence, and 20 turns into the game, there's a very great chance the enemy has drawn a silence of some kind. Not possible.
Thallanar Rabidtooth
Yes, keep Bolvar in your hand, wait till he is a 30/7, then watch your opponent dominate the rest of the game and use either of these cards:
- Naturalize
- Poison Seeds
- Keeper of the Grove
- Starfire/Swipe/Starfall + Wrath
- Hunter's Mark + any damage spell or charge minion in the game
- Freezing Trap
- Beast + Kill Command
- Explosive Shot/Arcane Shot
- Misdirection (BM deluxe)
- Snipe + Almost any spell or charge creature or taunt
- Actually many taunts + a low damage spell
- Deadly Shot
- Gladiator's Longbow + any damage spell or charge
- King Crush
- Any mage spell or combo...and fireblast...absolutely useless
- Mirror Entity lol
- Polymorph
- Eye for an eye even...
- Humility
- Repentance or Equality + any charge or noble sacrifice or spell
- Any silence
- Inner Fire
- Shadow Word Death
- Mass Dispel
- Holy Fire + Smite
- Sap
- Rogue combos
- Assassinate
- Vanish
- Earth Shock
- Hex
- Siphon Soul
- Twisting Nether
- Other Warlock spell combos
- Damage + Execute
- Crazed Alchemist
- Big Game Hunter
- etc.
Ofc, many of those cards are not run right now, but even without those, every class has enough ways to deal with Bolvar, which is a dead hand for quite a while. You have to draw into it, then also favourably trade, get all removal out of your opponent and then hope to play it to finish him off, but if you can play it this way you are probably already winning and Bolvar is useless once again. I would rather change him for a lot of other cards. An Enhanco-Mechano would be a neat combo with the Muster/CTA combo.imagine you can play this all from turn 4-6 for example, and you get 3 or 4 guys + the QM with possibly shield or WF (or taunt...bah). Relying on Bolvar is meh. It's a gimmick card. Not like fucking Kel Thuzad. I'm surprised I don't see that card more often...would also work really well with all the guys and muster shit...
Trump, please make a F2P paladin series please. I would love to see one since paladin is overpowered with muster for battle and quartermaster. I've been waiting for so long since the last F2P.
What do you think about an divine shield only deck with buff cards and minions
WOW , what a nice paladin deck! want to make it :D
What do you think is better card to craft, sylvanas or the black night?
This looks like so much fun!
this deck looks like so much fun :D
You called that hunter inferior but he clearly must have made his deck to play around little exorcist...
I think he meant in comparison to his
He did not build it. He netdecked it.
He called the deck inferior...which quality wise it was. You can still lose to bad decks. I almost won a game today that I built almost entirely out of random mage spells, just to get the daily for 40 spells done extremely quickly...and I was 1 turn away from beating a, there's that. Even bad decks and players win games.
Come on trump! Where are the videos? I really enjoy chilling out at the end of a day watching one of your long videos. Maybe youre having more internet problems I dont know. More uploads would be awesome :)
Can someone please explain where Trump is?? I'm so confused
A mech rogue deck is pretty good right now. Hope trump experiments with that next. Or a mech shaman.
Come back trump! you made us addict of your videos now you have to feed us :p
Does Hobgoblin not interact with paladin Dudes? Seems like it would be really good in this situation
Should I craft sneed's or sylvanas? my main is preist but I want to play all classes and I think sneed's is a bit slow currently I have grommash and cenarius. (also thinking about crafting vol'jin)
If you're maining priest, Sylvannas and Vol'jin are both amazing right now. I'd personally say Sylvannas over Vol'jin, but I also haven't really gotten to play around with Vol'jin yet.
Sneeds old shredder because you will get a legendary no matter what
when i get high i watch trump only, ive seen all his vids twice
6:40 "Why did it have to be snakes?" Indiana Jones reference??
great trump quotes: "I was thinking of using lay on hands... even though I'm overhealing by 11"
Started the video hoping to see Bolvar animation, was not disappointed.
at least they seem to have a tough time dealing with hunter, thank God
this deck is so much fun!!