The Truth About Salt

  • Опубліковано 11 чер 2024
  • In this video, I discuss salt and its consumption. While thousands of public studies have been conducted on the health effects of consuming salt both nationally and internationally, none have been able to conclusively determine any distinctive outcome. The general results of these studies are typically opaque at best with too many extraneous factors. Corporate donors and government interference have greatly limited useful research or studies on this topic, so due diligence is required by any individual when determining what to consume or avoid.
    0:00 Intro
    0:40 What Is Salt?
    1:36 Is Salt Bad For You?
    5:23 Table Salt
    7:33 Mineral Salts
    8:23 Iodization
    10:32 Taste Differences
    12:08 Himalayan Pink Salt
    15:03 Sea Salts
    15:24 Fleur De Sel
    16:11 Celtic Salt
    18:21 Kosher Salt
    #salt #health #cooking


  • @JoshChristiane
    @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +17

    Links to supporting research and studies are provided in the description. There are many varieties of salts I didn’t have time to get to in this video, but if you have any questions or just want to debate about it then let me know in a comment. This is an insufficiently discussed topic and it’s important to remember that many of the surveys, studies, and research done on salt are often heavily influenced by corporate money and interest. Regular mined and iodized table salt is incredibly cheap to produce so it’s no surprise there is corporate pushback against health concerns. The most important thing is that we keep our minds open on the topic and do what’s best for our personal health.

  • @CERAC...
    @CERAC... Місяць тому +8

    Thanks for offering insights that may help an uninformed person's perspective regarding salt...Really sheds light on the differences between the various types of salt. Good to be aware regarding the exploitation of workers in the Himalayan salt mines and the potential risks associated with certain types of salt. The WHO, despite its "well-intentioned efforts", tends to overstep its recommendations regarding "healthy" dietary choices, and their addressing specific types of salts is no exception. Your emphasis on Fleur De Sel is spot-on as being a better, healthier salt option, due to its natural minerals and minimal processing and is worth considering. Appreciate you breaking it all down.💡👍

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +2

      And thank you for the long and informative comment! You could write my descriptions with that level of detail, haha. 👍🏻🙏🏻

  • @stringpl4y
    @stringpl4y 27 днів тому +2

    Love it!! Thanks for sharing!

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  27 днів тому +1

      Thanks for watching, bro! 😁😁👍🏻 Love and appreciate you!

  • @mworkman5958
    @mworkman5958 Місяць тому +2

    Incredible work

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому

      Thanks, Matt. I appreciate the support :D!

  • @murphybed7919
    @murphybed7919 Місяць тому +1

    I synthesize battery materials that desalinate water. I love working with salt.

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

      That's actually really interesting. Do you do it as a hobby or as a job?

  • @MalTon-ip9us
    @MalTon-ip9us 28 днів тому +1

    Thanks for the video it was great, im sending it to my mom who is terrified of salt

  • @fizixx
    @fizixx Місяць тому +1

    This is a really nice piece on salt! I've wondered about sea salts, vs. table salt, but have not done any reading on it. I do use iodized salt, but had so many other questions about it. Good info, and a lot of what you said about sea salt I was unaware of. Here's a tip though, when you say the names of things, put it in your description, or put a label on the screen. The transcripts are pitiful to use for spelling anything if you're going to look it up. The type salt you said you buy I still don't know what it is, lol. So, just a heads-up on that.

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

      Thanks so much for watching and your great tips. You're completely right, I'm still pretty new to Davinci and need to get more comfortable with handling on-screen text, but I will for sure in the future. I recommend buying Celtic Sea Salt for general seasoning and cooking, and when you need a grinder salt I suggest La Baleine Sea Salt. I've found that particular brand tastes really clean and oceany. Half the fun is trying new varieties and brands though, so I'm sure you'll find something you like.

    • @fizixx
      @fizixx Місяць тому +1

      @@JoshChristiane Thanks for the reply and info. I will look into that salt and the Celtic. I'm sure doing y-tube videos is quite the learning curve, but I figure, if no one says anything how can creators address things that can make a difference. Keep up the good work, you have a nice channel.

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

      Thanks so much! I'm always trying to improve however possible, and that's something I'll work on next. Have a lovely weekend!

    • @fizixx
      @fizixx Місяць тому +1

      @@JoshChristiane You will do ok. Your posts are good and informative!

  • @annives
    @annives Місяць тому +1

    I never knew there were so many types of salt and that the nutritional benefits between them can differ so much. Now I want some salty food! 🤤 😋 Thanks for this interesting information!

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому

      Thanks! And thank you for watching, as always!

  • @SCArt-gr5zb
    @SCArt-gr5zb Місяць тому +1

    what is the best basic sea salt brand that's not too expensive?

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому

      I like La Baleine sea salt, and it's not too pricey normally.

  • @Wizard4SocialMedia
    @Wizard4SocialMedia Місяць тому +1

    where can I find kosher sea salt?? I googled it but I can't find anything

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому

      Many brands of sea salt are kosher even if they don't say it on the package in the name. If you look on the bottom of the package for the K symbol you'll find that almost all sea salt is in fact kosher. La Baleine is kosher, as well as my favorite brand San Francisco Salt Co. which makes a fantastic kosher Fleur de Sel.

  • @astrantv367
    @astrantv367 Місяць тому +1

    Can you link the studies your read ? It's very important for scientific topics like this one

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

      Yeah I totally agree how important it is for health. You'd be hard pressed to find any major studies I have not read or at least skimmed over, literally hundreds over the past ten years. Though through Google searches you may find most of the same one's I've read. The reason I didn't link any in the description is because basically all of them start with the same flawed premise, then self-admit defeat in their verdicts. Really high quality studies with any useful conclusions haven't really been done yet. But what I'll do for the curious is link a few of the most popular articles and studies I've read in the description. So just check up there and by the time you read this I'll have updated it. Thanks for watching and commenting!

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

  • @steelearmstrong9616
    @steelearmstrong9616 Місяць тому +1

    If I have any less than around 3000mg, I get heart palpitations and higher blood pressure and feel extremely anxious and uncomfortable

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

      You are not alone, I get similar symptoms. I've never felt like salt is my enemy, just many of the things it's mixed with.

  • @antonvlaskin8496
    @antonvlaskin8496 Місяць тому +1

    It would be grand if you could mention at least a ballpark of the price, is 20$/kg expensive, or am I looking on the fraud? You mentioned it should be expensive, but "expensive" could mean anything really for those who unfamiliar. I assume in France or EU it's should be cheaper than in US, but having at least some estimation would be nice.

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому

      Great point. Most of my viewers are international so I tend to avoid USD pricing, but for this video it would really be helpful. Though an exact price is really difficult to estimate since there are so many factors to consider. Your location, the location the salt was mined, the brand of salt, the exact pond extraction (and time), how much you're buying (bulk, or partitions). But as a general rule good Fleur de Sel in the USA should cost around $30-$50 per pound. In France you might only pay $10 USD per pound being that wages are lower there and the product is local. San Francisco Salt Co. makes a decent FDS for around $25 a pound, that's what I've always bought in the past. Their salt is mined from the Guérande Salt Marshes, then imported for packaging. You can find LOTS of fake Fleur de Sel on Amazon for like $5 a pound, which is either really low quality, or more likely just sea salt being repackaged as FDS. Thanks for the useful comment and watching!

  • @EdnattPoling
    @EdnattPoling Місяць тому +1

    Wait, so salt is good for me? Count me in, this is a hill I'm willing to stand on

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому

      Well I'm not sure about "good", but it's likely not as bad as some say if you're consuming healthy minerals. I'm all for it though :)

  • @Lina-cf6sy
    @Lina-cf6sy 28 днів тому +1

    Im sure the issue is people are just eating WAY too much junk food tbh.

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  28 днів тому

      Absolutely. People need to cut down on all junk food.

  • @larslarsen5414
    @larslarsen5414 Місяць тому +2

    I happen to be stoned when I saw this video. And I have question. You are against "ripping people off" but you are not really against "low wages". So I place you fairly right in the political spectrum,? Correct?

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

      Did it make you hungry for salty food? 🧂 🥓 🤣

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +1

      To answer your political question: I am against low wages, to an extent. On one hand the free market should regulate itself, on the other hand free markets don't exist because freedom leads to bad actors taking advantage of the levers that system produces. An example of this would be minimum wage in the USA is $2 or $3 an hour for many waiters and waitresses. To me that's insane. Low minimum wages are lobbied for by corporations, and that's a lever they use to maximize profits.
      In terms of where I am on the political spectrum, I am far left on some topics (healthcare for example) and far right on others. But in general I'm fairly centric on many issues. I don't think labels for following party lines are very useful, as every person is complex and should develop complex views of the problems surrounding us. I don't vote right or left, I just vote based on specific issues, and it can be hard to find candidates who are balanced. I'm probably closest to a classical Libertarian.

    • @miroslavhoudek7085
      @miroslavhoudek7085 Місяць тому +2

      I would say that non-market wages are problematic.You have a country where people earn x moneys for hour. Someone discovers that westerners eat salt from that country and demands that salt worker wages are tripled. Then you have a country where everyone makes x but salt miners get 3x . Everyone sane would like to be a salt miner then but there's only certain demand for salt-miners, so suddenly you created incentive to:
      - bribe some foreman to have some guy fired, so you can take his place
      - kill or maim or kidnap someone to take their place
      - there's probably more ways how this would exploited, certainly women would get sexually exploited somehow, that's a classic.
      I think these well meant first world interventions sound good but don't end up good. Like when we all pay for some notebooks-for-africa - and we decimate all pre-existing African electronics manufacturers and sellers. Dtto with dropping all our old t-shirts on them as an act of charity. Good luck to anyone who built a t-shirt factory in Africa, I guess. This wage intervention effort will absolutely have side effects.

    • @JoshChristiane
      @JoshChristiane  Місяць тому +2

      @miroslavhoudek7085 A lot of truth to that. Idealism has its value and purpose in bettering the world and helping lift people out of poverty, but when rubber hits the road it's not always possible. Sometimes $3 an hour really is better than starving to death when you consider markets may not allow higher pay. Economics is extremely complex, and both Austrian and Keynesianism have different methods of coming to the same hopeful end goal.
      My major concern is less economic and more moral. I've heard of people who are doing slave labour in these salt mines under threat of death, and even if those accusations are false there are industries that are definitely taking advantage of people in more ways than just economically.

    • @miroslavhoudek7085
      @miroslavhoudek7085 Місяць тому +1

      @@JoshChristiane agreed. I think it's a good thing to pressure for good working conditions, basic human rights and workplace safety. But to pay outstanding wages in some part of economy where the 1st world happens to intersects with the rest of the world, that just feels still colonial and centered around us, telling them what to pay so we don't feel guilty for getting it cheap.
      Honestly, it would also never happen. We are trying to enforce that children don't work on our goods. But nobody is checking it, at least not seriously. Children are on the farm. Then they leave, inspection comes and goes - and the kids are back. If we ask that they pay at least 1 USD, the bosses Will pocket 90 cents, put on paper that they pay 1 dollar and threaten everyone to say they get 1 dollar during any inspection. Done.