What is Wisdom? Where is Wisdom? | Buddhism Podcast

  • Опубліковано 18 чер 2024
  • What is wisdom? Where is Wisdom? How to Bring Wisdom to The Transcendental Level.
    #buddhism #buddhisminenglish #buddhismpodcast #origination #wisdom
    Wisdom without outflows is not a product of memory, but a profound understanding of the true nature regarding the three core characteristics of existence: SUFFERING (dukkha), IMPERMANENCE (anicca), and NON-SELF (anatta) in all things and phenomena in the world. When a person attains this wisdom, they are no longer governed by desires, aversion, or ignorance, and they start living in a more harmonious way with nature and the society around them.
    This does not mean that Buddhist practitioners abandon learning from the external world. On the contrary, they use tangible knowledge as a means to continue on their path of enlightenment. They learn to view all things and phenomena without discrimination or attachment, thereby demonstrating deep compassion and wisdom in every action.
    Thus, wisdom in Buddhism is not just a deep understanding of the teachings but also the practice and direct experience of these teachings in daily life, aiming for self-liberation and benefiting all beings.
    Chapter 1. What Is Intelligence? Where Is Intelligence?
    Chapter 2. Distinguishing Between Knowledge and Wisdom - The Ultimate Reality Perspective


  • @ElmerTan-ut4qn
    @ElmerTan-ut4qn 2 місяці тому +4

    Without Buddhism, frankly our life is like taking a blind shot at our goal.
    What is coming, you have no ideas.
    When things happen you don't know why, and also you don't have way to resolve or neutralise them.
    All the worldly issues we encounter in life should be neutralised instead of allowing it to multiply.
    Learn Buddhism is like one enters a dark room with a bright light, dispelling all the darkness and only the brightness remains.
    When one learns the truth about life and our surroundings as taught by the Buddha, wisdom appear and ignorance or stupidity vanishes.
    After learning the Buddha's Teachings, our life will no longer be a blind journey.
    Our aims and goal become clear.
    Buddhism is an education of wisdom not a religion.

  • @joetruong3290
    @joetruong3290 Місяць тому +1


    • @EgoPodcastenglish
      @EgoPodcastenglish  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you so much, Joe Truong, for your generous donation and for taking the time to watch our podcast. We’re thrilled to hear that you found it valuable. Your support is greatly appreciated as it helps us continue creating content that explores deep topics like wisdom in Buddhism. If there are any specific topics or questions you’d like us to cover in future episodes, please let us know. We’re here to provide insightful content that resonates with our audience, and your input is invaluable. Thanks again!

  • @excelsioresquire
    @excelsioresquire Місяць тому

    Catechism of The Buddhist Doctrine
    Primarily in Buddhism it is compulsory to accept Rebirth & KARMA (Wholesome or Unwholesome Commitments) though only voluntarily one should accept The Doctrine, purely through conviction.
    after accepting Buddhism purely through conviction. It’s mandatory to make 5 sacrifices or observe Five Precepts as a Layman,
    1. To Abstain from Killing, Harming or Endangering any kind of living beings.
    2. To Abstain from Stealing or taking what is not granted to you. Pilferage, Cheat ,Plunder, Pillage, Loot, etc;
    3. To Abstain from Committing Adultery or illegal sexual misbehavior.
    4. To Abstain from Falsehood, Pretend, Mendacity, Lying or Deceit. It’s v.important for Buddhists to refrain from falsehood as they seek the Truth.
    5. To Abstain from Intoxication or Narcotic Drug Abuse.
    Standards are of course higher and much more austere for a Novice Monk (like the Poverty vow, Strict Celibate living etc;)
    Unlike in all other major religions including Hinduism, Buddhism doesn’t accept a creator God but instead Evolution, according to the Commitment or KARMIC Force which enables the ideal situation.
    Eg; Wholesome Commitments will deliver pleasant or desirable births in a Celestial or Human birth or vis-à-vis in the case of Unwholesome Commitments. For whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. (New Testament - Saint Paul)
    A rather short and precise emphasis would be, mentally and physical commitment or action(volition,consciously acting by purpose). Therefore what happens accidentally(unintentionally) doesn't create a payback situation.Although KARMIC reaction may not take place quite instantly but for surely in due time-course it will start paying retribution to the owner of it(Eg; if one plants an apple seed you wouldn't get apples over night, but certainly for sure it will give results at its fruition). It's mind foremost. Though Envy, Jealousy, Aversion, Covetousness and Ignorance are all evil and doesn't involve any physical action but it will definitely have a KARMIC reaction in a miserable realm as they are mindful commitments(intention) . Lord BUDDHA has mentioned the type of KARMA and its reactions are infinite. This subject of KARMA is a vast subject in Buddhism with lots of elaborations like the Cause & Effect Theory,
    · Dependent on the main cause ignorance , volitional (KARMIC) formations evolves.
    · Dependent on volitional formations, consciousness evolves.
    · Dependent on consciousness, mentality-materially(Mind & Matter) evolves.
    · Dependent on mentality-materially, the six sense faculties(Eye,Nose,Tongue,Ear,Body & Brain ) evolves .
    · Dependent on the the six sense faculties, contact evolves.
    · Dependent on contact, sensual feeling evolves.
    · Dependent on Sensual feeling, craving evolves.
    · Dependent on craving, clinging evolves.
    · Dependent on clinging, existence( Rebirth in*31 Realms ) evolves.
    · Dependent on existence, birth evolves.
    · Dependent on existence,decay,senility death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair evolves
    * According to Buddhist Cosmology,Lord BUDDHA has mentioned that the number of Galaxies run in to infinity in 625 B.C, a Galaxy comprises of 31 realms of existence and they are, the 4 miserable Hell Realms (1.Animal 2.Goblin or the Hungry Ghostly Forms 3. Extra Gigantic Miserable Ghostly Forms 4. The 136 Hell realms full of torture found beneath the earth.)
    1 Human realm, 6 Celestial Heavenly realms, 20 Celestial Brahma realms(Super-mundane). Also Rebirth is quite different to Reincarnation which means the same person appearing again. According to Buddhism it’s NOT THE SAME or NOT ANOTHER Eg; Suppose Julius Caesar reborn currently as Prince Charles, he’s not Julius Caesar now ,but no one else either but a generation of the Cycle of Birth & Death of a being.
    We're driven by Greed, Hatred and Delusion the 3 evil KARMIC roots embedded in our minds which doesn't need any nourishment, the downward currents fueling our *cycle of birth and death (*SAMSARIC SOJOURN) which causes immense suffering to us. So the perfect solution or the antidote prescribed by The BUDDHA, is to engage our selves in acts of 1.Generosity, to nullify Greed. 2.To Contemplate on Loving Kindnesses and especially to Forgive one's Adversaries and Treacherous Enemies, this technique is to curtail the evil root of Anger, Animosity or Hatred and Jealousy which is embedded in our minds. 3.Finally to develop Wisdom through sheer Contemplative Meditation to make Ignorance obsolete. Ignorance which is the main reason for the existence of both other evil aspects Greed and Hatred. Both Greed and Hatred can't exist without Ignorance.
    Lord BUDDHA has taught us how to liberate our selves by contemplating on
    reality of the 1.The NATURAL PHENOMENON OF IMPERMANENCE(both Mind & Matter, arise to pass away or Appear to Disappear) 2.The NATURAL PHENOMENON OF SUFFERING(due to 1st phenomenon of Impermanence)
    3. The NATURAL PHENOMENON OF SOULLESSNESS (non continuity or non eternity.This is the most subtle phenomenon) and this technique of meditation is known as The INSIGHT MEDITATION which enables you to exterminate the KARMIC FORCE and would nullify your future existence in any of the *31 realms of existence in this Galaxy or in any other Galaxy (Lord BUDDHA has mentioned that the number of Galaxies run in to infinity in 625 B.C) a Galaxy comprises of * 31 realms of existence and they are, the 4 miserable Hell Realms (1.Animal 2.Goblin or the Hungry Ghostly Forms 3. Extra Gigantic Miserable Ghostly Forms 4. The 136 Hell realms full of torture found beneath the earth.)
    1 Human realm, 6 Celestial Heavenly realms, 20 Celestial Brahma realms(Super-mundane).
    And INSIGHT MEDITATION leads you to the emancipation of all suffering or
    NIRVANA( cessation of Birth, Decay, Illness,Death Lamentation and all forms of Suffering)
    Wherever Birth takes place it isn't NIRVANA and in NIRVANA there's no Birth taking
    place any more.
    "Transient alas are all component things
    Subject are they to birth & then decay
    Having gained birth to death the life flux swings
    Bliss truly dawns when unrest dies away"
    -The Buddha(Light of Asia. by Sir Edwin Arnold)