I know you’re starting out. Slow down a bit, take a practice swing or 2 before each shot. Visualize where you want it to go. And tbh a lesson or 2 goes a long way. You’ll learn so much faster with someone there with you
bro, the mistake i made was not taking lessons from a good instructor when i started, cuz your going to engrave the wrong muscle memory in your body which will be hard to overcome later. your a clean slate, dont ruin it. i can see your trying to hit the ball with your right hand instead of pulling with your left
I know you’re starting out. Slow down a bit, take a practice swing or 2 before each shot. Visualize where you want it to go. And tbh a lesson or 2 goes a long way. You’ll learn so much faster with someone there with you
bro, the mistake i made was not taking lessons from a good instructor when i started, cuz your going to engrave the wrong muscle memory in your body which will be hard to overcome later. your a clean slate, dont ruin it. i can see your trying to hit the ball with your right hand instead of pulling with your left
Thank you for that