What (in the hell) are evil spirits?

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @quailstudios
    @quailstudios 22 дні тому +43

    "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many. My pronouns are they, them."

  • @baldhead701
    @baldhead701 8 днів тому +3

    Conner I just discovered your channel. I love it. I am an 85 year old lds member. I joined while serving in the USAF in 1961. I lost my wife 4 year s ago and live 25 miles from the closest church building.
    I have 9 children and 30 grands and have had lots of experience with Satan and his minions.
    I also have been studying NDE's for over 50 years and have learned a lot from actual NDE interviews conducted by NDE experiencers. The demons will actually talk to you and answer questions about their boss, Lucifer. They fear him profoundly. One very interesting thing I have found out is what happens when a female evil spirit gets into a male body and takes control. Who will SHE be attracted to. Thia should be obvious. I believe that the greatest celebration Satan and his followers have ever had is when they discovered what I term "Cross Gender Possession".
    I just started a channel and called it "Investigating Miracles"

  • @CorrineSmith-bs8vn
    @CorrineSmith-bs8vn 22 дні тому +15

    I didn’t serve a mission however I have had 3 experiences with darkness and evil around me. Every experience has happened while traveling or staying in hotels. Waking up feeling like something is hovering over me, one time it happened while I was riding a beach bike along the ocean boardwalk with my family and during a section of the ride we were riding next to some beach houses. In a section of the ride and as we were riding I felt a dreadful heavy weight and feelings come over me. We rode along for a while and the dread and depressed feelings left. I made a comment to my mom and she said she felt it as well. As we rose back through that area on our way back I said a prayer of protection and in my mind sang I am a child of God and the feelings I had the first time were not present.
    Evil is real and Connor I am appreciative that you have talked about this subject. I completely agree that within the LDS community we don’t talk about our spiritual enemies enough to prepare for spiritual war as part of living in a fallen world.

  • @debfryer2437
    @debfryer2437 9 днів тому +1

    Brigham Young taught that if we could see how many evil spirits were outside our doors we would never leave the house! We need the fullness of the gospel for protection. Prayers uttered in the name of Jesus Christ are a powerful weapon.
    I have raised my right arm to the square and removed Satan from my presence when I have felt beleaguered by negative dark energy around me.

  • @FreeThinker-n1t
    @FreeThinker-n1t 22 дні тому +24

    Early in life I was in graduate school of psychology and my internship involved assisting in the locked ward for the truly mentally ill. It's an experience I shall never forget. I was assigned a beautiful young girl who after speaking with, I became concerned as to why she was there. She told me all about her parents and grandparents who as I remember some 50 years later, were abusive. I was going to have conversation with her caretaker when she jumped up and asked if I wanted to see her rabbits. I wondered if she was allowed to keep them there. She led me to a window closet and started pointing them out. They all had a story and sometimes she had to discipline them by throwing things at them. She had names for them all. There were about 12 furry bedroom slippers in that windowed closet and nothing else. If had not seen the shoes, and just listened across the room, she sounded a if she were describing naughty pets.
    The next patient was a man who had drawn pictures of a pregnant Christ on a cross and had bizarre stories that sounded like hate roiled in him for this form and what it deserved. This was in Florida and not a third world country. I felt demonic influence all over that ward and changed my degree from Psychiatrist to Psychologist.
    Another time I watched a friend's young son deteriorate from a fine young man to closing himself in his bedroom with black and red darkness and awful music with some form of drug abuse. She felt like evil spirits were trying to take him. After much careful conversation and love, she got his permission to have an evil spirit cast out by a strong priesthood holder.
    Also, I've read many books on the scrolls and Book of Enoch awa the Bible most of all, and most of the spirits during Christ time were the Spirits of the dead nephilim. I was taught by Fred Babble that Satan and his followers had no power over us except that which we give them. I believe that. So I choose bravely whom I follow, and demand evil spirits in whatever form leave me and mine alone in the name of Jesus Christ. Then I count my many blessings and give thanks for them and the Savior who has made them possible. I pray always to be surrounded by His spirit . I pray my family to be surrounded by His spirit, guidance and protection and then obedience in all things as our greatest tool of defense from a real enemy. For we are in a spiritual war.
    I always appreciate your musings.

    • @quarteralien
      @quarteralien 22 дні тому +1

      I have a friend who was hospitalized with postpartum psychosis and she had stories similar to yours. She was convinced so much mental illness is influenced by evil spirits. We don't even know how to approach that.

    • @jum5238
      @jum5238 21 день тому

      Look at the words of the sacrament prayers. Might be more to the sacrament that we need, renewal of our baptism covenants, but a promise as well. For protections. I'm reminded of the final words of the initiatory, and the steps preceding it where we're washed clean and anointed from the blood and sins of this generation.

  • @rebekahgriffin567
    @rebekahgriffin567 22 дні тому +31

    In my last ward I had a friend ask the bishop to give her husband a blessing, specifically to cast out evil spirits. He said flatly, "We don't do that in our church." She was stunned by that response, and in combination with some other issues of discrepancies in the scriptures, this resulted in her leaving the church, seeking a christian church that has the signs that follow believers. Sadly, she even discarded the BOM, because it definitely teaches these gifts and signs.
    In my years in the church, I also only heard about evil spirits from missionaries. I think perhaps it is because these young men and women are relying so much on following the spirit, and for the most part are on their own. Perhaps more in the past they had less oversight and communication with leaders than today.
    It is also interesting that Joseph was casting out evil spirits before the church was even organized and the melchizedek priesthood restored. Because these are the signs that follow believers, not just men who have been ordained. It is by faith, and if its not happening its because of unbelief and wo unto us.
    Moroni 7:37 Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain.

    • @BestMuzick
      @BestMuzick 21 день тому +2

      I was looking for that scripture and could t find it. Wonderful share❣️👍

    • @Diggs4Dogs
      @Diggs4Dogs 21 день тому

      Apparently that Bishop didn’t attend the temple much

    • @rebekahgriffin567
      @rebekahgriffin567 21 день тому +1

      @@Diggs4Dogs pretty sure he went weekly, like most bishoprics.

    • @Diggs4Dogs
      @Diggs4Dogs 21 день тому

      @@rebekahgriffin567 my point is - if a bishop said “we don’t do that (casting out spirits) in our church? Then he doesn’t understand the gospel very well. And how we understand the gospel the best is by attending the temple.

    • @rebekahgriffin567
      @rebekahgriffin567 21 день тому +3

      @@Diggs4Dogs well, I agree with you that he didn’t understand the gospel very well. Apparently his temple attendance wasn’t helping with that. Personally I find that studying my scriptures and seeking for revelation from God helps me understand the gospel better. I was just studying 3 Ne 11 this morning, where Jesus teaches His doctrine, or gospel, very clearly, and says not to add to it or take away from it. Great chapter!

  • @Chris27883
    @Chris27883 14 днів тому +2

    This is an absolutely great episode and we definitely don't talk about these things enough. It's good to hear that someone else feels the same way.I don't believe that we can completely if at all separate mental health from spirits. I should also add that there is a difference between Affliction and possession.

  • @HeatherWildung
    @HeatherWildung 7 днів тому +1

    Great episode. I am a recovering alcoholic and I truly believe that alcohol makes it easier for spirits to possess our physical bodies. They call it spirits for a reason. Just my opinion

  • @brightdaysahead382
    @brightdaysahead382 22 дні тому +12

    President Nelson said in conference in April 2020 that in the temple “we learn how to rebuke the adversary”. My son cast out devils on his mission, and he was “smacked” by a devil on his mission. Not too long ago his friend was possessed and the devil in her told him that he came into her when she was watching a specific show on Netflix. He was able to cast it out but I don’t think it stuck. My mother became possessed as a result of chemotherapy drugs. I tried to cast out, but she either wouldn’t let it go or didn’t have the ability to. It was so heartbreaking. We have to be very careful what substances we take into our body.

    • @ASombradaNoite
      @ASombradaNoite 21 день тому +1

      What happened and how to your last two stories? I have some many questions.

  • @callmesister
    @callmesister 20 днів тому +1

    My children were consecutively having nightmares for almost a week. I didn't know what was going on until it hit me when I went into their room and felt that something wasn't right. Immediately I prayed in the the name of Jesus that they get out then again at bedtime with my children that they leave. The nightmares stopped.
    Other moments in college or growing up I could feel this sense of darkness or someone watching me when no physical being was present. As a young adult I would pray and rebuke them because of what I had learned. As a child I would sing primary songs to myself and peace would come.
    These aren't situations of full possession, but I think relevant to the topic.
    Thank you for bringing this topic to light my husband and I discuss this all the time because he deals with the public with his work and has come across a variety of situations where he knew the person he was dealing with was not of the earthly realm.

  • @runnergrandma9171
    @runnergrandma9171 22 дні тому +9

    Totally agree on all of this! I have someone I love who has mental issues. There have been times that I swear someone else is in them! It has freaked me out! I also think if you use substances that take control from you, you open the door to evil spirits. Another thing I think if you embrace your mental illness instead of embracing God you loose control and the are vulnerable as well.

  • @PageTurnersbooktube523
    @PageTurnersbooktube523 22 дні тому +12

    Ran into some on my mission dealing with posession. Changed my life forever. Also, so greatful to have found your channel. Been going through a lot of faith related questions the last three years and you are helping me understand some concerns I had. Keep it up.

    • @harambeboy
      @harambeboy 22 дні тому

      Why do we only encounter possessions on our missions?

    • @PageTurnersbooktube523
      @PageTurnersbooktube523 22 дні тому +1

      @harambeboy we aren't actively doing the lords work as much putting ourselves in the position to run into it as easily IMO

  • @JournalOfDiscourses
    @JournalOfDiscourses 21 день тому +4

    I have some discourses you'll be interested in, that discuss what you're going over here, in the Journal Of Discourses. Specifically "JOD 13:18", "JOD 16:22" (actually being released this Wednesday), and "JOD 25:6" to check out. Those aren't page numbers but discourse numbers.
    I really need to replace some of these earlier ones I did.... 25:6 is difficult to listen too, from my earlier skillz...

  • @ItsSnagret
    @ItsSnagret 22 дні тому +7

    Missionaries run into possessed people more simply because they are interacting with more new people, especially in more sketchy places, than a typical member.

  • @beckywright7906
    @beckywright7906 22 дні тому +4

    I appreciate you and your analysis of everything. Thanks for being you!

  • @alenaericksen953
    @alenaericksen953 22 дні тому +3

    Love that you have done this subject. It’s very personal for me as I have a daughter with a severe mental illness who has turned into someone we don’t recognize with no explanation for the last five years since college. What the heck happened to my daughter.
    I haven’t seen or spoken to her in almost two years-her choice. It’s devastating and the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I have pleaded with God for help. We have done mighty prayer and fasting multiple times. Nothing.
    My husband and I deeply feel there could be a possession and we have actually seen some compelling evidence there. The church doesn’t talk about it though and we asked for help with it because we were too close to this, but nothing.
    Another thought: Could it be possible that Satan has changed his tactic a bit? If his main desire is to create misery and stop God’s plan and ultimately our progression, it would not be in his best interest to make someone look like they are possessed. Perhaps he has realized he can be more effective with addictions and mental illness that numb people, thwart progress and create paralyzing despair. All he needs to do is distract people from what their potential is and create discouragement.

  • @jillianhq
    @jillianhq 22 дні тому +6

    Joseph prayed for "further light and knowledge". Nephi did as well, which was followed by his vision as recorded in 1 Nephi 11-13. To be able to cast out evil spirits, and be as those "who believe" I think we also need to be asking for further light and knowledge, rather than accepting that we have all we need and need no more, perhaps allowing ourselves to remain in a state of "carnal security" as described in 2 Nephi 28.

  • @puddles609
    @puddles609 22 дні тому +4

    Could it be that we medicate instead of relying on the priesthood or the lord? I used to hear voices when I was a kid. It only happened when I was alone, I could never understand what they said, and they would go away if I would go into a room with others in it. Finally I couldn't take it and asked my dad for a blessing. Haven't had them since. It kind of haunts me to think where I'd be without that blessing.

  • @Telavian
    @Telavian 22 дні тому +4

    I would recommend Michael Heiser's work about this. He has written a number of books on this subject. There is an entire realm of spirits that affects us, however we generally ignore this concept.

  • @teinelaume
    @teinelaume 22 дні тому +3

    I love your "Lord Is it I" self reflection attitude! Samuel the Lamanite speaking to a society much like ours said "Behold, we are surrounded by demons, yea, we are encircled about by the angels of him who hath sought to destroy our souls." Helaman 13:37 One of the Devil's tactics is to make us believe there is no Devil. The "Kindness Culture" we live in looks at uncomfortable subjects or logic that counters belief as "contention" but "I don't think that word means what you think it means." If the Devil is who causes contention, then it must mean anything that counters the truth. And sometimes that can look really sweet and peaceful while being deadly. The fact that God's one true church on earth has blind spots that are around super important subjects is interesting isn't it? Couldn't you say, the way to know if you are on the "covenant path" is that you would have the "signs of the believers" following after you? Yet if I were to ask a Sunday school class what those signs were, there is a little faint recollection of a scripture but little to no personal experience (excepting those rare missionary moments) "By their fruits you shall know them." comes to mind. Can we be in a "kind culture" that stop us from asking, "Is it I Lord?" I can't help but think of the parable about us today spoken of in D&C 101:43-62.
    My guess as to why missionaries in 3rd world countries have these experiences is that those countries have less idols that keep them comfortable and fat and so the veil is thinner. And the missionaries for the first time in their lives are consecrating more of their heart to Christ and have become believers to a degree and so the more like Christ they are, the more of his power they are displaying. Which is why signs follow the believers.

  • @DianeRoman-bj5sg
    @DianeRoman-bj5sg 21 день тому

    This is a great message. As a church we absolutely should talk about this more. We are faced with the adversary and evil spirits among us constantly.
    Elder James Faust touched on it. “The Great Imitator”.
    CS Lewis spoke about the reality of evil spirits among us in the “Screwtape letters.”
    I know it’s not good to dwell on the subject because sometimes it can invite darkness, but we definitely need to acknowledge evil spirits and cast it/them out when it’s/they’re present.
    It’s a witness to the contrast between darkness and light.

    • @dansorensen260
      @dansorensen260 21 день тому +1

      “And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none-and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains…” 2 Nephi 28:2
      We underestimate the pervasiveness of demonic possession, as well as the power given us to escape it.

  • @originalintent6916
    @originalintent6916 22 дні тому +16

    We don't cast out evil spirits, we celebrate them. I'm not talking about Halloween, either.

    • @MommaCrissa
      @MommaCrissa 22 дні тому +1

      They don't bother us too much, because of the dead works were involved with. Right Oi.

    • @frankplissken143
      @frankplissken143 22 дні тому +3

      They regularly do parades in large cities.

  • @scottboyce
    @scottboyce 21 день тому +3

    A Venn diagram for mental illness and demonic possession is an interesting concept, although I would argue there’s probably a continuum of influence, ranging from unsolicited temptation, to entertaining and yielding to temptation, to proximity of evil spirits in a location or around a person, to periodic influence or control, to continuous possession. C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letter 29 talks about some people who become immune to evil influences: “Their affections and desires, once turned towards the Enemy (God), become stronger and more secure, making our work futile. Such creatures are protected by a spiritual light or barrier, and we have no means of penetrating that shield. They will cease to be useful to our cause, and any attempts to corrupt them would likely result in strengthening their resolve, thus bringing more glory to the Enemy.”
    We can strive to be in that state of mind and spirit all the time-to always have his spirit to be with us.

  • @garettruesch2294
    @garettruesch2294 18 днів тому

    "Armed With Righteousness" has multiple chapters on evil spirits and possession. It has changed the way I view sin and my own responsibility.

  • @sisterstarseed
    @sisterstarseed 22 дні тому

    We should most definitely be talking about it more. Thank you.
    I’m one that feels I don’t have any problems speaking truth about the Gospel- but then again, I do have difficulty when wanting to avoid hurting feelings. Especially when you know the evil spirit they have within them will lash our in one way or another. I tend to “agree with mine adversary while in the way” to avoid contention. But that’s exactly why we need to have the courage to cast them out in the name of Jesus Christ instead!
    Love unfeigned, meekness, humility, patience- these need to be priority. We cast out the demon, while still loving them that are possessed.
    Great & important things to think about- I appreciate you bringing this up.

  • @faithroundy8561
    @faithroundy8561 22 дні тому

    Thank you for pointing out that we need to address some of these things, to analyze ourselves and do better.

  • @JakobPGrau
    @JakobPGrau 22 дні тому +10

    I can't chalk it all up to mental illness. On my mission in Idaho, I felt prompted to cast a spirit out of a woman we were visiting together with a high priest. I was astonished that when I tried to raise my arm to the square, a dark, powerful force tried to prevent me from doing so, such that I had to physically wrestle my arm upward. It also tried to bind my mouth to prevent me from speaking. In the end I was able to do it, but it was a real struggle. My companion and the high priest were wide-eyed with amazement because they could feel it too.

    • @GarySaint-xm6tr
      @GarySaint-xm6tr 22 дні тому +2

      What really frustrates me is that I am required to deal with Satan, before I can serve God, because Satan uses force, and God allows choice.

  • @caterflycaryerflubertyly3937
    @caterflycaryerflubertyly3937 22 дні тому

    Conner, thank you for bringing so many hidden things to light.

  • @christhompson2034
    @christhompson2034 22 дні тому +11

    I've heard it said in the Church that talking about or seeking to learn more about evil spirits opens you up to them. I wonder if that is a tactic used by satan to cause the saints to remain ignorant.
    You should be called a the church's defense against the dark arts instructor

    • @Chris27883
      @Chris27883 22 дні тому +4

      That definitely depends on how you go about learning about them. But if we are to “waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness…” we certainly not only need to know what darkness looks like, but also how the adversary works and even Joseph Smith said that many are deceived because they don’t understand the nature of spirits. I think it’s very clear that we need to come to understand them and learn about them, but not do so from them personally.

    • @Diggs4Dogs
      @Diggs4Dogs 21 день тому

      @@Chris27883 Pres Hinckley once said he didn’t have to see pornography to know it’s evil. Same with other things

  • @generalpatton838
    @generalpatton838 4 дні тому

    I think "evil spirits" influence our thoughts and feelings; our hearts and our minds and they can be incredibly powerful and ought to be taken seriously. The Word of Wisdom, in all it's vast complexities, ought to be taken seriously so as to limit their influence.

  • @clevesmith8185
    @clevesmith8185 22 дні тому +2

    Perhaps we have become so comfortable having them around us that we do not recognize the influence they have in our lives. We only acknowledge the extreme experiences. I have experienced them growing up and through my life. My children have seen them and cast them out. If there is light and angels around us then there is the opposite. That is a law of the universe.

  • @chanelle315
    @chanelle315 21 день тому

    I've been possessed (which my mother cast out) and have also cast out devils from loved ones multiple of times. I've also been visited by deceased family members and by angels. I don't understand the angel visitations, exactly, but i can't deny it happened. I share those stories, but not very often with members because they look at me like I'm a zealot or looking for attention. Either many others have these experiences and don't talk about it or the veil is thin for me. One of my visits explained to me the way God works that at the time the Church did not teach. I didn't go and preach what I was taught, but instead kept it close to my heart. About 15 years later the Church changed their stance on the subject and to me it wasn't a surprise. I already knew it was truth and more of the fullness of God's working. I'm struggling right now and remembering all of these experiences whole listening to you is bowing me up. Thank you for covering this subject.

    • @chanelle315
      @chanelle315 21 день тому

      I really need to proofread before hitting send. 😂

  • @deborahjones8175
    @deborahjones8175 22 дні тому

    I would sure like to read the new book you are writing about the slow stain of the world. Thanks for yet another thought provoking episode. 😊

  • @stevebaer-eicpr
    @stevebaer-eicpr 22 дні тому +1

    Had a crazy casting out devil experience on my mission that was a mixed bag. Had a humbling experience casting out devils in the last couple years.

  • @davidoberstadt1907
    @davidoberstadt1907 22 дні тому +1

    On my Mandarin-speaking mission, I learned Mandarin has two words for our English word "spirit". The first is ling (or linghun), which is a disembodied beings, essentially a ghost. The second is jingshen, which is spirit like "free spirit", "spirit of rebellion" or Rush's "Spirit of Radio". ;) The scriptures show possession by spirits can mean disembodied beings of malevolent intent. I believe it can the other type of spirit can also possess and control us, such as the spirit of lust, the spirit of revenge, or the spirit of destruction. Look at Mosiah 3:6: "And he shall cast out devils, or the evil spirits which dwell in the hearts of the children of men." Do disembodied beings live in our hearts? Or do the spirits of lust, revenge, or destruction live in our hearts? I think this refers to the latter, even though the Mandarin translation specifically has the former. (It is not necessarily an inspired or perfect translation, but it is better than the one we used on my mission, despite the name of the Book of Mormon and name of the church being changed.)

  • @marciamackie554
    @marciamackie554 20 днів тому

    When my daughter was a teenager, I am convinced that she was possessed by an evil spirit. I wanted desperately to have it removed. However, because it wasn't talked about in church meetings I was afraid to ask for a blessing for her. I thought I would be considered weird! As a result, as a young adult, she sought out mental health treatment which was actually worse. The treatment caused false memories and left her really struggling and confused for many years. I wish we took Satan more seriously!

  • @lynaryoung7903
    @lynaryoung7903 22 дні тому

    This is a real issue in the world today and we’re not taught enough about how to fight it in the church in my option. I’ve had to cast out s lot and know many who also do.

  • @Ily779
    @Ily779 21 день тому

    My brother cast out an evil spirit with his companion. He said it was so disturbing and that it took both of them with all their power to cast it out and that it tried to attack them. It really terrified him.

  • @DaveGarber1975
    @DaveGarber1975 22 дні тому +2

    In 2016, my stake president cast evil spirits out of me twice. It brought such a tremendously feeling of relief, although I felt so exhausted that I could barely walk out of the room, or sip the water that they gave me to drink. I understand that Joseph Smith Jr taught that there were two types of spirits that possessed bodies---demons who never lived, and "unclean spirits" who died without being fully cleansed by the Savior's Atonement.

    • @franciegwin
      @franciegwin 22 дні тому

      I wish I could find your stake president! I need him badly. No one here knows what they are doing. My bishop agreed in not doing anything wrong to bring them on our back. I come from a multi generational satanic family and it is like they don't want to let me go.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian 22 дні тому

      Did you feel you had evil spirits or something going on? If not then do you think maybe you felt better because you wanted to feel better?

    • @danielloveridge9379
      @danielloveridge9379 22 дні тому

      My wife and inlaws are all into that belief that there is a difference between devils and unclean spirits. The former being those that followed Satan, and the latter being those who died and haven't gone to spirit prison yet.
      I have never found a reference from a church authority stating such. So I don't believe that is the case that someone who dies has an option or can get lost. People who die go to spirit prison or paradise.
      Therefore, all spirits not sent by God have to be devils who have never had a body.
      Until I find evidence of different doctrine I have no other reason to believe it. It appears to be a non LDS Christian or pagan belief.

  • @daleclark7127
    @daleclark7127 22 дні тому

    When I was a Ward Mission Leader a couple of missionaries came to my house after a very bad encounter with an individual. The Mission President was called of course once their story was told to me. These Elders were BOTH shaking with confusion and fear. This situation was real and serious. Out of respect for these Elders and any involved I won’t provide the specifics. Nevertheless, there is real evil and we may just not know all the mechanics of those spirits involved. The temple has telling language that actually address the discernment of spirits which assumedly do really exist and attempt to possess bodies. Sorry about the lean messaging here but I want to be careful with these things and not give much glory or attention that can be misconstrued by those not favorable to the restoration. Great topic and discussion!!!

  • @davidnightingale146
    @davidnightingale146 22 дні тому +3

    Could Satan have changed up his tactics? I am not saying it doesn’t happen at all now however he seems to be doing a great job leading people away with a flaxen cord.
    I think that the closer we get to the second the more we will see more dealing with evil spirits.

  • @beckywheeler9372
    @beckywheeler9372 22 дні тому +22

    One does not need the “Priesthood” to cast out evil spirits.

    • @franciegwin
      @franciegwin 22 дні тому

      My LDS therapist and I have cast out these evil spirits attached to me because of multi generational satanic stuff in my family line. They do not want to let go of me. But I would like a priesthood holder who was knowledgeable about this to help. My therapist who is a female, is more proficient at casting out than the brothers I know. And they do not seem interested in finding out more or how to do it better in helpng others. My therapists says I'm not mentally ill. Medication never worked with me. Just educating myself and keeping up the fight for my agency , and what I know to do is the best answer I have as of present.. mostly they effect my health. When it is real health problems medications work for pain etc. When it is a demons attack meds don't work at all. I think that is interesting.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian 22 дні тому +5

      It actually seems you need the priesthood to do very little. We can do almost anything in the name of Christ alone.

    • @JakobPGrau
      @JakobPGrau 22 дні тому +4

      Acts 19:13-16 begs to difffer.

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian 22 дні тому

      @@JakobPGrau Those verses say absolutely nothing about priesthood, but speak about acting in "the name of the Lord Jesus".
      Your interpretation though is that once someone gets the priesthood then demons "know" them and will obey them? Simple as that? 😊

    • @Chris27883
      @Chris27883 22 дні тому +5

      I don’t completely disagree but I think it’s much more difficult. This is why you see so many stories about Catholic priests having a horrible time casting out in the name of Christ. In fact, we are taught that the priesthood authority that Jesus gave his apostle was for healing and casting out devils.

  • @LDS_Truth_Seeker
    @LDS_Truth_Seeker 22 дні тому

    #FighttheDarkness Bring the Light !

  • @meridentoombs3840
    @meridentoombs3840 22 дні тому +1

    My personal belief is that we don't give evil spirits enough credit to the havoc they create in our lives. We could probably cat out every day unwanted spirits from our homes and other places we go.

    • @hopetocope302
      @hopetocope302 20 днів тому +1

      We do this in our home daily and include it in our prayers. As well as shielding and surrounding with guardian angels.

    • @meridentoombs3840
      @meridentoombs3840 20 днів тому +1

      @@hopetocope302 I love that!

  • @carlajowebb2537
    @carlajowebb2537 22 дні тому

    We are surrounded by evil spirits. It is so common that we don't even think of them in that way. We are swimming contention and despair. I think you are most suspectable at the hinge points in your life: places where your actions and emotions are very important to your future path. For good and evil. Jesus can rescue us: Call on Him in every thought and prayer!

  • @JBaads
    @JBaads 8 днів тому

    My experience has taught me the difference between unclean spirits and demons. You need to learn the signs or I call side effects of possession. These include hallucinations, abnormal dreams, out of body feelings (depersonalization), suicidal or homocidal feelings.

  • @Gidgiddoni76
    @Gidgiddoni76 22 дні тому +1

    I also wonder about Jonathan Cahn's book 'The Reurn of the Gods' and wonder if there is a connection there as well.

  • @By_Their_Fruits
    @By_Their_Fruits 4 дні тому

    After listening to the video, I have a few more thoughts to add. Perhaps the “evil spirits” especially the ones that dwell in the hearts of men, are being cast out, at least temporarily when we are carrying the Holy Ghost with us, just by our warm smile and friendly demeanor BECAUSE we carry the light, but simply not recognizing it as such. Maybe because we become used to “always have his spirit to be with us” we don’t notice how those lost in darkness find a respite in our presence (his image in our countenance Janice Kapp Perry)
    Maybe the signs are following the believers, they are just not saying anything because they are not wanting to boast about the signs, and then they talked all the time about missionary experience they have when bearing testimony to non member friends or talk about good discussions…

  • @devinanderson5985
    @devinanderson5985 22 дні тому +1

    Matt 17:18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour. 19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? 20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. 21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
    Prayer and fasting as a preparation aren't common practice anymore either, for casting out devils or giving priesthood blessings. The true order of the Priesthood and of petitioning Heavenly Father's favor is a casualty of modern day casualness.

  • @bookofmormonreview
    @bookofmormonreview 9 годин тому

    This definitely needs to be talked about! I'm glad that you're bringing this to attention. I've had encounters with demons several times, and have always been delivered from a struggle by calling on Jesus to save me. Each time it's happened I've noticed that the spirit appears or makes its presence known before attacking. I believe that the intent is to fill their target with fear before attacking because demons are empowered by our fear, whereas the power of Jesus is invoked by our faith. Now instead of becoming afraid I immediately cast them out in the name of Jesus. Derek Prince's presentations on this topic are very enlightening and helpful: ua-cam.com/video/nqAGdE6l_Js/v-deo.html&pp=ygUYZGVyZWsgcHJpbmNlIGRlbGl2ZXJhbmNl

  • @nathanbigler
    @nathanbigler 22 дні тому +2

    Which General Authority claimed to raise a gnat from the dead? That's a rare sign of profound belief in Priesthood power

    • @Telavian
      @Telavian 22 дні тому +1

      Robert C. Gay, May 3rd, 2020, Devotional for Young Adults.

  • @karinabergreen7473
    @karinabergreen7473 22 дні тому

    There is a possession account in the book "Yearning for the Living God." It's in chapter 15 on p

  • @holyroller4391
    @holyroller4391 22 дні тому +3

    How about the spirit of adultery Connor. Are ignorant people more susceptible to being deceived into committing that crime? Maybe evil spirits actually keep people from acknowledging what adultery actually is. As well as convince them of their false righteousness. Could spirits blind a group of people and convince them that they are righteous when they are actually out of the way??? This could be the most important question in our culture. What do you think Connor?

    • @holyroller4391
      @holyroller4391 22 дні тому

      You literally addressed my question seconds after my post. This is what I believe, that this whole adulterous generation has been deceived into believing they are righteous while actually being wicked. And the spirit of delusion has caused this. Specifically in regards to the rules of marriage we have adopted from a corrupt people. I ask the question all the time, what is adultery and do you know the response I get? I get the laws of the land. Why does nobody ever give me the laws of God pertaining to marriage??? It's because we are deceived as a whole people. Would someone please prove me wrong? Connor?

    • @holyroller4391
      @holyroller4391 22 дні тому +1

      Is arrogance demonic possession Connor? What actually keeps people from acknowledging what sin is? Pride? The precepts of men? I'd like to know. Whenever I ask someone the definition of adultery I get the same answer, that being exactly what our "God" government says is. When will people consider what the God of Abraham has to say about it???

    • @MommaCrissa
      @MommaCrissa 22 дні тому

      As Jesus said in 3 Nephi (12 I think) that even lusting is sin. Can't get to adultery without the lust thoughts first.

    • @holyroller4391
      @holyroller4391 22 дні тому

      ​​@@MommaCrissa Huh? That would be correct if truth was believed. We are so far removed from God's culture and truth, we don't even know what's right from wrong, especially in marital relationships. They shall call evil good and good evil is fully fulfilled today. And I'm talking about the religious class, not about those who profess to hate God.

  • @JereKrischel
    @JereKrischel 22 дні тому

    There's no reason to believe that evil spirits can't use chemical imbalances to enact their possession. The more interesting question is how some people can have those imbalances ameliorated through faith.

    • @By_Their_Fruits
      @By_Their_Fruits 4 дні тому +1

      “All things are possible for them that believe.” Also “all things work together for good to them that love the Lord”
      Just ponder on how those two are related…
      I don’t need to touch his garment, hear his voice, or see his face, I only need to seek his will and trust implicitly in his love, no matter what temporal circumstances I am in, his grace and power cover me, as he carries me home.

  • @barbaracain5162
    @barbaracain5162 22 дні тому

    I think that we don't need to cast them out because "men" are doing the evil spirit's bidding better than the spirits ever could. Evil is good and good is evil.

  • @Gidgiddoni76
    @Gidgiddoni76 22 дні тому +1

    Conner, Have you read or heard of the Book 'People of the Lie' by Dr. M. Scott Peck? What are your thoughts on it?

    • @cboyack
      @cboyack  22 дні тому

      I haven’t

    • @hopetocope302
      @hopetocope302 20 днів тому

      That is a great book! Very fascinating from a psychological clinical perspective. Having Evil as a diagnosis.

    • @Gidgiddoni76
      @Gidgiddoni76 20 днів тому +1

      @@cboyack As I recall there is a section dealing with this very topic and affirming that it is real and more prevelant than we might think, believe, or know.

  • @orenlewis8679
    @orenlewis8679 21 день тому

    Well, if the devil will tell you he is in possession of you, is he really the Father of lies?

  • @TubularMag
    @TubularMag 22 дні тому +1

    It definitely seems that there is a reluctance in the church to talk about the issue and even more of a reluctance to tell stories. I'll point out that you said you had an experience on your mission, but for whatever reason did not find it appropriate to tell what happened. There may be wisdom in that. I will say that it seems that telling stories can invite a dark spirit. Has anybody else noticed that?
    I've seen estimates as high as 20% of the U.S. population is taking prescription meds for mental illness. It does beg the question whether the drugs inhibit the ability of an evil spirit to affect a person. Is it possible the meds also inhibit the influence of The Holy Spirit? People say it prevents their ability to "feel."
    By the numbers, it must be assumed that we in mortality are far outnumbered by the evil spirits. To put a number on it, suppose the 2/3 that get to experience mortality is 100 billion souls, that would leave 50 billion evil spirits on the earth to harass a current mortal population of 8 billion or so. That's more than 6 evil spirits per person. Perhaps our odds get better as more righteous spirits graduate through mortality into the spirit world?
    As non missionaries we are free to associate with whom we will. So we probably naturally prefer to hang out with the non demon possessed. Missionaries are just out there practically looking for troubled souls, so I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that they run into it a lot more.

  • @jaymieutley3136
    @jaymieutley3136 22 дні тому

    Read Helaman 13:37. They are surrounded by demons, encircled by the angels of him who sought to destroy them

  • @derrickricks9047
    @derrickricks9047 22 дні тому

    The artwork you have on the cover of this video looks dark was it fashioned by AI?

  • @andrewjoy08
    @andrewjoy08 22 дні тому

    I love that beard

    • @andrewjoy08
      @andrewjoy08 22 дні тому

      I feel like calling you father boyack!

  • @personalitymanager1580
    @personalitymanager1580 22 дні тому

    Do not think that because you are living a good life you could not have an evil spirit. In fact, I believe just the opposite.The more you are making, or contemplating, making a difference in your mission here on earth,, either thru personal efforts, or church called, the more you are a target.I had an experience that let me know, I had had an evil spirit assigned to me since childhood for an express purpose. I hesitate to give details here, but If you are sincerely interested in details ask me questions from here I and I will give you details.

  • @jeffreypacker8608
    @jeffreypacker8608 22 дні тому +1

    EVE-il spirits.

  • @timothyfowers
    @timothyfowers 22 дні тому

    I loke this dude, i thought he was tbm but hes more nuanced

  • @cjwsco6136
    @cjwsco6136 22 дні тому

    Satan is pretty clear on this tactic as displayed in the drama shown in the temple

  • @pigetstuck
    @pigetstuck 22 дні тому +1

    It's happening more in other churches... right?

    • @Veevslav1
      @Veevslav1 22 дні тому +4

      Wrong. I would do an in depth study of Mormon section 8. Really study it and take off the rose colored glass regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Now consider what has happened in every other dispensation regarding Churches.

    • @franciegwin
      @franciegwin 22 дні тому +1


    • @FreeThinker-n1t
      @FreeThinker-n1t 22 дні тому +1

      That's a powerful book and chapter. Thank you. 2 Thessalonians 2 in the Bible is as well as Jeremiah 23 , many in Ezekiel and Isaiah. Know your scriptures. You'll be glad you do in the near future.

  • @KeyG123
    @KeyG123 22 дні тому +1

    I believe in bad spirits, that they can maybe try to make us sick or put things in our minds or hang out around in a house. My last house i felt like someone was always watching me in one corner of the house where my kids rooms were. There were times i would feel so anxious that i would pray out loud in Jesus name to get out and leave us alone. I would feel a darkness leave but then later come back again. I then listened to a LDS YT how she will think of them being sent to space and actually removing them not just telling them to leave but to place them out.
    but my husband feels the opposite. He feels he knows there are bad spirits but not possessions like on movies. He felt if it was a thing why isn’t it taught in the MtC , where missionaries have a higher chance to in counter them, how to cast out or in classes to learn how to cast out if it happens today they should really teach them how to because thats a big deal. Idk what to say to that 😅.

    • @JojoD89
      @JojoD89 22 дні тому +2

      It is explicitly taught and modeled in the endowment.

    • @KeyG123
      @KeyG123 22 дні тому

      @@JojoD89 yes i know that and i told him that (he hasnt been in the temple in some time) i guess he feels like there should be a bigger emphasis like if its a power everyone can have and not just temple going people and its something still happening and important then it should be taught and discussed. ☺️

    • @By_Their_Fruits
      @By_Their_Fruits 4 дні тому +1

      ⁠​⁠@@KeyG123not everyone can, it takes faith, and generally speaking temple goers have that deeper faith. Also if someone is not going to the temple it doesn’t mean they don’t have the deeper faith; it’s a heart - eyes to see and ears to hear type of thing.
      I think those who experience more or greater trials tend to have the greater faith, but I would not wish that on my worst enemy. We are given line upon line according to what we need for where we are in our faith journey. It would be terrifying to consider the reality of demons before your trust in God was sufficient to handle the sight….

    • @KeyG123
      @KeyG123 4 дні тому

      @@By_Their_Fruits that is so true! I know my dad had experienced seeing things, and he and my mom have strong faith and would teach us and really instilled in us to never play with dark things, they are not toys. I
      I have been blessed to live within 20 mins of 2 temples so i try to go weekly and my husband said he sees it and wants to talk with the bishop to get his recommend.
      Eyes to see and maybe mind to believe in these things. When my kids are upset i ask them if they would like to pray or have me pray with them and i teach them to pray to have anything dark holding back their light to be removed so they can show the world they truly are children of God and continue to show the light of Christ through them.
      Maybe its also like food storage topic.. where the church has said it back then and it still applies but they have to move on with the lesson and trust we will search and study the scriptures, words of past and current prophets, and temple time.

  • @gmar2800
    @gmar2800 21 день тому

    I suggest reading Pagan America: The Decline of Christianity and The Dark age to come by John Daniel Davidson, if you want to read about demons.