Interesting video. I have a 1000W inverter from the same company. It looks a bit older than your model. I use solar panels to charge a battery which powers the inverter. The inverter fan comes on at about 40W of consumption and it is loud! When its battery voltage is low, as the battery discharges, the beeping is way too loud and unnecessary. It has been reliable but you can't use it inside as it will wake you up just to tell you its voltage is low. Even the power-on beep is super loud!
I would not turn it off at the overheat, I will drop the load and let the fans run
Interesting video.
I have a 1000W inverter from the same company. It looks a bit older than your model. I use solar panels to charge a battery which powers the inverter. The inverter fan comes on at about 40W of consumption and it is loud! When its battery voltage is low, as the battery discharges, the beeping is way too loud and unnecessary. It has been reliable but you can't use it inside as it will wake you up just to tell you its voltage is low. Even the power-on beep is super loud!
Did you ever do the review on the Litime 100ah TM?
Nice review I'm new to this. Is there supposed to be a fuse somewhere? Is this safe just to run it like you have it set up?
What is the static draw hooked up but not powering anything ?
I enjoyed the review. Was the fan noise from the heater or the inverter?
I am wondering this too. My Ampeak 1000W inverter has a loud fan that comes on with only 40W of load, like charging a computer!