This is very sad. She loved him so much that she waited an eternity for his return, even without the certainty that the swordsman will keep his memories of her. She maintained her sanity for all those years and clinged onto their sweet memories, but eventually losing them, leaving the heart only on its own. Good thing the swordsman has arrived, hope they can compensate for the lost time the pure dragon had waited for
I'm afraid the reality is even more depressing. The arrival of the swordsman signals the omnisciens dragon being proven right for the last time. He ist just a delusion, her mind finally broke.
@@lostabyss8502 the monster is also part of the delusion. Think about it, she sits there long enough for moss grow over her and this is the first animal to come near her? Unlikely. Most animals instictively know to just avoid her. Nothing about the scene makes sense. And why would he still look like humans did millions of years ago? Humans would have evolved as well and look different. Let's face it, unless there's some major deus ex machina ish going on, this is simply impossible.
@@meowkyun6269 She literally lived through eons and witnessed nations capable of interstellar travel, she probably have investigated about how dragon and human ages differnetly and figured out how to prolongs human life after all this time
That end brought tears to my eyes. The dragon is the most loyal person I ever saw in fiction. It took so long but her determination paid off, she didn't let her memories fade away. She found him. 😭
Not so sure about it tho. Maybe theres no one there. Maybe her instinct that killed the monster. Maybe theres no monster and that's just her mind playing with her.
well you can read about an irl version a dog named Hachiko who kept returning to the same train station for 9 years every day after its owner died waiting to greet him returning home
.@@MJT-DA They actually made the statue while the dog was alive. The dog attended the ceremony, The original statue got melted down during World War II, less than a week before the surrender. It is believed the metal was used for train wheels
To everyone saying the dragon girl likely went insane and hallucinated the swordsman; chiktatoon almost always does happy endings to their stories, the "reality" of the story is whatever the writer says it is and given their past stories, and especially recent stories, the most likely "canon" is that that really is the swordsman reborn, and for the hopefuls out there the fact that it happened once will likely strengthen her resolve to wait it out again, or she'll choose to die by his side when he goes, but that's kinda bittersweet. neither are ideal happily ever afters, but also given her immense lifespan her perspective of time should be different (to us 1 year is a long time cause that's 1% of a long life to us but to her it would be equivalent to less than a second), given that she would know that this time she can almost certainly see him again, given enough time, it shouldn't be as painful a wait, since she wasn't 100% sure she would see him again, she was just trusting the other dragon, so rather than eons of pain and uncertainty it's more likely eons of normal/kinda boring-ness with roughly a century of happiness sprinkled here and there, unless humans (or her) discover ways to drastically increase our lifespans, which isn't inconceivable, especially if she decided to spend her eons studying rather than simply waiting and hoping.
But she wouldn’t have hallucinated the swordsman. She had TOTALLY FORGOTTEN him by that point. By that point she couldn’t even remember what she was waiting for, and was just hanging around without purpose… that was the genuine swordsman reborn all right.
@@lemuelgozon7867that is not what happened, she waited for the day he would return with his memories, which means his soul could have inhabited millions of bodies before he was reborn with his memories
What a wholesome love story, infinitely a better love story than Twilight 😭😭😭 She waited for eternity and he came back, even if it's only a coincidence. I can't wait for the sequel!!
I never would have guessed that this romantic comedy story could have such a deep and depressing twist.Dragon Slayer! You better put a smile back on the face of our lovely dragon lady!
Such a great story and the best part is that the roles have reverted since dragon lady is much weaker when humanity greatest swordsman is now in fact the greatest.
I just noticed that this universe turned from a world with magical creatures and magic to a world where people only use technology and science like our world.
@@formdusktilldeath It probably has something to do with mana or something, plus it usually takes hundreds of thousands of years for evolution to become noticeable.
@@Eledcia Yes that's what I'm saying. It would take multiple millions of years for the animals to evolve to a state that she wouldn't be able to recognise their origin, so encountering a human in an absolute unaltered form becomes an impossibility bar some deus ex machina contrivances. Also she mentioned that human wars destroyed the mana on earth.
Holy shit, they really pulled all the stops out for this one. The writing is actually really interesting, I especially liked her asking the wise dragon for knowledge. They should seriously crowdfund a whole anime
장거리 그리고 장기 연애를 한지 어언 7년이 다 되어가네요... 연애를 한지 100일 즈음 부터 자취를 시작하고 빠른 시일에 제가 보호소에서 데려와 기르기 시작했던 제 강아지도 이제 나이가 많이 들어서 이제 곧 12살이 됩니다. 저랑 만났을 때가 5살이었으니깐요... 여튼 이제는 이 아이가 췌장염이 올 수 있다는 이유로 고기도 끊어야 할 만큼 늙어버렸어요. 저도 그렇지만 제 강아지도 제 남친을 많이 좋아하거든요. 남들은 못해도 이주에 한번은 본다던데 저는 늘 한달에 한번 만나는걸로 만족해야 했어요. 옆에 있어도 그립다는 감정과 말이 그 사람을 만나기 전에는 몰랐던 감정이라 원래도 가정사로 인해 가지고 있던 우울증이 더 심해져서 연애 중반에 심리상담도 받고 어쩌다 보니 강아지를 한마리 더 데려와 임시보호를 하다가 가족으로 받아들이는 등 정말 많은 일이 있었거든요. 남친과 가까이 지내지 못한 이유는 제 학업과 남친의 직업 때문이었어요. 저는 그래도 학업이라 비교적 버틸만 했지만 그 사람은 오전 7시에 일어나 다음날 새벽 4시까지 일을 해야 할 정도로 바빴었어요. 여튼 그 사람의 숨결 하나 미소 하나 너무 너무 소중하고 너무 사랑해서 힘든데 그렇다고 버릴 수 도 없는 사람이라 7년을 참고 버텼던 것 같아요. 근데요. 그런 저희가 이번달 말부터 결혼을 전제로 함께 살기로 했습니다. 남친의 퇴사 서류가 드디어 수령 되어서 지금 잠시 부모님 집에 있거든요. 제 생일이 9월 30일 인데요, 그 날 저녁에 아예 오기로 했어요. 친할머님께서 아프셔서 그 날까지 병간호를 해야 한데요. 원래는 이번달 초에 오기로 했었는데 할머님께서 많이 노쇠하셔서 저까지 걱정되서 그렇게 하라고 했어요. 사담이 길어졌네요. 제가 그 사람 하나만 보고 살아서 친구들이 연락이 다 끊겼었거든요. 그래서 이렇게 기쁜 소식을 전할 사람들이 없어서 여기에 이렇게 적어봅니다. 제가 즐겨보는 칙타툰에 사랑하는 사람을 엉겁의 시간에 걸쳐 기다리는 모습을 보니까 괜시리 예전의 저와 남자친구가 보여서 한참 울면서 봤네요... 이제 저도 사랑하는 사람과 더이상 이별을 하지 않아도 되겠죠? 저도 그 사람이 아플 때 옆에 있어주고 행복한 일에 곁에서 함께 행복 할 수 있겠죠? 칙타툰 애니메이터님, 좋은 영상 진심으로 감사해요... 덕분에 힘들고 괴로웠었던 순간들이 더 아름답게 기억되는 것 같아요. 오늘 이런 좋은 애니메이션을 본 것은 제게 큰 행운인 것 같아요. 진심으로 감사합니다! 혹시 이 댓글 보시는 모든 분들께 진정한 사랑의 행복이 찾아오시기를 진심으로 바래봅니다. 저도 행복해질테니 모두 행복하세요!
Evolution is just as good as what your body uses to help repair the muscles to refortify them.... even after a workout. The same goes for bank accounts, as well as the fact that the environment evolves with the rest of the environment, so we are just as good as the environment around us. That one evolves, and we evolve, for some reason... quickerrrrr *hiccup* *betererererrrr* hiccup and easierrrrerererrrererrr *Hiccup* with every word as the label, "Better-er-er-er-er*. Now understand that we are also that one's environment, that ALL-SEW evolves.
Even though she can live as an immortal dragon, she chooses to pursue the dream of seeing her beloved again. Although not quiet him as of how reincarnation works, her best choice was not returning to the dragon life or even falling in love with another human again. She instead decides to wait. What a great character, and not only within the Chikatoon's characters being my favorite. ♡
I’m honestly not quite sure what to think about her decision. She certainly became a tragic character, having waited to be maybe reunited with her beloved after he died from old age. But for that, for her loyalty (or stubbornness?) she sacrifices pretty much everything. For centuries she lived alone. Then she left her son without much of a second thought just to cling to the area she and her husband used to live in. She spent thousands of years watching human civilisations come up and down and up and down again. Up until his return in ???????? years later she led what appears to be a mostly empty life. I have a hard time considering this a happy ending. It’s more like… her being rescued from herself. Happy ending is not here yet.
Wow, what an emotional story for the dragon girl. She held onto her love for him that long. She was truly devoted to him. I wish this was an anime, it could be a popular one with the right writing.
Although not exactly a romantic love story, I’d recommend watching Maquia: Where the Promised Flower Blooms. It’s an anime movie that has a similar plot dealing with a species that ages much slower than humans.
This does not seem like a happy ending. I don't think people comprehend just how immensely long of a time this was that she stayed longing. How she waisted all that time she could have spent looking for his soul, finding new love, spending time with her family, ect. And in the end she will only get a 100 years of happiness before he dies again and she falls into a grief built on a million years of sadness.
There are no right answers. You can't really move on from someone you truly loved. Although this will end only how the other dragon said, ending their own lives as every dragon eventually does
Someone gets it. Just because the video ended on a happy note, doesn't mean things will stay happy for long afterwards. We either need a new video that establishes a way in which the cycle will not repeat or this will inevitably turn into something deeply sad (and no, I don't consider a Romeo and Juliet ending to be happy by any means and it baffles me that such thing is considered "romantic").
Something is worth it if a person feels it’s worth it. How much would people give to see their loved ones again? How long would they wait in limbo for another moment with them? Would it be worth it to them? The answer, of course, is yes. Worth is inherently subjective, if a person deems it worthwhile, then it is. And considering the look on the dragon girl’s face at the end, it was indeed all worth it. And if you start arguing about would could have been, that’s a slippery slope with no end in sight.
Damn that was one hell of a payoff, started as a joke and became one of the purest love stories I've heard in a while. I wonder what Chikta has in store for the succubus and if too will almost make me cry.
OH NO! The writers are evolving! They're starting to cover complex topics of Life and death as well as the intricacies of immortality. I liked the writing for this one
I didn't know I'd get so emotionally invested in the story of "The Dragon that was Caught by the Swordsman". Also, ay yo, what's up with that sus thumbnail?
Having written stories of immortal beings like our Lady Dragon, it really hit hard to see her wait for long. I saw some comments that she should have stayed with her son and such. As someone who wouldn't mind the immortals curse, I think I'd have at least spent the time with my son and been productive. Longing as she did does make you go mad if you only focus on it. Was most heartbroken when she nearly gave out. Not sure if I want to assume like others did that the person we saw is the reincarnation. Chikta and all their twists gives me pause :P
Honestly, it's a blessing that we even got this much. At the very end, when she'd lost all hope, her memories had faded and she didn't even remember why she was waiting anymore after 10's of thousands of years, she finally meets him again. It was only for a second, but with chikta gone we will likely never see any more than this. At the very least, we got to see a second of her happiness.
This was absolutely insane and I love it so much. That scene that she forgets why she was even waiting hit me so hard. Sometimes we get into habits and forget why we even started them in the first place.
지금은 어디서 볼 수 있는지 기억도 안나지만, 예전에 드래곤볼 인조인간 18호 동인지를 본 적이 있었는데, 이번 영상의 여운은 그 때와 비슷하네요. 18r 동인지는 아니었고, 크리링이 수명이 다해서 죽은 이후, 크리링의 후손들과 살다가, 어느덧 크리링을 본적도 기억도 못하는 후손들이, 크리링 일가를 위해서 18호를 제발 떠나달라고 부탁합니다. 18호는 드래곤볼을 찾기위해서 우주 모험을 하지만, 기술력이, 성간 우주여행도, 워프게이트도 광속 여행도 할 수 없어서 (18호가 몰라서) 그저 자신은 수명이 기니까 그냥 무작정 떠납니다. 그러다가 심심해서 인류의 지식을 공부하고, 몇 백년이 지나자 18호의 머릿속에서 사고실험을 하면서 인류의 누구보다 똑똑해지는 현자가 되었죠. (마치 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 돌리듯 말이죠) 그러다가 몇 천년이 지나고 우주선이 우주먼지, 소행성과 부딪히는 것을 피하기 위해서 점점 연료를 소모하고, 우주선을 유지 보수하기 위해서 18호는 자신의 동력원을 우주선과 연결시킵니다. 그리고 몇 만년이 지나고, 또 수 없는 시간이 지나고, 크리링에 대한 기억이 가물가물 사라질려 할 때 쯤, 드디어 드래곤볼이 있는 행성에 도착해서 소원으로 크리링을 한 번 만 더 보게 해달라고 빕니다. 그리고 크리링을 만납니다. 여기서 만화는 끝나는데요, 이게 정말로 18호가 크리링을 만났다고 해석하기도 하고, 18호가 꿈속에서 만났다는 해석, 18호 역시 죽음을 맞이하여 사후세계에서 크리링을 만났다는 해석도 있었지만, 어느 해석에 의하면, 크리링 역시 환생하지 않고, 셀 수 없는 긴 시간동안 18호를 기다렸다는 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 광활한 우주에서, 창백한 푸른별, 작은 먼지같은 이 곳에서 수 많은 고민과 스트레스를 받고 살아가는 우리들에게 무언가 메시지를 던지는 것 같습니다. 그 때의 그 여운을 다시금 생각나게 해주셔서 감사합니다. 영상 잘 보고 갑니다.
This is an amazing love story. It’s l bittersweet tear jerking journey. I hope we would get another sequel though, not needed, it’s still fun to see it through again even if we know the ending.
You just want her to hug her or someone would, but we know, Even if they were to be even be friends, she knows she would still get hurt eventually, i know she still has her son or grand children, but having someone there for you is much different than family love
Out of all your videos, this story is my personal favorite! Especially after the "second episode" (if i can call it like this), it really touched something inside me. Thank you for creating this brilliant piece!
A life without love and happiness, is not a life worth living. Even with immortality, and all the power at your disposal you desire. Her journey was long, painful, and tested her very will for happiness. Despite seeing the reasons to give up time and time again, she remained hopeful. Despite the odds, and nearly giving up , she found her hope once again. Lets only hope with this second chance to live life, she makes the best of it. Lets us also hope she can find peace when this ends as well. As all roads in life eventually must end. Immortal or not
That elder dragon's prophecy nearly came through for this one. She almost wished for death, but her hero eventually came through, after so many, many, years.
@@RaidenzeAs the dragon said: every human sould will be rebirth. However, only very few come back with memorys of they past life's and even fewer with the life she is looking for.
This here is much better lore than any other immortal in any form in any existing media. Such an overlooked thing, the deterioration of a mind and yet it makes so much sense.
To find him again on the same planet, the same place and with his memories intact while she is about to lose hope. I am sure the godess of love and fertility was so moved by her devotion, that she claimed some favors to bring him back.
I also think that it could not have happened without the intervention of some god, who helped the swordsman with the “reincarnation bureaucracy”, but also prepared him and directed him to the meeting place, and so that he would not die on the way. Who knows, perhaps in the next episode, which is not obligatory, they may show a story from the husband’s point of view, revealing the circumstances of how he ended up at the right moment and why it took so long.
I just realizes they slowly upgraded the animation. It's no longer a drawing on a napkin but like quality. The quality on a napkin was funny, I never minded it. But they really snuck an upgrade on us
This is very sad. She loved him so much that she waited an eternity for his return, even without the certainty that the swordsman will keep his memories of her. She maintained her sanity for all those years and clinged onto their sweet memories, but eventually losing them, leaving the heart only on its own. Good thing the swordsman has arrived, hope they can compensate for the lost time the pure dragon had waited for
I'm afraid the reality is even more depressing. The arrival of the swordsman signals the omnisciens dragon being proven right for the last time. He ist just a delusion, her mind finally broke.
@formdusktilldeath Who killed the monster then?
@@lostabyss8502 the monster is also part of the delusion. Think about it, she sits there long enough for moss grow over her and this is the first animal to come near her? Unlikely. Most animals instictively know to just avoid her. Nothing about the scene makes sense. And why would he still look like humans did millions of years ago? Humans would have evolved as well and look different. Let's face it, unless there's some major deus ex machina ish going on, this is simply impossible.
Even if its him. So what? For every 50-70 years of happines she has to wait for hundred thousands years again and again? Thats too much to bear.
@@robertnomok9750 is what she gets for thinking she's smarter than the literally omniscient dragon
You can't end with a cliffhanger like this. I want to see them reunite and live happily ever after.
For another about 70 years just to repeat this again 😭
@@meowkyun6269DONT MENTION THA-
Wont happen chikta left
@@meowkyun6269 Well, he's got a space sword so...Maybe they've got a thousand years at least this time?
@@meowkyun6269 She literally lived through eons and witnessed nations capable of interstellar travel, she probably have investigated about how dragon and human ages differnetly and figured out how to prolongs human life after all this time
Never did i want a character to be reappear like this. I hope that self proclaimed greatest swordman make his dragon wife happy again
He prob thinks she's a stranger
까이꺼 다시 함 해보죠
Humanity's greatest swordman. Lets keep our titles accurate.
~100 years later💀, that terrible thing happened again😨😰🥲🥹😭
That end brought tears to my eyes. The dragon is the most loyal person I ever saw in fiction. It took so long but her determination paid off, she didn't let her memories fade away. She found him. 😭
Not so sure about it tho. Maybe theres no one there. Maybe her instinct that killed the monster. Maybe theres no monster and that's just her mind playing with her.
well you can read about an irl version a dog named Hachiko who kept returning to the same train station for 9 years every day after its owner died waiting to greet him returning home
@@TWEAKLETI remember that they made a statue after the dog died that has to be the saddest story ever.
.@@MJT-DA They actually made the statue while the dog was alive. The dog attended the ceremony, The original statue got melted down during World War II, less than a week before the surrender. It is believed the metal was used for train wheels
@@TWEAKLET ooh i got my facts wrong thanks!
순애는 언제나 옳다. 이는 함무라비 법전에도 적혀있다.
이건 순애가 아닙니다 새로운 남주인공의 ntr이죠...
다른 남자주인공이 여주인공을 꼬실뿐인 이야기
N 네토 좋아하는 사람은
T 터뜨려라
R 랄부를
순애가 진리라는건 고려 수박도에도 나와있다
To everyone saying the dragon girl likely went insane and hallucinated the swordsman; chiktatoon almost always does happy endings to their stories, the "reality" of the story is whatever the writer says it is and given their past stories, and especially recent stories, the most likely "canon" is that that really is the swordsman reborn, and for the hopefuls out there the fact that it happened once will likely strengthen her resolve to wait it out again, or she'll choose to die by his side when he goes, but that's kinda bittersweet.
neither are ideal happily ever afters, but also given her immense lifespan her perspective of time should be different (to us 1 year is a long time cause that's 1% of a long life to us but to her it would be equivalent to less than a second), given that she would know that this time she can almost certainly see him again, given enough time, it shouldn't be as painful a wait, since she wasn't 100% sure she would see him again, she was just trusting the other dragon, so rather than eons of pain and uncertainty it's more likely eons of normal/kinda boring-ness with roughly a century of happiness sprinkled here and there, unless humans (or her) discover ways to drastically increase our lifespans, which isn't inconceivable, especially if she decided to spend her eons studying rather than simply waiting and hoping.
But she wouldn’t have hallucinated the swordsman. She had TOTALLY FORGOTTEN him by that point. By that point she couldn’t even remember what she was waiting for, and was just hanging around without purpose… that was the genuine swordsman reborn all right.
You could say this really was a good ending.But damn,that's so much time passed
Lol. Probably should have just researched immortality while he was alive or resurrection or time travel magic with all the time.
no that is the time his soul travels in the spirit realm and the heavenly realm for reincarnation
@@lemuelgozon7867that is not what happened, she waited for the day he would return with his memories, which means his soul could have inhabited millions of bodies before he was reborn with his memories
That was truly an ending she deserved. Now I wonder, he most likely doesn’t know who she is, so what is going to happen?
Well, in a few decades (the blink of an eye for her) he'll die again. Then she'll have to repeat the whole thing.
I loved that story! Luckily I've had a Korean friend translate it for me!
What a wholesome love story, infinitely a better love story than Twilight 😭😭😭
She waited for eternity and he came back, even if it's only a coincidence. I can't wait for the sequel!!
Obligatory 'wasn't even that high of a bar to pass'
I know you said “infinitely better”, but comparing a genuinely great story to trash is still a bad comparison.
She waited again and again. He dies in 100 puny human years.
@@deusexmachina9743I thought that at this point "better love story then a Twilight" is a widely known joke rather than a honest comparison.
@@mahpell7173 yeah, also commonly replied to with "wasnt even that high of a bar to pasd" too
순애는 언제나 옳다.
주술회전이 떠오르네
한번 더볼까
갑자기 유타의 순애가생각나는군
I never would have guessed that this romantic comedy story could have such a deep and depressing twist.Dragon Slayer! You better put a smile back on the face of our lovely dragon lady!
Chiktatoon deserves to write a entire anime, all of these stories are so good
개연성 있는 NTR보다 억지 순애가 낫다
순순히 애를 낳아라!!!!!!
Dude I swear the short stories this artist makes like has me as emotionally invested as a good quality anime would. They're so good.
they get me more emotionally invested than good quality anime
and i frikkin' love good writing in just about anything
Such a great story and the best part is that the roles have reverted since dragon lady is much weaker when humanity greatest swordsman is now in fact the greatest.
"Give it a couple of years" meant something, I guess.
@@EnzerPyro "Give it a couple (milion) years" 💀💀💀💀
@@Carsu12 Give it until the world return to it's first era of life 🤣
@@Carsu12that’s still a short time to be honest. That’s less than 1/1000th of my lifespan
pretty sure you're not that old physically unless you meant spiritually@@1mol831
I just noticed that this universe turned from a world with magical creatures and magic to a world where people only use technology and science like our world.
And became a monster vers like god zilla.
@redhgffdsgd1605 It then turned from a sci-fi dystopia to a completely different planet with weird plants and gigantic creatures
In fantasy fiction it's usually called "thinning"
I'm actually so happy for her. This bittersweet story got me fully invested.
Think about it. Why would animals evolve but humans would look the same?
Something is not right here.
@@formdusktilldeath It probably has something to do with mana or something, plus it usually takes hundreds of thousands of years for evolution to become noticeable.
@@Eledcia Yes that's what I'm saying. It would take multiple millions of years for the animals to evolve to a state that she wouldn't be able to recognise their origin, so encountering a human in an absolute unaltered form becomes an impossibility bar some deus ex machina contrivances. Also she mentioned that human wars destroyed the mana on earth.
@@formdusktilldeath?????? Years.
Holy shit, they really pulled all the stops out for this one. The writing is actually really interesting, I especially liked her asking the wise dragon for knowledge. They should seriously crowdfund a whole anime
*_"I- I'm not crying... It's just, too rainy today..."_*
Damn onion ninjas...
날이 너무 더워서 눈에 땀이 😢😢😢😢
Man this story made me rethink my life choices I now believe in God and try spend my time purposely
장거리 그리고 장기 연애를 한지 어언 7년이 다 되어가네요...
연애를 한지 100일 즈음 부터 자취를 시작하고 빠른 시일에 제가 보호소에서 데려와 기르기 시작했던 제 강아지도 이제 나이가 많이 들어서 이제 곧 12살이 됩니다. 저랑 만났을 때가 5살이었으니깐요...
여튼 이제는 이 아이가 췌장염이 올 수 있다는 이유로 고기도 끊어야 할 만큼 늙어버렸어요.
저도 그렇지만 제 강아지도 제 남친을 많이 좋아하거든요.
남들은 못해도 이주에 한번은 본다던데 저는 늘 한달에 한번 만나는걸로 만족해야 했어요.
옆에 있어도 그립다는 감정과 말이
그 사람을 만나기 전에는 몰랐던 감정이라
원래도 가정사로 인해 가지고 있던 우울증이 더 심해져서
연애 중반에 심리상담도 받고
어쩌다 보니 강아지를 한마리 더 데려와 임시보호를 하다가 가족으로 받아들이는 등 정말 많은 일이 있었거든요.
남친과 가까이 지내지 못한 이유는 제 학업과 남친의 직업 때문이었어요.
저는 그래도 학업이라 비교적 버틸만 했지만
그 사람은 오전 7시에 일어나 다음날 새벽 4시까지 일을 해야 할 정도로 바빴었어요.
여튼 그 사람의 숨결 하나 미소 하나 너무 너무 소중하고 너무 사랑해서 힘든데 그렇다고 버릴 수 도 없는 사람이라 7년을 참고 버텼던 것 같아요.
근데요. 그런 저희가 이번달 말부터 결혼을 전제로 함께 살기로 했습니다.
남친의 퇴사 서류가 드디어 수령 되어서 지금 잠시 부모님 집에 있거든요.
제 생일이 9월 30일 인데요,
그 날 저녁에 아예 오기로 했어요.
친할머님께서 아프셔서 그 날까지 병간호를 해야 한데요.
원래는 이번달 초에 오기로 했었는데
할머님께서 많이 노쇠하셔서 저까지 걱정되서 그렇게 하라고 했어요.
사담이 길어졌네요.
제가 그 사람 하나만 보고 살아서 친구들이 연락이 다 끊겼었거든요.
그래서 이렇게 기쁜 소식을 전할 사람들이 없어서 여기에 이렇게 적어봅니다.
제가 즐겨보는 칙타툰에 사랑하는 사람을 엉겁의 시간에 걸쳐 기다리는 모습을 보니까
괜시리 예전의 저와 남자친구가 보여서 한참 울면서 봤네요...
이제 저도 사랑하는 사람과 더이상 이별을 하지 않아도 되겠죠?
저도 그 사람이 아플 때 옆에 있어주고
행복한 일에 곁에서 함께 행복 할 수 있겠죠?
칙타툰 애니메이터님, 좋은 영상 진심으로 감사해요...
덕분에 힘들고 괴로웠었던 순간들이 더 아름답게 기억되는 것 같아요.
오늘 이런 좋은 애니메이션을 본 것은 제게 큰 행운인 것 같아요.
진심으로 감사합니다!
혹시 이 댓글 보시는 모든 분들께
진정한 사랑의 행복이 찾아오시기를
진심으로 바래봅니다.
저도 행복해질테니 모두 행복하세요!
축하드려요.. 행복하세요!!🥹
ㄹㅇ 스토리 잘짜시는듯
후속작을 바라는 사람
Evolution is just as good as what your body uses to help repair the muscles to refortify them.... even after a workout. The same goes for bank accounts, as well as the fact that the environment evolves with the rest of the environment, so we are just as good as the environment around us. That one evolves, and we evolve, for some reason... quickerrrrr *hiccup* *betererererrrr* hiccup and easierrrrerererrrererrr *Hiccup* with every word as the label, "Better-er-er-er-er*. Now understand that we are also that one's environment, that ALL-SEW evolves.
26000년이 넘도록 다시 볼 그날을 위해 기다리고 또 기다렸다가 검사를 다시 봤을때 추억이 되살아나는걸 보면 얼마나 그를 사랑했는지 알겠다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 이게 순애지!! 넘 좋다.
오우 쉣
뭐야 왜이렇게...슬프고 감동적이지...ㅠㅠ❤❤
Even though she can live as an immortal dragon, she chooses to pursue the dream of seeing her beloved again. Although not quiet him as of how reincarnation works, her best choice was not returning to the dragon life or even falling in love with another human again. She instead decides to wait.
What a great character, and not only within the Chikatoon's characters being my favorite. ♡
they say true love is Eternal
어찌보면 아날로그할수 있는 스토리텔링의 귀재
I’m honestly not quite sure what to think about her decision. She certainly became a tragic character, having waited to be maybe reunited with her beloved after he died from old age.
But for that, for her loyalty (or stubbornness?) she sacrifices pretty much everything. For centuries she lived alone. Then she left her son without much of a second thought just to cling to the area she and her husband used to live in. She spent thousands of years watching human civilisations come up and down and up and down again.
Up until his return in ???????? years later she led what appears to be a mostly empty life.
I have a hard time considering this a happy ending. It’s more like… her being rescued from herself. Happy ending is not here yet.
And can't be, because her partner is still a mortal human.
Tbh she didn't left their son, He already been married so he already have a family of his own.
@@technocracy90With how advanced their technology is he should be an immortal human.
Such a tragic story for someone who simply fell in love with a human. I'm happy that she got to meet him again in some form at least by the end of it
Thank you for telling me the sad story of life.
Wow, what an emotional story for the dragon girl. She held onto her love for him that long. She was truly devoted to him. I wish this was an anime, it could be a popular one with the right writing.
Although not exactly a romantic love story, I’d recommend watching Maquia: Where the Promised Flower Blooms. It’s an anime movie that has a similar plot dealing with a species that ages much slower than humans.
@@Inkwaber Love this movie. Cried my eyes out the last time I've watched it. Concept of humanity in immortality is always beautiful
This does not seem like a happy ending.
I don't think people comprehend just how immensely long of a time this was that she stayed longing. How she waisted all that time she could have spent looking for his soul, finding new love, spending time with her family, ect. And in the end she will only get a 100 years of happiness before he dies again and she falls into a grief built on a million years of sadness.
There are no right answers. You can't really move on from someone you truly loved. Although this will end only how the other dragon said, ending their own lives as every dragon eventually does
It's an admirable story of pure love that only exist in fiction. In real life, yeah, she'll probably have 300 husbands and family on her lifetime
Someone gets it. Just because the video ended on a happy note, doesn't mean things will stay happy for long afterwards. We either need a new video that establishes a way in which the cycle will not repeat or this will inevitably turn into something deeply sad (and no, I don't consider a Romeo and Juliet ending to be happy by any means and it baffles me that such thing is considered "romantic").
Something is worth it if a person feels it’s worth it. How much would people give to see their loved ones again? How long would they wait in limbo for another moment with them? Would it be worth it to them? The answer, of course, is yes. Worth is inherently subjective, if a person deems it worthwhile, then it is. And considering the look on the dragon girl’s face at the end, it was indeed all worth it.
And if you start arguing about would could have been, that’s a slippery slope with no end in sight.
@@connorgrynol9021 Never saw it in that perspective before. Ur making me think a lot
I was not expecting this rollercoaster of a feels trip.
Thanks, Chikta.
시간이 지나니 병맛애니 채널이 감동애니 채널로 재창조 되었군..
시대를 초월한 순애
Wasn't expecting a continuation of the Dragon story.
It was sad to see the Dragon lady living throughout time endlessly but it worked out in the end.
Damn that was one hell of a payoff, started as a joke and became one of the purest love stories I've heard in a while. I wonder what Chikta has in store for the succubus and if too will almost make me cry.
OH NO! The writers are evolving! They're starting to cover complex topics of Life and death as well as the intricacies of immortality. I liked the writing for this one
Man, these guys never cease to amaze. And touch the hearts of those who came just for the thumbnail qwq. I legit cried while watching this
They finally reunite. such a heartwarming story. I shipped them together 100 percent
You have made a lot of people cry with happiness at the last part. Thank you for making this video 😊
Good stuff 👍
아... 왜이렇게 감동적이야... 다음편 기다려짐 ㅠㅠ
칰타의 죄는 이작품을남기고 떠났다는거
Was not expecting a continuation of this series after the last. Great stuff
She waited THAT long just for her mate to return. Talk about dedication
I didn't know I'd get so emotionally invested in the story of "The Dragon that was Caught by the Swordsman".
Also, ay yo, what's up with that sus thumbnail?
Having written stories of immortal beings like our Lady Dragon, it really hit hard to see her wait for long. I saw some comments that she should have stayed with her son and such. As someone who wouldn't mind the immortals curse, I think I'd have at least spent the time with my son and been productive. Longing as she did does make you go mad if you only focus on it. Was most heartbroken when she nearly gave out. Not sure if I want to assume like others did that the person we saw is the reincarnation. Chikta and all their twists gives me pause :P
The lore became so deep, good job chikta
공룡 시대 나왔을 때 순간 주인공 공룡으로 환생한채 나올까봐 조마조마 했는데... 정석적인 결말에 위로만 울었습니다ㅠㅠ
몇백년의 찰나의 순간을 위해 몇만년을 기다리는 드래곤이 라는게 너무 감동이다
Right in the feels. Great work.
Also, she managed to outlast the fans of graduated vtubers. That's love.
That was oddly specific
God, this is too good. This is "should be on big screens in cinemas" good. I want to praise you more but I am left almost speechless.
작가님도 윤회해서 영원히 연재해주세요~❤
저번달로 퇴사 하셨어요 작가님 블로그 가보셈 쌓아놓은 분량 빠지면 작가님 바뀌면서 그림체랑 다 바뀔듯;;
@@klauschoi5226 퇴사하고 던파랑 블루아카이브 골초 유저 되셨음
@@liar-liar-liar각본이 칰타고 채널명도 칰타툰인데 스토리가 사람 바뀌면 그럼 여기 이제 뭐임? ㅋㅋㅋ
@@gyas137 애초에 ㅈ잘툰 컴퍼니 회사 채널이라서 그런건 의미 없음 ㅇㅇ 이미 여러 사례 나왔듯이 회사가 만든 채널은 퇴사해도 개인이 채널 못들고 나감
It’s Like…… I never thought the whole series are gonna ended like this
We miss you chiktatoon😢😢
This feels like a really wholesome way to wrap up this short story! But I really want to see what happens next as well 😭
Honestly, it's a blessing that we even got this much. At the very end, when she'd lost all hope, her memories had faded and she didn't even remember why she was waiting anymore after 10's of thousands of years, she finally meets him again. It was only for a second, but with chikta gone we will likely never see any more than this. At the very least, we got to see a second of her happiness.
This was absolutely insane and I love it so much. That scene that she forgets why she was even waiting hit me so hard. Sometimes we get into habits and forget why we even started them in the first place.
지금은 어디서 볼 수 있는지 기억도 안나지만,
예전에 드래곤볼 인조인간 18호 동인지를 본 적이 있었는데,
이번 영상의 여운은 그 때와 비슷하네요.
18r 동인지는 아니었고, 크리링이 수명이 다해서 죽은 이후,
크리링의 후손들과 살다가, 어느덧 크리링을 본적도 기억도 못하는 후손들이,
크리링 일가를 위해서 18호를 제발 떠나달라고 부탁합니다.
18호는 드래곤볼을 찾기위해서 우주 모험을 하지만,
기술력이, 성간 우주여행도, 워프게이트도 광속 여행도 할 수 없어서 (18호가 몰라서)
그저 자신은 수명이 기니까 그냥 무작정 떠납니다.
그러다가 심심해서 인류의 지식을 공부하고,
몇 백년이 지나자 18호의 머릿속에서 사고실험을 하면서 인류의 누구보다 똑똑해지는 현자가 되었죠.
(마치 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 돌리듯 말이죠)
그러다가 몇 천년이 지나고 우주선이 우주먼지, 소행성과 부딪히는 것을 피하기 위해서 점점 연료를 소모하고,
우주선을 유지 보수하기 위해서 18호는 자신의 동력원을 우주선과 연결시킵니다.
그리고 몇 만년이 지나고, 또 수 없는 시간이 지나고,
크리링에 대한 기억이 가물가물 사라질려 할 때 쯤,
드디어 드래곤볼이 있는 행성에 도착해서 소원으로 크리링을 한 번 만 더 보게 해달라고 빕니다.
그리고 크리링을 만납니다.
여기서 만화는 끝나는데요, 이게 정말로 18호가 크리링을 만났다고 해석하기도 하고,
18호가 꿈속에서 만났다는 해석,
18호 역시 죽음을 맞이하여 사후세계에서 크리링을 만났다는 해석도 있었지만,
어느 해석에 의하면, 크리링 역시 환생하지 않고, 셀 수 없는 긴 시간동안 18호를 기다렸다는 의미를 가지고 있습니다.
광활한 우주에서, 창백한 푸른별, 작은 먼지같은 이 곳에서 수 많은 고민과 스트레스를 받고 살아가는 우리들에게 무언가 메시지를 던지는 것 같습니다.
그 때의 그 여운을 다시금 생각나게 해주셔서 감사합니다.
영상 잘 보고 갑니다.
초쳐서 ㅈㅅ한데 보통 20년정도만 지나도 다까먹지않음? 몇만년은;;시바 그때동안 연애안하는게말이대냐 인간이아니라서그런건가?
작가님 소원을 들어 주셨군요! 여기선 작가님이 창조주 신! 그래도 무심하시진 않군요. 나라면 더 빨리 해줬겠지만~ 저거 의외로 구경하는 쪽도 괴롭거든?
썸네일 제일 잘 만드느 유튜버 1위
The old dragon use one of the dialogues of Plato and the paradox of Teseo, that was amazing for me
This is an amazing love story. It’s l bittersweet tear jerking journey. I hope we would get another sequel though, not needed, it’s still fun to see it through again even if we know the ending.
This is by far my favorite story out of most of your videos very awsome job my guy 😢🎉❤
How is the dragon not insane yet?? She be strong both physical and mental. But the ending was really happy 😭😭
I knew where this was going... but It still hits... damn... Good work.
Her waiting really helps you realize just what the idea of eternity is. It's a bittersweet, but more sweet ending.
You just want her to hug her or someone would, but we know, Even if they were to be even be friends, she knows she would still get hurt eventually, i know she still has her son or grand children, but having someone there for you is much different than family love
다시 한번 용족의 위대함을 느낄 수 있었다.......
This was SUCH a good story! Thank you! :')
이게 내가 원하던 이야기야ㅠㅠ
Out of all your videos, this story is my personal favorite! Especially after the "second episode" (if i can call it like this), it really touched something inside me. Thank you for creating this brilliant piece!
뭐야 우리 마법 쓸 수 있었어?
A life without love and happiness, is not a life worth living. Even with immortality, and all the power at your disposal you desire.
Her journey was long, painful, and tested her very will for happiness. Despite seeing the reasons to give up time and time again, she remained hopeful. Despite the odds, and nearly giving up , she found her hope once again.
Lets only hope with this second chance to live life, she makes the best of it. Lets us also hope she can find peace when this ends as well. As all roads in life eventually must end. Immortal or not
idk what to feel, this was insane, I got chills when the time skips started getting longer and longer
와씨 진짜 끝인줄알았는데 역시 믿고 있었다구👍
That elder dragon's prophecy nearly came through for this one.
She almost wished for death, but her hero eventually came through, after so many, many, years.
God knows why it took so long though.
@@RaidenzeAs the dragon said: every human sould will be rebirth.
However, only very few come back with memorys of they past life's and even fewer with the life she is looking for.
I like your style! Great storytelling as well. I was moved to tears! 😢
I know she really misses her husband, but she got her son. She could’ve stayed with him to ease her
loneliness for a while
이런 감동적인 스토리 넘 좋다❤❤
I wasn't expecting these feels early in the morning. What a rollercoaster of emotions in only 6 min.
Oh my.. this was epic and tragic at the same time. So happy for the ending!
Still a swordsman after all these years.
its not suppossed to be wholesome 😭
This here is much better lore than any other immortal in any form in any existing media. Such an overlooked thing, the deterioration of a mind and yet it makes so much sense.
Chiktatoons always have me feeling more emotionally invested in the stories and characters than 90% of animes
good greif. glad this has subs
I just dug the three videos of this up and i want more of this dragon
desvers its own playlist!
To find him again on the same planet, the same place and with his memories intact while she is about to lose hope.
I am sure the godess of love and fertility was so moved by her devotion, that she claimed some favors to bring him back.
I also think that it could not have happened without the intervention of some god, who helped the swordsman with the “reincarnation bureaucracy”, but also prepared him and directed him to the meeting place, and so that he would not die on the way.
Who knows, perhaps in the next episode, which is not obligatory, they may show a story from the husband’s point of view, revealing the circumstances of how he ended up at the right moment and why it took so long.
목소리 톤 대박!😮❤
En tan pocos capítulos, logras (el autor) en hacer historias bastante buenas. Simplemente... Cine señores, Cine. :')
@RahilaSShuibu-gw2lz Y... ¿cual dices que seria el original?
En efecto, es cine. 🚬
몰입도가 장난아니군.... 최고...
Man that made me tear up.
She waited long enough for him.
I need closure!!!
That preview picture though... 😍
저정도면 인류최후의 검사아닌가?
진짜 최후네
최강인 이유는 최후여서 검사가 1명그럼 최강?
"거짓말은 안함"
다른행성 갔다가 다시 돌아온 인류 아닐런지?
리딕이나 듄 느낌나네
I just realizes they slowly upgraded the animation. It's no longer a drawing on a napkin but like quality.
The quality on a napkin was funny, I never minded it. But they really snuck an upgrade on us
Please let him recover his past memories, i am so sad for dragon lady 😭😭😭😭
I think he has, there's no being humanity's greatest swordsman in a world like that.
New animation style !!
Woww, well done mate
We just travelled 26000+ years to see her smiling again. I am happy :)
5:42 워해머 40k 황제의 탄생
카오스 4대신: 흐뭇(윙크)
안녕하세요 지난번에 댓글 썻던 사람 인데 이번애도 진짜 울컥 했어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ2탄 찍어주새요!!부탁이에요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ