My wife is a teacher and I bought her a $450 chair as her teacher chair. People have tried to swipe it over the years as it is the best chair in the school. We have had to resort to hiding it every summer, with the help of the janitors. Trust me, teachers and admins will kill for a great chair.
All groups are political. My classmate, Lorene, gave a speech for 8th grade graduation back in 1953 in which she said our leaders need to study and understand human relations in order to be good leaders. And now, more than 70 years later, many people who aspire to be leaders still don't understand that.
I would normally say "this is the level of petty I aspire to be", but taking your own property is not petty, is fair. What made it a revenge is that the new management underestimated how much OP contributed to the school.
Nah. It was petty revenge. Dude took the filing cabinets AND the Manila folders. Dude took the BOLTS he used to fix the desk. Dude UNDID A DOOR REPAIR he did. But it was 100% justified and 100% legal, and that makes it beautiful. So so beautiful. Technically/legally correct is the best kind of correct.
Underestimated? More like never even considered. If you want to make your job taking over someone else's area [who was successful at it] as difficult as possible, disrespect the the person leaving as much as possible. Good luck reinventing the wheel you've never seen before...
No it's petty. The OP bought the folders with their own money, but used their time on the clock to organize the files and put them in the folders. They weren't supposed to buy the folders with their own cash. The school has funds for that kind of stuff. I work as a developer and use some of my own stuff (mouse, screen) because what my employer has provided for me sucks. If I quit, that won't give me the right to simply delete all the code from the different systems that I wrote over the years, just because I used my own equipment when writing it. If I did that they'd press charges for sure and they'd be right to. If the OP was willing to fix some stuff in the school or provide some of their own materials, that's great. But since they were only providing that stuff "while they are present", and planned to undo those things when they left, it was ultimately counterproductive and the OP was a terrible assistant principal. So no surprise that they were replaced.
As someone who has worked custodial/janitorial work for the county school board, admin really do be like that. Admin quite literally tried to move heavy tables on their own once and we had to stop them. Not because they would get hurt but because HR would hold us custodians as liable if they got hurt. Admin, needless to say, had a bad habit of doing dangerous things.
Wait...what? HR holds YOU responsible for something someone else is doing with their own body? Being a janitor at a school seems hard enough without that bs.
if any of you are looking for updates. OP received word that the new admin threw out all the stuff plans and activities that helped students learn and boost staff morale. As well as forcing someone who is actively fighting cancer to do a job she cant keep up with basically trying to make her quit to save budget money. A front office lady told him "the school is going to hell in a handbasket and fast"
@@karal_the_crazy If I were a student there I'd be borderline thrilled cause maybe they'll shut the school down. It's cliched I know but damn what a student will do to get a day or week off
"You can't take your own property!" Bruh... they literally have receipts. I can imagine them going full Karen and making it to court, only to have even their lawyer looking at them like a idiot.
By thinking they can help themselves to what is legally OPs property, they are technically guilty of the crime of theft, and have no right to work in the education sector. Also, forcing people to re-interview for the jop they already do should be illegal!
I agree with things like the chair and fridge. But not the other stuff like folders, white board with school sponsors, etc. They weren't supposed to use their own folders, white board. The filing and organizing was done on the clock. By undoing it they undid the work which they were paid for. So they basically scammed their employer. Just because I secretly bring my own pen from home, doesn't mean all the documents I write or sign at work belong to me and not my employer. And copying all the digital files to a private usb drive and then wiping the school's hard drive is criminal.
@@HomestarCrawler A lot of your points are more it depends cases imo. The whiteboard is clearly ops, so you could argue that its contents should have been saved as a picture somewhere on the school server, but the whiteboard belongs to op so there is no way they can keep it. The deleted data is another of those cases, as I've personally witnessed teachers doing stuff like creating files off the clock because they are not allowed to accumulate above a certain amount of overtime and courts have ruled in the past that data like that does not belong to the employer then. And in case the IT team even remotely skilled it doesn't matter anyways as they will recover that data in a few hours at most.
@HomestarCrawler 1. Op did file to get compensated for those items but newer did get any money back which maked them op's property. 2. No those files and contacts where not put together on the clock but rather in ops private time which makes the informations in the files and whiteboard ops intellectual property and private information as well. 3. Some of the information in the files are as mentioned information about staff. Its something like private interrests, hobbys and preferences for gifts. Handing them over is a severe breach in that staffs privacy since only OP got permission to have access to that information by the staff. 4. The information on the Whiteboard is contact information of sponsors that op privately collected with permission by the sponsors which usualy are private persons. This means leaving that information is basicaly doxing, which is illegal. 5. As mentioned before op collected all that off the clock which means OP was not scamming the employer since the employer newer paid for that time and newer requested the work to be done.
@@zerul1193 The information on the Whiteboard is contact information of ops contacts that he buildt off the clock. Handing them over would be doxing them.
I can tell this guy must have been a great administrator because of how organized his dismantling of his existence in school was done in such a methodical organized fashion. That's the kind of person you want running things. Whether that be a school a business or a vendetta.
The balls on the 'new' principal - what is with her obsession with OP's used chair. I think it was all about dominance. And the cheek of HR trying to bully him; just let this crap go, gang! Sadly, far too many larger school districts are like this. In the old days when cable channel WGN in Chicago had local news, the buildings (5-7 stories high, 1 block square) that the school district had just for admin was unbelievable. Far too admin heavy and not nearly enough people actually hands-on with kids trying to help them through the basics at school.
Locally, it's less the administration and more the school board that keeps doing idiotic things and the school keeps trying to get some needed administrative people in. The school boards biggest thing was almost bankrupting the school district building their own office building and screwing over part of a city park in the process, it just seems that they manage to keep getting their cronies into positions where it's nigh impossible to get them out and it's known that if the majority of them get voted out, they'll wreck a lot of things on the way out just because they can...they already go for the threaten busing and a lot of self or higher government funded things (such as sports teams or anything connected to the arts) with the view that they could then loot their coffers for whatever idiocy they want to do at the time. Unfortunately, the local teachers union is also not so good, nowhere near as bad, but the administration is stuck in between and juggling a lot of schools with to few people to handle it.
The chair was likely a high end gift that the new principal thought would be an easy steal and turned it into a power struggle when she didn't get her way. Clearly she was demoted instead of being fired so she's grasping at any power around her. The school probably offered to reimburse the items op took back at a discounted rate as they are used items. So glad OP didn't take their cash so they had to spend their own time and money to replace them.
I would like to think I'd be this clever in that situation, but I know my temper and I would have thought about it AFTER everything else went down. I would have listed each item and the original cost of each item (the OP had kept receipts so this would have been annoying to build a list for, but not terribly so). I would then offer each item at a reasonable discount (10-25% off the cost), just to seem like I was giving them consideration that I never received from them. The chair wouldn't have been on the list as it was a gift and therefore priceless. If the new Admin decided to purchase said items, I would have responded with, "Fantastic. I'll have them available for you." and left it at that. When the Admin inevitably realized that I wasn't going to bring said items back, I would inform them that I never included shipping and that they would have to retrieve their purchases or pay for shipping, I then would offer an invoice as to what that would cost based on Post Office prices, and would return them according to Post Office standards, so they would have to pay significantly extra to have them brought back. I would also make sure not to combine any shipping as each item was probably purchased individually from different locations and the OP didn't get the luxury of bundling the items into one shipment. I image that they would have had to pay more than the original cost if they wanted their items to return sooner than 4-6 weeks, which is a pretty standard amount of time for things to get shipped at basic shipping costs. If I had the time for it, I would have boxed and used packing peanuts for every item, regardless of how small or unnecessary it would be, and added the cost of the boxes and packing peanuts into the final price. If I was being REALLY petty, I would have packaged each item in such a way as to make it impossible to simply remove from the box without spreading peanuts everywhere. Again, a bit of effort there, but knowing what kind of hell, hate and discontent I would cause would have made me smile the whole time I packed the items. Finally, I would wait until the very last possible day (end of six weeks) to deliver the items and would make sure they arrived to the school at the end of the school day, just like most packages arrive for some reason. I would also have them sign for each item so that I had a record of payment and the name of whomever accepted the packages, just in case some shenanigans occurred that the school could try to use as an excuse to go after me ("We never received ______ and demand you refund the cost of the item as well as shipping costs").
The former Assistant Superintendent likely got demoted for legitimate reasons (probably should have been fired for them but the office politics being what they are). I don't doubt she was angry about the situation, but they sound like they were already so unprofessional that they wouldn't have been much better if she had been happy. My mother was a teacher, and I know how petty those b*stards in administration could be.
Had to be more than that. Since they fired all the assistant principals in the district and replaced them with a teacher plus a stipend. A major budget cut.
It's generally because administrators are aware their jobs are, for the most part, superfluous. Yes, a good manager can really improve things in a big way, but that's maybe one or two per building. Most organizations don't need eight admins per division. However, nepotism is a powerful force and admin is a good dumping ground for people who are otherwise useless.
I am now a retired teacher who took early retirement and take a massive pension hit rather than going on for another 3 years. Do not get me started on the administrative staff I had to deal with. Suffice it to say that if assholes could fly, their offices would be an airport.
My mother is in the same boat, retired this year after the admin at the school she had taught at for 20 years sided with a substitute teacher over her and allowed them to take over the classroom.
I disagree with the idea that the assistant principal OP was in a bad situation that wasn't anyone's fault. Sure, getting demoted sucks, but if you take it out on your subordinates, you should be demoted to the point that you have no subordinates.
Welcome to working for the government and being under a union. When demoted, you have to be assigned to the available options and sadly, this principal position was vacant. Had it not been available, this person probably would have ended up in a teaching position unless their teaching certifications were no longer valid. But needless to say, one of the things about demotions is that they also tend to come with salary cuts. But if the union push came to shove, would fight to keep the salary the same. Imagine a principal or teacher making a superintendent's salary?
Exactly, I imagine they offered pennies on the dollar since the items were all used and they knew to replace them was going to be both a pain and expensive since many of the replaced items would need to be bought new.
I am a teacher and I am seriously hoping I don’t change schools because of JUST this reason - I have so much stuff, and a not insignificant mass or furniture. My desk, a chest freezer, a mini fridge, 3 bookshelves, an old tolling library shelf cart, two display cabinets, a metal wire shelf tower, a large display box, a smaller display box, a whole bunch of science display specimens, a bunch of cool artwork, figurine displays, a crock pot, two water boilers, a toaster oven, a bunch of holiday decorations, a calendar whiteboard, all the dvds, the fidgets, a WHOLE bunch of books and games, CLEANING SUPPLIES, tools, storage containers, almost a dozen collapsing file boxes, a fish tank, an insect terrarium, and my gecko terrarium. If ANYONE ever tries to push me out of my room or the school and wants all the cool stuff in my room I will revel in the dawning horror upon their visage as I strip it to its bones (the cat and bullfrog, specifically), half broken rolling chair, and microwave and take EVERYTHING ELSE with me. I have been told by many, many people I have the coolest room in the school, and I will fucking well take it with me.
Sounds like when my aunt retired and my mom's times stopping teaching and then retirement (She taught until the administration promoted her to run the school library), got stuck helping each time and it involved getting some trucks each time for things. Since my mother worked for the school, I'd also gotten roped into helping several teachers when the school moved to a new building which was a nightmare with all of the stuff.
Just in case, put Uhaul on your Speed-Dial and make friends with the Custodial Staff... Custodians are (usually) masters at moving a LOT of heavy/bulky stuff very quickly and could probably help you clean out your personal property in an hour or less... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
Easiest thing to do if you are still there is to get IT to give a sticker saying its your property (think power cable/fire extinguisher testing stickers/cards). That way they are recorded on paper as yours, and anyone messing with them gets your wrath.
As a former part-time adjunct professor, son of a retired public school teacher and a retired college professor, cousin of four (maybe firve?) public school teachers, next-door neighbor/friend of a public school teacher, and friend of three additional public school teachers (all spread across different school systems in at least five states), I feel I am qualified to say that OP is an absolute GOD.
I think it kinda says something about this school that they were willing to kick OP to the curb and not realizing just how much they had actually contributed, not just time but also property. When you tell someone to “take all their stuff” and they start taking what you thought was public property, you should immediately backpedal and realize how much you fucked up. Edit: Just finished the video. Wow. The chair. *They actually tried to get the chair back.* What job related reason could they *possibly* have to get the chair back?
21:59 also why are they at all suprised that OP took back every thing with receipt in his name, this is like saying anything you bring into my house is now my property, real out of touch and narrow minded thinking
Two lessons from this. 1) Don't invest too much in your job because if he had to prove the chair, file cabinets, fridge, etc was actually his. 2) If you're going to buy a truck, then use it like a truck.
Here is petty for you, roomies bitched about dirty dishes, someone eating too much community food. Trash can in kitchen full. as only man in house i was blamed. Wasnt me. so i got a mini fridge, kept my own food. my own trash can in my truck. Used paper and plastic dishes. I had a zero footprint in kitchen and waited. I even took my trash and dumped it every day. So i got bitched out again, at which time i explained i ate ZERO community food, used no dishes and didnt use the trash can. Then i explained it was the girl from next door that they let hang out in the house while we were at work. I soon moved out. The owner of the house soon realized even if i was doing that stuff (which i wasnt), its a whole lot cheaper than the contractors she had to hire to fix things in the house after i left.
Thank you, Rob, for reading this story. I read it at Reddit, and heard another YT host read it too. Golly, what a story! I just realized that something like this happened to my nephew. Due to a new principal giving him “the business”, he was going to another school in the district, taking all his personally-paid-and-not-reimbursed-for stuff he brought in. After he and his Dad moved everything to the new classroom in the new school, Nephew got a call from JerkPrincipal asking him what happened to the cubby system**. “It’s mine. I took it with me. I have the receipts for it.” “Oh.” **His grandfather had made a large cubby system several years previous from wood Nephew had bought from the local home improvement store. It is such a heavy thing. Nephew’s students still use it after all these years.
I would have said "Sure you can have the white board back." Since the information on it is what gave it value, now that it's blank it's just a white square on the wall.
OMG that was fudging hilarious! Now I have a picture of OP in that last meeting, casually brushing stuff off the desk to prop his flip-flopped feet up. If this were the 80's, taking a long drag of a cigarette. Then clarifying "You want my stuff? To quote Doctor Evil, how about NO!"
This is what happens when you disrespect the star player of the team. And they wonder why people aren't rushing to sign their lives over to work in education. My mom, who was a teacher moved up to an admin position, tried to talk me into considering a teaching career because there's a teachers shortage. I told her "yes there is. There's a reason for that and I don't want to be a teacher knowing what a shit show I'd be getting into it as a newbie". Teachers aren't leaving their jobs on an impulse. The disrespect shown to op isn't an exaggeration. People really are like this to each other in this type of career setting. I can't believe they had the audacity to ask for op's chair. It's good op had that lawyer card. Not everyone is so lucky as that.
Teacher shortage, my ass. Say that, and then tell me my 4 years of teaching English abroad, year of university teaching, and Master’s in TESOL is insufficient to teach TESOL to high schoolers. Some “shortage.”
Currently in my workplace theres a karen/umbrige combo ( the worst of both worlds ) who will get turned into a Reddit story, but so far she stolen my specialty chair i had to order after getting out of the hospital and returned to work once covid restrictions were loosen, my candy stash and work supplies, took my switch , and took the rosary that belonged to my granfather and broke the picture frame it was in and threw out the picture frame that had a picture of my late grandparents when they visited Ireland for the last time , so far shes on thin thin ice and hopefully will get fired at the end of the month
I hope all of that has been reported. The first one is clearly theft and if the chair is expensive, could be a criminal offence, not merely a civil matter.
I used to work at a hardware store known for the orange aprons and they have so much ridiculous training. They have a yearly training that takes up a good 4 hours to do and that is mandatory. This is just an online training videos. The worst part is that it never changes. It's always the same videos every year. We are expected to do it but not given time to do it. The worst.
Almost every new construction site I go to has its own safety presentation but it's always the same information. The music is bad, the acting is terrible, and the only thing that changes is the human talking in the video (if it's a human at all).
If this is House Despot, tell them "Either provide me a training time with training pay, or I go to the labor board (or union if appropriate) and complain of being required to work off the clock.
I'll never understand the need to belittle those you know have a ton of power even when they're about to be let go from said place of power. As the saying goes - play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I'm guessing the school had trouble keeping teachers after that; wouldn't be shocked if several of the teachers simply refused to renew their contracts. This is what happens when you put bureaucrats and pencil pushers in charge of teachers. Right now in Australia, 70% of teachers are thinking of quitting, they think 23,000 across the country. The education ministers of all the states even had a meeting over it to try work out a solution. The only thing they can think of is to throw more money into wages; I doubt any of them ever actually asked a teacher what it is they need to do. Teachers are burning out; they are given near impossible standards to meet, are reprimanded if they don't meet them, and are getting less and less assistance every years as politicians try to cut spending in everything except their own wages. And that's just the Admin! The children and parents themselves add a whole other layer of insanity. More cash won't help; you will simply attract people who see the monetary reward of the job, then get burned out by the stress within 2 or 3 years, and we will be back to the same problem.
The district had their chance to own that stuff when OP had filed for reimbursement. If those applications have not been denied, but merely left unfilled, they still might be able to officially pay for that stuff now.
As a military retiree, I will state that when you tick someone in the military off, you had better watch your actions because retribution is coming. One calendar day in 1973 the command Master-at-Arms found his car painted with red lead paint. The assistant weapons officer had his tires slashed. The next day that officer again had his tires slashed. As an E-5 I hammered an E-7 in such a way that he couldn’t admit that I had hammered him or he could have gone to prison for 5 years.
As an E3 I hammered an O3 in such a tactful way in front of our E9 and O5?(Lt colonel usmc)... that I indirectly but obviously called him an idiot for attempting to bring in for an njp that I had neither agreed to or intended to allow since double jeopardy is a thing after he was ordered out of the room the Sgt major and Lt colonel laughed their a**es off then told me to never do that again and asked which company or unit I wanted orders to since I could obviously never work under him again
The big take away is always keep the receipts and copies of any submitted paperwork for reimbursement, especially if it's denied and "if you bought it it's yours and goes with you when you leave".
What we have learned, is that Reddit all of it is like dealing with a bunch of fisherman. That 5 ft fish always turns out to be 4 in and always gets away
Compensation for fridge etc, I would bet the level of compensation would be $20-25 for the fridge. Other items would also be at a quarter of market value.
As a veteran, none of this is too surprising. We are literally trained to follow the letter of the order when needed. Following the letter of an order to a "malicious" degree is actually common in the military. Any time an overly authoritative individual appears you find this behavior in abundance in the military as it is a reminder to them that we are all a team. You may be in charge but you will have to become an extreme micromanager and give extremely detailed instructions if you are a donkey to your subordinates as they will miraculously forget to do things that were taken for granted but will all of a sudden not be remembered. A word of warning to any would-be mini dictators veterans as a whole are far more patient and creative than you can literally imagine. :P
You know it's bad, when someone is compared to a screen door in a submarine. But also being compared to Umbridge... You know that place is gonna sink unless they get rid of that dead weight. And I haven't even finished watching the video yet.
My sister was a teacher. She left after a breakdown when a administrator and staff mentally attacked her because (get this) she hadn't brought treats for EVERYONE when she brought in some for herself and a couple of friends. She still deals with PTSD it was so bad! No wonder things are so bad in society when the school administration hasn't graduated kindergarten themselves!
Definitely get the hell out of there. Those administrators are definitely entitled and you'll be treated badly for sure. They pulled all of this off under the guise of trimming the budget.
I worked at a school that received money to convert to an Academy. They spent it badly and had to ‘rationalise’. Their choice was to make half the office staff and half the SEN staff redundant. Office staff did the same as OP before leaving; deleted everything they had created and left no instructions or help for whoever had to pick up their jobs. It was chaos!
OP made me soooo happy. I left a job one time and I did the same thing. I weren't took the paper towels and toilet paper...after all I had paid for them. When I had gotten a new refrigerator I took my old one to the office... So when I left I took their food and sat it on a desk. We then put the Refrigerator on hand trucks, took it to the side of the road and beat it with a sledge hammer so not to be used again. Contacted the city and paid to have the Sanitation Dept to pick it up. Oh felt great.
As a manager with a Wall Street firm, hiring, firing etc. are my responsibility. But the Corp. legal dept. wrote company policy on recommendations about hiring, firing, and people who quit or are otherwise discharged. Our policy is this: "Nothing about a person's employment will be released without a court order or otherwise legally required", negative review could be challenged in court, & the company has enough litigation given the Federal and State agencies overseeing the company. One line I used was "I wish I could have paid her/him to keep them with me", for one young person who left my group for a salary increase who left for another brokerage house! 😂
The part in the final negotations for the chair and fridge is because they could claim whatever reason on paper to get them back. But if they have to buy those outright, they have to provide justifiable reasons on paper through the finance department. So it is more scamming of the system. Anyone who has worked for school districts in the USA has likely seen these kinds of shenanigans many times over.
That, and I am willing to be the offer was a lowball one, It feels to me they were going to try and bully him into giving the items over. Otherwise HR would have used their brain for once, and removed any items that were obviously not appropriate and actually insulting to ask for, like OP's personal chair that was only on the list for the new Principal's power trip. But no HR wanted everything including the insulting to ask for items. Honestly what HR should have done was show him the list then immediately immediately given OP a 2nd copy with some items stroked off as a show that they were not going to blindly follow the principal. They might have been able to negotiate some items out of OP that way. They acted like they were in a position of power when they were not, and that is a very risky bluff to make.
18:17 I also bought new equipment like mops, brooms, because the place I worked have office people who were cheap, and didn't want to spend money on anything other then food a soap
I’ve seen similar situations in several admin and corporate arenas. A huge waste of time and resource. But the administrative, corporate types, never see or admit their stupidity.
No flag should fly at any government office other than the national flag, state flag and school flag. And frankly your students don't need to know anything about your ipersonal ideology unless asked by a student.
I worked at a startup company that would surplus office furniture fora dollar per item. The CEO got his office redone and his chair was in surplus for a dollar. This was a thousand dollar chair that had been in his office less than a month. I bought it and let my co-worker use it in our office as he had a bad back. He loved it. A short time later we got a new boss who tried to confiscate the chair as he realized that it was far better than his chair. I pulled out the receipt from surplus and told him it was my personal property and he couldn’t have it. The scumbag then made me take it home by making a rule in our department that no one could have a better chair than their manager. I then gave the chair to my friend to use in his home office. 25 years later, it is still in great shape and he is still using it. We both still treasure the memory of being able to tell that scumbag off.
"Some of the items you took could be considered as being school property..?" "Oh such as..?" "The chair..." "What chair..." "And umm the fridge..." "What fridge?" "And umm well the um er..." "In fact i specifically don't remember removing any items, so if you'd like to reimburse me for the fridge and chair that you admit were in my office but i never got paid for that would be awesome....and i wish you well in finding them...."
So, she's not only a loved teacher, an admin, also a veteran, also LGBT. Somethings just doesn't add up. She talks about being a better person then promotes gender dysmorphia. Seriously though how does she go from school admin to Veteran, I hate people who fake begin a veteran
Part 4, Truthfully I hope they are STUPID enough to SUE. Because Fabricating Evidence is a CRIMINAL CHARGE that if they Attempt it can be arrested for it on top of their LIKELY PURGERY. Plus I am Certain it would make YOUR DAY to SUE them for Time, Effort, and pain and suffering (Note, Pain and Suffering usually means DOUBLE OR NOTHING to a Judge.)
The new admin being so determined to get the chair and fridge is 100% about dominance. OP being nice and letting staff use is personal fridge is seen by the new admin as one upping them and they can't let it stand as they will not do such things and have to pretend like it is district property. The chair is to be personally dominant again OP. How demeaning is it to have your chair taken away?
To the person who questioned why they offered to buy from OP instead of just buying other stuff. It’s because of the time, cost and work involved. They can’t just order a two way mirror. They’ll need to have the area measured, put in a work order, and wait for the item to be delivered and installed. Same for cabinets and everything else that OP removed. If none of those things are in the districts surplus supplies, they’ll also have to obtain new items. Since those are all items that they previously refused to reimburse OP for, it’s unlikely it’ll be easy to add them to the budget all at once.
Maybe they need to check out the good will bins or go dumpster diving at other schools. I hear that some schools throw away some bits including bolts and humble pies.
What does 'parent pleasing" mean? This is a public school right? I would think that the tax paying parents being happy with their childrens education would be high on the to do list?
Anyone else going pink flamingos vibes from this? "I guess there's just two tips of people in this world, my type of people and assholes, it's rather clear which category you fall under, have a nice day"
28:02, The reason they were happy to pay for the RETURN of the USED PROPERTY is because if they REPLACED said property then they would have to go and BUY them from stores at FULL PRICE, and schools dont enjoy having to pay Full Price. They would Much rather try and tell YOU their value so your REQUIRED to accept the check they provide and not a penny more then THEY ARE WILLING TO GIVE YOU... Also good on you for taking the chair WHILE she was tied up with a helicopter mom.
Awesome! I love the meme that says, “Teachers are the only employees who steal supplies from home to bring to work instead of stealing supplies from work to take home.” OP’s clean out of his supplied items is the mega example of this saying!
Thanks OP amd Rob. I've listened to this a few times. The situation never gets old. Being a micromanager and power tripping principle doesn't pay off. Oh well 🤷🏼♂️.
I liked about my old school that the principal and assistant principal where well grounded. They even used the same subways we students did and it was common to have a chat with the principal in the subway to school. One big advantage was that issues could be solved without delay and most of the time issues where handled the same day. But this only works when the principal is not lazy and actually cares about the students.
I quit teaching more than 30 years ago. For most teachers and administrators, the only way to bring order out of chaos is with power trips. They have to be in total control. It sounds here like the entire district has made some really poor decisions. APs and teachers are often the ones who suffer since they are political decisions, not educational ones. I still work in schools, but just not in a classroom, but I still have a lot of political BS to deal with.
Part 3, This is what happens when Career Bureaucrat tries to Take over a School with NO TRAINING in how to do so. Like a Teacher trying to be a Rodeo clown, You can get yourself Hurt trying to do a Job your not Qualified for, NOR have any understanding on how to do PROPERLY.
technically the second they left and the new admins said "sort the documents!" You should have said "I'm no longer employed here, are you sure about that?" You then call HR and say "they told me to clean up the files that they told me to leave behind. I have officially left employment, so i am not allowed to read anything.. So the only thing I can do is shred / burn those documents."
20:39 The new principal just ordered OP to clean up the piles of paper. OP could have thrown all of those piles of paper in the garbage, causing more chaos.
The ending with the new principal trying for a third time to steal the chair. That alone just would make me unwilling to listen to any of their requests.
My wife is a teacher and I bought her a $450 chair as her teacher chair. People have tried to swipe it over the years as it is the best chair in the school. We have had to resort to hiding it every summer, with the help of the janitors. Trust me, teachers and admins will kill for a great chair.
My buddy is a teacher and she makes more than $100k. Why don't they just buy their own chairs?
@@DAndyLord let me guess, works at a private school for overprivileged richies?
@@DAndyLord my wife has taught elementary school for over 18 years and she doesn’t make anywhere near $100k. Would be nice if she did though.
@@DAndyLord too cheap and expect the school to buy them a chair
A good chair is like finding a unicorn. Swiping it is wild though. Shaping the minds of our young ...
All groups are political. My classmate, Lorene, gave a speech for 8th grade graduation back in 1953 in which she said our leaders need to study and understand human relations in order to be good leaders. And now, more than 70 years later, many people who aspire to be leaders still don't understand that.
I would normally say "this is the level of petty I aspire to be", but taking your own property is not petty, is fair. What made it a revenge is that the new management underestimated how much OP contributed to the school.
Really, not petty or revenge.
Nah. It was petty revenge. Dude took the filing cabinets AND the Manila folders. Dude took the BOLTS he used to fix the desk. Dude UNDID A DOOR REPAIR he did.
But it was 100% justified and 100% legal, and that makes it beautiful. So so beautiful.
Technically/legally correct is the best kind of correct.
Underestimated? More like never even considered.
If you want to make your job taking over someone else's area [who was successful at it] as difficult as possible, disrespect the the person leaving as much as possible. Good luck reinventing the wheel you've never seen before...
Petty was taking the screws from his repairs. The rest was just reclaiming his property.
No it's petty. The OP bought the folders with their own money, but used their time on the clock to organize the files and put them in the folders. They weren't supposed to buy the folders with their own cash. The school has funds for that kind of stuff. I work as a developer and use some of my own stuff (mouse, screen) because what my employer has provided for me sucks. If I quit, that won't give me the right to simply delete all the code from the different systems that I wrote over the years, just because I used my own equipment when writing it. If I did that they'd press charges for sure and they'd be right to. If the OP was willing to fix some stuff in the school or provide some of their own materials, that's great. But since they were only providing that stuff "while they are present", and planned to undo those things when they left, it was ultimately counterproductive and the OP was a terrible assistant principal. So no surprise that they were replaced.
As someone who has worked custodial/janitorial work for the county school board, admin really do be like that. Admin quite literally tried to move heavy tables on their own once and we had to stop them. Not because they would get hurt but because HR would hold us custodians as liable if they got hurt. Admin, needless to say, had a bad habit of doing dangerous things.
nice pfp
Can confirm, worked years in various private and public schools. Colossal dumbasses are the only ones promoted to admin most places.
Wait...what? HR holds YOU responsible for something someone else is doing with their own body?
Being a janitor at a school seems hard enough without that bs.
Sorry to hear that. Also, Code Lyoko is awesome.
The thing about being a veteran: soldiers will follow the order to the letter. You really don’t want that.
The phrase is "malicious compliance" and as you said above "You really don't want that".
@@andrewharrison8436 Military-trained malicious compliance. The best and most comprehensive form of malicious compliance.
@@PreceptorGrantMilitary-grade malicious compliance
I'd say, you do want that, just make sure the order is proper.
if any of you are looking for updates. OP received word that the new admin threw out all the stuff plans and activities that helped students learn and boost staff morale. As well as forcing someone who is actively fighting cancer to do a job she cant keep up with basically trying to make her quit to save budget money. A front office lady told him "the school is going to hell in a handbasket and fast"
I feel sorry for the students they are their to learn and this drama is not helping
@@karal_the_crazy If I were a student there I'd be borderline thrilled cause maybe they'll shut the school down. It's cliched I know but damn what a student will do to get a day or week off
"You can't take your own property!" Bruh... they literally have receipts. I can imagine them going full Karen and making it to court, only to have even their lawyer looking at them like a idiot.
By thinking they can help themselves to what is legally OPs property, they are technically guilty of the crime of theft, and have no right to work in the education sector.
Also, forcing people to re-interview for the jop they already do should be illegal!
I agree with things like the chair and fridge. But not the other stuff like folders, white board with school sponsors, etc. They weren't supposed to use their own folders, white board. The filing and organizing was done on the clock. By undoing it they undid the work which they were paid for. So they basically scammed their employer. Just because I secretly bring my own pen from home, doesn't mean all the documents I write or sign at work belong to me and not my employer. And copying all the digital files to a private usb drive and then wiping the school's hard drive is criminal.
@@HomestarCrawler A lot of your points are more it depends cases imo. The whiteboard is clearly ops, so you could argue that its contents should have been saved as a picture somewhere on the school server, but the whiteboard belongs to op so there is no way they can keep it. The deleted data is another of those cases, as I've personally witnessed teachers doing stuff like creating files off the clock because they are not allowed to accumulate above a certain amount of overtime and courts have ruled in the past that data like that does not belong to the employer then. And in case the IT team even remotely skilled it doesn't matter anyways as they will recover that data in a few hours at most.
@HomestarCrawler 1. Op did file to get compensated for those items but newer did get any money back which maked them op's property.
2. No those files and contacts where not put together on the clock but rather in ops private time which makes the informations in the files and whiteboard ops intellectual property and private information as well.
3. Some of the information in the files are as mentioned information about staff. Its something like private interrests, hobbys and preferences for gifts. Handing them over is a severe breach in that staffs privacy since only OP got permission to have access to that information by the staff.
4. The information on the Whiteboard is contact information of sponsors that op privately collected with permission by the sponsors which usualy are private persons. This means leaving that information is basicaly doxing, which is illegal.
5. As mentioned before op collected all that off the clock which means OP was not scamming the employer since the employer newer paid for that time and newer requested the work to be done.
@@zerul1193 The information on the Whiteboard is contact information of ops contacts that he buildt off the clock.
Handing them over would be doxing them.
I can tell this guy must have been a great administrator because of how organized his dismantling of his existence in school was done in such a methodical organized fashion. That's the kind of person you want running things. Whether that be a school a business or a vendetta.
I want to hire this guy for my vendetta, NOW !!!!
@@thebigkahuna2753 Join the back of the queue.
The balls on the 'new' principal - what is with her obsession with OP's used chair. I think it was all about dominance. And the cheek of HR trying to bully him; just let this crap go, gang! Sadly, far too many larger school districts are like this. In the old days when cable channel WGN in Chicago had local news, the buildings (5-7 stories high, 1 block square) that the school district had just for admin was unbelievable. Far too admin heavy and not nearly enough people actually hands-on with kids trying to help them through the basics at school.
Not teaching to this day.
It's not just large districts.
It's not that she had balls on her. It was she had a bad case of female feminist privilege.
Locally, it's less the administration and more the school board that keeps doing idiotic things and the school keeps trying to get some needed administrative people in.
The school boards biggest thing was almost bankrupting the school district building their own office building and screwing over part of a city park in the process, it just seems that they manage to keep getting their cronies into positions where it's nigh impossible to get them out and it's known that if the majority of them get voted out, they'll wreck a lot of things on the way out just because they can...they already go for the threaten busing and a lot of self or higher government funded things (such as sports teams or anything connected to the arts) with the view that they could then loot their coffers for whatever idiocy they want to do at the time.
Unfortunately, the local teachers union is also not so good, nowhere near as bad, but the administration is stuck in between and juggling a lot of schools with to few people to handle it.
At a guess, it's because it was HIS AND NOT HERS!
The chair was likely a high end gift that the new principal thought would be an easy steal and turned it into a power struggle when she didn't get her way.
Clearly she was demoted instead of being fired so she's grasping at any power around her.
The school probably offered to reimburse the items op took back at a discounted rate as they are used items. So glad OP didn't take their cash so they had to spend their own time and money to replace them.
the school was lucky they weren't sued for stealing private property or that this thing became public.
I would like to think I'd be this clever in that situation, but I know my temper and I would have thought about it AFTER everything else went down.
I would have listed each item and the original cost of each item (the OP had kept receipts so this would have been annoying to build a list for, but not terribly so). I would then offer each item at a reasonable discount (10-25% off the cost), just to seem like I was giving them consideration that I never received from them. The chair wouldn't have been on the list as it was a gift and therefore priceless. If the new Admin decided to purchase said items, I would have responded with, "Fantastic. I'll have them available for you." and left it at that. When the Admin inevitably realized that I wasn't going to bring said items back, I would inform them that I never included shipping and that they would have to retrieve their purchases or pay for shipping, I then would offer an invoice as to what that would cost based on Post Office prices, and would return them according to Post Office standards, so they would have to pay significantly extra to have them brought back. I would also make sure not to combine any shipping as each item was probably purchased individually from different locations and the OP didn't get the luxury of bundling the items into one shipment. I image that they would have had to pay more than the original cost if they wanted their items to return sooner than 4-6 weeks, which is a pretty standard amount of time for things to get shipped at basic shipping costs. If I had the time for it, I would have boxed and used packing peanuts for every item, regardless of how small or unnecessary it would be, and added the cost of the boxes and packing peanuts into the final price. If I was being REALLY petty, I would have packaged each item in such a way as to make it impossible to simply remove from the box without spreading peanuts everywhere. Again, a bit of effort there, but knowing what kind of hell, hate and discontent I would cause would have made me smile the whole time I packed the items. Finally, I would wait until the very last possible day (end of six weeks) to deliver the items and would make sure they arrived to the school at the end of the school day, just like most packages arrive for some reason. I would also have them sign for each item so that I had a record of payment and the name of whomever accepted the packages, just in case some shenanigans occurred that the school could try to use as an excuse to go after me ("We never received ______ and demand you refund the cost of the item as well as shipping costs").
Geez principal stole his property twice
In part 3, for me it's the unfixing of the closet door was the crowning touch, THAT'S PETTY, to unfix the closet door, damn!
It might be petty, but I love his level of pettiness.
17:30 What about the lopsided desk left after OP undid the repairs? :)
@@thebigkahuna2753 Me too, the ultimate in petty.
@@seraglioborneo2803That was Classic...
@@alanblack6026 :)
The former Assistant Superintendent likely got demoted for legitimate reasons (probably should have been fired for them but the office politics being what they are). I don't doubt she was angry about the situation, but they sound like they were already so unprofessional that they wouldn't have been much better if she had been happy. My mother was a teacher, and I know how petty those b*stards in administration could be.
Had to be more than that. Since they fired all the assistant principals in the district and replaced them with a teacher plus a stipend. A major budget cut.
It's generally because administrators are aware their jobs are, for the most part, superfluous.
Yes, a good manager can really improve things in a big way, but that's maybe one or two per building. Most organizations don't need eight admins per division. However, nepotism is a powerful force and admin is a good dumping ground for people who are otherwise useless.
I am now a retired teacher who took early retirement and take a massive pension hit rather than going on for another 3 years. Do not get me started on the administrative staff I had to deal with. Suffice it to say that if assholes could fly, their offices would be an airport.
My mother is in the same boat, retired this year after the admin at the school she had taught at for 20 years sided with a substitute teacher over her and allowed them to take over the classroom.
I disagree with the idea that the assistant principal OP was in a bad situation that wasn't anyone's fault. Sure, getting demoted sucks, but if you take it out on your subordinates, you should be demoted to the point that you have no subordinates.
Welcome to working for the government and being under a union. When demoted, you have to be assigned to the available options and sadly, this principal position was vacant. Had it not been available, this person probably would have ended up in a teaching position unless their teaching certifications were no longer valid. But needless to say, one of the things about demotions is that they also tend to come with salary cuts. But if the union push came to shove, would fight to keep the salary the same. Imagine a principal or teacher making a superintendent's salary?
My guess is they don't want to pay for the stuff themselves because their bonuses are tied to how much money they save.
Exactly, I imagine they offered pennies on the dollar since the items were all used and they knew to replace them was going to be both a pain and expensive since many of the replaced items would need to be bought new.
Good point, probably different budgets so they can "hide" the purchases from op but not from stores.
I am a teacher and I am seriously hoping I don’t change schools because of JUST this reason - I have so much stuff, and a not insignificant mass or furniture. My desk, a chest freezer, a mini fridge, 3 bookshelves, an old tolling library shelf cart, two display cabinets, a metal wire shelf tower, a large display box, a smaller display box, a whole bunch of science display specimens, a bunch of cool artwork, figurine displays, a crock pot, two water boilers, a toaster oven, a bunch of holiday decorations, a calendar whiteboard, all the dvds, the fidgets, a WHOLE bunch of books and games, CLEANING SUPPLIES, tools, storage containers, almost a dozen collapsing file boxes, a fish tank, an insect terrarium, and my gecko terrarium. If ANYONE ever tries to push me out of my room or the school and wants all the cool stuff in my room I will revel in the dawning horror upon their visage as I strip it to its bones (the cat and bullfrog, specifically), half broken rolling chair, and microwave and take EVERYTHING ELSE with me. I have been told by many, many people I have the coolest room in the school, and I will fucking well take it with me.
Wow n yb, you're going to need a removal van to move that out !!!
You forgot to mention the kitchen sink and your bed. 😂🤣
Sounds like when my aunt retired and my mom's times stopping teaching and then retirement (She taught until the administration promoted her to run the school library), got stuck helping each time and it involved getting some trucks each time for things.
Since my mother worked for the school, I'd also gotten roped into helping several teachers when the school moved to a new building which was a nightmare with all of the stuff.
Just in case, put Uhaul on your Speed-Dial and make friends with the Custodial Staff...
Custodians are (usually) masters at moving a LOT of heavy/bulky stuff very quickly and could probably help you clean out your personal property in an hour or less...
Easiest thing to do if you are still there is to get IT to give a sticker saying its your property (think power cable/fire extinguisher testing stickers/cards). That way they are recorded on paper as yours, and anyone messing with them gets your wrath.
As a former part-time adjunct professor, son of a retired public school teacher and a retired college professor, cousin of four (maybe firve?) public school teachers, next-door neighbor/friend of a public school teacher, and friend of three additional public school teachers (all spread across different school systems in at least five states), I feel I am qualified to say that OP is an absolute GOD.
There's a term for all this. It's called Scorched Earth.
I think it kinda says something about this school that they were willing to kick OP to the curb and not realizing just how much they had actually contributed, not just time but also property. When you tell someone to “take all their stuff” and they start taking what you thought was public property, you should immediately backpedal and realize how much you fucked up.
Edit: Just finished the video. Wow. The chair. *They actually tried to get the chair back.* What job related reason could they *possibly* have to get the chair back?
21:59 also why are they at all suprised that OP took back every thing with receipt in his name, this is like saying anything you bring into my house is now my property, real out of touch and narrow minded thinking
Two lessons from this.
1) Don't invest too much in your job because if he had to prove the chair, file cabinets, fridge, etc was actually his.
2) If you're going to buy a truck, then use it like a truck.
He had the receipt stubs requesting compensation for the items he brought in and can prove they never compensated him. That would stand up in court.
I love the revenge - I still cant wrap my head around them trying to demand OP have over her stuff and claiming it was school property
Here is petty for you, roomies bitched about dirty dishes, someone eating too much community food. Trash can in kitchen full. as only man in house i was blamed. Wasnt me. so i got a mini fridge, kept my own food. my own trash can in my truck. Used paper and plastic dishes. I had a zero footprint in kitchen and waited. I even took my trash and dumped it every day. So i got bitched out again, at which time i explained i ate ZERO community food, used no dishes and didnt use the trash can. Then i explained it was the girl from next door that they let hang out in the house while we were at work. I soon moved out. The owner of the house soon realized even if i was doing that stuff (which i wasnt), its a whole lot cheaper than the contractors she had to hire to fix things in the house after i left.
This was epic!! Right down the the screws in the desks and the papers on the floor. 10/10 I want that OP on my side!
Thank you, Rob, for reading this story. I read it at Reddit, and heard another YT host read it too. Golly, what a story!
I just realized that something like this happened to my nephew. Due to a new principal giving him “the business”, he was going to another school in the district, taking all his personally-paid-and-not-reimbursed-for stuff he brought in.
After he and his Dad moved everything to the new classroom in the new school, Nephew got a call from JerkPrincipal asking him what happened to the cubby system**. “It’s mine. I took it with me. I have the receipts for it.” “Oh.”
**His grandfather had made a large cubby system several years previous from wood Nephew had bought from the local home improvement store. It is such a heavy thing. Nephew’s students still use it after all these years.
I would have said "Sure you can have the white board back." Since the information on it is what gave it value, now that it's blank it's just a white square on the wall.
Nah, taht's still ,something he bought and they never reimbursed. It's 10 to 50 bucks that they owed him, why would he gave them that pleasure? ^^
OMG that was fudging hilarious! Now I have a picture of OP in that last meeting, casually brushing stuff off the desk to prop his flip-flopped feet up. If this were the 80's, taking a long drag of a cigarette. Then clarifying "You want my stuff? To quote Doctor Evil, how about NO!"
This is what happens when you disrespect the star player of the team. And they wonder why people aren't rushing to sign their lives over to work in education. My mom, who was a teacher moved up to an admin position, tried to talk me into considering a teaching career because there's a teachers shortage. I told her "yes there is. There's a reason for that and I don't want to be a teacher knowing what a shit show I'd be getting into it as a newbie". Teachers aren't leaving their jobs on an impulse. The disrespect shown to op isn't an exaggeration. People really are like this to each other in this type of career setting. I can't believe they had the audacity to ask for op's chair. It's good op had that lawyer card. Not everyone is so lucky as that.
Teacher shortage, my ass. Say that, and then tell me my 4 years of teaching English abroad, year of university teaching, and Master’s in TESOL is insufficient to teach TESOL to high schoolers. Some “shortage.”
Speaking as a former teacher: what a legend! Addresses the hypocrisy in education. Top marks!
Currently in my workplace theres a karen/umbrige combo ( the worst of both worlds ) who will get turned into a Reddit story, but so far she stolen my specialty chair i had to order after getting out of the hospital and returned to work once covid restrictions were loosen, my candy stash and work supplies, took my switch , and took the rosary that belonged to my granfather and broke the picture frame it was in and threw out the picture frame that had a picture of my late grandparents when they visited Ireland for the last time , so far shes on thin thin ice and hopefully will get fired at the end of the month
I hope all of that has been reported. The first one is clearly theft and if the chair is expensive, could be a criminal offence, not merely a civil matter.
And another copy of your grandparents’ picture.
Its a mile long she claims shes not in the wrong but the evidence says other
The negative is with family in Ireland so they’d said they send me a digital print once they find it
This must by far be the best story ever, thanks OP, we'll done. And thanks Rob for reading it
A master at revenge! Love it. This what happens when you try to mess with a sleeping Tiger 🐅. You’ll be sorry. 😂😂😂😂
Thank you. Happy Sunday.
I used to work at a hardware store known for the orange aprons and they have so much ridiculous training. They have a yearly training that takes up a good 4 hours to do and that is mandatory. This is just an online training videos. The worst part is that it never changes. It's always the same videos every year. We are expected to do it but not given time to do it. The worst.
Almost every new construction site I go to has its own safety presentation but it's always the same information. The music is bad, the acting is terrible, and the only thing that changes is the human talking in the video (if it's a human at all).
If this is House Despot, tell them "Either provide me a training time with training pay, or I go to the labor board (or union if appropriate) and complain of being required to work off the clock.
@@sherylcascadden4988 we prefer Domme Depot. Lol
@@racheleast688 That works if you're not trying for the same initials...
Ah I think I know exactly which store. Ya, pain. The same outdated videos every and topics they already learned us on at the beginning at the month 😑
I'll never understand the need to belittle those you know have a ton of power even when they're about to be let go from said place of power. As the saying goes - play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
See, this person knows how to do revenge in a good way.
Never anger a patient person.
They will stop at nothing when the handcuffs come off
A one story video??? Oh my stars we are in for a treat.
I would love to hear an update to this story about how the school year went after OP left the school
I'm guessing the school had trouble keeping teachers after that; wouldn't be shocked if several of the teachers simply refused to renew their contracts. This is what happens when you put bureaucrats and pencil pushers in charge of teachers.
Right now in Australia, 70% of teachers are thinking of quitting, they think 23,000 across the country. The education ministers of all the states even had a meeting over it to try work out a solution. The only thing they can think of is to throw more money into wages; I doubt any of them ever actually asked a teacher what it is they need to do.
Teachers are burning out; they are given near impossible standards to meet, are reprimanded if they don't meet them, and are getting less and less assistance every years as politicians try to cut spending in everything except their own wages. And that's just the Admin! The children and parents themselves add a whole other layer of insanity. More cash won't help; you will simply attract people who see the monetary reward of the job, then get burned out by the stress within 2 or 3 years, and we will be back to the same problem.
The district had their chance to own that stuff when OP had filed for reimbursement. If those applications have not been denied, but merely left unfilled, they still might be able to officially pay for that stuff now.
At the full reimbursement price listed on the receipts it's still a win compared to the more than likely low ball offer
Which is why you should always add clauses to reimbursement applications, which include a hefty compounding interest charge if exceeding 30days.
Should have told all the teachers to take the same week off on holidays. Really f with admin
As a military retiree, I will state that when you tick someone in the military off, you had better watch your actions because retribution is coming.
One calendar day in 1973 the command Master-at-Arms found his car painted with red lead paint. The assistant weapons officer had his tires slashed. The next day that officer again had his tires slashed.
As an E-5 I hammered an E-7 in such a way that he couldn’t admit that I had hammered him or he could have gone to prison for 5 years.
Way to go Martin Walker.
As an E3 I hammered an O3 in such a tactful way in front of our E9 and O5?(Lt colonel usmc)... that I indirectly but obviously called him an idiot for attempting to bring in for an njp that I had neither agreed to or intended to allow since double jeopardy is a thing after he was ordered out of the room the Sgt major and Lt colonel laughed their a**es off then told me to never do that again and asked which company or unit I wanted orders to since I could obviously never work under him again
The big take away is always keep the receipts and copies of any submitted paperwork for reimbursement, especially if it's denied and "if you bought it it's yours and goes with you when you leave".
What we have learned, is that Reddit all of it is like dealing with a bunch of fisherman. That 5 ft fish always turns out to be 4 in and always gets away
Compensation for fridge etc, I would bet the level of compensation would be $20-25 for the fridge. Other items would also be at a quarter of market value.
As a veteran, none of this is too surprising. We are literally trained to follow the letter of the order when needed. Following the letter of an order to a "malicious" degree is actually common in the military. Any time an overly authoritative individual appears you find this behavior in abundance in the military as it is a reminder to them that we are all a team. You may be in charge but you will have to become an extreme micromanager and give extremely detailed instructions if you are a donkey to your subordinates as they will miraculously forget to do things that were taken for granted but will all of a sudden not be remembered. A word of warning to any would-be mini dictators veterans as a whole are far more patient and creative than you can literally imagine. :P
You know it's bad, when someone is compared to a screen door in a submarine. But also being compared to Umbridge... You know that place is gonna sink unless they get rid of that dead weight. And I haven't even finished watching the video yet.
Being an ex submariner, I found this comment particularly humorous.
I would have threatened the principal with a theft charge the second it was mentioned after being informed of the ownership of.
My sister was a teacher. She left after a breakdown when a administrator and staff mentally attacked her because (get this) she hadn't brought treats for EVERYONE when she brought in some for herself and a couple of friends. She still deals with PTSD it was so bad!
No wonder things are so bad in society when the school administration hasn't graduated kindergarten themselves!
I kind of miss when he used to say the whole name, regardless have a good day Rob
Definitely get the hell out of there. Those administrators are definitely entitled and you'll be treated badly for sure. They pulled all of this off under the guise of trimming the budget.
And sadly, in the long run, the kids will get the shaft.😤😭🤬
I worked at a school that received money to convert to an Academy. They spent it badly and had to ‘rationalise’. Their choice was to make half the office staff and half the SEN staff redundant. Office staff did the same as OP before leaving; deleted everything they had created and left no instructions or help for whoever had to pick up their jobs. It was chaos!
OP made me soooo happy.
I left a job one time and I did the same thing.
I weren't took the paper towels and toilet paper...after all I had paid for them.
When I had gotten a new refrigerator I took my old one to the office...
So when I left I took their food and sat it on a desk. We then put the Refrigerator on hand trucks, took it to the side of the road and beat it with a sledge hammer so not to be used again. Contacted the city and paid to have the Sanitation Dept to pick it up.
Oh felt great.
As a manager with a Wall Street firm, hiring, firing etc. are my responsibility. But the Corp. legal dept. wrote company policy on recommendations about hiring, firing, and people who quit or are otherwise discharged. Our policy is this: "Nothing about a person's employment will be released without a court order or otherwise legally required", negative review could be challenged in court, & the company has enough litigation given the Federal and State agencies overseeing the company. One line I used was "I wish I could have paid her/him to keep them with me", for one young person who left my group for a salary increase who left for another brokerage house! 😂
The thing with the chair is obviously a power move on her part. She lost. LoL
Oh, just simply wow... one of the most satisfying stories I've ever heard.Much thanks and appreciation 💐⭐⭐💐
Teacher in a Big Rig? Bring it, Rob!
The part in the final negotations for the chair and fridge is because they could claim whatever reason on paper to get them back. But if they have to buy those outright, they have to provide justifiable reasons on paper through the finance department. So it is more scamming of the system. Anyone who has worked for school districts in the USA has likely seen these kinds of shenanigans many times over.
That, and I am willing to be the offer was a lowball one, It feels to me they were going to try and bully him into giving the items over. Otherwise HR would have used their brain for once, and removed any items that were obviously not appropriate and actually insulting to ask for, like OP's personal chair that was only on the list for the new Principal's power trip. But no HR wanted everything including the insulting to ask for items.
Honestly what HR should have done was show him the list then immediately immediately given OP a 2nd copy with some items stroked off as a show that they were not going to blindly follow the principal. They might have been able to negotiate some items out of OP that way. They acted like they were in a position of power when they were not, and that is a very risky bluff to make.
Op went scorched earth on them. Outstanding. Good luck Op. Thanks Rob. I needed a good laugh! It made my day.
18:17 I also bought new equipment like mops, brooms, because the place I worked have office people who were cheap, and didn't want to spend money on anything other then food a soap
I’ve seen similar situations in several admin and corporate arenas. A huge waste of time and resource. But the administrative, corporate types, never see or admit their stupidity.
On top of that they played the played the big dipshit ,more money for agreat job!! 28:44
You, sir, are a criminal genius! You should become a politician. I'd vote for you.
No flag should fly at any government office other than the national flag, state flag and school flag. And frankly your students don't need to know anything about your ipersonal ideology unless asked by a student.
I worked at a startup company that would surplus office furniture fora dollar per item. The CEO got his office redone and his chair was in surplus for a dollar. This was a thousand dollar chair that had been in his office less than a month. I bought it and let my co-worker use it in our office as he had a bad back. He loved it. A short time later we got a new boss who tried to confiscate the chair as he realized that it was far better than his chair. I pulled out the receipt from surplus and told him it was my personal property and he couldn’t have it. The scumbag then made me take it home by making a rule in our department that no one could have a better chair than their manager. I then gave the chair to my friend to use in his home office. 25 years later, it is still in great shape and he is still using it. We both still treasure the memory of being able to tell that scumbag off.
"Some of the items you took could be considered as being school property..?"
"Oh such as..?"
"The chair..."
"What chair..."
"And umm the fridge..."
"What fridge?"
"And umm well the um er..."
"In fact i specifically don't remember removing any items, so if you'd like to reimburse me for the fridge and chair that you admit were in my office but i never got paid for that would be awesome....and i wish you well in finding them...."
Brilliantly executed exit plan, wonderful story!
They want OP’s stuff because a) they know that OP has it all, and would have to bring it in b) it’s all used. So cheaper.
So, she's not only a loved teacher, an admin, also a veteran, also LGBT. Somethings just doesn't add up. She talks about being a better person then promotes gender dysmorphia. Seriously though how does she go from school admin to Veteran, I hate people who fake begin a veteran
Absolute kudos to OP and KCC for this great story! Loved every second!😊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
It seems it is pretty common for new bosses to disrespect the person who knows how shit is done.
should have said: nope i won'T do planning for next year, that is new admin job and don't want trouble for making work i am not authorized to.
To the teacher they gave the certificates, you'll actually see that what you did is in the Bible as a sign of wisdom.
Should have sued for hostile work environment
The best part is when he complied and was truly Petty in the most EPIC WAY EVER. I LAUGHED SO HARD ABOYT THE CLOSET DOIR AND DESK..OMG
Part 4, Truthfully I hope they are STUPID enough to SUE. Because Fabricating Evidence is a CRIMINAL CHARGE that if they Attempt it can be arrested for it on top of their LIKELY PURGERY. Plus I am Certain it would make YOUR DAY to SUE them for Time, Effort, and pain and suffering (Note, Pain and Suffering usually means DOUBLE OR NOTHING to a Judge.)
Last story it's great when big wigs know their most important people in their company
The KING of malicious compliance 👏👏👏
I love how they tried to take the chair lol.
Love ya Rob, have a good day! xx
The new admin being so determined to get the chair and fridge is 100% about dominance. OP being nice and letting staff use is personal fridge is seen by the new admin as one upping them and they can't let it stand as they will not do such things and have to pretend like it is district property. The chair is to be personally dominant again OP. How demeaning is it to have your chair taken away?
War is Hell. Don't go to war with a veteran. We know how to win.
To the person who questioned why they offered to buy from OP instead of just buying other stuff. It’s because of the time, cost and work involved. They can’t just order a two way mirror. They’ll need to have the area measured, put in a work order, and wait for the item to be delivered and installed. Same for cabinets and everything else that OP removed. If none of those things are in the districts surplus supplies, they’ll also have to obtain new items. Since those are all items that they previously refused to reimburse OP for, it’s unlikely it’ll be easy to add them to the budget all at once.
Filing cabinets and refrigerators can be had pretty much anywhere, it's probably a case of "we want YOURS."
5:00 useless as a screen door, I'm stealing that, it's mine now
Alright I’ve accepted it’s gonna get me every damn time. That funky eye nose thing is apparently my weakness
Maybe they need to check out the good will bins or go dumpster diving at other schools. I hear that some schools throw away some bits including bolts and humble pies.
What does 'parent pleasing" mean? This is a public school right? I would think that the tax paying parents being happy with their childrens education would be high on the to do list?
It seems to be a term used by activist teachers who want to teach things that parents would prefer their children not be exposed to in the classroom.
Anyone else going pink flamingos vibes from this? "I guess there's just two tips of people in this world, my type of people and assholes, it's rather clear which category you fall under, have a nice day"
This was both petty and pro. The perfect combination
May the algorithm be ever in your favour, Rob! Hope y'all are having a good day.
He took the refrigerator OMG 😂
28:02, The reason they were happy to pay for the RETURN of the USED PROPERTY is because if they REPLACED said property then they would have to go and BUY them from stores at FULL PRICE, and schools dont enjoy having to pay Full Price. They would Much rather try and tell YOU their value so your REQUIRED to accept the check they provide and not a penny more then THEY ARE WILLING TO GIVE YOU... Also good on you for taking the chair WHILE she was tied up with a helicopter mom.
The demand to return the chair and fridge were a pure power move on the new admins part.
Awesome! I love the meme that says, “Teachers are the only employees who steal supplies from home to bring to work instead of stealing supplies from work to take home.” OP’s clean out of his supplied items is the mega example of this saying!
Thanks OP amd Rob. I've listened to this a few times. The situation never gets old. Being a micromanager and power tripping principle doesn't pay off. Oh well 🤷🏼♂️.
This is some freaking awesome revenge. This needs to be made into a show or something.
I liked about my old school that the principal and assistant principal where well grounded.
They even used the same subways we students did and it was common to have a chat with the principal in the subway to school.
One big advantage was that issues could be solved without delay and most of the time issues where handled the same day. But this only works when the principal is not lazy and actually cares about the students.
Seeing all these stories reminds of r/bestofupdates, a sub full of updates or follow ups to previous posts
I quit teaching more than 30 years ago. For most teachers and administrators, the only way to bring order out of chaos is with power trips. They have to be in total control. It sounds here like the entire district has made some really poor decisions. APs and teachers are often the ones who suffer since they are political decisions, not educational ones. I still work in schools, but just not in a classroom, but I still have a lot of political BS to deal with.
Part 3, This is what happens when Career Bureaucrat tries to Take over a School with NO TRAINING in how to do so. Like a Teacher trying to be a Rodeo clown, You can get yourself Hurt trying to do a Job your not Qualified for, NOR have any understanding on how to do PROPERLY.
you have just described every member of the senate and congress
technically the second they left and the new admins said "sort the documents!" You should have said "I'm no longer employed here, are you sure about that?"
You then call HR and say "they told me to clean up the files that they told me to leave behind. I have officially left employment, so i am not allowed to read anything.. So the only thing I can do is shred / burn those documents."
20:39 The new principal just ordered OP to clean up the piles of paper. OP could have thrown all of those piles of paper in the garbage, causing more chaos.
16:43 Any work-related files you create during working hours or that you were paid to create by your employer, belong to your employer
The ending with the new principal trying for a third time to steal the chair. That alone just would make me unwilling to listen to any of their requests.