Thank you, man ;) It was the most logic way to make sure, that the guy you need to protect, get a clear chance to survive! I play Dying Light on *NIGHTMARE MODE+* - what make the task waaaay difficulter! Btw: You are the *FIRST* one, who ever had realize that ;)))
Nightmare = Hardest difficult lvl. *NIGHTMARE+* = after finishing Nightmare difficulty, you have access to a NEW GAME PLUS! (means = even HARDER enemies, less resourcess, faster day/night cycle, LONGER NIGHTS, more Volatailes, changed Healing-system, less duration with weapons, recieved dmg get increased, Zombies deal more dmg etc.) >.< ...
Thank you, man - believe it or not: Most of my haters *DISLIKE* this video, 'cause it have this music-intro **lol** >.< Apprechiate your comment & Like ^^
Special thanks to ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS and thumbs up -voters! It means me alot, beeing supported from all these decent players arround the globe! You guy's are AWESOME ;)))) **respectful-bow-to-YOU**
Das "VOLANTILE-HUNTER-SCHWERT" ist ein Bauplan, den du durch das DLC "VOLANTILE-HUNTER-PACK" erhältst und dann selber Herstellen kannst! (enthält insgesamt: 4 Baupläne, ein Kostüm & eine Lackierung für's Buggie und kostet im PSN STORE 2.99€) Gern geschehen ;)
This vid is recorded during *NIGHTMARE-MODE* - it's not a medkit - it's part of the difficult-mode that you dont get full health for the case you pop a medkit - it rather charge up your health slowly! You're welcome... Thx for the comment & Like ^^
Hey alex minram ^^ No - you dont need any dlc for this trick - no worry! I'll break it down for you: - this here is a random sidequest wich normaly just appear per accident and requires some things before you can use it to your advantage: *FIRST:* you need to beat *THE SLUMS* in order to unlock these sidequest's - for *OLDTOWN* you have to beat the game completely! After done that, check the enviroment and these guys appear with a *BLUE SHIELD ICON* on the map (that's why i've called them: *BLUE GUARDS!* -) and they offer you a *DEAL:* Keep them alive aslong they have to collect something, and in exchange they gonna offer you "something special" for you after the job is done!^^ WARNING: if this guy died while doing this sidequest's, he dont show up on this specific place anymore! So make sure this guy *ALWAYS SURVIVE,* okay? ^^ ...if you follow my steps (here in OLDTOWN) you should be able to get this *BLUE GUARD* spawn for you! You probably ask yourself now: "Why is this NPC such a big deal? *Answer:* He is able to *REPAIR & RESTORE* the full durability of *ALL YOUR WEAPONS* YOU HAVE WITH YOU!!! ^^ (Even completely broken ones - Nothing in the game can do that - eccept these guys here!) There are in total 8 of them scattered in whole harran: *5* in the Slums and *3* in Oldtown! (Those 3 in Oldtown are listed on my channel + video guide how to unlock 'em! Feel free to check them out if you want!) Ex: I DONT EVER LIKE TO HEAR THAT ANYMORE THAT YOU THINK YOU ARE "DUMP", got it? You are great exactly how you are, *alex minram* - You cannot know everything, man ;) I hope i was able to help you! Have fun & *GOOD NIGHT - GOOD LUCK, SURVIVOR* ;)
Hi again man. Your videos are awesome. Can you tell me where is the last blue guard of Old Town?? The one that is not on this video nor the other video. Thanks.
The LAST BLUE GUARD show up around 7pm and are (on the map) on the very right spot in the middle! He is sitting on a bench next to a kiosk! *PROBLEM:* just got him twice - he really show up RARE >.< That's "WHY" i didnt' have captured him >.< I hope YOU get more luck... You're wellcome man & THX for like-ing my work **high5** -->signed, LKC xSUB-ZEROx ^_^
**UPDATE** I did remember me on *YOU* & your request, mate, and found the *THIRD BLUE GUARD* in Oldtown ^^ The series is NOW COMPLETE and here is the result: (Click on this link or look into the Info-card in the vid) Your wellcome ^_^ **high5**
Thx for your comment, like & sub! ^^ I'm glad that i was able to help you & I apprechiate your support! That's a promise: I'll *ALWAYS* try to do my best ^^
Well, wasnt my first choice aswell - but i like to reach with this content MORE then 1 culture - and ppl in *MY* country like to understand this vid aswell! Only try to satisfy *BOTH* sides...
Aint nothing wrong with german language being in the game, it just helps the german viewers understand what's going on and hopefully you're smart enough to know whats going on as well
Es gibt noch eine blaue Guard Mission. Um 7-8 uhr Abends in den Slums vor der Safezone, die selbst eine abgerissene Brücke ist Da wo man die Dynamit mission hat ganz oben auf der map. Der Typ wird auf der Strasse davor um 7 bis 8 Uhr Abends erscheinen. Hast du darüber auch ein Video gemacht?
Ich kenne alle 8 spots seit Jahren! Hatt sich keiner angesehen - Ergo hatte ich sie wieder gelöscht! Aber trotzdem: *DANKE* für den Tipp & den Kommentar!
@ Brandinho McKay: It's a special bow, called "HARRAN RANGER BOW" and is available in the Psn store for 2.99$! The pack contains a skin, a buggy paintjob + THIS BOW inclusive all 4 type of arrows! Hope this helps you, thx for watching, the *THUMBS UP* for my video and have a great day, man! -->signed, the creator of this video ;)
Nope! I just collected the mushrooms, 'cause they spawn there unlimited aswell! Dude, did you read the describtion? Maybe it doesnt' work for you in OLDTOWN, 'cause you NEED TO BEAT THE GAME first! For the case you did - I highly recommand ,that you have to STAY in the Area and try it again - maybe go to a savezone in the near of this spot and go to sleep (TWICE) - IT MUST BE VERY EARLY in the morning (around 7-8am)! Next tip: There is a gasmask-Zombie in the near of the boat! Avoid to "trigger" him! Hope this will help you ^_^ Good luck, man!
Oh shi***t - NOW i got you >.< THE BLUE GUARD "vanished"??? Hmm... that happent to me a few times aswell - sometimes he glitch through the floor for some reason! All advice i could give you: save your GAME-FILES on a usb-flashdrive! Delete your files from the console and copy the files from the flashdrive back to your ps4-harddisk! This should work - did this myself many times! The result? You have "restored" the opportunity to play the quest AGAIN! Hope this will help you, man ;)
@@keithtreco8851 I'm probably late but you know that one side mission in old town where you see a building and there's someine constantly speaking through it, saying they need food and water? Go through that side mission and kill the guy in the building. Loot, instantly reload, kill, loot, repeat. Guaranteed king drops every time. If you wanna exit the building, pick a different nission or side mission, mark it, exit and enter the game.
Yes - there is! These events happens very early in the morning (oldtown) between 6-9am. In the slums, very late: between 7-8pm! Open the infobox below the video for more infos, ok? Thanks for watching, the **thumbs up** for my video and have a great day, ToxicPulse YT! ;)
I played skyrim for over 7 years now lol archery was my fave combat style and when i picked up my first bow it was like thor getting his hammer back 😂 second nature to me man
Danke! (steckt auch viel Arbeit drin) Nun zu deiner Frage: Permanente Reparaturen gibt es in DYING LIGHT NICHT! Sondern lediglich eine Wiederherstellung deiner VERFÜGBAREN REPARATUREN (sprich: Jeh nach Wertigkeit der Nahkampfwaffe - 3-6) Solange du diese versteckte Sidequest (und viel Wichtiger) diese *BLUE GUARDS* Typen *LEBENDIG* ans Ziel bringst; ... "Verschwindet" diese "Option" nie! Danke für den Kommentar & den *LIKE* ^^ ... "Digga" **lol**
*Geheimtipp:* Faustformel: Jede Abgeschlossene Blue gard mission bietet dir jeweils EINEN WIEDERHERSTELLUNGSVORGANG - *Vorteil?* Hast du beispielsweise 20 Waffen zum Reparieren im Inventar dabei, lassen sich alle 20 *KOMPLETT* mit einem Durchgang wiederherstellen ;) Gern geschehen...
Gern geschehen, *shadow sfm* ^^ Sowas liest man natürlich gerne und motiviert einen weiterzumachen ^^ Der guide hier ist für die letzen Content drops wie *PRISON HEIST* oder der *ZAGNAHL BOUNTY* wirklich ebenfalls sehr hilfreich. Danke für den netten Kommentar & deinen LIKE **high5**
...and i have the answer: *YES & NO!* The guy only appears in the very early morning *(between 6 and 10am)* Does he return after you have completed the quest? *YES* - he does... But only if you never let him die! The game act alittle weird here: He dont respawn on this place anymore if he died there. So make sure that you take good care on him and protect him as best you can! I hope this have cleared your question - Thanks for watching, the *THUMBS UP* for my video and have a great time, Mr Benzene ;) Ex: Read the describtion box below the video - you can find here alot helpful details!
My question is that my friend is a pro in this game so he says that don't go in a red big bridge it's full of Zombie so you will die there definitely but you can get big loot too so I am a beginner so should I go there for loot
Well,... Nothing personal, but so much of a pro he cant be if he give you such an advice! In Dying Light where *ALLWAYS* the most dangerous places - the ones with the best loot - *HIGH RISK - HIGH REWARD* >.< But LOOT is different in this game and more like a "RANDOM" DROP - Maybe your friend only try to *PROTECT* you to not get killed and loose to much XP! The big bridge in the *SLUMS* (furthermore: the second part of it) is one of the BEST LOOTINGPLACES in the early game, 'cause there are many white *boxes and Policecars* you can lockpic and get hightier weapons from! Is it worth? My advice: Of corse!!!
LKC xSUB-ZEROx well thanks do you know why I asked you because in my eyes you're the biggest pro well my friend has have many legendary weapons so I thought he is a pro and you always encourage me thanks
What's the difference between a *Pro-gamer* and a regular player, PUMPKIN pirate? The answer is simple: *KNOWLEDGE* , my friend! ^^ Thank you for this kindly compliment - i allways try my best & and hope, i'm able to inspire as many ppl i can, to choose the same path! Dying Light, is a sad example to show of skills, 'cause millions of idiots *ALLMOST RUINED* this awesome game through using duplication glitches to level up fast or to get a tonn of *GOLDWEAPONS* - the "legendary rank 250" has very fast lost his prestige and it's NOT A INDICATOR ANYMORE, if someone is a good or bad player... I was ALLWAYS on the oposite side: I got my rank 250, Goldweapons (300), PLATINUM TROPHY + 100%, all blueprints, Easter egg weapons, unlockable outfits, all Community Bounty unlockables, all buggie paintjobs, all Zombie Trophies, Parcout Challenges, Racing trophies, Collectables 100% - *LEGIT* ... and spend more then *8000 HOURS* in Dying Light, to show off, that this is waaaaay more Rewarding & Fun to take the challenge instead of cheating through the game!!! Result? ...I'm a way better player then 70% of all the players outthere!!! Why?
LKC xSUB-ZEROx I'll be back with another question soory but I am new in dying light and need a lot to know and I hope you not mind asking me soo many questions
No need to say sorry - i'm glad, if i can support and help my subscribers... (Wish bigger UA-camrs would follow this example and take their audience more seriously!) In my opinion, EXPERIENCED PLAYERS are in the "duty" to share their knowledge,... And help with that to grow a healthyer community!
That bow is so much more powerful than the standard bow! it draws faster, its more accurate, its got better range, the arrows fly a flatter trajectory, does more than double damage, AND a feature most people probably dont even realize is when you aim down sights with it the arrows will penetrate up to 3 zombies! And as an added bonus YOU CAN CRAFT IT AND ITS ARROWS FROM BASICALLY COMMON GARBAGE! *I love it!* 😍
@@LKCxSUBZEROx if i had to pick ONE weapon to survive thru the entire game with, itd be the Ranger Bow hands down! :D that thing has gotten me thru so much crap its unbelievable, so good!
Well - that depends on different surcumestances, but here is the way *I USE* : 1. It needs to be *Very EARLY* in the morning (arround 6-7 am) 2. Immediently after you did slept *you need to run* to this point! 3. *Walk slowly* in the near of the spot and dont wake up the yellow gasmask zombie! 4. Watch the radar carefuly if the *blue sign pop up* - IF NOT, turn arround, kill some time and *RETURN* 5. If it shows on the clock *1 pm* he wont show up on this day anymore - go & sleep 2x and try it again... I hope i was able to help you & *THANKS* for your comment and *LIKE* Have a nice day, man! cyu
I'm glad that i was able to help ^^ Have a nice 2019, man ^^ Ex: Yes, i got alot practice with the bow ;) You are welcome, *GhostGamerKiller 5961* Thx for stoppin' by ^^
@@LKCxSUBZEROx thanks for everything man keep up the good work also can you subscribe me my channl is GhostGamerKiller5961 it will help me plz and thanks
Well,... - Maxed out *LEGENDARY POINTS* and full skill tree on Long ranged weapons (increase the bow dmg aswell) - Good skill and awareness of weakspots There is no trick involved: Just a good tech
There's *NO LEVEL CAP* - this method work for *EVERY* player! Aslong you forfill the following conditions: *FOR THE SLUMS* you need to reach *OLDTOWN* in order to unlock the BLUE GUARDS for the Slums! *FOR OLDTOWN* you need to complete the game! It's more the question "wich difficult mode" you play... In *NIGHTMARE MODE* i clearly recommend a full-developed-skill's char, 'cause you have to face way *HARDER* enemies... *CAMOUFLAGE* is a minimum-skill you need for this, but you can use *CLOAK-POTIONS* aswell to reach the same result - but be *WARNED* - during *NIGHTMARE-MODE* the durability of BOTH are way lesser then on *NORMAL-MODE* ... (thats "why" i recommend a full-developed-skill's char, 'cause with the *LAST ABILITY* you unlock sametime a longer durability for these Skills) I hope this help you & *GOOD NIGHT, GOOD LUCK* , Survivor ^^ *THANKS* for the comment & LIKE, man ^^
It's the "RANGER" BOW and it's part of a DLC, called "RANGER-PACK" - You get Blueprints for this Bow (inclusive all 4 Arrow-types) a new costume & a paintjob for your buggie! PSN STORE: 2.99$! You're wellcome! ^_^
Depends on different surcumestances - but 1 is for sure: Only sleeping a few days wont solve the problem! (But you need to leave the Area and fasttravel back to the Slums in order to get *OLDTOWN-BLUE GUARDS* spawned again!) Or simple search in *THE SLUMS* for Blue-guards arround 7-8 pm! You're wellcome, man & thx for the comment! **high5** xD
What if i close application (quit dying light thru main menu) *AS SOON AS HE DIES*? You know, before the game can autosave... when i load back in should it still be fine?
It's the *VOLATILE-HUNTER-STICK* (purchasable dlc /Psn store/ around 3$'s) ... this weapon have (with maxed out Legendary Ranks)5500dmg, but in combination with the *NIGHTHUNTER-BOOSTER* (can you get as a *REWARD* if you play Invasions in the *BE A ZOMBIE* mode! You get a blueprint for this booster - the tissues you get through winning matches) - it's really a beast **lol** >.< ...But the techique is still the same! UV-FLASHLIGHT + Meleeweapon = *DEAD VOLATILE*
Hey ich hätte mal ne Frage, du spielst ja deutsch und hast auch das Harran Ranger DLC, wie hast du das bekommen , das kann man in Deutschland nicht kaufen?!
*SURE* ^^ First of all: Try to avoid these fights - Volatiles are way to strong for lower level players! If you *NEED* to, then use your best melee-weapon in combination with the *UV-FLASHLIGHT* and flairs... Once they start to glow *BRIGHT ORANGE* - *THAT'S YOUR CHANCE* to beat the crap out of them!!! (browse through my channel content - i did a vid for it, as i killed *5000* Volatiles *SOLO* in one of the Community bounty challenges! - It teach you the way to be successful) You are welcome & thx for the comment & *LIKE* for this vid ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx you are damn good you ans my question so fast hats off bro I hope you be one of the best youtuber and I hope when you become a big UA-camr than also you will give replay this damn fast I was thinking you will give me in 2 or 3 days
Or, you can farm a ton of your favorite weapon. That's what I do. My Stash is loaded with nothing but spare Gold weapons. When they finally break, I throw them at an enemy and get another one. But this way is nice too I guess.
Well, you obviously dont understand the "trick" behind it,... So i'll break it down for you: The problem with this rare sidequest is to get *THIS ONE* spawn for you! Sometimes it can happen, that the NPC's dont show up on this point, so i figured out, that *BELOW THE LITTLE BRIDGE,* the map get restored after crossing that area - that's "why" i went completely to the *OTHER SIDE* in order to make sure, that the map get fully "restored" - if you waste alittle time there, you give the program some *EXTRA* time for this! All i did afterwards, was that i checked the spawn place, but didnt' went to far to it to "avoid" spawn problems! If you do that like i had shown in the video, you shouldnt have any problems, ok? I hope i was able to help you - thx for your comment & *LIKE* ^^
If you have any issues - dont hesitate to shoot a msg! I'll support you as best i can ^^ Thank you for both, and welcome to my channel, *SP00KYSC3RY* ^^
Answer: Yes, you can repair even broken weapons:) Answer 2: Yes, you can KEEP doing this! But there's the catch: This guy HAVE TO SURVIVE everytime! As soon he dies, he wont show up anymore! So protect him as best you can, ok?
he will actually stay there through the night...... *But you have to defend him* Then in the morning u can go run around like normal and when u want ur weapons repaired u can go back. Just make sure u return before night time and dont wander to far from him
Believe it or not: I play most of the time *WITHOUT* headset, but it's kind of my playstyle "listening to the enviroment" ^^ Watch it again - you will see: *I DID*
Answer 1: It's the *VOLATAIL-HUNTER-SWORD* and is a dlc from the psn store (2.99$) Answer 2: Yes - you can repeat this quest, but WATCH OUT - if this guy die there, he wont show up on this spot anymore! Protect him as good you can, okay? Simply sleep 2x and return to this place and he should show up there again! Ex: Thx for stoppin' by, your support with a *LIKE* for my done work & Have a great day, man ^^
**smile** well, i take my audience seriously ^^ It's my job to pay attention if some of you guys need help! (at least for me!) ^^ Thank you for your support, Nérétrol ^^
Danke ^^ Ja - ich spiele noch Dying Light - hab' gerade den Guide zum freischalten des Oster-Outfit's Hochgeladen! Schau' dich um, ... gibt's 'ne Menge zu *ENTDECKEN* ;)
Not correct, Victor Anaya! He show up dayly there, but *ONLY* ONCE a day! Sometimes he dont show up a few days, 'cause like i had explained many times in the comments - *THERE ARE 3 OF THEM IN OLDTOWN* it's a *random* sidequest and maybe you had activated on the way another 1 by bypassing him for some reason! I can clearly *CONFIRM* that...
Good news ;) Nope - this work on *EVERY DIFFICULT-MODE* (i simple love to play games on the hardest setting! That's why i record it on *Nightmare-mode* ) Thx for the comment & *LIKE* btw ;) ... Have fun!
Sounds stupid, but *"AIM BETWEEN THE EYES"* ;) (Weakspot) - works for DEMOLISHERS too ^^ - but you need in addition all legendary points in LONG RANGED WEAPONS aswell! You are welcome & and thx for the comment + *LIKE* ^^
@ Wind beneath my Wings: Not in *Nightmare Mode+* PAL!!! Ex: 5500dmg is MAX OUT - so tell me how you think your Harran Ranger bow have "OVER" 5500dmg? I smell... **cough** ...BULLSHIT... **cough** >.
@@LKCxSUBZEROx my bow does exactly 5500 dmg, I used "over" cuz kinda have this meme habit that stuck with me (it's over 9000!!) lol, no bullshit here friend :)
@@LKCxSUBZEROx tho I do wonder about these numbers... Like in skyrim and fallout, armor values only get so high before they cap out at a certain percentage, I feel like damage value numbers in this game cap out too... Like the infamous 30,000 dmg shotgun for instance, despite having an absurdly high VISIBLE STATISTIC, it still feels like it only kills just as fast as any other 9000 dmg shotgun, cuz I do know in my experience statistic numbers visible on-screen could be completely different from the actual values in the game files, so there is some apparent inconsistency at times
It's a DLC, called: *HARRAN RANGER PACK* and comes along with a buggy paintjob, a Player costume & all 4 blueprint's of the Arrows (regular, inceneric, electro & explosive) and is available in the PSN STORE for 2.99$! You are wellcome ^^
Good news for you: Allready tested it myself: It works WITHOUT COMPLETING the sidequest's ^^ All you HAVE to do, is completing the story-mode to unlock this secret sidequest's for *OLDTOWN* (for the *SLUMS* you "just" need to reach *OLDTOWN*) These are "random"-Event-Quest's, but most of them appear around 7pm (19:00 o 'clock) in the SLUM's & OLDTOWN - But *THIS ONE IN THE VID* is different! It's very early in the morning (6-10 *AM*) ^^ hope this help you! Good luck!
+LKC xSUB-ZEROx yeah I dunno why its not working :( i finished 100%, switched to singleplayer, got there 7am and killed some time like you did lol, doesnt show up
Hmm... I'm sorry to read that! For most of the ppl it works perfect! All i can say about it: Dont give up - keep trying it - IT WILL WORK FOR YOU ASWELL! Stay in the Area - the clocktime could switch sometimes! Second tipp: Move slowly in the near of the spawn-spot - maybe you run to fast towards >.< Man, i wish i could do more for you! :\
Das "VOLANTILE-HUNTER-SCHWERT" ist ein Bauplan, den du durch das DLC "VOLANTILE-HUNTER-PACK" erhältst und dann selber Herstellen kannst! (enthält insgesamt: 4 Baupläne, ein Kostüm & eine Lackierung für's Buggie und kostet im PSN STORE 2.99€) Gern geschehen ;)
...thx...can you måke å video of å måp where to find all 8? Í know 1 at stuffed turtle, and now this guy....makes 2 of 8....???name them? (Show )??? bye, CK...
The golden sickle (Ottoman Sickle) was a random drop from "Be a Zombie mode". You need to get a rank, called "Underdog" (4rth or 5th beginner rank) - since then you'll gonna earn random *GOLD WEAPONS* as a reward for winning matches! (PvP) Through regular gameplay via storymode you not gonna get these weapons! Thx for watching, the *thumbs up* for my video - and have a great day, man ^^ -->signed, the creator of the video!
Even 4 years after making this, you continue to respond to people who need help... that's some dedication. Thanks chief, I guess I'll start trying out that mode.
Well "easy" *not really* ... There are 3 different methods i can clearly recommend: - *BOZAK HORDE* : for every fifth task you get a *SPECIAL DOCKET*, (so called: Bozak dockets) you can redeem them on every Quartermaster in the game! This method is reliable and works to 100% - *Play & win BE A ZOMBIE MODE* : It's the harder one & in order to *EARN* GOLD WEAPONS - you *NEED* to reach a rank, called: *UNDERDOG* (minimum 10 wins in a row) - Once you have reached this title, every next match you win you get a *RANDOM GOLDWEAPON* as a *REWARD* - *THE FOLLOWING METHOD* : All you need to do is to have *ENOUGH PATIENCE* and search for *WATER TOWERS* , *WINDMILLS* & *HARD LOCKPIC BOXES* during *NIGHTMARE-MODE* - the thing is: It's the *EASYER METHOD* of all 3, but it can pretty much take awhile, untill you *FIND OR LOCKPIC* a Goldweapon from Boxes & Tower's ectc. That's the *LEGAL ONE's* ! You can duplicate the shit out of this game or asking friends or other players if they could give you some >.< *UNWORTHY, STUPID & LAZY* but it works aswell >.< I hope i was able to help you a little bit! *GOOD NIGHT - GOOD LUCK* Survivor... & Thx for the comment & Like btw ;)
That's my man!!! Exellent choice - i wish you good luck & for the case you have more questions: Only write a comment - i'll support you as best i can **high5** ^^
Well, in my opinion this will work for EVERY difficult-mode, but on the higher ones - The durability of the weapons are much faster gone than on easyer difficulties! Thx for the comment & Like ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx should i play on normal first? I always start games on the hardest difficulty but i find zombie game a bit more difficult than any other type of games. I just don't want to do the tutorial again lol.
Well, to your question: I do so aswell (since the beginning of playing videogames) but in order to do so, you are forced to finish lower difficulties *FIRST* - wich leads me to answer & question @ the same time! *My* ADVICE* : Play *HARDCORE* first, before you jump into *NIGHTMARE-MODE* - DYING LIGHT isnt that unforgivable like most ppl try to tell yah ^_^ *THX* for like-ing my vid & for the comment, Sup3rTrunks san xD
Hallo I am Grooth ^^ Antwort: Es gibt 3 Methoden, die ICH ABSOLUT BESTÄTIGEN KANN: *THE FOLLOWING:* (Alptraum-Modus) Windmühlen, Wassertürme durchsuchen und Schwere Metall-Kisten knacken! (insgesamt 5 *"FANTASY-WAFFEN"* = Gonounaba, Streitaxt der Titanen, Stammesmesser, Schädlkeule, Ordensklinge) *PvP-Modus* (BE A ZOMBIE/Rollentausch) Hier bis auf den Rang "Underdog" hochspielen (ca. 10 Spiele in Folge gewinnen) dann droped JEDES WEITERE MATCH eine *ZUFÄLLIGE GOLDWAFFE*! (alle Sonstigen Waffen: Macheten, Hämmer, Schwerter etc.) *BOZAK-HORDE* DLC: (Zettel/Dockets) Für jede *FÜNFTE* Prüfung erhältst du sogenannte "DOCKETS" als Belohnung, die sich bei jedem *QUARTIERMEISTER* einlösen lassen! Sie besitzen eine ERHÖHTE CHANCE an Goldwaffen zu kommen (ca. 10%) aber ich selbst hab' ca 100 eingelöst, aber trotzdem NUR 2 gekriegt >.< Ergo: "AM SCHNELLSTEN" geht hier GARNIX... Es sind nicht UMSONST die Seltensten, im Game erspielbaren, Waffen!
Frage Nummer 2: Wie du in meinem Video sicher bemerkt hast, lassen sich Goldwaffen (wie gewöhnliche) JEDESMAL bei dieser speziellen VERSTECKTEN Sidequest reparieren, sonst hatte ich das nicht hochgeladen! Gern Geschehen! ^_^
Nope! Aslong this guy *SURVIVE* the quest, he is available every day & night! Dont let him die - otherwise he wont show up there anymore! You are welcome, Thx for the Like and have a nice 2019! ;)
There a different ways to get some: *PLAY BE A ZOMBIE MODE* = reach rank Underdog (10 wins in a row) and get random ones as a *REWARD* *PLAY NIGHTMARE DIFFICULTY* and lockpic lootboxes in Quaranteen-zones, Hard lockpics or Police vans (Story) *PLAY NIGHTMARE MODE IN THE FOLLOWING* and search on top of *WATER TOWERS, WINDMILLS* and hard lockpics You're welcome & Hope i was able to help you!
Well, it's a dlc, called *HARRAN RANGER PACK* (2.99$/Psn store/Addons) It include all types of arrows, a player & buggie-skin + *THE HARRAN RANGER BOW* ^^ You're welcome! Thx for the comment & *LIKE*
That camouflage and firecracker trick you used to essentially skip the horde of zombies was genius, man
Thank you, man ;)
It was the most logic way to make sure, that the guy you need to protect, get a clear chance to survive!
I play Dying Light on *NIGHTMARE MODE+* - what make the task waaaay difficulter!
Btw: You are the *FIRST* one, who ever had realize that ;)))
What is nightmare mode plus?
Nightmare = Hardest difficult lvl.
*NIGHTMARE+* = after finishing Nightmare difficulty, you have access to a NEW GAME PLUS!
(means = even HARDER enemies, less resourcess, faster day/night cycle, LONGER NIGHTS, more Volatailes, changed Healing-system, less duration with weapons, recieved dmg get increased, Zombies deal more dmg etc.) >.< ...
@@LKCxSUBZEROx hey man thanks for the reply but i finished nightmare mode and i didnt get that option :/
Happy new years by the way
1:47 i swear it sounded like the zombie said awww my ass
Ha ha ha ^^ funny ^^ You are right >.
Hahaha 😄
Finally a video with decent rock intro instead of lousy techno.
Thank you, man - believe it or not: Most of my haters *DISLIKE* this video, 'cause it have this music-intro **lol** >.<
Apprechiate your comment & Like ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx Sadly, people no longer appreciate good music.
Rafał Wyszomirski lousy agro rock, lousy techno. Everyone edits their shit to the same bad music, and always will.
Hip hop is the best
Can you please tell me the name of the song
I had no idea you could restore weapons, thanks for this video
You are welcome & thx for the nice comment ;)
This is the only and first video that i know and have seen that actually showed this. Thanks man.
...always a pleasure, man ;)
**high5** have a nice day!
Special thanks to ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS and thumbs up -voters! It means me alot, beeing supported from all these decent players arround the globe! You guy's are AWESOME ;)))) **respectful-bow-to-YOU**
Das "VOLANTILE-HUNTER-SCHWERT" ist ein Bauplan, den du durch das DLC "VOLANTILE-HUNTER-PACK" erhältst und dann selber Herstellen kannst! (enthält insgesamt: 4 Baupläne, ein Kostüm & eine Lackierung für's Buggie und kostet im PSN STORE 2.99€)
Gern geschehen ;)
kann man das mehrmals machen das?
dome Klar ^^ So oft du willst!
Also ich meine wenn du wie du am Ende alles nimmst das man das dann wieder machen kann
thanks bro
Thank you so much. I can’t wait to try this myself
You are welcome ;) **high5**
something I realised is that knocking normal zombies into small puddles of water kills them insta
Yeah! Indeed...
6:21 what medkit is that?
This vid is recorded during *NIGHTMARE-MODE* - it's not a medkit - it's part of the difficult-mode that you
dont get full health for the case you pop a medkit - it rather charge up your health slowly! You're welcome...
Thx for the comment & Like ^^
Loved it but need to ask.... Do you need dlc? Of the following? And can you put the waypoint at any spot? Sorry I am too dumb to know
Hey alex minram ^^ No - you dont need any dlc for this trick - no worry!
I'll break it down for you:
- this here is a random sidequest wich normaly just appear per accident and requires some things before you can use it to your advantage: *FIRST:* you need to beat *THE SLUMS* in order to unlock these sidequest's - for *OLDTOWN* you have to beat the game completely! After done that, check the enviroment and these guys appear with a *BLUE SHIELD ICON* on the map (that's why i've called them: *BLUE GUARDS!* -) and they offer you a *DEAL:* Keep them alive aslong they have to collect something, and in exchange they gonna offer you "something special" for you after the job is done!^^ WARNING: if this guy died while doing this sidequest's, he dont show up on this specific place anymore! So make sure this guy *ALWAYS SURVIVE,* okay? ^^ ...if you follow my steps (here in OLDTOWN) you should be able to get this *BLUE GUARD* spawn for you!
You probably ask yourself now: "Why is this NPC such a big deal?
*Answer:* He is able to *REPAIR & RESTORE* the full durability of *ALL YOUR WEAPONS* YOU HAVE WITH YOU!!! ^^
(Even completely broken ones - Nothing in the game can do that - eccept these guys here!)
There are in total 8 of them scattered in whole harran: *5* in the Slums and *3* in Oldtown!
(Those 3 in Oldtown are listed on my channel + video guide how to unlock 'em! Feel free to check them out if you want!)
You are great exactly how you are, *alex minram* - You cannot know everything, man ;)
I hope i was able to help you! Have fun &
@@LKCxSUBZEROx thanks
And here i am with a pistol, military gun,(no ammo for each one) 7 hammers and baseball bat... well at least i know how to fight
Ha ha ha ^^ *GOOD NIGHT -GOOD LUCK* dude >.
Theres a guy in the slums that once you help he'll fix your broken weapons as well
Yes! That's true! ^^
(in total you can find 5 blue guards in the slums and 3 in oldtown!)
Hi again man. Your videos are awesome. Can you tell me where is the last blue guard of Old Town?? The one that is not on this video nor the other video. Thanks.
The LAST BLUE GUARD show up around 7pm and are (on the map) on the very right spot in the middle! He is sitting on a bench next to a kiosk! *PROBLEM:* just got him twice - he really show up RARE >.< That's "WHY" i didnt' have captured him >.< I hope YOU get more luck... You're wellcome man & THX for like-ing my work **high5**
-->signed, LKC xSUB-ZEROx ^_^
**UPDATE** I did remember me on *YOU* & your request, mate, and found the *THIRD BLUE GUARD* in Oldtown ^^
The series is NOW COMPLETE and here is the result: (Click on this link or look into the Info-card in the vid)
Your wellcome ^_^ **high5**
thanks man i was sure that nobody would say anything. ill subscibe
Thank you, man! **respectful-bow** ^_^
Welcome on my channel **high5**
This is first video and i subscribed nice dont stop💪🏻💪🏻👏👏
Thx for your comment, like & sub! ^^
I'm glad that i was able to help you & I apprechiate your support!
That's a promise: I'll *ALWAYS* try to do my best ^^
german language for this game sounds just... wrong.
Well, wasnt my first choice aswell - but i like to reach with this content MORE then 1 culture - and ppl in *MY* country
like to understand this vid aswell! Only try to satisfy *BOTH* sides...
Aint nothing wrong with german language being in the game, it just helps the german viewers understand what's going on and hopefully you're smart enough to know whats going on as well
Wow! Danke für diese ausführlichen Antworten :D
Ich hab' zu Danken ^_^ Für den *LIKE* oder das *Abo* :D
Great vid...very helpful.if i may ask...what weapon is it you are using?
The bow?
Thank you ^^
Answer to your question: It's a gold tier *LEGENDARY OTTOMAN SICKLE*
(One of the hardest ones you can get) Thx for the comment & Like ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx nice what about the bow? It looked gold and ive never seen a gold bow before.
Its a gold tier " *RANGER BOW* "
LKC xSUB-ZEROx wow.....really i didnt know about that...i just looked and bought all 3 bundles!!!
There’s also another way in the slums
You are right, man!
(little tipp: There are in total *8* of them:
Oldtown = *3* / Slums = *5* ) ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx oh wow didn’t know that
The 3 blue guards in *OLDTOWN* are listed + guide on my channel!
Now you are in the know ;) You're welcome & thx for your comment & *LIKE*
LKC xSUB-ZEROx thanks man keep up the great work 👌💪
Es gibt noch eine blaue Guard Mission. Um 7-8 uhr Abends in den Slums vor der Safezone, die selbst eine abgerissene Brücke ist Da wo man die Dynamit mission hat ganz oben auf der map.
Der Typ wird auf der Strasse davor um 7 bis 8 Uhr Abends erscheinen. Hast du darüber auch ein Video gemacht?
Ich kenne alle 8 spots seit Jahren! Hatt sich keiner angesehen - Ergo hatte ich sie wieder gelöscht!
Aber trotzdem: *DANKE* für den Tipp & den Kommentar!
How do you get that aim thingy on you’re bow? Please I need that
@ Brandinho McKay: It's a special bow, called "HARRAN RANGER BOW" and is available in the Psn store for 2.99$!
The pack contains a skin, a buggy paintjob + THIS BOW inclusive all 4 type of arrows!
Hope this helps you, thx for watching, the *THUMBS UP* for my video and have a great day, man!
-->signed, the creator of this video ;)
LKC xSUB-ZEROx nice thanks
Do I have to pick up all shrooms you did? Please can't find him
Nope! I just collected the mushrooms, 'cause they spawn there unlimited aswell! Dude, did you read the describtion? Maybe it doesnt' work for you in OLDTOWN, 'cause you NEED TO BEAT THE GAME first! For the case you did - I highly recommand ,that you have to STAY in the Area and try it again - maybe go to a savezone in the near of this spot and go to sleep (TWICE) - IT MUST BE VERY EARLY in the morning (around 7-8am)! Next tip: There is a gasmask-Zombie in the near of the boat! Avoid to "trigger" him! Hope this will help you ^_^ Good luck, man!
+LKC xSUB-ZEROx thnx I got him to spawn I was playing single player just after I beat the goon he vanished please help
+LKC xSUB-ZEROx how long time do I kill
Oh shi***t - NOW i got you >.< THE BLUE GUARD "vanished"??? Hmm... that happent to me a few times aswell - sometimes he glitch through the floor for some reason! All advice i could give you: save your GAME-FILES on a usb-flashdrive! Delete your files from the console and copy the files from the flashdrive back to your ps4-harddisk! This should work - did this myself many times! The result? You have "restored" the opportunity to play the quest AGAIN! Hope this will help you, man ;)
I have wasted so many kings and clickers... ffs. Thank you for the heads up
You are welcome, man ;)
In exchange i appreciate *THE LIKE* ...
Have a nice day, man!
Mazgun Raynor where the kings and clickers at brother ?
Mazgun Raynor hey if you got usually crafting components and decent guns or weapons wanna help me out ? My gamer tag is keifo
@@keithtreco8851 I'm probably late but you know that one side mission in old town where you see a building and there's someine constantly speaking through it, saying they need food and water? Go through that side mission and kill the guy in the building. Loot, instantly reload, kill, loot, repeat. Guaranteed king drops every time. If you wanna exit the building, pick a different nission or side mission, mark it, exit and enter the game.
nice shot bow
Thank you, mate ^^
(I played DL allmost 1000hours)
Call it: "ENOUGH" Practise ;)
LKC xSUB-ZEROx what I'm 630hours
There's also one in slums but they're not Easter eggs
Is there a specific time?
Yes - there is! These events happens very early in the morning (oldtown) between 6-9am.
In the slums, very late: between 7-8pm! Open the infobox below the video for more infos, ok?
Thanks for watching, the **thumbs up** for my video and have a great day, ToxicPulse YT! ;)
Still works january 2025 but one question is this can replay because he said I will see you again😂
@@saitozkan1808 Sure. But you need to Go to sleep 2x after you did the Sidequest. Aslong you help this guy to survive, you can replay the Quest😜👍
@LKCxSUBZEROx thanks bro and bro still help us after all these years you are the man👊
@saitozkan1808 ...always a pleasure, my friend😃! Have a great day, @saitozkan1808👍
The Video was helpful and you're a sharpshooter very nice skills
Thanks, man, for the compliment! Glad i can help ^^
I played skyrim for over 7 years now lol archery was my fave combat style and when i picked up my first bow it was like thor getting his hammer back 😂 second nature to me man
Moin Digga. Schönes Video. Kann man dann permanent die Waffen sanieren oder verschwindet die Option irgendwann?
Danke! (steckt auch viel Arbeit drin)
Nun zu deiner Frage: Permanente Reparaturen gibt es in DYING LIGHT NICHT! Sondern lediglich eine
Wiederherstellung deiner VERFÜGBAREN REPARATUREN (sprich: Jeh nach Wertigkeit der Nahkampfwaffe - 3-6)
Solange du diese versteckte Sidequest (und viel Wichtiger) diese *BLUE GUARDS* Typen *LEBENDIG* ans Ziel bringst; ... "Verschwindet" diese "Option" nie! Danke für den Kommentar & den *LIKE* ^^ ... "Digga" **lol**
*Geheimtipp:* Faustformel: Jede Abgeschlossene Blue gard mission bietet dir jeweils EINEN WIEDERHERSTELLUNGSVORGANG - *Vorteil?* Hast du beispielsweise 20 Waffen zum Reparieren im Inventar dabei, lassen sich alle 20 *KOMPLETT* mit einem Durchgang wiederherstellen ;)
Gern geschehen...
Danke Mann, du hilfst mir wirklich
Gern geschehen, *shadow sfm* ^^
Sowas liest man natürlich gerne und motiviert einen weiterzumachen ^^
Der guide hier ist für die letzen Content drops wie *PRISON HEIST* oder
der *ZAGNAHL BOUNTY* wirklich ebenfalls sehr hilfreich. Danke für den netten
Kommentar & deinen LIKE **high5**
I have a question, is the guy always there if you've already completed the quest?
...and i have the answer: *YES & NO!*
The guy only appears in the very early morning *(between 6 and 10am)* Does he return after you have
completed the quest? *YES* - he does... But only if you never let him die! The game act alittle weird here:
He dont respawn on this place anymore if he died there. So make sure that you take good care on him
and protect him as best you can! I hope this have cleared your question -
Thanks for watching, the *THUMBS UP* for my video and have a great time, Mr Benzene ;)
Ex: Read the describtion box below the video - you can find here alot helpful details!
@@LKCxSUBZEROx thanks man
@@quartermaster2809 ...always a pleasure, man ;) **high5**
@@LKCxSUBZEROx so if he does die should we do the chapter select thing
@@LKCxSUBZEROx don’t they come back if we do the chapter select thing again
Mate keep it up I’ll like and subscribe
Thank you for your support, man & welcome to my channel ^_^
How much damage your bow deals?
5.500 dmg!
Thx for watching and have a great day! ;)
Can we restore the weapon over and over again ?
Yes! Of corse ;) ...but make sure that he *survive* this sidequest!!!
Thx for the comment & *LIKE* man ;)
LKC xSUB-ZEROx thx to u for uploading this video man !
What dose restore weapons do?
@@neonrecon809 gives the the full repairs on em so basically never lose a weapon
My question is that my friend is a pro in this game so he says that don't go in a red big bridge it's full of Zombie so you will die there definitely but you can get big loot too so I am a beginner so should I go there for loot
Well,... Nothing personal, but so much of a pro he cant be if he give you such an advice!
In Dying Light where *ALLWAYS* the most dangerous places - the ones with the best loot - *HIGH RISK - HIGH REWARD* >.<
But LOOT is different in this game and more like a "RANDOM" DROP - Maybe your friend only try to *PROTECT* you to not get killed and loose to much XP! The big bridge in the *SLUMS* (furthermore: the second part of it) is one of the BEST LOOTINGPLACES in the early game, 'cause there are many white *boxes and Policecars* you can lockpic and get hightier weapons from! Is it worth? My advice: Of corse!!!
LKC xSUB-ZEROx well thanks do you know why I asked you because in my eyes you're the biggest pro well my friend has have many legendary weapons so I thought he is a pro and you always encourage me thanks
What's the difference between a *Pro-gamer* and a regular player, PUMPKIN pirate?
The answer is simple: *KNOWLEDGE* , my friend! ^^
Thank you for this kindly compliment - i allways try my best & and hope, i'm able to inspire as many ppl i can, to choose the same path! Dying Light, is a sad example to show of skills, 'cause millions of idiots *ALLMOST RUINED* this awesome game through using duplication glitches to level up fast or to get a tonn of *GOLDWEAPONS* - the "legendary rank 250" has very fast lost his prestige and it's NOT A INDICATOR ANYMORE, if someone is a good or bad player...
I was ALLWAYS on the oposite side: I got my rank 250, Goldweapons (300), PLATINUM TROPHY + 100%, all blueprints, Easter egg weapons, unlockable outfits, all Community Bounty unlockables, all buggie paintjobs, all Zombie Trophies, Parcout Challenges, Racing trophies, Collectables 100% - *LEGIT*
... and spend more then *8000 HOURS* in Dying Light, to show off, that this is waaaaay more Rewarding & Fun to take the challenge instead of cheating through the game!!! Result?
...I'm a way better player then 70% of all the players outthere!!!
LKC xSUB-ZEROx I'll be back with another question soory but I am new in dying light and need a lot to know and I hope you not mind asking me soo many questions
No need to say sorry - i'm glad, if i can support and help my subscribers...
(Wish bigger UA-camrs would follow this example and take their audience more seriously!)
In my opinion, EXPERIENCED PLAYERS are in the "duty" to share their knowledge,...
And help with that to grow a healthyer community!
Nice video! I still haven't gone to Old Town yet I will have to do this thanks
Thank you! **high5**
Hey dude . how do you get the sights on the bow? All i got is the first one you can buy from the shop
It's a dlc, called *HARRAN RANGER PACK* ;)
Thx for your comment & LIKE
That bow is so much more powerful than the standard bow! it draws faster, its more accurate, its got better range, the arrows fly a flatter trajectory, does more than double damage, AND a feature most people probably dont even realize is when you aim down sights with it the arrows will penetrate up to 3 zombies! And as an added bonus YOU CAN CRAFT IT AND ITS ARROWS FROM BASICALLY COMMON GARBAGE! *I love it!* 😍
@ Devin Little: That's true ;)
Harran Ranger bow = 5.500 Dmg/shot (maxed out "Long ranged weapons" / Legendary points)
Bozak Bow = 2.200 Dmg/shot (maxed out "Long ranged weapons"/ Legendary points)
Regular bow = 1.800 Dmg/shot (maxed out "Long ranged weapons" / Legendary points)
The 2 .99$ for the *HARRAN RANGER PACK* was more than worth to spent!!!
@@LKCxSUBZEROx if i had to pick ONE weapon to survive thru the entire game with, itd be the Ranger Bow hands down! :D that thing has gotten me thru so much crap its unbelievable, so good!
Your are *NOT* the only one, man ;)
How long do you have to wait for him to show up?
Well - that depends on different surcumestances, but here is the way *I USE* :
1. It needs to be *Very EARLY* in the morning (arround 6-7 am)
2. Immediently after you did slept *you need to run* to this point!
3. *Walk slowly* in the near of the spot and dont wake up the yellow gasmask zombie!
4. Watch the radar carefuly if the *blue sign pop up* - IF NOT, turn arround, kill some time and *RETURN*
5. If it shows on the clock *1 pm* he wont show up on this day anymore - go & sleep 2x and try it again...
I hope i was able to help you & *THANKS* for your comment and *LIKE*
Have a nice day, man! cyu
Thanks this help me in 2019 or 2018 but you help me thanks also you are good with that bow
I'm glad that i was able to help ^^ Have a nice 2019, man ^^
Ex: Yes, i got alot practice with the bow ;) You are welcome, *GhostGamerKiller 5961*
Thx for stoppin' by ^^
@@LKCxSUBZEROx thanks for everything man keep up the good work also can you subscribe me my channl is GhostGamerKiller5961 it will help me plz and thanks
for a second there I thought OPM music was playing during your intro
Ha ha ^^ Yeah - but it was "ONLY" a sample-track of *SHAREfactory* >.<
(stupid Copyright crap) Try'd tonns of great music, but... (you know...)
how do you get so much firepower on the bow??
- Maxed out *LEGENDARY POINTS* and full skill tree on Long ranged weapons (increase the bow dmg aswell)
- Good skill and awareness of weakspots
There is no trick involved: Just a good tech
nice video, Btw what is the name of the song in the beginning?
Thank you ^^ Well, to your question: It was "only" a sample from SHAREfactory!
Nothing special!
LKC xSUB-ZEROx oh I thought it was like a full song or something, still a good video and I'm definitely subscribing
I'll apprechiate your support ^^ Wellcome to my channel, wubalubadubdub san!
What is the minimum Level (player) you recommend for doing this method?
There's *NO LEVEL CAP* - this method work for *EVERY* player!
Aslong you forfill the following conditions:
*FOR THE SLUMS* you need to reach *OLDTOWN* in order to unlock the BLUE GUARDS for the Slums!
*FOR OLDTOWN* you need to complete the game!
It's more the question "wich difficult mode" you play...
In *NIGHTMARE MODE* i clearly recommend a full-developed-skill's char, 'cause you have to face way *HARDER* enemies...
*CAMOUFLAGE* is a minimum-skill you need for this, but you can use *CLOAK-POTIONS* aswell to reach the same
result - but be *WARNED* - during *NIGHTMARE-MODE* the durability of BOTH are way lesser then on *NORMAL-MODE* ...
(thats "why" i recommend a full-developed-skill's char, 'cause with the *LAST ABILITY* you unlock sametime a longer durability for these Skills)
I hope this help you & *GOOD NIGHT, GOOD LUCK* , Survivor ^^
*THANKS* for the comment & LIKE, man ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx I'll subscribe right now ; )
*THANK YOU* rockchiccactus, for the support &
Welcome to my channel ;) **high5**
whats the poing in killing thos zombies??? just to make the vid longer?
What I'm wanting to know is what that song was in the beginning like damn ROCK ON
Well - it was nothing special: only a sampletrack of my video creator program ( *SHAREfactory* ) on Ps4! ^^
Thx for the comment & Like btw!
What sword was the guy offering after you finished the quest?
SIPHATI-SWORD (chinese Short-sword)
It sounds more spectacular then it is >.< **lol**
+LKC xSUB-ZEROx what bow is that and what level can I get it?
It's the "RANGER" BOW and it's part of a DLC, called "RANGER-PACK" - You get Blueprints for this Bow (inclusive all 4 Arrow-types) a new costume & a paintjob for your buggie! PSN STORE: 2.99$!
You're wellcome! ^_^
Does it repair broken weapons which have no repairs available?
Yes - that's a fact! ^^
Thx for the comment & *Like*
...hey...try Just to show on maps where these guys are,all,or á few....would be Great. ...thx...goin for the chicken stick. . (ha ha)...
CK GAMING he did it's in the top left
wRitIng 100
If he dies, how long do you have to wait for him to come back?
Depends on different surcumestances - but 1 is for sure:
Only sleeping a few days wont solve the problem! (But you need to leave the Area and fasttravel back to the Slums in order to get *OLDTOWN-BLUE GUARDS* spawned again!) Or simple search in *THE SLUMS* for Blue-guards arround 7-8 pm! You're wellcome, man & thx for the comment! **high5** xD
What if i close application (quit dying light thru main menu) *AS SOON AS HE DIES*? You know, before the game can autosave... when i load back in should it still be fine?
@ Devin Little: I cant' confirm that (never tried it) - it's possible - try it out! ^^
But keep me updated if it works or not - THX ^^
And this is ONLY on Hardcore mode and nightmare mode?
Nope! This sidequest exist on *ALL* modes! Same method...
You are welcome ^^
+ Thx for the comment & *LIKE*
Which weapon did you use in the volatile video it is too strong in 2 shot volatiles dead
It's the *VOLATILE-HUNTER-STICK* (purchasable dlc /Psn store/ around 3$'s) ...
this weapon have (with maxed out Legendary Ranks)5500dmg,
but in combination with the *NIGHTHUNTER-BOOSTER* (can you
get as a *REWARD* if you play Invasions in the *BE A ZOMBIE* mode! You get a blueprint for this booster - the tissues you get through winning matches) - it's really a beast **lol** >.< ...But the techique is still the same!
Hey ich hätte mal ne Frage, du spielst ja deutsch und hast auch das Harran Ranger DLC, wie hast du das bekommen , das kann man in Deutschland nicht kaufen?!
Hey - hab' ich irgendwie erwähnt, dass ich in Deutschland lebe? >.
Hey can you give me a tip that how can I survive volatite
*SURE* ^^
First of all: Try to avoid these fights - Volatiles are way to strong for lower level players!
If you *NEED* to, then use your best melee-weapon in combination with the *UV-FLASHLIGHT* and flairs...
Once they start to glow *BRIGHT ORANGE* - *THAT'S YOUR CHANCE* to beat the crap out of them!!!
(browse through my channel content - i did a vid for it, as i killed *5000* Volatiles *SOLO* in one of the
Community bounty challenges! - It teach you the way to be successful)
You are welcome & thx for the comment & *LIKE* for this vid ^^
Here is the link for it, if you cant' find it:
LKC xSUB-ZEROx you are damn good you ans my question so fast hats off bro I hope you be one of the best youtuber and I hope when you become a big UA-camr than also you will give replay this damn fast I was thinking you will give me in 2 or 3 days
Or, you can farm a ton of your favorite weapon. That's what I do. My Stash is loaded with nothing but spare Gold weapons. When they finally break, I throw them at an enemy and get another one. But this way is nice too I guess.
I should walk around the area until I see it? And also can I just stand still for 5 min will that count as wasting time?
Well, you obviously dont understand the "trick" behind it,... So i'll break it down for you:
The problem with this rare sidequest is to get *THIS ONE* spawn for you! Sometimes it can happen, that the
NPC's dont show up on this point, so i figured out, that *BELOW THE LITTLE BRIDGE,* the map get restored after crossing that area - that's "why" i went completely to the *OTHER SIDE* in order to make sure, that the map get fully "restored" - if you waste alittle time there, you give the program some *EXTRA* time for this! All i did afterwards, was that i checked the spawn place, but didnt' went to far to it to "avoid" spawn problems! If you do that like i had shown in the video, you shouldnt have any problems, ok? I hope i was able to help you - thx for your comment & *LIKE* ^^
@@LKCxSUBZEROx THX it's a Friday so ima play today hopefully I find it I subscribed and liked :)
If you have any issues - dont hesitate to shoot a msg!
I'll support you as best i can ^^ Thank you for both, and
welcome to my channel, *SP00KYSC3RY* ^^
@@LKCxSUBZEROx I found it but I have 2 questions can it repair broken weapons and can I keep doing this?
Answer: Yes, you can repair even broken weapons:)
Answer 2: Yes, you can KEEP doing this! But there's the catch:
This guy HAVE TO SURVIVE everytime! As soon he dies, he wont show up anymore!
So protect him as best you can, ok?
Does he stay there or does he disappear?
Please read the describtion in the box below the video (click "SHOW MORE")
@@LKCxSUBZEROx when does it appear in the mornings between 9:00 to 12:00 game time? In the game
@@Zombies12344bc Yes. That's correct! ;)
he will actually stay there through the night......
*But you have to defend him*
Then in the morning u can go run around like normal and when u want ur weapons repaired u can go back.
Just make sure u return before night time and dont wander to far from him
OMG do u play with a headset? u never heard an enemy (direction) beforde u saw them =D
Believe it or not: I play most of the time *WITHOUT* headset, but it's kind of my playstyle
"listening to the enviroment" ^^ Watch it again - you will see: *I DID*
3:00 sounds like zelda music
Ha ha ha >.< Yeah - you are right! Thx for the funny comment & Like
LKC xSUB-ZEROx Kein ding
Holy shit ya
Lol it does
Wtf is this weapon on the north slot 4:12 ?
I dont know what you mean: The ottomanic sickle? Or the Volatail-hunter-sword?
LKC xSUB-ZEROx on the upper slot, an katana icon with a circle on it. Btw If I already did help the survivor, will he appear again ?
Answer 1: It's the *VOLATAIL-HUNTER-SWORD* and is a dlc from the psn store (2.99$)
Answer 2: Yes - you can repeat this quest, but WATCH OUT - if this guy die there, he wont show up on this spot anymore! Protect him as good you can, okay? Simply sleep 2x and return to this place and he should show up there again!
Ex: Thx for stoppin' by, your support with a *LIKE* for my done work & Have a great day, man ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx thank you very much ! Already liked, and it’s good to see you always answer after 3 years
**smile** well, i take my audience seriously ^^
It's my job to pay attention if some of you guys need help! (at least for me!) ^^
Thank you for your support, Nérétrol ^^
was that the Bozak bow??
Nope! The bow in the video was the *HARRAN RANGER BOW*
Thanks for your comment & *LIKE* btw ;)
LKC xSUB-ZEROx. thx subscribed
Thank you for the support & Welcome to my channel ;)
Have a nice day, man!
I don't understand what u get from that side qeust?
You are able (through this *SECRET* Sidequest) to repair (unlimited) your weapons!
Got it now? ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx wow nice xdd I try that shit hahaha
LKC xSUB-ZEROx are there new dlc a coming out ?
Not that i know (so far) >.
Geile Videos spielst du noch aktiv Dying light?
Danke ^^ Ja - ich spiele noch Dying Light - hab' gerade den Guide zum freischalten des Oster-Outfit's
Hochgeladen! Schau' dich um, ... gibt's 'ne Menge zu *ENTDECKEN* ;)
Can you constantly revisit them
Yes - you can! Aslong the guy survive the quest! ^^
Thx for stoppin' by and leavin' a "Like" for my done work!
Have a nice day!
Ah yes a fellow German
Half-american, half german ;)
@@LKCxSUBZEROx interesting
Oha endlich auch mal ein Deutscher der das Games zockt ! Hättest du bock mal zsm. zu spielen ?
Sehr gut gemacht sub echt genial
+Ct. Sam America ich danke dir ^_^ **high5**
...thx dude...whats like *bow*?
It's the ranger bow
You are right, Datikiduknow525 ;)
The musics unnecessary but the videos awesom
The familicious Bob agreed
Well, ar least its not bad music. By the way: song name? Of intro?
Well... You cannot satisfy *EVERYONE* ...
(even if i had tried it!)
If you don't take the stuff will he respawn again?
It doesnt matter if you take the rewards or not! He will respawn - *ASLONG HE SURVIVE* the sidequest!
No worry, man ^^ ...You're wellcome!
LKC xSUB-ZEROx I found him.
Does this guy appears everytime you do this or only one time?
He appear everytime *ASLONG* he *SURVIVE* this quest!
Your welcome... Thx for the comment & LIKE ^^
Thanks for fast reply sir
He only appeared once and he survived the first time I did it
Not correct, Victor Anaya! He show up dayly there, but *ONLY* ONCE a day!
Sometimes he dont show up a few days, 'cause like i had explained many times in
the comments - *THERE ARE 3 OF THEM IN OLDTOWN* it's a *random* sidequest and
maybe you had activated on the way another 1 by bypassing him for some reason!
I can clearly *CONFIRM* that...
When I activated the quest a night hunter joined and since then he hasn't been spawning
My survivor died and I tried to make it aging but it's not working
Do i have to be on nightmare mode pls respond fast
Good news ;) Nope - this work on *EVERY DIFFICULT-MODE*
(i simple love to play games on the hardest setting! That's why i record it on *Nightmare-mode* )
Thx for the comment & *LIKE* btw ;) ... Have fun!
It took a while but it worked thanks
You're wellcome! I'm glad that i was able to help...
Thx for the nice comment & Like, man ^^
what clothes(outfit) are you wearing?
It's the *NINJA-SUIT* ^^
Bitte ^^
I have no idea what there saying but I know one thing German I wanna learn how to speak german
**laugh** Well then: *GERMAN LESSION 1:*
say *DANKE*
LKC xSUB-ZEROx some dank stuff German know xD
LKC xSUB-ZEROx so I guess dank is thank
How the 2 arrows killed the big guy?
Sounds stupid, but *"AIM BETWEEN THE EYES"* ;)
(Weakspot) - works for DEMOLISHERS too ^^ - but you need in addition
all legendary points in LONG RANGED WEAPONS aswell!
You are welcome & and thx for the comment + *LIKE* ^^
I usually do it in one... But my bow does over 5500 dmg and i always aim for heads... 😕
@ Wind beneath my Wings:
Not in *Nightmare Mode+* PAL!!!
Ex: 5500dmg is MAX OUT - so tell me how you think your Harran Ranger bow have "OVER" 5500dmg?
I smell... **cough** ...BULLSHIT... **cough** >.
@@LKCxSUBZEROx my bow does exactly 5500 dmg, I used "over" cuz kinda have this meme habit that stuck with me (it's over 9000!!) lol, no bullshit here friend :)
@@LKCxSUBZEROx tho I do wonder about these numbers... Like in skyrim and fallout, armor values only get so high before they cap out at a certain percentage, I feel like damage value numbers in this game cap out too... Like the infamous 30,000 dmg shotgun for instance, despite having an absurdly high VISIBLE STATISTIC, it still feels like it only kills just as fast as any other 9000 dmg shotgun, cuz I do know in my experience statistic numbers visible on-screen could be completely different from the actual values in the game files, so there is some apparent inconsistency at times
Very good video you got a sub but next time plz show the map
Thank you - But i have showed the map in the video!
I apprechiate your support! ^^
Ex: All 3 Blue gards are linked in the video, man!
Oh yea srry lol I think I skipped some bit lol or never saw cause I was playing and watching at the same time
How did you get that Bow?
EBELEN i guess its form dlc
It's a DLC, called: *HARRAN RANGER PACK* and comes along with a buggy paintjob, a Player costume &
all 4 blueprint's of the Arrows (regular, inceneric, electro & explosive) and is available in the PSN STORE for 2.99$!
You are wellcome ^^
do you need all side quests complete?
Good news for you: Allready tested it myself: It works WITHOUT COMPLETING the sidequest's ^^
All you HAVE to do, is completing the story-mode to unlock this secret sidequest's for *OLDTOWN*
(for the *SLUMS* you "just" need to reach *OLDTOWN*) These are "random"-Event-Quest's, but most of them appear around 7pm (19:00 o 'clock) in the SLUM's & OLDTOWN - But *THIS ONE IN THE VID* is different! It's very early in the morning (6-10 *AM*) ^^ hope this help you! Good luck!
+LKC xSUB-ZEROx yeah I dunno why its not working :(
i finished 100%, switched to singleplayer, got there 7am and killed some time like you did lol, doesnt show up
Hmm... I'm sorry to read that! For most of the ppl it works perfect! All i can say about it: Dont give up - keep trying it - IT WILL WORK FOR YOU ASWELL! Stay in the Area - the clocktime could switch sometimes! Second tipp: Move slowly in the near of the spawn-spot - maybe you run to fast towards >.< Man, i wish i could do more for you! :\
Lol get an xbox and i'll send you my account just to repair my gold weapons
the *lol* is on MY SIDE, mate: Now i got it: THIS GUIDE is for PS4 not for the XBONE!!! That's why it doesnt work **LOL** >.
ok i need a name of the intro song because it is badass
It's just a sample track of SHAREfactory, dude! Thx for the comment & Like, man ^^
Was ist denn bitte das Volatile-hunter Schwert? :o Hab das noch nie gesehen...
Das "VOLANTILE-HUNTER-SCHWERT" ist ein Bauplan, den du durch das DLC "VOLANTILE-HUNTER-PACK" erhältst und dann selber Herstellen kannst! (enthält insgesamt: 4 Baupläne, ein Kostüm & eine Lackierung für's Buggie und kostet im PSN STORE 2.99€)
Gern geschehen ;)
Dankeschön :)
...thx...can you måke å video of å måp where to find all 8? Í know 1 at stuffed turtle, and now this guy....makes 2 of 8....???name them? (Show )??? bye, CK...
Currently i'm pretty buisy with some other vid's, but... We will see what i can do, ok?
Thx for the comment & Like **bow** ;)
where did you get your sickle
"Git gud!!!" **lol** >.<
(Be a Zombie mode/Rank *ULTIMATE SURVIVOR* /random drop)
How long dose he stay?
He is always on the same spot 7:00am - 8:00pm!
The only problem is, that it's a "Random quest" - so he dont always show up!
LKC xSUB-ZEROx so keep sleeping and not sleeping if he don't come
Thanks bro it helped me also can you repare the weapon again
Yes ^^ Everytime you solve this sidequest!
You are welcome & thx for your comment & *LIKE*
Wo her hast du den Goldenen Bogen?
Gekauft! (PSN STORE: 2.99$)
Danke für den Kommentar und den Like ^^
geiler scheiß man du bist deutscher :) ich mein nicht das es selten is aber es is selten jemanden zu finden der deutsch is und Dying light spielt
**lach** Tja DEUTSCHE habens ebenfalls drauf!!! **high5**
(Danke für den Like & den Kommi)
LKC xSUB-ZEROx kein Problem :)
ich würde ja gerne mit dir dying light spielen aber ich hab es leider für die xbox one
how did this dude find a golden scythe? i can't find any
The golden sickle (Ottoman Sickle) was a random drop from "Be a Zombie mode".
You need to get a rank, called "Underdog" (4rth or 5th beginner rank) - since then
you'll gonna earn random *GOLD WEAPONS* as a reward for winning matches! (PvP)
Through regular gameplay via storymode you not gonna get these weapons!
Thx for watching, the *thumbs up* for my video - and have a great day, man ^^
-->signed, the creator of the video!
Even 4 years after making this, you continue to respond to people who need help... that's some dedication. Thanks chief, I guess I'll start trying out that mode.
@@baguetteboy5466 it is me an honor =^_^=
You are welcome, my friend! Good luck
what bow is that? is that just the standard one?
Nope - it's the *RANGER-BOW* from the DLC ;)
LKC xSUB-ZEROx damn it's powerful
Yeah ^^ *5500* Dmg per arrow ;)
(inclusive all 25 Legendary-Skill-points used)
This vid was captured in *NIGHTMARE-MODE*
How many times can he restore the weapons??
Eternal ^_^ ... Thx for the comment & *LIKE* ^^
Is there any method to get gold weapons easily?
Well "easy" *not really* ... There are 3 different methods i can clearly recommend:
- *BOZAK HORDE* : for every fifth task you get a *SPECIAL DOCKET*, (so called: Bozak dockets) you can redeem them on every Quartermaster in the game! This method is reliable and works to 100%
- *Play & win BE A ZOMBIE MODE* : It's the harder one & in order to *EARN* GOLD WEAPONS - you *NEED* to reach a rank, called: *UNDERDOG* (minimum 10 wins in a row) - Once you have reached this title, every next match you win you get a *RANDOM GOLDWEAPON* as a *REWARD*
All you need to do is to have *ENOUGH PATIENCE* and search for *WATER TOWERS* , *WINDMILLS* & *HARD LOCKPIC BOXES* during *NIGHTMARE-MODE* - the thing is: It's the
*EASYER METHOD* of all 3, but it can pretty much take awhile, untill you *FIND OR LOCKPIC* a Goldweapon from Boxes & Tower's ectc.
That's the *LEGAL ONE's* ! You can duplicate the shit out of this game or asking friends or other players if they could give you some >.< *UNWORTHY, STUPID & LAZY* but it works aswell >.<
I hope i was able to help you a little bit! *GOOD NIGHT - GOOD LUCK* Survivor...
& Thx for the comment & Like btw ;)
LKC xSUB-ZEROx Thanks for the info. I'll try them except for the last one lol. Keep up the great content.
That's my man!!! Exellent choice - i wish you good luck & for the case you have more questions:
Only write a comment - i'll support you as best i can **high5** ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx - Wait real quick, do I need to be the zombie or human?
Human! The rank "underdog" dont exist in Zombie Rankings!
You're welcome!
does the game difficulty matter?
Well, in my opinion this will work for EVERY difficult-mode, but on the higher ones -
The durability of the weapons are much faster gone than on easyer difficulties!
Thx for the comment & Like ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx thanks for replying
You're wellcome, man **high5** ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx should i play on normal first? I always start games on the hardest difficulty but i find zombie game a bit more difficult than any other type of games. I just don't want to do the tutorial again lol.
Well, to your question: I do so aswell (since the beginning of playing videogames) but in order to do so, you are forced to finish lower difficulties *FIRST* - wich leads me to answer & question @ the same time!
*My* ADVICE* : Play *HARDCORE* first, before you jump into *NIGHTMARE-MODE* - DYING LIGHT isnt that unforgivable like most ppl try to tell yah ^_^
*THX* for like-ing my vid & for the comment, Sup3rTrunks san xD
I can finally fix my leaping tiger dao
You are welcome...
Wie bekommt man am schnellsten Goldene Waffen und kann man Waffen jedes Mal bei dem Kerl reparieren?
Hallo I am Grooth ^^ Antwort: Es gibt 3 Methoden, die ICH ABSOLUT BESTÄTIGEN KANN:
*THE FOLLOWING:* (Alptraum-Modus)
Windmühlen, Wassertürme durchsuchen und Schwere Metall-Kisten knacken!
(insgesamt 5 *"FANTASY-WAFFEN"* = Gonounaba, Streitaxt der Titanen, Stammesmesser, Schädlkeule, Ordensklinge)
*PvP-Modus* (BE A ZOMBIE/Rollentausch)
Hier bis auf den Rang "Underdog" hochspielen (ca. 10 Spiele in Folge gewinnen) dann droped JEDES WEITERE MATCH eine *ZUFÄLLIGE GOLDWAFFE*! (alle Sonstigen Waffen: Macheten, Hämmer, Schwerter etc.)
*BOZAK-HORDE* DLC: (Zettel/Dockets)
Für jede *FÜNFTE* Prüfung erhältst du sogenannte "DOCKETS" als Belohnung, die sich bei jedem *QUARTIERMEISTER* einlösen lassen! Sie besitzen eine ERHÖHTE CHANCE an Goldwaffen zu kommen (ca. 10%) aber ich selbst hab' ca 100 eingelöst, aber trotzdem NUR 2 gekriegt >.<
Ergo: "AM SCHNELLSTEN" geht hier GARNIX... Es sind nicht UMSONST die Seltensten, im Game erspielbaren, Waffen!
Frage Nummer 2:
Wie du in meinem Video sicher bemerkt hast, lassen sich Goldwaffen (wie gewöhnliche) JEDESMAL bei dieser speziellen VERSTECKTEN Sidequest reparieren, sonst hatte ich das nicht hochgeladen! Gern Geschehen! ^_^
is this a one time use
Nope! Aslong this guy *SURVIVE* the quest, he is available every day & night!
Dont let him die - otherwise he wont show up there anymore! You are welcome,
Thx for the Like and have a nice 2019! ;)
How do you get golden weapons?
There a different ways to get some:
*PLAY BE A ZOMBIE MODE* = reach rank Underdog (10 wins in a row) and get random ones as a *REWARD*
*PLAY NIGHTMARE DIFFICULTY* and lockpic lootboxes in Quaranteen-zones, Hard lockpics or Police vans (Story)
*PLAY NIGHTMARE MODE IN THE FOLLOWING* and search on top of *WATER TOWERS, WINDMILLS* and hard lockpics
You're welcome & Hope i was able to help you!
LKC xSUB-ZEROx thanks. I’ve gotten a ton of golden weapons since I’ve commented that, but this still helps out a lot!
Thanks for your comment & *LIKE* man ;)
...allways a pleasure!
LKC xSUB-ZEROx how can u buy the game in Germany wie hasst du es gekauft
Ich hab' nie erwähnt, dass ich aus Deutschland komme ;)
1:25 OHH I GET IT 😂
How can i get a skin on the bozak bow?
Well, it's a dlc, called *HARRAN RANGER PACK*
(2.99$/Psn store/Addons) It include all types of arrows, a player & buggie-skin +
You're welcome! Thx for the comment & *LIKE*
What u wearing (idc if it dlc)
It's the *NINJA SUIT* (DLC/Preorder/The Following Edition addon)
Your welcome + Thx for your comment & *LIKE* ^^
LKC xSUB-ZEROx thx I have it!!
You are welcome ^^ **high5**
LKC xSUB-ZEROx *high5*