Beberapa konten kreator /youtuber indonesia natifnya bukan disini, bahasa yang pertama kali mereka kuasai mungkin juga bukan bahasa indonesia, tapi sejauh yang gue tahu, mereka berusaha keras buat belajar dan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia di setiap videonya dan percayalah kenkawan , itu gak semudah yang kita bayangkan Setiap bahasa punya pengandaian, penempatan kata, penggunaan istilah, majas, idiom dan tata bahasa yang berbeda Ini gak sesimpel kita translate gitu aja, Cia udah repot-repot nulis subtitle pake 2 bahasa buat mefasilitasi ini nulis subtitle di video itu capek, pegel asli Yoklah be kind yok, everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about
Pftt I mean what's cool about speaking english,75% people in the world know english,it's not like rare or somethin if you speak German,Russia,Spain,or greek...THAT'S COOL!
"Jangan sok inggris" Just because they feel insecure you seem smarter than them. Disc: not saying just because someone understand another language automatically means smarter than the other person.
"That means you don't love your country" is a very weird mentality, You love your country so much that you want to spread and share about what you love about your country to the rest of world, but in what language should we use? English. The apparent international language of course.
I know right? That's such an ignorant way of thinking. "You don't love your own country"?! Like what?? Dumbass, I promoted our cultures to foreigners probably more than you ever did, using ENGLISH language. Smh
tips(?): ketika kita nggak bisa bahasa Inggris dan nggak tau apa yang orang bicarakan dalam bahasa Inggris, ada tiga hal yang bisa kita coba: 1. Terjemahkan perkataan mereka pake mesin penerjemah (perlu dicatat bahwa hasil terjemahannya mungkin nggak akan 100% akurat) 2. Tanyakan ke teman yang paham bahasa Inggris, atau 3. Tanyakan ke mereka secara langsung dengan sopan “artinya apa, kak?” Tapi tahukah kamu bahwa ada cara yang lebih baik daripada 3 diatas? 4. Belajar bahasa Inggris Keempat cara itu lebih baik daripada ngata2in orang “jangan sok Inggris” atau “dasar sok Inggris”. Selain tidak sopan, kamu hanya merendahkan dirimu sendiri ketika melakukannya. Terimakasih. ingfo: tahukah kalian bahwa dengan ngata2in “sok Inggris” kepada teman kita yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris dapat meruntuhkan motivasi mereka yang mana itu adalah faktor kunci dalam pembelajaran bahasa, yang mana kalo itu ga ada akan menjadi sangat mungkin untuk menghambat mereka dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? (Berlaku juga dalam proses belajar bahasa asing lainnya.)
for me, it's okay to use either English, Indonesian, or maybe mix it for daily conversation. but, i think you must know the person you talk with because the key to communication is not about yourself... it's about you and the person you talk with, so if the person you talk with rarely uses English in daily conversation so just use Indonesia instead. The Indonesian language is very rich and more complete right now... and i think if you are in formal conversation just don't mix it, because sometimes it's very hard for the other to understand what we said. Using complex language make you feel smarter, but that's not the point of communication.
"if someone say that to you, just shrug it off", i agree with that, but if that someone say it because he/she doesn't understand english, i think we should change our languange that he/she understand. it's true that we shouldn't let it discouraged us, but isn't the point of having communication is to understand each other? we should not be discouraged, we can try again next time to speak in english
That last words mean everythings. Thankyou cia for keep inspiring. It means a lot to me, bcs im just tryin to keep better with my english. Just because i can't afford to pay english course doesnt mean i have to stop learning this language. For those who keep to improving by theirself, keep doing, keep up the good work. Because great things is gonna come to you.
It happens alot~~~ in my childhood year and it makes me who I am today.. Born in a multicultural family means I have to switch languages all the time, when I'm at school, at home, with my friends, etc. But~ I got those comments when I was young and it really ruined my self-esteem, it makes me feels "What is wrong with me? Why can I communicate like others? Do people around really think that I'm a smart ass when I'm talking in English? Do people hate me just because I'm a "mix" and talk to parents in public using their native language? " But as I grew up, I realize that my linguistic skills are sucks... I'm not that eloquent in any of the languages. Resulting in people think that I just "cari muka" or "sok pinter", but it's just because I'm too scared to talk in Indonesia because people laughed at me when I was a kid... but also if I'm trying to communicate in English they'll be pointing out my errors in a bad way and it makes me doubt myself.. let alone when I'm speaking in Dutch :( My point is, never let people judgement ruining your chances to learn new languages, those who only speak one language do not have the right to judge those who speak in multiple languages :)
Mungkin bahasa orang tersebut terlalu keras kalau bilang "jangan sok inggrish". Tapi kalau di pikir kembali, tanpa ada ada suudzon terhadap yg bilang tersebut dan mungkin bahasanya bisa di perhalus, mungkin itu mengingatkan. Di jaman ini emang trend bahwa bahasa inggrish suatu yg lumrah dan malah wajib, tapi yg di takutkan makna Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Ibu " Bahasa yg sejak lahir di latih" Malah menjadi hilang. Jujur banyak sekarang yg malah bingung menggunakan bahasa indonesia yg baik, ee apa ya indonesia ini itu ini itu. Inggrish penting di kehidupan sendiri tapi kalau sebatas temen indo, bukannya lebih baik pakai bahasa ibu karena itu jati diri bangsa indonesia, jepang juga sangat cinta dengan bahasa dan tidak mengagungkan bahasa inggrish. Mari jangan lupa sampai dengan bahasa ibu ssbagai jati diri bangsa
Lancar berbahasa Inggris itu sangat Istimewa. Lancar berbahasa daerah luar biasa. Lancar berbahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar itu hebat. Yang menjadi masalah adalah mencampur adukkan penggunaan bahasa, bukan karena memang minim penguasaan kosakatanya, tapi karena menganggap satu bahasa lebih keren dari bahasa yang lainnya atau sebaliknya.
tips: sering" in ini deh, nonton hollywood movies, or barbies juga boleh pokonya yg in english.. trs kalo udh lumayan lancar tontonnya jgn pake subtitles, coba ngertiin w/o subtitles. kadang part" yg menarik boleh dipraktekin gitu, kea coba buat tiruin. kalo gasuka nonton film boleh cari lagu" yg ga dihafal gt trs tulis liriknya sendirii. lumayan yaa buat ngelatih listening. + jangan trll terpengaruh pendapat orang. (misalkan bilg sok inggris dll) trash. do what u wanna do, take it easy.
omg so relatable thank you for bringing this up. i get this a lot when i say something in English and my friends would say "jangan sok inggris lu hidup di indo". i like your video cause i can learn english by reading and listening
When I'm studying here at Indonesia, the first thing i noticed when I'm trying to speaking english language among "friends" that are Indonesian, they thought me being show off my english. Well in another way around, it's my habit speaking english among my surrounding because (sometimes im being not fully aware im speaking english), i'm being force to do so. So sad that, seeing the culture here in Indonesia where they behave just what you told. I do agree on your statement, they are such a backward minded. Because they don't realize english will be so much helpful in the long run. This is also the reason why some of people around my area are stuttering speaking in English because they are afraid to make mistake. But for me, it's fine because at least you try. Language is probably equal with mathematics where practical must be apply and it must be always being practice. Speaking with people must not be always being formal and not must always adhere what language you are stay because only in certain circumstances we must speak formally and what kind of language must be follow. Lastly, those who said speaking english will neglecting the mother language of the country that you stay, well that's such a bad mindset.
klo menurut gw sih org yg jago ngomong bahsa inggris ga 100% benar dan org yg bilang jng sok inggris ga 100% salah, pengalaman gw dulu kuliah dibandung gw org jakarta cuman ngerti sedikit bhs sunda ketika lingkungan dibandung lw awalnya ngomong pake bhs indo tiba-tiba mereka ngomong sunda dan lw doang yg kaga ngerti gw juga rada kesel knp ga ngomong bahasa indo aja sih kan ga semua yg kuliah disini ngerti sunda semua. dan disaat yg lain ketika gw ngomong pake bahsa inggris ngbrol2 biasa trus salah satu dari mereka bilang sok inggris banget nih org. pelajaran yg gw dapet adalah kita ga bisa ngomong pake bahasa asing atau yg lain klo ada salah satu lawan bicara kita yg emang minim pengetahuan ttg bahasa tersebut. yaudah ngomong paka bahasa yg biasa mereka pake dan kita pake. klo kita mau ngomong pake bahasa inggris ya sama org2 yg ngerti tujuan kita ngomong pake bahasa itu. don't judge other people, those our people too. we can't change this phenomenon just understand them and be wise.
Cari temen yang punya tujuan yg sama man.... Yabg sama" pengen belajar bahasa inggris. Kalo gw biasa cari temen online cuz gw juga sering di maki" kalo tiba" ngomong bahasa inggris wkwkwk
I was like you, maybe 2 years ago. And what I do is just practice, if you make a mistake just try it again. If you want to talk about something and you afraid you will forget, you can note it
I'm so thankful now people around me are in the same boat, we always talk in English, love learning a new language and new culture basically supporting each other. although it was tougher when i was in elementary school since kids that day said things like "you sok English" haha i was the same way too. Then i went to middle school with friends that liked American culture and very open-minded about cultures outside of Indo and because of that i began to learn by myself, no EF, LIA, or any other English courses. I'm so thankful for the environment i grew up in, it has brought me so many amazing opportunities, like having friends abroad, internships in multi-national company and many more. There are a lot more benefits to being able to speak in English than listening to someone's jealousy for us to be able to understand english. believe in what you can achieve by learning english and the opportunities that will come with it, for your own-self. also, i think being able to understand English is no longer a "specialty" it's basically a "basic requirement" especially in modern times like this.
definetly, maybe i coment late. when i tried to speak english in my school, with my friends and upload something in social media used english not bahasa. someone always said to me "ah jangan sok-sokan pake bahasa inggris lah" and one of them dm me in instagram, said "kasian guru yang udah ngajar lu bahasa indonesianya ga pernah dipake." i was like dude seriously, even tho i learn english i am not forget about about my native. my first language is indonesia not english. i just shocked when he dm me. i know people at school always talking in the back about me who always speak english and always upload something in english they said "sok inggris" i am not give up when they said like that, even dm me. i just feel i need more practice again and again make my english more perfect than before, so i showing them that i can speak another languange. now i learn new languages too there are korean and german. wish me luck.
This video encouraged me more than anything! Thanks Cia!!!! Can't tell how much I adore you. I've been having the same issues for the past few years just because I feel more comfortable translating my ideas in some particular languages. This kind of mindset should also be adopted by any language learners. have a courage and always be kind :'D
Kak baca bukunya larry king deh. Namanya seni berbicara. Ada case memang kita harus memahami siapa lawan bicara kita dan ingat selalu bahwa tujuan berkomunikasi adah menyampaikan pesan tanpa harus mengurangi atau bahkan membuat blunder. Even di US jg dulu ada trend orang suka bilang literally, basically atau bahkan “like, you know” yang sebenarnya justru memperkeruh makna pesan. Please read this cool book. Seru lagi bukunya mainin emos juga soalnya.
I feel your experiences, chia. Some of those people maybe (yeah, just maybe) never accepting a person like us especially you to be the ones who have a forward culture, or in the other hand they just bluffing you to make some mistakes and then your reputation would be bad
ga nyangka orang yang se-fasih se-fluent inggris kayak ka Cia aja masih ada yang komentarin 😐 tp jangan didengerin ya kak, your video helps me so much, mana cara ngomongnya kayak lagi ngobrol biasa aaa suka bgt, bahagia juga akhir akhir ini notif ka Cia aktif banget hehehe, semangat!!❤️
Sering banget kalo pas lagi main game, e.g Growtopia, Valorant. aslinya mau pakai bahasa inggris biar ngelatih conversation, tapi tiba tiba dibilang "Jangan sok inggris lu" jadi ragu mau ngomong xD
i love how you put it that way, it's kinda sad how people look at us (debating in english) as if we wanna show off our skills when we're really just more comfortable speaking in english
Menurut saya, dia ada benarnya, cuman cara penyampaiannya memang sangat tidak sopan. Mencampur-campurkan bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris terkadang bikin saya muak, bukan karena saya tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris tetapi karena itu seakan-akan sudah menjadi kebiasaan untuk berbahasa Indonesia. Memang benar, terkadang memang susah untuk berbicara tanpa mencampur-campurkan bahasa, saya pun kadang sering melakukannya, karena tidak semua istilah bisa mudah dikenal dan diingat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Walaupun begitu, saya selalu berusaha untuk berbahasa Indonesia dengan tidak mencampurkannya. Biarlah, bahasa Indonesia tetap menjadi bahasa yang utuh agar tidak tercipta kebudayaan yang baru atau asimilasi. Oiya, saya pernah baca kutipan ini, “Budayakan bahasa Indonesia, lestarikan bahasa daerah, dan kuasai bahasa asing.”
Menurutku tergantung sama situasinya. Kalau memang dalam situasi yang formal, aku mencoba dengan keras untuk tidak campur campur bahasa. Tapi kalau emang situasinya informal dan santai... ya ngikutin enaknya aja gimana.
Oiya, kutipan terkahir bukan untuk memaksa Chia untuk berbahasa Indonesia di setiap kontennya, itu kebebasan Chia untuk membuat konten, audiensnya juga bukan orang Indonesia doang. Kutipannya dalam konteks pencampuran bahasa.
I agree with your 4 primary reasons, Fathia. Those are just human nature (the bad ones). However, to be fair, we should also always know our audience whenever we speak. A few times, I have caught myself using English words in the middle of a Bahasa Indonesia sentence/clause, but once I realized that my audience may have a hard time understanding that (or potentially misled), I immediately clarify what I meant. I am 100% Indonesian. I happen to be an English teacher, but I have always demanded my (Indonesian) students to be good in Bahasa Indonesia too. This is because you just can't master any 2nd language, if you do not master your own 1st language. For example, how could you master English prepositions, if you still think that "di Palu" and "dipalu" is the same thing? Hmm, pikir2 ini bisa jadi test Bahasa Indonesia yang bagus untuk orang2 yang bilang "Jangan sok Inggris" atau "Berarti lo gak cinta (Bahasa) Indonesia".
gua bisa bhs inggris dengan lancar karena lingkup pekerjaan juga international yg berarti bahasa inggris jadi bahasa utama. secara general juga temen2 gua ngmgnya ada yg full inggris ada juga gaya anak jaksel (setengah inggris setengah indo) dan semuanya tmn2 gua kebanyakan org indonesia. gua juga msih melontarkan bahwa "gausa sok nginggris lu" sama temen gua yg murni org indonesia tapi full inggris pdhl dr kecil tinggal disini dan dll. harusnya sih sebagai warna negara yg baik kita gabole menghilangkan bahasa ibu yaaa apalagi hanya biar keliatan wow, kalo emg tujuannya buat bljr y ok tp sayangnya gasemua org begitu wkwk..bhkan temen2 gua yg expat pun dr berbagai negara mereka sangat menghargai bhs indo dan kadang memilih komunikasi pakai bhs indonesia walaupun belum lancar. lantas knp kita yg sesama org indonesia dan bisa bhs indonesia lebih memilih utk bicara bhs inggris yg kdg tujuannya ya cuma sekedar dianggap biar wow aja.
Versi Indonesia: Mungkin maksud dari beberapa orang yang bilang "sok Inggris" ini biasanya karena orang yang bersangkutan tidak konsisten dengan bahasa yang digunakan Dari beberapa orang ada yang merasa terganggu dengan bahasa yang dicampur, hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena ada orang yang Berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris untuk gengsi dan merasa keren saja. Ada juga yang beranggapan kalau Orang yang berbicara bahasa Inggris dicampur dengan bahasa Lokal itu masih belum lancar atau masih pemula dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris, sehingga saking memaksanya dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris, orang tersebut menggunakan bahasa Lokalnya untuk menyambung kalimat atau kata yang tidak diketahui nya. Itulah mengapa ada beberapa orang yang mengatakan Sok Inggris, menurut saya pribadi terkadang kesal juga melihat orang orang yang berbicara dengan bahasa yang dicampur, karena dengan bahasa yang dicampur bisa menyebabkan kekeliruan atau kesalahpahaman, tentu saja juga bisa berdampak pada Orang luar yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris juga. Alangkah baiknya konsistenlah dalam berbahasa, atau gunakan terjemahan atau Takarir dari Bahasa Yang digunakan . English Version (Translate By Google): Maybe the meaning of some people who say "Sok Inggris" is usually because the person concerned is not consistent with the language used Some people feel annoyed by mixed language, this may be because there are people who speak English for prestige and just feel cool. There are also those who think that people who speak English mixed with local languages are still not fluent or are still beginners in speaking English, so they are so forced to speak English, that person uses their local language to connect sentences or words that they don't know. That is why there are some people who say Sok English, I think personally sometimes it is annoying to see people who speak mixed languages, because mixed languages can cause confusion or misunderstanding, of course it can also affect outsiders who use English too . It is better to be consistent in the language, or use a translation or caption of the language used.
Gunakan bahasa indonesia sesuai situasi dan kondisi Gunakan bahasa inggris sesuai situasi dan kondisi Jika lawan bicara orang indonesia dan bisa berbahasa indonesia, gunakanlah bahasa indonesia Jika lawan bicara orang asing atau orang indonesia yg tidak bisa berbahasa indonesia, silahkan gunakan bahasa inggris atau bahasa apapun yg sama2 dimengerti Jika ada keperluan untuk mempromosikan indonesia, silahkan gunakan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa internasional Jika ingin melatih kemampuan berbahasa inggris dengan teman, sampaikanlah terlebih dahulu maksud itu, supaya orang lain mengerti bahwa anda sedang berusaha belajar bahasa inggris Jangan berbicara dengan sesama orang indonesia yg bisa bahasa indonesia tetapi menggunakan bahasa asing apapun Milikilah jiwa nasionalisme, bagi yg tinggal di indonesia gunakanlah bahasa indonesia, yg tidak suka bahasa indonesia jangan tinggal di indonesia Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung Kita wajib menguasai bahasa inggris karena itu bahasa internasional Tetapi bahasa sehari hari, dengan lawan bicara orang indonesia, di indonesia, HARUS menggunakan bahasa indonesia
Sorry, tpi ntah mengapa udh males bgt & overused meme ini tuh Kadang juga missused (sorry klo slh tulisannya), alias berlebihan Dikit2 ada GA BISA B.INGGRIS ya trus knape? Kcuali klo di vid nya atau kontennya meme /jokes baru pake dah tuh meme
kadang kalau udh pengen belajar bahasa inggris, latian speaking, ada aja yg ngeledekin karena pronunciation yg salah. i mean, kalo mereka tau itu salah, kenapa ga dibilangin suruh perbaikin, kenapa malah diketawain, dan akhirnya milih latihan ngomong sm diri sendiri aja karena males latihan kalo diliat sm org lain.
Hi, Chia! I just stumbled on your video and wow watching it was the good decision of my life. I like the way you speak things like this, means a lot to me and other person too currently learning english. Yes, we shouldn't be discouraged from talking in other languages when u're comfortable with it, even in Indonesia too, has many languages and well it's really fiiine. Albeit if they can't understand it clear, we just have to explain it in Bahasa. No need to hate:( Hope you all have a good day, let's keep practicing ✨
I really like it if you chit-chat like this one, that could inspire other ppl who's struggling with English. Keep going to make more content like this🥰❤!
aku tuh gimana yaa, kalo baca itu ngerti lah dikit dikit apa artinya, nyanyi juga ngerti sedikit, orang ngmg ngrti juga asal ga cepet2ngmgnya. tapi kalo suruh bales pake binggris gabisa. bukannya gabisa, tp bingung ngmgmya gimana. sadar bgt si kurangnya aku itu praktek. lebih byk teori dibanding praktek, tp akhir'ini lg bljr buat ngikutin kalo ada org ngmg pake binggris. lagi nyoba buat brani ngmg ke tmn yg slalu campur2pke binggris gitu, mulai ngelatih speaking seendiri kaya nanya sendiri jawab sendiri, atau ikut nympur ngbrol sm org yg ngmgnya pake english or anything
hi ka chia! how do you plan your financial? do you have any financial/any other goals that you want to achieve? maybe you can discuss about this topic xx
Oh my god langsung keinget sama pengalaman dulu Yeaaa dulu (sekarang pun sama T-T) aku adalah anak polos dan jarang bangettt diejek oleh teman teman ku. Aku belajar bahasa Inggris mulai dari TK (taman kanak kanak) karena dulu ayahku yang sering nunjukin film anak anak berbahasa inggris yang gak dikasi subtitel indo. Dan pas sd nya aku masuk sd swasta yang mapel bahasa Inggrisnya dipentingkan layak nya mapel mtk. Bcz of that pas masi kecil (tk,sd kls 1-3) aku sedikit terbiasa sama really common english like sorry, tsym, thanks, what are you doing, how are you, what's your name, where are you come from dan lain lain. Aku sering pake kata kata itu buat sehari hari. Entah emang dulu aku not good at english accent or aku yang alay, temen ku pernah ngomong sama aku "stop pakai bahasa Inggris, ndengerin nya njijihin (menjijikan)" dulu karena aku masih polos akhirnya aku berhenti make bahasa inggris (berhentinya klo ngomong sama dia doang sih XD) Yaaa intinya gitu lah. Semangat buat yang lagi belajar bahasa Inggris!
Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang baik. Jadi digunakan dengan cara apapun, sepanjang tujuannya baik, baiklah Bahasa itu adanya. Suskes selalu. Keep on.
Very insightful. I am half-thai and half-american, and I get a pass on English, but Thais can be brutal to each other regarding English. The main reason why Thai people don't speak English is because we attack each other and destroy each other's confidence. We are like crabs in a bucket - if one crab tries to escape, the others pull it back down (we feel bad when we see other Thais good at English; better we all be bad). Also we incessantly correct each other (even when actually we don't know), causing us to not want to speak. Also, I support all the health food you show!!! Plant based power wat up
Aku lagi belajar bahasa Inggris, dan aku mencoba untuk nonton videoini tanpa melihat subtitlenya, tapi susah karena kak fathia ngomongnya cepet banget, tapi aku jadi tau apa yang harus aku pelajari lagi...
Selalu gini klo berargumen sama orang, bukan kejadian ke aku aja tapi ke yang lain juga. Mereka kek gitu pas lagi dipuncak²nya saling ngeargumen dan mereka nutup pake "mending perbaikin grammarnya dulu mba kalau nulisnya masih nyampur gitu" like bruh ?!
Omg few months or days ago i planned to make a research for my skripsi soon about sok inggris stereotype. Eh tbtb muncul vidio kak kitten dust wkwkkwwk 😭🖤
Aku waktu SMP pernah dikatain gitu, sama temen masa kecilku pula😀cuma sekali dia bilang gitu tapi damage nya itu berasa banget. Gak ilang2, sampe skrg sih masih terngiang2😀aku sempat berenti ngomong bahasa Inggris di depan umum Krn hal itu, tapi beberapa tahun kemudian aku mulai berani ngomong lagi karena ya itu, gak bisa di sangkal kalo bahasa Inggris itu bahasa internasional dan penting banget buat dipelajarin. Dan aku juga suka belajar bahasa jadi why not? Toh aku gak dosa juga kalo ngomong bahasa asing❤️
love you kak chia!! you’re such an inspiration to me! tbh, a good chunk of your videos has helped me a lot in improving my english skills throughout the years. so i thank you for that :’) my friends also used to make fun of me for speaking english and i remember feeling shameful about it. sometimes it’s just easier for me to use english to explain certain concepts. but now, i don’t think i really give a damn. also, that last line is a banger✨✨
Yup. I'm on same frequency. Probably we're not in one perspective. not in one goals; jealousy, blaming other for someting we can't do, have no respect to others who put their effort in right platform or field.
Actually I'm a person that never have an experience like this. Why? Cause I'm still afraid to show my English speaking skill in public except in my English class. I've always getting worried to make mistakes, worried bout what people can react to me if I doing English.
Hi, it's okay. You can speak English with yourself. Get used to speaking English when you are going to do something, for example "I want to take a shower, I want to shop. Hehehe ♥ ️
Kalau saya sih berbicara bahasa inggris pada orang luar negeri yang berbahasa inggris atau orang indo yang fasih berbahasa inggris. Tapi kalau ke orang indo yang gak fasih berbahasa inggris, ya bicaranya pakai bahasa indonesia. Karena tujuannya bahasa itu agar saling mengerti, yang jelas berbicara lah ke orang lain sesuai dengan bahasa yang ia mengerti.
"Berarti lo gak cinta Indonesia" "Berarti lo benci negara lain?" Cinta Indonesia boleh, perlu bahkan, tapi jgn benci negara lain. Let's spread more love in this world!
Suka bgt klo kamu pake aksen jepang... Sexy aja dengerin suaramu pake aksen jepang, keren, wanita indonesia dengan taleta bahasa yg luar biasa dan cantik, langka manusia macam bgini..
kak banyakin video kayak gini ada subtitle indonesia sama inggris nya, jadi sekalian bisa buat belajar. Kadang mau ngomong pake bahasa inggris tapi masih bingung nyusun katanya. Entah itu video vlog atau video tentang apa plis bikin 2 subtitle gini. I really enjoy this video, thank you
padahal semasa pandemik ini aku pengen memperdalam bahasa inggris ku karena aku pikir memang sudah seharusnya aku belajar itu, tapi jika di tengah proses belajar aku mendapat komentar "jangan sok inggris" aku gatau harus bagaimana
Pftt I mean what's cool about speaking english,75% people in the world know english,it's not like rare or somethin if you speak German,Russia,Spain,or greek...THAT'S COOL
Well said! And thank you so much for attaching the source of the knowledge about why people hate. In my opinion, it is all about the context. I totally agree with all of your points here in the video, but I also want to share a little bit of an experience where I went for voluntary work in a village near Jogja. No one there spoke English. And since I lived abroad for quite a while (US & Sweden), my Indonesian isn't perfect, nor the other two languages - English and Swedish. Bye-lingual T_T #cry I had a little bit of a struggle to speak in Bahasa during that project and some said to me Jangan Sok Inggris. It was discouraging at first but then I realized that I need to be able to speak in context, as in: where I am speaking, and to whom. I recently decided to take classes in public speaking to make sure that I can speak better in both languages according to the context. I feel like it is a thoughtful thing to work on.
I really love and comfortable to speaking English and I'm always encouraging my friends to speak more English, I have 1 friend that always feels annoyed when we're speaking English to each other. I fully understand why she felt that way, simply because 'GA BISA BAHASA INGGRIS' (HAH? PAHAMNAYY??) wkwk As time goes by I taught her how to speak English so we could communicating better(?) And understand each other whatsoever lol. Now she speaks English everytime we met. The point number 3 that u elaborate is so true!
I know it is in the negative spectrum when people said that you "ga cinta Indonesia kalo ga pake bahasa indonesia yg bener" when you speak english or mix it with Indonesian but Their concern about it is real. You can take a look at how modern japanese people speak their language, they mix the original japanese with japanization of foreign words mainly english. the original japanese words gradually disappear from everyday conversation and only small amount of people that can recall the true japanese words to describe that things. If that behaviour doesn't have some countermeasures it's not impossible if someday there is no more japan language, only the english with japanese dialect. I know it is the dynamics of the languages itself (diglossia, language shift, creoles)but for me I try to not mix it and use the proper vocabs when speak in one form of language, to keep them alive
Sometimes, it's kinda hard for me to say "gw" or "elo" casually to someone becos I just can't say "aku" or "kamu" to anybody and at that part speaking in English will help me and makes me more comfortable.. That's one of the reason :D and oh ya, this video gives me more perspective on what I'm doing is cool and It's nice to know that.. Thumbs up!
i can watch your video and saw you talking through the internet for like 24/7 non-stop without getting bored at all, and thank your for the video kak!!
"Alabatan dimana mani ngomong indo" kata temen gw kalo lagi nongkrong bareng Sering banget diginiin gw cuma gegara nyampur bahasa indonesia sama bahasa daerah gw, beh apalagi kalo gw campur bahasa lain *translate Kek dimana aja pke bahasa indo
Menurutku gapapa sih kl emg using English karena belajar atau mengutarakan pendapat atau mencurahkan perasaan gitu. Gaada yang salah dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Tapi kadang beberapa orang ngegunain bahasa inggris dengan cara yang salah. Contohnya buat maki-maki orang, ada orang yang ngerasa keren aja gitu kl maki-maki orang in English padahal cara penggunaan makiannya juga salah. Kadang juga dipakenya buat ngomentarin suatu postingan isu² sosial in English, padahal komentar dia ngga nyambung sama masalahnya dengan grammar yang sama sekali ga make sense, cuma biar dia keliatan "American" dan "progresif", mereka berbahasa Inggris buat ngata²in orang sama prinsip orang atau bahkan budaya sendiri "ketinggalan jaman". Yang gitu kadang annoying aja gitu kak, cringe liatnya.
In my point of view..the most relevant cause to this case is the 2nd. “They are lonely and seeking for connections even the hate ones” from time to time haters tried to catch your attention is to be haters in order to get your lovely attention🤭, So.....i would probably be like you. “Just shrug it off or... let it be”Thank you cia. Keep doing what you are doing. God bless!
Hey there! Here from california. Guys, if the haters hate on you, dont feel discouraged. English is a hard language for most people in other countries other than america or the uk, so for the ones who mix up their own language and english, or speak english with some grammar or pronounciation mistakes, you are not (as the indonesians say) “sok inggris”. People arent perfect, thats why we should always encourage everyone to be better in their own specific category. Also, note that everyone who tells you that you are “sok inggris”, has an angry tone in their voice. That is an indication, that they are jealous of you, or think that they are better than you. So as said in this video, shrug it off. I personally dont care if people tease me and say that im not good in a specific category, because i know, someday i will get better. So never give up guys! Love from the USA!
kalau mo latihan bahasa inggris,,, langsung dipake di dunia nyata lah... -cari sahabat dunia nyata/maya orang asing -kerja untuk/dengan orang asing -tinggal di luar negeri kalau ngemeng bahasa inggrisnya ma orang plus enam dua lagi ya, di situ2 aja perkembangannya...
Beberapa konten kreator /youtuber indonesia natifnya bukan disini, bahasa yang pertama kali mereka kuasai mungkin juga bukan bahasa indonesia,
tapi sejauh yang gue tahu, mereka berusaha keras buat belajar dan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia di setiap videonya dan percayalah kenkawan , itu gak semudah yang kita bayangkan
Setiap bahasa punya pengandaian, penempatan kata, penggunaan istilah, majas, idiom dan tata bahasa yang berbeda
Ini gak sesimpel kita translate gitu aja,
Cia udah repot-repot nulis subtitle pake 2 bahasa buat mefasilitasi ini
nulis subtitle di video itu capek, pegel asli
Yoklah be kind yok, everyone
is fighting a battle you know nothing about
Our lord 'wargasipil'
Hidup warga sipil!
Siap bg Ferry
Mantap ending statement nya
Mz Ferry panutan kita smwa 🥺
Those who mind don't matter
Those who matter don't mind..
People who said "jangan sok inggris" is actually " nda bisa basa enggres"
And its fucked up, its straight up so darn annoying
@Naufal Arzafalah well lets just hope for the best for our country's literacy
People who said "jangan sok Inggris" is the same stupid kid that always get a D on an English test.
I can speak english with adequate grammar and wide vocabulary, tapi jangan sok inggris ngentod. lu tau cringe gak?
its so good to hear the way you speaking chia! so fluent and i can clearly hear every word you said. love this video, keep it up!
Chia idola memang🥰
Pftt I mean what's cool about speaking english,75% people in the world know english,it's not like rare or somethin if you speak German,Russia,Spain,or greek...THAT'S COOL!
@@victorallen2932 if you learn to impress people, don’t.
@@wonderella86 paansi, dont dont
@@victorallen2932 learn to see things from different perspectives.
"Jangan sok inggris"
Just because they feel insecure you seem smarter than them.
Disc: not saying just because someone understand another language automatically means smarter than the other person.
"not saying just because someone understand another language automatically means smarter than the other person" but you just said that lmao
"That means you don't love your country" is a very weird mentality, You love your country so much that you want to spread and share about what you love about your country to the rest of world, but in what language should we use? English. The apparent international language of course.
I know right? That's such an ignorant way of thinking.
"You don't love your own country"?! Like what??
Dumbass, I promoted our cultures to foreigners probably more than you ever did, using ENGLISH language.
This is so original
ketika kita nggak bisa bahasa Inggris dan nggak tau apa yang orang bicarakan dalam bahasa Inggris, ada tiga hal yang bisa kita coba:
1. Terjemahkan perkataan mereka pake mesin penerjemah (perlu dicatat bahwa hasil terjemahannya mungkin nggak akan 100% akurat)
2. Tanyakan ke teman yang paham bahasa Inggris, atau
3. Tanyakan ke mereka secara langsung dengan sopan “artinya apa, kak?”
Tapi tahukah kamu bahwa ada cara yang lebih baik daripada 3 diatas?
4. Belajar bahasa Inggris
Keempat cara itu lebih baik daripada ngata2in orang “jangan sok Inggris” atau “dasar sok Inggris”. Selain tidak sopan, kamu hanya merendahkan dirimu sendiri ketika melakukannya. Terimakasih.
ingfo: tahukah kalian bahwa dengan ngata2in “sok Inggris” kepada teman kita yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris dapat meruntuhkan motivasi mereka yang mana itu adalah faktor kunci dalam pembelajaran bahasa, yang mana kalo itu ga ada akan menjadi sangat mungkin untuk menghambat mereka dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? (Berlaku juga dalam proses belajar bahasa asing lainnya.)
for me, it's okay to use either English, Indonesian, or maybe mix it for daily conversation. but, i think you must know the person you talk with because the key to communication is not about yourself... it's about you and the person you talk with, so if the person you talk with rarely uses English in daily conversation so just use Indonesia instead. The Indonesian language is very rich and more complete right now... and i think if you are in formal conversation just don't mix it, because sometimes it's very hard for the other to understand what we said. Using complex language make you feel smarter, but that's not the point of communication.
even Ir. Soekarno was capable of speaking so many languages ..
soekarno dari TK udah jago bahasa inggris
Lah diplomat jaman dulu malah poliglot semua.... Haji Agus Salim aja bisa sembilan bahasa
Mereka jago tp tidak sok inggris
Ada yg bilang: "Jangan Sok Inggris" .
Giliran die chat ama bokinannya .
Eh akhiran chatnya bilang "I miss you" .
And "goodnight" Haha
Kyaaaa hipokrit beut ya wkwwk
Coba dia tinggal di UK trus ngomong indo, kira2 dikatain Jangan Sok Indo ga 😀
@@fjm2382 ya enggak lah , cuma di indo kayak gitu
"if someone say that to you, just shrug it off", i agree with that, but if that someone say it because he/she doesn't understand english, i think we should change our languange that he/she understand. it's true that we shouldn't let it discouraged us, but isn't the point of having communication is to understand each other? we should not be discouraged, we can try again next time to speak in english
That last words mean everythings. Thankyou cia for keep inspiring. It means a lot to me, bcs im just tryin to keep better with my english. Just because i can't afford to pay english course doesnt mean i have to stop learning this language. For those who keep to improving by theirself, keep doing, keep up the good work. Because great things is gonna come to you.
It happens alot~~~ in my childhood year and it makes me who I am today..
Born in a multicultural family means I have to switch languages all the time, when I'm at school, at home, with my friends, etc. But~ I got those comments when I was young and it really ruined my self-esteem, it makes me feels "What is wrong with me? Why can I communicate like others? Do people around really think that I'm a smart ass when I'm talking in English? Do people hate me just because I'm a "mix" and talk to parents in public using their native language? "
But as I grew up, I realize that my linguistic skills are sucks... I'm not that eloquent in any of the languages. Resulting in people think that I just "cari muka" or "sok pinter", but it's just because I'm too scared to talk in Indonesia because people laughed at me when I was a kid... but also if I'm trying to communicate in English they'll be pointing out my errors in a bad way and it makes me doubt myself.. let alone when I'm speaking in Dutch :(
My point is, never let people judgement ruining your chances to learn new languages, those who only speak one language do not have the right to judge those who speak in multiple languages :)
What languages do you speak other than bahasa and english? You said you speak dutch? I think you speak some other languages
Mungkin bahasa orang tersebut terlalu keras kalau bilang "jangan sok inggrish". Tapi kalau di pikir kembali, tanpa ada ada suudzon terhadap yg bilang tersebut dan mungkin bahasanya bisa di perhalus, mungkin itu mengingatkan. Di jaman ini emang trend bahwa bahasa inggrish suatu yg lumrah dan malah wajib, tapi yg di takutkan makna Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Ibu " Bahasa yg sejak lahir di latih" Malah menjadi hilang. Jujur banyak sekarang yg malah bingung menggunakan bahasa indonesia yg baik, ee apa ya indonesia ini itu ini itu.
Inggrish penting di kehidupan sendiri tapi kalau sebatas temen indo, bukannya lebih baik pakai bahasa ibu karena itu jati diri bangsa indonesia, jepang juga sangat cinta dengan bahasa dan tidak mengagungkan bahasa inggrish.
Mari jangan lupa sampai dengan bahasa ibu ssbagai jati diri bangsa
Lancar berbahasa Inggris itu sangat Istimewa. Lancar berbahasa daerah luar biasa. Lancar berbahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar itu hebat.
Yang menjadi masalah adalah mencampur adukkan penggunaan bahasa, bukan karena memang minim penguasaan kosakatanya, tapi karena menganggap satu bahasa lebih keren dari bahasa yang lainnya atau sebaliknya.
sering" in ini deh, nonton hollywood movies, or barbies juga boleh pokonya yg in english.. trs kalo udh lumayan lancar tontonnya jgn pake subtitles, coba ngertiin w/o subtitles. kadang part" yg menarik boleh dipraktekin gitu, kea coba buat tiruin. kalo gasuka nonton film boleh cari lagu" yg ga dihafal gt trs tulis liriknya sendirii. lumayan yaa buat ngelatih listening. + jangan trll terpengaruh pendapat orang. (misalkan bilg sok inggris dll) trash. do what u wanna do, take it easy.
Fathia: *uploads*
Me: "My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive."
"Hai Barry"
Hy Barry, i'm dad
Sorry for the bad joke, i can't handle it
Me : My name is oliver queen, for five years..
Oh, I'm sorry for your wife...
Hi barry, how’s your mom doing?
omg so relatable thank you for bringing this up. i get this a lot when i say something in English and my friends would say "jangan sok inggris lu hidup di indo". i like your video cause i can learn english by reading and listening
When I'm studying here at Indonesia, the first thing i noticed when I'm trying to speaking english language among "friends" that are Indonesian, they thought me being show off my english. Well in another way around, it's my habit speaking english among my surrounding because (sometimes im being not fully aware im speaking english), i'm being force to do so. So sad that, seeing the culture here in Indonesia where they behave just what you told. I do agree on your statement, they are such a backward minded. Because they don't realize english will be so much helpful in the long run. This is also the reason why some of people around my area are stuttering speaking in English because they are afraid to make mistake. But for me, it's fine because at least you try. Language is probably equal with mathematics where practical must be apply and it must be always being practice. Speaking with people must not be always being formal and not must always adhere what language you are stay because only in certain circumstances we must speak formally and what kind of language must be follow. Lastly, those who said speaking english will neglecting the mother language of the country that you stay, well that's such a bad mindset.
I'm curious which nationality you are? Your English smells funny.
I feel like 2015-2016 vibez in this current vids of her 😭😭 pretty nostalgic aaaaa💓💓
Chiaa, please talk about 'self love'
Or anything about 'insecurities' :''
klo menurut gw sih org yg jago ngomong bahsa inggris ga 100% benar dan org yg bilang jng sok inggris ga 100% salah, pengalaman gw dulu kuliah dibandung gw org jakarta cuman ngerti sedikit bhs sunda ketika lingkungan dibandung lw awalnya ngomong pake bhs indo tiba-tiba mereka ngomong sunda dan lw doang yg kaga ngerti gw juga rada kesel knp ga ngomong bahasa indo aja sih kan ga semua yg kuliah disini ngerti sunda semua. dan disaat yg lain ketika gw ngomong pake bahsa inggris ngbrol2 biasa trus salah satu dari mereka bilang sok inggris banget nih org. pelajaran yg gw dapet adalah kita ga bisa ngomong pake bahasa asing atau yg lain klo ada salah satu lawan bicara kita yg emang minim pengetahuan ttg bahasa tersebut. yaudah ngomong paka bahasa yg biasa mereka pake dan kita pake. klo kita mau ngomong pake bahasa inggris ya sama org2 yg ngerti tujuan kita ngomong pake bahasa itu. don't judge other people, those our people too. we can't change this phenomenon just understand them and be wise.
Setiap mau mencoba melatih bahasa inggris ke temen sendiri malah "jangan sok inggris"😂😐😅😅
semangat bro, cari temen yang support lu sampai lu bisa
Maen ome tv server Inggris ae bro
So what?
Cari temen yang punya tujuan yg sama man.... Yabg sama" pengen belajar bahasa inggris. Kalo gw biasa cari temen online cuz gw juga sering di maki" kalo tiba" ngomong bahasa inggris wkwkwk
Hello chia ! Maybe you can share about how you're so confident to talk in front of camera. Because for me it's so hard 😅
Nitip sendal
I was like you, maybe 2 years ago. And what I do is just practice, if you make a mistake just try it again. If you want to talk about something and you afraid you will forget, you can note it
@@yunan3319 Nitip sepatu 😁
nitip jg (^~^;)ゞ
@@huin5neugdae nah that's right, practice make perfect!
I'm so thankful now people around me are in the same boat, we always talk in English, love learning a new language and new culture basically supporting each other. although it was tougher when i was in elementary school since kids that day said things like "you sok English" haha i was the same way too. Then i went to middle school with friends that liked American culture and very open-minded about cultures outside of Indo and because of that i began to learn by myself, no EF, LIA, or any other English courses. I'm so thankful for the environment i grew up in, it has brought me so many amazing opportunities, like having friends abroad, internships in multi-national company and many more. There are a lot more benefits to being able to speak in English than listening to someone's jealousy for us to be able to understand english. believe in what you can achieve by learning english and the opportunities that will come with it, for your own-self.
also, i think being able to understand English is no longer a "specialty" it's basically a "basic requirement" especially in modern times like this.
definetly, maybe i coment late. when i tried to speak english in my school, with my friends and upload something in social media used english not bahasa. someone always said to me "ah jangan sok-sokan pake bahasa inggris lah" and one of them dm me in instagram, said "kasian guru yang udah ngajar lu bahasa indonesianya ga pernah dipake."
i was like dude seriously, even tho i learn english i am not forget about about my native. my first language is indonesia not english. i just shocked when he dm me. i know people at school always talking in the back about me who always speak english and always upload something in english they said "sok inggris"
i am not give up when they said like that, even dm me. i just feel i need more practice again and again make my english more perfect than before, so i showing them that i can speak another languange. now i learn new languages too there are korean and german. wish me luck.
This video encouraged me more than anything!
Thanks Cia!!!! Can't tell how much I adore you.
I've been having the same issues for the past few years just because I feel more comfortable translating my ideas in some particular languages. This kind of mindset should also be adopted by any language learners. have a courage and always be kind :'D
Kak baca bukunya larry king deh. Namanya seni berbicara. Ada case memang kita harus memahami siapa lawan bicara kita dan ingat selalu bahwa tujuan berkomunikasi adah menyampaikan pesan tanpa harus mengurangi atau bahkan membuat blunder. Even di US jg dulu ada trend orang suka bilang literally, basically atau bahkan “like, you know” yang sebenarnya justru memperkeruh makna pesan. Please read this cool book. Seru lagi bukunya mainin emos juga soalnya.
Hi Fathia, would you mind to talk about your 5 favorite books as your next topic maybe? ✨✨✨
I feel your experiences, chia. Some of those people maybe (yeah, just maybe) never accepting a person like us especially you to be the ones who have a forward culture, or in the other hand they just bluffing you to make some mistakes and then your reputation would be bad
ga nyangka orang yang se-fasih se-fluent inggris kayak ka Cia aja masih ada yang komentarin 😐 tp jangan didengerin ya kak, your video helps me so much, mana cara ngomongnya kayak lagi ngobrol biasa aaa suka bgt, bahagia juga akhir akhir ini notif ka Cia aktif banget hehehe, semangat!!❤️
now i know how to deal with them who always mock me with "sok inggris"
thanks by the way...a lot 😅
have a great day everyone
should be "now I know" "mock me u̶p̶ by saying 'sok Inggris'.". Btw, you're doing great, keep it up!
AGREE..Just because u feel more comfortable in that language, it doesn't necessarily mean you want to show how much of a smart as you are :'
I really want talk with English with my friends to upgrade my english but arghh "pake bahasa indo aja napa, sok Inggris banget" 😒 uhh dah lah
i feel youu
Cari tempat lain buat belajar dan praktek, di internet misalnya, kan luas
@@zuhdibaihaqirahman4044 that's why i'm here
we can be partner, if u want speak english or maybe improve ur english skill. fyi, i'm still learning too
@@amaliasekar7925 send me message on IG. @cmfasyaa i think we can be a good partner
Sering banget kalo pas lagi main game, e.g Growtopia, Valorant. aslinya mau pakai bahasa inggris biar ngelatih conversation, tapi tiba tiba dibilang "Jangan sok inggris lu" jadi ragu mau ngomong xD
i love how you put it that way, it's kinda sad how people look at us (debating in english) as if we wanna show off our skills when we're really just more comfortable speaking in english
Hey Fathia....please could you make the Japan video public again.....the one y’all went to the “Toyota show” ....please
Menurut saya, dia ada benarnya, cuman cara penyampaiannya memang sangat tidak sopan. Mencampur-campurkan bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris terkadang bikin saya muak, bukan karena saya tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris tetapi karena itu seakan-akan sudah menjadi kebiasaan untuk berbahasa Indonesia. Memang benar, terkadang memang susah untuk berbicara tanpa mencampur-campurkan bahasa, saya pun kadang sering melakukannya, karena tidak semua istilah bisa mudah dikenal dan diingat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Walaupun begitu, saya selalu berusaha untuk berbahasa Indonesia dengan tidak mencampurkannya. Biarlah, bahasa Indonesia tetap menjadi bahasa yang utuh agar tidak tercipta kebudayaan yang baru atau asimilasi. Oiya, saya pernah baca kutipan ini, “Budayakan bahasa Indonesia, lestarikan bahasa daerah, dan kuasai bahasa asing.”
Menurutku tergantung sama situasinya. Kalau memang dalam situasi yang formal, aku mencoba dengan keras untuk tidak campur campur bahasa. Tapi kalau emang situasinya informal dan santai... ya ngikutin enaknya aja gimana.
Oiya, kutipan terkahir bukan untuk memaksa Chia untuk berbahasa Indonesia di setiap kontennya, itu kebebasan Chia untuk membuat konten, audiensnya juga bukan orang Indonesia doang. Kutipannya dalam konteks pencampuran bahasa.
I agree with your 4 primary reasons, Fathia. Those are just human nature (the bad ones).
However, to be fair, we should also always know our audience whenever we speak.
A few times, I have caught myself using English words in the middle of a Bahasa Indonesia sentence/clause, but once I realized that my audience may have a hard time understanding that (or potentially misled), I immediately clarify what I meant.
I am 100% Indonesian. I happen to be an English teacher, but I have always demanded my (Indonesian) students to be good in Bahasa Indonesia too. This is because you just can't master any 2nd language, if you do not master your own 1st language. For example, how could you master English prepositions, if you still think that "di Palu" and "dipalu" is the same thing?
Hmm, pikir2 ini bisa jadi test Bahasa Indonesia yang bagus untuk orang2 yang bilang "Jangan sok Inggris" atau "Berarti lo gak cinta (Bahasa) Indonesia".
gua bisa bhs inggris dengan lancar karena lingkup pekerjaan juga international yg berarti bahasa inggris jadi bahasa utama. secara general juga temen2 gua ngmgnya ada yg full inggris ada juga gaya anak jaksel (setengah inggris setengah indo) dan semuanya tmn2 gua kebanyakan org indonesia. gua juga msih melontarkan bahwa "gausa sok nginggris lu" sama temen gua yg murni org indonesia tapi full inggris pdhl dr kecil tinggal disini dan dll. harusnya sih sebagai warna negara yg baik kita gabole menghilangkan bahasa ibu yaaa apalagi hanya biar keliatan wow, kalo emg tujuannya buat bljr y ok tp sayangnya gasemua org begitu wkwk..bhkan temen2 gua yg expat pun dr berbagai negara mereka sangat menghargai bhs indo dan kadang memilih komunikasi pakai bhs indonesia walaupun belum lancar. lantas knp kita yg sesama org indonesia dan bisa bhs indonesia lebih memilih utk bicara bhs inggris yg kdg tujuannya ya cuma sekedar dianggap biar wow aja.
Saya apresiasi komentar yg panjang itu 👍🏻
Versi Indonesia:
Mungkin maksud dari beberapa orang yang bilang "sok Inggris" ini biasanya karena orang yang bersangkutan tidak konsisten dengan bahasa yang digunakan
Dari beberapa orang ada yang merasa terganggu dengan bahasa yang dicampur, hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena ada orang yang Berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris untuk gengsi dan merasa keren saja.
Ada juga yang beranggapan kalau Orang yang berbicara bahasa Inggris dicampur dengan bahasa Lokal itu masih belum lancar atau masih pemula dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris, sehingga saking memaksanya dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris, orang tersebut menggunakan bahasa Lokalnya untuk menyambung kalimat atau kata yang tidak diketahui nya.
Itulah mengapa ada beberapa orang yang mengatakan Sok Inggris, menurut saya pribadi terkadang kesal juga melihat orang orang yang berbicara dengan bahasa yang dicampur, karena dengan bahasa yang dicampur bisa menyebabkan kekeliruan atau kesalahpahaman, tentu saja juga bisa berdampak pada Orang luar yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris juga.
Alangkah baiknya konsistenlah dalam berbahasa, atau gunakan terjemahan atau Takarir dari Bahasa Yang digunakan .
English Version (Translate By Google):
Maybe the meaning of some people who say "Sok Inggris" is usually because the person concerned is not consistent with the language used Some people feel annoyed by mixed language, this may be because there are people who speak English for prestige and just feel cool.
There are also those who think that people who speak English mixed with local languages are still not fluent or are still beginners in speaking English, so they are so forced to speak English, that person uses their local language to connect sentences or words that they don't know.
That is why there are some people who say Sok English, I think personally sometimes it is annoying to see people who speak mixed languages, because mixed languages can cause confusion or misunderstanding, of course it can also affect outsiders who use English too .
It is better to be consistent in the language, or use a translation or caption of the language used.
To those who always yelling to ppl and saying jangan sok enggres: dude, uprgade yourself.
Mother of english *UA-cam Indonesia* is back, thank's for your opinions Fathia...
Keep fire for create new content..
Gunakan bahasa indonesia sesuai situasi dan kondisi
Gunakan bahasa inggris sesuai situasi dan kondisi
Jika lawan bicara orang indonesia dan bisa berbahasa indonesia, gunakanlah bahasa indonesia
Jika lawan bicara orang asing atau orang indonesia yg tidak bisa berbahasa indonesia, silahkan gunakan bahasa inggris atau bahasa apapun yg sama2 dimengerti
Jika ada keperluan untuk mempromosikan indonesia, silahkan gunakan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa internasional
Jika ingin melatih kemampuan berbahasa inggris dengan teman, sampaikanlah terlebih dahulu maksud itu, supaya orang lain mengerti bahwa anda sedang berusaha belajar bahasa inggris
Jangan berbicara dengan sesama orang indonesia yg bisa bahasa indonesia tetapi menggunakan bahasa asing apapun
Milikilah jiwa nasionalisme, bagi yg tinggal di indonesia gunakanlah bahasa indonesia, yg tidak suka bahasa indonesia jangan tinggal di indonesia
Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung
Kita wajib menguasai bahasa inggris karena itu bahasa internasional
Tetapi bahasa sehari hari, dengan lawan bicara orang indonesia, di indonesia, HARUS menggunakan bahasa indonesia
Kak buat video cara belajar bahasa Inggris + video n film n yutuber yg rekomen di tonton utk latihan mendengarkan yg bhaasa inggris
I'm so proud of you, Fathia. You're the only Indonésian UA-camr who speaks English.
meanwhile me:
ga bisa bahasa enggres
Suka bgt sama meme ini😄✊
Actually meanwhile is English word
Dan setiap komen inggris pasti ada aja yg balesnya kek gini :))))
Sorry, tpi ntah mengapa udh males bgt & overused meme ini tuh
Kadang juga missused (sorry klo slh tulisannya), alias berlebihan
Dikit2 ada GA BISA B.INGGRIS ya trus knape? Kcuali klo di vid nya atau kontennya meme /jokes baru pake dah tuh meme
kadang kalau udh pengen belajar bahasa inggris, latian speaking, ada aja yg ngeledekin karena pronunciation yg salah. i mean, kalo mereka tau itu salah, kenapa ga dibilangin suruh perbaikin, kenapa malah diketawain, dan akhirnya milih latihan ngomong sm diri sendiri aja karena males latihan kalo diliat sm org lain.
i joined ome tv 2 weeks ago, using international server, i can speak with my english confidently so i can do conversation without scared
omg chia thank u so much for making this kind of video!! love this video, keep it up kak chia!
Hi, Chia! I just stumbled on your video and wow watching it was the good decision of my life. I like the way you speak things like this, means a lot to me and other person too currently learning english. Yes, we shouldn't be discouraged from talking in other languages when u're comfortable with it, even in Indonesia too, has many languages and well it's really fiiine. Albeit if they can't understand it clear, we just have to explain it in Bahasa. No need to hate:(
Hope you all have a good day, let's keep practicing ✨
I really like it if you chit-chat like this one, that could inspire other ppl who's struggling with English. Keep going to make more content like this🥰❤!
next video: time management
Seneng aja liat kak Chia upload teruss btw aku kangen weekly leaks :(
aku tuh gimana yaa, kalo baca itu ngerti lah dikit dikit apa artinya, nyanyi juga ngerti sedikit, orang ngmg ngrti juga asal ga cepet2ngmgnya. tapi kalo suruh bales pake binggris gabisa. bukannya gabisa, tp bingung ngmgmya gimana. sadar bgt si kurangnya aku itu praktek. lebih byk teori dibanding praktek, tp akhir'ini lg bljr buat ngikutin kalo ada org ngmg pake binggris. lagi nyoba buat brani ngmg ke tmn yg slalu campur2pke binggris gitu, mulai ngelatih speaking seendiri kaya nanya sendiri jawab sendiri, atau ikut nympur ngbrol sm org yg ngmgnya pake english or anything
hi ka chia! how do you plan your financial? do you have any financial/any other goals that you want to achieve? maybe you can discuss about this topic xx
Oh my god langsung keinget sama pengalaman dulu
Yeaaa dulu (sekarang pun sama T-T) aku adalah anak polos dan jarang bangettt diejek oleh teman teman ku. Aku belajar bahasa Inggris mulai dari TK (taman kanak kanak) karena dulu ayahku yang sering nunjukin film anak anak berbahasa inggris yang gak dikasi subtitel indo. Dan pas sd nya aku masuk sd swasta yang mapel bahasa Inggrisnya dipentingkan layak nya mapel mtk. Bcz of that pas masi kecil (tk,sd kls 1-3) aku sedikit terbiasa sama really common english like sorry, tsym, thanks, what are you doing, how are you, what's your name, where are you come from dan lain lain. Aku sering pake kata kata itu buat sehari hari. Entah emang dulu aku not good at english accent or aku yang alay, temen ku pernah ngomong sama aku "stop pakai bahasa Inggris, ndengerin nya njijihin (menjijikan)" dulu karena aku masih polos akhirnya aku berhenti make bahasa inggris (berhentinya klo ngomong sama dia doang sih XD)
Yaaa intinya gitu lah. Semangat buat yang lagi belajar bahasa Inggris!
Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang baik. Jadi digunakan dengan cara apapun, sepanjang tujuannya baik, baiklah Bahasa itu adanya. Suskes selalu. Keep on.
Very insightful. I am half-thai and half-american, and I get a pass on English, but Thais can be brutal to each other regarding English. The main reason why Thai people don't speak English is because we attack each other and destroy each other's confidence. We are like crabs in a bucket - if one crab tries to escape, the others pull it back down (we feel bad when we see other Thais good at English; better we all be bad). Also we incessantly correct each other (even when actually we don't know), causing us to not want to speak.
Also, I support all the health food you show!!! Plant based power wat up
Wow, I did not know that. I hope it would stop soon.
Thanks for the insight.
Aku lagi belajar bahasa Inggris, dan aku mencoba untuk nonton videoini tanpa melihat subtitlenya, tapi susah karena kak fathia ngomongnya cepet banget, tapi aku jadi tau apa yang harus aku pelajari lagi...
klo ada yg ngomong jangan sok inggris bales aja pake “IRI BILANG BOSS”langsung speechless dia...
kak cia kalau sering upload gini makin suka banyak-banyak
Selalu gini klo berargumen sama orang, bukan kejadian ke aku aja tapi ke yang lain juga. Mereka kek gitu pas lagi dipuncak²nya saling ngeargumen dan mereka nutup pake "mending perbaikin grammarnya dulu mba kalau nulisnya masih nyampur gitu" like bruh ?!
Chances are those who blurt out "jangan sok inggris" can't even finish a basic sentence in english
Omg few months or days ago i planned to make a research for my skripsi soon about sok inggris stereotype. Eh tbtb muncul vidio kak kitten dust wkwkkwwk 😭🖤
I don't know why, I like the editing. Good job fathia!
Aku waktu SMP pernah dikatain gitu, sama temen masa kecilku pula😀cuma sekali dia bilang gitu tapi damage nya itu berasa banget. Gak ilang2, sampe skrg sih masih terngiang2😀aku sempat berenti ngomong bahasa Inggris di depan umum Krn hal itu, tapi beberapa tahun kemudian aku mulai berani ngomong lagi karena ya itu, gak bisa di sangkal kalo bahasa Inggris itu bahasa internasional dan penting banget buat dipelajarin. Dan aku juga suka belajar bahasa jadi why not? Toh aku gak dosa juga kalo ngomong bahasa asing❤️
love you kak chia!! you’re such an inspiration to me! tbh, a good chunk of your videos has helped me a lot in improving my english skills throughout the years. so i thank you for that :’) my friends also used to make fun of me for speaking english and i remember feeling shameful about it. sometimes it’s just easier for me to use english to explain certain concepts. but now, i don’t think i really give a damn. also, that last line is a banger✨✨
Yup. I'm on same frequency. Probably we're not in one perspective. not in one goals; jealousy, blaming other for someting we can't do, have no respect to others who put their effort in right platform or field.
Actually I'm a person that never have an experience like this. Why? Cause I'm still afraid to show my English speaking skill in public except in my English class. I've always getting worried to make mistakes, worried bout what people can react to me if I doing English.
Hi, it's okay. You can speak English with yourself. Get used to speaking English when you are going to do something, for example "I want to take a shower, I want to shop. Hehehe ♥ ️
Kalau saya sih berbicara bahasa inggris pada orang luar negeri yang berbahasa inggris atau orang indo yang fasih berbahasa inggris. Tapi kalau ke orang indo yang gak fasih berbahasa inggris, ya bicaranya pakai bahasa indonesia. Karena tujuannya bahasa itu agar saling mengerti, yang jelas berbicara lah ke orang lain sesuai dengan bahasa yang ia mengerti.
kakkk ciaa aku suka kalo sering upload ginii😭😭👏
"Berarti lo gak cinta Indonesia" "Berarti lo benci negara lain?" Cinta Indonesia boleh, perlu bahkan, tapi jgn benci negara lain. Let's spread more love in this world!
Suka bgt klo kamu pake aksen jepang...
Sexy aja dengerin suaramu pake aksen jepang, keren, wanita indonesia dengan taleta bahasa yg luar biasa dan cantik, langka manusia macam bgini..
kak banyakin video kayak gini ada subtitle indonesia sama inggris nya, jadi sekalian bisa buat belajar. Kadang mau ngomong pake bahasa inggris tapi masih bingung nyusun katanya. Entah itu video vlog atau video tentang apa plis bikin 2 subtitle gini. I really enjoy this video, thank you
padahal semasa pandemik ini aku pengen memperdalam bahasa inggris ku karena aku pikir memang sudah seharusnya aku belajar itu, tapi jika di tengah proses belajar aku mendapat komentar "jangan sok inggris" aku gatau harus bagaimana
“jangan sok inggris”
Bilang aja iri karena ga bisa bahasa inggris
Jangan sok indo
Pftt I mean what's cool about speaking english,75% people in the world know english,it's not like rare or somethin if you speak German,Russia,Spain,or greek...THAT'S COOL
@@raii0307 Indonesian?
I very Very agree 😂😂
@@Eternity_Beyonder reversed joke bro
Thank you for sharing this. I learned a lot of new expressions, such as "just shrug it off" "oh that was a stretch" "gloomy"
again thank you so much
Well said! And thank you so much for attaching the source of the knowledge about why people hate. In my opinion, it is all about the context. I totally agree with all of your points here in the video, but I also want to share a little bit of an experience where I went for voluntary work in a village near Jogja. No one there spoke English. And since I lived abroad for quite a while (US & Sweden), my Indonesian isn't perfect, nor the other two languages - English and Swedish. Bye-lingual T_T #cry
I had a little bit of a struggle to speak in Bahasa during that project and some said to me Jangan Sok Inggris. It was discouraging at first but then I realized that I need to be able to speak in context, as in: where I am speaking, and to whom.
I recently decided to take classes in public speaking to make sure that I can speak better in both languages according to the context. I feel like it is a thoughtful thing to work on.
I really love and comfortable to speaking English and I'm always encouraging my friends to speak more English, I have 1 friend that always feels annoyed when we're speaking English to each other.
I fully understand why she felt that way, simply because 'GA BISA BAHASA INGGRIS' (HAH? PAHAMNAYY??) wkwk
As time goes by I taught her how to speak English so we could communicating better(?) And understand each other whatsoever lol.
Now she speaks English everytime we met.
The point number 3 that u elaborate is so true!
Judul nya ngegas i click 🤣
I know it is in the negative spectrum when people said that you "ga cinta Indonesia kalo ga pake bahasa indonesia yg bener" when you speak english or mix it with Indonesian but
Their concern about it is real. You can take a look at how modern japanese people speak their language, they mix the original japanese with japanization of foreign words mainly english. the original japanese words gradually disappear from everyday conversation and only small amount of people that can recall the true japanese words to describe that things. If that behaviour doesn't have some countermeasures it's not impossible if someday there is no more japan language, only the english with japanese dialect.
I know it is the dynamics of the languages itself (diglossia, language shift, creoles)but for me I try to not mix it and use the proper vocabs when speak in one form of language, to keep them alive
Thank you ciaaa, Suka bangeet video kek gini
the cover sums up the whole video, LOVE ITT
Sometimes, it's kinda hard for me to say "gw" or "elo" casually to someone becos I just can't say "aku" or "kamu" to anybody and at that part speaking in English will help me and makes me more comfortable.. That's one of the reason :D and oh ya, this video gives me more perspective on what I'm doing is cool and It's nice to know that.. Thumbs up!
yess, it's same like i prefer use "be right back" than "gua bakal balik lagi"
i can watch your video and saw you talking through the internet for like 24/7 non-stop without getting bored at all, and thank your for the video kak!!
"Jangan sok inggris kalau masih tinggal diindonesia"
Temen lucknut
tampar aja kalo punya teman kyk gitu, bahkan pun dia juga lebih tolol
"Alabatan dimana mani ngomong indo" kata temen gw kalo lagi nongkrong bareng
Sering banget diginiin gw cuma gegara nyampur bahasa indonesia sama bahasa daerah gw, beh apalagi kalo gw campur bahasa lain
Kek dimana aja pke bahasa indo
Semangat kak chia, i luvv uuu❤️
Menurutku gapapa sih kl emg using English karena belajar atau mengutarakan pendapat atau mencurahkan perasaan gitu. Gaada yang salah dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Tapi kadang beberapa orang ngegunain bahasa inggris dengan cara yang salah. Contohnya buat maki-maki orang, ada orang yang ngerasa keren aja gitu kl maki-maki orang in English padahal cara penggunaan makiannya juga salah. Kadang juga dipakenya buat ngomentarin suatu postingan isu² sosial in English, padahal komentar dia ngga nyambung sama masalahnya dengan grammar yang sama sekali ga make sense, cuma biar dia keliatan "American" dan "progresif", mereka berbahasa Inggris buat ngata²in orang sama prinsip orang atau bahkan budaya sendiri "ketinggalan jaman". Yang gitu kadang annoying aja gitu kak, cringe liatnya.
In my point of view..the most relevant cause to this case is the 2nd. “They are lonely and seeking for connections even the hate ones” from time to time haters tried to catch your attention is to be haters in order to get your lovely attention🤭, So.....i would probably be like you. “Just shrug it off or... let it be”Thank you cia. Keep doing what you are doing. God bless!
this channel is deserved 1.000.00 more Subscribers. Sorry for bad english
kak chia! kamu setuju nggak kalo ngomong jujur/ngomong hal-hal sensitif itu lebih enak pake bhs inggris dibanding bhs indo?
so far, kak chiaa's video makes me want to be more active in learning english!
Suka banget sama topiknya! Luv u teteh🖤
Makasih kak gara² lo gua dapet jawaban tugas debat dari guru gua tentang orang yg ngomong enggresh😚
Hey there! Here from california. Guys, if the haters hate on you, dont feel discouraged. English is a hard language for most people in other countries other than america or the uk, so for the ones who mix up their own language and english, or speak english with some grammar or pronounciation mistakes, you are not (as the indonesians say) “sok inggris”. People arent perfect, thats why we should always encourage everyone to be better in their own specific category. Also, note that everyone who tells you that you are “sok inggris”, has an angry tone in their voice. That is an indication, that they are jealous of you, or think that they are better than you. So as said in this video, shrug it off. I personally dont care if people tease me and say that im not good in a specific category, because i know, someday i will get better. So never give up guys! Love from the USA!
klo pake bahasa indonesia yg baku jg dikatain 'jangan sok indie'. ternyata memang bahasa persatuan kita bahasa gaul
Aku ngeliat Fathia kulitnya kyak makin Glowing, sukaaa 😍😍😍
kalau mo latihan bahasa inggris,,,
langsung dipake di dunia nyata lah...
-cari sahabat dunia nyata/maya orang asing
-kerja untuk/dengan orang asing
-tinggal di luar negeri
kalau ngemeng bahasa inggrisnya ma orang plus enam dua lagi ya, di situ2 aja perkembangannya...