Hi There, thank you for the feedback. As our igus bike is made from recycled plastics promoting sustainability, it might appear a bit bulky. but, it offers a smooth riding experience. Yes, we take into account the weight of the bicycle and this is something that we are going to improve in coming years. learn more about our RCYL bike here rcyl.bike/en/igusbike-goes-rcyl/
It looks really heavyweight, about losing bicycle? The way of east coast park still successful in not losing bicycles, should maintain it that way?
Hi There, thank you for the feedback. As our igus bike is made from recycled plastics promoting sustainability, it might appear a bit bulky. but, it offers a smooth riding experience. Yes, we take into account the weight of the bicycle and this is something that we are going to improve in coming years. learn more about our RCYL bike here rcyl.bike/en/igusbike-goes-rcyl/