We all (the RE fans, not the casuals) want that. But lets see it from capcoms perspective: Code Veronica is a pretty long game, so they have a lot of work remaking that. And with this game there is a certain risk of low sales and a possibility for this game not being profitable.
@@JugglernautNr9 that is very true but at the same time , they have been on a roll quality wise and I feel like if they still keep that quality, ppl will flock to it , especially because for most ppl it will feel like a new game
With RE4 remake, it’s going to draw in a lot of new blood. Many will probably flock to OG fans and ask about the franchise to learn more. Word of mouth goes a long way. And if they announce another remake it’ll definitely get peoples mouths watery for more. New and old players alike. There’s no failure here, unless they get lazy and pull another RE3 remake. But fans have told them with both RE2 and RE3, NOT TO CUT CONTENT ANYMORE. So they’ve learned from this, big time.
I've been saying "remake everything around the Raccoon City incident in one, single package" since RE4 was new the first time. I agree. And I do mean ALL the stuff involving Raccoon City, all those little side games few people played.
Zero I can understand but one is already a remake and looks like the newer remakes. Four should be the last one because 567 have the same graphics as the remakes.
@Basedlander yea it’s remade…. But now it’s time to remake remake especially for new generation of gamers… some people don’t even know how this whole thing started so before an re5 ever comes out… I think it’s logical to explain to new gamers… how this whole thing started
I hope they do RE1. I know we have an RE1 remake but maybe do a 1st person one like 7 and make it really scary. I think that would set the stage for CV as we will get an introduction to remake Wesker. And could then tie in to an eventual RE5 remake
Re1 is my pick, especially for the 30th anniversary, people can keep saying that remake of the original is perfect and doesn't need one but the same was said for re4, I love re1 remake but for the sake of consistency I think a remake of the og in the re engine in 3rd person would be cool and re1 remake is already ported over to everything so it's not like you're losing the original
Code Veronica next. Dino crisis would be epic afterwards. RE1 is going to be an absolute banger and should be used to recover some funds if Dino crisis isn't as massive of a hit. Idk how big the fan base is but I've never played Dino crisis
In this day of age it doesn't matter how big the fanbase is. We got enough new gamers. Gaming is way bigger compared to back in the days. If Capcom promotes it right it will sell similar like the RE games. It basically looks like them with dinosaurs instead of zombies.
@@TonyRedgrave1501 sick user name btw, Dante. While yes I mostly agree. I just think Resident Evil is their main cash crop, and if they want to make massive profit they go back to a big fan favorite. Hence why we've got this amazing RE4 remake. I think they could definitely afford to Remake Dino Crisis with the new RE format, I'd just wonder if they go all out and dump massive amounts of financial resources in a game that doesn't have the same following that the RE franchise. That's not to say that they can't or won't. Can you imagine? A RE style game but with Dinosaurs? I'd definitely be down for that. But they are a company. Companies only care about one thing and that's money. I just think they'll focus on their cash crop and leave old dead franchises in the dust. HOWEVER, I do believe with the same amount of love, care, and resources dumped into a Dino Crisis Remake, they can make a massive profit. Essentially bringing the extinct out of extinction. But that would definitely rely on a combination of hype trailers, promotion, and I think most importantly their cult following fans of the Dino Crisis franchise.
Sorry about what I'm about to say, but the Dino Crisis franchise is pretty dead right now. RE is a cash cow for them and they know every fans will do anything to play their games. I'm pretty sure they don't want to risk it either. Would be freaking cool tho! DC with RE Engine !!!!!
Dino crisis would be an even bigger shocker if it was ever officially tease. Because no one will see it coming. Code Veronica is okay, people recommend it all the time.
@@Kratos324354 RE fans are automatically Dino crisis fans since the two titles are basically the same survival horror experience with the later being with Dinosaur, so I'm not too worry bout sales for DC xD. If Dino crisis can have a blend of Dark corridor alien isolation with raptors and whatnot tracking you room to room, maze-like locales like the original REs and a bit of genius from the Dead space remake, we might have a masterpiece unfold.
I think Dmc 1 could be a good pick for the near future, would be cool to use all of Dmc 5's mechanics in Dmc 1, also improved voice acting and overall would be a fun time
@kush Well not everyone wanna play tank controls, they could combat the length issue mentioned in the video by combining 1 and 0, tho tbh I'd like CV or Outbreak the most.
I wouldn't mind seeing that. But tbh I wouldn't mind seeing the other games in the classic style again too. Like a remake of 2-4 in a classic style, which I highly doubt will ever happen. But the first Remake is still the best one, in my opinion. Then I'll say, 4.
Outbreak has a lot of potential since Capcom seem really keen on making multiplayer work. Could do 1-4 survivors in a large scale raccoon city. I really liked the first level where you had to put up barricades to stop zombies from coming in the bar. You could do scenarios like that with a modern update that would make it tense.
Now imagine a escape like tarkov!! Not only you are suppose to survive the zombies and monsters but also gotta fight other suvivors and loot their belongings. Racoon city should be a big open world but you gotta survive to escape the city.
Capcom needs to stop spending resources and time on all these failed MP projects. Outbreak is pretty much the only one (stand-alone MP game) that people adored.
i would love a remake with much longer scenarios along with the cut scenarios too and cut content other than that outbreak is my baby i love playing it online by alot
Dino Crisis, love to see what they do with Regina. We've been inundated with RE remakes even rumors of RE1 remake of a remake 🤔 I am at the moment going through the new RE4 remake.
Code Veronica or RE1 would be incredible! The stories of the older games are amazingly captivating, being able to play them in amazing quality would be *chefs kiss!
RE0 is done and dusted, I doubt that one is even possible. Although it's great we have all these remakes, it's important that Capcom to dwell within new ways to make Resident evil fresh again with RE9 and RE10. Regardless, I'm proud to be a RE fans since 1996, marking this one of the longest surviving horror/action gaming genre.
I would freakin' LOVE a "Dino Crisis" remake; I'm playing it right now and loving it! Especially if they played off the idea of "intelligent dinosaurs" in contrast to the usual "mindless zombies".
Code Veronica definitely needs a remake. It does setup for RE 5. Then see a remake of RE and 0 in today's format of RE games. After the RE series remade would like to see Dino Crisis remake.
I was going to say 5 since I honestly love that game in co-op, but Outbreak could actually be really interesting with modern online play solutions--the originals had some forward-thinking ideas hampered by the infrastructure and hardware available at the time.
I would like to see re1 then code veronica, then re0, then re5, with some co-op helping shape up a full reboot of re outbreak. I would love for them to continue revelations as i really like the pacing in those games as well.
@@xNigxhtMaxrexX I mean, it came out 14 years ago. The remake of the original RE that everyone loves so much first came out in 2002, which was only six years after the PS1 version lol
@@xNigxhtMaxrexX what in the hell are you even talking about? The game is old AF. You're acting as if we were talking about resident evil 7. Maybe add some reasons to your hot take, lol.
We can see Rebecca’s personality in RE1 in RE0, and her RE0 personality in RE1. Or we can see in the RE0 portion, Bravo team went through harsh terrors but Rebecca was just facing them herself while still not fully confident about Cooperating with Billy until he rescues her.and what if Wesker, Birkin, Marcus, or an unknown from RPD/S.T.A.R.S tries to make Rebecca more terrified of Billy after the rescue? We can also have a co-op mode and see more cut content. I would also like to see how giant animal were there and were from the lab and they can be at raccoon city Forrest.
I would like to see Code Veronica next. I feel it has a lot of potential in the behind the shoulder perspective. Also since RE2 was the first of the RE engine remakes, it would be cool to now follow Claire post Raccoon City.
I know some people don't think it needs it... But if they remade 4... (which is blasphemy in the eyes of some).. Then they really should remake the first game. I mean at this point.. you've updated 2-4 in the new RE engine... so you might as well just throw the first one in there as well. I've wanted to see the spencer mansion ever since 2 released and we saw the police station in updated graphics. It would be so awesome to see .. the mansion.. the updated take on puzzles... BARRY!!! and obviously Wesker.. (And you already have a stalker enemy built in with LISA) I DO also think they should do Code Veronica too because that is a classic game people love.. that REALLLLY could use a face lift even more so than the first game. But at this point... I don't think they should do 5 just yet... Definitely go back.. .modernize the first and CV... then later touch up 5 .. After that I'm not sure the direction they go... because 6 was just an absolute dumpster fire of a game... I guess they could at least fix the crappy action game hud and stuff it had.. but the story is a big mess of its own as well. And this is coming from someone who gives every entry the benefit of the doubt. I just could NOT get myself to ever play through 6 again like I could with the others. Played it one time and was done. So who knows where they go after .. maybe RE0?? But I look forward to it.
Resident Evil 5. I would love them to take ideas from the beta version of the game where they wanted to make the enemies more aggressive and by making daylight scary.
@@papaxota4725 5 wasn't that bad tbh. Till this day, the game holds up well and like Resident Evil 6, it was a fun game, even if you were playing with a friend which enhanced the player's experience.
I mean one that definetly needs remake is 6 and i mean like full redesign of the entire game but something tells me they will do remake of the original re1 on 30 aniversary
I think code Veronica makes sense to be the next remake since it ties a bit into Resident evil 5 which will then lead into RE 5 and definitely a 6 so they could make up for the original
If they remake 6, it will have to ostensibly be a brand new game. That game is practically unsalvageable when compared to the tone they've somehow managed to maintain with these new entries. They're dark and meticulously crafted yet have a great sense of humor. 6 has none of that. It's just a call of duty era trend chaser.
6 is a CoD clone they went over the top and made it a Michael Bay action movie. It was a dumpster fire that put the series on ice until 7 came and fixed it
Cant be done. By the time of RE4 umbrella was already dismantled and CV starts in the umbrella Europe lab, when it was still operation and technically still powerful as an organization.
I feel like they might have skipped Code Veronica to give gamers a slight break from the zombies since we had them in both the Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 2 remake so that players wouldn’t get zombie fatigue. Not that we’re taking a break from zombies with Resident Evil 4, they might go back and do Code Veronica for the next remake.
nah. probably just because CV was a way more niche game that a lot of casual gamers dont even know exist. RE4 on the other hand is widely known as one of the greatest games of all time so the choice was obvious
The problems said in RE 1 are not true, it would not be a short game, there are 2 playable characters and it would be more likely that it will be similar to RE2 remake, and that title was very well received. 0 i think could be included in 1 Remake, that way you could play with Chris, Jill and the story of 0 as a prelude, it could be in fact the best remake they have ever done. Another point, there's no problem with a remake of Code Veronica after 4, Code Veronica works as a "prelude" to RE5, and they could do that before the final remake with RE5.
Dino Crisis should be remade next *FOR* *SURE* Dino Crisis is long overdue for a remake. It was a game way ahead of its time and on its release the limitations of the ps1 couldn't really capture a survival horror game about dinosaurs (they barely had enough power to do it for zombies) But now we can make the game like it was meant to be.
Logically speaking, it should be CODEVX. Claire looking for chris in RE2 was a cliff hanger and wesker being teased in 4 needs further context in the next entry ie he needs to be introduced. By RE5 he’s already a pretty well known character. RE1/0 could also be the next as well given chris needs an introduction and context needs to be given for Jill in 3. CVX or RE1/0
I would like Code veronica as I have never played it and some stuff is holding me back from it. give an underlooked game in the series some spotlight. I would be okay with 5 as another co-op adventure and probably could hammer out a lot of issues people had with the first one. I REALLY want dino crisis though seems like it would be a semi fresh well and could have some seriously tense/scary moments. but I doubt that would ever see the light of day unless a new dino renaissance comes back around. JUST FORGET 6
I say 5. That was where the series really started to divert into completely silly territory. 4 started it, granted, but 5 put boosters on it. Remaking it to feel more grounded like they have with 4 would fix a lot of that game's issues.
I'm really interested in the outbreak series, but couldn't have high hope since it's rarely known to anyone outside RE fanbase. Also the storytelling is kinda messed up, I watched a few playthrough and often confused about the progression of story. It has so much potential, hopefully we will see this in the future.
I would also like to see Oubreak file 3 happen as a prequel to Outbreak 1 and 2. File 3 can be just after RE0 and during RE1 all the way to Outbreak 1. And maybe Outbreak 1 and 2 should be in one game as a remake.
I hope it’s Code Veronica. I played it back on the Dreamcast, it was the first Resident Evil game I ever played. But I think it will be 0 & 1 combined into one game. It would make the most sense, it would complete the mainline Raccoon City story and they could even do a Raccoon City trilogy bundle.
Re5 is most likely, or Re1 since 2026 would be the 30th anniversary, if we're getting 9 sometime next year then seeing the next remake in 2026 is extremely likely, yes many are asking for code Veronica but let's be honest, re5 remake would sell far more
@@robertkenny1201 much more favorable than code Veronica that's for sure, also it's still the best sold re game of all time, this could also be the chance to make the game better than it ever was before, plus re4 remake already sets up re5 at the end
@@RobotReg i hate this argument that they already remade it lol yeah like in 2002 that was even before re4 lol i want it in the new over the shoulder perspective imagine spencer mansion remade in todays technology!
@@jase276 nah could do with a modern remake i love the gamecube remake don’t get me wrong but there’s so many of my friends that have never touched it due to the fixed camera angles and controls the original needs more love. it would make sense more in a universe storytelling kind of way as i don’t consider the remake to be strictly cannon to the new hdr universe tbh it is cannon don’t get me wrong but could do with a retelling to fit in with the new narrative set by re2 re3 and re4 remake
I think they can still make CV be the companion “what happened after Racoon City” game for Claire like how RE4 remake is for Leon and then connect them somehow.
It would be cool to see Chris and Weskers story line be done in "order" going 1, Code Veronica, then 5 as Leon's/ the Raccoon city's was put in a similar order. It may not because of RE4 having Wesker behind the scenes though
Code Veronica should be next (i hope it gets over shoulder treatment, like RE2 got, unlike tank camera controls of the original...), it really needs to be remade akin RE2R! The next on the Capcom's remake priority lists after that should be both Dino Crisis games, but especially first one@,
I’m not gonna lie, I would kinda like an Operation Raccoon City remake/re-attempt. It was just way ahead of it’s time and could be the best Action Game if it was more modern
Bro im so excited at the possibility of re5 getting a remake i downloaded it and replayed the heck out of it. Re5 was a great game apart from sheva AI and i honestly believe if they remake it with more actions in combat like in re4 remake and that sheva would have unlimited ammo like the re6 partners it would be best re honestly. They would have to make the zombies way more aggressive tho.
I would say 5 if I knew they were going to redo and improve a lot of the game. To me it's a bigger risk and bigger reward. Probably unpopular, but I like having my action with my survival horror.
I always felt going to 5 from 4 (especially the remake) would feel like such a drastic step down. I'd totally welcome a revamped re:5 but somehow with a little bit more horror as I felt they strayed too far down the action path for my liking but totally respect your opinion.
yea bro , honestly re5 will always have a special place in my heart cause it was my first re game so my expectations were nonexistent and i was young so even though objectively you could say it wasn’t that scary i was a kid so it was scary to me regardless, i always did and always will remember it as a cool game
Code Veronica, then 5. There's a whole generation of RE fans who don't even know who Wesker is. He deserves the right build up. Besides, let's be honest. CVX really needs it. 😂
@@axothegremlin assuming people played 5 and watched the two or three cutscenes in RE4. A large portion of RE fans wouldn't touch 5 with a 39 and a half foot pole
@@lahdopa 7 and 8 sold even better, as well as RE2 remake. We don't talk about RE3, even if it sold better. Lol But yeah you don't have to start anywhere with Resident Evil. And even knowing about Wesker doesn't mean you've experienced the Wesker that Capcom spent years to set up.
As for RE1 Remake? I mean it's a great game and all, it's just a little old. A lot of people can't even play Final Fantasy 7 or even old school PS2 games nowadays, even if the games are great. Just hard to go back to that era of games. Basically what I'm saying, is RE1 Remake needs another remake. Lmfao. Just make it the same.
Well, okay, "sold better" is a stretch. The co op aspect probably helped 5 a lot. But Capcom made 11.7 mil from RE7, 11.2 from RE2R, 6.4 from RE3R, and 7.4 from RE8. Compare all of them to RE5's 14.7 mil over its entire lifecycle? It's not that far fetched for someone new to the series to have skipped over 5. Especially if they heard that it wasn't a very good solo experience, and basically required you to have friends. 6 was more of the same. 🙄
5 is fine how it is and doesn't need to be remade as of now, code ver would be a awesome remake. A lot of people never played the original, so I think that will help sells.
If we’re talking reboots, I have to go with Code Veronica or Dino Crisis. RE5 can wait, and who would want to remake the RE1 reboot? That one is a perfected classic!
@@arslan7108 I agree. That would be awesome. Honestly they could take the original and just remaster it with modern graphics and I'd love and enjoy it more than the remake we got.
Dino Crisis desperately needs a remake. They could've cashed in on the hype of the Jurassic World movies but decided to go the safe route instead and remade RE4.
I’d say code Veronica too. But I’d still like to see the first game get the over the shoulder camera treatment since it’s my favorite game in the series
Outbreak was amazing but I never got to play online and would love to see that feel like it would be amazing to have a modern technology resident evil outbreak
I think they're remaking Code Veronica before resident evil 5. They went right to resident evil 4 so Code Veronica could lead into Resident Evil 5 since those games are connected.
Definitely code Veronica. Next zero, then maybe give re1 the over the shoulder treatment, and I would actually like to see operation Javier from darkside chronicles remade as a regular resident evil as dlc for re4.
I think the next one is going to be a second RE1 remake. And while I would definitely love to see the Spencer Mansion in that gorgeous RE Engine, Code Veronica definitely needs it more. I’d also really like to see Dino Crisis remade and RE0 should probably get one too. RE5 doesn’t need one yet.
@@jase276 happens with movies all the time. 2018’s A Star is Born was the second remake of that movie. Titanic has been made several times. Casino Royale was actually the third adaptation of that story. Gaming is getting to the point where enough time has passed to possibly justify it.
Either CVX or Dino Crisis RE5 is flawed in many ways, but it's graphics and gameplay still holds and thus, definitely doesn't need a remake yet, though with the release of PS6 they could consider RE5
The problem with doing 5 is that most new players aren't gonna be aware of who Wesker is or why he and chris are former colleagues. Idk if newcomers are aware of or are gonna play RE1 due to its gameplay and it being old. I worry that most won't be aware and caught out of the loop, which is why I think Code Veonica should be next. Idk about Remaking the remake cause itsvalready perfect in my mind, but admittedly playing with fixed camera angels was both fun and difficult to play with on my first playthrough. Code Veronica is more vital for Chris and Weskers storywhich plays an important part in 5, but so is his relation with Jill and Wesker. For continuity sake, perhaps 1as that'd make transitioning from Wesker in that to Code Veronica then to RE5. I really want Code Veronica first cause it needs love the most. For all titles, I worry about getting another RE3Make moment where major content gets cut and its just a rushed, unpolished disapointment.
Code: Veronica should be next. Especially if they want to do 5, Code: Veronica is much needed to fill in gaps. Also, not only would I love a Dino Crisis Remake, but a DMC1 remake in RE Engine would slap!
Remake that Umbrella chronicles! 😂 Nah but fr it better be Code Veronica, it could benefit alot from rewrites and reworks It needs a but more than just a new coat of paint
If they do remake all of them then personally i think it would make the most sense to remake 1, then Code Veronica and then 5 just because of the Wesker storyline, I feel if they released Code Veronica or 5 first then most new fans would be very confused about Wesker and his past with Chris and Jill.
Well, I think it would be the same no matter what. A lot of new fans picked up the series at RE4 and 5 and if they stuck around, THEN they went back to put all the pieces together. 5 honestly sounds like it will be the next and last remake (as far as RE is concerned. Still hoping for Dino Crisis!). I'd love to see how they handle 5 and fix all the problems it had (Sheva I love you girl but damn you sucked).
@@lahdopa Nah, Sheva was way worse man. Ashley wasn't expected to hold her own. Sheva was. She was supposed to be a supporting partner if you didn't do Co-op. Yet her AI was designed so poorly she was (most of the time) far more useless than even the original re4 Ashley.
I can do without a remake of 1 since it technically already has one if it means we get at least a good remaster of 5 because as of now there is no playable PC version of 5 (unless you mod)
They could combine Resident Evil 0 and 1 into one big package. Id be fine with that and maybe add in extra side content that fits into Resident evil 2 remake and i definitely agree that that all the side games could be one huge big package and of course redo Resident evil code Veronica and they could add in a lot more content taht probably got cut due to limitations and budget. Ever since remake Resident evil 2 and remake 4, it sounds like they want their fans to be super satisfied and to make money duh. Dino crisis remakes would be effing fantastic and much needed with the rise again with horror games and first survival esc games. I would be bleeding money and my wallet would never acknowledge me again but its worth it
Either RE1 or Code: Veronica. Thing is, I'm not expecting CV to ever get a remake, especially since they skipped it for RE4 already. Thing is, if RE5 is to actually get a remake (which I doubt), I would make sense to remake CV before it, as that is the game that actually revealed Wesker's surviving the events of RE1 and gaining superpowers, as well as the game that actually started the whole Chris vs Wesker rivalry. I'm thinking we're not going to get any more remakes for a long time though. Maaaaybe RE1.
I want 5. I want to see that game reimagined to its full glory and potential I know it has. It’s already a great game, but I know nowadays it could be even better with more focus on survival horror than survival action
@@Nbdy18 you’re not shooting “africans” you’re shooting people infected with a virus. If people can’t distinguish between the two then ironically, they’re the racist ones.
@@ATLAS-cy4xi it was 2009. Everything was OP and effing dramatic. I'm so glad they went back to their roots in 7 and with the remakes for the most part.
@@Nbdy18 why not? It's a game and it takes place in Africa. If a virus spreads in Africa, odds are most infected people will be Africans. Resident evil 4 was full of white people being shot, and not a peep. It's a game and at least they tried keeping it realistic with the ethnic population of it's locations.
Stop it! RE1 does not need a remake when it's already a REmake. People be bored in their lives. Dino Crisis deserves the next one. RE can take a break for now 😂
What remake do you want to see the most next?
Resident Evil 3, that was not a remake, it was a "corridor on fire" tech demo
@@leandroazeredo8713 Haha, fair enough!
Resident Evil 5 since it's my favorite Resident Evil game, but Code Veronica deserves it more tho.
I'd love both RE5 and Outbreak as they seem to love to throw in another game xD might aswell make them both great games hahahaha
dino crisis
I want code Veronica next , and I’ve been letting capcom know in all their surveys
What surveys?
@@caikelm5766 usually after a big game releases or they have a resident evil showcase , they send out emails to fill out a survey
We all (the RE fans, not the casuals) want that. But lets see it from capcoms perspective: Code Veronica is a pretty long game, so they have a lot of work remaking that. And with this game there is a certain risk of low sales and a possibility for this game not being profitable.
@@JugglernautNr9 that is very true but at the same time , they have been on a roll quality wise and I feel like if they still keep that quality, ppl will flock to it , especially because for most ppl it will feel like a new game
With RE4 remake, it’s going to draw in a lot of new blood. Many will probably flock to OG fans and ask about the franchise to learn more. Word of mouth goes a long way. And if they announce another remake it’ll definitely get peoples mouths watery for more. New and old players alike.
There’s no failure here, unless they get lazy and pull another RE3 remake. But fans have told them with both RE2 and RE3, NOT TO CUT CONTENT ANYMORE. So they’ve learned from this, big time.
I could see a 0/1 REMAKE as a combine game in order to make it longer and scale larger.
That could be a unique take
I've been saying "remake everything around the Raccoon City incident in one, single package" since RE4 was new the first time. I agree. And I do mean ALL the stuff involving Raccoon City, all those little side games few people played.
Zero I can understand but one is already a remake and looks like the newer remakes. Four should be the last one because 567 have the same graphics as the remakes.
I just feel like it's to late, can't see them release 2,3,4 than 1
@@antdog375af10 WTF 1 look nothing like others
@@moonsoon1038 re2 and 1 need the most a remake
Code Veronica is very likely, but man… I REALLY want a Dino Crisis Remake with the RE Engine. It would look so good.
They should give Code Veronica some love. I love the designs of enemies in that game. Also Claire was a badass
And the last scene when Wesker destroys Chris in close combat💀
Code Veronica should be next in line but I would also like Dino Crisis. Very underrated game in Capcom’s Vault.
Dino Crisis is so underrated. I think it deserves a second chance at relevancy again with a remake.
The 1st game is one of my favorites
No one underrated that game tho
Yes. But they have to upgrade the weaponry. A pistol isn’t going to do anything to a dinosaur
@@TheShaolin015 you had shotgun, grenade launcher , poison darts. whatchu talking about lol
Underrated by who?
Code Veronica or re1 for the 30th anniversary would be great.
@Basedlander yea it’s remade…. But now it’s time to remake remake especially for new generation of gamers… some people don’t even know how this whole thing started so before an re5 ever comes out… I think it’s logical to explain to new gamers… how this whole thing started
@Basedlander well they did say that remaking remake isn’t that crazy of an idea and it’s not off the table
@Basedlander remake it in vr
I hope they do RE1. I know we have an RE1 remake but maybe do a 1st person one like 7 and make it really scary. I think that would set the stage for CV as we will get an introduction to remake Wesker. And could then tie in to an eventual RE5 remake
Re1 is my pick, especially for the 30th anniversary, people can keep saying that remake of the original is perfect and doesn't need one but the same was said for re4, I love re1 remake but for the sake of consistency I think a remake of the og in the re engine in 3rd person would be cool and re1 remake is already ported over to everything so it's not like you're losing the original
Code Veronica next. Dino crisis would be epic afterwards. RE1 is going to be an absolute banger and should be used to recover some funds if Dino crisis isn't as massive of a hit. Idk how big the fan base is but I've never played Dino crisis
In this day of age it doesn't matter how big the fanbase is. We got enough new gamers. Gaming is way bigger compared to back in the days. If Capcom promotes it right it will sell similar like the RE games. It basically looks like them with dinosaurs instead of zombies.
@@TonyRedgrave1501 sick user name btw, Dante.
While yes I mostly agree. I just think Resident Evil is their main cash crop, and if they want to make massive profit they go back to a big fan favorite. Hence why we've got this amazing RE4 remake.
I think they could definitely afford to Remake Dino Crisis with the new RE format, I'd just wonder if they go all out and dump massive amounts of financial resources in a game that doesn't have the same following that the RE franchise.
That's not to say that they can't or won't. Can you imagine? A RE style game but with Dinosaurs? I'd definitely be down for that.
But they are a company. Companies only care about one thing and that's money. I just think they'll focus on their cash crop and leave old dead franchises in the dust. HOWEVER, I do believe with the same amount of love, care, and resources dumped into a Dino Crisis Remake, they can make a massive profit. Essentially bringing the extinct out of extinction. But that would definitely rely on a combination of hype trailers, promotion, and I think most importantly their cult following fans of the Dino Crisis franchise.
Sorry about what I'm about to say, but the Dino Crisis franchise is pretty dead right now. RE is a cash cow for them and they know every fans will do anything to play their games. I'm pretty sure they don't want to risk it either. Would be freaking cool tho! DC with RE Engine !!!!!
Dino crisis would be an even bigger shocker if it was ever officially tease. Because no one will see it coming.
Code Veronica is okay, people recommend it all the time.
@@Kratos324354 RE fans are automatically Dino crisis fans since the two titles are basically the same survival horror experience with the later being with Dinosaur, so I'm not too worry bout sales for DC xD.
If Dino crisis can have a blend of Dark corridor alien isolation with raptors and whatnot tracking you room to room, maze-like locales like the original REs and a bit of genius from the Dead space remake, we might have a masterpiece unfold.
They need a super realistic Dino Crisis on Re engine.
Right. How good would that be.
Yes i agree
That would be fye
I think Dmc 1 could be a good pick for the near future, would be cool to use all of Dmc 5's mechanics in Dmc 1, also improved voice acting and overall would be a fun time
i want a 2nd remake of 1 in the style of 2R, so that they can potentially create the best ever entry point to the series.
I think the original is perfect as is, code Veronica seems like the ideal choice, but I wouldn’t mind if they did RE5
@kush Well not everyone wanna play tank controls, they could combat the length issue mentioned in the video by combining 1 and 0, tho tbh I'd like CV or Outbreak the most.
@@billythenarwhal1579 playing with tank controls is a rite of passage.
I wouldn't mind seeing that. But tbh I wouldn't mind seeing the other games in the classic style again too. Like a remake of 2-4 in a classic style, which I highly doubt will ever happen.
But the first Remake is still the best one, in my opinion. Then I'll say, 4.
@@rockhoward9739 they literally already have all the games in classic style, the original games...
Outbreak has a lot of potential since Capcom seem really keen on making multiplayer work. Could do 1-4 survivors in a large scale raccoon city. I really liked the first level where you had to put up barricades to stop zombies from coming in the bar. You could do scenarios like that with a modern update that would make it tense.
Agreed, especially with an online multiplayer campaign.
Now imagine a escape like tarkov!!
Not only you are suppose to survive the zombies and monsters but also gotta fight other suvivors and loot their belongings.
Racoon city should be a big open world but you gotta survive to escape the city.
Capcom needs to stop spending resources and time on all these failed MP projects.
Outbreak is pretty much the only one (stand-alone MP game) that people adored.
i would love a remake with much longer scenarios along with the cut scenarios too and cut content other than that outbreak is my baby i love playing it online by alot
Dino Crisis, love to see what they do with Regina. We've been inundated with RE remakes even rumors of RE1 remake of a remake 🤔 I am at the moment going through the new RE4 remake.
Code Veronica or RE1 would be incredible! The stories of the older games are amazingly captivating, being able to play them in amazing quality would be *chefs kiss!
Code Veronica is such a great game. Would love to see that remade.
Id love to see Outbreak file 1 & 2 remakes
Dino crisis that game will always have a special place in my heart
RE0 and Code Veronica definitely need a remake. I'd say RE5 is still too "recent" for a remake, but eh
Time doesn't seem to be a factor for remakes anymore since they remade the last of us and it only came out 10 years ago😅
RE0 is done and dusted, I doubt that one is even possible. Although it's great we have all these remakes, it's important that Capcom to dwell within new ways to make Resident evil fresh again with RE9 and RE10.
Regardless, I'm proud to be a RE fans since 1996, marking this one of the longest surviving horror/action gaming genre.
Why don't we all say screw remake all of them and calk it the remake timeline
@@ChillGuySammy True
They gave us RE4R that no one asked for
I would freakin' LOVE a "Dino Crisis" remake; I'm playing it right now and loving it! Especially if they played off the idea of "intelligent dinosaurs" in contrast to the usual "mindless zombies".
Code Veronica definitely needs a remake. It does setup for RE 5. Then see a remake of RE and 0 in today's format of RE games. After the RE series remade would like to see Dino Crisis remake.
I was going to say 5 since I honestly love that game in co-op, but Outbreak could actually be really interesting with modern online play solutions--the originals had some forward-thinking ideas hampered by the infrastructure and hardware available at the time.
I would like to see re1 then code veronica, then re0, then re5, with some co-op helping shape up a full reboot of re outbreak. I would love for them to continue revelations as i really like the pacing in those games as well.
@@xNigxhtMaxrexX people said that for re4 but it still came out.
@@xNigxhtMaxrexX I mean, it came out 14 years ago. The remake of the original RE that everyone loves so much first came out in 2002, which was only six years after the PS1 version lol
@@xNigxhtMaxrexX what in the hell are you even talking about? The game is old AF. You're acting as if we were talking about resident evil 7. Maybe add some reasons to your hot take, lol.
Cool idea but they have shown they can't make multiplayer. It would be another buggy microtransaction hell
I need to get a proper Code Veronica remake to close out the original Umbrella saga. Then they can remake 1 and continue the series at 9.
skip 5 and 6 those games suck lol, or rename code veronica re 5
@@1183newman L take
bad take. They are 100% gonna remake 5. Its the best selling re game. stay mad
I would love to see a joint remake of zero and one since both would be rather short and take place at the same time it could make some sense to do so.
We can see Rebecca’s personality in RE1 in RE0, and her RE0 personality in RE1. Or we can see in the RE0 portion, Bravo team went through harsh terrors but Rebecca was just facing them herself while still not fully confident about Cooperating with Billy until he rescues her.and what if Wesker, Birkin, Marcus, or an unknown from RPD/S.T.A.R.S tries to make Rebecca more terrified of Billy after the rescue? We can also have a co-op mode and see more cut content. I would also like to see how giant animal were there and were from the lab and they can be at raccoon city Forrest.
Didn’t think of that. That would be great
Honestly, RE0 is a really big mess. If it were remade, it may as well be a new game completely.
I would like to see Code Veronica next. I feel it has a lot of potential in the behind the shoulder perspective. Also since RE2 was the first of the RE engine remakes, it would be cool to now follow Claire post Raccoon City.
REmake doesn’t need another remake. It’s perfect as it is.
Its is! just imagine RE updated with RE Engine graphics! doesn’t that sound wanna make your heart pound❤?
I know some people don't think it needs it... But if they remade 4... (which is blasphemy in the eyes of some).. Then they really should remake the first game. I mean at this point.. you've updated 2-4 in the new RE engine... so you might as well just throw the first one in there as well. I've wanted to see the spencer mansion ever since 2 released and we saw the police station in updated graphics. It would be so awesome to see .. the mansion.. the updated take on puzzles... BARRY!!! and obviously Wesker.. (And you already have a stalker enemy built in with LISA) I DO also think they should do Code Veronica too because that is a classic game people love.. that REALLLLY could use a face lift even more so than the first game. But at this point... I don't think they should do 5 just yet... Definitely go back.. .modernize the first and CV... then later touch up 5 .. After that I'm not sure the direction they go... because 6 was just an absolute dumpster fire of a game... I guess they could at least fix the crappy action game hud and stuff it had.. but the story is a big mess of its own as well. And this is coming from someone who gives every entry the benefit of the doubt. I just could NOT get myself to ever play through 6 again like I could with the others. Played it one time and was done. So who knows where they go after .. maybe RE0?? But I look forward to it.
Resident Evil 5. I would love them to take ideas from the beta version of the game where they wanted to make the enemies more aggressive and by making daylight scary.
All this
5 sucks
@@papaxota4725 You never played it with a friend I presume?
@@antviper135 Re5 is boring and repetitive even with a friend, RE6 is better for coop anyway even tho this game is also shit
@@papaxota4725 5 wasn't that bad tbh. Till this day, the game holds up well and like Resident Evil 6, it was a fun game, even if you were playing with a friend which enhanced the player's experience.
Code Veronica would be so unbelievably pog.
I mean one that definetly needs remake is 6 and i mean like full redesign of the entire game but something tells me they will do remake of the original re1 on 30 aniversary
I think code Veronica makes sense to be the next remake since it ties a bit into Resident evil 5 which will then lead into RE 5 and definitely a 6 so they could make up for the original
If they remake 6, it will have to ostensibly be a brand new game. That game is practically unsalvageable when compared to the tone they've somehow managed to maintain with these new entries. They're dark and meticulously crafted yet have a great sense of humor. 6 has none of that. It's just a call of duty era trend chaser.
6 is a CoD clone they went over the top and made it a Michael Bay action movie. It was a dumpster fire that put the series on ice until 7 came and fixed it
I agree. A code veronica remake could tie into a resident evil 5 remake because chris and wesker's in both games
I think it's time that dino crisis got the remake treatment so resident evil can take a rest
Code Veronica I think it needs to be set around the same time as RE4
Cant be done. By the time of RE4 umbrella was already dismantled and CV starts in the umbrella Europe lab, when it was still operation and technically still powerful as an organization.
I feel like they might have skipped Code Veronica to give gamers a slight break from the zombies since we had them in both the Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 2 remake so that players wouldn’t get zombie fatigue. Not that we’re taking a break from zombies with Resident Evil 4, they might go back and do Code Veronica for the next remake.
nah. probably just because CV was a way more niche game that a lot of casual gamers dont even know exist. RE4 on the other hand is widely known as one of the greatest games of all time so the choice was obvious
The hell is zombie fatigue lmao I would love code Veronica if it was remade right now
@@Celestialnighthawk You're not the masses, I can certainly say after RE3R i was done with zombie genre for a while. It's definitely a common thing.
@@DrakeHurley sounds more like you’re not a real fan
@@_dibbs I haven’t come across a single RE fan who didn’t know about CV. . Sounds made up.
The problems said in RE 1 are not true, it would not be a short game, there are 2 playable characters and it would be more likely that it will be similar to RE2 remake, and that title was very well received. 0 i think could be included in 1 Remake, that way you could play with Chris, Jill and the story of 0 as a prelude, it could be in fact the best remake they have ever done. Another point, there's no problem with a remake of Code Veronica after 4, Code Veronica works as a "prelude" to RE5, and they could do that before the final remake with RE5.
Dino Crisis should be remade next *FOR* *SURE*
Dino Crisis is long overdue for a remake.
It was a game way ahead of its time and on its release the limitations of the ps1 couldn't really capture a survival horror game about dinosaurs (they barely had enough power to do it for zombies)
But now we can make the game like it was meant to be.
I really want RE1 to get the full remake treatment. Then Code Veronica
I’d want Dino Crisis, if Exoprimal fails, they’ll know what to do…
RE0 would be amazing
Logically speaking, it should be CODEVX. Claire looking for chris in RE2 was a cliff hanger and wesker being teased in 4 needs further context in the next entry ie he needs to be introduced. By RE5 he’s already a pretty well known character. RE1/0 could also be the next as well given chris needs an introduction and context needs to be given for Jill in 3. CVX or RE1/0
I would like Code veronica as I have never played it and some stuff is holding me back from it. give an underlooked game in the series some spotlight. I would be okay with 5 as another co-op adventure and probably could hammer out a lot of issues people had with the first one. I REALLY want dino crisis though seems like it would be a semi fresh well and could have some seriously tense/scary moments. but I doubt that would ever see the light of day unless a new dino renaissance comes back around. JUST FORGET 6
I say 5. That was where the series really started to divert into completely silly territory. 4 started it, granted, but 5 put boosters on it. Remaking it to feel more grounded like they have with 4 would fix a lot of that game's issues.
Outbreak 1,2 would be amazing
Yes with the online or offline capability it will have replay value
I'm really interested in the outbreak series, but couldn't have high hope since it's rarely known to anyone outside RE fanbase. Also the storytelling is kinda messed up, I watched a few playthrough and often confused about the progression of story. It has so much potential, hopefully we will see this in the future.
It really would be amazing to have both online and offline of outbreak 1 and 2
I would also like to see Oubreak file 3 happen as a prequel to Outbreak 1 and 2. File 3 can be just after RE0 and during RE1 all the way to Outbreak 1. And maybe Outbreak 1 and 2 should be in one game as a remake.
Re1 in re engine would be so cool honestly
I would love to see a RE Code Veronica remake. They could change what didn’t work one the original and improve what did work.
I hope it’s Code Veronica. I played it back on the Dreamcast, it was the first Resident Evil game I ever played.
But I think it will be 0 & 1 combined into one game. It would make the most sense, it would complete the mainline Raccoon City story and they could even do a Raccoon City trilogy bundle.
Code Veronica, is most likely however I'd love dino crisis.
Re5 is most likely, or Re1 since 2026 would be the 30th anniversary, if we're getting 9 sometime next year then seeing the next remake in 2026 is extremely likely, yes many are asking for code Veronica but let's be honest, re5 remake would sell far more
@@cookiesnugglez7318 Wrong.
@@robertkenny1201 what exactly is wrong here?
@Cookie Snugglez Resident Evil 5 wasn't that favorable a entry innthe franchise.
@@robertkenny1201 much more favorable than code Veronica that's for sure, also it's still the best sold re game of all time, this could also be the chance to make the game better than it ever was before, plus re4 remake already sets up re5 at the end
I would love Veronica next, then RE5.
Resident Evil 1 makes most sense at this point as it would connect the origins and characters of the new remakes
I mean, they ALREADY remade it. Another one would be a RE re-remake, is that really necessary??
Why would it make sense to go from 4 to 1 out of nowhere? They started with RE2 because RE1R already exists and its perfect.
@@RobotReg i hate this argument that they already remade it lol yeah like in 2002 that was even before re4 lol i want it in the new over the shoulder perspective imagine spencer mansion remade in todays technology!
@@jase276 nah could do with a modern remake i love the gamecube remake don’t get me wrong but there’s so many of my friends that have never touched it due to the fixed camera angles and controls the original needs more love.
it would make sense more in a universe storytelling kind of way as i don’t consider the remake to be strictly cannon to the new hdr universe tbh it is cannon don’t get me wrong but could do with a retelling to fit in with the new narrative set by re2 re3 and re4 remake
I would like for them to do a remake of "Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny".
I never played Dino Crisis, but ppl have described it as Resident Evil with Dinosaurs so that would be AWESOME within RE Engine.
It's exactly that but replace slow zombies with fast dinosaurs. Lots of more running.
@@hittobox that sounds perfect for the remake team to me!
I think they can still make CV be the companion “what happened after Racoon City” game for Claire like how RE4 remake is for Leon and then connect them somehow.
It would be cool to see Chris and Weskers story line be done in "order" going 1, Code Veronica, then 5 as Leon's/ the Raccoon city's was put in a similar order. It may not because of RE4 having Wesker behind the scenes though
Agreed. RE0&1, CV, RE5, then 6 if they wanted…would be the ideal releases for story and keeping newcomers hooked.
Re0 and cv would have been the best option as the Remakes could have solved the issues that came with them
Code Veronica should be next (i hope it gets over shoulder treatment, like RE2 got, unlike tank camera controls of the original...), it really needs to be remade akin RE2R! The next on the Capcom's remake priority lists after that should be both Dino Crisis games, but especially first one@,
I’m not gonna lie, I would kinda like an Operation Raccoon City remake/re-attempt. It was just way ahead of it’s time and could be the best Action Game if it was more modern
Honestly, it would be great if they did all of them
I'd love to see them do
1 then CV then 5 in that order since story wise they go together nicely
OK but you know 5 was not that long ago and had one of the biggest video game budgets
@@DirectorHMAN it’s 14 years old and if it’s after a 1 and CV remake it’s gonna be around 18 years old
1 doesn't need another remake
@@kushmanjr69 It'd be fun to see a 3rd person version. No harm in making it.
@@kushmanjr69 it does the remake came out in the early 2000s and the voice acting is really bad
Bro im so excited at the possibility of re5 getting a remake i downloaded it and replayed the heck out of it. Re5 was a great game apart from sheva AI and i honestly believe if they remake it with more actions in combat like in re4 remake and that sheva would have unlimited ammo like the re6 partners it would be best re honestly. They would have to make the zombies way more aggressive tho.
We need Outbreak and Code Veronica, and maybe Dino Crisis remakes. RE1 is good where it is and RE5 as well.
They need to remake Shadow of Rome rather than Dino Crisis tbh. Its an underrated gem of the PS2 which was so much fun!
I would say 5 if I knew they were going to redo and improve a lot of the game. To me it's a bigger risk and bigger reward. Probably unpopular, but I like having my action with my survival horror.
I always felt going to 5 from 4 (especially the remake) would feel like such a drastic step down. I'd totally welcome a revamped re:5 but somehow with a little bit more horror as I felt they strayed too far down the action path for my liking but totally respect your opinion.
yea bro , honestly re5 will always have a special place in my heart cause it was my first re game so my expectations were nonexistent and i was young so even though objectively you could say it wasn’t that scary i was a kid so it was scary to me regardless, i always did and always will remember it as a cool game
Code Veronica, then 5. There's a whole generation of RE fans who don't even know who Wesker is. He deserves the right build up. Besides, let's be honest. CVX really needs it. 😂
Any RE fan knows who Wesker is. Saying there's a whole generation who doesn't is pretty presumptuous.
@@axothegremlin assuming people played 5 and watched the two or three cutscenes in RE4. A large portion of RE fans wouldn't touch 5 with a 39 and a half foot pole
@@lahdopa 7 and 8 sold even better, as well as RE2 remake. We don't talk about RE3, even if it sold better. Lol
But yeah you don't have to start anywhere with Resident Evil. And even knowing about Wesker doesn't mean you've experienced the Wesker that Capcom spent years to set up.
As for RE1 Remake? I mean it's a great game and all, it's just a little old. A lot of people can't even play Final Fantasy 7 or even old school PS2 games nowadays, even if the games are great. Just hard to go back to that era of games.
Basically what I'm saying, is RE1 Remake needs another remake. Lmfao. Just make it the same.
Well, okay, "sold better" is a stretch. The co op aspect probably helped 5 a lot. But Capcom made 11.7 mil from RE7, 11.2 from RE2R, 6.4 from RE3R, and 7.4 from RE8. Compare all of them to RE5's 14.7 mil over its entire lifecycle?
It's not that far fetched for someone new to the series to have skipped over 5. Especially if they heard that it wasn't a very good solo experience, and basically required you to have friends. 6 was more of the same. 🙄
Honestly? I'd be down to see Dead Rising come back. Dead Rising 1 is a solid game
5 is fine how it is and doesn't need to be remade as of now, code ver would be a awesome remake. A lot of people never played the original, so I think that will help sells.
If we’re talking reboots, I have to go with Code Veronica or Dino Crisis. RE5 can wait, and who would want to remake the RE1 reboot? That one is a perfected classic!
I would love to see Code Veronica, another remake of Resident Evil 3 and Dino Crisis.
I would love a more "rooted to original" RE3 Remake but that is impossible
@@arslan7108 I agree. That would be awesome. Honestly they could take the original and just remaster it with modern graphics and I'd love and enjoy it more than the remake we got.
A modern day Dino crisis would be so epic.
I personally want RE1 to be remade again to match the new timeline
I think the original RE needs an RE engine remake at some point.
Dino Crisis desperately needs a remake. They could've cashed in on the hype of the Jurassic World movies but decided to go the safe route instead and remade RE4.
I think code veronica would be sick that game had an iconic cover art back in the day
I’d say code Veronica too. But I’d still like to see the first game get the over the shoulder camera treatment since it’s my favorite game in the series
it would be better suited for first person
Outbreak was amazing but I never got to play online and would love to see that feel like it would be amazing to have a modern technology resident evil outbreak
Honestly I feel like they should focus on games not currently available to modern audiences. So things like Code Veronica or Outbreak.
I think they're remaking Code Veronica before resident evil 5. They went right to resident evil 4 so Code Veronica could lead into Resident Evil 5 since those games are connected.
I hope they do it in that order.
Definitely code Veronica. Next zero, then maybe give re1 the over the shoulder treatment, and I would actually like to see operation Javier from darkside chronicles remade as a regular resident evil as dlc for re4.
I'd love to see operation javier but the giant tarantulas would stop me in my tracks😂
I think the next one is going to be a second RE1 remake. And while I would definitely love to see the Spencer Mansion in that gorgeous RE Engine, Code Veronica definitely needs it more. I’d also really like to see Dino Crisis remade and RE0 should probably get one too. RE5 doesn’t need one yet.
doubt it.. I can see code veronica , re5 and than re1 remake again as their final remake. I highly doubt 0 and re6 will ever get remade
We're remaking remakes now... gaming has hit an all time low, hasn't it?
@@jase276 happens with movies all the time. 2018’s A Star is Born was the second remake of that movie. Titanic has been made several times. Casino Royale was actually the third adaptation of that story. Gaming is getting to the point where enough time has passed to possibly justify it.
Never played Code Veronica but I would love to see it remade so I could experience it like I did resident evil 2
i played it on ps now and i got to say i loved it, ps2 games like those back then just hit different. puzzles are amazing too
They should remake the DMC trilogy, a 3D Final Fight like Streetwise, the Onimusha series, Bionic Comando and Dino Crisis.
Either CVX or Dino Crisis
RE5 is flawed in many ways, but it's graphics and gameplay still holds and thus, definitely doesn't need a remake yet, though with the release of PS6 they could consider RE5
Absolutely Code Veronica. Has the best storyline in my opinion. Imagine what todays version would be like. Would love a Dino Crisis remake too
The problem with doing 5 is that most new players aren't gonna be aware of who Wesker is or why he and chris are former colleagues. Idk if newcomers are aware of or are gonna play RE1 due to its gameplay and it being old. I worry that most won't be aware and caught out of the loop, which is why I think Code Veonica should be next. Idk about Remaking the remake cause itsvalready perfect in my mind, but admittedly playing with fixed camera angels was both fun and difficult to play with on my first playthrough. Code Veronica is more vital for Chris and Weskers storywhich plays an important part in 5, but so is his relation with Jill and Wesker. For continuity sake, perhaps 1as that'd make transitioning from Wesker in that to Code Veronica then to RE5. I really want Code Veronica first cause it needs love the most. For all titles, I worry about getting another RE3Make moment where major content gets cut and its just a rushed, unpolished disapointment.
Code veronica was my favourite. Just finished 4 remake. Really enjoyed it.
Code: Veronica should be next. Especially if they want to do 5, Code: Veronica is much needed to fill in gaps. Also, not only would I love a Dino Crisis Remake, but a DMC1 remake in RE Engine would slap!
Remake that Umbrella chronicles! 😂
Nah but fr it better be Code Veronica, it could benefit alot from rewrites and reworks
It needs a but more than just a new coat of paint
If they do remake all of them then personally i think it would make the most sense to remake 1, then Code Veronica and then 5 just because of the Wesker storyline, I feel if they released Code Veronica or 5 first then most new fans would be very confused about Wesker and his past with Chris and Jill.
Well, I think it would be the same no matter what. A lot of new fans picked up the series at RE4 and 5 and if they stuck around, THEN they went back to put all the pieces together.
5 honestly sounds like it will be the next and last remake (as far as RE is concerned. Still hoping for Dino Crisis!). I'd love to see how they handle 5 and fix all the problems it had (Sheva I love you girl but damn you sucked).
@@lahdopa Nah, Sheva was way worse man. Ashley wasn't expected to hold her own. Sheva was. She was supposed to be a supporting partner if you didn't do Co-op. Yet her AI was designed so poorly she was (most of the time) far more useless than even the original re4 Ashley.
They could also remake Devil May Cry. They already have a lot of elements they can use from Resident Evil 4, like castle textures.
I want a remake of 1, 0, and CV.
I can do without a remake of 1 since it technically already has one if it means we get at least a good remaster of 5 because as of now there is no playable PC version of 5 (unless you mod)
They could combine Resident Evil 0 and 1 into one big package. Id be fine with that and maybe add in extra side content that fits into Resident evil 2 remake and i definitely agree that that all the side games could be one huge big package and of course redo Resident evil code Veronica and they could add in a lot more content taht probably got cut due to limitations and budget. Ever since remake Resident evil 2 and remake 4, it sounds like they want their fans to be super satisfied and to make money duh. Dino crisis remakes would be effing fantastic and much needed with the rise again with horror games and first survival esc games. I would be bleeding money and my wallet would never acknowledge me again but its worth it
I just want a Haunting Ground remake... It probably wont happen because of the incredibly low sales and touchy subject matter.
Would be called a misogynistic game
Either RE1 or Code: Veronica.
Thing is, I'm not expecting CV to ever get a remake, especially since they skipped it for RE4 already. Thing is, if RE5 is to actually get a remake (which I doubt), I would make sense to remake CV before it, as that is the game that actually revealed Wesker's surviving the events of RE1 and gaining superpowers, as well as the game that actually started the whole Chris vs Wesker rivalry.
I'm thinking we're not going to get any more remakes for a long time though. Maaaaybe RE1.
RE4 literally just got remade man
I know....
@@N.i.E.M.O you said you dont expect Code veronica to get a remake because they skipped it for RE4
I want 5. I want to see that game reimagined to its full glory and potential I know it has. It’s already a great game, but I know nowadays it could be even better with more focus on survival horror than survival action
And please get rid of that fking boulder punching sequence.
@@Nbdy18 you’re not shooting “africans” you’re shooting people infected with a virus. If people can’t distinguish between the two then ironically, they’re the racist ones.
@@mynameisinigomontoya8179 yeah what was up with that lol
@@ATLAS-cy4xi it was 2009. Everything was OP and effing dramatic. I'm so glad they went back to their roots in 7 and with the remakes for the most part.
@@Nbdy18 why not? It's a game and it takes place in Africa. If a virus spreads in Africa, odds are most infected people will be Africans. Resident evil 4 was full of white people being shot, and not a peep. It's a game and at least they tried keeping it realistic with the ethnic population of it's locations.
I feel that 1 and 0 are already perfect, but I feel they are still on the table. I'll never complain about more Rebecca though.
This order:
Code veronica
Dino crisis
Re 9 or revelations 3
Re 0 and 1 remake, making one whole game
Re 5
If they remake code Veronica for plot next that's the only exception I'll give to not give us a Dino crisis remake. I need a revamp of the DC property
Stop it!
RE1 does not need a remake when it's already a REmake.
People be bored in their lives.
Dino Crisis deserves the next one.
RE can take a break for now 😂
Code Veronica, but I’m curious to what resident evil 5 and 6 would look like remade
Hopefully RE5MAKE and RE6MAKE has typewriters/safe havens so it can still have that traditional RE feel.
I hope they keep the over the top action of those games.
As much as I want code Veronica I really hope they remake outbreak at some point. Such a gem
Dino crisis, parasite eve, vagrant story, silent hill 1, nightmare creatures, musashi