Thanks for sharing your reasons for selling your designer handbags. I think each reason you had for selling the bags definitely made sense. It can be hard selling bags that we love, but sometimes it’s for the best!
You sold sooo many beautiful bags. I can see why you sold each one. I don't know what bag I regretted selling; I regret selling a Neverul mm from 2009.
Love your pink shirt! I’ve never sold any bags ever, but find it interesting to hear other peoples reasons/stories anyway 😂😂😂 Wow can’t believe you sold your pochette metis!! Twice! 😮😮😮 I’m still considering getting one, but honestly have way too many bags already 😅 TYFS Keyla!! ❤❤❤ Kiki
I can’t believe it either hahaha but since I am not going to the office I won’t wear them that much 🥲 and with the moving I needed to downsize lol hasta el momento I am happy with the decision 🥹
Thanks for sharing your reasons for selling your designer handbags. I think each reason you had for selling the bags definitely made sense. It can be hard selling bags that we love, but sometimes it’s for the best!
Yes 😊 sometimes it’s necessary mostly if you don’t use them 😊❤
You sold sooo many beautiful bags. I can see why you sold each one. I don't know what bag I regretted selling; I regret selling a Neverul mm from 2009.
Sometimes it’s necessary 😊 thanks for watching Yoshea ❤
Love your pink shirt! I’ve never sold any bags ever, but find it interesting to hear other peoples reasons/stories anyway 😂😂😂 Wow can’t believe you sold your pochette metis!! Twice! 😮😮😮 I’m still considering getting one, but honestly have way too many bags already 😅 TYFS Keyla!! ❤❤❤ Kiki
I can’t believe it either but I love the east west more 😊 I will add a perfect PM at some point ☺️ maybe the cream leather 🥹
🤩😍🥰 Hermosas bolsas..
I love these kinda videos too. I can’t believe the prada galleria is gone😅😅
Yes it’s gone 🥹😅❤ thanks for watching Dani
Cant believe you sold BOTH PM 😮
I can’t believe it either hahaha but since I am not going to the office I won’t wear them that much 🥲 and with the moving I needed to downsize lol hasta el momento I am happy with the decision 🥹
@@glamluxbykeyla thats all that matters 🤗
Hola Key, aquí feliz de ver tu video, un abrazote!
Saludos❤ gracias por venir a dejarme amor 💜
Gracias key
Llegué,que bueno que subiste videito 💖
Gracias mi Bella! El viernes subo en Español ❤
Todas bellas 😍 pero si pudiera escoger una aunque sea seria la numero 8 la Pochette matisse
❤❤❤ saludos mi bella
Mi obsesión con las bolsas también comenzó alrededor de la pandemia. Aún no he vendido ninguna bolsa de lujo, pero creo que comenzaré pronto.
Hey 😊 soy fan de tu canal 😊❤ Es Que cuando no las uso mejor invierto en una que si vaya a usar más 😅
Y yo del tuyo ❤ te etiqueté en un tag recientemente @@glamluxbykeyla
vendalas todas mamita!!! y ella es mas sport.