Did you try disassembling the blackpac and swopping the blackpak bottom plate with the bottom plate of the short stack? To mount the short stack underneath the blackpak.
I didn’t but the paperwork says it won’t stack correctly. I like the new setup. Easy access to stuff you might need quickly. I keep my GoPro stuff, kayak parts for my drive and rain jacket in it. Really handy, before my Blackpak was just holding tackle. Have you got one yet.
That's very nice! I really think it's an awesome upgrade for any kayak! Thanks for sharing!
I have weights in mine because I'm so light it floats too high up. Really stabilizes her up.😄
Good review
Did you try disassembling the blackpac and swopping the blackpak bottom plate with the bottom plate of the short stack? To mount the short stack underneath the blackpak.
I didn’t but the paperwork says it won’t stack correctly. I like the new setup. Easy access to stuff you might need quickly. I keep my GoPro stuff, kayak parts for my drive and rain jacket in it. Really handy, before my Blackpak was just holding tackle.
Have you got one yet.
I do have an older kayak but I've just ogtten to old to use it anymore. Pretty much shore bound now.,👍😄
I agree, as I get older all those cracked and broken bones seem to hurt every morning.
I'm putting pontoons on mine I'm 74 maybe I can get 8 more years out of it.
Nice review! Is it easy to use locking hooks on the back rod holders? Thanks!