All the politics that the media show us is a staged show. I suspect that there is no real tension between the authorities in the West and in Russia. All this tension is for ordinary people to keep them under control. In any case, this is absolutely certain for Russia. On TV, they tell us every day what a terrible West is and how it shits Russia. But our state currency reserves are mostly in Western banks, in Western currencies and securities. All our elite have property in the West and their families live in the west and their children study in the West... Both Putin's children and grandchildren presumably live in the West and are citizens of Western states. Read Orwell 1984. Everything is written there - why and who needs all this enmity.
@@MarMar-nq9ii and US doesn’t have the most aggressive foreign policy in the world with geopolitical goals built on their own exclusivity? I mean, the politicians of my country, including the president himself, at least openly talk about dialogue, that solving problems in relations is necessary, and it should be based on the fact that the interests of both sides are taken into account. your government scolds us as if they are the main country, one nation under God, and rightly so - it is as they said. all their accusations sound hypocritical and from a position of superiority, in a tone like "what does this Russia allow itself". at the same time, from your side, it really looks like the presence of an enemy to explain certain problems to citizens. and to receive huge amounts of money for military needs.
@@MarMar-nq9ii Comrade, your marry-world is too stiff. Stalin's times are the best in USSR: gigachad based guy that was building real socialism based on Marxism-Leninizm was at those times, his surname is speaking about him quite openly: Steelman in English language. Yes, he made mistakes, but goverment was in agreement with that and sometimes our beloved comrade Stalin was against government. Stalin tried to build a good relationships with west based on just human interaction instead of Marxism-driven approach. But time has demonstrated that dry theory works too well even for such a good thing as peace. My hometown would be erased just because of plan "Dropship". What my relatives did wrong to US or their "Democracy" ? That's why we have forgiven our comrade Stalin for his mistakes, usually position of old people that went through war was: Stalin did nothing wrong and there would be no victory without Stalin. Younger generations that know history, that read documents, everyone who read Stalin's books-they are very Pro-Stalinist. But your view is based on cliche of burguose-kind of society where politicians are just instruments of oligarchy will. Best of us was in power and that's was his mistake: we relied too much on him, instead of relying on us and him at the same time because he was a part of us.
@@Commielover69 aint never liked them hope putin loses his corner on the schoolyard a little kid ..then again biden is a Cuck so we all fked ..FJB
Haven't seen this clip before. The tone is hopeful and reconciliating. I wonder how Soviet media portrayed this meeting and the relationship with the west at this time?
the soviets were the true and original "don't hate the people, hate the government". russians didn't demonize american workers like americans did with the russian and chinese
Сталин был всегда хорошо информирован и всегда имел план действий. Он пришел к власти как человек, который подготовил СССР ко второй мировой войне, уравнял военный потенциал СССР с военным потенциалом Германии, и обеспечил тайную эвакуацию оборонных предприятий за Волгу, что нарушило планы нацистской Германии на блокаду оборонных предприятий СССР и быстрый разгром советской армии . Прежде, чем победить военные силы Германии, он победил немецкую разведку и немецкую военную промышленность. Можно сказать так, что Сталин спас СССР своим руководством. У него много других заслуг перед страной , но, прежде всего, он для нас, советских людей, полководец. Потому что в области организации обороны страны ему приходилось принимать решения очень часто единолично. И поэтому никто не помнит, что в СССР у главы государства не было больших полномочий, государственные решения принимались коллективно. Все это заслонил огромный авторитет данной исторической личности.
@@leejenkins7184 According to Soviet historian Robert Thurston, the ordinary Soviet citizens actually supported the purges, and it was only the elites who got caught up in the chaos. The purges were not some master plan devised by an all-powerful, omniscient dictator, they were chaotic and frantic responses to a real political crisis, even if it was based off of misinformation.
@@leejenkins7184 That is due to the tabloids you have been reading. Without Stalin's troops doing all dirty jobs no Western soldier would ever have touched European ground.
Man, knowing about Stalin's disability, with his arm not being able to reach over his head, it's obvious that he's doing his best to conceal it, his dominant arm is clearly fine, but you can really tell how inflexible his disabled arm is; very stiff. When something is broken that badly in childhood, it just doesn't heal perfectly.
The Communist Party of the Russian Federation remains the #2 party in Russia today. Historically the world has not given the old Communist Party sufficient credit for defeating the Nazis and saving the world from fascist genocide.
@@thunderbird1921 when you have a bunch of men who argue and are too afraid to take action, you need a man like Staling to get things done. And when you get things done, every single one of those maggots will criticize you. This is when you put them in gulag, where they turn big rocks into small rocks and actually do something useful for the country. Stalin was a man who knew how to get things done and did no waste time with traitors. Stalin was a man the country needed.
made orders to shoot people who retreated and caused the Ukrainian famine, and forced all civilians to stay in Stalingrad, he was not chill, quite the opposite.
Сталин любил шутить. Нас.генш. Англии при рукопожиятии , активно и внимательно смотрит Сталина от ног до головы а Сталин улыбкой лице показывает генерала смотреть камеру.
@@МикиМикиев-й5в , не несите чушь, Сталин действительно великий человек и отец Советского народа. А Вы - злюка, не знающий историю. Могу Вам посоветовать ознакомиться с трудами российских историков Жукова и Спицына. Может, тогда Вы не будете оскорблять память великого вождя нашей страны.
@@kotofey70 , Спицын - автор пятитомника по истории России, книг ,, Осень патриарха", ,,Хрущёвская слякоть", ,,Брежневская партия". Евгений Юрьевич Спицын патриот и историк с большой буквы.
@@kotofey70 , плохо не уважать свою историю. Вы ведь не манкурт. Может, такие, как Вы, и ,,совки", но такие, как мы, считаем себя советскими людьми и гордимся тем, что родились и жили в этой прекрасной стране.
Its easy to be hyperfocused on the sins of the west/east and to downplay the sins of your own camp. Stalin was a monster. But so have been every US president in my entire lifetime.
@@shahrulamar5358 Ah yes, because Stalin would have a BRITISH FIELD MARSHAL executed. That TOTALLY wouldn't end up causing a war in which USSR would be obliterated since they had no nuclear weapons yet. He was TOTALLY afraid of Stalin, maybe he'd be too rough on his new coat, very scary.
they chose specifically Montgomery to go meet Stalin because any other British high-ranking commander would have looked WAY TOO TALL next to Uncle Joe! :D
@Ctg Возможно, по количеству населения их может быть больше (если это утверждение верно), но мы не морим их голодом и не работаем до тех пор, пока они не умрут от слабого здоровья или истощения (как в ГУЛАГе). Сталин был монстром, который жестоко создавал ложный образ себя как благодетеля, когда на самом деле уничтожал всех, кто ему не нравился или считался угрозой его собственной власти. Некоторых посадили в ГУЛАГ просто за критику правительства. Народ СССР был введен в заблуждение и обманут тираном и его союзниками.
@@thunderbird1921 As explained in J. Arch Getty’s 1993 paper on the gulags, the gulags had an average of 2M prisoners throughout the 30s, 40s and 50s, with less than 10% of gulag prisoners being political prisoners, around 20-40% of prisoners being released every year, and a death rate of only 2.5% (4% during WW2). Additionally, archival evidence in Edwin Bacon’s book “The Gulag at War” indicates that around 1/3 of the gulag prisoners were not even required to work. Now that we have access to all of this archival evidence, I highly doubt that the likes of Solzhenitsyn were telling the truth when writing books for a western anti-communist audience in the 70s. Furthermore, the assertion that Stalin built a cult of personality around himself is utterly devoid of evidence and originates from Khrushchev’s 1956 “Secret Speech”, which cites no sources, was politically motivated, and has been refuted to death ever since the opening of the archives. While a cult of personality did exist around Stalin, Stalin himself did not create it or even encourage it. In fact, multiple private letters and correspondences from Stalin show that he hated the cult and discouraged its propagation.
It was the grestest time of history of Russia. Stalin was really great leader, he was respected with presidents of all countries around the world. Russia had a lot of friends and almost all counties just wanted to join Soviet Union. Russia was florished. Russia was independed . Soviet Union was able to supply all economic , sientifical, progress and has been on first line amang the other countries. Today Russia can't dream even about such succsses. And all achvements was done by Stalin. He is the best leader ever None of other leaders of the world can compare with him.
who? stalin? yes he had some charisma, after all he was a dictator, no dictator worth their name isn't charismatic. but montgomery? he was an autistic idiot and his social skills on par with a broken vase.
Сталин вождь и организатор побед. Сталин тоже строил дворцы, но не для себя, а для детей пионеров. У Сталина были дети, но жили они не в Лондоне, а сражались на войне за родину. Он мог купаться в роскоши, а оставил после себя фуражку, китель и ядерный щит.
@@PHZanoni , Сталин никого не убивал! Что Вы, как попугай, повторяете одно и то же? От отсутствия образованности? Сначала изучите работы историков. Сталин - лучший руководитель страны, которого любил советский народ. Может, это не даёт Вам покоя, ведь у Вас такого руководителя не было и не будет. Слава Великому Сталину! Слава Советскому Союзу! Слава Советскому народу! А Вы - злюка!
@@pman56789 Время было ужасное стоял вопрос быть нам или нет он же не для себя делал у него не было счетов в Швейцарии и золота своих сыновей на фронт послал один погиб. Кто лучше был может Горбачев который развалил все
@@Atheneonyeah. According to Zhukov during the war he really slept, and would stay up all night stressing about his decision making, worried about the consequences.
@@АлександрВикулов-б6щ творец Великой страны, чтобы закупить технику для заводов, отбирал еду у крестьян и продавал, от чего те умирали с голоду. Отличное время
@@imionfamilin7057 вы имеете в виду крестьян-капиталистов, которые копили продукты, убивали скот и сжигали урожай, чтобы его не распределили по колхозам. да они совершенно не заслуживали наказания Сталина
0:57 Сталин закурил, Монтгомери сказал - оставьте мне дунуть, а Сталин сказал - в камеру смотреть. 1:12 Кто-то за кадром сказал, что тоже хочет закурить
Тогда все понимали в мире и никто не спорил и не подменял понятия о том, кто внёс основной вклад и победу и принес многомиллионные жертвы на этот алтарь победы. Ехали в СССР на приемы, где были рады встретить гостей.
Ну если бы не усатый параноик, кто знает, пришлось бы столько народу положить и на войне и в лагерях или нет. И чёт мне кажется что нет. И не только мне.
@@СергейК-д1х7ш История не терпит сослагательного наклонения, поэтому ни ты ни я не можем знать наверняка. Вот что я могу знать наверняка так это то что без Сталина и его паранойи и шпиономании, двоих моих прадедов не расстреляли по выдуманной 58-й. Без Сталина и его дилетантизма человека без образования в части ведения боевых действий, пять членов моей семьи не померли в блокадном Ленинграде. Так что живу я и пишу здесь не благодаря, а вопреки, потому что усатый предатель идей марксизма-ленинизма сделал все чтобы этого не произошло.
@@СергейК-д1х7ш Укажите где я ошибся и я признаю ошибку. Слушать очередную гебельсовщину от людей, которые параноика даже не застали я не намерен, да и сил душевных нет. Вы бы ещё к Гоблину и Климу аппелировали. Сто лет прошло, а Троцкий все ещё прав.
@@виталянегор Не прощаю тех, которые оппрессировали единственную интеллегенцию моей нации тех времен. Давайте все встанем и поблагодарим Советскую власть за Бомбёжку Семипалатинска, Ашаршылық, Кровавый Декабрь Желтоқсан, Сталинские расчистки всей интеллигенции и всё ещё существующий, ужасный менталитет!
@@saulgoodmanKAZAKH благодарю за очистку от жирующих буржуев и уравнение всех слоев населения, коммунизм опередил время, поэтому для строительства социализма пришлось действовать жёстко. Зато потом все жили хорошо.
Stalin, of course, met Field Marshal Montgomery as Comrade Marshal, on level military terms. And on that level Stalin granted him an immense compliment. But he did not meet him, nor could he, in his vastly more superior capacity, as absolute ruler of the USSR.
@@pearl1606 ,ленинизм не отрицает рабочее государство при социализме. Слова про "абсолютного правителя СССР" являются лживыми, Советская власть - власть демократическая.
@@NeistoviySampay Yeah, lol. The elites made Hitler seem like "the most evil man ever" (because Nationalism is a threat to Globalization/New World Order) whilst Mao and Stalin FAR outweighed him, and even how Stalin treated his veterans was appalling (especially those that lost their legs/arms), you should look up on it since they were treated so terribly to the point that many committed suicide to escape their horrible lives/fate.
If Stalin killed ALL the population of USSR, who won the war then?) Lol, Western cretins are SO funny) As not more then a million were killed or died in camps)
That what the world should be.... Respect to different ideologies and ways to develop any country,. and world's super powers working together to preserve world's peace and understanding,.
Unfortunately, that is impossible on the long term. Liberal Democracies and Communist Republics cannot, and will not coexist without conflict. If not by direct conflict, proxy wars, civil wars, revolutions and counter-revolutions, coups and so on.
@Lord Dakyn well, the world is changing, it won't be bipolar (2 super powers leading their parts) or unipolar (the US ruling everyone). The new world will be multicéntric and Pluripolar (various poles of power around the world). That's a fact, and is happening right now. This new world is showing the real face of the previous unipolar world. First, the comparison is not communism versus democracy. Is communism versus capitalism. Capitalism with its propaganda put us in this false dilemma you repeating. Pears with pears, apples, with apples. Economic and social system with Economic and social systems. One thing is an economic and social system, and another is a FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, government of the parliament, communal states, that's the real comparison, forms of government. Secondly, liberal democracy doesn't exists, and you see it now. How governments that called themselves liberal puts ILLEGAL sanctions (you cannot block another country, that violates international law) and make commercial wars against other contesters in a "free economy" and a "free marble"? That's NOT liberal. How you censor networks like RT or Sputnik from Russia, when there's a conflict there (a conflict, not an invasion, Ukraine is not Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya, where United States and NATO troops INVADED that countries, because that armies were there, or still be there now, even with military bases of the US and NATO, that is an invasion, non when you make a military action, but when you stay in this territory). How you dare to CENSOR the counter part of your media, when your citizens have THE RIGHT to have free access to all sources, and make themselves a FREE OPINION of what is happening in Ukraine, and most important, in the place you are CENSORING in your news for EIGHT YEARS, since US invasion to Ukraine, with the coup of 2014? And why you censor RT or Sputnik? Because you're lying about that country, by manipulating images of bombings that makes the Ukrainian regime against the new republics orf Donetsk and Lugansk, and even putting VIDEOGAMES as images of "Russian bombings". That is neither liberal, nor democracy. That is fascism and nazism in disguise (like voting AGAINST the glorification of nazism in the UN, as the United States AND UKRAINE did, why? Because they supports nazism, that is NOT an opinion since Nuremberg trial, but a crime, and that is what is happening inside Ukraine since the fake " revolution" of 2014. Liberal democracy does not exist, and even less in the countries who dare to say they have it. Democracy is not voting, is when your vote really counts. As in my country, for example, where the US tried to impose us a president, and we defeated them without making a war. Cheers!
I can't believe the camera quality is better than mine
I want your camera
Your one is digital, the filmed one, not. This is the reason. The definition of an analogical one is almost as small as the atomic particles.
I can't belive you write this
Better than the camera quality of the Khmer rouge in the 70s
android user be like 😂😂
75 years later: still hoping the relationships between our two countries get better
All the politics that the media show us is a staged show. I suspect that there is no real tension between the authorities in the West and in Russia. All this tension is for ordinary people to keep them under control. In any case, this is absolutely certain for Russia. On TV, they tell us every day what a terrible West is and how it shits Russia. But our state currency reserves are mostly in Western banks, in Western currencies and securities. All our elite have property in the West and their families live in the west and their children study in the West... Both Putin's children and grandchildren presumably live in the West and are citizens of Western states. Read Orwell 1984. Everything is written there - why and who needs all this enmity.
@@MarMar-nq9ii боже чел
@@MarMar-nq9ii and US doesn’t have the most aggressive foreign policy in the world with geopolitical goals built on their own exclusivity?
I mean, the politicians of my country, including the president himself, at least openly talk about dialogue, that solving problems in relations is necessary, and it should be based on the fact that the interests of both sides are taken into account. your government scolds us as if they are the main country, one nation under God, and rightly so - it is as they said. all their accusations sound hypocritical and from a position of superiority, in a tone like "what does this Russia allow itself".
at the same time, from your side, it really looks like the presence of an enemy to explain certain problems to citizens. and to receive huge amounts of money for military needs.
@@MarMar-nq9ii Comrade, your marry-world is too stiff.
Stalin's times are the best in USSR: gigachad based guy that was building real socialism based on Marxism-Leninizm was at those times, his surname is speaking about him quite openly: Steelman in English language. Yes, he made mistakes, but goverment was in agreement with that and sometimes our beloved comrade Stalin was against government. Stalin tried to build a good relationships with west based on just human interaction instead of Marxism-driven approach.
But time has demonstrated that dry theory works too well even for such a good thing as peace.
My hometown would be erased just because of plan "Dropship". What my relatives did wrong to US or their "Democracy" ?
That's why we have forgiven our comrade Stalin for his mistakes, usually position of old people that went through war was: Stalin did nothing wrong and there would be no victory without Stalin.
Younger generations that know history, that read documents, everyone who read Stalin's books-they are very Pro-Stalinist.
But your view is based on cliche of burguose-kind of society where politicians are just instruments of oligarchy will.
Best of us was in power and that's was his mistake: we relied too much on him, instead of relying on us and him at the same time because he was a part of us.
@@MarMar-nq9ii Не Оруэлла читать надо, а Ленина. Второй всё, написанное тобой, задолго до Оруэлла написал и пояснил, ну...
0:25 Soviet Elon Musk…😳
😂 LoL
Elonavich musk
More like Eloneer muskolov!
I guess that's how the soviets won the space race
@@POAgaming1944 Ilya is the russian version of Elon, so Ilya Maskov fits better
Stalin smoking a cigarette instead of his pipe.
That's how you know that it's fake.
It’s a cigar
It's a joint
the kgb will watch him and he will send all of them to gulag
"the barriers between our 2 nations are coming down" that aged well
LOL, it aged like stale milk.
They did, for a while. Then Russia put up a wall which stood until 1989
@@BlatentlyFakeName no. The Truman doctrine was signed later that year. Then vommunism arose and usa declared them a threat.
Fact is the soviet union was admired by americans before propaganda
@@Commielover69 aint never liked them hope putin loses his corner on the schoolyard a little kid ..then again biden is a Cuck so we all fked ..FJB
0:24 nice to see that Elon managed to invent time travel in the future as well
He longed to serve Stalin
Lol 🤣
i knew it someone commented first before me
I’d love to have that hat and fur lined coat that Montgomery’s wearing (0:12, 1:24)!!
Story behind that fur coat is what was given as gift from Soviet leaders in during 1947 cold winter!
It is still available to buy.
The hat is a papakha, they can be bought on eBay and various Russian military surplus stores if you so desire
It was named after him
It is called bekesha and being sold in post soviet countries for 50-80usd.
Not the greatest coat, but ok for some occasions.
Props to cameraman to travel all the way in past to capture this!
0:25 He also invites Elon Musk on his trip
@@rhezarief 😂😂yoo
Did you know that cameras exist since the 1800s?
@@samuelcaloracan IKR
Bibek das this is getting out of hand with the cameraman
Everybody feels like a kitty cat next to Joseph, even Royal fieldmarshals :)
Haven't seen this clip before. The tone is hopeful and reconciliating. I wonder how Soviet media portrayed this meeting and the relationship with the west at this time?
just like any other time, much closer to reality than BBC or SNN do. In the end I heard Soviet narrator, he spoke positively
the soviets were the true and original "don't hate the people, hate the government". russians didn't demonize american workers like americans did with the russian and chinese
Великий Сталин! Всем смирно, равнение на вождя!
@@ЛарисаРябинина-е6ы Ah well Larisa, oppression & murder does the trick!
Stalin was calmness personified. What a chill guy.
Until he took you out. Unfortunately looks even the observation of joy on him is pretty misleading.
Сталин был всегда хорошо информирован и всегда имел план действий. Он пришел к власти как человек, который подготовил СССР ко второй мировой войне, уравнял военный потенциал СССР с военным потенциалом Германии, и обеспечил тайную эвакуацию оборонных предприятий за Волгу, что нарушило планы нацистской Германии на блокаду оборонных предприятий СССР и быстрый разгром советской армии . Прежде, чем победить военные силы Германии, он победил немецкую разведку и немецкую военную промышленность. Можно сказать так, что Сталин спас СССР своим руководством. У него много других заслуг перед страной , но, прежде всего, он для нас, советских людей, полководец. Потому что в области организации обороны страны ему приходилось принимать решения очень часто единолично. И поэтому никто не помнит, что в СССР у главы государства не было больших полномочий, государственные решения принимались коллективно. Все это заслонил огромный авторитет данной исторической личности.
@@leejenkins7184 According to Soviet historian Robert Thurston, the ordinary Soviet citizens actually supported the purges, and it was only the elites who got caught up in the chaos. The purges were not some master plan devised by an all-powerful, omniscient dictator, they were chaotic and frantic responses to a real political crisis, even if it was based off of misinformation.
@@leejenkins7184 That is due to the tabloids you have been reading. Without Stalin's troops doing all dirty jobs no Western soldier would ever have touched European ground.
Man, knowing about Stalin's disability, with his arm not being able to reach over his head, it's obvious that he's doing his best to conceal it, his dominant arm is clearly fine, but you can really tell how inflexible his disabled arm is; very stiff. When something is broken that badly in childhood, it just doesn't heal perfectly.
Don't worry about his arm but about his head !
man, knowing about stalin's ideas....idk if he needs sympathy
@@zap296 Ask Russian people about their sympathy for Stalin ! That is only their business.
I decided to grow my mustache like stalin
Same there mate
Stalin is still the greatest leader Russia/USSR had in the last 200 years, and possibly the greatest it had of all time.
The Communist Party of the Russian Federation remains the #2 party in Russia today. Historically the world has not given the old Communist Party sufficient credit for defeating the Nazis and saving the world from fascist genocide.
Stalin was just Ivan come back
Alexander I>>>
А Брежнев?
@@MB2.0it's like USA and UK is doing now
Отличное видео. Спасибо!
Отличнвй ролик,спасибо,давайте еще такие же ролики.👏👏👏🤝🤝🤝👍👍
да роликов со сталинской показухой полно
@@немецкий_подводник в каком смысле "со сталинской показухой"?
@@К.Михайлов да роликов со сталинскими парадами полно
у "сергея" переводчик дал сбой)))))))
Чистая сьемка
There goes a man who really thought he was greater than God Himself. And next to that man stands Stalin.
I dont know montegommery ( i dont know how to spell it) but did he really think like that?
@@Hiroakiarai88 yeah
@@Hiroakiarai88 and his people
@@Jwenzyy ☭
Yeah Montgomery really nailed this. Because of him the cold war will never happen.
The what?
1:00 Stalin: look to the camera. Not to me
love from India to Russia 🇮🇳🤝🇷🇺
Любовь из России в Индию❤️
With love from Russia 🇷🇺
Супер качественное видео. Спасибо.
stalin looked like a chill dude
Такой как в обычной жизни-настоящий.
Easy to be chill when you killed or gulaged all your opponents and have half the world at your mercy.
@@thunderbird1921 when you have a bunch of men who argue and are too afraid to take action, you need a man like Staling to get things done. And when you get things done, every single one of those maggots will criticize you. This is when you put them in gulag, where they turn big rocks into small rocks and actually do something useful for the country.
Stalin was a man who knew how to get things done and did no waste time with traitors. Stalin was a man the country needed.
@@snowsnow4231 True
made orders to shoot people who retreated and caused the Ukrainian famine, and forced all civilians to stay in Stalingrad, he was not chill, quite the opposite.
1:12 damn Stalin really hooked the homie up with the drip 🥶🥶🥶
You are a white man. Speak like one.
Сталин любил шутить. Нас.генш. Англии при рукопожиятии , активно и внимательно смотрит Сталина от ног до головы а Сталин улыбкой лице показывает генерала смотреть камеру.
Пон,ашему ты траншея)))))
Quite chilling seeing Stalin almost smile
@L yeah i know, but there is something about this particular footage for me that is off putting.
Everytime Stalin smiles somebody goes to the gulag
@@jonbarosa8692 Stalin wasn't a monster. Stop with that.
@@stealthy2375 What the hell...
@@carlosleva3417 and what?
Как достойно держится Сталин,спокойный и уверенный! МОЩЬ !!! Умный и проницательный взгляд!
Гитлер тоже прекрасно держался на публике.
Диктаторы,они все актеры
Сталин доволен что в 1947 от голода в его стране умерло 1,5 млн чел
@@немецкий_подводник ну да, тебе же виднее от чего он доволен.
@@немецкий_подводник ты сам считал?😂
@@немецкий_подводник откуда эта бредовая информация?
This camera quality is somehow better than court cam quality
Some of y'all still not over me, damn.
We need you daddy
Papa Stalin!!
Livin in their head rent free fr
Stalin rhymes with the word Sralin.
0:26 - young Ilon Mask(at the left)
Why did yt recommend me this after 75 years?
Most awkward thing ever. They both look so uncomfortable..
Even this looks better than the quality of those bank security cameras
Настоящий мужик который всей страной победили против нацистов
I love the comical presentation,the presenter had the gift of gap
Очень не хватает народам СССР товарища Сталина !
Есть ВВП.
А уж как этим самым "народам СССР" не хватает товарищей Берия, Маленкова, Молотова, Кагановича, а также многих других товарищей - просто беда.
Народам покойного СССР насрать на товарища Сталина.
Кому не хватает пусть едут за ним
Слава Иосифу Виссарионовичу, слава Сталину!
У всех одновременно это в рекомендации. Ютуб ты что-то странное и удивительное.
В день рождения его,скоро будет!
I like the 50s retro radio voice
Сталин - величайший государственный деятель, отец народов!
Наверное он твой отец,спроси у матери 😃
@@МикиМикиев-й5в , не несите чушь, Сталин действительно великий человек и отец Советского народа. А Вы - злюка, не знающий историю. Могу Вам посоветовать ознакомиться с трудами российских историков Жукова и Спицына. Может, тогда Вы не будете оскорблять память великого вождя нашей страны.
@@А.Нур Спицын это не историк, а агитатор, таких балоболов ценили в совке, не смешите "учёный"
@@kotofey70 , Спицын - автор пятитомника по истории России, книг ,, Осень патриарха", ,,Хрущёвская слякоть", ,,Брежневская партия". Евгений Юрьевич Спицын патриот и историк с большой буквы.
@@kotofey70 , плохо не уважать свою историю. Вы ведь не манкурт. Может, такие, как Вы, и ,,совки", но такие, как мы, считаем себя советскими людьми и гордимся тем, что родились и жили в этой прекрасной стране.
Stalin looks like a nice old grandpa!
A nice old grandpa that massacred millions of his own people...
@@vmurda415 Yeah, just like they said about Saddam and Gaddafi. Western media always blows smoke about leaders who opposes them.
@@YoubTijani Then why did both Khrushchev AND Gorbachev call him a murderer? They certainly weren't western capitalists.
Its easy to be hyperfocused on the sins of the west/east and to downplay the sins of your own camp. Stalin was a monster. But so have been every US president in my entire lifetime.
Until he roast you alive
Дедушка Сталин 👍👍👍❤
по взгляду видно, отец всех народов
У.пырь он, а не отец. И отцом, мужем был плохим.
@@АлексейРазумовский-ъ8ъ у.пырь володя пупкин, а Сталин Отец народов!
@@ВасилийРогов-е9б Оба у.пыри))))
@@АлексейРазумовский-ъ8ъ Это точно! Но джугашвили всё равно поупырестей. Навроде шикльгрубера.
Эх , сейчас бы его сюда, вы бы быстро успокоились
Mongomery: The world's most chilling place on earth was not the Arctic or Antarctica but..... The Kremlin!
i thought it was Chile
Пусть так и думает. Сталин - это вершина, которую никакие монтгомери никогда не достигнут.
The great teacher, Comrade Stalin, is immortal!
Wonder how Monty felt when he was standing in that room with Stalin
He felt honoured.
I don’t know he felt but he looked like a complete idiot wearing that hat.
@@stevenyourke7901 That's what you think, perception of looks is subjective.
@@stevenyourke7901 He may be fear for his own life because during Stalin regime millions peoples were killed or tortured. 😬😬😬
@@shahrulamar5358 Ah yes, because Stalin would have a BRITISH FIELD MARSHAL executed. That TOTALLY wouldn't end up causing a war in which USSR would be obliterated since they had no nuclear weapons yet. He was TOTALLY afraid of Stalin, maybe he'd be too rough on his new coat, very scary.
they chose specifically Montgomery to go meet Stalin because any other British high-ranking commander would have looked WAY TOO TALL next to Uncle Joe! :D
Stalin seems such a nice guy.
And read and hear the truth about him.
Everyone has done bad. Preach
@Ctg Возможно, по количеству населения их может быть больше (если это утверждение верно), но мы не морим их голодом и не работаем до тех пор, пока они не умрут от слабого здоровья или истощения (как в ГУЛАГе). Сталин был монстром, который жестоко создавал ложный образ себя как благодетеля, когда на самом деле уничтожал всех, кто ему не нравился или считался угрозой его собственной власти. Некоторых посадили в ГУЛАГ просто за критику правительства. Народ СССР был введен в заблуждение и обманут тираном и его союзниками.
@@thunderbird1921 ты лично присутствовал там,в этом гулаге или где то что то прочитал?Иди дальше продолжай смотреть голливудскую фантастику
@@thunderbird1921 As explained in J. Arch Getty’s 1993 paper on the gulags, the gulags had an average of 2M prisoners throughout the 30s, 40s and 50s, with less than 10% of gulag prisoners being political prisoners, around 20-40% of prisoners being released every year, and a death rate of only 2.5% (4% during WW2). Additionally, archival evidence in Edwin Bacon’s book “The Gulag at War” indicates that around 1/3 of the gulag prisoners were not even required to work. Now that we have access to all of this archival evidence, I highly doubt that the likes of Solzhenitsyn were telling the truth when writing books for a western anti-communist audience in the 70s. Furthermore, the assertion that Stalin built a cult of personality around himself is utterly devoid of evidence and originates from Khrushchev’s 1956 “Secret Speech”, which cites no sources, was politically motivated, and has been refuted to death ever since the opening of the archives. While a cult of personality did exist around Stalin, Stalin himself did not create it or even encourage it. In fact, multiple private letters and correspondences from Stalin show that he hated the cult and discouraged its propagation.
Выдающемуся полководцу, генераллисимусу Сталину- слава!!
Слава ироду
Stalin didn't need an interpreter! He spoke fluent English, a fact he hid from Churchill and FDR at the Tehran and Malta Conferences!
@Shawn Ezekiel , naive! This is, of course, a joke).
@@алексвидов-к9э Stalin speaks Russian with Georgian accent.
@@shahrulamar5358 , who would doubt that).
Mf was too insecure in Russian, let alone the Filthy West's language.
It was the grestest time of history of Russia. Stalin was really great leader, he was respected with presidents of all countries around the world. Russia had a lot of friends and almost all counties just wanted to join Soviet Union. Russia was florished. Russia was independed . Soviet Union was able to supply all economic , sientifical, progress and has been on first line amang the other countries. Today Russia can't dream even about such succsses. And all achvements was done by Stalin. He is the best leader ever None of other leaders of the world can compare with him.
Stalin seems very simpatic in this film.
Mikoyan, a member of the Polit Bureau, said that when you left after a meeting with Stalin, you never knew if you were going home or to prison....
Вернуть бы Сталина! Все боялись и уважали. Принял Россию с сохой, оставил с атомной бомбой...
Путин оставит без трусов..
@@사랑아빠의 нет, Сталин был куда страшнее! Путин просто таракан который давно просит тапка..
@Anton Smirnov свои подарит что ли?
Дело не в страхе и уважении. Дело в таком, какой класса у власти.
@@mrcriminal2727 Вроде уже 30 лет раша ,как без своих трусов,все китайские.
He seems to have charisma and charm
@John Titor Nope
Only Lenin was charismatic leader of USSR,rest are just leaders.
Lenin just a loser, Leonid Brezhnev brought USSR a golden age
@@jesusidiot7229 Brezhnev is the reason for economic stagnation.
who? stalin? yes he had some charisma, after all he was a dictator, no dictator worth their name isn't charismatic. but montgomery? he was an autistic idiot and his social skills on par with a broken vase.
Better camera quality than CCTV
Stalin, the original Kartvelian.
0:27 The grandfather of Ilon Mask was a Russian
Сталин вождь и организатор побед.
Сталин тоже строил дворцы, но не для себя, а для детей пионеров. У Сталина были дети, но жили они не в Лондоне, а сражались на войне за родину. Он мог купаться в роскоши, а оставил после себя фуражку, китель и ядерный щит.
Я сейчас прям разрыдаюсь от умиления! Иди, лучше уроки учи, двоечник убогий!
Muy bonito los camaradas que lucharon juntos en la 2 gerra mundial, Stalyn y Mariscal Mongomery
There is no ruller in human history, who did more for his nationals(and entire humanity actually) than Stalin did!
I'm proud being his compatriot!
Stalin killed people, but to all good deed there's an cost.. the greatest leader of history.
@@PHZanoni , Сталин никого не убивал! Что Вы, как попугай, повторяете одно и то же? От отсутствия образованности? Сначала изучите работы историков. Сталин - лучший руководитель страны, которого любил советский народ. Может, это не даёт Вам покоя, ведь у Вас такого руководителя не было и не будет. Слава Великому Сталину! Слава Советскому Союзу! Слава Советскому народу!
А Вы - злюка!
@@А.Нур It is very stupid to speak to people in a different language and expect them to understand something.
0:25 Elon Musk (Илон Маск) до того, как стал известен
Hahahaha yeah
Да это он
Какой великий человек был 👏👏👏
Gangster, mass murdering scumbag.
He was worse than Hitler
Мерзкий насильник он был
А как насчет геноцида на Украине? Или принудительные трудовые лагеря? Он был безжалостным и ужасным человеком, этого нельзя отрицать.
@@pman56789 Время было ужасное стоял вопрос быть нам или нет он же не для себя делал у него не было счетов в Швейцарии и золота своих сыновей на фронт послал один погиб. Кто лучше был может Горбачев который развалил все
The photos inside of the kremlin are genuinely fascinating
When Joseph Stalin look at you 👀
You actually shocked
One of the Greatest Statesmen - Joseph Stalin. The Greatest Georgian-Russian Man.
Comrade Stalin, greatest man of the 20th century. How amazing it must have been to meet with him in person.
The camera quality of this is better than those from the Banks,
0:24 офицер слева похож на Илона Маска)
1:09 着膨れてモコモコになってるの可愛い
That guy on the right looks familiar...
Maybe its just your imagination
@@useruserbruser yeah you're right
თქვენი აზრით სტალინი რა ერის იყო?
Он осетин
Слава Советскому Союзу!
مجد غابر
Победа будет за нами
@@flow_boxtv1906 Дебилыч, Советский Союз-противоположность РФ.
The camera quality back than better than cctv camera now.
Какие могучие державы были! Что стало с наследием нашим....
0:55 this is Stalin? he looks so much smaller that his paintings and photos??? is it a body double??
He was frail and weak
@@Atheneonyeah. According to Zhukov during the war he really slept, and would stay up all night stressing about his decision making, worried about the consequences.
A camera in 1947 outperforms my webcam
strange to see a left hand shake
Слава Вечная Слава Товарищу Сталину Вождю и Творцу Великой Страны 🔥 ✊ 🔥 ✊ 🔥 ✊ 🔥 ✊ 🔥 ✊ 🔥 ✊ 🔥
@@artemzm9780 это вы либеральное зомби, учи диалектику может поможет, пустоголовый!
@@АлександрВикулов-б6щ творец Великой страны, чтобы закупить технику для заводов, отбирал еду у крестьян и продавал, от чего те умирали с голоду. Отличное время
@@imionfamilin7057 бот про западный
@@imionfamilin7057 вы имеете в виду крестьян-капиталистов, которые копили продукты, убивали скот и сжигали урожай, чтобы его не распределили по колхозам. да они совершенно не заслуживали наказания Сталина
Great picture
Heart of the great motherland
1:01 Stalins like "look at the camera you fool" 😂
Я думал в конце Монтгомери спляшет калинку для товарища Сталина )
Напрасно думал!
Alternate title- How relations between the west and east should have been after 1945.
yes when paranoia kicked in and we had the cold war. Almost averted another world war with the Cuban missile crisis
Until America realised Russia matched its power so turned them into an enemy
0:25 is that Elon musk on the left
He is sooo cute 😘😘
Montgomery sitting next to Stalin looks like he wouldn't mind being somewhere else 😉 .
Stalin is the most influencial politician of that time!
0:57 Сталин закурил, Монтгомери сказал - оставьте мне дунуть, а Сталин сказал - в камеру смотреть. 1:12 Кто-то за кадром сказал, что тоже хочет закурить
Lol, why there are fewer comments?
The UA-cam algorithm hasn't blessed many people yet. We were the chosen ones lmao.
Stalinists are bots paid by Russian government to rewrite the history and create a good image of stalin. And now is night in Russia so they sleep)
Many of the original comments were sent off to the Gulag.
Тогда все понимали в мире и никто не спорил и не подменял понятия о том, кто внёс основной вклад и победу и принес многомиллионные жертвы на этот алтарь победы. Ехали в СССР на приемы, где были рады встретить гостей.
Ну если бы не усатый параноик, кто знает, пришлось бы столько народу положить и на войне и в лагерях или нет. И чёт мне кажется что нет. И не только мне.
@@PetarKozic-sl2cv Если бы не эти жертвы, тебя бы вообще не было. И ты бы не писал всякую ересь.
@@СергейК-д1х7ш История не терпит сослагательного наклонения, поэтому ни ты ни я не можем знать наверняка.
Вот что я могу знать наверняка так это то что без Сталина и его паранойи и шпиономании, двоих моих прадедов не расстреляли по выдуманной 58-й.
Без Сталина и его дилетантизма человека без образования в части ведения боевых действий, пять членов моей семьи не померли в блокадном Ленинграде.
Так что живу я и пишу здесь не благодаря, а вопреки, потому что усатый предатель идей марксизма-ленинизма сделал все чтобы этого не произошло.
@@PetarKozic-sl2cv Странные ваши суждения. Посмотрите и послушайте Е. Ю. Спицына и надеюсь у вас кардинально изменится мнение об этом Великом человеее
@@СергейК-д1х7ш Укажите где я ошибся и я признаю ошибку. Слушать очередную гебельсовщину от людей, которые параноика даже не застали я не намерен, да и сил душевных нет. Вы бы ещё к Гоблину и Климу аппелировали.
Сто лет прошло, а Троцкий все ещё прав.
Родной товарищ Сталин.Мы помним.Мы гордимся.
Ничто не забыто.
Да, все всегда гордятся своими диктаторами-параноиками, которые в ответе за миллионы мертвых соотечественников.
@@saulgoodmanKAZAKH Ты пока еще без петли на шее?
@@saulgoodmanKAZAKH приятного поедания антисоветской пропаганды
@@виталянегор Не прощаю тех, которые оппрессировали единственную интеллегенцию моей нации тех времен. Давайте все встанем и поблагодарим Советскую власть за Бомбёжку Семипалатинска, Ашаршылық, Кровавый Декабрь Желтоқсан, Сталинские расчистки всей интеллигенции и всё ещё существующий, ужасный менталитет!
@@saulgoodmanKAZAKH благодарю за очистку от жирующих буржуев и уравнение всех слоев населения, коммунизм опередил время, поэтому для строительства социализма пришлось действовать жёстко. Зато потом все жили хорошо.
Stalin, of course, met Field Marshal Montgomery as Comrade Marshal, on level military terms. And on that level Stalin granted him an immense compliment. But he did not meet him, nor could he, in his vastly more superior capacity, as absolute ruler of the USSR.
In 1947 Stalin’s political title was general secretary of the (Soviet Union) communist party.
@@jixuscrixus1967 Indeed, well noted. The designation Secretary being a Marxist, Leninist concept. The State not technically existing in those terms.
@@pearl1606 ,ленинизм не отрицает рабочее государство при социализме. Слова про "абсолютного правителя СССР" являются лживыми, Советская власть - власть демократическая.
Why’s there only 5 comments on this video?
I don't know
The rest were undesirable and got wiped from history in typical Stalin's fashion
Because you cound't comment before
only thing I like about that period is how leaders used to smoke openly without anyone caring
0:27 - the barriers of two nations are commig down . Over 75 years - the barriers are still coming down )
Stalin is such a great leader, he is like a funny old uncle
I hope you're joking lol
@@DutchGuyMike Stalin killed 270,728,273* people
@@NeistoviySampay Yeah, lol. The elites made Hitler seem like "the most evil man ever" (because Nationalism is a threat to Globalization/New World Order) whilst Mao and Stalin FAR outweighed him, and even how Stalin treated his veterans was appalling (especially those that lost their legs/arms), you should look up on it since they were treated so terribly to the point that many committed suicide to escape their horrible lives/fate.
he's like a bloody old uncle
If Stalin killed ALL the population of USSR, who won the war then?) Lol, Western cretins are SO funny) As not more then a million were killed or died in camps)
Мой Сталин! Мой СССР!!!! МОЯ СТРАНА! МОЯ РОДИНА!!!!!
See happiness on his face comrade yes sir 😄😳 0:43
Great piece of record.
ELON?!?!!👀 - 0:25
yes Elon Father hear 😂😂
This original vedeo....?
Вот это были личности, не лживые ворюги, как сейчас.
That what the world should be.... Respect to different ideologies and ways to develop any country,. and world's super powers working together to preserve world's peace and understanding,.
Нет и не может быть уважения к паразитам, живущим на шее у народа, прикрывающим свой паразитизм какими либо моральными фразами.
@@Durak_zashoreniy please, do not answer me in ciricilc alphabet, I can't understand tovarish 😁
Unfortunately, that is impossible on the long term.
Liberal Democracies and Communist Republics cannot, and will not coexist without conflict.
If not by direct conflict, proxy wars, civil wars, revolutions and counter-revolutions, coups and so on.
@Lord Dakyn well, the world is changing, it won't be bipolar (2 super powers leading their parts) or unipolar (the US ruling everyone). The new world will be multicéntric and Pluripolar (various poles of power around the world).
That's a fact, and is happening right now.
This new world is showing the real face of the previous unipolar world.
First, the comparison is not communism versus democracy. Is communism versus capitalism. Capitalism with its propaganda put us in this false dilemma you repeating. Pears with pears, apples, with apples. Economic and social system with Economic and social systems.
One thing is an economic and social system, and another is a FORM OF GOVERNMENT.
Democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, government of the parliament, communal states, that's the real comparison, forms of government.
Secondly, liberal democracy doesn't exists, and you see it now. How governments that called themselves liberal puts ILLEGAL sanctions (you cannot block another country, that violates international law) and make commercial wars against other contesters in a "free economy" and a "free marble"? That's NOT liberal. How you censor networks like RT or Sputnik from Russia, when there's a conflict there (a conflict, not an invasion, Ukraine is not Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya, where United States and NATO troops INVADED that countries, because that armies were there, or still be there now, even with military bases of the US and NATO, that is an invasion, non when you make a military action, but when you stay in this territory). How you dare to CENSOR the counter part of your media, when your citizens have THE RIGHT to have free access to all sources, and make themselves a FREE OPINION of what is happening in Ukraine, and most important, in the place you are CENSORING in your news for EIGHT YEARS, since US invasion to Ukraine, with the coup of 2014? And why you censor RT or Sputnik? Because you're lying about that country, by manipulating images of bombings that makes the Ukrainian regime against the new republics orf Donetsk and Lugansk, and even putting VIDEOGAMES as images of "Russian bombings". That is neither liberal, nor democracy. That is fascism and nazism in disguise (like voting AGAINST the glorification of nazism in the UN, as the United States AND UKRAINE did, why? Because they supports nazism, that is NOT an opinion since Nuremberg trial, but a crime, and that is what is happening inside Ukraine since the fake " revolution" of 2014.
Liberal democracy does not exist, and even less in the countries who dare to say they have it. Democracy is not voting, is when your vote really counts. As in my country, for example, where the US tried to impose us a president, and we defeated them without making a war. Cheers!
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