Wow. After seeing this movie a zillion times, and watching this clip even more, for the first time I noticed that you can actually hear that he's wearing tap shoes when he juggles the oranges and walks back to the car. Prior to that, his shoes sound like normal shoes. Soooooooo many funny things in this movie, and I still miss some of them!
@@mellowsign , why should he said “you can stop with subtitles“? Auf Deutsch, Du kannst mit den Untertiteln aufhören. That makes no sense at all. It’s hard to understand, but he says “sie können mit zum Idioten Test kommen“. The Test that follows after he get out of the car!
BNT, bs! He didn’t say “you can stop with subtitles“! Cause that makes, in German, no sense at all!!! Goggle subtitles, maybe then you understand that it makes no sense at all. And by the way, it’s an Austrian Cop.
I LOVE this movie. I always want to sing and tap dance for a sobriety test (and I don't drink but I'm a terrible driver so I figure it might happen someday 😅).
Man muss den ganzen Quatsch nicht machen, was die Bulette da einem vorgibt. Das einzige zu was man verpflichtet ist, dem zu folgen, wenn er dich mit aufs Revier, wegen na Probe, nimmt. - Fahrschule ftw!
When the police stops you in Europe to check your sobriety they don't make you perform circus tricks for their amusement like in the US. There is this simple machine called a breathalyzer, which saves their time and the customer's time and everyone wins.
+Xerdoz In the US we have this pesky thing called Probable Cause, they use the "circus tricks" to see if they have enough PC to take you into custody to take a legal, evidence ready intoxilyzer reading.
We have breathalyzers too. In fact, the breathalyzer was first invented in the US and so was the means to scientifically determine inebriation, so don't be a prick about it.
I was not expecting the subtitles gag. I almost spit out my drink.
I was about to go looking for an english version of this clip!
Alongside Airplane, this ranks as one of my favourite movies. It so wonderfully silly and fun
All the way.
And Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
@jeff afe What's your problem?
Top Secret is also mental.
Growing up, I thought Leslie and Steve were the same guy
Wow. After seeing this movie a zillion times, and watching this clip even more, for the first time I noticed that you can actually hear that he's wearing tap shoes when he juggles the oranges and walks back to the car. Prior to that, his shoes sound like normal shoes. Soooooooo many funny things in this movie, and I still miss some of them!
I miss Steve. Not many comedians like him left.
He’s not dead
Ummmmm. Steve is not dead. lol
@@jmmonroe9670 I meant I miss seeing him in movies! 😊
Too bad he's not in a current series. Say....something like "Only Murders In The Building". He'd be great in that.
I love him!
My favourite bit was the four year old diagnosing a subdural hematoma.
It was epidural. Ha!
God DAMN that makes me mad!
but I thought
you thought, you thought!
Really funny film. Haven't seen it since the 80s. One of the last truly funny Steve Martin films.
Wow.. I miss the Steve Martin from The Man with Two Brains, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, The Lonely Guy, The Jerk, All of Me...
RIP Carl Reiner.
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid is a treasure! Rachel Ward didn't make it too hard to watch
Just from watching this scene I now want to see this movie.
"get that cat out of here!" 😆 (While in surgery)
Good ole days .
My favorite scene of the movie! Total classic!
An underrated Steve Martin comedy.
I watched this as a kid, I can't wait to watch again.
god damn your drunk tests are hard LOL
that's my uncle who did the stunt scene who is now dying of liver failure =( and I wanted to see this again!
Sorry to hear about your uncle. He's very talented and made a great contribution to the film :)
I was surprised that Steve Martin could do the handstand before the camera cut
The cop started in German, but when he is supposed to say "you can stop with the subtitles now" he was talking gibberish
Aka German lol.... ZING!
I think it's supposed to be "Sie können mit den Untertiteln schluss machen" just with an extremely thick accent.
@@mellowsign , why should he said “you can stop with subtitles“?
Auf Deutsch, Du kannst mit den Untertiteln aufhören.
That makes no sense at all.
It’s hard to understand, but he says “sie können mit zum Idioten Test kommen“. The Test that follows after he get out of the car!
BNT, bs! He didn’t say “you can stop with subtitles“!
Cause that makes, in German, no sense at all!!!
Goggle subtitles, maybe then you understand that it makes no sense at all.
And by the way, it’s an Austrian Cop.
I LOVE this movie. I always want to sing and tap dance for a sobriety test (and I don't drink but I'm a terrible driver so I figure it might happen someday 😅).
The German's practically invented drinking and driving, so this makes sense.
"Damn your drunk tests are hard"
...and sing the Catalina Magdalena Lupenschtiener Vollenwiener song!
Turner after scoping out the gardener...."I can't WAIT til next Thursday!
"Look at those assholes"
"They're not assholes...they're azaleas"
Duke Of Oil!!!
People hear my voice and they just want to kill me!!
Dr Hfuhruhurr experienced Fahrvergnügen.
I still can't see azaleas without thinking of this movie.
Damn your drunk tests are hard! 😵
Classic Cinema
Back when comedy was funny.
So many silly bits, and Kathleen Turner at her hottest!
God Damn your drunk driving tests are hard!
Little did Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr know that he had Joan Wilder a famous Writer dead his car.
Joan Wilder? The Joan Wilder!?
Classic 🤣👍
"God damn your drunk tests are hard!"
On your hands 🙌 😂
Ma Ma.
So,'s the "Catalina Magdalena Magnifying glass stones wants legs" song. Nice.
hope kirsty likes this x
Why does the car go from black to white, or is it just bad continuity?
+Dave king
It's there to check if the viewers are drunk.
Dave king its red
Best scene in the movie! Warwick A. Sims was hot!
ok, nachdem was ich gesehen hab, is mein kommi leicht falsch zu intepretiern :D
hahaha such a odd scene
is the cop peter weller?
No, it's Warwick A. Sims who played Basil Durban on General Hospital among other roles. He was delicious!
He is always #killing the #women in his #movies
Dominic Cummings goes for a night drive 2:07
I drunk. drink
Yeah I loved. It.
Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner Wallendiner
Hogan Logan Bogan was her name
Pound sand
Police guy was drunk
I dont #trust people that #DontDrink.... those #SoberDrivers #Kidnapping....
Man muss den ganzen Quatsch nicht machen, was die Bulette da einem vorgibt. Das einzige zu was man verpflichtet ist, dem zu folgen, wenn er dich mit aufs Revier, wegen na Probe, nimmt.
- Fahrschule ftw!
Republicans propose new measures to be allowed to vote.
lol that seems to be a trigger word around these parts of the internet. i wonder where else i can say 1 word and piss people off.
@LoveTheThyme No, of course not.
haha wie geil.. GAMETUBE !!!
Recycled comedy skits in a film Rough Night.
gametube bewerben aber MichiStinkt heißen? xDDD
When the police stops you in Europe to check your sobriety they don't make you perform circus tricks for their amusement like in the US. There is this simple machine called a breathalyzer, which saves their time and the customer's time and everyone wins.
+Xerdoz In the US we have this pesky thing called Probable Cause, they use the "circus tricks" to see if they have enough PC to take you into custody to take a legal, evidence ready intoxilyzer reading.
broomsterm Watch a few Sovereign Citizen videos if you want to know.
Are you detaining me?
We have breathalyzers too. In fact, the breathalyzer was first invented in the US and so was the means to scientifically determine inebriation, so don't be a prick about it.
Nee GameTube!
I'll fail these tests.😂
Nee GameTube!