Narcissism: CHECK Victim mindset: CHECK Entitled: CHECK Gender denier: CHECK God complex: CHECK Rude: CHECK Petulant: CHECK I’m not even scratching the surface here. This man’s patience and love for a lost soul was truly humbling. We can all learn from this man.
I agree, I like his fair debate tactic. I wish the video shown the debate with the debate clubs atheist at the college more than listening to this crazy liberal use dishonest intellectual arguments to try and "gotcha" this man.
"I'm sick of walking around MY campus and seeing you spread your religion", as she goes and walks around everyone else's campus and spreads her beliefs.
@@clarkkent3730yes like the Palestinians protesting Israel occupation of Palestine land while protesting on occupied native land in America. If you Palestinians donate your house to the native land to what they used to occupy I will donate my land to the natives we stole from .We are all on occupied land .Soon in Canada we will become occupied by Chinese Indians witch is not so bad each society like religion bring some good traits some bring some bat shit crazy things My thinking is look at your beliefs open them up put yourself in other beliefs and you will open yourself up to great discussion
She's a perfect example of a "sophomore", a "wise fool". She's taken a few classes in comparative religion and sociology and now thinks she has it all figured out.
She doesn’t have the intellect to debate anyone. Debate requires listening and responding, not interrupting. She is a perfect example of what is wrong with our society.
Perfectly said. Unfortunately, these kids are no longer taught to think critically. They have no idea there is a difference between making an argument, or just being argumentative.
@@StatsHurtStupidPeople I guess it shares that in common with gender studies. Also, you are correct, only INTELLECTUAL children don't see that. Because they see whether there is evidence or not, it can still be discussed maturely.
That is the irony of "god" with little G. There is but One (Way, Truth and Life in Jesus, to come to) God. What a tremendous amount of patience and grace on Cliff his side. I think he did a great job being respectfull, loving and above all truthfull. It really makes you apreciate what the apostles went through on a daily. I pray this young lady was touched by Christ through this encounter and that God breaks the lies that chain her. By His spirit that she is pulled towards redemption and open the door for Jesus in Jesus name.
every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord, my friend. Jesus loves you so much He was willing to suffer, bleed and die on a cross for you. There is no greater love then to give your life for someone.. anyone.. I used to hate God and follow these other so called gods. The Lord was patient with me and He saved me from the deepest depths even though i blasphemed and rejected Him. I searched for truth with all my heart.. i tried many of the "gods" you refer to. Jesus is the only one who was willing to give His life so that we may be saved. Be His grace alone. It is out of this world and there is no other. May God bless you abundently! Peace be with you
What really strikes me is her total acceptance of any other religion or belief system (including her references to the Satanic) with the exception of just one. Talk to her about Jesus and she gets angry. That fact should be very comforting to Christians.
@@squarecircle2347 It only proves what the Holy Bible says even more. Although we have fulfilled prophecies, biblical archeological discoveries and supernatural testimonies people have present day from different walks of life with Jesus Christ.
@@StatsHurtStupidPeople *Kind of funny since religion is a made up idea of the world and afterlife.* Erroneous on all counts. Your own religion keeps you blind to the very things you deny exist. It's not that they are made up, it's that you are not able to see them. Your religion: materialism. Just as you were completely oblivious to the reality, beauty and power of sexuality, prior to your own puberty, so too now, prior to being "born again" - or born of the Spirit of God, you are completely oblivious to spiritual reality, and the beauty and power contained therein. Until something is switched on inside of you, a reality may exist right in front of you, all around you, but you will be completely unaware of it. Just as a child, you did not think about sex, and yet all around you men and women were coming together, and babies were being born from all that activity, yet you did not care or comprehend, so too right now, all around you is the Spirit of God (God envelops the whole universe), but you are unaware of Him, because your own pride keeps you disconnected, empowering the false knowledge within you and preventing you from earnestly seeking, in order that you may discover and find Him to be real and good. *The religious mental gymnastics you have to pull to not be like her is hilarious.* Erroneous. All humans have narratives and biases. Therefore, even your own understanding is subject to the same ideological mental gymnastics. Therefore the question has always been: what is truth? Hence the pursuit of truth. Hence why what Jesus Christ said is so profound: that truth is not just a set of facts about Creation (the universe) - only - but that Creation itself is founded upon the Creator, a transcendent, eternal and infinite being who is Himself truth, and so, is the eternal constant, upon which all created constants - the laws of Creation are able to stand and be sustained by. Truth is therefore not relative, but objective, constant, unchanging, eternal, always dependable and true for everyone. It binds everyone, it sustains everyone, it is the foundation of life.
This is literally a liberal female version of Trump the obnoxious buzzwords the hand gestures like they’re both trying to communicate on adderal, it’s perfect
@@noneyabidness9644 His belief or even his ability to express it isn't based on having to be a genius & I think he did a great job of recognising she was actually quite intelligent but patiently pointing out that she was being quite blinkered and fed many wrong assumptions and prejudices. - She might turn into a great advocate for Chrst one day. Stranger things...
@@josephodoherty7864 you ascribe intelligence to regurgitated talking points? To each their own. And yes, stranger things have happened. You're speaking to a former militant atheist.
@@josephodoherty7864 What part was she "Intelligent about" I missed that part. Slavery was not invented by White People. It was around since the first humans walked this planet. Try reading Thomas Sowell, The History of Slavery. And America fought a civil war to stop it. Her Sun God assertion. She had no clue Ra the Sun God of Egypt enslaved the Jews. Pharaoh paid a high price for refusing to let them go. That or it was Akhenaton. Whom dissolved the old traditions of Ra and replaced it with the one true God ie Atenism. Where his kingdom was overthrown by the religious leaders. Then they tried to wipe out all traces of his existence. My favorite. She believes in all the Gods. Even her elevation to god status. But not the one of the Hebrews. Given we have more historical records for Jesus Christ existence. Then Alexander the Great. But hey. He is a great Story. She is one reason this generation is the most ignorant ever produced. But nature will teach her. As it has rules. You break them. It's brutal. Relentless and unforgiving.
Yep she is a she or whatever she wants to be called. And she said I want to make the world a better place... Not when you think you are god and only care with you think. Also she said I dont believe in god but believe all the other "gods" She was hard to hear all her contradiction.
She wasn't talking to anyone. She was talking AT everyone in that circle, including the ones whom were nominally "on her side". She missed the entire point.
I agree, college is a cesspool of degenerate self-loathing narcissism, but she was deep into it long before college, the Marxist-based ideology begins at the elementary level (young brains are like sponges, eager to please and agree to just about anything) and then it seeps-in deep through highschool, college is where it is radicalized and the Globalist Mafia's army is built.
If I could afford it, and said college is teaching *REAL SCIENCE* in lieu of pseudo Biblical _"science,"_ I would send my kids there in a heartbeat. You would have to bound me in chains attached to a one-ton 4X4 and literally drag me into a Christian college.
She should’ve been put in a chokehold-it’s intolerable to have real discourse (that’s expensive as f) interrupted like that on the whim of a narcissist mouth breather
He got reaaaaaal defensive when she brought up the point about homosexuality and he made a disgusting analogy comparing them to dogs you think that’s normal?
@@jaspersheridan1710 He did sound more defensive when she attributed to him things he clearly didn't say, yes. That did offend him but so what? If he was afraid of being offended he probably wouldn't have accepted the students invitation to speak and debate there. You may be happy to know that in the hypothetical with his dog, he was not comparing homosexuals to dogs. He was equating what in Christianity would be "his" disordered desires. Along with the other examples of all men and women's sexual desires that lead people away from the purpose of God's gift of sexuality to humanity.
Man, she is such an angry girl. She’s obviously coming under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. She constantly changes her position when he challenges her. She’s just against God because He is obviously convicting her. I’m gonna pray for her, that she finds Jesus. 🙏😊👍🏻
@@squarecircle2347 I can possibly know because the bible clearly states “And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:” John 16:8 I also came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit before I was saved just like everyone else did. Just like I know He’s bugging you right now about your sin. Otherwise why did you reply to this comment?? Did if make you uncomfortable that God would communicate with us about our sin?? But that’s exactly what He does. Now you have a nice day in the knowledge that God is there with you, speaking to you. What a blessed life you live. 😁👍🏻
@@steveindorset no I don't just assume that God is involved everytime something happens. But I guess I can see why you would think so if you're already a believer.
Man, she just kept misrepresenting and attacking him. So utterly ridiculous. Colleges and schools have failed people. Disagreeing with someone's actions doesn't mean you have to hate them. I swear, so many people lack critical thinking.
I would argue that there is a glimmer of hope, look at all the other observers. You can see their reactions when she makes her statements. And the nice lady gave her view when asked, was not rude or making her point rooted in pathos, but instead logos. Even if half of them disagreed the older man, they were civil enough to know this is supposed to be discussion, and not a toxic argument. She, unfortunately, lacks self awareness
You blame the colleges. Where is her upbringing in this. A five year old child knows its rude to interrupt a conversation. Is the college responsible for that. She's disruptive.
It's essentially white supremacy. She values herself as being worthy, whereas the black woman is "oppressed," so she has to be "saved" by the white savior. To her, the black woman is not capable of helping herself and needs someone else to do it for her. This why she thinks she knows the black woman more than she knows herself. She speaks in a condescending manner and talks down to her because she thinks that woman is uneducated about her own life.
@@jtm7clan277How exactly has Christianity helped them? Give me 5 points. China, on the other hand, has much less Christianity and is doing much better.
@@jtm7clan277 Exactly. And even so with West Africans...they were Catholic for awhile and much of African Spirituality incorporates elements from Catholicism as well.
@@Taterstiltskin maybe but I say last 20 cause Atheism became big in last 20 years and there used to be civilized discussions between science based atheists and religious people, then the feminists came and made everything go crazy with their anti-science take on atheism/agnosticism and reality. You can see the two guys are having a good convo with civility and intelligence, then she comes in with emotions and screaming and nothing of substance. Atheists and Christians could have civil debates, and they still can, but you can see how badly she makes the atheist's side look, which is not good for anyone. Now you have some fundamentalist Christians go "see, this is the price of atheism, censorship, radical feminism, and crazy people kidnapping Riley Gaines". I say that this is the price of radical anti-science ideology. Atheists are capable of being peaceful and civil, it was these virtue signaling college people with blue hair and obsession with identity politics that led to all this insanity. Basically, an atheist and a Christian walk into a bar and have a nice conversation. Then Anita Sarkeesian comes in and constantly uses guilt, manipulation, emotions, and gaslighting to shame everyone around here into submission. That's the last 20 years of American history.
@@GodSoLoved.Yeshua why would single cells be complex mean evolution is not real? Single cells are complex, and they evolved to build even more complex organisms, multi-cellular.
As if jesus is a God of the white people. It came from Middle Eastern people that brought it to Europe. She lives in an alternate universe. Something not quite right with her.
@@chberry1343she was attempting to make the black girl victimize herself. The black woman within herself didn’t view herself as a victim of her ancestors oppression. She viewed herself as free believe of Jesus Christ. As do I. Even though I’m a 2nd gen American, and know my immediate family believe in Christ. I’ve been told by liberal pagans that I should study the “orisha’s”, or whatever you want to call it. To get in touch with my ancestors… it’s all demonic, and I refuse.
@@WilliamHearnTOEFL_Tutor I don't see what any of that has to do with this situation. You say she's the devil? Could be flipped by saying he is by trying to suppress gay rights. You're right, God always wins.
Honestly, it's a very dismal reality that she has constructed for herself. Thinking about her behavior she obviously feels misunderstood and misrepresented to the point that she has to force her beliefs onto the society around her. I am not sure if it's an act of living without any consequences although that is one of many problems but more along the lines of feeling that her own existence is pointless. She finds it difficult to comprehend that someone can find meaning to a life that in of itself is suffering. She isn't angry at the man she speaks to with such defiance but he himself is a representation of what is trying to find, and I think she is trying to rationalize with that idea hence which she engaged in conversation. A purpose and life that is worth meaning and something to live for without the context of religion is very much abstract to us human. I don't blame people who want to argue against religion which became a tool to gain status. I can understand such frustration and I empathize with that idea but at the same time if we look into the history of humankind with only eyes of condemnation like this young woman is doing and without the ability to learn from the mistakes of those preceded us then we are no better for it and in retrospect we are no better than the ideology of our past as for we have learned nothing. French writer Léon Bloy said, " Whoever does not worship God, worships the devil." such a simple quote yet so profound. Without God we ourselves will create our own idols to find a meaning to life that is suffering and if history as taught us anything is that humankind can bring out the worst in each other for if we can manifest goodness, we also obtain the ability to manifest that which is malevolent. I think her last statement is very appalling, " For my ability to create and change the world for a better place." and I would ask her what makes her think that she holds the idea of truth for many came before her with the same ideology and failed and we have come full circle of learning nothing.
Insanity is embarrassing, God, help us. People like her love to pull words out like racism, homophobic, sexist, and all the victim cards there is to justify their vile acts and start something that isn’t there smh.
With enough population just like her, how do we possibly have a debate? How do we possibly converse real ideas? All they want is for you to get so upset that you lose. They want you to get angry, which would be very difficult to resist, during this gnat of a being.
@Bodhi510 Her whole belief system, or understanding, is built on sand. It does not hold up. Cliffe keeps asking about her value. If there is no higher being, then value has no worth, therefore neither does she. I believe he's trying to say according to her subjective beliefs, that if God does not exist, then slavery is okay. Sexism is Okay. Sex with a dog is okay, and so on and so forth. Even the attempted annihilation of a whole culture such as the Jews is okay. Nothing is objective basically. He mentions being intellectually honest. If you are going to bring up a truth claim, the burden of proof is yours to bare, and she never even tried to give that. She just kept accusing and dogging.
She’s intellectually dishonest, manipulative, and ignorant, but she doesn’t care and the only reason she’s standing there is her injured pride. This person’s habits are the kind to discover in people and avoid having a relationship with them
Well, at least she wasn't aggresive and wasn't trying to forcefully shutdown the event. These kind of interactions tend to go into more extreme directions.
Look how she started her debate. She interrupted everyone else by dancing in front of the camera. "I'm tired of you proselytizing on MY campus." Her campus? And why is it OK for HER to proselytize?
She embarrassed herself completely. Don’t ever spend you hard earned money sending your kid to that college or any like it. Her parents wasted their money. Thank God we have people like that man on campus having these conversations.
She makes the common mistake of listening with her mouth instead of her ears. She is afraid to admit defeat and suffer the humiliation of being wrong. Oh lord what will I do now that I know I'm not perfect?
She doesn't have the brain development to perceive embarrassment. Just like how babies have no fear of the nude. It's easy to feel right, it's hard to actually be. If she thinks the world is overpopulated, I have a wonderful suggestion for her. Then at least she would've done something useful for the first time.
@@ShowMeSomething1 facts about what? One person remained logically consistent while the other did not. To the non-religious both may not have made sense on the grounds of their faith, but logical consistency still applies.
The issue is not communicating with others is a perfectly good second option...this society needs to stop being okay with demonizing people she literally is just following what the same people who call her out are doing.
She doesn't realize they're politely laughing at her. I get the point she was trying to make but she failed at conveying it by being rude and butting into a conversation that literally had nothing to do with her.
Cognitive dissonance is holding her back from submitting herself to the discussion. She could be neurodivergent(the stubborness), or not, but definitely not crazy.
As soon she comes to a road block on something she can’t argue and win against, she immediately changes the subject. Go figure. On top of interrupting everyone and inserting her own opinions over everyone else’s
If you've ever attempted to debate with a leftist "academic" like this in good faith you'll see this tactic a lot. The accompanying smugness may as well be a uniform at this point too. As this one said, they never actually want open debate of ideas. They just want those who disagree to shut up and go away like she screeched at this guy in the beginning. Oddly I hear some of them repeat the sentiment that they are the ones on the side of free speech and Republicans are censorious. Their media equates banning "gender queer" for second graders is the same as a fascist book burning and encourages them to disrupt and shut down debate like this girl so their fragile worldview is never shaken.
His got patience but he also unloads wisdom on them when the students try to get smart. His name is Cliffe Knechtle and his UA-cam channel is called “askcliffe”.
I've met many like her.. but it never ceases to amaze me that people like her can exist in 2023.. never before in history could someone think like this female and make it to adulthood
She’ll watch this in 20 years and understand why she’s alone , friendless except for her 7 cats and realize being an arrogant narcissist was a bad choice. She can avoid that horror if she’s able to get away from that school and meet people who aren’t indoctrinated.
You'll wake up in 20 years with many daily interactions, but you'll never quite know which ones are sincere. She may miss out on some interactions, but you'll miss out on knowing yourself, constantly being swept by the whims of the populace; unknowingly swept about, violently waking in the middle of the night as your mid life crisis comes roaring at you 100mph. Good luck with that
Yea, she had to stand there and be lectured by a girl from her classes who is her own age who doesn’t have a clue about what she’s talking about. The Bible was present in Ethiopia for hundreds of centuries before disciples and followers of Christ were given the name Christians in Antioch, she thinks he’s just a story, some allegory and non-theist non-Christian scholars and Christian theistic scholars hold to the same forty pieces of evidence that support Jesus Christs not being just a story piece.
I genuinely feel so embarrassed for her, but I also feel she would be probably be super offended by that. I can’t imagine growing up in a world where everything gets recorded, now she will be stuck known for those view points no matter how well she is able to mature, unlearn and relearn
The sad thing is that is exactly why the world is in the state that it currently is in. Far too many self-indulgent, God-complex, hedonistic, satanic, narcissists have worked their way into positions of authority and power and influence and this is the world that they have produced. Everything is upside-down, inside-out, and ass-backwards and everybody knows it's wrong but nobody is saying anything.
When I was in undergrad, I ran the university's pagan student organization which was the second largest student organization on the campus just behind the Christian student organization. Crazy thing is, my girlfriend was the vice president of the Christian student organization. Both of our organizations collaborated together to do good work for the campus, including putting on Earth Day festivals and art competitions. This girl is young, but hopefully in the next decade or so she will learn that you can have fundamental disagreements with somebody and still have great conversations and work together.
Hear hear. I may disagree with you but I'll defend to the death your right to do so - supposedly Voltaire but most likely the French Revolutionary leader Maron.
I was an atheist the majority of my adult life. One day my teenage son asked me if I really didn’t believe in God? I told him the same thing that young woman said….that I was the god of my own self. He said, “Mom that’s the basis of satanism.” That scared me to no end & started my journey to seeking The Truth (Jesus Christ). Hope this helps someone.
I used to actually practice “satanism” I’ve been through all the major religions. I grew up Catholic and it left a terrible taste for me. I saw the hypocrisy of the church, evil people using religion and it turned me off and I explored all other religions I could discover. I definitely claimed to be an atheist but now I’m just an agnostic. I know there is a higher power. I know there is real evil and good. I believe all religions have truth in them, all have lies, all can be used for good and for evil, All stem from a singular point. The point of creation anyways. I now say I’m not religious at all but respect and am interested in and believe in all religions. I can find the same stuff in the Bible as I can in Mormonism and Islam and Taoism and everything else. Now I know I just don’t know, it really doesn’t matter and I worship balance. I worship the Union between divine masculinity and divine femininity. I’m all for god and Jesus but I refuse to claim any name or symbol or story is THE right story. They are all right to me and all wrong and in reality, I walk a religious path. I follow the teachings but claim to not be following a particular set of teachings.
Thinking that you are a God is the very foundation of Satanism: . Genesis 3:4-5 At this the serpent said to the woman: “YOU positively will not die. 5 For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened ** AND YOU ARE TO BE LIKE GOD ** knowing good and bad.” . YOU WILL NOT DIE
@@christopherkucia1071 I understand what you're saying mate, and I appreciate you for taking the time to write, but I have to tell you what Jesus Himself said: *"I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through Me."* - John 14:6 Do you understand? Not by the Buddha, or Muhammad, but *only Jesus.* There's nothing wrong with just taking on the odd bit of wisdom from other teachings, but a proper religious path that will take you to God''s gate, Jesus is the only true path according to Himself. Listen to Him or take Him as a liar, its up to you.
Just a small correction here. He doesnt want to spread his religion or any religion for that matter. As he said in the video christianity as a religion is corrupt and in many ways manipulative which is why there are so many christian religions. What he is driving at, is spreading news of Christ and the gospel so that people can come to know Jesus for who he is. Its not religion but relationship.
@@olivierforget1927 maybe they follow one of the thousands of other gods...or maybe they don't believe a god exists. Maybe they are hindu, maybe they are shinto. Maybe they just don't care whether or not a god made all of us or not. I get your job as a christian is to create more BELIEVErs but no all have to believe what you believe. It's belief, not fact so we would appreciate you not acting like it is a fact we are turning away from.
Yes, but the truth scripture and interpretation exist. KJV is the one. Christianity is not corrupted and manipulative. People are. They change the word of God and interpretation as Pharisees does. See Walter Veith seven churches.@@IntoTheNothing1
yes just look at her dancing around like a crazy demon with the devilhorns and spewing lies like Satan. Telling people she is God! (Satan wants to be god doesn't he!?) And this is the mentality of ALOT of young people today. Talk about spiritual warfare..
with all the anger she vented, I was really not surprised for the claim that she isn't a woman. Also, when she was steering the discussion over to sexuality and marriage. 🤔
Liberal girl: you think that people that dont agree with you are wrong, and thats annoying. Also liberal girl: I want you to leave and go somewhere else because you dont believe what i believe. hmmm, yeah, sounds like a logical argument without any hipocrisy ALSO liberal girl, after asking people to leave because she disagrees with them: Im CrEaTiNg My ReAlItY RiGhT hErE.
It's funny too, she is doing exactly what she said she hates. "You think people are wrong cause they don't agree with you" and yet she does this very thing. A hypocrite at its finest.
Something ive noticed is that when someone stands on the side of lies they will try to talk over you. They will raise their voice and shout you down. They will become antagonistic, they will mock, they will play the victim. Whereas someone who stands for the truth is calm, they will listen, they wont try to talk over anyone because they have no fear. Lies are hysterical, the truth is calm.
Everyone is commending this man on his patience, and though there are very patient people out there, this man's patience doesn't seem like the patience of his own ability. It's Godly patience, something the Holy Spirit has bestowed on him and if you're a Christian, you can have that kind of patience as well.
Easy to see who the brainwashed person is🤦♀️ I’ve never seen a person put so many words in another persons mouth. He was super compassionate and truthful in his answers I think we could all learn a lot from his example of not backing down when people start to name call.
That is amazing. Not only was she incorrect in her "facts", but even if her facts were granted for sake of debate she would still be spouting non sequitur arguments. In effect she is not just wrong she is at least "double wrong" so to speak. 😂😂😂
@@paulmusyk4lyfe51 it is a logical fallacy when the conclusion does not logically follow the premise. For example: I have a red car therefore I drive fast. There is no reason for the color of my car to dictate the speed that I drive.
@@aklo5506 She may have actually been accurate but it may have been the way in which she was talking about freedom of speech which everyone was allowing but claiming that the minister was stopping the students’ right of speech. It’s the arguments she made were wrong but her facts were spot on. I could be accurate on my every fact but wrong in how I apply them to an argument if it’s not directly related. Unfortunately when you add ANY religion or politics to the mix you have problems and unfortunately this country is SO politically divided that this girl leans way to the left and it shows that she can’t think outside the box the same way a conservative person can’t!
Wow theres no way i would have been able to stand there and talk to someone like that your blessed brother it gives me hope that 1 day ill have that amount of patience
that girl is awful. she will not listen to the Pastor's answer and will just talk over him. she will also change her stance multiple times or try to put words in his mouth. She is those people that have never been told no before in her life she she is always right,. I pity the people who have to work with her
I love the fact that one wanted to debate/ have a discussion in search of the truth, and the other just wanted to argue for the sake of arguing. She really is neck deep being conditioned by the system. At least she softened up later on and actually had a discussion instead of just screaming and throw a tantrum.
I wish we wouldn't call this woman crazy in the title. That falls short of Paul's admonishment to remember that "we were one of these". Every one of us watching who believes was once in her position. We can't forget that.
I was never in a position where I yelled at Christians or told them to leave and that I’m God. Not once Be forgiving, so I get what you’re saying. But I also think Christian’s need to find their backbone. Recent study showed Christians are the number one sought after for persecution. Just as Jesus said we would be. If we allow ppl to tell us “Isn’t your God all forgiving!?” Meaning leave them alone, and allow them to sin, we wouldn’t be doing what we are all called to do at any given time.
@irritatingtruth9121, oh, I agree. I think you misunderstand me. We, as Christians must have a backbone, yes. We must stand for the truth unapologetically. However, does doing so require that we insult people? Just because you or I didn't behave the way she does before we became believers does not make us better than her. Now, I'm not saying that you think you're better than her. What I am saying is that behaving this way, using insults to speak of non-believers, implies superiority by the one wielding the insults, either intentionally or unintentionally. The point of remembering that we "were once some of these" is that we should recognize that we have been humbled in Christ, just as much as we have been reborn. Those who do not believe are in the same position we once were. Standing for the Truth does not require us to tear them down. Indeed, doing so hinders our witness for Christ.
Boy, a liberal education sure has changed from when I had mine in the 80s. You would actually sit and have discussions and disagreements. I don’t think she’s really a follower of the Buddhist philosophy, because it’s about discussion, thinking and processing thoughts.
7:27 She is basically telling that African American student “you should feel like a victim, you should be mad, your life is stolen, your life is terrible”. She is upset that she isn’t thinking in that way
Also the “WHITE MEN LIKE YOU”. Bro. How can you be soooo terrible. That is pure racism. Pointing at someone because of their color, and grouping them in with evil men of the past, which btw come from every race and religion, not just white
If she's manifesting her reality, she's then manifesting an argument with someone with views she hates... Even if she says she's sick of hearing these views, she's the one making people who have them
Yeah, she could have manifested going to subway and enjoying a sandwich- or literally anything else- but instead she manifested and a hostile argument with a patient man lol. Interesting choice 😂
Her position is so entirely incoherent, that I don't think she can possibly comprehend depth of her hypocrisy. Saying that she embraces every form of God and mysticism. But then hates when people preach, Jesus. Saying that she has no problem with Jesus. But then she says take that Jesus stuff somewhere else. So she wants to spread love, but then has utter hatred towards this man and everything he's trying to preach. Says she believes in freedom telling this man he's not free to talk and then she's going to just continue to interrupt him. She wants her worldview and she doesn't want to challenged. By the way, I don't think it's her that is really doing the speaking. Mercy on her.
It seems like she came into the discussion, thinking she was right, and that her opinion was better than everyone else's. Then Cliffe's comments started her rethinking her position. Whether, she ever gets to the point of real Truth, only God knows, but, she is getting questions answered, even questions that she didn't know that she had. She did a good job of letting her point of view come forth. The Bible says from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and we got to know what was in her heart. And just like everyone else, apart from Jesus, our heart is deceitful, and desperately wicked. But, with Jesus, and the great exchange, we become the righteousness of God. We give Him our sin, and He gives us His Righteousness. What a deal!
I must admit I am a TERRIBLE Christian. I can’t be harassed like that and it not become physical. SLAP! Ohhh... did you see the “taste” fly out her mouth?! And the way the hostility in her eyes suddenly changed to a dazed expression of...WTF...just happened????
Narcissism: CHECK
Victim mindset: CHECK
Entitled: CHECK
Gender denier: CHECK
God complex: CHECK
Petulant: CHECK
I’m not even scratching the surface here. This man’s patience and love for a lost soul was truly humbling. We can all learn from this man.
I just know she uses her Pronouns in her email signature 😅
Indoctrinated: CHECK
I agree. I can learn to be better from this guy. My anger can't take control sometimes and I always feel bad if I let even a little bit of it show.
100% correct. This woman is a narcissist. Zero empathy. All other things stem from that behavior.
I agree, I like his fair debate tactic. I wish the video shown the debate with the debate clubs atheist at the college more than listening to this crazy liberal use dishonest intellectual arguments to try and "gotcha" this man.
"I'm sick of walking around MY campus and seeing you spread your religion", as she goes and walks around everyone else's campus and spreads her beliefs.
Projection: most of the time people falsely accuse others of doing the very same thing they're doing themselves
Since when the campus is hers. She's a university student who sounds very juvenile.
That poor child. She actually accepts all stories as true and false at the same time.
She could solve her problem easily... walk away and go do something productive.
@@clarkkent3730yes like the Palestinians protesting Israel occupation of Palestine land while protesting on occupied native land in America.
If you Palestinians donate your house to the native land to what they used to occupy I will donate my land to the natives we stole from .We are all on occupied land .Soon in Canada we will become occupied by Chinese Indians witch is not so bad each society like religion bring some good traits some bring some bat shit crazy things
My thinking is look at your beliefs open them up put yourself in other beliefs and you will open yourself up to great discussion
She's a perfect example of a "sophomore", a "wise fool". She's taken a few classes in comparative religion and sociology and now thinks she has it all figured out.
I took LSD once and it made things very clear, I know much less than I don't. I'm sure I'll die that way
She has the right to burn in hell if she wants to
Honestly have to agree with this :/ I was that person for a period of my life. She will have her ego death soon
Except she ain't wise
How much you wanna bet she dropped out after Sophomore?😂
She doesn’t have the intellect to debate anyone. Debate requires listening and responding, not interrupting. She is a perfect example of what is wrong with our society.
The original video of this was posted in 2009. Hopefully she's learned a thing or two since then.
@@Elsupermayan8870 hopefully. Though narcissism can be pretty difficult to overcome.
Perfectly said. Unfortunately, these kids are no longer taught to think critically. They have no idea there is a difference between making an argument, or just being argumentative.
@@StatsHurtStupidPeople I guess it shares that in common with gender studies. Also, you are correct, only INTELLECTUAL children don't see that. Because they see whether there is evidence or not, it can still be discussed maturely.
If this woman is god how can she not win an argument?
Let's clarify that statement. She is a "God" unto herself, thus not without fault given her imperfect nature.
We need a miracle.
That is the irony of "god" with little G. There is but One (Way, Truth and Life in Jesus, to come to) God.
What a tremendous amount of patience and grace on Cliff his side. I think he did a great job being respectfull, loving and above all truthfull. It really makes you apreciate what the apostles went through on a daily.
I pray this young lady was touched by Christ through this encounter and that God breaks the lies that chain her. By His spirit that she is pulled towards redemption and open the door for Jesus in Jesus name.
@@BoluzB2your god is one of thousands without any more merit than any other god concept
every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord, my friend. Jesus loves you so much He was willing to suffer, bleed and die on a cross for you. There is no greater love then to give your life for someone.. anyone..
I used to hate God and follow these other so called gods. The Lord was patient with me and He saved me from the deepest depths even though i blasphemed and rejected Him. I searched for truth with all my heart.. i tried many of the "gods" you refer to. Jesus is the only one who was willing to give His life so that we may be saved. Be His grace alone. It is out of this world and there is no other.
May God bless you abundently! Peace be with you
She has stated every talking point of the new woke world order.
Not very well either
@Vic82toire when do they ever do it well 😂
and we know who is running that show.
What really strikes me is her total acceptance of any other religion or belief system (including her references to the Satanic) with the exception of just one. Talk to her about Jesus and she gets angry. That fact should be very comforting to Christians.
Amen. Young lady is a reprobate antichrist. She doesn’t consider herself a woman. Only a miracle can pull her out that sinking miry clay.
The name of Jesus used to irritate the demons in me as well before coming to Christ..
God help her 🙏🏼
Why should that make Christians comfortable?
@@squarecircle2347 It only proves what the Holy Bible says even more. Although we have fulfilled prophecies, biblical archeological discoveries and supernatural testimonies people have present day from different walks of life with Jesus Christ.
@@squarecircle2347 This only makes sense to a person who is religious. The rest of the population, it's irreverent.
“I create my OWN reality, and I manifest what I WANT TO SEE in my world.”
Ah yes a perfect description of a delusional narcissist
Yet she created in her own reality something that she doesn't want. She's thicker than two short planks nailed together.
Spot on.
@@StatsHurtStupidPeople *Kind of funny since religion is a made up idea of the world and afterlife.*
Erroneous on all counts. Your own religion keeps you blind to the very things you deny exist. It's not that they are made up, it's that you are not able to see them. Your religion: materialism.
Just as you were completely oblivious to the reality, beauty and power of sexuality, prior to your own puberty, so too now, prior to being "born again" - or born of the Spirit of God, you are completely oblivious to spiritual reality, and the beauty and power contained therein. Until something is switched on inside of you, a reality may exist right in front of you, all around you, but you will be completely unaware of it.
Just as a child, you did not think about sex, and yet all around you men and women were coming together, and babies were being born from all that activity, yet you did not care or comprehend, so too right now, all around you is the Spirit of God (God envelops the whole universe), but you are unaware of Him, because your own pride keeps you disconnected, empowering the false knowledge within you and preventing you from earnestly seeking, in order that you may discover and find Him to be real and good.
*The religious mental gymnastics you have to pull to not be like her is hilarious.*
Erroneous. All humans have narratives and biases. Therefore, even your own understanding is subject to the same ideological mental gymnastics.
Therefore the question has always been: what is truth?
Hence the pursuit of truth. Hence why what Jesus Christ said is so profound: that truth is not just a set of facts about Creation (the universe) - only - but that Creation itself is founded upon the Creator, a transcendent, eternal and infinite being who is Himself truth, and so, is the eternal constant, upon which all created constants - the laws of Creation are able to stand and be sustained by.
Truth is therefore not relative, but objective, constant, unchanging, eternal, always dependable and true for everyone. It binds everyone, it sustains everyone, it is the foundation of life.
This is literally a liberal female version of Trump the obnoxious buzzwords the hand gestures like they’re both trying to communicate on adderal, it’s perfect
just like god and jesus and all cult leaders o.O
The intelligence gap between them is incredible.
Incredible, but typical.
@@noneyabidness9644 His belief or even his ability to express it isn't based on having to be a genius & I think he did a great job of recognising she was actually quite intelligent but patiently pointing out that she was being quite blinkered and fed many wrong assumptions and prejudices. - She might turn into a great advocate for Chrst one day. Stranger things...
@@josephodoherty7864 you ascribe intelligence to regurgitated talking points? To each their own.
And yes, stranger things have happened. You're speaking to a former militant atheist.
@noneyabidness9644 it takes intelligence to not be an ill mannered brat so....
@@josephodoherty7864 What part was she "Intelligent about" I missed that part.
Slavery was not invented by White People. It was around since the first humans walked this planet. Try reading Thomas Sowell, The History of Slavery. And America fought a civil war to stop it.
Her Sun God assertion. She had no clue Ra the Sun God of Egypt enslaved the Jews. Pharaoh paid a high price for refusing to let them go. That or it was Akhenaton. Whom dissolved the old traditions of Ra and replaced it with the one true God ie Atenism. Where his kingdom was overthrown by the religious leaders. Then they tried to wipe out all traces of his existence.
My favorite. She believes in all the Gods. Even her elevation to god status. But not the one of the Hebrews. Given we have more historical records for Jesus Christ existence. Then Alexander the Great. But hey. He is a great Story.
She is one reason this generation is the most ignorant ever produced. But nature will teach her. As it has rules. You break them. It's brutal. Relentless and unforgiving.
She's a walking contradiction
Yep she is a she or whatever she wants to be called. And she said I want to make the world a better place... Not when you think you are god and only care with you think. Also she said I dont believe in god but believe all the other "gods" She was hard to hear all her contradiction.
“I want you to get off campus, this dialog is stupid and useless,” continues to talk to him for 20 minutes.
get off "MY" campus. woman thinks she owns everything and can speak for everyone, its so cringe
"the nazis were trying to raise people from the dead" bruh
She was obviously trying to take the spotlight because she's an attention seeker.
She wasn't talking to anyone. She was talking AT everyone in that circle, including the ones whom were nominally "on her side". She missed the entire point.
I feel bad for anyone that has to put up with her on a daily basis.
I doubt many people put up with her nonsense. That's why she is so angry and bitter because she's alone.
just pray for her and remember she is lied to by her peers and teachers on a daily basis
She’s 100% a femcel loner
She has no one. Only the people that live inside her echo chamber who also are as narcissistic as her. No one wants to deal with her.
@@StatsHurtStupidPeople Me too
Don't send your kids to these colleges.
College sucks!
For real
I agree, college is a cesspool of degenerate self-loathing narcissism, but she was deep into it long before college, the Marxist-based ideology begins at the elementary level (young brains are like sponges, eager to please and agree to just about anything) and then it seeps-in deep through highschool, college is where it is radicalized and the Globalist Mafia's army is built.
If I could afford it, and said college is teaching *REAL SCIENCE* in lieu of pseudo Biblical _"science,"_ I would send my kids there in a heartbeat. You would have to bound me in chains attached to a one-ton 4X4 and literally drag me into a Christian college.
She is so used to not being challenged intellectually, glad you had the patience to exhaust all of her attention seeking objections. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
President Ronald Reagan
She should’ve been put in a chokehold-it’s intolerable to have real discourse (that’s expensive as f) interrupted like that on the whim of a narcissist mouth breather
She's against the freedom of speech.
Good challenge.
@@Bruce_Wayne35 If you only knew the meaning of the word Liberal you wouldn't sound more ignorant than your ignorant Liberal friends...
@@StatsHurtStupidPeoplefree speech literally means freedom to lie and to express hate.
You can tell that he really cares about people and about spreading the good news otherwise he would've just left.
No kidding 😂. God is with him and has granted this man patience. I don't know if I could show that much patience.
@@customarylover3857definitely, I thank God that he hasn’t called me or most of us to do this. I would just lose it 😂
Ears to hear. No amount of rational discussion would open her ears or her mind. She knows everything already.
He got reaaaaaal defensive when she brought up the point about homosexuality and he made a disgusting analogy comparing them to dogs you think that’s normal?
He did sound more defensive when she attributed to him things he clearly didn't say, yes. That did offend him but so what? If he was afraid of being offended he probably wouldn't have accepted the students invitation to speak and debate there.
You may be happy to know that in the hypothetical with his dog, he was not comparing homosexuals to dogs. He was equating what in Christianity would be "his" disordered desires. Along with the other examples of all men and women's sexual desires that lead people away from the purpose of God's gift of sexuality to humanity.
This is the type of woman who would accuse you of rape because you said you weren't interested in her.
You're the type of guy that calls a girl a slut for not being interested in you 🤡
She’s allowed to have her own reality, but no one else can
That’s the Fascism that students seem so readily adopt
Fascism 😂
@@caesarpizza1338 yep, check the meaning, that’s exactly what it is!
Man, she is such an angry girl. She’s obviously coming under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. She constantly changes her position when he challenges her. She’s just against God because He is obviously convicting her. I’m gonna pray for her, that she finds Jesus. 🙏😊👍🏻
100% what's going on, happened to me as well. Gotta want your eyes opened to have em opened though.
@@user-ld3si9iy6s yea it happened to me too. 🙏😎👍🏻
Lol how can you possibly know this
@@squarecircle2347 I can possibly know because the bible clearly states “And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:” John 16:8
I also came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit before I was saved just like everyone else did. Just like I know He’s bugging you right now about your sin. Otherwise why did you reply to this comment?? Did if make you uncomfortable that God would communicate with us about our sin?? But that’s exactly what He does. Now you have a nice day in the knowledge that God is there with you, speaking to you. What a blessed life you live. 😁👍🏻
@@steveindorset no I don't just assume that God is involved everytime something happens. But I guess I can see why you would think so if you're already a believer.
Man, she just kept misrepresenting and attacking him. So utterly ridiculous. Colleges and schools have failed people. Disagreeing with someone's actions doesn't mean you have to hate them. I swear, so many people lack critical thinking.
I would argue that there is a glimmer of hope, look at all the other observers. You can see their reactions when she makes her statements. And the nice lady gave her view when asked, was not rude or making her point rooted in pathos, but instead logos. Even if half of them disagreed the older man, they were civil enough to know this is supposed to be discussion, and not a toxic argument. She, unfortunately, lacks self awareness
If you don't hate them, you're not paying enough attention to what they do
Colleges and all schools were meant to fail and destroy people…. If you don’t believe me do your deep research. God bless.
Colleges have conditioned young adults to act and think this way by design
You blame the colleges. Where is her upbringing in this. A five year old child knows its rude to interrupt a conversation. Is the college responsible for that. She's disruptive.
It’s hilarious that she says she is making a mockery of him when in reality she is making a mockery of herself.
The level of entitlement is absolutely sickening.
She says she believes she is her own god and that is the problem with folks nowadays.
She is truly awful.
@@MindFree-747That is one weak ah god then. I wonder if she can ressurect herself.
She is a narcissist.
The average 'progressive' of today is 10x worse... would simply consider the prof as an oppressor and shout over them.
Wow. Love the part when she patronizes the black woman by telling her she's been brainwashed. It's not oppressive at all.
I mean... She wasn't wrong on that point.
The answer to why this black girl is Christian, is indoctrination.
It's essentially white supremacy. She values herself as being worthy, whereas the black woman is "oppressed," so she has to be "saved" by the white savior. To her, the black woman is not capable of helping herself and needs someone else to do it for her. This why she thinks she knows the black woman more than she knows herself. She speaks in a condescending manner and talks down to her because she thinks that woman is uneducated about her own life.
Ikr! So cringe
Classic white woman!
"Classic white woman" Dude, you sound just like her.
As a black Christian. Not her trying to mention African spirituality. That stuffs so evil.🤦🏾♀️
Well youre not African.
Youre American. So wtf do you know?
As if African Christian’s weren’t among some of the first Christian’s 😆.
@@jtm7clan277How exactly has Christianity helped them? Give me 5 points. China, on the other hand, has much less Christianity and is doing much better.
@@jtm7clan277 Exactly. And even so with West Africans...they were Catholic for awhile and much of African Spirituality incorporates elements from Catholicism as well.
Homosexuality is wrong according to the Bible fullstop WHY YOU ARGUING GOING ROUND OVER WHAT IS WRONG
Everytime she starts losing an argument, she changes the subject!
This video is literally the last 20 years of American history play out in one interaction.
Fr 😂
@@Taterstiltskin maybe but I say last 20 cause Atheism became big in last 20 years and there used to be civilized discussions between science based atheists and religious people, then the feminists came and made everything go crazy with their anti-science take on atheism/agnosticism and reality.
You can see the two guys are having a good convo with civility and intelligence, then she comes in with emotions and screaming and nothing of substance. Atheists and Christians could have civil debates, and they still can, but you can see how badly she makes the atheist's side look, which is not good for anyone. Now you have some fundamentalist Christians go "see, this is the price of atheism, censorship, radical feminism, and crazy people kidnapping Riley Gaines". I say that this is the price of radical anti-science ideology. Atheists are capable of being peaceful and civil, it was these virtue signaling college people with blue hair and obsession with identity politics that led to all this insanity.
Basically, an atheist and a Christian walk into a bar and have a nice conversation. Then Anita Sarkeesian comes in and constantly uses guilt, manipulation, emotions, and gaslighting to shame everyone around here into submission. That's the last 20 years of American history.
A single cell organisms is irreducibly complex, it blows evolution out the water. 👏🥳
Praise Jesus✝️
@@GodSoLoved.Yeshua why would single cells be complex mean evolution is not real? Single cells are complex, and they evolved to build even more complex organisms, multi-cellular.
The girl in the hat trying to guilt the black girl for choosing Jesus was something else. Smh. 🤦🏽♀️
Progressives do that . They guilt trip black people and try to force them to think a certain way .
As if jesus is a God of the white people. It came from Middle Eastern people that brought it to Europe. She lives in an alternate universe. Something not quite right with her.
She had a great point
@@chberry1343 Regardless, she made herself look goofy. A good point or not, she made herself look like a child.
@@chberry1343she was attempting to make the black girl victimize herself. The black woman within herself didn’t view herself as a victim of her ancestors oppression. She viewed herself as free believe of Jesus Christ. As do I. Even though I’m a 2nd gen American, and know my immediate family believe in Christ. I’ve been told by liberal pagans that I should study the “orisha’s”, or whatever you want to call it. To get in touch with my ancestors… it’s all demonic, and I refuse.
Poor girl has a narcissist spirit. Pray for her.
She may have a demon in her
I was thinking this exactly. Affliction for sure. Explains why shes so bothered. It doesnt like hearing about Jesus
She also has strength to portray her stance and go toe to toe with a scholar for 20 min
@@brandongalland4633 Ignorance is daring.The Devil challenged the Christ several times and even had the nerve to taunt God Himself. God always wins.
@@WilliamHearnTOEFL_Tutor I don't see what any of that has to do with this situation.
You say she's the devil? Could be flipped by saying he is by trying to suppress gay rights.
You're right, God always wins.
So let me get this right:
Students gather to hear an invited guest but offended girl interrupts because she didn’t approve?
What's wrong with this woman?
She's lived her whole life without any consequences
Honestly, it's a very dismal reality that she has constructed for herself. Thinking about her behavior she obviously feels misunderstood and misrepresented to the point that she has to force her beliefs onto the society around her. I am not sure if it's an act of living without any consequences although that is one of many problems but more along the lines of feeling that her own existence is pointless. She finds it difficult to comprehend that someone can find meaning to a life that in of itself is suffering. She isn't angry at the man she speaks to with such defiance but he himself is a representation of what is trying to find, and I think she is trying to rationalize with that idea hence which she engaged in conversation. A purpose and life that is worth meaning and something to live for without the context of religion is very much abstract to us human. I don't blame people who want to argue against religion which became a tool to gain status. I can understand such frustration and I empathize with that idea but at the same time if we look into the history of humankind with only eyes of condemnation like this young woman is doing and without the ability to learn from the mistakes of those preceded us then we are no better for it and in retrospect we are no better than the ideology of our past as for we have learned nothing. French writer Léon Bloy said, " Whoever does not worship God, worships the devil." such a simple quote yet so profound. Without God we ourselves will create our own idols to find a meaning to life that is suffering and if history as taught us anything is that humankind can bring out the worst in each other for if we can manifest goodness, we also obtain the ability to manifest that which is malevolent. I think her last statement is very appalling, " For my ability to create and change the world for a better place." and I would ask her what makes her think that she holds the idea of truth for many came before her with the same ideology and failed and we have come full circle of learning nothing.
Insanity is embarrassing, God, help us. People like her love to pull words out like racism, homophobic, sexist, and all the victim cards there is to justify their vile acts and start something that isn’t there smh.
She was right. 💯%
With enough population just like her, how do we possibly have a debate? How do we possibly converse real ideas? All they want is for you to get so upset that you lose. They want you to get angry, which would be very difficult to resist, during this gnat of a being.
@Bodhi510 Her whole belief system, or understanding, is built on sand. It does not hold up. Cliffe keeps asking about her value. If there is no higher being, then value has no worth, therefore neither does she. I believe he's trying to say according to her subjective beliefs, that if God does not exist, then slavery is okay. Sexism is Okay. Sex with a dog is okay, and so on and so forth. Even the attempted annihilation of a whole culture such as the Jews is okay. Nothing is objective basically. He mentions being intellectually honest. If you are going to bring up a truth claim, the burden of proof is yours to bare, and she never even tried to give that. She just kept accusing and dogging.
She’s intellectually dishonest, manipulative, and ignorant, but she doesn’t care and the only reason she’s standing there is her injured pride. This person’s habits are the kind to discover in people and avoid having a relationship with them
I’m sad to say I’m thinking she probably doesn’t have many or any friends. 😢 no one could stand being around that.
Well, at least she wasn't aggresive and wasn't trying to forcefully shutdown the event. These kind of interactions tend to go into more extreme directions.
She belief system is that the world revolves around her and she’s the main character. That’s what I’m getting from her point
@@justaneditygangstarShe thinks she’s God, after all.
She didn't answer because she doesn't value herself as a woman sadly.
This woman is doing god's work. She brought an atheist and a christian together.
Thats not woman that internetsex
Stuart lost Against Matt Dillahunty
@@gabrielochoa5829 Matt is *ONLY* great at religious debates.
He sucks at most other controversial/political debates.
Look how she started her debate. She interrupted everyone else by dancing in front of the camera. "I'm tired of you proselytizing on MY campus." Her campus? And why is it OK for HER to proselytize?
why does she think that she owns the campus?
I can't tell you the reason why on UA-cam it won't let me post the comment.
She embarrassed herself completely. Don’t ever spend you hard earned money sending your kid to that college or any like it. Her parents wasted their money. Thank God we have people like that man on campus having these conversations.
She makes the common mistake of listening with her mouth instead of her ears. She is afraid to admit defeat and suffer the humiliation of being wrong. Oh lord what will I do now that I know I'm not perfect?
She doesn't have the brain development to perceive embarrassment. Just like how babies have no fear of the nude.
It's easy to feel right, it's hard to actually be. If she thinks the world is overpopulated, I have a wonderful suggestion for her. Then at least she would've done something useful for the first time.
Neither of them were right about anything, they had no real FACTS, just both their opinions on each topic.
@@ShowMeSomething1 facts about what? One person remained logically consistent while the other did not. To the non-religious both may not have made sense on the grounds of their faith, but logical consistency still applies.
I don't even think it's the college. It's just what happens when a bunch of 20 year olds get together in the same place. Lol
just amazing to see how the audience was just listening without any phone to record
I feel sorry for this girl. It's going to be a tough road ahead if she dosen't learn how to communicate with others.
The issue is not communicating with others is a perfectly good second option...this society needs to stop being okay with demonizing people she literally is just following what the same people who call her out are doing.
@@StatsHurtStupidPeople Do you think atheism attacks religious people by it's very nature?
She doesn't feel sorry for herself. Last time you had a 20 min debate with close to 30 or so people around?
This woman is an example of when you are still learning and uninformed
In her current state she is unteachable and therefore incapable of learning. That will change in time.
"Ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth" 2 Tim 3:7
His little girl is an example of spoiled kid who is not capable of learning bexause she thinks she knows everything.
This is called narcissism.
This is someone who is unteachable.
she isn’t crazy. she’s lost.
She's both
She doesn't realize they're politely laughing at her. I get the point she was trying to make but she failed at conveying it by being rude and butting into a conversation that literally had nothing to do with her.
Cognitive dissonance is holding her back from submitting herself to the discussion. She could be neurodivergent(the stubborness), or not, but definitely not crazy.
I feel so bad for her parents, who may be watching this. 😅
Nah she was awesome. He was a bumbling idiot... and likely gay himself.
She thinks she’s smarter than she actually is
Can we just appreciate how patient and calm the man was here. absolute gem!
As soon she comes to a road block on something she can’t argue and win against, she immediately changes the subject. Go figure. On top of interrupting everyone and inserting her own opinions over everyone else’s
i think ppl like her call that "white privilege" lol
If you've ever attempted to debate with a leftist "academic" like this in good faith you'll see this tactic a lot. The accompanying smugness may as well be a uniform at this point too.
As this one said, they never actually want open debate of ideas. They just want those who disagree to shut up and go away like she screeched at this guy in the beginning.
Oddly I hear some of them repeat the sentiment that they are the ones on the side of free speech and Republicans are censorious. Their media equates banning "gender queer" for second graders is the same as a fascist book burning and encourages them to disrupt and shut down debate like this girl so their fragile worldview is never shaken.
She's a white liberal woman. That's their M.O.
I need the source of this pastor's patience.
The Bible.
Me too
Allow me to introduce....(loud WWE theme music plays)...JEESSUUUUUSSS CHRIIIIIIISSSSTTTTT!!!
His got patience but he also unloads wisdom on them when the students try to get smart. His name is Cliffe Knechtle and his UA-cam channel is called “askcliffe”.
Jesus Christ is the source of his patience. 😊
I've met many like her.. but it never ceases to amaze me that people like her can exist in 2023.. never before in history could someone think like this female and make it to adulthood
Of course they could.
She complained so much that she realized she actually wanted to talk to him
That girl is such a blind hypocrite ... I pray her eyes are opened 🙏
Her entry into the conversation said it all for me.
She’ll watch this in 20 years and understand why she’s alone , friendless except for her 7 cats and realize being an arrogant narcissist was a bad choice. She can avoid that horror if she’s able to get away from that school and meet people who aren’t indoctrinated.
Even her cats will hate her unless she's changed.
@@simonsmith1974she will change 100%. She will probably turn into a hardcore republican lol. Thats how it always goes with these people.
You'll wake up in 20 years with many daily interactions, but you'll never quite know which ones are sincere.
She may miss out on some interactions, but you'll miss out on knowing yourself, constantly being swept by the whims of the populace; unknowingly swept about, violently waking in the middle of the night as your mid life crisis comes roaring at you 100mph.
Good luck with that
@@simonsmith1974 Dang it! I wanted to make a "the cats hate her too" joke.
@@8onnie8oyz sorry bud 🤣🤣🤣🤣
These “I’m God” type people are so condescending. I feel sorry for that black girl.
Yea, she had to stand there and be lectured by a girl from her classes who is her own age who doesn’t have a clue about what she’s talking about. The Bible was present in Ethiopia for hundreds of centuries before disciples and followers of Christ were given the name Christians in Antioch, she thinks he’s just a story, some allegory and non-theist non-Christian scholars and Christian theistic scholars hold to the same forty pieces of evidence that support Jesus Christs not being just a story piece.
She doesn't understand that disagreement is not the same as hate.
This really hit the spot for me because she seemed genuinely confused about how he could disagree with his homosexual friends but still love them.
This man’s patience is unreal.
I genuinely feel so embarrassed for her, but I also feel she would be probably be super offended by that. I can’t imagine growing up in a world where everything gets recorded, now she will be stuck known for those view points no matter how well she is able to mature, unlearn and relearn
Not that many people will see this video.
this video may be the reason she gets humbled, and realises her arrogance is very misplaced!
They have ears, but cannot hear... Psalms 115:5
This man is so patient, she is utterly INSUFFERABLE 😢
@@StatsHurtStupidPeoplefunny, I’ve never seen cliffe torture anyone
@@StatsHurtStupidPeople I literally have no idea what you are going on about. Please, I don't have this man's patience 😭
@@StatsHurtStupidPeoplefollowing up here. Can you please explain this point? I’m genuinely interested in what this could possibly mean
@@StatsHurtStupidPeopleWhats your opinion on islam?
@@StatsHurtStupidPeopleif thats what you gather from religion you need help
it’s hard to believe this person may currently have some
level of authority over others as we speak. I pray god opens her heart and mind
The only person I want opening my heart is a qualified experienced heart surgeon!
The sad thing is that is exactly why the world is in the state that it currently is in. Far too many self-indulgent, God-complex, hedonistic, satanic, narcissists have worked their way into positions of authority and power and influence and this is the world that they have produced. Everything is upside-down, inside-out, and ass-backwards and everybody knows it's wrong but nobody is saying anything.
When I was in undergrad, I ran the university's pagan student organization which was the second largest student organization on the campus just behind the Christian student organization. Crazy thing is, my girlfriend was the vice president of the Christian student organization. Both of our organizations collaborated together to do good work for the campus, including putting on Earth Day festivals and art competitions. This girl is young, but hopefully in the next decade or so she will learn that you can have fundamental disagreements with somebody and still have great conversations and work together.
Hear hear. I may disagree with you but I'll defend to the death your right to do so - supposedly Voltaire but most likely the French Revolutionary leader Maron.
I was an atheist the majority of my adult life. One day my teenage son asked me if I really didn’t believe in God? I told him the same thing that young woman said….that I was the god of my own self. He said, “Mom that’s the basis of satanism.” That scared me to no end & started my journey to seeking The Truth (Jesus Christ). Hope this helps someone.
👏😂 God works in mysterious and lovely ways. Through your kids was brilliant. Welcome sister in Christ ❤
I used to actually practice “satanism” I’ve been through all the major religions. I grew up Catholic and it left a terrible taste for me. I saw the hypocrisy of the church, evil people using religion and it turned me off and I explored all other religions I could discover. I definitely claimed to be an atheist but now I’m just an agnostic. I know there is a higher power. I know there is real evil and good. I believe all religions have truth in them, all have lies, all can be used for good and for evil, All stem from a singular point. The point of creation anyways. I now say I’m not religious at all but respect and am interested in and believe in all religions. I can find the same stuff in the Bible as I can in Mormonism and Islam and Taoism and everything else. Now I know I just don’t know, it really doesn’t matter and I worship balance. I worship the Union between divine masculinity and divine femininity.
I’m all for god and Jesus but I refuse to claim any name or symbol or story is THE right story. They are all right to me and all wrong and in reality, I walk a religious path. I follow the teachings but claim to not be following a particular set of teachings.
Thinking that you are a God is the very foundation of Satanism:
Genesis 3:4-5
At this the serpent said to the woman: “YOU positively will not die. 5 For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened ** AND YOU ARE TO BE LIKE GOD ** knowing good and bad.”
You are blessed with your child. Congratulations on seeing the truth.
@@christopherkucia1071 I understand what you're saying mate, and I appreciate you for taking the time to write, but I have to tell you what Jesus Himself said:
*"I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through Me."*
- John 14:6
Do you understand? Not by the Buddha, or Muhammad, but *only Jesus.* There's nothing wrong with just taking on the odd bit of wisdom from other teachings, but a proper religious path that will take you to God''s gate, Jesus is the only true path according to Himself.
Listen to Him or take Him as a liar, its up to you.
Im not christian but i genuinely love Cliffe. Hes such a kind, loving soul simply wanting to spread his religion and does it so respectfully.
Not too late to open your heart to Christ KJV.
Why you're not believe? What's missing?
Sorry !Too much (TO/TOO)
Just a small correction here. He doesnt want to spread his religion or any religion for that matter. As he said in the video christianity as a religion is corrupt and in many ways manipulative which is why there are so many christian religions. What he is driving at, is spreading news of Christ and the gospel so that people can come to know Jesus for who he is.
Its not religion but relationship.
@@olivierforget1927 maybe they follow one of the thousands of other gods...or maybe they don't believe a god exists. Maybe they are hindu, maybe they are shinto. Maybe they just don't care whether or not a god made all of us or not. I get your job as a christian is to create more BELIEVErs but no all have to believe what you believe. It's belief, not fact so we would appreciate you not acting like it is a fact we are turning away from.
Everyone should be trying to convince other's of their belief. I respect anyone who puts in the time to spread their belief
Yes, but the truth scripture and interpretation exist. KJV is the one. Christianity is not corrupted and manipulative. People are. They change the word of God and interpretation as Pharisees does.
See Walter Veith seven churches.@@IntoTheNothing1
She's got a few evil spirits in her. 😂😂😂
yes just look at her dancing around like a crazy demon with the devilhorns and spewing lies like Satan. Telling people she is God! (Satan wants to be god doesn't he!?) And this is the mentality of ALOT of young people today. Talk about spiritual warfare..
with all the anger she vented, I was really not surprised for the claim that she isn't a woman. Also, when she was steering the discussion over to sexuality and marriage. 🤔
"You're saying if people disagree with you, they're wrong." Says the one telling him he's wrong. 😂
Liberal girl: you think that people that dont agree with you are wrong, and thats annoying.
Also liberal girl: I want you to leave and go somewhere else because you dont believe what i believe.
hmmm, yeah, sounds like a logical argument without any hipocrisy
ALSO liberal girl, after asking people to leave because she disagrees with them: Im CrEaTiNg My ReAlItY RiGhT hErE.
It's funny too, she is doing exactly what she said she hates. "You think people are wrong cause they don't agree with you" and yet she does this very thing. A hypocrite at its finest.
You -
The liberal girl said, I want you to leave cause you don't believe what I believe.
Response -
She never said that.
@@jackalsgate1146 uh... she literally said in 2:54 "I don't want him coming here anymore, I want him to LEAVE."
And no where in your quote does she say: cause you don't believe what I believe.
She just doesn't want him there, period.
But the reasoning is because "he allegedly is sexist and racist" with the Bible to justify it.@@jackalsgate1146
Something ive noticed is that when someone stands on the side of lies they will try to talk over you. They will raise their voice and shout you down. They will become antagonistic, they will mock, they will play the victim. Whereas someone who stands for the truth is calm, they will listen, they wont try to talk over anyone because they have no fear. Lies are hysterical, the truth is calm.
Everyone is commending this man on his patience, and though there are very patient people out there, this man's patience doesn't seem like the patience of his own ability. It's Godly patience, something the Holy Spirit has bestowed on him and if you're a Christian, you can have that kind of patience as well.
Facts 💯💯💯
"Forgive them father for they know not what they do."
I think he knows that he is dealing with a narcissistic person. Once you've encountered one narcissist. You've encountered them all.
He certainly has the patience of Job.
She is way too emotional to have a debate.
You can tell she was “educated” by the system.
The irony of her squawking about how annoying he is, when she is annoying everyone who was there to listen and learn.
"I'm sick of hearing your points on my campus" she says as she volunteers for a 20 minute conversation.
The anger in this child. I hope she gets help.
Easy to see who the brainwashed person is🤦♀️ I’ve never seen a person put so many words in another persons mouth. He was super compassionate and truthful in his answers I think we could all learn a lot from his example of not backing down when people start to name call.
Not enough farms in the world for all the strawmen she was building
That is amazing.
Not only was she incorrect in her "facts", but even if her facts were granted for sake of debate she would still be spouting non sequitur arguments.
In effect she is not just wrong she is at least "double wrong" so to speak.
She was ironic in about every way, mate
By the way, what is a non sequitur argument? Im not well versed in philosophy/jurisprudence
@@paulmusyk4lyfe51 it is a logical fallacy when the conclusion does not logically follow the premise.
For example: I have a red car therefore I drive fast.
There is no reason for the color of my car to dictate the speed that I drive.
Only 9 minutes into the video but what was she wrong about exactly? She was completely right about the sun god motif and Constantine for example
@@aklo5506 She may have actually been accurate but it may have been the way in which she was talking about freedom of speech which everyone was allowing but claiming that the minister was stopping the students’ right of speech. It’s the arguments she made were wrong but her facts were spot on. I could be accurate on my every fact but wrong in how I apply them to an argument if it’s not directly related. Unfortunately when you add ANY religion or politics to the mix you have problems and unfortunately this country is SO politically divided that this girl leans way to the left and it shows that she can’t think outside the box the same way a conservative person can’t!
I do hope the day comes when she is embarrassed by this.
Wow theres no way i would have been able to stand there and talk to someone like that your blessed brother it gives me hope that 1 day ill have that amount of patience
'Cos Hindu gods lost fights quite often? - or manifesting 'cos she forgot to 'womanifest '😁
She is too ignorant for words
You can't debate with madness.
Not madness it's evil.
@@Dewey-gx3lf both the same.
No you cant debate with irrational people
Interesting how her world view leads to that.
No one forces her to be there. If she doesn't like the conversation she can just leave ...
that girl is awful. she will not listen to the Pastor's answer and will just talk over him. she will also change her stance multiple times or try to put words in his mouth. She is those people that have never been told no before in her life she she is always right,. I pity the people who have to work with her
It’s amazing that this young woman can walk with both feet planted firmly within her mouth.
Good point.
Christianity started in the Middle East and Africa. Where do they get this notion that it's a white mans religion?
probably Columbus and the other Europeans
Pure ignorance.
TikTok and liberal college profs.
I love the fact that one wanted to debate/ have a discussion in search of the truth, and the other just wanted to argue for the sake of arguing. She really is neck deep being conditioned by the system. At least she softened up later on and actually had a discussion instead of just screaming and throw a tantrum.
I wish we wouldn't call this woman crazy in the title. That falls short of Paul's admonishment to remember that "we were one of these". Every one of us watching who believes was once in her position. We can't forget that.
I was never in a position where I yelled at Christians or told them to leave and that I’m God. Not once
Be forgiving, so I get what you’re saying. But I also think Christian’s need to find their backbone. Recent study showed Christians are the number one sought after for persecution. Just as Jesus said we would be.
If we allow ppl to tell us “Isn’t your God all forgiving!?” Meaning leave them alone, and allow them to sin, we wouldn’t be doing what we are all called to do at any given time.
@irritatingtruth9121, oh, I agree. I think you misunderstand me. We, as Christians must have a backbone, yes. We must stand for the truth unapologetically. However, does doing so require that we insult people? Just because you or I didn't behave the way she does before we became believers does not make us better than her. Now, I'm not saying that you think you're better than her. What I am saying is that behaving this way, using insults to speak of non-believers, implies superiority by the one wielding the insults, either intentionally or unintentionally. The point of remembering that we "were once some of these" is that we should recognize that we have been humbled in Christ, just as much as we have been reborn. Those who do not believe are in the same position we once were. Standing for the Truth does not require us to tear them down. Indeed, doing so hinders our witness for Christ.
These would be better:
Wise in her own mind.
And such were all believers once.
To be fair she is crazy, and if I was ever like that I too was crazy. I get your point though, it's more insulting than technically describing her.
True! And we were crazy to fight against God.
Boy, a liberal education sure has changed from when I had mine in the 80s. You would actually sit and have discussions and disagreements. I don’t think she’s really a follower of the Buddhist philosophy, because it’s about discussion, thinking and processing thoughts.
The irony of these leftists calling anyone else haters...
How rude she didnt even tip her Fedora.
She is a lifelong participation trophy winner.
Your patience is incredible. You are elegant, honest, and I am a huge fan of how you deliver your message.
Proud to be a follower of lord Jesus God.
Pride is evil my friend be humble that god has giving you the holy spirit
7:27 She is basically telling that African American student “you should feel like a victim, you should be mad, your life is stolen, your life is terrible”. She is upset that she isn’t thinking in that way
Also the “WHITE MEN LIKE YOU”. Bro. How can you be soooo terrible. That is pure racism. Pointing at someone because of their color, and grouping them in with evil men of the past, which btw come from every race and religion, not just white
The internet is poisonous. Poor girl needs to log off.
Let's pray for her so she need Jesus
Why does anybody "need" an imaginary friend that can't be demonstrated to exist?
@BluScout-sy5qc Wow. Just by that alone you're incredibly gullible! How sad! lol
@@MarvelNorseLoki "imaginary friend" more historically backed than most historical figures...
@@JDoGP That is the most nonsensical thing I've ever heard. 'more historically backed than most historical figures'. Lol
@@MarvelNorseLoki Why?
This man is preaching the word of God. Bless you sir, thank you. Absolutely every man and woman will bow a knee. In Jesus's name, Amen
In Jesus’ name, Amen 🙏
In Harry potters name, amen. That’s how you sound lol
In Jesus name amen.
The Nazi's so she means the National Socialist Workers Party ? I bet she considers herself a socialist!
If she's manifesting her reality, she's then manifesting an argument with someone with views she hates... Even if she says she's sick of hearing these views, she's the one making people who have them
Yeah, she could have manifested going to subway and enjoying a sandwich- or literally anything else- but instead she manifested and a hostile argument with a patient man lol. Interesting choice 😂
I'm so glad her ego wouldn't allow her to leave. That audience became so affirmed by watching her insanity
This girl will never show the patience to anyone else that this man has shown to her
"You have a tremendous ability to misquote me." 😂
Her position is so entirely incoherent, that I don't think she can possibly comprehend depth of her hypocrisy. Saying that she embraces every form of God and mysticism. But then hates when people preach, Jesus. Saying that she has no problem with Jesus. But then she says take that Jesus stuff somewhere else. So she wants to spread love, but then has utter hatred towards this man and everything he's trying to preach. Says she believes in freedom telling this man he's not free to talk and then she's going to just continue to interrupt him. She wants her worldview and she doesn't want to challenged. By the way, I don't think it's her that is really doing the speaking. Mercy on her.
This man just de-escalated that whole situation
She spoke avidly about how they aren’t letting her speak 🤦🏾♂️
It seems like she came into the discussion, thinking she was right, and that her opinion was better than everyone else's. Then Cliffe's comments started her rethinking her position. Whether, she ever gets to the point of real Truth, only God knows, but, she is getting questions answered, even questions that she didn't know that she had. She did a good job of letting her point of view come forth. The Bible says from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and we got to know what was in her heart. And just like everyone else, apart from Jesus, our heart is deceitful, and desperately wicked. But, with Jesus, and the great exchange, we become the righteousness of God. We give Him our sin, and He gives us His Righteousness. What a deal!
Pray for her to open her eyes.
I must admit I am a TERRIBLE Christian. I can’t be harassed like that and it not become physical. SLAP! Ohhh... did you see the “taste” fly out her mouth?! And the way the hostility in her eyes suddenly changed to a dazed expression of...WTF...just happened????
We must be able to control our emotions and have patience. But also have the capability to commit atrocities when the need arises.
@@Nick_B_Bad wisdom