Actually, I knew a cat that resembled that remark. He just looked so round tho I think he wasn't nearly that heavy. Still, I called him a bowling ball. He was surprisingly agile and adept at grooming himself. It was quite impressive.
Big boned! Hopefully his owners have him on a diet though. I have a 16lb cat who is also big boned (even as a little kitten drinking from mommy's teet you could tell he was going to be a big boi) and he's so fat I cannot imagine a cat being nearly twice his size! Kitty needs a diet stat. Heck, MY cat needs a diet too.
@@koolaidman6251Brian is the cat equivalent of a Saint Bernard dog 😂 since the moment he walked in the door you can tell he has a bigger frame than your average cat. I think his only concern is his fat stomach from hoarding all the kibbles at home. Other than that, he seems like a pretty happy lad if you ask me.
@@honeybadger1847 My cat is a perfectly healthy weight and just stands and sulks/cries if I ever have to wash her just as Brian does and she is perfectly capable of escaping shes just really fucking lazy and dramatic.
They obviously aren’t. A vet would have intervened 15 pounds ago. I’m shocked every comment but one is afraid to address the elephant in the room. That cat is sick, in pain, and headed for an early death. The owners are the only ones who can prevent it.
@@giabarrone7422 there's a lot of feeder on internet unfortunally and for whatever reason, people think it's cute to make animals suffer from overfeeding
I'm surprised I had to scroll down to find a comment about this (and relieved I'm not the only one who mentioned it). 15 pounds is about average for most cats (with some breeds weighing a little less, and others, like the Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cat, weighing a bit more...though none of it is due to fat). To be double that amount...that's just sad.
I used to have a 30 pound cat. Though, unlike Brian, Comus was 30lbs of pure muscle. Other cats catch rabbits. Comus caught possums. Lived to the ripe old age of 22.
@@scotttait2197 possum, opossum, same thing. It's a question of if you write the silent "o" or not. I wasn't alive until he was old, so I don't know the details, but I don't think the possum-catching was frequent.
yes true, depends on breed and lifestyle(and cat habits) Quite easy for a cat to get to 20-30lbs if a big breed and active,Some stay in hunting mode all their lives. The flipside of that is you also get cat with bulimia.any number of reasons why..usually they self regulate food, but some occasionally have a psychitric trait that tells them their next meal won't be for another 6 months, wolf the lot down and puke about 10 minutes later.more common in indoor cats than outdoors ones ,the hunting instinct is still there,but with indoors the opportunity to use it is restricted.
This cat enunciates so clearly that if he were a human, he’d have an upper-class British accent. “For all that is good and holy, get your beastly paws off my glorious coat! 🧐”
My brothers neighbor in Alaska had a tiger stripe cat that weighed upwards of 23 pounds. I have a picture of me holding him and he was heavy. Enormous would be a good description. He also had thumbs and so that was his name. He was no sloucher and that's a fact lol. Very docile and beautiful.
@@DrifttheorygarageThat’s sweet. Paul Walker was an amazing human. But Brian is overweight and that’s not healthy for him. I say this as someone who also has an overweight cat. Similar situation. My other cats eat and she finished their food for them.
My 3 cats became very worried for Brian when they heard his meows. They are now surrounding me and trying to understand what I'm doing to the cat inside my phone, so distressed
The visualization of that is hysterical! I just cracked up!😂 The flip side of that is that I felt very sad for the kitties knowing that they didn't understand what a cell phone is all about.😢
Can confirm I have a tri-color female that is mostly black and white and she makes noises I've never heard cats make, and we've had cats for like 3 decades.
huh weird, my personal experience agrees. My tuxedo boy had the biggest mournful meyowwoos, his littermates would just sit next to him and let him complain for them
My tuxedo teenager doesn't "meow." Most of the time he sounds just like a squeaky toy, with variable volume. If he's really excited it's more of a whistle 😅😼
My neighbors had to get one of those because their older cat (who is a unit, but not OH LAWD HE COMIN like Brian here) keeps eating the kitten food that's for his little brother. It works, but the big one is NOT pleased, lol.
My friend had to do this with her cats, and if for whatever reason you couldn't put one in a separate room you had to basically guard the other cat's food bowl while he leisurely ate his food so his chubby brother wouldn't steal it
I get what you are saying for sure, but my cat (thin) could be convincingly starving, but she’d still only eat a couple mouthfuls before going away to do other cat things. She’d randomly spread that meal over a good half day or more. Maybe the sibling is similar? I’d put the sibling’s food in a higher spot, so that the overweight cat couldn’t get to it, but it’s accessible any time for cat sibling.
While I was volunteering at my local shelter a lady came in with her overweight white brown tabby kitty to surrender him weighing at 28 to 30 pounds and the shelter put him on a much needed diet he is on a low calorie dry food and wetfood, he is down to 18 pounds and is now very vocal and has a lot more energy to walk around 🥰 he is such a sweetheart shelter has named him AJ
@@sufyb6432 it's definitely not healthy. Someone I work for has a timed feeder that dispenses c amount of food at x amount of intervals during the day and their cat is still very overweight.
@@2percentright At that point the owners shouldn't get any animal ever again. This is at best willful ignorance. At least these people gave the cat away to save it.
He reminds me of my old man, Bruiser, who passed away earlier this year. We adopted him from the man who previously rented our house before us, and poor guy was free-fed the most inexpensive cat food (all his owner could afford). He was 28 lbs when we adopted him, and through portioned, healthier food, & more exercise from the terrorizing of my other cat, he was down to a stable 12.5 that the vet was much happier with. He was the bestest boy.
Working in vet med, large cats are fairly common, and we do our best to help educate owners on great diet, excercise, and mental stimulation so they can trim down their fur babies. But occassionally we get some that are sadly beyond our help. We had one just this last week who was a whopping 42.8 lbs. Definitely the largest cat any of us at the clinic had ever seen. Sadly, the cat passed away due to complications from his obesity. It is hard to see something like that and not completely break down. It can be a tough industry to work in.
I used to have a cat that would do the same thing. So we had to start feeding him separately from the other two cats while closed in the bathroom. Twice a day he got a measured amout of food and the other two cats could eat as much as they liked for 20-30 minutes(they didnt have weight issues). It worked well!
Exactly this. One of our cats tries to steal the other one's food, so they're fed on a schedule in separate rooms, end of story. Both are a healthy weight. The only acceptable excuse for a fat cat is that you adopted them already overweight and you're working on getting them back to a healthy weight gradually/safely. Otherwise, keeping your pets at a healthy weight is your responsibility and it's unfair to them to let them stay at an unhealthy weight.
A friend of mine had an overweight dog, and we were wondering how it seemed to be getting worse- until we caught him stealing the cats’ food in a different part of the house.
My mom had a cat which looked like Brian, he was 33 lb Maine coone/ragdoll combo, very sweet, he reminded me of a firetruck when running up the stairs. Nobody could figure out why he was so big, he got minimum food yet he was giant. When mom died I figured it out, the house was spotless and clean but I had to lock the cat in a bedroom during moving and his foodsource revealed itself, the cat ate tons and tons of mice, nobody knew because he was so fast and knew where they were. I took ownership of him and without mice, he lost 18lbs in 1.5 years.
The thing is, 33lbs is not unbelievably large for a Maine Coon mix. They're just huge in general. 15lbs might actually be low-ish, if he takes more after his Maine Coon side as opposed to his Ragdoll side.
Brian is such a fur ball. He looks so much better after a bath. You know that the equigroomer got a lot of his itches. Now him is a clean fur ball. He just needs cuddles and pets.
I don't think folks realize how difficult having an obese cat is in a multicat household. I joke that my chonk has a leptin receptor deficiency because he had no satiety. He starts scoping other cats' food before he even finishes his own and uses his size to body the other cats away from their food, meaning mealtimes have to be directly supervised. The other 2 are at the opposite end of the spectrum: prefer to eat a little and return to their food (which the chonk takes full advantage of). To ensure everyone is fed enough and fed the correct foods without extra consumption by the chonk, I would have to keep them separated 24/7. I used to be able to sequester him with his more agile brother and put his brother's food up on a stand, but his brother doesn't like the new stand and will go without food over climbing it. I genuinely do the best I can, but it's a battle.
A good-faith suggestion for Brian's owners: Since his fur siblings are striking out trying to defend their food from their rotund brother, you could combine a feeding schedule of small meals twice a day with enforced seperation and portion control. Give Brian his portion in a room that he can't get out of, feed his siblings, and then if they don't finish their food remove any leftovers until the next meal time, taking away any chance he has to pilfer.
Give him a slow feeder, too. That way, he's more focused on fishing what food he can out of his portion while his siblings take their time eating, and not trying to escape and damaging doors or floors I think Jackson Galaxy tends to recommend 30 minutes of playtime to overweight or hyperactive cats, which is also a great bonding experience for human and cat
this ^ i had to do exactly this. i have a 15 pounder and a 7 pounder. he will steal her food. every time they're unsupervised. they have to eat separately. he's not quite this round, but he's just an animal. you gotta outsmart them to save them from themselves.
I feel like it might be more effective just to separate Brian from the others for a while. I don't know how many cats his owners have, but I have thirteen cats and scheduled feeding times would be impossible. Then again, most of them are outside, so that might partially be why. We actually have a cat who used to be overweight until we made him stop hoarding the foodbowl. He's four pounds lighter now. Still food-focused, but maintaining his weight pretty nicely.
@@Drifttheorygaragethat’s not stressing him out?? You have to separate him, I have two cats and one is bigger because she just overeats, and eats her sisters food. Some cats are food obsessed and you have to separate them during meals so one doesn’t become the size of a couch. That’s called neglect
“…grooming himself is the equivalent of a pumpkin doing a sit-up.” I went back and forth between feeling sorry for Brian’s rotundity and laughing hysterically at your hilarious commentary as you groomed him. Well done! ❤
Yeah, but he would still be big. I have two male cats, one is chubby, but like not fat or obese (confirmed by vet), just a bit chubby, and the other one is slim. They're both huge cats. Not like Brian , but a decent units. I pay attention not to feed them often and they get small meals, but they are huge nevertheless. It's their genetics. I do agree that Brian should lose weight and drastically, but if he succeeds, he will remain a huge cat. He's a big boi.
You can tell from the size of his head that he would be a rather large cat even without the extra weight. I know some were suggesting separating him to another room but if that isn't feasible then getting an XL dog crate for feeding times to separate them might be a good idea. And putting a blanket over the top so he doesn't get anxious about seeing the others. If they have a set meal time then he can stay in the crate until everyone is done as long as he has water and a soft bed or blanket to lay on. That way everyone can stay safe as well.
I used to have a fat cat that was driven by food and affection. He used to belong to my parents and they, specifically my mom, have a bad habit of giving everyone anything they want, so he got really fat. I eventually adopted him from them and put him on a food schedule. Within a year, with no other changes, he went from about 25lbs to 18lbs (which was a very healthy weight for his size). He lived for 19 years, 13 of which were with me. A lot of animals tend to think they’re starving all the time because their instinct is to eat food when it is available, since wild animals don’t typically have a reliable food bowl to go to. Some don’t adjust well to having that reliable food bowl and don’t ration themselves well. When that happens, you, as their owner and responsible adult, have to do it for them.
Sounds like my grandmothers dog, most of the family referred to him as a penguin because he learned to sit up to beg and had enough weight that he could shuffle around like that while trying to get back onto all fours. He was a nasty pain in the rear whenever my grandmother was there and there were issues with a lot of his behavior. He found places my grandmother couldn't get to in order to go while refusing to go outside once my grandmother tripped and ended up in a wheelchair. He'd alternate between friendly/needy and snapping on a dime depending upon his wishes of the instant. My grandmother would feed him anything he could get the point that when she was drinking ensure due to it being one of the few things we could get my grandmother to actually consume herself, she'd give the dog a bottle whenever she had one. He was a mess...and would bark non-stop at anything and everything At three points when my grandmother ended up in the hospital, my family took him in and his weight dropped and we ended a LOT of his bad behaviors...instant that he saw my grandmother, all of that went away and she'd let him do whatever he wanted and he knew that we wouldn't stop her there. He lived a longer than the vet expected for whatever terrier he was supposed to be, it was more of tainted dog treats causing issues with water retention in the end that got him.
You could say the same thing about humans. It's why we are so drawn to fattening foods, they are normally a rare occurrence for most of our existence but now they are everywhere.
These poor's downright cruel to let them get this big. It truly shows neglect in bothering to show restraint for the sake of the animal's health. It's common sense that you can't give animals whatever they want all the time, because they have no idea what's actually good and or safe for them! Most have the intelligence of a human toddler, and you wouldn't let a toddler have and or eat whatever they want, would you?
That cat is sweet and his 'meow' pulled at my heart strings. The owner(s) need to get his feeding under control. He'll have better mobility and be able to clean himself properly at a healthy size. We adopted a cat that had a similar predicament. Once he shed the pounds he was like a kitten with lots of energy.💕
Cats in general don't hate water, they just associate it with then being wet and cold. My dad has had multiple cats where you couldn't leave warm dishwater in the sink, or they would jump in. They also tried to join you in the bath, despite it being way too deep for them.
Love his vocalizations: he's not exactly upset, and he's not really objecting to his treatment, and he seems to like and trust his groomer. It's just a formal protest for the form of the thing. Also, now I have "Bustopher Jones" running through my head. ^.^
Even if he lost some weight he's still a large cat, just look at his skull and overall size. I now it's not good for him but he looks so adorable and I want to hug him. He's like a big cat pillow. 😁
@@brokenglassshimmerlikestar3407 I really want to know if Vanessa strained any back muscles moving *30% of her entire body weight* in offended chonk form.
“Equivalent of a pumpkin doing a sit up…” Oh my how I snorted in laughter. XD Vanessa your quips are too funny! And yes Brian, you are such a chonky floof!!! ❤️❤️❤️
YEAH the size of his head and the strength of the tail too My family's cat is that big (WAS that fat too but I put him on a diet and now he has a defined face with no cheek chub)
@@riddlemefish6217It is a job, to get these big ones to a healthy weight. We had a MC/ragdoll mix who slimmed down from 22 lbs. to a muscular 16 lbs. Fortunately he liked to play fetch with his toys, on the stairs. So we just neded to be consistent. He lived a long, active life.
I love your cat videos. I'm been suffering from depression, and my therapist tells me its good to have things to look forward to. So from now on i'll look forward to your cat videos! Thank you for doing what you do!
It is good advice! Good on you for getting help for your depression. I understand how hard it can be. It does get better. If it helps, this random internet stranger is very proud of you.
Brian has the most literal "meow" of all cat meows.
Yes. He's the Oscar Wilde of cats.🧐
Yes. It's less meowing, more him saying "Meow!"
bro speaks english
Yeah, I was expecting him to say "Like literally meow, woman!" 😁
Agreed 😅
he’s past “chonk”, and firmly in “Oh lawd he comin’” territory
that boi thicc
What a load of crap
He’s so cute and chunky 😂
Oh my I remember what you're referring to!!
Yeah, it's pretty crappy you can't take a joke.
his enunciation of "meow" is... STARTLINGLY clear. what a well-spoken unit.
Yes, it's like he knows how it's spelled!😂
I noticed that too. He sounded like an AI imitating a cat.
The bigger speakers always produce a better sound.
@@hdofuwoofer broke, now it's a meower
I love Brian, he sounds like a cartoon cat saying "Meow". He was so scared during his bath, what an absolute trooper.
"A pumpkin doing a sit-up" 😂 now that one got me!!!
Actually, I knew a cat that resembled that remark. He just looked so round tho I think he wasn't nearly that heavy. Still, I called him a bowling ball. He was surprisingly agile and adept at grooming himself. It was quite impressive.
Me too 😂😂
Relatable, tbh
I resemble that remark. lol
He's not just a chonk. His paws and head are HUGE. A big cat to begin with. So much love to give!
Big boned! Hopefully his owners have him on a diet though. I have a 16lb cat who is also big boned (even as a little kitten drinking from mommy's teet you could tell he was going to be a big boi) and he's so fat I cannot imagine a cat being nearly twice his size! Kitty needs a diet stat. Heck, MY cat needs a diet too.
@@koolaidman6251Brian is the cat equivalent of a Saint Bernard dog 😂 since the moment he walked in the door you can tell he has a bigger frame than your average cat. I think his only concern is his fat stomach from hoarding all the kibbles at home. Other than that, he seems like a pretty happy lad if you ask me.
Ya I noticed that too
I love the blubbery Brian but I'd go bankrupt feeding him.
He's so cute! I love him! 🐱❤️ But I wouldn't have named him Brian.
Vanessa: "please do not attempt any fancy escapes"
Brian "i couldn't even if i wanted to"
Brian is a unit.
Absolute Unit.
I love how he knows he had absolutely no shot at jumping and running away so he just screams 😂
Everyone in a horror movie:
He barely has a shot at rolling away, but he's too lazy to do even that.
That is the saddest thing. He can’t be a cat.
@@honeybadger1847 My cat is a perfectly healthy weight and just stands and sulks/cries if I ever have to wash her just as Brian does and she is perfectly capable of escaping shes just really fucking lazy and dramatic.
Haha so true he knows he ain’t goin nowhere
That's the cleanest way I ever heard a cat saying MIAU
Sounds bri'ish 😅
@@justscrolling1323he looks bri’ish
Sounded to me like "no", like everytime Vanessa said "you are fine!" he answered "No!!" :D
The Keefness could make a tuneful song from him.
He sounds like a post-graduate cat who never got to finish his masters degree.
What an absolute UNIT. He doesn't have murder mittens, he has hellacious ham fists.
*ham hocks😂😂😂
Lol "coconut fists!"
The Bert Kreischer of cats. The Machine!
his name being Bryan is so hysterical to me
pets with normal human names are the funniest thing to me 😂
Ikr? Had me wheezing right away 😂
I want a chonky black cat and name it as "melvin" ngl
I have a girl cat named Clarence
“Can we get him a happy hoodie?” … **still decidedly unhappy** 😂
The transition was amazing
If anything unhappier.
I love that his name is simply Brian. Also that he has such a big boy meow. And that it sounds like he's saying "haalp" the whole time.
maybe if he'd gotten less help he wouldn't look like that
unfortunately it really sounds like "help" lmao
So big he needed a Peopel name
I love cats with human names 😂 mine are named Mike and Phil. My family constantly gets mixed up with our cat Mike and my boss named Mike haha
I can't unhear the "help" now
Its because his owner on here is showing that he is lazy in all aspects related to his pets.
Are you sure that's not a panda?
he's about that bamboozle life.
Catch a mouse? Sike!
He's gonna catch all the naps and treats.
In chinese panda is literally "bear cat" and by the look of him, seems apt lol
Kung Fu Kitty
I would love if they named a panda Brian. Maybe Brian-Brian like Ling-Ling?
I love pets with regular names like Brian, Dave, John, Anna, Claire. It's just so funny to me.
Useless Farm animals..😁
Brian’s commentary earned the total concentration of both my Australian Shepherds, who were convinced he was somehow trapped inside my iPad 🤣
My two cats were visibly concerned :D
sometimes I don't watch the cat videos if my dog is around because she gets so scared the maybe we have a cat inside the house 😂
@@redwitch12my cat couldn’t care less.
"Him trying to groom himself is like a pumpkin trying to do a sit up" 😂 I was not expecting that 😂
Me, too, Brian. Me, too. 😂
Nearly choked on my drink hearing that
Poor baby
“he’s wide enough to be someone’s foot stool” she’s straight up roasting through the whole length, poor baby
I like how when he’s being brushed he just entered bread loaf mode and tucks in his feet and just accepts it.
My cat loves to loaf up when I brush him. He loves it so much that sometimes he refuses to get up until I brush him more 😂
Then he likes being brushed
Bread loaf modeeee 🍞🍞🍞😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
He’s lying there like he just ran a marathon
@@eldritchcupcakes3195Stand in your shower and scream like you're being murdered for an hour. You'd be tired too
Poor Brian. So handsome! You did such a great job.
He may be a chunky cat but he is adorable. Medically I hope his owners are keeping an eye on him too. His poor siblings!
They obviously aren’t. A vet would have intervened 15 pounds ago. I’m shocked every comment but one is afraid to address the elephant in the room. That cat is sick, in pain, and headed for an early death. The owners are the only ones who can prevent it.
They aren't. The cat is dying
@@giabarrone7422 there's a lot of feeder on internet unfortunally and for whatever reason, people think it's cute to make animals suffer from overfeeding
I'm surprised I had to scroll down to find a comment about this (and relieved I'm not the only one who mentioned it). 15 pounds is about average for most cats (with some breeds weighing a little less, and others, like the Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cat, weighing a bit more...though none of it is due to fat). To be double that amount...that's just sad.
@@giabarrone7422 oh i did. I think its abuse. Unkind. Poor boy.
The Equigroomer. Good for horses. Also good for horse-sized cats.
And largish bunnies
Not horses tho
@@everythingeverything6505 The equigroomer was designed for horses. Hence the name having "equi" in it.
@everythingeverything6505 It is good for the mini horses I work with
And dogs. And cats.
I used to have a 30 pound cat. Though, unlike Brian, Comus was 30lbs of pure muscle. Other cats catch rabbits. Comus caught possums. Lived to the ripe old age of 22.
possums?! goddamn is your cat the terminator
Wouldn't condone a cat catching a helpful species, as in opossum , but no clue as to possums
@@scotttait2197 possum, opossum, same thing. It's a question of if you write the silent "o" or not. I wasn't alive until he was old, so I don't know the details, but I don't think the possum-catching was frequent.
yes true, depends on breed and lifestyle(and cat habits)
Quite easy for a cat to get to 20-30lbs if a big breed and active,Some stay in hunting mode all their lives.
The flipside of that is you also get cat with bulimia.any number of reasons why..usually they self regulate food, but some occasionally have a psychitric trait that tells them their next meal won't be for another 6 months, wolf the lot down and puke about 10 minutes later.more common in indoor cats than outdoors ones ,the hunting instinct is still there,but with indoors the opportunity to use it is restricted.
He's meowing " help" so perfectly 🤣 and you meowing back lol 😆
I don't think you had to worry about him running away during the session, he's 10 too many lasagnas in to start exercising now.
he is 3-4 times heavier then a normal cat!
*o lawd he comin*
Brian's meow is the most precious thing😊
3:44 "Their rotund size means the only thing they run to is their food bowl"
That slander was so harse yet so hilarious 😂
There is just something so funny about seeing Brian, this fluffy, chonky boi, in a happy hoodie 😂
It was too funny watching him cry the entire time, but almost never make a move to escape or attack. Just such a sad meow! 😂
He would make the perfect TV trope passive-aggressive guilt trip parent. He is like, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed..."
He probably doesn't know the definition of the word. :D
He too fat to do anything! 😂
I mean. I’m chubby so I get it. If there’s something I can’t do about my situation, I kinda just cry into the void. XD
Poor big baby surrendered to his fate, but let Vanessa know he disagreed vehmenently with the grooming with all the meows he had in him!
Brian''s meow is just the cutest thing ever, my goodness.
This cat enunciates so clearly that if he were a human, he’d have an upper-class British accent. “For all that is good and holy, get your beastly paws off my glorious coat! 🧐”
I love that
He was totally one of those fat British aristocrats from Victorian times in a past life.
I guess you could call him an aristocat.
Why his name Brian so fitting? 😂😂
Precious dramatic baby. The care you take with the clients pets is amazing. And Brian was just delightful even if he was dramatic.
Such a size, yet still tearfully cries for help
His personal dignity was under heavy assault there.
@@kreese-yi2nb she really doesn’t hold back on the fat shaming of these animals. It’s hilarious. 😂
Ya, he's a huge cat. I mean, everyone is saying he's fat, and he is, but look at the size of his HEAD! He's just a large cat.
My brothers neighbor in Alaska had a tiger stripe cat that weighed upwards of 23 pounds. I have a picture of me holding him and he was heavy. Enormous would be a good description. He also had thumbs and so that was his name. He was no sloucher and that's a fact lol. Very docile and beautiful.
@@batacumba I bet the owners usually don't get the obvious suggestion anyway.
Love his name. Brian is adorable. Hope his parents learn to manage his health, bless his heart.
They need to separate him from the others when they eat.
Good idea, I hope they do that, ekleamon1
I named him after Paul Walker. My Brian is fine just how he is.
Yea from all the comments theyre leaving, they are not managing his health
@@DrifttheorygarageThat’s sweet. Paul Walker was an amazing human.
But Brian is overweight and that’s not healthy for him. I say this as someone who also has an overweight cat. Similar situation. My other cats eat and she finished their food for them.
My 3 cats became very worried for Brian when they heard his meows. They are now surrounding me and trying to understand what I'm doing to the cat inside my phone, so distressed
"They are now surrounding me and trying to understand-"
That is just terrifying without context.
The visualization of that is hysterical! I just cracked up!😂 The flip side of that is that I felt very sad for the kitties knowing that they didn't understand what a cell phone is all about.😢
I have to use headphones to watch the cat ones… our sensitive kitty gets distressed otherwise. Neither cats gives a hoot about the dogs.
my oldest cat started being like that
My pippin came running to me too
Absolutely hilarious! Brian’s cries for rescue were the cutest! Precious Brian! Love your commentary!
black and white kitties always have the best meowls. hopefully brian's family works the whole situation out, he's such a cutie
Sounds racist
Can confirm I have a tri-color female that is mostly black and white and she makes noises I've never heard cats make, and we've had cats for like 3 decades.
Like Poki!
huh weird, my personal experience agrees. My tuxedo boy had the biggest mournful meyowwoos, his littermates would just sit next to him and let him complain for them
My tuxedo teenager doesn't "meow." Most of the time he sounds just like a squeaky toy, with variable volume. If he's really excited it's more of a whistle 😅😼
Two of my kitties came around the computer when they heard Brian crying in the bath. It seems he was sending out a universal SOS.
My cat did too!!
He was like “my brethren! I must be saved! I am being abused by a servant! Please help!” 😂
My dog just started barking when he heard the meows 😂
My cat was beside me and as soon as he heard Brian he ran to his safe space on the bathroom rug
My cat looked at me and walked off when hearing his meowing 😂😂
Surepet microchip feeders are really useful in situations where one cat steals their siblings' food! Would highly recommend
My neighbors had to get one of those because their older cat (who is a unit, but not OH LAWD HE COMIN like Brian here) keeps eating the kitten food that's for his little brother. It works, but the big one is NOT pleased, lol.
I didn't know that was a thing - what a great idea!
I know somebody with 4 cats who used them to great effect, one bully/vacuums two on prescription diets and one lone normal cat
not the most affordable option. they could simply just separate everyone during feeding time.
Hearing a cute kitty Bebe cry like that fills me with unimaginable sorrow. Even if its all good and hes just being cleaned.
Feeding him separately from his fur siblings like my mom does,close them in a room and wait for the others to finish then pick up the bowls.
My thoughts exactly. It all rests on the owner. All 30 pounds, poor Brian
@@elisemiller13 I suspect that when separated from food he cries so convincingly that his owners surrender.
My friend had to do this with her cats, and if for whatever reason you couldn't put one in a separate room you had to basically guard the other cat's food bowl while he leisurely ate his food so his chubby brother wouldn't steal it
I get what you are saying for sure, but my cat (thin) could be convincingly starving, but she’d still only eat a couple mouthfuls before going away to do other cat things. She’d randomly spread that meal over a good half day or more. Maybe the sibling is similar?
I’d put the sibling’s food in a higher spot, so that the overweight cat couldn’t get to it, but it’s accessible any time for cat sibling.
@@zamnelnaExactly my thoughts. That cat aint climbing much of anything, and if he does, well, then he's at least getting exercise.
His pronunciation of Meow is perfect,clear, audibly in perfect volume and tone! The timbre is perfect! Using his throat and diaphragm insynched!😍
He is the purrfect opera cat. He's even wearing a tuxedo!
That cat gives the saying "thicker than a snicker" a whole new meaning. Such a nice kitty
I've not heard that, but I love it now!
The transition to the happy hoodie was beautiful🤣
He's been SOOO good for you during this groom. What a sweet boy.
Love my Brian
He had no other option lol. Dude wasn't able to do anything with that weight. Adorable tho
@@Drifttheorygarage I love him to
@Drifttheorygarage stop overfeeding your cat. You're killing him slowly
@@FlyinggMushroom good.
Ok but can we talk about how she guessed his exact weight to be 30lbs and turned out right? That's a skill right there 😹
She has lifted a lot of animals 😁😁
Not 30.1, not 29.9, 30.0, wow.
Can we talk about how I guessed her weight at 100.8lbs?
what do you want to talk about? You've said it all.
He does a great job pronouncing "meow". So cute!!!!!! 😍
The fact shes just dissing the shit out that absolute behemoth of a creature is so funny
Fr, Bro was catching strays left and right none stop. 💀😭
It’s stupid, not funny!
@@carlloccisano8849it is
Its funny @@carlloccisano8849
@@carlloccisano8849 1 it's funny
2 the owner wanted it
3 it's a far cat of course I'm gonna call it a panda
While I was volunteering at my local shelter a lady came in with her overweight white brown tabby kitty to surrender him weighing at 28 to 30 pounds and the shelter put him on a much needed diet he is on a low calorie dry food and wetfood, he is down to 18 pounds and is now very vocal and has a lot more energy to walk around 🥰 he is such a sweetheart shelter has named him AJ
I can't believe anyone would let their cat get that big! I wonder if he has a thyroid problem.
@@sufyb6432 it's definitely not healthy. Someone I work for has a timed feeder that dispenses c amount of food at x amount of intervals during the day and their cat is still very overweight.
@@TheFlyingmartini Then they dispense topo much.
It's unfortunate that the shelter took the cat instead of working with the owner to help them take care of their cat properly
@@2percentright At that point the owners shouldn't get any animal ever again. This is at best willful ignorance. At least these people gave the cat away to save it.
His name is Brian?! I can’t! I love Brian and his sad cries for help. 😂
He's such a good kitty- even though he's a heckin chonker if I've ever seen one! XD
I'm almost certain he's actually trying to tell her his name is RYAN, a la The Office scene. "bitch... 🧐📝"
Yup he most definitely wanted to speak with a manager lol
He reminds me of my old man, Bruiser, who passed away earlier this year. We adopted him from the man who previously rented our house before us, and poor guy was free-fed the most inexpensive cat food (all his owner could afford). He was 28 lbs when we adopted him, and through portioned, healthier food, & more exercise from the terrorizing of my other cat, he was down to a stable 12.5 that the vet was much happier with. He was the bestest boy.
RIP bruiser
Thank you for giving Bruiser a healthier and happier life!
Working in vet med, large cats are fairly common, and we do our best to help educate owners on great diet, excercise, and mental stimulation so they can trim down their fur babies. But occassionally we get some that are sadly beyond our help. We had one just this last week who was a whopping 42.8 lbs. Definitely the largest cat any of us at the clinic had ever seen. Sadly, the cat passed away due to complications from his obesity. It is hard to see something like that and not completely break down. It can be a tough industry to work in.
Brian has the most "meow" sounding meow i've ever heard lol
I used to have a cat that would do the same thing. So we had to start feeding him separately from the other two cats while closed in the bathroom. Twice a day he got a measured amout of food and the other two cats could eat as much as they liked for 20-30 minutes(they didnt have weight issues). It worked well!
Thank you for taking your pets weight seriously. Your pet is so lucky to have a dedicated owner. ❤️
Exactly this. One of our cats tries to steal the other one's food, so they're fed on a schedule in separate rooms, end of story. Both are a healthy weight. The only acceptable excuse for a fat cat is that you adopted them already overweight and you're working on getting them back to a healthy weight gradually/safely. Otherwise, keeping your pets at a healthy weight is your responsibility and it's unfair to them to let them stay at an unhealthy weight.
A friend of mine had an overweight dog, and we were wondering how it seemed to be getting worse- until we caught him stealing the cats’ food in a different part of the house.
@@GotAnUmbrella agree
@@siberx4 agree
He actually was a really good boy during the groom. God bless you Brian good job as usual.
Brian is sooo cute!!!
My mom had a cat which looked like Brian, he was 33 lb Maine coone/ragdoll combo, very sweet, he reminded me of a firetruck when running up the stairs. Nobody could figure out why he was so big, he got minimum food yet he was giant. When mom died I figured it out, the house was spotless and clean but I had to lock the cat in a bedroom during moving and his foodsource revealed itself, the cat ate tons and tons of mice, nobody knew because he was so fast and knew where they were. I took ownership of him and without mice, he lost 18lbs in 1.5 years.
Woah, awesome!
The thing is, 33lbs is not unbelievably large for a Maine Coon mix. They're just huge in general. 15lbs might actually be low-ish, if he takes more after his Maine Coon side as opposed to his Ragdoll side.
We had a Maine Coon that weighed 21 pounds, he wasn't fat at all, just BIG. People would be amazed at how huge he was.
So he was the secret saviour
Those cats just are big
Things I loved about this vid
1. His name is Brian
2. That face
3. The way she had to hold him to trim the mittens
4. His meow that is very Mayoesque
He really articulates the meow 😂
Schoolbook meow!
He wants to be absolutely clear about this No
What a lovable little pumpkin!
I am absolutely smitten with Brian. He is so adorable and his meows tug at my heartstrings! 🥰
Brian is such a fur ball. He looks so much better after a bath. You know that the equigroomer got a lot of his itches. Now him is a clean fur ball. He just needs cuddles and pets.
And better owners.
And a diet.
He probably also needs to be a single cat.
@@basementality4924 trashing the owners on here isn't kind. Education works much better.
I don't think folks realize how difficult having an obese cat is in a multicat household. I joke that my chonk has a leptin receptor deficiency because he had no satiety. He starts scoping other cats' food before he even finishes his own and uses his size to body the other cats away from their food, meaning mealtimes have to be directly supervised. The other 2 are at the opposite end of the spectrum: prefer to eat a little and return to their food (which the chonk takes full advantage of). To ensure everyone is fed enough and fed the correct foods without extra consumption by the chonk, I would have to keep them separated 24/7. I used to be able to sequester him with his more agile brother and put his brother's food up on a stand, but his brother doesn't like the new stand and will go without food over climbing it. I genuinely do the best I can, but it's a battle.
A good-faith suggestion for Brian's owners: Since his fur siblings are striking out trying to defend their food from their rotund brother, you could combine a feeding schedule of small meals twice a day with enforced seperation and portion control. Give Brian his portion in a room that he can't get out of, feed his siblings, and then if they don't finish their food remove any leftovers until the next meal time, taking away any chance he has to pilfer.
Give him a slow feeder, too. That way, he's more focused on fishing what food he can out of his portion while his siblings take their time eating, and not trying to escape and damaging doors or floors
I think Jackson Galaxy tends to recommend 30 minutes of playtime to overweight or hyperactive cats, which is also a great bonding experience for human and cat
this ^ i had to do exactly this. i have a 15 pounder and a 7 pounder. he will steal her food. every time they're unsupervised. they have to eat separately. he's not quite this round, but he's just an animal. you gotta outsmart them to save them from themselves.
I feel like it might be more effective just to separate Brian from the others for a while. I don't know how many cats his owners have, but I have thirteen cats and scheduled feeding times would be impossible. Then again, most of them are outside, so that might partially be why.
We actually have a cat who used to be overweight until we made him stop hoarding the foodbowl. He's four pounds lighter now. Still food-focused, but maintaining his weight pretty nicely.
So you want me to stress Brian out so you can feel better at night? Lol I’ll pass on that one
@@Drifttheorygaragethat’s not stressing him out?? You have to separate him, I have two cats and one is bigger because she just overeats, and eats her sisters food. Some cats are food obsessed and you have to separate them during meals so one doesn’t become the size of a couch. That’s called neglect
My border collie is obsessed with cats, and he COULD NOT FIND THE SCREAMING CAT 😭😅
That constant, monotonous MIAUUU getting dramatic when the water comes... ...Brian is awesome!😂
Lmao and then the happy hoodie what is that 😂 he is like `^`
“…grooming himself is the equivalent of a pumpkin doing a sit-up.” I went back and forth between feeling sorry for Brian’s rotundity and laughing hysterically at your hilarious commentary as you groomed him. Well done! ❤
Rotundity 😂
He's the first cat I've heard where it literally sounds EXACTLY like m-e-o-w! 😄
That’s what I thought too!!
He understands the assignment
@@achevres - Great minds...😏😄
@@k80bhappypaddler 😄
Because it's not a meow, but a distressed call like yawl, nothing funny as this cat is clearly scared when making these sounds.
0:43 it sounds like he’s saying “meow”
All cats say “meow”
I love how he went from a clear "meow" to just "OW" when the water started running 😂
He was a good boy!! Loved thus rotund gentleman, his polite requests to speak to a manager, had me me rolling 😅😂
well his name is brian not Karen.
@@MusMasi Braren
Yes he is huge but he is also a very pretty cat isn't he? What a lovely face!
Brian is a beautiful pet cat. I wish him well❤
Brian! It's such a mundane name and yet it perfectly fits this absolute unit.
I think we would all like to see Brian back for a follow-up in a slimmer state.
I’d love to see him again in ANY state! This is my favorite video by far! 🥰
If you can’t feel a cat’s ribs, he/she be too fat!
If the person in the comments claiming to be his owner actually is, unfortunately Brian isn't going to get slimmer. It's sad
@@Studio23MediaYes, @Drifttheorygarage has a short video of his cat Brian.
Yeah, but he would still be big. I have two male cats, one is chubby, but like not fat or obese (confirmed by vet), just a bit chubby, and the other one is slim. They're both huge cats. Not like Brian , but a decent units. I pay attention not to feed them often and they get small meals, but they are huge nevertheless. It's their genetics. I do agree that Brian should lose weight and drastically, but if he succeeds, he will remain a huge cat. He's a big boi.
You can tell from the size of his head that he would be a rather large cat even without the extra weight. I know some were suggesting separating him to another room but if that isn't feasible then getting an XL dog crate for feeding times to separate them might be a good idea. And putting a blanket over the top so he doesn't get anxious about seeing the others. If they have a set meal time then he can stay in the crate until everyone is done as long as he has water and a soft bed or blanket to lay on. That way everyone can stay safe as well.
This is a fantastic idea!!
EXACTLY this!!!
He’s so cute poor thing is being fed too much
I wonder if his human parents noticed his increasing weight before he got to this size?
I bet Brian hasn't missed a buffet in a LONG time!!!
And he hasn't been able to lick his own balls on the same amount of time
Aww geez, poor thing🥺 That's not right. Thank you for helping him Vanessa🥰
I used to have a fat cat that was driven by food and affection. He used to belong to my parents and they, specifically my mom, have a bad habit of giving everyone anything they want, so he got really fat. I eventually adopted him from them and put him on a food schedule. Within a year, with no other changes, he went from about 25lbs to 18lbs (which was a very healthy weight for his size). He lived for 19 years, 13 of which were with me.
A lot of animals tend to think they’re starving all the time because their instinct is to eat food when it is available, since wild animals don’t typically have a reliable food bowl to go to. Some don’t adjust well to having that reliable food bowl and don’t ration themselves well. When that happens, you, as their owner and responsible adult, have to do it for them.
Sounds like my grandmothers dog, most of the family referred to him as a penguin because he learned to sit up to beg and had enough weight that he could shuffle around like that while trying to get back onto all fours. He was a nasty pain in the rear whenever my grandmother was there and there were issues with a lot of his behavior.
He found places my grandmother couldn't get to in order to go while refusing to go outside once my grandmother tripped and ended up in a wheelchair.
He'd alternate between friendly/needy and snapping on a dime depending upon his wishes of the instant.
My grandmother would feed him anything he could get the point that when she was drinking ensure due to it being one of the few things we could get my grandmother to actually consume herself, she'd give the dog a bottle whenever she had one.
He was a mess...and would bark non-stop at anything and everything
At three points when my grandmother ended up in the hospital, my family took him in and his weight dropped and we ended a LOT of his bad behaviors...instant that he saw my grandmother, all of that went away and she'd let him do whatever he wanted and he knew that we wouldn't stop her there. He lived a longer than the vet expected for whatever terrier he was supposed to be, it was more of tainted dog treats causing issues with water retention in the end that got him.
You could say the same thing about humans. It's why we are so drawn to fattening foods, they are normally a rare occurrence for most of our existence but now they are everywhere.
These poor's downright cruel to let them get this big. It truly shows neglect in bothering to show restraint for the sake of the animal's health. It's common sense that you can't give animals whatever they want all the time, because they have no idea what's actually good and or safe for them! Most have the intelligence of a human toddler, and you wouldn't let a toddler have and or eat whatever they want, would you?
I honestly don't know why people in the comments find this cat's obesity so funny...
the GASP of absolute astonishment i let out when you showed the scale omg
That cat is sweet and his 'meow' pulled at my heart strings. The owner(s) need to get his feeding under control. He'll have better mobility and be able to clean himself properly at a healthy size. We adopted a cat that had a similar predicament. Once he shed the pounds he was like a kitten with lots of energy.💕
That is a CHONK of a fluffball! I love him!
He's a beautiful cat. Considering cats hate water, I think Brian was very well behaved.
Cats in general don't hate water, they just associate it with then being wet and cold.
My dad has had multiple cats where you couldn't leave warm dishwater in the sink, or they would jump in. They also tried to join you in the bath, despite it being way too deep for them.
I love your avi
Or lazy, I'd say it's a 50/50 possibility
@@joebaumgart1146 Thanks. La la la la la...
Because he is too big and he can't move or run away that's why he has to stay there
The equivalent of a pumpkin trying to do a sit up
Brian manages to meow at the same pitch every time. He's a virtuoso.
Bryan is not fat, he is just holding a lot of personality in him that made him expand. 😂😂
Stealing the personality from his siblings' food dish!
Hefty chonk
He is massively obese and it is NOT ok!! This is straight up ab*se!!
Love his vocalizations: he's not exactly upset, and he's not really objecting to his treatment, and he seems to like and trust his groomer. It's just a formal protest for the form of the thing.
Also, now I have "Bustopher Jones" running through my head. ^.^
At least until they started using the water on him, at which point poor Brian was clearly dying
He IS Bustopher Jones!
^^^^^^this comment
Bustopher Jones was 25 pounds, so you're not far off!
This exactly how my 13 pound female maine coon screams. She won't scratch or bite but will scream bloody murder in protest.
His meow is so cute, and it's not his fault that he's heavy. The owners should feed their pets separately if one prevents the others from eating :(
Just get this Cat Ozempic
Even if he lost some weight he's still a large cat, just look at his skull and overall size. I now it's not good for him but he looks so adorable and I want to hug him. He's like a big cat pillow. 😁
Lol he looks really solid tho, maybe more like a sandbag
@@brokenglassshimmerlikestar3407 I really want to know if Vanessa strained any back muscles moving *30% of her entire body weight* in offended chonk form.
Sweet kitty! I wish his vet and owner would find a healthier diet for him.
Vanessa must have arms like a weightlifter.
yeah even at a more normal weight he'd probably top 15lbs. He's just a big cat. probably neutered later than normal.
He's so well-behaved and gentle, despite being unhappy 🥺
He is such a sweet and beautiful boy. He complained but pretty much complied. ❤😻
That sweet, round cat. That cry would break my heart…
Brian is a gorgeous tank! His cry of his people had my fur babies come to attention. ❤
“Equivalent of a pumpkin doing a sit up…”
Oh my how I snorted in laughter. XD
Vanessa your quips are too funny!
And yes Brian, you are such a chonky floof!!! ❤️❤️❤️
And mentioning fancy escapes? She doesn't have to worry, pumpkins can only stop, drop and roll. Not necessarily in that order.
Brian is so cute and talkative!
His meows are so polite. like "I am calmly expressing my discontent."
Edit: I just got to 1:32 and now he is sounding less calm
I love tuxedo cats.
They have great personalities.
My Penelope is a Tuxie about 10 pounds and she quite clearly says NO when a bath is involved@@Freakazoid12345
Man those mitts are HUGE! Even if he wasn’t chonky he’s still be a big boi! Super cute boi
YEAH the size of his head and the strength of the tail too
My family's cat is that big (WAS that fat too but I put him on a diet and now he has a defined face with no cheek chub)
@@riddlemefish6217It is a job, to get these big ones to a healthy weight. We had a MC/ragdoll mix who slimmed down from 22 lbs. to a muscular 16 lbs. Fortunately he liked to play fetch with his toys, on the stairs. So we just neded to be consistent. He lived a long, active life.
I love your cat videos. I'm been suffering from depression, and my therapist tells me its good to have things to look forward to.
So from now on i'll look forward to your cat videos! Thank you for doing what you do!
I know the feeling. I have been depressed for about 12 years. My brain is messed up
I understand. One thing I do is find my favorite comedians on UA-cam and watch their stand up shows. Old and new.
It is good advice! Good on you for getting help for your depression. I understand how hard it can be. It does get better. If it helps, this random internet stranger is very proud of you.
I use to be depressed thank god for weed and gardening. A hobby helps so much.
Cats make good companions. They are very calm and therapeutic ❤❤
The. Loud Dramatic meows 😄😍😘 omg Brian