RedPanda It’s kinda clickbaity but it still works if what they meant to do was talk about the lead up to it and how no one knows yet who it’ll be. Bliss just stopped short of doing so, “revealing” can be used in future terms.
Yep each faction will be awarded a mount, an Plaugebat for the Horde and a Hippogryph for the Alliance during this event. Though whether the pre-purchase is needed to complete it for 'Battle for Lordareon' I don't really know.
Wow! Back when i discovered this channel at >5k subs i already loved it, but stopped playing WoW and didnt watch you anymore. Now 200k subs!? What a journey! Congratz to you two cutiepies
I'm glad this is getting some media traction. There's something seriously wrong with sharding/crossrealms where there's 10x as many Horde as Alliance in a given zone; I thought the main purpose of these things were to bring balance to the force, not destroy it.
That's because the Horde seeks nothing but conquest. While the Alliance seeks progress. It's pretty much why the Horde have to be given an artificial power spike every expansion to stay relevant to the Alliance. How many times have we had to kick your ass and force you into accepting peace? PS - FOR THE ALLIANCE
the real reasons is that the people that pick horde are more skewed to pvp. This in turn on the horde side makes it so that it's actually harder to pvp. like sometimes I have to wait forever to do a random bg.
What? This is wrong. When you play Horde on War Mode you've got the exact same problem, so Blizzard can't get their cross-realm shit straight, one way or another... I play Horde and everytime I am at Darkshore there are about 2 Hordies on 15 Allies -.-
It's honestly just playercount because better racials have caused mass transfers and rerolls of alliance to horde. look at the faction number disparity.
that is just your bias talking, the truth of the matter is there is just as many alliance as horde players in that zone. HOWEVER, that does not mean they are all in one area, a group of 20 people is going to stomp on 20 people who are in smaller groups. When you enter darkshore in war mode make sure you join the main raid
You killed a baker. You were in command on that quest. The rogue just did what you told him. Your order was to secure Astranaar, not to kill everything. If you want to blame someone for the dead baker, blame yourself.
As a biased Alliance player I can only guess that either: 1. Alliance burns the tree 2. Goblins throw a bomb which accidentally comes in contact with Night Elf's stored azerite cache 3. Old gods
Ragnaros. (He has history of wanting to see the world trees burn) The twilight cultists on Dark Shore and/or the Druids of the Flames from Mt Hyjal take the warring factions ignorance (who noticed the goblin fuel stations are next to a twilight cultist Fire Altar) to full advantage and out flak them, sneak into Darnassus and burn the lot while the armies are busy elsewhere.
My guess for the tree burning; it's an accident. I think a azerite powered zepplin scouts ahead and gets shot down and accidently crashes into it and "POOF" burning tree.
that's exactly what i thought as soon as i saw the WQ where we have to go retrieve the barrels from the water, that whole thing was very close to the tree....
could it be queen Azhara and the naga that burned Teldrassil? - she is one of the 'warbringers' - the Queen song references could point to her - she and the naga hate the nelfs - she and the naga are closely tied to the old gods, could they be fanning the flames and dealing a blow to their most hated enemy at the same time? - "beware the daughter of the seas" could it be that Daelin and the kultirans that were lost at sea have seen the threat of the naga, and send a message out warning ppl, but it got misinterpreted as meaning 'watch out for jaina'
yall know that the Daelin and the Kultirans weren't lost at sea right? They got killed by Rexxar, Thrall, and the Horde, Warcraft 3 yall. While I'm not saying it's not Azshara I don't think that's how she'll make herself known. I think it's Delaryn Summermoon. She's the alchemist posted in Darnassus that is overseeing the Azerite research who hates the Horde and I'm guessing she'd rather burn the tree and destroy the Azerite in it's roots and trunk than let Sylvannas and the Horde get it.
It is a short commercial close up of the faction leaders faces. It was uploaded on MMOchampion but I do not know if it was uploaded to the World or Warcraft youtube
You Sir, are a true youtube artist And you keep impressing us everytime. Way to create Tali! and also, great hit to bring Sharm for the intro - she rocks!
The issue, Anduin isn't there, and on the alliance side quests the tree burns with ALL the civilians still in it needing saving. Nobody on the alliance would do so on purpose with over 900 groups of people stuck in the city of darnassis alone during the burning.
Plenty of people on the Alliance would go to extremes in the war against the Horde. Night Elves themselves are particularly ruthless, so it's not out of the question whatsoever.
Lynneiah I can only assume that you haven't gotten into as much of the lore if that's what you think. In fact, we dealt extensively with one such leader during Legion, and she happened to be a Night Elf to boot. Maiev Shadowsong.
I am so glad my main is alliance. I wouldn't want to be associated with this war criminal. The Horde are going to have an awful problem justifying the war with the alliance now. The burning of the World Tree was no accident, not the result of fortunes of war. It was part of a deliberate effort to demoralise the Night Elves. I wonder how the Nightfallen or the Blood Elves are going to react to this, let alone the Tauren and the other Horde druids? Show less
Delaryn burned the tree, -she commands the alchemists who are watching over the azerit in darnassus -she hates the horde -is alive before the tree burns -dead after the event -its looks like she is on an artwork with the burning tree in the background, kneeling before sylvanas with a few arrows in the back it was 100% her i guess she would rather burn the tree than leave it to the horde
Based on the only actual evidence we have right now (we know she has the azerite, we know she is alive then dead on the beach) your idea is pretty solid. I'm just wondering if an officer of the Sentinels would do something like that without orders. They are a pretty disciplined bunch. Also would ANY night elf put that many night elf lives in such grave danger. After all without the night elf people the tree is sort of redundant. That having been said I think you may very well be right. I just hope we get a good explanation as to why she would do it.
Aden Metsastaja Night Elves are extremely vindictive, and Teldrassil itself was, until very recently, a huge point of contention among them. I could see some of the more militarized night elves pulling a stunt like this, if it denies the Horde.
This play on Jaina's wonderful sea shanty is, without a doubt, one of my favorite things I have seen on UA-cam in a very long time. Just wonderful, y'all. Just damn wonderful.
The phasing for WarMode isn't to great either I ended up with like 5 alliance players and 80 horde or an army of Alliance and almost no Horde they should try to balance it out
I still don't think we'll get a clear answer who burns the tree. If they leave it ambiguous it leaves it open to each side blaming the other which would help stoke the animosity.
3 at all, second next week, 3rd a week after and then the following week is release already. you need to finish the 3rd chapter to gain the mount afaik
Yea the second and final part of Teldrassil drops this week then Lordaeron the week after. It's just been assumed by most that the missing cinematic will definitively answer who is behind the tree burning, my thinking being that may not be the case.
If they can kill Misha and Rexxar overcomes by summoning every single one of his buddies onto Jaina and she retreats that's the only outcome I will accept
I just leveled a rogue from 70 to 110 in war-mode. I was ganked 2 times in total which did not result in death. Including doing my world quest in Darkshore. I think my server shard might be broken. That being said I must admit I have 0 desire for competition in game in general, I prefer teamwork and compassion. As hard as I might try I can not get over the Khadgar syndrome, because he is correct, the war is not only stupid but a bad choice across the board. I am not sure if it is a Boulderfist thing but the overwhelming majority of Alliance I encountered went something like this...... Emote: :OP: Salutes you with respect. You: Emote: You lavish OP with Kisses. I harbor 0 hatred for either faction and find this Horde v Alliance stuff nothing more than a sign of stupid. Personally I cannot wait until BFA launches so I can ignore it all and focus on the Champions of Azeroth content.
I agree honestly, while i don't mind PvP and there being huge additions to PVP content i do think that the horde/alliance would learn from their previous war? Also don't we have another old god to defeat and save Azeroth from dieing?.
My personal theory and hope is that BfA is just a way to send the faction war off with a bang, and that we won't deal with the war between Horde and Alliance afterwards. It started being silly to me when both factions decided to shoot potshots at eachother while circling Icecrown Citadel during the literal last assault on the Lich King. It's gone on long enough. It worked in the past and yes, that is where the Warcraft universe got its start, but now its just holding the narrative and the game itself back. I think splitting the playerbase like this is really an antique for the MMO genre now. We can have different races and causes without having a gameplay barrier put between us and our fellow WoW players.
Yup, i like to do some bgs every now and then but pvp gets boring after you kill same player 3 times, whats the fun in 110 vs 40 ? 10 vs 3? I like both factions but if i had to pvp i would play mortal combat or cod, battlefield etc
I mean the only people pretty much all the alliance are completely cool with is the tauren. Most of the alliance leaders harbor no hatred at all towards the tauren and completely respect them due to the tauren being peaceful and so in tune with nature, Anduin even was pen pals with Cairne Bloodhoof until BFA. The rest of the horde races have kind of essentially been chaotic in their entire history. Forsaken are undead and undead are by nature abominations, even the ones that are not evil, they are still going aganst nature and life itself. The orcs are quite literally invaders from another world. They naturally didnt exit on azeroth and upon getting to azeroth declared war on all the alliance races. The trolls have been at war with every alliance race since the birth of the races. Night elves warred with the ancient troll empire that was situated around the well of eternity and pushed them from owning half of the world, with the remaining half being the areas maintained by the titan constructs, and the insect races empires(nerubian in the north, klaxxi in the east, and the aqir in the south where c'thun is). And pushed the trolls down to owning only the jungle areas of the world . Blood elves warred with amani empire. Early humans warred with the amani empire and later on stormwind went to war with the gurubashi empire but never sent an empire to the heart of the troll empire. The dwarves have been at war with the frost trolls in their mountains throughout their entire history. The gnomes aid the dwarves whenever they can so naturally have been at war with the trolls as well. The pandaren even went to war with the trolls in the early days of the pandaren empire. The Blood elves have been asked if they would like to rejoin the alliance by Valeera with the offer from Anduin, but they turned down the offer. And the last race of the horde is the goblins, and they are disliked by all members of both factions because they are so greedy and addicted to money. The pandaren that are in the horde are only in the horde because they saw the good traits that each race has and could leave at any time if they dislike the way the horde is headed. Basically the whole point of this was to show that the alliance and horde could likely never trully be at peace. Only certain members of the horde could be at peace with the alliance, and those are the blood elves and the tauren. Yes the darkspeer tribe of the trolls in the horde would likely never be declared war on if it was to leave the horde due to anduin understanding how the darkspeer trolls are. The rest of the members of the horde are hated by most members of the alliance, not just the leaders but the individual people of the races. Even if the leaders of the alliance tried to choose peace with the horde, which is actually what anduin was trying to do before bfa, the races themselves would never trully accept the horde races except the tauren and blood elves, with essentially a kill on sight being the mindset of the races. Because of all the harm the races of the horde have done to members of the alliance in the past, there likely will never be forgiveness and never be peace. However on a sidenote, after legion there was a chance a peace but sylvanus kind of killed her own people and threatened to kill anduin to his face. And kind of ruined a major event that couldve been used as a way to peace and closure between the humans of stormwind and the forsaken that had died in lordaeron. I do apologize for any spelling errors.
I would have happily jusy waited another week to get the 2 parts of the burning of Teldrassil as a single content update. The way the first part ends is so stupidly like " that it?" it literally feels like the quest chain ends half way through (because it does)
OMG that song XD But I completely disagree with the salt over the pre-patch content. I'm digging the new story stuff and am fine with the slow burn (see what I did there)
It's the commercial trailer for BfA (like the one of Sylvanas at 9:08) unfortunatley they are unlisted on UA-cam by the official WoW Channel, so can't really find them without a direct link :( This is only this:
Guys I have to say, really awesome video. Thanks for working with and bringing Sharm to my attention, she's so talented! Your channel and your community are awesome, thank you! :)
Probably Azshara, it would make more sense for Sylvanas to get released the same week as the battle for Lorderon. With that being said, it would reinforce the idea of Azshara burning Teldrassil but there's no fun in that. Greymane did it.
We didn't see Jaina in this week's content so I don't think the shorts have any real correlation with the current week's story progression. But I like that idea better than the Alliance doing it. That would be a lame cop out just to say "didn't expect THAT did you?". Although all the demonizing of the Horde does feel like they're trying to mislead everyone so the Alliance doing it is more of a surprise. Would just be a lame one because they made it too obvious in going about it in this manner.
Did you guys upgrade your camera gear? The lighting and definition are fantastic! Maybe it's just honeymoon bliss that's giving you both such a radiant glow (congrats, btw!). :)
Okay,so I watched 5-6 videos of you guys,but this one made me sub. Kudos for the colab. Your sense of humor always cracks me up laughing. Also,I have no idea why I read War of Thrones.....cough cough....Kul'Tiras.....cough cough...#bringmetzenback
Which is strange that blizz tries to portray her as morally grey, she has reasoning in legion but in bfa she is the provoker and she even doing what she wants not what needs to be done, even her own people (forsaken) are questing things. I think a new warchief is inevitable but it won't be the cause of killing syl but rather syl leaves willingly to keep doing whatever it is she is after.
I can't understand people who think winning a war at all costs is considered evil, and not "morally grey." Killing is bad, saving your people is good. Winning the war saves your people... hence, "morally grey"
There is no such thing as "objective" anything or the capability to be objective. Everything that exists is inside your head and therefore, everything you see, hear, do and experience is slated by your own personal perceptions. Don't believe me? Just ask any quantum physicist. Perception is everything.
Yeah my dudes, let's regress the lore and characters even more, so you get a false sense of fairness If you want te alliance to be guilty, at least pick someone that fits, or has a motive
まど So what you’re saying is you want our faction to have storytelling fuck them over by making them do something bad when it’s against their characters just because you can’t justify your leader being evil? Anduin would never start the fire, The most likelihood of the Alliance starting the fire would be the Kaldorei to stop the Horde from having possession of the power of the World Tree, which can be justified.
I see two possible situations for the fire.... 1) It was not intentionally done by Sylvanas, but happened d/t her singleminded focus on killing Malfurion and by the time the Alliance notice its too late to stop the fire. 2) The Alliance burning it themselves to keep the Horde from being able to have/be there. (though I cant figure out what the strategic value of the Horde having Teldrasill would be since Orgrimar and Thunder bluff are both on Kalimdor)
If they make the Alliance do some unspeakable act just for the sake of both sides not being completely good or bad, then I will be very upset. You really have to ignore the progress and power of the Alliance for this expansion to even make any sense. The Horde compared to the Alliance have no chance. Blizzard have to artificially give Horde a power spike and take power away from the Alliance in order to make this anywhere near an even fight. Tell me why the Xenedar isn't over Silithus stopping the Horde from taking Azerite, or why the Xenedar isn't sitting over Dark Shore. We have a damn spaceship and we aren't allowed to use it? This expansion doesn't make sense at all and really it's a slap in the face to the Alliance. We have to sit back and watch an inferior faction with absolutely no chance to win a war somehow get a free miracle from Blizzard just to push a terribly theme'd expansion because Blizzard screwed over pvpers the last few expansions. Congrats Horde players, you guys got handed a power spike while the Alliance got shafted, AGAIN. Yeah, you guys suffered with in the Lore for a little while, but that was all self inflicted because your faction was too weak to follow a true leader. You put an Orc who isn't native to Azeroth in charge after their entire race came here to take the planet away from everyone on Azeroth. Which only happened because they were too weak to save their own planet and were tricked like the weak minded race they are. This entire idea that the Horde aren't the bad guys is just a fantasy which has tons of examples that prove they're always the source of conflict. I would argue that the Horde is entirely a Legion made faction designed to stall the progress of the Azeroth. Sargeras' ultimate weapon has always been the Orcs and Undead. They've done more to hurt Azeroth and it's defenders than any other source. If the Orcs never made it to Azeroth, the Legion would've been stopped a long time ago. Every time we find peace between the Horde and Alliance, the Horde provoke another war because they're so weak they cannot trust the Alliance even though it's us offering them peace every time we have the ability to deliver the final blow. It's not the Alliance who start these wars, but it's always us having to finish it by putting the Horde in situation where they can't refuse peace. The end of each war is the Alliance having nothing stopping it from completely finishing off the Horde and yet we never do because we are the good guys. It's never the Alliance who doesn't want peace, we just know the Horde will never let peace last because they never do when given the opportunity. Jaina had to learn this the hard way. Heroes like Thrall and Rexxar don't exist on the Horde side anymore. The days of reasonable Horde heroes has come and gone. How the Horde can follow an Undead banshee is just a sign of how corrupted and bad the Horde faction has become since the days of Thrall. The Horde is nothing more than a glorified third world country that when given the chance to join the rest of the world, always chooses to break their honor and word(even during the times of Thrall). PS - Death to Horde Scum! FOR THE ALLIANCE!
the alliance aren't the moral champions u think they are... or did you not play wc3? It could easily be argued that almost every bad thing in wow is usually traced back to a human, a night elf, or a dranei.
Let's not mention the high difference in power spike between the allied races. You can't compare Void Elves and Lightforged to moose-horned cows and mana addicts which aren't even stronger than highborne.
Brilliant rewrite of Jaina’s sea shanty. It brought a smile to my face :) And Schism when you’re Holy-locked! You can at least get one more spell in before you’re sliced to ribbons
I'm a big fan of weezer and WoW, this has been my favorite WoW youtube channel for a while, and seeing you guys mentioning weezer is just way too cool for me. Love you guys!
Lmao that intro was everything.
We Stan two glowing pve-oriented legends.
The intro was pure gold
Squeeeee! Grats on the call out for your deep dive on the Janna video!!! That's AWESOME!!!!
That intro was spectacular!
Gif on a green screen dress is a totally new level!
OMG I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT INTRO!!! Yasss this is the most relatable thing ive EVER HEARD!!!!
I died when I saw that reaper like figure had Bahjeera's face on it.
it was jainas father from warbringers vid
That opening was absolutely amazing
Absolutely. Amazin work!
One thing I wonder is whether Taliesin himself recorded the refrain part at 0:37
Why can I not like twice. Song at the start and the green screen shenanigans at the end :) Awesome vid.
That’s was the funniest intro to any UA-cam video ever
"that was"
Bladerune no I mean “that’s was.” I used both the present and past indicative to show just how funny an intro this was.
Wait.. I've watched the whole video but the didn't Reveal anything... did I overhear anything? DID I JUST GET CLICKBAITED?
RedPanda It’s kinda clickbaity but it still works if what they meant to do was talk about the lead up to it and how no one knows yet who it’ll be. Bliss just stopped short of doing so, “revealing” can be used in future terms.
Thx mate i could be bamboozled as you
Stormreaver redpanda?
Lol the Bajheera bit made me laugh haha
I'm a Horde player, and the only motivation I have during this whole scenario is that there is a mount at the end of it.
Erismti there is?
Yep each faction will be awarded a mount, an Plaugebat for the Horde and a Hippogryph for the Alliance during this event. Though whether the pre-purchase is needed to complete it for 'Battle for Lordareon' I don't really know.
we already knew, it was nomi duh.
wanted to use the tree's roots as a new ingredient but they where too big to move.
damn Kingdoms will burn by nomi this whole war nomi will fool us all
Fucking gnomes
Joshua Mamangun nomi is the pandaren chef lool
Morelyia oh shit you right, but my statement still stands
Back when i discovered this channel at >5k subs i already loved it, but stopped playing WoW and didnt watch you anymore. Now 200k subs!? What a journey! Congratz to you two cutiepies
Is it me or are Evitel and Taliesin just 5000x as happy as they were before they got married
Yeah they are, which seems really weird to me considering they are married.
Itll go away the first time she farts in front of him
Give it a year
*@Ralph Griswold* Whay are you saying, she's a grill, grills obviously dont fart or shit... Unless you are implying she isn't... :thinking:
It's newlywed glow. It happens. :) Six months or so it usually settles into a normal groove, but yeah, they are definitely a little giddier.
I'm glad this is getting some media traction. There's something seriously wrong with sharding/crossrealms where there's 10x as many Horde as Alliance in a given zone; I thought the main purpose of these things were to bring balance to the force, not destroy it.
That's because the Horde seeks nothing but conquest. While the Alliance seeks progress. It's pretty much why the Horde have to be given an artificial power spike every expansion to stay relevant to the Alliance. How many times have we had to kick your ass and force you into accepting peace?
the real reasons is that the people that pick horde are more skewed to pvp. This in turn on the horde side makes it so that it's actually harder to pvp. like sometimes I have to wait forever to do a random bg.
What? This is wrong. When you play Horde on War Mode you've got the exact same problem, so Blizzard can't get their cross-realm shit straight, one way or another...
I play Horde and everytime I am at Darkshore there are about 2 Hordies on 15 Allies -.-
It's honestly just playercount because better racials have caused mass transfers and rerolls of alliance to horde. look at the faction number disparity.
that is just your bias talking, the truth of the matter is there is just as many alliance as horde players in that zone. HOWEVER, that does not mean they are all in one area, a group of 20 people is going to stomp on 20 people who are in smaller groups. When you enter darkshore in war mode make sure you join the main raid
The intro with Sharm is golden! Good work of you all.
Totally, as Horde I question the actions of my Warchief. I mean... we killed a baker. Why? Like you said... Totally for research. Yeah. It's that.
That baker knows what he did.
Jamie Sanders he served burnt bread
You killed a baker. You were in command on that quest. The rogue just did what you told him. Your order was to secure Astranaar, not to kill everything. If you want to blame someone for the dead baker, blame yourself.
I know how to solve that evil looking act!
*Places sword in bakers hand*
Another hard days work
I dont their is a big reason why sylvannas doesnt trust a human
Sharm is a goddess.
Quinn Meche Azshara IS a goddess
Bodyguard M ?
Thanks for the input you lonely, lonely man.
Sharm for Queen of Azeroth!
Genuinely smiled through that intro! Not done that in many months, thanks guys!
As a biased Alliance player I can only guess that either:
1. Alliance burns the tree
2. Goblins throw a bomb which accidentally comes in contact with Night Elf's stored azerite cache
3. Old gods
Ragnaros. (He has history of wanting to see the world trees burn)
The twilight cultists on Dark Shore and/or the Druids of the Flames from Mt Hyjal take the warring factions ignorance (who noticed the goblin fuel stations are next to a twilight cultist Fire Altar) to full advantage and out flak them, sneak into Darnassus and burn the lot while the armies are busy elsewhere.
Intro is PERFECT!!! Great job!
1:50-1:52 is that some hidden cinematic where anduin puts the wolf helm?
My guess for the tree burning; it's an accident. I think a azerite powered zepplin scouts ahead and gets shot down and accidently crashes into it and "POOF" burning tree.
anonymityismyname but zeppelin fuel cant melt wood beams?
it's not zeppelin fuel, it's azerite powered. like in the quest chain when you gather it in darkshore to power a copter to shoot at things.
anonymityismyname whoosh right over your head
A picnic gone wrong
that's exactly what i thought as soon as i saw the WQ where we have to go retrieve the barrels from the water, that whole thing was very close to the tree....
Gamon will burn the tree.
Mekcsikó juraxxus will burn the tree
Burn the tree? But don't you remember?? He, Gamon, will save us!!! :D
Mekcsikó Gamon will save us all
The Last Gamonbender :'>
my money's on Nomi
Absolutely loved the intro. Brilliant! good job mate.
could it be queen Azhara and the naga that burned Teldrassil?
- she is one of the 'warbringers'
- the Queen song references could point to her
- she and the naga hate the nelfs
- she and the naga are closely tied to the old gods, could they be fanning the flames and dealing a blow to their most hated enemy at the same time?
- "beware the daughter of the seas" could it be that Daelin and the kultirans that were lost at sea have seen the threat of the naga, and send a message out warning ppl, but it got misinterpreted as meaning 'watch out for jaina'
yall know that the Daelin and the Kultirans weren't lost at sea right? They got killed by Rexxar, Thrall, and the Horde, Warcraft 3 yall.
While I'm not saying it's not Azshara I don't think that's how she'll make herself known.
I think it's Delaryn Summermoon. She's the alchemist posted in Darnassus that is overseeing the Azerite research who hates the Horde and I'm guessing she'd rather burn the tree and destroy the Azerite in it's roots and trunk than let Sylvannas and the Horde get it.
what was 1:50 from? that's not part of the cinematic we watched.
It's an add, there is one for Sylvanas as well. There both like 10 seconds long.
It is a short commercial close up of the faction leaders faces. It was uploaded on MMOchampion but I do not know if it was uploaded to the World or Warcraft youtube
Well I don't know where to find it. The only reason I know about it is because i've seen it as an ad when trying to watch youtube videos.
You Sir, are a true youtube artist
And you keep impressing us everytime. Way to create Tali!
and also, great hit to bring Sharm for the intro - she rocks!
im just here to laugh at your prediction :D
same op
It was Rikishi who burned Teldrassil and he did it for The Rock.
He did it for da people.
That end part was so genuine and funny! keep on keeping on!
The issue, Anduin isn't there, and on the alliance side quests the tree burns with ALL the civilians still in it needing saving. Nobody on the alliance would do so on purpose with over 900 groups of people stuck in the city of darnassis alone during the burning.
Plenty of people on the Alliance would go to extremes in the war against the Horde. Night Elves themselves are particularly ruthless, so it's not out of the question whatsoever.
Slaughtering innocent civilians, *especially their own*, is a line nobody on the Alliance has ever crossed.
Lynneiah I can only assume that you haven't gotten into as much of the lore if that's what you think. In fact, we dealt extensively with one such leader during Legion, and she happened to be a Night Elf to boot. Maiev Shadowsong.
Arthas did.
Yeah make horde look like total dickheads for no reason again
I am so glad my main is alliance. I wouldn't want to be associated with this war criminal. The Horde are going to have an awful problem justifying the war with the alliance now. The burning of the World Tree was no accident, not the result of fortunes of war. It was part of a deliberate effort to demoralise the Night Elves. I wonder how the Nightfallen or the Blood Elves are going to react to this, let alone the Tauren and the other Horde druids?
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Awesome and creative video! Love the song with the pvp game footage!
Delaryn burned the tree,
-she commands the alchemists who are watching over the azerit in darnassus
-she hates the horde
-is alive before the tree burns
-dead after the event
-its looks like she is on an artwork with the burning tree in the background, kneeling before sylvanas with a few arrows in the back
it was 100% her
i guess she would rather burn the tree than leave it to the horde
Yeah that part on the quest "i give the azerite to our alchemist for secure" sounds a big problem for me too.
Based on the only actual evidence we have right now (we know she has the azerite, we know she is alive then dead on the beach) your idea is pretty solid. I'm just wondering if an officer of the Sentinels would do something like that without orders. They are a pretty disciplined bunch. Also would ANY night elf put that many night elf lives in such grave danger. After all without the night elf people the tree is sort of redundant. That having been said I think you may very well be right. I just hope we get a good explanation as to why she would do it.
yeah i hope too, but maybe blizz does it for the sake of morally grey without a real reason : /
Aden Metsastaja Night Elves are extremely vindictive, and Teldrassil itself was, until very recently, a huge point of contention among them. I could see some of the more militarized night elves pulling a stunt like this, if it denies the Horde.
"We must defeat the Horde and their vile warchief, though it might cost us that which we hold most dear."
Did you see how moraly grey she bruned down the three???????
This play on Jaina's wonderful sea shanty is, without a doubt, one of my favorite things I have seen on UA-cam in a very long time. Just wonderful, y'all. Just damn wonderful.
The phasing for WarMode isn't to great either I ended up with like 5 alliance players and 80 horde or an army of Alliance and almost no Horde they should try to balance it out
Assassin Cactus its the prepatch. Shit is gonna be all fucked until everyone catches up. Also... The Horde just PvP more.
I just sat in Dark Shore with a full raid of Alliance and we found like three Horde players in an hour.
Real good fun.
I still don't think we'll get a clear answer who burns the tree. If they leave it ambiguous it leaves it open to each side blaming the other which would help stoke the animosity.
blizz will offer the new chapter next week.
Actually, how many chapters will there be?
3 at all, second next week, 3rd a week after and then the following week is release already. you need to finish the 3rd chapter to gain the mount afaik
Yea the second and final part of Teldrassil drops this week then Lordaeron the week after. It's just been assumed by most that the missing cinematic will definitively answer who is behind the tree burning, my thinking being that may not be the case.
Thumbed up for the cover in the beginning... 'was great!
*Hiss!* They brought up Rexxar dying again. How dare.
No way.. I refuse this idea.
I really hope either rexxar or thrall die. That will be awesome.
If they can kill Misha and Rexxar overcomes by summoning every single one of his buddies onto Jaina and she retreats that's the only outcome I will accept
No dont worry you can see him in beta as a follower :)
As a hunter of the wild (worgen) I take offense whenever they "suggest" the idea
I think Tyrande is the one to do it to prevent it from falling into the Hordes hands...I feel she would rather burn it than have it corrupted...
Loved the opening! Just watched the cinematic for the tree burning - morally grey? Not so much. Maybe I'm missing something... But love you guys!
I just leveled a rogue from 70 to 110 in war-mode. I was ganked 2 times in total which did not result in death. Including doing my world quest in Darkshore. I think my server shard might be broken. That being said I must admit I have 0 desire for competition in game in general, I prefer teamwork and compassion. As hard as I might try I can not get over the Khadgar syndrome, because he is correct, the war is not only stupid but a bad choice across the board. I am not sure if it is a Boulderfist thing but the overwhelming majority of Alliance I encountered went something like this...... Emote: :OP: Salutes you with respect. You: Emote: You lavish OP with Kisses. I harbor 0 hatred for either faction and find this Horde v Alliance stuff nothing more than a sign of stupid. Personally I cannot wait until BFA launches so I can ignore it all and focus on the Champions of Azeroth content.
You seem like a kind soul.
I agree honestly, while i don't mind PvP and there being huge additions to PVP content i do think that the horde/alliance would learn from their previous war? Also don't we have another old god to defeat and save Azeroth from dieing?.
My personal theory and hope is that BfA is just a way to send the faction war off with a bang, and that we won't deal with the war between Horde and Alliance afterwards. It started being silly to me when both factions decided to shoot potshots at eachother while circling Icecrown Citadel during the literal last assault on the Lich King. It's gone on long enough. It worked in the past and yes, that is where the Warcraft universe got its start, but now its just holding the narrative and the game itself back. I think splitting the playerbase like this is really an antique for the MMO genre now. We can have different races and causes without having a gameplay barrier put between us and our fellow WoW players.
Yup, i like to do some bgs every now and then but pvp gets boring after you kill same player 3 times, whats the fun in 110 vs 40 ? 10 vs 3? I like both factions but if i had to pvp i would play mortal combat or cod, battlefield etc
I mean the only people pretty much all the alliance are completely cool with is the tauren. Most of the alliance leaders harbor no hatred at all towards the tauren and completely respect them due to the tauren being peaceful and so in tune with nature, Anduin even was pen pals with Cairne Bloodhoof until BFA. The rest of the horde races have kind of essentially been chaotic in their entire history. Forsaken are undead and undead are by nature abominations, even the ones that are not evil, they are still going aganst nature and life itself. The orcs are quite literally invaders from another world. They naturally didnt exit on azeroth and upon getting to azeroth declared war on all the alliance races. The trolls have been at war with every alliance race since the birth of the races. Night elves warred with the ancient troll empire that was situated around the well of eternity and pushed them from owning half of the world, with the remaining half being the areas maintained by the titan constructs, and the insect races empires(nerubian in the north, klaxxi in the east, and the aqir in the south where c'thun is). And pushed the trolls down to owning only the jungle areas of the world . Blood elves warred with amani empire. Early humans warred with the amani empire and later on stormwind went to war with the gurubashi empire but never sent an empire to the heart of the troll empire. The dwarves have been at war with the frost trolls in their mountains throughout their entire history. The gnomes aid the dwarves whenever they can so naturally have been at war with the trolls as well. The pandaren even went to war with the trolls in the early days of the pandaren empire. The Blood elves have been asked if they would like to rejoin the alliance by Valeera with the offer from Anduin, but they turned down the offer. And the last race of the horde is the goblins, and they are disliked by all members of both factions because they are so greedy and addicted to money. The pandaren that are in the horde are only in the horde because they saw the good traits that each race has and could leave at any time if they dislike the way the horde is headed.
Basically the whole point of this was to show that the alliance and horde could likely never trully be at peace. Only certain members of the horde could be at peace with the alliance, and those are the blood elves and the tauren. Yes the darkspeer tribe of the trolls in the horde would likely never be declared war on if it was to leave the horde due to anduin understanding how the darkspeer trolls are. The rest of the members of the horde are hated by most members of the alliance, not just the leaders but the individual people of the races. Even if the leaders of the alliance tried to choose peace with the horde, which is actually what anduin was trying to do before bfa, the races themselves would never trully accept the horde races except the tauren and blood elves, with essentially a kill on sight being the mindset of the races. Because of all the harm the races of the horde have done to members of the alliance in the past, there likely will never be forgiveness and never be peace.
However on a sidenote, after legion there was a chance a peace but sylvanus kind of killed her own people and threatened to kill anduin to his face. And kind of ruined a major event that couldve been used as a way to peace and closure between the humans of stormwind and the forsaken that had died in lordaeron. I do apologize for any spelling errors.
I would have happily jusy waited another week to get the 2 parts of the burning of Teldrassil as a single content update. The way the first part ends is so stupidly like " that it?" it literally feels like the quest chain ends half way through (because it does)
I just realized that, for a while now, your videos have been the only ones that make me genuinely laugh out loud. Love you both
OMG that song XD But I completely disagree with the salt over the pre-patch content. I'm digging the new story stuff and am fine with the slow burn (see what I did there)
The Death Knight Order Hall burns the tree haha
This is the most sound theory I've heard. And on the way they kill some puppies too FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
the puppy thing sounds more like the warlock order hall, for the greater good sounds like paladin order hall though
Love how excited you both were about skimpy night elves, and the RotS reference. earned yourselves a patreon subscriber for that
Wrathion burns it.
Bodyguard M no stalin did it
No it's Patrick!
JoseAnd97 #PatrickDidNothingWrong
Who is patrick?
This is my biggest theory. He wants the alliance to wipe out the horde.
Makes too much sense
At 10:38 does anyone have a link to that gif
It's the commercial trailer for BfA (like the one of Sylvanas at 9:08) unfortunatley they are unlisted on UA-cam by the official WoW Channel, so can't really find them without a direct link :( This is only this:
Guys I have to say, really awesome video. Thanks for working with and bringing Sharm to my attention, she's so talented! Your channel and your community are awesome, thank you! :)
Intro killed me.
I'd say it'll be Azshara since we haven't seen or heard anything of her till now and she's a big deal in BFA
Naethix I can totally see her doing this as revenge for the great sundering.
Yeah. I don't think it's for no reason Azshara gets one of the three shorts. (But will it be hers or Sylvannas's that releases next week?)
Probably Azshara, it would make more sense for Sylvanas to get released the same week as the battle for Lorderon. With that being said, it would reinforce the idea of Azshara burning Teldrassil but there's no fun in that. Greymane did it.
We didn't see Jaina in this week's content so I don't think the shorts have any real correlation with the current week's story progression. But I like that idea better than the Alliance doing it. That would be a lame cop out just to say "didn't expect THAT did you?". Although all the demonizing of the Horde does feel like they're trying to mislead everyone so the Alliance doing it is more of a surprise. Would just be a lame one because they made it too obvious in going about it in this manner.
LeoGado its going to be the void / old gods' fault
The Ewan MacGregor GIF on the green screen dress was everything I never knew I wanted. Magnificent.
@Taliesin & Evitel Critical Role Fans Unite!
where is that anduin putting on a helm and sylvanas looking badass cinematic i couldnt find them anywhere
good ol bajheera xD
For Sylvanas
Did you guys upgrade your camera gear? The lighting and definition are fantastic! Maybe it's just honeymoon bliss that's giving you both such a radiant glow (congrats, btw!). :)
The next Warbringers is out and answered the question....And you won't like the truth.
That intro was the best thing I've seen this year! Legends.
Clickbait title did not deliver T_T
For Sylvanas!
Great intro, great content all around. Much appreciated.
Angelo Batista,
Probably he will die(At least a hope so), for the very sake of the Horde
Someone like him only think about honor....
For Anduin!
That opening is the best thing I’ve ever seen..well done sir & ma’am. Well done.
I can totally se Laura Bailey kill Mathew Mercer if Jester kick the bucket
That is because blizzard cant use Steve Blum Anymore
hello fellow critters
malfurion burns the tree ofcourse.
Intro is by far the best intro so far. Loved it on so many levels.
For Anduin
Legit the best intro you all have ever done.
For Sylvanas!
For the Dark Lady!
This episode is amazing, I had such a laugh watching it. Good job
I loved the jab at classic servers. People think levelling is nowadays us hard? Bahahahahahaha you have NO IDEA.
Okay,so I watched 5-6 videos of you guys,but this one made me sub. Kudos for the colab. Your sense of humor always cracks me up laughing. Also,I have no idea why I read War of Thrones.....cough cough....Kul'Tiras.....cough cough...#bringmetzenback
For Sylvanas!!!
Why are you wearing a suit? Are you preparing for the funeral of all the Night Elfs?
why he always wears a suit in these videos heh
He is preparing for the funeral of the least honor Horde had
That song by Sharm was Great!!! I love Sharm! Also, what Evitel said at 18:46 had me rolling. #Anduin for Pope
Sylvanas is objectively evil.
Which is strange that blizz tries to portray her as morally grey, she has reasoning in legion but in bfa she is the provoker and she even doing what she wants not what needs to be done, even her own people (forsaken) are questing things. I think a new warchief is inevitable but it won't be the cause of killing syl but rather syl leaves willingly to keep doing whatever it is she is after.
I can't understand people who think winning a war at all costs is considered evil, and not "morally grey." Killing is bad, saving your people is good. Winning the war saves your people... hence, "morally grey"
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven't seen the Sylvanas Warbringer video yet, Mario.
Sylvanas. Is. Objectively. Evil.
I saw it. I disagree with your opinion.
There is no such thing as "objective" anything or the capability to be objective. Everything that exists is inside your head and therefore, everything you see, hear, do and experience is slated by your own personal perceptions. Don't believe me? Just ask any quantum physicist. Perception is everything.
that intro was amazing. well played
You can almost guarantee that it will be an Alliance character that will burn that tree down.
Now that you've said that, I sooo want Anduin to burn it down. Alliance has gone way to long without getting their hands dirty.
Joseph Boyd that is true time for some greater good shit! FOR THE ALLIANCE!
Yeah my dudes, let's regress the lore and characters even more, so you get a false sense of fairness
If you want te alliance to be guilty, at least pick someone that fits, or has a motive
I agree, the Alliance aren’t perfect and we need to see that! Especially because we need our gal Sylvannas to look better.
まど So what you’re saying is you want our faction to have storytelling fuck them over by making them do something bad when it’s against their characters just because you can’t justify your leader being evil?
Anduin would never start the fire, The most likelihood of the Alliance starting the fire would be the Kaldorei to stop the Horde from having possession of the power of the World Tree, which can be justified.
Anduin doing the ol' Russian burning of Moscow to fuck with Napoleon.
I see two possible situations for the fire.... 1) It was not intentionally done by Sylvanas, but happened d/t her singleminded focus on killing Malfurion and by the time the Alliance notice its too late to stop the fire. 2) The Alliance burning it themselves to keep the Horde from being able to have/be there. (though I cant figure out what the strategic value of the Horde
having Teldrasill would be since Orgrimar and Thunder bluff are both on Kalimdor)
The skit/song at the start was fantastic
If they make the Alliance do some unspeakable act just for the sake of both sides not being completely good or bad, then I will be very upset.
You really have to ignore the progress and power of the Alliance for this expansion to even make any sense. The Horde compared to the Alliance have no chance. Blizzard have to artificially give Horde a power spike and take power away from the Alliance in order to make this anywhere near an even fight. Tell me why the Xenedar isn't over Silithus stopping the Horde from taking Azerite, or why the Xenedar isn't sitting over Dark Shore. We have a damn spaceship and we aren't allowed to use it? This expansion doesn't make sense at all and really it's a slap in the face to the Alliance. We have to sit back and watch an inferior faction with absolutely no chance to win a war somehow get a free miracle from Blizzard just to push a terribly theme'd expansion because Blizzard screwed over pvpers the last few expansions.
Congrats Horde players, you guys got handed a power spike while the Alliance got shafted, AGAIN. Yeah, you guys suffered with in the Lore for a little while, but that was all self inflicted because your faction was too weak to follow a true leader. You put an Orc who isn't native to Azeroth in charge after their entire race came here to take the planet away from everyone on Azeroth. Which only happened because they were too weak to save their own planet and were tricked like the weak minded race they are. This entire idea that the Horde aren't the bad guys is just a fantasy which has tons of examples that prove they're always the source of conflict. I would argue that the Horde is entirely a Legion made faction designed to stall the progress of the Azeroth. Sargeras' ultimate weapon has always been the Orcs and Undead. They've done more to hurt Azeroth and it's defenders than any other source. If the Orcs never made it to Azeroth, the Legion would've been stopped a long time ago.
Every time we find peace between the Horde and Alliance, the Horde provoke another war because they're so weak they cannot trust the Alliance even though it's us offering them peace every time we have the ability to deliver the final blow. It's not the Alliance who start these wars, but it's always us having to finish it by putting the Horde in situation where they can't refuse peace. The end of each war is the Alliance having nothing stopping it from completely finishing off the Horde and yet we never do because we are the good guys. It's never the Alliance who doesn't want peace, we just know the Horde will never let peace last because they never do when given the opportunity. Jaina had to learn this the hard way. Heroes like Thrall and Rexxar don't exist on the Horde side anymore. The days of reasonable Horde heroes has come and gone. How the Horde can follow an Undead banshee is just a sign of how corrupted and bad the Horde faction has become since the days of Thrall. The Horde is nothing more than a glorified third world country that when given the chance to join the rest of the world, always chooses to break their honor and word(even during the times of Thrall).
PS - Death to Horde Scum! FOR THE ALLIANCE!
the alliance aren't the moral champions u think they are... or did you not play wc3? It could easily be argued that almost every bad thing in wow is usually traced back to a human, a night elf, or a dranei.
For example..?
Chrono Trigger mate, Warcraft 3 and Warcraft now are really fucking different. Stop living in the past
Let's not mention the high difference in power spike between the allied races. You can't compare
Void Elves and Lightforged to moose-horned cows and mana addicts which aren't even stronger than highborne.
The accuracy of the intro is mind blowing, and herrrr voiiiiiice
Brilliant rewrite of Jaina’s sea shanty. It brought a smile to my face :)
And Schism when you’re Holy-locked! You can at least get one more spell in before you’re sliced to ribbons
+Jake Marino I usually just spam shadow mend :)
Great opening!! loved that song, well done Sharm!!
Amazing intro! Love you guys!
I'm listening now Bajheera, teach me how to PVP. The intro was incredible!
I'm a big fan of weezer and WoW, this has been my favorite WoW youtube channel for a while, and seeing you guys mentioning weezer is just way too cool for me. Love you guys!
Love you both keep up the awesome work guys enjoy watching your videos every week ❤️
Beautiful. This is art my friends.