this is so cool! As a private pilot, I got goose bumps after you requested to fly down the Hudson and the controller said they wanted to amend your flight path. I was like "oh shit their gonna think you're about to bust a TFR or something." Very cool implementation of ChatGPT. I can't wait to see the final product.
I've used it a few times now. Great for those of us that are a bit anxious about flying on the likes of VATSIM. It's a great layer of immersion to add to the sim though. I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses. The best thing about itis thats its on 24/7 365. Great for us aussie sim pilots that are in a poor time zone for Pilot Edge and the likes. Geat video all-round. Enjoyed the watch.
I started flying on vatsim when I was like 12 years old, started off as text only and then I built up the confidence to enable voice comm. I can assure there's nothing to be anxious about
This is absolutely stunning. I tested this aswell. Even emergency procedures are working! A bit of development to go and this will really help to train students with atc communication. I tried telling that I want to be corrected when doing wrong transmissions. That didnt really work yet. But still I am stunned.
I really like SayIntentions & where it could go . Unlike Beyond ATC that i thought was Large Language Model which is what AI really is (LLM/AI) based but is not as i was told. SayIntentions actually is using ChatGPT so Ican see why it's an expensive sub every month, but as you say when AI/LLM becomes more common & less expensive to use . I can see SayIntentions becoming less expensive . Really looking forward to this next evolution in SIM ATC maybe MS might even introduce their own LLM/AL ATC
That's brilliant indeed. Get "Beyond ATC" in what they are doing and "Say Intentions" and the revolution is on. Now that being said MSFS would need to continue providing as well for the low cost or no cost option as some may need to choose. Very nice indeed.
Agree. I was kind of hoping asobo would see the value prop of BeyondATC and buy into them, or integrate them in some way. I like everything they've shown.
MSFS being quite under Microsoft, Maybe by MSFS 2024, there shall be a direct support and dedicated Open AI ATC, and probably Open AI copilots that are already trained, or, simply by accessing data from the sim (Airport Data, Weather Data, etc)!
THIIIIIS is what AI should be used for. Dialogues with random NPCs in games where scriptwriting is not viable, allowing you also to write completely on your own what you tell them... Or an ATC for a flightsim... THIS is great. Not those fake AI drawings that look bad. THIS is progress !
Very impressive. Having flown the VFR corridor with flight following, I think you’ve chosen the most difficult environment. They would have been pretty confused with the eastbound request, but it worked out. Also you’d be handed off to multiple approach control facilities along the way. I think it would really be helpful in a more simple airspace. IFR as you did, would be easier to simulate, I’d imagine. Thanks for the demo!
The good thing about using real AI, indeed Reponses aren't hard coded, and can be used under our own training context by being more friendly at start, until we indeed to change our role from, lets say Beginner to Expert/Professional!
Yes, very nice indeed. When you tried the IFR clearance I wasnt expecting that to work given you started out by saying VFR only. Really impressed, it feels like we really aren't very far away from linked AI controlled ATC where the multi-player online aspect is covered, ala VATSIM. I could also imagine something like VATSIM being able to blend with the AI so that controllers could login and take over from the AI and any unstaffed positions would simply get AI coverage.
I've been longing for something like this for more than three decades. After seeing this preview, I think I'll splurge a little on this since I don't subscribe to any streaming services.
Absolutely fantastic. I recently saw an AI hooked up into Star Citizen as ATC/Ship assistant, giving you directions and information about commodity prices. I instantly thought that someone should build a decent AI service for MSFS ATC. Well, now here it is, it seems. This is so promising, even in this beta state. Better than everything I've seen so far.
I honestly do think it's very impressive but there's no way I'm paying a $30 subscription per month for it. I know there are other third party options out there and am hoping that MSFS 2024 will also improve on the ATC comms.
I am willing to bet this is a similar price point to what BeyondATC will be also. Hopefully not but I’m pretty sure they said they are using ChatGPT also. It’s cool that we are in an era to use AI for ATC, considering for the last 20+ years we have been stuck with essentially the same canned responses.
Very clever. I understand this is Beta, but this is quite an outlay each month for FS. BeyondATC, in my opinion has a more easier on the eye UI, it too uses AI, and also includes traffic injection already. I don't think it'll be limited to US either. Will be interesting to see the price comparison when it is released.
It's quite amazing! Just wanted to clear up a common point of confusion. BATC will not be using AI decision making, only AI voices. All lines and choices will be pre-scripted. SayIntentions is also unofficially working world wide, we just need more data to finish that part up. I encourage you to try the demo!!
What I like with say intention is that there is no ui. You have the equivalent of vpilot running in the background, but you never need to pop it. If you have a question or are looking for something, just ask the controller or your tour guide. And its not limited anymore to the US, even if ifr in Europe isn't perfect for the moment
Thanks for a great video. Blown away by the realism - why consider simming with anything else? As a PPL student this would also be an excellent training tool - ideally working to UK and CAA rules, but maybe it's good enough for confidence building practice in its US guise. Subscribed and shared.
It looks impressive but it's expensive when put up against the free Vatsim. It didn't pick up on a couple of your mistakes, like not turning on the transponder after you'd tuned your frequency, but I'm sure the AI will sort that out very soon. I love flying VFR GA on MSFS so I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the video!
Well spotted !! Theres a reason for that. It can be set to be crazy pedantic about things like 100% correct readback. However we have have that tuned right down at the moment because of the number of new people. So its not a case of it not being capable, just right now its too much for many people who have not actually made any ATC calls before. A learned lesson you could say.
I wonder what happens if you take the wrong taxi route, or if cleared for a left turn out and actually deviate. Or bust the Bravo shelf? It would be nice to have those rails in place to keep you honest on your flight.
We are about ten years away from having the perfect flight sim. I've been waiting and using MSFS since '82. This AI is outstanding. It sounds awesome. Too expensive for me though. But it is certainly worth it.
I like the idea. I'm thrilled to see these kinds of products. I am beyond excited to see Beyond ATC come out. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about paying to help them train their AI.
For SI, users are not training the AI. If we allowed that, it would complete chaos in no time at all.However if it makes an error, you can correct it and it will learn and follow for the remainder of just that flight.
It got an ifr update. Honestly, its amazing with the fenix. Its basically the same as talking to a real person. Im french and despite my accent, im talking exactly like ifbi was in vatsim. Even asking question or corrections. Everything works to such extent that you forgot you are talking to an ai. And the tour guide is a fun add on too. I use it with fstl traffic and its for now the best experience i have within the sim. Better than fshud, pilot2atc, or empty vatsim. Keep im mind it doesnt control ai traffic so its far from perfect. But improvement are going quickly and as for now, this beta product offer the best experience in term of realism. AI is really gonna change the game.
After seeing this amazing video, my wife, who has to fly soon from Australia to Europe and back - in real life - told me that she seriously considers buying a ticket on a cruise ship! Cheers from Sydney Australia, Nick:)
Now with the new text-to-video software published for selected affilliates, I'm so hyped to see videos of cars, busses, trains, planes etc. in pretty much any environment and location. :)
One aspect particularly intrigues me in the fact that it only works for the USA currently. Why since communications are the same everywhere in the world except perhaps Europe and Australia which have air traffic management quite different from other countries, especially for VFR. But then why not Canada, South America, etc.? right away? It occurs to me that it could be because it is only the USA which makes all air procedures public for free and the others do not do so. So ChatGPT would not work without the AIRAC of the area and obviously it is not free. Can't they use the one built into MSFS or Navigraph? The AI most likely needs to have the AIRAC integrated into its own knowledge and its own database. A difficulty that could perhaps nip the project in the bud. If I'm right We have to see because for the moment it is definitely too expensive and it could become more so if the AI has to integrate the complete AIRAC.
Fabulous video. Will try out the free trial. Beyond atc is really going to be good. I think you are correct about atc being in its infancy so is it too early to part with money… I have been using MSFS since 1982 so waiting just a little longer for things to improve is no big challenge. Thank you for such thought provoking videos. The fact that you say the atc is a stand alone software I am tempted but would like to know if frame rates were a problem!
This is awesome! Can't wait for it to be rolled out in Australia, it will add so much to the immersion. Going to be awesome for practicing procedures :)
Just tested ChatGPT 4 when I heard this. The capability already a basic function did it for EGNM and it gave me instructions to hold short at runway 32 via taxiway alpha. So yeah can see how it works even just at a basic, cool it can do it level.
Really impressive - but WAY too expensive if you are in a country where the exchange rate against the dollar or euro makes it impossible to spend 6,120 ZAR a year just on ATC = that's the equivalent of 5 study level aircraft or 15 very good airports.
Ai voices are for now a little bit like mobile phone units back in the days. It's insanely expensive but will for sure change in the following years. For now, expect to pay a lot for ai voices, whether it's batc, sayintention or flight buddy.
I think if you're a student pilot investing in your private or commercial licence then it makes sense to subscribe for a few months. It really is true ATC training, which up until now was not really possible to do. Also we can hope that prices will go down as the genAI infra grows and economiss of scale kick in.
Very fascinating use of AI! Not much of a VFR flyer, but if they add IFR, I'll test it too. Stoked about BeyondATC as well, let's see who builts the better product. Both seem very good.
It would be interesting if it would work side by side with FSLTL I would consider looking deeper into that at this moment, but as we say there's 2024 coming soon and I am a PMDG 737-800 and waiting the 777 early days and I have been at this from day one with the old ILS square boxes for landing and no scenery to boot.
how do you do the camera views/movements at the start of this video? I assume it's a replay and you can change views? They're slow and smooth and look great. I'd love to know what you're doing. thnx
There are a million real world resources available to teach this. Highly recommend starting there and then fine tuning using Say Intentions to learn!
The best thing they could possibly do with this is to make it both understand people who don't know how to do it "right" and then teach you. "I want to take off" "that's great, but first let's do X, then Y then Z" Or if you want you can just say "hey, we're going to do it my way today" and it will just say "ok, let's throw out the rules and just do it your way" Let you play however you want but still feel like you're interacting with someone in a tower.
Wow that's impressive, can't wait to see the ifr full version, do you know if it allows for multiplayer? By that I mean would you hear other pilots too? Or is it just myself as a human? Great video btw
I'm not sure about slowing it down - but there's a text box showing you everything they say if you want it, and yes, you can hear other live players interacting with ATC
Though one has to have the MS voices installed, there are quite a few real-world sounding voices in your presentation. Those are provided by SayIntentionsAI? Pricey, but let's see how it develops. Love how last ATC remarked you will fly down the river..... Cheers.
Sounds great and definitely a good program sounds 100 times better than the original ATC, but I don't know how to talk to the tower I only know some call signs so pretty useless for me but it's definitely awesome for people who know all the call signs
It seems to be a really good software. I'm waiting for the final version, to see the difference with some European control for instance. I even hope to hear some French controllers speaking in French and so on. I guess it is a good thing to improve skills / be more confident when switching to VATSIM / IVAO or even some real control!
It looks nice for beginners who want to start with this before feeling comfortable transitioning to VATSIM, like I did with Pilot2ATC. However, once you've gotten used to human ATC you can't really go back to something like this. There's just something special about talking to a real person and hearing other simmers talk.
Very impressive. Most important thing for me here is that it is using, looks like, local context. But I am not familiar with Hudson area. Personally I am looking who will be first of two AI-assisted ATC to provide things like Special VFR, MOA status, FSS communication and such. As well as complete experience of FSS brief or flight plan communication.
This has good potential and I look forward to seeing the finished product. If this will end up working in Europe for IFR commercial flights I will happily ditch VATSIM
I think this is outstanding. I find the prospect of talking to ATC (or anyone) daunting and this kind of thing could be a great tool for bolstering confidence. Curious how it would cope with my North East accent too, considering how most other voice programs don’t even try 🤷🏻♂️
oh, it has ZERO issue with accents. We just launched full international language support as well. Both ways. Talk to AND get ATC instructions back in several languages.
Curious how well it handles the DC SFRA, where there is no such thing as VFR. It's an odd mishmash I think of as "IFR over VFR". Potomac Approach is always in your ear, and unless you are in a known free flight/training area (there is one over the bay, for instance) you get a nice call when you stray too far off your path. Forget to respond and you might meet some friends in the sky.
@@colewagoner That sounds great. I wasn't complaining about it without; but rather impressed with what it can do and what it might do in the future. I'll probably sign up for a spell. I just go the MSFS simulator going and am learning the ins and outs. So it might take a few weeks. Thanks.
When are they gonna make it so that you can invite a friend with a VR headset to fly next to you in the cockpit? It'd be cool if the pilot and copilot both had avatars and could go on a flight together.
This is by far the most fascinating and least offensive use of AI I've seen in gaming. Super cool.
Imagine once AI can take over the tasks of replacing google maps or bing buildings and scenery. And of course, fix the darn green colored paved roads!
Least offensive? Lol!
And by far the most expensive.
this is so cool! As a private pilot, I got goose bumps after you requested to fly down the Hudson and the controller said they wanted to amend your flight path. I was like "oh shit their gonna think you're about to bust a TFR or something." Very cool implementation of ChatGPT. I can't wait to see the final product.
Dang impressive. You can even hear the controllers take a breath. Sounds fantastic.
But AI doesn’t have lungs 🫁
I've used it a few times now. Great for those of us that are a bit anxious about flying on the likes of VATSIM. It's a great layer of immersion to add to the sim though. I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses. The best thing about itis thats its on 24/7 365. Great for us aussie sim pilots that are in a poor time zone for Pilot Edge and the likes. Geat video all-round. Enjoyed the watch.
I started flying on vatsim when I was like 12 years old, started off as text only and then I built up the confidence to enable voice comm. I can assure there's nothing to be anxious about
Yep Vatsim is fantastic
That's a really good point about 24/7 access. Fellow Aussie here.
Wow! that first tower controller sounded very authentic!
This is absolutely stunning. I tested this aswell. Even emergency procedures are working! A bit of development to go and this will really help to train students with atc communication. I tried telling that I want to be corrected when doing wrong transmissions. That didnt really work yet. But still I am stunned.
I love it. Adds another dimension of realism to the sim.
cost aside, it's pretty impressive. Be keen to give it go once IFR is up and running fully. Glad we've finally got some quality ATC options on the way
The textures for the Cessna are just amazing! Inside and out!
I really like SayIntentions & where it could go . Unlike Beyond ATC that i thought was Large Language Model which is what AI really is (LLM/AI) based but is not as i was told. SayIntentions actually is using ChatGPT so Ican see why it's an expensive sub every month, but as you say when AI/LLM becomes more common & less expensive to use . I can see SayIntentions becoming less expensive . Really looking forward to this next evolution in SIM ATC maybe MS might even introduce their own LLM/AL ATC
Great video! Excited to see this new logic go into affect. Most of us are going to become better at our ATC communication using this. Fantastic.
This is very exciting and I can’t wait to try it out! I plan on getting my PPL this year and it may help me practice communicating with ATC.
I plan to get my PPL in a year or two and I'm also excited about this, it's very cool.
As a student pilot myself I also plan to use this to get my skills back to a good level. I have been out of flying for a while and got rusty.
As a student PPL pilot this sounds amazing to use for training!
That's brilliant indeed. Get "Beyond ATC" in what they are doing and "Say Intentions" and the revolution is on. Now that being said MSFS would need to continue providing as well for the low cost or no cost option as some may need to choose. Very nice indeed.
Agree. I was kind of hoping asobo would see the value prop of BeyondATC and buy into them, or integrate them in some way. I like everything they've shown.
If only Microsoft had an AI of their own... 🤣🤣🤣
MSFS being quite under Microsoft, Maybe by MSFS 2024, there shall be a direct support and dedicated Open AI ATC, and probably Open AI copilots that are already trained, or, simply by accessing data from the sim (Airport Data, Weather Data, etc)!
THIIIIIS is what AI should be used for. Dialogues with random NPCs in games where scriptwriting is not viable, allowing you also to write completely on your own what you tell them... Or an ATC for a flightsim... THIS is great. Not those fake AI drawings that look bad. THIS is progress !
Very impressive. Having flown the VFR corridor with flight following, I think you’ve chosen the most difficult environment. They would have been pretty confused with the eastbound request, but it worked out. Also you’d be handed off to multiple approach control facilities along the way. I think it would really be helpful in a more simple airspace.
IFR as you did, would be easier to simulate, I’d imagine. Thanks for the demo!
Gavin, this was an incredible review! I was gob smacked with the price until this review. Killing it as always🏅
Awesome for us newbies on how to talk back to ATC on radios
The good thing about using real AI, indeed Reponses aren't hard coded, and can be used under our own training context by being more friendly at start, until we indeed to change our role from, lets say Beginner to Expert/Professional!
Yes, very nice indeed. When you tried the IFR clearance I wasnt expecting that to work given you started out by saying VFR only. Really impressed, it feels like we really aren't very far away from linked AI controlled ATC where the multi-player online aspect is covered, ala VATSIM. I could also imagine something like VATSIM being able to blend with the AI so that controllers could login and take over from the AI and any unstaffed positions would simply get AI coverage.
Would be interested to see how it handles a Mayday
I have tested this, and it handles it well.
that's amazing ! and the voice even pauses to take her breath again, so good ! hope it gets easier to install in the future
there is nothing to install w/ this inside the sim
I've been longing for something like this for more than three decades. After seeing this preview, I think I'll splurge a little on this since I don't subscribe to any streaming services.
Absolutely fantastic. I recently saw an AI hooked up into Star Citizen as ATC/Ship assistant, giving you directions and information about commodity prices. I instantly thought that someone should build a decent AI service for MSFS ATC. Well, now here it is, it seems. This is so promising, even in this beta state. Better than everything I've seen so far.
What was it in SC? I am a backer myself. Thank you.
I’m a backer too. I need to set this up for my ship too
There is a new AI coming out for Star Citizen
I honestly do think it's very impressive but there's no way I'm paying a $30 subscription per month for it. I know there are other third party options out there and am hoping that MSFS 2024 will also improve on the ATC comms.
Great review and since i have zero experience communicating with ATC I would use this. Thanks a lot for this, well done.
I agree the price is a bit steep but if you fly a lot, the immersion is more than worth it. I already had some great times with sayintentions.
What a time to be alive!
It’s impressive. The voice sounds very natural.
This is impressive. I've seen other ATC programs, but with AI, it becomes flexible and dynamic.
really exciting. Some quirks that you wouldn't expect to hear in real life but really really good, best computer based ATC ive seen yet.
ok. that is exactly what I have been looking for to add to my sim. very impressive.
I am willing to bet this is a similar price point to what BeyondATC will be also. Hopefully not but I’m pretty sure they said they are using ChatGPT also. It’s cool that we are in an era to use AI for ATC, considering for the last 20+ years we have been stuck with essentially the same canned responses.
BeyondATC said previously that they will have a free voice option as well as the monthly ones...
From a voice recognition and natural language response point of view, it is pretty impressive. From a realistic ATC perspective… 6/10.
Very clever. I understand this is Beta, but this is quite an outlay each month for FS. BeyondATC, in my opinion has a more easier on the eye UI, it too uses AI, and also includes traffic injection already. I don't think it'll be limited to US either. Will be interesting to see the price comparison when it is released.
It's quite amazing! Just wanted to clear up a common point of confusion. BATC will not be using AI decision making, only AI voices. All lines and choices will be pre-scripted.
SayIntentions is also unofficially working world wide, we just need more data to finish that part up. I encourage you to try the demo!!
Further, BeyondATC is only high IFR. SayIntentionsAI covers VFR and low IFR 😉
@mcrackenair can you speak to how you justify the extremely high price?
Have you tried chatgpt? Its not free.
What I like with say intention is that there is no ui. You have the equivalent of vpilot running in the background, but you never need to pop it. If you have a question or are looking for something, just ask the controller or your tour guide. And its not limited anymore to the US, even if ifr in Europe isn't perfect for the moment
This looks great. I would love to see local "accents" at airports!
OMG! This is definitely a game changer!
Very cool. Feels like this could become a core feature in future MSFS versions. Big immersion enhancer without the anxiety of VATSIM.
Amazing developments. I look forward very much to future enhancements.
Brilliant presentation and subject. I like your narration style, easy to listen to... no drama too. Sub’d. Thank you
This is amazing, can't wait for it to be available in uk.
It adds a whole lot more immersion for me. I joined up recently and have not been disappointed. Who knows where we will be in a couple of years time!
I love it. Cost is reasonable.
The devs around this project are going to have a great time: perfect use of the LLM!
Thanks for a great video. Blown away by the realism - why consider simming with anything else? As a PPL student this would also be an excellent training tool - ideally working to UK and CAA rules, but maybe it's good enough for confidence building practice in its US guise. Subscribed and shared.
Seems a great training tool.
omg this is crazy i'm gonna try that immediately
It looks impressive but it's expensive when put up against the free Vatsim. It didn't pick up on a couple of your mistakes, like not turning on the transponder after you'd tuned your frequency, but I'm sure the AI will sort that out very soon. I love flying VFR GA on MSFS so I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the video!
Well spotted !! Theres a reason for that. It can be set to be crazy pedantic about things like 100% correct readback. However we have have that tuned right down at the moment because of the number of new people. So its not a case of it not being capable, just right now its too much for many people who have not actually made any ATC calls before. A learned lesson you could say.
I wonder what happens if you take the wrong taxi route, or if cleared for a left turn out and actually deviate. Or bust the Bravo shelf? It would be nice to have those rails in place to keep you honest on your flight.
You’ll get possible pilot deviation and phone number to call!
@@colewagoner That would be wild. I'm using Pilot's edge but I have high hopes for this!
I've had it happen haha@@newdistrictmedia6034
We are about ten years away from having the perfect flight sim. I've been waiting and using MSFS since '82. This AI is outstanding. It sounds awesome. Too expensive for me though. But it is certainly worth it.
I like the idea. I'm thrilled to see these kinds of products. I am beyond excited to see Beyond ATC come out. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about paying to help them train their AI.
For SI, users are not training the AI. If we allowed that, it would complete chaos in no time at all.However if it makes an error, you can correct it and it will learn and follow for the remainder of just that flight.
last night's flight I asked about the area I was flying and it gave me a little site seeing tour of landmarks I was flying over.
Wow I love it!
and they have Brilliant support on their discord
It got an ifr update. Honestly, its amazing with the fenix. Its basically the same as talking to a real person. Im french and despite my accent, im talking exactly like ifbi was in vatsim. Even asking question or corrections. Everything works to such extent that you forgot you are talking to an ai. And the tour guide is a fun add on too. I use it with fstl traffic and its for now the best experience i have within the sim. Better than fshud, pilot2atc, or empty vatsim. Keep im mind it doesnt control ai traffic so its far from perfect. But improvement are going quickly and as for now, this beta product offer the best experience in term of realism. AI is really gonna change the game.
After seeing this amazing video, my wife, who has to fly soon from Australia to Europe and back - in real life - told me that she seriously considers buying a ticket on a cruise ship! Cheers from Sydney Australia, Nick:)
Gives good practice on radio calls, at the minimum. i was surprised that it initiated the contact to get your full light plan.
Now with the new text-to-video software published for selected affilliates, I'm so hyped to see videos of cars, busses, trains, planes etc. in pretty much any environment and location. :)
This is a game, make that SIM changer!! Wow!
One aspect particularly intrigues me in the fact that it only works for the USA currently. Why since communications are the same everywhere in the world except perhaps Europe and Australia which have air traffic management quite different from other countries, especially for VFR. But then why not Canada, South America, etc.? right away?
It occurs to me that it could be because it is only the USA which makes all air procedures public for free and the others do not do so.
So ChatGPT would not work without the AIRAC of the area and obviously it is not free. Can't they use the one built into MSFS or Navigraph? The AI most likely needs to have the AIRAC integrated into its own knowledge and its own database. A difficulty that could perhaps nip the project in the bud. If I'm right
We have to see because for the moment it is definitely too expensive and it could become more so if the AI has to integrate the complete AIRAC.
International is coming very soon. And you are correct, it's because of the availability of the data. AIRAC stuff is all fine.
Pretty good. But the bot forgot to say "Readback correct" after your clearance readback 😊
Considering that the terminology and sequences are prescribed and written down, I’d expect this to improve quickly
@@enginerdy Agree
Fabulous video. Will try out the free trial. Beyond atc is really going to be good. I think you are correct about atc being in its infancy so is it too early to part with money… I have been using MSFS since 1982 so waiting just a little longer for things to improve is no big challenge. Thank you for such thought provoking videos.
The fact that you say the atc is a stand alone software I am tempted but would like to know if frame rates were a problem!
ZERO impact to FPS. Zero.
Amazing, love it. Hope it works for Canada.
This is amazing. A bit costly, but worth it, especially as it evolves. Thanks for doing this demo!
Wow. Can you imagine how good this will be once devloped.
Very cool. Once they get IFR up, I'm a buyer. Thanks for the video!!
Crazy time, I love it!
This is awesome!
Can't wait for it to be rolled out in Australia, it will add so much to the immersion.
Going to be awesome for practicing procedures :)
Try it out in AU! The framework is 75% of the way there!
Just tested ChatGPT 4 when I heard this. The capability already a basic function did it for EGNM and it gave me instructions to hold short at runway 32 via taxiway alpha. So yeah can see how it works even just at a basic, cool it can do it level.
I want this! Best i've heard yet fantastic!
Really impressive - but WAY too expensive if you are in a country where the exchange rate against the dollar or euro makes it impossible to spend 6,120 ZAR a year just on ATC = that's the equivalent of 5 study level aircraft or 15 very good airports.
My thoughts exactly. They should pay me to use ATC.
Ai voices are for now a little bit like mobile phone units back in the days. It's insanely expensive but will for sure change in the following years. For now, expect to pay a lot for ai voices, whether it's batc, sayintention or flight buddy.
I think if you're a student pilot investing in your private or commercial licence then it makes sense to subscribe for a few months. It really is true ATC training, which up until now was not really possible to do. Also we can hope that prices will go down as the genAI infra grows and economiss of scale kick in.
Lol.. Just now saw about the Chocolate..😂
Right on. Good review my brotha.😂🎉🎉
Very fascinating use of AI! Not much of a VFR flyer, but if they add IFR, I'll test it too. Stoked about BeyondATC as well, let's see who builts the better product. Both seem very good.
It would be interesting if it would work side by side with FSLTL I would consider looking deeper into that at this moment, but as we say there's 2024 coming soon and I am a PMDG 737-800 and waiting the 777 early days and I have been at this from day one with the old ILS square boxes for landing and no scenery to boot.
Impressive as hell. I hope Microsoft buy this company and incorpore this resource into the new msfs24
how do you do the camera views/movements at the start of this video? I assume it's a replay and you can change views? They're slow and smooth and look great. I'd love to know what you're doing. thnx
I would love suggested prompts on how to reply to the tower so we could learn the order and cadence on how to correctly reply
There are a million real world resources available to teach this.
Highly recommend starting there and then fine tuning using Say Intentions to learn!
The best thing they could possibly do with this is to make it both understand people who don't know how to do it "right" and then teach you. "I want to take off" "that's great, but first let's do X, then Y then Z"
Or if you want you can just say "hey, we're going to do it my way today" and it will just say "ok, let's throw out the rules and just do it your way"
Let you play however you want but still feel like you're interacting with someone in a tower.
wow very cool!! Thx for that!
Wow that's impressive, can't wait to see the ifr full version, do you know if it allows for multiplayer? By that I mean would you hear other pilots too? Or is it just myself as a human? Great video btw
Also additional question, in the settings could you slow the responses down for those of us that get flustered with live atc and need it slower
I'm not sure about slowing it down - but there's a text box showing you everything they say if you want it, and yes, you can hear other live players interacting with ATC
Hey Gav!! Nice vid. Is it working for the FBW also?
I reckon the msfs2024 might come with this kind of feature.
Though one has to have the MS voices installed, there are quite a few real-world sounding voices in your presentation. Those are provided by SayIntentionsAI? Pricey, but let's see how it develops. Love how last ATC remarked you will fly down the river..... Cheers.
yea, SI uses extremely premium voices.
Sounds great and definitely a good program sounds 100 times better than the original ATC, but I don't know how to talk to the tower I only know some call signs so pretty useless for me but it's definitely awesome for people who know all the call signs
It seems to be a really good software. I'm waiting for the final version, to see the difference with some European control for instance. I even hope to hear some French controllers speaking in French and so on. I guess it is a good thing to improve skills / be more confident when switching to VATSIM / IVAO or even some real control!
Looks so promising!!! Will it be able to handle VFR and approve flight plans from Simbrief?
Excellent video!!
It looks very promising !
Impressed no end ... definitely going have a crack at this ! Good vid😅
this is awesome.. currently on a night shift but will be dusting off my turtlebeach yoke and downloading this as soon as im home!
What add ons or serttings are you running on your sim? The sceneray looks 100 times better than mines
Very excellent video. Very informative. Would the ATC react to you declaring an inflight emergency?🤔
It did when I tested it.
Yep sure does. Its AMAZING. Vectors to nearest field, asks relevant questions, dispatches emergency services etc
It looks nice for beginners who want to start with this before feeling comfortable transitioning to VATSIM, like I did with Pilot2ATC. However, once you've gotten used to human ATC you can't really go back to something like this. There's just something special about talking to a real person and hearing other simmers talk.
Vatsim is mostly IFR..If you want to fly VFR this app is wonderfull. And there is always atc online...
Very impressive. Most important thing for me here is that it is using, looks like, local context. But I am not familiar with Hudson area. Personally I am looking who will be first of two AI-assisted ATC to provide things like Special VFR, MOA status, FSS communication and such. As well as complete experience of FSS brief or flight plan communication.
Special VFR is coming very soon. No plans for FSS.
I was mistaken! FSS was just launched this morning.
This has good potential and I look forward to seeing the finished product. If this will end up working in Europe for IFR commercial flights I will happily ditch VATSIM
I think this is outstanding. I find the prospect of talking to ATC (or anyone) daunting and this kind of thing could be a great tool for bolstering confidence.
Curious how it would cope with my North East accent too, considering how most other voice programs don’t even try 🤷🏻♂️
oh, it has ZERO issue with accents. We just launched full international language support as well. Both ways. Talk to AND get ATC instructions back in several languages.
Curious how well it handles the DC SFRA, where there is no such thing as VFR. It's an odd mishmash I think of as "IFR over VFR". Potomac Approach is always in your ear, and unless you are in a known free flight/training area (there is one over the bay, for instance) you get a nice call when you stray too far off your path. Forget to respond and you might meet some friends in the sky.
VFR Corridors and special flight rules are coming! Will certainly work
@@colewagoner That sounds great. I wasn't complaining about it without; but rather impressed with what it can do and what it might do in the future.
I'll probably sign up for a spell. I just go the MSFS simulator going and am learning the ins and outs. So it might take a few weeks.
Very impressive! I'd definitely pay on a "per flight" basis, but no chance at $30 a month! I don't get the chance to fly often enough.
Promising. Be interesting to see how it deals with other traffic, if that is indeed even possible
is there a way of launching that window in VR so i can also see the responses?
When are they gonna make it so that you can invite a friend with a VR headset to fly next to you in the cockpit? It'd be cool if the pilot and copilot both had avatars and could go on a flight together.