Wow- I feel like I need to repent too. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I often feel mistrusting towards evangelical Christians because of past experiences. But I love what you said about God being able to work with us all if we are loving! We need to follow Him and let Him lead. I also think that comes with TRUSTING Him! If we trust that He can work His love through us, that He is at the helm, no outcome or friendship is scary! He will turn it all to His glory!
Amen brother! (And sister!) We are all on the same team. Team Jesus! Thank you for saying this. Most of my friends growing up were southern baptist and I was never fully accepted into the group because I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. It's all good though. We actually believe that all Christians will make it to heaven. They might be surprised to see me there, but I won't be surprised to see them there! They're good people. It will be a great reunion. :)
I’m a member of 45 years in The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. I’ve never come across a non-LDS content on UA-cam and feel so much Joy. Though we differ in doctrinal beliefs, you are spiritually discerned to see we have things in common and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I can’t thank you enough. It brings me to tears as I type this as it’s so refreshing to feel y’all extending to us Christlike love and not the hatred that is guided by satan. Just so you know, being persecuted more than any other church is a prophesy being fulfilled. You do realize there are those who claim to follow Christ, but in words only and not in deeds. MATTHEW15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (KJV) However, true believers follow everything Jesus taught and therefore referred throughout the Bible as his SAINTS. Latter-Day Saints are the only believers that are under the true and everlasting covenant by the authority and power of the Priesthood. The evidenced is overwhelming of the massive amount of hatred, being mocked, attacked, lies being spread and persecution galore just because we preach a deeper, full and everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ. Satan is most threatened by our church because he knows we hold much power and authority directly from Jesus. What is sad… is the Evangelical Protestants that have been the existential threat to us. They are the mastermind of the hatred, attacks, lies and persecution that we have endured for almost 200 years and with the internet and social media, it is diabolical. This black mama could just hug you guys. 🤗Keep up the Godly work and I pray that your channel will grow exponentially and God will continue to shine his blessings upon you both.
I appreciate the message of these two! This attitude is Spirit filled and night and day difference in feeling to those who take it upon themselves to tear down. Thank you! 🙏
I'm crying watching this. It is hard to be a "Mormon" these days. Im a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and this video is just pure love. We all need more of this. More of Jesus. Thank you guys for sharing this perspective. I hope this video goes viral! much love. ♥
You both seem like incredible people. I can tell you've been changed through a relationship in Christ by the way you communicate. Thank you for sharing your beliefs and experiences and I hope you're able to help those you're seeking to help. Also we really don't care if you ask questions about FLDS or anything. You're both respectful and we're happy to answer questions - many of us have heard far worse on missions and are pretty desensitized to tough questions, or possibly awkward questions.
I’m a non-religious exmormon, but this was such a beautiful video! Jesus would approve! We need more people in the world willing to love and listen and validate and honor the devotion that others have to their beliefs even if we disagree with them. Thank you for making this video! ❤️
Thank you for your kindness! Never say never😊 We love you guys! Come visit us in Utah and get the grand tour. I would personally host you in my home and show you around Salt Lake City and church headquarters.
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning. D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why? Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL." The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH." Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world." The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9). Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14 Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles. There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification. Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith? I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed. "Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members. Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon) Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
“Let’s unite under the banner of Jesus.” A-freaking-MEN! I was hesitant to click on your video because I wasn’t sure if it was going to be positive or negative, and I’m sick of the click-bait titles that end up trashing my church. You guys are seriously a breath of fresh air. Thank you for your kind, encouraging and honest words. I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding, a lot of incorrect assumptions and teachings, mainly taught by hateful ex-mormons, that bring such a division between us, and I have thought, “You know what a force for good we could be in the world if we just united as Christians? Satan wants us divided, just like he’s dividing our country politically, racially, idealistically. We’re easy to isolate and pick off when we’re small in number. United we stand, divided we fall. This is the problem. He’s turning good, Christ-loving people away from each other! Can we not just recognize and admit that he’s the one doing it? If we realized that, we could stop this childish bickering and go after the real enemy together, united and more powerful than anything else. If other Christian faiths would quit turning down our offers to help, and just let us collaborate with them, or accept an invitation to collaborate with us- we could seriously change the world. I hope you do collaborate with Ward Radio. That would be amazing!! Thank you again. This video gives me hope, and you’re doing a great work.
Luke 6:22-23, 26: this is a great hint about finding those who are Christ’s… Edit: also you guys are awesome! And the answer about the FLDS: no we are not connected to them. If you are engaged in polygamy you are excommunicated from the LDS church. They broke off a long time ago and are a separate organization. The things they do are their own thing and have nothing to do with us. In regards to apostles: we believe in them :) we have 12 of them :) our article of faith #6 says: “We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth”
Very cool of you guys to make this video! As a Latter Day Saint I appreciate your empathetic approach. I used to view other denominations as opponents, but as I’ve matured spiritually it’s apparent that now more than ever we should strive to be on the same team!
Unite Under The Banner of Jesus. 😊😊😊 that was good to hear It's kind of fun to hear you talk about uniting with the LDS believers and having to stop yourself from saying , 'Believers of Christ'...Because you get stuck on their belief in Christ. LDS Believers In Christ... never get stuck on saying that about other denominations, even yours. We say you're a 'Believer in Christ'. Period. Thanks and keep on keeping on about building that bridge to fellow Believers in Christ. We welcome the dialog. 😊
I'm open to any further truth I can get my hands on. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ I respect your desire to stay on safe doctrinal ground. I would suggest however that you can keep all the truth you have without abandoning anything true in the LDS church. We don't need to fear the truth anywhere. I agree with the infighting of Christianity and the judgement. "By this shall men know ye are my disciples if ye have love one for another" Also thank you for your example and building bridges.
I serve in a very minor leadership position in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I would love to come onto your podcast and share what we love and believe about Jesus Christ. I hope your channel’s loving message gets out there to the world, and an interview with a member of my faith may help you, so I am willing to serve.
@@LoveNotesFromGod Hi! 👋 Thank you for the love note from God in your kind comments to me. I’ve really been struggling lately, and it definitely helps! Thank you for keeping the part of your baptismal covenant to comfort those that stand in need of comfort.
Our friend at "Mormon Book Reviews* call us non-orthodox Christians, I've also heard "Non-trinitarian Christians". Thanks this video was refreshing, I was bracing myself for impact.
As someone who is LDS I appreciate this so much. My mom raised me to respect and love people from all religions but even as a child people would say the most hateful stuff to me about my beliefs. I really love how you are showing by example that to. E a true Christian you must have your heart full of love. I know I could do better at this. Thank you.
These are great conversations, great work you guys are doing. Let's be united in Christ, even if we disagree in other things. Our leaders are always reminding us to focus in our similarities rather than our differences with other people, so we can be united. it's also great to discuss our differences, but with all the respect that's needed, but it requires a lot of character and maturity. That way we both learn from each other.
This is amazing! Always very refreshing to see someone deeply understanding what being a disciple of Jesus Christ means. Thank you so much! And as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I absolutely appreciate the time and the effort that you're putting into building this bridge. To answer your question about FLDS, I'm just an ordinary member and not a church historian, but I do know that when Joseph Smith along with his brother Hiram Smith were martyred at Liberty jail, there were many who wondered and had opinions as to how this leadership vacancy was to be filled. Some felt that it should be passed down in the Smith family, others have other opinions. But these are men's opinions and not God's will. We believe that it is always going to be through God's revelation that He will reveal His will to us. During one of the conferences after Joseph Smith was martyred, Brigham Young was giving a talk among, I believe, hundreds of people. According to overwhelming records of witnesses, the congregation saw the face of Joseph Smith and heard the voice of Joseph Smith as Brigham Young spoke. This was a clear manifestation of whom God had chosen to continue to lead His Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has since then always been led by brethren who had been prepared by God to succeed those prophets who have completed their mortal ministry of being the Lord's mouthpiece and pass through the veil. Of course, such drastic Divine intervention is no longer necessary, as it was when there was no precedent as to how the succession of prophets and a system of discussion has not been revealed or established. Currently, the Lord has set up a system where men are pretty much prepared by the Lord through His omnipotent hands to become an apostle and then possibly His prophet. So as you can imagine, there were many splinter groups of LDS organizations formed after the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. But as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we do not see them as having had God 's authority and we actually don't have anything to do with with the splinter groups, except in , similar to what you are doing, building bridges and having interfaith dialogues, and extending Christian Goodwill to them. I know that we do have a friendly collaborative relationship with the Community of Christ because they are a group that had chosen to have a descendant of the Smith family lead their church, and therefore they have a lot of documents And artifacts that we find very valuable in our Church history as well. Hope that answers your question. And with that being said, I just wanted to say that we really really appreciate sincere and honest questions. We are not offended by them. We really much rather that WE are asked the questions rather than having people going to the internet where we are more often than not misrepresented. Also, I certainly do understand your concern about our devotion to our prophet, currently President Russell M. Nelson. It certainly can be dangerous to be converted to a person and follow blindly. But the antithesis of this is exactly how we can tell whether a prophet is a true prophet of God or a false one. Every single prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints counsels and teaches every single member to seek their own personal revelation, go to the Lord to receive confirmation about everything that they teach and not to Just their word for it, not to be converted to a person, but be truly converted to Jesus Christ. Every word, precept taught points us to our Savior Jesus Christ. If ever anything taught contrary to this, we know that it is not of God and that person would be a false prophet. That has never happened in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. But I certainly do appreciate your concern for our reverence to our prophet. It is hard not to give our current prophet his due respect when you learn about his life and how he had lived it And how he continues to live.😊. One can really see the hand of God in his life and how He prepared this man to be our living prophet now. I recently studied the lives of many different rophets in our church and in all of them, I see the same pattern of divine preparation. I do see them as an example of how I can push through my own struggles and challenges in life while staying true to Jesus Christ. They are truly inspiring men. And lots of inspiring women as well. Just as I find you and your husband very inspiring in the work that you do and the conviction that you have. Thank you so much for that! Makes me feel that much more hopeful for the future of this sin saturated the world. God bless! Keep doing what you do.
Yeah it's pretty terrible to have people tell us "Mormons, the nicest people to go to hell". Thanks for helping to build re bridges and help to unite the body of Christ.
Mark Winger? FLDS are separate differing in doctrine as they still actively practice polygamy in this life. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have not practiced polygamy in this life for quite a while Wilford Woodruff being one of the early prophets is the one who revealed to the church it would no longer be in this life.
Jesus is my Savior and friend! I also go to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Thanks for being kind in this video. Oh, and I always have called myself a Christian aince I was a little girl. I didn't grow up in the west, with lots of people from my same chrich around. So I didn't go by "Mormon", nor "LDS", I'm a Christian. ❤
Reach out remotely for a video call with David Alexander (former Catholic and former Christian Pastor who recently was baptized as a member of our church) or with Saints Unscripted (who deal with many of the controversial topics surrounding our religion in a very upfront way). Those two creators are the most knowledgeable in my opinion, both do collaborations and invite guests on their show. They would also be better able to understand your terminology better than some who don’t do as much interfaith, or lack perspective.
FLDS - yeah. I think this video is a good place for that question. You have it about right. Someone thought they were right and someone else was wrong. Having a prophet at the top of a religious hierarchy is important to maintain order. The FLDS discussion serves as an important historical point, every leader we've had (including your point about apostolic roles) has had to rely on the tenet that everyone has direct access to Jesus and truth. FLDS split on that issue. For instance, shortly after Joseph's martyrdom (if you want a tearjerker look up Hyrum Smith's son) when Brigham Young took up the leadership of the church it was done according to direction from Christ and had to be accepted and witnessed by the church as a whole. Brigham was not the favorite or logical choice. Splinter groups formed and left. Great discussion. Thanks for the upload. Love ya both.
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning. D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why? Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL." The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH." Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world." The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9). Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14 Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles. There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification. Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith? I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed. "Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members. Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon) Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
We definitely need to rethink how we do Christianity in North America. Jesus calls us to love. If we want people to come to our church’s than we need to act like Jesus.
He does call us to love but we also have to know what his word says and live it out completely. There is sin which he calls us to hate. Not hate the person
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning. D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why? Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL." The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH." Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world." The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9). Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14 Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles. There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification. Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith? I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed. "Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members. Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon) Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
The FLDS broke off from us when we ceased polygamy, and they rebelled and wanted to continue the practice. We pray that they would see their errors and come back to us, or at least find another Christ-focused faith.
How can you not be open to conversion, but open to personal revelation? I'll follow the promptings of the holy spirit as long as it does go beyond my knowledge. 🤨
Exactly. Not to mention the holy ghost is the only one who has the power to convert . So when they say they are not open to conversion initially they are speaking to the holy ghost.
Mormonism - The belief that there are three distinct Gods: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which is the opposite of the Trinity doctrine of One God. Belief also includes faith in the God of the Heavenly Mother. When a man dies, he becomes like God. Along with the Bible, they believe in 3 other books. The books Mormons believe to be divine are: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. The prophet Joseph Smith, who, according to Mormon belief, was visited by an angel.
I like the example of Jesus and the woman at the well - His first interaction was service (inviting her to serve him, in fact). Then, he bore his testimony of himself. He didn't discuss her sin until she brought it up, and even then, he only acknowledged her recognition of it not condemn it. His invitation was always "follow me". Not TO a specific place, but FROM the place they were.
By the way, WE got questions about the FLDS church too girl! 😆No hate to FLDS. That being said, what the "LDS" church teaches, really opposes a lot of what you hear coming out of FLDS. And tbh, aside from FLDS being an early branch off of the original church, I don't think most LDS even know all that much about them. I think the big difference is probably the polygamy.
1:00 latter-day saints are also a "bible believing christians." hands down. but we also know that the bible / gospel is not a closed cannon. never has been. and god / jesus continue to give us information. therefor, the book of mormon. god bless.
In answer to your question and as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints... The FLDS split from us on the basis of thinking polygamy should continue where we ended it.
To someone from a small country in Europe that doesn’t have many lds churches at all; the information that is available is incredibly limited. It doesn’t help that it almost never lines up with the views of actual lds members when you ask them about it in person.😅 In my denomination we don’t agree on every single detail either.. but when it comes to the basics like the Gospel, the Trinity, the deity of Christ and the authority of the Scriptures, those are non negotiable and straightforward. It’s just no easy task to figure out your “basics” Our views seem exactly the same sometimes; but can also seem worlds apart; depending on who you ask..
As to the question about the FLDS and whether the church thinks of them as a part of the LDS faith I think most LDS members would say no, at least I would not claim them a part of the LDS faith nor do I think they would attempt to claim to be a part of the main body of LDS saints. There have been many different quite a few branches off the main body of the church since it was founded, the two that are\were best known are the FLDS and the reorganized church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints or RLDS. The RLDS split off from the LDS after Joseph Smiths death and their prophet for a long time came from the descendants of Joseph Smith. Eventually the line of children from Joseph Smith did not provide a suitable heir and the church switched to being managed by someone outside of his family, in 2000 after a decline in membership it looked to be moving towards bankruptcy and to get the loans needed to keep the church going it was forced to make some changes including changing it's name to "The Church of Christ" and no longer claiming the book of Mormon as an inspired record while still using it as a book of scripture or at least this is what I can recall as a LDS member hearing about the changes (This is a serious simplification and I am sure that those who are of this faith might be able to share much more than I and might consider this an oversimplification). FLDS separated from the church several presidents of the church latter after Wilford Woodruff became president claiming to have received command from the previous president John Taylor to stay true to the practice of polygamy. The main body of the church slowly phased out all practice of polygamy, but the FLDS church did not. If you want details about this splinter faith most of what I know about the faith has come from documentaries as I was born and raised in the eastern states and had no exposure to this primarily out west church. As to the official stance of the church to the splinter groups we send the same message we send to all to come unto Christ and learn of the doctrine of salvation. However for any individual's who are known to have connections to polygamy there are special interviews that must be had with church leadership and if they currently are practicing polygamy or plan to they would not be allowed to be baptized as this practice is not allowed within the church today. At least that is what I heard as a missionary. Honestly, with the title of your channel being Kingdom business I thought you might have been of the Jehovah Witness faith (You know with them being connected to kingdom halls as their church buildings) and that their might have been some kind of twist in which the claim was that JW's were more persecuted. I would even have been open to that claim. I know they also get a lot of negative press with their proselytizing.
FLDS rejected the end of polygamy 134 years ago. They are not part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Warren Jeffs is a false prophet. They are in error, but we love them.
To your FLDS question: As you're probably aware, the LDS Church practiced polygamy from the last few years of Joseph Smith's life (around 1842) up until 1890. At that time, while the Church did not dissolve any "plural families" already formed, we did cease the practice from that point on. The prophet at the time, Wilford Woodruff, made it clear that this was direction from God, and that any Saints that sustained the Brethren (church leadership) were obliged to follow. Those who didn't were cut off, or as you pointed out, they cut themselves off. It really came down to whether they followed and sustained the prophet. My impression of how the split went is that the "Fundamentalist LDS" declared President Woodruff to be a fallen prophet, appointed their own prophet, and set up their own organization with the idea that they were the Church In Exile. You'll want to check that with someone in the FLDS community, though, since I've never knowingly met one of them. From our point of view, the FLDS rejected God's word and ejected themselves from the Church. This was the second of the two major schisms we've had, the first being after the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, when excommunicated former apostle Sidney Rigdon set up the "Reorganized" LDS Church in Nauvoo and held leadership in trust until one of Joseph's sons could assume leadership. They used to call those who moved west the "Brighamite" Church, since we followed Brigham Young and the other Apostles who had the keys of leadership. (They've since rebranded themselves the Community of Christ, have all but stopped using the Book of Mormon, and recently sold their historic church properties to the Salt Lake church.)
I try to give a lot of grace to my Christian brothers and sisters for misunderstanding our faith because it's not their fault. There are so many generations of malice on both sides of the aisle. But the Lord is commanding us to unite more than ever. I am so sick of people being misguided by prejudice that comes from ungodly sources. I have wrongfully judged and I have been wrongfully judged. The commandment is clear. Jesus is the Savior of the world and we must confess and forsake our sins and cling to his atonement for salvation. We are united in this theology. We don't have to get lost in the sauce of the differences when we both love and worship the same Jesus. God so loved the world that He sent his only begotten Son. Whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. We all need to repent I think that God is very disappointed in the state of affairs of his supposed disciples. No room for judgements.
@@scottm4975 it’s not bigotry to not accept certain beliefs. I would say it’s more loving to steer people towards the right path than to let them be in their sin
As the Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Galatians 1:8-9 the Mormons are preaching another gospel other than what Paul preached. So the question is do you believe Joseph smith or the Apostle Paul? As Gordon B. Hinkley once proclaimed on national television the Mormons believe in a “different” Jesus than the Jesus of the early Christian period. Prove me wrong
I know that God is moving within His people, causing many to come to Christ among many denominations which is a miraculous blessing. 700 people a day are baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is what I have been told by multiple sources in the past week
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning. D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why? Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL." The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH." Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world." The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9). Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14 Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles. There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification. Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith? I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed. "Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members. Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon) Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
Asking about *apostles*... the LDS church has a quorum or council of 12 apostles that are called by revelation. They are the 2nd highest governing body of the church, where the 1st Presidency (the Prophet and his 2 councilors) are the highest governing body. We believe that the church president is in direct revelatory communication with Christ himself when it comes to church matters.
The biggest misconception that Evangelicals have about the LDS is they don’t understand their underlying metaphysical model and how that plays out into their theology.
I have said this before. Latter-day Saints don't mind not having fellowship with other Christians as believers in worship. There are huge differences. However, to say "Mormons" are not Christians (or worse don't believe in Jesus the Christ as our Savior) is to bear false witness. Even calling Mormons "false Christians" is at least acknowledging who they believe they are worshiping.
Any chance we’ll see a video about what you disagree with Mormons on? As someone who has studied a good bit on Mormonism I don’t think you understand their beliefs well. They use the same words we do, but mean completely different things. In the video you allude to JWs not being saved because they don’t believe in Jesus being the messiah; well Mormons don’t believe Jesus is God. If you have the wrong Jesus you don’t believe or worship the God of the Bible therefore you don’t have salvation. Some of the core beliefs they have that differ from orthodox Christianity: Jesus is not God he is a god, same goes for the Holy Spirit, God the father created Jesus in natural way by having intercourse with Mary, they are saved by grace after all they can do so it isn’t by faith alone like the Bible states, they do not believe in hell. There is a lot more from where that came from. Read “Letters to a Mormon Elder” by James White if you would like to learn more.🙏🏻 Please do some more research and I’m sure you will see what I mean.
The FLDS church and all other branches like them are not associated with the Church of Jesus Christ at all. They were groups of people who rejected the teachings of modern prophets and so broke off and decided to do there own thing. I had a friend who grew up in one of these groups and who later joined the church and it was a major thing where she had to actually be interviewed by an apostle just to make sure that she was willing to leave those practices behind. Luckily her family supported her choice (many would have disowned her). If you are a member of our church and you start following one of these groups and their practices such as polygamy you will be excommunicated.
We believe we have 12 living apostles of Jesus Christ helping the Prophet under the direction of Jesus Christ to guide the church and evangelize to the world. We believe they hold the same authority as the ancient prophets and apostles
The two definitions of Christianity is a Follower of Christ, or one who uses the Creeds. Really depends on your definition. And yeah our God and Jesus is somewhat different but every denomination has a different interpretation of the Bible and Jesus and God as a person.
Thank you for choosing not to persecute us! Just as clarification, the FLDS church practices polygamy. In the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, polygamy is not allowed.
That is good to clarify, I thought the mainstream church still believed in "eternal polygamy" or something like that. I heard about some Mormons having multiple wives in heaven, must be the FLDS church then. Thanks!
I see you struggling with conversation that includes LDS as Christian. I understand your difficulty as the differing dogmas almost demand some kind of delineation. I would like to suggest the terminology to you of "restorationist Christian". As Martin Luther's movement (among others) led to what are termed "protestant Christians", it made sense that people would want to delineate themselves from Catholicism while still maintaining that they are Christian. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes in an apostasy that necessitated a restoration of authority and some truths. "Restorationist Christian" can provide some helpful context. Check out the HelloSaints podcast for an evangelical exploration of LDS culture/doctrine. Also, as we do believe in modern prophets and the FLDS rejected the prophet of the church, they would be considered an apostate group with no material connection to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Bible is an arbitrary collection of scrolls and writings spanning thousands of years often attributed to authors who didn’t write the books. Those who put it together absolutely have the right to close the Bible. What the Bible doesn’t say is that God is done speaking through inspired prophets. For that matter, the Book of Mormon is a closed book. When a book is finalized, it is done. But it doesn’t mean God is done. I am open to God’s further light and knowledge.
HERE ARE BIBLE SCRIPTURES THAT PROPHESIES JESUS’s CHURCH BEING MOST HATED AND PERSECUTED. The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. MATTHEW 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. KJV LUKE 6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. KJV LUKE 10:16 He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me. KJV 1 JOHN 2:11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. KJV 1 JOHN 3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. MATTHEW 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. KJV 1 JOHN 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. KJV JOHN 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. KJV 1 JOHN 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? KJV
Interesting that Muslims also say the same thing about their faith. I started to notice a common trend where religions that are "hated" wear it like a badge of honor, like that is what is telling them that their church is right. I remember when I was younger learning about Heavens Gate and it had the same rhetoric.
Only the holy ghost has the power to convert so when you say "we are not open to conversion" that is who you are speaking to, the holy spirit.. you also quoted John 13: 34-35 that is pretty self explanatory, if nothing that you see from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints is love and from none lds Christianity is mostly hate that should tell you as plain as day who truly are his disciples and who truly have his gospel.
I think Jesus is mourning. The one who is laughing is Satan because he is the one who divides.! Everyone who profess Christ acts like him.wouldn’t be making all these videos, condemning others. For the most part and I’m not saying all, but most evangelicals are modern day Pharisees. As Stephen Pinaker says if I leave my church, I’m definitely not going to join them. And he’s a evangelical Christian. We can all learn from each other, despite our differences and move towards being united in the faith Christ to bring our other brothers and sisters to Him, so that his atonement wasn’t in vain for those who have not yet accept him.
3 things: 1. Thank you, for truly trying. 2. There's another channel called Hello Saints! It's run by a protestant pastor called Jeff, and he's not a convert, but he is actually trying to understand us like you guys are, finding the similarities and differences. 3.A book you might try is The Greatest Quest, by Blaine M. Yorgason. It is slightly fictional, in that they changed the names to honor people's privacy, but it has a list of points pulled from the Bible that are interesting and key pieces. I don't mean for conversion, but like you said, "At their heart, they admit he is their salvation." The points are at the heart of it.
I'm not trying to convert, nor can I, only the Holy Spirit can. Have you read the Book of Mormon? Would you be willing to do some videos of your reaction to the similarities and differences in the Book of Mormon?
@@KingdomBusinessFellowship If you look up how members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints were treated in their early history, you may be surprised. They were mobbed and kicked out of their various cities and towns in Kirkland Ohio, Nauvoo Illinois, and in Missouri where Governor Boggs issued an extermination order to kill all Mormons in 1838. It is a historical fact that “Mormons” experienced that type of persecution. We should all support the defense of any God believing person being persecuted for their faith though, and yes it happens mostly in other countries now. Gratefully, those martyrs are also in His hands now, and He makes up for their loss.
@@KingdomBusinessFellowship look up early Mormon history, where they suffered mob violence and death in their expulsions from Kirkland Ohio, Nauvoo Illinois. Also the Governor of Missouri (Boggs) issued an extermination order for Mormons in 1838. Sad that anyone believing in God has to suffer that way anywhere because of their beliefs.
@@KingdomBusinessFellowship I think Muslims may disagree. That persecution is real and thriving just recently a Utah State Legislator filmed Muslims in a observing a Shiite pilgrimage called Arba’een and said "In the small town of Taylorsville Utah. Not a single American flag insight" commenting how they couldn't be American for their religious views...
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning. D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why? Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL." The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH." Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world." The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9). Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14 Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles. There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification. Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith? I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed. "Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members. Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon) Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
You are an an excellent student of the Bible. It’s great that you believe in Jesus so passionately and are striving to defend truth and expose anything that is false. One of the best biblical tests I have discovered is to judge them by their fruits. If the fruits are good the roots must be pretty good too. Matthew 7:15-20
@@daveorgill3068 Yes. But we, as finite beings, cannot always make a determination as to whether or not the fruit is good. God warns us that the final anti-christ could deceive the elect if possible. Mathew 24:24 You are correct though about the fruit. If the fruit is glorification of Jesus as eternal, all powerful, creator of the Universe and is filled with love for the children of God, then odds are high it is good fruit!
We arent the most persecuted (im lds in South Australia). I would encourage having a personal spiritual experience instead of trusting scriptures alone, as scriptures can be altered. Thanks for your honesty and respectfulness. I believe we should be more united too. Luke 9:49-50 "those who aren't against me are for me ". Jesus teaches religious tolerance to his apostles (on many occassions). Im not trying to convert you. I agree you should be yourselves. Yes, people can be elitist. Trust where christ directs you. Yes, theres to much division. You video is fantastic. Heres something interesting. The native Americans themselves are releasing their records (not acknowledged by the lds church). The nemenhah records (book, second complete edition). The ojibwe nation records (under translation now). They back the book of Mormon. I respect them. I had a vision before, during, and after reading the nemenhah records. Jesus appeared in the last one and said "don't persecute my people the nemenhah ". Just like you're saying we should love one another.
I honestly don't care if people don't call me a Christian as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I don't have to prove it you anyone but the savior himself. He'll be the one judging me in the end. My call is to follow him and that's my only focus
Wow- I feel like I need to repent too. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I often feel mistrusting towards evangelical Christians because of past experiences.
But I love what you said about God being able to work with us all if we are loving! We need to follow Him and let Him lead.
I also think that comes with TRUSTING Him! If we trust that He can work His love through us, that He is at the helm, no outcome or friendship is scary! He will turn it all to His glory!
You are truly representing what Jesus teaches. Thank you for building bridges, as a member of the LDS Church that is what we believe too.
Amen brother! (And sister!) We are all on the same team. Team Jesus! Thank you for saying this.
Most of my friends growing up were southern baptist and I was never fully accepted into the group because I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. It's all good though. We actually believe that all Christians will make it to heaven. They might be surprised to see me there, but I won't be surprised to see them there! They're good people. It will be a great reunion. :)
I’m a member of 45 years in The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. I’ve never come across a non-LDS content on UA-cam and feel so much Joy. Though we differ in doctrinal beliefs, you are spiritually discerned to see we have things in common and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I can’t thank you enough. It brings me to tears as I type this as it’s so refreshing to feel y’all extending to us Christlike love and not the hatred that is guided by satan.
Just so you know, being persecuted more than any other church is a prophesy being fulfilled. You do realize there are those who claim to follow Christ, but in words only and not in deeds.
MATTHEW15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (KJV)
However, true believers follow everything Jesus taught and therefore referred throughout the Bible as his SAINTS. Latter-Day Saints are the only believers that are under the true and everlasting covenant by the authority and power of the Priesthood.
The evidenced is overwhelming of the massive amount of hatred, being mocked, attacked, lies being spread and persecution galore just because we preach a deeper, full and everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ. Satan is most threatened by our church because he knows we hold much power and authority directly from Jesus.
What is sad… is the Evangelical Protestants that have been the existential threat to us. They are the mastermind of the hatred, attacks, lies and persecution that we have endured for almost 200 years and with the internet and social media, it is diabolical.
This black mama could just hug you guys. 🤗Keep up the Godly work and I pray that your channel will grow exponentially and God will continue to shine his blessings upon you both.
Were black people allowed in the church back then? Didn't they have a white only rule until recently?
I appreciate the message of these two! This attitude is Spirit filled and night and day difference in feeling to those who take it upon themselves to tear down. Thank you! 🙏
I'm crying watching this. It is hard to be a "Mormon" these days. Im a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and this video is just pure love. We all need more of this. More of Jesus. Thank you guys for sharing this perspective. I hope this video goes viral! much love. ♥
To be honest, it is hard to be Christian these days.
What’s hard about being a Latter Day Saint these days?
@@n.d.m.515 Agree with you 100%
Big fan of Ward Radio here, I contacted them with a link to this video. Hopefully they see it! Bless you for your voices!
You both seem like incredible people. I can tell you've been changed through a relationship in Christ by the way you communicate. Thank you for sharing your beliefs and experiences and I hope you're able to help those you're seeking to help.
Also we really don't care if you ask questions about FLDS or anything. You're both respectful and we're happy to answer questions - many of us have heard far worse on missions and are pretty desensitized to tough questions, or possibly awkward questions.
I thank you guys and I love you. God bless you ❤
I'm Latter day Saint, and I consider myself a Christian because I follow Jesus Christ and try to act according to his teachings.
Thanks for the Video.
I’m a non-religious exmormon, but this was such a beautiful video! Jesus would approve! We need more people in the world willing to love and listen and validate and honor the devotion that others have to their beliefs even if we disagree with them. Thank you for making this video! ❤️
Thank you for your kindness! Never say never😊 We love you guys! Come visit us in Utah and get the grand tour. I would personally host you in my home and show you around Salt Lake City and church headquarters.
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning.
D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why?
Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL."
The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH."
Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world."
The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9).
Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14
Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles.
There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification.
Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith?
I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed.
"Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members.
Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon)
Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
“Let’s unite under the banner of Jesus.”
I was hesitant to click on your video because I wasn’t sure if it was going to be positive or negative, and I’m sick of the click-bait titles that end up trashing my church. You guys are seriously a breath of fresh air. Thank you for your kind, encouraging and honest words.
I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding, a lot of incorrect assumptions and teachings, mainly taught by hateful ex-mormons, that bring such a division between us, and I have thought, “You know what a force for good we could be in the world if we just united as Christians?
Satan wants us divided, just like he’s dividing our country politically, racially, idealistically. We’re easy to isolate and pick off when we’re small in number. United we stand, divided we fall. This is the problem. He’s turning good, Christ-loving people away from each other! Can we not just recognize and admit that he’s the one doing it? If we realized that, we could stop this childish bickering and go after the real enemy together, united and more powerful than anything else.
If other Christian faiths would quit turning down our offers to help, and just let us collaborate with them, or accept an invitation to collaborate with us- we could seriously change the world.
I hope you do collaborate with Ward Radio. That would be amazing!! Thank you again. This video gives me hope, and you’re doing a great work.
Thank you for your love, honesty and integrity.
Luke 6:22-23, 26: this is a great hint about finding those who are Christ’s…
Edit: also you guys are awesome!
And the answer about the FLDS: no we are not connected to them. If you are engaged in polygamy you are excommunicated from the LDS church. They broke off a long time ago and are a separate organization. The things they do are their own thing and have nothing to do with us.
In regards to apostles: we believe in them :) we have 12 of them :) our article of faith #6 says: “We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth”
Very cool of you guys to make this video! As a Latter Day Saint I appreciate your empathetic approach.
I used to view other denominations as opponents, but as I’ve matured spiritually it’s apparent that now more than ever we should strive to be on the same team!
This is a great video. I'm LDS, and this is the first video I've seen from you.
This made my heart so happy! Seeking common ground! 💖
Unite Under The Banner of Jesus. 😊😊😊 that was good to hear
It's kind of fun to hear you talk about uniting with the LDS believers and having to stop yourself from saying ,
'Believers of Christ'...Because you get stuck on their belief in Christ.
LDS Believers In Christ... never get stuck on saying that about other denominations, even yours. We say you're a 'Believer in Christ'. Period. Thanks and keep on keeping on about building that bridge to fellow Believers in Christ. We welcome the dialog.
I'm open to any further truth I can get my hands on. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ I respect your desire to stay on safe doctrinal ground. I would suggest however that you can keep all the truth you have without abandoning anything true in the LDS church. We don't need to fear the truth anywhere.
I agree with the infighting of Christianity and the judgement. "By this shall men know ye are my disciples if ye have love one for another"
Also thank you for your example and building bridges.
I serve in a very minor leadership position in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I would love to come onto your podcast and share what we love and believe about Jesus Christ.
I hope your channel’s loving message gets out there to the world, and an interview with a member of my faith may help you, so I am willing to serve.
Hi Alec! From Melissa!
@@LoveNotesFromGod Hi! 👋 Thank you for the love note from God in your kind comments to me. I’ve really been struggling lately, and it definitely helps! Thank you for keeping the part of your baptismal covenant to comfort those that stand in need of comfort.
Thank you so much for your respect and kindness! You have no idea how much it means!
Our friend at "Mormon Book Reviews* call us non-orthodox Christians, I've also heard "Non-trinitarian Christians". Thanks this video was refreshing, I was bracing myself for impact.
As someone who is LDS I appreciate this so much. My mom raised me to respect and love people from all religions but even as a child people would say the most hateful stuff to me about my beliefs. I really love how you are showing by example that to. E a true Christian you must have your heart full of love. I know I could do better at this. Thank you.
Thank you for building bridges we are all Gods children
These are great conversations, great work you guys are doing. Let's be united in Christ, even if we disagree in other things. Our leaders are always reminding us to focus in our similarities rather than our differences with other people, so we can be united. it's also great to discuss our differences, but with all the respect that's needed, but it requires a lot of character and maturity. That way we both learn from each other.
Interesting. Will have to look at this
This is amazing! Always very refreshing to see someone deeply understanding what being a disciple of Jesus Christ means. Thank you so much! And as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I absolutely appreciate the time and the effort that you're putting into building this bridge.
To answer your question about FLDS, I'm just an ordinary member and not a church historian, but I do know that when Joseph Smith along with his brother Hiram Smith were martyred at Liberty jail, there were many who wondered and had opinions as to how this leadership vacancy was to be filled. Some felt that it should be passed down in the Smith family, others have other opinions. But these are men's opinions and not God's will. We believe that it is always going to be through God's revelation that He will reveal His will to us. During one of the conferences after Joseph Smith was martyred, Brigham Young was giving a talk among, I believe, hundreds of people. According to overwhelming records of witnesses, the congregation saw the face of Joseph Smith and heard the voice of Joseph Smith as Brigham Young spoke. This was a clear manifestation of whom God had chosen to continue to lead His Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has since then always been led by brethren who had been prepared by God to succeed those prophets who have completed their mortal ministry of being the Lord's mouthpiece and pass through the veil. Of course, such drastic Divine intervention is no longer necessary, as it was when there was no precedent as to how the succession of prophets and a system of discussion has not been revealed or established. Currently, the Lord has set up a system where men are pretty much prepared by the Lord through His omnipotent hands to become an apostle and then possibly His prophet.
So as you can imagine, there were many splinter groups of LDS organizations formed after the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. But as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we do not see them as having had God 's authority and we actually don't have anything to do with with the splinter groups, except in , similar to what you are doing, building bridges and having interfaith dialogues, and extending Christian Goodwill to them.
I know that we do have a friendly collaborative relationship with the Community of Christ because they are a group that had chosen to have a descendant of the Smith family lead their church, and therefore they have a lot of documents And artifacts that we find very valuable in our Church history as well.
Hope that answers your question. And with that being said, I just wanted to say that we really really appreciate sincere and honest questions. We are not offended by them. We really much rather that WE are asked the questions rather than having people going to the internet where we are more often than not misrepresented.
Also, I certainly do understand your concern about our devotion to our prophet, currently President Russell M. Nelson. It certainly can be dangerous to be converted to a person and follow blindly. But the antithesis of this is exactly how we can tell whether a prophet is a true prophet of God or a false one. Every single prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints counsels and teaches every single member to seek their own personal revelation, go to the Lord to receive confirmation about everything that they teach and not to Just their word for it, not to be converted to a person, but be truly converted to Jesus Christ. Every word, precept taught points us to our Savior Jesus Christ. If ever anything taught contrary to this, we know that it is not of God and that person would be a false prophet. That has never happened in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. But I certainly do appreciate your concern for our reverence to our prophet. It is hard not to give our current prophet his due respect when you learn about his life and how he had lived it And how he continues to live.😊. One can really see the hand of God in his life and how He prepared this man to be our living prophet now. I recently studied the lives of many different rophets in our church and in all of them, I see the same pattern of divine preparation. I do see them as an example of how I can push through my own struggles and challenges in life while staying true to Jesus Christ. They are truly inspiring men. And lots of inspiring women as well.
Just as I find you and your husband very inspiring in the work that you do and the conviction that you have. Thank you so much for that! Makes me feel that much more hopeful for the future of this sin saturated the world.
God bless! Keep doing what you do.
We love you Brother and Sister. We're all family!
God bless you my friends. May we all continue to become one in Christ.
Thank you, thank you so much for your love and kind words!
Yeah it's pretty terrible to have people tell us "Mormons, the nicest people to go to hell". Thanks for helping to build re bridges and help to unite the body of Christ.
Mark Winger? FLDS are separate differing in doctrine as they still actively practice polygamy in this life. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have not practiced polygamy in this life for quite a while Wilford Woodruff being one of the early prophets is the one who revealed to the church it would no longer be in this life.
@keystone great guy to interview with about the doctrine and history of the church of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is my Savior and friend! I also go to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Thanks for being kind in this video.
Oh, and I always have called myself a Christian aince I was a little girl. I didn't grow up in the west, with lots of people from my same chrich around. So I didn't go by "Mormon", nor "LDS", I'm a Christian. ❤
I wonder how as Christian's we will all become one in Christ with the way things currently are. We all have a lot to learn.
Reach out remotely for a video call with David Alexander (former Catholic and former Christian Pastor who recently was baptized as a member of our church) or with Saints Unscripted (who deal with many of the controversial topics surrounding our religion in a very upfront way). Those two creators are the most knowledgeable in my opinion, both do collaborations and invite guests on their show. They would also be better able to understand your terminology better than some who don’t do as much interfaith, or lack perspective.
Yes David Alexander would be awesome
I second this
FLDS - yeah. I think this video is a good place for that question. You have it about right. Someone thought they were right and someone else was wrong.
Having a prophet at the top of a religious hierarchy is important to maintain order. The FLDS discussion serves as an important historical point, every leader we've had (including your point about apostolic roles) has had to rely on the tenet that everyone has direct access to Jesus and truth. FLDS split on that issue. For instance, shortly after Joseph's martyrdom (if you want a tearjerker look up Hyrum Smith's son) when Brigham Young took up the leadership of the church it was done according to direction from Christ and had to be accepted and witnessed by the church as a whole. Brigham was not the favorite or logical choice. Splinter groups formed and left.
Great discussion. Thanks for the upload. Love ya both.
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning.
D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why?
Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL."
The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH."
Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world."
The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9).
Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14
Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles.
There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification.
Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith?
I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed.
"Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members.
Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon)
Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
Not sure you read my post. It's okay. I still love ya.
I do think people are mean to Mormons. Also I’m lgbtq and Christian
We definitely need to rethink how we do Christianity in North America. Jesus calls us to love. If we want people to come to our church’s than we need to act like Jesus.
He does call us to love but we also have to know what his word says and live it out completely. There is sin which he calls us to hate. Not hate the person
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning.
D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why?
Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL."
The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH."
Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world."
The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9).
Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14
Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles.
There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification.
Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith?
I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed.
"Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members.
Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon)
Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
@@BramptonAnglicanthank you. We love you
Amazing that you found Jesus and got out of the darkness of the drug world. It truly is Satans chains.
The FLDS broke off from us when we ceased polygamy, and they rebelled and wanted to continue the practice. We pray that they would see their errors and come back to us, or at least find another Christ-focused faith.
How can you not be open to conversion, but open to personal revelation?
I'll follow the promptings of the holy spirit as long as it does go beyond my knowledge. 🤨
Exactly. Not to mention the holy ghost is the only one who has the power to convert . So when they say they are not open to conversion initially they are speaking to the holy ghost.
Thank you
Mormonism - The belief that there are three distinct Gods: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which is the opposite of the Trinity doctrine of One God. Belief also includes faith in the God of the Heavenly Mother. When a man dies, he becomes like God. Along with the Bible, they believe in 3 other books. The books Mormons believe to be divine are: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. The prophet Joseph Smith, who, according to Mormon belief, was visited by an angel.
Not bad, just need to polish a bit and it’s better to call us Latter Day Saints
I like the example of Jesus and the woman at the well - His first interaction was service (inviting her to serve him, in fact). Then, he bore his testimony of himself. He didn't discuss her sin until she brought it up, and even then, he only acknowledged her recognition of it not condemn it. His invitation was always "follow me". Not TO a specific place, but FROM the place they were.
By the way, WE got questions about the FLDS church too girl! 😆No hate to FLDS. That being said, what the "LDS" church teaches, really opposes a lot of what you hear coming out of FLDS. And tbh, aside from FLDS being an early branch off of the original church, I don't think most LDS even know all that much about them. I think the big difference is probably the polygamy.
latter-day saints are also a "bible believing christians."
hands down.
but we also know that the bible / gospel is not a closed cannon.
never has been.
and god / jesus continue to give us information.
therefor, the book of mormon.
god bless.
In answer to your question and as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...
The FLDS split from us on the basis of thinking polygamy should continue where we ended it.
Just remember all of those sad cases of cults that resulted in tragedy were sola scriptura Bible inherency believers
To someone from a small country in Europe that doesn’t have many lds churches at all; the information that is available is incredibly limited.
It doesn’t help that it almost never lines up with the views of actual lds members when you ask them about it in person.😅
In my denomination we don’t agree on every single detail either.. but when it comes to the basics like the Gospel, the Trinity, the deity of Christ and the authority of the Scriptures, those are non negotiable and straightforward.
It’s just no easy task to figure out your “basics”
Our views seem exactly the same sometimes; but can also seem worlds apart; depending on who you ask..
As to the question about the FLDS and whether the church thinks of them as a part of the LDS faith I think most LDS members would say no, at least I would not claim them a part of the LDS faith nor do I think they would attempt to claim to be a part of the main body of LDS saints. There have been many different quite a few branches off the main body of the church since it was founded, the two that are\were best known are the FLDS and the reorganized church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints or RLDS. The RLDS split off from the LDS after Joseph Smiths death and their prophet for a long time came from the descendants of Joseph Smith. Eventually the line of children from Joseph Smith did not provide a suitable heir and the church switched to being managed by someone outside of his family, in 2000 after a decline in membership it looked to be moving towards bankruptcy and to get the loans needed to keep the church going it was forced to make some changes including changing it's name to "The Church of Christ" and no longer claiming the book of Mormon as an inspired record while still using it as a book of scripture or at least this is what I can recall as a LDS member hearing about the changes (This is a serious simplification and I am sure that those who are of this faith might be able to share much more than I and might consider this an oversimplification).
FLDS separated from the church several presidents of the church latter after Wilford Woodruff became president claiming to have received command from the previous president John Taylor to stay true to the practice of polygamy. The main body of the church slowly phased out all practice of polygamy, but the FLDS church did not. If you want details about this splinter faith most of what I know about the faith has come from documentaries as I was born and raised in the eastern states and had no exposure to this primarily out west church.
As to the official stance of the church to the splinter groups we send the same message we send to all to come unto Christ and learn of the doctrine of salvation. However for any individual's who are known to have connections to polygamy there are special interviews that must be had with church leadership and if they currently are practicing polygamy or plan to they would not be allowed to be baptized as this practice is not allowed within the church today. At least that is what I heard as a missionary.
Honestly, with the title of your channel being Kingdom business I thought you might have been of the Jehovah Witness faith (You know with them being connected to kingdom halls as their church buildings) and that their might have been some kind of twist in which the claim was that JW's were more persecuted. I would even have been open to that claim. I know they also get a lot of negative press with their proselytizing.
FLDS rejected the end of polygamy 134 years ago. They are not part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Warren Jeffs is a false prophet. They are in error, but we love them.
We believe that Jesus called apostles and we have them today as they did in Christs time.
To your FLDS question: As you're probably aware, the LDS Church practiced polygamy from the last few years of Joseph Smith's life (around 1842) up until 1890. At that time, while the Church did not dissolve any "plural families" already formed, we did cease the practice from that point on. The prophet at the time, Wilford Woodruff, made it clear that this was direction from God, and that any Saints that sustained the Brethren (church leadership) were obliged to follow. Those who didn't were cut off, or as you pointed out, they cut themselves off.
It really came down to whether they followed and sustained the prophet. My impression of how the split went is that the "Fundamentalist LDS" declared President Woodruff to be a fallen prophet, appointed their own prophet, and set up their own organization with the idea that they were the Church In Exile. You'll want to check that with someone in the FLDS community, though, since I've never knowingly met one of them. From our point of view, the FLDS rejected God's word and ejected themselves from the Church.
This was the second of the two major schisms we've had, the first being after the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, when excommunicated former apostle Sidney Rigdon set up the "Reorganized" LDS Church in Nauvoo and held leadership in trust until one of Joseph's sons could assume leadership. They used to call those who moved west the "Brighamite" Church, since we followed Brigham Young and the other Apostles who had the keys of leadership. (They've since rebranded themselves the Community of Christ, have all but stopped using the Book of Mormon, and recently sold their historic church properties to the Salt Lake church.)
I try to give a lot of grace to my Christian brothers and sisters for misunderstanding our faith because it's not their fault. There are so many generations of malice on both sides of the aisle. But the Lord is commanding us to unite more than ever. I am so sick of people being misguided by prejudice that comes from ungodly sources. I have wrongfully judged and I have been wrongfully judged.
The commandment is clear. Jesus is the Savior of the world and we must confess and forsake our sins and cling to his atonement for salvation. We are united in this theology. We don't have to get lost in the sauce of the differences when we both love and worship the same Jesus.
God so loved the world that He sent his only begotten Son. Whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. We all need to repent I think that God is very disappointed in the state of affairs of his supposed disciples. No room for judgements.
The Nicene creed is not the definition of God for us. I believe that is why we aren't liked?
Yeah bc you deny the fundamentals of christianitu
@@vivialanis9521 your response is the perfect example of religious bigotry. Thanks for sharing!
@@scottm4975 and the award for most melodramatic, effeminate youtube comment ever written goes to...
@@scottm4975 it’s not bigotry to not accept certain beliefs. I would say it’s more loving to steer people towards the right path than to let them be in their sin
As the Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Galatians 1:8-9 the Mormons are preaching another gospel other than what Paul preached. So the question is do you believe Joseph smith or the Apostle Paul? As Gordon B. Hinkley once proclaimed on national television the Mormons believe in a “different” Jesus than the Jesus of the early Christian period. Prove me wrong
I know that God is moving within His people, causing many to come to Christ among many denominations which is a miraculous blessing. 700 people a day are baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is what I have been told by multiple sources in the past week
They are not a part f the LDS Church. As you have said, just love everyone as Jesus would want us to do.
You're totally welcome to President Nelson's 100th birthday party.
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning.
D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why?
Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL."
The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH."
Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world."
The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9).
Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14
Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles.
There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification.
Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith?
I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed.
"Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members.
Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon)
Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
@@brettpinion4233you put a lot of effort in that post. I can appreciate the effort, you too are invited to the birthday party.
@@brettpinion4233by their fruits ye shall know them.
Asking about *apostles*... the LDS church has a quorum or council of 12 apostles that are called by revelation. They are the 2nd highest governing body of the church, where the 1st Presidency (the Prophet and his 2 councilors) are the highest governing body. We believe that the church president is in direct revelatory communication with Christ himself when it comes to church matters.
I’ve been trying to convince my friends that lds have a saving faith but It’s just hard. Yall are adding to the Bible so I just hope yall see that
The biggest misconception that Evangelicals have about the LDS is they don’t understand their underlying metaphysical model and how that plays out into their theology.
I have said this before. Latter-day Saints don't mind not having fellowship with other Christians as believers in worship. There are huge differences. However, to say "Mormons" are not Christians (or worse don't believe in Jesus the Christ as our Savior) is to bear false witness. Even calling Mormons "false Christians" is at least acknowledging who they believe they are worshiping.
Honest question, why do you say the bible a closed book? (Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
Any chance we’ll see a video about what you disagree with Mormons on? As someone who has studied a good bit on Mormonism I don’t think you understand their beliefs well. They use the same words we do, but mean completely different things. In the video you allude to JWs not being saved because they don’t believe in Jesus being the messiah; well Mormons don’t believe Jesus is God. If you have the wrong Jesus you don’t believe or worship the God of the Bible therefore you don’t have salvation.
Some of the core beliefs they have that differ from orthodox Christianity: Jesus is not God he is a god, same goes for the Holy Spirit, God the father created Jesus in natural way by having intercourse with Mary, they are saved by grace after all they can do so it isn’t by faith alone like the Bible states, they do not believe in hell.
There is a lot more from where that came from. Read “Letters to a Mormon Elder” by James White if you would like to learn more.🙏🏻
Please do some more research and I’m sure you will see what I mean.
The FLDS church and all other branches like them are not associated with the Church of Jesus Christ at all. They were groups of people who rejected the teachings of modern prophets and so broke off and decided to do there own thing. I had a friend who grew up in one of these groups and who later joined the church and it was a major thing where she had to actually be interviewed by an apostle just to make sure that she was willing to leave those practices behind. Luckily her family supported her choice (many would have disowned her). If you are a member of our church and you start following one of these groups and their practices such as polygamy you will be excommunicated.
We believe we have 12 living apostles of Jesus Christ helping the Prophet under the direction of Jesus Christ to guide the church and evangelize to the world. We believe they hold the same authority as the ancient prophets and apostles
Lds is not christianity. They worship a totally different god from the biblical God.
The two definitions of Christianity is a Follower of Christ, or one who uses the Creeds. Really depends on your definition. And yeah our God and Jesus is somewhat different but every denomination has a different interpretation of the Bible and Jesus and God as a person.
Thank you for choosing not to persecute us! Just as clarification, the FLDS church practices polygamy. In the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, polygamy is not allowed.
That is good to clarify, I thought the mainstream church still believed in "eternal polygamy" or something like that.
I heard about some Mormons having multiple wives in heaven, must be the FLDS church then. Thanks!
I see you struggling with conversation that includes LDS as Christian. I understand your difficulty as the differing dogmas almost demand some kind of delineation. I would like to suggest the terminology to you of "restorationist Christian". As Martin Luther's movement (among others) led to what are termed "protestant Christians", it made sense that people would want to delineate themselves from Catholicism while still maintaining that they are Christian. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes in an apostasy that necessitated a restoration of authority and some truths. "Restorationist Christian" can provide some helpful context. Check out the HelloSaints podcast for an evangelical exploration of LDS culture/doctrine.
Also, as we do believe in modern prophets and the FLDS rejected the prophet of the church, they would be considered an apostate group with no material connection to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Bible is an arbitrary collection of scrolls and writings spanning thousands of years often attributed to authors who didn’t write the books. Those who put it together absolutely have the right to close the Bible. What the Bible doesn’t say is that God is done speaking through inspired prophets. For that matter, the Book of Mormon is a closed book. When a book is finalized, it is done. But it doesn’t mean God is done. I am open to God’s further light and knowledge.
Are their people in Kansas without tattoos?
@@georgemartin1383 not sure, I’m not from Kansas
MATTHEW 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. KJV
LUKE 6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. KJV
LUKE 10:16 He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me. KJV
1 JOHN 2:11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. KJV
1 JOHN 3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
MATTHEW 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. KJV
1 JOHN 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. KJV
JOHN 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. KJV
1 JOHN 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? KJV
Interesting that Muslims also say the same thing about their faith. I started to notice a common trend where religions that are "hated" wear it like a badge of honor, like that is what is telling them that their church is right.
I remember when I was younger learning about Heavens Gate and it had the same rhetoric.
Only the holy ghost has the power to convert so when you say "we are not open to conversion" that is who you are speaking to, the holy spirit.. you also quoted John 13: 34-35 that is pretty self explanatory, if nothing that you see from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints is love and from none lds Christianity is mostly hate that should tell you as plain as day who truly are his disciples and who truly have his gospel.
Jesus is Lord! Jesus saves! Come to Him, and repent of your sins!
I think Jesus is mourning. The one who is laughing is Satan because he is the one who divides.! Everyone who profess Christ acts like him.wouldn’t be making all these videos, condemning others. For the most part and I’m not saying all, but most evangelicals are modern day Pharisees.
As Stephen Pinaker says if I leave my church, I’m definitely not going to join them. And he’s a evangelical Christian. We can all learn from each other, despite our differences and move towards being united in the faith Christ to bring our other brothers and sisters to Him, so that his atonement wasn’t in vain for those who have not yet accept him.
3 things:
1. Thank you, for truly trying.
2. There's another channel called Hello Saints! It's run by a protestant pastor called Jeff, and he's not a convert, but he is actually trying to understand us like you guys are, finding the similarities and differences.
3.A book you might try is The Greatest Quest, by Blaine M. Yorgason. It is slightly fictional, in that they changed the names to honor people's privacy, but it has a list of points pulled from the Bible that are interesting and key pieces. I don't mean for conversion, but like you said, "At their heart, they admit he is their salvation." The points are at the heart of it.
LDS is not a denomination. Islam isn't considered a denomination, Judaism isn't considered a denomination, as others.
I'm not trying to convert, nor can I, only the Holy Spirit can.
Have you read the Book of Mormon?
Would you be willing to do some videos of your reaction to the similarities and differences in the Book of Mormon?
Your definition of persecution is sad when: authentic Christians R getting killed 4 their faith all around the world
That's REAL persecution!!!
@@davidjanbaz7728 agreed. America hasn’t seen REAL persecution
@@KingdomBusinessFellowship If you look up how members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints were treated in their early history, you may be surprised. They were mobbed and kicked out of their various cities and towns in Kirkland Ohio, Nauvoo Illinois, and in Missouri where Governor Boggs issued an extermination order to kill all Mormons in 1838. It is a historical fact that “Mormons” experienced that type of persecution.
We should all support the defense of any God believing person being persecuted for their faith though, and yes it happens mostly in other countries now. Gratefully, those martyrs are also in His hands now, and He makes up for their loss.
@@KingdomBusinessFellowship look up early Mormon history, where they suffered mob violence and death in their expulsions from Kirkland Ohio, Nauvoo Illinois. Also the Governor of Missouri (Boggs) issued an extermination order for Mormons in 1838.
Sad that anyone believing in God has to suffer that way anywhere because of their beliefs.
@@KingdomBusinessFellowship I think Muslims may disagree. That persecution is real and thriving just recently a Utah State Legislator filmed Muslims in a observing a Shiite pilgrimage called Arba’een and said "In the small town of Taylorsville Utah. Not a single American flag insight" commenting how they couldn't be American for their religious views...
Contact ward radio via their website for the colab
Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning.
D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"
The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why?
Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL."
The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH."
Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world."
The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9).
Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14
Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles.
There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification.
Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith?
I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed.
"Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members.
Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon)
Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.
You are an an excellent student of the Bible. It’s great that you believe in Jesus so passionately and are striving to defend truth and expose anything that is false. One of the best biblical tests I have discovered is to judge them by their fruits. If the fruits are good the roots must be pretty good too. Matthew 7:15-20
@@brettpinion4233 was this aimed at me or the hosts cause all I said was how they can contact ward radio to arrange a collab.
@@daveorgill3068 Yes. But we, as finite beings, cannot always make a determination as to whether or not the fruit is good. God warns us that the final anti-christ could deceive the elect if possible. Mathew 24:24
You are correct though about the fruit. If the fruit is glorification of Jesus as eternal, all powerful, creator of the Universe and is filled with love for the children of God, then odds are high it is good fruit!
@@Alecia-Brown God aims not I. May the true God of the bible bless.
It's not a denomination
We arent the most persecuted (im lds in South Australia). I would encourage having a personal spiritual experience instead of trusting scriptures alone, as scriptures can be altered. Thanks for your honesty and respectfulness. I believe we should be more united too. Luke 9:49-50 "those who aren't against me are for me ". Jesus teaches religious tolerance to his apostles (on many occassions). Im not trying to convert you. I agree you should be yourselves. Yes, people can be elitist. Trust where christ directs you. Yes, theres to much division. You video is fantastic.
Heres something interesting. The native Americans themselves are releasing their records (not acknowledged by the lds church). The nemenhah records (book, second complete edition). The ojibwe nation records (under translation now). They back the book of Mormon. I respect them. I had a vision before, during, and after reading the nemenhah records. Jesus appeared in the last one and said "don't persecute my people the nemenhah ". Just like you're saying we should love one another.
I honestly don't care if people don't call me a Christian as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I don't have to prove it you anyone but the savior himself. He'll be the one judging me in the end. My call is to follow him and that's my only focus
We can agree to disagree