Flying a $495,000 Human Drone

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,3 тис.

  • @TH-pk9ey
    @TH-pk9ey Місяць тому +8

    They Did Not Let Him Fly Their Hexa Lift... They Controlled It The Whole Time.

  • @StarfireRebirthCM
    @StarfireRebirthCM Рік тому +126

    "Human drone" congratulations you've just discovered a helicopter

    • @cedriceric9730
      @cedriceric9730 Рік тому +11

      Helicopters are way more complicated than airplanes which are more complicated than drones

    • @pdloder
      @pdloder Рік тому +20

      You can't fly a helicopter with a few minutes tutorial

    • @nboughen
      @nboughen Рік тому +20

      @@cedriceric9730 a drone, by definition, has no onboard pilot. This is not a drone. It's a helicopter.

    • @nboughen
      @nboughen Рік тому +2

      @@pdloder with this helicopter, apparently you can.

    • @pdloder
      @pdloder Рік тому +4

      @@nboughen this drone can be piloted from the ground or have a complete flight course pre programed.
      Technological breakthroughs require redefinitions of words.

  • @ideaynojodas
    @ideaynojodas Рік тому +99

    I LOVE THIS DESIGN!!! kudos to the creators!

    • @nighthawk0077
      @nighthawk0077 Рік тому +2

      Impressive. Design is a bit clunky imo

    • @kindlin
      @kindlin Рік тому +3

      @@nighthawk0077 Idk, how much sleeker could it really be, with engineering considerations included.

    • @Emolga3001
      @Emolga3001 Рік тому +2

      im not going to give my fall guys kudos to the creators

    • @user-bd8eq7uj6l99
      @user-bd8eq7uj6l99 Рік тому

      Unique video

    • @Pluto-vn8tw
      @Pluto-vn8tw Рік тому +1

      Not impressed at all. Noisy.. unsafe, expensive.

  • @willcookmakeup
    @willcookmakeup Рік тому +150

    Now with the hype around toroidal props this could become really quiet and actually usable around neighborhoods and busy areas

    • @Inyourbox-kr5uf
      @Inyourbox-kr5uf Рік тому +15

      What happens when a car breaks down? It stops. If these break down in busy areas they will just fall out of the sky. Not ideal

    • @Shadow-gx8vg
      @Shadow-gx8vg Рік тому

      Parachutes duumbass

    • @Shadow-gx8vg
      @Shadow-gx8vg Рік тому +6

      Also if you can’t dodge this dropping out from the sky with a parachute

    • @gangleweed
      @gangleweed Рік тому +7

      @@Shadow-gx8vg Well, better than falling out of the sky without a parachute.

    • @squashduos1258
      @squashduos1258 Рік тому +2

      Yes that one is too noisy plus if they make a cabin with noise cancelling and an air bag deployment under the seat if it crashes below 12 meters I would consider flying in it.

  • @georgegx95
    @georgegx95 3 місяці тому +5

    All Li-Po cells aiming directly at the pilots face really makes flying this very exciting!

    • @stevrgrs
      @stevrgrs 3 місяці тому

      I just can’t believe how amazed people are. Drones scale. It’s just a question of regulations and manufacturing 😂

  • @SethOdior
    @SethOdior Рік тому +10

    I love how they placed the propeller unlike the other one looking like it would chop people's heads for sports

  • @gadget_Bob
    @gadget_Bob Рік тому +124

    This should be closer to $50,000

    • @foxsmith5718
      @foxsmith5718 8 місяців тому +12

      YOU can make one for less, lol, and yeah, YOU are correct-

    • @ryanculler7324
      @ryanculler7324 7 місяців тому +4

      I agree nothing to special looks more dangerous than anything I wouldn't trust it would only last a couple of years if even 😂😂😂

    • @svideosvid
      @svideosvid 7 місяців тому +6

      well, it's a start. it may be 20 or 30 or 40 years til this concept really matures. we''ll then see smaller, safer, cheaper, more capable drone craft available for the masses. it's a good start!

    • @TexanIndependence
      @TexanIndependence 6 місяців тому +7

      @@svideosvid Like the flying cars we were all promised? It's nonsense that this will ever be allowed for the masses. You could say maybe it'll come down to $100,000 range maybe but the elite would never allow it to become a cheap alternative to driving (even though it might be more efficient potentially). Heck, the FAA wouldn't allow it. Imagine the headache of trying to coordinate 10,000 flying drones in a moderate sized city to prevent them crashing into each other and then falling pieces destroying people's houses below and starting a fire that burns a neighborhood down. And it's not like cars where a speeding gives you a simple $300 ticket, the government would have to be imprisoning people left and right for doing dangerous things with it and they'd be overstretched. You think drunk driving is bad, just imagine drunk flying people crashing into kids bedrooms at night. And it's not like the US government wants to be scrambling fighter jets every 10 minutes to tell some rando in a giant flying drone "PULL OVER!". Like flying cars it's total hogwash. Jet packs are actually way more likely, where the danger of them falling to the earth is mostly on themselves, but even then, there'd still be some panic after some drunk guy in a jet pack crashes into some kids bedroom and bleeds to death all over their floor. This stuff is NEVER gonna be for the masses. And frankly, that's for the best.

    • @TexanIndependence
      @TexanIndependence 6 місяців тому +3

      @@svideosvid I'll correct myself: the ONLY way it could ever work for the masses is if they are basically auto-piloted by computers/AI and they take the controls away from the Homer Simpsons out there. As that is also the only way having thousands of these things flying could be safe (if it was 100% controlled by computers in an integrated network, then it could relatively safer than driving in that way, assuming it has safe landings after malfunctions).

  • @OfentseMwaseFilms
    @OfentseMwaseFilms Рік тому +148

    This is a great design. But I really don't see these going public.

    • @dem0lishersbrother133
      @dem0lishersbrother133 Рік тому +21

      I agree because most and I mean most of the people cannot afford it + the noise

    • @kj-marslander
      @kj-marslander Рік тому +6

      @@dem0lishersbrother133 and it takes an entire crew doing god knows what remotely.

    • @booftherow_
      @booftherow_ Рік тому

      Who tf has half a million bucks to spend on this shit

    • @n0n3x
      @n0n3x Рік тому +11

      That's what they said when the car came out. Once this thing gets mass produced, it'll be as "cheap" as a small car. And for noise, there are already solutions for that, by for example using different propellers.

    • @kindlin
      @kindlin Рік тому +1

      ​@@dem0lishersbrother133 What about the new style of quieter propellers that are being designed right now? Mark Rober showed them off and some other channels have picked up on them too.

  • @soumyaks1139
    @soumyaks1139 Рік тому +38

    They should add a pro cinema camera in the front and a camera underneath the shell to get a landing view.

  • @AdnanAhmed-cp2fz
    @AdnanAhmed-cp2fz 11 місяців тому +5

    Now that's a Spy Kids Helicopter!

  • @mattalley4330
    @mattalley4330 Рік тому +3

    Love this. More and more of aircraft like these need to be made. The more mainstream these become the more prices will come down and I can scratch one of the items off my bucketlist.

  • @rcpattaya230
    @rcpattaya230 Рік тому +11

    What is the flying time? What is the range? Can it fly in bad weather? Windy conditions?
    Looks like a nice, expensive toy, but nothing but a toy.

  • @beardown6574
    @beardown6574 Рік тому +10

    Congrats Serg on that awesome experience!!! One of the perks of the job lol so cool!

  • @Daveyytt
    @Daveyytt Рік тому +18

    I spent 6 years at flight academy and you just learned thing in 40 minutes. Nice😎

    • @SoulDelSol
      @SoulDelSol Рік тому +3

      They drove it for him via remote

  • @kurtdobson
    @kurtdobson Рік тому +18

    I like the flight control method. Anyone can fly this. The control system handles the complexity using sensors.

    • @TexanIndependence
      @TexanIndependence 6 місяців тому +1

      Not anyone. Remember the Homer Simpsons out there. This stuff will never be, and never should be, for the masses.

    • @JimTheKid
      @JimTheKid 6 місяців тому

      ​​@@TexanIndependenceYep, for some reason people think this is different than any other form of aviation.

  • @unopamushango3752
    @unopamushango3752 Рік тому +6

    They should bring these to places like Victoria Falls and Niagra Falls

  • @TerkanTyr
    @TerkanTyr Рік тому +1

    Drone-style helicopters seem so easy to fly it's almost boring, which is honestly a really good thing.
    You can fucking fly, with EASE. You can just get to the skies and enjoy that, not worry about the difficulty. It's sick.

  • @devohnmitchell
    @devohnmitchell 3 дні тому +4

    Are these the same drones flying all over the United States?

  • @rsvbreezi
    @rsvbreezi Рік тому

    instead of using generic batteries to run it. use a satalite feed that can send a signal to your bluetooth receiver which then, can connect to the battery charger connector via wifi signals to the bluetooth adapter to charge them while using them therefore the thing can fly without losing power. they would have to create bluetooth batteries that can connect to a nearby antenna that can receive the signal to charge them via air waves from a wifi source type antenna

  • @RacerSince9
    @RacerSince9 Рік тому +68

    This is EPIC! I do not know where technology is taking us in the future? 🤔

    • @hairychesticles1
      @hairychesticles1 Рік тому +4

      its probably gonna doom us. this also isnt new tech

    • @bertoabarzua5372
      @bertoabarzua5372 Рік тому

      The government will find any excuse to shoot you down bro

    • @Smith1980
      @Smith1980 Рік тому +1

      ​@@hairychesticles1😅😊😂 ohh calm down its just some flying apparatus. Its not gonna end us all.

    • @chickennuggets5549
      @chickennuggets5549 Рік тому +2

      Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven! He wants to bring you there ❤️
      Accept Him as your Lord and Saviour today! Jesus died for us on the cross and shed His own blood for you. His blood brings redemption and forgiveness of sins! His blood cleans us from our sin so that we can enter heaven! That’s how much He loves you, to lay down His life for you so that you can be with Him.
      We must repent before it’s too late. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, nobody can get to heaven except through Him! God bless you.

    • @Smith1980
      @Smith1980 Рік тому +1

      @@chickennuggets5549 sure pale. That thought is soo evident. You actually need to preach it to others people in a comment section to act like you believe it's true yourself

  • @tanyasharadamba1264
    @tanyasharadamba1264 4 дні тому +2

    How about hoppin over to NJ & helping out?

  • @qbanz00
    @qbanz00 11 місяців тому +4

    It only costs a 5 bedroom 4 bathroom house with a finished basement 😂

  • @GinesChiem
    @GinesChiem 3 місяці тому

    A tense and breath-taking moment! These animals never give up!

  • @Gopijat
    @Gopijat Рік тому +5

    The concept of a drone that is extraordinary genius

  • @readysetdrone
    @readysetdrone Рік тому +2

    Really cool to see this happening! Great video!

  • @drgeoffangel5422
    @drgeoffangel5422 Рік тому +5

    Its a great engineering feat, and very stable in calm ideal conditions. Of course I could question the duration of flight , and legal aspects like flying licence requirements, etc, but you have proved that it doesnt require any real in depth training to fly the craft. So the question will always be, application and market? Despite all that, it is a great accomplishment and a well engineered and controlled flying craft. Good luck with it!

    • @alainportant6412
      @alainportant6412 11 місяців тому

      I would not want to be under a woman flying one of these !

  • @NhoyskieIbanez
    @NhoyskieIbanez Рік тому +2

    Amazing amazing!! I hope in 10 years everything is develop and fully functional and public access.

  • @stanislasrasmussen5599
    @stanislasrasmussen5599 Рік тому +174

    If you see this, I hope you have a good day

    • @eel4reeljason174
      @eel4reeljason174 Рік тому +6

      I had a good shit while watching this

    • @tsheringwangchuk1167
      @tsheringwangchuk1167 Рік тому +3

      Bro my exam is tomorrow 😭😭

    • @Winning33
      @Winning33 Рік тому

      Thanks you too

    • @Mr.Follower245
      @Mr.Follower245 Рік тому +1

      What a great comment 🥹

    • @qbanz00
      @qbanz00 11 місяців тому

      You just offered no relevant comment to the video. Leave and go home .. don’t return sir .. coming here acting all kind and shit .. nobody asked you to hope for anything mister ! 😂

  • @theantichrist4267
    @theantichrist4267 Рік тому +2

    How long do the batteries last before needing recharged ? Also is there a single block charging unit that will charge all of the batteries at the same time ? Can it be programmed to fly a present route. ? How far can it fly round trip ? How much are additional batteries ? And does it have a home function ? so that if an operator is having a medical issue . then they can hit a Home button and the unit will travel the same path back home and / or a preset course in case of some emergency ?? And what is it’s standard max flying speed ??? What is it’s maximum payload capacity ?? Is the parachute once. deployed reusable ??

  • @keyikush
    @keyikush Рік тому +23

    A drone should be unmanned aerial vehicle. If a man sitting on it, it should be called something like quadcopter or micro helicopter

    • @plumage_again
      @plumage_again 6 місяців тому

      Yes. I wouldn't like that another person would fly that thing while I'm sitting in it! :)

    • @KindOldRaven
      @KindOldRaven 2 місяці тому


  • @ChaiSJ-bj6zl
    @ChaiSJ-bj6zl 2 місяці тому +1

    Looks great!!
    Next attach Bond like features (may be not missiles, but …)
    Bullet proof windows
    Short range propellers to go up vertically if necessary
    Able to send a couple of Granade equipped drones…

  • @Killjoy294
    @Killjoy294 Рік тому +32

    so exited to see what lyft will do with this concept in the future!!!

    • @olatron
      @olatron Рік тому +2


    • @Killjoy294
      @Killjoy294 Рік тому

      @@olatron no the company is spelled lyft

    • @olatron
      @olatron Рік тому +3

      @@Killjoy294 Nope. It's Lift - it's written on their shirts and i've just visited their website.

    • @edenassos
      @edenassos Рік тому +2

      @@Killjoy294 20 iq.

    • @Killjoy294
      @Killjoy294 Рік тому

      @@edenassos how is that 20iq The company is called lyft and they do uber services/ This LYFT company now developed a flying vehicle called hexa lift so you can lift yourself where you need to go. Stupid

  • @Quietprofessional1
    @Quietprofessional1 Рік тому +8

    We definitely need a battery break through of some kind.

    • @antman7673
      @antman7673 Рік тому +1

      Iron man is real, except for the power source.

  • @mr.morales0707
    @mr.morales0707 Рік тому +1

    Finally, something awesom again to look at.

  • @jonnijhhon
    @jonnijhhon Місяць тому +5

    So it can go up and down?

  • @robmthe1st
    @robmthe1st Рік тому +2

    I like the fact that every motor and battery is independent so if one fails the others are unaffected.

    • @advancedanr
      @advancedanr Рік тому

      Except for the fact that it was designed for each propeller to work. I'm sure if one motor goes out you will have problems getting it to do what you want it to do

  • @Yeahfree1970
    @Yeahfree1970 Рік тому +2

    Great first human drone!!! I want it for sure but cannot wait till there is a flollow up model which makes less noice and wind blowing

  • @FutureEon
    @FutureEon Рік тому +7

    👏😍 Absolutely mesmerizing design! Hats off to the brilliant creators behind this incredible innovation. It's evident that a great deal of thought and skill went into crafting such an impressive human drone. I can't help but wonder about the capabilities and possibilities that this technology holds. Truly fascinating! ✨🚀🤔

  • @mugiyono6567
    @mugiyono6567 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Supercar Blondie ... Liberty .

    • @mugiyono6567
      @mugiyono6567 Рік тому +1

      Good nigh and good happy .

    • @mugiyono6567
      @mugiyono6567 Рік тому +1

      Love you of to frogrem by to drone for can able to ... Of tranpstation personal .... We only have to think like that .... Good succesfull .

    • @mugiyono6567
      @mugiyono6567 Рік тому +1

      By to Tehnologi in history ... By Drone multi to work .

  • @gpierre90
    @gpierre90 Рік тому +48

    That is incredible, I have a camera drone, I love it and love using it, I'm trying to imagine picturing myself flying a human drone, that will be just awesome, absolutely out of this world, it is expensive though, hope we get to see a cheaper version of these soon.

    • @sciencefact
      @sciencefact Рік тому +2

      China will make a version soon

    • @zenithperigee7442
      @zenithperigee7442 Рік тому

      @gpierre90, I've not flown a drone but I wondered why more of them do not have "enclosures" for the blades given one of the most common reasons for crashes is the blades getting too close to something. It looks like it'd be a fun "toy" but an awfully expensive one and I'd be concerned about the parachute deployment, do all blades have a "kill" switch to instantly shut off power & cease rotation the instant "emergency deployment" is required because otherwise what stops the parachute/ropes from getting caught up in the blades if any fail to stop.

    • @gpierre90
      @gpierre90 Рік тому +2

      @Zenith Perigee well, regarding the blades, if someone wants they can buy aftermarket protection for the blades, some drones like DJI have safety sensors around the drone, it will prevent you from crashing the drones into objects, however some people prefer to deactivate the sensors, if you are a beginner, it is not advisable, your right about some drones being expensive, if you want to fly better to start with a cheap drone, learn how it works and how to fly it before progressing to advanced and more expensive drones. Now with regards to safety and the parachute system, I am sure there are safety procedures in place. I believe the blades will stop spinning of course, there will be an emergency switch. If this human drone operates similarly to the DJI or other advanced drones, I bet there are such things in place.

    • @chickennuggets5549
      @chickennuggets5549 Рік тому +1

      Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven! He wants to bring you there ❤️
      Accept Him as your Lord and Saviour today! Jesus died for us on the cross and shed His own blood for you. His blood brings redemption and forgiveness of sins! His blood cleans us from our sin so that we can enter heaven! That’s how much He loves you, to lay down His life for you so that you can be with Him.
      We must repent before it’s too late. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, nobody can get to heaven except through Him! God bless you.

    • @josephlyles6773
      @josephlyles6773 Рік тому

      ​@@zenithperigee7442 luh
      J..not just
      Ml mb

    @ELIMENT- Рік тому +5

    This is freaking INSANE 🔥

  • @rickmcright5815
    @rickmcright5815 Рік тому +5

    I love the design and safety concerns thought out by the designers, like a parachute for the chopper and safe water landing in a worst scenario. Maybe they could cut the price substantially to make commercially attractive vs. a spirts car
    if they can mass- produce this later?

  • @themachine8009
    @themachine8009 Рік тому +1

    Another concept that will never come to fruition. Slow news day

  • @nishanthianuruddika
    @nishanthianuruddika Рік тому +31

    This looks like the best single person HUMAN DRONE

    • @nboughen
      @nboughen Рік тому +4

      A human drone is a human that is remotely operated 😂

    • @diosdadoagao5774
      @diosdadoagao5774 Рік тому

      I agree. Stable design!

    • @raspberrypiploy771
      @raspberrypiploy771 Рік тому

      What are you comparing it to ??

    • @Nahti1
      @Nahti1 Рік тому

      Looks like a simple version of the Volocopter.
      Still I’m happy to see this and it’s cool to have something affordable.

    • @user-bd8eq7uj6l99
      @user-bd8eq7uj6l99 Рік тому

      Good job

  • @mrax495
    @mrax495 Рік тому +12

    It is a very helpful technology but , would it be really safe considering how people can be forgetful. I fear that having a low battery on one of this would definitely be a problem, one can forget to fuel or charge his car and it wouldn't cause much of a ruckus but if one of the batteries are low, it's going to be very dangerous event , also it's really large and doesn't seem fast , collisions could occur easily but all in all great work LIFT , I would love to see more of these tech developments

    • @Smith1980
      @Smith1980 Рік тому

      Well each motor has its own battery. And I reckon a few would need fail in order to freefall from the sky. Most issues would result in a slow descent. As Is usual with electric helicopters that I fly as they're battery depletes to critical levels.

    • @isaiahhernandez6304
      @isaiahhernandez6304 Рік тому +1

      Its about the same dangers as flying any other aircraft, it all just comes with aviation.

    • @jasonwaits88
      @jasonwaits88 Рік тому +3

      DJI drones do a lot of power calculations to give you warnings and indicators of what you are capable of doing with the current battery state, i.e. "this is how far you can fly". Works pretty well most of the time, but one time I was flying about 1 mile out and the software said "HEAD HOME NOW". I started heading back and I guess it couldn't account for a headwind. Due to low battery, it ended up auto-landing about a quarter mile short whether I liked it or not lol. Luckily the GPS told me where it was and I went and picked it up. I would think more advanced systems could compare wind speed to ground speed or something of the sort.

    • @pdloder
      @pdloder Рік тому +1

      It won't allow you to fly without all the batteries more than half full.

    • @Aggie4life77
      @Aggie4life77 Рік тому +1

      I pretty sure once you get in the craft, it will warn you if your batteries are too low. To be honest, the unit probably has safety measures built in to tell you to land if batteries are getting too low while flying. People who buy this will probably use it for short distances like moving around a farm, large property, park, etc. lastly, I’m sure they designed it to where if one or two propellers malfunction, it could still fly enough for you to land it safely. My only gripe is that you’re exposed to the elements. If it starts raining or it’s really cold, watch out!

  • @bracebrooks967
    @bracebrooks967 Рік тому +5

    That's amazing! Even though it went slow, he definitely enjoyed that ride. I'd love to have one of those if I could afford it. I do wish it had one extra passenger seat. After all last year on September 25th, I was stuck in a traffic jam due to a car accident for an hour and a half. So long I was literally able to walk for blocks on the expressway to see where the hold-up took place. So that alone is why I wish small flying vehicles were more accessible.

    • @jackwatsonepic626
      @jackwatsonepic626 Рік тому +1

      I tried to buy one the other week .
      but I was £10 short they wouldn't sell me it 😂

    • @bracebrooks967
      @bracebrooks967 Рік тому +1

      @@jackwatsonepic626 in that case I hope you will be able to afford one before the end of 2023

    • @saranrobert
      @saranrobert Рік тому

      Only then a bunch of idiots would be crashing in the air and taking out people, cars and houses coming down.

    • @jackwatsonepic626
      @jackwatsonepic626 Рік тому

      @@bracebrooks967 😂

    • @bracebrooks967
      @bracebrooks967 Рік тому +1

      @@saranrobert you're right about that, so I hope one day I'll become wealthy enough to be able to hire my own helicopter pilot.

  • @TheDronzDr
    @TheDronzDr День тому

    The Jetson one drone is the awesome Drone man-made so far no doubt.

  • @KennethStevenson3
    @KennethStevenson3 Рік тому +64

    This will be the flying car. Not the 4-wheel look we thought it would be. But this will def be practical. Fully programable to prevent accidents, everyone can fly at different altitudes and flight paths, automated style. Amazing!

    • @alru7307
      @alru7307 Рік тому

      How long this "flying car" can fly? 30 minutes is not enough.

    • @KennethStevenson3
      @KennethStevenson3 Рік тому +8

      @@alru7307 I'm sure the Ford Model T didn't have the greatest range either when it first came out..

    • @alru7307
      @alru7307 Рік тому +2

      @@KennethStevenson3 The biggest problem about all these flying electrocars is the battery. Precisely saying - low energy capacity, moreover the electrical energy is the most expensive type of energy. It took Ford 20-30 years to make a good engine, a comfortable cabin. What will it take to make a cheap safe and good all-weather battery?

      @TONYPARAMOTOR Рік тому

      up and down. thats all i saw... very practical..... amazing..

    • @alru7307
      @alru7307 Рік тому +3

      @@TONYPARAMOTOR very good for park amusement

  • @HellcatDreaminJosh
    @HellcatDreaminJosh Рік тому +1

    Supercar Blondie Absolutely Incredible Video I think the Airlift Hexa is absolutely incredible and I'm Sergi had a great time

  • @MyCoolStrawSir
    @MyCoolStrawSir Рік тому +3

    I hope this becomes the flying car we were hoping for.

  • @Darkk6969
    @Darkk6969 Рік тому +1

    Very cool design! Just wait till battery tech improves we'll see more of this.

  • @mr.corazon4765
    @mr.corazon4765 4 дні тому +3

    Now we know whats flying over New Jersey lol 😂🎉

  • @cincinnatibrutality0201
    @cincinnatibrutality0201 Рік тому +1

    It's very nice looking, indeed! But how long do the batteries last? Is it possible to use hydrogen engines or gas engines for longer rides?

  • @WolfGangFX
    @WolfGangFX Рік тому +4

    For 495,000$ I can just go buy a private jet and enjoy flying experience in full comfort :)

  • @jeffswope1511
    @jeffswope1511 Рік тому +19

    I’ve seen manned drones before but this one is awesome. Nice build team

    • @ChrisCavigioli2
      @ChrisCavigioli2 6 місяців тому +1

      Most publications use “drone” as the easily recognizable term for an unmanned aircraft, but UAV is becoming more popular, and is pretty much synonymous with drone as it stands for “unmanned aerial vehicle.”
      The FAA uses UAS often, and an “unmanned aerial system” refers to all parts of the drone operation, including the pilot, remote control, and data link between the latter and the aircraft.

    @THELIONMAN3000 25 днів тому

    6:31 what we’ve been waiting for

  • @chrisschene8301
    @chrisschene8301 Рік тому +2

    How long can it fly on the battery? Can't be very long: batteries are heavy.

    • @bd7587
      @bd7587 Рік тому

      Same question.

    • @Rico0333
      @Rico0333 Рік тому

      @@bd7587 Same same question

    • @Kessel5
      @Kessel5 Рік тому +2

      It's 15 min without any weight and calm weather conditions. With a standard human weight of 180 lbs and a bit of wind, you're probably looking at ~10 min of operation time, if you're lucky.

    • @chrisschene8301
      @chrisschene8301 Рік тому +1

      @Kessel5 thank you. Not worth 495k

  • @ashhawk2346
    @ashhawk2346 Рік тому

    Pretty impressive! That Beard and Moustache combo is awesome 👍🏻

  • @breevwhyman2985
    @breevwhyman2985 Рік тому +3

    It seems very well built indeed. ...........really professional.

  • @goredinchitila3835
    @goredinchitila3835 Рік тому +1

    What about the flight tine / distance ? Is the drone carring the charger , also ?

  • @jasonmabie1770
    @jasonmabie1770 Рік тому +6

    I was excited about this. They were supposed to come to Philadelphia and then Covid hit pre-paid for a chance to take it for a drive. I never got my money back or my ride. Extremely excited about this type of tech. I truly hope one day it does spread and I’m able to take that ride.

  • @-NoahChannel
    @-NoahChannel 5 місяців тому +1

    just 26 seconds into the video, and he already contradicted himself. "the first ever UA-camr to fly himself in an aircraft with absolutely zero flying experience" Exactly 2 seconds later: "According to lift, almost anybody can fly the hexa with less than an hour of training regardless of experience!" Thats an hour of flying experience

  • @davidcharlesiannotti3800
    @davidcharlesiannotti3800 Рік тому +14

    I love Sergi's enthusiasm for the human drone, not sure I'd trust myself in one.😮

    • @zenithperigee7442
      @zenithperigee7442 Рік тому +1

      @David Charles iannotti, yea, I might want to wait for the 2-seater version myself.

    • @davidcharlesiannotti3800
      @davidcharlesiannotti3800 Рік тому

      @zenithperigee7442 Good idea. I'm sure one will be coming along too.

    • @Degjoy
      @Degjoy 6 місяців тому

      It seems very very dangerous to me!

    • @ChrisCavigioli2
      @ChrisCavigioli2 6 місяців тому

      Most publications use “drone” as the easily recognizable term for an unmanned aircraft, but UAV is becoming more popular, and is pretty much synonymous with drone as it stands for “unmanned aerial vehicle.”
      The FAA uses UAS often, and an “unmanned aerial system” refers to all parts of the drone operation, including the pilot, remote control, and data link between the latter and the aircraft.

  • @livestrongforever
    @livestrongforever Рік тому

    the fact that you are still alive....Tom must be in his Mercy Stage

  • @robertblahnik7685
    @robertblahnik7685 Рік тому +7

    I like the idea of you being under the lifting force. A lot more stable, harder to topple and or fall into the blender. I like that it was built with more motors than what is required encase one farts out. And the idea that it has a chute? How can you go wrong?

  • @marufadnan614
    @marufadnan614 Рік тому

    only and only the "#SupercarBlondie" is the best❤😍

  • @renaissancejames
    @renaissancejames Рік тому +6

    Cool invention! I imagine we won't likely see a drone car in use on a large scale due to the insane amount of noise large numbers of them would produce from so much displacement of air; however, I imagine for some tasks (e.g., reaching inaccessible locations for search and rescue) this would be an excellent solution.

  • @xerravon
    @xerravon Рік тому +1

    the batteries right next to the motors is a great innovation! idk if innovation is the correct word but its a great idea, genius even (just because, as far as I know, no one else has done it, I bet they will now. wish we had better batteries, or even better, a good power supply to create/generate on board power. Unfortunately these devices will not be practical until we do. maybe a VTOL/winged type hybrid craft, idk. hopefully these graphene "super capacitors" will eventually be the answer. or if we could get solar to work...

  • @esethu_21up
    @esethu_21up Рік тому +2

    this is the future yho amazing craft

  • @Cmm4626
    @Cmm4626 Рік тому

    what a great idea clipping the batteries in that way to save a bunch of wiring and also have redundancy

  • @rickyyo215
    @rickyyo215 Рік тому +3

    I have a newer iPad Pro. Overheats under hot sun.

  • @BroClayz
    @BroClayz Рік тому +2

    Can't wait to go shopping with mines

    • @cheerry777
      @cheerry777 7 місяців тому

      Where will you park 🤪

  • @dronepilot260rc
    @dronepilot260rc Рік тому +7

    Now we just need rc versions of this haha

      @DRIFTWOODJONES43 Рік тому +1

      No sir I would not trust my life in any other pilots hands but my own 😊

    • @pdloder
      @pdloder Рік тому +2

      ​@@DRIFTWOODJONES43 you've never flown commercial?

    • @DrOneOneOne
      @DrOneOneOne Рік тому +2

      It already is; didn't you see the big remote at the screens ? I strongly doubt our intrepid UA-camr here actually did any "flying".

  • @Indonesia4Indonesia
    @Indonesia4Indonesia Рік тому +1

    Better choice than buying a sport car !❤

  • @NZVideoGuy
    @NZVideoGuy Рік тому +4

    It looks enormous and the battery mounting gives me the chills.
    The small hand held rocket solutions seem far more practical and maneuverable.

  • @geordiejones2
    @geordiejones2 5 місяців тому

    OMG Amazing, do you think in time and battery technology advancing the flying time could be longer ?

    @WORDS-F-T-MOSTHIGH Рік тому +5

    What is the weight limit?! COOL DRONE❣️🥰😊

  • @daliblose9061
    @daliblose9061 6 місяців тому +1

    I just seen a plane size drone looking I never seen before going east n loud like a low plane but it was high as a plane
    .real it was a diff design shape...look it up ..
    It.haad to have.passengers😮 thx 3:03 it was skinny frame but freaking loud😊

  • @markanderson4163
    @markanderson4163 5 місяців тому +11

    doesn't "DRONE" by the name mean no pilot.

    • @JungleRecon-l2z
      @JungleRecon-l2z 5 місяців тому

      YES!!! Thank you!!! This is not a drone. It is a fragile electric Helicopter for Dummies.

    • @MrNived11
      @MrNived11 5 місяців тому

      You're thinking UAV
      Unmanned airiel vehicle

    • @MegaMeco2
      @MegaMeco2 5 місяців тому +1

      @@MrNived11Yeah I think drone means driven by 4 (maybe 3?) or more propellers

    • @emirmorca5751
      @emirmorca5751 5 місяців тому

      In German it’s kinda used for that

    • @marcuslinton310
      @marcuslinton310 4 місяці тому +1

      Absolutely, drone is an aircraft without a pilot and controlled remotely by a pilot or with computers.

  • @OngezoutenMening
    @OngezoutenMening Рік тому

    i pre ordered the LiftT almost a year ago, cant Wait for it !!

  • @ashisholwe1152
    @ashisholwe1152 Рік тому +24

    Amazing congratulations to team Lift.
    A job well done 👍

  • @AHDBification
    @AHDBification Рік тому

    5:10 is such a brutally awkward moment! The presenter is like, "sure cool, but we're moving on."

  • @prinaldsmith5083
    @prinaldsmith5083 Рік тому +11

    This is a great idea. I love how simple it is, or seems. Won't mind owning one.

  • @noscope6163
    @noscope6163 Рік тому +3


  • @sUASNews
    @sUASNews Рік тому

    Fantastic engineer beard, well done

  • @rexpayne7836
    @rexpayne7836 Рік тому +2

    That's incredible. How much fun is that? Price is reasonable. 😊

  • @NickGj-k7v
    @NickGj-k7v 10 місяців тому

    Very practical drone with shape and more safety solutions. Interesting to learn what energy consume this drone per 1 hr flight, what energy per 1 km distance and what power has this model.

  • @williamkacensky4796
    @williamkacensky4796 Рік тому +3

    Rain, wind, updraft, downdraft, and crash. How will this perform if you're caught in any circumstances from a distance?

    • @rickmcright5815
      @rickmcright5815 Рік тому

      Great question. Maybe they can improve it further as time goes on.

    • @williamkacensky4796
      @williamkacensky4796 Рік тому

      @Rick McRight Yes, technology always progressively improves. I would place a built-in parachute. Since it's light weight and the fan blades are protected by a shroud, this should be an ideal application.

  • @CloudyFlyerRowdyNiemira
    @CloudyFlyerRowdyNiemira Рік тому +1

    Scorpion 🦂 esc's. Good equipment. I would love to see the specs on this machine. Im assuming each motor is ran on a 12 cell pack.

  • @phil4986
    @phil4986 Рік тому +9

    Every time I see these kinds of huge, occupied drones, I remember the crash of Flight 19 into the Potomac River and how hard that chopper pilot worked repeatedly to try to help the people drowning in the freezing river by dropping flotation devices and pull lines to them. Something that was automatically computer gimballed, that was slow and steady, could have simply pulled a flat floatation panel with handles over to the crash victims and then had the shore personnel pull them back to shore. My point is that this could have very serious lifesaving applications in the right circumstances, even with a short fifteen-minute flying time it must have. It is a great design. The batteries are placed right where their weight is equally distributed to steady the vehicle and the batteries can be cooled by the blade downwash. The many small blades and engines do not suffer from the huge stresses that huge single blades and heavy single motors do. Plus, the entire drone being unitized makes any worn out units replaceable quickly. Plus, there must be failure protocol built into the computer software so if one of the many lifting engines fails, the rest take over, regimbal the unit steady and easily land it safely to the ground. This thing is brilliant. The only caveat I would have is to never store this in direct sunlight. The polymers it is made of may become brittle if left in hot, direct sunlight for too long. Use on the sunny days for sure but simply keep the thing inside a garage when not in use.

  • @BapFootballHD
    @BapFootballHD Рік тому +2

    looks like they connect 18 drones together to lift a man

  • @samuelfong8413
    @samuelfong8413 Рік тому +2


  • @kenoakes6725
    @kenoakes6725 4 дні тому +2

    I saw a few of these in joizy

  • @andrewford4082
    @andrewford4082 Рік тому +2

    Well done everyone have a great day and evening hello from Columbus Indiana

  • @MS-0464
    @MS-0464 Рік тому

    And this is the start of future era👌🔥

  • @kirillch
    @kirillch Рік тому +2

    World is developing. Great 🧡

  • @3rbl459
    @3rbl459 Рік тому +1

    "I flew to. A secret location .."gives away secret location off the bat😂😂

  • @revolt_now
    @revolt_now Рік тому +11

    Not the best model in design! Fill a small house (10x20m) with 5,000 outlets, and let me know what you think!

    • @muhxmmxd223s
      @muhxmmxd223s Рік тому +6

      Y don’t u design a rideable drone then?

    • @dr.romeoconfidential9271
      @dr.romeoconfidential9271 Рік тому +5

      Does it even matter ? this will only work for markets like Dubai, Western Gov doesn’t want to give this flying power to there citizens, it’s been tried many times before

    • @chickennuggets5549
      @chickennuggets5549 Рік тому +1

      Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven! He wants to bring you there ❤️
      Accept Him as your Lord and Saviour today! Jesus died for us on the cross and shed His own blood for you. His blood brings redemption and forgiveness of sins! His blood cleans us from our sin so that we can enter heaven! That’s how much He loves you, to lay down His life for you so that you can be with Him.
      We must repent before it’s too late. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, nobody can get to heaven except through Him! God bless you.

    • @Jackiefrompr
      @Jackiefrompr Рік тому +2

      There always has to be an envious person to comment something negative.

    • @bms77
      @bms77 Рік тому

      @@chickennuggets5549what does religious garbage have to do w this video? Oh wait…. Nothing 😂😂. Take yer delusions elsewhere lol

  • @Kmakmizzle
    @Kmakmizzle Рік тому

    Now THAT'S HOT 🔥. ALL you need is some force field and... Some wifi with a screen mounted for a PC.

  • @ugurarslan255
    @ugurarslan255 Рік тому +2
