DRAWING ON MY BULLET JOURNAL! ...again! | Copic Markers + Acrylic Paint

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,7 тис.

  • @alexandercuyvers9675
    @alexandercuyvers9675 5 років тому +6339

    kasey has ants, Rin has Frederick

    • @drawingwiffwaffles
      @drawingwiffwaffles  5 років тому +668

      gotta love....bugs

    • @xxwintermoonxx1528
      @xxwintermoonxx1528 5 років тому +214

      And blub fish

    • @alexandercuyvers9675
      @alexandercuyvers9675 5 років тому +87

      DrawingWiffWaffles we love bugs in this household

    • @crystal-ann2439
      @crystal-ann2439 5 років тому +39

      @@drawingwiffwaffles My fave bug is an ant cause they are tiny!But so intresting

    • @mjpete27
      @mjpete27 5 років тому +20

      Alexander Cuyvers I really hope waffles has more than Frederick! And I am sure she does!

  • @kayliedz991
    @kayliedz991 5 років тому +3841

    Wait... Why isn’t anyone talking about how you PICKED UP a FLY!

  • @avivaviva513
    @avivaviva513 5 років тому +894

    Please do another “drawing an entire sketchbook spread!” They’re my favorite to draw along with!

  • @MonTaSsirGD
    @MonTaSsirGD 5 років тому +385

    It's actually inspiring how much you care for your Journals and Sketchbooks. I do the same for mine it's actually quite fun

    • @drawingwiffwaffles
      @drawingwiffwaffles  5 років тому +25

      You do too? thats awesome! what do you usually draw on yours? do you have a topic you stick to or you just play around and see what you like?

    • @mj-cd9fr
      @mj-cd9fr 5 років тому +5

      Yeah I do that on my notebooks at school too lol

    • @MonTaSsirGD
      @MonTaSsirGD 5 років тому +18

      @@drawingwiffwaffles Honestly my favourite thing to do is draw characters on them, something that reflects my personality or what i like. I love to improvise on things, your coloring is dope

    • @alexakeitumetse4983
      @alexakeitumetse4983 5 років тому +5

      😮people do that??? I wouldn't know, cause i never keep angthing for more than a month!!! 😩😩😩

  • @ellabodien9145
    @ellabodien9145 5 років тому +454

    “it’s looks like someone important drew it” i felt that

    • @nomask8599
      @nomask8599 5 років тому +9

      She is important

    • @bumblebee8694
      @bumblebee8694 4 роки тому +3

      I know I'm late like a year late but this video popped up on my recommended point is she is important

    • @gdhyphen797
      @gdhyphen797 3 роки тому +1


    • @ryxrouv
      @ryxrouv 3 роки тому +2

      year late, but she is important, and not just her, but so are you!! youre beautiful and VERY important. :)

    • @ellabodien9145
      @ellabodien9145 3 роки тому

      guys i know she’s important!!! i didn’t mean it as she wasn’t!

  • @noova02
    @noova02 5 років тому +79

    Honestly I admire your patience with Fredrick...
    This is personally coming from a house fly executionist.

  • @artistgems1465
    @artistgems1465 5 років тому +1953

    HER NAME SHOULD BE BJ! As in Bullet Journal

    • @Farmdafish
      @Farmdafish 5 років тому +25


    • @loryl
      @loryl 5 років тому +236

      ArtistGems ... bit filthy? Just me? 😝

    • @malachi7177
      @malachi7177 5 років тому +150

      @@drawingwiffwaffles it is adorable but where I'm from what BJ stand for is not pretty I shouldnt tell u but 😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😂😂 I wont

    • @mio1260
      @mio1260 5 років тому +84

      I'm just imagining her first name being Bullet (with a different last name) and being called 'Bully' for short even though that might be the opposite of who she is. Bullet J. Lastname.
      Maybe it's a nickname that a friend said jokingly sometime ago, and it just stuck, as a sort of inside-joke.

    • @lydiaz592
      @lydiaz592 5 років тому +15

      ANONYMOUS waitttt what does it mean?

  • @maddiedrew2475
    @maddiedrew2475 5 років тому +332

    I literally always forget you upload on Tuesday. I always get a happy surprise

  • @flopasta3208
    @flopasta3208 5 років тому +683

    name suggestion: Bunny Josephine but her friends call her Bujo as in bullet journal

  • @User-ck9mf
    @User-ck9mf 5 років тому +927

    “Do smart people use literature as furniture? I wouldn’t know”
    I’m dying😂

  • @laylachristenson2083
    @laylachristenson2083 5 років тому +1275

    Rin: it looks like someone important drew it
    “Me: YOU ARE IMPORTANT!!!!!!

  • @caitlinkoelsch2682
    @caitlinkoelsch2682 5 років тому +3433

    “I don’t put effort inside, but I do ok the outside “
    My life

  • @rajabouneenuobajar6271
    @rajabouneenuobajar6271 5 років тому +418

    You shouldn't be so harsh with Frederick, I know he's a bit sticky but he's definitely a good lad

  • @zarangatsha1003
    @zarangatsha1003 5 років тому +299

    Rin :picks up fly ......hi Frederick
    Me: feels like some snow white parody

  • @roronoaafan9406
    @roronoaafan9406 5 років тому +457

    Me:Draws a character out of nowhere.
    Rin:I make sure I put a lot of time into thumbnailing the idea

  • @ceee140
    @ceee140 5 років тому +199

    3:35 "It looks ancient, like someone actually important drew it."
    ... B-But Rin... You are already important...

  • @lily2125
    @lily2125 5 років тому +472

    Fredrick!!! How did you basically hold him????? Lysm Rin!!!

    • @drawingwiffwaffles
      @drawingwiffwaffles  5 років тому +149

      i'm a disney princess

    • @Star-ys4cj
      @Star-ys4cj 5 років тому +15

      @@drawingwiffwaffles XD

    • @Star-ys4cj
      @Star-ys4cj 5 років тому +12

      Better than a Disney Princess....well maybe pocahontas or Merida cuz they're pretty brave

    • @averyruth744
      @averyruth744 5 років тому +7

      Lol Fredrick knows greatness

    • @averyruth744
      @averyruth744 5 років тому +14

      No Rapunzel, she's an artist

  • @Love2DrawManga
    @Love2DrawManga 5 років тому +88

    I love how you are so calm when Fredrick lands on you. I would have flailed and screamed. XD Also the art turned out so cute! I love the books in the back pocket!

    • @iam6785
      @iam6785 5 років тому


    • @scarffeild
      @scarffeild 2 роки тому

      You watch drawingwiffwaffles

  • @moxiitonic9627
    @moxiitonic9627 5 років тому +691

    Rin: *thinks she made so many mistakes*
    Bob Ross: no, no. Happy little accidents

  • @wrynedu
    @wrynedu 5 років тому +704

    "Smart people use literature as furniture,right?"
    Not even a second later..
    "I wouldn't know"

  •  5 років тому +93

    I found your channel with your last "drawing on my bullet journal" video so this feels so full circle

    • @drawingwiffwaffles
      @drawingwiffwaffles  5 років тому +8

      thanks for sticking with me for a year! 💜💜💜 thanks Maëlys!

    •  5 років тому +1

      DrawingWiffWaffles 💖

    • @trwhyte2309
      @trwhyte2309 5 років тому


    • @alisiajoy1016
      @alisiajoy1016 5 років тому

      Really!? Me too!

    • @-riya6696
      @-riya6696 5 років тому

      I have been subscribed for three years it is C R A Z YYYYY

  • @Miabambam
    @Miabambam 5 років тому +357

    Did you ever consider to make a webtoon? You have so many fun characters and your art is amazing!!

    • @serenegenerally
      @serenegenerally 5 років тому +9

      she did have a webcomic but quickly lost motivation on it, so she's just an illustrator

    • @Nothing6nothing9
      @Nothing6nothing9 5 років тому +3

      @@serenegenerally Really?

    • @bluedream3481
      @bluedream3481 5 років тому +4

      @@Nothing6nothing9 yep, she realised that comics just weren't for her

    • @wavylinesem
      @wavylinesem 5 років тому +6

      She had a webcomic! I actually read it, it was super cute, but she decided to discontinue it :)

    • @dh1432
      @dh1432 5 років тому +2

      @@wavylinesem what was it called

  • @Veronica_Sawyer
    @Veronica_Sawyer 5 років тому +34

    Every time you post it inspires me so much! You are the main reason I keep doing art 💖

  • @LytzyBitzySpider
    @LytzyBitzySpider 5 років тому +29

    Fredrick just wanted to see your amazing art!
    *He's your #1 fan, Rin!*

  • @LadyImperfect
    @LadyImperfect 5 років тому +360

    "It kinda occurs to me that sometimes a backpack doesn't last more than a year.."
    Me: *My backpack is 3 years old!!* 😂😂😂

    • @katie2797
      @katie2797 5 років тому +12

      Mine is 5 years old i've had it since 1th grade so I'm in 6 grade now...

    • @LadyImperfect
      @LadyImperfect 5 років тому +5

      Gacha Katie2
      Wow! You must take really good care of it!! Amazing! 😂

    • @gamingwithz5989
      @gamingwithz5989 5 років тому +2

      All i just wanna ask is..

    • @LadyImperfect
      @LadyImperfect 5 років тому +3


    • @gamingwithz5989
      @gamingwithz5989 5 років тому

      @@LadyImperfect Yasss😭😭😂😅🤣

  • @VeridianMoon
    @VeridianMoon 5 років тому +124

    3:38 "it looks like someone ACTUALLY important drew it"
    Well maybe cuz thats because someone important DID!
    Das YOU!
    Keep up the good work lol you're keepin' me inspired as I start my first year of art school 😎

    • @Nesaitara
      @Nesaitara 5 років тому +2

      Marilyn Anderson Good luck I’m still in high school and I’m perfecting my standards in art
      You are amazing as you are
      You can do it💖

    • @yazzyxx
      @yazzyxx 5 років тому

      @@Nesaitara ohhh kewll!! I am wanting to take an AP art class sometime in highschool. Right now im in 8th grade

    • @Nesaitara
      @Nesaitara 5 років тому

      @@yazzyxx I actually got in AP art class and I'm very happy best of luck too you💖

  • @angierose7623
    @angierose7623 5 років тому +244

    "It looks like someone important drew it!" You are important that's why it looks like thaT-

  • @iamallamaninja
    @iamallamaninja 5 років тому +9

    I’m so happy to see that you’re carrying on that character! I loved them on your old bullet journal 💖

  • @caitlin3117
    @caitlin3117 4 роки тому +1

    Every time I watch your videos, the stages are- INTEREST, FASCINATION, voice puts me to sleep, struggles to wake and then tries to draw, fails, pretend my art is yours and ive done good.

  • @lunalovefine
    @lunalovefine 5 років тому +86

    "like a Marvel movie."
    *THE SHADE!* 😂

  • @ellie-iz1qz
    @ellie-iz1qz 5 років тому +122

    I love your work I'm taking art at school can you give me tips on how to draw like yours ❤❤love your work it's amazing

    • @drawingwiffwaffles
      @drawingwiffwaffles  5 років тому +52

      the best tip would be to draw like yourself. keep improving it and enjoying the process. think of it as a game. 💜

    • @blahblahblah6810
      @blahblahblah6810 5 років тому +18

      I think of it more as the hunger games

  • @ceangacha4612
    @ceangacha4612 5 років тому +494

    Rin: ( sees fly ) oh hi mr Fredrik

  • @tort-8416
    @tort-8416 5 років тому +11

    Just "like a marvel movie" honestly, love that

  • @rio1474
    @rio1474 5 років тому +34

    "It looks like someone actually important drew it."

  • @jorgea.carrazanagarcia4496
    @jorgea.carrazanagarcia4496 5 років тому +127

    Great timing! I just got my sketchbook and was about to start drawing👌
    Edit: You should give this "bullet journal oc" a name!

    • @drawingwiffwaffles
      @drawingwiffwaffles  5 років тому +19

      Oh yeah, what should her name be?

    • @prettyinpride489
      @prettyinpride489 5 років тому


    • @kay-ls7iq
      @kay-ls7iq 5 років тому +6

      @@drawingwiffwaffles Liana? :) Alya, Arlynn, Lea- Rin ;))))

    • @libbyh6201
      @libbyh6201 5 років тому +5

      @@drawingwiffwaffles Maybe Natasha, Jasmine or Sunny, ❤ you!

    • @melonswater3515
      @melonswater3515 5 років тому +6

      I think her name should be Amaya, just a thought

  • @noraelliott9695
    @noraelliott9695 5 років тому +234

    Second! OMG I love your stuff you inspire me!
    Edit- :0 never got this many likes before! Thanks Rin for the heart!

    • @noraelliott9695
      @noraelliott9695 5 років тому +6

      ahhh! So happy u hearted OwO

    • @Pmkiin
      @Pmkiin 5 років тому


    • @nupurm116
      @nupurm116 5 років тому

      Your so right about her!👍🏻👍🏻

  • @yuppers4637
    @yuppers4637 5 років тому +264

    When I’m doing homework but I get a waffles notification 😂

  • @indyataylor7117
    @indyataylor7117 5 років тому +103

    Waffles: *reads my thoughts about line art while I trace over my sketch*

    • @gdhyphen797
      @gdhyphen797 3 роки тому

      I wanna like but it is at 99 likes...

  • @saradesalesfardad1053
    @saradesalesfardad1053 5 років тому +72

    This is the exact kind of thing I was waiting for!

  • @sewerratwithabaguette1443
    @sewerratwithabaguette1443 5 років тому +30

    Yes! A new bullet journal, I loved the old one by the way :)

  • @nicolersands
    @nicolersands 5 років тому +146

    Her name should be Billie Jean or Billie Jenna (for bullet journal)

    • @Elizabeth-po1tb
      @Elizabeth-po1tb 5 років тому +7

      That's actually quite smart lol

    • @pastrymei
      @pastrymei 5 років тому +27

      *blasts Michael Jackson*

    • @Pavelscribbles
      @Pavelscribbles 5 років тому +13

      BILLIE JOE....

    • @pageb1433
      @pageb1433 5 років тому +9


    • @patricija.b
      @patricija.b 5 років тому +14


  • @torij1678
    @torij1678 4 роки тому

    It’s so reassuring watching these videos as someone who is in the beginning process of establishing their own art style. Watching this reminds me that messing up is apart of the process, if I’m patient w myself and keep going I’ll finally get it down. Thank you!

  • @billcipher4582
    @billcipher4582 5 років тому

    Your videos are my weekly escape from chronic pain, always puts me in the mood to draw and get out my comfort zone, so thank you!! 🥰

  • @urarat8902
    @urarat8902 5 років тому +42

    " Smart people use literature as furniture, right? I wouldn't know." I'm dying🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @professoroffaeology
      @professoroffaeology 5 років тому

      And even smarter people use furniture as literature 🙃

  • @aly9736
    @aly9736 5 років тому +17

    you can use those brush mildliners for bullet journaling!! 😎

  • @goldiechik93
    @goldiechik93 5 років тому +32

    Me as a fellow doodler w charcoal: "Ooooo new video"
    Also me as a reader: " man those hardcover have a nice binding and thick pages. Wonder if they're the expensive ones or old books w their original binding"
    What is wrong w me? XD

    • @asteriavale
      @asteriavale 5 років тому

      ahaha this is literally me

  • @concierge7916
    @concierge7916 5 років тому

    AHHH I'M SO EMOTIONAL!! You're previous bullet journal was the very first video I ever saw of yours. It's crazy to see ho much your art has changed. You are a true master, Rin.

  • @thethrifteddragon8157
    @thethrifteddragon8157 5 років тому

    Thank you for showing us when you mess up, that not everything is going to end up perfect, but also some creative ideas on how to salvage the art and fix it:)

  • @vickie6994
    @vickie6994 5 років тому +11

    So cute! I love both this cover and the last cover, they just have a cool aesthetic with the colors and the toned paper 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @teddygranger8449
    @teddygranger8449 5 років тому +97

    You took Frederick's cap away so he had to sit on you! You can't let him sit on the table right, that's under his standard you see😂😂

  • @wogglywiggler
    @wogglywiggler 5 років тому +30

    “Smart people use literature as furniture, right? I wouldn’t know.”
    R.I.P Rin
    Death by Self-burn
    She will be missed.

  • @whollybologna
    @whollybologna 5 років тому

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who adds art to my bullet journal cover!
    Gorgeous job Rin!

  • @jayleneyami6512
    @jayleneyami6512 5 років тому +4

    I think a gold circle would’ve looked pretty neat for the background but this is my favorite cover you’ve done so far! Amazing

  • @a_m3533
    @a_m3533 5 років тому +186

    Smart people use literature as furniture right... I wouldn’t know😂😂😂

  • @lela.the.artist
    @lela.the.artist 5 років тому +5

    Well now I'm feeling inspired to restart my bullet journaling. I was doing really well, but eventually got overwhelmed with doing super time consuming spreads that I let it go. But maybe I should just focus more on simplicity on the inside and keep the complexity on the outside lol

  • @pandajoyd4992
    @pandajoyd4992 5 років тому +125

    Also, *quick* sketch?!? Ha! I laugh in the face of *quick*

    • @drawingwiffwaffles
      @drawingwiffwaffles  5 років тому +17

      hahaha, when I say quick sketch, I meant the first step. XP speed isn't really the factor.

  • @gh0stj3lly18
    @gh0stj3lly18 5 років тому

    I love when you use the white pen around your art it just makes it pop. ❤️

  • @Mekeweissame
    @Mekeweissame 5 років тому

    Love her style! Also, Rin, your idea of putting paper over mistakes in an illustration really helped me feel more free with my traditional art. Even if I mess up, I don’t have to start from scratch, I can just cover it and draw over! Genius 🌸

  • @oliviahill7749
    @oliviahill7749 5 років тому +69

    I’ve had the same fricken backpack for seven years
    My mother has never heard of sympathy 😂

    • @drawingwiffwaffles
      @drawingwiffwaffles  5 років тому +26

      if it still has a bottom that keeps the books in, your seven year old backpack is doing better than any one i ever had.

    • @vincentknws
      @vincentknws 5 років тому +1

      I've had one for 12 years.

    • @melaniep4099
      @melaniep4099 5 років тому

      Olivia Hill
      It’s okay to save money

    • @k-vy5nt
      @k-vy5nt 5 років тому

      Me too but mine is in perfect condition

    • @whiffsz3555
      @whiffsz3555 5 років тому

      I get one every year or every 2 years lmao

  • @SenseiYai
    @SenseiYai 5 років тому +6

    I think Fredrick deserves to be turned into a character 🤣 also I like the effect the sticky note fix gave

  • @haddiedoesstuff
    @haddiedoesstuff 5 років тому +13

    shirt before: Circles
    Background before: Stripes
    shirt now: Stripes
    Background now: Circles

  • @christinalandess9217
    @christinalandess9217 5 років тому

    Rin, the amount of self-disses in this video breaks my heart! You are a great person and a talented artist. I love how raw you are in your videos though. You aren't afraid to show the mistakes and the whole process in drawing and that's what keeps me watching your videos. Keep it up. You are great. ^-^

  • @Alex._-._..-.-_.._
    @Alex._-._..-.-_.._ 5 років тому +96

    She should be called
    *Lilly literature*

  • @alayshagermosen6996
    @alayshagermosen6996 5 років тому +47

    And at this point Fredrick came so I said bye but then he said HI
    WAFFLES 2019

  • @ouf5794
    @ouf5794 5 років тому +15

    "I mean, it looks like somebody *important* actually drew it."
    I relate *so* much, it's scary.

  • @nodoubtmisa
    @nodoubtmisa 5 років тому +17

    "Smart people use literature as furniture, right? ...I wouldn't know." xD

  • @jennahong3997
    @jennahong3997 5 років тому

    THANK you for making this video, it humanizes artists and I love it so much. I struggle making my bullet journals because I'm a perfectionist and this helped me so much

  • @angryskittle3047
    @angryskittle3047 5 років тому +1

    Not just because your a good at art your personality is shocking I love it and yeah those waffles do taste friken dilish

  • @mosshealy3280
    @mosshealy3280 5 років тому +7


  • @Cornbreadcooking
    @Cornbreadcooking 5 років тому +28

    Don't worry using Books as furniture is perfectly normal...I think

  • @milkichu1016
    @milkichu1016 5 років тому +4

    “I love the way pencil looks on toned paper. It looks like someone important drew it...”

  • @butterflyangel8748
    @butterflyangel8748 5 років тому

    You're right about fineliners! A tip I learnt about them is always go with before with a pencil so you have the sketch. No one's perfect so errors appear on the way! In the past I used to make drawing mistakes in lovely fitting pieces of the the final 'product'. Now I'm more into use a pencil before, then go with colouring! The notebooks look so lovely and I must say drawing on them makes them original!😘💞💞💞💞

  • @alternate_being
    @alternate_being 5 років тому

    Whenever I watch one of your videos, it makes me inspired to make my own art.

  • @hihi-zh1sk
    @hihi-zh1sk 5 років тому +156

    ren: literature people sit on books right?
    also ren: i wouldn’t know

    • @user-sc9ht2tb7u
      @user-sc9ht2tb7u 5 років тому +6

      I don't think that's what she said

    • @frostykillerfortnite2074
      @frostykillerfortnite2074 5 років тому +6

      “Smart people use literature as furniture, right” -Ren

    • @preciousxoxo3581
      @preciousxoxo3581 5 років тому +7

      um- one she didn’t say that she said “smart people use literature as furniture” lmao and also it’s rin

    • @NotLeah-wk9ep
      @NotLeah-wk9ep 5 років тому +7

      You spelled her name wrong it’s R-I-N ok 👍🏾

    • @professionalshitnugget7501
      @professionalshitnugget7501 5 років тому +7

      that's not what she said- and it's rin, not ren

  • @greyv8749
    @greyv8749 5 років тому +10

    Already know the videos gonna be amazing💜💜

  • @bowtomemortalscum6292
    @bowtomemortalscum6292 5 років тому +68

    Ok this had two comments and I refreshed the page after about 20 seconds and there were 148

  • @chrissyguillen9367
    @chrissyguillen9367 5 років тому

    NEVER stop making videos. you are what is getting me through college application season and i LOVE your videos for a pick me up/escape time. you also remind me so much of my art teacher, your personality is cute. 🥰

  • @leakeller1472
    @leakeller1472 5 років тому +1


  • @fusadiluna
    @fusadiluna 5 років тому +15

    17:01 you forgot the white outline on the sticker part.
    Love the end result and the process

  • @carrera4173
    @carrera4173 5 років тому +6

    When you said backpacks usually don’t last more than a year I immediately thought about my best friend.
    She had the same back pack from around grade 3 all the way to 8 and now in high school, she’s finally got a new one 😂

  • @_asherrye_709
    @_asherrye_709 5 років тому +7

    Omg she is adorable!!! Can you give me some tips for using acrylic paint?? Also, I love you so much and you're amazing💜💜💜💜

  • @thesleepydot
    @thesleepydot 5 років тому +1

    After you put the sticky note, it looks even more amazing!

  • @joshkelly7768
    @joshkelly7768 5 років тому

    Those ballet shoes are such a CUTE touch!

  • @byuemmie
    @byuemmie 5 років тому +37

    no one:
    absolutely no one:
    every ten year olds: FiRsT i WaS fIrSt
    love ya, rin 💜 (btw im like the 948th or something like that)

    • @dayendawg
      @dayendawg 5 років тому +2

      Lol dont make fun of 10 year olds . How old are you then?

    • @byuemmie
      @byuemmie 5 років тому +1

      • hakuna matata • i did that as a joke it was sarcasm and im not making fun of them again IT WAS A JOKE

  • @mischievousloki2341
    @mischievousloki2341 5 років тому +41

    ok wait
    hOW diD yoU gEt a FLY to LanD on YoU *-*

    • @kimuires
      @kimuires 5 років тому +1

      Does that not happen to you?

    • @Nesaitara
      @Nesaitara 5 років тому +2

      Wait is it hard?

    • @purrfectpurrincess8045
      @purrfectpurrincess8045 5 років тому

      Flies will sit on something still or that smells good to them. So either you aren't still a lot or uou4 domt smell good to them. (Not being offensive.)

  • @younginspirations4219
    @younginspirations4219 5 років тому +30

    Waffles :Don't you gust love the way a pencil looks on toned paper something about it makes it like someone important
    drew it .
    Me : but someone important did draw it .
    I love you and your videos waffles . have a wonderful day
    Edit :thanks for all the likes !😂

    • @abryalejo38
      @abryalejo38 5 років тому +1

      I love ice cream, I can relate so much!

    • @younginspirations4219
      @younginspirations4219 5 років тому +1

      @@abryalejo38 thanks for replying it meens so much

    • @abryalejo38
      @abryalejo38 5 років тому +1

      I love ice cream, np

  • @karlyrobinson1388
    @karlyrobinson1388 5 років тому

    By far my FAVORITE drawing you have ever done ❤️

  • @skullfullofbooks7398
    @skullfullofbooks7398 5 років тому

    You and me both with the lineart! Glad to know the pros have the same doubt that I always have!

  • @killerfoxtothemoon4458
    @killerfoxtothemoon4458 5 років тому +4

    Everyone has their idles! Their music idol: Billie Ellish, there anime Idol: Deku, and their art idol: DRAWINGWIFFWAFFLES!!!!💚💚💚💚💚

  • @emmaclouston2922
    @emmaclouston2922 5 років тому +4

    I personally LOVE doing finelining, (yeah that’s what I call it no judging)
    It makes the drawing become... complete I guesss.

  • @alexisrashayi8686
    @alexisrashayi8686 5 років тому +7

    I love your vids they are so inspiring

  • @benevolentdruid
    @benevolentdruid 5 років тому

    “sometimes the 8th time is the charm” is actually really inspiring to me. i have so many drawing i’ve given up on just cause i couldn’t got one aspect of the piece right. i’m sure if i just put in the extra effort of getting things right, i’ll have more finished art works overall.

  • @littlesisterHt6
    @littlesisterHt6 4 роки тому

    How do people dislike your videos? You have such a cute personality and your art is amazing!

  • @sarahcoulman767
    @sarahcoulman767 5 років тому +17

    The earth:
    Not even Bob Ross:
    *Rin while doing lineart*: "It's like i'm tracing my art."

  • @spicewhitten916
    @spicewhitten916 5 років тому +7

    “And it looks like somebody important drew it..” 😂
    Somebody important *did* draw it! :D

  • @abbyc175
    @abbyc175 5 років тому +9

    Absolutely no one:
    Rin: sTuDiuSH

  • @shariaelliott8693
    @shariaelliott8693 4 роки тому

    I love the way you map out forms in your thumbnails 👌

  • @honeybuns5180
    @honeybuns5180 5 років тому

    how are you so good at this??? you're one of the best artists i've ever seen!

  • @pettinger4410
    @pettinger4410 5 років тому +7

    Rin: "It looks like someone important drew it."
    Me: "Yes, because you drew it."
    Also me: "u r very important"

  • @transhaley2792
    @transhaley2792 5 років тому +3

    i always hold my breath when i do line art

    • @Ellamol
      @Ellamol 5 років тому +1

      Gamer Dudet sameeeeee and it can be concerning