How to make a movie adaptation BETTER than the book: Red , White & Royal blue I Video Essay

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @christinedugas3089
    @christinedugas3089 11 місяців тому +11

    Excellent breakdown of how the movie took what was great about the book and distilled it and made it better and also took what was less than perfect in the book and changed or removed it. Your ratings of a 5-star movie vs a 3-star book were exactly the same as I gave them.
    Just to add two examples of my own where the movie was better: Alex's key line, "History, huh? Bet we could make some," is in an email in the book but feels so much stronger when spoken aloud in the movie's museum scene. And it stays as an intimate statement between the two of them rather than being exposed with their emails and ending up on T-shirts and posters. Henry's self-description of being "as gay as a maypole" came very late in the book, during the confrontation scene with the monarch, Henry explaining that he had been gay his whole life, that it wasn't some phase. This is in the part of the book where you rightly describe Henry's lack of agency because of his mother's coming back and taking over by finally getting protective. In the movie, Henry's line comes at a point where Alex has just come out definitely to someone as bisexual for the first time instead of just being "low key into guys." Henry's maypole response helps ease the tension in Alex's statement as well as adding a light touch of culture-clash comedy.
    The love for the source material was evident, but thankfully the director and actors felt free to convey the essence of the story and not follow the text exactly. I know I may be biased towards the movie over the book because I saw the movie first, but there are so many details in the movie that stand out which you explain and categorize beautifully.

  • @sail0rm00n5
    @sail0rm00n5 11 місяців тому +23

    Finally someone said it!! And very respectfully and intelligently said! - I could never lol
    This video was very entertaining to watch, the editing fun on top of the great script

    • @johnnehrich9601
      @johnnehrich9601 10 місяців тому

      You both said it perfectly. Thanks.

    • @tomixshile9502
      @tomixshile9502  6 місяців тому

      Thank you for your very precise and accurate comment!💯
      I love how you summed this video in four phrases😂

  • @johannanel1181
    @johannanel1181 8 місяців тому +3

    I watched the movie and then read the book.
    I absolutely agree with your take on it.
    I love that, in the movie, Alex's parents are stable and supportive. This goes a long way in explaining his confidence and idealism which tends to let him not always notice that everything is not always bright and shiny, as is perfectly demonstrated in the scene with Henry at the lake. His steadfast belief that everything will work out is also one of his greatest strengths.
    As you have noted, Henry's inner turmoil is very noticeable in the movie and the audience can relate much easier with his struggles.
    I also love how the movie never tried to be anything else than a fantastic romcom. This is what is needed in an ocean of action movies and angsty dramas.
    Thank you for an excellent analysis that voiced everything I felt. ❤❤❤

  • @RukminiDMaria108
    @RukminiDMaria108 11 місяців тому +7

    I liked your commentary very much. I also agree that the movie is better.

    • @auldthymer
      @auldthymer 11 місяців тому +2

      Tomi is the first person I heard who loves the movie more than the book, and I agree whole-heartedly.
      I am unable to remember anything Jane did in the book; Zara was greatly expanded.
      Her point about Luna being external to the story was well-observed.
      I am now a subscriber!

  • @lyneary2825
    @lyneary2825 11 місяців тому +15

    I love this, I agree 100% but you really break it down so well into why the movie works so well.
    I remember hearing the director say the same thing about Henry's Mum and why he wanted Henry to have his moment rather than a random new character swooping in.
    Also I love your humour, you had me hooked from 'My Dear Fucking Prince' 😂

  • @Casin
    @Casin 11 місяців тому +8

    Great video! Well articulated, and you have a great sense of humour. It's so frustrating when book readers insist that an adaptation should be an exact copy and refuse to acknowledge any flaws in the source material.
    "The audience will always be more emotionally invested in growth.
    Not some random lady just showing up." 🤣

    • @johnnehrich9601
      @johnnehrich9601 9 місяців тому +1

      Yes, these complaints treat the book like religious text. Even if the book is perfect, as you say, the medium between book and film is so vast. Books can explain facts, in great length. Also spell out what is going on inside the character's head. But film is visual (along with sound), but doesn't have the time to explain things, particularly without losing the audience's attention.
      There are many well-meaning fans who seem to want to complain, rather than rejoice that we finally have such a sweet and at times cheesy telling of the story overly familiar to straight audiences. They basically imply boycotting the film in order to get "them" (whoever "them" is) to instead get the versions felt to be ideal, without understanding Hollywood is only going to look at the bottom line. We will get more and better films if there is enough profit. After centuries of avoidance of queer romance, these tentative steps out of this closet need to be cheered on as much as possible, not to shove them back in and await the most perfect (in these critics' eyes) versions.

    • @tomixshile9502
      @tomixshile9502  6 місяців тому


  • @EricPeterson1961
    @EricPeterson1961 11 місяців тому +9

    Thank you for this stylish, witty and astute critique of book and film! I loved that you renamed the film, for convenience of reference, "My Dear F***ing Prince." In the most affectionate way, of course!

  • @bibinb7
    @bibinb7 11 місяців тому +7

    You deserve more subscribers!

  • @Msliliheart
    @Msliliheart 11 місяців тому +10

    You posted this more than a week ago and yt just flashed this in my recs. They are sooo late but I'm so glad I get to watch this because it is great. I love how you explained things clearly and have put my messy thoughts into a very coherent and beautifully explained video.
    First of all, I am a fan of the movie than the book. I actually am unaware of this fandom til the movie trended in twt which peaked my interest. I watched it and fell in love with it. And for once, I actually want to watched a movie over and over again. So, I was like, since the movie is so good, maybe I'll give the book a try, it may even be better (as what usually happens). But when I read the book, I, a bookworm who can read an entire novel in a day, found myself having a hard time with the book. Be it maybe I kinda dislike novel Alex from the beginning of the book, how messy things get, how the sexy scenes are mild at best, and just... The novel is indeed too long. Movie Henry made me love him, and I hope the novel will give me more of him but I got more of a less unlikable novel Alex than the movie Alex I am fond of, but while the novel gave me a glance of how great Henry's character is, it still felt short because the entire thing is in Alex's perspective.
    So I returned to the movie, and I found myself rewatching it but barely sparing the book a second glance. I want to try watching the movie while following it along with the book but eh.
    The movie improved some things for me. The way it showed their messages, the lake scene of showing Henry's POV, their exchange of ring and key (which I prefer than in the book where Alex gets both, like no!), and Henry's POV, and the sexy times. Specially the Paris scene. The Paris scene is beautifully made and I believe is one of the most romantic things I have ever scene. (Did you know that according to the Dir, Nick and him made it with a thought that while this scene is Alex's first time doing the deed, this is Henry's first time doing it with someone he has feelings for, and it shows.)
    Also, the fact that Alex never listens. People tend to be, "Alex gets hurt more because Henry ghosted him, and left him, and played with him-" and it infuriates me. Because like Henry said, "It's like you don't know me at all-" Henry while avoidant did talked to Alex about his situation. Sure there should be more, but Henry did talked and it just felt like Alex didn't register his words at all. Like for example, when they are walking in the park before the Paris scene, Henry talked about how only Bea knows about him being gay, and the king suspects. He isn't out yet. How he can only belong to someone else momentarily. That he isn't out, that his situation doesn't afford him too. What did Alex do? He reaches out to hold Henry's hand and Henry's steps back. Saying "Not here." And most of the time, people react negatively towards Henry, but for the love of God, didn't Henry just tell Alex about his situation? Henry would want nothing more than to hold Alex's hand but they can't do it here where people might be around.
    It gets tiring how the people tends to be very judgy with Henry. And like nah man, I will protect my boy.
    Anyways, this comment became too long so lemme just say I love this video and gonna subscribe to you. ❤❤❤

    • @myownproductions333
      @myownproductions333 11 місяців тому +1

      I had to check to see if I wrote this comment and if I made this video. Both of these are the reason I am now a subscriber. Thanks to you, @Msliliheart and to you Tomi Shile. Looking forward to what you react to and comment on next! 🤓🧡

  • @gailoverholt6498
    @gailoverholt6498 11 місяців тому +5

    Loved this!!! As a semi-avid reader of m/m romance, I was aware of the book. But it wasn’t until I saw the trailer for the movie that I picked it up. (And that was only to pass the time until the movie was released.). I was a bit more generous, giving the book 4. But the movie gets ALL the stars!
    Your analysis was spot on. I might have been able to articulate some of the reasons I thought the movie was better (and have in other YT comments), but you gave me some new perspectives which allowed to understand a few things I’d wondered about. (Like why wasn’t Alex more attuned to Henry on the dock? And, why didn’t Henry look back at Alex after the ring/key exchange?)
    You’re adorable!

  • @mm1788
    @mm1788 11 місяців тому +7

    Nice. The book is not that well written, but the movie solves the problem, especially the very good comedic lines which are rather flat in the book but the delivery of the lines in the movie are brilliant. 5:40

  • @donabaypro6782
    @donabaypro6782 11 місяців тому +4

    I like a lot of your points. Very clear and direct. I do like seeing Henry’s side in the movie and believe it was necessary for the movie. Having a one sided story works in a book, not in a movie. You learn a lot about Henry as Alex’s understanding him evolves. Something impossible in movies. The one thing I really liked better in the book was the fact that they included the secret service and the PPO more. Part of their problem was they had to include guards at all times, or figure out how to get past them. The part where they in the Jeep, however had the both the Sec. Sev. and the PPO following them. This was hinted at in the movie, however I didn’t get it to after I read the book. It’s a pet peeve of mine in any show; they just magically appear. It would have been a simple inclusion that would have heighten the stakes while making it more realistic. I wished you talked about Zara; a character they kept however made a lot of changes. I love Zara in the movie better; however the book gave her more depth. The scene where she discovers them is better in the Movie. When she says “Your Royal Highness” just after threatening his life is a great button to the scene. One of my favorite parts of the movie. Thank you for your thoughts, great job.

  • @luiscarracedo7793
    @luiscarracedo7793 6 місяців тому

    After months of reading reviews of the movie versus the book, I found someone who saw the same thing as me. First I saw the movie that I loved and then I went to read the book. I couldn't agree more with your analysis. I could really feel the spirit of Alex and Henry on the screen and when reading the book those were the images that came to mind. Alex's chaotic, outgoing, somewhat goofy personality, including his fears of disappointing his parents and how Henry supports him. On the other hand, Henry's reserved personality hides his emotions and dreams, giving him a distant and snobbish appearance, but at the moment of being in the hospital, Alex begins to see that underneath all those layers there is another Henry, more human, real and sweet. . with the messages you will get to know him little by little. The trigger is the New Year's Eve party where it is impossible to deny the way Henry looks at Alex since the begining, the dance scene and then the kiss he gives him, leaving him totally amazed.
    I loved that the story basically revolves around their love story and the external only refers to what can affect them. The chemistry between Taylor and Nick is off the charts. the way they were able to convey feelings often without words, especially Henry.

  • @seycamanza2833
    @seycamanza2833 10 місяців тому +1

    So we’ll done. Articulate, funny, entertaining visually, and apart from all the other videos on this movie in a good way. Plus, I liked the movie way better than the book and haven’t heard that stance yet. Totally impressed.

  • @joncarsello7987
    @joncarsello7987 11 місяців тому +6

    Tami this is an incredible analysis- truly brilliant. Thank you.

  • @TheSoundOfGeorgia
    @TheSoundOfGeorgia 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm with you. I really enjoyed the book when I first read it, but I LOVED the movie. And after rereading the book, I do indeed love the film more.
    I do think there should've been a few more emails though. I think the climax would've been stronger if we the audience knew what some of the emails said. We have to take it on faith that the emails are very personal and intimate, but we don't actually know. I think Bea telling Henry the emails were leaked would've been more powerful if two lines of dialogue earlier were a voiceover of Alex reading an email. You wouldn't need much - only another two or three - to make an enormous impact on the end.
    But other than that, I think just about every change was a good one as far as adapting the story went. (I hadn't even really thought too much about Henry's mother being basically Princess ex Machina, but you're right.)

  • @RobertStein68
    @RobertStein68 11 місяців тому +1

    Great job on this! Two of my favorite book adaptations are both directed by Clint Eastwood - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, The Bridges of Madison County. I did not read either book but they both seem to respect your rule about exploring the visual medium. And of course, Adapation.

  • @Mynameissioux
    @Mynameissioux 10 місяців тому +1

    I agree with you 100 percent. Thank you for breaking down everything for us!

  • @joanmedina8098
    @joanmedina8098 11 місяців тому +1

    Loved, loved your analysis! I, too, think the movie is way better than the book (I gave the book 2 stars and couldn’t understand all the hype surrounding it). Apart from the things you mentioned, I really hated all the cursing in the book. It made all the characters sound so vulgar and uneducated, imo.
    Since I had previously read the book, I decided to watch the movie when it came out, and oh boy, I’m glad I did! I absolutely loved it! I have watched it so many times now, it’s borderline psychotic, lol.

    @PTRAINBOY 11 місяців тому +3

    Love this

  • @jadesfire
    @jadesfire 6 місяців тому

    I agree with you! The movie is definitely better. The book is great, the movie took the story and elevated it.

  • @eamonnbyrne5373
    @eamonnbyrne5373 11 місяців тому +4

    You have summed up exactly how I felt about the film which I LOVED and the book which....we'll....meh

  • @oum-koulthoumlafosse3601
    @oum-koulthoumlafosse3601 11 місяців тому +3


  • @JuAndrade23
    @JuAndrade23 11 місяців тому +1

    I'm not going to lie that as a film major I didn't love the movie. The actors are great in it but I thought the editing and lack of explanation/rushing details at times was very cheap. Idk