Why I Stopped Using The Good and the Beautiful

  • Опубліковано 26 лип 2024
  • After posting what we are using for homeschool curriculum this year, I was inundated with questions as to why we stopped using the Good and the Beautiful. On Thursday, June 14 I did a live video on my Facebook page in response to this and spent over an hour answering questions. This is just part of the video condensed to give you an idea of my main reasons, some of the main concerns people had, and the big picture.
    This is why I am looking a bit off to the side, because my main focus was the live video and I only put it up here because some people were not on FB and wanted to see.
    You can watch the full video here: / 1707321362700573
    I received thousands of comments and emails, this is a hot topic. LDS does not like that I view Christianity through a different lens, nor that I am working with Master Books. You can read more on the Facebook live and in the comments, but my official statement after receiving all these emails is below:
    UPDATE: I loved the curriculum and leaving was incredibly hard as both me and my children were enjoying it immensely. Moreover... TGTB was a GREAT move for my business. As one of the fastest growing (if not THE fastest growing) curriculums on the market, my name was growing very quickly, everything I did with TGTB prospered and was successful. By leaving them I had to turn away rapid growth, it was also a difficult business move. Everyone is so quick to make judgements on my heart, my motivation... but you can't possibly know that. So people speculate and condemn me for speaking my own story in love of Jenny and the curriculum she has built, they comment that I am tearing her down... and yet they tear me down in the process.
    Irony. Blindness to their own disparity. Blind to their own intolerance, their own judgements and their own hypocrisy.
    I was going to respond to negative comments, helping to clarify the lies about me, my motivations, and my heart. However I feel that there is no point and I can stay here in this mess of a stoning or I can walk on, go snuggle my kids and do our morning basket and not even look at these anymore. For everyone commenting positive encouragement, thank you! I am going to stop responding to comments on here because I can feel injustice rising in me and the hurt growing and I feel the call to "Shake the dust off my feet" (Matthew 10:14) and move on in confidence not of a business decision, not of my heart being known or understood, but of my identity in Christ.
    You all are free to continue commenting and debating this issue further, it is an important issue and I sincerely hope that if you have concerns, you listen to your heart rather than the loud voices of anyone else.
    For every negative commenter: I honestly bless you. I do not say that lightly (it is not easy to do). I do not say that as some sort of flippant remark. I say it purposefully and meaningfully. I bless you to find joy in this day. I bless you to have an encounter with God that changes your life. May God bless your finances, your homeschools, your families, your marriages, your homes, your friendships, your businesses and your work environments, your calling and your purpose, and your heart. May He speak to you in a deeper way, may He open all of our eyes so that we can see Him more fully. May God be honoured and glorified by the comments, by the video, and by HIS purposes for HIS kingdom. The enemy has NO POWER over this video, over the comments, nor over the hearts and minds and eyes and ears of those who watch and listen and read. This video is blessed and annointed by God and I am believing for transformation of hearts, for clarity of mind, and for God's message (not mine) to touch every single person that watches or reads. Holy Spirit have your way with my platform, my video, and my words.  
    I love God, I love you incredible warriors of your families, and I will be available by message or email if you have a specific concern or question regarding this.
    Rebecca out.


  • @Truthpursuit2015
    @Truthpursuit2015 Рік тому +18

    Researching the good and the beautiful for my home. I’m a Christian, non Mormon. Thank you for this video. It’s hard to be obedient to the Lord when we know we will be attacked for doing so. I’m proud of you! I read this verse this morning and thought I would share. “And Samuel said, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.”
    ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭15‬:‭22‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    I think our culture gets really upset; because we like to copy another person. But we need to have an individual identity with our Lord and a personal relationship. Spend less time being critical of anyone, and what they “hear” from the lord. Talk to him yourself; and there will be no confusion.

  • @danaparzych7414
    @danaparzych7414 6 років тому +132

    It’s her PERSONAL conviction... her personal conviction should not and does not threaten anyone else. Being obedient to Gods personal/individual call that is on each of our own lives is PARAMOUNT. She is taking His directing for her life seriously and acting accordingly. There really IS NOTHING to debate. Thanks for your review and your explanation. I am going into my first year with TGTB and I am looking forward to it, while remaining aware that it may or may not be a life time commitment and being willing to sacrifice my wants for HIS at any point. Congratulations on your new position as writer!

    • @mindy8405
      @mindy8405 4 роки тому +2

      Hi Dana how did you like the good and the beautiful curriculum. I'm starting it soon.

    • @hannajean8204
      @hannajean8204 2 роки тому

      you are insane lmao

    • @mariamacias4958
      @mariamacias4958 Рік тому +1

      It makes sense. Don't add or take away anything from what God has done No need to over explain or apologize. You follow Him. IT MATTERS WHAT WE BELIEVE, AND WHAT WE LEAD OTHERS TOWARD.

    • @mariamacias4958
      @mariamacias4958 Рік тому

      Thank you very much for your valuable insight and personally thorough evaluations to bring home school Mammas up to speed and understanding what's out there, not wasting tons of money and tons of time. we need to get busy educating our kids in the best way possible for them to learn and for us to teach. even picking something you feel kind of comfortable with is really scary because when you don't know much that is out there you feel like you're going to stumble across something in the near future that would have been so much better but you already sunk a lot of money into something not as good for you! part of me watching your reviews was just knowing that what I picked was a good fit. part of it was learning about some other things that were out there that I had no idea of or I had heard the name but didn't understand really how it worked or if it would be a good help for us. I don't have the time to go to conferences right now I'm busy working and teaching my kids but I was able to watch these late at night and then order and follow up on looking into them. I'm deeply grateful for the work you've done in spite of having five children to understand about these different curriculums and then share it. God bless you and may He lead you as you turn a corner to start developing curriculum. God was probably preparing you for this the whole time in your work as a reviewer 😂

  • @whitney5581
    @whitney5581 6 років тому +80

    Thanks for the explanation Rebecca! I do understand your reasoning for sure and appreciate your honesty and boldness ❤️

  • @naomig3168
    @naomig3168 6 років тому +350

    So I'm LDS and I get your point. If it was the other way around I may have some of the same feeling as you do. I respect your decision and understand. You are a great person.

    • @dreamc7373
      @dreamc7373 6 років тому +25

      I will say thank you on her behalf because you get it. :) there’s no bashing on either side. If she’s not comfortable then she’s not comfortable. I appreciate your comment.

    • @rseagulls100
      @rseagulls100 6 років тому +23

      Thank you for being tolerable and extending grace to someone who doesn't believe as you do. Wish more people were like you!

    • @meganrichardson6471
      @meganrichardson6471 5 років тому +17

      I get it too. As an LDS person I really don’t like Master Books and what they stand for, lol. So we all make these decisions. I don’t use TGTB anymore either. It’s too “school-y”. Honestly I’m getting to the point where most “curriculum” is overrated. And yeah TGTB is time consuming and work book based, which is what many of us left public school to get away from.

    • @asies660
      @asies660 5 років тому +3

      @@meganrichardson6471 It's understandable, TGTB is not for everyone and it works wonders for others. :)

    • @arbaugrl
      @arbaugrl 4 роки тому +21

      @@rseagulls100 I do not believe that internet "influencers" should be a thing. That is of the world anyway. We are to be humble and respectful of each other. That is fine if she feels this way, but she needs to be careful that she does not give the impression that other Christians who continue with The Good and The Beautiful are in some way disobeying God. The Lord knows each of us deeply and perhaps that is what she herself needs. Listen to the Spirit.But you are so RIGHT that that Naomi has a lovely and grace filled attitude!

  • @kristiea3897
    @kristiea3897 3 роки тому +13

    We’re so thankful to be able to choose what works best for us and our own families. We love TGTB and we’re not LDS. Thanks for your input. We all make our own decisions at the end of the day. 😊🙏🏻

  • @brionlyshe07
    @brionlyshe07 4 роки тому +3

    Your final reason jives with me so much. That’s the reason I’ve avoided any one curriculum and I love the freedom of doing what works for us. Yay for homeschooling. Excited to see what you do!

  • @MrSeephas
    @MrSeephas 3 роки тому +5

    Your main reason for not using it makes me trust your reviews and recommendations so much more. Thank you for being cautious.

  • @theLogstead
    @theLogstead 6 років тому +48

    I am so happy to hear when one follows the convictions they have been given. God bless your journey as you step forward in what He has for you, regardless of what any other person says. Bottom line, it’s you & Him. Hang in there. Love for you sister!

  • @hardinkristy
    @hardinkristy 6 років тому +3

    Thank you for your heart, display of faith, and courage. Praying for you and looking forward to that Bible curriculum.

  • @elizabethseaworth3382
    @elizabethseaworth3382 6 років тому +1

    Thank you for posting your personal review and experience. I like to hear from different people's experiences and opinions and I appreciate you taking the time to share yours. God bless.

  • @lmonkey25
    @lmonkey25 6 років тому +212

    Why do people follow herd mentality instead of experiencing and judging things for themselves? Everyone’s situation and belief is different (even within the same religious sect). That’s why most of us homeschool... so we can evaluate, choose, & adjust available resources to fit each child. It’s ludicrous to see that Jenny has her curriculum for free to download..and discloses her background and beliefs... yet people still purchase it then go on to be upset that she’s LDS-despite liking the actual content of the curriculum. I love drawing resources from all religions and sources if it promotes good moral messages my family can grow from. I would not hate a quote that admonishes us to be loving and kind to each other just because it was spoken by someone I don’t agree with.

    • @trishschmidt8530
      @trishschmidt8530 6 років тому +3


    • @StephanieBennion
      @StephanieBennion 6 років тому +4


    • @carladetering
      @carladetering 5 років тому +3

      I hear you and think you are so right!!

    • @CountryVillalife
      @CountryVillalife 5 років тому +18

      I dont see it as a herd mentality when people make their own decisions based on choice and THEIR OWN personal beliefs.

    • @swedee5870
      @swedee5870 2 роки тому

      Who is upset with Jenny?

  • @EverydaySarahJ
    @EverydaySarahJ 5 років тому +2

    I’m so glad you posted this. I am just starting our homeschool journey, and the majority of resources I have found are posted by LDS members. I, too, want something that lines up with my faith.

  • @jmobennett88
    @jmobennett88 6 років тому +22

    I love love this insight. While we are not Mormon, I will still use this LA program. But your honesty and conviction is refreshing and I look forward to following your channel as I'm a new Subsciber.

  • @heatherlee7175
    @heatherlee7175 6 років тому

    Thanks for speaking up on this. I look forward to see what you are working on with Master Books.

  • @inspiredbyanangel
    @inspiredbyanangel 6 років тому +4

    Everyone continues to grow in their faith and their curriculum choices! Love following your journey!

  • @AwesomeDaysAhead
    @AwesomeDaysAhead 3 роки тому +14

    I am a dad and I am the teacher. I personally love the curriculum. My daughter is 7 and we have a blast. I’m a full-on, spirit-filled believer. I get the whole, “It’s developed by an LDS gal!!! I don’t see any issues with this curriculum. WHAT I do see is YOU CAN’T make money with TGATB as an affiliate marketer so many of theses mom blogs attract HUGE traffic to draw u out and into their own creations OR someone else. That’s tough. I’m having a blast with my 7 year old using this curriculum. I don’t see LDS spreading their message anywhere in the course. I know how to discern the spirits. Also, I don’t rely on this curriculum to teach my daughter about Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I share my transformation and the born-again message DIRECTLY to her and read from our King James. TGATB will NOT lead your kids to Christ...you must do this. The key is to look and see WHY they slam the curriculum. Is there a link to something else?

  • @alonnaalt
    @alonnaalt 5 років тому +1

    You explained this so graciously and clearly. Thank you for your honest, challenging, yet very freeing explanation. I very much respect your reasoning and did not feel that you were bashing at all.

  • @Couragedearheart445
    @Couragedearheart445 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for making this video! I admire your courage and conviction to do what you believed was right. You're right in that we are all responsible for how we influence others, and we need to consider carefully how we use our platform and voice because we are accountable for it. Thanks for being faithful.

  • @DavisFamilyCraze
    @DavisFamilyCraze 6 років тому +106

    Wow girlfriend! I was not a Homeschool On follower and this popped up on my feed. I am still digesting all you said and chewing on it. However, I must say that I am proud as a fellow Christian that you stood on what called you to in the face of adversity. It is so hard to do and often many back down or fold. Prayers for you as you continue on your homeschooling journey. ❤️

  • @tuppstyle2011
    @tuppstyle2011 6 років тому +2

    You go girl! I respect this video you made! Good thing I saw it before I made my big purchase but I honestly completely agree with you. Its who u support and what it makes u look especially in your stand point. May God bless you and give you wisdom to make right decision and to not be afraid to speak out. I dont even know what it is u believe or follow you even but I feel like I get you 100%

  • @heyyall5607
    @heyyall5607 6 років тому +124

    I already ordered TGATB for this coming school year and I knew that Jenny was LDS before ordering. I wasn't aware of the extra info offered on her site. We are not LDS, but I feel as though I am grounded enough to notice if there is anything that would conflict with my faith. It may be our first and last year with TGATB, we'll see.
    I saw your Facebook video on it and I hate it that so many people lashed out at you in anger and with unkind words. I thank you for being honest and sharing your feelings and your opinions without bashing Jenny or the curriculum. You made it plain that it's a good curriculum, but you feel accountable as a Christian for anything you endorse. May God bless you for your honesty and openess.

    • @trishschmidt8530
      @trishschmidt8530 6 років тому +15

      I agree with you on most of this, BUT there are some inconsistencies in her approach. Because she isn't scrutinizing the rest of the materials she uses for her homeschool like she does to TG&TB. Why not? If she has the responsibility as she says? Something is not matching up to me and so to me the credibility of this is lost.

    • @HomeschoolOn
      @HomeschoolOn  5 років тому +20

      Thank you! I have been refraining from responding but I get the notifications when comments come, I see them, and it is so frustrating not to defend my heart or explain further. I have learned at this point it is fruitless. So instead I divert my time to other things :) ❤️

    • @JHGalvas
      @JHGalvas 5 років тому

      @@trishschmidt8530 I think she addresses this at 11:45.

    • @Comanche_Viking
      @Comanche_Viking 4 роки тому

      Exactly ❤️ if I were her I would have made the exact same decision I think.

    • @amythinks
      @amythinks 3 роки тому +10

      @@HomeschoolOn Most people have no idea what LDS beliefs are. I'm a Catholic and I actually can't use your Gather Round curriculum as it contradicts my faith, but our differences as Christians are a drop in the bucket compared to LDS. I think because we are accustomed to disagreeing within different denominations, people who do not know what is at the heart of LDS just kinda think it's the same sort of differences that we already have amongst us. They have no clue. I picture the shock on your face as your read through the LDS insights. Once you know, you know. And you get it. If people knew more about Mormonism, they wouldn't be as critical of you, I think.

  • @brandyching8851
    @brandyching8851 5 років тому +4

    I am so proud of you!! Obedience is hard but it is always worth it! Fear of man is a snare!!

  • @lisaengland880
    @lisaengland880 5 років тому +18

    I’m new with you and with homeschooling . This will be my first year homeschooling my child . I feel the Lord directed me to homeschool and gave me peace about doing so . One of my closest friends are LDS. There’s not a very large community of Mormons around here but they are honestly some of the most dedicated people I’ve ever known as far as moral values . Stronger than some protestant /Christians I’ve known . But I do get what your saying .

  • @daniellegraves4872
    @daniellegraves4872 6 років тому

    Love this...thank you for your courage to follow your convictions and your humility to make the switch publicly. I recently got a little backlash in a facebook homeschool group thread for sharing my same conviction, and your video here has been encouraging and confirming for me. I appreciate your understanding about holding yourself to a higher standard as an influential leader in the homeschool community, and absolutely agree with you. I certainly am not a leader in the homeschool community as you are, but I serve in pastoral ministry with my husband and often feel led by God to make decisions that are not always understood, and that aren't necessarily wrong for others...but would be wrong for me as one whom others look to for guidance. I've actually just learned about your channel through this video, but am now a subscriber! Your heart here, and your decision to switch, makes me respect and trust where you're coming from as a homeschool voice. I see your willingness to make adjustments and changes as a great strength and evidence of a humble heart!

  • @darlenerodgers9910
    @darlenerodgers9910 5 років тому +4

    Good for you! Good for you for separating from something that you felt a conviction over! 👏🏻 Praise to God! I have been looking at MB for a while.

  • @christinaables8012
    @christinaables8012 4 роки тому +4

    I am so encouraged by your sensitivity and obedience to the Holy Spirit's leading. You have a beautiful heart for the Lord. Praying for continual guidance as you continue to lean on Him throughout your journey 😊

  • @ogcherchenko
    @ogcherchenko 4 роки тому

    Hi Rebecca, I'm so happy I found you. I've been praying for God to lead me to the right videos since there's so many. I admire your honesty and confidence. God bless you in your journey!

  • @lindseyloveslearning
    @lindseyloveslearning 5 років тому +111

    I am seeing this way later but I feel impressed to leave a comment. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints I offer my perspective. I have lots of Christian friends who go to different Christian churches. I love being friends with people with different opinions and have found it interesting to note how so many different Christians disagree on so many doctrines. What I like about TGATB is that it focuses on what we all agree on as Christians: trying to follow in His footsteps, to love as He loved, and become better people. I love that TGATB teaches values and good character that I think we can all agree on. By their fruits ye shall know them.

  • @Loyalty19
    @Loyalty19 5 років тому

    Amen, that's right. This is the first thing I watched regarding the curriculum. Glad the Holy Spirit told me to click your video!! I'll be following you, I'm new to homeschooling this year!!

  • @vitaliyab
    @vitaliyab 5 років тому +4

    Love love love that you made this video and opened up your heart and stood up to all the hate from people! Me as a Christian, I appreciate this video since I was about to order a book from them.

  • @petagayejolly7577
    @petagayejolly7577 6 років тому +4

    Thank you so much for this video!!! I appreciate your honesty❤ I too started TGTB and discontinued it after one month because it was too long for each lesson. I also have 5 kids and prefer to simplify things for our book work. You have very valid concerns regarding the theology connected to it and I applaud you for taking responsibility for that as a lot of Christians follow your advice, you did the right thing👍God bless you!!!

  • @millerfam766
    @millerfam766 5 років тому +2

    I really appreciate that you posted this video because I was considering The Good and The Beautiful but I was not aware that it was created from a LDS perspective. I feel the same way as you, so I appreciate your upfront honesty. I have been following your reviews as I get ready for Grade 1 next year. Thank you so much for your videos! :)

    • @pattyg8204
      @pattyg8204 Рік тому +1

      I don't think it is created from an LDS perspective, though. ?

  • @jesslynn4354
    @jesslynn4354 2 роки тому +15

    I know this video is older but I’ve been on a rabbit trail looking for info to confirm my convictions on good and beautiful. I used some of the curriculum this year because let’s face it.. it’s great! It’s amazing. I’m drawn to it so much. I was planning on going all the way with it next year and even for my preschooler. I was so excited. I loved everything about it.
    But then I watched the most recent update video about why Jenny started good and beautiful. And there were things I heard I felt like God making it stand out to me. I knew that she was Mormon but like everyone else I didn’t see anything in the curriculum that said anything about it and so to me it was not big deal. But in her video she said that she was helping opening schools with that money and I can’t help but think that they will be heavily influenced in Mormon belief. After further research of what Mormons believe I am heavily convicted to not support that endeavor and the agenda she has in place. I’m so sad about. I’m sad that Satan is a big deceiver to so many people and I hope that people seek truth and seek it fervently . I support this video 100% I support your blog about it 100% no one is talking about this because everyone wants to be tolerant. Being tolerant can be so very dangerous in some aspects. I pray eyes are opened. ♥️

  • @samanthasmorong7519
    @samanthasmorong7519 4 роки тому +4

    PRAISE!! I am just finding this in 2020 and I have to say, I’m so happy to hear the other side. I just started researching homeschool curriculum, and found nothing but TGATB. As someone who is in Canada, Indigenous & Catholic, I can not wait to try YOUR curriculum.

  • @hannahj4265
    @hannahj4265 5 років тому +2

    Hey Rebecca! I just found you! ❤️ After watching a couple of your videos, I believe we are pretty aligned in our views. I used TGATB last year. And we loved it! IMO its much better than so many curriculums out there. I didn’t disagree with anything, but am excited to try our new Masterbooks, A Reason For, and CLE for the most part. I found that in trying to keep faith and foundation neutral, it nearly negates it. Yes, I can then teach my children what I like, but it is more work. When I opened Masterbooks Science I realized what I was missing. God first. And props to you for following your heart. Can’t wait to see what you’re working on!! Hugs and prayers!!

  • @Tatersthezebra88
    @Tatersthezebra88 5 років тому +2

    I just wanted to say thank you for making this video. It really gave me the push to drive deeper into other curriculums. Up until this video the good and the beautiful is all I had ever heard about and researching other curriculums seemed intense and daunting. My husband and I have a heart for transitioning LDS and we definitly feel conviction over where our curriculum comes from. After considering the curriculum writers faith (and that this curriculum is advertised as Christian) we started looking into other faith based curriculums and found some that we absolutely loved! I am with you in the sense that the good and the beautiful was such a beautiful curriculum. The beauty is that we all have freedom in the Lord to choose the right educational path for our kids. I am thankful that you are not going against your conscience and thank you for making this video!

  • @marisaanderson4475
    @marisaanderson4475 6 років тому +14

    As a teacher to our children we should all follow what the Lord leads us to do!

  • @rachelbarnes5340
    @rachelbarnes5340 4 роки тому

    I love that you have stood up for your beliefs and have acted on your convictions, these kinds of decisions are super hard and the fallout can be brutal...God bless!!
    Thanks for all your reviews, they are super informative, I have enjoyed every one I have seen!!

  • @jacobjohannes7123
    @jacobjohannes7123 4 роки тому +18

    I LOVE how honest you’re being. I wish more public figures would honestly address their own accountability. Love you for this.

  • @katrinabrown6749
    @katrinabrown6749 5 років тому

    AWESOME! Love you Sis. I try to seek and hear God for directions just like you. I get it. Thank you for this testimony. I believe it will exhort and encourage others to do fhe same.

  • @rachelcapistrant9705
    @rachelcapistrant9705 5 років тому +72

    Personally, I believe it's a beautiful thing when brands with varying POVs can support one another and embrace those differences.

    • @kdchamberlain3
      @kdchamberlain3 5 років тому +3

      Rachel Capistrant ❤️❤️

    • @kdchamberlain3
      @kdchamberlain3 5 років тому +6

      Love that. I love an environment where diversity is honored and respected

  • @gildameyer5089
    @gildameyer5089 6 років тому +17

    I love this! I love your honesty and how you seek to honor God in the way you’re called to glorify Him. And yes, you are absolutely right!!! Thank you for honoring your calling and your place of influence!

  • @mimiahilleh989
    @mimiahilleh989 4 роки тому

    Was about to order when I saw your video. Thank you very much. It has helped me decide

  • @meutod2
    @meutod2 4 роки тому +2

    I’m a new homeschool mom, I truly appreciate this video. Thank you 🙏

  • @roxyperson8328
    @roxyperson8328 3 роки тому +19

    So what I am really hearing is I want to sell my stuff and I don’t want to give the impression that I align with LDS doctrine. I don’t want people to not buy my stuff because I use a certain curriculum. so I had to switch curriculum even though it was working for my family. 😁

    • @roxyperson8328
      @roxyperson8328 3 роки тому +3

      Btw I don’t use TGATB and I am not LDS I’m just reading between the lines.

    • @Emily-kc7oo
      @Emily-kc7oo 2 роки тому +1

      That is exactly what I discerned.

    • @katied6126
      @katied6126 Рік тому

      But it was not working for her family b/c it involved too much hopping around to do various 1-1 times with all her kiddos..

  • @hollywentworth7734
    @hollywentworth7734 5 років тому

    Totally respect you and your decision! Good for you for listening to your convictions even though you knew it wouldn't be a popular choice. I hope God blesses you for listening.

  • @brittneyrich8442
    @brittneyrich8442 4 роки тому +7

    I was researching this as a first-time homeschool mother and I cannot say enough how much I appreciate your stand. Thank you for being honest and drawing a clear line in the stand for you and others. We feel the same for our family and testimony. I would hate to be one who would allow my decisions to cause confusion in others as well. I think God honors that. Thank you again!

  • @MackenKracken
    @MackenKracken 5 років тому +4

    Something was pulling me away from TGATB. Whether it was money or availability, it just wasn't happening. Looking into it I had initial concerns about the connection to LDS, but pushed aside my doubts and had my mind set on going ahead. I went to order it today and somehow I ended up on this video. It totally convicted me and validated my doubts! I think this video was done very lovingly and eloquently. I am terribly brokenhearted that people would be in such an uproar about you opening up and being honest. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your journey. Bless you!

  • @BusyMomma1000
    @BusyMomma1000 3 роки тому

    I appreciated your difficult decision! We totally get the position you're in. ♡

  • @davitodd9299
    @davitodd9299 5 років тому

    I highly respect your boldness in putting yourself out there. As a veteran home school mom who recently started speaking more publicly it is not easy to put your life out there and deal with all negative things that come with it.

  • @bethanylaurenreads
    @bethanylaurenreads 5 років тому +2

    Thank you SO much for explaining this!

  • @onehomeschoolundergodoneho8668
    @onehomeschoolundergodoneho8668 6 років тому +1

    I'm glad you came out with this video.

  • @brittanycates8908
    @brittanycates8908 2 роки тому

    Thank you for your honesty. In this day and time it is so hard but we have to stand up for our beliefs and convictions. Love to
    You and your family!

  • @isabrinah
    @isabrinah 3 роки тому +1

    Omgggg love thissss she is soo right! Home schooling is all about having your own mindset and working on it 👌👌👌

  • @kspottywood
    @kspottywood 6 років тому +2

    Bravo! I’m proud of you for standing for your belief and putting your trust in God’s plan for your life. I know that must have been a hard decision. I learn about the good and the beautiful from you and we are using it next year. This did not deter me from changing my plans for next year but grows my respect for you!

  • @crunchybeen4263
    @crunchybeen4263 6 років тому +2

    As a pastor's wife and a 12th year homeschooler who uses CM curriculum already, I am very appreciative of your video. New subscriber!

  • @amcguire1034
    @amcguire1034 6 років тому +1

    Your honesty and integrity is very appreciated! I was considering TGTB for kindergarten but ultimately went with My Father's World because of the simplicity of it.

  • @amandahenley7298
    @amandahenley7298 6 років тому

    I LOVE the way you approached this!

  • @ruthie2759
    @ruthie2759 Рік тому

    This!!! Its a 4 year old video but I've been researching and felt like this was exactly what was on our heart wow thank you for putting this out there

  • @CLynne-oy1og
    @CLynne-oy1og 3 роки тому +51

    I’m not even LDS and this video reinforces my desire to continue using the good and the beautiful curriculum! Yay glad I’m using it! We just started last year but it’s amazing. As the girl in the video states the curriculum is amazing and has no LdS specific doctrine contained in any of its curriculum. It’s just amazing stuff!

    • @paolayap4858
      @paolayap4858 Рік тому

      what is LDS?

    • @danielleswensen1543
      @danielleswensen1543 Рік тому

      Latter-day Saint. It's shorthand for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • @tashiba-thejoyfulwarrior6445
    @tashiba-thejoyfulwarrior6445 6 років тому +9

    Thank you for being so brave to even voice your opinion! We are using Master Books this year for Bible & Apologetics. I still love TG&TB LA but we only use it for Reading Fluency. This is one of the main reasons History was out of the question. I wish you the best in your Master Books journey.

    • @jalisamoore8633
      @jalisamoore8633 Рік тому

      Can you tell me what you use for Bible and Apologetics through Masterbooks? What is it called?

  • @tricianottingham1785
    @tricianottingham1785 6 років тому +4

    God bless you for your obedience and heart.

  • @crunchybeen4263
    @crunchybeen4263 4 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing your heart. I too had concerns and convictions. I love your videos.

  • @sarahsmith5077
    @sarahsmith5077 5 років тому +1

    Your explaination was perfect! No need to clarify. Love your videos ;-)

  • @christiancarpenter6497
    @christiancarpenter6497 6 років тому +2

    Thank you for this review!!

  • @caseyh.2246
    @caseyh.2246 6 років тому +2

    Awesome! I LOVE Master Books! 💕

  • @deannatabor4097
    @deannatabor4097 3 роки тому

    This video took so much courage and I admire your stand. We need Christians that can take a stand for their beliefs without being ugly! Thank you so much Rebecca ❤️

  • @luthergirl106
    @luthergirl106 5 років тому +1

    Thank you for posting this video. As a Lutheran I appreciate your insight 💖

  • @shaysjs3376
    @shaysjs3376 6 років тому +14

    Oh my word! Bless you! I purchased a large order from TG&TB, and though I greatly appreciate your vids on that curricula.. I did not purchase it because of your vids.. I will never understand anyone giving another person a hard time about personal life choices. We live in a free society as a free people. Those whom disagree need to move on. Live and let live. Pray you have a very blessed & peaceful homeschooling year. Thank you so much for being here, and for taking the time to share. I truly believe that you share from your heart, and care a great deal for others. Greatly appreciate your most recent vid on the curriculum you're using this year...some of which we've never even heard about; and I am looking into it ASAP. A lot of what you're using with your sweet DD who's dealing with learning challenges.. I'm thinking quite possibly may help our presh girl.. Your wisdom & willingness to meet your children right where they are, and find resources that will aid them in their learning is such a great encouragement to me.. Thank you so very much.. Happy Homeschooling, Rebecca .. Homeschool On..mama.. Homeschool On.. ^_^

  • @elizabethking6796
    @elizabethking6796 4 роки тому

    I love your honesty and how kindly you spoke about, to some people, a touchy subject. I found your explanations very respectful.
    Thank you so much for making this video. I thought about purchasing TGATB, but I am so happy I came across this video first. Not only does my family believe in more of a Pentecostal viewpoint, but also I think the intensity of the program wouldn't have been suitable for us. I was already sold on Master Books after coming across your more recent videos, but my choice is now confirmed.
    You definitely do hold a position of influence and I respect how highly you consider how people view you. For an average person, "worrying" about how you are viewed is not incredibly important, but it is for you and it's nice to see how well you handle it.
    From a fellow Canadian, your videos are very helpful to me. Thank you for all of your time and effort that goes into your content. I look forward to your videos to come. God bless you and your family, in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

  • @deniseholway234
    @deniseholway234 5 років тому

    So glad that you Listen and hear His voice and seek His will. What a breath of fresh air, to see conviction and a desire to speak the truth. I love that you care about your testimony(as you should). Thanks for the honesty. I have so much more respect for you. Looking forward to see how God will grown your business and what you publish. thank you!

  • @mamatofive1
    @mamatofive1 6 років тому +72

    I’ve heard about The Good and the Beautiful constantly lately, and your review was very helpful! Everyone has to choose for themselves, and I definitely respect the conclusion you’ve come to. To be on a level that you are, where thousands of Christian homeschoolers are following you, that definitely makes this choice extra important!

    • @JimHarmer
      @JimHarmer 6 років тому +28

      Would it be okay if she told everyone she wasn't patronizing a particular business because the owner were Jewish? We would all IMMEDIATELY recognize that as unacceptable religious intolerance. What makes this okay?

    • @sharayahsunshine11
      @sharayahsunshine11 6 років тому +16

      She did not attack Jenny in any way. Nor did she disparage the Mormon faith. If you watched this video you would see that.

    • @JimHarmer
      @JimHarmer 6 років тому +25

      @Sharayah B. - You didn't answer my question. Would it be okay if she told everyone she wasn't patronizing a particular business because the owner were Jewish? We would all IMMEDIATELY recognize that as unacceptable religious intolerance. What makes this okay? How about a Muslim? Should we boycott their businesses too? Catholics?
      She says it all in a very nice way, but essentially she says the ONLY issue she has with TGATB is that the creator is a Mormon. She said she has NO issue with the content--just the business owner's PERSONAL religious conviction. Just because she says it in a sweet and nice way doesn't make this okay. Religious intolerance is not acceptable.

    • @cy8125
      @cy8125 6 років тому +15

      If the curriculum was by a Jewish person or a Muslim claiming that the curriculum is Christian and even has Jewish and Muslim material on sale on the same website to like it to the curriculum, I would absolutely have no problem with her saying she felt a conviction to not promote the curriculum. Many Christians do not believe Mormon is Christian and in fact believe they are false doctrine. Therefore, if she recommends a product that claims to be Christian curriculum but is in fact written by someone not Christian and that has content available along side the curriculum that promotes a different belief, then she is responsible if someone goes to that website on her recommendation (as a Christian) and reads the material promoting LDS or even just confuses LDS to be the same as Christian. If an LDS person wrote a handwriting course that doesn't claim to be Christian but was just a handwriting course, then she would be fine with it. But if an LDS person wrote a handwriting course and claimed it was Christian curriculum and put some Christian ideas into it, but also included LDS info available on the site that is different. I don't understand why you don't see that distinction.

    • @JimHarmer
      @JimHarmer 6 років тому +8

      C York - That’s not what’s happening here. Your scenario says a Muslim could rightfully not use a curriculum because it taught a different belief system. That’s not-at all- what is happening here. She says in the video she has NO PROBLEM with the course content, but doesn’t like the personal beliefs of the owner of the business. Major difference.

  • @truthlover4585
    @truthlover4585 4 роки тому

    It’s a journey Sis. Its important to have a ‘hearing ear’ at ALL stages of the process -pre, mid and post. I learned something from your post for myself. May Jesus continue to bless you and your fam! 😌

  • @shandiinlucas2568
    @shandiinlucas2568 6 років тому +33

    Wow! I have been waiting for someone to post something about this. My heart was and is being asked to do the same. I applaud you for standing strong in your convictions. Praise God for His faithfulness, leading and peace in this decision.

  • @annjanetteellsworth3059
    @annjanetteellsworth3059 5 років тому

    I just recently started watching your channel. I completely agree with your reasoning! There is a difference when you are a person of influence. Thank the Lord he gave you the grace to trust his leading for your family and business.

  • @AishaIzg
    @AishaIzg 3 роки тому +37

    I’m actually Muslim by Faith and I use Good and Beautiful curriculum.
    In Islam we believe in One Ultimate God who created everything. We believe in all the Prophets as well as Jesus as a Prophet of God and we highly respect him. I like that in the curriculum they use the word God and they make things very general. We believe in same values, good manners, respect of other’s beliefs and I think it’s beautifully blended in the curriculum

    • @kellythomas1916
      @kellythomas1916 3 роки тому +14

      Hi Aisha! I was just scrolling through the comments and happened to see yours ❤️ I'm grateful for your perspective! I would say it's hard to honor and respect Jesus as a prophet considering He declared and proved Himself as God.. He would either be who He says He is or be a crazy heretic, you know?

    • @divinelov3777
      @divinelov3777 Рік тому +1

      I’m glad to see your comment as my husbands family is Muslim, my family is Christian and we both believe in God but no specific religions. He would prefer not to teach Christianity to our kids and I would prefer not to teach Islam but we want to teach them about God. It’s a tough situation but your comment made me more willing to try it out

    • @AishaIzg
      @AishaIzg Рік тому

      @@kellythomas1916 I don’t believe God can be born and can be three in one. As a Muslim I believe in One Ultimate God, Creator of everything. He was not born nor did he have a son. He is One and Only. The One who sent all the Prophets with their unique miracles. This is what I believe. As Quran says to you be your religion and to me be mine ❤️Peace❤️

    • @AishaIzg
      @AishaIzg Рік тому

      @@kellythomas1916 We also believe as Muslims that Jesus’s (peace be upon him) original message was to worship one and Only God, but people changed his message and it was distorted.

    • @AandTtate1976
      @AandTtate1976 Рік тому +1

      And that is why we as Christians don’t want to teach our children about the false religion you believe in.

  • @1preadulce
    @1preadulce Рік тому

    I appreciate your insights and thankful that you shared them. God bless your family!

  • @jennlatona2797
    @jennlatona2797 2 роки тому +1

    I'm grateful to have finally decided to buy Gather Round...I sat around waiting to practice wisdom before I jumped onto buying any curriculum. The LORD has brought me through my homeschool journey and I've found my place in the Charlotte Mason approach/Unit Studies. But this further solidifies my thankfulness that my journey has brought me to you. Seeing that you're with such strong conviction and discernment, I'm happy to align myself with Gather Round all the more! I hope this finds you well, I hope you're strengthened and encouraged dear sister 🙏🏻♥️

  • @victoriarandall3072
    @victoriarandall3072 2 роки тому +1

    Solidified my conviction on it. Thanks for posting ( I know it's old). Following our convictions are important and God will bless obedience.❤

  • @leilaphillips8170
    @leilaphillips8170 5 років тому +1

    Thank you!!!!! This really spoke to me.

  • @kimberlywhitefield1150
    @kimberlywhitefield1150 11 місяців тому

    I was not following you before but the fact that you took the time to do this. I am definitely a follower now. You are human and allowed to change your mind. And you are speaking to something that you know will matter to others.

  • @MustardseedMomma68
    @MustardseedMomma68 2 роки тому +1

    I just saw this and saw your blog as I was so glad, because I was going to order some things from them! I shared your post, on several homeschool sites because I was concerned about what you said.
    WOW! Did I get lambasted, cursed and torn down... just for sharing your blog! I have started praying for you because if I was attacked, I knew that you still are being attacked.

  • @KeeperofHome
    @KeeperofHome 6 років тому

    I respect this so much! Well said.

  • @vanderform
    @vanderform 5 років тому

    I thought this was well articulated and totally understand your point of you! Good for you for listening to what God told you to do!

  • @shayladavidson3536
    @shayladavidson3536 4 роки тому +21

    I did not know the GATB had any add-ons available supporting core beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I tried to find it on their website and could not. All I can find is a consistent view of non-denominational Christianity throughout their website and in their curriculum. Let me know where you found that...I would love it if there were. I love the joy that the Good and the Beautiful has brought into our family life. I believe all good and beautiful things come from Jesus Christ and I believe my finding this curriculum was an answer to my sincere prayer. It is confusing to me why anyone would feel their testimony threatened by anything that is good and beautiful and testifies of God’s hand in the lives of men. However, like you said, everyone can choose for themselves. Thank the Lord for that!

    • @username00009
      @username00009 3 роки тому +1

      The LDS supplements are only available for history and you have to request them via email - I went looking because this video makes it sound like a person could easily come across those resources and become “confused” about their non-LDS Christian faith.
      I find this video to be misleading in that sense. She would have been better off sticking with her main point about needing more curriculum that makes it easy to teach multiple age levels. If she wanted to touch on the religious component, she could have said that she felt convicted to stop referring people to a company that will tithe to the LDS church. Instead she made this convoluted claim about people potentially becoming confused???

    • @uke-n-leletations1504
      @uke-n-leletations1504 3 роки тому +1

      Just because they are mormon not using a curriculum confuses me. I'm not going to stop using other Christian curriculum just because they don't go with my same religious group. There are sooo many good Christian authors and books out there that teach light. Dont shut yourself off to it just because you dont like the religious group.

  • @Abiding.Farmhouse
    @Abiding.Farmhouse 6 років тому +2

    Thanks so much for this video!! What do you recommend for a good history curriculum for multiple grades?

    • @RoseKingSweetTeaandRosez
      @RoseKingSweetTeaandRosez 6 років тому

      Our nest Master Books is my new go to. Angela O'dell's America's Story is amazing. We just started it. I can't wait to move on to her World's Story next. 😊

  • @crazycoco313
    @crazycoco313 6 років тому +60

    I would be hesitant to publicly support the good and the beautiful as well. I love the curriculum and will still use it because it’s perfect for our family, but if me using it could cause confusion to hundreds or thousands of people... you bet I’d switch too.

  • @beckyj325
    @beckyj325 6 років тому +2

    I was trying to find the controversy video that others were talking about... Not sure if this is it? Still trying to decide what to use for 2nd next fall. Also confused on why she's not looking at the camera. Seems to be only this video? 🙈

  • @theclassysassymama7515
    @theclassysassymama7515 5 років тому +6

    First, I wanted to say that it takes a lot of courage to speak to your convictions and to be willing to re-evaluate your choices, so kudos to you for that! Secondly, I just want to add that I see too often in the homeschooling community that we end up almost forming curriculum "cults"; by that I mean, we find a curriculum and like it or it becomes popular and people want to go all in with that and nothing but that and feel that anyone who is not choosing that same curriculum is somehow personally attacking them and I see this a lot when I say that we also quit using most of the TGATB curriculum (for academic reasons, not personal ones).
    I think this problems stems from how society tries to make homeschooling mothers feel inadequate and undermines your confidence. So people feel that if they're using what everyone is using then they're doing it "right" and if someone criticizes that particular curriculum for whatever reason then they are somehow attacking their choices and fitness to do this amazing job of homeschooling. This; however, is simply not the case. What we all need to realize is that the very heart of homeschooling itself is about choice. Every single one of our children are unique individuals and what works for one child may not be the right choice for another; even within the same family. If TGATB, or whatever curriculum works for you, that's great, share your store so others can be more informed. But if it does not work for you for whatever reason, then that's fine to, share your story to! We need to hear multiple view points from multiple people, it's not an attack, it's not personal, it doesn't mean that we all have to agree or like the same things but the more information that we have, the better equipped we are for making our own choices for our unique children.
    Honestly, I wish more people would share the "why I switched" kind of stories, because knowing why a particular curriculum, style, etc. does not work for your family is just as valuable as knowing why something did.

    • @schultesweeties
      @schultesweeties 5 років тому

      Love this!

    • @meredithn.4775
      @meredithn.4775 4 роки тому

      What was the academic reason that you stopped using it, if you don't mind me asking?

  • @TheCookingChronicleswithIngrid
    @TheCookingChronicleswithIngrid 6 років тому +78

    I am a Christian, my question to you would be why didn’t you do your homework and research before purchasing a curriculum? if your choice is not to be aligned with anything that has to do with LDS which you have stated that their beliefs are not included in the curriculum then why is it an issue now? And to be honest with now you have opened up a door for us as Christians people not to buy your product for the same reason due to your Christian beliefs..if the good and the beautiful is not promoting LDS beliefs or doctrine then I don’t see how you can use that as an equation to change curriculum what I do believe is that because you were going to use your own curriculum which I think is great I think you should’ve been more honest in stating your reasons why you are making a change such as because I am working on my own thing I have decided not to use the good and the beautiful.... for me if you really were concerned about your Christian beliefs and making sure that whatever you promote is not going to be misaligned with that you should have really thoroughly done your homework before promoting any product if you really want to take care or look after your brand...
    I do understand your point in the curriculum having LDS insight however once again and I have to repeat myself you kind of lost me with your credibility because you should have done a background check on this I mean if it’s in the website then why would you allow yourself to be placed in a position where you received this curriculum whether purchased it or received it as part of a review and promote it just doesn’t make sense to me. But I pray that you have clarity now.

    • @rseagulls100
      @rseagulls100 6 років тому +8

      Mommy & Mia Homeschool Chronicles You know, I was thinking this too. I went to the TGATB website and read all about it and decided it wasn't for us immediately. It's true, one must be careful of what we promote. I'm sure Rebecca found out the hard way. We all make mistakes though, right? Live and learn is what I say.

    • @TheCookingChronicleswithIngrid
      @TheCookingChronicleswithIngrid 6 років тому +2

      Rosie S. Yes you are right!

    • @emt587
      @emt587 6 років тому +7

      Valid question, my guess is that she was like everyone else right now who is swayed by the hype of tg&tb.

    • @thewilddesk639
      @thewilddesk639 6 років тому +5

      Mommy & Mia Homeschool Chronicles I totally agree! If your going to use a curriculum for your kids make sure it lines up with what you believe. That includes where and who it comes from.

    • @trishschmidt8530
      @trishschmidt8530 6 років тому +11

      So true! Then she said she has other things she uses that she didn't do research on or that she didn't research everything she utilizes in her homeschool. It just doesn't add up.

  • @1Gibson
    @1Gibson 5 років тому +9

    But you didn't have to do all these things... as homeschool mammas, we can chose to skip and or interject our own things and remove or skip over what a curriculum may have....

  • @BeautifullyBlissfulButterfly
    @BeautifullyBlissfulButterfly 4 роки тому

    I am new to you but I recently bought your "More Than Words" grades 4 through 6 grade for my twin 9 year olds and 11 year old! They LOVE it! We plan on ordering your curriculum for the new year starting with the Bird study! I appreciate you and your depth of knowledge and effort you have taken to bless so many families with Christ-centered curriculum!! The Lord Himself led us to you for sure, and I couldn't be more thrilled!!!

  • @mandythislovelypath3740
    @mandythislovelypath3740 6 років тому +26

    Thank you for saying what I've said since day 1! I live in an area 99% LDS, and was hyper sensitive to it as an evangelical Christian. Keep speaking truth, girl.

  • @sandrasnow3569
    @sandrasnow3569 Рік тому +30

    I have tried a lot of curriculum, but have never found anything I like more than The Good and the Beautiful. Their Language Arts is the best I have ever found and their Math curriculum (we just started using this year) actually makes math fun for my kids.
    Everyone has a right to choose what works best for their family. I'm still going to use The Good and the Beautiful, because it is good & beautiful. I am not a Muslim, but if a Muslim painted a beautiful picture that I loved, I would hang it on my wall. I am not a Catholic, but if a Catholic sold a beautiful clothing pattern, I would still buy it. I am not an Atheist, but if an Atheist wrote a beautiful poem, I would still read it.

  • @jeffreyandshannonhazleton1524
    @jeffreyandshannonhazleton1524 6 років тому +4

    Very well said; I appreciate your honesty. I think you handled this very well. We love TGTB so I know that personally this had to have been a very difficult decision for you. Were I in the public realm, I would have to face the same decision as a Christian.

  • @CalledtoCultivate
    @CalledtoCultivate 6 років тому +4

    Very interesting; thanks for sharing! Best of luck to you in your new journey as a curriculum writer. 😁

  • @kaonoulu
    @kaonoulu 2 роки тому

    Thank you for doing this video!!! I didn’t know that. I agree with you.

  • @EjKep
    @EjKep 2 роки тому

    I admire you for sharing your personal convictions and reasoning behind choosing to move away from TGATB instead of going against your conscience or even just quietly stopping without explaining. That takes guts.

  • @heathermicola3894
    @heathermicola3894 6 років тому +4

    Good job for following what God has lead you to do! Looking forward to seeing what you write.

  • @tlacochitta
    @tlacochitta 6 років тому

    Hi! Thank you for ten video! I like to way you expressed about the subject. May I asked you, where did you find the mormon teaching in the curriculum, I have not decided yet if I am going to use The Good and the beautiful, but I would like to know where to pay attention or uf it si Very clear when a LSD literature is suggested by the curriculum. Thank you so much