Longboard vs Skateboard vs Cruiser (Beginner Breakdown)
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- It seems obvious to most, but I realized there are many beginners out there who are still confused. Here are some differences between longboards, skateboards, and cruisers.
Longboards vs Surfskates: • Longboards vs Surfskat...
5 Longboard Beginner Tips: • 5 Things I Wish I Knew...
7 Longboard Hacks: • 7 Simple Longboard HACKS
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Our mission is to get more people into skateboarding and carry it as a lifelong passion. Skateboarding is more than just a wooden plank with four wheels. It's a way to connect with friends, leave behind the daily grind and express who you are. No matter what style you choose, it's all valid. The ride is the reward.
#longboardvsskateboard #longboardvscruiser #concretewaves
bruh I have literally been having a crisis about which board to ask for for my birthday I love you and your hair
hahah glad me and my hair could help 🤔
Same bro
Always grab something with a kick tail for starters
Great to cruise
Great to pop
Great for control
Exactly what I'm looking for I love you
I definitely can relate to you. I used/loved a regular skateboard in my teens but now as a adult, I am absolutely fascinated with carving and smooth ride of cruisers!
You got a cruiser or a longboard?
I know the difference between all these types of boards, but I watch these videos because they are simply the best. Keep up the great work man! ; )
Really appreciate that Tomas. Thanks man!
Even as an experienced skater in all departments, I still enjoyed this video and I believe this channel is highly underrated for such quality and straightforward content
Really appreciate that, thank you!
To this day the best thing I've ever ridden was my buddy's bamboo longboard 8 years ago. 3 pretty light pushes and the thing maintained a constant speed for a good 300m on mostly flat ground with many bumps and pebbles in the path. I couldn't feel any inconsistencies in the pavement, it was like riding on air. Since then the only thing that has come close was riding my snowboard through fresh powder that had just fallen onto a recently groomed trail.
Seriously if you want a luxurious ride, buy a nice longboard.
Seeing this comment, i think a longboard and some soft wheels might be exactly what I'll get. When I first got a board, I didn't know what type of board it was until I watched this video. Turns out it's a skateboard 😕. The only reason I'm sad about it is because all i wanna do is just ride up and down the streets and around my suburban city. And skateboards are more specifically for performing tricks, of which I don't intend on doing 🥲.
@@i_just_did_your_mom_LoL naw dont be sad at all i barely do tricks i mainly need to cruise and get to places as fast as possible so i jus put longboard wheels on my skateboard and it feels like riding on a cloud so thats really the best of both world
@@MARTINEZ-fo4ve I have no idea why i didn't think of that beforehand, but big, soft wheels (hopefully not big to the point of getting frequent wheelbite) are definitely going on my Christmas list this year! 😄
@@i_just_did_your_mom_LoL naww dw ab wheelbite all u gotta remember is ur wheels have to be smaller den 70mm my wheels r from cloud ride and dey 62 mm and omg its fr feels like riding on a cloud and i never get wheelbite
@@MARTINEZ-fo4ve the sidewalk in my town is very rough and bumpy, but i hope it works 🥲🤞 (I also subscribed to you btw)
I bought a longboard recently and this helped me confirm that my decision on what to get was a good idea, thanks!
Thanks to your videos I just ordered a cruise board! Elimination is really a good method, I don't want to do tricks and don't have good clean roads for a longboard, so cruising it is :) Plus it fits into my suitcase for a trip to the Greek seaside.
Thank you for taking the time to make this video, I appreciate you.
Getting back into skating at 30 years old myself.
whats up guys! it's been a while but im glad yall are still at it, ima binge watch some vids now 😌
Thanks! Yup, still going and not stopping. Appreciate the support!
Nice I'm too lazy to go out rn so let's binge
Thanks for the great overview - breaking it down for newcomers so nicely. Right now I am using a longboard (without nose and tails) but after watching this vid I think I am going to get myself a cruiser next.....
It'd be interesting to see a video for people curious about longboard dancing and boardwalking. Longboarding has so many different vibes it's hard to pick when you're first starting
I had regular skateboard for a long time but never was interested in tricks too much. My friend gave me his long board and its such a smooth ride and bombing hills is crazy fun. The speed at first was scary but if your focused and determined you can have a lot of fun.
'go shred instead' just ordered a new longboard so hopefully soon. but content good dude, keep it up!
Thanks dude! Enjoy your new longboard!
Onestly i think i'm gonna get a cruiser because i'm not too keen on tricks but i want it to be more portable. This video was really helpful for me so thank you!
Excellent video. Honest and entertaining. I reckon a cruiser is for me... I basically want a longboard that is more portable
ugh *thank you!* i was wondering what TKP and RKP was after you'd mentioned it elsewhere and now you defined it and put it onscreen and that was SO helpful. now i don't have to look it up. just gotta remember KP is KingPin, and then R for reverse. appreciate it! man, i love the format of your vids, the graphics and how you pair text with audio and things like that. just SO good, such quality.
I like how you don't include the penny boards lol.
pEnNy bOaRdS aRe fOr pOsErS
New to skating, anyone wanna explain what's the deal with penny boards? 😗
Toys for people who don't really skate. Which is wierd because they're not easy boards to learn on either
@@beckydarrow penny boards are cruiser boards for convenience. They aren't big because that's not their purpose, they're meant to be a board that you can take across campus, around the beach, etc. Instead of taking a full sized 32inch board. Obviously they aren't the most comfortable to ride on but if a penny board seems like it is useful to you then buy one
@@hexxed4245 well said bro
Interesting information. 👍🏽
Attention to details, a black aproval emoji. Cool!
You should do a video about the different types in the longboard. Like what the strengths are of like top mount speed boards drop through drop deck (which barely exist anymore except micro drops in boards like the switchblade) and what type of riding they are built for. I think alot of people could use that information.
I live in a small apartment in the 9th floor and taking a bike up and down and storing it in my room is a pain. So I bought a longboard and it’s a game changer. It’s so portable and convenient. Plus no need to lock it outside.
"Truck tension" allows higher speed on shorter boards but then if you are too light it can be difficult to turn. Thus longboards came into existence to use a different way to allow stability and lack of higher speed wiggleout via something other than tightening the trucks to death.
I have to point out something. As kids, 20 years ago, we simply didn't know about longboards and especially cruisers. We sure wanted to do tricks, but when it came to riding through the streets, we simply declared it as impossible due to all that different street surfaces that were impossible to ride for us without instantly falling. Or were just uncomfortable or really hard to ride.. Now, after 2 decades and a fresher second look, it blew my mind that there were actually boards that seem to ignore the surface you ride, that don't care about 1 inch pebbles or finger-thick twigs and don't make you fall even if your downhill spot ends into a 20m long gravel track. Knowing that before could have changed my SB life completely. An when it comes to the term "obvious" I can say that you can't assume anything from beginners. Because they just don't know anything. We didn't. They need the best advice from people that know their stuff. We could have needed it.
Great insights, thanks for sharing this tim. I'll keep this in mind for future videos i make
I got the Dinghy based on your reccomendation about a year ago. Best choice ever and wouldn't have been able to make it without your help 😁
Hows the dinghy for light carving? I just ordered mine can't wait for it to get here!
@@mattarchey559 It's amazing for that, I use it mainly to go around town and to shops. Hopefully will also use it to commute to college a bit but it's great for everything whilst still saying small. Smooth ride too. Hope you enjoy it.
Im thinking of getting one
great video dude! nice production quality and great job explaining the differences and what those differences mean for the skater!
Stoked to hear that, thanks for watching and leaving a comment
Always thought only one board, now I’m on my second long board, and thinking of trying a cruiser next. It’s the 1 board mentality you need to rise above.
Learned a few new things in this video...you did a good job, and you didn't need that disclaimer at the start, IMO. I like the catchphrase "go shred instead" though, haha! :)
Dude I can't get over how well done your content is. Really informative the shots are clean af and the editing is smooth as butter 🧈👌
Long board : fast / long travel
Cruiser : casual stuff
Skateboard: tricks
Got a longboard and it’s fun, but it’s made me realize the differences between everything. I’m planning on getting a surfskate when I’m just trying to chill and not kick, this magneto dropdown with the glider wheels looks very neat and not too pricy either, and I’m starting to get an itch for a skateboard. Probably wouldn’t never ride it around, but literally just do tricks. I’d choose any other board than the skateboard to ride around 100%
Already knew but I stayed for the production quality and entertainment value. Please continue to make great videos !!!!! 🤘🤙
Ayyy appreciate that Cole! Thanks man
Thank you, Im old and wanted to be my teenage self again , only skateboards back in the day. Appreciate you making this, longboard for me .
I appreciate the little beginner tutorials. I've been skateboarding my entire teens and some of my twenties, but not much in my 30's at all.
I'm 41 and just checking the scene on some long boards and getting familiar with the whats out here, because I want to buy one, and just not familiar, so thanks man, I stuck around to watch.
Thankyou soo much for this extra Video for ne Newbies :) Really appreciate this!
Glad it was helpful 🙂🙏
I'm planning to buy a board that I'll mainly use for cruising.
I'm torn between getting a popsicle or a cruiser deck.
If I get a popsicle and put some cruiser wheels, I can still use it for tricks. Maybe swap the cruiser wheels with 90A+ wheels whenever I feel like doing tricks.
On the other hand, if I get the cruiser deck, it's much better for cruising but it's not really the best for doing tricks. While it's not impossible, I'll have a harder time pulling off tricks.
This is legit my favorite channel for board related stuff and honestly, might be my favorite channel on all of UA-cam. Love your work, can't wait for the next video
I like longboards because where I live is all mountain and roads. Iv been thinking about geting a mountainbord but I'm not shur yet
Do it, and slap a motor on it too!!!
I was tired of running all the time so I bought a long board and took it out for the first time today.
My main board is a cheap cruiser from big w $35 aud like $20 usd roughly. It doesn’t feel cheap, rides well, bearings are good wheels are smooth, deck if very solid and It won’t break the bank if it gets stolen
Where did you buy your cruiser?
@@theroomateisamuffin9524 literally big W 3 years ago
Thank you for this I have been so confused about the differences between these three
what happened to the 30$ penny boards at walmart, i cant find them anymore (from the actual penny brand, not an offbrand)
A penny for only this amount of money ?
@@lonelyberg1316 yeh
@@matthefat9445 wow 22" or 27" ?
@@lonelyberg1316 both, 27 was like 10 or 15 bucks morep
@@matthefat9445 wow
I really enjoy pin tail boards for cruising around town and you can still do certain tricks on them
Shred shack back at it again with a banger video 🔥🔥
When I was 13 I got my first board, it was a cruiser 9.25, it helped me get really comfortable before using a normal skateboard
Awesome - ya that's a solid way to build a foundation
I've been finding longboarding to be more difficult than a cruiser with me being a beginner still. It was mainly because the flex in the longboard made me feel not as confident because it's more unstable. The cruiser I was able to get in no time. I'm 6'4" 225 lbs with a size 14 shoe so I think the width in the cruiser help that part of my stability and balance.
which cruiser did u start with? I just started and am really thinking about getting the arbor pilsner (sale rn too!)
Do you have a link for the cruiser you ended up buying?
@@amaritsu Google Magneto Pintail longboard
Amazing explanation thanks ❤
Glad it helped 🙂🙏
I've been waiting for this video for so long..but I already bought a longboard like 2 days ago😭 why are you doing this to meee
Simple and clear, good job man
Just wanted to retake my "skateboarding" years from when i was a kid. I was a noob back then and still are but this is perfect for what i got in mind... Just cruise,.. thank you very much for the video man.. 😌
Freaked me out when he said Johnny
we are living in your walls johnny
Cruising for me. I love exploring places.
I'm 12 and I tried out my cousins longboard and fell in love but I'm wondering what to try out considering my parents are not going to buy me a super expensive board considering I'm a starter
Please try and convince them, if you go cheap for a walmart board it will be completely different for when you get a real board, because cheap means getting fake trucks, bearings, and sometimes even wheels. Try spending like 150
Im lucky since I have a local skate shop that only sells high quality items like skateboards, which the cheapest one is $165 (for kids)
I know this because a staff member stated it.
for me, I knew since I am much older and wanting to learn, I wanted something lower to the ground after getting to try my cousin's longboard. I was doing just fine and then his daughter wants to swap with me and it was SO much higher and I preferred the dropped deck for sure.
I skated in the early 70 and 80's
I'm gifting this video to my daughter, you got it right.🤙
I needed this video. Thanks!
As a 40 yr old I still believe in the popsicle shape deck. I no longer do tricks but still love the versatility of the popsicle skateboard. Dont like the cruiser shape board because I think there are just too much extra wood for my type of skating (cruiser decks are just to heavy for me). My current setup is popsicle 8.25, high rise trucks with cruiser wheel 58mm/ 87a. Fast and safe enough to cruise on roads and do some carving at the skatepark.
I'm 43 want to skate along a bike path near me. I'm going with a longboard. If I fall trying to do a kick flip my recovery time is triple from when I was younger. Great video it helped a lot.
Lol! Glad this vid helps 🤙🏼
Hey guys I think you should make a video about what skateboard bearings to get cause there’s so much bad info on UA-cam that so many people find confusing. :) Much love from the UK dudes🤘🏽
Great as usual mate. Definitely good for beginners. Keep it up!!
Great video! Thank you for sharing your insights! What is the name of the longboard you have in the picture?
Glad it was helpful! That's the Loaded Tan Tien
Hadn’t skateboarded in years, brought a mini longboard eggboard knockoff to Brazil cuz at 19” X 10” it fit in my suitcase. 72mm wheels rolled sweet and got some fun footage. When I got home I got a Landyachtz ATV 36”x10” and 66mm wheels. Its cool, just got their longboard now have yet to get a good dry day but its 40”x9” w 70mm wheels and bottom mounted, I think its gonna be great
Never skated before like to a serious matter but I just picked up the sector 9 ninety five cruiser.. been stuck inside the last year so I figured I’d treat myself. Been riding it around and I gotta say I do like it. Very smooth.
I call them longboards, cruiser boards, and trick boards. To me, they're all skateboards.
love the cinematics , was just gonna go cruising today cuz its warmer in nj now
I'm about to do the same. Gonna be a beautiful day for cruising! Yewww
You're the best youtuber
Keep going man! 👍👍👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪💪
Thanks Robbe. Stoked you keep showing up and supporting. Means a lot!!
this channel only makes hits. The Barry Bonds of Boards. love the content! grade A kick flips in this video too. I’ll be back next week
@@concrete-waves that can be a tongue twister if you think about it lol
thanks for this video. this sure helps a newbie like me!
Just my 2 cents, many Modern cruisers are what street and ramp boards were in the 80's and most of us did everything. While some skaters from back then are known for street more or vert more, most skated everything.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing this
is it a good idea to put longboard trucks or wheels at least on a skateboard instead of a cruiser board? like what if I just want to cruise but also make tricks occasionally
I have just bought a basic 8 x 31" skateboard. I have only ever cruised - used my board to commute around the neighbourboard from age 6 in the late 80s/90s The new board is really weird compared to my board in the late 80s as a small child (no rubber back for stopping) and just feels alien to me. As a kid, I found some boards to handle better - e.g. I like a loose one that moves a lot when I put my foot on it to turn. This one feels quite stiff. Odd thing to buy at my age, but just moved to a seaside town where they are popular for all ages/sexes. Perhaps a long board would be better - quite hard to carry about though. I want to use it to get around a busy seaside area/use buses. This one was on offer in a local shop. A really good price, respectable make and was an impulse buy. Just worried that the small wheels are going to fall to pieces, usually happens with roller boots if not fit for purpose.
NICE! I bought the Coyote Deck as well. Nice to see it in the back :)
This one came out quick
Great vid
Thanks Taven! Appreciate that
Definitely subbing. Awesome video! I'm a 30 year old dad, getting my kids into skating. My wife ordered me a landyachtz dinghy, I gave my kids my old skateboards they love them!! I love cruising nowadays 😌
Your wife did the right thing! Dinghy is the best skateboard ever
I have a longBoard, cruiserboard, and skateboard. Just started 3weeks ago.
love your vids man
Thanks! I really appreciate that!
Bought a skateboard a few months ago and now thinking about investing in a cruiser. Seems more like what I’m looking for, now to find it
Also I have a cruiser now after starting with a longboard last year and I am in love! Totally eying the surfskate for next year as well👀
Surfskates are sooo fun. The problem is inventory is currently limited for most companies
@@concrete-waves then I better plan to get one in advance 😅thanks for the info!
i have two cruisers and one skateboard and i love both, some days i just want to speed around the city than i take the cruiser and when i want to learn tricks the skateboard !
Sounds like a perfect combo 🔥
If i may recommend a board to cover you should do sector9 minimalist wave crusier! The bamboo hybrid flex is insane for how short it is and the double truck system makes the board carve so smooth! I just got the board 2 days ago and been loving it and noticed no ones really covered it much. Im curious to know your idea with the board as i feel like its the best hybrid of skating and long boarding and carving except for the missing kick tail. Anyways i just subscribed the content is quality af man keep it going 🚀
Love this, Big Up!
My man, when we gonna get some sweet merch on this channel?
I had a cruiser. After about 4 years my wheels didn't do their job anymore so I changed them for the first time and took the wheels from my roller skates. I now have 2.8 inch wheels on my cruiser board
Thanks from a father who hasn't skated since '91. I didn't even know what a longboard was. My nine year old just asked for one for his birthday.
I have an Arbor Shakedown 34 hybrid board and I really love it for cruising around, but the problem is I find it too heavy for learning tricks as a newbie. I thought the hybrid would be the way to go because I love cruising on my longboard, but the weight just makes it really tough for tricks
I was confused about which kind of skateboard I have thanks to this video now I know....and now I can ask for which skateboard I want next year..
Love 3 of them
Excellent summary!
thanks Reinaldo. Stoked to hear that
I personally have way more fun on a cruiser never had a long board but I want one any advice for a good beginning long board
I'll say cruiser is the perfect for those who aren't much into tricks, maybe an ollie or kickflip, cause u can actually ollie and kickflip on them, and u can also ride for long distances without getting ur feet to hurt
Hey bro, been learning alot from your videos but I just have one thing to ask. What type of longboard would you recommend for a heavy rider? I'm 6'2 and weighing in a 104kgs. Im looking at getting my first one but would want one that doesn't get affected by weight too much. Any recommendations?
Thanks for the advice. Subbed forsure💪🏾
Appreciate that Isaac!
My son started skateboarding. I think his is a cruiser… I thought I’d learn alongside him. I’ve no inclination to do tricks. I’d rather just ride around but the board I got is a Braille Skateboard. Nifty for me but the wheels are only good for a skatepark. So looking at a longboard or so… No idea what makes of board are good or not…
That's awesome you're skating with your son. A great bonding experience! You're right about the Braille skateboard - that's a street skateboard meant for smooth spaces. If you don't mind the deck, you can always just swap out the wheels for something softer. Like the Landyachtz EZ Hawgs wheels. But yeah, it sounds like a longboard is the right choice for you if you don't want to do any tricks and just cruise
I love how the editing improved. Great job!
imo for riding in a city waveboard is the best, it has very good turn, rides very smoothly and you dont need to push with your leg
Great video as usual 👍
Thanks for showing up and supporting. Appreciate that!
That ending earned you a sub brother 😂
Eu não sei porque o UA-cam me indicou esse vídeo, mas seu conteúdo é muito bom gostei!
I needed this
Thanks for the video it helped alot
My question is can you put softer wheels on a skateboard or can they only have smaller wheels?