I do think some historical context is needed here to explain some of the Genshin communities "defensiveness". From the start of HSR and until 1 month of Wuwa, the online gacha space were shitting on the game by big ex-Genshin hoyocreaters. From HSR's inception it was more poking a bit of fun, but it ramped up with L+Ratio and Wuwa release. The space was toxic and everyone and their mom dogpiled Genshin. That lead to a lot of defensive fans. You have the same situation with Wuwa now. The game is pretty great even though they had some issues at launch. But because of that, the online space started dogpiling on the game. The result? Fanatic "kurobots" that will go to war for their game in any situation. The conlusion being that these kind of people, most often, are being created as a consequence of something else. In this case, the online space being toxic--and has been for a while. However, you always had these people, it is just that it has gotten much worse.
I get the historical connotations behind the first comment. But I think there's a correct time to bring them up, and to WHO to bring it up. In my previous video I said nothing bad about Genshin, and then I suddenly got that comment, so it just makes me think about how unnecessary it was :/
What i hate about people who say "there's no powercreep in hsr, here's the proof" is that their main point is "the game is easy, just use E1 S1 Robin and Himeko with Superbreak", completely ignoring the fact that a person might not have same lvl of luck as them when it comes to pulls and rng for relics and builds. I don't have Himeko, bc i decided that getting Bronya and e1 Bronya from free choice events was more important than her. I don't have Robin bc at every time she has a banner i always out of primos bc i just pulled someone else before her. So how am i gonna get her e1 s1 at that without spending money is beyond me. And when you tell them all your reasoning (even the fact that you lost amost every 50/50 from the start at high pity as well) they blame you for your "poor" choices. "Oh, you shouldn't pull for Aventurin and Boothill and their LCs, that's a poor choice, you should've gone for Robin and Acheron, duh~", and when you pull for Acheron on her rerun and lost yet another 50/50 to e6 Clara and left with no primos, you just think "hmmm, i wonder what poor choice i made this time?". That's why i f**king quit the game. I like to have fun with crushing everything with my Boothill. If i can't crush everything then it's no fun anymore. The best choice i ever made was deleting this game. I'll miss my cool cowboy, but man dealing with the sh*t the game tries to pull on me is much more annoying. And i'm a day 1 player btw. Kafka at e0 can't clear sh*t if not e6 with e6 supoorts. And even Boothill started to tickle enemies in MoC and in Apoc. Nah~ i'm done with this game. Genshin allows me to have fun with Itto (and i'm a day 1 player there as well), but hsr does not. Hsr want you to bench your old units and sell you new shiny toys, but at the same time will rerun old units as if nothing is happening and as if they still have some worth. Disgusting. And it's fine if you think otherwise, that's my opinion, i'm not forcing it on anyone. Mind your own business pls.
@@atomicgrave4340 you made very good points but i have to ask, who the HELL is telling people to not pull of aventurine and his lc? he’s the best sustainer in the game right now and that’s not even up for debate. no hate to you though i am just taken aback by the absurdity of someone saying don’t pull or aventurine and his lc. 🤨
@duskwishing (wall of text, sorry) i don't remember their names, but i had an argument about Apoc (with Sunday on the second half), and that's none of my teams can clear it even though i've been full starring Apoc since its release (that's how i felt powercreep personally). I also started to struggle in MoC and could clear last rotation with Svarog and whatever there was on the second half. And i also have been 36* MoC since 1.5 or so. I just wrote that old teams that i always used do not work anymore and powercreep exists. Then a bunch of people came under my comment starting saying that i just need to use this or that as if i had those things. When i pointed out that i do not own these characters bc i pulled other ones - they said i made a poor choice as an f2p and should've pulled these characters instead of the ones i pulled. They also somehow didn't believe that i get 1 event character and their LC every second patch only. One guy even said that as an f2p they get an event character every patch bc game gives so many primos i was shocked bc i usually lose 50/50 at 75-85 pity, and claim the guarantee also at 75-85 (75 is me being lucky). And as much as it sounds weird but i tend to lose 50/50s on weapon banner as well. That's why i prefer to save smth and pull only if i'm sure i can guarantee a character and their LC. In the end i started saying that so far i won 50/50 only twice: with Mei and Boothill. Robin was stuck between Aventurin and Boothill as well, so bc i didn't have Himeko, didn't expected much from my Jing Yuan (to geth whom i also lost 50/50), haven't built Ratio and the only fua character i had and somewhat used was Clara - i decided that i don't really need Robin and saved for Boothill instead. I also skipped Acheron for Aventurin bc i liked the guy and still prefer waifu over meta tbh, but i still believe characters even if waifu should be working just fine. But sometimes i do pull for characters bc i think they'll be useful, like Ruan Mei e.g. Anyway apparently me going for Jingliu at the times was a poor choice (who knew that she won't be viable anymore?), they ignored my story about pulling for Mei, (even though i lost 50/50 there for her LC), i skipped BlackSwan and Sparkle bc i wasn't sure if they'd be good or not in the long run, and skipped Acheron for Aventurin. Yes Penaconi gave many primos so i did have some leftovers after losing to Mei and Aventurin twice in the row, but like 30 pulls or smth. So i'm not sure where these people got their primos bc i wasted 400 pulls total in 1.6 and 2.1. So i skipped Robin bc i wasn't sure i'd need her and Boothill was more tempting. After that i skipped another patch bc i didn't want a replacement for my Clara and decided to go for Jiaoqiu instead of general lady (i don't remember her name tbh), bc i thought Jiaoqiu would be useful for my Kafka (i also was thinking of getting BS if possible), but at the time i couldn't play as much as i used to due to health issues so i skipped many days and didn't have many primos. Lost at 82,got the guy at 80, lost on his weapon at 79 (i'm not kidding here) and was out of primos, started grinding but was able to get only 3k from chests and quests, and decided to get Kafka's weapon instead bc "i was close to pity" - i was not... Her wepon came on 69 (which was funny). And i was so burned out after that grind that i didn't want to do anything and took a break. Yes, Robin and BS were both on the banners but i didn't want to grind more for them and decided to wait for Acheron - lost 50/50 and deleted the game. Maybe going for Kafka's weapon was a poor choice i dunno, but considering the fact that i still lost 50/50 in the end it wouldn't make a difference i think. As for early game characters: lost 50/50 on Jing Yuan (not really use guy that much), got his LC, lost 50/50 to Luocha (still use him), didn't pull for his LC, lost 50/50 on Blade - decided to get Kafka on guarantee (still use her occasionally), lost 50/50 on her LC, started shaving - lost 50/50 on IL DanHeng, got the guy on guarantee (do not use the guy much), had no pulls to go for his LC, lost 50/50 to HuaHua (or whatever her name is), got Jingliu on a guarantee (still use her occasionally) and won 50/50 on her LC. Won with Ruan Mei but lost to her LC and got it on a guarantee. After that you know. Oh right, initially i wanted to get Jade at her release but decided not to bc i wanted to guarantee Jiaoqiu and his LC, and failed even to do that fully. Anyway these people said that every choice i made was a poor choice and poor management of my resources. That i should've pulled for completely different characters like Robin and Acheron, that pulling for early characters was a mistake and everything. As if i'm a prophet and could predict which character would fall out and which is not. The way the talked implied that every character i pulled is a trash apparently, Aventurin and Mei and Boothill as well. And that there's no powercreep in this game on their opinion - it's just me who pulled wrong characters. And btw how dare i not to have Himeko with all these losses! I should've get her for free choice event not Bronya (who is used to buff and move my Boothill forward and restores his skill points). Well, my e6 Clara, e2 Gepard and e3 Bailu are saying otherwise i guess...... (oh, right i don't have Yanquing as well, and i have a single copy of Welt from the random standard pull). As for LCs i have Clara's LC, three Welt LCs, Bronya's LC, Bailu's LC, Yanquing's LC and no Himeko's LC. I guess she just hates my account. Sorry for the wall of text. I hope this will clear something.
Yeah GI community can be pretty bad but one of the reasons why i decided to stop playing HSR was also because their player base. As some one who loves Genshin it gets pretty annoying reading comments of people shitting in your favourite game constantly, and i really mean shitting, not criticising. Its so stupid how Hoyoverse games community can be so toxic with each other, we should act like good brothers, we in general get a lot of hate from the "TrAdItIoNal GaMer communities" because of the gacha mechanics (which is funny, because some AAA games have terrible micro transactions even if you already paid 60 to 120 USD for a supposed full game). At least the current player base of ZZZ has been more relaxed in this aspect, at least in my experience.
my personal opinion is this: why are we fighting over two games that are made by the same company? i don't understand that at all. don't get me wrong though, i love star rail and i love genshin but i love these games mostly for the stories they tell and not much else. since i don't care about meta or min-maxing in either games... i feel like that little comic about the cake competition where the two bakers are competing and thinking bad about themselves and the other competitors cake, all while the people that get to taste test go "holy moly two cakes!!"
Exactly, it's one of the big points here. Like whichever one of those two games, it doesn't matter. The same peeps are benefitting regardless of which one you choose lmao.
I agree so hard. I saw a lot of the hate for both GI and HSR and didn’t get it. I’ve played GI pretty consistently since 2020, and same for HSR’s release. I don’t get the “uhm actually” comments in regards to games made by the same company.
Hoyo fans in general seem to enjoy fighting each other. I've seen so many random HI3 fans dogpiling on Genshin and coming up with fake reasons why a game made by the exact same company is worse than theirs. I saw someone saying "It has no story and no effort put into it" and I had the urge to stare into the invisible camera with the most disappointed look I could muster. There's no love for the artists that work so hard to build compelling worlds for each of their games. As soon as it's Genshin, none of that matters. Smh
mayhaps such comments would have been lower in numbers if the hsr community and others hadnt been constantly slandering and bullying the players insted of giving normal critism formaly ,just cuz they dont play the same game as them, those comments felt like fight part from the fight or flight response, and they could have deleted those comments cuz they maybe watched the rest of the video or made more research and saw themselves as wrong and wished to stay away from the comment they made, but idk man
Well, that may be true! But, this is still the first time I get told off for having a "Genshin bad HSR good" stereotype when I... don't, so timing a it is, I felt the needed to make an example out of this :P
Sorry I put that comment in your video I thought you were also one of those people who jump in the band wagon of “HSR good and Genshin bad” narrative because most of the CC’s I’ve seen are like that but in my experience I still stand by my points of Relic system being bad than Genshin artifact system the new re roll system is not going to help it much yea it will be good to have in both games but it’s not game changing enough to justify the fact I have to farm 4,2 pieces from 2 different places with no off piece and extra 2 substats than Genshin And Power creep in Genshin is handled very well any F2P player knows that I’ve seen many people complain about power creep in HSR rather than In Genshin I’ve never seen it And if you want to see people still recommend childe in YT go check some tier list video many people don’t talk about childe specifically in YT because everything about his kit is already covered by CC’s but in tier listing childe is still someone who people put in S or High A tier assuming there’s a SS tier as the highest My use of words could’ve came as rude or offensive if that offended you in anyway I’m really sorry I don’t mean to hurt you English is not my first language too… but I apologize for that my wording of “Get it through your thick skull” does sound offensive to me NOW after reading it back that’s why I also deleted the whole comment but here we are
Glad we can come to an understanding. I will apologize for having used your comments even though you deleted them. But, I felt the necessity to talk about this in its rawest form, hence me still talking about this way. Hopefully we both can strive to be better going into the future, cheers!
The shit substats are the main issue. If you do them math, you realise that HSR actually has more than twice the number of 4 substat combinations which mean you have to spend more than twice as much time to even get a piece that may get upgraded. The incorrect substats also just have a higher chance of being absolutely useless. I have been partuculary unlick with the Herta and Sunday relics and i have FUK ALL after despite farming since the start of 2.7... The offpiece thing only sleped me in the face once (which was now with Sundays but that's irrelevant) were i had to speend 80 relics worth of relic fragments or whatever they are called just to get a energy recharge rope with 3 shit substats. Sure, i could have forcefully made one but that costs an aditional resource.
in my personal experience it is impossible to like genshin impact without mountains and mountains of hate from honkai star rail/impact fans or just the larger general gaming community, not to mention the amount of self hating within the genshin community, it feels like nobody that plays genshin actually likes it, i've genuinely hit the point where quiting genshin because i dont see anything positive about the game i genuinely have come to love and it sucks
I know this answer is obvious and you've already thought of it- but what you see and hear all the time is just the loud minority. there are millions of Genshin players, the chances of all, or even most of them being horrible, is not all too likely. I love the game to pieces, sure it has it's faults, bust most of the things people talk about are just kinda silly. If you enjoy the game and are being driven away by the 'community', just take a step back and enjoy what you like. stay away from content creators and comment sections and you'll probably feel better. I know I sure did when I stopped paying attention to what everyone talks about with Genshin, and just played it to enjoy it. Honestly, I feel this way about the bigger gacha games out there like HSR and WuWa too. just play it if you enjoy it, and don't if you don't.
@@Zirr0hh Yeah, the bigger picture of the video is really about that "loud minority" part. The things we encounter in the internet about these games is just a smidge of what the playerbase truly is, but the issue is that these people are so loud that others just similarize it to being the majority. Thankfully, when it comes to JUST playing the games itself, you can easily avoid people since its single player anyway. Unlike E-sports titles like Dota and Valorant where you have no choice but to deal with the toxic parts community every now and then, if you want to play the game :P
@@Zirr0hh This! I play Genshin maybe for a week so I don't have to do with that fanbase to much but I am BTS Army. At least 90% of us are good, chill people. Most of us are 30+ and have better things to do that argue about shit on internet. Minority of the toxic fans are plaque of this world. That's how it is in almost every fanbase if not in every. Toxic people are everywhere.
@@GoatLiffy I have only ever had 1 truly negative interaction in co-op. I do only do it for events or achievements or rarely for materials so I don't do it a lot so maybe that is part of it. Most of the time, the worst thing that happens is someone is really bad at the game....in which case I am strong enough to carry anyway so who cares? I'll offer help if they need it and everyone leaves with what they came for and the day moves on.
I think you should go looking for fan content on Ao3 or something like that! Or make some friends and talk about lore. It's up to you. The only reason why I've been playing Genshin for a full year now is that I had friends to yap to about my theories and fanfic ideas. Heck, you could even try rewriting parts of the story that you hated/wanted to love but couldn't. I'm currently working on a full rewrite of Inazuma's story. :)
Haters are mostly the same bunch of people. They just move around different community and start shit. If haters happen to have large following, those mindless mob will believe whatever shit those haters are spewing. Or they are just people just enjoy drama rather than gaming. Or they have certain agenda by stirring shit, ya know. I rather focus on the good and positive sides of a community. Blocked those haters in all social media, peace.
It's sad people get so heated about a wonky mess like TGA. It is kinda strange HSR wasn't picked as a candidate, since people were really praising it at least during 2.0 and 2.1, but it is what it is and I'm kinda glad Wukong won, even though I thought WuWa might, as it had genuinely made big waves this year, but then at least there will be just a little less ammunition for the clown wars. The gacha war shit is the main reason I don't look up WuWa content anymore. When I look up Genshin majority of it's simply about Genshin, but on WuWa's side it's tradition to stop any topic at some point to bash on Genshin. It's fine when it's about genuine issues that Genshin has, but often times things get obnoxiously biased to the point of selectively bringing up only the good on one side an only the bad on the other, sometimes even blowing shit out of proportion for extra points, presenting rumors as facts, and then smugly pretending to arrive at an objective conclusion. HSR CC's also had that phase but my patience hadn't been rubbed as thin back then, so it's not entirely fair, as the WuWa CC side got an already tired version of me. Of course there are normal dedicated WuWa CC's out there but that's not relevant to me anymore. P. S. This is not the reason I stopped playing though, mainly I had to admit to myself that trying to keep up with Genshin, HSR and WuWa all at once was resulting in me falling far behind on all three and the stench of burnout was building up at an alarming rate, so I only kept Genshin because it currently has my favorite world, lore and characters. If I had all the time in the world I probably would still be playing them all.
Funny you mentioned, it but I am making a video discussing about how stupid some of the comparisons they made between Genshin and Wuwa. Especially ones that revolve around completely ignoring that Genshin was a game that began development 7 years ago, and was released 4 years ago, yet people expect them to have the same level of technology and development as Wuwa has xD But yeah, I also found balancing Genshin, Wuwa, HSR, and ZZZ become virtually impossible. So, right when I felt the tips of a burnout, I had to stop Wuwa cause I don't particularly enjoy their type of combat. Got my Yinlin and was outta there. Even my friend who only had Wuwa and HSR to play, quit only a couple of weeks after I did, but I rather attribute that to him just being weak sauce lmaooo.
@@GoatLiffy That sounds like a genuinely interesting video idea. Gotta love the "Ayaka animations vs Shorekeeper animations" content producers. On the other hand, despite being older, it's still undeniable that it has to compete in today's market all the same, so the graphics and all that can't be dismissed completely.
@@snakeinthereeds For me, it's less on the graphics side and more on the code side. Genshin just have so many things limited by their fundamental code (not only due to age, but also because they didn't know what they were doing back then, which was understandable). These days, I think graphics has become very subjective, so I didn't really make too much of a fuss about that :P I just think that people definitely overhate Genshin in that department. Even tho the reasons for those limitations are very forgivable.
Ngl as someone who’s played both games since their years of release (Genshin in 2020 and hsr in 2023 right?) I find a lot of the “critiques” to be “your game is shit cus I don’t like playing x mechanic.” Or just hate on the plot or the characters. At this point I try to not comment on any Hoyo related content because of how toxic the fandoms continue to get. Like even back in 2020 the fandom for Genshin was meh; it only got worse with more regions, like even Genshin fans (saying this as one) will trash entirely on regions and say it’s “critiquing.” I agree that fans of both games shouldn’t be having a damn contest over “what game is better” when both games are first off: made by the same company, and second off, are completely different game mechanics. For me, I love hsr for turn based combat. I’m a fire emblem fan, so I’m biased with that. At the same time, I love Genshin for its lore building (when hoyo yk, remembers its lore. I say it with love, but the writers completely forgot the traveler could purify shit for around 3 years lmao.) and fun mechanics when it comes to gameplay. Tdlr; hoyo fandoms have been toxic, as well as the just increase of players means there will be more blatant toxic crap. ATP when it comes to Genshin, I have the mindset of, Ive come this far. I wanna see Snezhnaya. I wanna see Dainslief be playable. I pray that in the Khaeriah/??? Patch (aka 7.0-7.x) is a Mondstat lore patch more or less. But thats me. Apparently in natlan, it seems Skirk may be playable. Ngl I didn’t expect that at all lmao. Either way, hopefully my word vomit was able to portray that I find the whole “war” over two hoyo games to be so redundant. It’s not needed, and frankly even just coming across the chats of these “debates” by causally scrolling comments makes me feel like I’ve aged a decade. Tbh I realize I do sound super bitter when writing this. That being said, ive seen toxicity on both hsr and GI fandoms and I am personally so done with interacting lol. Like, it really shouldn’t be a war in a comments section when a new character comes out, or people trashing mains for liking an old character. Like I bet that people are going to start trashing on arlecchino for loosing pyro meta or whatever when Mavuika comes out. Those sorts of fans make me dislike characters. Like huh. X character would be cool if I didn’t have a reminder on social media that the fans are just rabid 😂 Btw, Mavuika is a hypothetical. Idk if she’ll break meta, nor do I care. She’s a strong character in terms of writing, and I love her hair lol. I personally don’t care if Arlecchino is power crept. She’s my fav in Genshin and I don’t see meta changing that. Also people who trash others for not maining Arlecchino because she’s pyro meta: stfu. Literally. If someone wants to main Ga Ming, let them!! If someone mains Hu Tao, let them!! It shouldn’t matter. If you play arlecchino for meta, do that and leave ppl alone.
I have personally seen toxicity in most of the Hoyoverse fanbase and people need to stop acting like it's just the Genshin fanbase. It's dumb to single out just the Genshin community when the HSR community is just as toxic. It's dumb that if someone says they play Genshin Impact that they immediately get insulted. Some content creators even get views from hating on Genshin even if they don't play it. It's dumb how the WuWa fanbase also sits there complaining about Genshin. It's dumb that I click on something thinking that it's calling out people in all communities and seeing it's just another Genshin hate video
Damn even after everything I said from 20:51 and beyond I'm still a Genshin hater? Got some high standards there then... maybe you wanna rephrase that to hating some parts of the Genshin community, which I wouldn't disagree with :P Unfortunately, I frequent a lot of these communities, and as of now, the only people who have told me to "think for myself, and not bandwagon", is from the Genshin community. Maybe I've been lucky, but as it stands, that's all I can talk about atm. It's definitely not JUST the Genshin fandom, as others in this comment section have said, but it is not hard to say that they have been loudest contributor to that toxic facet of the community.
wish this was one of the top comments, this always gets overlooked, bet there are people out there who would have never acted in such ways had they not been provoked by other partys, its giving me deja-vu from middle school when the bullied kid got suspended from attempting to defend themselves from bullies lol
@@GoatLiffy even if you put a little over a third of the video saying the same thing, it doesn't change the overwhelming amount of hate for Genshin. From being called MAPs to the whole "mint picker" era. Click on a random video with the same title as yours and you can almost guarantee it is a Genshin Hate video. Dedicating 10 minutes of a 30 minute video isn't going to change this because there are going to be 3 more videos just calling Genshin players idiots. I stand by what I said because it is getting worse. I'm not saying HSR or WuWa should get more hate, I just want there to be less toxicity overall. I'm just defending Genshin more now because you can roll over and find 8 threads hating on the game with the same people doing exactly what they say Genshin is doing. All I'm saying is that more people need to recognize this toxicity and actually say something about it, especially since CCs contributed to some of the hate too
@GoatLiffy nope, not rephrasing it because the original comment never singled you out, it is talking about the community overall. Rephrasing to make one person seem better than everyone else is not going to happen
tbh, what they said was right, but they didnt have to make it rude. And, they act like newer characters in hsr CANNOT be pulled unless you do something extraordinary. And not everything they said about hsr was right either. Their downplaying hsr and trying to make genshin look good. As a hsr AND genshin player, i can admit that hsr has 10x more powercreep then genshin. Heck, i dont think powercreep even exists in gi, or very little. The only powercreep is exploration. Hsr is wayy more generous and therefore, you can pull more characters for clearing MoC, Pure Fiction and other endgames. Both games have amazing qualities and bad qualities (as mentioned, hsr powercreep and gi rewards), but you cannot totally say that one is awful in order to the make the other amazing.
Genshin rewards ain't so bad if you count the difference with HSR rewards per patch. Just because HSR gave limited 5 stars, it doesn't make the game wayyy better. But from HSR perspective, "powercreep" in that game is also ain't that bad. If you build your characters & teams right and actually read the enemy mechanics, you can still clear the hardest current APOC with Seele (a 1.0 character btw). There's also the fact that HSR have 4 weekly endgame, and 4 permanent endgame, that's why you need a lotta characters for different situation. But ngl the community for Genshin is always so toxic. HSR has calmed down with the "Genshin could never" long ago but Genshin fans spamming "powercreep" without even playing HSR is just stupid.
Both games have their strength and weaknesses. And the fact that those two games are SO different from one another is another thing why comparing them so provocatively is so idiotic :P
@@jerryeljeremy7790 I do play hsr, I told it in my og comment. I don't know how you can clear with a seele (respect frfr) but I'm struggling to clear with acheron a bit now, even if she's the strongest. (I'm new, so I can't exactly build every character but yeah) And also, I've seen hsr players coming to gi and saying that the rewards are wayy lesser. I can't agree too much about the hsr being calm rn. Because I saw the comments on "White Night", and the first one, literally the first one, said "Genshin could never." Sooo. I can't lie, white night is quite old now. But still, maybe not genshin could never but, there are hsr players downplaying gi, and gi players downplaying hsr. Eitherways, both kinds suck. As the creator said in the above comment, they're different games, with different playstyles and genres. So we can't compare them either.
I'm not trying to come for you. But just a gentle reminder that you need really thick skin to be a content creator without it affecting you as a person. You can do whatever you want with your life and your channel, but letting comments get to you is one way to burn out. All the best
Holy bro made a dedicated video for me let me clear this from my side I haven’t watched the full video yet because i have other IRL things to do rn I’ll put a comment after watching it fully But let me clear this I’m someone who actually don’t care about criticizing games but I had not one but 3 HSR players personally coming to me in DM’s calling me a low life being for playing Genshin ever since then my perception towards HSR and HSR players are bad and I will be at my at most to make fun of HSR and HSR players they accused me of being the P word just for playing Genshin and called me a Genshin shill for getting exited for imaginarium theater release back then.
@@Tamytaummta Welcome back, no need for Discord DMs. Thank you for explaining your side, and I just wanna say that just because you've had "HSR players calling you a lowlife in DMs", doesn't mean that you then get to put it out all on me, who you never even come across before, and I don't recall saying anything rude regarding your subject of favor. I'm a fairly cynical person most of the times, so my default perception towards anything is hardly ever positive unless I've genuinely spent a lot of time enjoying said subject, but that doesn't mean I go around random videos telling other people to "think for myself". Especially when that other person didn't even say anything bad that game you enjoy. We're on the same boat here. We like Genshin (20:51), but accusing me of having a "Genshin bad, HSR good stereotype" is just so unnecessary, and just throws away people's need to look at what you've been saying, no matter how valid they were. While I sympathize with your dislike against people who have blasted and mocked you just for playing Genshin, since I've had my own IRL friends give me shit for that, just take this instance as a lesson where you can better parse your words when commenting on a subject you particularly dislike, since the internet is very open, and anything you post can be turned around on you as I did here. As for the people who have mocked you. Let them be. If they are actually serious about it, then there's no point fighting them, cause all you'll achieve is needless anger. Just take their insults as a sign that they can't like what they like with having to prove it's "superiority" to something else, instead of just actually enjoying the game for what it is. More often than not, just like any bully, those people are just insecure about their hobbies, so they use someone/something else as a crutch to make them feel better by looking down at that other person/thing. Just laugh and move on, they'll slowly realize that they're the ones being the idiots. I'd like to pin this comment if you allow it, just so people can see this perspective of yours. But, if you just wanna keep it here, then that's fine too.
@@GoatLiffyi won’t delete any comments here it’s up to you to pin it or not I also did a comment after watching the full video, the treatment which I got from HSR players was not only on DM’s but I can see that happening to others in Discord servers publicly and in twitch chat I guess I stereotyped you while I was also a victim of stereotyping huh funny how life is.. I haven’t came across your channel before this video so I didn’t have enough knowledge on what kind of person you are so it’s kinda dumb of me to jump in to conclusion
Honestly the genshin community has it great imagine playing a massive open world game with triple A standards and constant content updates and still somehow finding a way to cry about something. When this game first came out (I played day 1) I was so happy I couldn’t even sleep while I waited for the servers to first open. I remember when I first saw it I thought this shit can’t be free then I heard it was free to play the kind where everything but banner content is open to every player. The fact people can still cry about shit when it comes to this games is just disappointing. Be thankful Mihoyo still makes amazing games that are free because one day you can wake up and they’re charging you $10 to play in the new region. And it’s video game there’s no such thing as meta just play who you want and have fun that’s the point. There’s no esport competition for doing spiral abyss the fastest.
It's also a case of, even when you have criticism, you can deliver it nicely. Don't be tellin people to "think for theirselves", it just pisses ppl off :P Thanks for comin by :D
Ive played a lot of online games, but genshin's community has taken first place for me in terms of being toxic. There are some really cool ppl in it, but theres a portion of players who honestly remind me of some irl junkies who I have known in the past, it is the same addict behaviour. There is also a lot of teens who got into gaming bc of genshin, who are active in online spaces, so sometimes the ppl making these comments are just kids being kids.
"There are some really cool ppl in it, but theres a portion of players who honestly remind me of some irl junkies who I have known in the past", see that's the sad part. There's actually far more of the really cool people who just plays the game normally, but the second group of people, while far less in actual size, is just so loud that it gives the impression that the community as a whole feels that way.
me when i saw a march 7 hunt, gallagher, hmc and asta full clear moc..... im so confuse how the 90% blessing works with everyone. like i can recently remember the chiori blessing. like it was geo dmg bonus....... so ur telling me 90% characters are geo. also people reccomend childe like people say he is good and can clear but only in national, now there is citlali, furina, xilonen and childe which the clear was nice but people weren't talking about childe recently. and they dont even realise, jingliu just recently got a more synergistic teammate before sunday, bronya and sparkle doesnt buff her dps state for 33% of the time or 50% of the time, but sunday can though less dmg bonus %. and jingliu had flaws from her own that was pointed out from the start when she was still strong.
Talking about irrelevant grievances from nobodies in the comment section is making them feel "seen" or feel "valid". F that noise, just discuss the games and let the haters yap and circle the drain.
Oh.... I like you! BTW.... That story you mentioned writing.... how do I find your stories on AO3? Wanna look and see if they might interest me. I am a Genshin fanfic writer, as well... mine has 2 versions of each of my stories: a version with adult content (aside from violence). And there's another (requested) version that has the adult stuff removed (still somewhat violent, though) so that more might be able to read it. I'm (trying to-) writing my story the way Type Moon weaves their stories together... to the best of my ability. Like parts of the "Fate" (or like the non-Type Moon Toaru-) franchise, the side stories spoil the main story and vice versa, I have the main story and about 6 sides, so far. The main story is over 155k words and not done. There are about 3 or 4 ongoing side stories, the rest are finished 1 shots. And more multi-chapterrd sides as well as one shot sides planned, still. All are related to my main, but focusing on other characters or couples. I throw ALLLL my theories in it, if they connect, lol. Not to mention a part 2 for my main story (Lumine x Xiao and Aether x Bonanus) is planned after part1 finishes. Anyway - Last time I mentioned to someone that the community was bad, I was told that "we don't talk about the community"..... and that's a problem as well. If you don't address this it will just get worse.
You can look up BlindRider in AO3, or join the discord I have on my channel profile if you wanna. It's part of my writing community too :D Damn, but Type Moon level of story building?? I'm not one to delve into that side of Fate (I only go as far as UBW), but I know that it's like quantum physics level of video game lore, so best of freakin luck yo...
Someone finally said it! Yeah, haters gonna hate, but if we don't discuss why this happens we won't get anywhere with trying to be more peaceful online
Ive never watched your feed before. Not sure why this video popped up, but I watched it. In my opinion your arguments are as petty as theirs. You would both be better off to just say. Ok we differ in opinions. You do you and move on. This type of content is needless drama and doesnt do either game any favors.
I would be okay to just move on say we differ in opinions if I wasn't told by the other person to basically "stop having a stereotype and think for myself," when I had no stereotype to begin with. That's what I've been trying to tell the other guy before they lashed out that way. But, if that makes me as petty as the other person when I tried to keep it civil, then so be it, I guess.
Every community has toxic people. If it's a game or movie fans, music fans etc. Bigger the fanbase, more toxic people. That's how that's work. 🤷♀
I do think some historical context is needed here to explain some of the Genshin communities "defensiveness".
From the start of HSR and until 1 month of Wuwa, the online gacha space were shitting on the game by big ex-Genshin hoyocreaters. From HSR's inception it was more poking a bit of fun, but it ramped up with L+Ratio and Wuwa release. The space was toxic and everyone and their mom dogpiled Genshin. That lead to a lot of defensive fans.
You have the same situation with Wuwa now. The game is pretty great even though they had some issues at launch. But because of that, the online space started dogpiling on the game. The result? Fanatic "kurobots" that will go to war for their game in any situation.
The conlusion being that these kind of people, most often, are being created as a consequence of something else. In this case, the online space being toxic--and has been for a while. However, you always had these people, it is just that it has gotten much worse.
I get the historical connotations behind the first comment. But I think there's a correct time to bring them up, and to WHO to bring it up. In my previous video I said nothing bad about Genshin, and then I suddenly got that comment, so it just makes me think about how unnecessary it was :/
@@GoatLiffy Yeah. Totally agree. All I'm saying it that it is sad to see the current state of the gacha community.
My friend has a perfect name for this phenomena, "Gacha tribalism" aka constant "My game is better than your game"
What i hate about people who say "there's no powercreep in hsr, here's the proof" is that their main point is "the game is easy, just use E1 S1 Robin and Himeko with Superbreak", completely ignoring the fact that a person might not have same lvl of luck as them when it comes to pulls and rng for relics and builds. I don't have Himeko, bc i decided that getting Bronya and e1 Bronya from free choice events was more important than her. I don't have Robin bc at every time she has a banner i always out of primos bc i just pulled someone else before her. So how am i gonna get her e1 s1 at that without spending money is beyond me.
And when you tell them all your reasoning (even the fact that you lost amost every 50/50 from the start at high pity as well) they blame you for your "poor" choices. "Oh, you shouldn't pull for Aventurin and Boothill and their LCs, that's a poor choice, you should've gone for Robin and Acheron, duh~", and when you pull for Acheron on her rerun and lost yet another 50/50 to e6 Clara and left with no primos, you just think "hmmm, i wonder what poor choice i made this time?".
That's why i f**king quit the game. I like to have fun with crushing everything with my Boothill. If i can't crush everything then it's no fun anymore. The best choice i ever made was deleting this game. I'll miss my cool cowboy, but man dealing with the sh*t the game tries to pull on me is much more annoying. And i'm a day 1 player btw. Kafka at e0 can't clear sh*t if not e6 with e6 supoorts. And even Boothill started to tickle enemies in MoC and in Apoc. Nah~ i'm done with this game. Genshin allows me to have fun with Itto (and i'm a day 1 player there as well), but hsr does not. Hsr want you to bench your old units and sell you new shiny toys, but at the same time will rerun old units as if nothing is happening and as if they still have some worth. Disgusting.
And it's fine if you think otherwise, that's my opinion, i'm not forcing it on anyone. Mind your own business pls.
@@atomicgrave4340 you made very good points but i have to ask, who the HELL is telling people to not pull of aventurine and his lc? he’s the best sustainer in the game right now and that’s not even up for debate.
no hate to you though i am just taken aback by the absurdity of someone saying don’t pull or aventurine and his lc. 🤨
@duskwishing (wall of text, sorry) i don't remember their names, but i had an argument about Apoc (with Sunday on the second half), and that's none of my teams can clear it even though i've been full starring Apoc since its release (that's how i felt powercreep personally). I also started to struggle in MoC and could clear last rotation with Svarog and whatever there was on the second half. And i also have been 36* MoC since 1.5 or so. I just wrote that old teams that i always used do not work anymore and powercreep exists. Then a bunch of people came under my comment starting saying that i just need to use this or that as if i had those things. When i pointed out that i do not own these characters bc i pulled other ones - they said i made a poor choice as an f2p and should've pulled these characters instead of the ones i pulled. They also somehow didn't believe that i get 1 event character and their LC every second patch only. One guy even said that as an f2p they get an event character every patch bc game gives so many primos i was shocked bc i usually lose 50/50 at 75-85 pity, and claim the guarantee also at 75-85 (75 is me being lucky).
And as much as it sounds weird but i tend to lose 50/50s on weapon banner as well. That's why i prefer to save smth and pull only if i'm sure i can guarantee a character and their LC.
In the end i started saying that so far i won 50/50 only twice: with Mei and Boothill. Robin was stuck between Aventurin and Boothill as well, so bc i didn't have Himeko, didn't expected much from my Jing Yuan (to geth whom i also lost 50/50), haven't built Ratio and the only fua character i had and somewhat used was Clara - i decided that i don't really need Robin and saved for Boothill instead. I also skipped Acheron for Aventurin bc i liked the guy and still prefer waifu over meta tbh, but i still believe characters even if waifu should be working just fine. But sometimes i do pull for characters bc i think they'll be useful, like Ruan Mei e.g.
Anyway apparently me going for Jingliu at the times was a poor choice (who knew that she won't be viable anymore?), they ignored my story about pulling for Mei, (even though i lost 50/50 there for her LC), i skipped BlackSwan and Sparkle bc i wasn't sure if they'd be good or not in the long run, and skipped Acheron for Aventurin.
Yes Penaconi gave many primos so i did have some leftovers after losing to Mei and Aventurin twice in the row, but like 30 pulls or smth. So i'm not sure where these people got their primos bc i wasted 400 pulls total in 1.6 and 2.1.
So i skipped Robin bc i wasn't sure i'd need her and Boothill was more tempting. After that i skipped another patch bc i didn't want a replacement for my Clara and decided to go for Jiaoqiu instead of general lady (i don't remember her name tbh), bc i thought Jiaoqiu would be useful for my Kafka (i also was thinking of getting BS if possible), but at the time i couldn't play as much as i used to due to health issues so i skipped many days and didn't have many primos. Lost at 82,got the guy at 80, lost on his weapon at 79 (i'm not kidding here) and was out of primos, started grinding but was able to get only 3k from chests and quests, and decided to get Kafka's weapon instead bc "i was close to pity" - i was not... Her wepon came on 69 (which was funny). And i was so burned out after that grind that i didn't want to do anything and took a break.
Yes, Robin and BS were both on the banners but i didn't want to grind more for them and decided to wait for Acheron - lost 50/50 and deleted the game. Maybe going for Kafka's weapon was a poor choice i dunno, but considering the fact that i still lost 50/50 in the end it wouldn't make a difference i think.
As for early game characters: lost 50/50 on Jing Yuan (not really use guy that much), got his LC, lost 50/50 to Luocha (still use him), didn't pull for his LC, lost 50/50 on Blade - decided to get Kafka on guarantee (still use her occasionally), lost 50/50 on her LC, started shaving - lost 50/50 on IL DanHeng, got the guy on guarantee (do not use the guy much), had no pulls to go for his LC, lost 50/50 to HuaHua (or whatever her name is), got Jingliu on a guarantee (still use her occasionally) and won 50/50 on her LC. Won with Ruan Mei but lost to her LC and got it on a guarantee. After that you know. Oh right, initially i wanted to get Jade at her release but decided not to bc i wanted to guarantee Jiaoqiu and his LC, and failed even to do that fully.
Anyway these people said that every choice i made was a poor choice and poor management of my resources. That i should've pulled for completely different characters like Robin and Acheron, that pulling for early characters was a mistake and everything. As if i'm a prophet and could predict which character would fall out and which is not. The way the talked implied that every character i pulled is a trash apparently, Aventurin and Mei and Boothill as well. And that there's no powercreep in this game on their opinion - it's just me who pulled wrong characters. And btw how dare i not to have Himeko with all these losses! I should've get her for free choice event not Bronya (who is used to buff and move my Boothill forward and restores his skill points). Well, my e6 Clara, e2 Gepard and e3 Bailu are saying otherwise i guess...... (oh, right i don't have Yanquing as well, and i have a single copy of Welt from the random standard pull).
As for LCs i have Clara's LC, three Welt LCs, Bronya's LC, Bailu's LC, Yanquing's LC and no Himeko's LC. I guess she just hates my account. Sorry for the wall of text. I hope this will clear something.
Yeah GI community can be pretty bad but one of the reasons why i decided to stop playing HSR was also because their player base. As some one who loves Genshin it gets pretty annoying reading comments of people shitting in your favourite game constantly, and i really mean shitting, not criticising.
Its so stupid how Hoyoverse games community can be so toxic with each other, we should act like good brothers, we in general get a lot of hate from the "TrAdItIoNal GaMer communities" because of the gacha mechanics (which is funny, because some AAA games have terrible micro transactions even if you already paid 60 to 120 USD for a supposed full game).
At least the current player base of ZZZ has been more relaxed in this aspect, at least in my experience.
ZZZ is so chill lol. They see rats and foxes and just go, yes and say no more to anyone xD
my personal opinion is this: why are we fighting over two games that are made by the same company? i don't understand that at all. don't get me wrong though, i love star rail and i love genshin but i love these games mostly for the stories they tell and not much else. since i don't care about meta or min-maxing in either games...
i feel like that little comic about the cake competition where the two bakers are competing and thinking bad about themselves and the other competitors cake, all while the people that get to taste test go "holy moly two cakes!!"
Exactly, it's one of the big points here. Like whichever one of those two games, it doesn't matter. The same peeps are benefitting regardless of which one you choose lmao.
I agree so hard. I saw a lot of the hate for both GI and HSR and didn’t get it. I’ve played GI pretty consistently since 2020, and same for HSR’s release.
I don’t get the “uhm actually” comments in regards to games made by the same company.
Hoyo fans in general seem to enjoy fighting each other. I've seen so many random HI3 fans dogpiling on Genshin and coming up with fake reasons why a game made by the exact same company is worse than theirs. I saw someone saying "It has no story and no effort put into it" and I had the urge to stare into the invisible camera with the most disappointed look I could muster. There's no love for the artists that work so hard to build compelling worlds for each of their games. As soon as it's Genshin, none of that matters. Smh
mayhaps such comments would have been lower in numbers if the hsr community and others hadnt been constantly slandering and bullying the players insted of giving normal critism formaly ,just cuz they dont play the same game as them, those comments felt like fight part from the fight or flight response, and they could have deleted those comments cuz they maybe watched the rest of the video or made more research and saw themselves as wrong and wished to stay away from the comment they made, but idk man
Well, that may be true! But, this is still the first time I get told off for having a "Genshin bad HSR good" stereotype when I... don't, so timing a it is, I felt the needed to make an example out of this :P
i dont understand why there are haters like you can enjoy both games.. comparing them is so stupid they r good in their own ways
Comparing them when they are two very different games is also a funny thing they do a lot :P
8:48 Yep. Literally what you said. It works for both games.
Sorry I put that comment in your video I thought you were also one of those people who jump in the band wagon of “HSR good and Genshin bad” narrative because most of the CC’s I’ve seen are like that but in my experience I still stand by my points of Relic system being bad than Genshin artifact system the new re roll system is not going to help it much yea it will be good to have in both games but it’s not game changing enough to justify the fact I have to farm 4,2 pieces from 2 different places with no off piece and extra 2 substats than Genshin
And Power creep in Genshin is handled very well any F2P player knows that
I’ve seen many people complain about power creep in HSR rather than In Genshin I’ve never seen it
And if you want to see people still recommend childe in YT go check some tier list video many people don’t talk about childe specifically in YT because everything about his kit is already covered by CC’s but in tier listing childe is still someone who people put in S or High A tier assuming there’s a SS tier as the highest
My use of words could’ve came as rude or offensive if that offended you in anyway I’m really sorry I don’t mean to hurt you English is not my first language too… but I apologize for that my wording of “Get it through your thick skull” does sound offensive to me NOW after reading it back that’s why I also deleted the whole comment but here we are
Glad we can come to an understanding. I will apologize for having used your comments even though you deleted them. But, I felt the necessity to talk about this in its rawest form, hence me still talking about this way.
Hopefully we both can strive to be better going into the future, cheers!
The shit substats are the main issue.
If you do them math, you realise that HSR actually has more than twice the number of 4 substat combinations which mean you have to spend more than twice as much time to even get a piece that may get upgraded. The incorrect substats also just have a higher chance of being absolutely useless.
I have been partuculary unlick with the Herta and Sunday relics and i have FUK ALL after despite farming since the start of 2.7...
The offpiece thing only sleped me in the face once (which was now with Sundays but that's irrelevant) were i had to speend 80 relics worth of relic fragments or whatever they are called just to get a energy recharge rope with 3 shit substats. Sure, i could have forcefully made one but that costs an aditional resource.
in my personal experience it is impossible to like genshin impact without mountains and mountains of hate from honkai star rail/impact fans or just the larger general gaming community, not to mention the amount of self hating within the genshin community, it feels like nobody that plays genshin actually likes it, i've genuinely hit the point where quiting genshin because i dont see anything positive about the game i genuinely have come to love and it sucks
I know this answer is obvious and you've already thought of it- but what you see and hear all the time is just the loud minority. there are millions of Genshin players, the chances of all, or even most of them being horrible, is not all too likely. I love the game to pieces, sure it has it's faults, bust most of the things people talk about are just kinda silly.
If you enjoy the game and are being driven away by the 'community', just take a step back and enjoy what you like. stay away from content creators and comment sections and you'll probably feel better. I know I sure did when I stopped paying attention to what everyone talks about with Genshin, and just played it to enjoy it.
Honestly, I feel this way about the bigger gacha games out there like HSR and WuWa too. just play it if you enjoy it, and don't if you don't.
@@Zirr0hh Yeah, the bigger picture of the video is really about that "loud minority" part. The things we encounter in the internet about these games is just a smidge of what the playerbase truly is, but the issue is that these people are so loud that others just similarize it to being the majority.
Thankfully, when it comes to JUST playing the games itself, you can easily avoid people since its single player anyway. Unlike E-sports titles like Dota and Valorant where you have no choice but to deal with the toxic parts community every now and then, if you want to play the game :P
@@Zirr0hh This! I play Genshin maybe for a week so I don't have to do with that fanbase to much but I am BTS Army. At least 90% of us are good, chill people. Most of us are 30+ and have better things to do that argue about shit on internet. Minority of the toxic fans are plaque of this world. That's how it is in almost every fanbase if not in every. Toxic people are everywhere.
@@GoatLiffy I have only ever had 1 truly negative interaction in co-op. I do only do it for events or achievements or rarely for materials so I don't do it a lot so maybe that is part of it. Most of the time, the worst thing that happens is someone is really bad at the game....in which case I am strong enough to carry anyway so who cares? I'll offer help if they need it and everyone leaves with what they came for and the day moves on.
I think you should go looking for fan content on Ao3 or something like that! Or make some friends and talk about lore. It's up to you. The only reason why I've been playing Genshin for a full year now is that I had friends to yap to about my theories and fanfic ideas. Heck, you could even try rewriting parts of the story that you hated/wanted to love but couldn't. I'm currently working on a full rewrite of Inazuma's story. :)
Haters are mostly the same bunch of people. They just move around different community and start shit. If haters happen to have large following, those mindless mob will believe whatever shit those haters are spewing. Or they are just people just enjoy drama rather than gaming. Or they have certain agenda by stirring shit, ya know. I rather focus on the good and positive sides of a community. Blocked those haters in all social media, peace.
It's sad people get so heated about a wonky mess like TGA.
It is kinda strange HSR wasn't picked as a candidate, since people were really praising it at least during 2.0 and 2.1, but it is what it is and I'm kinda glad Wukong won, even though I thought WuWa might, as it had genuinely made big waves this year, but then at least there will be just a little less ammunition for the clown wars.
The gacha war shit is the main reason I don't look up WuWa content anymore. When I look up Genshin majority of it's simply about Genshin, but on WuWa's side it's tradition to stop any topic at some point to bash on Genshin. It's fine when it's about genuine issues that Genshin has, but often times things get obnoxiously biased to the point of selectively bringing up only the good on one side an only the bad on the other, sometimes even blowing shit out of proportion for extra points, presenting rumors as facts, and then smugly pretending to arrive at an objective conclusion.
HSR CC's also had that phase but my patience hadn't been rubbed as thin back then, so it's not entirely fair, as the WuWa CC side got an already tired version of me.
Of course there are normal dedicated WuWa CC's out there but that's not relevant to me anymore.
P. S. This is not the reason I stopped playing though, mainly I had to admit to myself that trying to keep up with Genshin, HSR and WuWa all at once was resulting in me falling far behind on all three and the stench of burnout was building up at an alarming rate, so I only kept Genshin because it currently has my favorite world, lore and characters. If I had all the time in the world I probably would still be playing them all.
Funny you mentioned, it but I am making a video discussing about how stupid some of the comparisons they made between Genshin and Wuwa. Especially ones that revolve around completely ignoring that Genshin was a game that began development 7 years ago, and was released 4 years ago, yet people expect them to have the same level of technology and development as Wuwa has xD
But yeah, I also found balancing Genshin, Wuwa, HSR, and ZZZ become virtually impossible. So, right when I felt the tips of a burnout, I had to stop Wuwa cause I don't particularly enjoy their type of combat. Got my Yinlin and was outta there. Even my friend who only had Wuwa and HSR to play, quit only a couple of weeks after I did, but I rather attribute that to him just being weak sauce lmaooo.
@@GoatLiffy That sounds like a genuinely interesting video idea. Gotta love the "Ayaka animations vs Shorekeeper animations" content producers. On the other hand, despite being older, it's still undeniable that it has to compete in today's market all the same, so the graphics and all that can't be dismissed completely.
@@snakeinthereeds For me, it's less on the graphics side and more on the code side. Genshin just have so many things limited by their fundamental code (not only due to age, but also because they didn't know what they were doing back then, which was understandable). These days, I think graphics has become very subjective, so I didn't really make too much of a fuss about that :P
I just think that people definitely overhate Genshin in that department. Even tho the reasons for those limitations are very forgivable.
Ngl as someone who’s played both games since their years of release (Genshin in 2020 and hsr in 2023 right?)
I find a lot of the “critiques” to be “your game is shit cus I don’t like playing x mechanic.” Or just hate on the plot or the characters. At this point I try to not comment on any Hoyo related content because of how toxic the fandoms continue to get.
Like even back in 2020 the fandom for Genshin was meh; it only got worse with more regions, like even Genshin fans (saying this as one) will trash entirely on regions and say it’s “critiquing.”
I agree that fans of both games shouldn’t be having a damn contest over “what game is better” when both games are first off: made by the same company, and second off, are completely different game mechanics.
For me, I love hsr for turn based combat. I’m a fire emblem fan, so I’m biased with that. At the same time, I love Genshin for its lore building (when hoyo yk, remembers its lore. I say it with love, but the writers completely forgot the traveler could purify shit for around 3 years lmao.) and fun mechanics when it comes to gameplay.
Tdlr; hoyo fandoms have been toxic, as well as the just increase of players means there will be more blatant toxic crap.
ATP when it comes to Genshin, I have the mindset of, Ive come this far. I wanna see Snezhnaya. I wanna see Dainslief be playable. I pray that in the Khaeriah/??? Patch (aka 7.0-7.x) is a Mondstat lore patch more or less. But thats me.
Apparently in natlan, it seems Skirk may be playable. Ngl I didn’t expect that at all lmao. Either way, hopefully my word vomit was able to portray that I find the whole “war” over two hoyo games to be so redundant. It’s not needed, and frankly even just coming across the chats of these “debates” by causally scrolling comments makes me feel like I’ve aged a decade.
Tbh I realize I do sound super bitter when writing this. That being said, ive seen toxicity on both hsr and GI fandoms and I am personally so done with interacting lol. Like, it really shouldn’t be a war in a comments section when a new character comes out, or people trashing mains for liking an old character.
Like I bet that people are going to start trashing on arlecchino for loosing pyro meta or whatever when Mavuika comes out. Those sorts of fans make me dislike characters. Like huh. X character would be cool if I didn’t have a reminder on social media that the fans are just rabid 😂
Btw, Mavuika is a hypothetical. Idk if she’ll break meta, nor do I care. She’s a strong character in terms of writing, and I love her hair lol. I personally don’t care if Arlecchino is power crept. She’s my fav in Genshin and I don’t see meta changing that.
Also people who trash others for not maining Arlecchino because she’s pyro meta: stfu. Literally. If someone wants to main Ga Ming, let them!! If someone mains Hu Tao, let them!! It shouldn’t matter. If you play arlecchino for meta, do that and leave ppl alone.
You are literally everywhere I go omg.
I have personally seen toxicity in most of the Hoyoverse fanbase and people need to stop acting like it's just the Genshin fanbase. It's dumb to single out just the Genshin community when the HSR community is just as toxic. It's dumb that if someone says they play Genshin Impact that they immediately get insulted. Some content creators even get views from hating on Genshin even if they don't play it. It's dumb how the WuWa fanbase also sits there complaining about Genshin. It's dumb that I click on something thinking that it's calling out people in all communities and seeing it's just another Genshin hate video
Damn even after everything I said from 20:51 and beyond I'm still a Genshin hater? Got some high standards there then... maybe you wanna rephrase that to hating some parts of the Genshin community, which I wouldn't disagree with :P
Unfortunately, I frequent a lot of these communities, and as of now, the only people who have told me to "think for myself, and not bandwagon", is from the Genshin community. Maybe I've been lucky, but as it stands, that's all I can talk about atm. It's definitely not JUST the Genshin fandom, as others in this comment section have said, but it is not hard to say that they have been loudest contributor to that toxic facet of the community.
wish this was one of the top comments, this always gets overlooked, bet there are people out there who would have never acted in such ways had they not been provoked by other partys, its giving me deja-vu from middle school when the bullied kid got suspended from attempting to defend themselves from bullies lol
@@GoatLiffy even if you put a little over a third of the video saying the same thing, it doesn't change the overwhelming amount of hate for Genshin. From being called MAPs to the whole "mint picker" era. Click on a random video with the same title as yours and you can almost guarantee it is a Genshin Hate video. Dedicating 10 minutes of a 30 minute video isn't going to change this because there are going to be 3 more videos just calling Genshin players idiots. I stand by what I said because it is getting worse. I'm not saying HSR or WuWa should get more hate, I just want there to be less toxicity overall. I'm just defending Genshin more now because you can roll over and find 8 threads hating on the game with the same people doing exactly what they say Genshin is doing. All I'm saying is that more people need to recognize this toxicity and actually say something about it, especially since CCs contributed to some of the hate too
@@fafnirable1 Oh yeah no, I'm just asking you to rephrase and say that I hate some parts of the Genshin community instead of the game itself lmao.
@GoatLiffy nope, not rephrasing it because the original comment never singled you out, it is talking about the community overall. Rephrasing to make one person seem better than everyone else is not going to happen
To not deal with these things and stay positive, i deleted WuWa, genshin, HSR and just kept ZZZ.
based lmao
tbh, what they said was right, but they didnt have to make it rude. And, they act like newer characters in hsr CANNOT be pulled unless you do something extraordinary. And not everything they said about hsr was right either. Their downplaying hsr and trying to make genshin look good. As a hsr AND genshin player, i can admit that hsr has 10x more powercreep then genshin. Heck, i dont think powercreep even exists in gi, or very little. The only powercreep is exploration. Hsr is wayy more generous and therefore, you can pull more characters for clearing MoC, Pure Fiction and other endgames. Both games have amazing qualities and bad qualities (as mentioned, hsr powercreep and gi rewards), but you cannot totally say that one is awful in order to the make the other amazing.
Genshin rewards ain't so bad if you count the difference with HSR rewards per patch. Just because HSR gave limited 5 stars, it doesn't make the game wayyy better.
But from HSR perspective, "powercreep" in that game is also ain't that bad. If you build your characters & teams right and actually read the enemy mechanics, you can still clear the hardest current APOC with Seele (a 1.0 character btw). There's also the fact that HSR have 4 weekly endgame, and 4 permanent endgame, that's why you need a lotta characters for different situation.
But ngl the community for Genshin is always so toxic. HSR has calmed down with the "Genshin could never" long ago but Genshin fans spamming "powercreep" without even playing HSR is just stupid.
Both games have their strength and weaknesses. And the fact that those two games are SO different from one another is another thing why comparing them so provocatively is so idiotic :P
@@jerryeljeremy7790 I do play hsr, I told it in my og comment. I don't know how you can clear with a seele (respect frfr) but I'm struggling to clear with acheron a bit now, even if she's the strongest. (I'm new, so I can't exactly build every character but yeah)
And also, I've seen hsr players coming to gi and saying that the rewards are wayy lesser.
I can't agree too much about the hsr being calm rn. Because I saw the comments on "White Night", and the first one, literally the first one, said "Genshin could never." Sooo. I can't lie, white night is quite old now. But still, maybe not genshin could never but, there are hsr players downplaying gi, and gi players downplaying hsr. Eitherways, both kinds suck.
As the creator said in the above comment, they're different games, with different playstyles and genres. So we can't compare them either.
I'm not trying to come for you. But just a gentle reminder that you need really thick skin to be a content creator without it affecting you as a person. You can do whatever you want with your life and your channel, but letting comments get to you is one way to burn out.
All the best
Yeap, very noted.
Holy bro made a dedicated video for me let me clear this from my side
I haven’t watched the full video yet because i have other IRL things to do rn I’ll put a comment after watching it fully
But let me clear this
I’m someone who actually don’t care about criticizing games but I had not one but 3 HSR players personally coming to me in DM’s calling me a low life being for playing Genshin ever since then my perception towards HSR and HSR players are bad and I will be at my at most to make fun of HSR and HSR players they accused me of being the P word just for playing Genshin and called me a Genshin shill for getting exited for imaginarium theater release back then.
I think it would be much more better to talk things in Discord to clear up my side
@@Tamytaummta Welcome back, no need for Discord DMs. Thank you for explaining your side, and I just wanna say that just because you've had "HSR players calling you a lowlife in DMs", doesn't mean that you then get to put it out all on me, who you never even come across before, and I don't recall saying anything rude regarding your subject of favor. I'm a fairly cynical person most of the times, so my default perception towards anything is hardly ever positive unless I've genuinely spent a lot of time enjoying said subject, but that doesn't mean I go around random videos telling other people to "think for myself". Especially when that other person didn't even say anything bad that game you enjoy.
We're on the same boat here. We like Genshin (20:51), but accusing me of having a "Genshin bad, HSR good stereotype" is just so unnecessary, and just throws away people's need to look at what you've been saying, no matter how valid they were. While I sympathize with your dislike against people who have blasted and mocked you just for playing Genshin, since I've had my own IRL friends give me shit for that, just take this instance as a lesson where you can better parse your words when commenting on a subject you particularly dislike, since the internet is very open, and anything you post can be turned around on you as I did here.
As for the people who have mocked you. Let them be. If they are actually serious about it, then there's no point fighting them, cause all you'll achieve is needless anger. Just take their insults as a sign that they can't like what they like with having to prove it's "superiority" to something else, instead of just actually enjoying the game for what it is. More often than not, just like any bully, those people are just insecure about their hobbies, so they use someone/something else as a crutch to make them feel better by looking down at that other person/thing. Just laugh and move on, they'll slowly realize that they're the ones being the idiots.
I'd like to pin this comment if you allow it, just so people can see this perspective of yours. But, if you just wanna keep it here, then that's fine too.
@@GoatLiffyi won’t delete any comments here it’s up to you to pin it or not
I also did a comment after watching the full video, the treatment which I got from HSR players was not only on DM’s but I can see that happening to others in Discord servers publicly and in twitch chat
I guess I stereotyped you while I was also a victim of stereotyping huh funny how life is.. I haven’t came across your channel before this video so I didn’t have enough knowledge on what kind of person you are so it’s kinda dumb of me to jump in to conclusion
Hope you find a part of the fandom that won't bully you. Those types of HSR/HI3 fans are loud but they're not everywhere!
Honestly the genshin community has it great imagine playing a massive open world game with triple A standards and constant content updates and still somehow finding a way to cry about something. When this game first came out (I played day 1) I was so happy I couldn’t even sleep while I waited for the servers to first open. I remember when I first saw it I thought this shit can’t be free then I heard it was free to play the kind where everything but banner content is open to every player. The fact people can still cry about shit when it comes to this games is just disappointing. Be thankful Mihoyo still makes amazing games that are free because one day you can wake up and they’re charging you $10 to play in the new region. And it’s video game there’s no such thing as meta just play who you want and have fun that’s the point. There’s no esport competition for doing spiral abyss the fastest.
Maybe play Limbus Company.
It's also a case of, even when you have criticism, you can deliver it nicely. Don't be tellin people to "think for theirselves", it just pisses ppl off :P
Thanks for comin by :D
Oh, welcome back xD I'll see if i can check it out on the second anniv lul
@@GoatLiffy Okay
@@GoatLiffy Okay
Ive played a lot of online games, but genshin's community has taken first place for me in terms of being toxic.
There are some really cool ppl in it, but theres a portion of players who honestly remind me of some irl junkies who I have known in the past, it is the same addict behaviour.
There is also a lot of teens who got into gaming bc of genshin, who are active in online spaces, so sometimes the ppl making these comments are just kids being kids.
"There are some really cool ppl in it, but theres a portion of players who honestly remind me of some irl junkies who I have known in the past", see that's the sad part. There's actually far more of the really cool people who just plays the game normally, but the second group of people, while far less in actual size, is just so loud that it gives the impression that the community as a whole feels that way.
Idk man... as a 1.0 player of both, i find myself fighting the HSR crowd like 20 times mire oftent.
me when i saw a march 7 hunt, gallagher, hmc and asta full clear moc..... im so confuse how the 90% blessing works with everyone. like i can recently remember the chiori blessing. like it was geo dmg bonus....... so ur telling me 90% characters are geo. also people reccomend childe like people say he is good and can clear but only in national, now there is citlali, furina, xilonen and childe which the clear was nice but people weren't talking about childe recently. and they dont even realise, jingliu just recently got a more synergistic teammate before sunday, bronya and sparkle doesnt buff her dps state for 33% of the time or 50% of the time, but sunday can though less dmg bonus %. and jingliu had flaws from her own that was pointed out from the start when she was still strong.
Talking about irrelevant grievances from nobodies in the comment section is making them feel "seen" or feel "valid". F that noise, just discuss the games and let the haters yap and circle the drain.
But having these conversations is still important for creating a calmer space to enjoy Hoyoverse games
Oh.... I like you!
BTW.... That story you mentioned writing.... how do I find your stories on AO3? Wanna look and see if they might interest me.
I am a Genshin fanfic writer, as well... mine has 2 versions of each of my stories: a version with adult content (aside from violence).
And there's another (requested) version that has the adult stuff removed (still somewhat violent, though) so that more might be able to read it.
I'm (trying to-) writing my story the way Type Moon weaves their stories together... to the best of my ability.
Like parts of the "Fate" (or like the non-Type Moon Toaru-) franchise, the side stories spoil the main story and vice versa, I have the main story and about 6 sides, so far. The main story is over 155k words and not done.
There are about 3 or 4 ongoing side stories, the rest are finished 1 shots.
And more multi-chapterrd sides as well as one shot sides planned, still. All are related to my main, but focusing on other characters or couples.
I throw ALLLL my theories in it, if they connect, lol.
Not to mention a part 2 for my main story (Lumine x Xiao and Aether x Bonanus) is planned after part1 finishes.
Anyway -
Last time I mentioned to someone that the community was bad, I was told that "we don't talk about the community"..... and that's a problem as well.
If you don't address this it will just get worse.
You can look up BlindRider in AO3, or join the discord I have on my channel profile if you wanna. It's part of my writing community too :D
Damn, but Type Moon level of story building?? I'm not one to delve into that side of Fate (I only go as far as UBW), but I know that it's like quantum physics level of video game lore, so best of freakin luck yo...
Someone finally said it! Yeah, haters gonna hate, but if we don't discuss why this happens we won't get anywhere with trying to be more peaceful online
Ive never watched your feed before. Not sure why this video popped up, but I watched it. In my opinion your arguments are as petty as theirs. You would both be better off to just say. Ok we differ in opinions. You do you and move on. This type of content is needless drama and doesnt do either game any favors.
I would be okay to just move on say we differ in opinions if I wasn't told by the other person to basically "stop having a stereotype and think for myself," when I had no stereotype to begin with. That's what I've been trying to tell the other guy before they lashed out that way. But, if that makes me as petty as the other person when I tried to keep it civil, then so be it, I guess.
I hate hsr but I hate genshin fans more
Veyr fair, and very equal :P
Toxic company = toxic fans.. everything is normal , i don't see why people get surprised really..