i love these deep-dives explanations into why Riot designs abilities in the way they do for new champs! please keep making videos like these for future champion releases
After playing her today, yes she feels really well made and cohesive. She's a mid to longer range battlemage with decent poke at the cost of less scaling ratios and no easily accessible hard cc. But she makes up for her ratios with her passive which means she can actively punish every dash someone makes making her incredibly stupid into Yasuo but fairly useless into juggernauts and tanks due to her low damage without the passive. But then the best part of the kit, the ult W combo, my god. It's like playing ap Malphite who actually has good follow up. I love it and she's definitely staying in my mid pool.
@@notme9336 Yes but it's also very easy to lose it or just whiff it, for example a Ryze always has his root ready even if he Q's to clear a wave or Viktor has his W when he's poking you down with his E. Vex can't really hold her fear to peel because she needs her Q to poke or wave clear then you've feared a minion wave and now you have to wait 20 seconds in the early game before you can fear again, then there's also trying to land the E, same story, try to go for a long range engage, whiff and now you have nothing to work with for 20-15 seconds
I agree, without actively working around the Gloom part of her body passive she can at most proc her fear twice in a teamfight, and that’s if she doesn’t miss her abilities
To me, it's a good thing she has a category of champions she is good against and a category she is bad against, we've had too many champs lately who have few to no weak points and excel against all types of champions, like Viego
Ive seen her on PBE and Live servers today and I think she just has too much damage if they nerf that just a bit its a completely fine champion and not a balancing problem for 3 more years
What you said as a red flag shows one good thing about her. She doesn’t need an ability cut out of her kit, only numbers adjustment. And that is a sign of a good designed champion
@@bizarregeist8137 uh yeah i did complan about them sure.. There is a valid point with vex's ult being dangerous, but it is still a skillshot, which depends on the player skill to land (and its a narrow skillshot tbh)
@@iHex03 for fuck sake he must be trolling, vex ult aint a mobility skill but a engage, she cannot just escape a bad situation like every fucking new champ ( excluding rell, but no one cares about her). Yone has a 5 man ult with 1200 dmg at 2 items with following disengage and the man talks about a super slim skillshot that at max range is as hard to hit as a urgot ult from top to bot. And the ult is also slow as fuck. The rest of her kit aint even busted, she is a well balanced champ, but the man defends viego and yone that if they werent played by literal monkeys would both have a 75% win rate
I like that she doesn't have one defined combo. She can either E and hope that the enemy stays in the circle for long enough to be feared and then Q them for big damage and to pop Gloom, or she can Q, use the fear to get off her E easily, and then auto attack to hopefully proc Gloom. It's very nice to actually have options for how you hit things instead of having one bread and butter combo
E into Q immediately also works well, the E lowers the cooldown of passive then Q hits and slows so it's harder to dodge the Q. If the enemy tries to then engage, your passive is probably off cooldown and their HP is down so you can fear with shield.
yes, that's pretty much every champion, are you that delusional? yes i like pyke because he can either q then e or e then q it's pretty impressive how well made he is isn't he? no.
Don't forget that all 5 of her abilities do damage. Even if her scalings are a bit below average, other mages often only have 3 or 4 abilites that deal damage. Annie has her E, Ahri has her passive etc. I think her damage will be pretty good
all her abilities do damage but they does have beefy cooldowns compared to someone like neeko whom i found they both have extremely similar playstyle in lane. They do the same amount of damage but Vex cooldowns seem generally longer
Vex literally feels like a modern day Annie: a bursty mage with a cc passive and a shield for survivability. Vex just has a bit more agency thanks to her ultimate
9:02 kai'sa is technically 5 since she needs 4 and then another to proc it, she just doesn't only rely on autos to apply it since cc by teammates can apply it and w gives 2 stacks (3 when upgraded)
Vex is not strong since she loses hard to juggernauts and tanks in general. She is also a breathe of fresh air when all we had were flashy champs eith overloaded kits. A bit of an adjustment may be needed but not required such as the shielding.
I agree but she will be thought of as op because if you get countered by her you will not play the game and she counters dashes and ALOT of characters have dashes
Her kit sounds like she isn't meant to counter or be great against most of them, more like she is balanced around being her class unlike most new champions
In the one game i got to play her i built her full ap and just threw around qs. I had enough burst to oneshot a squishy with one rotation but it meant i didnt really have any way of living when a bruiser got onto me. She seems fine. Her gameplay was pretty intuitive and her damage was neither good nor bad. I also like her style and voicelines so i‘m already a fan, anyway
Because of her shield and her relatively low scaling, if you build her as a kind of AP juggernaut (Liandry's and such that give her hp also) she becomes a nightmare to kill, but loses her one shot potential. I recommend giving it a try
@@randomcatname7792 That's a good things, both options are good but you will miss the benefit of the other options if you choose one. That's how champion design should be.
Vex is an example of good champion design: cohesive in all aspects and, most importantly, without unnecesary or too many things on her abilities and passive. I have no issue with long descriptions if the champions makes it worth, like Aphelios. Akshan has too many things for instance on his passive, that's the problem, not the long description of it. It is a pity Riot did not launch an artillery mage, but at least made a good battlemage. And that mix of Annie+lissandra (a bit of nocturne) feels nice.
She makes sense. Jhin has a long passive but it ALL makes sense. You never ask "why," he has a movement speed buff to compensate for reloading downtime, he has 4 bullets because of his obsession, he has no attack speed because 4 shots but makes up for it with insanely high damage. It all fits. But with Akshan you constantly ask why; why does Akshan have a shield? Why does he do magic damage? Why does he get a movement speed buff? Why is it two shots? Etc. Etc.
i would love too see more of these first impression videos. while Huzzy, Ross and RedMercy are great at explaining abilities in their first impression videos--i'm naming those cause they get fastest access, especially Huzzy--they don't really have knowledge over classes and mechanics as much as you do. you'd basically be filling a empty hole of content from different angle. thanks for good quality content. keep up the good work. wish you well.
Huzzy is literally the only person who can say "Overpowered" or "broken" and I will actually care about it, even though I haven't played League in several years. He also likes to hammer home that no one knows what they're talking about for new champs on PBE or to believe youtubers
@@Lemmonhead258 she doesn't repel dashes, she does more damage after 1. As the other user said, noc is unstoppable, so the fear, if she has it, won't affect him, but he will receive extra damage from Vez next ability/auto
Vex reminds me of the "good ol' days" of league. Back when champions had basic designs and it was player creativity that pushed them to be something more than they were. Akshan (and pretty much every other modern champ) fail in their design in my opinion because their kits are just designed to make plays and be flashy. A "Cool play" for Akshan is the norm not the exception. I'm super excited to see Vex videos because I know they'll be highlights of players coming up with extraordinary uses for her otherwise ordinary abilities.
Tried to post this in live chat but her chief counters would be around timing. She has to make sure her W and passive are up at the right time otherwise she can get bursted down like any other mage.
Just want to say Vars, the fact that you continually get me to sit through 15 minute videos on a game I play very rarely shows your talent as a UA-camr. Good content but also great finer details, the music etc.
I appreciate it! :D A viewer once told me "You have a habit of taking 20 minutes to explain something that should take only 2, but somehow keep me interested enough to watch all the way to the end."
"Vex is that edgy kid in school that thought they had some secret power they were trying to keep hidden from the world or something." - Vars at the official Vex Champion Spotlight
Im playing vex pretty regularly and here is my thoughts: She is a late game mage assassin with a decent early game and a 2 item power spike: Ludens/Everfrost and horizon focus. Her early game is quite weak when vs ranged champions who has more reliable damage like ahri, cassipopeia etc. because she needs to land her e and go for an auto which draws a lot of minion aggro. Her level 4 all in is quite strong with a flash w fear and it basically guarantees or q and e will hit, really hard to predict and dodge. at level 6 she just pops off with her ultimate, and here is the down side: Her ultimate is ludicrously slow, it is extremely easy to dodge if the champion you are planning against has any dash or blink, i.e. ahri, kassadin, zed... If you missed your ult, unless you have flash or they are very low, don't think about killing them, because you have 0 pressure if you don't have ult, so make them count, especially mid game if you are behind, because one good skirmish or team fight with you aoe fear can turn the situation around. Now, late game :)..... Yeah, her late game dmg is kinda insane, the highest I have ever seen, its more reliable than kassadin, because vex has self peel with her shield and fear, when she has 4 items, she can press r, r, and w and the adc would get oneshot, if not, add a guaranteed q for safety measure... Conclusion: Vex's kit is simple, but useful, she brings a lot to the table, she's not mobile by any means, but she has self peel with quite a high cool down as a counter balance, if you take anything away from vex's kit I would be very sad, she is definitely not a 200 year champion, but a perfectly designed, well balanced kit. of course the number need to be worked on, tune down the dmg ratio on her w and change first ult cast ration to 30% from 20% and lower the second cast to 40% from 50, this keeps the damage but lowers her burst so the enemy's team mates can react to it.. and so she can actually use other abilities to oneshot other than her r and w Perfectly designed champion, fun to play, great champion for comeback games, great skirmishers, teamfighter, and overall fun to play well done riot, finally perfected a champion in a long time
It has been a long time since I've seen a champion and thought "that looks fun to play as and against." (Last one was probably Sett). Even after I saw how long her ulti range was (I initally thought it was 1/2 as long) I still didn't bat much of an eye. Good champ, hopefully Riot will continue with this.
How about Lillia and Seraphine? I know many were pretty disappointed with there designs, but I feel like people often overlook them when they talk about simple kits. Sure, they both have crazy 5 man ult potential, but I personally prefer them over Sett in "that looks fun to play as and against" terms. Edit: Also, what about Rell? I think she's pretty good at this too, but apparently I forgot her lol.
@@epiccobra1080 I think the distinction is that they're fun for both sides. Seraphine ulti is super un-interactive for some champs (low mobility ADCs) and her partical effects for me personally are very distracting. Lillia's MS doesn't personally frustrate me, but it definitely isn't a mechanic I enjoy. I do however know quite a few people who despise her MS. Also, her ultimate when used can feel so useless, but other times it makes a stray skill-shot half health someone. Lastly, Rell has a ton of cc and personally I consider those champions frustrating (Morgana, Leona, and Blitz). The only reason Rell isn't frustrating is because of how hard she is to play. She's objectively worse than Leona right now. Leona does twice as much damage, can move, and has a point-and-click cc. They aren't really un-healthy, but I saw from the outset that I would experience nothing fun, or engaging from them. While others might hate them.
@@Viridian084 Doesn't Vex's identity as an anti-carry kinda make her frustrating to play against though? I get now why you don't count Seraphine and Lillia, but I don't think I quite see why do don't consider Vex similarly frustrating.
I really liked what you said about empowered abilities, and it's essentially one of my favorite things in League, and one of those things that I wish DotA had more of (though that game compensates for it with its abilities being a little more "crazy", go look up Techies if you'd like to see it for yourself). There are quite a few empowered ability champions, and I play a bunch of those because of the whole reward/punishment system that is based on fast but clever thinking is extremely satisfying when used well, but is also pretty fair all things considered. The champions that have this are: Annie, Brand, Heimerdinger, Karma, LeBlanc, Pantheon, Qiyana, Renekton, Rengar, Rumble, Ryze, Seraphine, Sona, Twisted Fate, Zyra, and of course, Vex. There are also a lot of different versions of this, as you have Viktor, Kayn, Gangplank, Kha'Zix, Kai'Sa and Syndra who have to make their decisions with their passive empowers proactively, forcing them to predict what will help them the most in the future. Aphelios has to constantly think about which guns he wants to set up for a fight, and what order does he want, as having a good or a bad combo can be the difference between getting an ace, and getting aced. There is Elise, Jayce, Nidalee and Rek'Sai, who basically have access to two weaker forms with different kits that excel at different things, and picking the right kit for the right moment is the key to success on these champs (Shyvana has two forms but the dragon one is always just a buff, Gnar has two forms, but there's a bit less player control when it comes to managing his two forms, and Kled is even more wild). Jinx has the rocket launcher and the minigun that she constantly has to think about. There's Lissandra who has to decide between ulting an enemy or herself, same deal with Tahm's ult that can be used on teammates or enemies. There's Rell, who has to switch between her different W forms accordingly. Udyr has to always choose the correct stance because he's physically unable to just mash his stuff. There is Zilean and Lulu, who both have two abilities that can be used on allies or enemies. And lastly, there's Sylas, Viego and Zoe who all have the potential to make a huge play by stealing the right thing, or instantly failing by stealing the wrong thing. So as you can see, there are a BUNCH of champions that have to make choices within their kits. I absolutely love the idea behind these, and I think it would make for a great video idea, where you can talk about choice based champions, and what you think about the different types of them.
There are only 2 things I don't like about vex: her ult is literally what she should hate, and she hadn't any kind of portal magic (she has in the lore). Then, I love everything about het: the kit, the passive, Dub and what she says. I also like the fact that she is available both as a hard counter (yasuo, riven, irelia) and a "first pick" due to her long range
About the ult being "literally what she would hate" I think thats very cool because a part of the teenage archetype is a bit of hypocrisy: she hates having her personal space invaded, but she doesn't mind invading other people's personal space 😆
Vex is the first champion since Lillia's release that I am very happy about. Some other champions were kinda cool, some were stupid, some were uninteresting. But Vex is the first champion in quite some time that makes me excited, whether I see her on my team or the enemy team
Visually, I have trouble seeing her and her abilities. I think she's not visible enough, and I'd lose track of where she is during a teamfight, but otherwise sure I guess.
Really cool episode btw. The fact that you're able to make such a clear and thorough analysis this soon after release speaks to the strength of your framework of interpreting design.
Coolest champ since Sett in my opinion. Also helps she's a "monster" champ and not the conventionally attractive stereotypical eboy/egirl flashy OP trash riot has been putting out
It is undeniable that compared to what we've been having, Vex is a big improvement, but her ult bugs me really hard is that she feels like Lissandra, but better. Vex's base kit is fine, but her range is much longer. Her ultimate, meanwhile, feels like Lissandra's engage but unlike Lissandra who's very slow, telegraph and relatively low range, Vex's is, as you've mentioned, Lee Sin's Q on steroids that resets. While Lissandra has a slow engage and has low range to work with in the neutral game, Vex has acess to not only a better engage, but when she don't have to engage, she also has strong range.
I'd say that compared to Lissandra, Vex's engage is much more unreliable. While Lissandra's E is much slower moving and is slower, Lissandra can warp to it no matter where the enemy team are, and she can also control where she warps to. Vex, while she has a much longer and fast-moving projectile, needs to hit an enemy in order to dash to them, and can only dash to an enemy champion. On top of that, her ult, can be completely negated just by dodging or blocking the ult, and she only gets resets if the person she ulted to dies within a few seconds of her ulting them, unlike other resets such as Akshan or Samira's E's, which reset on any takedown.
Nah. It is much harder for Vex to stay alive for longer than it takes for Lissandra, plus her cc has less on demand usage. She is better at hard engages with the rest of her team due to her fear, but overall, Vex doesn't take over Liss's niche at all.
Vex also reminds me of your video on champion lore-in the way she plays it makes sense that she's a yordle but she's not the happy-go-lucky type that you'd expect from bandle city.
dude aphelios main here and he's not that hard to understand since his abilities are not new (point click root, cone damage, turret, long range harrass, urgot w on steroids) he's not that complicated compared to akshan and not busted like viego
@@hqhuy931 Hey man. It was just a joke. Being truthful though I had research his champ spotlight multiple times before I remembered his abilities. So again, just making a funny.
@@flameofmage1099 I don't feel like that doesn't matter as much in a way, when people just throw around jokes as narrative pieces, basically taking them way too seriously than they should be. I mean I saw many people in the League community who just use memes as a way of just complaining in general. Not to say that you are, but man, seeing people just throwing around jokes and unironically believing they always have actual merit for an argument can be pretty messy to watch imo.
Liked this ideia of video, there's a Brazillian channel that has a similar series, so I like this idea of first impressions (and also, loved Vex, she looks awesome)
I love the way her kit is built as a whole, simplistic but allows for a ton of permutations in her ability rotation, complexity through simplicity grants really interesting depth.
People saying that she needs adjustments because of the fact that she's not very good into Juggernauts and tanks are missing the point. Every champion theyve released even somewhat recently is good into tanks... That's all people have been complaining about.. and now there is a champion that counters the vast majority of antitank champions, and people say she needs adjustments. Am I missing something, or did people just forget that YOURE SUPPOSED TO DESIGN CHAMPIONS WITH DISTINCT WEAKNESSES. It's like the scourge of no counterplay bullshit has made people expect no counterplay bullshit, and gripe when a new champ has any fucking counterplay. Edit: Rell is the only new champion that doesn't shitstomp tanks. Seraphine has too much utility and zone control for tanks to reasonably do anything.
Yeah honestly I think people forget that LoL is an rts game where every champion is supposed to be part of a whole and not capable of doing absolutely everything.
I love the analysis on vex. I can't wait to hear what comparisons you'll make between vex and the new champion briar, both of their ultimates do basically the same thing but briar is missing a reset on the cool down but the both of them pop their ult , dive head first into the enemy/enemy team and fear everyone around.
I like your reactions and analysis, so this video was actually pretty great to watch! I think you can do one for each new champion, after all it's fun to hear your opinion.
@@VarsVerum Uhh, how is that a mistake? Are you telling me that making a comment that became memeable is a "Mistake"? Pretty sure he did not designed the Wukong rework.
@@bulletcola7890 He literally said "we have over 200 years of combined experience in making games", which is stupid af bcs you can get 1000000 random people into making buildings and say that you have 1000000 days of combined experience, pretty stupid
It’s funny that the champions you mentioned about skill empowerment are all my favorite champions, despite not realizing they all had that in common. Hiemer, vex, rumble renekton, funny
Im surprised theres no content on Gwen id love to see a video about her. If im correct she has a low wr and i feel like shes not really noticeable and doesnt have much impact like Viego and the other new champs.
You should make a video about Crowd Control, buy more specifically, obscure Crowd Control. Like Victors W has what i believe is the rarest type of CC, not the stun, but along with the stun it is a Knock Down, knocking down enemies who are knocked up. I cannot think of 1 other ability that does this, i could be wrong, but i'm fairly certain it's the only one.
One thing I like about Vex (haven't played her, just based off of impressions) is how she can really benefit from all 3 mana mythics to very high potential. If you're against a team of tanks, Liandry's burn works very well with her ranged aoe abilities. If you need the burst, Luden's will help with her low-ish damage and a full rotation can probably catch people off guard and lead to chain kills with her R. And if you can remember to use activated items, Everfrost will provide you with extra disruption when diving into the enemy team!
Great video! Loved the in-depth explanation. Would love to see more of these future champs videos. The only suggestion I can make is maybe try the champ on pbe and give your opinion on the gameplay?
Hey, Vars. Found your channel a few days ago and just finished binging almost all your League content :) Great stuff. I think your the best person to answer this question Ive had for awhile and can give you another new series to add to your big lineup. Who are the best champions to main/one trick? In each role, who are a few of the champions who have the most build versatility, skill ceiling, most favorable matchups, safer even in bad matchups, most useful in the most stages of the game, Buff/nerf/Meta resistant, etc, etc. I play mostly Top and Support, occasionally mid and what Im thinking is Volibear, Pantheon, Malzahar, Senna, and Thresh (and Leona because I just love her so much). These are the Champions I plan to focus my time into to maximize how infrequently I play league now compared to a few years ago when I played everyday for many hours. Interested in your opinion and thoughts on the topic.
Hey welcome :D Glad you enjoyed my stuff. It largely depends on the person because everyone's different. But if you're looking for a champion that can help you build good habits and whatnot, my suggestion is to look for the video on my channel titled: Best champions to learn macro, since macro can help a ton with learning new champions too!
AAAAAHAHAHA! VARS ADMITTED IT! (Probably not the first time) ZOE IS WELL DESIGNED! (I genuinely love it when vars talks about Zoe, my favorite champion. I can’t quite say why, but it just makes me smile. Maybe because vars is a great UA-cam creator so when he talks about something I really like I either smirk in mischief or grin in mischief because no matter what, Zoe go brrrrrrr)
Her w actually fears and damages before the animation making it an instant cast ability. The frame you press w is the same frame damage and fear is applied.
This champion is ridiculous. It has 70% of poke damage of an artillery mage, all the control of a control mage and an engage tool/combo worthy of an assassin. When she goes into your back line with ult plus personal space it’s basically the same as if Katarina was there in her place. Also who the hell came up with the concept of a champion that wants to keep you at range and poke you that also gets empowered and has a lower cool down on cc every time you dash in her presence. It’s like she won’t let you walk up to the wave, she pushes you in, then harasses you under tower and makes you miss creeps with cc. And should you try to get into her she fears you, slows you, bursts you and runs away. Prolong her fear’s cooldown and definitely reduce its duration. If a champion can fulfil multiple roles it has to be underwhelming enough in all or most of them that it is not OP. Vex has the single best disruption in the game, but she also has ok to good damage and a Kaisa type ultimate. That is too much in my opinion
Her design is fine,it's only a matter of numbers for her to be fine by the majority of people.For example reduce her fear duratiom from 1,5 sec to 1 sec but increase her Q ap ratio to let's say 80% from 60% the ability she has to aim and land.She can't just be so safe with a shield that AoE fears you for dodging her skillshots and going in on kust the passive
Mid is the only lane I don't really play, but vex just might change that. Or I could just take her sup because I don't want to deal with 5 minute queue times, but whatever.
Also, she brings some nice ideas for the future Nocturne rework, and maybe for Annie (IMHO, both are still enjoyable, but borderline functional in actual standards).
Although im a low elo scrub and my opinion will not be taken into consideration, i fear that they might change nocturne too much, i really like him rn.
She kinda sounds like a good support ngl. She can peel for her carries, stop ganks with passive, and enough fear to match the cc of other supports. She can engage with ult + w, get a kill, and make use of that reset in a duo lane.
I love this champ. A new champ that isn't overloaded, has a clear goal that is realized, and has clear strengths and weaknesses. I'm all for complex characters, but this is better than a complex, overloaded character. Vex feels just right.
What I love about her is, that she isnt a disney princess (looking at you, lilia, seraphine, zoe, neeko) and she does not have a complex kit where you have to have a PHD to understand it (looking at you, Aphelios). She basically is a simple champ but what makes her special and challenging to play is that she is not simple as in button smashing like garen or tryndamere. She does have simple abilities but the clue is how to use them in each situation. Perfect champion design in my opinion. 10/10.
meanwhile in masters i see her like 30% of all my games lol, i once played against her 10 games in a row a few weeks back shes like the 3rd most common mid outside of sylas and yone
Empowered abilities have always been cool. I never been killed by one and been like “that’s broken and unfair” because most empowered abilities have some indication that they are ready
Although, one critique: I know you've brought this up before but I don't think your argument about yordles is very strong. By that I mean, I think a lot of champions have unique annoying abilities in this game. Maybe they're not the same level of changing everyone's playstyle as Teemo's shrooms or Evelynn's invisibility, but a lot of champs have some ability that makes them stand out as something to watch out for. It's not really unique to yordles. I just don't think yordles are really tied together gameplay-wise. It's more of a visual design decision to have a champ that may look small/cute but packs a punch. (Like Vex being small, almost encouraging divers to dash after her and then she throws that in their faces.) Or be cartoonish for better readability like Kled since he's in the thick of fights dismounting and remounting - his animation needs to be exaggerated. Just my two cents.
Idk, riot has in the past talked about a champions gameplay fantasy, how that champs lore and design relate to their gameplay. One example at work is a majority of the freljord champions have stuns and I believe all of them have slows. Another example is void champs usually do high damage, the only void champ that isn’t supposed to only do damage is cho gath, which is a juggernaut, a high damage tank. Riot does try to relate a champ to their region or race I think.
@@P1aceHo1derName They've talked about this with correlating kits to NATIONS, yes. As you said, the Freljord champs all have CC, Noxus - very offensive/all-in playstyles, etc. But they've never stated this with the different RACES. They have said they think on whether a champion's gameplay warrants "not being human". For instance: Gnar and Kled wouldn't work as humans. There needs to be a clear visible change when they go between forms (Mini/Mega, mounted/dismounted) and it works easier with characters that already have small forms. Kha'Zix and Rengar have their signature jumps, and it wouldn't sell that "I'm a predator assassin pouncing on you" theme if they were just humans. Yuumi wouldn't work as a tiny human attached to someone. Cats can be known for being permanently attached to their owners, though. So the non-human designs come into play earlier in the creation of a champ in order to better sell a kit/a theme/make sure things are clear for the players. They can design that character around a nation afterwards, fitting their lore in somewhere that reflects their kit.
@@makothetako but the yordles are from bandle city, the thing with yordles is they can be anything so keeping a consistent design between them would be impossible, but the gameplay does hold some continuity in a broad sense. Given that yordles can be so different they don’t have a specific gameplay pattern that is similar to another yordle, instead their magical nature is what relates them, having abilities which there are no parallels to any other champion. This can mostly be seen in their ults, teemo, lulu, and poppy’s ult are some of the most unique ults in the game having few comparable abilities, unlike something like invisibility or a long range dive dash. Basically their relation is their uniqueness when compared to other champions.
The thing I really REALLY like is that she is(as far as I know) the only mage who has fear as a cc(excluding ap warwick 😎) and that makes her unique. Don't know why just like it ahahah interesting choice imo.
@@LeBronP oh i totally forgot mb but tbh fidle is just soo unique and such a well-designed champ that he doesn't feel like a mage to me. The best way to describe his playstyle is-I'm playing fuking Fidle.
I'm happy for Vex,not only because she is a walking middle finger to any champion with a dash,but also for her abilitieis being simple and not needing a PHD in science just to understand what her passive does(i still don't understand what Akshan's passive does). Gives me hope for the Udyr rework.
To me Vex seems to be a mid-range mage for the most part. Most of what I played her was on URF, but I played her in a normal too and what I felt was a very passive and defensive champion early on, who needs to combo her E and Q for any real damage, with a W that you mainly use to keep yourself from being popped if a melee gets on you. She seems to be a mid game powerspike champion though, in that once you finish one or two items and get ult and max rank Q, you start to hurt. - Waiting on your passive to be up and all your cooldowns ready, any squishy is prime real estate for a combo. - She's awesome to burst with, but you have to rely on the enemy not seeing your R coming or being unable to react, and when people are low health they tend to be very alert, so ironically you're better off hitting a higher health target, so long as it's not a tank or bruiser. - Then fly in with an instant W to fear, and that gives you enough time to put your E-Q combo on them, to proc gloom and deal the solid damage, with E being near-instant in melee range. Also, you can use this to initiate team fights, since an R-W is about as good to break enemy focus and set up an ace as a Malphite Ult that homes on a target, or a Fiddlesticks R with four times the range. - Or you can chain her ultimate resets to clean up after a teamfight if you were late to show up. She's very versatile, then, but only if she benefits of her Ultimate, otherwise it's dangerous to get in. As for items, my favorite for her so far was Everfrost, into Archangel's to solve mana issues and then Rabaddon for the insane AP. - This lets her burst as well as wave clear, and solves her mana hunger issues, as her costs can be pretty ridiculous. - You could go Haste on her, sure, but you'd still want a tear in there. - From there I usually take Horizon Focus for her 4th item, as it sinergizes well with her ult as well as her passive, and gives massive AP, and then round it all up with a Rylai, which gives both HP and a slow. - So later on you put a bit of beef on you, so you have an easier time diving into those game-ending teamfights and causing the most amount of damage, plus that the additional slow from Rylai makes it way easier to land your E-Q combo on a target, even if you don't have the Doom passive on hand just then. - And yes, I know E slows by default, but its a very well telegraphed ability, and slowing an enemy with your R and W before you toss the puddle under them makes it way easier to apply your full damage, which will be very impactful as well as crucial later in the game. - Boots I tend to go Sorc's, since I'm building so much into burst. - Everfrost can be swapped out for Luden in theory, but I find the additional crowd control as well as the HP very useful, and with Everfrost the build actually reaches 1000 AP with blue pot quite consistently. Also, 2nd ability max I see a lot of people going E, but it has no cooldown scaling, and the base damage is pretty mediocre either way, E is mainly useful as a tool to apply Gloom in an E-Q combo. Meanwhile the AP scaling on both the shield and the AOE damage on her W is insanely good, and it actually has a lower cooldown as you rank it up, iirc. Runes are up to you, really. - Harvest if you're feeling confident, or Comet if you want to play it safe. - Ultimate Hunter I find is a very useful thing to have, and Manaflow Band with Transcendence helps as well, as that mana will go into AP. - If you're going to build her with Liandri, though, you're going to need both Manaflow and Presence of Mind, so... There's no real one-set way to build her. And I like that. - You can tailor her to your needs, adapt to the game and to your play style. She's fun because the tools being so simple allow you to use them in creative ways. All in all, I really thing Rito did a great job with her, but.... She's going to get nerfed, I'm sure, specifically hitting her passive, but... who knows? I'm not a master dev with 220 collective years of Game Design under my belt.
I think she's absolutely brilliantly designed. Another thing you missed is that E and Q are designed such that they *still* fulfill the typical mage-type ability fantasy, but unlike almost all mage abilities they're carefully designed such that they're *also* good against people who get on top of her; this is a trait practically no other mage has, and the attention to cohesion and detail it shows is just wonderful. I think the people who designed Vex can't be congratulated enough. In this day and age, to come out with a *simple* and yet brilliantly effective champion that *also* fills a crucial role in the game (a mage who does well against dash-spam) my god it's just pure genius.
I think her fear isn't that bad since it has a rly long cool down and once used champions like riven and Irelia can just engage again before her fear is off cool down, plus her early game damage is abismal without her passive making her reliant on her E fear + Q combo for significant damage
I mean, how is she supposed to keep up with the dashing champion if they dash out of her attack range? Plus, her ult is literally a lee sin Q/Mark and dash with a 140 second cooldown.
Its a ultimate, so the cooldown is extremely long if she doesnt get a kill, and her dash can only be used as a engage /catch up tool ,she cant dash away like katarina , akali , Graves and even WW can use his R to run away
Say a dash champion just dashes over a wall everytime vex gets near them. Then shes no longer an anti dash champion as she can no longer threaten them unless shes close. But with her r she can threaten those champs who try to escape by following up and preventing more dashes with w making her a major threat that they must keep track of to them.
Riot did a good job making Vex and she's a breath of fresh air from what we've received year round. One thing to say is she'll more than likely adjustments/nerfs to make her weaknesses more apparent and obvious. At the moment, she feels like she counters everything and i'm not saying she's overpowered, but definitely not in the right place
Tried Vex for a game or two and played against her for a game or two before I watched this video, and I really do think that she is an amazingly designed champion, who feels really fun to play, doesn't feel bad to play against, and takes a good amount of skill to master, she might give Jhin a run for his money for best designed champions.
Dude I saw her video I was like I love her she is balances. I got to play against her and she was fun to play against because I got to see exactly what she was doing and where I was going wrong
unrelated to mechanics but i simply love how the animations make it clear that she doesn't wanna be there and has a total of 0 motivation to fight, befitting the caracter design
the burst off her R W combo is enormus like i saw a vex withoyt any idea of dafuk is her champ (never use gloom ) and yet a accidental , R A E W she nuke a yas while she was behind and just RAW nuke eveything , she was trahs and in my team , but damm the number on her R
i love these deep-dives explanations into why Riot designs abilities in the way they do for new champs! please keep making videos like these for future champion releases
I didn’t know you like league. Do you stream?
Woah you here!? I love your videos
Didnt expect u here lol
After playing her today, yes she feels really well made and cohesive. She's a mid to longer range battlemage with decent poke at the cost of less scaling ratios and no easily accessible hard cc. But she makes up for her ratios with her passive which means she can actively punish every dash someone makes making her incredibly stupid into Yasuo but fairly useless into juggernauts and tanks due to her low damage without the passive. But then the best part of the kit, the ult W combo, my god. It's like playing ap Malphite who actually has good follow up. I love it and she's definitely staying in my mid pool.
"no easily accessible hard cc" next sentence references her passive that has hard cc.
@@notme9336 Yes but it's also very easy to lose it or just whiff it, for example a Ryze always has his root ready even if he Q's to clear a wave or Viktor has his W when he's poking you down with his E. Vex can't really hold her fear to peel because she needs her Q to poke or wave clear then you've feared a minion wave and now you have to wait 20 seconds in the early game before you can fear again, then there's also trying to land the E, same story, try to go for a long range engage, whiff and now you have nothing to work with for 20-15 seconds
I agree, without actively working around the Gloom part of her body passive she can at most proc her fear twice in a teamfight, and that’s if she doesn’t miss her abilities
To me, it's a good thing she has a category of champions she is good against and a category she is bad against, we've had too many champs lately who have few to no weak points and excel against all types of champions, like Viego
Ive seen her on PBE and Live servers today and I think she just has too much damage if they nerf that just a bit its a completely fine champion and not a balancing problem for 3 more years
Yasuos hate her and immobile top laners love her, find out how today
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
Me as a garen, darius, and mordekaiser main:
ooga booga me bonk emo hamster
@@HamsterPants522 hampter
Even against Poppy she's weak.
@@bringanotebook28 hampther
What you said as a red flag shows one good thing about her. She doesn’t need an ability cut out of her kit, only numbers adjustment. And that is a sign of a good designed champion
@@bizarregeist8137 vex ult cant one shot you unless vex is fed
@@bizarregeist8137 we aren't talking about a 0/7 viego. If there are two champs on equal footing then viego has the upper edge.
@@bizarregeist8137 uh yeah i did complan about them sure.. There is a valid point with vex's ult being dangerous, but it is still a skillshot, which depends on the player skill to land (and its a narrow skillshot tbh)
@@bizarregeist8137 just dodge the ult lmao
@@iHex03 for fuck sake he must be trolling, vex ult aint a mobility skill but a engage, she cannot just escape a bad situation like every fucking new champ ( excluding rell, but no one cares about her). Yone has a 5 man ult with 1200 dmg at 2 items with following disengage and the man talks about a super slim skillshot that at max range is as hard to hit as a urgot ult from top to bot. And the ult is also slow as fuck. The rest of her kit aint even busted, she is a well balanced champ, but the man defends viego and yone that if they werent played by literal monkeys would both have a 75% win rate
I like that she doesn't have one defined combo. She can either E and hope that the enemy stays in the circle for long enough to be feared and then Q them for big damage and to pop Gloom, or she can Q, use the fear to get off her E easily, and then auto attack to hopefully proc Gloom. It's very nice to actually have options for how you hit things instead of having one bread and butter combo
w can proc gloom
E into Q immediately also works well, the E lowers the cooldown of passive then Q hits and slows so it's harder to dodge the Q. If the enemy tries to then engage, your passive is probably off cooldown and their HP is down so you can fear with shield.
EQ seems great for poke/gank set up. Guess we need some time to work out optimal comboes.
E into W into Q is a pretty quick and easy burst combo in a close to mid ranged match up, which is where Vex is strongest. Procs electrocute as well.
yes, that's pretty much every champion, are you that delusional? yes i like pyke because he can either q then e or e then q it's pretty impressive how well made he is isn't he? no.
Don't forget that all 5 of her abilities do damage. Even if her scalings are a bit below average, other mages often only have 3 or 4 abilites that deal damage. Annie has her E, Ahri has her passive etc. I think her damage will be pretty good
Definitely the most recent mage that all of their abilities do damage. Its been a long time.
her ult does insanely mediocre damage 75/125/175 with 20% AP ratio scalings though.
all her abilities do damage but they does have beefy cooldowns compared to someone like neeko whom i found they both have extremely similar playstyle in lane. They do the same amount of damage but Vex cooldowns seem generally longer
@@cannedsquasher5923 her ult deals 225/375/525(+70% ap)
@@cannedsquasher5923 That's the first cast of her ult, the second cast does the real damage.
Vex literally feels like a modern day Annie: a bursty mage with a cc passive and a shield for survivability. Vex just has a bit more agency thanks to her ultimate
Well said. Can't believe I forgot Annie exists, was too focused on her anti-dash mechanic.
9:02 kai'sa is technically 5 since she needs 4 and then another to proc it, she just doesn't only rely on autos to apply it since cc by teammates can apply it and w gives 2 stacks (3 when upgraded)
Vex is not strong since she loses hard to juggernauts and tanks in general. She is also a breathe of fresh air when all we had were flashy champs eith overloaded kits. A bit of an adjustment may be needed but not required such as the shielding.
I agree alot. She also have really cool animations and stuff that make her an actual character with personnality :D
I agree but she will be thought of as op because if you get countered by her you will not play the game and she counters dashes and ALOT of characters have dashes
Only thing I dislike is her w
Her kit sounds like she isn't meant to counter or be great against most of them, more like she is balanced around being her class unlike most new champions
Don't most mages lose to tanks nowadays?
In the one game i got to play her i built her full ap and just threw around qs.
I had enough burst to oneshot a squishy with one rotation but it meant i didnt really have any way of living when a bruiser got onto me.
She seems fine. Her gameplay was pretty intuitive and her damage was neither good nor bad. I also like her style and voicelines so i‘m already a fan, anyway
Because of her shield and her relatively low scaling, if you build her as a kind of AP juggernaut (Liandry's and such that give her hp also) she becomes a nightmare to kill, but loses her one shot potential. I recommend giving it a try
@@randomcatname7792 That's a good things, both options are good but you will miss the benefit of the other options if you choose one. That's how champion design should be.
@@minhducnguyen9276 7⁷
Vex is an example of good champion design: cohesive in all aspects and, most importantly, without unnecesary or too many things on her abilities and passive.
I have no issue with long descriptions if the champions makes it worth, like Aphelios. Akshan has too many things for instance on his passive, that's the problem, not the long description of it.
It is a pity Riot did not launch an artillery mage, but at least made a good battlemage. And that mix of Annie+lissandra (a bit of nocturne) feels nice.
She makes sense. Jhin has a long passive but it ALL makes sense. You never ask "why," he has a movement speed buff to compensate for reloading downtime, he has 4 bullets because of his obsession, he has no attack speed because 4 shots but makes up for it with insanely high damage. It all fits. But with Akshan you constantly ask why; why does Akshan have a shield? Why does he do magic damage? Why does he get a movement speed buff? Why is it two shots? Etc. Etc.
You mean Akshans 5+ passives?
@@collinharris4848 True
@@collinharris4848 facts
@@collinharris4848 and abusing press the attack rune
i love how the only concerning thing about this champ is the numbers, its so refreshing to see a champ thats only concerning thing is numbers,
i would love too see more of these first impression videos. while Huzzy, Ross and RedMercy are great at explaining abilities in their first impression videos--i'm naming those cause they get fastest access, especially Huzzy--they don't really have knowledge over classes and mechanics as much as you do. you'd basically be filling a empty hole of content from different angle.
thanks for good quality content. keep up the good work. wish you well.
Huzzy is literally the only person who can say "Overpowered" or "broken" and I will actually care about it, even though I haven't played League in several years.
He also likes to hammer home that no one knows what they're talking about for new champs on PBE or to believe youtubers
@@milkjug4237 yeah yeah he does😂🔨he's right tho
As a Nocturne enjoyer...finally a champ that i can ult without her being able to dash 34 screens away
If you have 4 low health allies she technically still can
Willl she repel the dash ?
@@Lemmonhead258 Nocturne is unstoppable while ulting so probably not
@@Lemmonhead258 she doesn't repel dashes, she does more damage after 1. As the other user said, noc is unstoppable, so the fear, if she has it, won't affect him, but he will receive extra damage from Vez next ability/auto
@@Lemmonhead258 u can W mid flight and u block the fear and i yeah, i forgot to mention that hes unstoppable during R
Vex reminds me of the "good ol' days" of league. Back when champions had basic designs and it was player creativity that pushed them to be something more than they were. Akshan (and pretty much every other modern champ) fail in their design in my opinion because their kits are just designed to make plays and be flashy. A "Cool play" for Akshan is the norm not the exception. I'm super excited to see Vex videos because I know they'll be highlights of players coming up with extraordinary uses for her otherwise ordinary abilities.
after seeing your comment in her reveal on skinspotlights, I knew we were gonna get a video on vex. To be honest, thanks. I really like the champ too.
I want another void monster, demon, ascended champ
or a singed experiment, or some forgotten beast from icathia or...........
@@justanuff icathian beasts are generally void monsters because of the rift
They kind of teased a void champ at the end of the champion road map, the guys making those road map posts love just making word play hints.
Ascended can create a cool evolution in shurima lore
Tried to post this in live chat but her chief counters would be around timing. She has to make sure her W and passive are up at the right time otherwise she can get bursted down like any other mage.
Mistral bolt can also proc the passive well at close range
Just want to say Vars, the fact that you continually get me to sit through 15 minute videos on a game I play very rarely shows your talent as a UA-camr. Good content but also great finer details, the music etc.
I appreciate it! :D A viewer once told me "You have a habit of taking 20 minutes to explain something that should take only 2, but somehow keep me interested enough to watch all the way to the end."
@@VarsVerum You go in to a good amount of detail, but it doesn't feel like you're going too slow at all. Good luck with UA-cam man!
"Vex is that edgy kid in school that thought they had some secret power they were trying to keep hidden from the world or something." - Vars at the official Vex Champion Spotlight
Im playing vex pretty regularly and here is my thoughts:
She is a late game mage assassin with a decent early game and a 2 item power spike: Ludens/Everfrost and horizon focus. Her early game is quite weak when vs ranged champions who has more reliable damage like ahri, cassipopeia etc. because she needs to land her e and go for an auto which draws a lot of minion aggro. Her level 4 all in is quite strong with a flash w fear and it basically guarantees or q and e will hit, really hard to predict and dodge. at level 6 she just pops off with her ultimate, and here is the down side: Her ultimate is ludicrously slow, it is extremely easy to dodge if the champion you are planning against has any dash or blink, i.e. ahri, kassadin, zed... If you missed your ult, unless you have flash or they are very low, don't think about killing them, because you have 0 pressure if you don't have ult, so make them count, especially mid game if you are behind, because one good skirmish or team fight with you aoe fear can turn the situation around.
Now, late game :)..... Yeah, her late game dmg is kinda insane, the highest I have ever seen, its more reliable than kassadin, because vex has self peel with her shield and fear, when she has 4 items, she can press r, r, and w and the adc would get oneshot, if not, add a guaranteed q for safety measure...
Conclusion: Vex's kit is simple, but useful, she brings a lot to the table, she's not mobile by any means, but she has self peel with quite a high cool down as a counter balance, if you take anything away from vex's kit I would be very sad, she is definitely not a 200 year champion, but a perfectly designed, well balanced kit. of course the number need to be worked on, tune down the dmg ratio on her w and change first ult cast ration to 30% from 20% and lower the second cast to 40% from 50, this keeps the damage but lowers her burst so the enemy's team mates can react to it.. and so she can actually use other abilities to oneshot other than her r and w
Perfectly designed champion, fun to play, great champion for comeback games, great skirmishers, teamfighter, and overall fun to play well done riot, finally perfected a champion in a long time
It has been a long time since I've seen a champion and thought "that looks fun to play as and against." (Last one was probably Sett). Even after I saw how long her ulti range was (I initally thought it was 1/2 as long) I still didn't bat much of an eye. Good champ, hopefully Riot will continue with this.
Is there anyone who thought it would be fun to play against Sett after looking at his W?
@@joaopedroalmeidacaetano1619 he's a lot better now, on release he was brolen because his damage numbers were simply too high.
How about Lillia and Seraphine? I know many were pretty disappointed with there designs, but I feel like people often overlook them when they talk about simple kits. Sure, they both have crazy 5 man ult potential, but I personally prefer them over Sett in "that looks fun to play as and against" terms.
Edit: Also, what about Rell? I think she's pretty good at this too, but apparently I forgot her lol.
@@epiccobra1080 I think the distinction is that they're fun for both sides. Seraphine ulti is super un-interactive for some champs (low mobility ADCs) and her partical effects for me personally are very distracting.
Lillia's MS doesn't personally frustrate me, but it definitely isn't a mechanic I enjoy. I do however know quite a few people who despise her MS. Also, her ultimate when used can feel so useless, but other times it makes a stray skill-shot half health someone.
Lastly, Rell has a ton of cc and personally I consider those champions frustrating (Morgana, Leona, and Blitz). The only reason Rell isn't frustrating is because of how hard she is to play. She's objectively worse than Leona right now. Leona does twice as much damage, can move, and has a point-and-click cc.
They aren't really un-healthy, but I saw from the outset that I would experience nothing fun, or engaging from them. While others might hate them.
@@Viridian084 Doesn't Vex's identity as an anti-carry kinda make her frustrating to play against though? I get now why you don't count Seraphine and Lillia, but I don't think I quite see why do don't consider Vex similarly frustrating.
I really liked what you said about empowered abilities, and it's essentially one of my favorite things in League, and one of those things that I wish DotA had more of (though that game compensates for it with its abilities being a little more "crazy", go look up Techies if you'd like to see it for yourself).
There are quite a few empowered ability champions, and I play a bunch of those because of the whole reward/punishment system that is based on fast but clever thinking is extremely satisfying when used well, but is also pretty fair all things considered.
The champions that have this are: Annie, Brand, Heimerdinger, Karma, LeBlanc, Pantheon, Qiyana, Renekton, Rengar, Rumble, Ryze, Seraphine, Sona, Twisted Fate, Zyra, and of course, Vex.
There are also a lot of different versions of this, as you have Viktor, Kayn, Gangplank, Kha'Zix, Kai'Sa and Syndra who have to make their decisions with their passive empowers proactively, forcing them to predict what will help them the most in the future.
Aphelios has to constantly think about which guns he wants to set up for a fight, and what order does he want, as having a good or a bad combo can be the difference between getting an ace, and getting aced.
There is Elise, Jayce, Nidalee and Rek'Sai, who basically have access to two weaker forms with different kits that excel at different things, and picking the right kit for the right moment is the key to success on these champs (Shyvana has two forms but the dragon one is always just a buff, Gnar has two forms, but there's a bit less player control when it comes to managing his two forms, and Kled is even more wild).
Jinx has the rocket launcher and the minigun that she constantly has to think about. There's Lissandra who has to decide between ulting an enemy or herself, same deal with Tahm's ult that can be used on teammates or enemies. There's Rell, who has to switch between her different W forms accordingly. Udyr has to always choose the correct stance because he's physically unable to just mash his stuff. There is Zilean and Lulu, who both have two abilities that can be used on allies or enemies. And lastly, there's Sylas, Viego and Zoe who all have the potential to make a huge play by stealing the right thing, or instantly failing by stealing the wrong thing.
So as you can see, there are a BUNCH of champions that have to make choices within their kits. I absolutely love the idea behind these, and I think it would make for a great video idea, where you can talk about choice based champions, and what you think about the different types of them.
What empowered ability does twisted fate have?
@@NTTofMistery Maybe his W.
@@Maruru98 thats an empowered basic attack
@@NTTofMistery Maybe that empowered attack will be triggered with an ability?
@@Maruru98 an ability that allows you to choose an empowered attack is not an empowered ability though.
There are only 2 things I don't like about vex: her ult is literally what she should hate, and she hadn't any kind of portal magic (she has in the lore). Then, I love everything about het: the kit, the passive, Dub and what she says. I also like the fact that she is available both as a hard counter (yasuo, riven, irelia) and a "first pick" due to her long range
It is a bit weird that her ult is a dash rather than a blink, given the portal magic.
@@Kylesico912x probably because if it's a blink then there is no counter play to it
@@rajamrifqi5764 in order to use it she still needs to hit a slow skill shot. And even then she’ll be right in CC and murder the hobbit range.
don't yordles in general use portal magic? I didn't see anything specific in her lore/bio
About the ult being "literally what she would hate" I think thats very cool because a part of the teenage archetype is a bit of hypocrisy: she hates having her personal space invaded, but she doesn't mind invading other people's personal space 😆
Vex is the first champion since Lillia's release that I am very happy about. Some other champions were kinda cool, some were stupid, some were uninteresting. But Vex is the first champion in quite some time that makes me excited, whether I see her on my team or the enemy team
Vex, I feel, is a perfectly designed champion.
Visually, I have trouble seeing her and her abilities. I think she's not visible enough, and I'd lose track of where she is during a teamfight, but otherwise sure I guess.
a little bit.
Her abilities are fine but her visuals....nah. It's still far better then what else they've put out lately by a large margin
@CocoaXtv_ She's not goth styled, she's emo styled. Although your hatred of goth aesthetics makes me want to disregard your opinion regardless.
@CocoaXtv_ why?
That was a wonderful analysis of the new champion Vex. Love the chill narrative tone in which information is transported.
Really cool episode btw. The fact that you're able to make such a clear and thorough analysis this soon after release speaks to the strength of your framework of interpreting design.
Thank you
the fire emblem music in these videos never fail to give me a bit of nostalgia
I liked the video a lot, I'm happy to have some idea of new champions
My man, I'll watch anything you upload. I have only watched one minute but I know it'll be 100% great and worth my time :D
Coolest champ since Sett in my opinion. Also helps she's a "monster" champ and not the conventionally attractive stereotypical eboy/egirl flashy OP trash riot has been putting out
Yeah, we finally got a unconventionally attractive monster, yordle fans are going nuts.
Well if you put it like that Vex is just a stereotypical emo
Is that an implication that sett was the last cool champ?
Senna is also very cool
@@toastedmarshmallow6474 Maybe Senna, dont remember whuch came first, but yeah every champ after feels like a fever dream
It is undeniable that compared to what we've been having, Vex is a big improvement, but her ult bugs me really hard is that she feels like Lissandra, but better. Vex's base kit is fine, but her range is much longer. Her ultimate, meanwhile, feels like Lissandra's engage but unlike Lissandra who's very slow, telegraph and relatively low range, Vex's is, as you've mentioned, Lee Sin's Q on steroids that resets.
While Lissandra has a slow engage and has low range to work with in the neutral game, Vex has acess to not only a better engage, but when she don't have to engage, she also has strong range.
Closer to KaiSa or Diana for me
I'd say that compared to Lissandra, Vex's engage is much more unreliable. While Lissandra's E is much slower moving and is slower, Lissandra can warp to it no matter where the enemy team are, and she can also control where she warps to. Vex, while she has a much longer and fast-moving projectile, needs to hit an enemy in order to dash to them, and can only dash to an enemy champion. On top of that, her ult, can be completely negated just by dodging or blocking the ult, and she only gets resets if the person she ulted to dies within a few seconds of her ulting them, unlike other resets such as Akshan or Samira's E's, which reset on any takedown.
Nah. It is much harder for Vex to stay alive for longer than it takes for Lissandra, plus her cc has less on demand usage.
She is better at hard engages with the rest of her team due to her fear, but overall, Vex doesn't take over Liss's niche at all.
Vex also reminds me of your video on champion lore-in the way she plays it makes sense that she's a yordle but she's not the happy-go-lucky type that you'd expect from bandle city.
She's from the shadow isles isn't she?
@@reefcrab Maybe but still a yordle right?
I'm just glad I can watch her champion spotlight and understand her abilities afterward, unlike some champs. *cough cough* Aphelios
dude aphelios main here and he's not that hard to understand since his abilities are not new (point click root, cone damage, turret, long range harrass, urgot w on steroids) he's not that complicated compared to akshan and not busted like viego
@@hqhuy931 Hey man. It was just a joke. Being truthful though I had research his champ spotlight multiple times before I remembered his abilities. So again, just making a funny.
@@flameofmage1099 I don't feel like that doesn't matter as much in a way, when people just throw around jokes as narrative pieces, basically taking them way too seriously than they should be. I mean I saw many people in the League community who just use memes as a way of just complaining in general.
Not to say that you are, but man, seeing people just throwing around jokes and unironically believing they always have actual merit for an argument can be pretty messy to watch imo.
@@flameofmage1099 sure....
Her Q initially hits all around her due to the hitbox, so that also synergizes with the up-close path
Yup, she's a dashing burst mage through and through in practice.
Liked this ideia of video, there's a Brazillian channel that has a similar series, so I like this idea of first impressions (and also, loved Vex, she looks awesome)
I love the way her kit is built as a whole, simplistic but allows for a ton of permutations in her ability rotation, complexity through simplicity grants really interesting depth.
This champion just griefs me in voice chat with friends, because I think they're talking to me, but nope, not Vechs, just Vex. :|
hahaha 😂
People saying that she needs adjustments because of the fact that she's not very good into Juggernauts and tanks are missing the point. Every champion theyve released even somewhat recently is good into tanks... That's all people have been complaining about.. and now there is a champion that counters the vast majority of antitank champions, and people say she needs adjustments. Am I missing something, or did people just forget that YOURE SUPPOSED TO DESIGN CHAMPIONS WITH DISTINCT WEAKNESSES. It's like the scourge of no counterplay bullshit has made people expect no counterplay bullshit, and gripe when a new champ has any fucking counterplay.
Edit: Rell is the only new champion that doesn't shitstomp tanks. Seraphine has too much utility and zone control for tanks to reasonably do anything.
Yeah honestly I think people forget that LoL is an rts game where every champion is supposed to be part of a whole and not capable of doing absolutely everything.
This is before she was released. The ult reset is very OP imo
I love the analysis on vex. I can't wait to hear what comparisons you'll make between vex and the new champion briar, both of their ultimates do basically the same thing but briar is missing a reset on the cool down but the both of them pop their ult , dive head first into the enemy/enemy team and fear everyone around.
I like your reactions and analysis, so this video was actually pretty great to watch! I think you can do one for each new champion, after all it's fun to hear your opinion.
Fun Fact:The guy that started the '200 Years' meme also designed Vex
The beauty of being human is that you can learn from your mistakes :)
@@VarsVerum Tbf he isn't CertainlyT, he was just weird about the Wukong changes
@@VarsVerum Uhh, how is that a mistake? Are you telling me that making a comment that became memeable is a "Mistake"?
Pretty sure he did not designed the Wukong rework.
@@bulletcola7890 He literally said "we have over 200 years of combined experience in making games", which is stupid af bcs you can get 1000000 random people into making buildings and say that you have 1000000 days of combined experience, pretty stupid
great video, hope you keep the formula for new champs :)
I came back to League after not playing for around 1 year. I instantly fell in love with Vex. She's super fun to play.
It’s funny that the champions you mentioned about skill empowerment are all my favorite champions, despite not realizing they all had that in common. Hiemer, vex, rumble renekton, funny
I came for the zwag clips
Im surprised theres no content on Gwen id love to see a video about her. If im correct she has a low wr and i feel like shes not really noticeable and doesnt have much impact like Viego and the other new champs.
You should make a video about Crowd Control, buy more specifically, obscure Crowd Control. Like Victors W has what i believe is the rarest type of CC, not the stun, but along with the stun it is a Knock Down, knocking down enemies who are knocked up. I cannot think of 1 other ability that does this, i could be wrong, but i'm fairly certain it's the only one.
Riot deciding to make Vex in a nutshell:
"Dashes are OP, nerf them" - Drake no
"Dashes are OP, make champion that counters dashes" - Drake yes
I enjoyed this video and would watch future versions.
One thing I like about Vex (haven't played her, just based off of impressions) is how she can really benefit from all 3 mana mythics to very high potential. If you're against a team of tanks, Liandry's burn works very well with her ranged aoe abilities. If you need the burst, Luden's will help with her low-ish damage and a full rotation can probably catch people off guard and lead to chain kills with her R. And if you can remember to use activated items, Everfrost will provide you with extra disruption when diving into the enemy team!
Great video! Loved the in-depth explanation. Would love to see more of these future champs videos. The only suggestion I can make is maybe try the champ on pbe and give your opinion on the gameplay?
Hey, Vars. Found your channel a few days ago and just finished binging almost all your League content :) Great stuff. I think your the best person to answer this question Ive had for awhile and can give you another new series to add to your big lineup.
Who are the best champions to main/one trick?
In each role, who are a few of the champions who have the most build versatility, skill ceiling, most favorable matchups, safer even in bad matchups, most useful in the most stages of the game, Buff/nerf/Meta resistant, etc, etc.
I play mostly Top and Support, occasionally mid and what Im thinking is Volibear, Pantheon, Malzahar, Senna, and Thresh (and Leona because I just love her so much). These are the Champions I plan to focus my time into to maximize how infrequently I play league now compared to a few years ago when I played everyday for many hours. Interested in your opinion and thoughts on the topic.
Hey welcome :D Glad you enjoyed my stuff.
It largely depends on the person because everyone's different. But if you're looking for a champion that can help you build good habits and whatnot, my suggestion is to look for the video on my channel titled: Best champions to learn macro, since macro can help a ton with learning new champions too!
I honestly like Vex for the sole reason that she quotes Lethal League's Dust and Ashes with her ult quote "Shadow do the thing"
AAAAAHAHAHA! VARS ADMITTED IT! (Probably not the first time) ZOE IS WELL DESIGNED! (I genuinely love it when vars talks about Zoe, my favorite champion. I can’t quite say why, but it just makes me smile. Maybe because vars is a great UA-cam creator so when he talks about something I really like I either smirk in mischief or grin in mischief because no matter what, Zoe go brrrrrrr)
Her w actually fears and damages before the animation making it an instant cast ability. The frame you press w is the same frame damage and fear is applied.
Vex is really good design and amazing how expressive she is!
She is a nightmare in Urf
This champion is ridiculous. It has 70% of poke damage of an artillery mage, all the control of a control mage and an engage tool/combo worthy of an assassin. When she goes into your back line with ult plus personal space it’s basically the same as if Katarina was there in her place. Also who the hell came up with the concept of a champion that wants to keep you at range and poke you that also gets empowered and has a lower cool down on cc every time you dash in her presence. It’s like she won’t let you walk up to the wave, she pushes you in, then harasses you under tower and makes you miss creeps with cc. And should you try to get into her she fears you, slows you, bursts you and runs away. Prolong her fear’s cooldown and definitely reduce its duration. If a champion can fulfil multiple roles it has to be underwhelming enough in all or most of them that it is not OP. Vex has the single best disruption in the game, but she also has ok to good damage and a Kaisa type ultimate. That is too much in my opinion
this was actually a very well made video
Her design is fine,it's only a matter of numbers for her to be fine by the majority of people.For example reduce her fear duratiom from 1,5 sec to 1 sec but increase her Q ap ratio to let's say 80% from 60% the ability she has to aim and land.She can't just be so safe with a shield that AoE fears you for dodging her skillshots and going in on kust the passive
I agree about the damage but as for her Passive, it starts with 0,75sec duration
she's also make me feel good to play mid (which is the lan I don't really want to since the only mid lane champ I know how to play is Ryze)
Mid is the only lane I don't really play, but vex just might change that.
Or I could just take her sup because I don't want to deal with 5 minute queue times, but whatever.
Also, she brings some nice ideas for the future Nocturne rework, and maybe for Annie (IMHO, both are still enjoyable, but borderline functional in actual standards).
Although im a low elo scrub and my opinion will not be taken into consideration, i fear that they might change nocturne too much, i really like him rn.
@@lok4890 Fear
@@tongduy2017 Ah shit
@Rasmus Malmberg his abilities may not have that much sinergy, but as a whole, hebis good as he is now. He has what he needs to be good.
I been hitting all your videos, but it's funny that voli's E keeps being brought up. I sure miss it as well
She kinda sounds like a good support ngl. She can peel for her carries, stop ganks with passive, and enough fear to match the cc of other supports. She can engage with ult + w, get a kill, and make use of that reset in a duo lane.
I love this champ. A new champ that isn't overloaded, has a clear goal that is realized, and has clear strengths and weaknesses. I'm all for complex characters, but this is better than a complex, overloaded character. Vex feels just right.
What I love about her is, that she isnt a disney princess (looking at you, lilia, seraphine, zoe, neeko) and she does not have a complex kit where you have to have a PHD to understand it (looking at you, Aphelios). She basically is a simple champ but what makes her special and challenging to play is that she is not simple as in button smashing like garen or tryndamere. She does have simple abilities but the clue is how to use them in each situation. Perfect champion design in my opinion. 10/10.
Been 2 years and I just remembered Zoe existed thanks to this video. Wow, don't remember seeing her in season 10 and 11 at ALL.
meanwhile in masters i see her like 30% of all my games lol, i once played against her 10 games in a row a few weeks back
shes like the 3rd most common mid outside of sylas and yone
@@CoffeeKitty. Yone's a champion that's always consistent on mid lane, just like how Camille is on top lane.
Empowered abilities have always been cool. I never been killed by one and been like “that’s broken and unfair” because most empowered abilities have some indication that they are ready
Although, one critique: I know you've brought this up before but I don't think your argument about yordles is very strong.
By that I mean, I think a lot of champions have unique annoying abilities in this game. Maybe they're not the same level of changing everyone's playstyle as Teemo's shrooms or Evelynn's invisibility, but a lot of champs have some ability that makes them stand out as something to watch out for. It's not really unique to yordles.
I just don't think yordles are really tied together gameplay-wise. It's more of a visual design decision to have a champ that may look small/cute but packs a punch. (Like Vex being small, almost encouraging divers to dash after her and then she throws that in their faces.) Or be cartoonish for better readability like Kled since he's in the thick of fights dismounting and remounting - his animation needs to be exaggerated.
Just my two cents.
Idk, riot has in the past talked about a champions gameplay fantasy, how that champs lore and design relate to their gameplay. One example at work is a majority of the freljord champions have stuns and I believe all of them have slows. Another example is void champs usually do high damage, the only void champ that isn’t supposed to only do damage is cho gath, which is a juggernaut, a high damage tank. Riot does try to relate a champ to their region or race I think.
@@P1aceHo1derName They've talked about this with correlating kits to NATIONS, yes. As you said, the Freljord champs all have CC, Noxus - very offensive/all-in playstyles, etc.
But they've never stated this with the different RACES. They have said they think on whether a champion's gameplay warrants "not being human".
For instance: Gnar and Kled wouldn't work as humans. There needs to be a clear visible change when they go between forms (Mini/Mega, mounted/dismounted) and it works easier with characters that already have small forms.
Kha'Zix and Rengar have their signature jumps, and it wouldn't sell that "I'm a predator assassin pouncing on you" theme if they were just humans.
Yuumi wouldn't work as a tiny human attached to someone. Cats can be known for being permanently attached to their owners, though.
So the non-human designs come into play earlier in the creation of a champ in order to better sell a kit/a theme/make sure things are clear for the players. They can design that character around a nation afterwards, fitting their lore in somewhere that reflects their kit.
@@makothetako but the yordles are from bandle city, the thing with yordles is they can be anything so keeping a consistent design between them would be impossible, but the gameplay does hold some continuity in a broad sense. Given that yordles can be so different they don’t have a specific gameplay pattern that is similar to another yordle, instead their magical nature is what relates them, having abilities which there are no parallels to any other champion. This can mostly be seen in their ults, teemo, lulu, and poppy’s ult are some of the most unique ults in the game having few comparable abilities, unlike something like invisibility or a long range dive dash. Basically their relation is their uniqueness when compared to other champions.
The thing I really REALLY like is that she is(as far as I know) the only mage who has fear as a cc(excluding ap warwick 😎) and that makes her unique. Don't know why just like it ahahah interesting choice imo.
Middlesticks is crying in the corner
@@LeBronP oh i totally forgot mb but tbh fidle is just soo unique and such a well-designed champ that he doesn't feel like a mage to me. The best way to describe his playstyle is-I'm playing fuking Fidle.
I'm happy for Vex,not only because she is a walking middle finger to any champion with a dash,but also for her abilitieis being simple and not needing a PHD in science just to understand what her passive does(i still don't understand what Akshan's passive does).
Gives me hope for the Udyr rework.
I was skeptical of Vex at first, but she is hella fun!
I haven't played her yet but I'm really excited to!
vex is 200 years for 200 years champs, and perfectly designed for those who aren't.
To me Vex seems to be a mid-range mage for the most part.
Most of what I played her was on URF, but I played her in a normal too and what I felt was a very passive and defensive champion early on, who needs to combo her E and Q for any real damage, with a W that you mainly use to keep yourself from being popped if a melee gets on you.
She seems to be a mid game powerspike champion though, in that once you finish one or two items and get ult and max rank Q, you start to hurt. - Waiting on your passive to be up and all your cooldowns ready, any squishy is prime real estate for a combo. - She's awesome to burst with, but you have to rely on the enemy not seeing your R coming or being unable to react, and when people are low health they tend to be very alert, so ironically you're better off hitting a higher health target, so long as it's not a tank or bruiser. - Then fly in with an instant W to fear, and that gives you enough time to put your E-Q combo on them, to proc gloom and deal the solid damage, with E being near-instant in melee range.
Also, you can use this to initiate team fights, since an R-W is about as good to break enemy focus and set up an ace as a Malphite Ult that homes on a target, or a Fiddlesticks R with four times the range. - Or you can chain her ultimate resets to clean up after a teamfight if you were late to show up.
She's very versatile, then, but only if she benefits of her Ultimate, otherwise it's dangerous to get in.
As for items, my favorite for her so far was Everfrost, into Archangel's to solve mana issues and then Rabaddon for the insane AP. - This lets her burst as well as wave clear, and solves her mana hunger issues, as her costs can be pretty ridiculous. - You could go Haste on her, sure, but you'd still want a tear in there. - From there I usually take Horizon Focus for her 4th item, as it sinergizes well with her ult as well as her passive, and gives massive AP, and then round it all up with a Rylai, which gives both HP and a slow. - So later on you put a bit of beef on you, so you have an easier time diving into those game-ending teamfights and causing the most amount of damage, plus that the additional slow from Rylai makes it way easier to land your E-Q combo on a target, even if you don't have the Doom passive on hand just then. - And yes, I know E slows by default, but its a very well telegraphed ability, and slowing an enemy with your R and W before you toss the puddle under them makes it way easier to apply your full damage, which will be very impactful as well as crucial later in the game. - Boots I tend to go Sorc's, since I'm building so much into burst. - Everfrost can be swapped out for Luden in theory, but I find the additional crowd control as well as the HP very useful, and with Everfrost the build actually reaches 1000 AP with blue pot quite consistently.
Also, 2nd ability max I see a lot of people going E, but it has no cooldown scaling, and the base damage is pretty mediocre either way, E is mainly useful as a tool to apply Gloom in an E-Q combo. Meanwhile the AP scaling on both the shield and the AOE damage on her W is insanely good, and it actually has a lower cooldown as you rank it up, iirc.
Runes are up to you, really. - Harvest if you're feeling confident, or Comet if you want to play it safe. - Ultimate Hunter I find is a very useful thing to have, and Manaflow Band with Transcendence helps as well, as that mana will go into AP. - If you're going to build her with Liandri, though, you're going to need both Manaflow and Presence of Mind, so... There's no real one-set way to build her. And I like that. - You can tailor her to your needs, adapt to the game and to your play style. She's fun because the tools being so simple allow you to use them in creative ways.
All in all, I really thing Rito did a great job with her, but.... She's going to get nerfed, I'm sure, specifically hitting her passive, but... who knows? I'm not a master dev with 220 collective years of Game Design under my belt.
9:49 That if/and one got me. XD
Thanks for using my fave theme from fire emblem ;)
I think she's absolutely brilliantly designed. Another thing you missed is that E and Q are designed such that they *still* fulfill the typical mage-type ability fantasy, but unlike almost all mage abilities they're carefully designed such that they're *also* good against people who get on top of her; this is a trait practically no other mage has, and the attention to cohesion and detail it shows is just wonderful. I think the people who designed Vex can't be congratulated enough. In this day and age, to come out with a *simple* and yet brilliantly effective champion that *also* fills a crucial role in the game (a mage who does well against dash-spam) my god it's just pure genius.
If league of legends keep dropping this kind of champions, I will definitely go back to playing it
I think her fear isn't that bad since it has a rly long cool down and once used champions like riven and Irelia can just engage again before her fear is off cool down, plus her early game damage is abismal without her passive making her reliant on her E fear + Q combo for significant damage
I don't like how the gave the "anti-dash champ" A resetting dash lol
I mean, how is she supposed to keep up with the dashing champion if they dash out of her attack range? Plus, her ult is literally a lee sin Q/Mark and dash with a 140 second cooldown.
Its a ultimate, so the cooldown is extremely long if she doesnt get a kill, and her dash can only be used as a engage /catch up tool ,she cant dash away like katarina , akali , Graves and even WW can use his R to run away
Say a dash champion just dashes over a wall everytime vex gets near them. Then shes no longer an anti dash champion as she can no longer threaten them unless shes close. But with her r she can threaten those champs who try to escape by following up and preventing more dashes with w making her a major threat that they must keep track of to them.
She's not "the" anti-dash champ, she's "an" anti-dash champ. Poppy exists. And she has a dash too.
Vex is actually one of the few champions I genuinely love.
Riot did a good job making Vex and she's a breath of fresh air from what we've received year round. One thing to say is she'll more than likely adjustments/nerfs to make her weaknesses more apparent and obvious. At the moment, she feels like she counters everything and i'm not saying she's overpowered, but definitely not in the right place
This video was practically perfect. It's funny seeing all my friends who are new to the game call her broken.
I liked the video and wanted to watch more on other champions like Tristina
Everything sounds very valid, except for the fact the quote 'she needs some buffs after being released'
Vex's ability description: i do this, and that. yeah.
Akshan's ability description: *THE HOLY BIBLE*
that nice to do a frist impression on new champ continue plz
What I love about vex is that there is no reused abilities at least not that i see the description and think, wait wasn’t that this champion thing?
Me watching people argue about what dashes can and can't be blocked knowing all the answers.
vex gets fear on all abilities, yet blitz gets slowed by his w. fml
Please keep making these videos. 🥳
Tried Vex for a game or two and played against her for a game or two before I watched this video, and I really do think that she is an amazingly designed champion, who feels really fun to play, doesn't feel bad to play against, and takes a good amount of skill to master, she might give Jhin a run for his money for best designed champions.
Dude I saw her video I was like I love her she is balances. I got to play against her and she was fun to play against because I got to see exactly what she was doing and where I was going wrong
unrelated to mechanics but i simply love how the animations make it clear that she doesn't wanna be there and has a total of 0 motivation to fight, befitting the caracter design
the burst off her R W combo is enormus
like i saw a vex withoyt any idea of dafuk is her champ (never use gloom )
and yet a accidental , R A E W she nuke a yas while she was behind
and just RAW nuke eveything , she was trahs and in my team , but damm the number on her R
Great video
Any plans on continuing this format with Zeri?