Swanna design wise looks wayy better than Pelipper, but its pretty bad for competitive really wished it got Swift Swim, and got better Stats, but it got utterly forgotten by gamefreak unfortunately
@@N12015 true, have you ever fought a Toxipex with Baneful Bunker and Recover? It's a true pain in the ass. That's why I use one, slap on the Merciless ability with Pin Missile, and Venoshock, and it is a monster.
@@Hamanuna Meganium is bad but not that bad it would rank somewhere between 13 and 11 it wouldn't make the top 10 since their is way worse fully evolved grass types like Tropius, Sunflora, Jumpluff, etc.
ah yes Luvdisc, only reason to get was for Heart scales back in the day. But since Gen 7 you can just walk into a restaurant, order food and get your heart scales that way
And in Gen 8, you can just forget about having a heart scale because you can teach a Pokémon a move that they have forgotten for free of any charge Knowing this, it makes me feel old
Luvdisc is actually an insane early game pokemon. This is why people should do nuzlockes more. They get to learn about pokemon they have never used before
Dewgong evolves from Seel...because the guys who write Pokemon have no idea about taxonomic relations. :)). In reality dugongs are more related to elephants than they are to seals.
I wish someone would have told me about Dewgong before I used one in Let's Go Pikachu. I think that was the first time I've seen Lance's Dragonite not get knocked out in one hit by Ice Beam.
@@godknightomega I can't in good conscience willingly understand why anyone could bring themselves to use barrascuda or whatever that ugly fish is called xD same with the gen 8 fossil pokemon, they just hurt to look at 😂
@@Cap_The_Captain I like barraskewda’s look personally but if it wasn’t for it’s good stats and movepool I don’t know if I would like it as much as I do now
"Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." -Karen, a Johto Elite Four member
Dewgong was way better back then. It didn't face nearly as much competition as it does now. Particularly, the abilities of Gen III were all pretty terrible, so Dewgong actually wasn't too shabby on that side, plus Ice Beam wasn't an easily available TM, so Ice coverage on Water types was much more valuable. With that being said... Lapras is still better in every single way. Sorry.
@@femkefeenstra7754 yeah Winona is a much stronger flying gym, she’s got a dragon type, grass type, steel type, water type, normal type, and of course flying type.
@@tyronechua451 it gets Defog, u-turn and a decent speed stat without being a flying type (I believe the only other water types to learn defog without being a flying type are empoleon and fini but there might be another)
Phew, I was really scared that my big boi Wailord was going to be on this list... Thanks Mystic for not putting it... I think Wailord is really cool and I would have gotten sad seeing it in this list!
A Mega Evolution for it is absolutely essential and necessary for Swanna in order for it to succeed again. And base the Mega Evolution design from the Swam Princess and either swap its Flying-Type for its Fairy-Type or add Fairy as it's tertairy type (I feel Water/Fairy/Flying would have some potential to be a pretty solid type triplet). And give them more moves.
Corsola. Only thing helpful about it is its ability to breed with Feebas/Milotic to teach them Mirror Coat. Therefore you can get a Milotic with Mirror Coat because of Corsola.
Gorebyss can hold white herb to reset the debuffs, sure it might not be the bulkiest, but the usage of scald and or ice beam with shell smash is a good enough redeeming factor. Also relicanth is a good rock head head smash or double edge user since it deals huge damage especially with choice band. These two Pokémon don’t belong hear.
@@stoic7974 lol right? mine is named Parthenon and it’s been dying a lot recently was a ton of fun to send out in early ranks though lol. I’m stuck in my tier can’t get any higher the meta becomes too stagnant and I like to do random shit lol
@@captaincurtis9829 Yep, he forgets Pyukumuku.. very bad Pokémon that doesn't even learn any attacking move.. should at least been at number 2 worst of this list
Swift swim isn't a bad ability, it's just bad on all the Pokémon on this list since they are all either too slow to take advantage of it, or have absolutely no offensive stats.
Honestly i think what would help Swanna is maybe an extra evolution/stone evolution to enhance some of stats slightly above 500. Maybe a decently speedy mixed attacker with maybe extra HP? I do agree out of the list, it has great potential, Hopefully in the next Unova remakes, it gets an extra evo
@@thejuic3b0i64 Honestly, I always thought Braviary would've been a better ace for Skyla. I'm fine with Swanna being on her team, but Braviary makes more sense for a jet pilot of Unova.
I know this video is a month old, but I think I just need to salvage Huntail and Gorebyss a bit. They do not deserve to be on this list, and the main reason is the move Baton Pass in addition to Shell Smash. Smash Pass combo allows any Pokemon on your team to be boosted, which honestly makes them a good support Pokemon. Sure there might be some better options, but they're solid
Seeing the Kingdra cameo reminded me of a question I wanted to ask. I'm aware that if you trade Pokemon from virtual console into modern games, they're guaranteed to have it's hidden ability. If I wanted to get the newer games and try using it, would it be possible to switch to one of its normal abilities?
I loved corsola in my silver play through when I was a kid. For some reason I loved Pokémon that didn’t evolve.. miltank, tauros, heracross, far-fetched. 😂😂😂😂😂
Poor Luvdisc I love it, it's one of my favorite Pokemon I love that it's heart shaped and I love Swanna because I love swans and I love lumineon because it looks pretty with the butterfly wings and because of the wings and the wings is the reason why I like Finneon too. Also I want to see electric type next.
Dewgong: is trash for many reasons including its typing and speed Lapras, with same bulk (minus hp), typing and even worse speed: is brilliant I smell a bit of a bias here...
The main thing that separates Lapras from Dewgong is it's gigantamax form. If it weren't for that, Lapras would just be another Pokemon with bland stats across the board (outside of having a high HP stat) that is unfortunately held back by ice being the worst defensive type in the game
@@matthewkuscienko4616 that is true, but Lapras is considered (by Mystic) to be the best water type pokemon for gens 1, 2 _and_ Fire Red _and_ HGSS, and... nah. Especially not in gen 1 with Starmie around, which can be obtained even before Lapras if you take a detour to Fuchsia before the whole Silph Co stuff pretty much the moment you obtain the flute and I think it's worth the trouble. Lapras really needed that buff, although I would have been happier if they gave it a mega. It's ridiculously underwhelming in terms of stats.
@@werisekk3 That's definitely true, I feel that one of the biggest things holding Lapras back is it's lack of having any especially good stats in anything besides HP, which honestly isn't the best stat to be specialized in having high in without good defensive stats and/or typing. But I think that the reason why Lapras was considered to be good by Mystic is that in a playthrough of those games, it's pretty convenient to easily be able to get your hands on one, and to be fair, it wasn't actually bad competitively in the first 2 generations, since that was before power creep began to start to kick in; after that happened, it had a much harder time keeping up and the flaws brought about by it's type and lack of good stats only compounded this issue
@@matthewkuscienko4616 I can maybe see it for gen 1 since its Special was 95 (the spatt and spdef split hurt it even more) and probably for gen 2 too because Johto was not rich in water pokemon with good special attack but I still think that Starmie is superior in almost every way, definitely in Kanto with a whopping one Dragon family. Especially since it's Psychic (so broken in gen 1), which is a much better utility type since dragons didn't become a real threat until Hoenn and it can still carry Ice Beam/Blizzard for coverage and does so decently well. There is no need to use it since the Physical/Special split in gen 4 that made Pokemon like Feraligatr and Gyarados viable. I could agree that Lapras is underrated but definitely not the best except for possibly gen 2. It deserved better tho.
Grass is the next logical one but I cannot wait for Bug, Poison and Ice. Wondering if for Ghost or Dragon a Pokemon from the top 10 list will Also Fall as those types don't have that many Pokemon.
I think there is a weaker water type that wasn't brought up. Pyukumuku is a defensive wall with only toxic stall and it's abilty innerds out for any real offense meaning it is sitting there as set up fodder for any Steel type that doesn't worry about the hp it's gonna lose from innards out as it has a low base hp total of 55. Luvdisc as bad as it is can mount offense without need of dynamaxing.
Simipour, I was willing to spare from my Top 10 Weakest Water list, cause as a Water type in general, it isn't as bad in it's pure type of Water as how Simisage is in the Grass type, with Simisear being a somewhat bad Fire type as I'm willing to admit, however not as bad as you said Simisear is. And I spared Swanna, cause I thought it wasn't as bad as a worse Water/Flying type Pokemon. And Relicanth was given some credit on my Weakest Water type list as it is in my opinion the 8th Weakest Water type Pokemon. Especially since I tried adding Gen 9 Pokemon to update my lists. I know these videos were made before Gen 9 was out, I'm just saying what I've done.
"It Should have stayed at the bottom for another 100000000 years it would be better that way." I have watched this channel for about 2 years and have never been so scared of a thing he has said
One idea I have is they should make some sort of orbs, like toxic and flame orb, for weather based abilities. Sunny orb, Rain orb, Ice orb and Sand orb. They can activate weather based abilities but not gain the boost effect. So no 1.5 boost but can activate solar beam and ect.
I feel like it's a little cheap to use Corsola since it does have an evolution in one of its forms. Cap Pikachu can't evolve, but people don't count it as a fully evolved pokemon since there is a form of Pikachu that can evolve. Still, thanks for the work you do on these videos.
@@matthewkuscienko4616 I don't think it matters that the evolution/other form is no longer water type. You wouldn't put surskit on this list and consider it fully evolved just because its evolution loses the water typing. I'm not saying the way I see it is automatically right, just that I don't agree with the decision to consider pokemon fully evolved if a form of them evolves further.
@@ghartman56 The thing is, though, that Corsola IS fully evolved if you aren't talking about it's Galarian variant. I mean, sure, it has another form that CAN evolve, but that would not invalidate Corsola from being eligible for this list.
@@matthewkuscienko4616 That makes sense, I just don't like it haha I feel like if game freak recognized that the pokemon was in rough enough shape that a form of it got an evolution, I'd let sleeping dogs lie with the original form and not really consider it fully evolved. I'm wrong by game mechanics since regular Corsola can't hold an eviolite (I think), but it just doesn't sit well with me.
So I did a bit of homework to see if Luvdisc could utilize anything to make it somewhat useful. It had one thing going for it but it wasn't much. going into this, I knew that Luvdisc was best when it came to its speed but its defenses and offenses were not existent. therefore, I decided to find out if it had any moves that had priority or could inflict any status conditions. I was baffled to find out that Luvdisc couldn't inflict any status condition like toxic or paralysis nor did it have the move aqua jet which could be used in niche situations to get around sturdy or focus sash/band pokemon so a partner could KO it in a VGC format. It had none of these things. HOWEVER, it could be used as an attract user then use charm several times to severely reduce the opponents attack power, but that would only be useful in double battles because Luvdisc doesn't have the stats to utilize any of its attacking moves. Despite the power creep in recent generations, it was easy to get around this strategy the generation it was introduced. With the power creep, 97 base speed is not all that impressive anymore as so many pokemon can out speed it now and KO it with even the most weak attacks. The only way I can see using Luvdisc nowadays is having it hold a focus sash then use attract, and that's all it can do. AND EVEN THEN, there are so many better pokemon that can do the same thing as well find use in other ways. Honestly, the only worth this Pokemon had was that it held heart scales, but now that games allow you to remember moves on a dime, it has no reason to exist. I'd even argue that it is even worse than Unknown because even how useless it is, Unknown still works as a gimmick Pokemon. they have lore to them, and it can be fun to collect all the variations, like in Legends Arceus, but Luvdisc doesn't even have that going for it and its gimmick is left useless and irrelevant. This, in my opinion, makes Luvdisc the most pointless Pokemon to ever exist. Thanks to anyone who read this whole comment. I had more to say about this Pokemon than I thought. I really wanted to give Luvdisc a fair shot, but honestly, what I found about Luvdisc makes it way worse than Mystic made it sound.
Hehhh Luvdisk’s base attack is the same as my base defense. Compared to my kin, I have the worst base defense of any fully evolved electric type at only 30. It was originally going to be 20, but got buffed by 10 points. My base special defense is 50, but at least it maxes out at 100. My base defense just barely caps out at 85, so that’s my answer to people who ask me why I consider myself a glass canon.
I love Lumineon, Dewgong, and Luvdisc. Now I know its not good competitively but Luvdisc a shiny at that saved me in a nuzlock so Valentine is always gonna be my boy.
Game Freak must’ve said. “Let’s take a generic water type. Give it crummy stats everywhere except for speed. Allow it to learn agility. Give it an ability that increases its speed in the rain and call it a day.” It’s great in PU tier cos your opponent will be so busy laughing at it, giving you a chance to win the match. It’s below average bulk allows it to survive 2 Caterpie tackles before it needs to switch out.
Pyukumuku? The only thing it's good for is stalling and that's it, no direct attacks and if you wanna hit back you have to predict a psychical or special move
weather is actually pretty dangerous pre-gen 6 due to abilities "drizzle" being permanent back then but got nerfed in 6 making weather much less dangerous than it used to be during the "weather wars" of gen 5. Also 19:14 "danny-" *DANNY DEVITO*
i love relicanth and corsola thou but i never used them , its kinda sad to see them here but now i know why ^^! and when you mentionned the mythical pokemon and saw keldeo on the picture i was looking at my figure of him in front of me XD like ''nooo not you ;o;'' im glad it was phione thou...
only thing Luvdisc has going is that its cute so at least its not both a bad looking and useless mon lol shame they don't redeem it and give it a crazy strong evolution as a reward for using it (kinda like magicarp)
when i first got in to pokemon my first game was platinum i caught a finneon and was amazed at how good luminion looks especailly after the episode with ash and friends at the summer camp i thought it was a super rare pokemon that and was amazed when bunneray evolved lol alos used my first master ball on a gastrodon XD
@@Martin724K Wishiwashi can only be in its school form when it's above 25% percent health and its slow af. Also both of Wishiwashi's forms untiered in competitive.
Lumineon has a base 69 attack and special attack stat nice and mystic it's good to know I am at least better than luvdisc because I am as always alone at valentine's day
Well yeah Phione is a mythical in a way but is a mix of both Ditto and Manaphy stats. The only thing is that Ditto took off 20 base stats across the board from Phione. It's impure.
Imagine a fire type having Drizzle a poison type having immunity.... Anywayi am thinking G max gardevoir hwving G max Marriage boosting both defenses by 1 each time the move is uses
My prediction for top 3 weakest 1. Magicarp/feebas (I know this breaks the evo line rules but it's so infamous for being weak, it should be on the list. 2. Luvdisc 3. Surskit I guess since it's evo is not part water so it's stuck having bad stats. Edit: I forgot about corsola! And I'm surprised phione is so bad!
Swanna: “You took everything away from me”
Pelipper: *I don’t even know who you are*
I didn’t even know swanna existed before watching this video. Gen 5 really was pretty bad for Pokémon designs
This got an audible laugh from me
What is that a reference of? That sounds so familiar...
@@slasherchild5871 swap Swanna with Scarlett Witch and Pelipper with Thanos
Swanna design wise looks wayy better than Pelipper, but its pretty bad for competitive
really wished it got Swift Swim, and got better Stats, but it got utterly forgotten by gamefreak unfortunately
In this video - one man grossly underrates Swift Swim for 20 minutes.
and hydration. If you have good bulk + rest you can sweep in the rain
And thick fat as well. Is just me or these people loves to understimate defenses?
@@N12015 that's smogon/single players for you
@@N12015 true, have you ever fought a Toxipex with Baneful Bunker and Recover? It's a true pain in the ass. That's why I use one, slap on the Merciless ability with Pin Missile, and Venoshock, and it is a monster.
@Cyrus Toxapex with Toxic, B Bunker, Recover and Spikes/Venoshock is hilarious.
Since we "started" with two starter types, it's only makes sense to do Grass-types next.
I always felt that Carnivine looked great, but it’s stats didn’t match it. Maybe if it had more mixed attack capabilities and more speed?
💯 agreed
@@adamthespinygiant me or him?
He’s right and nice pun
Next let's do GRASS since we already did Fire & Water might as well complete the triangle
Electric:hello let's make this a square
@@geoblivionspacialmuddyrend6933 yeah Electric should come after Grass
I can imagine to see Meganium there
@@Hamanuna Meganium is bad but not that bad it would rank somewhere between 13 and 11 it wouldn't make the top 10 since their is way worse fully evolved grass types like Tropius, Sunflora, Jumpluff, etc.
Might as well complete the fire,water, grass core.
I wholeheartedly agree, let’s mow our way to the grass type next. 🍃
ah yes Luvdisc, only reason to get was for Heart scales back in the day. But since Gen 7 you can just walk into a restaurant, order food and get your heart scales that way
And in Gen 8, you can just forget about having a heart scale because you can teach a Pokémon a move that they have forgotten for free of any charge
Knowing this, it makes me feel old
Even if lumineon isnt strong i really thinks she looks pretty and her cry is really majestic
That doesn't make that shit good
@@gangulykg6493 i was literally just expressing my opinion no need to say that
180% sure Luvdisc is number 1
Um i say 69,420%
@@byebyedislikecount939 Oh shit
Luvdisc is actually an insane early game pokemon. This is why people should do nuzlockes more. They get to learn about pokemon they have never used before
I still can't believe Ash's Pikachu lost to a Panpour and a Swanna of all things.
But he did knock out a Latios and a Dragonyte. So try not to think too much about the anime "logic" in terms of game rules.
@@madsgrams2069 Good idea especially since Pikachu fainted ground types with electric attacks.
Sableye would win
Yes. But Dewgong is still a good, adorable boi
Dewgong evolves from Seel...because the guys who write Pokemon have no idea about taxonomic relations. :)). In reality dugongs are more related to elephants than they are to seals.
I wish someone would have told me about Dewgong before I used one in Let's Go Pikachu. I think that was the first time I've seen Lance's Dragonite not get knocked out in one hit by Ice Beam.
When I watch these videos why does it turn out I always have the “worst” pokemon
Because you don't follow the "MeTa" and use Poke'mon you enjoy.
@@godknightomega I can't in good conscience willingly understand why anyone could bring themselves to use barrascuda or whatever that ugly fish is called xD same with the gen 8 fossil pokemon, they just hurt to look at 😂
@@Cap_The_Captain I like barraskewda’s look personally but if it wasn’t for it’s good stats and movepool I don’t know if I would like it as much as I do now
"Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites."
-Karen, a Johto Elite Four member
I see Dewgong on the thumb nail and Dewgong was a key role in my FireRed lineup 15+ years ago 😞
Dewgong was way better back then. It didn't face nearly as much competition as it does now. Particularly, the abilities of Gen III were all pretty terrible, so Dewgong actually wasn't too shabby on that side, plus Ice Beam wasn't an easily available TM, so Ice coverage on Water types was much more valuable. With that being said... Lapras is still better in every single way. Sorry.
Man it stinks to see Swanna on this list. It should get a slight buff
Yeah I know! It should be a bit better because it’s literally Skyla’s ace.
@@alexy5611 which is why Skyla can be swept with ease. Swanna doesn't stand any chance against electric types, neither does the rest of her team.
@@femkefeenstra7754 yeah Winona is a much stronger flying gym, she’s got a dragon type, grass type, steel type, water type, normal type, and of course flying type.
It's INSANE that this thing is being considered when stuff like Golduck, Walrein, Wailord and Whiscash aren't 😶
Pokemon Unbound gave it a buff, and it is a monster.
Lumineon actually does have a niche in competitive funny enough as a utility mon
I'm not sure but I think it's because it's a water pokemon that can use defog right?
@@tyronechua451 it gets Defog, u-turn and a decent speed stat without being a flying type (I believe the only other water types to learn defog without being a flying type are empoleon and fini but there might be another)
@@kujikawathemeekmage3640 and Swanna
I actually thought that Basculin was going to be on this list
wdym it's a great pokemon dude
@@ni8mareassasin367 but its annoying af when youre surfing.
Phew, I was really scared that my big boi Wailord was going to be on this list... Thanks Mystic for not putting it... I think Wailord is really cool and I would have gotten sad seeing it in this list!
Same, I was worried
Coz mostly Wailord can withstand 1 or 2 hits from super-effective moves with freaking 544 HP maximum. So it's viable
Top 3 Worst Waters:
3- Luvdisc.
2- Luvdisc.
1- Luvdisc.
@dugg abrugar Magikarp is fucking better.
Well since you did Fire and Water you might as well do Grass
@@cristhianmlr Why
@@lowtiertomad4647 Why why?
@@cristhianmlr Why can’t he do grass?
@@lowtiertomad4647 he can, but Why would he?
I was going to keep scrolling but that thumbnail made me stop and laugh
I’m not gonna lie but if mysticumbreon does grass types and I see simisage, I’m gonna cry, cause I like simisage.. a lot!
I can't say for certain if Simisage will end up on that list. I will say sorry in advance though!
Ok, that’s a relief
This video proves that Swanna needs a new form so Swanna will be loved again
Regional variant where it becomes a Black Swan. Flying/Dark or something like that.
Swanna isn't even bad, like people ingnore peillipers ugly ass lmao.
A Mega Evolution for it is absolutely essential and necessary for Swanna in order for it to succeed again. And base the Mega Evolution design from the Swam Princess and either swap its Flying-Type for its Fairy-Type or add Fairy as it's tertairy type (I feel Water/Fairy/Flying would have some potential to be a pretty solid type triplet). And give them more moves.
Corsola. Only thing helpful about it is its ability to breed with Feebas/Milotic to teach them Mirror Coat. Therefore you can get a Milotic with Mirror Coat because of Corsola.
The sole reason Luvdisc exists is to farm Heart Scales
Man, Ron, Toby and Mystic uploaded at the same time. Now, which one to watch first?
Mystic > Ron > Toby
All of us at the exact same time
@@MysticUmbreon not completely exact Ron and Toby had a collab so they uploaded at exactly the same time and you uploaded like 30 seconds later
Gorebyss can hold white herb to reset the debuffs, sure it might not be the bulkiest, but the usage of scald and or ice beam with shell smash is a good enough redeeming factor. Also relicanth is a good rock head head smash or double edge user since it deals huge damage especially with choice band. These two Pokémon don’t belong hear.
One of my favorite Water type Pokémon would have to be Samurott
Mine is seismitoad or greninja
Water type starters are cool
@@orangotango9231 both are excellent
Samurott is my favourite Pokemon
Weird. My Relicanth RUNS online ranked. With rock head and head smash, shits kinda crazy
Relicanth is hilarious to use with that line. I had one I called Missle that would 1 hit ko flying legendaries. No joke
@@stoic7974 lol right? mine is named Parthenon and it’s been dying a lot recently was a ton of fun to send out in early ranks though lol. I’m stuck in my tier can’t get any higher the meta becomes too stagnant and I like to do random shit lol
Relicanth does not belong on this list. This guy is way too biased against Pokémon that are slower.
@@captaincurtis9829 Yep, he forgets Pyukumuku.. very bad Pokémon that doesn't even learn any attacking move.. should at least been at number 2 worst of this list
Seeing a good number of commenters voting on the Grass type next. Let me add one more vote to that, let's do a Grass type list next!
Swift swim isn't a bad ability, it's just bad on all the Pokémon on this list since they are all either too slow to take advantage of it, or have absolutely no offensive stats.
At least they can all learn toxic
@@slyfox7452 except the Gen 8 ones like Drednaw
and then there's Barraskewda, which is the Swift Swim glass cannon
123 atk and 136 spe
Mystic: It’s the first Pokémon we’re talking about that’s not in Sword in Shield.
Crown Tundra: Am I joke to you?
We have came a long way.
3 years ago ig you were the first poketuber I subscribed
I appreciate the support!
Honestly i think what would help Swanna is maybe an extra evolution/stone evolution to enhance some of stats slightly above 500. Maybe a decently speedy mixed attacker with maybe extra HP? I do agree out of the list, it has great potential, Hopefully in the next Unova remakes, it gets an extra evo
Looks at Gorebyss being in SM ZUBL as other mons that aren't on the list are unviable in ZU
Swanna is why I sometimes think some Gym Leaders need better aces. Just because a Pokemon is new does not mean It's good.
It makes sense for an Ace to be a Pokémon from the region they originated from. I guess Swanna fit Skyla better
@@thejuic3b0i64 Honestly, I always thought Braviary would've been a better ace for Skyla. I'm fine with Swanna being on her team, but Braviary makes more sense for a jet pilot of Unova.
I think we can all agree on is the Grass type since you covered both Fire and Water. It would make sense for you to do so.
I actually used Corsola on my first Sun or Moon (I don't remember which I played first) playthru. It wasn't great but it did the job
I know this video is a month old, but I think I just need to salvage Huntail and Gorebyss a bit. They do not deserve to be on this list, and the main reason is the move Baton Pass in addition to Shell Smash. Smash Pass combo allows any Pokemon on your team to be boosted, which honestly makes them a good support Pokemon. Sure there might be some better options, but they're solid
I feel like the next type can be dragon/steel or grass. Any one of them.
Oh no please don't do dragon altaria might make it onto that list :(
@@francishong7948 Nah Altaria is decent
2:26 = 10th. Swanna
4:22 = 9th. Simipour
6:00 = 8th. Huntail and Gorebyss
7:49 = 7th. Relicanth
9:37 = 6th. Seaking
10:58 = 5th. Lumineon
12:18 = 4th. Dewgong
13:53 = 3rd. Phione
15:32 = 2nd. Corsola
17:12 = 1st. Luvdisc
Could you do the best and worst types for each region?
Seeing the Kingdra cameo reminded me of a question I wanted to ask. I'm aware that if you trade Pokemon from virtual console into modern games, they're guaranteed to have it's hidden ability. If I wanted to get the newer games and try using it, would it be possible to switch to one of its normal abilities?
I loved corsola in my silver play through when I was a kid. For some reason I loved Pokémon that didn’t evolve.. miltank, tauros, heracross, far-fetched. 😂😂😂😂😂
Playing Miltank for the first time in my 2nd X playthrough and god i love her
These thumbnails are killing me lmaooo
The only reason I remember Lumineon is because of its cry. I used to play around with the cries in the Pokédex when bored..
Poor Luvdisc I love it, it's one of my favorite Pokemon I love that it's heart shaped and I love Swanna because I love swans and I love lumineon because it looks pretty with the butterfly wings and because of the wings and the wings is the reason why I like Finneon too. Also I want to see electric type next.
Dewgong: is trash for many reasons including its typing and speed
Lapras, with same bulk (minus hp), typing and even worse speed: is brilliant
I smell a bit of a bias here...
The main thing that separates Lapras from Dewgong is it's gigantamax form. If it weren't for that, Lapras would just be another Pokemon with bland stats across the board (outside of having a high HP stat) that is unfortunately held back by ice being the worst defensive type in the game
@@matthewkuscienko4616 that is true, but Lapras is considered (by Mystic) to be the best water type pokemon for gens 1, 2 _and_ Fire Red _and_ HGSS, and... nah. Especially not in gen 1 with Starmie around, which can be obtained even before Lapras if you take a detour to Fuchsia before the whole Silph Co stuff pretty much the moment you obtain the flute and I think it's worth the trouble.
Lapras really needed that buff, although I would have been happier if they gave it a mega. It's ridiculously underwhelming in terms of stats.
@@werisekk3 That's definitely true, I feel that one of the biggest things holding Lapras back is it's lack of having any especially good stats in anything besides HP, which honestly isn't the best stat to be specialized in having high in without good defensive stats and/or typing. But I think that the reason why Lapras was considered to be good by Mystic is that in a playthrough of those games, it's pretty convenient to easily be able to get your hands on one, and to be fair, it wasn't actually bad competitively in the first 2 generations, since that was before power creep began to start to kick in; after that happened, it had a much harder time keeping up and the flaws brought about by it's type and lack of good stats only compounded this issue
@@matthewkuscienko4616 I can maybe see it for gen 1 since its Special was 95 (the spatt and spdef split hurt it even more) and probably for gen 2 too because Johto was not rich in water pokemon with good special attack but I still think that Starmie is superior in almost every way, definitely in Kanto with a whopping one Dragon family. Especially since it's Psychic (so broken in gen 1), which is a much better utility type since dragons didn't become a real threat until Hoenn and it can still carry Ice Beam/Blizzard for coverage and does so decently well. There is no need to use it since the Physical/Special split in gen 4 that made Pokemon like Feraligatr and Gyarados viable.
I could agree that Lapras is underrated but definitely not the best except for possibly gen 2. It deserved better tho.
Mind as well finish the starter types with grass next. Also I'm so glad that my boy pyukumuku is not on this list.
It's because pyukumuku is actually bulky and even grass types barely touch that thing. Trust me, I have my experience with it in showdown.
Pyuku is a niche pick, but at very least it is useful to some degree even though it is not the top pick but not in the bottom
Grass is the next logical one but I cannot wait for Bug, Poison and Ice. Wondering if for Ghost or Dragon a Pokemon from the top 10 list will Also Fall as those types don't have that many Pokemon.
I think there is a weaker water type that wasn't brought up. Pyukumuku is a defensive wall with only toxic stall and it's abilty innerds out for any real offense meaning it is sitting there as set up fodder for any Steel type that doesn't worry about the hp it's gonna lose from innards out as it has a low base hp total of 55. Luvdisc as bad as it is can mount offense without need of dynamaxing.
Simipour, I was willing to spare from my Top 10 Weakest Water list, cause as a Water type in general, it isn't as bad in it's pure type of Water as how Simisage is in the Grass type, with Simisear being a somewhat bad Fire type as I'm willing to admit, however not as bad as you said Simisear is. And I spared Swanna, cause I thought it wasn't as bad as a worse Water/Flying type Pokemon. And Relicanth was given some credit on my Weakest Water type list as it is in my opinion the 8th Weakest Water type Pokemon. Especially since I tried adding Gen 9 Pokemon to update my lists. I know these videos were made before Gen 9 was out, I'm just saying what I've done.
Anyone else wants to make a competitive team out of each number one worst pokemon team just to shake these series up
I'm surprised to not see Basculin on here but otherwise very expected
I was a champion Pokémon player, and I've used Corsola on multiple teams
"It Should have stayed at the bottom for another 100000000 years it would be better that way." I have watched this channel for about 2 years and have never been so scared of a thing he has said
One idea I have is they should make some sort of orbs, like toxic and flame orb, for weather based abilities. Sunny orb, Rain orb, Ice orb and Sand orb. They can activate weather based abilities but not gain the boost effect. So no 1.5 boost but can activate solar beam and ect.
Poor Phione, I adamantly advocate for it to be able to evolve into Manaphy, making it at least a decent Eviolite wall.
Corsola and Dewgong are my two favorite Pokemon 😂😂
That’s good taste in Pokemon, dont really like Dewgong tho
I feel like it's a little cheap to use Corsola since it does have an evolution in one of its forms. Cap Pikachu can't evolve, but people don't count it as a fully evolved pokemon since there is a form of Pikachu that can evolve. Still, thanks for the work you do on these videos.
..........What you mentioned doesn't really apply because the Galarian form of Corsola is a ghost type, not a water type.
@@matthewkuscienko4616 I don't think it matters that the evolution/other form is no longer water type. You wouldn't put surskit on this list and consider it fully evolved just because its evolution loses the water typing. I'm not saying the way I see it is automatically right, just that I don't agree with the decision to consider pokemon fully evolved if a form of them evolves further.
@@ghartman56 The thing is, though, that Corsola IS fully evolved if you aren't talking about it's Galarian variant. I mean, sure, it has another form that CAN evolve, but that would not invalidate Corsola from being eligible for this list.
@@matthewkuscienko4616 That makes sense, I just don't like it haha I feel like if game freak recognized that the pokemon was in rough enough shape that a form of it got an evolution, I'd let sleeping dogs lie with the original form and not really consider it fully evolved. I'm wrong by game mechanics since regular Corsola can't hold an eviolite (I think), but it just doesn't sit well with me.
Narration and editing is very good , love you ❤️
Thank you for not putting Samurott on here! He is on of my favs and I think he is the best!
Its sad to see dewgong on this. My dewgong in ultra moon playthrough got the final blow on ultra necrozma
Please do Grass types next.
I knew Luvdisc would be #1.
I havent seen almost anything of the video, but im sure that Corsola is in that list :(
So I did a bit of homework to see if Luvdisc could utilize anything to make it somewhat useful. It had one thing going for it but it wasn't much.
going into this, I knew that Luvdisc was best when it came to its speed but its defenses and offenses were not existent. therefore, I decided to find out if it had any moves that had priority or could inflict any status conditions. I was baffled to find out that Luvdisc couldn't inflict any status condition like toxic or paralysis nor did it have the move aqua jet which could be used in niche situations to get around sturdy or focus sash/band pokemon so a partner could KO it in a VGC format. It had none of these things.
HOWEVER, it could be used as an attract user then use charm several times to severely reduce the opponents attack power, but that would only be useful in double battles because Luvdisc doesn't have the stats to utilize any of its attacking moves. Despite the power creep in recent generations, it was easy to get around this strategy the generation it was introduced. With the power creep, 97 base speed is not all that impressive anymore as so many pokemon can out speed it now and KO it with even the most weak attacks. The only way I can see using Luvdisc nowadays is having it hold a focus sash then use attract, and that's all it can do. AND EVEN THEN, there are so many better pokemon that can do the same thing as well find use in other ways.
Honestly, the only worth this Pokemon had was that it held heart scales, but now that games allow you to remember moves on a dime, it has no reason to exist. I'd even argue that it is even worse than Unknown because even how useless it is, Unknown still works as a gimmick Pokemon. they have lore to them, and it can be fun to collect all the variations, like in Legends Arceus, but Luvdisc doesn't even have that going for it and its gimmick is left useless and irrelevant. This, in my opinion, makes Luvdisc the most pointless Pokemon to ever exist.
Thanks to anyone who read this whole comment. I had more to say about this Pokemon than I thought. I really wanted to give Luvdisc a fair shot, but honestly, what I found about Luvdisc makes it way worse than Mystic made it sound.
I would like to see Bug or Electric coming next. Dragon would be cool too 👍🏻
Hehhh Luvdisk’s base attack is the same as my base defense.
Compared to my kin, I have the worst base defense of any fully evolved electric type at only 30. It was originally going to be 20, but got buffed by 10 points. My base special defense is 50, but at least it maxes out at 100. My base defense just barely caps out at 85, so that’s my answer to people who ask me why I consider myself a glass canon.
I love Lumineon, Dewgong, and Luvdisc. Now I know its not good competitively but Luvdisc a shiny at that saved me in a nuzlock so Valentine is always gonna be my boy.
Lumineon from gen 4... its known as the beautifly of the sea lol
Game Freak must’ve said. “Let’s take a generic water type. Give it crummy stats everywhere except for speed. Allow it to learn agility. Give it an ability that increases its speed in the rain and call it a day.” It’s great in PU tier cos your opponent will be so busy laughing at it, giving you a chance to win the match. It’s below average bulk allows it to survive 2 Caterpie tackles before it needs to switch out.
Lumineon has actually a really nice design imo
I'm curious, what do you guys think about Quagsire? :D
psychic and steel would be cool to see
Love the Thumbnail. Good Work
Pyukumuku? The only thing it's good for is stalling and that's it, no direct attacks and if you wanna hit back you have to predict a psychical or special move
The thumbnaisl for these 😂😂💀
The thumbnail for this is even better than the original
weather is actually pretty dangerous pre-gen 6 due to abilities "drizzle" being permanent back then but got nerfed in 6 making weather much less dangerous than it used to be during the "weather wars" of gen 5. Also 19:14 "danny-" *DANNY DEVITO*
A defensive Lumineon with tailwind can mke a support function in double battles, it´s not good but not that terrible
i love relicanth and corsola thou but i never used them , its kinda sad to see them here but now i know why ^^! and when you mentionned the mythical pokemon and saw keldeo on the picture i was looking at my figure of him in front of me XD like ''nooo not you ;o;'' im glad it was phione thou...
The probable top 3:
- Magikarp
- Feebas
- Luvdisc
Top 3 fully evolved:
- Luvdisc
- Lumineon
- Castform (Rain Form) or Alomomola
I'm just starting the video and I can't think of anything else other than Magicarp for the #1
Was I the only one who thought luvdisc evolved into alomola?
Like, I was so certain then I checked and learned otherwise
Same and I wondered why my little heart shaped fish wouldn’t evolve
Grass! For the purpose of the starter triangle!
I'm kind of curious how many of the Sage apes ended up on someone's team just because they were needed for the first gym.
only thing Luvdisc has going is that its cute so at least its not both a bad looking and useless mon lol shame they don't redeem it and give it a crazy strong evolution as a reward for using it (kinda like magicarp)
Swanna could get QuiverDance.
It’s not so strong that it would break it, but it would definitely make a decent RU set up sweeper.
Might as well do Grass next to complete the Trinity of starter types. Then Electric and Normal.
My top three predictions (they weren’t in order before) quill fish, basculin, luvdisc
I think we should do Grass types next since well we have done Water & Fire types so it makes sense
Relicanth isn't a great pokemon but it's SO fun to use with Rock Head. Use Head Smash with it and you have in essence a fish missle.
when i first got in to pokemon my first game was platinum i caught a finneon and was amazed at how good luminion looks especailly after the episode with ash and friends at the summer camp i thought it was a super rare pokemon that and was amazed when bunneray evolved lol alos used my first master ball on a gastrodon XD
Mystic you forgot one weak water Pokemon: Wishiwashi
It has Schooling as it's ability
@@Martin724K Wishiwashi can only be in its school form when it's above 25% percent health and its slow af. Also both of Wishiwashi's forms untiered in competitive.
Is funny thinking that number 3 and number 1 would be at least decent if they could evolve (what they should) and use eviolite propely.
Lumineon has a base 69 attack and special attack stat nice and mystic it's good to know I am at least better than luvdisc because I am as always alone at valentine's day
Well yeah Phione is a mythical in a way but is a mix of both Ditto and Manaphy stats. The only thing is that Ditto took off 20 base stats across the board from Phione. It's impure.
Really surprised magikarp and feebas weren’t tied for first but I should’ve expected luvdisc
Imagine a fire type having Drizzle a poison type having immunity....
Anywayi am thinking G max gardevoir hwving G max Marriage boosting both defenses by 1 each time the move is uses
Marriage... LOLZ!!!
a Grass/Flying type having Snow Warning lol
@@MrcreeperDXD777 A grass flying with snow warning....😏😏😏😏
More better Kyogre with Desolate land and Groudon with primordial sea
My prediction for top 3 weakest
1. Magicarp/feebas (I know this breaks the evo line rules but it's so infamous for being weak, it should be on the list.
2. Luvdisc
3. Surskit I guess since it's evo is not part water so it's stuck having bad stats.
Edit: I forgot about corsola! And I'm surprised phione is so bad!
If Simipour was just better defensively, I’m sure we all would agree that it would be a damn solid Pokémon
Let's do grass. I wonder which is the worst? My top 3 guesses are Jumpluff, Sunflora or Parasect