Can There Be Atonement without Blood Sacrifice?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2021
  • Dr. Brown answers this critically important question as Jews around the world fast and pray for forgiveness on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Watch live here 3-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


  • @adammcguk
    @adammcguk 2 роки тому +3

    Hosea 6:6 "For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings."

    • @johnpratts2856
      @johnpratts2856 Рік тому

      Beautiful line. However, is that an Atonement of sin? Or a way to grant the LORD's favor?

  • @bgood1532
    @bgood1532 2 роки тому +8

    Here's your answer: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’
    Leviticus 17:11

    • @jami1730
      @jami1730 2 роки тому +2


    • @bgood1532
      @bgood1532 2 роки тому +3

      @No Name it's not just a book. It's God's Word and He's a God of patterns. There was no human sacrifice. The Bible is full of symbolisms and parallels. Figurative vs literal.

    • @set-apartsit-downs2330
      @set-apartsit-downs2330 2 роки тому

      @No Name it's fairly easy to find instances in the Tanahk (Old Testament) where The Most High forgave sin without needing blood. In fact He said in His Torah that obedience is better than sacrifice. And the best way to get forgiveness and atonement from Yah is to have true repentance, true remorse, and obeying the commandments.

    • @johnpratts2856
      @johnpratts2856 Рік тому

      @No Name And remember this, my pagan necromantic rabbinic, human sacrifice is a central focus on the Abrahamic Covenant. With both Issac and circumcision.

    • @johnpratts2856
      @johnpratts2856 Рік тому

      @@bgood1532 Slightly agree.

  • @maze208
    @maze208 2 роки тому +1

    Gbu dr.

  • @Skiroy
    @Skiroy 2 роки тому +1

    This is absolutely the only aspect of the Gospel I can’t wrap my head around. Taking innocent life for guilty ness seems like adding more sin to sin. So confusing.

  • @karenlong5622
    @karenlong5622 2 роки тому +4

    EVERY drop of Yahshua haMashiach's 19 to 20 cups of pure, sinless, sacrificial, priceless, saving Blood was necessary for our Atonement iiiIiii ALL of Israel will be saved iiiIiii IT IS FINISHED

    • @karenlong5622
      @karenlong5622 2 роки тому +3

      @Yoel Cohen I will forever believe the One Who gave His Blood for my sins and follow only Him as my Master and Savior. He Alone is worthy of my praise and worship.

  • @OfficialSonOfRock
    @OfficialSonOfRock 2 роки тому +1

    Brown claims that the blood was mixed with someone else's blood offering. NOT what the Torah says.

  • @nashashbel6922
    @nashashbel6922 2 роки тому +1

    Was wondering if there were no animals , was it possible to just offer Flour , incense , grain offering ??

    • @nashashbel6922
      @nashashbel6922 2 роки тому +1

      @Yoel Cohen
      I think he makes a good point ,the Foundation of the altar is blood sacrifice.
      This is the root . The rest can be compared to leaves and stems . You take out the root it's finished.
      Can you imagine yom kipur with just flour ,incense and coal for example?

    • @nashashbel6922
      @nashashbel6922 2 роки тому +2

      @Yoel Cohen
      Yeah that's possible that blood is already drained out before placing it upon the altar.
      Anyway, The daily morning burnt lamb offering was to be the first of the day. It was the foundational offering. Other offerings were placed on it. For example, the fatty peace offerings of Leviticus 6:5 (6:12 Christian Bibles) were to be laid on the lamb. Some describe the morning lamb as so foundational that it is like the firewood of the altar , the base of all offerings.
      So getting back to flour sin offerings ... some indeed interpret Leviticus 5:12 as - the priest shall take the flour and "offer it up in smoke UPON the offerings made by fire to the Lord".
      If this is the correct interpretation, then the flour sin offering is absolutely dependent on the presence of animal sacrifice. It cannot stand alone

    • @nashashbel6922
      @nashashbel6922 2 роки тому +2

      @Yoel Cohen
      They were under judgement . No atonement for the nation.
      G-d in his Mercy though can make exception to some individuals who really worship him with pure heart.
      Look! Your position, would lead us to believe that jews are better off in exile without a Temple ,that Jews in exile without the Temple had a better method of atonement (prayer) than Jews living in the land of Israel with the Temple (sacrifices). That would be like having to drive a Bentley as punishment and when the punishment is over you’re being “blessed” with a lil’ old Hyundai.
      Pretty sad!

    • @nashashbel6922
      @nashashbel6922 2 роки тому +1

      @Yoel Cohen
      As long as there is repentance , intentional sin is eligible to blood sacrifice .
      There is always a way back as long as there is repentance .
      A human being his entire life, sins not just accidentally but sometimes wilfully.
      I remember I have read rabbinical commentary which says that intentional sin can turn to unintentional sin as long as there is repentance and eligible to blood sacrifice.
      God wants obedience that's true , but that doesn't exclude blood sacrifice. He hates blood Sacrifices , new moon , prayers Sabbath ,feasts ,... Just because they were done with HYPOCRISY.
      When you do something do it with your whole heart .
      This what Gd tries to emphasize .
      He still wants blood scrfc , prayers , Sabbath,...

    • @nashashbel6922
      @nashashbel6922 2 роки тому +1

      @Yoel Cohen
      Agree! but blood sacrifice is the foundation . It is the root , you remove that there will be no atonement.
      I don't think that the Israelites after every sin have to go to the temple offer animals for sacrifice , if that's the case the land will b run out of animals fit for sacrifice . Without animals don't think grain offerings , neither incense , coal, flour ,... whatever , will do the job.
      As long as the temple is standing , as long as you repent , I think Gd will forgive.
      Or your own death can b your atonement.

  • @judahjorge8104
    @judahjorge8104 2 роки тому +3

    The Torah prescribes what *animals* can be offered as sacrifices and a man isn't one of them. Also, Jesus was not offered on an altar. He was nailed to a wooden cross. He died of asphyxiation. You can't offer a strangled animal either. Read Acts 15.
    Conclusion: Jesus being crucified was not a sin sacrifice.

    • @scottheath8302
      @scottheath8302 2 роки тому +1

      Did he die of asphyxiation? No man takes my life, I lay it down freely. We see that he gave up his spirit before he breathed his last breath. Is it possible suffocation was not the cause…

    • @judahjorge8104
      @judahjorge8104 2 роки тому

      @@scottheath8302 No its not possible. Research crucifixion and you'll learn that you died from asphyxiation. It usually took several days.

    • @scottheath8302
      @scottheath8302 2 роки тому

      @@judahjorge8104 i have and as the lungs would fill, and the body compress causing breathing issues, one would need to push up with their legs in order to relieve the pressure and allow the lungs to fill with air, which is why they broke the legs, to hasten the time. Thus when they came to him he was surprisingly already ☠️….hmmm rather quick suffocation and yet the other 2 where alive and needed to have their legs broke.. And his death was a promise kept to the 10 northern tribes, the lost sheep of the house of Israel as promised, as to bring them back into covenant

    • @judahjorge8104
      @judahjorge8104 2 роки тому

      @@scottheath8302 When an animal was sacrificed it had its throat slit so it died as quickly as possible.
      Having your legs broken while hanging off a cross would count as torture.
      Its not a kosher sacrifice however you want to slice it (pun intended).

    • @judahjorge8104
      @judahjorge8104 2 роки тому

      @Yoel Cohen How did Daniel and the rest of the Jews in Babylon get forgiveness when they had no Temple for 70 years?

  • @edgarmorales4476
    @edgarmorales4476 2 роки тому

    It must be understood that down the centuries - people perceived that facets of human behavior were detrimental to the welfare of others. They witnessed killing - stealing another's wife and possessions - causing much pain and grief in the community - making life difficult and at times - intolerable. It was reasoned that surely this behavior must be contrary to the will of "God." They gave this behavior the name of "sin" and termed it "evil." Eventually - the Prophets reasoned that such aberrant behavior must emanate from an "evil" force opposed to "God" and they called it "Satan."
    The Prophets threatened and punished each other in the belief that "sins" were evil and that "God" would punish men for their wrongdoing against each other. This behavior is practiced to this day in the churches. Ministers try to control people by fear.
    THE CONCEPT OF "SIN" against God - the Eternal and infinitely Mighty Creator - was a clever and powerful method of controlling other people!
    Church beliefs are a tragic travesty of all that Jesus tried to teach.
    Moses first enshrined the belief in "sin" and "punishment" in the form of the Ten Commandments.
    Moses said that they were given to him by "God" and that if the Israelites broke them - they would have to suffer the penalty - in some cases - this meant death by stoning. They were taught that by breaking the Laws - the Israelites would be sinning against "God."
    The exact truth is - Moses went to the mountain to pray for a means by which to control the unruly Israelites. In answer to this prayer - the Ten Commandments were inspirationally given to him to help him in his task of bringing the Israelites safely through their desert sojourn with the least degree of trouble-making.
    Christians are happy to accept and wholeheartedly believe that "God" reputedly instructed Moses to engage in aggressive procedures and massacres when conquering the "promised land." A beautiful and productive land was callously grabbed from hard working people who were slain in their thousands. This was regarded as the right thing to do since "God" had promised them a beautiful land in which to settle. To this day - Christians believe that since "God" spoke to Moses - it must be "God" who decreed the ensuing bloodshed. There are many similar horrific descriptions of war and bloodshed in the Bible considered permissible - just and right - because it was believed that "God" had instructed them to go to war - against Gentiles.
    Can you not see in the history of the Jews - the rampant EGO-DRIVE in which even "God" is "used" to exempt them from blame? In the moment of self-aggrandizement - it became permissible and equitable to ignore the Ten Commandments and indulge in wholesale massacre.
    They believed no sin was involved because the killing had been ordained by "God." What a "God!"
    Can you not also perceive why it was necessary for Jesus to be born to live among the Jews in an effort to help them see that their traditional beliefs and practices were all contrary to the very Nature of GOD who had truly given them being?
    Since then - down the centuries - men have battled with the concept of "sin" and many sincere people have grieved concerning the way they offend "God" and they beg for forgiveness. Long ago - they sacrificed animals beyond number in the Temple in Jerusalem - to appease "God" and to hopefully escape the effects of their sins. Since that time - innumerable books have been written on the subject - expressing grief and horror at the condition of men's souls - seeking ways to change their behavior - beating themselves with whips to torture the flesh and make it pay for its wrongdoing in thought - words and deed - and many of these books have been applauded by "Christians" and housed within the archives of religious institutions.
    They bind people to Jesus' age-old persona - preaching the "salvation of man from punishment for his sins" by Jesus' death on the cross. These beliefs are physically impossible and contrary to the facts of creation. No payment is extracted for "sin" by any superior "Deity." This is a human concept entirely - and pagan. All blood-letting of any description for the purpose of religious rites is paganism. Christian churches have presented its followers with nothing less than a "glorified" version of paganism.
    When people make other people unhappy in any way - they are creating their own future "comeback." Not as retribution - but as a "consciousness activity of creation."
    Therefore - it is a matter of urgency that these beliefs in "sin" and "salvation by Jesus' death on the cross" should be strongly combated - and replaced - by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and the TRUTH of EXISTENCE.

  • @jdaze1
    @jdaze1 2 роки тому +5

    Repentence has always been the ONLY way to Salvation Ezekiel 18. Blood of anything can never remove inquity. Human sacrifice is an abomination and God did not break his own law and impregnate a married woman. Ridiculous! All begotten sons are born BY THE SPIRIT. It doesnt mean God impregnated our mothers!! Smh!!

    • @johannine2099
      @johannine2099 2 роки тому

      Regarding your human sacrifice claim, are you then saying that Jesus's death on the cross offers nothing in terms of salvation? That it was not ordained by God? Genuine questions.

    • @springtown24
      @springtown24 2 роки тому +2

      You obviously are not listening to what Dr Brown is saying.

    • @reasonforge9997
      @reasonforge9997 2 роки тому +2

      Good point. Ezekiel 18 makes it clear that those who repent and stop sinning and start doing what is right, then their life shall be saved. But there is also Leviticus 16 which clearly commands Israelites to make atonement in the Holy Temple with the blood of sacrificed animals and this includes confessing the wickedness and repentance. So it seems under the Covenant that God made with Israel both blood and repentance are required. Note that Ezekiel was preaching shortly before the destruction of the First Holy Temple, so in the years following the Israelites would be scattered and unable to follow the commandments in Leviticus 16 so it seems reasonable he would not emphasize the blood part of the atonement. The commandment could not be followed for roughly 70 years until the Second Holy Temple was built. And of course a few centuries later there have now been almost 2000 years the method of atonement in Leviticus 16 could be carried out. I agree with you and with Ezekiel 18 that one need only repent, but then that is because God has supplied the atoning blood Himself and made a new Covenant that fulfills the requirements of the old.

    • @judahjorge8104
      @judahjorge8104 2 роки тому +1

      @@reasonforge9997 You can't get atonement for breaking the laws of the Torah by breaking the laws of the Torah. 😁

    • @TheWay19820
      @TheWay19820 2 роки тому +1

      Even when righteous rabbis died the sages and rabbis would cry out to God and say "let their death be an atonement for the sins of Israel". The concept is not foreign in Jewish history. To say that it is
      ridiculous is to say you are calling the sages and rabbis ridiculous also.

  • @levywinslow7382
    @levywinslow7382 Рік тому

    For all of you that are confused, it is because you are being deceived, Jesus is NOT GOD. God told us in Isaiah 45: I AM THE LORD AND THERE IS NONE ELSE BESIDE ME, THERE IS NO GOD.
    Deuteronomy 4:15 Take careful heed to yourselves, for you saw no form when the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire
    I don’t know everything but if you are confused, I can put you on the right path to to the true God that formed Adam from the dust of the earth, the true God who who led the Israelites out of Egypt, the true God who blessed Sarah and Abraham with Isaac in his old age. The true God who not only reunited Jacob with Joseph in his old age but allowed him to live long enough to see his kids. The true God who is restoring his people back to Israel by the droves as we speak. He loves you and he wants you come back to him

  • @maryheiman4091
    @maryheiman4091 2 роки тому +2

    No there is no atonement for sin without a blood sacrifice I don’t even have to watch this

    • @Lenin95
      @Lenin95 2 роки тому

      Great argument! I'm sure you persuaded many.