Hi @ @shekharchokkam8457. Thank you for your question. You may find the information you are looking for at eagleanalytical.com/scanrdi-rapid-sterility-test/, where you can learn about the Suitability of ScanRDI as a Rapid Sterility Testing Method, a 10-year survey on ScanRDI System Performance Data as a Sterility Test Method for Pharmacy Compounded Preparations, and other relevant details. This resource should provide you with helpful insights about ScanRDI and address your question.
Can you please explain scan rdi will give 100% accurate results?
Hi @
@shekharchokkam8457. Thank you for your question. You may find the information you are looking for at eagleanalytical.com/scanrdi-rapid-sterility-test/, where you can learn about the Suitability of ScanRDI as a Rapid Sterility Testing Method, a 10-year survey on ScanRDI System Performance Data as a Sterility Test Method for Pharmacy Compounded Preparations, and other relevant details. This resource should provide you with helpful insights about ScanRDI and address your question.