I just bought a bunch of those premade lm386 boards the other day. I’ve been running them on their own and they are some dirty fun. I am going to have to come back to this after getting some assorted resistors and pots and things next! So far I am powering an old 12 in speaker with a piece of felt where the cone goes, and no magnet. The pair sound great. I also used the an lm386 to power a a little spring reverb one going in and one going out, then into some other pedals… so much fun for so little money and effort!
jb weld automotive epoxy is not cheap but thats what i like to use where i would typically use hot glue , but the hot glue can also work fine as long as you are careful. i am building stuff that will be thrown in a trunk and unloaded at a remote location , used and reloaded . years ago i built two similar amplifiers . i have one in a cigar box and the other is in a thicker metal chassis . the cigar box amp has two pedal circuits in it , a chorus and a then an echo . they both have lower wattage chip amps that were hacked from other devices . the metal amp has a univibe , a high gain distortion , a n overdrive/ boost , and a flanger too . goodwill used to have a lot of these hanna montanna guitars , they had three iterations with different circuitry. those units had an lm386 amp and then a pt2399 echo , and its easy to sub the stock resistors wih pots for delay time control , so i did a lot of those. typically i would ALWAYS build whats known as a tillman or similar jfet buffer, i discovered that by using a boss pedal , as even bypassed the pedals buffer made the amp sound significantly better. i see how you are doing basically the same thing with the multiple stages , very cool. when i finished those smaller amps i started buying class d amp modules from ali express . i like to build something called a run off groove tonemender on stripboard along with a jfet buffer and the run a tda3116d2 class d amp board. i have built a LOT of those and also built them into pa amp enclosures and a lot of those have built in 12 or 24 volt sealed lead acid batteries. i was building for four people and a drum machine - my family band. more recently i did a powered mixer in a silverware service box that has a zoom multitrack 8 channel mixer /recorder , an mp3 decoder for play back of drum tracks , and internal 18650 x 8 ( two of those) battery packs , as well as a diy 18650 24 volt pack to power the 600 watt class d 2.1 power amp board. thats what we have been using , but i have built at least a dozen of those units over the years , always upgrading until now i am finished . i got the multi track for less than half of retail sticker price and most of the stuff comes from goodwill , or ali. all of that stuff is on my channel , but there is something like 2600 videos i have uploaded over a long period of time . most of the time i just rant on youtube or recommend stuff i find interesting . it isnt so easy for me to make a concise video , you do a great job with that and your work is awesome . its different than mine , and i love the fact you have embraced tube technology . i have always chosen amp modelling , so we have full band headphone rigs here , several of those. for indoor and outdoor and the outdoor rigs use pa speakers . we are lucky to be alive at this time where technology is so cheap . its crazy what you can do if you set your mind to it . i hope you can keep yourself motivated and that life will continue to allow you to progress with your work . i will be doing a recommend video for your channel very soon . not like thats a big deal , i dont have a lot of regular viewers , but when i find something i like , i recommend it on my channel .so maybe you will pick up a sub or two. of course you dont have to thank me .its the least i could do considering you take the time to share the mind numbing ammount of work you have produced here . very cool stuff man . hats off .
I just bought a bunch of those premade lm386 boards the other day. I’ve been running them on their own and they are some dirty fun. I am going to have to come back to this after getting some assorted resistors and pots and things next!
So far I am powering an old 12 in speaker with a piece of felt where the cone goes, and no magnet. The pair sound great. I also used the an lm386 to power a a little spring reverb one going in and one going out, then into some other pedals… so much fun for so little money and effort!
Thank the UA-cam algorithm!!! This is awesome.
Very impressive……those are some very handy skills on display. Nice job. Absolutely deserves a subscription :)
You could teach us how to do it! Cool!
Parts list with your affiliate links to them would be reeeeallly nice tho :)
Nice job, sounds good from here to me.
Parts list would indeed be noice
oh and schematics
and your wallet
jb weld automotive epoxy is not cheap but thats what i like to use where i would typically use hot glue , but the hot glue can also work fine as long as you are careful. i am building stuff that will be thrown in a trunk and unloaded at a remote location , used and reloaded . years ago i built two similar amplifiers . i have one in a cigar box and the other is in a thicker metal chassis . the cigar box amp has two pedal circuits in it , a chorus and a then an echo . they both have lower wattage chip amps that were hacked from other devices . the metal amp has a univibe , a high gain distortion , a n overdrive/ boost , and a flanger too . goodwill used to have a lot of these hanna montanna guitars , they had three iterations with different circuitry. those units had an lm386 amp and then a pt2399 echo , and its easy to sub the stock resistors wih pots for delay time control , so i did a lot of those. typically i would ALWAYS build whats known as a tillman or similar jfet buffer, i discovered that by using a boss pedal , as even bypassed the pedals buffer made the amp sound significantly better. i see how you are doing basically the same thing with the multiple stages , very cool. when i finished those smaller amps i started buying class d amp modules from ali express . i like to build something called a run off groove tonemender on stripboard along with a jfet buffer and the run a tda3116d2 class d amp board. i have built a LOT of those and also built them into pa amp enclosures and a lot of those have built in 12 or 24 volt sealed lead acid batteries. i was building for four people and a drum machine - my family band. more recently i did a powered mixer in a silverware service box that has a zoom multitrack 8 channel mixer /recorder , an mp3 decoder for play back of drum tracks , and internal 18650 x 8 ( two of those) battery packs , as well as a diy 18650 24 volt pack to power the 600 watt class d 2.1 power amp board. thats what we have been using , but i have built at least a dozen of those units over the years , always upgrading until now i am finished . i got the multi track for less than half of retail sticker price and most of the stuff comes from goodwill , or ali. all of that stuff is on my channel , but there is something like 2600 videos i have uploaded over a long period of time . most of the time i just rant on youtube or recommend stuff i find interesting . it isnt so easy for me to make a concise video , you do a great job with that and your work is awesome . its different than mine , and i love the fact you have embraced tube technology . i have always chosen amp modelling , so we have full band headphone rigs here , several of those. for indoor and outdoor and the outdoor rigs use pa speakers . we are lucky to be alive at this time where technology is so cheap . its crazy what you can do if you set your mind to it . i hope you can keep yourself motivated and that life will continue to allow you to progress with your work . i will be doing a recommend video for your channel very soon . not like thats a big deal , i dont have a lot of regular viewers , but when i find something i like , i recommend it on my channel .so maybe you will pick up a sub or two. of course you dont have to thank me .its the least i could do considering you take the time to share the mind numbing ammount of work you have produced here . very cool stuff man . hats off .
You should sell your creations
I’d buy them
What is a PAM?
mini amplifier from what i understand
I think he means a PAM8403 IC (chip).