Keep going!

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Why do we feel sad even when things seem to be so great?
    In this video I harp on about how self pitying thought is so upsetting.
    Life is weird but it is still life. Let’s just KEEP GOING!


  • @saskins22
    @saskins22 4 роки тому

    Loving listening to Rambling Stralls...I love your authenticity, your sharing and your openness...such beautiful qualities. I can relate to the seesaw of the split mind where we *think* we know what we want but then we’re not so sure or we want something else too and it seems we can’t have both or we don’t know how to , etc. And them we get into that whole comparison thing which then brings all the shitty guilt to the surface. Actually we don’t know what we really truly least at the level of the human mind.....because....because our human mind is not Who We Really if that’s not our Real Self how can it possibly know what it truly wants. That’s deep. Hmmmm....I keep reading that our purpose is to be happy and to be happy in the moment....(not necessarily easy for some of us) and it’s all about enjoying the ride otherwise any jubilation we get from reaching the destination...the short lived. Can I ask a question? Do you believe that life is just one big illusion?
    Lots of love and enjoy the Oscars....that is soooo brilliant to have fun and also to use as a practise session for dreamweaving a fun goal of one day being a recipient for one of those statues. BTW, I’ve heard that they are great for weightlifting training, lol!!😂😂😂😂 💕💕💕💕🌈😇🙏🎁xxxxxxx
    Oh, and PS....just had some more thought whilst on the loo (too much information🤣🤣🤣). That guilt feeling we get when we compare our privilege to another person’s’s like the guilt is just one big human mind/ego tactic to keep us stuck. It’s like we’re then choosing in our mind to throw ourselves away and jump in the sea of lack along with those we are ‘using’ to fuel our guilt. Does that make sense? The best gift we can give others is not to jump on the pity wagon and join them or to give up our joy and fun because we know they’re out there. The best gift we can give another is to shine our unique light...our happiness, our joy, our fun, our special unique talents. Not take life too seriously. Our happiness, our success, our joy, our light-heartedness and our love is the best gift because it gives others relief, raises a smile, provides them with a dream, the hope that if someone else has some success on any level then just maybe they can create success on some level too. And that’s a miracle. Soooo, for me, for example, watching this here ‘Rambling Stalls’ (love that) vlog and hearing your story of privilege about going to the Oscars and being taken care of....well, I see that as a miracle for you, for me and for every single one who watches this. Why? Because you are receiving a miracle of a little holiday, of receiving a gift, sharing a success story, giving others joy and hope and knowledge that we can all create miracles and fun successes in our own lives. And you are getting close to touching and tasting a possible fun dream/goal for yourself and that can help to bring clarity of intention and dreamweave whatever you want to create. And that’s a blessing.
    One of my favourite quotes is the Marianne Williamson one, ‘Our greatest fears....’. You know the one?

  • @Amyw-w8b
    @Amyw-w8b 4 роки тому

    Don't ever feel guilty, or ashamed you deserve all the lovely things this world has to offer and more.
    Keep going!

  • @caitlinlouise5738
    @caitlinlouise5738 4 роки тому

    I actually love your rambles!

  • @absolutelytravulous
    @absolutelytravulous 4 роки тому

    Speaking personally, there’s very little that’s worse than knowing on an intellectual level you should be happy and satisfied - but you don’t have any doubt you actually feel neither of those things- so don’t feel as if you’re being self-pitying when you’re just being honest. Take care, Annie ❤️

  • @pixiedragon58
    @pixiedragon58 4 роки тому

    Just Because you recognize you're in a position of privilege, doesn't mean you don't deserve to enjoy it. You are allowed to do the nice things, even if others can't. you're allowed to not feel amazing about it even if others would.
    You and your feelings and your experiences are valid 100%
    Sending love and positivity ❤

  • @saskins22
    @saskins22 4 роки тому

    I found that quote. It says it all... 💕😍🙏😌
    Our Deepest Fear
    By Marianne Williamson
    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
    It is our light, not our darkness
    That most frightens us.
    We ask ourselves
    Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
    Actually, who are you not to be?
    You are a child of God.
    Your playing small
    Does not serve the world.
    There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
    So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
    We are all meant to shine,
    As children do.
    We were born to make manifest
    The glory of God that is within us.
    It's not just in some of us;
    It's in everyone.
    And as we let our own light shine,
    We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
    As we're liberated from our own fear,
    Our presence automatically liberates others.

  • @Innercitylifelondon
    @Innercitylifelondon 4 роки тому

    There’s only ever the present moment, happiness, sadness this too shall pass. Keep going. Have you looked into stoicism? As for white privilege, can you help being either? Never feel you need to apologise, We don’t get to choose to whom we are born to.

  • @sarahjames5985
    @sarahjames5985 4 роки тому

    Genuinely loved watching this.
    Two things:
    1) “Take a lover” is a hugely under-rated phrase! I don’t understand why it’s fallen out of use...
    2) I can recommend marrying a fire-fighter, both for the being-looked-after and for the baby-having phases of your plan.
    That is all xx

  • @saskins22
    @saskins22 4 роки тому

    Summer, I can’t comment on your latest videos as comments are turned off. I have something I wanted to share so have pm’d you on Facebook xxx💕💕😌