it really is, sometimes if they get caught they can go through incredible punishments from their family, its actually kinda scary to think about what we don’t know about them
lol, there is nothing brave about it, people do that all the time. Leaving a life style and choosing another one does take a little courage, but cannot be called brave. Amish people are allowed to go and live in a outside world, it's their personal choice to go back home and live an amish life.
Not all of the Amish communities are as strict. I know 6 different ex-Amish friends and although they have left the community, they still remain connected to their families, spend holidays together and their non-Amish children spend time with their grand parents and other relatives, and learn about both cultures. They are from Indiana and Michigan. I was even invited as an outsider to join them all for a holiday meal several years ago, and I found the Amish to be very honest, hard working people who are very family oriented.
I'm pleased to read what you have to say. My encounters with Amish people have been frequent but more superficial than yours. I have always had a positive opinion of them and their way of life. Some of the horrors recounted by others here could be based in fact but I believe specific examples can be generalized unfairly.
Thank you sharing with us . I like to believe that there's good in all people. We shouldn't hold grudges or bitter feelings when we don't have same views
It’s my understanding that an Amish person is not shunned if they decide when they grow up not to join the church. They can still have contact with their family and friends. It’s when a baptized Amish adult who has join the church goes against the church rules or denounce is their faith that they are shunned.
You make excuses for people who are wicked in many ways generally speaking. I have done extensive research on the Amish and the things that you claim are very contradictory to say the least. I seriously doubt your credibility....but you have a right to go this way if you want. Unfortunately you influence others away from actual truth.
I think all these ppl are very brave. I couldn't imagine leaving my family and everything I've ever known. They had enough courage and left to pursue their dreams. They are stronger than most. Bless them in their newfound lives.
McCain Jay they just need to cut off the head of that cult and they are done. Whoever is the head of that community is exploding these people like slaves
Look, worship what you want, but I draw the line when anyone of any religion, culture, country, etc. says that someone cannot be educated or should not be educated. Knowledge is power, and the only times in history where knowledge has been suppressed is when a people wanted to keep another from knowing truth, fact, life, science, and to keep them beholden to them. Add to that, any parent who for no other reason than their children disagree with them, they kick them out of their lives forever. Those type of people do not deserve the title of parent and I hope these kids and adults and those that follow in their stead will find what they are looking for in the real world.
Oh my word thats the funniest and most idiotic thing ive heard all day. There is a HUGE difference in Islam and Christianity. Your only 50% right when you said Muslims are crazy saying Christians are crazy is just dumb.
Solo Comics, exactly. I do not understand why people watch videos only to complain about them having bad music. This video had closed captions on it so you can turn the volume down dummy!
My family moved near Lancaster, PA in the 1960s when I was 7. The Amish wished to be isolated, were farmers and there was no tourism like they have now. I would stand across the road and watch their kids work in the fields, wondering why we didn’t see them in school, wishing I had their horses and baffled by their lifestyle. There was a boy who would sneak over to see me. He spoke a strange language but we both understood the language of children. His relative caught him, snatched him back and I never saw him again. They are intriguing people, don’t want to be in their cult.
The point of Rumspringa, one of the main points, is to find a marriage partner. Nobody is "forcing" anyone to do anything. Thats another main point; They want them to join the Amish community by choice, so they experience something else. Its not a "cult".
But, should they not "willingly" join the community, they will be shunned and unless their parents cut them off, the parents will be shunned as well. And, yes, they are a cult. Any group that exercises the control over other people's lives to the extent the Amish do is, in fact, a cult.
SFC Retired don't talk shit about stuff you don't really know about...seriously...this video has more lies in it than you believe everything you see online?
No, but I do believe the research I've done over many years concerning various cults. I define a "cult" as any religion, or quasi-religion, that seeks unquestioning obedience and absolute control over its members. By that definition, the Amish are a cult.
It’s crazy how the littlest things such as being able to drive a truck compels people to leave the community. It’s powerful because it goes to show how deprived they are.
There’s an Amish farmers market near me that’s extremely popular. We go there maybe once or twice a month. And every time we go, I’ve not once seen one of them smile. Not even when talking to other smiling customers.
Hats off to people who can look beyond their religion with an open mind. Most religions grow as big as they do because they contain one or more lifestyle choices that help things come together for people. But many times, things go in the right direction when the religion had nothing to do with it. It's important to realize when the methods people use aren't working for them ... even if they insist that the methods are. That relates not just to religion, but philosophy in general.
I'm glad I found your comment. The church will definitely take your baseless interpretations and work them into our growth process. Always good to find a mortal clueless man to put things in perspective!
Nomad Yesmad That’s why intelligent people thrive when they’re free of the mind control that comes from a cult mentality. Go serve your bullshit nonsense to the rest of your sheeple.
Holy Guacamole! I know Sam Smucker! I used to go to his church "Worship Center". On one of his preaching he mentioned he used to be Amish but didn't go into detail. Wow, never thought I would know someone from the video lol. Edit: Also, I agree with him. There's nothing spiritual about being Amish. I doubt Jesus would want people to shun their families.
Thats because he wont! He clearly says in the bible "love others as you love yourself" sadly not everyone follows this but hey thats what it says. It says "others" without distinction. A "good" christian wont shun even if we dont agree you know? If it was that ill barely talk and shun most of my family because of my believes lol but I don't. Love is what it must be all about no matter what believes are :)
There ain't much particularly spiritual about The Worship Center, either. It's basically Materialism with a faint whiff of Christian terminoligy; ' spirituality' for people who despise any form of self discipline or risk of being different than the dominant culture that surrounds them. Sam Smucker would be right at home cruising in the Baghwan Shree Rajhneesh's Rolls Royces.... I'm not defending the Amish but at least they have the courage to shun the decadence consuming the West. That takes a lot more integrity than wallowing in it while insisting selling out makes you a better Christian Ironically, once this System collapsed (as it must and will) the Amish are among the very few prepared to deal with post-Industrialization. It must amuse them as they watch things unfolding.
What a bizarre remark. What would lead you to the conclusion I haven't read the Gospels? I have read them, along with the rest of the Bible. Here's a verse that springs to mind, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 2:12 Here's how that breaks down: the Amish, consciously and actively rejecting the dominant cultural practices of America circa 2018, are NOT conformed to this world. Sammy Smucker and his merry gang of 'Jesus is my boyfriend!' money grubbers, congregating together n their multi-million dollar temple to Mammon and self delusion, ARE conformed to this world. There is not a single thing they practice or preach that makes them any different to the non-Christians who surround them, lukewarm Jesus-mentioning aside. They are not just misguided, they are actively working to the destruction of Christianity as a religious or cultural force in the West. Furthermore, I've met Sam Smucker too. I was dragged to the Worship Center for a year or so in the late 70s and I have seen Sammy doing his hippie Jesus schtick firsthand. I also recall a news article in the early to mid 80s in the local newspaper detailing how Sammy told his flock that God wanted him to have a Caddilac, which his suckers obligingly bought for him. You must not have read about the Baghwan Shree Rajneesh, and thus the entirely empirical point I was making escaped you. The older I get the more I realize the Amish are very wise to reject Vanity Fair as they have done. (Sorry, have you read The Pilgrim's Progress?)
@Allison, I imagine there are a few Amish Sam Smuckers. In Lancaster, PA, there's an author named Smucker, I think he's related to Sam. Anyway, I think Amish are close to cultish. I know one thing, they love and know how to make money!!
When I was younger, 14-16 years old, I said I wanted to become Amish, I thought it looked so cool and that all that was involved was to live without electricity and cars and technology. And you'd get to live on a farm with animals. And then I grew up and found out it's a cult, they treat women and open minded people like absolute shit and I feel bad for the people born and brought up in those communities.
The Amish meet all the requirements of a high control cult. Most strict cults have a policy of controlling their members through the threat of shunning like Scientology, the Mormons, and the Jehovah's Witnesses. They also have many rules controlling the daily lives of their adherents, and hold absolutist beliefs that insist the only road to true salvation is within their group.
Which Mormons do you speak of? Because I can tell you from personal experience of being in and leaving the LDS church (members frequently called Mormons) that the shunning mentioned is not true there. Some other 'Mormon' churches though, yes. There is a lot of shunning there.
Madison Kround There are other religions that call themselves Mormons, not just the LDS and FLDS churches. That's where my question was directed. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I left the LDS church and was left by my husband and shunned by many people I considered family. Not just his family, some of mine as well. I know not all Mormons are that way, but it was a pretty excruciating experience for me.
I have a Mormon friend and that is EXACTLY just like him. I spent some time talking to him about his religion and he said he is on the true path to salvation. There's so many annoying rules that he's following that makes it kinda difficult to be his friend.
Interestingly enough many communities are the same way. Growing up in a poor part of town.. The “ghetto”. I always felt guilty for wanting to better myself and not fall into the same unhealthy, addicted and toxic lifestyle many of my family and childhood friends continued. I only speak to a few people from there and that includes a couple of “accepting” members of my family. I was shunned for leaving my area behind, but it was the best decision of my life.
gogatorsandeagles I'm not a muslim bit your example is not exactly the best to be honest. Even in the middle ages children and VERY young women were married to other children or also way older people. Has nothing to do with religion. Americans used to enslave African people but that doesn't mean they do it nowadays
Ok So in response to a 40 year old marrying a 15 year old, this is your reply. You make it sound like because Muhammad married a 9 year old, it's ok that the 15 year old married a 40 year old. Sick.
I live near two Amish communities. One is so strict on their people that in 2005 35 families out of 125 moved to the other Amish community. I’ve also met ex Amish people from both sides. The strict communities ex converts left due to the oppression and the elders always talking down on the younger couples and children. On the other hand in the other community most people left to further education. Even whole entire families have been excommunicated because of their belief on education or they didn’t agree with something’s that that community believed.
I go to The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg! Much love from here! I’m extremely glad Timothy was able to find a better life and continue in his academic goals
The Amish are to be commended for their hard work, thrift, industry, and self-sufficiency. However, they missed several major points in the Bible. We are told to preach the gospel to every creature. You can't do that when you live in an isolated community. Our modern conveniences are to be used for spreading said gospel. You can't spread the gospel when you avoid God's gifts of communication. Our modern inventions are no accident. Even Jesus didn't encourage such strictness. He told the woman at the well, "Go and sin no more." He didn't tell her what to wear, how to live, or dictate her life. He told her to sin no more. To our Amish friends, go, enjoy the gifts of God. Remember, it's a gift to be free. Oh, by the way, Jesus never shunned. He left the ninety and nine and went after the one.
Jesus although a smart man back in the day ,is responsible for over 60 million plus deaths , that's even less than mohammed , get your fact right before you speak !
There seems to be quite a bit you fail to understand about the Amish. This is a Old Testament club kinda like Holiness and the church of god or even Pentecostal. Who the hell knows what king james did to the bible but i suspect it is alot like what trump has done to a great deal of decent white people. What most of take issue with is how you feel the need to be so critical of them. Typical of white god people....always trying to judge others. You missed one very major point of the Bible......thou shall not judge or engage in gossip on another. Now , explain you need to be so childish and demonic to people who dont even like you.
Follow science instead of religion and stop being a delusional fucktard. I know it's easy to read one book instead of hundreds and try to convince yourself you're intelligent.
The women aren't allow to choose what man they marry the boys do. So a boy chooses you and ask you over and over and you're told you're not allowed to say no. I'm from Pennsylvania quakers and amish are a norm here and some communities still do this some are more open but dating isn't a thing in most.
Is it just me or is this extremely sad? :( I can't watch more thinking all these people will never see their families just because they don't want to live a shit life.....
Miss Personality eh my great grandmother was 16 and went off with my great grandfather whom was 46 wasn't exactly the best....I'm wondering if she was Amish as well.
Follow your dreams. You decide what you are going to do with you life. Think your own thoughts . I Left such a Church here in Germany when i was 21. I have a life now. My life. I do whatever i wanna do.
Religion is a product of man . Faith is a product of GOD . And yes there is a difference . Religion for the most part is a very destructive vehicle of indifference . Wars are often the result . I threw out religion and kept Jesus and that's all I. Need . Peace , love , and God's blessings to all of you .
MsMarian Rogers, LDS communities aren't nearly as strict as that, a lot of the time they have fun activities, and you don't HAVE to do anything, it's just encouraged so you can grow a testimony and stuff. The thing women can't do is get the priesthood, and that's because of the bible and stuff. But anyway, the women are considered the most loving and are supposed to be cared for as much as possible by husbands, they are very important in families and stuff.
Don'tEverQuestionThis there are entire communities built/based on tourism - from B&B's to homes that welcome you in for dinner to farms that give tours/sell fresh everything from roadside stands - including amazing desserts/canned food/jams/honey/fresh bread/ etc . . . Plus beautiful quilts/woodwork of all types/forged items/etc . . .to restaurants specializing in Amish food to farmer's markets selling every type of product that can come or be made from what comes from a farm - and when it comes to thbe food products that means being sold cold to take home AND served hot to enjoy while you take a break fromn shopping to buggy rides to stores that sell larger items of hand-made furniture . . . And on and on . . .
I live literally in Amish country and have never been to one of those tours. I want to though. I have heard about how they live but I wanna see it with my own eyes. It's a bit annoying though, when you're stuck behind a horse and buggie on the street. 😁
You don't need education for farming and popping babies. People with high education will want to get jobs and go to college which means leaving community
It takes a special type of person and mindset to fit in a community like the Amish. The people have there problems like you and me. The life experience can be mostly peaceful or traumatic . Each person must decide there own destiny.
You can find anything in the bible you want. It will say anything you want. The bible is a chameleon, shaping itself to the needs of the reader and contradictory needs of diametrically opposed readers. How many Christian armies have fought each other with Jesus being on the side of both armies? I can prove that Satan and God are each other. I can also prove that Satan is a son of God, all with bible verses. It doesn't matter what is in or out of the bible any more than it matters what's in Mother Goose.
coweatsman That isnt the case. If you would spend time with God and the bible you would realize it but you dont. Everbody can believe what he wants but at the end everyone will see that Jesus is lord and no one else!
Be grateful you have places to go, fun things to do, right to high education AND a family at the same time. In the Amish community, you get one or the other.
I've known a few ex-Amish and I suppose the level of strictness on those who leave varies greatly depending on the family and the area they're from. When I lived in Texas and was attending a non-denominational missionary school (Assemblies of God basically, but people from many other Christian sects were there also) I met several ex-Amish young people. One gal who became a good friend, eventually met another ex-Amish fellow and they decided to get married. I got an invitation to attend their wedding in Nappanee, IN. It was at a Mennonite Church, and various types of Mennonite's as well as Amish attended, and the fellow who actually preformed the marriage ceremony was Amish and sang it in German.
Gotta say - Audrie's mom is why Amish don't often welcome outsiders. Audrie's mom thought it was "cute" and "cool". She used them, then after their kindness, grace and charity, to kick her addiction, get some life skills, then yanked her whole family back out within 15 years because it wasn't cute and cool anymore, and they actually had to work hard to stay. Whatever you think about Amish, I don't think anyone would like being used and dumped.
Google Translate identifies the word as Swedish and defines it as "space jump." I suppose if one is going to jump around, the best time to do it is when young.
What guys dont understand "rumspringa" not all Amish kids are allowed to do it...I have Amish cousins that are allowed to and arent allowed to. They basically just go to parties and drink...and wear "English" clothes. Its NOT where they decide if they wanna stay Amish or not. They are never suppose to leave the amish. We left and we are shunned some of our family they dont eat at the same table as us. After they get baptized they arent allowed to party and stuff. I cant explain it all just have to be Amish to understand lol
The irony that you use the word stupidity and then spew a profanity laced string of words that is barely an intelligible sentence that one would read and assume was written by another of the highest caliber and possessing great intellect and education. Your diction betrays you as a self important pedant who suffers from a delusion of moral and intellectual superiority. A true scholar you must be, way to represent all that is reprehensible about this generation's agnostics and atheists. It is precisely this manner of psychosis that enables dehumanization and viewing of "other" as inhuman, eventually concluding that they do not even have the right to exist, the very spirit of Nazism, or the Amish in this case, who, being Christians SHOULD be going out into the world and keeping Christ's commandment to preach the gospel to "all nations" yet seclude themselves and withhold the gospel counting all as unrighteous and thus incapable of receiving the Word. That's very interesting, I wonder if you'll even see the hypocrisy in your vitriol, that you're no different than them.
Martha Eicher from my understanding, as I live not far from an Amish community, is you CANNOT be shunned until AFTER baptism. Yes, you are able to come back, but one must admit your “wrong doings” in front of the whole church. During their “running around” period yes some chose to dress English. Some even go so far as to buy cars. Most all of them have cell phones, of course they are suppose to be for business purpose only. My son works with the different construction crews. Most cuss, smoke or chew. It’s not uncommon to see the young men at the liquor store on Friday or Saturday. I find it to be very hypercritical. I am a nurse at one of the 2 major hospitals. I have seen some men treat their women like dogs. The stories I have heard from nurses in the birthing center, they had to call security to remove this little 18 yo’s husband. The day after she had the baby. But I’ve also seen plenty of respectful, caring men. Just wish they would shower and use deodorant. At the grocery store they are buying dishwasher soap and microwave meals. Ok I know they can use generators but I didn’t think for dishwashers and microwaves. Oh, and how is it their kids know how to find MTV, Disney, Nickelodeon and other kid channels when they don’t have TVs ?? Again these have been my experience. Sure makes a person wonder about the authenticity of Amish though.
You ONLY get shunned if you "join church". If you leave and you have not joined church, there are some people who will shun you yes, but as a whole no.
My basically father just died. He was amish as a kid And i loved him so much his esate has been sold by his family because they destroyed the will but i still have my memories and cant wait to see him. Goodbye Dean - I love you
A lot of hateful comments from people who have not met Amish people or are not well informed. I grew up a sportsman and dealt with many amish folks in the fur trade. They all are very respectful and are damn hard workers. But I could never live that way but I respect them.
The amish communities have generaly always been strict, and far behind modern times. I grew up in Northeast Ohio, and I am quite familiar with the Amish communities there. Though for the last couple of decades, they have gravitated to more modern times, becoming very successful in furniture making and sales, among other business ventures, including the manufacture and sale of narcitics. There is a show called the Mennonite Mob that is very detailed about their drug operations. Driving high end Mercedes, and other high end vehicles.
I've biked through Amish communities in Ohio and Pennsylvania and I saw them use ice machines, running water, and computers, and serve processed bagged foods in restaurants, operate lawnmowers. Their supermarkets and restaurants have electricity running through them and many of their houses have electricity lines connected to them.
Organized religion is nothing but controlling. Some are more lenient Thant others, but in the end, organized religion still wants to control a good portion of one's life. Being controlled is seldom a good thing.
When humans are not controlled they throw civilization away and become overly emotional and/or selfish. Most humans are sheep. Religion is a necessary pillar of civilization.
What drugs are you on? The vast majority of wars are directly due to religious differences. How is that not selfish? Most non religious people I know are against any kind of military enforcement, yet all religious people I know are in favour of some kind of military enforcement. The degrees vary, but all religious people I know are militant in some way. Forcing another by means of military force is selfish. All religions force something upon their practitioners, AND attempt to, upon non-believers alike. That too, is selfish. Religion is us vs. them, with the us being the better of the two. That is selfish.
All religion is evil, you're right. It prevents you from keeping an open mind and accepting new facts as they arise. Most religious retards are stuck in a book hundreds or thousands of years old and will never believe any modern discovery.
We need to remember that the approx 80% of Amish youth who taste the modern world only to reject it and return after Rumspringa see the Amish lifestyle itself as amazing.
Jesus Christ never said not to have common things like water, and electricity. And the fact they shun people, is wrong. The Bible says to encourage people not to sin or to turn from it. They pressure them. And like with the punishments, the Bible says to "Remove the plank from your eye before removing the splinter from theirs." It is sad how they act towards the outside world. They act like it is entirely evil, but they don't think about the good things in it. Christ also said to turn sinners to Him, not to be isolated. I feel sad for those coping with the transition and the shunning, and will pray to God to help turn their lives around. This is just wrong. ;_;
Hence why The Amish are one of many groups that, technically speaking, are not Christian. They may claim to believe in The Bible and in Jesus, but they have warped it to their own ends.
Keep reading emerald ur close but ever so far from the actual teachings of christ. Then again who isnt an expert?? U cannot serve 2 masters? Was dat mean?
Here are a few that left Amish. 90%stayAmish that we’re raised there. Faith family and friends in this order is the best life offers. After rumspringa and experiencing outside entertainment most Amish see there is no deep satisfaction in a flurry of living for selfish pleasure and look back on community as a better option. Percentages speak.
Religion is not a necessary pillar of society. You're so fucking wrong it hurts my brain that someone even needs to explain this to you. Proper education and critical thinking is the only thing society needs to function.
i work @ kroger and there’s a amish girl that comes in every other month. i’ve always wanted too talk too her but i just never have. 🤨 i’ve always been so curious about their lifestyle.
Well I'm finding alot of videos on people who've left the amish community but not many.on people who've joined the amish community. I'd rather watch videos on that
"Saloma even changed her name to Linda so no one could find her" good that they're playing it safe by saying it on UA-cam about people that left that community 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
I don’t understand how many Amish children are forced to dropout in 8th grade. This seems like a cult, these children are not allowed to receive a education.
Good video. It's no surprise the amish are hostile and controlling towards women, nearly all religions and churches are. These brave young people who decided to get away from the nonsense are very courageous and I wish them well.
Loved the story about Sam Smucker. I went to the Worship Center for a number of years and was even baptised by him in the 80's. At least two of the photos of him are not him. One is a complete stranger and the other one is his brother.(looks just like him) That brother is out congressman! There's another good story.............
I agree. The funniest thing is that they don't have the internet so all these comments are a waste of time. They won't even see any of them. Sue Australia
i'm an atheist. yet i have really high respect for amish people, for keeping theyr good old fashion values and life styles. i em aware many are misfit there, but most are not. if there was an amish community nearby i would support them. sadly can't do mutch to them from this far.. i see them as generally good people.
I live in Lancaster Pennsylvania AKA the Amish capital of the world. The fun part is most of the pictures of the Amish I know where they are taken. Some of my best friends are Amish. I know tons of people that have escaped Amish
I met an ex-Amish in Philadelphia while working for the airlines as an engineer. She was a gate agent and had the strangest accent. I really thought she was Swedish or something. I finally spoke to her one day and learned that her whole family was excommunicated when she was 5. She has since lived a modern life but somehow still had an accent. She still struggled to fully adopt to modern life as she would never wear revealing clothes are drink alcohol. Truly fascinating people
Pretty close - and they do have smart phones... There is so much abuse in the Amish community, children, women and their animals. If it doesn't work it doesn't get fed. If it does work it doesn't get fed...much. They are always right on the edge of legal/illegal. Shipsewanna is a cult scam. Amish: money, church, business, family. They hate "English" but love our cash. I used to believe the Amish were unique. After living in an Amish populated community for 15 years I have come to see the m kind, plain and simple Amish is a total MYTH. They are anything but.
So cool to learn more about the Amish Community! Check out our interview with former Amish, Lizzie Ens, who pursued her dream of becoming a health coach! ❤
I don't think that they prohibit photos because of vanity. I think creating a likeness is considered a graven image. That is also why Amish dolls don't have faces.
As I listened to this, I couldn't believe the similarities that jumped out as to their beliefs and treatment of others being so much like Jehovah's Witnesses. I was one when I was younger. Since then I've learned it isn't about religion but a relationship with our HEAVENLY FATHER and HIS SON YESHUA.
Keep up the good work - love these facts! I'm binge watching!!! Please like 😭😭😭
An me Sunday binge watching on the sofa😆
Trish Smith Debretts poo
I can't ever finish any of these videos, I get 3 minutes to the end
christmas drama
90 days fiancé where are they now
"saloma even changed her name to linda, so no one can ever find her"
Lots of linda millers out there.
@@Mythalantie I saw her story. She left the Amish community in the 70s, I believe. They used phone books back then.
What, you think the Amish are gonna watch the video
@@peenyyt4921 😂 ahhh that’s so funny
@@peenyyt4921 definitely! I just saw a few comments from Amish people on this thread, they’re here 😂
but honestly it is so brave of them to leave a life like that because from the second they're born they're taught to live like that
+Diego Sanchez Be nice
theemilyanomaly heck
it really is, sometimes if they get caught they can go through incredible punishments from their family, its actually kinda scary to think about what we don’t know about them
lol, there is nothing brave about it, people do that all the time. Leaving a life style and choosing another one does take a little courage, but cannot be called brave. Amish people are allowed to go and live in a outside world, it's their personal choice to go back home and live an amish life.
it’s more brave to live like that
Not all of the Amish communities are as strict. I know 6 different ex-Amish friends and although they have left the community, they still remain connected to their families, spend holidays together and their non-Amish children spend time with their grand parents and other relatives, and learn about both cultures. They are from Indiana and Michigan. I was even invited as an outsider to join them all for a holiday meal several years ago, and I found the Amish to be very honest, hard working people who are very family oriented.
I think Indiana Amish are more lenient. Goshen Indiana by any chance ?
I'm pleased to read what you have to say. My encounters with Amish people have been frequent but more superficial than yours. I have always had a positive opinion of them and their way of life. Some of the horrors recounted by others here could be based in fact but I believe specific examples can be generalized unfairly.
Thank you sharing with us . I like to believe that there's good in all people. We shouldn't hold grudges or bitter feelings when we don't have same views
It’s my understanding that an Amish person is not shunned if they decide when they grow up not to join the church. They can still have contact with their family and friends. It’s when a baptized Amish adult who has join the church goes against the church rules or denounce is their faith that they are shunned.
You make excuses for people who are wicked in many ways generally speaking. I have done extensive research on the Amish and the things that you claim are very contradictory to say the least. I seriously doubt your credibility....but you have a right to go this way if you want. Unfortunately you influence others away from actual truth.
I think all these ppl are very brave. I couldn't imagine leaving my family and everything I've ever known. They had enough courage and left to pursue their dreams. They are stronger than most. Bless them in their newfound lives.
They don't want them to get a higher education because they know once they do they'll end up leaving and who will do all the work then?
McCain Jay they just need to cut off the head of that cult and they are done. Whoever is the head of that community is exploding these people like slaves
We don't need higher education .I am Amish and work with high school graduates who are much less educated than me.
my bad... but thanks!
can a woman get a higher education like you can?
Maybe they don't want them to be brainwashed by all the leftist professors like the rest of American children.
Look, worship what you want, but I draw the line when anyone of any religion, culture, country, etc. says that someone cannot be educated or should not be educated. Knowledge is power, and the only times in history where knowledge has been suppressed is when a people wanted to keep another from knowing truth, fact, life, science, and to keep them beholden to them. Add to that, any parent who for no other reason than their children disagree with them, they kick them out of their lives forever. Those type of people do not deserve the title of parent and I hope these kids and adults and those that follow in their stead will find what they are looking for in the real world.
Well cults don't want their members to understand truth just follow the leader.
Knowledge is definitely power.
Banyo eh school sucks
your are describing muslims.
Oh my word thats the funniest and most idiotic thing ive heard all day. There is a HUGE difference in Islam and Christianity. Your only 50% right when you said Muslims are crazy saying Christians are crazy is just dumb.
The background music is SO annoying!
they should have used the tune of gangsta paradise
Turn down the volume then.
Solo Comics, exactly. I do not understand why people watch videos only to complain about them having bad music. This video had closed captions on it so you can turn the volume down dummy!
My family moved near Lancaster, PA in the 1960s when I was 7. The Amish wished to be isolated, were farmers and there was no tourism like they have now. I would stand across the road and watch their kids work in the fields, wondering why we didn’t see them in school, wishing I had their horses and baffled by their lifestyle. There was a boy who would sneak over to see me. He spoke a strange language but we both understood the language of children. His relative caught him, snatched him back and I never saw him again. They are intriguing people, don’t want to be in their cult.
Amish people pretty much live like normal people 200-300 years ago
Normal people today, have their heads buried in their smartphones. There's nothing normal about that anymore.
In some ways, but their religion makes their way of life much stricter.
yeah and they probably live longer
Andrei 895 ya my whole fan omish
its better than living in a world where no body cares how are you feeling and every single of your flaws can be used against you.
Reasons why girls wanted to leave: was abused and treated like crap
Reasons why guys wanted to leave: i want more things
Couldn't blame em
Yeap like living in a world where you see women dressed up like nuns or Muslims🥺who wants that kind of life
Reasons for any human been wanted to leave: Common sense.
Not really. It can be for everything. Don't stereotype girls and boys for this.
that's a shit biased statement. I think u should say they both want more things.
Sorry, but I would have to add the Amish Community to the list of cults. No one should have that much control over another human being's life.
The point of Rumspringa, one of the main points, is to find a marriage partner. Nobody is "forcing" anyone to do anything. Thats another main point; They want them to join the Amish community by choice, so they experience something else.
Its not a "cult".
But, should they not "willingly" join the community, they will be shunned and unless their parents cut them off, the parents will be shunned as well. And, yes, they are a cult. Any group that exercises the control over other people's lives to the extent the Amish do is, in fact, a cult.
SFC Retired don't talk shit about stuff you don't really know about...seriously...this video has more lies in it than you believe everything you see online?
No, but I do believe the research I've done over many years concerning various cults. I define a "cult" as any religion, or quasi-religion, that seeks unquestioning obedience and absolute control over its members. By that definition, the Amish are a cult.
All religions are a cult.
I personally know Amish people and there is something wrong with these folks sadly
It takes a lot of guts to leave when this is all you’ve known your entire life.
It’s crazy how the littlest things such as being able to drive a truck compels people to leave the community. It’s powerful because it goes to show how deprived they are.
There’s an Amish farmers market near me that’s extremely popular. We go there maybe once or twice a month. And every time we go, I’ve not once seen one of them smile. Not even when talking to other smiling customers.
Hats off to people who can look beyond their religion with an open mind. Most religions grow as big as they do because they contain one or more lifestyle choices that help things come together for people. But many times, things go in the right direction when the religion had nothing to do with it. It's important to realize when the methods people use aren't working for them ... even if they insist that the methods are. That relates not just to religion, but philosophy in general.
I'm glad I found your comment. The church will definitely take your baseless interpretations and work them into our growth process. Always good to find a mortal clueless man to put things in perspective!
Tricob1974 that’s Satan talk
Yeah and get lost in society..... With their wicked ways...
Nomad Yesmad That’s why intelligent people thrive when they’re free of the mind control that comes from a cult mentality. Go serve your bullshit nonsense to the rest of your sheeple.
Joe Anderson Churches are wicked too. Too many pedophiles there
Holy Guacamole! I know Sam Smucker! I used to go to his church "Worship Center". On one of his preaching he mentioned he used to be Amish but didn't go into detail. Wow, never thought I would know someone from the video lol.
Edit: Also, I agree with him. There's nothing spiritual about being Amish. I doubt Jesus would want people to shun their families.
Rahel M. I have gone to the worship center, and he's also been a guest preacher at my church multiple times
Thats because he wont! He clearly says in the bible "love others as you love yourself" sadly not everyone follows this but hey thats what it says. It says "others" without distinction. A "good" christian wont shun even if we dont agree you know? If it was that ill barely talk and shun most of my family because of my believes lol but I don't. Love is what it must be all about no matter what believes are :)
There ain't much particularly spiritual about The Worship Center, either. It's basically Materialism with a faint whiff of Christian terminoligy; ' spirituality' for people who despise any form of self discipline or risk of being different than the dominant culture that surrounds them.
Sam Smucker would be right at home cruising in the Baghwan Shree Rajhneesh's Rolls Royces....
I'm not defending the Amish but at least they have the courage to shun the decadence consuming the West. That takes a lot more integrity than wallowing in it while insisting selling out makes you a better Christian
Ironically, once this System collapsed (as it must and will) the Amish are among the very few prepared to deal with post-Industrialization. It must amuse them as they watch things unfolding.
What a bizarre remark. What would lead you to the conclusion I haven't read the Gospels? I have read them, along with the rest of the Bible. Here's a verse that springs to mind,
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 2:12
Here's how that breaks down: the Amish, consciously and actively rejecting the dominant cultural practices of America circa 2018, are NOT conformed to this world.
Sammy Smucker and his merry gang of 'Jesus is my boyfriend!' money grubbers, congregating together n their multi-million dollar temple to Mammon and self delusion, ARE conformed to this world. There is not a single thing they practice or preach that makes them any different to the non-Christians who surround them, lukewarm Jesus-mentioning aside. They are not just misguided, they are actively working to the destruction of Christianity as a religious or cultural force in the West.
Furthermore, I've met Sam Smucker too. I was dragged to the Worship Center for a year or so in the late 70s and I have seen Sammy doing his hippie Jesus schtick firsthand. I also recall a news article in the early to mid 80s in the local newspaper detailing how Sammy told his flock that God wanted him to have a Caddilac, which his suckers obligingly bought for him.
You must not have read about the Baghwan Shree Rajneesh, and thus the entirely empirical point I was making escaped you.
The older I get the more I realize the Amish are very wise to reject Vanity Fair as they have done. (Sorry, have you read The Pilgrim's Progress?)
@Allison, I imagine there are a few Amish Sam Smuckers. In Lancaster, PA, there's an author named Smucker, I think he's related to Sam. Anyway, I think Amish are close to cultish. I know one thing, they love and know how to make money!!
When I was younger, 14-16 years old, I said I wanted to become Amish, I thought it looked so cool and that all that was involved was to live without electricity and cars and technology. And you'd get to live on a farm with animals. And then I grew up and found out it's a cult, they treat women and open minded people like absolute shit and I feel bad for the people born and brought up in those communities.
Same here
You can still have an offgrid farm with some animals 🙂
@@limitedtime5471 That’s the dream! Still really want to own my own farm and grow my own food and stuff 😌 Just less cult vibes you know!
I really said that at 12, how disgusting, to find out one can live without technology in a farm not the cultish part.
The blame is on that TV channel that made it look cool, of course, they don't tell you about the disgusting part.
The Amish meet all the requirements of a high control cult. Most strict cults have a policy of controlling their members through the threat of shunning like Scientology, the Mormons, and the Jehovah's Witnesses. They also have many rules controlling the daily lives of their adherents, and hold absolutist beliefs that insist the only road to true salvation is within their group.
Which Mormons do you speak of? Because I can tell you from personal experience of being in and leaving the LDS church (members frequently called Mormons) that the shunning mentioned is not true there.
Some other 'Mormon' churches though, yes. There is a lot of shunning there.
Madison Kround There are other religions that call themselves Mormons, not just the LDS and FLDS churches. That's where my question was directed. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I left the LDS church and was left by my husband and shunned by many people I considered family. Not just his family, some of mine as well. I know not all Mormons are that way, but it was a pretty excruciating experience for me.
I have a Mormon friend and that is EXACTLY just like him. I spent some time talking to him about his religion and he said he is on the true path to salvation. There's so many annoying rules that he's following that makes it kinda difficult to be his friend.
Jehovah's Witnesses is way too different than them my friend, if you actually knew it you'd understand. Period
Interestingly enough many communities are the same way. Growing up in a poor part of town.. The “ghetto”. I always felt guilty for wanting to better myself and not fall into the same unhealthy, addicted and toxic lifestyle many of my family and childhood friends continued. I only speak to a few people from there and that includes a couple of “accepting” members of my family. I was shunned for leaving my area behind, but it was the best decision of my life.
Well said
15 year old girl and 40 year old man
Doesn't seem any better for the girl
Timbone hey
Timbone Love has nothing 2 do with ages
LOL same for muslims Muhammad married a 6 year old.
thats what i said
I'm not a muslim bit your example is not exactly the best to be honest. Even in the middle ages children and VERY young women were married to other children or also way older people. Has nothing to do with religion. Americans used to enslave African people but that doesn't mean they do it nowadays
Am I the only one to notice that a lot of them have such beautiful eyes?
They sure do!
Some of the most beautiful women I've ever met are Amish or Mennonite.
Popping pimples and cysts
Probably cause they don't stare at phones all day.
AND eyelashes.
Very beautiful!
Wtf do you mean a 15yo ran away with a 40-something-yo?? That's not okay dude
What the hell does Muhamed have to do with anything?
Muhamid raped a 9 year old.
So in response to a 40 year old marrying a 15 year old, this is your reply.
You make it sound like because Muhammad married a 9 year old, it's ok that the 15 year old married a 40 year old. Sick.
Um no you misread that wrong. Both are wrong.
@@gogatorsandeagles Wasn't that like 4,000 years ago??
I live near two Amish communities. One is so strict on their people that in 2005 35 families out of 125 moved to the other Amish community. I’ve also met ex Amish people from both sides. The strict communities ex converts left due to the oppression and the elders always talking down on the younger couples and children. On the other hand in the other community most people left to further education. Even whole entire families have been excommunicated because of their belief on education or they didn’t agree with something’s that that community believed.
Turn that background music off I can’t even hear
I go to The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg! Much love from here! I’m extremely glad Timothy was able to find a better life and continue in his academic goals
The Amish are to be commended for their hard work, thrift, industry, and self-sufficiency. However, they missed several major points in the Bible. We are told to preach the gospel to every creature. You can't do that when you live in an isolated community. Our modern conveniences are to be used for spreading said gospel. You can't spread the gospel when you avoid God's gifts of communication. Our modern inventions are no accident. Even Jesus didn't encourage such strictness. He told the woman at the well, "Go and sin no more." He didn't tell her what to wear, how to live, or dictate her life. He told her to sin no more. To our Amish friends, go, enjoy the gifts of God. Remember, it's a gift to be free. Oh, by the way, Jesus never shunned. He left the ninety and nine and went after the one.
Just follow JESUS and like all his facebook post :).
churn more butter
Jesus although a smart man back in the day ,is responsible for over 60 million plus deaths , that's even less than mohammed , get your fact right before you speak !
There seems to be quite a bit you fail to understand about the Amish. This is a Old Testament club kinda like Holiness and the church of god or even Pentecostal. Who the hell knows what king james did to the bible but i suspect it is alot like what trump has done to a great deal of decent white people. What most of take issue with is how you feel the need to be so critical of them. Typical of white god people....always trying to judge others. You missed one very major point of the Bible......thou shall not judge or engage in gossip on another.
Now , explain you need to be so childish and demonic to people who dont even like you.
Follow science instead of religion and stop being a delusional fucktard. I know it's easy to read one book instead of hundreds and try to convince yourself you're intelligent.
How are two people supposed to fall in love without touching each other? It's called self control. And there's something called "talking".
Still wrong to try and teach that in bed over night together... can’t they go on a date
The women aren't allow to choose what man they marry the boys do. So a boy chooses you and ask you over and over and you're told you're not allowed to say no. I'm from Pennsylvania quakers and amish are a norm here and some communities still do this some are more open but dating isn't a thing in most.
I'm glad they had the courage to leave and pursue what made them happy.
It's nice to see they're doing well.
Much success and health to all.
I love Moses! He is so honest and loveable.
Is it just me or is this extremely sad? :( I can't watch more thinking all these people will never see their families just because they don't want to live a shit life.....
they are closed minded introverts scared shitless by the tales of old
15 and 40... I had to play that shit back..
Miss Personality Rotf! Too much
michael mcpeek fifTEEN is definitely not prime.
Miss Personality eh my great grandmother was 16 and went off with my great grandfather whom was 46 wasn't exactly the best....I'm wondering if she was Amish as well.
Follow your dreams. You decide what you are going to do with you life. Think your own thoughts . I Left such a Church here in Germany when i was 21. I have a life now. My life. I do whatever i wanna do.
Those individuals are amazing, respect for the bravery and venturing into the unknown.
Religion is a product of man . Faith is a product of GOD . And yes there is a difference . Religion for the most part is a very destructive vehicle of indifference . Wars are often the result . I threw out religion and kept Jesus and that's all I. Need . Peace , love , and God's blessings to all of you .
Exactly. Imagine if Jesus found out people were being killed in his name. It think he wouldn’t approve.
Both are product of man.
This is honestly super inspirational
MsMarian Rogers, LDS communities aren't nearly as strict as that, a lot of the time they have fun activities, and you don't HAVE to do anything, it's just encouraged so you can grow a testimony and stuff. The thing women can't do is get the priesthood, and that's because of the bible and stuff. But anyway, the women are considered the most loving and are supposed to be cared for as much as possible by husbands, they are very important in families and stuff.
Listening to mules is very inspirational :).
road apples are bitter
Who finds the Amish community really interesting.
Just me okay.
Maddie Lily Same I kinda want to visit it someday, I think they do farm tours for $ but I'm not sure
Maddie Lily I find it interesting
Don'tEverQuestionThis there are entire communities built/based on tourism - from B&B's to homes that welcome you in for dinner to farms that give tours/sell fresh everything from roadside stands - including amazing desserts/canned food/jams/honey/fresh bread/ etc . . . Plus beautiful quilts/woodwork of all types/forged items/etc . . .to restaurants specializing in Amish food to farmer's markets selling every type of product that can come or be made from what comes from a farm - and when it comes to thbe food products that means being sold cold to take home AND served hot to enjoy while you take a break fromn shopping to buggy rides to stores that sell larger items of hand-made furniture . . . And on and on . . .
Angie Feingold omg now I really want to go o.O
I live literally in Amish country and have never been to one of those tours. I want to though. I have heard about how they live but I wanna see it with my own eyes. It's a bit annoying though, when you're stuck behind a horse and buggie on the street. 😁
What is the significance of not allowing them to get an higher education?
Ruth Exilasse Other youtube videos claim that because it inspires critical thinking, most Amish communities consider it to be against faith in God.
Higher education is not needed to work on a farm or small business.
You don't need education for farming and popping babies. People with high education will want to get jobs and go to college which means leaving community
Since higher education doesn't come from the Amish faith, it is from the Devil.
Educated people know how ridiculous the bible is
“She even changed her name to Linda so no one can find her”, lol not for long
It takes a special type of person and mindset to fit in a community like the Amish. The people have there problems like you and me. The life experience can be mostly peaceful or traumatic . Each person must decide there own destiny.
No salvation outside the Amish church? Not in the bible.
more like no salvation out of Jesus Christ
I am pretty sure righteous people get a pass to get into heaven no matter what religion (or lack of religion) they are.
Well,they dont. You are saved out of faith and not because you do good things. Sure,they matter but they are not the main reason.
You can find anything in the bible you want. It will say anything you want. The bible is a chameleon, shaping itself to the needs of the reader and contradictory needs of diametrically opposed readers. How many Christian armies have fought each other with Jesus being on the side of both armies? I can prove that Satan and God are each other. I can also prove that Satan is a son of God, all with bible verses. It doesn't matter what is in or out of the bible any more than it matters what's in Mother Goose.
coweatsman That isnt the case. If you would spend time with God and the bible you would realize it but you dont. Everbody can believe what he wants but at the end everyone will see that Jesus is lord and no one else!
I'm interested in this stuff. I love learning about other people and life styles around the world. The Talko helps me out into learning this :D
Be grateful you have places to go, fun things to do, right to high education AND a family at the same time. In the Amish community, you get one or the other.
I am so happy they chased their dreams. They deserve great happiness. You all do.
I've known a few ex-Amish and I suppose the level of strictness on those who leave varies greatly depending on the family and the area they're from. When I lived in Texas and was attending a non-denominational missionary school (Assemblies of God basically, but people from many other Christian sects were there also) I met several ex-Amish young people. One gal who became a good friend, eventually met another ex-Amish fellow and they decided to get married. I got an invitation to attend their wedding in Nappanee, IN. It was at a Mennonite Church, and various types of Mennonite's as well as Amish attended, and the fellow who actually preformed the marriage ceremony was Amish and sang it in German.
Gotta say - Audrie's mom is why Amish don't often welcome outsiders. Audrie's mom thought it was "cute" and "cool". She used them, then after their kindness, grace and charity, to kick her addiction, get some life skills, then yanked her whole family back out within 15 years because it wasn't cute and cool anymore, and they actually had to work hard to stay. Whatever you think about Amish, I don't think anyone would like being used and dumped.
I attended Sam Smucker's church for years. Trivia: his sister started Aunt Annie's Pretzels!
I saw his sister once in college, she came to preach at my school's chapel. Didn't know they were related.
Wow. Interesting.
My absolute favorite pretzels
Rumspringa means "Jumping around" in german. ^^ - Just a fun fact. 😊
Google Translate identifies the word as Swedish and defines it as "space jump." I suppose if one is going to jump around, the best time to do it is when young.
Its not german it just sound a lot like rum springen cause its swedish
What guys dont understand "rumspringa" not all Amish kids are allowed to do it...I have Amish cousins that are allowed to and arent allowed to. They basically just go to parties and drink...and wear "English" clothes. Its NOT where they decide if they wanna stay Amish or not. They are never suppose to leave the amish. We left and we are shunned some of our family they dont eat at the same table as us. After they get baptized they arent allowed to party and stuff. I cant explain it all just have to be Amish to understand lol
The irony that you use the word stupidity and then spew a profanity laced string of words that is barely an intelligible sentence that one would read and assume was written by another of the highest caliber and possessing great intellect and education. Your diction betrays you as a self important pedant who suffers from a delusion of moral and intellectual superiority. A true scholar you must be, way to represent all that is reprehensible about this generation's agnostics and atheists. It is precisely this manner of psychosis that enables dehumanization and viewing of "other" as inhuman, eventually concluding that they do not even have the right to exist, the very spirit of Nazism, or the Amish in this case, who, being Christians SHOULD be going out into the world and keeping Christ's commandment to preach the gospel to "all nations" yet seclude themselves and withhold the gospel counting all as unrighteous and thus incapable of receiving the Word. That's very interesting, I wonder if you'll even see the hypocrisy in your vitriol, that you're no different than them.
Martha Eicher from my understanding, as I live not far from an Amish community, is you CANNOT be shunned until AFTER baptism. Yes, you are able to come back, but one must admit your “wrong doings” in front of the whole church. During their “running around” period yes some chose to dress English. Some even go so far as to buy cars. Most all of them have cell phones, of course they are suppose to be for business purpose only. My son works with the different construction crews. Most cuss, smoke or chew. It’s not uncommon to see the young men at the liquor store on Friday or Saturday. I find it to be very hypercritical. I am a nurse at one of the 2 major hospitals. I have seen some men treat their women like dogs. The stories I have heard from nurses in the birthing center, they had to call security to remove this little 18 yo’s husband. The day after she had the baby. But I’ve also seen plenty of respectful, caring men. Just wish they would shower and use deodorant. At the grocery store they are buying dishwasher soap and microwave meals. Ok I know they can use generators but I didn’t think for dishwashers and microwaves. Oh, and how is it their kids know how to find MTV, Disney, Nickelodeon and other kid channels when they don’t have TVs ??
Again these have been my experience. Sure makes a person wonder about the authenticity of Amish though.
If you don't join the church you can't be shunned
Rebecca Harris I don’t believe a word you just said. How are you a nurse at a major hospital, but your punctuation and grammar is HORRIBLE ! Nice try.
Rebecca Harris you probably saw Mennonite at the grocery store buying dishwasher soap and microwaveable meals ! :)
I've been a long time subscriber, don't comment a lot ,but will try harder to always put thumbs up tho ! Great posts always !
The video is amazing and the facts are mind blowing
Keep going💞
oh my
I would probably leave too before I died of boredom.
For all its faults, the Amish lifestyle makes more sense than the screwed up outside world
You ONLY get shunned if you "join church". If you leave and you have not joined church, there are some people who will shun you yes, but as a whole no.
My basically father just died. He was amish as a kid And i loved him so much his esate has been sold by his family because they destroyed the will but i still have my memories and cant wait to see him. Goodbye Dean - I love you
A lot of hateful comments from people who have not met Amish people or are not well informed. I grew up a sportsman and dealt with many amish folks in the fur trade. They all are very respectful and are damn hard workers. But I could never live that way but I respect them.
I live in the amish area, and my grandmother worked with them. They are very strict about there people. Itsmvery hard to leave
This channel provides education :) and tips!!!
I just provide just the "tip". ;)
Dori The Potato thanks fo n
Dori The Potato talk
Dori The
The amish communities have generaly always been strict, and far behind modern times. I grew up in Northeast Ohio, and I am quite familiar with the Amish communities there. Though for the last couple of decades, they have gravitated to more modern times, becoming very successful in furniture making and sales, among other business ventures, including the manufacture and sale of narcitics. There is a show called the Mennonite Mob that is very detailed about their drug operations. Driving high end Mercedes, and other high end vehicles.
I've biked through Amish communities in Ohio and Pennsylvania and I saw them use ice machines, running water, and computers, and serve processed bagged foods in restaurants, operate lawnmowers. Their supermarkets and restaurants have electricity running through them and many of their houses have electricity lines connected to them.
Organized religion is nothing but controlling. Some are more lenient Thant others, but in the end, organized religion still wants to control a good portion of one's life. Being controlled is seldom a good thing.
When humans are not controlled they throw civilization away and become overly emotional and/or selfish. Most humans are sheep. Religion is a necessary pillar of civilization.
What drugs are you on? The vast majority of wars are directly due to religious differences. How is that not selfish? Most non religious people I know are against any kind of military enforcement, yet all religious people I know are in favour of some kind of military enforcement. The degrees vary, but all religious people I know are militant in some way. Forcing another by means of military force is selfish. All religions force something upon their practitioners, AND attempt to, upon non-believers alike. That too, is selfish. Religion is us vs. them, with the us being the better of the two. That is selfish.
So does Marxism, globalism, egalitarianism, socialism and the very nature of society at large.
Marty.R Woodcock unchecked freedom always ends in chaos as well, both spectrums have their problems
All religion is evil, you're right. It prevents you from keeping an open mind and accepting new facts as they arise. Most religious retards are stuck in a book hundreds or thousands of years old and will never believe any modern discovery.
We need to remember that the approx 80% of Amish youth who taste the modern world only to reject it and return after Rumspringa see the Amish lifestyle itself as amazing.
Stockholm syndrome
Amish are the best. God bless them ❤️
9:20 Midnapore! Oh this gave me old Kolkata vibes. Having lived there for 6 years
They are very brave. Good work on the video.
Jesus Christ never said not to have common things like water, and electricity. And the fact they shun people, is wrong. The Bible says to encourage people not to sin or to turn from it. They pressure them. And like with the punishments, the Bible says to "Remove the plank from your eye before removing the splinter from theirs." It is sad how they act towards the outside world. They act like it is entirely evil, but they don't think about the good things in it. Christ also said to turn sinners to Him, not to be isolated. I feel sad for those coping with the transition and the shunning, and will pray to God to help turn their lives around. This is just wrong. ;_;
Hence why The Amish are one of many groups that, technically speaking, are not Christian. They may claim to believe in The Bible and in Jesus, but they have warped it to their own ends.
Keep reading emerald ur close but ever so far from the actual teachings of christ. Then again who isnt an expert?? U cannot serve 2 masters? Was dat mean?
no, you are wrong. those things ARE WORLDLY because they came out of PAGAN HEATHEN SCIENCE and NOT out of a godly bible church.
The Bible also says to love your neighbor as yourself, and not to judge others unfairly.
He never said to have it either... it was not invented yet.
Here are a few that left Amish. 90%stayAmish that we’re raised there. Faith family and friends in this order is the best life offers. After rumspringa and experiencing outside entertainment most Amish see there is no deep satisfaction in a flurry of living for selfish pleasure and look back on community as a better option. Percentages speak.
Ever find it funny how this channel always talks about the Amish and not Scientology?
Oh, wait, I just remembered how insane that cult is.
Religion is not a necessary pillar of society. You're so fucking wrong it hurts my brain that someone even needs to explain this to you.
Proper education and critical thinking is the only thing society needs to function.
I didn't know these things . thanks for sharing . and good video, well done .
Wow kate love the modeling great job😁🙏👍
Sometimes I think that simple lifestyle would be nice.
i work @ kroger and there’s a amish girl that comes in every other month. i’ve always wanted too talk too her but i just never have. 🤨 i’ve always been so curious about their lifestyle.
I feel happy for people that left, they all seem to be in right place.. :-)
The photo shown of "Midnapore" station in 9:15 is taken in my hometown Calgary in our famous Heritage Park! :)
Well I'm finding alot of videos on people who've left the amish community but not many.on people who've joined the amish community. I'd rather watch videos on that
"Saloma even changed her name to Linda so no one could find her" good that they're playing it safe by saying it on UA-cam about people that left that community 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Did you really think they’re going to watch this
I don’t understand how many Amish children are forced to dropout in 8th grade. This seems like a cult, these children are not allowed to receive a education.
Lmao was I the only one who was thinking of Leanne from oitnb?
wish I could speak lama:).
i wished i could speak Llama
Ramma Llama Ding Dong.
Skylar Jade For sure
Skylar Jade no, no you we're not
Good video. It's no surprise the amish are hostile and controlling towards women, nearly all religions and churches are. These brave young people who decided to get away from the nonsense are very courageous and I wish them well.
LOVED IT................
The same Americans who talk about respecting someone way of life are the same people who question everyone who lives differently by their standards.
Sooo.. women leave becuase of their position as a female and men because they want to drive cars? Seems about right :/
I think these cults should be illegalized or even penalized
How have all these people just "left", like, don't you need money or somewhere to go?
Loved the story about Sam Smucker. I went to the Worship Center for a number of years and was even baptised by him in the 80's. At least two of the photos of him are not him. One is a complete stranger and the other one is his brother.(looks just like him) That brother is out congressman! There's another good story.............
Couldn't watch all of it. Music was too loud and distracting.
The Amish have good points and bad points. It just depends on how you view life.
I agree. The funniest thing is that they don't have the internet so all these comments are a waste of time. They won't even see any of them. Sue Australia
i'm an atheist. yet i have really high respect for amish people, for keeping theyr good old fashion values and life styles. i em aware many are misfit there, but most are not. if there was an amish community nearby i would support them. sadly can't do mutch to them from this far..
i see them as generally good people.
Living in Ohio we had to take field trips to the Amish Country and I can vouch that they actually live like this.
I live in Lancaster Pennsylvania AKA the Amish capital of the world. The fun part is most of the pictures of the Amish I know where they are taken. Some of my best friends are Amish. I know tons of people that have escaped Amish
This is wonderful. I didn't know any of these things. 🇮🇪☘☘🇮🇪
Am I the only person who noticed the name Levi and then started thinking about Levi Ackerman?
You goddamn weebs
rocky 8 same
rocky 8
Why do they keep using the same Thumbnail whenever they talk about the Amish?
Im guessing that nobody has finished the video?
Edit:Finished Yet?
2nd Edit:oml 71 likes thank you
Pickup Audio Breakdowns nice 👍
No I didn't
YunaTheKitty why do think that?
I did
Angie Feingold I used to think that BC the vid was. 12 minutes long and my comment was five min after it was uploaded
Angie Feingold so its impossible for you to have finished a 12 minute video five minutes after
I met an ex-Amish in Philadelphia while working for the airlines as an engineer. She was a gate agent and had the strangest accent. I really thought she was Swedish or something. I finally spoke to her one day and learned that her whole family was excommunicated when she was 5. She has since lived a modern life but somehow still had an accent. She still struggled to fully adopt to modern life as she would never wear revealing clothes are drink alcohol. Truly fascinating people
Saloma was just in a horrible family bc the amish are supposed to be really nice and gentle, helpful ppl.
The Amish community is like a mini North Korea.
Trinh Nguyen LMAO even north koreans have smartphones
You obviously don't know jack shit about North Korea.
Trinh Nguyen what a dipshit comment
Nope. North Korea is a lot worse.
Pretty close - and they do have smart phones... There is so much abuse in the Amish community, children, women and their animals. If it doesn't work it doesn't get fed. If it does work it doesn't get fed...much. They are always right on the edge of legal/illegal. Shipsewanna is a cult scam. Amish: money, church, business, family. They hate "English" but love our cash. I used to believe the Amish were unique. After living in an Amish populated community for 15 years I have come to see the m kind, plain and simple Amish is a total MYTH. They are anything but.
So cool to learn more about the Amish Community! Check out our interview with former Amish, Lizzie Ens, who pursued her dream of becoming a health coach! ❤
I don't think that they prohibit photos because of vanity. I think creating a likeness is considered a graven image. That is also why Amish dolls don't have faces.
As I listened to this, I couldn't believe the similarities that jumped out as to their beliefs and treatment of others being so much like Jehovah's Witnesses. I was one when I was younger. Since then I've learned it isn't about religion but a relationship with our HEAVENLY FATHER and HIS SON YESHUA.