The links don't work when the sections are locked! There ist a Note that you are not allowed to open the sections. You have no possibility to add the passworts.
You can either post in the content library and students can copy/move it to a section in their notebook. OR you can "Distribute" the lesson to a class or to multiple notebooks.
When I clicked on "share", I typed in the name of the class/group I was going to share it with and it sent it to all of the students in that one class.
Great video. Thank you! :-)
The links don't work when the sections are locked! There ist a Note that you are not allowed to open the sections. You have no possibility to add the passworts.
I cannot put in the password i dont know why
How do students type in name if they are not allowed to edit?
My thoughts exactly 😬
You need to open in the desktop app. this will not work in the browser
How can I share this to my classes instead of typing in over 100 student email addresses?
You can either post in the content library and students can copy/move it to a section in their notebook. OR you can "Distribute" the lesson to a class or to multiple notebooks.
When I clicked on "share", I typed in the name of the class/group I was going to share it with and it sent it to all of the students in that one class.