How familiar does this feel, Matthew Macfayden playing a dark-haired bachelor intent on never marrying who acts as wingman to the ginger-haired ray of sunshine character about to nervously pour his heart and soul out to a beautiful young blonde?
Or Keira Knightely being the main character who is trying to beat the social expectations that people place on her - a housewife who only cooks and only loves her husband with no other ambition in life.
How? Anna's brother was married to Dolly, Kitty's sister and cheating on her... this is how the book begins. I didn't see the movie yet but is that part really so very changed? No Dolly in the movie?
@@kathrynorozco5416she has no ambition here. She was vain and stupid. Left a comfortable life to live with her boyfriend but couldn't keep her sanity.
Bro the Gen Z in me really had to restrain myself from cackling at the ILY 😅❤😊 But honestly it's such a sweet scene describing just how each of them feel and felt without needing to push themselves past their limits. "Did No Mean Never?" will forever stay in my mind
I love this scene and I feel like if Anna were truly allowed to choose her husband for love versus making her parents happy (social climbing ) this could have easily led to a pure love/happy marriage. But she was just a young girl following customs to marry a much older man out of duty versus love. As much as people talk about Anna, they forget that society and time women weren’t always given free reign to marry for love.
Princess Katerina Pavlovna is Anna's aunt and the woman who raised her, she's the one who arranged the marriage between Count Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin and Anna Arkadyevna Oblonskaya.
Mins4:10 to the end. Exactly as I imagined this scene when I read the book in my teens. Acted to perfection- it’s just missing the dad clearing his nose!
WAIT 6:30 when their hands are touching, they're moving the letters I and D, which could stand for I Do, as a nod to their blossoming love! Or am I crazy lmao?
They're honestly the best part of an otherwise meh adaptation. The European miniseries is by far the best adaptation, even if this one had more well-known Hollywood actors!
@@7ScarletRoses I think the miniseries in question is a 2017 Russian adaptation called “Anna Karenina: Vronksy’s story” (by Karen Shakhnazarov), all 8 episodes are also available on UA-cam with English subtitles- there is an account called Mosfilm which publishes full episodes of Russian films or TV series. However, this could also be a 2013 Italian miniseries titled “Anna Karenina”, consisting of 2 episodes and directed by Christian Duguay (this one can be found dubbed in English, although the question of where to watch it might prove a little more difficult) :)
@@PutinsMommyNeverHuggedHim I believe Russia is transcontinental, with the larger portion of landmass existing in Asia, but the greater percentage of Russia’s population is concentrated in the European part of Russia, but in regards to the original answer I put down- if the ‘european miniseries’ referenced is not Shakhnazarov’s adaptation, I also mentioned an Italian adaptation- which might better fit your criteria.
I like the movie. The whole theater idea is just brilliant and the music is great. BUT as a russian, I must say, some of the actors should do better job in trying to pronounce the names correctly. I know this is not very easy for non-russian, but wtf, you have time for preparation and it is just names, not speaking the whole russian text🤨
I think at one time Anna loved her husband. But he never did, so I mean I can't blame her fully for her actions. Takes two to mess up a marriage. But cheating is a wrong way, to get out of a marriage. And for her younger lover, was all but lust for him. At the end he left her, once she fully lost everything.
I believe Karenin did truly love her, just in his own way; a way too different from the way she desired. Anna's is outwardly passionate, while Karenin's is muted and internal. Not a good match to be sure, but both still authentic loves.
Anna didn't marry him out of love, she did it because it was required of her and she was conditioned to think that he'd give her a "good" life. Karenin on the other hand had feelings for her and their child (and even for Vronsky's baby) but was so damaged by his loveless childhood that was completely incapable of expressing any feeling. This marriage could have never been happy for her, she was a young, beautiful girl craving real love. Unfortunately, Kostya's words about desiring another man's woman were true, Vronsky never loved her either.
@@sailorv8067 he was going to. It was just a matter of time before he abandon her and their child to marry well. If you read the book you see that he shows great interest for people, animals, hobbies, only to quickly discard them like toys he grew bored of. The horse raising part is foreshadowing of Anna's ending. Just as for his beloved horse, her ending is also his fault
@@kathrynorozco5416As he said, he didn't deserve that. Even when he is not a good husband and don't give enough attention to his wife, he really didn't deserve ALL of that. Also, Anna wanted Vronsky not because of that in the first place. She fell crazy in love with him with almost no good reason at all (like how always happen with true love).She didn't hated her husband nor her son, but she still did the thing that hurts them the most. There is no good reason for that. Anna was very unstable and naive. Enough to completely destroy her entire life because of that and end up dead. Tragic but in no way understandable.
Alexei's not a bad dude, he's a dude cursed with sterility. He knows it. He doesn't like that he's so uptight and emotionally shut in, but what can he even do? He's like 50. People don't change like that anymore.
Клип Clip „Dance Me To The End Of Love - Russell Sprout & Tracy H.“ real Satan's Ball in Petersberg near Königswinter в 1840 году. Это был первый бал Вики Чубарь (которая как Золушка опаздывает). Приглашение на Бал она получила потому, что ее удочерила Империатрица Катерина Сомова-Дракула-Романова, которая в черном платье потому, что двое ее мужей Смертью Храбрых погибли в в Российской войне против Черных Сил Сатаны, которая длилась 10 лет с 1820 по 1830 годы. Там же есть и ее двойники так, как она живая и не может плясать ночи напролет. Здесь же Империатрица Катерина Сомова-Дракула-Романова встречает своего сына Графа Волконского - Юру Сомова-Романова сына Жеки Сомова-Дракулы-Романова, Короля Русских Волков. У него тоже есть двойник. Отчетливо его можно увидеть в танце с Викой Чубарь и в профиль, когда он курит сигарету. Империатрица Катерина Сомова-Дракула-Романова приглашает на Бал также Юлю Плющ, которую она исцелила вследствие побоев родственников и поэтому Юля становится очень похожей на нее. Официальный муж Романовой Каренин как бы удочеряет ее, но на самом деле это был обман. У жидов, к сожалению, дети «обслуживают» сексуально «папаш». Там был эпизод, когда Вронский (Черноус) кладет своей дочери в рот колечко, которое она не должна вынимать его пока он не приедет обратно. Часто такие дети умирают. Самое ужасное, что сперму жидам закачивают и их вообще «могут отключить», то есть это тем особям совсем не нужно. Юля Плющ влюбляется в Графа Волконского - Юру Сомова-Романова, сына империатрицы с которым она была только раз ( клип «Do you love me»), так как в то время шабаши были то в одной стране, то в другой и Граф Волконский борется на стороне Правды и Добра. Шабаш-представление было в оперном театре в Бонне, где Конница Графа Волконского сталкивает поезд Смерти в реку Райн. Вследствие жидовских козней Граф Волконский с Лошадкой терпят крушение. Романова (та которая машет веером в клипе) исцеляет Лошадку и забирает Душу своего сына Юры. Конницу Графа Волконского спасает святая Рать. Клип «Keira Knightley’s Meltdown at the Horse Races». Сейчас в Бонне та этом месте построили Новый Оперный театр. Юлю (Анну Каренину) Вронский (Черноус) на заказ Каренина сманивает с собой в Киев, где он становится начальником еще одного поезда Смерти. В Киеве он насильно отдает ее в Дом терпимости. Принцесса Кетти Вика Чубарь договаривается о свадьбе с Леонидом Белым - Leon Beilmann на Балу в Petersberg (он сделал официальное предложение) , но в Киеве при игре получает отказ. В жидов Браки все равно по договоренности. Леонид просит Вронского разрешить женится на Юле, но главная причина потому, что он хочет породнится с императрицей и получает отказ. Впоследствии он все равно женится на своей соседке из Ржева Житомирской области. В конце фильма Юля отправляется с поездом смерти, который принадлежит как-бы Люциферу на Кубань. На самом деле Люцифера не существует. В клипе «Красавица и чудовище» его можно увидеть, но это, в реальности, карнавал. Костюм Люцифера носит и жестоко убивает людей для мяса, костей и Органов для трансплантологов Черт-жид-предатель Гриша Шварц из Жашкова. Черти насилуют палками просто как садисты. Это и есть гомосексуалисты. Императрица работала в госпитале медсестрой. В это время многие в Киеве имели работу и нормальные условия жизни. Ведь раньше Здесь была Цивилизация, а сейчас ее закат: не могут особи жрать себе подобных (кошерная еда). Музыку к Балу и фильму сочинила и исполняет Императрица Катерина Сомова-Романова вместе с немецким Оркестром из Кёльна в 1830 году. Клипы и фильм «Анна Каренина» были созданы в 1970 году в Москве из документальных кадров реальной жизни жителей Планеты Земли 1841-1845 годов на Планете Сатурн и планете Уран при помощи монтажа кадров студентами Московского Института кинематографии для поющей и сочиняющей девочки Галинки-Софии Романюк. Чувства девушек были искренними (в клипах вмонтированы кадры их мечтаний), но они становятся жертвой игры жидов, веря в сказку о счастливой семейной жизни, козней объявившихся родственников, и собственных против друг друга, умалчивания о сексуальных домогательствах. Часто в клипах для звучит вопрос : «Готовы ли они умереть ради любви?» У жидов жену разделывают после свадьбы и она уже «колбасница», которой можно управлять . Колесо Истории уже запущено и миллионы бойцов против Черных Сил Сатаны, которые погибли на Стороне Правды и Добра, к счастью, улетели Белыми Журавлями в январе этого года (есть свидетели). В будущем (через десять лет) на Планете Земля после ПОТОПА будут жить Человеки, на Планете Сатурн Русичи и Славичи, на Планете Уран Кельты, на Планете Плутон Франки, на Планете Нептун - Sinti и Roma. Душа Графа Вронского как и, может еще оставшиеся души, будет пущена на воду и найдет свое место. Все остальные «жители» Планеты Земля - прямо в АД - там уже не будет «договоренностей».
Clip „Dance Me To The End Of Love - Russell Sprout & Tracy H.“ and Anna Karenina real Satan's Ball in Petersberg near Königswinter in 1840. This was the first ball for Vika Chubar (who, like Cinderella, is late). She received an invitation to the Ball because she was adopted by Empress Katerina Somova-Dracula-Romanova,who is dressed is in a black dress because two of her husbands died by the Death of the Brave in the Russian War against the Black Forces of Satan, which lasted 10 years from 1820 to 1830. There are also doubles of Katerina, as she is alive and cannot dance all night long. Here Empress Katerina Somov-Dracula-Romanova meets her son Count Volkonsky - Yura Somov-Romanov, son of Zheka Somov-Dracula-Romanov, King of the Russian Wolves. He also has a double. He can be clearly seen dancing with Vika Chubar and in profile when he smokes a cigarette. Erdogan can be seen on the balcony Clip “War and Peace” - modern Opera by Alexey Rybnikov (who doesn’t even have musical abilities) this is real Satan's Ball in Kyiv after the victory of the Volunteer Army in the Russian War against the Black Forces of Satan, which lasted 10 years from 1820 to 1830 and ended with the victory of the Volunteer Army in Paris. During the war, 100 million Soldiers of this Army died. The events take place in the Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv in January 1830. The Annual Sausage Jew Ball of the servants of Satan is captured, where the Ghosts of War Heroes were also invited. At the beginning of the video “Anatoly Kuragin” known as Kuzmin performs a melody. Only in the video “When You Call Me” (Ms Goulit) can you see him. Pierre Bezuchov Victor Hugo. Napoleon Count Vlad Dracula, as a König of the Carpathian Wolves, Count Volkonsky, later Zheka Somov, King of the Russian Wolves also took part in the war on the Side of on the side of Truth and Goodness. Natasha is the sister of the wolf brothers, who was kidnapped by the “Jews” from Zhmerinka to go to Germany for the Rosa ritual: girls were sacrificed in Petersberg near Königswinter. At the same time, outside the Mariinsky Palace, the Jewish Sabbath of the nobility was celebrated - a gathering of a coven (witches, devils and other evil spirits) for joint rituals (sacrifices) where Satan appears. At the disposal of Satan, the relatives provide the Girl (maiden) who led the dances at the Sabbaths, whom he dismembers in the belief that he will have more supernatural power - the rose ritual. The Jews are organizing another Ball in the Tereshchenko House. There, Damn Stepan Plyushch becomes Napoleon for “history.” To destroy the Traitors, the Lapsana Horse is invited to the Ball, who sacrifices her life and turns into the Golden Horse. Zheka Somov, the King of Russian Wolves organizes the Fight of Wolves with the Black Forces of Satan in the sky above Kiev. Betrayers-Jews give him the flag of the SS (Saturn Slaves), yellow-blue, but the Creed in the triumph of the Truth and Goodness Forces above and the Forces of Satan-coven were destroyed. The music for the Ball was composed and performed by Empress Katerina Somova-Romanova together with the Orchestra from Cologne in 1830. The clip and film “War and Peace” were created in 1970 in Moscow from documentary footage of the real life of the inhabitants of Planet Earth on Planet Saturn and Planet Uranus using frame editing by students of the Moscow Institute of Cinematography for the singing and composing girl Galinka-Sofia Romanyuk. The Wheel of History has been launched and millions of fighters against the Black Forces of Satan who died on the Side of Truth and Good, fortunately, flew away like White Cranes in January of this year (there are witnesses). In the future after the Deluge, Homo Sapiens will live on Planet Earth, Rusichi and Slavichi on Planet Saturn, Celts on Planet Uranus, Franks on Planet Pluton, Sinti and Roma on Planet Neptune.
I will never understand you people....It's an English produced movie. You must be highly offended by many of Shakespeare's plays! Romeo and Juliette don't speak Italian and Hamlet doesn't speak Danish! SHOCKING! You can find Russian made versions of Anna Karenina to watch. Let us native English speakers enjoy this version.
@@Liitebulb you ‘re right, but it is a Russian story. My advice to you is the same I gave to previous black alien comment, over 3 mos ago. Lighten up. It was just a simple light hearted observation. Geesh!
How familiar does this feel, Matthew Macfayden playing a dark-haired bachelor intent on never marrying who acts as wingman to the ginger-haired ray of sunshine character about to nervously pour his heart and soul out to a beautiful young blonde?
Or Keira Knightely being the main character who is trying to beat the social expectations that people place on her - a housewife who only cooks and only loves her husband with no other ambition in life.
How? Anna's brother was married to Dolly, Kitty's sister and cheating on her... this is how the book begins. I didn't see the movie yet but is that part really so very changed? No Dolly in the movie?
@@kathrynorozco5416she has no ambition here. She was vain and stupid. Left a comfortable life to live with her boyfriend but couldn't keep her sanity.
I had forgotten Alicia Vikander and Domhnall Gleeson were in this together before Ex Machina.
Lol it's like some reincarnation thing
they had a great chemistry. All the cast is great but I keep thinking that Keira and A.T-J had absolutely none. I couldn't buy him as Vrosnky at all
she was a child when she refused him, now she is a woman with a woman's wisdom.
A lovely scene, irresistible to me, now an old man, but still with the ardent and romantic soul of a boy.
Are you a poet? That was a beautiful comment
This was beautifully written Michael 👏👏
Domnhall Gleeson can profess his love to me any day.
I feel ya
@ん乇 乃尺のW刀 乃ム刀丂ん乇乇 i walk….
They both can profess their love to me any day. 😎
Bro the Gen Z in me really had to restrain myself from cackling at the ILY 😅❤😊
But honestly it's such a sweet scene describing just how each of them feel and felt without needing to push themselves past their limits.
"Did No Mean Never?" will forever stay in my mind
such a beautiful well acted and directed and all the crafts and excellent film!!...this scene is so emotionally rich
I agree...have you read the book? I haven't personally, but I might like to.
The score is amazing 💚🌸💖🤍🦋
I love this scene and I feel like if Anna were truly allowed to choose her husband for love versus making her parents happy (social climbing ) this could have easily led to a pure love/happy marriage. But she was just a young girl following customs to marry a much older man out of duty versus love. As much as people talk about Anna, they forget that society and time women weren’t always given free reign to marry for love.
Princess Katerina Pavlovna is Anna's aunt and the woman who raised her, she's the one who arranged the marriage between Count Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin and Anna Arkadyevna Oblonskaya.
She is kitty not anna
Domhall Gleeson is so damn beautiful. If a man ever looked at me the way Konstantin looked at Kitty in this scene, I would simply die on the spot.
Love this scene with Kitty and Levin
Mins4:10 to the end. Exactly as I imagined this scene when I read the book in my teens. Acted to perfection- it’s just missing the dad clearing his nose!
Matthew MacFayden is absolutely hilarious in this 😂
WAIT 6:30 when their hands are touching, they're moving the letters I and D, which could stand for I Do, as a nod to their blossoming love! Or am I crazy lmao?
@@jessicabuckham3421 you ain't crazy dude. Feel like there's so many hidden details in the adaptation...but it's lacklustre overall
They're honestly the best part of an otherwise meh adaptation. The European miniseries is by far the best adaptation, even if this one had more well-known Hollywood actors!
Can I ask which one you mean? I loved the book and I am interested in watching another version (I agree that this one was nothing spectacular)
@@7ScarletRoses I think the miniseries in question is a 2017 Russian adaptation called “Anna Karenina: Vronksy’s story” (by Karen Shakhnazarov), all 8 episodes are also available on UA-cam with English subtitles- there is an account called Mosfilm which publishes full episodes of Russian films or TV series.
However, this could also be a 2013 Italian miniseries titled “Anna Karenina”, consisting of 2 episodes and directed by Christian Duguay (this one can be found dubbed in English, although the question of where to watch it might prove a little more difficult) :)
@@lofiofthekitkat7059 thank you!
@@lofiofthekitkat7059 a Russian Tv-series is not European. Russia is in Asia, they want nothing to do with Europe.
@@PutinsMommyNeverHuggedHim I believe Russia is transcontinental, with the larger portion of landmass existing in Asia, but the greater percentage of Russia’s population is concentrated in the European part of Russia, but in regards to the original answer I put down- if the ‘european miniseries’ referenced is not Shakhnazarov’s adaptation, I also mentioned an Italian adaptation- which might better fit your criteria.
"I'd never stopped" Kostya 💖
Levin e Kitty são os meus favoritos do livro ♡
I like the movie. The whole theater idea is just brilliant and the music is great. BUT as a russian, I must say, some of the actors should do better job in trying to pronounce the names correctly. I know this is not very easy for non-russian, but wtf, you have time for preparation and it is just names, not speaking the whole russian text🤨
Не придирайтесь. ))
Ленивы и нелюбопытны
Even in Imperial Russia you still had to break a few Greggs to make a Tomelette. Will he also find his Sporus to his Nero?
I think at one time Anna loved her husband. But he never did, so I mean I can't blame her fully for her actions. Takes two to mess up a marriage. But cheating is a wrong way, to get out of a marriage. And for her younger lover, was all but lust for him. At the end he left her, once she fully lost everything.
I believe Karenin did truly love her, just in his own way; a way too different from the way she desired. Anna's is outwardly passionate, while Karenin's is muted and internal. Not a good match to be sure, but both still authentic loves.
Vronsky never left her. And Karenin did love Anna, he just didn't quite realise it until he lost her
Anna didn't marry him out of love, she did it because it was required of her and she was conditioned to think that he'd give her a "good" life. Karenin on the other hand had feelings for her and their child (and even for Vronsky's baby) but was so damaged by his loveless childhood that was completely incapable of expressing any feeling. This marriage could have never been happy for her, she was a young, beautiful girl craving real love. Unfortunately, Kostya's words about desiring another man's woman were true, Vronsky never loved her either.
@@sailorv8067 he was going to. It was just a matter of time before he abandon her and their child to marry well. If you read the book you see that he shows great interest for people, animals, hobbies, only to quickly discard them like toys he grew bored of. The horse raising part is foreshadowing of Anna's ending. Just as for his beloved horse, her ending is also his fault
Wonderful Domhnall 🙃🥰
I feel so sorry for Alexei...
It’s sad story for all
Why? He wasn’t a good husband and acts like a martyr
@@kathrynorozco5416As he said, he didn't deserve that. Even when he is not a good husband and don't give enough attention to his wife, he really didn't deserve ALL of that. Also, Anna wanted Vronsky not because of that in the first place. She fell crazy in love with him with almost no good reason at all (like how always happen with true love).She didn't hated her husband nor her son, but she still did the thing that hurts them the most. There is no good reason for that. Anna was very unstable and naive. Enough to completely destroy her entire life because of that and end up dead. Tragic but in no way understandable.
Alexei's not a bad dude, he's a dude cursed with sterility. He knows it. He doesn't like that he's so uptight and emotionally shut in, but what can he even do? He's like 50. People don't change like that anymore.
I understand him not wanting her to take their son but if he shut anna out from her sons life, that's cold.
What’s the name of the movie?
Anna Karenina
Scrabble put to romantic use!
OMG! That's Bill Weasley.
I love Domhnall😘
Tell me, does the Domhnall have a social media page? Maybe the brothers have it? Thank you🙏🌹
This scene was made for subtitles in the foreign markets
Interesting,beautiful movie💫
Anna Karenina'yi izledim ve çok üzüldüm gerçekten hak edilmeyen bir kader
Kitabı okumalısın çok daha güzel
They cut the best part...
I'm going to go watch this
looks like i have a movie to watch today
So beautiful 💕💚🌷💐🌻
these Russians are awfully British
Bill Weasley and Marlene McKinnon haha
Although the actors were good, and I liked the music, I just didn't like this film.
So funny I forgot how to laugh
He may be right. But I only discovered this by being moved by some1 else. Blind love.
Клип Clip „Dance Me To The End Of Love - Russell Sprout & Tracy H.“ real Satan's Ball in Petersberg near Königswinter в 1840 году. Это был первый бал Вики Чубарь (которая как Золушка опаздывает). Приглашение на Бал она получила потому, что ее удочерила Империатрица Катерина Сомова-Дракула-Романова, которая в черном платье потому, что двое ее мужей Смертью Храбрых погибли в в Российской войне против Черных Сил Сатаны, которая длилась 10 лет с 1820 по 1830 годы. Там же есть и ее двойники так, как она живая и не может плясать ночи напролет. Здесь же Империатрица Катерина Сомова-Дракула-Романова встречает своего сына Графа Волконского - Юру Сомова-Романова сына Жеки Сомова-Дракулы-Романова, Короля Русских Волков. У него тоже есть двойник. Отчетливо его можно увидеть в танце с Викой Чубарь и в профиль, когда он курит сигарету.
Империатрица Катерина Сомова-Дракула-Романова приглашает на Бал также Юлю Плющ, которую она исцелила вследствие побоев родственников и поэтому Юля становится очень похожей на нее. Официальный муж Романовой Каренин как бы удочеряет ее, но на самом деле это был обман. У жидов, к сожалению, дети «обслуживают» сексуально «папаш». Там был эпизод, когда Вронский (Черноус) кладет своей дочери в рот колечко, которое она не должна вынимать его пока он не приедет обратно. Часто такие дети умирают. Самое ужасное, что сперму жидам закачивают и их вообще «могут отключить», то есть это тем особям совсем не нужно. Юля Плющ влюбляется в Графа Волконского - Юру Сомова-Романова, сына империатрицы с которым она была только раз ( клип «Do you love me»), так как в то время шабаши были то в одной стране, то в другой и Граф Волконский борется на стороне Правды и Добра. Шабаш-представление было в оперном театре в Бонне, где Конница Графа Волконского сталкивает поезд Смерти в реку Райн. Вследствие жидовских козней Граф Волконский с Лошадкой терпят крушение. Романова (та которая машет веером в клипе) исцеляет Лошадку и забирает Душу своего сына Юры. Конницу Графа Волконского спасает святая Рать. Клип «Keira Knightley’s Meltdown at the Horse Races». Сейчас в Бонне та этом месте построили Новый Оперный театр. Юлю (Анну Каренину) Вронский (Черноус) на заказ Каренина сманивает с собой в Киев, где он становится начальником еще одного поезда Смерти. В Киеве он насильно отдает ее в Дом терпимости. Принцесса Кетти Вика Чубарь договаривается о свадьбе с Леонидом Белым - Leon Beilmann на Балу в Petersberg (он сделал официальное предложение) , но в Киеве при игре получает отказ. В жидов Браки все равно по договоренности. Леонид просит Вронского разрешить женится на Юле, но главная причина потому, что он хочет породнится с императрицей и получает отказ. Впоследствии он все равно женится на своей соседке из Ржева Житомирской области. В конце фильма Юля отправляется с поездом смерти, который принадлежит как-бы Люциферу на Кубань. На самом деле Люцифера не существует. В клипе «Красавица и чудовище» его можно увидеть, но это, в реальности, карнавал. Костюм Люцифера носит и жестоко убивает людей для мяса, костей и Органов для трансплантологов Черт-жид-предатель Гриша Шварц из Жашкова. Черти насилуют палками просто как садисты. Это и есть гомосексуалисты. Императрица работала в госпитале медсестрой. В это время многие в Киеве имели работу и нормальные условия жизни. Ведь раньше Здесь была Цивилизация, а сейчас ее закат: не могут особи жрать себе подобных (кошерная еда).
Музыку к Балу и фильму сочинила и исполняет Императрица Катерина Сомова-Романова вместе с немецким Оркестром из Кёльна в 1830 году. Клипы и фильм «Анна Каренина» были созданы в 1970 году в Москве из документальных кадров реальной жизни жителей Планеты Земли 1841-1845 годов на Планете Сатурн и планете Уран при помощи монтажа кадров студентами Московского Института кинематографии для поющей и сочиняющей девочки Галинки-Софии Романюк. Чувства девушек были искренними (в клипах вмонтированы кадры их мечтаний), но они становятся жертвой игры жидов, веря в сказку о счастливой семейной жизни, козней объявившихся родственников, и собственных против друг друга, умалчивания о сексуальных домогательствах. Часто в клипах для звучит вопрос : «Готовы ли они умереть ради любви?» У жидов жену разделывают после свадьбы и она уже «колбасница», которой можно управлять . Колесо Истории уже запущено и миллионы бойцов против Черных Сил Сатаны, которые погибли на Стороне Правды и Добра, к счастью, улетели Белыми Журавлями в январе этого года (есть свидетели). В будущем (через десять лет) на Планете Земля после ПОТОПА будут жить Человеки, на Планете Сатурн Русичи и Славичи, на Планете Уран Кельты, на Планете Плутон Франки, на Планете Нептун - Sinti и Roma. Душа Графа Вронского как и, может еще оставшиеся души, будет пущена на воду и найдет свое место. Все остальные «жители» Планеты Земля - прямо в АД - там уже не будет «договоренностей».
The year Jude Law gave up being hot
I love the Levin character the actor looks exactly like a monk in a nearby monastery!
Clip „Dance Me To The End Of Love - Russell Sprout & Tracy H.“ and Anna Karenina real Satan's Ball in Petersberg near Königswinter in 1840. This was the first ball for Vika Chubar (who, like Cinderella, is late). She received an invitation to the Ball because she was adopted by Empress Katerina Somova-Dracula-Romanova,who is dressed is in a black dress because two of her husbands died by the Death of the Brave in the Russian War against the Black Forces of Satan, which lasted 10 years from 1820 to 1830. There are also doubles of Katerina, as she is alive and cannot dance all night long. Here Empress Katerina Somov-Dracula-Romanova meets her son Count Volkonsky - Yura Somov-Romanov, son of Zheka Somov-Dracula-Romanov, King of the Russian Wolves. He also has a double. He can be clearly seen dancing with Vika Chubar and in profile when he smokes a cigarette. Erdogan can be seen on the balcony
Clip “War and Peace” - modern Opera by Alexey Rybnikov (who doesn’t even have musical abilities) this is real Satan's Ball in Kyiv after the victory of the Volunteer Army in the Russian War against the Black Forces of Satan, which lasted 10 years from 1820 to 1830 and ended with the victory of the Volunteer Army in Paris. During the war, 100 million Soldiers of this Army died. The events take place in the Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv in January 1830. The Annual Sausage Jew Ball of the servants of Satan is captured, where the Ghosts of War Heroes were also invited. At the beginning of the video “Anatoly Kuragin” known as Kuzmin performs a melody. Only in the video “When You Call Me” (Ms Goulit) can you see him. Pierre Bezuchov Victor Hugo. Napoleon Count Vlad Dracula, as a König of the Carpathian Wolves, Count Volkonsky, later Zheka Somov, King of the Russian Wolves also took part in the war on the Side of on the side of Truth and Goodness. Natasha is the sister of the wolf brothers, who was kidnapped by the “Jews” from Zhmerinka to go to Germany for the Rosa ritual: girls were sacrificed in Petersberg near Königswinter. At the same time, outside the Mariinsky Palace, the Jewish Sabbath of the nobility was celebrated - a gathering of a coven (witches, devils and other evil spirits) for joint rituals (sacrifices) where Satan appears. At the disposal of Satan, the relatives provide the Girl (maiden) who led the dances at the Sabbaths, whom he dismembers in the belief that he will have more supernatural power - the rose ritual. The Jews are organizing another Ball in the Tereshchenko House. There, Damn Stepan Plyushch becomes Napoleon for “history.” To destroy the Traitors, the Lapsana Horse is invited to the Ball, who sacrifices her life and turns into the Golden Horse. Zheka Somov, the King of Russian Wolves organizes the Fight of Wolves with the Black Forces of Satan in the sky above Kiev. Betrayers-Jews give him the flag of the SS (Saturn Slaves), yellow-blue, but the Creed in the triumph of the Truth and Goodness Forces above and the Forces of Satan-coven were destroyed. The music for the Ball was composed and performed by Empress Katerina Somova-Romanova together with the Orchestra from Cologne in 1830. The clip and film “War and Peace” were created in 1970 in Moscow from documentary footage of the real life of the inhabitants of Planet Earth on Planet Saturn and Planet Uranus using frame editing by students of the Moscow Institute of Cinematography for the singing and composing girl Galinka-Sofia Romanyuk. The Wheel of History has been launched and millions of fighters against the Black Forces of Satan who died on the Side of Truth and Good, fortunately, flew away like White Cranes in January of this year (there are witnesses). In the future after the Deluge, Homo Sapiens will live on Planet Earth, Rusichi and Slavichi on Planet Saturn, Celts on Planet Uranus, Franks on Planet Pluton, Sinti and Roma on Planet Neptune.
Are you high
An ouija board would've been better
This is cute
How remakes of this movie do we need?
Nobody is making you watch them
It’s not a remake, it’s an adaptation of a book.
Until they finally get one right.
@Viktor Tronin 😔✋️
Russians with British accents. How interesting.
I will never understand you people....It's an English produced movie. You must be highly offended by many of Shakespeare's plays! Romeo and Juliette don't speak Italian and Hamlet doesn't speak Danish! SHOCKING! You can find Russian made versions of Anna Karenina to watch. Let us native English speakers enjoy this version.
@@blackalien6873 i’ll never understand “you people” who take things so seriously. Lighten up😀
Well it's not a Russian movie
@@Liitebulb you ‘re right, but it is a Russian story. My advice to you is the same I gave to previous black alien comment, over 3 mos ago. Lighten up. It was just a simple light hearted observation. Geesh!
Que porra é essa boy?
So the constantine was the farmer Jesus?
@Viktor Tronin Tolstoy.