Everyone to his own taste! We are an amateur group who enjoy the final show after a whole year learning ballroom dancing. In any case we aren't professionals, let alone rock'n roll. But let me say that what is fact is that these are just the basic movements of rock and roll.
Great time, but awful dancing, it looks a bit like Latin American Jive, and nothing near Rock and Roll. It's a shame they didn't bother to get dressed for the occasion.
Me he prometido bailar esto el día de mi boda, es espectacular.
Solo QUEEN Eres grande Freddie Mercury
Everyone to his own taste! We are an amateur group who enjoy the final show after a whole year learning ballroom dancing. In any case we aren't professionals, let alone rock'n roll. But let me say that what is fact is that these are just the basic movements of rock and roll.
Looked like a lot of fun
Bailan bien, Dance good! :D
Don't think we need any special costume to dance, but I have a question what is supposed to be your dream dress?
cuanto tiempo se tardaron en aprendersela?? :/
porfa urgente
Ni pvta idea :v
5 meses
Soy la única que piensa que los pasos no van con la canción?
No tienes la razón parece salsa de repente
Great time, but awful dancing, it looks a bit like Latin American Jive, and nothing near Rock and Roll. It's a shame they didn't bother to get dressed for the occasion.