People, you have to remember something. All these type people that you love, will never.....never have your best interests. In the end, no matter what they will only serve their interests and you will be discarded like a fool.
All I’ll say is this: Hillary finally went on his show, after the election of course....and Howard is absolutely right. It took her a few minutes, but she eventually dropped the character that is “Hillary Rodham Clinton” and slowly began to sound like a person. By the end of the interview, I saw her in a completely different light. I even kind of liked her. Not doing Stern during the campaign was a huge, huge miscalculation.
George can't get over it that Hillary lost , trying to backhandedly blame Howard for contributing to it. Howard, " he's my friend, ill dine at his house, hang out and play golf, but won't vote for him or endorse him" why because the Media will attack me.
LOL, Stern is an idiot. Why ever would Trump want to make America great again? Right on dummy, he could have played golf and listened to Crooked run the country into her pocket! What a paradise.
The MSM will put the spotlight on anyone who hate Trump....anyone. Talk about the tone of our national politics being influenced by what Trump says instead of placing the real blame on the blockheads in the MSM. Total and unequivocal projection!
@Commonscent All that nonsense about Liberals being smarter than Conservatives went out the window a long time ago my friend. Liberals have done and said some pretty stupid crap as well. I think people are just people and it doesn't make you smarter or dumber on where you land in the political spectrum. I call them blockheads because they are ideologues...I don't like ideologues on the right either. Means you can't work together to solve problems. We can't decide anything because somehow truth isnt truth's your truth and my truth which is absurd. What I said is the truth whether you want to believe or not...that is the actual dilemma.
@@brycspain occams razor would suggest that Stern got this interview because he sells airtime. Sure, the MSM leans left. But by now, you should be very aware that it’s more than just liberals who dislike trump. The guy threw conservative principles away. Also - don’t say you don’t like ideologues when you write like one. Finally - if you don’t like what Stern says about Trump here (and it’s not clear that you listened), then counter his opinions.
@@shooter7a no she wouldn’t have. Stern has become what he once mocked and everyone knows it. Which is why his audience is no longer the ‘everyday man.’ Had she come on his show it would have been more preaching to the choir.
@@tekkieman The election was decided by what...70,000 votes in 3 state! That is not much. We will never know... But I think it could have made a difference.
@@tekkiemanabsolutely right! The working class people who listened to him years ago of witch there were millions. No longer like or listen to him. The people who listen now were probably voting for Hillary anyway.
Howard Stern turned into a radical left dummycrat, for years I downloaded his show for FREE, so that was my fuck you to stern for the disgusting piece of shit that he turned into just so he can suck on the balls of dummycrats
When I was a young adult/teenage boy, I would rate girls/women with my friends. As an adult, I haven’t thought about rating women at all. Zero reason to. In fact rating women is disgusting. I just want to rate the guys who make my coffee at 5/5 every time. With women. It’s only 10/10 for everyone.
That's how he made his money....Porn and easy women...Then he grew up. He does not care for that BS anymore. does not mean he joined the establishment, it means he does not have to go to extremes anymore. big difference!
Juan Santiago he did not say that directly, Stern helped propelled Trump to win the electoral college which demographically white old male that allegedly listened to Serxius FM
Jesus Christ, even when the exact words are presented in a video like this, people still are too dumb to understand what it is they are watching / hearing. No dude, he never said he got Trump elected....not even close.
when Trump first went down the infamous escalator ride, he turned to his son Don Jr. & said "today we're gonna find out who our real friends are." Howard wasn't one of them!
What Stern is saying about these subject you could also say about him. He is far more intelligent, well spoken and carries himself throughout interviews. Yes his show content may not appeal to all but give the man a chance to talk ( other than his dialogue on the show) Same with Marilyn may not like what and how he performs but interview him and the guy will teach a whole new world.
2blessed 2Bstressed well Howard Stern is Jewish but I don’t know if he’s an atheist ... i know that sounds like a oxymoron lol Anyway, I’m a conservative atheist but I was raised on and I support Judeo-Christian values. None-the-less #Trump2020
David Harden yeah this I heard too. Are they called “secular Jews”? I don’t really get it. Is it like a non-practicing Christian ? Or an atheist raised under Judeo-Christian values?
charliedontsurf70 he’s such an ass. I grew up with him becoming famous. I most recall his wretched humor over his wife’s miscarriage. He’s a disgusting pig. Can’t believe UA-cam suggest this POS misogynistic prick to me! Fuckall UA-cam.
He lost my respect by endorsing a liar and proven thief !! Only Hillary lied to the American people about Benghazi and had to return stolen items from the White House when Bill was President. She is Hillary Rotten Clinton and Stern voted for that criminal.
I think he was jealous Trump got elected. Trump is extremely entertaining and engaging as a public speaker. His policies are leading the way to a more just United states
@@alantriplett304 goddamn dude, you are dumb. you see all that in the limited time hillary had any washington pull and wasnt even president, but you DONT see any of that in the amount of years trump was out influencing and existing in NY as a slimy builder and fake billionaire? his fucking "university" ALONE! he paid 25 MILLION out for the fraud that it was! did you forget that??? and Hillary is the crook over Benghazi and she wasnt even THERE? Hillary was an ACTUAL politician and knows govt way more than trump ever will. his tweets prove that on an hourly basis
@patrick m - - Hey dumb ass. Trump has always been proceeding according to how the law proscribes, and has NEVER "obstructed justice." He only obstructs Leftists, and he does so legally.
@@josh-im3wd His reaction was honest and it's what every American felt that morning. We were blindsided and after all he was correct, he knew it was Bin Laden that morning, he said it himself on the air. Everybody knew exactly what it was as soon as it happened and the majority of people wanted strong retaliation. Of course the views he expressed were over the top but everybody felt that way for a while after the attacks.
Call me crazy but I listen to Howard's show on 911 and also opie and Anthony's broadcast of that day and days after almost every night to fall asleep too. Idk why. They were able to say everything we were thinking. Gary said they were able to speculate and that gave it a more in depth feel then seeing the same thing over and over on cnn or fox.
@@josh-im3wd Well, you may differ, but the reason why it was great was that his and the reaction of most people like me who live in NYC was the same. It was kneejerk anger at wanting to punish "Them" or "We know who" which is why it was relatable. My Apartment was very near the WTC and the smell that hung in the air for months was something like you've never experienced.
You nailed Stern is a shrewd businessman wants the approval of the democrat and their hollywood artists suffering from the Trump syndrome ! ! he would hang out 10 times more with Donald than boring tight ass Hillary that sums it all !
Nobody minded Trump and Trump ppl say what happened. He became president. I liked him better when he was just the Donald. Howard is right, why does he need this shit at his age? I can see in his 40/50s, but now? There was never gonna be an upside. He's over his head. Obviously he's not the devil leftists make him out to be, but is there anyone ever who has been hated more? Crazy. They will talk about this president for centuries. Ppl through history know Washington, Lincoln and they will know Trump.
The Bible is pro-abortion. In Hosea god aborts the womb of his enemies. In Numbers an unfaithful wife is given a drink by the priest to make her miscarry then her womb is considered clean for her husband and she is forgiven. truth!
@@Patriot11111 do you admit that god is OK with abortion since i sited biblical references? I get it, you have politicized the Bible to fit your agenda. If installing a soul in a human is "magic" why can't that magic happen when the umbilical cord is cut and not when there is a fetus with a reptile tail and fish eyes? hmmmm
@@enstigatorofficial Not all republicans politicize the bible. That would be a massive generalization. The idea that killing a child that is yet to be born is just immoral. There doesn't have to be any religious basis for that.
That's before the Sirius deal and before his divorce due to screwing Jessica Hahn. After he married the Hollywood Bimbo, things changed. By 2007 he was blubbering and apologizing to Rosie, I stopped listening, I felt the Globalist owned him!
He has beautiful eyes and he always hid them w those glasses bc he thought his face was sad! He looks great, and I’m so glad he doesn’t have cancer!!!
I have worked with Mr. Stern... he is laughing at anyone that would "believe" stuff he and any media entertainer.. "says"... LOL . You do not have a clue about the entertainment business .. but your free to make your observations and speak your mind as long as your not a republican running for office....then your a liar...and corrupt...(Right if your forced to comply in your job or social PC environment.) Try to find facts rather than be just an observer and "believe" TV people.. that includes any Entertainer including our president. Popularity in "show biz" is based on popular "belief".. that is what sells. Just a little truth from someone in the Entertainment biz... I also worked personally for Obama 2nd Win.. he is super good at telling people exactly what they would "like" him to say...they also paid better than the Repub's..both totally dishonest groups.. as is the Political business.. cause winning is not based on fact. USUALLY.
UMMM It was 77,444 K total votes in a PA, WI & MI. These total votes between these 3 states swung the electoral votes for Trump. That was it... Look it up. It was 3MM more for Hillary if you are counting the popular vote.
@@matts5811 It was 304 to 227. If you remove California's landslide, which impresses no one in the electoral process, Trump won the popular vote. You can Monday morning QB all you and Howie want and feverishly punch numbers on your calculators... the framers designed our system for just such a scenario of equal representation in the UNITED States of America.
@@btatwo You still just do not get it... That is cool. By the way, California carries this nation - Some facts for you... California is 14% of US GDP and 12% of the population. On average Californians are about 17% more productive than the US average. California provides the US with 13.3% of its taxes- roughly 11% more per capita than the US average. It receives about $350B in Federal spending for $400B in Federal taxes so the US would lose about $50B in tax revenue per year. Losing California would be a serious loss but the United States is still pretty large without California. The US would do okay and California would do fine as well- probably better.
"Roundedness"? I don't know what you mean by that? He's completely acting because his real feelings have been coming across the airwaves for 40 years. He has always said, We need MORE abortions, with these animals that are being born everyday and victimizing good people, we need to stop it before it starts." He meant it in the identcal way that Margaret Sanger intended when she started "Planned Parenthood", to get rid of more blacks through abortion. When 9/11 happened and various other times he has voiced his sentiment to bomb ALL muslim countries. That's Howard, and there is plenty of posts right on UA-cam to show it.
Was always on the fence about Stern, but really liked him in this interview. He's honest, funny, and insightful. Wish his show was more like this--and no I'm not a prude! He is not the first person who has said the Trump President is not the Donald Trump they knew.
This coming from a radio shock jock who's guilty of : -- Sexism and objectifying women -- Countless gay & transgender jokes -- Ted Danson / Whoopie Blackface impression video -- Jokes about black racial stereotypes -- Insensitivity over mentally handicapped -- Jokes about the Jewish Holocaust -- On-Air Tirades about wanting certain people dead -- Anti-islam remarks -- Jokes about victims of airplane disasters within days of news -- Abusing staff from past and present -- Insensitivity towards ex-wife and ex-employers -- Countless FCC violations -- Short temper -- Introvert Narcissism
@Fahad Summan There is no Trump Kool-Aid, dude; all legacy corporations are against Trump. You can't be brainwashed into believing the opposite of what corporations spend billions to brainwash you into believing.
@@misterkid "ALL" legacy corporations? Examples with quotes please. Why the fuck would they be against Trump after receiving a massive tax reduction? Examples please from the CEOs in question.
He is right about how interviewing Hillary may have made a difference. I wasn't a huge Lady Gaga fan until his interview, I found her fascinating and down to earth after.
I always looked at Howard as a goof but I watch his interview with President Biden and I have to give him respect. His way of being sincere about some Biden tragedies looked as he was going to cry. He was not rude or make fun of any thing he listened to. Sad thing is Hillary possibly thought the same. Just a goof, we were wrong.
I knew Howard when he was a struggling local DJ who got fired from WCCC in Hartford. You made it big time, my man. Congratulations on all your success.
He’s right. If Hillary had gone on his show before or during her campaign, she most likely would have gotten a more diverse demographic range of votes which could have won her the election. His recent interview with her was fantastic; she was genuine, intelligent, empathetic and came off as human
StrnFn9099 Well said. Except you can move “radio libtard” to about 2016. I’ll never understand how people who were fans of Howard Stern up to and including the Artie years, are still fans of him now.
Not a fan of HOWARD STERN but this interview about brought me to tears. I watched the ENTIRE interview that he finally got HILLARY CLINTON to agree to and she was the warmest, kindest, funniest, most HUMAN that I have ever seen her and I was in my 20s when she occupied the White House as First Lady and never liked her. What HOWARD STERN said about her is true. If she went on his show in 2016 she could have very likely become our first FEMALE president. Instead, now it will be STACEY ABRAMS in a couple years.
I recall an interview that he did where he mentioned that he advised Trump not to run for President as he would be humiliated by the world media. How right he was about his one time friend.
And Donald Trump is what, exactly? Motivated by patriotism? He's a grifter and a con man--being a great guest on Stern didn't qualify him as president.
@@lowratehitman Because he said it! Trump made a great guest, because he has no self-awareness or filters. I'm sure it wasn't easy for Stern to say, but it's common sense that Hillary was qualified to be president and Trump is a fun, egomaniacal side show who should not hold the highest office in the land.
@@carolyntalbot947 Hillary was unable to even be secretary of the state without scandal and stern believe she was the better nominee..... you do know that uranium 1 and other investigations are fixing to be brought back correct?
@@lowratehitman Hillary Clinton was the target of disinformation campaigns, including from Russia, because she *was* effective as Sec'y of State. The multiple, exhaustive investigations into Bhengazi and "but her emails" failed to produce a *single indictment.* Re-opening investigations is a ploy to keep Trump's base (and Fox viewers) on the line into 2020, giving them something to chant at rallies and rant about on Facebook. It is propaganda. If you still believe in the Uranium One conspiracy theory, you are precisely the kind of low-information voter Trump is counting on to disregard factual reporting as "fake news." Why do you think it's only entertainment/opinion pundits who give it credence--because literally every real journalist is a part of some liberal cabbal? Does that seem more likely to you than the idea that entertainment/opinion pundits aren't held to journalistic standards, don't have to retract false reports, and can therefore say whatever pays the bills? Look up Uranium One on *fact-checking websites*, along with the Seth Rich murder. Also, watch the authorized documentary, "Get Me Roger Stone" for a clear picture of the political assassination of Hillary Clinton, and how Stone and Bannon propped-up Donald Trump as the character he played on "The Apprentice," and a supposed Populist hero. Here's an article on Seth Rich, and the connection of that particular conspiracy theory to Assange, WikiLeaks, and how it became a part of Mueller's investigation:
Me. Her interview was amazing. I'm no Hillary fan. However, she was outstanding. She still can't understand Trumps likeability with blue collar voters.
@@kenjohnson8752 he admits to not really knowing anything, that he's just some guy who makes dick and fart jokes. And that's the thing, people care so much what "famous" people say, when really most celebrities are not political experts. Along with most of the rest of the country I might add, but that's a whole other discussion 😂
Donald a duck that should've stayed in the water! Howard kicks ass, honest, knows people can look through their façade and see their soul. He knows Donald is Solis! Up there lying. 7:22
this guy did a total 180. he started out a total gerk and turned into a caring person. i like the new howard stern. i'm willing to look forward and not backward.
She had an interview with him and it was great; and I definitely had a new found respect for her after the interview Howard was right. Before that I didn’t like her at all.
Why does Fox have this story on its front page? As if Howard Stern's opinion about anything is relevant. Oh yeah, this must be a day when Fox didn't put Joy Behar in the headlines. They've always got to have at least one brainless celebrity spewing nonsense so the country can make informed decisions on matters of national importance. Tomorrow it will be Whoopi. Why not do an in-depth interview with Cheech and Chong, or Demi Lovato in her "barely-there leopard-print bikini" that's plastered on their front page right now.
Brainless really? He changed our culture, amassed a fortune, he's a world class chess player, accomplished photographer and painter and a philanthropist, what have you accomplished in your pitiful life?
This interview is long overdue. Howard's show still has that edge, but his talent for interviewing has taken center stage since he went to satellite radio.
Could you IMAGINE if he had went onto that stage at the RNC that night and endorsed Clinton? That would’ve been one of the most memorable moments in political history. I would’ve loved to have seen it....but he didn’t because, on some level, Donald was still his friend, even if he didn’t support him. Howard is such a cool dude.
I also agree that HRC squandered MANY MANY opportunities to humanize herself and to get her IDEAS out. Instead, HRC resorted to telling us how boorish, arrogant and racist Trump was. Did we really need to hear racist? It's pretty evident
Howard: The media likes to spin things. He was an open book and would say anything” The media before the sentence is even over: “TRUMP WILL SAY ANYTHING” - popular radio host says
I remember the interviews Howard had with Trump. There was NO TOPIC that was not considered off limits by Trump when Howard had his radio program on public radio before going to satellite radio. Trump answered EVERY SINGLE question.
That Hillary interview, excluding all those questions we KNOW he would ask everyone else... all that would have done would highlight even Howard knew she was too scripted, and fake, to handle an open discussion.
People, you have to remember something. All these type people that you love, will never.....never have your best interests. In the end, no matter what they will only serve their interests and you will be discarded like a fool.
Just realized that Howard stern sounds alot like allan alda.
Whoa, good call
Really ? Never noticed !
E Holde Good point.
Thats crazy. Ive never thought of that and they do sound very much alike.
Big stern fan, this is well know for long listeners. Nice catch.
All I’ll say is this: Hillary finally went on his show, after the election of course....and Howard is absolutely right. It took her a few minutes, but she eventually dropped the character that is “Hillary Rodham Clinton” and slowly began to sound like a person. By the end of the interview, I saw her in a completely different light. I even kind of liked her. Not doing Stern during the campaign was a huge, huge miscalculation.
She's not a person. She's an un-indicted co-conspirator and a crook. And that is all she will ever be.
BS, so you voted for trump?...God.
lol you like someone that would sacrifice you for a dollar
George can't get over it that Hillary lost , trying to backhandedly blame Howard for contributing to it. Howard, " he's my friend, ill dine at his house, hang out and play golf, but won't vote for him or endorse him" why because the Media will attack me.
LOL, Stern is an idiot. Why ever would Trump want to make America great again? Right on dummy, he could have played golf and listened to Crooked run the country into her pocket! What a paradise.
The MSM will put the spotlight on anyone who hate Trump....anyone. Talk about the tone of our national politics being influenced by what Trump says instead of placing the real blame on the blockheads in the MSM. Total and unequivocal projection!
He likes Trump. Watch the interview?
brycspain how do you plan to change that Magat? 🤣
@@robert9461 Well, first thing I would do is tell you that I didnt attack you and yet you called me a name. Let's start there shall we?
@Commonscent All that nonsense about Liberals being smarter than Conservatives went out the window a long time ago my friend. Liberals have done and said some pretty stupid crap as well. I think people are just people and it doesn't make you smarter or dumber on where you land in the political spectrum. I call them blockheads because they are ideologues...I don't like ideologues on the right either. Means you can't work together to solve problems. We can't decide anything because somehow truth isnt truth's your truth and my truth which is absurd. What I said is the truth whether you want to believe or not...that is the actual dilemma.
@@brycspain occams razor would suggest that Stern got this interview because he sells airtime. Sure, the MSM leans left. But by now, you should be very aware that it’s more than just liberals who dislike trump. The guy threw conservative principles away. Also - don’t say you don’t like ideologues when you write like one. Finally - if you don’t like what Stern says about Trump here (and it’s not clear that you listened), then counter his opinions.
I find it interesting...he thought interviewing Hillary would make pple like her and after this interview, I kinda like him.
Did you watch his interview of Hillary? If she had done an interview with Howard just like that prior to the election she would have won.
@@shooter7a no she wouldn’t have. Stern has become what he once mocked and everyone knows it. Which is why his audience is no longer the ‘everyday man.’ Had she come on his show it would have been more preaching to the choir.
@@tekkieman The election was decided by what...70,000 votes in 3 state! That is not much. We will never know... But I think it could have made a difference.
@@tekkiemanabsolutely right! The working class people who listened to him years ago of witch there were millions. No longer like or listen to him. The people who listen now were probably voting for Hillary anyway.
Same as Kamala Howard is a shell of himself
Give him credit, he is honest. I disagree with a lot of what he says and what he supports, but he is a force.
he's FARTMAN!!!
@@Yucaipawatchdog Like the leaders of Germany in the 1930s. They gassed people.
sacrifice is honorable and loving. this world needs good parents; love your children.
J.E. Carlson go make any kid smile it's worth doing...and my kids have friends and family who do care about them so you're completely wrong
@J.E. Carlson: Sounds like SOMEBODY listened to a George Carlin stand-up routine! 😆😉👍
Howard Stern turned into a radical left dummycrat, for years I downloaded his show for FREE, so that was my fuck you to stern for the disgusting piece of shit that he turned into just so he can suck on the balls of dummycrats
@J.E. Carlson: Yep! He was pretty funny alright!!
@J.E. Carlson: Yeah, that's quite the mob there!
*"She's a 6, who says that?"*
You do, Howard, you've done it and have said worse things as well
Hes a scumbag hypocrite!
Celebrities are hypocrites
He didn’t care about the things he said on the show. It’s his stances
When I was a young adult/teenage boy, I would rate girls/women with my friends.
As an adult, I haven’t thought about rating women at all. Zero reason to. In fact rating women is disgusting. I just want to rate the guys who make my coffee at 5/5 every time.
With women. It’s only 10/10 for everyone.
That's how he made his money....Porn and easy women...Then he grew up. He does not care for that BS anymore. does not mean he joined the establishment, it means he does not have to go to extremes anymore. big difference!
Sounds like Howard is sold out to
Howard was absolutely correct about Hillary coming on his show.
What is it that drives her??? Money
@@sugarklay9159 , Money, corruption, power, ego
I love hearing Howard talk. No matter where he is at it’s like he’s on the radio
Hows workiug at sirius?
Literally one of my heroes, voice and books, read them all
I doubt Howard got Trump elected. Nice theory though.
Juan Santiago he did not say that directly, Stern helped propelled Trump to win the electoral college which demographically white old male that allegedly listened to Serxius FM
Juan Santiago he's right ...If Hilary Clinton appeared on his show during her campaign it's possible it could've affected the vote..
@@1sotrue Not in the direction you're thinking. That's why she didn't show.
No he didn't but typical narcissist Stern.
Jesus Christ, even when the exact words are presented in a video like this, people still are too dumb to understand what it is they are watching / hearing. No dude, he never said he got Trump elected....not even close.
They should've talked about Beetlejuice instead...
This is Beeeetle, and he'ssss bad as he can. He's big and he's tall, and he's tall and he's big......
WHO ME!?!?
Jason Ratchford The lady I pay my water bill to looks just like that beetlejuice guy.... only taller.
Beetlejuice would've made a better president than Hillary lol
@@misterkid Hillary and trump, God bless America but God damn
when Trump first went down the infamous escalator ride, he turned to his son Don Jr. & said "today we're gonna find out who our real friends are." Howard wasn't one of them!
I'm sure howard is devastated by this comment
SHELLBACKS CLUB 🐢 no you’re wrong, trump turned to Don jr and said “hey son, I just pooped my pants.... again”
@@gordongordon98 Orange man bad
@@gordongordon98 wow your Google pic is a Trump meme? What a weak beta male
The Bandit Gaming. “weak beta male”. Sorry I don’t speak Incel
What Stern is saying about these subject you could also say about him.
He is far more intelligent, well spoken and carries himself throughout interviews. Yes his show content may not appeal to all but give the man a chance to talk ( other than his dialogue on the show)
Same with Marilyn may not like what and how he performs but interview him and the guy will teach a whole new world.
I don't like everything about Howard but i do respect him.
@big bass you sound butthurt
I respected him until he said he’s a Hillary supporter. Really shows his lack of independent thinking.
2blessed 2Bstressed well Howard Stern is Jewish but I don’t know if he’s an atheist ... i know that sounds like a oxymoron lol
Anyway, I’m a conservative atheist but I was raised on and I support Judeo-Christian values.
None-the-less #Trump2020
@@studentchaoren9805 many Jews are atheist
David Harden yeah this I heard too.
Are they called “secular Jews”? I don’t really get it. Is it like a non-practicing Christian ? Or an atheist raised under Judeo-Christian values?
Even though he said as a jew he would never vote democrat again and here he says he voted for her. WTH?
He’s totally inconsistent. Don’t look to Howard for political advice or inspiration.
I listen to his show almost every day it’s on when did he say he would never vote democratic? Seriously I’m curious!
charliedontsurf70 he’s such an ass. I grew up with him becoming famous. I most recall his wretched humor over his wife’s miscarriage. He’s a disgusting pig. Can’t believe UA-cam suggest this POS misogynistic prick to me! Fuckall UA-cam.
This was an exception, IMO. I'm a bit right-wing but Trump is just a disgrace
He voted for Trump he's a fucking liar, he's afraid he won't get anyone from Hollywood on his show
Try as Howard might. To change his legacy. He will always be remembered for what he did in 80s and 90s
The point here is, he will be remembered. Will you?
He wanted hillary.... Says a lot.
He lost my respect by endorsing a liar and proven thief !! Only Hillary lied to the American people about Benghazi and had to return stolen items from the White House when Bill was President. She is Hillary Rotten Clinton and Stern voted for that criminal.
I think he was jealous Trump got elected. Trump is extremely entertaining and engaging as a public speaker. His policies are leading the way to a more just United states
@@alantriplett304 goddamn dude, you are dumb. you see all that in the limited time hillary had any washington pull and wasnt even president, but you DONT see any of that in the amount of years trump was out influencing and existing in NY as a slimy builder and fake billionaire? his fucking "university" ALONE! he paid 25 MILLION out for the fraud that it was! did you forget that??? and Hillary is the crook over Benghazi and she wasnt even THERE? Hillary was an ACTUAL politician and knows govt way more than trump ever will. his tweets prove that on an hourly basis
Exactly! Such an intellect? He wanted her to persuade everyone that her crooked ways were the better for the country? 😆😫😭
Says he's like the majority of this freakin' country.
Never mind... I thought this was a Rhea Perlman interview.
HRC is in 'public service' because she loves power, and money - in my opinion.
You're a total moron. Research her public service record.
don't worry Howard, she was busily leaking emails
@patrick m - - Hey dumb ass. Trump has always been proceeding according to how the law proscribes, and has NEVER "obstructed justice."
He only obstructs Leftists, and he does so legally.
@@scotthullinger9955 maybe read thru that Mueller report again, buddy. also wikipedia leaked emails not hillary you dipshit idiots
Howard Stern, hands down, was the best on the scene reporting of 9/11. It was excellent.
I dint like his reaction idk just me
@@josh-im3wd His reaction was honest and it's what every American felt that morning. We were blindsided and after all he was correct, he knew it was Bin Laden that morning, he said it himself on the air. Everybody knew exactly what it was as soon as it happened and the majority of people wanted strong retaliation. Of course the views he expressed were over the top but everybody felt that way for a while after the attacks.
Call me crazy but I listen to Howard's show on 911 and also opie and Anthony's broadcast of that day and days after almost every night to fall asleep too. Idk why. They were able to say everything we were thinking. Gary said they were able to speculate and that gave it a more in depth feel then seeing the same thing over and over on cnn or fox.
@@josh-im3wd Well, you may differ, but the reason why it was great was that his and the reaction of most people like me who live in NYC was the same. It was kneejerk anger at wanting to punish "Them" or "We know who" which is why it was relatable. My Apartment was very near the WTC and the smell that hung in the air for months was something like you've never experienced.
Spare me. HE was chkn sht and stayed in studio to SPONGE OFF THE SUFFERING of others. But at least Howard NOW support Israel. He didnt always. CHeers
Saying all the right words to push his books.
He's been saying this for years now
Tucson Guy
Abraham Esparza No he hasn't, he's being fake as fuck.
Carlina Cruz that’s because he knows how to play to an audience. He’s a pro, he’s full of BS, but he’s a pro.
Bravo Tucson guy!!! This is just one more avenue for him to make a buck...What a D!@#K
Sounds like he actually likes trump but knows his audience isn’t trumps demographic.
He does like Trump, just not as the president.
You nailed Stern is a shrewd businessman wants the approval of the democrat and their hollywood artists suffering from the Trump syndrome ! ! he would hang out 10 times more with Donald than boring tight ass Hillary that sums it all !
Bullshit, most of the people who call in support Trump. Howard doesn’t give a fuck. People change man what’s wrong with that.
Nobody minded Trump and Trump ppl say what happened. He became president. I liked him better when he was just the Donald. Howard is right, why does he need this shit at his age? I can see in his 40/50s, but now? There was never gonna be an upside. He's over his head. Obviously he's not the devil leftists make him out to be, but is there anyone ever who has been hated more? Crazy. They will talk about this president for centuries. Ppl through history know Washington, Lincoln and they will know Trump.
Ha, it only took Howard until his 60's to grow up, but I guess it got him paid.
Isn't that the only thing trumplings care about?
Howard is a living legend
Jacob Norwood
Fair enough!
His show is an act you moron.
@@jakebarnes28 "Trumplings" thats a new one...
I'm against abortion but i think Howard makes some great points. I'm a republican but i like this interview. Thanks for being fair Howard.
The Bible is pro-abortion. In Hosea god aborts the womb of his enemies. In Numbers an unfaithful wife is given a drink by the priest to make her miscarry then her womb is considered clean for her husband and she is forgiven. truth!
@@enstigatorofficial Are you for killing babies?
@@Patriot11111 do you admit that god is OK with abortion since i sited biblical references? I get it, you have politicized the Bible to fit your agenda. If installing a soul in a human is "magic" why can't that magic happen when the umbilical cord is cut and not when there is a fetus with a reptile tail and fish eyes? hmmmm
Against abortion?
@@enstigatorofficial Not all republicans politicize the bible. That would be a massive generalization. The idea that killing a child that is yet to be born is just immoral. There doesn't have to be any religious basis for that.
Hillary? Really Howard?
Clearly we see who Howard serves.
His radio show is easily one of the funniest things in this century
Yes and has been for years
That's before the Sirius deal and before his divorce due to screwing Jessica Hahn. After he married the Hollywood Bimbo, things changed. By 2007 he was blubbering and apologizing to Rosie, I stopped listening, I felt the Globalist owned him!
The same guy who had women riding the sybian only a few years ago.
"Gary, jack it up to nine!!"
Angelina Jolie is only a 6
Its noine not nine
@@johnlee538 if it were Gary, then sure.
He's also the guy who didn't run for president or want to date his daughter.
uh, that was like 30 years, w/e.
Great interview, and George did a great job getting the feel of the interview....
Stern wishing a PC candidate was hell freezing over?
No, Stern is just a disgusting rat. Don't know how he was popular.
@Juantarde Um.... Stern has come off like a hypocritical chump for a good portion of his career? How about that.
@Juantarde tell me lies tell me sweet little lies, tell me tell me
better PC than PW
Not really, But since he said he didn't vote for Trump, the redhats will come gunning for him in the comments...
I'd rather see Beetlejuice pour Snapple on Hillary's head than hear Howard say, "what got you into politics hillary?" .
He's gotta be lying... I don't care how much therapy hes had...
He finally got the interview with Hillary just recently, and it was fabulous!
Kay a fabulous interview with Hillary Clinton no such thing
She lied a lot. That’s what she does. Surprised Howard loves her. He’s a pretty conservative guy.
machia0705 I listened to the whole interview please what part was a lie?
Trump lies every time he speaks!
Hilary's interview was incredible
Nicest thing about this interview was you could see his face WITHOUT THE SUNGLASSES!!
As howard would say a face for radio.
He has beautiful eyes and he always hid them w those glasses bc he thought his face was sad! He looks great, and I’m so glad he doesn’t have cancer!!!
And that’s a Nice thing ? He should wear a permanent mask ! He’s a Ugly Guy !
Y7BRO Hook nose and all. Got rich peddling degeneracy.
Yeah, but now I see why he wears them!
Brutally honest and sincere. Took me a while to at least 'listen' and understand where his heads at.
I have worked with Mr. Stern... he is laughing at anyone that would "believe" stuff he and any media entertainer.. "says"... LOL . You do not have a clue about the entertainment business .. but your free to make your observations and speak your mind as long as your not a republican running for office....then your a liar...and corrupt...(Right if your forced to comply in your job or social PC environment.) Try to find facts rather than be just an observer and "believe" TV people.. that includes any Entertainer including our president. Popularity in "show biz" is based on popular "belief".. that is what sells. Just a little truth from someone in the Entertainment biz... I also worked personally for Obama 2nd Win.. he is super good at telling people exactly what they would "like" him to say...they also paid better than the Repub's..both totally dishonest groups.. as is the Political business.. cause winning is not based on fact. USUALLY.
@@paystar3436 What's your line of business? What did you work on for Obama and Stern?
2:40 lmao his book was just filled with dialogues from interviews it wasn’t an actual book
I'm pretty sure Hillary's drive for "public service" is MONEY! haha. are you kidding me?
As opposed to Donald Trump?! Are you kidding?!
Dan Gleason Hillary could have made more money as a high paid lawyer.
@@MySensualWorld correct
That's why he wanted to ask her that question. To see how she would respond. We all know the truth either way.
Anyone else miss Beetlejuice ?
and poor Artie has really gone to shit
Awww, Beet!!
Cuppa times I miss beets
U don’t have to, it’s all on here. Save em.
I actually think Howard is right. If Hillary went on his show and did the interview it would have humanized her.
Nice name
Remember when Hilldawg went on the Breakfast Club and made that hilarious hot sauce comment hahaha
@@kikr0ckz Yeah she was bullshitting trying to appeal to people she once called 'super predators'
@@jstarr7506 How ironic, since SHE"S the super predator herself!!
Rose Daya it’s cuz the breakfast club is racist too fuck her an that show
@@jstarr7506 💯
It didn't come down to 70k votes. We use the electoral college, this isn't the United States of California
UMMM It was 77,444 K total votes in a PA, WI & MI. These total votes between these 3 states swung the electoral votes for Trump. That was it... Look it up. It was 3MM more for Hillary if you are counting the popular vote.
@@matts5811 It was 304 to 227.
If you remove California's landslide, which impresses no one in the electoral process, Trump won the popular vote.
You can Monday morning QB all you and Howie want and feverishly punch numbers on your calculators... the framers designed our system for just such a scenario of equal representation in the UNITED States of America.
@@btatwo You still just do not get it... That is cool.
By the way, California carries this nation - Some facts for you... California is 14% of US GDP and 12% of the population. On average Californians are about 17% more productive than the US average. California provides the US with 13.3% of its taxes- roughly 11% more per capita than the US average. It receives about $350B in Federal spending for $400B in Federal taxes so the US would lose about $50B in tax revenue per year. Losing California would be a serious loss but the United States is still pretty large without California. The US would do okay and California would do fine as well- probably better.
Howard Stern is well spoken. I admire his hutzpah and now roundedness.
"Roundedness"? I don't know what you mean by that? He's completely acting because his real feelings have been coming across the airwaves for 40 years. He has always said, We need MORE abortions, with these animals that are being born everyday and victimizing good people, we need to stop it before it starts." He meant it in the identcal way that Margaret Sanger intended when she started "Planned Parenthood", to get rid of more blacks through abortion. When 9/11 happened and various other times he has voiced his sentiment to bomb ALL muslim countries. That's Howard, and there is plenty of posts right on UA-cam to show it.
You like molesting kids like him too?
Great segment! Great interview! Nice to see journalism and the art of the interview still working quite well.....
Was always on the fence about Stern, but really liked him in this interview. He's honest, funny, and insightful. Wish his show was more like this--and no I'm not a prude! He is not the first person who has said the Trump President is not the Donald Trump they knew.
This coming from a radio shock jock who's guilty of :
-- Sexism and objectifying women
-- Countless gay & transgender jokes
-- Ted Danson / Whoopie Blackface impression video
-- Jokes about black racial stereotypes
-- Insensitivity over mentally handicapped
-- Jokes about the Jewish Holocaust
-- On-Air Tirades about wanting certain people dead
-- Anti-islam remarks
-- Jokes about victims of airplane disasters within days of news
-- Abusing staff from past and present
-- Insensitivity towards ex-wife and ex-employers
-- Countless FCC violations
-- Short temper
-- Introvert Narcissism
He bbn is just selling a book!!!
No dude is calling in to say Lady Gaga is cool.
So Howard drank the Clinton Kool-aid.
Communazi coolaid
@Fahad Summan There is no Trump Kool-Aid, dude; all legacy corporations are against Trump. You can't be brainwashed into believing the opposite of what corporations spend billions to brainwash you into believing.
LOL settle down trumpstrap, he likes donald
@@misterkid "ALL" legacy corporations? Examples with quotes please. Why the fuck would they be against Trump after receiving a massive tax reduction? Examples please from the CEOs in question.
Nah, he's just educated and informed.
He is right about how interviewing Hillary may have made a difference. I wasn't a huge Lady Gaga fan until his interview, I found her fascinating and down to earth after.
One of Hillary's many fatal mistakes is that she thought she was above the show and this implied that she was above his listeners.
Lance Allison you’re on the same drugs he’s on! That’s why!
@@fabricioemmanuelli1115 LOL!
The literal definition of a sell out. “...can’t even look at his old books.” Your wealth came from the old Stern. Not the old bubbe you’ve become.
Jeannie McCarthy are you into facesitting
StrnFn9099 It’s just wrong, Black Jeopardy, Hollyweird Squares, the list goes on. Total hypocrite
Messier90 💯 !!
Now people go on Joe Rogan.
Howard is still the one but...
Howard had his golden age, Rogan is enjoyable and honest in my opinion but not as genius.
I want rogan to go on howards show or vice versa!
@@skipperiffic Howards ego is far to massive to even recognize the platform of podcasting let alone the most successful podcaster in the world
Hes changed a lot
KK K wow😮 I have never seen that.
He used to challenge celebrities. Now he caters to him. I believe he does that, because he's old and doesn't need the headaches anymore.
For the worst !
stephy-boy & abc has been OWNED by the Criminal clintons since the 80's.
What is hes?
I always looked at Howard as a goof but I watch his interview with President Biden and I have to give him respect. His way of being sincere about some Biden tragedies looked as he was going to cry. He was not rude or make fun of any thing he listened to. Sad thing is Hillary possibly thought the same. Just a goof, we were wrong.
Howard stern is an OG and a living legend, people change but damn he has an incredible body of work
Absolutely 💯
He sold out. Sad.
He’s a typical Hollywood tool.
im glad he changed. he changed for the better.
He’s a degenerate that ruined and perverted the American culture.
I knew Howard when he was a struggling local DJ who got fired from WCCC in Hartford. You made it big time, my man. Congratulations on all your success.
He’s right. If Hillary had gone on his show before or during her campaign, she most likely would have gotten a more diverse demographic range of votes which could have won her the election. His recent interview with her was fantastic; she was genuine, intelligent, empathetic and came off as human
you’re a frog
That was great. Btw, I would guess Howard's worst interview he mentioned at the end there would be the one with Gilda Radner.
1999: “Shock Jock”
2019: “Radio Legend”
The Horse has to be out to pasture some time. He doesn't have the Drive anymore.
two of the biggest idiots ......trump and stern
2016 and on: SJW LIBTARD CUCK.
Linda Terry And Biden’s better???
StrnFn9099 Well said. Except you can move “radio libtard” to about 2016. I’ll never understand how people who were fans of Howard Stern up to and including the Artie years, are still fans of him now.
Not a fan of HOWARD STERN but this interview about brought me to tears. I watched the ENTIRE interview that he finally got HILLARY CLINTON to agree to and she was the warmest, kindest, funniest, most HUMAN that I have ever seen her and I was in my 20s when she occupied the White House as First Lady and never liked her. What HOWARD STERN said about her is true. If she went on his show in 2016 she could have very likely become our first FEMALE president. Instead, now it will be STACEY ABRAMS in a couple years.
Truman Capote, Na, Katie Porter!
To be PC on TV he voted for Hillary but on paper he voted for Trump.
Makes sense ! But why not be Honest ! This makes him look Cowardly !
yep agree........... or hes simply gotten retarded in his old age
@liberals Rdbags agreed
Look up what he did to John Dibella sometime if you think he's so great
Oh poor sexual predator John debella
@omgwtfbbq your comment is boring.
I recall an interview that he did where he mentioned that he advised Trump not to run for President as he would be humiliated by the world media. How right he was about his one time friend.
Of course he knows. He's a low key sell out. He's playing good cop, bad cop when talking about Donald Trump
I have a problem with Howard voting for Hillary,
I’ve been a fan forever, I can’t forgive that.
Why? Seriously? Fuccin free god damn country, right?
Love him or hate him, Howard Stern is one of the best interviewers in the business.
That is true
He does make you think as these interviews and journalists should do
I think Howard is 100% right and not being arrogant when he said if Hillary came on his show it probably would’ve been a different election result
What is it about public service...what drives her? Howard, you are smarter than this man.. Kickbacks and $$$$$$$$
And Donald Trump is what, exactly? Motivated by patriotism? He's a grifter and a con man--being a great guest on Stern didn't qualify him as president.
@@carolyntalbot947 why dont you ask him, just as I asked him about Hillary?
@@lowratehitman Because he said it! Trump made a great guest, because he has no self-awareness or filters. I'm sure it wasn't easy for Stern to say, but it's common sense that Hillary was qualified to be president and Trump is a fun, egomaniacal side show who should not hold the highest office in the land.
@@carolyntalbot947 Hillary was unable to even be secretary of the state without scandal and stern believe she was the better nominee..... you do know that uranium 1 and other investigations are fixing to be brought back correct?
@@lowratehitman Hillary Clinton was the target of disinformation campaigns, including from Russia, because she *was* effective as Sec'y of State. The multiple, exhaustive investigations into Bhengazi and "but her emails" failed to produce a *single indictment.* Re-opening investigations is a ploy to keep Trump's base (and Fox viewers) on the line into 2020, giving them something to chant at rallies and rant about on Facebook. It is propaganda.
If you still believe in the Uranium One conspiracy theory, you are precisely the kind of low-information voter Trump is counting on to disregard factual reporting as "fake news."
Why do you think it's only entertainment/opinion pundits who give it credence--because literally every real journalist is a part of some liberal cabbal? Does that seem more likely to you than the idea that entertainment/opinion pundits aren't held to journalistic standards, don't have to retract false reports, and can therefore say whatever pays the bills?
Look up Uranium One on *fact-checking websites*, along with the Seth Rich murder.
Also, watch the authorized documentary, "Get Me Roger Stone" for a clear picture of the political assassination of Hillary Clinton, and how Stone and Bannon propped-up Donald Trump as the character he played on "The Apprentice," and a supposed Populist hero.
Here's an article on Seth Rich, and the connection of that particular conspiracy theory to Assange, WikiLeaks, and how it became a part of Mueller's investigation:
Howard Stern rocks!
🖐 Relax grandma, he'll do you next
He used to till about 05 06 then he went PC
Whose here after her interview on his show?
Me. Her interview was amazing. I'm no Hillary fan. However, she was outstanding. She still can't understand Trumps likeability with blue collar voters.
@@LeoWhalen1933 Exactly!
His show isn't mainstream enough to have impacted the election.
You have no clue what you are speaking about
Yea...the moron and the rest of the pansy ass celebrities had a real big effect on the 2016 election...wake up Howie...
To be fair, most of the mainstream did not endorse Donald.
@@kenjohnson8752 hes friends with trump
@@kenjohnson8752 he admits to not really knowing anything, that he's just some guy who makes dick and fart jokes. And that's the thing, people care so much what "famous" people say, when really most celebrities are not political experts. Along with most of the rest of the country I might add, but that's a whole other discussion 😂
Anyone remember when this guy would fart in a microphone?
And he still will
Fartman Rules.
Donald a duck that should've stayed in the water! Howard kicks ass, honest, knows people can look through their façade and see their soul. He knows Donald is Solis! Up there lying. 7:22
Abortion? That's it???
Well, when you live in a 20 million dollar house, you don't have much to worry about.
I would like to see him answer about the interview he had with dana plato two days before her death.i believe he contributed to it.
Why, did he force feed that junkie dope?
He prob sent her over the edge, IMO
Yeah, right. Why don't we blame him for every death that took place after his interview. Eric the actor didn't have a chance.
Blood on his hands!!
this guy did a total 180. he started out a total gerk and turned into a caring person. i like the new howard stern. i'm willing to look forward and not backward.
Not a caring person at all. Just a fake person
Damn. I just realized, I've been a Howard Stern fan since the 90s all the way to about five minutes ago.
He still NEVER woke up Artie Opie is right lol....
Howard Stern has really grown as a person. He is so sharp and I really respect his ability to look back at his past and reflect.
That's what we should all do
My past help make me a better person as an adult
he’s a sellout wig wearing loser who turned on his fans
Do you still hold the same opinion of him...?
Howard Stern is turning into an inelegant mature woman.
🤣 soooo well said !!!
@StrnFn9099 no. He just sees the lying pos Trump for what he is. Too bad a conservatard like u cant.
C'mon Howard. People who actually devote their lives to public service don't have hundreds of millions of dollars in their bank account.
His hyper use of the n-word is really close to the use of blackface he’s used. Real trooper… runs from his entire past
She had an interview with him and it was great; and I definitely had a new found respect for her after the interview Howard was right. Before that I didn’t like her at all.
sure Howard ! Hilary would have lost even bigger
Why unfair?? Spit the words and they will be always be there. Thank God Howard has a good head on his shoulders and didn't drink the Kool-Aid
I love how everyone has a different standard for those who have the “correct” political leanings.
Just how it goes.
Why does Fox have this story on its front page? As if Howard Stern's opinion about anything is relevant. Oh yeah, this must be a day when Fox didn't put Joy Behar in the headlines. They've always got to have at least one brainless celebrity spewing nonsense so the country can make informed decisions on matters of national importance. Tomorrow it will be Whoopi. Why not do an in-depth interview with Cheech and Chong, or Demi Lovato in her "barely-there leopard-print bikini" that's plastered on their front page right now.
Brainless really? He changed our culture, amassed a fortune, he's a world class chess player, accomplished photographer and painter and a philanthropist, what have you accomplished in your pitiful life?
I see Howard is wearing his favorite wig.
Hillary is such a martyr. She dedicated her life to public service, and walked away becoming a multi-millionaire 4x's over. Oh the sacrifice!
Howard stern takes credit for Trump winning?. Are you serious😂
I give Stern some credit for that. I've always admired Trump's brutal honesty on the show and knew he would be a good potus.
This interview is long overdue. Howard's show still has that edge, but his talent for interviewing has taken center stage since he went to satellite radio.
Great interview
I love Howard but I do not think he help trump become president.
Howard has no filter🎉🎉❤❤❤his most famous guest, the President, Joe Biden. Howard is hilarious and down right to the point.
Howard was great back in the day. It's a shame that he went PC to go Hollywood. They guy is a joke now.
Could you IMAGINE if he had went onto that stage at the RNC that night and endorsed Clinton? That would’ve been one of the most memorable moments in political history. I would’ve loved to have seen it....but he didn’t because, on some level, Donald was still his friend, even if he didn’t support him. Howard is such a cool dude.
brandonisi no he knows it would have ended him
I also agree that HRC squandered MANY MANY opportunities to humanize herself and to get her IDEAS out. Instead, HRC resorted to telling us how boorish, arrogant and racist Trump was. Did we really need to hear racist? It's pretty evident
Howard: The media likes to spin things. He was an open book and would say anything”
The media before the sentence is even over: “TRUMP WILL SAY ANYTHING” - popular radio host says
I remember the interviews Howard had with Trump. There was NO TOPIC that was not considered off limits by Trump when Howard had his radio program on public radio before going to satellite radio. Trump answered EVERY SINGLE question.
Yup.....with mostly Lies! and by the way...he was a democrat then! LOL!
Weather you like Howard or not, he's a great journalist.
That Hillary interview, excluding all those questions we KNOW he would ask everyone else... all that would have done would highlight even Howard knew she was too scripted, and fake, to handle an open discussion.
Probably didn’t want to Die yet !