This explains why all those famous thinkers (Gauss, Cavendish etc.) figured out some stuff way ahead of their time but never put it out until later their journals were discovered.
Hi, an INTP here, begging to differ on my Ni appreciation. As part of my job as a data analyst I sometimes have to process data, take numerous notes on missing bits and pieces and do all sorts of repetitious, boring tasks. I put up with it as it's part of the job that has to be done before I get to the fun part. However, my mind tends to wonder off and I make mistakes. That's when my intuition kicks in telling me to stop, go back and check the last thing I did. Almost always I find an error. It doesn't let me correct all my mistakes but it's still great.
So when I'm researching something, Ni is the click in my head that means, "You got all you need. This is 'it'," while Ti and Ne tell Ni, "Hold on, we're not done making sure we've seen all there is to see and make sense of it all. THEN we'll care about the 'it' we meant to look for."
Cool, definitely use Te (to-do lists, pro-con charts, even graphs sometimes haha, in my daily life). Never thought about Ni use though! Great video looking forward to the next one! :)
Liz Rodrigues Hi there. pro-con charts, graphs, and to-do lists all look like Ti to me...if you are sorting the information you already have in your mind. Te is more referring to other information sources and authorities, right?
I have my greatest difficulty in appreciating Te in more than in abstracts sense which is just a bias for symmetry. The reason Te is often dangerous in it's judgments is that it does not attempt to understand the full picture. Take the Crisis of Capitalism that is currently and quietly looming over American life. It is because a very Te driven nation has decided to simply move forward, move forward, move forward as pragmatically as possible without ever checking if that was a legitimate direction to consider, there should be more factors considered than capital accumulation and GDP. The American economy is on the fringe, because of these Te dominated monetary innovations. Certainly, Te is not bad in of its own self.
I'm writing a cultural critique on Te's take over of All the sciences, and has turned the hard sciences into merely applied interests in the hopes for technological innovations that prove robust and marketable for again capital accumulation. Thank you for sharing this.
The information seems credible and well thought out, but I feel I get lost in terminology soup are a minute and can't organize my cognition well enough to keep up. Visual aides, graphs, or diagrams would be a great help. Aside from me rewatching 4 times taking notes. (Same effect happened in mathematics once I hit a theorem or proof wall.)
(INTP) Great stuff! You speak for the INTP very well :) However, I wouldn't feel comfortable saying that Ti, in itself, is creative. Ti iteratively abstracts and extracts the essence of (with Ne) or operant principle(s) of some domain. It aims to impersonally grok a system parsimoniously, and connect and integrate that understanding with its ceaseless development of a singular overarching construct of complete and accurate understanding of the universe, our own being-in-the-world even a mere subset of this construct. Even "meaning" itself needs to be seen thru and situated within this construct (even if possibly misguided). It distills a hierarchy of archetype/principles, subsets of which generate various domains. When we're being creative with our top two functions it seems like we're using Ne to "brainstorm" and Ti to cull and prune and judge possibilities. We're generating those possibilities via Ti priming of Ne but that's kind of implicit. Ti applied consciously is to judge something Ne is giving us. Ti is not generative in itself. It just distill-abstracts into essence or principle. Btw, I have no idea what you're talking about when it came to the INTP's relation to Ni. I have a close INTJ intellectual friend and know hordes of INFJs but Ni is invisible to me and if I'm using it it's wholly unconsciously. I have a close INFP friend and am privy to Fi pretty darn well for an INTP but Ni is still a freaking mystery to me. As an INTP I can't help be skeptical of this Ni relation in us :) Can you point me to some writing or utoob whatev on this? Thanks! And again, loved the vid!
ramoy Great idea! I'll have to think about it. The special kind of sense you describe does feel like it could be separate from Ti-Ne...somehow you just "know" something feels excitedly promising, like it might be *IT*, and it feels to be drawing upon more than you can consciously disentagle at the moment, but yet, you're *sure*. Then you're back to some Ti-Ne dynamic to explore and confirm it but there's an inchoate, guiding "certainty" gravitating you towards complete revelation. That does indeed sound *a lot* like Ni...
I'm impressed by how accurate* this is! Just recently, a (self-described) INFJ tried to convince me that I'm actually an INFJ because my aspirational Fe came across as Fe parent and I "don't realize I'm using Ni" apparently. Because of that, I literally laughed out loud when you said INTPs don't realize they use Ni! 😁 *(I feel the need to clarify I'm defining accuracy by how much each point resonated with my experience and the degree of logical consistency with other explanations I've heard of the functions, thus, with all that Si and Ti, "accurate" is technically subjective lol)
Cool vid. INTP here. Your critique of Ti was interesting, I hear it a lot from INFPs. I would say that Ti seeks objective absolute truth. Particular ways of reaching it just make the path be different not the destination. Let me give my parallel critique of Fi. You said to be careful with Ti dogma. Just as equally it can be said that Fi produces relativism and paradoxes. Great for interpersonal relations, not so much for system design.
I find this very insightful as it correlates some of my own observations. I have always pondered why I kept scoring/prefering TiTe Ni Fi with Ne consistently in 5th position in my stacking. It is true that I use Ne in Ti contexts and rarely for the sake of brainstorming. Ne is useful for problem-solving (i.e when solving problems with codes or troubleshooting my computer programmes) but I would hate to go down the spouting random possibilities/pure speculation route. I consider myself INTJ/P. The more I watch your videos on INTPs, the more I understand how polarised my use of functions is depending on the external environment.
I'm glad to finally find some comprehensive material on what the heck the shadow functions are doing all the time other than that they fuck stuff up. Ppl always say they're not important but I just wanna have all the information~~ Just for the heck of it (and because I'm a writer so knowing how humans work helps and gives me fun ideas, having characters wander through their inner world, fight their "dark selves" or stuff like that...) I only heard of them as "stuff you suck at that you're not aware you suck at", unlike, say, Fe where the suckage is obvious but this is the first time I hear about stuff you're good at that you don't realize you're good at. I do recognize that stuff in myself, being reluctant to put out unfinished or unpolished stuff, not trusting nebulous hunches/wanting to understand why first, both those things feeling kinda scary like jumping into cold water... I mean Ni is basically a superpower. I'm totally in awe of all that stuff NJs can do, they're all so productive, intense, brilliant and basically better than us, and now you're telling me I had a sizeable amount (certainly not comparable to a dom user but more than nothing/ I thought it was just an itty bitty rudimentary bit to small to matter much) all along and just didn't notice? Maybe it's an end product of not being able to connect what it feels like with the end results it can have/ not knowing what this button does. Though I did hear that liking to analyze literature and symbolism is somehow connected to Ni. So maybe Ni is something I do in that context? I do have experience with people saying that I seem smart or wise in ways I don't remember being. It just makes me uncomfortable/ afraid that the peson will soon see how dumb and clueless (or at least fairly ordinary) I actually am, so this... this is some serious food for thought. I don't see myself as someone who is very anti-utopian visions. But * when * I hear a big fuzzy vision and I say "more details, think of how" is that because it actually legitimately needs more details hows and whys (that is possible after all) or because that's distortion from my subconscious? How can I ever tell which is which? Is there a certain vague feeling that characterizes the latter? Also, a matter of more personal relevance, could this have something to do with why my current SO, a Ni-dom, likes me and feels I particularly resonate with his ideas like no one else before? Because he sees that thing That would kinda make all the good stuff he says about me more reassuring, or maybe less so, on the one hand I like having that potential there on the other it's so scay to have this huge thing there you just can't see. Then again, I can't see my own Nose either, just because it's in-between my eyes, and there's nothing scary about it.
+KendrixTermina lol it just scared me when you made me realize my nose. I think perhaps you resonating with his ideas speaks more about you as a person, I find that really depends on someone's ability to connect and understand. Ni is your superpower! Use it like The Force. I find in recent months just accessing it really helps me see the bigger picture and have greater confidence. It is great to hear about the writing you do, Kendrix! Use the Ni for it for sure!
+Type Tips Thanks for your encouagement. you know all this reminds me of that scene in one of the star trek movies where... I think they had to do some dangerous fly-by with a shuttle, but in any case they didn't have enough data for a thorough calculation, so Kirk told Spock to "Just Guess!" and Spock is genuinely reluctant/ doubts anything so imprecise could be of use, as he's all about exactness - McCoy then clarifies that after working alongside him so many years and knowing him well as a friend, Kirk felt/knew that he could trust an estimate from Spock more than someone else's calculation, and they do indeed save the day.
I find it quite difficult figuring out which type I am, considering my functions are developed as follows: Ti, Te, Ni, Ne, highest to lowest. According to the research I did so far, I'd say I'm INTP with highly developed Te and Ni. I would however appreciate if anyone has any input or any theory as to why my Te and Ni functions are the way they are. Also, thank you for the excellent video! Keep up the great work.
Sharkey Based on the ordering you presented, most likely INTP. Ni is the second strongest function of the INTP, but it is usually not favored, so INTPs are TiNe because they favor those two. INTPs use Ni all the time. INTPs are actually potentially quite strong at Te, and can turn the function on and off at will. I'd say if the profiles of INTPs fit you better than INTJs, than you are an INTP.
+Type Tips (Leon Tsao) How is Ni the INTP's second strongest function?! I don't understand this. I have pretty thorough knowledge and observation here, inside and out, but Ni operant within myself is wholly unconscious.
So what I get from you saying Ne is favored, but Ni is a strength is like how I like to keep my options open as long as possible (Ne), but when I have to make a final choice (Ni) its not poor.
Great discussion, and it shows why INTP's might seem to not fit the common stereotypes all the time (like seeing extraverted, or "using Te"). Also the way we view Te and/or Ni (like I see Ni as just pulling things out of thin air to kill off more open possibilities, and Te as just slapping on overly broad solutions; hence "artificial", that would really be better filtered and applied in a "line-item" fashion according to the evolving situation). And I happen to have a very weak Ni (and Se), from both Ne and Si being particularly strong. What really determines the positions of the functions (like what you called being at the "foreground of their psyche", or "low energy" because it's "not valued") are the ego-states associated with them. These are basically the complexes that Beebe has highlighted as the "archetypes". (A complex is a [collective] archetypal image that has filed up with personal experience). The dominant is simply the ego's main state (and thus takes on the "heroic" characteristic Beebe assigns to it).
OK! Love to discuss this; I think it is the key to understanding how all this works. For now, you can read abou tthe "ego states" concept here:
Out of curiosity, could you link to where it is stated our functions stack in strength Ti, Ni, Ne etc? Ive felt as though i use something akin to the descriptions of Ni at times but always chalked it up to some quick Ti-Ne interplay or something along those lines and would be interested in learning more about that. Thanks
I think INTP are critical of Ni, but respect it only if the Ni idea/vision/action is reasonable and passes their logical analysis, not to mention inferior Fe wanting harmony and Si tertiary wanting comfort. In a way, they likely clash with their opposites ENTJ, INTJ, ESFP, ISFP. However, this "clashing" of functions likely has positive outcomes. The INTP can assist these types in creating an actionable plan that's logical, reasonable, harmonious and comfortable enough for all which is what the NTJ's and SFP's may not seriously consider.
You begin the video off with something that I think is completely indicative of the difference between the INTP and the INFP. You said you are presenting the information in a way that is basically random because it’s easier for you to present, where as I would think to myself “What is the best possible way to structure my points in a way that is best able to communicate the information as objectively as possible?” Because we care [Fe] about the people around us and want to see them informed because we already presume they are stupid [Te] and since we can imagine [Ne] that they are probably going to watch a video on the subject if that is what they are watching the video in he first place, it’s best to communicate this information as accurately and skeptically as possible because well-informed humans lead to a better world for humans and since I am a human it is in my best interest as well as the people who I care about. [Fe]
I took a Myer-Briggs test before and another, 3 months after, and results came in as ISTP and INTP. And I kind of relate to both personalities so I don't know what personality I really have.
hi! i'm an intp female as i have taken tests, watched informatove videos and read articles abt intps so i strongly believe that i am one, it matches my personality so yeah. i wonder, my hero Sherlock Holmes, what is his MBTI type? just curious. thanks for posting very informative videos!
I would say xSTP or INTJ. He seems to demonstrate loads of Se and Ni, as his entire shtick is observing the sensory and coming to a conclusion. I'd say ISTP, because they share the same dominant function of the INTP, hence why you relate to him :)
I don't believe the four unconscious functions are always at the same level in reference to each other as they do not make up the ego of the type, also this video would have to be for people with a more advanced understanding of the functions because it's hard to grasp all of the eight functions working together before you have a grasp on what the sixteen types look like.
Hi Leo, I've been enjoying your videos for awhile now and I love all the stuff your channel is doing! I was just wondering how ni is the next strongest function, after ti ? Is it unconscious? I have read up on socionics, so I kinda knew about these different types of functions, But I didn't know there were clear distinctions . . (*.*)
scarywolfie Hi that is correct it is unconscious. INTPs are unaware of the extent they use it but if they focus they can see themselves use it. It is called a "background" function, so it is always operating in the background to inform their worldview. Rather than the Ne "ooo ooo lets look at this new idea" they can ponder an idea over time and NOT necessarily in a Ti sort of way where they are simply coming with definitions but in a sort of Ni convergent, hunch-like way. However Ni is in service of Ne & Ti.
warming up to the idea that i might be an intp rather than infp. i've wanted to distance myself from other descriptions that Ti = objectivity. I have serious and subjective values.
Shadow type is what you look like in stress. It would not be who you are closer to. But I think under stress actually INTP would express negative Fe (in MBTI) and negative (Te) in socionics. So actually, you'll look like an ESFJ or ENTJ :P
I've been an INTP my hole life but maybe you should mention the deattachement they display to use pure logic and dismiss any bias, I believe the basis of all the other functions used all uses a little bit of Ti to feel comfortable with other functions
That Ni is the 2nd strongest function of the INTP, is this an empirical finding or theoretical deduction? I don't understand why this should be the case.
+Type Tips I suspect it's right. However, I don't understand how it fits within the system. ;) According to this theory is a type's 6th stack function (e.g. Si in the ISTP) his 2nd best function? The best justification I can think of is that a type will oppose their 5th function because they want to differentiate it from their 1st function. But they aren't so concerned to suppress their 6th function. Thus it happens that their 6th function plays the largest unconscious role.
The functions were never numbered according to strength. Usually INTPs do not test 8th for Fi, their Fi is somewhere in the middle of strength. It is all out of order in strength. In the MBTI the first four were ordered according to what is valued (which is different from strength), but the last 4 don't have particular order, I kind of don't know why they were set up that way.
Matthew Alistair ... and I've passed over thinking the Te success people are "naive" or "distracted".. I'm probably closer to those things myself. I more just feel incompetent in the Te regard I can't claim superiority because of neglecting it .. though I do understand the attraction to that thought, to perpetuate a pseudo self esteem basically
Matthew Alistair If you focus on it perhaps you can get into the mindset. It is why INTPs can critique Te because they are aware of its use but really just want to blot it out of their mind.
Te is more like business logic than fixing a car. Different functions can be used to fix a car, but usually Ti+Se would be the most useful in that regard.
Type Tips Okay maybe I'm just not natural at stuff like that as INTP due to no Se or just some personality issue (add ocd kinds of symptoms.. something like that)
hi! i'm an intp female as i have taken tests, watched informatove videos and read articles abt intps so i strongly believe that i am one, it matches my personality so yeah. i wonder, my hero Sherlock Holmes, what is his MBTI type? just curious. thanks for posting very informative videos!
This explains why all those famous thinkers (Gauss, Cavendish etc.) figured out some stuff way ahead of their time but never put it out until later their journals were discovered.
Hi, an INTP here, begging to differ on my Ni appreciation. As part of my job as a data analyst I sometimes have to process data, take numerous notes on missing bits and pieces and do all sorts of repetitious, boring tasks. I put up with it as it's part of the job that has to be done before I get to the fun part. However, my mind tends to wonder off and I make mistakes. That's when my intuition kicks in telling me to stop, go back and check the last thing I did. Almost always I find an error. It doesn't let me correct all my mistakes but it's still great.
So when I'm researching something, Ni is the click in my head that means, "You got all you need. This is 'it'," while Ti and Ne tell Ni, "Hold on, we're not done making sure we've seen all there is to see and make sense of it all. THEN we'll care about the 'it' we meant to look for."
Completely agree. About the order Ti Ni Ne I agree with completely and I haven't really seen anyone else out there who has said the same thing :)
Thank you for being so thorough explaining how we use all our functions, I really appreciate it!
Thanks for the talk and I'd also like to tip my hat to your inferior function's use in these videos. Quite remarkable.
thanks Jake!
Cool, definitely use Te (to-do lists, pro-con charts, even graphs sometimes haha, in my daily life). Never thought about Ni use though! Great video looking forward to the next one! :)
Liz Rodrigues Hi there. pro-con charts, graphs, and to-do lists all look like Ti to me...if you are sorting the information you already have in your mind. Te is more referring to other information sources and authorities, right?
Dude, you are a maven. Professional and extremely eloquent.
I have my greatest difficulty in appreciating Te in more than in abstracts sense which is just a bias for symmetry. The reason Te is often dangerous in it's judgments is that it does not attempt to understand the full picture. Take the Crisis of Capitalism that is currently and quietly looming over American life. It is because a very Te driven nation has decided to simply move forward, move forward, move forward as pragmatically as possible without ever checking if that was a legitimate direction to consider, there should be more factors considered than capital accumulation and GDP. The American economy is on the fringe, because of these Te dominated monetary innovations. Certainly, Te is not bad in of its own self.
+Joshua Amor I wrote an article on Te's takeover of the social sciences:
I'm writing a cultural critique on Te's take over of All the sciences, and has turned the hard sciences into merely applied interests in the hopes for technological innovations that prove robust and marketable for again capital accumulation. Thank you for sharing this.
+Joshua Amor Hi Joshua, you can share it with me when you are finished!
Certainly, I'm currently editing it, but when I'm finished I can send you a copy. Add me on Google +, and I find you that way.
Joshua L Can I have a copy as Well??
The information seems credible and well thought out, but I feel I get lost in terminology soup are a minute and can't organize my cognition well enough to keep up.
Visual aides, graphs, or diagrams would be a great help. Aside from me rewatching 4 times taking notes.
(Same effect happened in mathematics once I hit a theorem or proof wall.)
+UBorda Thanks for letting me know.
Wow, you explain very well in a way that I can easily receive! Your awesome. I score in as a INTP
"Despite how much we want to have androids live among us, we can't have INTPs fulfill that role" --- that is inspired right there!
Hi Fred!
Thanks for giving love to INTPs. ;) Re Te, high information and low energy: you could cite Viktor Gulenko's Model G as seen on my channel, folks. ;)
(INTP) Great stuff! You speak for the INTP very well :) However, I wouldn't feel comfortable saying that Ti, in itself, is creative. Ti iteratively abstracts and extracts the essence of (with Ne) or operant principle(s) of some domain. It aims to impersonally grok a system parsimoniously, and connect and integrate that understanding with its ceaseless development of a singular overarching construct of complete and accurate understanding of the universe, our own being-in-the-world even a mere subset of this construct. Even "meaning" itself needs to be seen thru and situated within this construct (even if possibly misguided). It distills a hierarchy of archetype/principles, subsets of which generate various domains.
When we're being creative with our top two functions it seems like we're using Ne to "brainstorm" and Ti to cull and prune and judge possibilities. We're generating those possibilities via Ti priming of Ne but that's kind of implicit. Ti applied consciously is to judge something Ne is giving us. Ti is not generative in itself. It just distill-abstracts into essence or principle.
Btw, I have no idea what you're talking about when it came to the INTP's relation to Ni. I have a close INTJ intellectual friend and know hordes of INFJs but Ni is invisible to me and if I'm using it it's wholly unconsciously. I have a close INFP friend and am privy to Fi pretty darn well for an INTP but Ni is still a freaking mystery to me. As an INTP I can't help be skeptical of this Ni relation in us :) Can you point me to some writing or utoob whatev on this? Thanks!
And again, loved the vid!
Clark Potter
Ni = Time in the article.
+ramoy Great example! And I hope your theory shows promise!
ramoy Great idea! I'll have to think about it. The special kind of sense you describe does feel like it could be separate from Ti-Ne...somehow you just "know" something feels excitedly promising, like it might be *IT*, and it feels to be drawing upon more than you can consciously disentagle at the moment, but yet, you're *sure*. Then you're back to some Ti-Ne dynamic to explore and confirm it but there's an inchoate, guiding "certainty" gravitating you towards complete revelation. That does indeed sound *a lot* like Ni...
Btw, ramoy, which philosophy? Have you happened to encounter Integral Theory or Critical Metarealism?
I'm impressed by how accurate* this is! Just recently, a (self-described) INFJ tried to convince me that I'm actually an INFJ because my aspirational Fe came across as Fe parent and I "don't realize I'm using Ni" apparently. Because of that, I literally laughed out loud when you said INTPs don't realize they use Ni! 😁
*(I feel the need to clarify I'm defining accuracy by how much each point resonated with my experience and the degree of logical consistency with other explanations I've heard of the functions, thus, with all that Si and Ti, "accurate" is technically subjective lol)
Cool vid. INTP here. Your critique of Ti was interesting, I hear it a lot from INFPs. I would say that Ti seeks objective absolute truth. Particular ways of reaching it just make the path be different not the destination.
Let me give my parallel critique of Fi. You said to be careful with Ti dogma. Just as equally it can be said that Fi produces relativism and paradoxes.
Great for interpersonal relations, not so much for system design.
I wish I could subscribe more than once. You deserve all the subscribers.
I find this very insightful as it correlates some of my own observations.
I have always pondered why I kept scoring/prefering TiTe Ni Fi with Ne consistently in 5th position in my stacking.
It is true that I use Ne in Ti contexts and rarely for the sake of brainstorming. Ne is useful for problem-solving (i.e when solving problems with codes or troubleshooting my computer programmes) but I would hate to go down the spouting random possibilities/pure speculation route.
I consider myself INTJ/P. The more I watch your videos on INTPs, the more I understand how polarised my use of functions is depending on the external environment.
That does sound more INTJ to me than INTP. Not enjoying Ne possibilities and using to solve problems, does not really sound like Ne
Love your videos! objective facts and your likeable character!
Wow. . . Wonderfully informative, and nicely broken down. A lot of new info here for me. Thank you! :-)
I'm glad to finally find some comprehensive material on what the heck the shadow functions are doing all the time other than that they fuck stuff up.
Ppl always say they're not important but I just wanna have all the information~~ Just for the heck of it
(and because I'm a writer so knowing how humans work helps and gives me fun ideas, having characters wander through their inner world, fight their "dark selves" or stuff like that...)
I only heard of them as "stuff you suck at that you're not aware you suck at", unlike, say, Fe where the suckage is obvious but this is the first time I hear about stuff you're good at that you don't realize you're good at.
I do recognize that stuff in myself, being reluctant to put out unfinished or unpolished stuff, not trusting nebulous hunches/wanting to understand why first, both those things feeling kinda scary like jumping into cold water...
I mean Ni is basically a superpower. I'm totally in awe of all that stuff NJs can do, they're all so productive, intense, brilliant and basically better than us, and now you're telling me I had a sizeable amount (certainly not comparable to a dom user but more than nothing/ I thought it was just an itty bitty rudimentary bit to small to matter much) all along and just didn't notice?
Maybe it's an end product of not being able to connect what it feels like with the end results it can have/ not knowing what this button does.
Though I did hear that liking to analyze literature and symbolism is somehow connected to Ni. So maybe Ni is something I do in that context?
I do have experience with people saying that I seem smart or wise in ways I don't remember being. It just makes me uncomfortable/ afraid that the peson will soon see how dumb and clueless (or at least fairly ordinary) I actually am, so this... this is some serious food for thought. I don't see myself as someone who is very anti-utopian visions. But * when * I hear a big fuzzy vision and I say "more details, think of how" is that because it actually legitimately needs more details hows and whys (that is possible after all) or because that's distortion from my subconscious? How can I ever tell which is which? Is there a certain vague feeling that characterizes the latter?
Also, a matter of more personal relevance, could this have something to do with why my current SO, a Ni-dom, likes me and feels I particularly resonate with his ideas like no one else before? Because he sees that thing
That would kinda make all the good stuff he says about me more reassuring, or maybe less so, on the one hand I like having that potential there on the other it's so scay to have this huge thing there you just can't see.
Then again, I can't see my own Nose either, just because it's in-between my eyes, and there's nothing scary about it.
+KendrixTermina lol it just scared me when you made me realize my nose. I think perhaps you resonating with his ideas speaks more about you as a person, I find that really depends on someone's ability to connect and understand. Ni is your superpower! Use it like The Force. I find in recent months just accessing it really helps me see the bigger picture and have greater confidence. It is great to hear about the writing you do, Kendrix! Use the Ni for it for sure!
+Type Tips Thanks for your encouagement.
you know all this reminds me of that scene in one of the star trek movies where... I think they had to do some dangerous fly-by with a shuttle, but in any case they didn't have enough data for a thorough calculation, so Kirk told Spock to "Just Guess!" and Spock is genuinely reluctant/ doubts anything so imprecise could be of use, as he's all about exactness -
McCoy then clarifies that after working alongside him so many years and knowing him well as a friend, Kirk felt/knew that he could trust an estimate from Spock more than someone else's calculation, and they do indeed save the day.
I find it quite difficult figuring out which type I am, considering my functions are developed as follows: Ti, Te, Ni, Ne, highest to lowest.
According to the research I did so far, I'd say I'm INTP with highly developed Te and Ni.
I would however appreciate if anyone has any input or any theory as to why my Te and Ni functions are the way they are.
Also, thank you for the excellent video!
Keep up the great work.
Sharkey Based on the ordering you presented, most likely INTP. Ni is the second strongest function of the INTP, but it is usually not favored, so INTPs are TiNe because they favor those two. INTPs use Ni all the time. INTPs are actually potentially quite strong at Te, and can turn the function on and off at will. I'd say if the profiles of INTPs fit you better than INTJs, than you are an INTP.
+Type Tips (Leon Tsao) How is Ni the INTP's second strongest function?!
I don't understand this. I have pretty thorough knowledge and observation here, inside and out, but Ni operant within myself is wholly unconscious.
@@ClarkPotter Ni can eat your Si kid alive, it happened to me... don't play with it, be careful.
VERY true on the Ni. Thank you for your videos
So what I get from you saying Ne is favored, but Ni is a strength is like how I like to keep my options open as long as possible (Ne), but when I have to make a final choice (Ni) its not poor.
awaiting the website 👀👀 (btw, I also put things out publicly, to be 'egged on by public pressure' (public, usually being my husband lol))
Great Video! Could you please also make a video about the 8 functions of INTJs?
Great discussion, and it shows why INTP's might seem to not fit the common stereotypes all the time (like seeing extraverted, or "using Te"). Also the way we view Te and/or Ni (like I see Ni as just pulling things out of thin air to kill off more open possibilities, and Te as just slapping on overly broad solutions; hence "artificial", that would really be better filtered and applied in a "line-item" fashion according to the evolving situation).
And I happen to have a very weak Ni (and Se), from both Ne and Si being particularly strong.
What really determines the positions of the functions (like what you called being at the "foreground of their psyche", or "low energy" because it's "not valued") are the ego-states associated with them. These are basically the complexes that Beebe has highlighted as the "archetypes". (A complex is a [collective] archetypal image that has filed up with personal experience). The dominant is simply the ego's main state (and thus takes on the "heroic" characteristic Beebe assigns to it).
Eric Bolden I'll like to discuss this more with you. Perhaps future Meetup...tho I won't be at the next one.
OK! Love to discuss this; I think it is the key to understanding how all this works. For now, you can read abou tthe "ego states" concept here:
Thanks looks like an interesting read!
Out of curiosity, could you link to where it is stated our functions stack in strength Ti, Ni, Ne etc? Ive felt as though i use something akin to the descriptions of Ni at times but always chalked it up to some quick Ti-Ne interplay or something along those lines and would be interested in learning more about that. Thanks
+Michael Irwin I don't have a link to it, I heard the theory via word of mouth.
I think INTP are critical of Ni, but respect it only if the Ni idea/vision/action is reasonable and passes their logical analysis, not to mention inferior Fe wanting harmony and Si tertiary wanting comfort. In a way, they likely clash with their opposites ENTJ, INTJ, ESFP, ISFP. However, this "clashing" of functions likely has positive outcomes. The INTP can assist these types in creating an actionable plan that's logical, reasonable, harmonious and comfortable enough for all which is what the NTJ's and SFP's may not seriously consider.
You begin the video off with something that I think is completely indicative of the difference between the INTP and the INFP. You said you are presenting the information in a way that is basically random because it’s easier for you to present, where as I would think to myself “What is the best possible way to structure my points in a way that is best able to communicate the information as objectively as possible?”
Because we care [Fe] about the people around us and want to see them informed because we already presume they are stupid [Te] and since we can imagine [Ne] that they are probably going to watch a video on the subject if that is what they are watching the video in he first place, it’s best to communicate this information as accurately and skeptically as possible because well-informed humans lead to a better world for humans and since I am a human it is in my best interest as well as the people who I care about. [Fe]
Another gem. Very good.
Thank you Tomi!
Excellent. Continue uploading
+Tyler Moore Thanks Tyler!
I took a Myer-Briggs test before and another, 3 months after, and results came in as ISTP and INTP.
And I kind of relate to both personalities so I don't know what personality I really have.
Wow. Thank you for this!!!
hi! i'm an intp female as i have taken tests, watched informatove videos and read articles abt intps so i strongly believe that i am one, it matches my personality so yeah.
i wonder, my hero Sherlock Holmes, what is his MBTI type? just curious.
thanks for posting very informative videos!
Probably Intp in the BBC show, and I've heard Intj in the books
I would say xSTP or INTJ. He seems to demonstrate loads of Se and Ni, as his entire shtick is observing the sensory and coming to a conclusion. I'd say ISTP, because they share the same dominant function of the INTP, hence why you relate to him :)
Waiting for part 2 :)
I don't believe the four unconscious functions are always at the same level in reference to each other as they do not make up the ego of the type, also this video would have to be for people with a more advanced understanding of the functions because it's hard to grasp all of the eight functions working together before you have a grasp on what the sixteen types look like.
Hi Leo,
I've been enjoying your videos for awhile now and I love all the stuff your channel is doing!
I was just wondering how ni is the next strongest function, after ti ?
Is it unconscious?
I have read up on socionics, so I kinda knew about these different types of functions,
But I didn't know there were clear distinctions . . (*.*)
scarywolfie Hi that is correct it is unconscious. INTPs are unaware of the extent they use it but if they focus they can see themselves use it. It is called a "background" function, so it is always operating in the background to inform their worldview. Rather than the Ne "ooo ooo lets look at this new idea" they can ponder an idea over time and NOT necessarily in a Ti sort of way where they are simply coming with definitions but in a sort of Ni convergent, hunch-like way. However Ni is in service of Ne & Ti.
warming up to the idea that i might be an intp rather than infp. i've wanted to distance myself from other descriptions that Ti = objectivity. I have serious and subjective values.
Where can I find out about Ti Te Ni Ne because I can't understand what you are saying because I do not know the meaning of these.
elsa Grace Look up cognitive functions of the MBTI, is a good starting place.
Can u do a video about an ENTJ and why are ENTJs often mistyped as INTP?
What is your socionics type? How do you correlate socionics with the MBTI?
+Samuel Fridh Mine is INFj or EII. The extroverted types are the same (ENFP = Socionics ENFp). The introverted types are switched, INTP = INTj.
Ok, just checking.
It makes sense because I was thinking IJ temperament, but you seemed to value Fi-Te over Ti-Ne.
which would be closer to an intp the shadow type infj or an infp?
+benny hinn Neither. It would either be ESFJ (Fe, Si, Ne, Ti), ESFP or INTJ (Ni, Te, Fi, Se).
+Type Tips but do you think it would closer to an intj than an infp?
Sure. INFP is barely the shadow. In a way, yes, though, in that Fi is opposed to Ti thinking. But I guess in that sense ISFP would be the shadow then.
+Type Tips so just to be clear an intp would be closer to an intj lol
Shadow type is what you look like in stress. It would not be who you are closer to. But I think under stress actually INTP would express negative Fe (in MBTI) and negative (Te) in socionics. So actually, you'll look like an ESFJ or ENTJ :P
I actually believe the functions they go through are in order from Ti, Ne, Ni, Te, Fe, Se, Si, Fe
I've been an INTP my hole life but maybe you should mention the deattachement they display to use pure logic and dismiss any bias, I believe the basis of all the other functions used all uses a little bit of Ti to feel comfortable with other functions
Website already running? URL pl0x
That Ni is the 2nd strongest function of the INTP, is this an empirical finding or theoretical deduction? I don't understand why this should be the case.
+Nathan Conroy Most of Socionics, MBTI are theoretical deductions. It is observable though.
+Type Tips I suspect it's right.
However, I don't understand how it fits within the system. ;) According to this theory is a type's 6th stack function (e.g. Si in the ISTP) his 2nd best function?
The best justification I can think of is that a type will oppose their 5th function because they want to differentiate it from their 1st function. But they aren't so concerned to suppress their 6th function. Thus it happens that their 6th function plays the largest unconscious role.
The functions were never numbered according to strength. Usually INTPs do not test 8th for Fi, their Fi is somewhere in the middle of strength. It is all out of order in strength. In the MBTI the first four were ordered according to what is valued (which is different from strength), but the last 4 don't have particular order, I kind of don't know why they were set up that way.
@@TypeTipsLeonTsao Hey Type tips..what are your thoughts about this now? still the same?
No wonder, I feel so OP.
Ya, I definitely feel like the "critical parent" to INTPs.
Thumbnail be like:tHiS iS a nUmBeR EiGht
whoops i better stop watching intp related videos at night, the adrenaline i get from watching insightful people talk about mbti is useless
Haha...."no matter how much we want androids to live among us"........
INTP here and it's hard to follow you.
Do I get Te? I'm not sure... I don't think so. Te is like fixing a car. I literally feel like I can't do anything that resembles that.
Matthew Alistair ... and I've passed over thinking the Te success people are "naive" or "distracted".. I'm probably closer to those things myself. I more just feel incompetent in the Te regard I can't claim superiority because of neglecting it .. though I do understand the attraction to that thought, to perpetuate a pseudo self esteem basically
Matthew Alistair and thanks very much for the video my friend.
Matthew Alistair If you focus on it perhaps you can get into the mindset. It is why INTPs can critique Te because they are aware of its use but really just want to blot it out of their mind.
Te is more like business logic than fixing a car. Different functions can be used to fix a car, but usually Ti+Se would be the most useful in that regard.
Type Tips Okay maybe I'm just not natural at stuff like that as INTP due to no Se or just some personality issue (add ocd kinds of symptoms.. something like that)
Thank goodness I'm not an android
This guy is the most irritating spaker I've seen in a long while!
His words just blur along!
Really aggravating!
hi! i'm an intp female as i have taken tests, watched informatove videos and read articles abt intps so i strongly believe that i am one, it matches my personality so yeah.
i wonder, my hero Sherlock Holmes, what is his MBTI type? just curious.
thanks for posting very informative videos!
+Kai Chiba INTP ONE