"Stephanie, Stephanie is that you?OH MY GOD! I haven't seen one of your ships since the 1950s! Tell me, how's your Aunt Flo?That's the reason you said you'd stay away for awhile, right?Uh, Stephanie?" That alien bit was hilarious, especially "PLUTOS BALLS!!!!"
As a note, Jasmine, her kid, and Boomer surviving the explosion by hiding in an offshoot tunnel is actually totally believable. Explosions, being airwaves, don't turn corners that well.
I don't know why Wil showing up to greet his wife was implausible. He did tell her to meet him at the air force base. So logically it only makes sense that Wil would go there to try and find her.
This ha no doubt been mentioned but the reason he knew where to find her was because he knew she'd goto the base he was stationed at since its obviously close enough to her for him to spend time off base at her house. So its not as improbable as he's making out since you see her actually arriving at El-Toro the base he's stationed at, the name of which he mentions when he gets recalled.
It actually makes sense that a TV repairman would be able to outsmart the US Government. With the flawed way our politicians have been doing business, it almost seems plausible.
Will Smith - the guy playing the cool black dude stereotype. Note: Changing to swagger voice when using slang and cliches. "I have gotta get me one of these!". Stereotypes abound in this film.
The talk about the president not being a professional fighter pilot towards the end is nullified by earlier mention of being a fighter pilot during the gulf war. It was also mentioned as why people expected a warrior for pres. I could nitpick all the dumb things the movie does and he says but I'd be here all day
Roger Van Zant If he was highly decorated and came back a war hero who garnered a lot of media attention, and assuming he was brought up in a family that had notable members of the government, it's feasible that he went from pilot to president in that amount of time. It's certainly not impossible. Practically the only requirements are "You have to have been born in the US, and you have to be 35."
Roger Van Zant Are you from America? The president isnt a position you get promoted to or anything. You get voted in. Literally any American citizen can become president.
Seth Stone What he means is "Why would the American public suddenly vote for some random pilot who had never held a government position before?" Most presidents were usually senators or governors or at least something before they were voted in. That, or they had very influential families.
I love Independence Day, but I also love this review. Critic makes some valid points about cliches but it is ultimately some of these cliches that makes the movie so enjoyable to watch. I also think Critic likes some of the movies he bashes on, he is just putting on the "traditional" critic act for entertainment value.
A popular theory some people have is that (in the movie) our technology was reverse engineered from the alien tech. So they were basically using the same OS.
I think it is a film that isn't worth nitpicking, unfortunately the same can't be said for another subvert Apple marketing campaign. I have nothing against endless explosions and being balls to the wall rediculous with it being fun.
***** Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop Shyamalan. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. ... The moment was just too perfect, sorry.
While I would start crying more for the death of a baby in a film rather than the death of an animal, I appreciate and simply adore the choice Independence Day made with keeping the dog alive. In a time when dogs in films would usually bite the dust, this film finally said to Hollywood "fuck you, we're not that cruel enough to off a dog."
Gotta disagree and agree, yes it is clichéd, yes it has stereotypes but it's a ton of fun, actually the best popcorn movie ever, that makes it awesome.
As stereotypical movie as this movie was, it was exactly what everyone said, "a popcorn movie" that you just let go be itself. That being said though, the director's cut had a great deal of scenes that would have otherwise REALLY brought something to Randy Quaid's character.
I don't get why Doug hates this movie. This movie will always be fun to me no matter what. Sure, it may not be anything special, but I guess it's one of those movies that if you like it, it can possibly be a guilty pleasure.
+Matthew Miller Same here yea its next level corny but whatever Will Smith punching an alien and Bill Pullman playing a politician actually fighting i mean you can't beat that
Octavion Demi Nicolas Thank you very much. :) It's nice to hear people pay a compliment to the effort I put in to make my own avatar. You are an instant favorite of mine now. YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! No wait, that's a different media. Um...you wanna be friends instead?
Octavion Demi Nicolas That's what I try to do with my channel. And may I say that you are doing a good job making other peoples days. Well, actually it is night over here in Britain, but you've made it for me regardless. XD :) Thank you. (bows politely)
I love love love Nostalgia Critic! But I also love this movie! lol It was, of course, fun to laugh at the movie but I will always hold a special place in my heart for Independence Day!
Actually, on the 40 years between the trojan ship and the rest, if these aliens are a world ship, with limited resources, they'd have little to no reason to innovate. A parasitic, static society would make do with what it had, so it's entirely possible the ship from 40 years ago would be similar to the ones used in the invasion. Who says they haven't been around that long too?
Yes, there were many cliches in this film, I saw it in theaters, had it on video and two different dvd editions, but I enjoyed it a lot. Even if I don`t agree with Doug`s reviews, his commentaries and gimics are hilarious, why can`t expert critics be this much fun? Oh wait, never mind, hahah!
"Oh it's a popcorn movie, can't you just have FUN?!" That's..sorta how I feel about it. I'm not saying the review is wrong. It's a stupid cliche movie. But for me, it's one of those movies that's stupid..but for some reason I enjoy it. I don't know why. There's a few movies like that. Like, I KNOW they're not very good, but I can't help but enjoy them when I sit down and watch it. The Expendables series is the same way. They're technically just really generic action movies with nothing remotely original. But at the same time, it's just fun senseless violence and explosions. It's a fun time regardless of how stupid it actually is. It's like playing a basic beat 'em up game like Streets of Rage, or Final Fight. It's literally just spamming one button over and over again, level after level. The game never changes. Technically speaking, there's not much to it all. It's really simple, and should be boring. But despite that, it's fun senseless violence. They're fun games despite how repetitive they are and how stupid the story is. Also, come one. Will Smith punching an alien in the face then having a cigar. You can't tell me that wasn't awesome.
+TXF It's been said, but yes. This is just really a big budget action film. Meet Commando, meet Expendables, meet Conan, meet any big budget action flick that was ever filmed. Who really cares if the plot is well written, or paper thin, it's fun. And those of us who like jets, well....this movie gives us a HUGE mother effing hardon!
+TXF - This is the thing with independence day when I watch it today, would I want to change anything about the film? hell no, its just a good time, the CGI even today looks pretty solid. Its not bad, its just a fun time and its epic in every sense, and its humor only Michael Bay could dream of putting together without getting out the fart jokes in a bad way
Awesome review, and I can add a couple of points: 1. For a non-American, this is waay too stinkin' flag-waving - I mean, the other flight crews just sit around waiting for the Americans to get started. 2. A virus takes down the shields. Question: Even if Goldblum could program a virus, HOW THE HELL WOULD HE BE ABLE TO KNOW WHICH SYSTEM THE ALIENS OPERATE ON? Or for that matter if their data structure is like ours? Ooor, the little detail called a firewall and virus protection? Did they cut corners when they built the damn ships? 3. What the hell are those planes doing up in plain sight of the alien ships? Their weaponry have ranges of several miles! 4. Will Smith isn't charming. That was disappointing, mr Critic.
I personally put Independence Day in the category of unashamedly campy. The reason everyone in the movie is a stereotype is because the movie itself is a stereotype. It always feels like it knows how campy it is. And it doesn't care, because yay America. Unlike some movies which are horrifically campy and take themselves seriously. Plus, it's a holiday movie. Christmas holiday movies are mostly cliched. Thanksgiving holiday movies are mostly cliched. Why can't a July 4th movie be just as cliched? It's a good fun flick to watch between the time the parades end and the time the fireworks start. :)
I thought this was generally considered a good(or at least fun) movie. I've never actually sit down and watched it though. It's one of those popular movies I know about, recognize quotes from, and have seen in bits and pieces but never beginning to end.
I like it because it's a summer blockbuster that's relatively fun and uplifting, rather then nowadays, when summer blockbusters are all dark and nolany.
I have to respectfully disagree with critic on this one. I love Independence Day movie, yes it had some plot wholes in it (like the explosion not going into the room, or the Cable guy being the one to figure out what no other scientist in the world could) but I think it's good still over comes this. Yes we never really connected with the first lady but we had connected with her husband, we feel sad FOR his loss, and are you telling me that scene with the daughter didn't make you tear up a little? As for the unbelievably coincidence, *Shrugs* randomness happens in life and all movies are guilty of this to a certain extent. Critic, if you read this I challenge you to name any movie you love and I'll promise you that I'll find some unbelievable coincidence in it that basically needs to happen to set off the movie. People win the lottery, get hit by lightning, hell I have even heard of siblings accidently marrying each other (because they were both orphaned and separated at birth they didn't realize this until it was too late) and what are the chances of that happening, so as much as you nippick at this happening so much the fact is that it does happen in real life sometimes? As for the characters *Shrugs* difference of opinion, I personally liked most of them including Will Smith. You say they're stereotype cutouts but I don't really see it, still everyone is different. Finally we get to Boomer, F YOU critic. I am a dog lover and as most dog lovers will tell you we think of our dogs like they're family, so before you rant how the lady should just sacrifice her dog to make extra sure she and her son should love I want you to think about what if that had been her other son? Would you still tell her to close the door so quickly? Also the movie in my opinion gets extra props for letting the dog live! Most movies kill off the dog so by letting the dog live they're not being a cliché. So I feel your criticism of this is a gross overreaction if not a complete bias error on your part.
This movie is great... I saw it in the theater when I was 16 and I still love it. It's not just great explosions it's got some fun characters. I did think it was stupid that the ex husband and wife were still bickering in the middle of the end of the friggin world but.. Who knows how ppl act under those circumstances. But then, I was in NYC on 9/11 and I definitely wasn't bickering with anyone about anything I just wanted to know my family was safe and wanted to get home. That's a little tmi for UA-cam, but there it is :)
I die every time the alien technician yells "Pluto's Balls!" That whole Stephanie deal is somehow vaguely reminiscent of Short Circuit's #5, which only makes it more hilarious. Why the NC hasn't started a standup comedy tour is beyond me.
Is ID4 full of clichés, predictable plot lines and shallow characters? YES! Does that mean its bad? NO! It knows its full of those things and doesn't pretend to be anything else. Its a fun movie. A fun take on the classic alien invasion story. It fun to watch. I have to disagree with NC on this one.
Jack Sofalot Couldn't agree more and I know he's playing a character and pointing out the most obvious plot holes, but I find this review more annoying than other he's done.
The problem is, that those things you mention would be okay for a parody, but since they were trying to play it straight, it just makes it cheesy, cliched and cringe-worthy.
Sorry Doug, I have to side with the lovers on this one. I think you missed the point of the movie. I'm by no means saying it was perfect, but definitely a good movie. Remember your reviews of Fantasia and Snow White (yes I know they came after)? This is another story that is more about emotional response and less about the "story". And the story is still pretty good.
StopMinecraftVIOLENCE I play a game called minecraft, but there is no game I know about called shitcraft. I understand if your personal sense of humor is different from my own, but no-one cares if you hate minecraft.
And you're a pathetic person who only knows how to criticise people in youtube comments. At least I TRIED to be funny. You're just criticising me because we have different senses of humour and I play minecraft...neither of which are very valid reasons to get mad at someone... Nah, I'm stopping here. It isn't worth my time arguing with a saddo like yourself.
I can't believe Doug didn't point out that the president's daughter is played by a young Mae Whitman: The voice of Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
+kirara2516 Really? Interesting. As someone from a country the US imposed a brutally violent dictatorship in for nearly 30 years where we were forced to assimilate the American language and pop culture (also during which time our economy was so wrecked beyond repair that we had some 4 or 5 currency changes in desperate attempts to fix it), being told "the world will now conform to our holiday!" doesn't sound in any way thrilling. No idea why
+PaddySnuffles This American here fails to see any merit in any holiday now. Easter, candy. July 4th, sleep deprivation. Labor day, vegetate. Thanksgiving, hoard food despite having claimed to be on a diet. Christmas, materialism. Not a damn care for Washington's or Columbus Day. BUTTTT I must say this was a good 'unscripted' speech by a fictional president. Our actual presidents can't tie their shoes without the aid of cue cards or efforts of Social Service men.... unless it's some sarcastic rhetoric. .... yet our best stand-up comedians deliver hour-long messages without reading from a script. Through memorization, sure, but least _they're_ dedicated to what they say.
There's merit in taking time to have fun with family. There's no merit in propaganda about how the world should assimilate to assimilate to a single country's national holiday. The only people who care about July 4th is Americans and people in any other countries that celebrate that day for whatever their reason may be. You wouldn't like it if Canada made a movie about how everyone should celebrate 1st of July because Canada's "the greatest country God ever put on this Earth", would you? The same applies here.
PaddySnuffles Ha! Canada. The topic of many butt jokes. I've been there, not too shabby, so I'm not sure where the hate comes from. Personally I don't like it because that's where a particular douchebag singer came from... and they don't want him back. I, too, get annoyed with the 'fuck yeah, America' messages in some films. There are 200 countries in the world so what about them? Give the North Pole a chance for all I care. Even North Korea, since they're so proud but uh... I think cinema is illegal over there. Anything Kim Un Jong Walla-walla-bing-bang doesn't understand is on the blacklist.
Too bad that charm of Will Smith won't be back in the second one. His character died while pilot a alien-hybrid fighter crash. Long live Captain Steve Hiller.
How did you miss the fact that it's the goddamn president, who shouldn't be flying a damn jet even if he used to. But I know this film obviously isn't meant to be taken seriously. And I love it for that.
In defense of the Stripper-wife vs NASA career sub-plot, getting a security clearance is a big fucking deal, and having a wife who's a stripper, with all of the (unfair in this case) assumptions about her that go with that, would have a VERY negative effect on your chances of passing a rigorous background check. This would definitely be considered in any astronaut selection program, whether military or civilian. The only inconsistency is that, as a combat pilot and company-grade officer, he would already have a security clearance, though perhaps only at "SECRET" level, and for the same reason would already be taking a risk by marrying Jasmine. The main thing they look for in these checks is your vulnerability to being subverted by an enemy, with finances probably being the most important aspect of that. History has revealed that as the most common motivator for spying and betrayal. Stripping does not exactly scream "financial security," thus the assumed bias against them as spouses of people with access to state secrets. tl;dr When you have a Security Clearance requirement for your dream job, who you marry totally DOES matter.
I was a bit disappointed in the lack of "SpaceBalls" references, but at least that one was d@mn good. Seriously, no "comb the desert," "jammed radar," not even one "May the Schwartz be with you?!"
Chuck Lee You're not the only one. Yes it has its flaws, its many, many flaws, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this movie is highly enjoyable.
If only this review was done recently, I wonder if he still would say the same about Smith. Nevertheless I realy don't know what is his problem with the movie. It actualy is just a summer popcorn flic. Not only that, it was a good summer popcorn flic. I mean look at the shit we get this days? Ever since batman, maybe even before that every summer blockbuster is fucking dark and gritty, and deprived of any good humor. I actualy miss the times where you could go for a summer block buster and have some fun, maybe with a pinch of drama, but overarching tone of hope. But noo... Now mass media undergo this strange emo phase, where everything must be dark and gritty. Even Ted with its fairly original idea and pretty funny first half couldn't resist the drama and ruined the other half of the movie. Realy? I say fuck you hollywood. I want my chearfull hopefull sensless summer block busters!
I don't get what's so stupid about the president flying with the other fighter pilots. They explained in the movie that he was a former fighter pilot before becoming president and, faced with the possible END OF THE WORLD, they need all the personal they can muster.
SovietRussian1922 Again, it was the end of the world. I doubt government issues mattered much by that point. If this mission failed, humanity would fall. They needed everyone they could get to help. The president already rallied the troops so he felt the only other way he could help was to join the fight and I don't disagree; besides we could always elect a new president.
Dennis Williams i guess you don't understand the problem precisely. since he is president he is the head of the state. as the head of the state you have HUGE responsibilities (especially during a war!) like military and wartime logistics, army supply, arrangement of state economy (yes even when aliens bombed some of your cities your country still needs main resources like food, gasoline, steel, heavy industry etc...), choosing military strategies, communication with allies etc etc... i mean there is a shit ton of things that must be arranged before even one simple private can go to war, and for such purposes our society invented a VERY LONG learning process so someone who recieve such responsibilities does not fuck up. there are very few ppl capable of such things out there. thus it's complete bullcrap to send them into an offensive!
cccpredarmy But this wasn't a typical war, it was THE END OF THE WORLD! None of that mattered anymore. Humanity was going to fall to extinction unless this one mission succeeded. There was no plan B. To ensure this mission succeeded, they needed every able person to take to the air and the president fit that description. He already did everything he could on the ground (send global communication, put the team together, rally the troops etc.) so he decided the only thing he could do to help anymore was take to the sky. If he doesn't go and the mission fails, he and the rest of humanity die.
Doug - stop comparing movies scenes with real life , thats why its called Movie , not the real life scene recording , although I love the movie , I dont know why I love to see all the reviews from this guy XD
He's here to make jokes. He always does this kind of thing despite people including his brother telling him to stop including logic into the movie but in the end, he just wants to make jokes. LOL
I saw war of the worlds it was just not as fun there was no real sense of hope that independence day had. its much akin to a post apocalyptic feel like the book of Eli.
Well Critic, I actually enjoy this movie and it's not terrible about it. It's just cheesy sci-fi B-movie with corny lines, fun action scenes, and some silly stereotypical characters. But the only works about this movie is the special effects and it looks very amazing. With the acceptation of blowing up the White House and they exploded the whole two cities is great. Some characters are stupid and not of them taking it seriously, but at least I enjoy Will Smith as the captain, Bill Pullman is the president, Jeff Goldblum is the repairing scientist, and Judd Hirsch is the funny Jewish stereotypical father. Including the scene where father and son were acting Jewish conversation that keep song going and the father keeps it with few laughs. Of course the story is a bit rush and there's nothing interesting about the aliens and some of the human characters were too much character development with sub plots and one of them where involve about the alien invasion. For what it is, it's a decent summer blockbuster movie with few fun lines and to keep it entertainment for nostalgia moments when we're at that age. A good alien invasion movie and give it some only with 3 Stars out of 4 for me. Even Nostalgia Critic still hates Jeff Goldblum. 😆😆😆 What an asshole.
+Felipe Rico You know he exaggerates his feelings on the movies in reviews, right? He does state some facts, though. Also....he already made the video. Your argument isn't really helping. Please don't take this as an insult(even though I just realized I made this statement sound like one...)
"Now that's what I call a close encounter" *Fresh Prince Music plays*
Love it 😂😂😂
Glad I got that joke x-D
Carlton vs the aliens.
"I am Jeff Goldblum and I am in and of myself, uh, a stereotype."
+CJCroen1393 Damn you beat me to it XD
+CJCroen1393 I think you mean
"I uh am uh Jeff uh Goldblum uh and uh I uh am uh in uh and uh of uh myself, uh, uh a stereotype uh."
boomer will live is easily one of doug's best running gags.
(4:01) Hahaha.
This was the "Pre-After Earth" Nostalgia Critic.
Indeed friend
+Ladondorf Indeed
Will Smith can make anything cool
Cypher Rage
oh wait
He sure can! :-)
@ +Horned marten and ECKohns: ::giggle:: Okay, except for After Earth. ;-)
except for after earth
Okay you have to admit that speech and '' I'm baaaaack !'' line was fucking awesome.
"The rest of the world doesn't celebrate 4th of July? Screw it, we're gonna MAKE them celebrate our national day!"
Niobesnuppa Take over their country then give them freedom in July 4! It's the perfect plan! Tried than on the Philippines though. It failed.
I am not American but Celebrate July 4th.... It's the only day of the year when I don't have to wait until midnight to watch baseball.
Niobesnuppa good luck with that bro.
Dorfanable It was a joke. Heck, I'm not even American.
Niobesnuppa Still. Good luck. Good challange? :p
The one thing that all critics absolutely cannot bash in this movie is David Arnold's epic score.
"Stephanie, Stephanie is that you?OH MY GOD! I haven't seen one of your ships since the 1950s! Tell me, how's your Aunt Flo?That's the reason you said you'd stay away for awhile, right?Uh, Stephanie?"
That alien bit was hilarious, especially "PLUTOS BALLS!!!!"
"Will smith is the king of cool- he can make anything sound awesome!"
Watching this post After Earth, this is really funny.
Denied ! ha ha ha!
Kari Vader Hahaha! XD
Well he tried to redeem himself with Suicide Squad x3
Oh, yeah! I liked him in that movie!
The movie itself...Eh...
But I loved Will Smith in that!
I know I know...but that poor movie was chopped wrost than if Jason Vorhees and Freddy tag teamed on it XD
I laughed so hard when he did the Boomer will live jokes.
As a note, Jasmine, her kid, and Boomer surviving the explosion by hiding in an offshoot tunnel is actually totally believable. Explosions, being airwaves, don't turn corners that well.
I don't know why Wil showing up to greet his wife was implausible. He did tell her to meet him at the air force base. So logically it only makes sense that Wil would go there to try and find her.
"goddamn teapartiers" I'm a teapartier and even I found that to be a little funny
15:23 oh yes. that's exactly how that scene played in my mind when i first saw this movie. i forgot how much fun i had watching it. thank you, NC !
This ha no doubt been mentioned but the reason he knew where to find her was because he knew she'd goto the base he was stationed at since its obviously close enough to her for him to spend time off base at her house.
So its not as improbable as he's making out since you see her actually arriving at El-Toro the base he's stationed at, the name of which he mentions when he gets recalled.
THANK YOU! I was looking through the comments to see if anyone had pointed this out haha!
Not to mention that the aliens are Telepathic. They should have read the minds of Will and goldbloom... and figured out that it wasnt Stephanie.
It actually makes sense that a TV repairman would be able to outsmart the US Government. With the flawed way our politicians have been doing business, it almost seems plausible.
I don't play Minecraft.
Will Smith - the guy playing the cool black dude stereotype. Note: Changing to swagger voice when using slang and cliches. "I have gotta get me one of these!". Stereotypes abound in this film.
Swagger voice? Lol what
Kaila Gilliam Jay's talking abut the Will Smith in his voice. It's easy to confuse swagger for Will Smith.
Zachary Amaranth lmao i see
Uh.. Swagger can't even be applied to sounds. It describes the way someone moves and walks..
However you wish.
The talk about the president not being a professional fighter pilot towards the end is nullified by earlier mention of being a fighter pilot during the gulf war. It was also mentioned as why people expected a warrior for pres.
I could nitpick all the dumb things the movie does and he says but I'd be here all day
And that means aaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaa checkmate
Roger Van Zant
If he was highly decorated and came back a war hero who garnered a lot of media attention, and assuming he was brought up in a family that had notable members of the government, it's feasible that he went from pilot to president in that amount of time. It's certainly not impossible.
Practically the only requirements are "You have to have been born in the US, and you have to be 35."
Roger Van Zant
Are you from America? The president isnt a position you get promoted to or anything. You get voted in. Literally any American citizen can become president.
Seth Stone
What he means is "Why would the American public suddenly vote for some random pilot who had never held a government position before?"
Most presidents were usually senators or governors or at least something before they were voted in. That, or they had very influential families.
Personally, I like this movie. Sure, it's cheesy and corny, but that's what makes it so entertaining to watch. Definitely a guilty pleasure for me.
I love Independence Day, but I also love this review. Critic makes some valid points about cliches but it is ultimately some of these cliches that makes the movie so enjoyable to watch. I also think Critic likes some of the movies he bashes on, he is just putting on the "traditional" critic act for entertainment value.
"All of your base are belong to us. Ow." LOL
Thank God the Aliens were using Apple Macs, huh?
A popular theory some people have is that (in the movie) our technology was reverse engineered from the alien tech. So they were basically using the same OS.
Ayanda Nxumalo No wonder the aliens invasion failed, they were using fruitware.
mtdewramen Or rather they never expected us to have an OS that was near to or better than theirs. Like they've been using Windows Vista and we use XP.
I think it is a film that isn't worth nitpicking, unfortunately the same can't be said for another subvert Apple marketing campaign. I have nothing against endless explosions and being balls to the wall rediculous with it being fun.
My main problem with this movie is it was a two-hour advertisement for cigars.
Will Smith can make anything good....
That was true until After Earth came out.
Didn't Shyamalan do that one?
He did, but Will Smith had a part in the writing process too.
Plus his acting was very stale in that movie too.
***** Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop Shyamalan. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
... The moment was just too perfect, sorry.
While I would start crying more for the death of a baby in a film rather than the death of an animal, I appreciate and simply adore the choice Independence Day made with keeping the dog alive. In a time when dogs in films would usually bite the dust, this film finally said to Hollywood "fuck you, we're not that cruel enough to off a dog."
Gotta disagree and agree, yes it is clichéd, yes it has stereotypes but it's a ton of fun, actually the best popcorn movie ever, that makes it awesome.
Don't forget the soundtrack!
I don't care what he says, I still enjoy this movie. Plus he was a little over nitpicky at times.
+Max Moser (aMAXproduction) thats great that your not offended by him
and not angry at him while keeping your honest opinion. Your so intelligent.:)
AnimatorMXfinity~ Thank you!
+Max Moser (aMAXproduction) And might I add, very attractive.
Cody Hines Oh, thank you!
+Max Moser (aMAXproduction) damn right he's overly nitpicky
As stereotypical movie as this movie was, it was exactly what everyone said, "a popcorn movie" that you just let go be itself. That being said though, the director's cut had a great deal of scenes that would have otherwise REALLY brought something to Randy Quaid's character.
How could you not show the scene with the White House being blown up, one of the most memorable scene from 1990's!
"he (Will smith) can make anything sound awesome"
and then comes after earth...
Sadly,even Will is powerless against the Shamylan(sp).
I don't get why Doug hates this movie. This movie will always be fun to me no matter what. Sure, it may not be anything special, but I guess it's one of those movies that if you like it, it can possibly be a guilty pleasure.
+Matthew Miller you are not alone. I like this movie to...heck I practically grew up with it. I ain't going to let the critic take it away!
I think he hates every movie he reviews.
+Matthew Miller Same here yea its next level corny but whatever Will Smith punching an alien and Bill Pullman playing a politician actually fighting i mean you can't beat that
+mounir maged I couldn't imagine Independence Day considered being a crap movie.
+Christopher Townsend He doesn't hate every movie he reviews. Just the really shitty ones.
10:03 YOU MANIAC!!!!! YOU BLEW IT UP!!!!!!
Who else thought NC was going to turn gay just then?
***** nice oc though
Octavion Demi Nicolas Thank you very much. :) It's nice to hear people pay a compliment to the effort I put in to make my own avatar. You are an instant favorite of mine now. YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! No wait, that's a different media. Um...you wanna be friends instead?
Sure. Leaving compliments here and there generally gives people a good day.
Octavion Demi Nicolas That's what I try to do with my channel. And may I say that you are doing a good job making other peoples days.
Well, actually it is night over here in Britain, but you've made it for me regardless. XD :)
Thank you. (bows politely)
I will admit that this is a definitive "so-bad-it's-good" movie in my book. I enjoy it for its ridiculousness the same way that I enjoy True Lies.
I love love love Nostalgia Critic! But I also love this movie! lol It was, of course, fun to laugh at the movie but I will always hold a special place in my heart for Independence Day!
Actually, on the 40 years between the trojan ship and the rest, if these aliens are a world ship, with limited resources, they'd have little to no reason to innovate. A parasitic, static society would make do with what it had, so it's entirely possible the ship from 40 years ago would be similar to the ones used in the invasion. Who says they haven't been around that long too?
Even watching nostalgia Critic bash this movie for the tenth time, it couldn't take away the magic of this paradoxically wretched yet fantastic film.
Yes, there were many cliches in this film, I saw it in theaters, had it on video and two different dvd editions, but I enjoyed it a lot. Even if I don`t agree with Doug`s reviews, his commentaries and gimics are hilarious, why can`t expert critics be this much fun? Oh wait, never mind, hahah!
"Oh it's a popcorn movie, can't you just have FUN?!"
That's..sorta how I feel about it. I'm not saying the review is wrong. It's a stupid cliche movie. But for me, it's one of those movies that's stupid..but for some reason I enjoy it. I don't know why. There's a few movies like that. Like, I KNOW they're not very good, but I can't help but enjoy them when I sit down and watch it. The Expendables series is the same way. They're technically just really generic action movies with nothing remotely original. But at the same time, it's just fun senseless violence and explosions. It's a fun time regardless of how stupid it actually is.
It's like playing a basic beat 'em up game like Streets of Rage, or Final Fight. It's literally just spamming one button over and over again, level after level. The game never changes. Technically speaking, there's not much to it all. It's really simple, and should be boring. But despite that, it's fun senseless violence. They're fun games despite how repetitive they are and how stupid the story is.
Also, come one. Will Smith punching an alien in the face then having a cigar. You can't tell me that wasn't awesome.
TXF no-one said you're not allowed to like stupid movies :)
TXF It's the same reasoning as to why I like the Transformers movies.
+Webshooters1 Nothing is wrong with liking Transformers 1-3. Age of Extinction is a different beast.
+TXF It's been said, but yes. This is just really a big budget action film. Meet Commando, meet Expendables, meet Conan, meet any big budget action flick that was ever filmed. Who really cares if the plot is well written, or paper thin, it's fun. And those of us who like jets, well....this movie gives us a HUGE mother effing hardon!
+TXF - This is the thing with independence day when I watch it today, would I want to change anything about the film? hell no, its just a good time, the CGI even today looks pretty solid. Its not bad, its just a fun time and its epic in every sense, and its humor only Michael Bay could dream of putting together without getting out the fart jokes in a bad way
Screw the kid, save the dog.
...Yeah, I went there. XD
Awesome review, and I can add a couple of points:
1. For a non-American, this is waay too stinkin' flag-waving - I mean, the other flight crews just sit around waiting for the Americans to get started.
2. A virus takes down the shields. Question: Even if Goldblum could program a virus, HOW THE HELL WOULD HE BE ABLE TO KNOW WHICH SYSTEM THE ALIENS OPERATE ON? Or for that matter if their data structure is like ours? Ooor, the little detail called a firewall and virus protection? Did they cut corners when they built the damn ships?
3. What the hell are those planes doing up in plain sight of the alien ships? Their weaponry have ranges of several miles!
4. Will Smith isn't charming. That was disappointing, mr Critic.
It's an American-produced film with an American history theme; of COURSE there's gonna be lots of flag-wavin'.
Yeah, except the fact this movie was made by a German.
EarendilUndomiel he probably thought flag waving would make Americans like it dispite how bad it is and by god I think it worked :D
You underestimate the virises of that day lol
You underestimate the virises of that day lol
I'm surprised that he didn't mention that the presidents daughter is played by the voice actress for Katara in avatar
I personally put Independence Day in the category of unashamedly campy. The reason everyone in the movie is a stereotype is because the movie itself is a stereotype. It always feels like it knows how campy it is. And it doesn't care, because yay America. Unlike some movies which are horrifically campy and take themselves seriously.
Plus, it's a holiday movie. Christmas holiday movies are mostly cliched. Thanksgiving holiday movies are mostly cliched. Why can't a July 4th movie be just as cliched? It's a good fun flick to watch between the time the parades end and the time the fireworks start. :)
still a better movie than twiligth
so very true
that´s so funny, i´ve shit myself in the pants.
carlios maqueda as opposed to shitting yourself elsewhere?
in the shower, bitch.
I thought this was generally considered a good(or at least fun) movie. I've never actually sit down and watched it though. It's one of those popular movies I know about, recognize quotes from, and have seen in bits and pieces but never beginning to end.
I like it because it's a summer blockbuster that's relatively fun and uplifting, rather then nowadays, when summer blockbusters are all dark and nolany.
Lol Nolany. I like that.
"Mother's dead?"
I dont know why that makes me laugh so much XD
He made a "Nanu nanu" joke....my love for this show has come full circle.
I have to respectfully disagree with critic on this one. I love Independence Day movie, yes it had some plot wholes in it (like the explosion not going into the room, or the Cable guy being the one to figure out what no other scientist in the world could) but I think it's good still over comes this. Yes we never really connected with the first lady but we had connected with her husband, we feel sad FOR his loss, and are you telling me that scene with the daughter didn't make you tear up a little? As for the unbelievably coincidence, *Shrugs* randomness happens in life and all movies are guilty of this to a certain extent. Critic, if you read this I challenge you to name any movie you love and I'll promise you that I'll find some unbelievable coincidence in it that basically needs to happen to set off the movie.
People win the lottery, get hit by lightning, hell I have even heard of siblings accidently marrying each other (because they were both orphaned and separated at birth they didn't realize this until it was too late) and what are the chances of that happening, so as much as you nippick at this happening so much the fact is that it does happen in real life sometimes? As for the characters *Shrugs* difference of opinion, I personally liked most of them including Will Smith. You say they're stereotype cutouts but I don't really see it, still everyone is different. Finally we get to Boomer, F YOU critic. I am a dog lover and as most dog lovers will tell you we think of our dogs like they're family, so before you rant how the lady should just sacrifice her dog to make extra sure she and her son should love I want you to think about what if that had been her other son? Would you still tell her to close the door so quickly?
Also the movie in my opinion gets extra props for letting the dog live! Most movies kill off the dog so by letting the dog live they're not being a cliché. So I feel your criticism of this is a gross overreaction if not a complete bias error on your part.
Boomer will live.
*High pitch screaming*
Catzilla Independence Day Special Marley Edition: Boomer will li.... er..... um.... uh...... we'll get you another Boomer.
Catzilla Fuck Boomer!
TJ sands Boomer is the actual star of Independence Day. It's Boomer, then Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum
This movie is great... I saw it in the theater when I was 16 and I still love it. It's not just great explosions it's got some fun characters. I did think it was stupid that the ex husband and wife were still bickering in the middle of the end of the friggin world but.. Who knows how ppl act under those circumstances. But then, I was in NYC on 9/11 and I definitely wasn't bickering with anyone about anything I just wanted to know my family was safe and wanted to get home. That's a little tmi for UA-cam, but there it is :)
I die every time the alien technician yells "Pluto's Balls!" That whole Stephanie deal is somehow vaguely reminiscent of Short Circuit's #5, which only makes it more hilarious.
Why the NC hasn't started a standup comedy tour is beyond me.
You got me with the Stephanie part, hilarious.
Is ID4 full of clichés, predictable plot lines and shallow characters? YES! Does that mean its bad? NO! It knows its full of those things and doesn't pretend to be anything else. Its a fun movie. A fun take on the classic alien invasion story. It fun to watch. I have to disagree with NC on this one.
Jack Sofalot Couldn't agree more and I know he's playing a character and pointing out the most obvious plot holes, but I find this review more annoying than other he's done.
The problem is, that those things you mention would be okay for a parody, but since they were trying to play it straight, it just makes it cheesy, cliched and cringe-worthy.
Watzit Tooya Thats your opinion but I have to disagree.
DarkLordDiablos Likewise, my fellow chap.
This movie is absolutely necessary. There wouldn't be cliche's without something to base them off of.
the cliches of this movie were already a cliche. all of them
I personally really like this movie. It's a fun movie to watch for the sake of being fun.
The alien ship launching thru the tunnel with Will smith screaming is the best moment of the 90's!!!
Sorry Doug, I have to side with the lovers on this one. I think you missed the point of the movie. I'm by no means saying it was perfect, but definitely a good movie. Remember your reviews of Fantasia and Snow White (yes I know they came after)? This is another story that is more about emotional response and less about the "story". And the story is still pretty good.
Just saw the sequel, and yes, they pull another "Boomer will live".
Which part was that again?
+Catpirate - Mobile Gaming and More The climax I think. They were trying to get the dog in the bus.
This movie in four words: Aliens, Spaceships, America! BOOM!!
(Spaceballs Reference)
The minute you had to subtitle the reference with the origin you ruined a joke that wasn't very funny to begin with.
0/10 stop playing shitcraft.
StopMinecraftVIOLENCE I play a game called minecraft, but there is no game I know about called shitcraft. I understand if your personal sense of humor is different from my own, but no-one cares if you hate minecraft.
Not the point of my comment, address the real problem which is your stupidity.
Just because our senses of humour are different doesn't mean I'm stupid. We just think differently about things.
And you're a pathetic person who only knows how to criticise people in youtube comments. At least I TRIED to be funny. You're just criticising me because we have different senses of humour and I play minecraft...neither of which are very valid reasons to get mad at someone... Nah, I'm stopping here. It isn't worth my time arguing with a saddo like yourself.
Finally, someone pointed out the Star Wars similarities.
That alien monologue was priceless.
When critic did his pirate voice he sounded just the pirate from spongbob.
+Ethan Smith The one that opens the theme song or the one with the annoying parrot?
Cody Hines The theme song guy.
ahhh he didnt point out the best extra in a movie ! 18:25 DAT NOSE!
I can't believe Doug didn't point out that the president's daughter is played by a young Mae Whitman: The voice of Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
LMAO!!! The Jeff Goldblum impersination got me rolling on the floor.....checkmate!
"You maniacs! You blew it up!" I just lost it
Say what you will about this movie, but damn if that isn't one hell of a speech.
+Yeti YetiInTheDen That's one of my favorite movie speeches of all time. :)
+kirara2516 Really? Interesting. As someone from a country the US imposed a brutally violent dictatorship in for nearly 30 years where we were forced to assimilate the American language and pop culture (also during which time our economy was so wrecked beyond repair that we had some 4 or 5 currency changes in desperate attempts to fix it), being told "the world will now conform to our holiday!" doesn't sound in any way thrilling. No idea why
+PaddySnuffles This American here fails to see any merit in any holiday now. Easter, candy. July 4th, sleep deprivation. Labor day, vegetate. Thanksgiving, hoard food despite having claimed to be on a diet. Christmas, materialism. Not a damn care for Washington's or Columbus Day. BUTTTT I must say this was a good 'unscripted' speech by a fictional president. Our actual presidents can't tie their shoes without the aid of cue cards or efforts of Social Service men.... unless it's some sarcastic rhetoric.
.... yet our best stand-up comedians deliver hour-long messages without reading from a script. Through memorization, sure, but least _they're_ dedicated to what they say.
There's merit in taking time to have fun with family. There's no merit in propaganda about how the world should assimilate to assimilate to a single country's national holiday.
The only people who care about July 4th is Americans and people in any other countries that celebrate that day for whatever their reason may be.
You wouldn't like it if Canada made a movie about how everyone should celebrate 1st of July because Canada's "the greatest country God ever put on this Earth", would you? The same applies here.
PaddySnuffles Ha! Canada. The topic of many butt jokes. I've been there, not too shabby, so I'm not sure where the hate comes from. Personally I don't like it because that's where a particular douchebag singer came from... and they don't want him back.
I, too, get annoyed with the 'fuck yeah, America' messages in some films. There are 200 countries in the world so what about them?
Give the North Pole a chance for all I care. Even North Korea, since they're so proud but uh... I think cinema is illegal over there. Anything Kim Un Jong Walla-walla-bing-bang doesn't understand is on the blacklist.
Too bad that charm of Will Smith won't be back in the second one. His character died while pilot a alien-hybrid fighter crash. Long live Captain Steve Hiller.
+$wvnky thęKidd It's like how Critic mentioned in the Jaws 4 review when they kill off characters offscreen even though the actor is still alive
+Leopold Litchenstein (SpongeBobfan1.5) Ikr
21:10 how did the critic miss the multiple times that they mentioned the president was a former military jet pilot
for a second I thought that there was a spider on my screen from your profile picture
BlueEyesMaster100 god that picture is creepy isn't it?
How did you miss the fact that it's the goddamn president, who shouldn't be flying a damn jet even if he used to. But I know this film obviously isn't meant to be taken seriously. And I love it for that.
bob bill Its the end of humanity. I don't think they'd stop him
haltopen12 Yeah guess so. They're probably like "Fuck it, we'll all die anyway."
In defense of the Stripper-wife vs NASA career sub-plot, getting a security clearance is a big fucking deal, and having a wife who's a stripper, with all of the (unfair in this case) assumptions about her that go with that, would have a VERY negative effect on your chances of passing a rigorous background check.
This would definitely be considered in any astronaut selection program, whether military or civilian.
The only inconsistency is that, as a combat pilot and company-grade officer, he would already have a security clearance, though perhaps only at "SECRET" level, and for the same reason would already be taking a risk by marrying Jasmine.
The main thing they look for in these checks is your vulnerability to being subverted by an enemy, with finances probably being the most important aspect of that. History has revealed that as the most common motivator for spying and betrayal.
Stripping does not exactly scream "financial security," thus the assumed bias against them as spouses of people with access to state secrets.
tl;dr When you have a Security Clearance requirement for your dream job, who you marry totally DOES matter.
''our president played by Bill Pullman... LONE STARR!'' xD
I was a bit disappointed in the lack of "SpaceBalls" references, but at least that one was d@mn good. Seriously, no "comb the desert," "jammed radar," not even one "May the Schwartz be with you?!"
I'm not ashamed to admit this. I liked Independence Day. So there. Just bring it on haters. I'm ready for anything you can throw at me.
Chuck Lee You're not the only one. Yes it has its flaws, its many, many flaws, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this movie is highly enjoyable.
Why do people always criticize Jeff Goldblum's acting? I don't get it. He's serviceable in this movie so I really don't see what's wrong.
Rick Steck much like Tom Cruise after Top Gun :P
+Samur/Aye Studios That's why I'm glad he didn't play Iron Man. That would have been a disaster. Thank god for Robert Downey Jr.
12:50 that part was sooo awesome I had to rewatch it a few times!
18:13 I've always seen that as one of the best movie speeches of all time.
I LOVE this movie, idk why you don't like it
*Boomer will live*
I lost it on " EAT LASER TIC TACS!!!! "
Almost as good as " I WAS FROZEN TODAY!!! "
R. Kidd , I lost it on an alien space ship.
...wait, what're we talking about?
"Mother's dead?" gets me every time
"I can outjew you"
"I can outjew you"
"I can outjew you"
"I can outjew you"
"I can outjew you"
"I can outjew you"
If only this review was done recently, I wonder if he still would say the same about Smith. Nevertheless I realy don't know what is his problem with the movie. It actualy is just a summer popcorn flic. Not only that, it was a good summer popcorn flic. I mean look at the shit we get this days? Ever since batman, maybe even before that every summer blockbuster is fucking dark and gritty, and deprived of any good humor. I actualy miss the times where you could go for a summer block buster and have some fun, maybe with a pinch of drama, but overarching tone of hope.
But noo... Now mass media undergo this strange emo phase, where everything must be dark and gritty. Even Ted with its fairly original idea and pretty funny first half couldn't resist the drama and ruined the other half of the movie. Realy? I say fuck you hollywood. I want my chearfull hopefull sensless summer block busters!
I don't get what's so stupid about the president flying with the other fighter pilots. They explained in the movie that he was a former fighter pilot before becoming president and, faced with the possible END OF THE WORLD, they need all the personal they can muster.
He's in charge of the whole government. He can't make decisions about what's going on on the ground if he's flying around.
SovietRussian1922 Again, it was the end of the world. I doubt government issues mattered much by that point. If this mission failed, humanity would fall. They needed everyone they could get to help. The president already rallied the troops so he felt the only other way he could help was to join the fight and I don't disagree; besides we could always elect a new president.
Dennis Williams Agreed, and besides, it's cool.
"Did your general ever fly into battle with you?"
-Simon Masrani
Dennis Williams i guess you don't understand the problem precisely. since he is president he is the head of the state. as the head of the state you have HUGE responsibilities (especially during a war!) like military and wartime logistics, army supply, arrangement of state economy (yes even when aliens bombed some of your cities your country still needs main resources like food, gasoline, steel, heavy industry etc...), choosing military strategies, communication with allies etc etc... i mean there is a shit ton of things that must be arranged before even one simple private can go to war, and for such purposes our society invented a VERY LONG learning process so someone who recieve such responsibilities does not fuck up. there are very few ppl capable of such things out there. thus it's complete bullcrap to send them into an offensive!
cccpredarmy But this wasn't a typical war, it was THE END OF THE WORLD! None of that mattered anymore. Humanity was going to fall to extinction unless this one mission succeeded. There was no plan B. To ensure this mission succeeded, they needed every able person to take to the air and the president fit that description. He already did everything he could on the ground (send global communication, put the team together, rally the troops etc.) so he decided the only thing he could do to help anymore was take to the sky. If he doesn't go and the mission fails, he and the rest of humanity die.
I still have more empathy for boomer than for the rest of the cast x)
Thank u for the Stephanie part. That made my day.
If Will Smith would actually read the rejection letters from NASA, then he'd know astronauts can't be over 6 feet tall.
me too
Doug - stop comparing movies scenes with real life , thats why its called Movie , not the real life scene recording , although I love the movie , I dont know why I love to see all the reviews from this guy XD
He's here to make jokes. He always does this kind of thing despite people including his brother telling him to stop including logic into the movie but in the end, he just wants to make jokes. LOL
And Vivica A Fox as the... obvious stereotype.
Kackle Mackle She made me think "Hellllllloooo nurse!!" (pathetic attempt at Animaniacs reference)
waltt No Animaniacs reference is pathetic. It is a display of superior character.
LOL, this is the only movie my dad never fell asleep while watching...
"Oh my GOD, they killed Jimmy!"
That's the Critic's voice. It's REALLY spot on!! xD
As of 2016 they dont live happly ever after
I still can't believe NC has done this show for 6 years
+strawberry queen Actually he has done it for over 8 years. He had some videos from 2007 and eventually put onto his website in 2008.
I hope boomer is in the sequel!
Boomer... Will be in the sequel! Lool jk i have no idea
Boomer will... ohhh... We'll get you another Boomer.
Still better than Tom Cruise's "War of the Worlds"
Tom Cruise only acted in War of the Worlds, Steven Spielberg made it
StarmanDeluxe "Acted"
I saw war of the worlds it was just not as fun there was no real sense of hope that independence day had. its much akin to a post apocalyptic feel like the book of Eli.
Well Critic, I actually enjoy this movie and it's not terrible about it. It's just cheesy sci-fi B-movie with corny lines, fun action scenes, and some silly stereotypical characters. But the only works about this movie is the special effects and it looks very amazing. With the acceptation of blowing up the White House and they exploded the whole two cities is great. Some characters are stupid and not of them taking it seriously, but at least I enjoy Will Smith as the captain, Bill Pullman is the president, Jeff Goldblum is the repairing scientist, and Judd Hirsch is the funny Jewish stereotypical father. Including the scene where father and son were acting Jewish conversation that keep song going and the father keeps it with few laughs. Of course the story is a bit rush and there's nothing interesting about the aliens and some of the human characters were too much character development with sub plots and one of them where involve about the alien invasion. For what it is, it's a decent summer blockbuster movie with few fun lines and to keep it entertainment for nostalgia moments when we're at that age. A good alien invasion movie and give it some only with 3 Stars out of 4 for me.
Even Nostalgia Critic still hates Jeff Goldblum. 😆😆😆 What an asshole.
Next they'll release Independence Day Resurgence this 2016. Just like Critic says, "Na New, Na New!"
Oh boy, at least doesn't get suck.
+Felipe Rico You know he exaggerates his feelings on the movies in reviews, right? He does state some facts, though.
Also....he already made the video. Your argument isn't really helping.
Please don't take this as an insult(even though I just realized I made this statement sound like one...)
Same music at the crying scene from Pokemon the first movie. All of the feels.
Oh my god, those parts had me in stitches xD