This has got to be the most soothing music my ears ever heard. I never got around to truly level cap a draenei but damn if I do not absolutely love their music. Blizzard cooked so hard when they made tbc.
I’ve very fond memories of leveling my draenei back in this zone. The quests were pretty cool for their time. I loved the chain that involved learning the language of the furbolgs. And the ending with the elite blood elf mobs which requires a whole group to do was epic if you could get some people together to do it, not to mention it gave crazy experience and awesome rewards. More than anything however, this song reminds me of being 17 again, sitting in my room with the window open during warm summer nights, feeling the breeze through the curtains as I level during the middle of the night. I was almost in a trance-like state, going from quest to quest, not even feeling hungry or tired because I was so mesmerized and immersed in the game. Good times, good memories.
+Mangs i was like... 15 or 16 years old Burning Crusade was my first experience with wow, it was really a beautiful time, all new, the magic of the game, so much to explore, the goal to reach level 70 and experience all the adventures, and the feeling running trough the forest of this great zone at 4,5 am in a trance like state as one of my pre posters said, its magic that we all had the same feelings and experience thank to this great game, it will never be the same, as it was as we started with this game, thank you blizzard for this great (and is say the word again) experience
This is some of the most profoundly nostalgia music for me, even having played since 2004. When TBC came out, it's hard to describe. I burned out on the greatest video game I''d ever played about a year and a half into it. Took a long vacation, and suddenly there was an explosion of new things in this game that had taken over my life. After 8 months or more, it was an oasis in a desert. Also, my mother had died that August, I was only 25. I suddenly was alone in life but had 90 thousand in life insurance. I did things in life I'd never done before just to do them. The morning I bought TBC at midnight, when the sun came up, it was snowing heavily. And I decided to go for a 3 mile walk in the snow listening to this soundtrack on my ipod. I'd not yet played the game and I usually never spoil the music, but the way I associate these songs with the very emotional walk in the snow, it's some of the most calming and soothing and serene music I've heard. It made me fall in love with the Draenei. When I saw the beauty of their starting zone, it was love at first sight, even to this day it impresses me.
This zone is an absolutely amazing masterpiece of art. The emotions it gave me when I first leveled through with my first draenei is unspeakable. No other video game could spark emotions in me like this game could. That feeling of magic, mystery and adventure. Still unmatched to this day.
+Norbi77 I still love to make draeneis to walk across those forests, hunt for thieves and furbolgs in their cave. Mine in nagas cavern. Sit in "middle" city watching exodar... ah...
That´s exactly the reason why I travel to Azuremyst Isle at least once a year on Halloween. I started WoW at this time many years ago and the feelings you described are exactly what I felt then. 100% nostalgia ^^
When I graduated from my junior high school,my teacher gave me a card,there are something he wanted to say to me.He said he is a Draenei in WoW,and the most important is……he said "May the light be with you". I was so excited,and then I cried.I really like that teacher.
I think the Azuremyst Isle music is just very peaceful. I sometimes make a Draenei just to listen to the music. It's so relaxing. Especially if I'm in a horrible mood.
SirMalorak It is peaceful, but also sad and melancholic. Of all the soundtracks, I think the one that touches me the most in wow is: Shards of the Exodar. It makes me feel as if I was Draenei myself, and losing so much is just unbearable.
that part in the first 3-4 minutes is the most beautiful game/cinema music ive ever heard. i didnt even level a draenei back in the day so its not even because of nostalgia, its just gut wrenchingly heart stoppingly somberly beautiful
oh the the nostalgia..... I spent hours in that area to farm that blood elf mask...just to get enough money to learn 100% speed mount riding skill ...good times....I could cry
What truly made me enjoy World of Warcraft was the fact that I wasn’t so jaded. I didn’t know everything about the game and I didn’t want to, but as the years passed I explored every single aspect of the game, and it all became dull and boring. I long for the time where the world felt mysterious, and things were fresh and exciting, but I don’t think I’ll be able to feel like that in any MMO anymore. WoW was my childhood growing up, nothing will ever compare.
Good old times now forever part of us. Like the mist on the horizon, elusive and ever shifting but always present in our memories. All those moments shine like a distant lighthouse in the sea of life reminding us of friends we've made and adventures we had. I am so happy I was part of it. Peace !
WoW music is like a time machine back to my college years for me. Failed exams and skipped class pretty much one entire year, around when WOTLK came out. Worth it, absolutely worth it. Thank you Blizzard, for these great times and memories.
I love exodar and it's beauty and the relaxing music, while I created my 1st draenei paladin I felt I was a real draenei and that's my home! non of the cities and races could give the feeling! "May the light embrace you..."
I remember when TBC launched, heading over to Bloodmyst/Azuremyst as a Belf to try grind out the blood elf bandit mask(it was like the defias one but with gold trimmings). I'd often pause in Azuremyst to listen to the music. Later on I leveled through the zone as a Draenei. It had some really great and entertaining quests, against this consuming score playing in the background. You can almost imagine the Draeneis' struggle in a new world with a completely foreign environment. There's something deeply mystical about the tune too. Blizzard really nailed the music sometimes.
This game put me in a trance as a kid. A total mental world of fantasy. Pure fantasy. But it felt so real at the time. I never thought I would lose it. It just sort of faded away. This music resembles the echo of a dying dream in my mind. Life is a trip. God is good
I used to come to this zone just to listen the music and relax :p Best soundtrack IMO along with Zangamarsh from the entire TBC and TBC had excellent soundtrack...especially SWP and BT music.
Simply the best period of WoW here, the nostalgia is strong in this one. I keep going back to this game to relive the feeling, but it's all been watered down and hurried along now.
do I think wow is bad right now? yes. do I think it was because of any xpac besides WoD... no it was all WoD. the rest were still fun to me. as a vanilla player Wrath and BC were my favorite time. Everyone was a scumbag to each other and vanilla and would grind gold at questing zones so you could never level... still good times though.
+HexakillUltraRave That's why I play private servers. Everyone says "oh you're just nostalgic", but when I went back to Vanilla after being used to the post cata bullshit, it was *almost* like i was playing for the first time again. Naturally the feeling can't be 100% replicated, but it's still there. If anything it only proved that "rose-tinted glasses" had nothing to do with Blizzard totally fucking up a great game
This was the first thing I remember about that game. I no long play because life, but I cannot forget Azuremyst. Best place ever. Thanks for the fantastic music.
This song reminds me of hours and hours of farming Blood Elf Bandit masks for selling on AH to FINALLY get some money for the things I need. It was the easiest way to make money at low levels. =D
You still with us TheBanzai369? Thanks for this comment... I really feep this one kicking in.. When I try to explain to my wife... she does not understand. I guess.. nobody who was not there will ever understand how this really was our world.. How we could dwell for many hours each day in these sub realities...
the reason why draenei is my favorite race is because of this zone. i absolutely loved the draenei quest, and lore. it's so erie and beautiful at the same time. and this music is just breathtaking. i also love bloodmyst isle too. i think that blizzard should make more native / indian like zones like this.
This is by far some of my favorite music in WoW. It's so calming, and fits Azuremyst so perfectly that I enjoy coming back from time to time, just to roam around and listen.
This brings me back to the days of levelling my Draenei which I still play now in Legion. Love this music and the Draenei are my favourite race. The Naaru have not forgotten us. Also, love the touch of the Draenei Shaman in the lower left hand corner with Lightning Shield
I remember just being so drawn to the Draenei and the story around it, it was so mysterious and it felt so magical. And first journeying out of the starting zone into the forests and looking at the different places and then this music accompanying me through it all... there is no words to describe what vanilla wow made me feel, but I will forever remember my adventurers through these wonderful lands. :)
This song is based on relaxing yoga music, the yoga studio I go too, during the final stage of meditation, the instructor turns off the lights and puts on music very similar to this.
It's used in Draenor! I was so happy that to hear it again! :) I just love this piece of art. Everything about the Azuremyst Isle is perfect. The music, the looks, the gives me chills :)
This is very sad for me. This music marked the time when I left WOW for good. I was a fully pvp 80 undead lock and used to sit in the bridge between azuremyst isle and the blood one listening to this music while studying for exams. Then life started to be too much work for me to dive aimlessly inside this game and I quit. Will never forget the best moments ever!!
This is by far the best soundtrack in WOW imho. I love the gentle, ambient sound. Sometimes I just login with a low level Draenei just to enjoy the atmosphere...
The Draenei and the associated art, music, and visuals is a timeless masterpiece of fictional lore ever produced. Blizzard hit out of the park when they created the Draenei race and all effects for them. "Open your heart to the light!"
I'm not Alliance, but i love to visit this place so now and then in a peaceful manner :> I think the tauren and draenei could be very good friends actually~! Poor draenei, they've been through so much... :(
Francois424 Yeah maybe, I now prefer my Horde home though, :) but I respect most races that respect nature as well. I guess it's a tauren thing haha :-)
Long live....Long live the Draenei!!!!!!! God how I miss the old days of wow...Just to think when BC launched I could not stand them until 3 months after launch....Now Bluegill faded into the history books lol I love this music...Then again if there is one thing wow had was some damn stunning stages and damn awesome music scores!!!!!!!
Damn dude , so many feelings just in one video.I don't even know how to explain my feelings. This soundtrack was made by God or something? DRAENEI RULES!
Ngl I'm a die hard horde fan been that way since early 2004, listening to this track was a treat for me. I'd hop over a few low lvl ally boats and just roam the coasts and forests for hours fishing n stunting on Allys who would step up all while talking to friends on vent. Nostalgia doesn't give nearly enough credit to this feeling I have listening to these haunting yet honorable sounds, Well over a decade later.
Blood Elves also remind of the 18th century French a bit, with the extravagance of their architecture and their 'Sun King'. Also, their architecture looks like Art Nouveau. The 'modern' Night Elf architecture reminds of the Japanese, and their more ancient architecture looks Greco-Roman.
They gave Draenei and Blood Elves their own place in the world. Their own zones, their own cities. The goblin starting zone is never to be seen again and Gilneas is an empty husk. I understand WHY it's like that (Exodar and Silvermoon aren't exactly bustling cities) but it was nice to see them take the addition of new races so seriously in the beginning.
They gave them their own unique starting experiences to be sure. They didn't just plop Worgen, Goblin and Pandaren in the world without context, but their starting experiences just act as vehicles to level you up and are then disposed of. They aren't additions to the world like Quel'Thalas and the Draenei isles are. Gilneas IS there, but like I said, empty husk.
I listen to this some nights, just slowly falling asleep dreaming away to the TBC times when questing in Azuremyst isle. It makes the nostalgia and memories of the area so present. I remember creating a lot of characters just to experience it all over again, it was truely a masterpiece of a game.
this is the soundtrack i listen when i have a hard time getting asleep. it always worked so far. the soundtrack of Eversong woods and teldrassil will do too hehehe
It might sound strange, but I like to listen to this music in bed before sleep and pretend I'm actually there in Azuremyst Isle in some kind of Draenei camp. Nestled in my Runecloth duvet and looking up at the countless stars beyond the towering canopy above me. I sleep within minutes.
In 2007 my first major character that I leveled past 15 or so was a draenei hunter. Azuremyst felt so strange and alien compared to the rest of Azeroth. It felt like a cross between Dark Shore and Terrokar Forest.
Wow. I remember when I started playing WoW, just when Cataclysm had released. I was 11. And I looked at all the races and classes, and decided to go for a male Draenei Mage. And I remember just walking around this zone, not understanding a thing, listening to this music, while talking to my best friends over Skype. Listening to this now, 11 years later, is so weird. The nostalgia is such a special feeling. This game was so amazing, and I really miss it sometimes. Nowadays, it’s easy to understand how simple and great life was back then. Life is nice now as well, but it’s hard growing up. WoW has given me a really good childhood.
We had very similar experiences, although I made a female draenei mage. I was just cluelessly wandering around the place most of the time, also helped by my lack of english knowledge at the time
Out of all the fine soundtracks blizz made, this one is the most ambient in my opinion. When it first came out it was one of my favourites for doing homework, that was 8 years ago xD now it still serves purpose when i need to meditate before sleeping.
This is my favorite most chill starting zone. ANyone who likes this type of ambient relazation music should check out the artist Anugama. His stuff sounds a LOT like this.
I love this soundtrack even more in Shadowmoon Valley. It fits so well with the sleepy atmosphere of the place, aswell as the beautiful Draenei buildings
Makes me sad listening to this a childhood that I never knew meant so much to me until it was gone, I used to find it hard to level there with new characters just because the sheer nostalgia that I missed could never be rekindled.
Thank you, for uploading this, its a celestial piece of art, with a melancholy touch, resembeling the tragic story about these people. I like to get blazed to this and it's a everlasting favorite of mine. Peace & prosparity to you.
It's good to see a passion for this kind of music. Draenai are peaceful and cool and the whole 2 isles remind me that life on other planets far out in the distance could he like that.
The new expansion Warlords of Draenor brings all of my memories from this isle back to mind. I always played on low populated servers, so it felt as if I was the only one to hear this music whenever I was on the isle. It was always so calming and warm, like the music was somehow talking to me. Now that I think about it, the Naaru was probably communicating to me :P
Over the past 8-9 years I find myself searching for this soundtrack on UA-cam to re-live the memories once again. Thank you for keeping this piece of art alive on your channel.
for some reason i didnt rly like azuremyst the firs time i was there many years ago, now i just love it, its the most, .. the moossttt peaceful place eveer D:> this music is so soothing, thanks for the upload
I play WoW for 6.5 years now. I have yet to get tired of the game. No doubt the lovely soundtracks are a big part of why I still adore the game. This music was actually the first music that I heard when I created my Priestess. It'll forever be part of my life and I have reserved a special place in my heart for the Draenei.
Apart from the game(which I played between October 2006 until may 2012), I especially choose this track when I had this highlight in my life. Five years ago I was struggling through life in a bad relationship which already lasted for 13 years, work I didn’t like etc. Then my gf left me, I got sacked from this employer I worked 17 years for(worked my way up). So left with nothing, then I stumbled on this track(once more), drank a cheap bottle of liquor 43 and decided to things differently Now, five years later and I met this beautiful, smart woman, married her! She already had a good position as a biologist with accordingly job. I reinvented myself, now I’m doing very well. We bought this mansion which we both thought we would never even own in our wildest dreams, but the moment we set foot in it, we both played this track immediately! Life is.... well more then just a box of chocolates ;)
We all must admit that Blizzard is amazing when it comes to the lore and soundtracks, just listen and remember the lore behind azuremyst isle and appreciate the true experience of the game.
I remember logging into wow for the first time ever and making a Draenei. I knew basically nothing about the game yet I enjoyed it so much. Azuremyst Isle is a magical place and this music is just phenomenal and enchanting. The one thing this game never failed at is the incredible soundtrack. I don't think I could ever forget this music in my life, even though I quit the game.
Just want to drop by again and say how this is my favorite WoW track. I think they took some Hindu inspiration in creating the Draenei, maybe the music I can't say for sure. But this music is just...perfect. I use it for doing my homework religiously.
Years later and I still use this + rain ASM sounds to fall asleep XD
This has got to be the most soothing music my ears ever heard. I never got around to truly level cap a draenei but damn if I do not absolutely love their music. Blizzard cooked so hard when they made tbc.
try "armenian duduk" music :) you will probably love it. youre welcome
I’ve very fond memories of leveling my draenei back in this zone. The quests were pretty cool for their time. I loved the chain that involved learning the language of the furbolgs. And the ending with the elite blood elf mobs which requires a whole group to do was epic if you could get some people together to do it, not to mention it gave crazy experience and awesome rewards.
More than anything however, this song reminds me of being 17 again, sitting in my room with the window open during warm summer nights, feeling the breeze through the curtains as I level during the middle of the night. I was almost in a trance-like state, going from quest to quest, not even feeling hungry or tired because I was so mesmerized and immersed in the game.
Good times, good memories.
MangsandZerul i had exactly the same experiece ;) Thank you for sharing this!
One love!
+Mangs same here :)
Beautiful description!
you just brought me back ! luv you
+Mangs i was like... 15 or 16 years old Burning Crusade was my first experience with wow, it was really a beautiful time, all new, the magic of the game, so much to explore, the goal to reach level 70 and experience all the adventures, and the feeling running trough the forest of this great zone at 4,5 am in a trance like state as one of my pre posters said, its magic that we all had the same feelings and experience thank to this great game, it will never be the same, as it was as we started with this game, thank you blizzard for this great (and is say the word again) experience
This is some of the most profoundly nostalgia music for me, even having played since 2004. When TBC came out, it's hard to describe. I burned out on the greatest video game I''d ever played about a year and a half into it. Took a long vacation, and suddenly there was an explosion of new things in this game that had taken over my life. After 8 months or more, it was an oasis in a desert.
Also, my mother had died that August, I was only 25. I suddenly was alone in life but had 90 thousand in life insurance. I did things in life I'd never done before just to do them. The morning I bought TBC at midnight, when the sun came up, it was snowing heavily. And I decided to go for a 3 mile walk in the snow listening to this soundtrack on my ipod.
I'd not yet played the game and I usually never spoil the music, but the way I associate these songs with the very emotional walk in the snow, it's some of the most calming and soothing and serene music I've heard. It made me fall in love with the Draenei. When I saw the beauty of their starting zone, it was love at first sight, even to this day it impresses me.
I like the music. But I like the Ashenvale music even more. It's just so much better.
Whatcha did with the rest $89.9k?
Hookers and blow, hopefully.
My thoughts are with you.❤
The Naaru have not forgotten us...
MedievalWaffle365 arkoonaan poroos
But Blizzard have.
@@zipper785785 Daionee S'akaa (sp?) ;-)
krona kai kristo
@@Jakobdk 😂😂😂
I still come back at least once a year to listen to this. It only gets better with time .
fell ya brother, absolutely :)
I literally have this on repeat every night to sleep, and have done for the several years.
Me too🥰
I do that with Silvermoon.
Open your heart to the light.
My heart is always open.
Aerith Gainsborough Ahhhhh! I've been expecting you....
Inachu Ikimasho Not all who wander are lost..
Aerith Gainsborough The Naaru have not forgotten us.
Remember the lessons of the Past.
Each day is a blessing...
A friend of mine introduced me to WoW when I was 50 :) This was the first place I landed and I was hooked form day one. Really lovely music
This zone is an absolutely amazing masterpiece of art. The emotions it gave me when I first leveled through with my first draenei is unspeakable. No other video game could spark emotions in me like this game could. That feeling of magic, mystery and adventure. Still unmatched to this day.
+Norbi77 Beautifully said!
+Norbi77 agree absolutely
+Norbi77 Agree!
+Norbi77 I still love to make draeneis to walk across those forests, hunt for thieves and furbolgs in their cave. Mine in nagas cavern. Sit in "middle" city watching exodar... ah...
That´s exactly the reason why I travel to Azuremyst Isle at least once a year on Halloween. I started WoW at this time many years ago and the feelings you described are exactly what I felt then. 100% nostalgia ^^
Number of times I've gone to sleep to this music...pure peace.
Omg me too. Almost every night still from approx 8 years ago
@@diabloking120 Same!!
Omg, me!
i work everyday whit that music and i got the 1hours version :)
When I graduated from my junior high school,my teacher gave me a card,there are something he wanted to say to me.He said he is a Draenei in WoW,and the most important is……he said "May the light be with you".
I was so excited,and then I cried.I really like that teacher.
I think the Azuremyst Isle music is just very peaceful. I sometimes make a Draenei just to listen to the music. It's so relaxing. Especially if I'm in a horrible mood.
Doesn't really sound peaceful to me, melancholic at best. People just crashed and try to survive, yo. (opinions :3)
SirMalorak It is peaceful, but also sad and melancholic. Of all the soundtracks, I think the one that touches me the most in wow is: Shards of the Exodar. It makes me feel as if I was Draenei myself, and losing so much is just unbearable.
SirMalorak ?So this music does not sound peaceful to you? You sure you are listening to the same video we are? LOL
Ahmad Abdullah Yes I am. I really enjoy the song, but for different reasons.
SirMalorak ah, Understood!
Some of the best video game music ever made. Emotional and immersive. This was the golden era of WoW
yup......its gone :(
that part in the first 3-4 minutes is the most beautiful game/cinema music ive ever heard. i didnt even level a draenei back in the day so its not even because of nostalgia, its just gut wrenchingly heart stoppingly somberly beautiful
oh the the nostalgia..... I spent hours in that area to farm that blood elf mask...just to get enough money to learn 100% speed mount riding skill
...good times....I could cry
In a Galaxy far far away, a foreign race crashed on a very suspicious planet...
18 people have forgotten by The Naaru
+sevenhill467 have been
+sevenhill467 they're blood elves :P
Oliver Daniel
What truly made me enjoy World of Warcraft was the fact that I wasn’t so jaded. I didn’t know everything about the game and I didn’t want to, but as the years passed I explored every single aspect of the game, and it all became dull and boring. I long for the time where the world felt mysterious, and things were fresh and exciting, but I don’t think I’ll be able to feel like that in any MMO anymore. WoW was my childhood growing up, nothing will ever compare.
Good old times now forever part of us. Like the mist on the horizon, elusive and ever shifting but always present in our memories. All those moments shine like a distant lighthouse in the sea of life reminding us of friends we've made and adventures we had. I am so happy I was part of it. Peace !
+Damon Frost thank you for that man, you are speaking right out of my soul, peace
pack your bags,kids,we're going on a feels trip,especially if you know the,you can feel the pain of the draenei...
WoW music is like a time machine back to my college years for me. Failed exams and skipped class pretty much one entire year, around when WOTLK came out. Worth it, absolutely worth it. Thank you Blizzard, for these great times and memories.
TBC was the absolute peak of World of Warcraft, there was something special about it.. something else.. you could almost touch it.
I love exodar and it's beauty and the relaxing music, while I created my 1st draenei paladin I felt I was a real draenei and that's my home!
non of the cities and races could give the feeling!
"May the light embrace you..."
I remember when TBC launched, heading over to Bloodmyst/Azuremyst as a Belf to try grind out the blood elf bandit mask(it was like the defias one but with gold trimmings). I'd often pause in Azuremyst to listen to the music.
Later on I leveled through the zone as a Draenei. It had some really great and entertaining quests, against this consuming score playing in the background. You can almost imagine the Draeneis' struggle in a new world with a completely foreign environment. There's something deeply mystical about the tune too.
Blizzard really nailed the music sometimes.
My original nostalgia.
The first zone I played was Azuremyst. Aah, the memories.
This game put me in a trance as a kid. A total mental world of fantasy. Pure fantasy. But it felt so real at the time. I never thought I would lose it. It just sort of faded away. This music resembles the echo of a dying dream in my mind. Life is a trip. God is good
I used to come to this zone just to listen the music and relax :p
Best soundtrack IMO along with Zangamarsh from the entire TBC and TBC had excellent soundtrack...especially SWP and BT music.
This is probably one of the best melodies in WoW.
This together with Grizzly Hills..
I wan't grizzly hills for my wedding! Haha!
+ shattrath city
Simply the best period of WoW here, the nostalgia is strong in this one. I keep going back to this game to relive the feeling, but it's all been watered down and hurried along now.
Hellmut Sturmstout Man, I keep coming back and there's nothing to even get addicted to anymore! :'(
Amber Turner Ye its certainly a sad thing to find out.
+arthur bellington Googlecalendar Agreed :(
do I think wow is bad right now? yes. do I think it was because of any xpac besides WoD... no it was all WoD. the rest were still fun to me. as a vanilla player Wrath and BC were my favorite time. Everyone was a scumbag to each other and vanilla and would grind gold at questing zones so you could never level... still good times though.
+HexakillUltraRave That's why I play private servers. Everyone says "oh you're just nostalgic", but when I went back to Vanilla after being used to the post cata bullshit, it was *almost* like i was playing for the first time again. Naturally the feeling can't be 100% replicated, but it's still there. If anything it only proved that "rose-tinted glasses" had nothing to do with Blizzard totally fucking up a great game
This was the first thing I remember about that game. I no long play because life, but I cannot forget Azuremyst. Best place ever. Thanks for the fantastic music.
Still so beautiful all these years later. Really feels like a time long forgotten to me World of Warcraft. I really did love The Burning Crusade
This song reminds me of hours and hours of farming Blood Elf Bandit masks for selling on AH to FINALLY get some money for the things I need. It was the easiest way to make money at low levels. =D
somwun. died. in. emerdel💖
You should just spend this time at digging copper ;p
I still check for that bandit anytime I visit Azuremyst. That was MONEY back in the day!!
I don't think any game will make me feel what WoW made me feel. I am happy because of that, but kinda sad too...
In a way... It ended gaming for me. Nothing compares. Nothing...
I feel you
Its all in the past...
Nothing will ever compare...
Nothing will ever bring it back too though... they are our memories. Until we die...
You still with us TheBanzai369?
Thanks for this comment... I really feep this one kicking in..
When I try to explain to my wife... she does not understand. I guess.. nobody who was not there will ever understand how this really was our world..
How we could dwell for many hours each day in these sub realities...
the reason why draenei is my favorite race is because of this zone. i absolutely loved the draenei quest, and lore. it's so erie and beautiful at the same time. and this music is just breathtaking. i also love bloodmyst isle too. i think that blizzard should make more native / indian like zones like this.
This is by far some of my favorite music in WoW. It's so calming, and fits Azuremyst so perfectly that I enjoy coming back from time to time, just to roam around and listen.
No comments on this amazing video?
Well, I've just got to say... thanks for uploading it. It's really, really beautiful and incredibly soothing.
+Atnas Ingetnamn Glad you enjoy it :)
+Cinelle TV for extra atmosphere, have rainymood (google it) running in paralel. Exquisite chilling technique for work :)
We are sailing on dreams of gods....
Where is this quote from, may I know?
This brings me back to the days of levelling my Draenei which I still play now in Legion. Love this music and the Draenei are my favourite race. The Naaru have not forgotten us.
Also, love the touch of the Draenei Shaman in the lower left hand corner with Lightning Shield
the best game soundtrack ever made. just my opinion tho.
remembering the music I felt very old. The best years were given to warcraft. nostalgia((
Love this compilation and I am coming back to it atleast once a year. Nothing can chill me out like this. Thanks for posting it those 10 years ago.
same here lol
Same, this helps my anxiety so much
@@JeremyJenner same here. There's something so outworldly about this. Something beyond just the actual setting it was used for in WoW.
It should not have ended like this... we should have been still playing wow, bros. Not reminiscing about it.
I remember just being so drawn to the Draenei and the story around it, it was so mysterious and it felt so magical. And first journeying out of the starting zone into the forests and looking at the different places and then this music accompanying me through it all... there is no words to describe what vanilla wow made me feel, but I will forever remember my adventurers through these wonderful lands. :)
This song is based on relaxing yoga music, the yoga studio I go too, during the final stage of meditation, the instructor turns off the lights and puts on music very similar to this.
It's used in Draenor! I was so happy that to hear it again! :) I just love this piece of art. Everything about the Azuremyst Isle is perfect. The music, the looks, the gives me chills :)
This makes me miss WoW so much. I started playing the game in TBC and the whole entire zone of Azuremyst has some of the fondest memories for me.
After all these years when I am having trouble sleeping, I will put this on repeat and sleep like a baby.
Don't ever change this place Blizzard. It's legacy shall live on.
This is very sad for me. This music marked the time when I left WOW for good. I was a fully pvp 80 undead lock and used to sit in the bridge between azuremyst isle and the blood one listening to this music while studying for exams. Then life started to be too much work for me to dive aimlessly inside this game and I quit. Will never forget the best moments ever!!
This is by far the best soundtrack in WOW imho. I love the gentle, ambient sound. Sometimes I just login with a low level Draenei just to enjoy the atmosphere...
This song make me cry every time I listen to it... Remember my first character, Such a good time !
The Draenei and the associated art, music, and visuals is a timeless masterpiece of fictional lore ever produced. Blizzard hit out of the park when they created the Draenei race and all effects for them. "Open your heart to the light!"
I'm not Alliance, but i love to visit this place so now and then in a peaceful manner :> I think the tauren and draenei could be very good friends actually~! Poor draenei, they've been through so much... :(
Agreed. Tauren is a race that could easily have joined the alliance if the situation had arisen.
Francois424 Yeah maybe, I now prefer my Horde home though, :) but I respect most races that respect nature as well. I guess it's a tauren thing haha :-)
fuck that shit, do you even HORDE? Me and my guild used to regularly raid this place---yep, no survivors
Long live....Long live the Draenei!!!!!!! God how I miss the old days of wow...Just to think when BC launched I could not stand them until 3 months after launch....Now Bluegill faded into the history books lol I love this music...Then again if there is one thing wow had was some damn stunning stages and damn awesome music scores!!!!!!!
Damn dude , so many feelings just in one video.I don't even know how to explain my feelings.
This soundtrack was made by God or something?
I love this still ... so many years later.
I'm mostly a horde player, but goddamn this is one of my favorite starting zones. The music and scenery is amazing
Ngl I'm a die hard horde fan been that way since early 2004, listening to this track was a treat for me. I'd hop over a few low lvl ally boats and just roam the coasts and forests for hours fishing n stunting on Allys who would step up all while talking to friends on vent. Nostalgia doesn't give nearly enough credit to this feeling I have listening to these haunting yet honorable sounds, Well over a decade later.
Blood Elves also remind of the 18th century French a bit, with the extravagance of their architecture and their 'Sun King'. Also, their architecture looks like Art Nouveau.
The 'modern' Night Elf architecture reminds of the Japanese, and their more ancient architecture looks Greco-Roman.
The best time of WoW, closely followed by Vanilla. Best additional races. Best story. Best raids.
not best for story. They didnt do illidans Char that well
They gave Draenei and Blood Elves their own place in the world. Their own zones, their own cities. The goblin starting zone is never to be seen again and Gilneas is an empty husk. I understand WHY it's like that (Exodar and Silvermoon aren't exactly bustling cities) but it was nice to see them take the addition of new races so seriously in the beginning.
kirbymaster5 Well to be fair, Goblins and Worgen did get their own special zones, and worgen STILL have their city, it's just not a capital city-city.
They gave them their own unique starting experiences to be sure. They didn't just plop Worgen, Goblin and Pandaren in the world without context, but their starting experiences just act as vehicles to level you up and are then disposed of. They aren't additions to the world like Quel'Thalas and the Draenei isles are. Gilneas IS there, but like I said, empty husk.
no, just no. The only good thing about Vanilla was social aspect, and even that was full of toxicity and elitism
I always loved the music of Azuremyst Isle. It is so ethereal and other-worldly, a great fit for the Draenei!
I listen to this some nights, just slowly falling asleep dreaming away to the TBC times when questing in Azuremyst isle. It makes the nostalgia and memories of the area so present. I remember creating a lot of characters just to experience it all over again, it was truely a masterpiece of a game.
I love it...good old times.... will never forget. For the Alliance!
For the Horde* i got your back!
this is the soundtrack i listen when i have a hard time getting asleep. it always worked so far. the soundtrack of Eversong woods and teldrassil will do too hehehe
I dont play wow anymore, but i use these soudtracks when i meditade. Pure sounds for your mind, heart and soul!
Always loved this music. Early WoW was a true treasure trove for stuff like this.
It also reminded me of B&W2's music quite a bit.
I swear half of the views must be me, I fall asleep to this every single night
It might sound strange, but I like to listen to this music in bed before sleep and pretend I'm actually there in Azuremyst Isle in some kind of Draenei camp. Nestled in my Runecloth duvet and looking up at the countless stars beyond the towering canopy above me. I sleep within minutes.
I do that with night elf music , memories of playing in 4th grad.... It makes me sad that this isn't a real world
I do that too sometimes
Deep, meaningful track, absolutely in love with that
I have been to Azuremyst Isle, but never paid attention to the music, I played Horde back then. What a masterpiece
In 2007 my first major character that I leveled past 15 or so was a draenei hunter. Azuremyst felt so strange and alien compared to the rest of Azeroth. It felt like a cross between Dark Shore and Terrokar Forest.
Really hypnotic.
I remember when I started playing WoW, just when Cataclysm had released. I was 11. And I looked at all the races and classes, and decided to go for a male Draenei Mage. And I remember just walking around this zone, not understanding a thing, listening to this music, while talking to my best friends over Skype.
Listening to this now, 11 years later, is so weird. The nostalgia is such a special feeling. This game was so amazing, and I really miss it sometimes.
Nowadays, it’s easy to understand how simple and great life was back then. Life is nice now as well, but it’s hard growing up. WoW has given me a really good childhood.
We had very similar experiences, although I made a female draenei mage. I was just cluelessly wandering around the place most of the time, also helped by my lack of english knowledge at the time
Out of all the fine soundtracks blizz made, this one is the most ambient in my opinion. When it first came out it was one of my favourites for doing homework, that was 8 years ago xD now it still serves purpose when i need to meditate before sleeping.
This is my favorite most chill starting zone. ANyone who likes this type of ambient relazation music should check out the artist Anugama. His stuff sounds a LOT like this.
I love this soundtrack even more in Shadowmoon Valley. It fits so well with the sleepy atmosphere of the place, aswell as the beautiful Draenei buildings
Amazing sooth music. I could listen to this for hours and hours..and I have.
Makes me sad listening to this a childhood that I never knew meant so much to me until it was gone, I used to find it hard to level there with new characters just because the sheer nostalgia that I missed could never be rekindled.
Thank you, for uploading this, its a celestial piece of art, with a melancholy touch, resembeling the tragic story about these people. I like to get blazed to this and it's a everlasting favorite of mine. Peace & prosparity to you.
It's good to see a passion for this kind of music. Draenai are peaceful and cool and the whole 2 isles remind me that life on other planets far out in the distance could he like that.
The new expansion Warlords of Draenor brings all of my memories from this isle back to mind. I always played on low populated servers, so it felt as if I was the only one to hear this music whenever I was on the isle. It was always so calming and warm, like the music was somehow talking to me. Now that I think about it, the Naaru was probably communicating to me :P
I tripped crazy balls to this, thanks for the upload!
I played years ago and the Drainei music makes me to imagine Atlantis or Lemuria...
Over the past 8-9 years I find myself searching for this soundtrack on UA-cam to re-live the memories once again. Thank you for keeping this piece of art alive on your channel.
for some reason i didnt rly like azuremyst the firs time i was there many years ago, now i just love it, its the most, .. the moossttt peaceful place eveer D:> this music is so soothing, thanks for the upload
It's beautiful this, somewhat sad, like some paradise that you can see but never be, like a dream.
I play WoW for 6.5 years now. I have yet to get tired of the game. No doubt the lovely soundtracks are a big part of why I still adore the game. This music was actually the first music that I heard when I created my Priestess. It'll forever be part of my life and I have reserved a special place in my heart for the Draenei.
This music is the most relaxing music I've ever heard. I remember my first draenei and it was so amazing levling it to this beautiful music.
Apart from the game(which I played between October 2006 until may 2012), I especially choose this track when I had this highlight in my life.
Five years ago I was struggling through life in a bad relationship which already lasted for 13 years, work I didn’t like etc.
Then my gf left me, I got sacked from this employer I worked 17 years for(worked my way up).
So left with nothing, then I stumbled on this track(once more), drank a cheap bottle of liquor 43 and decided to things differently
Now, five years later and I met this beautiful, smart woman, married her!
She already had a good position as a biologist with accordingly job. I reinvented myself, now I’m doing very well.
We bought this mansion which we both thought we would never even own in our wildest dreams, but the moment we set foot in it, we both played this track immediately!
Life is.... well more then just a box of chocolates ;)
It gives me chills, positively. Makes you imagine a misty, dark, cold, or a winter forest.
can't get enough of this. thank u so much!
We all must admit that Blizzard is amazing when it comes to the lore and soundtracks, just listen and remember the lore behind azuremyst isle and appreciate the true experience of the game.
With lore I'd totally agree for older expansions and such. Nowadays the story and lore is a hot mess and nonsensical.
@@asteridfk 100%
This is sooo relaxing to listen. Always give me good memories back in the starting zone
Amazing music. Thought provoking. I'd like to hear music like this in films.
Perfect music for when I started leveling my fishing
So beautiful!!!! Already loved therace, now totally in love with their music
I remember logging into wow for the first time ever and making a Draenei. I knew basically nothing about the game yet I enjoyed it so much. Azuremyst Isle is a magical place and this music is just phenomenal and enchanting.
The one thing this game never failed at is the incredible soundtrack. I don't think I could ever forget this music in my life, even though I quit the game.
The chills are real :´)
perfect for meditation :3
I played this game. and am here to meditate on this amazing music :)
Just want to drop by again and say how this is my favorite WoW track. I think they took some Hindu inspiration in creating the Draenei, maybe the music I can't say for sure. But this music is just...perfect. I use it for doing my homework religiously.