We use blue polyethelyne fishing string from amazon, same as 14343. 100lb string for extension and 300lb string for the retraction string due to the high loads during climbing. It stretches initially, but its pretty good after that. www.amazon.com/Reaction-Tackle-Blue-15LB-150yd/dp/B07MNJLCH6?crid=3IQJEW6BV5QG6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TUXr_jOuKCT9ybiSGOI1M8D-OPmDgx1uKlsCtKhmK_PtIUlH0aRLPDWyx0_OOltQf0f56f0gwKt2tGQyu95Kn6sjrizEQm3Gl1QoDODqRonqmqaOXgz-V7Sbz8x8LMQeLtThvuuNhq2hZWuGiLhpi1YS-KhF01mCMMeWcqG0HDlLqY_gvfKZG6LLLpea8bq0sU4L-n7R6S-AtXS-ASz3y4gwUdPDmOsi-zdxhZHUmkPsdtA0vUvGYDoVfVf8pFY1KSknWw1IAHuKJGTFGYOkKTEUj6z-uGIDufmArLHKDHg21D411ep0CYSf12ecorfoub-a3ujranwGivYiL88jBxbK6z7CYscL1zh7Alf8tuZmSgyxSsuhQEkZFTC3CWkdOaBBDf2KWryaGu7MUd6n9H0LLF_zqWHBj_2UbH782MsCs-AsE99Zd6sRSUrVNzM7.9h4CM1nh8Ii9pqHjRn30CC5tdKbzGqstkoU6UxzY2Qo&dib_tag=se&keywords=blue%2Bfishing%2Bstring&qid=1735551921&sprefix=blue%2Bfishing%2Bstrin%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-1&th=1
please keep forgetting, everyone else is gonna need whatever they can get at semis 😭😭
wow this is so cool! love the lighting and camera angles nice music
Most supportive sister :)
You guys are insane! Hoping I advance from semis just to see you guys at state LOL
Excited to see this at semis!!!
Hi Kai!!
see u at states oh wait i forgor they added semis this year
Hi guys, where did you get your thread/cord that you use in your linear slides?
i might have forgotten, but i think its reaction tackle string
We use blue polyethelyne fishing string from amazon, same as 14343. 100lb string for extension and 300lb string for the retraction string due to the high loads during climbing. It stretches initially, but its pretty good after that.
i forgot how good this bot is
I can't believe I forgot about this
hi jeff
Woah, how did you forget this?
21336 motto ;)
i remeber😃