Natalie Rand She’s so nice plus has a husband and a kid though. That must be very hard especially with school possibly and she has the confidence to help this girl!? This lady deserves woman of the century award ❤️❤️ AMEN
The guy who told the first guy not to do anything is a joke. How is letting abuse happen in front of you better than stopping it?! His justification was trash.
Sometimes I think people dont realize that sometimes you cant interfere because it can make jt wkrse on thw victim....the person abused can sometimes not want to go because they are afraid to get it when they get home. One concerned person cant always change things by standing up. Because most of the time thw woman wont leave.
I was thinking the same thing. Even with the best intentions, a strange man offering you a ride home because of your situation can still be a bit creepy.
"ThErE iS a PrObLeM. i'Ve NoTiCeD iT. i'Ve IdEnTiFiEd It." And "ShE wAsN't In DaNgEr, YeT". This is how people get hurt. This is how people don't get justice. It doesn't matter about what hasn't happened, it's about what WILL happen.
I was abused by my ex boyfriend for 3 years in the same way and it would get physical sometimes. When we were in public and something like this happened and people would step in, it would be so much worse for me, because he would get more upset and i would have to go through it like double. Double the anger from his side, double the effort from my side. When dealing with abusers, its either the victim decides its over with them, or you offer the victim security until it's recovered, or else it's unlikely for it to be helped. Because yeah you stepped in. Yeah, they didn't leave together. But they will be the next day and the day after that. And it will be worse. I don't know what is the right way to deal with this situation. I just know that when I was her, what these people did, would terrify me.
The first guy was right, maybe not all abuse situations, but at least for mine if someone notices let alone speaks up about it I'll get it 10× worse when we're back in private.
@@evelynunicorn665 I'm sorry. I didn't think of it that way. I'm glad you had the strength to leave. You are a very brave person. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your life!
“There is a problem but if we talk about it, we’ll make it worse” “I could see she wasn’t in danger yet” and this is why women get stuck in horrible situations.
@@VeganGoat96 I agree. I think he was afraid that talking would create a bigger beating for her down the road. He was thinking logically but too logically if that makes any sense
@@fendertremolo9793 lol i guess you're one of those ppl...that cant see past the present moment ppfff...if i was there,that actor would've been in hospital with a broken nose or/and jaw.good thing i wasnt,coz i would've felt bad after them reveal the scene.these actors sure take a lot of risks doing this,coz there are some ppl(like me)who act first and ask questions later lmao
I had a really toxic abusive ex when I was 18-19 and he’d often throw public tantrums and even publicly keyed my car on multiple occasions and other property damage. Two people intervened and one called the cops on his neighbor but many just flat out ignored it. I was grateful for those two strangers.
“If we talk about it, it makes it worse” this is why a lot of domestic violence cases end in death, because people are afraid to talk. People need to stop having this mindset.
He meant that confronting the man could make him angrier. If you're doing something, and someone just comes to you, telling you it's wrong, minding YOUR business, and you're already mad, for some people, this could cause them to get angrier or snap/ lash out violently. He didn't want the situation to escalate.
Well a lot of domestic violence cases end in death because people interfere but the interference only lasts while they're in public, and once the couple is alone once again the abusive one can blame the other because they made a scene thanks to her not obeying -especially since he didn't hit her to begin with-. Basically, the problem isn't what happens at the restaurant, but what it says about the whole relationship, and the relationship needs to be fixed way more than the restaurant situation. The man's reaction felt hella fake (who would say "don't talk about it" if someone already spoke anyway) so I'm pretty sure this guy was acting and placed here to piss viewers off, but he wasn't necessarily wrong ; if the boyfriend abuses her, you might just put her in even more danger by confronting the situation without breaking the relationship.
V Vey I definitely see where your coming from. Since I’ve typed this comment I can definitely see where it can make it worse. What I meant was someone needed to take more action. Speaking up and taking to the girl was a good first move but she should be removed from the situation entirely. Definitely understand how it could make it more dangerous though.
Yann cedric Totsingan lol what? He’s a punk ass looking kid, he ain’t killing anybody, especially in a fucking cafe’?? Please read my other comment before you try to be funny :)
It’s not a WWYD episode if there isnt: - “I was shaking” - “This hit close to home” - some old lady ready to throw hands - “We shot one last time” - “I’m John Quiñones-“ - “I’m calling the police”
"I didn't feel like she was in danger YET" "She wasn't at the door YET" "She's not dead YET, she's not bleeding YET" YET YET YET That's how it starts people.
It can be incredibly dangerous to get involved directly though because these situations often involve really high emotions. And in a real situation, confronting the abuser may just make him more defensive and therefore make things worse for the girl or even yourself. So, I would say that in this situation, it would just be best to call 911, give a detailed description of what’s happening, and let the cops take it from there. That’s much better than putting yourself in danger.
Being honest, what the actor (boyfriend) was saying wasn't even all that bad. You shouldn't be on your phone at a date, you should be talking to your partner and learning more about them. I could understand why he wanted to check the phone. This was no abuse.
@@Maus____stb Yes it was. Especially the way he was demanding that she get off her phone, grabbing her by the arm, and demanding he see who she’s texting.
Poor man in the yellow shirt looked absolutely mortified when John came into the cafe, as though he'd been caught out doing the wrong thing. Thank goodness for men like him; hits too close to home but shows an amazing amount of compassion.
@@memo503046 My thoughts too, especially since he had just handed him cash. Looked like he was getting ready to defend himself. What a guy, idk him but I love him.
@Marksman King some people are genuinely good and are just scared of being seen as bad because of other shitty people. you don't know him _or_ his intention.
As a survivor of not only violent domestic abuse and rape, this made me extremely emotionally and it really made me believe that their are truly good people out there.
I hope you are okay 🫂🫂🫂🫂 I was raised by extremely abusive parents. Then, after I got away from them, I was SA a few times. Being an SA survivor is not easy sometimes because of triggers. I have hard boundaries. Thankfully, I am medicated and stable.
The guy in the yellow seems like a quiet guy, you can tell he doesn't like loud confrontation but he low key took control and helped her out. What a thoroughly nice guy
ShannonOCE it was a customer that said that, not an actor. n they’re not condemning the male actor, they’re just saying those words were very beautiful n inspiring wtfff
Yeah the thing is. It isnt even that wrong. You can make it worse or better,but depended how much ya help her. And this guy didnt realised. Like, when he would have the complete controll of her and some people ask if she needs help but she refuse bc oft her bf and no one gets in his way he could easly make it worser than the situation befor. But when everyone gets involved and protecc her and the Boy isnt strong enough, it comes new two ways how it could end. Way one: she get rid of him Way two: nothin changed. She is goin back after all and he get controll after all. OR: he stalks her (more ways more thinks to decide) So ANSWER? And where is sucess? Try to handle. Get involved and stop it. Call her parents or ask if she can is best. And try to bring her to reallity softly.
Dude thats there problem ... they r couple for a reason .. imagine if you help the girl and the girl back stab you ... they r couple and you r outsider always remember that ...
@@MenteMaestra91 because it’s my favorite song and yes I do feel worthless sometimes but I am doing the best I can at the moment thank you for asking tho 😊
My mom's been abused and attacked in public by her boyfriend before and nobody would do anything so I'm glad to see that there's still good hearted people in the world that interfere with situations like this.
I don't know if you mean this happened in the past or is happening still, but if it is still happening, get help for your mom...please. tell the police or something, and save your mom💗
@@sigridfreborg3973 my moms reported it a couple of times and still nothing has been done everyone in our family has tried talking to her but she doesn't listen. All we can do now is look out for her and wait for her to be ready to want the help /:
@@jj-sv1du thats terrible, I'm sorry that nothing has been done. have you considered talking to a counselor or therapist? many free online options, and they might know what to do. 💗
Sequoiah Dreams that’s what I’m saying she’s pretty but you can tell that the emotions that she is acting out aren’t real. Like at the beginning of the video I just started laughing at the face she made lmaooo.
@@Jay2K_SZN As a person who has to work with abused/mistreated people I can tell you her expressions are well played. She fits the role of an innocent girl, shocked and not understanding what is happening and whose fault it is perfectly. The guy as well, especially in the first scene. They are better than most actors from usual teen shows you will find.
The man in the blue shirt at the beginning was pissing me off. She was in danger the second her boyfriend handled her like that. If that happened, i dont even know how I’d be able to stay calm
Problem with this is if you intervene in situation like this you must be ready for heated up confontration that may lead to a brawl. It is easy to say something if you are a girl but if you are a man and the guy you are confronting is bigger than you then you should be ready for beat down.
Yes the absolute fury of women scorned was in her eyes. It's why I'm gay. Those looks terrify me from women! Nobody has the right to abuse anyone, gay or straight!
I’m sorry the first guy in the blue shirt pissed me off. “I did what I could do to de-escalate.” Sir, you did nothing but tell other people not to get involved
+Desiree Simmons You're right. However, he had a point. As fucked up as it is, women don't leave these relationships. Well, they rarely do. In all likelihood, the girl is just going to wind up alone with this guy again at some point & when that happens, he will punish her severely for (in his mind) creating a scene. That's the hard truth.
@@JoshuaFrick3 True, but sometimes they just cannot leave the relationship. It's of course more rare but sometimes the women just physically can't leave because they are being beaten, or blackmailed.
I at first was on the opposing side of his actions however he did make a valid point but I personally think he was wrong for discouraging the other man to not come to the lady's aid.Joshua Frick and Potato Goes Meow also do make valid points too.Personally I think you have to do everything you should do to make the right choice quickly and carefully however in a public situation like this one with this particular couple I believe that you should get involved in some way as choosing to or not to get involved have their own risks & factors which you must consider.
Right! That guy says he was trying to deescalate the problem but if that were really the case he should have spoke to both guys not just the one guy trying to help. He acted like the couple weren't there watching 😂.
@@ItsMeChrisB23 That just an excuse to justify our own fear... seriously, if someone is beaten in front of your, you will not act.... because your afraid of the consequence? Sometime, we need to take the risk, even if its might get worse...
Guesly-A. Coulanges if he somehow went home, it would get worse. I agree that you should just wait until they fet to the door then get him or call the police
That first dude in the blue really annoyed me. His calculations are wrong. He sound like a little snobby kid in school who would be like,”ooo ooo TEACHER! I KNOW THE ANSWER! CUZ IM SMART!”
As someone who went through this stuff when someone stepped in to stop what was happening to me it made the situation escalate very quickly and for sure you don't want to do that. It's always good to try and help someone going through something like this but you also don't want to make the situation escalate either and that's why doctors, nurses and law enforcement officers question the domestic violence victim without their abuser there because they stay by their victim cause it's intimidating and their victim is less likely to talk.
honestly what he was doing was smart. yes, you should get the victim away, but the abuse doesn’t end when you walk out the door. they pull strings to make a soft spot for them whenever they need it. even if the girl did get home safely, it does not end there. i think it was sweet what everyone did, but the real thing that would save her is cutting the boy off entirely. the victim always ends up running back because of the control the men/women have over them.
Respect yourself enough to get out of any abusive relationship. It is your basic human right to be treated with respect. No one has the right to treat you with disrespect. No one! ❤
I totally agree!! If you feel unsafe in a relationship, you should leave and find someone who will make you feel safe and happy and awesome name and I like your pic
I remember when my ex pulled my hair at Walmart and everyone just stared and didn’t do anything.. I really wish someone would’ve done something like these people did.
@Stoner Slater I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. I would have fucking snapped sis. NO WAY would I let you walk out with such an absolute turd. Thank god he’s out of your life and hopefully you’re in a better place ♥️
Source facts, if this actually happens he will probably ignore it. Lmao this guy said he would “sucker punch” him like sit down pussy you won’t do shit in real life. 😂😂
What I like the most about this show is that it basically teaches you how to handle such situations, there are times in which you want to help but you don't know how
Austin that’s not being an alpha male. That’s being abusive. Nothing justifies that. He’s being toxic and using his “so called power” to try and intimidate her. That’s fucked up, just like your brain apparently
“If we talk about it, we may make it worse.” No, nope, a million times no. If you talk about it, you may realize how bad the situation is and that you need to DO something about it. Some people just want to avoid that and live in la-la land, and if that’s what they want then whatever but they shouldn’t be encouraging other people to shut up about abuse. Awful.
I think that he was trying to go at from the perspective that if he says something and then she still goes with him, it could possibly result in her getting abused way worse
Very disappointing at the way the blue shirt man handled the situation, especially considering how old he is. Fully grown man that basically thinks that he could only do something when something bad happens. Girl was young and definitely had some kind of parent or guardian. He could have intervened by asking her to call her parents and telling them about the situation. He could've even prevented the boyfriend from taking her outside since the situation was escalating. Dude couldn't even see that it was already escalating? Why else would someone bring another person away from public view? If someone was acting that aggressively in public, then it is already a lot worse in private. He said that he would've stopped the guy if he was taking her out the door, but talk is cheap and he clearly didn't try to stop him. Thank god there are other people who think differently.
we STAN the yellow shirt guy! -playing minecraft -standing up for her even when no one else wants to (and even when he was advised to ignore it too!) -giving money for her to go home (instead of offering to take her home) be like yellow shirt guy! 🙌
@@brucewayne2455 oh I just noticed too. uh 0_0 well on the brighter side, I’ve heard that bystanders in public reaction shows (like wwyd, just for laugh gags,) are paid for permission to be on tv anyway but even if that’s not true I’m sure she gave it back tho :p
Erika Purcell-Williams I run a security company we see far to often women all fuelled up on feminism and entitlement getting themselves into situations they had no business being in and getting dropped like a sack of potatoes. I instruct my people to hear nothing see nothing when the cops come because that Zena warrior princess is now a professional victim trying her best to twist the story where she is in no way at fault or responsible for what she created. Lesson leaned the hard way is what these silly bitches need!
@@seanlynch2579 So you're saying she had no right to get into a abuse situation? So if you're in public a guy is just beating the shit out of a women you're gonna just walk like it's nothing? Alright.
I understand his point though. A lot of the time if an abuser gets confronted in public the victim will have hell to pay for later when they are alone.
@@user-to5zl6tf4h but intervening isn't always helping the victim, that can make their environment more unsafe. I agree you should contact the police but it's a hard line between when you are trying to help the victim versus what is causing the victim to receive worse abuse. I'm not saying it's not the abusers fault, it obviously is, but in the abusers mind they aren't doing anything wrong so they don't have the morality to be able to acknowledge that they are the ones in the wrong, so while others are shattering that image of themselves they are normally the ones blaming the victims which puts them at even more risk
as someone whos been in this situation so many times, it warms my heart to see people doing something like this about abuse. most of the time it happens, people watch as you leave but dont do anything so thank god ppl in this world care
I'm still pissed that no one asked the girl if she wanted the polices help, no one made any calls and literally 1 dude wanted to make sure she went home safe. It blows my mind that no one offered her $ to get a cab except for that one guy what I hope happened is that they cut out a lot of responses that were more extreme, because they obviously vinillad the shit out of this
Yes, they're F*ckin Awesome I Loved that all of them came up to her and ignored the Douche of a Boyfriend talked to her and got his A** out of the Cafe!! Go Mom's, Mom's Assemble!!
okay but like can we just talk about how beautiful all of these people are?! i mean obviously not the boyfriend but all of these people did not have to step in and help this poor girl, but they did. this shows that there are still beautiful people in the world
Except Dwight would have the courage to ask if everything was ok "Miss, I see you in distress, may I be of assistance. I have a black belt in karate. I will demonstrate. Step aside.".
Generic TM I get what you’re saying however right is right and wrong is wrong. You see something say something! Period. Sitting back watching it happen is.. in my opinion, equal to the behavior . I would want someone to step up if I didn’t have a voice.
I wonder if the gentleman in the yellow shirt's quiet approach would have been as effective in a real situation. Do you think an actual abusive boyfriend would have turned around and engaged at 1:30? The way he spoke to the young lady was amazing.
I love the guy in the yellow shirt, what a hero. The guy in the blue shirt was a coward full of excuses “she wasn’t in danger until she was out the door” yeah okay and out of his sight so it’s not his problem
I love how the mother at the end got down below her so she wasn't threatening in anyway because she was already dealing with that. That shows amazingly empathetic instincts. Her Mama Bear came right out. What a hero, I bet she's a great Mama!
This scenario should be tried also with black actors, and also with brown actors, as well as same sex couples actors. I wonder if the different types of couples will all get same amount of people helping offering advice and to help the victim. And even a male who is the vicitm of abuse, how many people will come to give him advice and help? Just curious to see if the victims are from different races and genders, how many people would offer to help them?
thisaccountdoesntexistorwuteva *I hope my music can reach this many people one day! A big thanks to anyone willing to give me a listen! 🤘🏽📝 Im doing great*
these two people are insanely good at acting graces sad voice and the “verbal bf” the way he was shouting was honestly so impressive they seem so young aswell
You: ugh I just feel I need to step up when someone ugh has a umm a sneeze. I just felt the need to do that otherwise that person could end up in a terrible situation! Also you:😭😭 *through tears* It just hit very close to home since I have also *starts fanning yourself* sneezed! Wah wah wah !😭😢
Guy: gives girl money “Here, use this to get home” Producer: Hey this is a show called what would you do. Now... Girl: slowly backs away with the money the man gave her
Diarra Hoyte thats true i was wondering if i was the only one who noticed that lol. How to get rich 101: Act on WWYD. person gives you money slowly back away leave Repeat
He was worried she’d get worse from him after they left. People don’t consider that the abuser might be even worse to their victim after a confrontation.
@@nope3833 yea you have a point but yellow shirt clearly confronted the boy and the girl clearly didn't go with the boy so that was the ideal solution. don't overthink it, if you never step up to the abuser then he will abuse her forever so what's really worse? yellow shirt was right in this scenario.
Tyroxinas - agreed, he was being calculative, however i think you can only be calculative when you know the person or you know you’re going to see them again and have another opportunity to help, but because in this scenario it was a stranger that you’re probably not going to meet again, acting fast would probably be the best course of action. of course i’ve had a lot more time to get to that conclusion than he did. i think people are being a bit unfair in the comments, he said he would stop them before they got out the door..
The first guy in the blue who was like "I've identified the problem let's not talk about it" like what the heck are you saying man!!!!!
He identified the problem when he looked in the mirror.Hes the epitome of a pussy.
Damn right
Sheeps sleep while you stare he probably abuses his partner
@@User-NmIDsio24 wtf is this comment
That one girl that was a mom with the purple scarf. Her confidence gave me actual chills!
Natalie Rand She’s so nice plus has a husband and a kid though. That must be very hard especially with school possibly and she has the confidence to help this girl!? This lady deserves woman of the century award ❤️❤️ AMEN
Even the guy was speechless 😂
Yeahhh i know righttt
@@swagqueen9823 The girl with short hair is 16 baby, not the one with the scarf.
The first guy acted literally perfectly- even giving her money instead of offering her a ride home.
He almost got Chris Hansened instead of ma boi Quiñones
@@cacha_cholas LMFAO
The2inchWarrior ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Did she give his money back tho
The guy who told the first guy not to do anything is a joke. How is letting abuse happen in front of you better than stopping it?! His justification was trash.
Indeed, just a weak man.
Sometimes I think people dont realize that sometimes you cant interfere because it can make jt wkrse on thw victim....the person abused can sometimes not want to go because they are afraid to get it when they get home. One concerned person cant always change things by standing up. Because most of the time thw woman wont leave.
@@socer451 all it take for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
@@christopherjackson2172 I agree. That nerd just didn't want to get beat down. That's a coward of a man right there.
@@christopherjackson2172 yes!! Just a coward
The fact that the first guy gave her money instead of offering to drive her home, shows how he is one of the best people you could hope to intervene.
Yeah I like that too...Like he new that it wasn't right for a stranger to drive her home and it would probably make her uncomfortable
When the revelation I think he thought it was a setup and it was how to catch a predator or something.
This dude is precious ! 😂
But taxi is not stranger
@@charlesmasclef1309 this made me laugh so hard
fjf sjdnx
Doesn’t mean they can’t rape you though. They would get caught easily.
The fact the first guy gave her money to get home instead of offering her a ride :’) pure soul i love him
I was thinking the same thing. Even with the best intentions, a strange man offering you a ride home because of your situation can still be a bit creepy.
I get that because she would probably think she’s getting kidnapped if her gave her a ride home
you're ignorant to think there were any ill intentions from that good man grow up
@@zwebackshyper trust no one
Thinking the same. He understood enough to know that money for a ride home was better than offering a ride home. He had empathy.
"ThErE iS a PrObLeM. i'Ve NoTiCeD iT. i'Ve IdEnTiFiEd It." And "ShE wAsN't In DaNgEr, YeT". This is how people get hurt. This is how people don't get justice. It doesn't matter about what hasn't happened, it's about what WILL happen.
Waffle Cakes yep people are idiots
I was abused by my ex boyfriend for 3 years in the same way and it would get physical sometimes. When we were in public and something like this happened and people would step in, it would be so much worse for me, because he would get more upset and i would have to go through it like double. Double the anger from his side, double the effort from my side. When dealing with abusers, its either the victim decides its over with them, or you offer the victim security until it's recovered, or else it's unlikely for it to be helped. Because yeah you stepped in. Yeah, they didn't leave together. But they will be the next day and the day after that. And it will be worse. I don't know what is the right way to deal with this situation. I just know that when I was her, what these people did, would terrify me.
Evelyn Unicorn I am sorry
The first guy was right, maybe not all abuse situations, but at least for mine if someone notices let alone speaks up about it I'll get it 10× worse when we're back in private.
@@evelynunicorn665 I'm sorry. I didn't think of it that way. I'm glad you had the strength to leave. You are a very brave person. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your life!
“There is a problem but if we talk about it, we’ll make it worse” “I could see she wasn’t in danger yet” and this is why women get stuck in horrible situations.
He is logic.
I think he was afraid of getting physically hurt.
@@SamA-xu9gy no he's fucking not ! what he said was absolute trash wtf.
@@VeganGoat96 I agree. I think he was afraid that talking would create a bigger beating for her down the road. He was thinking logically but too logically if that makes any sense
I actually get his point. Sometimes people intervening will do nothing but make the situation worse for the victim at home.
"I didn't feel she was in danger yet." Omg, man. She was in danger the second he grabbed her. Situations like that can take a bad turn so fast.
Not really. He wasn't going to be able to do much, with all those people there. You watch too much TV
Fender Tremolo- I would’ve smacked his ass. Lmao
Etigress amen
@@fendertremolo9793 lol i guess you're one of those ppl...that cant see past the present moment ppfff...if i was there,that actor would've been in hospital with a broken nose or/and jaw.good thing i wasnt,coz i would've felt bad after them reveal the scene.these actors sure take a lot of risks doing this,coz there are some ppl(like me)who act first and ask questions later lmao
Fender Tremolo Man some places you wouldn’t be able to get away with that
**Somone sets the cafe on fire**
The guy: Yes, there is a problem. I’ve identified it but we’re not gonna talk about it.”
He’s just sitting there like.... 🐶this is fine
That guy is Bilbo Douchebaggins
Perfectly crippled analogy
That guy is exactly what is wrong with this world and why so many women are abused while everyone around them sees it and says NOTHING.
That guy is a loser. Yellow shirt guy is a hero.
I like how that one woman doesn't even acknowledge his existence
@Famished Nintendog Same! Aside from that he and the girl are pretty decent actors
Famished Nintendog which one girl??
“You deserve better than a ******* like him”
Him: 😧
She even called him a dick too lmaoooo
I had a really toxic abusive ex when I was 18-19 and he’d often throw public tantrums and even publicly keyed my car on multiple occasions and other property damage. Two people intervened and one called the cops on his neighbor but many just flat out ignored it. I was grateful for those two strangers.
so glad you got out of that ❤️
I hope you are well today
I am so glad strangers help you get out your ex boyfriend
“If we talk about it, it makes it worse” this is why a lot of domestic violence cases end in death, because people are afraid to talk. People need to stop having this mindset.
He meant that confronting the man could make him angrier. If you're doing something, and someone just comes to you, telling you it's wrong, minding YOUR business, and you're already mad, for some people, this could cause them to get angrier or snap/ lash out violently. He didn't want the situation to escalate.
Well a lot of domestic violence cases end in death because people interfere but the interference only lasts while they're in public, and once the couple is alone once again the abusive one can blame the other because they made a scene thanks to her not obeying -especially since he didn't hit her to begin with-.
Basically, the problem isn't what happens at the restaurant, but what it says about the whole relationship, and the relationship needs to be fixed way more than the restaurant situation. The man's reaction felt hella fake (who would say "don't talk about it" if someone already spoke anyway) so I'm pretty sure this guy was acting and placed here to piss viewers off, but he wasn't necessarily wrong ; if the boyfriend abuses her, you might just put her in even more danger by confronting the situation without breaking the relationship.
V Vey I definitely see where your coming from. Since I’ve typed this comment I can definitely see where it can make it worse. What I meant was someone needed to take more action. Speaking up and taking to the girl was a good first move but she should be removed from the situation entirely. Definitely understand how it could make it more dangerous though.
Yann cedric Totsingan lol what? He’s a punk ass looking kid, he ain’t killing anybody, especially in a fucking cafe’?? Please read my other comment before you try to be funny :)
JIFFYPOP! I definitely agree with u idk why some people are afraid to take action that they know will end worse if they don’t take action.
It’s not a WWYD episode if there isnt:
- “I was shaking”
- “This hit close to home”
- some old lady ready to throw hands
- “We shot one last time”
- “I’m John Quiñones-“
- “I’m calling the police”
Facts tho-
😂😂 that's true
“i mean, i was on the verge of tears! i couldn’t believe anybody could say those things.”
"Where's your manager?:
"I didn't feel like she was in danger YET"
"She wasn't at the door YET"
"She's not dead YET, she's not bleeding YET" YET YET YET
That's how it starts people.
When he said "she wasn't out of the door YET" 😂🤣🤣
Yeah I hate that guy he’s stupid
@@scarycherry3392 *hi this is what would you do*
Got to hate that joker who didn’t do anything, but then talks tough later... thinks he’s so smart... but took no action to help.
"If we talk about it, we may just make things worse!"
Please never be that person.
If you don’t get involved you are unkind
It can be incredibly dangerous to get involved directly though because these situations often involve really high emotions. And in a real situation, confronting the abuser may just make him more defensive and therefore make things worse for the girl or even yourself. So, I would say that in this situation, it would just be best to call 911, give a detailed description of what’s happening, and let the cops take it from there. That’s much better than putting yourself in danger.
No that's a legitimate problem for abuse victims. If their abuser is confronted, the abuse may worsen
Being honest, what the actor (boyfriend) was saying wasn't even all that bad. You shouldn't be on your phone at a date, you should be talking to your partner and learning more about them. I could understand why he wanted to check the phone. This was no abuse.
@@Maus____stb Yes it was. Especially the way he was demanding that she get off her phone, grabbing her by the arm, and demanding he see who she’s texting.
Poor man in the yellow shirt looked absolutely mortified when John came into the cafe, as though he'd been caught out doing the wrong thing. Thank goodness for men like him; hits too close to home but shows an amazing amount of compassion.
belle enigma15 why did he look scared tho? i didn’t really understand it 😅
@@p00pysc00p cause he was talking to a 17 year old and nowadays people might take that the wrong way especially cause of his age.
@@memo503046 My thoughts too, especially since he had just handed him cash. Looked like he was getting ready to defend himself. What a guy, idk him but I love him.
He looks depressed
@Marksman King some people are genuinely good and are just scared of being seen as bad because of other shitty people. you don't know him _or_ his intention.
“ excuse me . Are you kidding ? “ that phrase is so scary it probably make his heart beat so fast
That phrase ain’t scary
whenever my mom says that ik im fucked thats one of the scariest things a parent can say to u
You know you're in trouble when someone says that to you.
Is that stranger things in ur pfp?
Every episode:
“This issue hits close to home.”
"For this person, This situation is personal"
Me why
It hits close to home because no one has a perfect life - we’ve ALL gone through something traumatic, or will in the future
Me ok boomer
@Me liberals don't shame women for dressing non-conservatively
As a survivor of not only violent domestic abuse and rape, this made me extremely emotionally and it really made me believe that their are truly good people out there.
I hope you’re doing well. Nobody deserves that.
I hope you are okay 🫂🫂🫂🫂 I was raised by extremely abusive parents. Then, after I got away from them, I was SA a few times. Being an SA survivor is not easy sometimes because of triggers. I have hard boundaries. Thankfully, I am medicated and stable.
@@immortalsunagreed 🫂🫂
The guy in the yellow seems like a quiet guy, you can tell he doesn't like loud confrontation but he low key took control and helped her out. What a thoroughly nice guy
The way a man should be
Seriously you could tell he is a quiet person but there was no way he was gonna stand by and watch that
He looks like Michael Keaton
Introvert folk
“ people deserve happiness, and he was taking that away from her” wow beautiful 🥰
@@shannonmalla_08 fax
ShannonOCE it was a customer that said that, not an actor. n they’re not condemning the male actor, they’re just saying those words were very beautiful n inspiring wtfff
@@shannonmalla_08 bruh they never do that
ShannonOCE the customer said that not the actor get ur facts straight
its not like he was a actor or anything...
"Shes an actor and he was an actor" *as she walks away with the yellow shirt guys money*
As soon as I saw her get up, I searched for comments about the guy’s money
Summer H. I thought i was the only one who notice thats lol
they give it back
I love how the guy in the yellow said my sisters been through that so I don’t put up with that 🥹🥹
He seemed like such a good boyfriend for like 16 seconds and then BOOM Satan crawls inside of him
we all gon ignore the fact that she walked away with the money in the the first part
Kyky baby Yh i noticed that is she not gonna give it back 😂😂
that’s what happens irl when u don’t really know someone
Looking like General Grievous
*"If we talk about it, we make it worse."*
I honestly can't believe people like that exist.
There are People who Abuse their partner even more if someone interferes, you can't change the fact. Period
Yeah the thing is. It isnt even that wrong. You can make it worse or better,but depended how much ya help her. And this guy didnt realised. Like, when he would have the complete controll of her and some people ask if she needs help but she refuse bc oft her bf and no one gets in his way he could easly make it worser than the situation befor. But when everyone gets involved and protecc her and the Boy isnt strong enough, it comes new two ways how it could end.
Way one: she get rid of him
Way two: nothin changed. She is goin back after all and he get controll after all.
OR: he stalks her (more ways more thinks to decide)
So ANSWER? And where is sucess?
Try to handle. Get involved and stop it. Call her parents or ask if she can is best. And try to bring her to reallity softly.
Dude thats there problem ... they r couple for a reason .. imagine if you help the girl and the girl back stab you ... they r couple and you r outsider always remember that ...
Roebert Nicolas This logic is flawed on a number of levels.
Roebert Nicolas your logic is terrible
5:16 - 5:51 those girls are amazing. I’m so glad we have people like them in this society
Yellow shirt man= G.O.A.T
Yaas them galls are great x
nikolai belinski the thing is no one asked you ;)
Honestly, the girls made me cry. I always wanted someone to say things like that to me and for a moment it actually felt like they were talking to me.
My mom was abusive to my dad and it hurt my feelings knowing he was hurting. I could never treat my own husband that way
I'm sorry to hear that it's crazy you suppose to be in love with the person not abuse the mess outta them. SMH
Awww ikr I could never treat my boyfriend that way because he's so sweet and such a good man and pretty name and you're so gorgeous
@@annalyselockney thank you!!!! And yes uhhhg my husband is hella sweet couldn’t imagine ever being mean to him or anyone
Serious question...why would you name yourself "I'm worthless"? Are you alright?
@@MenteMaestra91 because it’s my favorite song and yes I do feel worthless sometimes but I am doing the best I can at the moment thank you for asking tho 😊
5:50 ”did you just say you have the right to abuse your girlfriend?”
BAHHAH savage
Ikr. That part was so awesome
gimmiedashasha BAHAHAHAH
Wait, how is this savage?
gimmiedashasha I made that joke and my friends went mental
せんせいまりあむ omg am so sorry I can’t breathe her face Ahahahahah
My mom's been abused and attacked in public by her boyfriend before and nobody would do anything so I'm glad to see that there's still good hearted people in the world that interfere with situations like this.
@@flowerroseag5278 I wish someone would tbh lmaoo
I don't know if you mean this happened in the past or is happening still, but if it is still happening, get help for your mom...please. tell the police or something, and save your mom💗
@@sigridfreborg3973 my moms reported it a couple of times and still nothing has been done everyone in our family has tried talking to her but she doesn't listen. All we can do now is look out for her and wait for her to be ready to want the help /:
@@jj-sv1du thats terrible, I'm sorry that nothing has been done. have you considered talking to a counselor or therapist? many free online options, and they might know what to do. 💗
jj agree
This girl who's the actor, has such beautiful eyes that express so much emotion
They rlly do!
Yeah, she is amazing.
Sequoiah Dreams that’s what I’m saying she’s pretty but you can tell that the emotions that she is acting out aren’t real. Like at the beginning of the video I just started laughing at the face she made lmaooo.
@@Jay2K_SZN As a person who has to work with abused/mistreated people I can tell you her expressions are well played. She fits the role of an innocent girl, shocked and not understanding what is happening and whose fault it is perfectly. The guy as well, especially in the first scene. They are better than most actors from usual teen shows you will find.
Kitsune Blank ok maybe I just don’t know what a good actor looks like anymore, it’s been so long since the last time I watched any good shows.
Some of us couldn't be involved in these scenes because we wouldn't have words, but his jaw would absolutely fly across the room.
This girl’s acting is truly amazing she looks truly scared and frightened of him
I noticed that too, she genuinely looked scared and he genuinely looked angry. Amazing actors!
They should list the actors names cause I would love to see other work they've fonr
if i am correct, she was in some episodes of law and order:svu. she plays a teen girl who gets assaulted so kinda like this!!
She's actually an actor in a couple good Netflix shows
Name of the girl plsss
The man in the blue shirt at the beginning was pissing me off. She was in danger the second her boyfriend handled her like that. If that happened, i dont even know how I’d be able to stay calm
Seems to me that that man in blue seemed scared of the teenage boy.
Problem with this is if you intervene in situation like this you must be ready for heated up confontration that may lead to a brawl. It is easy to say something if you are a girl but if you are a man and the guy you are confronting is bigger than you then you should be ready for beat down.
Yeah that man in the blue shirt made me mad too
You can say that in words🤣
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? This scenario would have made my ex EXPLODE on me and made matters so much worse.
‘’ if anyone talked to my daughter like that I will kill them’’ DANGGG
Actually no
kick them in the balls
Kick them where the sun don’t shine
Killing is wrong
My dad tho
And he probably wouldn't get caught
The actress who played the girlfriend was phenomenal. She was so believable.
“Did you say you have THE RIGHT to abuse your girlfriend?” Even I shivered😟get his ass queen😚
Ya it’s not right to abuse ur girlfriend or boyfriend.
she was a queen
Yes the absolute fury of women scorned was in her eyes. It's why I'm gay. Those looks terrify me from women! Nobody has the right to abuse anyone, gay or straight!
men can be abused too
"Excuse me?"
"Are you kidding?"
"She's not listening to me"
" i dOn'T cArE "
Your profile picture 🥺💖✨
hey beautiful
You guys should just scissor already.
gimmiedashasha lmao wait what
Are you cat valentine I love cat Valentine so much
Man: gives grace money
John: you’re on wwyd
Grace: backs away with money
Mila Rae I wheezed
Ace's Playlist
Grace: I don’t get paid enough
I was about o comment that but i dont to be called that i copied you but i was like lamo
It’s so beautiful seeing women stand up for each other
"Shes not listening to me "
"I dont care"
I luv that lady...
😆 lol.
@@voiceofreason2691 it was jus a nice answer.
queen shit
@reena mola no matter what she was doing he shouldn’t treat her like that
I’m sorry the first guy in the blue shirt pissed me off. “I did what I could do to de-escalate.” Sir, you did nothing but tell other people not to get involved
There's more of him than we realize in this world.
+Desiree Simmons You're right. However, he had a point. As fucked up as it is, women don't leave these relationships. Well, they rarely do. In all likelihood, the girl is just going to wind up alone with this guy again at some point & when that happens, he will punish her severely for (in his mind) creating a scene. That's the hard truth.
@@JoshuaFrick3 True, but sometimes they just cannot leave the relationship. It's of course more rare but sometimes the women just physically can't leave because they are being beaten, or blackmailed.
I at first was on the opposing side of his actions however he did make a valid point but I personally think he was wrong for discouraging the other man to not come to the lady's aid.Joshua Frick and Potato Goes Meow also do make valid points too.Personally I think you have to do everything you should do to make the right choice quickly and carefully however in a public situation like this one with this particular couple I believe that you should get involved in some way as choosing to or not to get involved have their own risks & factors which you must consider.
Girlfriend: *pulls out phone*
Boyfriend: "So you have chosen death"
Funny but wrong place to comment bro😂😂😂😂
You still use this dead meme format? Unfunny tbh
@@idontgetjokes8101 unfunny bc of your name i assume?
Only a sith deals in such absolutes.
That first guy in the yellow shirt literally made me freaking cry, what an amazing dude!!
Someone: Holds up a gun to someone else’s head
THAT guy: y’know he didn’t shoot them *yet-*
I laughed to hard at this
@@freezyjv6262 glad I made you laugh 😌
THAT guy: “if the bullet was between the gun and her brain, my reaction would be different”
@@MsSUPER511 Y’all are HILARIOUS 😭😭
Guy in blue shirt:' I've identified there is a problem, but lets not talk about it because we'll make it worse!' Ha, great words from a coward!
1827Beethoven how does that make him a coward? He has a very valid point, he may of thought if he gave the man shit she’d get a worse beating at home.
Right! That guy says he was trying to deescalate the problem but if that were really the case he should have spoke to both guys not just the one guy trying to help. He acted like the couple weren't there watching 😂.
@@ItsMeChrisB23 That just an excuse to justify our own fear... seriously, if someone is beaten in front of your, you will not act.... because your afraid of the consequence?
Sometime, we need to take the risk, even if its might get worse...
@@ItsMeChrisB23 Or he didn't intervene, didn't give her the option or security to speak up and she goes home only to be murdered.
Guesly-A. Coulanges if he somehow went home, it would get worse. I agree that you should just wait until they fet to the door then get him or call the police
That first dude in the blue really annoyed me. His calculations are wrong. He sound like a little snobby kid in school who would be like,”ooo ooo TEACHER! I KNOW THE ANSWER! CUZ IM SMART!”
Taylor Dagenhart My CalCULaTiOnS ArE InCoRrEct
As someone who went through this stuff when someone stepped in to stop what was happening to me it made the situation escalate very quickly and for sure you don't want to do that. It's always good to try and help someone going through something like this but you also don't want to make the situation escalate either and that's why doctors, nurses and law enforcement officers question the domestic violence victim without their abuser there because they stay by their victim cause it's intimidating and their victim is less likely to talk.
honestly what he was doing was smart. yes, you should get the victim away, but the abuse doesn’t end when you walk out the door. they pull strings to make a soft spot for them whenever they need it. even if the girl did get home safely, it does not end there. i think it was sweet what everyone did, but the real thing that would save her is cutting the boy off entirely. the victim always ends up running back because of the control the men/women have over them.
Like the kid with the glasses on the polar express
Respect yourself enough to get out of any abusive relationship. It is your basic human right to be treated with respect. No one has the right to treat you with disrespect. No one! ❤
I totally agree!! If you feel unsafe in a relationship, you should leave and find someone who will make you feel safe and happy and awesome name and I like your pic
I remember when my ex pulled my hair at Walmart and everyone just stared and didn’t do anything.. I really wish someone would’ve done something like these people did.
@Stoner Slater I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. I would have fucking snapped sis. NO WAY would I let you walk out with such an absolute turd. Thank god he’s out of your life and hopefully you’re in a better place ♥️
I would of suckerpunched him. Don't ever let a guy pull your hair sweetheart.
@@TheImSource shut the fuck up. Just trying to protect this young lady. By the way Source I believe there is a clown sighting in your mirror. 😂
Source facts, if this actually happens he will probably ignore it. Lmao this guy said he would “sucker punch” him like sit down pussy you won’t do shit in real life. 😂😂
Fired Up Pranks stfu why are still talking about clown sightings bald head ass bitch.
5:36 the boy be like, "damn lady, I'm just an actor"
#hashtag # that could’ve been so much better if u didn’t say “be like” 😴
She is indian
Manpreet Kaur ok?
That girl is a crazy good actress
I mean really! You could actually see the fear in her eyes and the vulnerability in her voice.
Both of them are good!
*Oneni Blue*
What I like the most about this show is that it basically teaches you how to handle such situations, there are times in which you want to help but you don't know how
Daaanngg! That girl who said, “Did you just say you have the right to abuse your girlfriend?!”
I wish I had balls like that!
Meowline - lol wdym it's nothing something extremely intense to say
Her eyebrow raise thooo
She may have said that at first then she said to the girl that she has the right to everything 😵😵
Meowline - me to
It's not exactly the thing you "wish" you had, you know the "balls" to say you have the right to abuse you girlfriend
My house is on fire, I've identified it, but if we talk about it, it'll make it worse........
Different situations dude...
i choked 😂
I’m drowning but don’t worry I’ve identified it and I won’t do anything because I’ll just make it worse.
User name again, a different scenario
@@treyisthename1132 oh really I didnt notice
Holy crap that lady with the scarf at the end was awesome. Just straight up being a hero and ignoring the assohle boyfriend.
I'd pay to see with the roles changed
@@otohime8516 there’s always that one person 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ikr I totally agree and awesome name
@@otohime8516 me too and awesome name and I like your pic
@@valeriee4086 yeah exactly and cool name
As someone who has seen people turn a blind eye to me getting abused, I am bawling like a baby! Praise these folks!!!!
I’m sorry you’ve been through that. People really need to care more about one another. Even though we’re all strangers, we’re all human beings.
I am so sorry you went through that. You did not deserve it 🫂🫂🫂🫂
@@immortalsunagreed 🫂🫂
Woman: Your not married to him, your not sold to him
If someone is married to another person who treats them like this, I'd encourage them to divorce
Even if she were married to him. He doesn't have the right to treat her like that
Landa JB Depends what country you’re talking about.
@@Chr1s808 A country or a culture does not make it right so...
Landa JB I’m just saying I know some countries the men does this and it’s the norm. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong.
Nick: “She’s MY GIRLFRIEND!!”
All the ladies: “Not anymore, she ain’t 😉”
Austin that’s not being an alpha male. That’s being abusive. Nothing justifies that. He’s being toxic and using his “so called power” to try and intimidate her. That’s fucked up, just like your brain apparently
That’s my crushes name lol
“If we talk about it, we may make it worse.”
No, nope, a million times no. If you talk about it, you may realize how bad the situation is and that you need to DO something about it. Some people just want to avoid that and live in la-la land, and if that’s what they want then whatever but they shouldn’t be encouraging other people to shut up about abuse. Awful.
I think that he was trying to go at from the perspective that if he says something and then she still goes with him, it could possibly result in her getting abused way worse
Very disappointing at the way the blue shirt man handled the situation, especially considering how old he is. Fully grown man that basically thinks that he could only do something when something bad happens. Girl was young and definitely had some kind of parent or guardian. He could have intervened by asking her to call her parents and telling them about the situation. He could've even prevented the boyfriend from taking her outside since the situation was escalating. Dude couldn't even see that it was already escalating? Why else would someone bring another person away from public view? If someone was acting that aggressively in public, then it is already a lot worse in private. He said that he would've stopped the guy if he was taking her out the door, but talk is cheap and he clearly didn't try to stop him. Thank god there are other people who think differently.
@@ravenclawhouse9616 Sadly, you have a point. I'm hufflepuff btw
The blue shirt guy is basically the UN in a nutshell
I agree!
Those two women at the end were EVERYTHING
“Did you jut say you have the right to abuse your girlfriend?”
She didn’t waste any time, we stan a legend.
Yes! She is a legend!
I loved the way she was quick and direct💕
Ciara Cheeks we stan a defensive queen
we stan a queen slaying tea sis!!!!!
Well she’s using his emotions to manipulate him so yeah abusers love each other
*woman jumping off bridge*
Me: “wait let me come with you”
Person comes up: “hi this is John Quinones with What Would You Do?”
omg imagine lol
Why did I laugh omg
i busted out laughing when i saw this lmaooo
i can't stop laughing oh god 😂
Ah.another comment like mine lol
That would be me I'm Suicidal and live in a Phych ward right now ok it didn't need to get that deep...😐
Ok can we talk about how good the girl's acting was noice!
Edit: Dang can y'all chill out? 😅 Its a positive comment, why bring negativity up? 🤔
fabsome unicorn agreed, I hope the good acting wasn’t from experience though
@@connor1577 either she's that good of an actress, she's been in that situation, or she knows someone who has. I'm hoping it's the first option.
Of all the actors/actress I’ve seen on this,both the girl and boy’s acting was absolutely realistic
I literally came to the comments JUST to see if anyone else noticed
Girls..... Uk
The acting of those two actors is just incredible!
3:55 if she was out the door, he wouldn’t have still done anything. AT ALL.
Ikr .
Blue sus
Literally nothinggggggg
That guy was a fucking idiot
Traci should have played the boyfriend.
I'm rolling 😂😂😂😭😭
we STAN the yellow shirt guy!
-playing minecraft
-standing up for her even when no one else wants to (and even when he was advised to ignore it too!)
-giving money for her to go home (instead of offering to take her home)
be like yellow shirt guy! 🙌
If he was playing Minecraft, that'd make this so much better XD
Did she give the money back though?? The Actress just went behind the host..
@@brucewayne2455 oh I just noticed too. uh 0_0 well on the brighter side, I’ve heard that bystanders in public reaction shows (like wwyd, just for laugh gags,) are paid for permission to be on tv anyway but even if that’s not true I’m sure she gave it back tho :p
@@KevinShinwoo RIGHTT
“She wasn’t in danger, yet?” He aggressively put his hands on her. Looks to me that the guy was afraid of the bully.
Wamen Hero: snaps fingers
Nick the Abuser: disappears
She's thanos
@@seanlynch2579 - oh please. You know good and well your silly lil' internet comments wouldn't actually happen in real life, right?
Erika Purcell-Williams I run a security company we see far to often women all fuelled up on feminism and entitlement getting themselves into situations they had no business being in and getting dropped like a sack of potatoes. I instruct my people to hear nothing see nothing when the cops come because that Zena warrior princess is now a professional victim trying her best to twist the story where she is in no way at fault or responsible for what she created. Lesson leaned the hard way is what these silly bitches need!
@@seanlynch2579 So you're saying she had no right to get into a abuse situation? So if you're in public a guy is just beating the shit out of a women you're gonna just walk like it's nothing? Alright.
“There is a problem, I’ve heard it, I’ve identified it, but...” DUDE SERIOUSLY 😳
A Rolls I know like tf
Yo exactly I was like wtf
That guy felt like more of an actor than any of the real cast smh XD
He is Einstone..
"You're absolutely right Sir, there is a problem. I've heard it, I've identified it, BUT..."
Them actors and the other man must've been like dafuq
I understand his point though. A lot of the time if an abuser gets confronted in public the victim will have hell to pay for later when they are alone.
@@autmnt1893 I absolutely agree, but the way he said it though 😅
Autmn T yes but that’s the abuser’s fault. you should say something no matter what or call the police. do something to help the victim
@@user-to5zl6tf4h but intervening isn't always helping the victim, that can make their environment more unsafe. I agree you should contact the police but it's a hard line between when you are trying to help the victim versus what is causing the victim to receive worse abuse. I'm not saying it's not the abusers fault, it obviously is, but in the abusers mind they aren't doing anything wrong so they don't have the morality to be able to acknowledge that they are the ones in the wrong, so while others are shattering that image of themselves they are normally the ones blaming the victims which puts them at even more risk
as someone whos been in this situation so many times, it warms my heart to see people doing something like this about abuse. most of the time it happens, people watch as you leave but dont do anything so thank god ppl in this world care
That guy in the yellow T-shirt is one of the best humans on this planet we need more people like him !!!!! ✨
Jessica Harris go watch his reaction and he’s super like nervous.
This guy though he was about to be on
“How to catch a predator”
Jessica Harris single girl?
No one:
Literally no one:
and then he tried to cover it by saying he'd interfere later, yeah right dude
I'm still pissed that no one asked the girl if she wanted the polices help, no one made any calls and literally 1 dude wanted to make sure she went home safe. It blows my mind that no one offered her $ to get a cab except for that one guy what I hope happened is that they cut out a lot of responses that were more extreme, because they obviously vinillad the shit out of this
I agree and disagree because it could make it worse if he physically abuses
@@silverfox6284 yeah
All the moms be like AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
This made me laugh
Yes, they're F*ckin Awesome I Loved that all of them came up to her and ignored the Douche of a Boyfriend talked to her and got his A** out of the Cafe!! Go Mom's, Mom's Assemble!!
Yup, this is my I love my mom.
okay but like can we just talk about how beautiful all of these people are?! i mean obviously not the boyfriend but all of these people did not have to step in and help this poor girl, but they did. this shows that there are still beautiful people in the world
No body should be treated like that.
Nobody should be taught english like that
P Bromley its an actor jesus
Well maybe you should add a full stop at the end of your sentence. Then you can bash people for their lack of English abilities.
The dude who said “I’ve identified the problem and we are not going to talk about it” is totally Dwight from the office
Except Dwight would have the courage to ask if everything was ok "Miss, I see you in distress, may I be of assistance. I have a black belt in karate. I will demonstrate. Step aside.".
@@skullsaintdead or he'd jump out of his seat and pepper spray the dude as soon as he grabbed her wrist
@@thetortoise4107 exactamundo
That first guy in the blue was trying to be all smart and philosophical. Smh. Just do the right thing man, don’t overthink it.
NiftyFish exactly! Cut the corporate bullsh’t and step up
Generic TM nah ur gay
He was a spineless pansy hiding behind fancy psychology jargon.
Probably does the same to his wife/gf behind closed doors lmao.
Generic TM I get what you’re saying however right is right and wrong is wrong. You see something say something! Period. Sitting back watching it happen is.. in my opinion, equal to the behavior . I would want someone to step up if I didn’t have a voice.
Generic TM but I have dealt with it. I said that’s my opinion. I also said I see your POV. My stance remains the same.
I wonder if the gentleman in the yellow shirt's quiet approach would have been as effective in a real situation. Do you think an actual abusive boyfriend would have turned around and engaged at 1:30? The way he spoke to the young lady was amazing.
I love the guy in the yellow shirt, what a hero. The guy in the blue shirt was a coward full of excuses “she wasn’t in danger until she was out the door” yeah okay and out of his sight so it’s not his problem
Sasha Grey Just saying in my town a guy was murdered for stepping in on a domestic abuse so I see both sides.
He was probably sadly raised on the belief of "minding your own business"
Agreed . What a pathetic excuse, he was embarrassed what a coward
Mel. No he was a clever one.
Sasha Grey Has the guy in the blue shirt wasn’t a coward full of excuses
I love how the mother at the end got down below her so she wasn't threatening in anyway because she was already dealing with that. That shows amazingly empathetic instincts. Her Mama Bear came right out. What a hero, I bet she's a great Mama!
This scenario should be tried also with black actors, and also with brown actors, as well as same sex couples actors. I wonder if the different types of couples will all get same amount of people helping offering advice and to help the victim. And even a male who is the vicitm of abuse, how many people will come to give him advice and help? Just curious to see if the victims are from different races and genders, how many people would offer to help them?
@@Taylor086 they have done and it was pretty much the same response
Very dumb if it was real and the dude is getting more aggressive
I’ve had people do that to me at times of need and never understood why now I see thank u
@@stefanybenton John Taffer and his experts and his crew and Gordon Ramsey and the police officers is involved in this.
Chloe Art I know right!!!
thisaccountdoesntexistorwuteva *I hope my music can reach this many people one day! A big thanks to anyone willing to give me a listen! 🤘🏽📝 Im doing great*
ik that girl! her instagram is @grace_narducci
@@kirosasher your music is great. Good job
Ena Comi thank you bro! 🙏🏽 feel free to subscribe to me! It really helps!
these two people are insanely good at acting graces sad voice and the “verbal bf” the way he was shouting was honestly so impressive they seem so young aswell
Person: **sneezes**
Me: Bless you
John: Excuse me what made you say “bless you”
Me: Uhh..
Lol XD
You: ugh I just feel I need to step up when someone ugh has a umm a sneeze. I just felt the need to do that otherwise that person could end up in a terrible situation!
Also you:😭😭 *through tears* It just hit very close to home since I have also *starts fanning yourself* sneezed! Wah wah wah !😭😢
Also you: why did you need to do this, are you out of scenarios?
@@justanaveragenerd8560 *scenarios...root word "scene". Wow, get literate.
@@Ultamami thanks for the spell check
Guy: gives girl money
“Here, use this to get home”
Producer: Hey this is a show called what would you do. Now...
Girl: slowly backs away with the money the man gave her
That's the same thing I thought
Diarra Hoyte thats true i was wondering if i was the only one who noticed that lol.
How to get rich 101:
Act on WWYD.
person gives you money
slowly back away
They normally give the money back! I don't think she took it honestly.
Ali Alex maybe we will never know
5:51 “did you just say that you have the right to abuse your girlfriend” damn that shit hit hard bc it’s accurate
Doesn't she look like millie bobby brown
Well women doesn’t have a right to hit men 2
Jacobfires-vlogs ... obviously?
Jacobfires-vlogs Obviously. Why do you feel the need to point that out as if it changes anything?
Bel Sheahan cuz it’s pisses me off a girl hits a guy nothing happens if u hit a girl king John un is going to send missles to u
I know this is just acting but that terrified obedient look the girl gives after being abused is way too accurate.
I know! Her being sad was making me sad!
@@dem0nicw0lffanficsmore72 yeah just like wen the pump was vaulted
And in the beginning into the puppy eyes when she was scared of her boyfriend😱
VADOR 93 ew bye
yEs sIr tHerE iS a pRoblEM i haVe iDeNtiFieD iT iF wE tAlk aBout iT wE maKe iT woRse
The guy is an idiot
He didn’t feel she was in danger? This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The first step should be to get her away from him.
That guy was fricken Stupid
I dont know why i read that changing my voice pitch and speeds
I know right what an idiot
"..if we talk about it, it may become worse."
Sooo, communication isn't key after all?
That's how people treat alot of world issues. They ignore things like abuse, racism and sexism to be comfortable with themselves
He was worried she’d get worse from him after they left. People don’t consider that the abuser might be even worse to their victim after a confrontation.
The words of a coward! Notice how he also didnt want the other guy to get involved, so he could rationalise his weakness to himself.
So what was this guys plan? To do nothing? Let her leave with him?
@@nope3833 yea you have a point but yellow shirt clearly confronted the boy and the girl clearly didn't go with the boy so that was the ideal solution. don't overthink it, if you never step up to the abuser then he will abuse her forever so what's really worse? yellow shirt was right in this scenario.
This young lady has got to be the BEST ACTRESS on WWYD I've seen so far....WOW!!!!!! She needs a movie role!
They should do another one of these but with a role reversal. Were the boy is the one who is getting physically and verbally abused.
Chicken Legs that rarely happens in real life though 😅
Who_Said_ WaFfLeS_? You’d be surprised
@Tavon Fenwick yep
Chicken Legs yes!
People don't wanna see that. They'll get their feelings hurt.
The girl is talented, she should get a chance in mainstream movies
takes a little more than crying and shit to act in mainstream movies.
@lilmil guess shes good at acting harassed.
Who know name the girl ?
rega rvnk Grace Narducci, i went to high school with her
No. She didn’t do anything but cry and say a few words. It takes more than that to be in a movie
Blue shirt guy is lying. He wasn't going to get up
And how do you know that? Do you know him personally or something?
Brandon J because he is a coward
@@firstname5632 🤣🤣🤣😂
Cody mule this is so funny
The last thing he said - if she was between the door and me, my reaction would've been different - my gut said he was lying too.
That girl took the money as the guy was getting his 10 seconds of fame! 🤣
"Hi im John Quinones"
*girl proceeds to walk away with that man's money*
i thought i was the only one who noticed that LOL
@Partha P B quitely approuch the girl and ask her to split the money
@@rooftopkost lmao💀💀
sir lasso
She's like iM oUtTa HeRe
Lmao ....
Him: Let me see your phone
Me: alright bet, lemme see yours then ?
Him: and I OOP-
right lol
Lmfao yess
“You’re absolutely right sir, there IS a problem”
He’s so confident
He’s an insecure Beta
He didn’t do anything to help he tried to stop the guy from helping
He tried to stop him from helping her. Wtffffff
Tyroxinas - agreed, he was being calculative, however i think you can only be calculative when you know the person or you know you’re going to see them again and have another opportunity to help, but because in this scenario it was a stranger that you’re probably not going to meet again, acting fast would probably be the best course of action. of course i’ve had a lot more time to get to that conclusion than he did. i think people are being a bit unfair in the comments, he said he would stop them before they got out the door..
@@theterminator8707 ok terminator
This still makes me emotional because I had no one help me when I was in the same situation but at least there are still some kind people in the world