Most were scared poopless and the military industrial complex wanted to keep it that way. They are slick. People were programmed with fear. And the race was on... the horses are running in the ditch...putrid putin is in the lead...but the race is already over.
@@shrimpflea Even with the nuclear fallout, Russia would have had mass starvation at home if they had nuked the U.S. We were the biggest food producer. Wonder if anybody in Moscow realized that? They must have or else the attack would have come.
A personal story about the Korean war. My father grew up very poor on a rural Texas farm. He left home after the 9th grade, because he didn't want to pick cotton by hand in the Texas sun anymore. He drove commercial trucks. He joined the U.S. Army during the Korean War and trained at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, TX. His unit (forgive me I've never been in military if unit is wrong) was loading onto trucks to go to Air Force base to leave for Korea. Before leaving their Sargent got orders for a driver who could drive the large trucks as they had run out of ambulances for wounded from Korea. The Sargent yelled, Pape! Didn't you drive commercial trucks? Yes Sargent! Git down here! My father went to drive the large trucks with wounded from the airport to the hospital. When finished he returned to find his unit had already taken off for Korea. He spent his time during the Korean War driving the wounded from the Air Force Base to the Hospitals. I have often wondered if my two older brothers and I would be here if not for that event. One event in life can change everything.
Your father was a very lucky man. He could have been driving ambulances from the front to the rear area with wounded men in freezing weather and bullets flyinng all around him. I remember Fort Sam well as I was stationed at Lackland AFB as a JAG officer ( attorney) and we would often get together with our Army counterparts for meetings and lectures on the UCMJ military law code.
So very true how if one event was changed. Things would be different. My father was a Marine in a World War II. He signed up to fight on land. He served on an Air Craft Carrier. They had a list of the men’s names that wanted transfer to where the major fighting was. Every time his name got to the top, he would go an check and it would be back on the bottom. This kept happening over and over and he couldn’t figure out why until his Commanding Officer had a talk with him and told him “you don’t want to be on ground in the middle of the fighting”. He than told him that it was he who kept putting his name back to the bottom of the list. My father never put his name on the list again. He was dating my mom during this time. I’ve often thought that if he did get picked and lost his life fighting. My brothers and I wouldn’t be here.
You did not mention if your Dad was at front lines dodging bullets or on American soil picking them up from the airplanes anyway he still served his country which is better than some people who were draft dodgers and many served their country which I will never forget and still Thank Them for Their Service, I still think that it’s terrible what Jane Fonda did during that time and it was really rough for many soldiers I bet many people today are or should be feeling mighty bad about what they did to those soldiers and I have never had any respect for any hippies unless they finally saw the light and actually apologized to the soldiers!! We’re still having wars it will continue to happen unless you haven’t been reading your Bible!!
Allan P. Your dad was indeed lucky and bless you all. My dad served two tours of duty in Korea on the front lines during the Korean War and then came back to the States and met and married my mom. He stayed in the service for over 20 years before retirement. I got a chance to see the United States and the world because of his service. And I actually lived in South Korea for two years. A very lovely country with charming people and a gorgeous locale.
My father was in the Navy in the Pacific during WWII. He always thanked God for the bomb because the Allie’s were going to blitz Japan and he knew he wasn’t coming back.
That was true in the 80s as well. I still have a huge scar on my leg from being kicked repeatedly by some evil boy in high top sneakers. The school principle laughed, the nurse barely flinched when she saw it, even though my leg was blown up twice its size. And my parents unfortunately never sued the school or the child's parents.
Corporal punishment did not always correct bad behavior. It made me angry bc it was an excuse for abusive parents to beat the kids for everything....even when it was not merited. My behavior changed due to age, maturity and learning responsibility for my actions. My first cousin has a very similar story of being beat too much. Thanks my story anyway.
If you knew you were going to be spanked for doing something you knew you weren’t supposed to you took pause and usually decided not to do it. Back then we feared our parents and teachers, not because they were mean but we didn’t want the consequences.
I love your channel....but respectfully disagree with the corporal punishment aspect that was presented. Even in the 1970's the principals in the schools I attended used "the board of education" to discipline unruly students. It was used very seldom but the very threat was enough in most occasions. Students...and young people in general were far more respectful then than now. Nary a whisper of anyone coming in to shoot up the school. I am sorry but Ritalin,quiet rooms and time out's are a poor excuse of an alternative. IMO
I agree 1000%. And adults today look back and are glad they had the discipline and structure. They did not grow up claiming they were “traumatized “, they grew up to be responsible and respectful adults.
Totally Agree Big Time!! Sure enjoyed it and enjoyed my childhood a lot and also I didn’t go through my home eating paint off the walls ! Nor did I drink Mr. Clean or Windex yuk! The kids that did were nuts or never watched like I was but I could care less about them I enjoyed drinking my kool-aid and eating my food!😃
I attended Elementary school during the 70's also. Every teacher possessed a paddle, and wasn't afraid to use it! Anyway, the threat of the Principal confronting you, with the paddle, was terrifying, yet strangely cool at the same time. Kids today are really missing out! I'm not kidding either! I remember how the entire school would hush, as rumor got around that some unfortunate 'victim' 😂 was about to get it! The Principal and two or more teachers would surround the poor kid out in the hall. Just prior to the 'deed', the crabby old teacher would chew the kid out..finalized by the words 'BEND OVER'!!'...seconds later, the SMACK(S) would echo throughout the entire school. We'd all look at each other - jaws dropped, eyes wide open - terrified! Sometimes the kid would cry and make a lot of noise - sometimes not. The kids who got paddled by the Principal, and survived, without balling, were legendary! 👍
@@d.vaughn8990 Oh brother Bring on the Drama Queen!! When I was in high school we had moved to Salem, Oregon and we lived right across the street from the grade school and they had more BRATS than you could shack a stick at man, we had lovely picket fence around our home and they would try to break off the posts when my Dad was on day off he’d yell at them and tell them he’d take one of the slats and jam it up their butts and when my Dad yelled they Knew he meant it so walked on other side of the street for 6 months! In Salem they considered bad to spank a BRAT and I am still all for it when I baby sat I spanked brats but was always kind and still fed them dinner and went into the bathroom to help them bath I didn’t believe in small children trying to bath as too many drowned that way and I was highest paid baby sitter getting $5.00 an hour!
I remember getting a smack on my butt once or twice, but never a spanking. I was a pretty good little guy growing up, but it was different back then. My family was Italian and you showed RESPECT for your parents. I never spoke when not being spoken to when we had company. We didn't say ,"Why do I have to do that" ? We obeyed and that included teachers as well. Only once in school, I think it was the 2nd, or 3rd grade at St Joseph's Catholic School was I smacked on my hand with a ruler for talking in class. Once I was talking after the SISTER said "NO TALKING" and she asked those that were talking to stand up. I stood up and WAS THE ONLY ONE ! I was asked to come to the front of the class. Of course I got the usual," Oh now you're going to get it" ! Laughter from those who didn't stand up as I walked to the front of the class. The SISTER told me to open a drawer in her desk and take out what was in there. Well it was a box of SEE'S CANDY ! She told me to take two pieces of candy and then sit down. She turned to the class and stated, " That's what happens when you tell the truth" !
Jwb52z These are the folks who led the way in civil rights and took us to the moon. That was knowing right from wrong and living up to ideals, NOT “blind obedience.”
@@jwb52z9 I'm sorry YOU THINK it was abuse! The I won't spank my child and let them talk back to you parents today that let their kids say whatever they want including telling their parents to go fuck themselves is the REAL ABUSE. There are generations of smart mouthed disrespectful kids that are the same now as adults. I loved the way I grew up and the family that raised me that way. The worse thing the baby boomers did was back in the 60's and the"I want to be their friend, not their parent" BS destroyed the respect and obedience to all adults. If your a parent, then act like one !
One of the biggest things that occurred in the 50's, was the "Respect" that most people had for each other, children respected their elders. We grew up trusting that we can go to school without worrying about some psychotic idiot's shooting everyone....
I always laugh when people cite "respect" as a quality of the 1950s. Was that respect of the white man for the black man? Was that respect of the corporation for the working man? Was that the respect of neighbors saying "sir" and "ma'am" to each others faces and then talking trash about them in their homes?
@@mikephalen3162 Respect is something that needs to be earned. People often make the mistake of confusing it with simple courtesy, to which everyone is entitled, until they demonstrate that they're not. When this happens, they need to be TAUGHT respect. This was understood in those days, which is one of many things that made it a better, more civilized time.
At 73 years of age.... Yup got mt rear thumped a few times.. But I deserved everyone of them and "finally" got through grey matter ... change your ways.... I hold NO ANGER for it molded my life in a good manner.
I agree with you BUT some kids got waaaay more thumps than was necessary and that left a negative and traumatizing psychological stigma that affects their way of life in later years.
Jr. High (1990) was the only time I received a paddling. Had too may tardies and was sent to the principal's office, got five whacks and that was it. I made sure I got to my classes...ON time.
My first grade teacher hated me. She would take me out in the hallway to paddle me for talking. No permission or notification to my parents, just whenever she wanted. I was raised that adults were the authority, so I never spoke of this to my parents until years later. They were jaw-dropped, because this lady singled me out, everyone was talking, in-between lessons sorta thing. I was 6 years old. Mid 70's Ohio public schools. I never liked teachers since.
I was never paddled in school but the screams and repeated "whaps" coming from the "paddling room" next to my class in 2nd grade left me traumatized. I got spanked at home. I don't remember ever really understanding why I got a spanking or ever thinking to myself "better not do that because I'll get a spanking." When I was older, my parents told me they regretted spanking their kids and had done it because that's how they were raised. The next generation got reasoned with or privileges taken away and had to explain what they had done wrong in order to get privileges reinstated. It's worked out fine.
There is "best and worst" in every part of history. We had it better here than the Soviets and Chinese. Today, we're hanging by a thread, and I'm hoping we can turn things around at the midterms.
So true that we are hanging by a thread. I am voting straight Democrat for the first time ever. The Democrats don't offer much, but that is better than the pure fascism that the Republican party has become. This is likely to be the most important midterms ever.
If the Democrats get the Senate we'll see some great reforms for the lower and middle classes. If not, more tax cuts for the wealthy. More program cuts for the rest to pay for it.
My dad grew up in the 50s and when me and my brother we kids, if we got out of line we got the spankings. The thing about that was, it stopped by the time we were in about 5th grade or maybe 4th is because when he and I would fight, my dad would yell from the front room and if we kept it up, all he had to do was put his recliner up and that sound of it folding up would make us stop fighting. Result of it is, we respected our parents and still do to this day. Kids these days are out of control. You know what ADHD was when I was a kid? It was called being a kid and some doc didnt dope us up on speed to make us calm down. Usually a spanking did that.
I love it! In my head I could hear the foot rest on the recliner snap down. A good old fashioned spanking never hurt me but I picture all the emotional damage of parents' constant screaming and threatening without results. A spanking (not to be confused with a beating) cleared the air and everyone picked up where they left off.
@@wolfhawg I used to get it with a fly swatter! Dad or mom would make me pull my pants down and lay across my bed on my stomach and they would swat my ass until was it burning red! I'd also get it with yardsticks, switches, the bare hand, etc. Never got the belt though. For some reason they drew the line at that lol.
My grandmother was born in the mid 1920's. She told me in the mid 1990's during all the tobacco company lawsuits that she knew when she was a child (mid 1930's) that smoking was bad for you. She told me that people used to tell smokers "That is another nail in your coffin", and "Those are going to kill you". She never smoked and couldn't belive people in the 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's, et al. would think it was harmless, when she knew in the 1930's it wasn't.
My mother used that expression "nail in the coffin" when she saw I was smoking. She smoked from age 22 to 46. All during pregnancy. 3 out of 4 pregnancies low birth weight, under 3 lbs. Only the oldest had no birth defects. The following 3 all did. My birth defects affected my eyes. I'm 58 and was told ill be lucky if i can continue to drive after 65. I also have glaucoma in addition with poor vision. The cause: I was in an oxygen incubator for 17 days. The nurses did not put guaze over my eyes, as they do now. The reason: pure oxygen on the eyes, will reduce the vision and corneas.
You are right. People knew that breathing carbon monoxide was bad. It couldn't be good, right? So instead of people taking responsibility for their actions, they blame the Tabacco companies and sue them for a zillion dollars.
Agree. People knew of 'coffin nails' until greedy corporations got advertisers to brainwash them into thinking it was helpful because it relaxed people
I grew up in the 1980's and 1990's and my parents would spank us when we'd go way out of line. Neither of them enjoyed it, and we didn't fear them or question their parental love, but we learned a lesson about actions and their consequences.
Did they say stuff like " This hurts us more than it hurts you" If they were Catholic did they go to church and confess that they lied before receiving communion? If the hurt was true , maybe they should have let you spank them.
@@rbspider You know nothing about me, or my parents. You're just making foolish assumptions. You ask a question "Did they say X" and then you just run away with that version as if I gave you the affirmative. Get help.
@@Siromuse My dad lectured for hours , sometimes I wished he would be like the guy across the street . He used a belt . My friend knew to not cry too soon or it would be worse . My dad was Navy , across the street was Army.
I agree with all that was stated in this video, but being spanked when I was a young boy growing up in rural Arkansas, is the reason I am not in prison today. It taught me that my actions had consequences, and it also taught me to respect those who were responsible for my well-being. Growing up in the public school system from the 70s through the mid 80s, I received "a lot" of paddling from teachers, principals, neighbors, and parents alike. Coincidentally, when either of those people told my parents what I had done to get a spanking, I was sure to receive the same punishment when I got home. Although I sincerely deserved every spanking I got, no one ever struck me on the face, just my bottom. Now, I'm a 56 years old. I'm an African American male. I have a master's degree. I'm a homeowner, and I work in the public school sector, and I've never been in trouble with the law. I am proof that corporal punishment works when administered with positive intentions.
My brother in law and his family are perfect examples. He told me the other day that he got a whooping at school but didn't dare tell his parents. But then he school called to tell them for him. So he got it for lying and for getting in trouble at school. He grew up got good job had a wife (my sister) and 2 girls. Don't know how he punished them. However his sisters were spoiled rotten. For sweet 16 both got cars different ages years apart. But my brother in law didn't get anything because He's a Man. The results were one died a few years ago from drugs the other doesn't work has a son that's in jail and I don't know much about the husband but he doesn't amount to anything. Her daughter thankfully works in a bank and on the straight an narrow as far as I know.
Dear Trapper I Congratulate You upon your Masters Degree and using it to help make a difference and You are indeed did grow up with people around you that cared about You otherwise you would have indeed possibly would turned out different You are Truly Blessed !!🙏😇😃😉I am so Happy For You! Please continue to pray and help our children of today since unfortunately we have way too many p.c. Types who need a Good Swift Kick in their Rears for trying to take spanking away from the parents and that is something that is one thing that they need! Only on their bottom though!! Never on their face!!
Yes So am I it took years for me to operate this thing am 69; and still prefer a telephone haha or wish I could lean over a fence and gab with you seems more normal to me!🙏🇺🇸😃
What the editors failed to do in this video on the negatives of the 1950s was to explain why the anti communist movement happened and all the other social and cultural negatives that he went through. I grew up in the State of Washington and went to school with several Black families. There was no segregation in Oregon, Idaho, California,Utah and other States in the Northern half of the United States, it was mainly a big problem in the Southern States, the video did not mention this fact.The Narrator almost made it sound like the Korean War was started by the US the way he led into that short point. It was Communist North Korea with the support of China and Russia who started the Korean war, this point should have been made when he unfairly and one sided explanation of the Anti Communist fears and some over reaction. The Communists were hear, mainly Russia, who infiltrated our culture on many levels. It is evident for the past 50 years that the Anti Communist movement was not very successful. China and Russia have become part of our culture on many different levels and have been STEALING OUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY and Trade Secrets for at least that long. You know who are our Biggest threats to our survival are, China and Russia, both Marxist and Communist. We could be in a Nuclear War with Russia because of what is happening in Ukraine. The Narrator mentioned what happened to the mentally Ill that ended up in Institutions and poorly cared for and they still are to this day. Most of the Mentally Ill are not in Institutions but on the Streets of America in Homeless Camps drugging and crapping on the streets, so much for the mentally ill. The Homeless problem and mentally ill in all degrees are one of the biggest social problems we have today. That combined with the 90 to 100 thousand Deaths that have happened the past Decade from drug over-doses of all types. Want to mention one more point that came out and that was corporal punishment which the Supreme Court said was legal many years ago. Giving hacks as we called them back then should be the last resort. The biggest problem in most schools in the 1950s was talking out of turn, spit wad shooting, not doing your home work and fights on the School playground. I had to go out in the hallway and stand in a corner for mouthing off to a teacher several times. Now days some schools have metal detectors and of course the Mass shootings that have happened with the killing of dozens of innocent children. No Way can this Generation Sit in Judgement of the Negatives of the 1950s when we have all the violent behavior and social Illnesses that are badly hurting our culture today.
And no way can past generations "sit in judgement" of US when this is one of the first generations where there isn't another war every 2 minutes. What does that say about this supposed wiser and more peaceful older generation?
Wow. A troubling lack of discernment from what up to now has been one of my favorite channels. I’m a boomer, and the crowd I grew up with got plenty of corporal punishment - both at home and school - when we deserved it. Result? We grew up to be productive, well-adjusted adults with respect for the rules, an orderly society, and other folks. McCarthy was a bit of a nutty opportunist, but we now know that there really were communist spies in the State Department and other swamp enclaves. These were mostly holdovers from the FDR era - Lost Generation leftist intellectuals who spent the 1920s and 30s fantasizing about the Marxist utopia that could be built if only THEY were in charge (sound familiar?). The nuclear threat: blame for the Cold War lies squarely on the USSR and Red China, and their STATED goal of world domination. They were the aggressors. Western democracies simply said that they would defend themselves. Period. Social unrest: People have been in conflict since the Fall of Man. Mores and attitudes about how we can peaceably live with each other are constantly evolving, and by and large the truly egregious injustices tend to be addressed, and together we move on. But a permanent grievance culture (typically encouraged by those who profit from it) just keeps us at each other’s throats and robs everyone of any genuine healing. This impulse to blame the past for not “being us” is just odd.
Weren't that far off from what? The communist witch hunt in Hollywood was a tragedy. Now the right, the decedents of those monsters, absolutely embrace the fascist sentiment, to the point where they want to destroy our democracy entirely. And of course, those who are so against "socialism" don't even know what it is, but their political idols tell them the left is entirely socialist and needs to be purged. See the violent insurrection of January 6 for proof of that.
Yes this video was probably put together by a liberal. Who is pro communist. That type is also usely against spanking kids to correct them. Now just look what is going on today by kids. And of college campus the pro Hamas terrorists. Pro testing isreal.
It's too bad that some of these things are gone. Some were bad, but children being disciplined and out of wedlock pregnancy being looked down on were good.
One thing I remember, growing up in West Virginia in the 1950s was that we kids had no rights at all, we were property and almost anybody could whip a child who they thought was acting up. Only parents could whip a kid, leaving scars, anybody else had to be careful not to break the skin. Teachers, school bus Drivers, store clerks, Preachers, Neighbors and family friends as well as perfect strangers were allowed to administer paddling or hand spanking, mostly to little boys, to any unruly child. Even Churches had places, usually the cloak room, where a fidgeting child could be spanked to "Calm them down". It wasn't until the late 60s that all this began to change. "If you get a paddling at school, you get a worse one at home" was an often used montra and some of the worst families had a policy that, "as long as you live under this roof, you will take your punishment", no mater how harsh and child who refused to be whipped would spend at least the night outside, sometimes for several days. Red Neck boys were expected to submit to their Father's belt until they were big enough to take it away from him, then they would leave home for good. My Step Daughter had a boy in the 1990s, with severe ADHD and she put him on "Time out" for ten minutes. That's all it took! Just enough to break his train of thought, (which is what the whipping did), without breaking his spirit. Sometimes she had to do it two or three time in a row, but it usually worked. Such a simple thing, but a radical change from generations of abuse and she ended up with a good adult son who never hurt anybody. My Grand Kids tell me that they all respond to being told not to do something and then WHY they shouldn't do it. "Because I said so" was all the explanation I ever got. Respect was the missing element to those old punishments, respect for the humanity of the child.
That was what I didn't like about the 1950's. It seemed like for a kid the abuse never stopped and the whole silence is golden thing made communication within the family difficult (I didn't grow up in the 1950's but that seems to be what everyone forgets to mention about that time period. My dad's side of the family tried to do that with me and I especially hated how they seemed to 'encourage' everyone to line up to spank you 😢)
Sure there was alot of shady stuff behind closed doors, commercial and industrial worries but society in a whole flourished,everyone had a job and could afford to live without taking on copious amounts of debt
Revisit your history. The U.S. suffered recessions in 1949, 1953, 1957 and 1960. There was widespread unemployment and there was a lack of significant economic growth in the decade of the 1950s.
A swat on the butt, isn't child abuse. Not disciplining a child is. Look at how insane the world is these days, compared to the 40s, 50s, and early 1960s. People had respect for authority, parents, and God. You could walk down city or neighborhood streets, and not worry about getting mugged or shot. They really are the "Good old days."
I was not alive during the 1950s, but my Mom grew up during that time. She told me that she was not allowed to go swimming during August due to the scare of Polio. My Mom talked about Children being in "iron lungs" just to be able to breathe from this awful Polio disease. And my Mom talked about how she and her friends would, "duck and cover" during the 1950s in her Elementary School for fear of a nuclear bomb going off and how scary that was. I also know that smoking was shown in movies during the 1950s. Being that I was diagnosed with learning disabilities in Elementary School, the lead paint during that time is very scary and very upsetting to me, even though that was not the cause of my LD. And God Bless Rosa Parks for her bravery!!! Although my Mom and I did not grow up in the South, the Jim Crow laws were hurtful and untrue because we are all Children of God. And it is sad about the adoptions that were talked about in this video, but adoption should NOT have been seen as a thing to be ashamed of. Adoption is a gift to be able to love a Child who does not look like you and does not have your genes which is beautifully noble!!!! However, the baby should not be thrown out with the bath water when talking about the 1950s. The good things about the 1950s were the love of Family and the promotion of the love of the Father. The fact that Children were expected to have good behavior and that Fathers were not sperm donors, but most Men were expected to be responsible enough to financially provide for their Families as did my Late Grandfather who was a Supervisor at a Steele Plant and my Late Grandfather only had a High School diploma. Today a Person has to go to College and get into a lot of debt for the same job. So, the point of any time period is to throw out the bad and keep the good, but to remember that no time period is innocent and no time period is perfect, including growing up from the 1970s to the 1980s which is my Childhood!
A husband/father who had a union job during the 1950s could support a family without a college degree. Later, a lot of the unions that had secured decent wages and working conditions were crushed. The living standards of the 1950s could happen again if workers would realize that it's not against the law to organize a union at your workplace. No matter what anyone tells you.
I was born in 53 and my Mother never explained it me just took me to get my shot in 1956 and I never swam in a pool at the time but sure did in 1961 with my parents and had fun 🤩!!
Lifting the tariffs on imported steel had a lot to do with crushing the steel industry. Someone wanted to bring tariffs back as a way to curb the outsourcing but other politicians were apoplectic about it. Funny, people talk about how good many in Europe have it but they also have tariffs to protect their industries. Also, funny how they act like we were never taught about slavery or Jim Crow but I was a child of the 70's and I found a homework paper I had written in THIRD grade about the wrongs of slavery. I was from a small rural school district in Ohio. Cleaning out my parents' house and my mother saved pretty much everything in many boxes that I now have to go through.
I grew up in Brooklyn, NY in the 1950s. It was a great time. Low crime. One cop for a couple of miles with a stick. There was respect for authority and everyone. Nobody on drugs. People cared about one another. If only I could snap my fingers and bring it all back. Oh, and my parents didn't dislike Elvis or Doo Wop. We didn't have a bomb shelter. And the world wasn't full of greed.
That's when the Kramdens and the Nortons lived there! Don't remember Alice ever getting her purse snatched or anything like that. Of course, Ralph and Ed almost came to blows over that TV set that Ed insisted that he'd won.
The world was always full of greed. You just didn't see much of it. Back than child trafficking and forced prostitution already existed. And rape within marriage wasn't considered a crime, same for all forms of domestic violence.
@@samanthab3292 it really was a better world. Kids played outside and learned values instead of needing influencers to decide who they were and what they should look like and feel like. Many billionaires weren't ruling the world. Teachers didn't need to wear bullet proof vests. I could go on and on.
The last part of this video is 100% wrong. My father had a firm hand, and my mother used "the stick" that was kept on top of the refrigerator to discipline myself and my brothers and sisters.(There was seven of us). My parents are gone now, but I thank God I had the parents I had. Best parents anyone could have ever had.
Ditto. I was one of three kids. We were disciplined primarily with lectures but also with spankings. I was NEVER abused. I remember my dad telling me after a spanking that it hurt him more than it did me. And I never repeated my mistakes so I do believe it did good. My parents are both gone now and I wish they were still here. Miss them.
There was six of us, my dad used a leather strap on us when we were bad. I totally agree my parents were the best and I miss them like crazy and thank them for the discipline. We got it in school too from the nuns. We never went home and told our parents cause we would get it again😆
@@julenepegher6999 Lucky you. My parents used the leather strap on us even we we WEREN'T "bad." Glad you liked being beaten by your parents, but I did not, and at 60 years old I'll never forgive them for it.
“They _thought_ punishment discouraged bad behavior” it 100% does lol. I grew up in the early 2000s & got spankings still, in addition to time outs & lost privileges, depending on the offense. Spankings for us we’re very effective & created a healthy fear of our parents. I also agree with on other commenter: the knowledge that you are going to get spanked for something makes you think twice about doing it more so than a time out lol.
Right, look how they punished people back , in Roman time's, they got 40 lashes on there back, nailed to a wooden tree , to die , less crime back then for sure
No, it didn't help much in that way. All it often did was make children fearful of accidentally messing up, and made them become liars and connivers to avoid punishments. Lots of parents were bad people who used punishments as a way of slaking their own violent desires. Children of these parents developed OCD as a way of coping; they had to be scrupulously careful to do absolutely everything right in order to avoid some of the beatings.
@@Quacks0 I was sharing my personal experience. At no point did I mention beatings, spankings and beatings are not the same thing at all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of spankings and has had their own experience, for my family it was an effective discipline and I am still very close to parents. Whether they choose spankings or not, more parents today should discipline their children.
You don't know what in the F you are talking about. Often parents beat their children because the parents were drunk! Parents that hit their kids should go to jail or prison. It is not okay to hit other adults so how on earth could it be okay for a huge grown man or woman to beat a child! Your comment sickens me.
Correction of children was acceptable then. I learned my disobedience and behavior could bring about consequences. That's what's wrong with children today. They make the rules and the parents obey them.
Spouses, significant others, and children who were abused, terrorized and sexually assaulted had no place at all to turn for help. Society blamed the victim. It was an awful time. Things are far better today.
Spanking, how horrifying! This generation of unspanked kids is so much more well behaved! NOT!!! How many school shootings or other mass shootings by kids were there in the 50's? How many kids took guns to school in the 50's? I used to get cracks in high school. Most of the kids I went to school with did too. 75% of college students have been diagnosed with some form of mental illness. Yes, the time out chair has been an incredible success.
The last one was widely accepted back in the 1950's was still accepted in my family's household in the 1980's as my father used a belt or his hand. Both worked and helped me learn to be respectful. Today kids do not have this and are easily choosing to disobey and disregard parents and chaos is everywhere. In many areas like where I live Even cops seems to give kids too many rights. I will not give his name, but I know a teen who has done the following - Beaten up a grown adult in the street with 3 others teens - Smokes weed and vapes, and does it even on school grounds - Sneaks his girlfriend into his sisters apartment and has sex in the same apartment where little kids are and has tried multiple times to do it at home. - Stolen vapes from a liquor store -does not listen to authority including his mother, grandmother, and officers He is on Probation and despite what we have told the probation officer he gets away with everything. All they seem to want to offer is Counseling which he refuses and they give him that right. The probation officers know everything he is done and just tell him " Oh you are such a good boy. You just need to stay on track" and they send him back home. He has no idea what a consequence is because at home if he is given one he just leaves, runs away, cops will do nothing for him running away and as I said probation officers here do not care. Kids need their ass whooped. Plain and simple to claim that this not need happen to Ludacris. Proof can be seen everywhere that this needs to happen. People just act like its no big deal. Sorry not sorry if you think kids do not need to be spanked. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
Lmao the fact that you had to write an entire essay tells me a lot Weather a kid is whooped or not doesn’t really matter My mom was never beaten when she was a kid and she still turned out just fine Yes children still need to face consequences but i don’t think violence is the way to do it
@@Siromuse Okay I apparently need to make some apparent. Because some adults are brain dead. Sorry to be so blunt but you have no idea of how many people still do not get it or do not want to. If your child needs it then a parent will know or will coddle there kid and then lies the problem. If a child is spoiled and acts it. Yes they should be put in their place. If you feel differently.. good for you. I am happy for you, but As for my family if you are out of line I will tell you and if needed I will show you. That is how we roll and I do believe for many parents out there wondering what they did wrong as parents because their kid is verbally or physically abusive to themselves or others. yet cannot see how much they let stuff and consequences are a problem. well I pity those kids not the parents. Whoop their ass if they need it and teach them always. As always raise your kid as you like, but you cannot blame others in society when consequences meet him/her head on and knock them the fuck out because of their behavior. Because YOU taught them that. P.S. if you raised your kids right lets hope so. because drama will less apparent. its obvious. Have a nice day.
I was born in 1970. Growing up hearing and learning how things were, even in the 1950s, I was so glad I was born when I was born. Especially as a female. I felt like I could do or achieve anything I set my mind to. We weren’t pushed to get married and have kids if you didn’t want to. We were pushed to get an education and to live life before settling down and maybe having a kid or two. We had so many more choices and freedom that women just a couple of decades behind us didn’t have. I loved the fact that I didn’t have to suffer the diseases that people suffered in the past like polio, measles, mumps and whooping cough. I liked the fact that if needed I could get birth control and didn’t have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy if I did end up having sex. My parents were parents but they were also my friends. They knew how to straddle that line very well. They would never beat me with a belt because they knew that was abuse. Any physical discipline was isolated incidents. My parents didn’t care what race my friends were either.
But pregnancy and sex before marriage was not encouraged. Today we have MTV 16 and pregnant and teen mom/teen mom og. Parents could and would discipline their children. Children went to school to learn by teachers who actually gave a damn and did not indoctrinate children
I started school in the '40's and our first grade teacher cured ADD real early in the school year. She had a ruler that really got your attention, and kept it, when she cracked (not literally) your knuckles if you were acting up. Also, it was not unusual to get three spankings in one day for the same offense. Your teacher would spank you and sent you to the principal's office where you probably got a second spanking. The third spanking came from your parents when you got home from school. We could go outside to play with friends until dark. If you were at someone else's home and acted up, they could and would spank you. No one in my class ever got in trouble with the law, everyone graduated from high school, several finished college or were farmers or served in the military. Several boys, myself included, served in Vietnam and a few of us retired from the military and had a second career. Yeah, we did get detention in high school if you skipped classes or smoked in the restroom. And that detention was served after school, in the principal's office, and usually for at least a week or more.
My dad said the teacher's spankings were often unfair. He and my mom both declared that only they would spank us. Teacher spankings were a thing of the past where I grew up when I started school in 1977 or 78, but my brothers and I knew what was waiting for us when we got home if we acted up at school.
I grew up in the 50's. I was what you might call "a strong willed child". I got spanked so much that when, in desperation, my parents sent me to a British style boarding school in Canada where caning was the norm for any slight infraction (like a sour look or not calling a "Master" "Sir") --- I would get caned several times a week (everything from pillow fights to smoking) --- and it was no big deal! I went on to have a brilliant career as a Private in the Marine Corps and later a classical guitarist. Just my opinion, but today's Woke activists NEED a good spanking!
I wasn't born in the 1950s but my mom was she often said people in general were just more polite to one another and manners counted. These days it seems most people have forgotten how to he polite to one another.
Oh come on, spanking certainly wasn't a dark part of that decade, or any other. It taught right from wrong, taught respect and responsibility for your actions. We are reaping the benefits of no corporal punishment and its not good.
the issue is now that if parents (or school people) hits your child one side will call Child Protective Services on the other. Kids nowadays run rampant with no regard to bad behavior.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s. My dad never hit me but my mom used to spank with a huge wooden spoon. Honestly I deserved it. But it didn't stop me from anything. I think groundings, no TV etc. were more effective.
I’m Gen X, so I caught the tail end of ass busting (no pun intended)! When I was growing up. But The discipline that I received from those ass bustings, is very much what molded me into the successful man I am today. Not to mention The bond between my parents and I was very strong due to the respect I received from giving respect that was expected.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s. My dad never hit me but my mom used to spank me with a huge wooden spoon. Honestly I deserved it. But it didn't stop me from anything. I think groundings, no TV etc. were more effective.
I was born in 64 and my Mom sure would whoop my butt. She used what ever was at hand.. her hand, house shoe, belt, paddle, fly swatter and the good ole stand by, THE SWITCH. I raised my kids the same way.
I was born in 1968 and I completely agree. When mom used your full, given name followed by "wait until your father gets home", you knew that you'd messed up big time! However, there's also a big difference between a spanking that you deserve and a beating that you don't. I was never abused that way (beating) and never abused my kids either. I had friends that were though.
You see, you say that....And then the devil appears with a contract for you to sign...whereupon he fulfills your wish, sends you back to the '50s for eternity, but sends you back as a poor, destitute, uneducated black man working on a prison chain gang in the heart of the Confederate South. Enjoy your stay, laddie......
when i was in elementary school (back in the 70s), there was a paddle prominently displayed in the principal's office that the teachers used to joke that they would use on us students if we got out of line. the paddle was even given a name. i don't know if it was actually used on anyone but it wasn't used on me. doubt that they could do this now.
I was once, for throwing a rock at another student (granted she dropped the rock down my shirt, and I didn't like it; yes I was bullied a lot as a kid, you wouldn't some of the things I had to put up with!).
Coach Blanks & Coach Macy with that paddle. 2 smacks on that "asre" in the 1980's was enough to straighten you OUT! Your parents had to sign a document saying that they could whoop that "arse"
I had a teacher who had a small, plastic strap. If you talked when you were to be quiet or was out of line, he called you up to his desk, in front of the class, then had you hold out your hand. That little strap sure did sting and left a red mark. Ouch!
My school principal also had a paddle in his office. If he used it on you, you would have to sign your name on the paddle. I never had to sign the paddle.
"The sexualized rhythms of rock and roll music had suburban moms and dads freaking out." Looking at the sexual scene over the past 60 years, didn't their fears come to pass?
Look at these prudes in these replies. "Good heavens! (Clutches pearls) I can't believe that these people are doing new things! Are those your legs!? (faints)" Like, come on, it's not that bad. You don't like it because it's new, and old people HATE new things
@@SMac-bq8sk He was a paranoid fool, did a lot of damage to our society, made people turn against each other. Kind of Trumpy, but he could actually put a sentence together, alas.
Thanks for posting this. So many nostalgia groups give people the false idea that everything was perfect and better in the 50's. Every age has good and bad aspects
I had to laugh when they talked about corporal punishment. We grew up in the 1960s and there were 5 of us. I honestly don’t know how my mother survived our childhood. We were so mischievous and ornery. We were always doing things that got us in trouble. My mom used to send us out to pick our own switches when we were being punished. We always picked good leafy ones that didn’t hurt. And after the first few swats we’d start “crying” and she’d stop. I told you we were ornery. My dad though? Noooo. We did not want to get on his bad side. He would use the belt. Were we abused children? WE WERE NOT. Did we deserve the punishment? YES WE DID. And I often wonder how we grew up so well adjusted and successful. This is why. If more kids had been paddled, spanked, whatever, we would be in a lot better shape than we are now.
My parents spanked me growing up as well. While they were probably a little too strict imo, (I was homeschooled in a Christian home), learning respect for authority through tough discipline has helped me a lot in life for sure. Of course, you should always challenge those who abuse it, but the concept should be that respect comes first.
I was spanked so much, and I was almost always innocent as I had a lying sister! My parents knew that she was a liar, but believed her lies every time she claimed I hit her! As a result, I was determined my kids wouldn't get beat. I used the 3 swats rule. I had 3 good kids, I only had to use it twice on each child. The physical threat has to be there, but I only had to use it under extreme circumstances.
The 50's were a much much better time in the US overall. Yes, there is always a dark side to every period. In the 50's, the moral majority existed, accountability existed, preachers could preach, policemen could do their jobs, freedom of speech existed (no PC movement then to remove it) and teachers could teach. All of these things are totally gone. Overall the 50's were a much better time for real freedom in the US.
I remember getting multiple shots,all in one,when I was in electrical school. Everything from polio,to measles,mumps,rheumatic fever,booster shot,. you name it and it was in the shot. The nurse then put a cover over the shot area. My arm stayed sore for a long time.
@@johnpatterson4816 As a kid, that iron lung was FRIGHTENING to think about. There was a lady in Montrose, who had a house along the road. She was in an iron lung with a big mirror above her head (she's laying on her back looking up)--the mirror faced the road, so she could watch the cars go by, etc.
Family fallout shelters were a rarity as they were expensive. They weren't everywhere as the video claims. Certain buildings were designated as fallout shelters and stocked with supplies.
We were told the previous owners had built one, but we've tried to locate it, but no luck. City had no record of a building permit ever being issued, but most people didn't bother getting one.
Born in the 70s, but everything I hear about the 50s makes me wish I was born then instead. Greater spread of prosperity. People had this thing called respect for each other. Greed was less prevalent. Cultures were less diverse in the US, but people were much - much happier.
@@lorettaresendez1970 It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
People respected each other as long as you were white, middle or upper class, Christian, straight and cis, and dressed in a socially acceptable fashion. If you fell outside of that fairly narrow slice of society, people could be absolutely disgusting to each other. I think you romanticize the social aspects of the era FAR too much. Agree with you about greed through, that was something I think started more in the 70s and was really codified during the Reagan era.
@@zackakai5173 Your comments are irrelevant, no facts are in evidence, you are cautioned about "improper thinking", and all your comments will be stricken from the record, thanks for playing, you lose
Turns out I have an older sister that was adopted out in that exact manner. My parents were were married when she was born though. We had no clue growing up. She harnessed the power of the internet and found us about 8 years ago. I met her she nice lady. I got a new sister in my fifties.
Well It seems that the Communism thought they feared is def true in today's America. That's where we are headed if we don't get some sense and real Leadership in this Country. I'm so grateful for My "Spankings" in the 70s and i spanked my 6 when needed and I'll tell you, you can see a HUGE difference in those that were corrected vs those that were not! I love this channel but sometimes your perspective seems to be part of the problem in our Country. AMERICA is great because of the Morals, standards, perseverance and patriotism that we've had. We need to get back go that or Our great Country will be gone to the dogs! Yes we are ALL created equal and the thing that separates us is BEHAVIOR!
Don't glorify that motherf__ker. McCarthy was an opportunistic con man. He DELIBERATELY saw 'enemies' where there were none, and he did it not for 'national security', but for political and personal gain. He NEEDLESSLY destroyed lives and ended careers. The world is well rid of him.
There is nothing more ridiculous then watching parents negotiate with young children! Spanking most definitely works with children as do chores....especially cleaning toilets 😉
I guarantee if you had the same discipline today we wouldn't be watching young people doing the knock out game or burning and looting cities. We live in a time now where your feelings are priority and that's not good.
My siblings and I all got spanked from time to time. This was still very common through the 1960s. I never liked it, but I learned from them, and we all turned out ok. Spankings were delivered with a belt, although we had a babysitter for a while who used willow switches. Those ones left real marks.
Honestly thought it had my partner growing up and you know what happens he has a hard time in this world and struggling with trauma and even resents them does not help especially in school
My father and mother beat us. My father was worse. Every kid in our neighborhood got their ass beat. We talked about it sometimes and laughed about it. It was normal. We respected our parents to the tee!
I got spanked and so did my kids. Ive never been in trouble with the law and neither have my kids. It looks like time outs didnt work as planned now days.
I got spanked back in the day and it made me a better man discipline is not ugly it let us know when you misbehave we got consequences for I actions kids today can do whatever they want and get away with it no consequences
I got spanked when I was a kid in the 1950s. I can honestly say I deserved every single one?.and I also believe if everyone under 60 got spanked when they were kids if it was warranted there would be a lot more respect for each other making this a much better country than it is today
Today you’re not suppose to spank your kid because it makes them violent as adults! That was not true. It made us toe the line. Now you give kids times out. Kids now don’t know limits.
I grew up in the 1940's and 50's. I graduated from high school in 1959. And yes, I got my butt whacked when needed. I went to orderly schools in Los Angeles. There was some swatting there too. Later I taught in the Los Angeles district for 33 years. I watched as the schools declined into a chaotic state as society became more "enlightened" about corporal punishment. Of course there were other causes but the banning of spanking in the lower grades and swatting later were a big factor. Today many schools are just holding tanks for illiterates. Sad.
@Julie Lourdes It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
@Julie Lourdes It's because the kids have been told at home "You just let me know if your teacher gets in your face and we'll sue their ass". I despair for the US.
Children should have consequences for their actions in a loving way. They should be taught to respect others in all ways. Hitting a child Is not loving. It teaches them to fear you. it did not work with my children at all! It did not work with me but taught me to fear my father. Not being spanked is not the reason if your children don't respect you or others.
I got spankings and so did my boys. They did not like it so they acted good. They grew up to be great young men. Nothing wrong with a spanking. Not a beating!!!! My cousins parents beat him. My Dad spanked him once and he respected my Dad and was good from then on. Later my Dad explained to him why he deserved a spanking and he hugged him and told him he still loved him. He had no respect for his parents. He wanted to live with us because of that. My Dad was a good man. I never feared my parents. I had great parents. A couple of swats on the butt makes them think twice about being bad.
The kids could tell you about the licks they received. They will also tell you that they admired their parents for keeping them in line. Your videos are usually good but this one is rather misguided.
I didn't get whipped - I got spanked. What was good about it was that it put the decision-making on ME to decide whether I was going to act responsibly or not. My mom didn't just spank me out of the blue - she did it when I'd been warned and went ahead and decided I knew better anyway. I wasn't the victim, it wasn't anyone else's fault, it was the result of my choices. It definitely helped mold me into becoming a better person.
Not mentioned was the athletic coaching style in PE/gym classes was steeped in intimidation and humiliation. Those coaches were nothing more than abusive psychopaths hell bent on throwing their power around.
We had one of those in our school district, only lasted a year. Our coaches were just firm, honest people who believed in HARD WORK and didn't let the older kids harass younger ones. Our small town just happened to be blessed with talented Principals & Chief Administrator.
I had an abusive one who subbed for some of my classes back in the day. He loved to single out certain kid and embarrass them in front of the class just to get his little pecker off I guess, lol. Some adults have no business around children, period.
Children were taught how to respect other people and you did get spanked if you got out of line, today they are told to sit and cool down and parents etc. and that doesn't exactly teach the kid right from wrong so no wonder they act and do the stupid things they do today.
Ugly side? You make it sound like it's our parents' fault. We had a hell of a lot less crimes back then. Also a lot less "diversity." The shootings we heard as kids - were those westerns we'd watch on small screen black and white TV sets. Or from our cap guns. Police officers shot on or off duty were almost unheard of. Not like today's daily news casts. Today we have all that wonderful diversity and the crime rate to match. As to the liberals' fervent claim there is no correlation between crime and diversity, anyone believing that claptrap has to be a total fool.
The dangers of smoking were known by many contrary to what this video implies. For example, my mother (like many) smoked but suspended smoking when pregnant with my brother (1939) and me (1946).
My mother never smoked but I found an old book about pregnancy that encouraged the mother to keep smoking because it would be detrimental to her mental health otherwise!
I was born in 1954. My mother proudly proclaimed that she gave up smoking for the final trimester of her pregnancy, but not before. Didn’t affect me none 🤪
yes and look how that generation turned out . not like kids today,who call their parents names ,scream at them and have no respect. if i had talked to my mother like that ,i wouldnt be here today
The bus Rosa Parks staged her demonstration on is at the Henry Ford Museum here in Dearborn Michigan.- The bus was restored by the original company that build it, and you are able to go on it and sit in the same seat she did. When it comes to spankings...they were a good thing. I remember getting spanked as a kid - and they corrected my behavior for sure!
I was spanked as a kid and it made me a better man. Looking back I deserved every one I got and they were few. I hold no grudges toward my parents l respect them even more for it. Today you can be arrested for it and just look at the results.
Actual research on the subject shows that it has negative outcomes on mental health, and unless it is particularly severe, it tends to not change behavior much either.
@@albedougnut Maybe these types of studies are the reason our cuties are being looted and burned down by our raging young people today. Mine were never severe but they changed my behavior.
A fathers discipline is crucial to kids development, its what missing today imho, mothers should nurture, father should discipline and both should parent. Now days these kids have no fathers and a mother who wants to be friends instead of a parent, and you wonder why kids are so messed up?
YOUR COMMENT is the joke. 90% plus of the population in any nuclear exchange would be OUTSIDE of the fireball and deadly radiation zone. However a large sector of the population would be in the overdressed shockwave outside the instant death zone. In that far larger zone flying debris much like on a level 4 tornado is a very serious deadly threat. THAT'S WHY civil defense officials instructed the public to duck and cover and indeed if we ever got into a atomic bomb senario. Duck and cover would have saved thousands of lives.
Depending on the altitude of detonation and your distance from it, it could - it might save you from the collapsing building, and unless you’re really close to the actual fireball, the collapse of buildings can be one of the larger cause of fatalities, more than the burns, more than the radiation.
Even into the early 1970s if we did something bad in the neighborhood and a neighbor caught you doing it, they might tan your behind with a broom and send you on your way. Then when your parents found out, they would not only thank the neighbor for teaching you a lesson, but also paddle your behind for added measure. Today there would probably be a lawsuit and it would make national news as a “horrific child abuse event”
I considered the third paddling to be a mark of a brave man. Either suffer through it without any outward signs of distress or make them run you down and practice my loudest screams and shrieks. Both were amusing...but futile, my buttocks told me that. I finally found out that my behavior warmed my butt in an unpleasant way.
It's a "protector" and "care giver" doing their job when they intervene on behalf of their son or daughter and go ballistic at a neighbour for hitting their (alleged) loved one but they've already failed their duty to protect and serve their loved ones seeing as the "behind tanning" has already taken place. I wish you were right about the "horrific child abuse event" but sadly the same prejudicial/bigoted look down on attitude which has existed in the past and was the core reason (unconsenting) women were subject to corporeal punishment from their husbands and blacks from whites (with paddles as slaves later reserved for the next "lesser" minority of "minors") and any other racist- esque underlying feeling of superiority to a minority it still exists for minors (our own son's and daughter's for Christ sake and on top of that the ONLY minority ALL of us are a part of). So not so sure it would be advertised as such a horrific event it would if the neighbour did the same thing to the wife of the home and then handed her over to the husband who did the same (all against her will) nowadays but not in the bigoted against women past because the bigotry was later vilified and only then could people see how pointless such a thing was before the sexiest charge they would swear by how needed it is because society still doesn't care about bigotry against minors (if it's based on skin colour they do but not age) it still considers these degrading treatments as at least "debateable" which is highly disturbing to be honest.
While the 19-year-olds going to prison today for cruel, horrible rapes and murders are defended by their career-obsessed parents with "he's always been a good kid."
I don't see a dark side back then. Nothing wrong with spanking, soap in the mouth or other discipline's handed out by our parents. We deserved what we got and usually didn't do bad things more than once. Kids today are not held accountable for their bad actions nor do they have respect for parents, teachers or elders. Our society has gone down hill because of liberal thinking and changes. As kids we hitchhiked everywhere, no fear of being kidnapped or hurt. Thanks to liberal thinking we live in a world of fear, we will never get the good days back.
Dr Spock , on his deathbed REGRETTED the advice he gave to parents because he said it CREATED BRATS. 😵💫 My Father didn't have an anger problem, he never laid a hand on my Mom and we didn't hear them disagree. I loved my Dad and I did not want to disappoint him. He only had to point to his belt to straighten me up 👍🏼🏠 We are still very close.
I was born in 1955. My two older brothers and I were spanked when we were children. But never often nor excessively. In many of the "ugly" things mentioned in the video, the pendulum has swung so far the other way and many of the consequences from that are equally ugly as well, if not more so.
Kids these days haven't learned respect as we did. Parents are too soft and it's backfired Nationwide Summer of 2020 was an example with all the destruction violence looting rioting
The trouble with any time period is that too many things aren't done in moderation, and people go overboard, one way or another. Years ago, too many parents were strict disciplinarians, today too many of them are spineless doormats, yesterday people were paranoid about Communism, today people are hot for Socialism, in the 50's, moral standards were a bit too rigid, today morals don't exist; in days gone by, too many white people wished everyone else didn't exist, today, everyone else wishes white people didn't exist, back then, an unwed mother was ostracized, today she's applauded, in the 50's, you couldn't even mention a toilet bowl on TV, let alone show on, today you can see people on the toilet and hear what they're doing in it.....etc...etc...etc In other words, in whatever time you're in....SOCIETY SUCKS!
You left out (avoided) the hideous discrimination against gay and bisexual Americans. The 1950's was a dangerous time for those citizens. A truly shameful time for a country that espouses to be the "land of the free, home of the brave".... They were truly Brave to have survived at that time!
I was born in 1954 and I don't remember ever being spanked. I was the youngest child and my parents were both in their 40s when I was born, so I think maybe they mellowed a little with age and experience.
Many have enjoyed your segments, myself included. However, your final minute of this one regarding corporal punishment is misguided. Proper, loving discipline that sometimes included a few stern swats on the backside did everyone good. It taught young people to respect laws, neighbors, personal property and self respect. All of which are sorely lacking in modern America and elsewhere.
I was one of the guinea pigs in the first large trials of the Salk polio vaccine. I had several friends who were paralysed by the disease before its introduction.
I was a 'polio pioneer'in the second grade in NJ. I will never forget the little pin that I received for participating .I became an RN..I think that my particapation influenced my decision 10 yrs later!
I was born in 2001 and even I got spankings as a kid with a paddle it's not fun but it keeps you in line and it never got to the abusive point either. Kids nowadays are to spoiled there's no punishment for bad behavior other than sit in the corner I get society evolves but still.
You want to understand the 1950's. 12 million soldiers heroes returned from winning WW II. Millions of women who had to do everything, including working at men's professions ,eagerly became married housewives & raised children by the millions. Historic facts !
You got Senator Joseph McCarthy wrong. He didn't look for communists in society. He strictly looked inside the federal government. As to Hollywood, that was the House Un-American Activities Committee -- in which the word "house" tells us that it didn't involve a senator. Incidentally, the Venona Papers later proved McCarthy largely correct. 😗 Anyway, I think RR would do well too avoid politics and other complicated and debatable things.
@@Daledavispratt It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
Right... That's why you see so many shepherds beat their sheep. The rod was used to guide them, not hit them. One of the most misunderstood Biblical quotes and excuses parents used when they couldn't get control of their own tempers.
My mother in law was born with cerebral palsy. She grew up in the 1950s, went to college, and moved out of state with a friend. She was able to find employment and took care of herself until she met my father in law. My father served during the Korean Conflict. My parents were California natives and did not experience racism to the extent that was reported in the media as occurring in other parts of the country during the 1950s. My own California childhood would be considered as having been somewhat "diverse," even by today's narrow standards.
Recollection Road begins to scold. Polio: many diseases used to be of great concern. My grandmother lost her legs to polio in the 50s. She was in her late 60s. Communism: the USSR promised us they would conquer the US. Nuclear weapons were new, so of course there was real fear, and real determination to contain communism. Fear led to the excesses of the McCarthy hearings. This sort of rabid behavior was not widespread, though. It was more an unease with most people. The video exaggerates the installation of backyard fallout shelters. Yes, they were widely advertised, but that’s what people do to make a buck. Public buildings all over were designated as fallout shelters, yes. Remember that America changed from an isolated world in 1941 to a global nuclear power with real global enemies by the onset of the 50s. It was a big adjustment. Duck and cover: What do you expect a school to do? If they do nothing, they’re called out for it. If they duck and cover, which might offer some protection from a minor event, they’re called out for the ineffective technique. Schools today adopt similarly ineffective postures for tornadoes and active shooters. What else can they realistically do? Spanking: both Recollection Road and younger commenters should note the difference between spanking as a deterrent disciplinary measure, versus physical abuse. Of course some people abused their children. Some still do today. Some parents today murder their families, then commit suicide. I was spanked when I deserved it. My wife was spanked when she deserved it. We developed a healthy fear of it, not a psychological fear of abuse or of our parents. It’s necessary to remember that good parents also loved us. We knew this. We weren’t mistreated animals, and we knew so. While I understand that some people grew up to resent spanking, I have simply never personally run across anyone my age who didn’t realize the benefit in terms of discipline and self control. Also note that discipline doesn’t mean punishment. It means self control. Our parents intended that we develop self control. I’ve noticed the past few Recollection Road narrations display an ignorance of the topics they present. They paint with too broad a brush, misconstrue, and fail to describe events within the tenor of the times. If you don’t consult someone who actually lived the times, you cannot expect to present with accuracy. I’d hope you do better. If not, just discontinue the narrations. Everyone should remember that humans are always humans, even as newer generations act in similar or even more deplorable ways. It’s just easier to criticize the behaviors of the past than to see (or admit) the comparably egregious faults of the present. There’s a scripture about that...get the log out of your own eye before critiquing the splinter in another’s. Now, I’m off to disembowel my cats because of all those spankings. Yeah, right.
@@jamesmiller4184 It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
So anyone who disagrees with the false narrative script about the Magic of the 50s is "scolding" and deserves to be canceled? So much for free speech in America.
I grew up in the 50's. The cold war was not a joke to us.
Nor in the 60s or 70s.
Most were scared poopless and the military industrial complex wanted to keep it that way. They are slick. People were programmed with fear. And the race was on...
the horses are running in the ditch...putrid putin is in the lead...but the race is already over.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s and remember having trouble sleeping as a kid because I was worried the Soviets were gonna nuke us.
Especially when that psycho Stalin was at the helm in the Kremlin
@@shrimpflea Even with the nuclear fallout, Russia would have had mass starvation at home if they had nuked the U.S. We were the biggest food producer. Wonder if anybody in Moscow realized that? They must have or else the attack would have come.
A personal story about the Korean war. My father grew up very poor on a rural Texas farm. He left home after the 9th grade, because he didn't want to pick cotton by hand in the Texas sun anymore. He drove commercial trucks. He joined the U.S. Army during the Korean War and trained at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, TX.
His unit (forgive me I've never been in military if unit is wrong) was loading onto trucks to go to Air Force base to leave for Korea. Before leaving their Sargent got orders for a driver who could drive the large trucks as they had run out of ambulances for wounded from Korea. The Sargent yelled, Pape! Didn't you drive commercial trucks? Yes Sargent! Git down here!
My father went to drive the large trucks with wounded from the airport to the hospital. When finished he returned to find his unit had already taken off for Korea. He spent his time during the Korean War driving the wounded from the Air Force Base to the Hospitals.
I have often wondered if my two older brothers and I would be here if not for that event. One event in life can change everything.
Your father was a very lucky man. He could have been driving ambulances from the front to the rear area with wounded men in freezing weather and bullets flyinng all around him. I remember Fort Sam well as I was stationed at Lackland AFB as a JAG officer ( attorney) and we would often get together with our Army counterparts for meetings and lectures on the UCMJ military law code.
So very true how if one event was changed. Things would be different. My father was a Marine in a World War II. He signed up to fight on land. He served on an Air Craft Carrier. They had a list of the men’s names that wanted transfer to where the major fighting was. Every time his name got to the top, he would go an check and it would be back on the bottom. This kept happening over and over and he couldn’t figure out why until his Commanding Officer had a talk with him and told him “you don’t want to be on ground in the middle of the fighting”. He than told him that it was he who kept putting his name back to the bottom of the list. My father never put his name on the list again. He was dating my mom during this time. I’ve often thought that if he did get picked and lost his life fighting. My brothers and I wouldn’t be here.
You did not mention if your Dad was at front lines dodging bullets or on American soil picking them up from the airplanes anyway he still served his country which is better than some people who were draft dodgers and many served their country which I will never forget and still Thank Them for Their Service, I still think that it’s terrible what Jane Fonda did during that time and it was really rough for many soldiers I bet many people today are or should be feeling mighty bad about what they did to those soldiers and I have never had any respect for any hippies unless they finally saw the light and actually apologized to the soldiers!! We’re still having wars it will continue to happen unless you haven’t been reading your Bible!!
Allan P. Your dad was indeed lucky and bless you all. My dad served two tours of duty in Korea on the front lines during the Korean War and then came back to the States and met and married my mom. He stayed in the service for over 20 years before retirement. I got a chance to see the United States and the world because of his service. And I actually lived in South Korea for two years. A very lovely country with charming people and a gorgeous locale.
My father was in the Navy in the Pacific during WWII. He always thanked God for the bomb because the Allie’s were going to blitz Japan and he knew he wasn’t coming back.
Corporal Punishment was mentioned; however, bullying in schools was also prominent and always overlooked by teachers and school administrators.
Not in our school our principal would deal with them severely when caught they got twice the paddle swats we would get for misdeeds
my friends and myself would get spanked if we didnt fight back
That was true in the 80s as well. I still have a huge scar on my leg from being kicked repeatedly by some evil boy in high top sneakers. The school principle laughed, the nurse barely flinched when she saw it, even though my leg was blown up twice its size. And my parents unfortunately never sued the school or the child's parents.
Corporal punishment did not always correct bad behavior. It made me angry bc it was an excuse for abusive parents to beat the kids for everything....even when it was not merited. My behavior changed due to age, maturity and learning responsibility for my actions. My first cousin has a very similar story of being beat too much. Thanks my story anyway.
@@jhonsiders6077 Our Vice Principal and Coaches swung a mean paddle.
If you knew you were going to be spanked for doing something you knew you weren’t supposed to you took pause and usually decided not to do it. Back then we feared our parents and teachers, not because they were mean but we didn’t want the consequences.
No, I stole poptarts in the middle of the night knowing full well I would get spanked
EXACTLY. [just saw Misha's identical comment, ha ha]
@@marycampeau9378 Lol
Well said, junbug1029
I love your channel....but respectfully disagree with the corporal punishment aspect that was presented. Even in the 1970's the principals in the schools I attended used "the board of education" to discipline unruly students. It was used very seldom but the very threat was enough in most occasions. Students...and young people in general were far more respectful then than now. Nary a whisper of anyone coming in to shoot up the school. I am sorry but Ritalin,quiet rooms and time out's are a poor excuse of an alternative. IMO
I agree.
I agree 1000%. And adults today look back and are glad they had the discipline and structure. They did not grow up claiming they were “traumatized “, they grew up to be responsible and respectful adults.
Totally Agree Big Time!! Sure enjoyed it and enjoyed my childhood a lot and also I didn’t go through my home eating paint off the walls ! Nor did I drink Mr. Clean or Windex yuk! The kids that did were nuts or never watched like I was but I could care less about them I enjoyed drinking my kool-aid and eating my food!😃
I attended Elementary school during the 70's also. Every teacher possessed a paddle, and wasn't afraid to use it!
Anyway, the threat of the Principal confronting you, with the paddle, was terrifying, yet strangely cool at the same time. Kids today are really missing out! I'm not kidding either! I remember how the entire school would hush, as rumor got around that some unfortunate 'victim' 😂 was about to get it! The Principal and two or more teachers would surround the poor kid out in the hall. Just prior to the 'deed', the crabby old teacher would chew the kid out..finalized by the words 'BEND OVER'!!'...seconds later, the SMACK(S) would echo throughout the entire school. We'd all look at each other - jaws dropped, eyes wide open - terrified! Sometimes the kid would cry and make a lot of noise - sometimes not. The kids who got paddled by the Principal, and survived, without balling, were legendary! 👍
@@d.vaughn8990 Oh brother Bring on the Drama Queen!! When I was in high school we had moved to Salem, Oregon and we lived right across the street from the grade school and they had more BRATS than you could shack a stick at man, we had lovely picket fence around our home and they would try to break off the posts when my Dad was on day off he’d yell at them and tell them he’d take one of the slats and jam it up their butts and when my Dad yelled they Knew he meant it so walked on other side of the street for 6 months! In Salem they considered bad to spank a BRAT and I am still all for it when I baby sat I spanked brats but was always kind and still fed them dinner and went into the bathroom to help them bath I didn’t believe in small children trying to bath as too many drowned that way and I was highest paid baby sitter getting $5.00 an hour!
I remember getting a smack on my butt once or twice, but never a spanking. I was a pretty good little guy growing up, but it was different back then. My family was Italian and you showed RESPECT for your parents. I never spoke when not being spoken to when we had company. We didn't say ,"Why do I have to do that" ? We obeyed and that included teachers as well. Only once in school, I think it was the 2nd, or 3rd grade at St Joseph's Catholic School was I smacked on my hand with a ruler for talking in class. Once I was talking after the SISTER said "NO TALKING" and she asked those that were talking to stand up. I stood up and WAS THE ONLY ONE ! I was asked to come to the front of the class. Of course I got the usual," Oh now you're going to get it" ! Laughter from those who didn't stand up as I walked to the front of the class. The SISTER told me to open a drawer in her desk and take out what was in there. Well it was a box of SEE'S CANDY ! She told me to take two pieces of candy and then sit down. She turned to the class and stated, " That's what happens when you tell the truth" !
Great pedagogical method from Sister 👍
I'm sorry people of your generation had to endure abuse and were trained to think unquestioned obedience was a good thing.
These are the folks who led the way in civil rights and took us to the moon. That was knowing right from wrong and living up to ideals, NOT “blind obedience.”
@@jwb52z9 I'm sorry YOU THINK it was abuse! The I won't spank my child and let them talk back to you parents today that let their kids say whatever they want including telling their parents to go fuck themselves is the REAL ABUSE. There are generations of smart mouthed disrespectful kids that are the same now as adults. I loved the way I grew up and the family that raised me that way. The worse thing the baby boomers did was back in the 60's and the"I want to be their friend, not their parent" BS destroyed the respect and obedience to all adults. If your a parent, then act like one !
@@danielvojtik6331 You hit the nail right on the head !
One of the biggest things that occurred in the 50's, was the "Respect" that most people had for each other, children respected their elders. We grew up trusting that we can go to school without worrying about some psychotic idiot's shooting everyone....
I always laugh when people cite "respect" as a quality of the 1950s. Was that respect of the white man for the black man? Was that respect of the corporation for the working man? Was that the respect of neighbors saying "sir" and "ma'am" to each others faces and then talking trash about them in their homes?
@@mikephalen3162 I was referring to respect for your parents....regardless of color. We all had the same fear of a whooping. Gee, you seem angry !
@@mikephalen3162, go elsewhere troll.
@@mikephalen3162 Respect is something that needs to be earned. People often make the mistake of confusing it with simple courtesy, to which everyone is entitled, until they demonstrate that they're not. When this happens, they need to be TAUGHT respect. This was understood in those days, which is one of many things that made it a better, more civilized time.
@@apopkaflowerchild9399 No, poppy. My parents didn't beat me in the fifties, but plenty did. How old are you, miss?
At 73 years of age....
Yup got mt rear thumped a few times..
But I deserved everyone of them and "finally" got through grey matter ... change your ways....
I hold NO ANGER for it molded my life in a good manner.
I agree with you BUT some kids got waaaay more thumps than was necessary and that left a negative and traumatizing psychological stigma that affects their way of life in later years.
Same here!
Like me
Jr. High (1990) was the only time I received a paddling. Had too may tardies and was sent to the principal's office, got five whacks and that was it. I made sure I got to my classes...ON time.
My first grade teacher hated me. She would take me out in the hallway to paddle me for talking. No permission or notification to my parents, just whenever she wanted. I was raised that adults were the authority, so I never spoke of this to my parents until years later. They were jaw-dropped, because this lady singled me out, everyone was talking, in-between lessons sorta thing. I was 6 years old. Mid 70's Ohio public schools. I never liked teachers since.
Fuck school and fuck books. Everyone should learn a trade, that's where we need to be
I'm so very sorry.
Your like one of the only ones to talk like this in the comment section kinda sad to see
I was never paddled in school but the screams and repeated "whaps" coming from the "paddling room" next to my class in 2nd grade left me traumatized. I got spanked at home. I don't remember ever really understanding why I got a spanking or ever thinking to myself "better not do that because I'll get a spanking." When I was older, my parents told me they regretted spanking their kids and had done it because that's how they were raised. The next generation got reasoned with or privileges taken away and had to explain what they had done wrong in order to get privileges reinstated. It's worked out fine.
Damn I’m sorry this happened to you
There is "best and worst" in every part of history. We had it better here than the Soviets and Chinese. Today, we're hanging by a thread, and I'm hoping we can turn things around at the midterms.
Totally agree!
So true that we are hanging by a thread. I am voting straight Democrat for the first time ever. The Democrats don't offer much, but that is better than the pure fascism that the Republican party has become. This is likely to be the most important midterms ever.
If the Democrats get the Senate we'll see some great reforms for the lower and middle classes. If not, more tax cuts for the wealthy. More program cuts for the rest to pay for it.
My dad grew up in the 50s and when me and my brother we kids, if we got out of line we got the spankings. The thing about that was, it stopped by the time we were in about 5th grade or maybe 4th is because when he and I would fight, my dad would yell from the front room and if we kept it up, all he had to do was put his recliner up and that sound of it folding up would make us stop fighting. Result of it is, we respected our parents and still do to this day. Kids these days are out of control. You know what ADHD was when I was a kid? It was called being a kid and some doc didnt dope us up on speed to make us calm down. Usually a spanking did that.
ADHD is a real and serious mental disorder.
Yep! Kids didn't suddenly get more hyper after the 1980's. Parents got lazier.
I love it! In my head I could hear the foot rest on the recliner snap down. A good old fashioned spanking never hurt me but I picture all the emotional damage of parents' constant screaming and threatening without results. A spanking (not to be confused with a beating) cleared the air and everyone picked up where they left off.
I grew up in the 50s my mama could tear up some ass. I am thankful every day for the way I turned out.
@@wolfhawg I used to get it with a fly swatter! Dad or mom would make me pull my pants down and lay across my bed on my stomach and they would swat my ass until was it burning red! I'd also get it with yardsticks, switches, the bare hand, etc. Never got the belt though. For some reason they drew the line at that lol.
My grandmother was born in the mid 1920's. She told me in the mid 1990's during all the tobacco company lawsuits that she knew when she was a child (mid 1930's) that smoking was bad for you. She told me that people used to tell smokers "That is another nail in your coffin", and "Those are going to kill you". She never smoked and couldn't belive people in the 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's, et al. would think it was harmless, when she knew in the 1930's it wasn't.
My mother used that expression "nail in the coffin" when she saw I was smoking. She smoked from age 22 to 46. All during pregnancy. 3 out of 4 pregnancies low birth weight, under 3 lbs. Only the oldest had no birth defects. The following 3 all did. My birth defects affected my eyes. I'm 58 and was told ill be lucky if i can continue to drive after 65. I also have glaucoma in addition with poor vision. The cause: I was in an oxygen incubator for 17 days. The nurses did not put guaze over my eyes, as they do now. The reason: pure oxygen on the eyes, will reduce the vision and corneas.
You are right. People knew that breathing carbon monoxide was bad. It couldn't be good, right? So instead of people taking responsibility for their actions, they blame the Tabacco companies and sue them for a zillion dollars.
Same with my grandparents born in 1926 to 1932. None of them smoked, and 3 of them are still with me today with me in my 40’s.
it wasn't common knowledge until then
Agree. People knew of 'coffin nails' until greedy corporations got advertisers to brainwash them into thinking it was helpful because it relaxed people
"A nation that forgets its past has no future"....Sir Winston Churchill
He was a huge failure.
I grew up in the 1980's and 1990's and my parents would spank us when we'd go way out of line. Neither of them enjoyed it, and we didn't fear them or question their parental love, but we learned a lesson about actions and their consequences.
Did they say stuff like " This hurts us more than it hurts you" If they were Catholic did they go to church and confess that they lied before receiving communion? If the hurt was true , maybe they should have let you spank them.
@@rbspider You know nothing about me, or my parents. You're just making foolish assumptions.
You ask a question "Did they say X" and then you just run away with that version as if I gave you the affirmative.
Get help.
@@Siromuse I was lucky , I never got the strap but dad would always say he was going to get it but couldn't find it . The lecture may have been worse.
@@Siromuse My dad lectured for hours , sometimes I wished he would be like the guy across the street . He used a belt . My friend knew to not cry too soon or it would be worse . My dad was Navy , across the street was Army.
@@Siromuse That buddy went on to graduate from West Point .
I agree with all that was stated in this video, but being spanked when I was a young boy growing up in rural Arkansas, is the reason I am not in prison today. It taught me that my actions had consequences, and it also taught me to respect those who were responsible for my well-being. Growing up in the public school system from the 70s through the mid 80s, I received "a lot" of paddling from teachers, principals, neighbors, and parents alike. Coincidentally, when either of those people told my parents what I had done to get a spanking, I was sure to receive the same punishment when I got home. Although I sincerely deserved every spanking I got, no one ever struck me on the face, just my bottom. Now, I'm a 56 years old. I'm an African American male. I have a master's degree. I'm a homeowner, and I work in the public school sector, and I've never been in trouble with the law. I am proof that corporal punishment works when administered with positive intentions.
@Chris C It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
Couldn’t have said it better.
My brother in law and his family are perfect examples. He told me the other day that he got a whooping at school but didn't dare tell his parents. But then he school called to tell them for him. So he got it for lying and for getting in trouble at school. He grew up got good job had a wife (my sister) and 2 girls. Don't know how he punished them.
However his sisters were spoiled rotten. For sweet 16 both got cars different ages years apart. But my brother in law didn't get anything because He's a Man.
The results were one died a few years ago from drugs the other doesn't work has a son that's in jail and I don't know much about the husband but he doesn't amount to anything. Her daughter thankfully works in a bank and on the straight an narrow as far as I know.
Dear Trapper I Congratulate You upon your Masters Degree and using it to help make a difference and You are indeed did grow up with people around you that cared about You otherwise you would have indeed possibly would turned out different You are Truly Blessed !!🙏😇😃😉I am so Happy For You! Please continue to pray and help our children of today since unfortunately we have way too many p.c. Types who need a Good Swift Kick in their Rears for trying to take spanking away from the parents and that is something that is one thing that they need! Only on their bottom though!! Never on their face!!
@@toinimoore3463 Well said.👍
I love how the comment section is made by memories of real people ❤and not a bunch of info collected from the Internet.
Yes So am I it took years for me to operate this thing am 69; and still prefer a telephone haha or wish I could lean over a fence and gab with you seems more normal to me!🙏🇺🇸😃
Strange how people will call you friend over the internet, and you never met in person.
@@Hawken54 Yes and I wonder if I would know some of them if I saw them in the grocery store?
That's because they're collecting info from the real people
Maybe, now that Elon Musk has Twitter, we'll have real people to talk to there too. Instead of repeating bots and leftist trolls.
What the editors failed to do in this video on the negatives of the 1950s was to explain why the anti communist movement happened and all the other social and cultural negatives that he went through. I grew up in the State of Washington and went to school with several Black families. There was no segregation in Oregon, Idaho, California,Utah and other States in the Northern half of the United States, it was mainly a big problem in the Southern States, the video did not mention this fact.The Narrator almost made it sound like the Korean War was started by the US the way he led into that short point. It was Communist North Korea with the support of China and Russia who started the Korean war, this point should have been made when he unfairly and one sided explanation of the Anti Communist fears and some over reaction. The Communists were hear, mainly Russia, who infiltrated our culture on many levels. It is evident for the past 50 years that the Anti Communist movement was not very successful. China and Russia have become part of our culture on many different levels and have been STEALING OUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY and Trade Secrets for at least that long. You know who are our Biggest threats to our survival are, China and Russia, both Marxist and Communist. We could be in a Nuclear War with Russia because of what is happening in Ukraine. The Narrator mentioned what happened to the mentally Ill that ended up in Institutions and poorly cared for and they still are to this day. Most of the Mentally Ill are not in Institutions but on the Streets of America in Homeless Camps drugging and crapping on the streets, so much for the mentally ill. The Homeless problem and mentally ill in all degrees are one of the biggest social problems we have today. That combined with the 90 to 100 thousand Deaths that have happened the past Decade from drug over-doses of all types. Want to mention one more point that came out and that was corporal punishment which the Supreme Court said was legal many years ago. Giving hacks as we called them back then should be the last resort. The biggest problem in most schools in the 1950s was talking out of turn, spit wad shooting, not doing your home work and fights on the School playground. I had to go out in the hallway and stand in a corner for mouthing off to a teacher several times. Now days some schools have metal detectors and of course the Mass shootings that have happened with the killing of dozens of innocent children. No Way can this Generation Sit in Judgement of the Negatives of the 1950s when we have all the violent behavior and social Illnesses that are badly hurting our culture today.
Well written.
I agree with you 100%. Normally I love listening to Recollection Road’s videos, but in this one he kinda dropped the ball on some things.
Well said sir, well said.
Perfectly stated!
And no way can past generations "sit in judgement" of US when this is one of the first generations where there isn't another war every 2 minutes. What does that say about this supposed wiser and more peaceful older generation?
Wow. A troubling lack of discernment from what up to now has been one of my favorite channels. I’m a boomer, and the crowd I grew up with got plenty of corporal punishment - both at home and school - when we deserved it. Result? We grew up to be productive, well-adjusted adults with respect for the rules, an orderly society, and other folks.
McCarthy was a bit of a nutty opportunist, but we now know that there really were communist spies in the State Department and other swamp enclaves. These were mostly holdovers from the FDR era - Lost Generation leftist intellectuals who spent the 1920s and 30s fantasizing about the Marxist utopia that could be built if only THEY were in charge (sound familiar?).
The nuclear threat: blame for the Cold War lies squarely on the USSR and Red China, and their STATED goal of world domination. They were the aggressors. Western democracies simply said that they would defend themselves. Period.
Social unrest: People have been in conflict since the Fall of Man. Mores and attitudes about how we can peaceably live with each other are constantly evolving, and by and large the truly egregious injustices tend to be addressed, and together we move on. But a permanent grievance culture (typically encouraged by those who profit from it) just keeps us at each other’s throats and robs everyone of any genuine healing. This impulse to blame the past for not “being us” is just odd.
OMG! you didn't need to write a novel!!
In retrospect, some of things being portrayed here as "ugly", like socialists in Hollywood and our school systems weren't that far off.
Weren't that far off from what? The communist witch hunt in Hollywood was a tragedy. Now the right, the decedents of those monsters, absolutely embrace the fascist sentiment, to the point where they want to destroy our democracy entirely. And of course, those who are so against "socialism" don't even know what it is, but their political idols tell them the left is entirely socialist and needs to be purged. See the violent insurrection of January 6 for proof of that.
Joe McCarthy was right.
@Jarek Storm Absolutely so.
Yes this video was probably put together by a liberal. Who is pro communist. That type is also usely against spanking kids to correct them. Now just look what is going on today by kids. And of college campus the pro Hamas terrorists. Pro testing isreal.
It's too bad that some of these things are gone. Some were bad, but children being disciplined and out of wedlock pregnancy being looked down on were good.
I agree!
I disagree.
If spanking worked so well and kids respected their parents so much bc of it, then why were unmarried girls getting pregnant?
Because humans like to fuck.
Well Dave. As I recall we had a pretty good time in the fifties and didn't get in too much trouble.
One thing I remember, growing up in West Virginia in the 1950s was that we kids had no rights at all, we were property and almost anybody could whip a child who they thought was acting up. Only parents could whip a kid, leaving scars, anybody else had to be careful not to break the skin. Teachers, school bus Drivers, store clerks, Preachers, Neighbors and family friends as well as perfect strangers were allowed to administer paddling or hand spanking, mostly to little boys, to any unruly child. Even Churches had places, usually the cloak room, where a fidgeting child could be spanked to "Calm them down". It wasn't until the late 60s that all this began to change. "If you get a paddling at school, you get a worse one at home" was an often used montra and some of the worst families had a policy that, "as long as you live under this roof, you will take your punishment", no mater how harsh and child who refused to be whipped would spend at least the night outside, sometimes for several days. Red Neck boys were expected to submit to their Father's belt until they were big enough to take it away from him, then they would leave home for good.
My Step Daughter had a boy in the 1990s, with severe ADHD and she put him on "Time out" for ten minutes. That's all it took! Just enough to break his train of thought, (which is what the whipping did), without breaking his spirit. Sometimes she had to do it two or three time in a row, but it usually worked. Such a simple thing, but a radical change from generations of abuse and she ended up with a good adult son who never hurt anybody. My Grand Kids tell me that they all respond to being told not to do something and then WHY they shouldn't do it. "Because I said so" was all the explanation I ever got. Respect was the missing element to those old punishments, respect for the humanity of the child.
That was what I didn't like about the 1950's. It seemed like for a kid the abuse never stopped and the whole silence is golden thing made communication within the family difficult (I didn't grow up in the 1950's but that seems to be what everyone forgets to mention about that time period. My dad's side of the family tried to do that with me and I especially hated how they seemed to 'encourage' everyone to line up to spank you 😢)
Even with all the bad stuff then, it’s nothing compared to what you know who has done to us today.
Sure there was alot of shady stuff behind closed doors, commercial and industrial worries but society in a whole flourished,everyone had a job and could afford to live without taking on copious amounts of debt
Revisit your history. The U.S. suffered recessions in 1949, 1953, 1957 and 1960. There was widespread unemployment and there was a lack of significant economic growth in the decade of the 1950s.
100% right !!!
@@mikephalen3162 The unemployment rate barely went over 5 percent in that decade and thats with a population of half it is now
Something’s never change. Lots of shady stuff is happening now.
The cities were much safer as well.
A swat on the butt, isn't child abuse. Not disciplining a child is. Look at how insane the world is these days, compared to the 40s, 50s, and early 1960s. People had respect for authority, parents, and God. You could walk down city or neighborhood streets, and not worry about getting mugged or shot. They really are the "Good old days."
I was not alive during the 1950s, but my Mom grew up during that time. She told me that she was not allowed to go swimming during August due to the scare of Polio. My Mom talked about Children being in "iron lungs" just to be able to breathe from this awful Polio disease. And my Mom talked about how she and her friends would, "duck and cover" during the 1950s in her Elementary School for fear of a nuclear bomb going off and how scary that was. I also know that smoking was shown in movies during the 1950s. Being that I was diagnosed with learning disabilities in Elementary School, the lead paint during that time is very scary and very upsetting to me, even though that was not the cause of my LD. And God Bless Rosa Parks for her bravery!!! Although my Mom and I did not grow up in the South, the Jim Crow laws were hurtful and untrue because we are all Children of God. And it is sad about the adoptions that were talked about in this video, but adoption should NOT have been seen as a thing to be ashamed of. Adoption is a gift to be able to love a Child who does not look like you and does not have your genes which is beautifully noble!!!! However, the baby should not be thrown out with the bath water when talking about the 1950s. The good things about the 1950s were the love of Family and the promotion of the love of the Father. The fact that Children were expected to have good behavior and that Fathers were not sperm donors, but most Men were expected to be responsible enough to financially provide for their Families as did my Late Grandfather who was a Supervisor at a Steele Plant and my Late Grandfather only had a High School diploma. Today a Person has to go to College and get into a lot of debt for the same job. So, the point of any time period is to throw out the bad and keep the good, but to remember that no time period is innocent and no time period is perfect, including growing up from the 1970s to the 1980s which is my Childhood!
What you said about adoption being a gift is beautiful 👍
A husband/father who had a union job during the 1950s could support a family without a college degree. Later, a lot of the unions that had secured decent wages and working conditions were crushed. The living standards of the 1950s could happen again if workers would realize that it's not against the law to organize a union at your workplace. No matter what anyone tells you.
I was born in 53 and my Mother never explained it me just took me to get my shot in 1956 and I never swam in a pool at the time but sure did in 1961 with my parents and had fun 🤩!!
Lifting the tariffs on imported steel had a lot to do with crushing the steel industry. Someone wanted to bring tariffs back as a way to curb the outsourcing but other politicians were apoplectic about it. Funny, people talk about how good many in Europe have it but they also have tariffs to protect their industries.
Also, funny how they act like we were never taught about slavery or Jim Crow but I was a child of the 70's and I found a homework paper I had written in THIRD grade about the wrongs of slavery. I was from a small rural school district in Ohio. Cleaning out my parents' house and my mother saved pretty much everything in many boxes that I now have to go through.
I grew up in Brooklyn, NY in the 1950s. It was a great time. Low crime. One cop for a couple of miles with a stick. There was respect for authority and everyone. Nobody on drugs. People cared about one another. If only I could snap my fingers and bring it all back. Oh, and my parents didn't dislike Elvis or Doo Wop. We didn't have a bomb shelter. And the world wasn't full of greed.
That's when the Kramdens and the Nortons lived there! Don't remember Alice ever getting her purse snatched or anything like that. Of course, Ralph and Ed almost came to blows over that TV set that Ed insisted that he'd won.
The world was always full of greed. You just didn't see much of it.
Back than child trafficking and forced prostitution already existed.
And rape within marriage wasn't considered a crime, same for all forms of domestic violence.
You were a child, blissfully unaware of the greed and bad in the world.
@@samanthab3292 it really was a better world. Kids played outside and learned values instead of needing influencers to decide who they were and what they should look like and feel like. Many billionaires weren't ruling the world. Teachers didn't need to wear bullet proof vests. I could go on and on.
Total bs there have always been drugs.
The last part of this video is 100% wrong. My father had a firm hand, and my mother used "the stick" that was kept on top of the refrigerator to discipline myself and my brothers and sisters.(There was seven of us). My parents are gone now, but I thank God I had the parents I had. Best parents anyone could have ever had.
Ditto. I was one of three kids. We were disciplined primarily with lectures but also with spankings. I was NEVER abused. I remember my dad telling me after a spanking that it hurt him more than it did me. And I never repeated my mistakes so I do believe it did good. My parents are both gone now and I wish they were still here. Miss them.
@@elizabethreed5178 Today, it's child abuse.
There was six of us, my dad used a leather strap on us when we were bad. I totally agree my parents were the best and I miss them like crazy and thank them for the discipline. We got it in school too from the nuns. We never went home and told our parents cause we would get it again😆
My ma used her slipper!!!
@@julenepegher6999 Lucky you. My parents used the leather strap on us even we we WEREN'T "bad." Glad you liked being beaten by your parents, but I did not, and at 60 years old I'll never forgive them for it.
“They _thought_ punishment discouraged bad behavior” it 100% does lol. I grew up in the early 2000s & got spankings still, in addition to time outs & lost privileges, depending on the offense. Spankings for us we’re very effective & created a healthy fear of our parents. I also agree with on other commenter: the knowledge that you are going to get spanked for something makes you think twice about doing it more so than a time out lol.
Right, look how they punished people back , in Roman time's, they got 40 lashes on there back, nailed to a wooden tree , to die , less crime back then for sure
No, it didn't help much in that way. All it often did was make children fearful of accidentally messing up, and made them become liars and connivers to avoid punishments. Lots of parents were bad people who used punishments as a way of slaking their own violent desires. Children of these parents developed OCD as a way of coping; they had to be scrupulously careful to do absolutely everything right in order to avoid some of the beatings.
I call bs
@@Quacks0 I was sharing my personal experience. At no point did I mention beatings, spankings and beatings are not the same thing at all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of spankings and has had their own experience, for my family it was an effective discipline and I am still very close to parents.
Whether they choose spankings or not, more parents today should discipline their children.
You don't know what in the F you are talking about. Often parents beat their children because the parents were drunk! Parents that hit their kids should go to jail or prison. It is not okay to hit other adults so how on earth could it be okay for a huge grown man or woman to beat a child! Your comment sickens me.
Correction of children was acceptable then. I learned my disobedience and behavior could bring about consequences. That's what's wrong with children today. They make the rules and the parents obey them.
Spouses, significant others, and children who were abused, terrorized and sexually assaulted had no place at all to turn for help. Society blamed the victim. It was an awful time. Things are far better today.
Spanking, how horrifying! This generation of unspanked kids is so much more well behaved! NOT!!! How many school shootings or other mass shootings by kids were there in the 50's? How many kids took guns to school in the 50's? I used to get cracks in high school. Most of the kids I went to school with did too. 75% of college students have been diagnosed with some form of mental illness. Yes, the time out chair has been an incredible success.
Liberals don't rely on evidence just abstract feel good advice, not actual results
The last one was widely accepted back in the 1950's was still accepted in my family's household in the 1980's as my father used a belt or his hand. Both worked and helped me learn to be respectful. Today kids do not have this and are easily choosing to disobey and disregard parents and chaos is everywhere. In many areas like where I live Even cops seems to give kids too many rights. I will not give his name, but I know a teen who has done the following
- Beaten up a grown adult in the street with 3 others teens
- Smokes weed and vapes, and does it even on school grounds
- Sneaks his girlfriend into his sisters apartment and has sex in the same apartment where little kids are and has tried multiple times to do it at home.
- Stolen vapes from a liquor store
-does not listen to authority including his mother, grandmother, and officers
He is on Probation and despite what we have told the probation officer he gets away with everything. All they seem to want to offer is Counseling which he refuses and they give him that right.
The probation officers know everything he is done and just tell him " Oh you are such a good boy. You just need to stay on track" and they send him back home.
He has no idea what a consequence is because at home if he is given one he just leaves, runs away, cops will do nothing for him running away and as I said probation officers here do not care.
Kids need their ass whooped. Plain and simple to claim that this not need happen to Ludacris. Proof can be seen everywhere that this needs to happen. People just act like its no big deal.
Sorry not sorry if you think kids do not need to be spanked. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
I agree!!!!!!
@Chris C It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
Lmao the fact that you had to write an entire essay tells me a lot
Weather a kid is whooped or not doesn’t really matter
My mom was never beaten when she was a kid and she still turned out just fine
Yes children still need to face consequences but i don’t think violence is the way to do it
@@Siromuse Okay I apparently need to make some apparent. Because some adults are brain dead. Sorry to be so blunt but you have no idea of how many people still do not get it or do not want to.
If your child needs it then a parent will know or will coddle there kid and then lies the problem. If a child is spoiled and acts it. Yes they should be put in their place. If you feel differently.. good for you. I am happy for you, but As for my family if you are out of line I will tell you and if needed I will show you. That is how we roll and I do believe for many parents out there wondering what they did wrong as parents because their kid is verbally or physically abusive to themselves or others. yet cannot see how much they let stuff and consequences are a problem. well I pity those kids not the parents.
Whoop their ass if they need it and teach them always.
As always raise your kid as you like, but you cannot blame others in society when consequences meet him/her head on and knock them the fuck out because of their behavior. Because YOU taught them that.
P.S. if you raised your kids right lets hope so. because drama will less apparent. its obvious. Have a nice day.
I was born in 1970. Growing up hearing and learning how things were, even in the 1950s, I was so glad I was born when I was born. Especially as a female. I felt like I could do or achieve anything I set my mind to. We weren’t pushed to get married and have kids if you didn’t want to. We were pushed to get an education and to live life before settling down and maybe having a kid or two. We had so many more choices and freedom that women just a couple of decades behind us didn’t have. I loved the fact that I didn’t have to suffer the diseases that people suffered in the past like polio, measles, mumps and whooping cough. I liked the fact that if needed I could get birth control and didn’t have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy if I did end up having sex. My parents were parents but they were also my friends. They knew how to straddle that line very well. They would never beat me with a belt because they knew that was abuse. Any physical discipline was isolated incidents. My parents didn’t care what race my friends were either.
Things are far worse today
no, you lived in a bubble
@@burtcooper612 the bubble of childhood innocence but looking back, I disagree with you. People were much kinder.
@Anaja S and were super racist 🙂
@Anaja S y'know what, fair. People suck
But pregnancy and sex before marriage was not encouraged. Today we have MTV 16 and pregnant and teen mom/teen mom og. Parents could and would discipline their children. Children went to school to learn by teachers who actually gave a damn and did not indoctrinate children
I started school in the '40's and our first grade teacher cured ADD real early in the school year. She had a ruler that really got your attention, and kept it, when she cracked (not literally) your knuckles if you were acting up. Also, it was not unusual to get three spankings in one day for the same offense. Your teacher would spank you and sent you to the principal's office where you probably got a second spanking. The third spanking came from your parents when you got home from school. We could go outside to play with friends until dark. If you were at someone else's home and acted up, they could and would spank you. No one in my class ever got in trouble with the law, everyone graduated from high school, several finished college or were farmers or served in the military. Several boys, myself included, served in Vietnam and a few of us retired from the military and had a second career. Yeah, we did get detention in high school if you skipped classes or smoked in the restroom. And that detention was served after school, in the principal's office, and usually for at least a week or more.
My dad said the teacher's spankings were often unfair. He and my mom both declared that only they would spank us. Teacher spankings were a thing of the past where I grew up when I started school in 1977 or 78, but my brothers and I knew what was waiting for us when we got home if we acted up at school.
I grew up in the 50's. I was what you might call "a strong willed child". I got spanked so much that when, in desperation, my parents sent me to a British style boarding school in Canada where caning was the norm for any slight infraction (like a sour look or not calling a "Master" "Sir") --- I would get caned several times a week (everything from pillow fights to smoking) --- and it was no big deal! I went on to have a brilliant career as a Private in the Marine Corps and later a classical guitarist.
Just my opinion, but today's Woke activists NEED a good spanking!
Okay people.I know that you all love to live in the past but remember,times have changed.
It's no longer sock hops,soda jerks and segregation!!!
Remember,the past is a fun to visit but you don't want to get stuck there!!
@@ericanthony9536 I wouldn't call a "Private" a brilliant career.
I wasn't born in the 1950s but my mom was she often said people in general were just more polite to one another and manners counted. These days it seems most people have forgotten how to he polite to one another.
not really
Oh come on, spanking certainly wasn't a dark part of that decade, or any other. It taught right from wrong, taught respect and responsibility for your actions. We are reaping the benefits of no corporal punishment and its not good.
Not all "spanking" was spanking.
the issue is now that if parents (or school people) hits your child one side will call Child Protective Services on the other. Kids nowadays run rampant with no regard to bad behavior.
Apparently children of the 50s were very stupid and had to be hit to maintain control of themselves. They couldn't understand language and example.
@@kina18 spankings had been done throughout time. Only in the 60's they decided it was bad. Now look at our society
@@gilhibbert1521 Nearly every criminal had parents who hit them.
Spare the rod, spoil the child. We're seeing the culmination of that today.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s. My dad never hit me but my mom used to spank with a huge wooden spoon. Honestly I deserved it. But it didn't stop me from anything. I think groundings, no TV etc. were more effective.
@@shrimpflea The times I got disciplined were warranted. But there really was only a handful of times.
Never GIVE love to your children! They have to EARN it! I remember these words from my grandmother.
@@jerryhorn4697 ouch
I'll tell you what...every spanking and grounding I got was well deserved. In the long run I grew to respect my dad more and made me a better man.
I’m Gen X, so I caught the tail end of ass busting (no pun intended)! When I was growing up. But The discipline that I received from those ass bustings, is very much what molded me into the successful man I am today. Not to mention The bond between my parents and I was very strong due to the respect I received from giving respect that was expected.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s. My dad never hit me but my mom used to spank me with a huge wooden spoon. Honestly I deserved it. But it didn't stop me from anything. I think groundings, no TV etc. were more effective.
I was born in 64 and my Mom sure would whoop my butt. She used what ever was at hand.. her hand, house shoe, belt, paddle, fly swatter and the good ole stand by, THE SWITCH. I raised my kids the same way.
Exactly! 100 percent of the time for me. Nothing but respect and love for my parents, may they both rest in peace.
I was born in 1968 and I completely agree. When mom used your full, given name followed by "wait until your father gets home", you knew that you'd messed up big time!
However, there's also a big difference between a spanking that you deserve and a beating that you don't. I was never abused that way (beating) and never abused my kids either. I had friends that were though.
I'm 31 I was born in 1991 and I got spanked it didn't hurt me any.
If I could live in the 50s. I’d never come back.
I hear ya!
@@selketskiss56 ❤
You see, you say that....And then the devil appears with a contract for you to sign...whereupon he fulfills your wish, sends you back to the '50s for eternity, but sends you back as a poor, destitute, uneducated black man working on a prison chain gang in the heart of the Confederate South. Enjoy your stay, laddie......
@@selketskiss56 AND the beginning of the Marvel Age of Comics!
“If I lived in the 50s I ALSO would never come back”
when i was in elementary school (back in the 70s), there was a paddle prominently displayed in the principal's office that the teachers used to joke that they would use on us students if we got out of line. the paddle was even given a name. i don't know if it was actually used on anyone but it wasn't used on me. doubt that they could do this now.
I was once, for throwing a rock at another student (granted she dropped the rock down my shirt, and I didn't like it; yes I was bullied a lot as a kid, you wouldn't some of the things I had to put up with!).
In the 70s our school had a name for the paddle... Board of education. Lol! True story!
Coach Blanks & Coach Macy with that paddle. 2 smacks on that "asre" in the 1980's was enough to straighten you OUT! Your parents had to sign a document saying that they could whoop that "arse"
I had a teacher who had a small, plastic strap. If you talked when you were to be quiet or was out of line, he called you up to his desk, in front of the class, then had you hold out your hand. That little strap sure did sting and left a red mark. Ouch!
My school principal also had a paddle in his office. If he used it on you, you would have to sign your name on the paddle. I never had to sign the paddle.
"The sexualized rhythms of rock and roll music had suburban moms and dads freaking out." Looking at the sexual scene over the past 60 years, didn't their fears come to pass?
And worse!!!
Exactly!! And it’s worse than anyone ever imagined.
Yeah, "twerking" and some such is nothing like Elvis wiggling his hips, and my mother was a big Elvis fan.
Look at these prudes in these replies.
"Good heavens! (Clutches pearls) I can't believe that these people are doing new things! Are those your legs!? (faints)"
Like, come on, it's not that bad. You don't like it because it's new, and old people HATE new things
Maybe but what's wrong with sex?
McCarthy wasn't wrong.
I agree.
Agreed. Unfortunately, he was made to look like a paranoid fool by the media and Hollywood.
@@SMac-bq8sk because the media and Hollywood were lousy with communists.
@@SMac-bq8sk He was a paranoid fool, did a lot of damage to our society, made people turn against each other. Kind of Trumpy, but he could actually put a sentence together, alas.
Thanks for posting this. So many nostalgia groups give people the false idea that everything was perfect and better in the 50's. Every age has good and bad aspects
I don’t believe there is anyone who believes there was nothing negative in past decades. It’s shoved in our faces day in and day out.
I had to laugh when they talked about corporal punishment. We grew up in the 1960s and there were 5 of us. I honestly don’t know how my mother survived our childhood. We were so mischievous and ornery. We were always doing things that got us in trouble. My mom used to send us out to pick our own switches when we were being punished. We always picked good leafy ones that didn’t hurt. And after the first few swats we’d start “crying” and she’d stop. I told you we were ornery. My dad though? Noooo. We did not want to get on his bad side. He would use the belt. Were we abused children? WE WERE NOT. Did we deserve the punishment? YES WE DID. And I often wonder how we grew up so well adjusted and successful. This is why. If more kids had been paddled, spanked, whatever, we would be in a lot better shape than we are now.
My parents spanked me growing up as well. While they were probably a little too strict imo, (I was homeschooled in a Christian home), learning respect for authority through tough discipline has helped me a lot in life for sure. Of course, you should always challenge those who abuse it, but the concept should be that respect comes first.
I was spanked so much, and I was almost always innocent as I had a lying sister! My parents knew that she was a liar, but believed her lies every time she claimed I hit her! As a result, I was determined my kids wouldn't get beat. I used the 3 swats rule. I had 3 good kids, I only had to use it twice on each child. The physical threat has to be there, but I only had to use it under extreme circumstances.
The 50's were a much much better time in the US overall. Yes, there is always a dark side to every period.
In the 50's, the moral majority existed, accountability existed, preachers could preach, policemen could do their jobs, freedom of speech existed (no PC movement then to remove it) and teachers could teach. All of these things are totally gone. Overall the 50's were a much better time for real freedom in the US.
I remember getting multiple shots,all in one,when I was in electrical school. Everything from polio,to measles,mumps,rheumatic fever,booster shot,. you name it and it was in the shot. The nurse then put a cover over the shot area. My arm stayed sore for a long time.
Me, too... and I was. polio Pioneer 1954!
@@lindickison3055 I was a polio pioneer, too. I still have my card and pin.
I have the booster mark on my left shoulder Guess it's a baby boomer thing. Kids today don't know that pain of getting all those shots in one.
Rather a sore arm than leg braces or an iron lung or six feet under!!
@@johnpatterson4816 As a kid, that iron lung was FRIGHTENING to think about. There was a lady in Montrose, who had a house along the road. She was in an iron lung with a big mirror above her head (she's laying on her back looking up)--the mirror faced the road, so she could watch the cars go by, etc.
Family fallout shelters were a rarity as they were expensive. They weren't everywhere as the video claims. Certain buildings were designated as fallout shelters and stocked with supplies.
We were told the previous owners had built one, but we've tried to locate it, but no luck. City had no record of a building permit ever being issued, but most people didn't bother getting one.
Born in the 70s, but everything I hear about the 50s makes me wish I was born then instead. Greater spread of prosperity. People had this thing called respect for each other. Greed was less prevalent. Cultures were less diverse in the US, but people were much - much happier.
No, I think the 70's were the best of all
@@lorettaresendez1970 It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
People respected each other as long as you were white, middle or upper class, Christian, straight and cis, and dressed in a socially acceptable fashion. If you fell outside of that fairly narrow slice of society, people could be absolutely disgusting to each other. I think you romanticize the social aspects of the era FAR too much.
Agree with you about greed through, that was something I think started more in the 70s and was really codified during the Reagan era.
@@zackakai5173 Your comments are irrelevant, no facts are in evidence, you are cautioned about "improper thinking", and all your comments will be stricken from the record, thanks for playing, you lose
I would’ve been better off had things been segregated, but I was born too late to experience that.
Turns out I have an older sister that was adopted out in that exact manner. My parents were were married when she was born though. We had no clue growing up. She harnessed the power of the internet and found us about 8 years ago. I met her she nice lady. I got a new sister in my fifties.
Well It seems that the Communism thought they feared is def true in today's America. That's where we are headed if we don't get some sense and real Leadership in this Country. I'm so grateful for My "Spankings" in the 70s and i spanked my 6 when needed and I'll tell you, you can see a HUGE difference in those that were corrected vs those that were not! I love this channel but sometimes your perspective seems to be part of the problem in our Country. AMERICA is great because of the Morals, standards, perseverance and patriotism that we've had. We need to get back go that or Our great Country will be gone to the dogs! Yes we are ALL created equal and the thing that separates us is BEHAVIOR!
I was born in 55 my brother in 50. If my mother had spanked my brother for hitting me, I might have had a less painful growing up.
If your father had raisd his son better, he wouldn't have been violent towards you.
Actually, McCarthy was right. Look at us now.
Don't glorify that motherf__ker.
McCarthy was an opportunistic con man. He DELIBERATELY saw 'enemies' where there were none, and he did it not for 'national security', but for political and personal gain. He NEEDLESSLY destroyed lives and ended careers. The world is well rid of him.
Yes. We should have kept the red scare going.
It wasn’t a “scare,” but a very valid concern.
@@keithwilson6060 It was a moral panic. Destroyed the fabric of society. Turned everyone against everyone else.
@@keithwilson6060yeah the world was no better back then
There is nothing more ridiculous then watching parents negotiate with young children! Spanking most definitely works with children as do chores....especially cleaning toilets 😉
Thankfully people were smart enough to get vaccinated back then.
No big deal really, but that picture at 4:00 is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) not a lobotomy.
We’ve fulfilled about 8 of Marx’s 10 Planks of Communism. I don’t think McCarthy was paranoid.
It is sad that such ignorant people are the ones trying to document history.
I guarantee if you had the same discipline today we wouldn't be watching young people doing the knock out game or burning and looting cities. We live in a time now where your feelings are priority and that's not good.
The 50's had the kkk burning and lynching.
My siblings and I all got spanked from time to time. This was still very common through the 1960s. I never liked it, but I learned from them, and we all turned out ok. Spankings were delivered with a belt, although we had a babysitter for a while who used willow switches. Those ones left real marks.
I'm against spanking, it's abuse
@@marthaperdew Proverbs 13:24: Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them. (NIV)
@@brianmatthews4323 that your problem lol
Honestly thought it had my partner growing up and you know what happens he has a hard time in this world and struggling with trauma and even resents them does not help especially in school
@@nineinchthread How is it my problem?
I agree with spankings but not extremely beatings. The reason why kids don’t have as manners today is because they weren’t spanked.
My father and mother beat us. My father was worse. Every kid in our neighborhood got their ass beat. We talked about it sometimes and laughed about it. It was normal. We respected our parents to the tee!
Yes I knew I was in trouble when mother got out the thick yard stick.
I got spanked and so did my kids. Ive never been in trouble with the law and neither have my kids. It looks like time outs didnt work as planned now days.
I got spanked back in the day and it made me a better man discipline is not ugly it let us know when you misbehave we got consequences for I actions kids today can do whatever they want and get away with it no consequences
I got spanked when I was a kid in the 1950s. I can honestly say I deserved every single one?.and I also believe if everyone under 60 got spanked when they were kids if it was warranted there would be a lot more respect for each other making this a much better country than it is today
You have Stockholm syndrome with your abusers.
You are not better off.
What about belt whipping?
Spanking taught me right from wrong. I always respected my parents, and loved them inspite of spanking.
Never GIVE love to your children! They have to EARN it! I remember these words from my grandmother.
Today you’re not suppose to spank your kid because it makes them violent as adults! That was not true. It made us toe the line. Now you give kids times out. Kids now don’t know limits.
1:10 - We could use an "Un-American Activities" type of policing in our schools again, but Hollywood is too far gone...
I grew up in the 1940's and 50's. I graduated from high school in 1959. And yes, I got my butt whacked when needed. I went to orderly schools in Los Angeles. There was some swatting there too. Later I taught in the Los Angeles district for 33 years. I watched as the schools declined into a chaotic state as society became more "enlightened" about corporal punishment. Of course there were other causes but the banning of spanking in the lower grades and swatting later were a big factor. Today many schools are just holding tanks for illiterates. Sad.
@Julie Lourdes It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet
@Julie Lourdes It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
@Julie Lourdes It's because the kids have been told at home "You just let me know if your teacher gets in your face and we'll sue their ass". I despair for the US.
Lobotomy....trusting the science.
Children should have consequences for their actions in a loving way. They should be taught to respect others in all ways. Hitting a child Is not loving. It teaches them to fear you. it did not work with my children at all! It did not work with me but taught me to fear my father. Not being spanked is not the reason if your children don't respect you or others.
I got spankings and so did my boys. They did not like it so they acted good. They grew up to be great young men. Nothing wrong with a spanking. Not a beating!!!! My cousins parents beat him. My Dad spanked him once and he respected my Dad and was good from then on. Later my Dad explained to him why he deserved a spanking and he hugged him and told him he still loved him. He had no respect for his parents. He wanted to live with us because of that. My Dad was a good man. I never feared my parents. I had great parents. A couple of swats on the butt makes them think twice about being bad.
The kids could tell you about the licks they received. They will also tell you that they admired their parents for keeping them in line. Your videos are usually good but this one is rather misguided.
I DIDN'T ADMIRE my mother for whipping me. I actually hated her for much of my childhood and rebelled big time starting at age 14.
Sounds like you enjoyed beating your kids too much
I didn't get whipped - I got spanked. What was good about it was that it put the decision-making on ME to decide whether I was going to act responsibly or not. My mom didn't just spank me out of the blue - she did it when I'd been warned and went ahead and decided I knew better anyway. I wasn't the victim, it wasn't anyone else's fault, it was the result of my choices. It definitely helped mold me into becoming a better person.
Not mentioned was the athletic coaching style in PE/gym classes was steeped in intimidation and humiliation. Those coaches were nothing more than abusive psychopaths hell bent on throwing their power around.
We had one of those in our school district, only lasted a year. Our coaches were just firm, honest people who believed in HARD WORK and didn't let the older kids harass younger ones. Our small town just happened to be blessed with talented Principals & Chief Administrator.
Maybe in your school, not everywhere.
@@memyname1771 Obviously I was speaking of my school. And this was in the 60's.
@@memyname1771 That's what I hear. Lots of coaches imagined themselves to be Marine Drill Instructors in their day dreams.
I had an abusive one who subbed for some of my classes back in the day. He loved to single out certain kid and embarrass them in front of the class just to get his little pecker off I guess, lol. Some adults have no business around children, period.
Children were taught how to respect other people and you did get spanked if you got out of line, today they are told to sit and cool down and parents etc. and that doesn't exactly teach the kid right from wrong so no wonder they act and do the stupid things they do today.
Ugly side? You make it sound like it's our parents' fault. We had a hell of a lot less crimes back then. Also a lot less "diversity." The shootings we heard as kids - were those westerns we'd watch on small screen black and white TV sets. Or from our cap guns. Police officers shot on or off duty were almost unheard of. Not like today's daily news casts. Today we have all that wonderful diversity and the crime rate to match. As to the liberals' fervent claim there is no correlation between crime and diversity, anyone believing that claptrap has to be a total fool.
Diversity Is A Dirty Word
I agree!
The dangers of smoking were known by many contrary to what this video implies. For example, my mother (like many) smoked but suspended smoking when pregnant with my brother (1939) and me (1946).
I did the same when I was pregnant with my daughter back in 2001.
My mother never smoked but I found an old book about pregnancy that encouraged the mother to keep smoking because it would be detrimental to her mental health otherwise!
I was born in 1954. My mother proudly proclaimed that she gave up smoking for the final trimester of her pregnancy, but not before. Didn’t affect me none 🤪
@@musicjack54 Yourself lucky.
@@johnpatterson4816*Consider yourself lucky.
yes and look how that generation turned out . not like kids today,who call their parents names ,scream at them and have no respect. if i had talked to my mother like that ,i wouldnt be here today
The bus Rosa Parks staged her demonstration on is at the Henry Ford Museum here in Dearborn Michigan.- The bus was restored by the original company that build it, and you are able to go on it and sit in the same seat she did.
When it comes to spankings...they were a good thing. I remember getting spanked as a kid - and they corrected my behavior for sure!
Staged is the correct term for it.
@@austinknowlton1783 You are correct - it was planned, etc. It was not a spontaneous thing...but it still had impact.
Somebody should have been giving Mr. Putin spankings a-plenty.
I was spanked as a kid and it made me a better man. Looking back I deserved every one I got and they were few. I hold no grudges toward my parents l respect them even more for it. Today you can be arrested for it and just look at the results.
Actual research on the subject shows that it has negative outcomes on mental health, and unless it is particularly severe, it tends to not change behavior much either.
@@albedougnut Maybe these types of studies are the reason our cuties are being looted and burned down by our raging young people today. Mine were never severe but they changed my behavior.
@@buck546 Do you think arson and theft were invented in the 21st century?
A fathers discipline is crucial to kids development, its what missing today imho, mothers should nurture, father should discipline and both should parent. Now days these kids have no fathers and a mother who wants to be friends instead of a parent, and you wonder why kids are so messed up?
"Duck & Cover" was a joke. If someone dropped a bomb, hiding under that wooden desk was NOT going to save you!
By the 60’s they had us go into the hallway, line up with our backs to the wall & pull our coats over our heads 😂
YOUR COMMENT is the joke. 90% plus of the population in any nuclear exchange would be OUTSIDE of the fireball and deadly radiation zone. However a large sector of the population would be in the overdressed shockwave outside the instant death zone. In that far larger zone flying debris much like on a level 4 tornado is a very serious deadly threat. THAT'S WHY civil defense officials instructed the public to duck and cover and indeed if we ever got into a atomic bomb senario. Duck and cover would have saved thousands of lives.
But at least you were closer to kissing your butt goodbye.
@@harveyabel1354 😂😂
Depending on the altitude of detonation and your distance from it, it could - it might save you from the collapsing building, and unless you’re really close to the actual fireball, the collapse of buildings can be one of the larger cause of fatalities, more than the burns, more than the radiation.
The 2020s look what not disciplining children has done. 🇬🇧👍🤔
Would you agree there is a difference in “discipline” and “corporal punishment”?
Now, if parents spank the kids, they can get arrested when neighbors complain.
Even into the early 1970s if we did something bad in the neighborhood and a neighbor caught you doing it, they might tan your behind with a broom and send you on your way. Then when your parents found out, they would not only thank the neighbor for teaching you a lesson, but also paddle your behind for added measure. Today there would probably be a lawsuit and it would make national news as a “horrific child abuse event”
I considered the third paddling to be a mark of a brave man. Either suffer through it without any outward signs of distress or make them run you down and practice my loudest screams and shrieks. Both were amusing...but futile, my buttocks told me that. I finally found out that my behavior warmed my butt in an unpleasant way.
It's a "protector" and "care giver" doing their job when they intervene on behalf of their son or daughter and go ballistic at a neighbour for hitting their (alleged) loved one but they've already failed their duty to protect and serve their loved ones seeing as the "behind tanning" has already taken place.
I wish you were right about the "horrific child abuse event" but sadly the same prejudicial/bigoted look down on attitude which has existed in the past and was the core reason (unconsenting) women were subject to corporeal punishment from their husbands and blacks from whites (with paddles as slaves later reserved for the next "lesser" minority of "minors") and any other racist- esque underlying feeling of superiority to a minority it still exists for minors (our own son's and daughter's for Christ sake and on top of that the ONLY minority ALL of us are a part of).
So not so sure it would be advertised as such a horrific event it would if the neighbour did the same thing to the wife of the home and then handed her over to the husband who did the same (all against her will) nowadays but not in the bigoted against women past because the bigotry was later vilified and only then could people see how pointless such a thing was before the sexiest charge they would swear by how needed it is because society still doesn't care about bigotry against minors (if it's based on skin colour they do but not age) it still considers these degrading treatments as at least "debateable" which is highly disturbing to be honest.
While the 19-year-olds going to prison today for cruel, horrible rapes and murders are defended by their career-obsessed parents with "he's always been a good kid."
I don't see a dark side back then. Nothing wrong with spanking, soap in the mouth or other discipline's handed out by our parents. We deserved what we got and usually didn't do bad things more than once. Kids today are not held accountable for their bad actions nor do they have respect for parents, teachers or elders. Our society has gone down hill because of liberal thinking and changes. As kids we hitchhiked everywhere, no fear of being kidnapped or hurt. Thanks to liberal thinking we live in a world of fear, we will never get the good days back.
Dr Spock , on his deathbed REGRETTED the advice he gave to parents because he said it CREATED BRATS. 😵💫 My Father didn't have an anger problem, he never laid a hand on my Mom and we didn't hear them disagree. I loved my Dad and I did not want to disappoint him. He only had to point to his belt to straighten me up 👍🏼🏠 We are still very close.
I hear his son, Mr Spock, say that the deathbed regret was "quite logical"
I was born in 1955. My two older brothers and I were spanked when we were children. But never often nor excessively. In many of the "ugly" things mentioned in the video, the pendulum has swung so far the other way and many of the consequences from that are equally ugly as well, if not more so.
Kids these days haven't learned respect as we did. Parents are too soft and it's backfired Nationwide Summer of 2020 was an example with all the destruction violence looting rioting
and maybe Jan. 6,2021
That was nothing
The trouble with any time period is that too many things aren't done in moderation, and people go overboard, one way or another. Years ago, too many parents were strict disciplinarians, today too many of them are spineless doormats, yesterday people were paranoid about Communism, today people are hot for Socialism, in the 50's, moral standards were a bit too rigid, today morals don't exist; in days gone by, too many white people wished everyone else didn't exist, today, everyone else wishes white people didn't exist, back then, an unwed mother was ostracized, today she's applauded, in the 50's, you couldn't even mention a toilet bowl on TV, let alone show on, today you can see people on the toilet and hear what they're doing in it.....etc...etc...etc
In other words, in whatever time you're in....SOCIETY SUCKS!
You are absolutely right couldn’t have said it better myself 💯
Very good point, and well stated.
You left out (avoided) the hideous discrimination against gay and bisexual Americans. The 1950's was a dangerous time for those citizens. A truly shameful time for a country that espouses to be the "land of the free, home of the brave".... They were truly Brave to have survived at that time!
@Imman271 Since freedom FROM religion is guaranteed by the U.S.Constitution.... that reply is ridiculous!
@BIBLE328 No, Our Founding Father's envisioned a country where religious bigots could not rule over those with opposing beliefs!
@@Adam-do8ehpreach it love 🙌
I was born in 1954 and I don't remember ever being spanked. I was the youngest child and my parents were both in their 40s when I was born, so I think maybe they mellowed a little with age and experience.
My parents beat the crap out of me (first child) and they never laid a hand on my youngest brother. Same thing, I guess.
Many have enjoyed your segments, myself included. However, your final minute of this one regarding corporal punishment is misguided. Proper, loving discipline that sometimes included a few stern swats on the backside did everyone good. It taught young people to respect laws, neighbors, personal property and self respect. All of which are sorely lacking in modern America and elsewhere.
I was one of the guinea pigs in the first large trials of the Salk polio vaccine. I had several friends who were paralysed by the disease before its introduction.
I was a 'polio pioneer'in the second grade in NJ. I will never forget the little pin that I received for participating .I became an RN..I think that my particapation influenced my decision 10 yrs later!
I was born in 2001 and even I got spankings as a kid with a paddle it's not fun but it keeps you in line and it never got to the abusive point either. Kids nowadays are to spoiled there's no punishment for bad behavior other than sit in the corner I get society evolves but still.
From what I see we should bring back the spanking.
You want to understand the 1950's. 12 million soldiers heroes returned from winning WW II. Millions of women who had to do everything, including working at men's professions ,eagerly became married housewives & raised children by the millions. Historic facts !
Mom's 2nd husband spanked the hell out of me with a paddle. It made me absolutely hate him.
and I assume Mom was afraid of him?
@@tomloft2000 No. She used to spank me with Hot Wheels tracks.
@@jedidrummerjakeoh god, sorry about that
Being hit with your own toys is beyond me
You got Senator Joseph McCarthy wrong. He didn't look for communists in society. He strictly looked inside the federal government. As to Hollywood, that was the House Un-American Activities Committee -- in which the word "house" tells us that it didn't involve a senator. Incidentally, the Venona Papers later proved McCarthy largely correct. 😗
Anyway, I think RR would do well too avoid politics and other complicated and debatable things.
I agree. This isn't the type of content which built the channel.
@@Daledavispratt It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Right... That's why you see so many shepherds beat their sheep. The rod was used to guide them, not hit them. One of the most misunderstood Biblical quotes and excuses parents used when they couldn't get control of their own tempers.
My mother in law was born with cerebral palsy. She grew up in the 1950s, went to college, and moved out of state with a friend. She was able to find employment and took care of herself until she met my father in law.
My father served during the Korean Conflict. My parents were California natives and did not experience racism to the extent that was reported in the media as occurring in other parts of the country during the 1950s. My own California childhood would be considered as having been somewhat "diverse," even by today's narrow standards.
Recollection Road begins to scold.
Polio: many diseases used to be of great concern. My grandmother lost her legs to polio in the 50s. She was in her late 60s.
Communism: the USSR promised us they would conquer the US. Nuclear weapons were new, so of course there was real fear, and real determination to contain communism. Fear led to the excesses of the McCarthy hearings. This sort of rabid behavior was not widespread, though. It was more an unease with most people. The video exaggerates the installation of backyard fallout shelters. Yes, they were widely advertised, but that’s what people do to make a buck. Public buildings all over were designated as fallout shelters, yes. Remember that America changed from an isolated world in 1941 to a global nuclear power with real global enemies by the onset of the 50s. It was a big adjustment.
Duck and cover: What do you expect a school to do? If they do nothing, they’re called out for it. If they duck and cover, which might offer some protection from a minor event, they’re called out for the ineffective technique. Schools today adopt similarly ineffective postures for tornadoes and active shooters. What else can they realistically do?
Spanking: both Recollection Road and younger commenters should note the difference between spanking as a deterrent disciplinary measure, versus physical abuse. Of course some people abused their children. Some still do today. Some parents today murder their families, then commit suicide. I was spanked when I deserved it. My wife was spanked when she deserved it. We developed a healthy fear of it, not a psychological fear of abuse or of our parents. It’s necessary to remember that good parents also loved us. We knew this. We weren’t mistreated animals, and we knew so. While I understand that some people grew up to resent spanking, I have simply never personally run across anyone my age who didn’t realize the benefit in terms of discipline and self control. Also note that discipline doesn’t mean punishment. It means self control. Our parents intended that we develop self control.
I’ve noticed the past few Recollection Road narrations display an ignorance of the topics they present. They paint with too broad a brush, misconstrue, and fail to describe events within the tenor of the times. If you don’t consult someone who actually lived the times, you cannot expect to present with accuracy. I’d hope you do better. If not, just discontinue the narrations.
Everyone should remember that humans are always humans, even as newer generations act in similar or even more deplorable ways. It’s just easier to criticize the behaviors of the past than to see (or admit) the comparably egregious faults of the present. There’s a scripture about that...get the log out of your own eye before critiquing the splinter in another’s.
Now, I’m off to disembowel my cats because of all those spankings. Yeah, right.
Maybe this channel has just run it's course. It won't be the first YT channel to self-destruct.
GOOD essay! 👍
Beautifully written.
Just goes to show that one can learn things previously unknown every day.
Thank you.
@@jamesmiller4184 It is like you said,,, Continue to wear 5 face diapers, and maintain a distance of 666 feet, just get vaccinated EVERYDAY, obey your MASTERS
So anyone who disagrees with the false narrative script about the Magic of the 50s is "scolding" and deserves to be canceled? So much for free speech in America.