Christopher Columbus returns to Spain | 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992)

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • Cathedral scene where Christopher Columbus is honored for discovering the New World . personal dream and a triumph of man over nature.


  • @_Casperus_
    @_Casperus_ 5 місяців тому +29

    Dude imagine how the Indigenous people who Columbus took from the Caribbean felt when they saw this in real life. They must've thought they were surrounded by gods, this level of technology and elegance would have been completely incomprehensible to them.

  • @SafdarPaleria-ri2kw
    @SafdarPaleria-ri2kw 5 місяців тому +14

    Isabella of Castile a true proud of west (Christianity)
    A brave A strong woman✝️⚔️

  • @markusscheef3878
    @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому +5

    I think the people witnessing this event wasn't expecting Queen Isabel of Castilla would ask Colon to take her hand. This is how he was honored walking with the Queen of Castilla and King of Aragon. Hence the reason the rol played by Frank Langella looks confused when looking at them.

  • @markusscheef3878
    @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому +11

    I don’t have a single drop of Spanish/Hispanic/Latin blood in me. Not nearly, I am Scot/Irish, but this scene still gives me goosebumps and chills. It reminds me to be immensely proud in being a European by blood and Catholic by religion and to never let them shame me for that. Much respect to my distant European cousins in Spain/The Spanish people. God bless the continent of Europe, The British Isles, God Bless America/USA/Latin America and our Western Civilization! God bless Spain, Christopher Columbus, God Bless Christians and The One True Roman Catholic Church!

    • @kukuzice
      @kukuzice 3 місяці тому

      Neither Columbus spoke Spanish good. However, he gave to Spain its biggest glory.

    • @silverkitty2503
      @silverkitty2503 3 місяці тому +1

      for what genocide lol

    • @kukuzice
      @kukuzice 3 місяці тому +1

      @@silverkitty2503 Columbus was just a genius who discovered a new world. Who thinks that he commited a genocide I advice to him come back to high school.

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому

      Colon (not Columbus as he never used Latin or ligurian languages in his written correspondence) signed always as Cristobal Colon. He always spoke in fluent Spanish. He dated Beatriz Arana. He died in Valladolid and he's buried in the cathedral of Seville.

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому

      The one committed by the US Americans descendants of European settlers in USA.

  • @constantine8137
    @constantine8137 4 місяці тому +9

    The music!!!!

  • @markusscheef3878
    @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому +8

    Glory to Spain. Credit to Cristobal Colon. Credit to Queen Isabel I of Castilla. ¡Viva Espan̈a! ¡Viva America! ¡Viva la Hispanidad! Columbus changed the curse of history forever by discovering an unknown continent to the rest of the world. This is when the modern era started, on 1492. Haters will hate. Nobody can change history. Long life to Spain!

  • @ifochero
    @ifochero 4 місяці тому +11

    Viva la América Española, Viva Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina Centro América, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Rep Dominicana, VIVA ESPAÑA LA MADRE PATRIA

  • @jerolvilladolid
    @jerolvilladolid 9 місяців тому +31

    These are the last native spanish monarchs, it was german hapsburgs and french bourbons after until today

    • @vcab6875
      @vcab6875 7 місяців тому +9

      These Spanish Monarchs are direct descendants of the Visigoths.

    • @thevododoll8699
      @thevododoll8699 6 місяців тому +3

      native spanish?, they descend from germanics

    • @alexandresoleiro4149
      @alexandresoleiro4149 5 місяців тому +4

      ​@@vcab6875but the Visigoths were the fingers of the "Kingdom of Hispania", the asburgs not!!

    • @roberbonastre3380
      @roberbonastre3380 4 місяці тому +4

      @@thevododoll8699 Of course they are native Spaniards, we Spaniards are descendants of Germanic Visigoths, Celts, Romans, etc.

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому +1

      Most of Spanish people descend from visigothics and other tribes

  • @Hola-jw9nc
    @Hola-jw9nc 6 місяців тому +10

    Wonderful Kingdom

  • @siralexandersequeira3rdcou12
    @siralexandersequeira3rdcou12 6 місяців тому +12

    Pretty sure this is supposed to represent the founding of the kingdom of Spain, the union between Isabella of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon, thusly creating the kingdom of Spain.

    • @cesarreysanmartin3921
      @cesarreysanmartin3921 6 місяців тому

      Reunification of the kingdom of Spain

    • @SomervilleStu
      @SomervilleStu 5 місяців тому

      the Kingdom of Spain didn't exist until after the war of the Spanish succession. Castille and Aragon remained separate kingdoms until then.

    • @siralexandersequeira3rdcou12
      @siralexandersequeira3rdcou12 4 місяці тому

      @@SomervilleStu Ok, but you can see the coat of arms of aragon and castille in the tabard of king Ferdinand and Isabella, their union, the union of the country.

    • @agushll74
      @agushll74 4 місяці тому

      @@siralexandersequeira3rdcou12is more than that. Crowns of Castile and Aragon weren’t ruled by one monarch until Joanna I of Castile and Aragon and then by her son Charles I of Spain, but in fact the Crowns remained separated in terms of applicable laws until the Spanish war of succession when Philip V abolished all the laws of the territories of the Crown of Aragon in 1707-1716 and imposed the laws of Castile creating a Spanish citizenship all ruled by the same laws.

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 2 місяці тому

      It was Spain de jure from 1479

  • @MateoRubio-xm1sq
    @MateoRubio-xm1sq 4 місяці тому +3

    Amen patry

  • @adrianarivoltella5940
    @adrianarivoltella5940 3 місяці тому +1

    Cristoforo Colombo era al servizio della Spagna ma era italiano , nato a Genova nel 1451, come risulta da documenti notarili.

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 2 місяці тому +1

      Indeed. But there's no certainty he was born in Genoa. He never spoke a word of ligurian or Latin. All his written communication is in Spanish with some words from Portuguese and Catalan. He spent most of his life in mainland Spain. Genoa in the century XV was a territory part of Spain. Italy won't exist as a nation until 1871. 3/4 of Italy have been part of the Aragonese crown. Colon died in Valladolid. He's buried in the cathedral of Sevilla. The Italians, specially the ones whom migrated to US in the XIX century have made a lot of propaganda about Colon being Italian. Italy has got nothing to do with the discovery of America. Sorry

    • @adrianarivoltella5940
      @adrianarivoltella5940 2 місяці тому

      @@markusscheef3878 Ho risposto molte volte a queste obiezioni. Posso aggiungere: durante il 1400 Genova era una Repubblica Marinara governata dalla potente Famiglia Doria e, per qualche periodo, dai Signori Sforza di Milano e dai francesi. Solo nel 1528 diventa, in parte, dipendente dalla Spagna anche se conserva una certa autonomia. Le mie fonti storiche sono: Documenti Notarili del Comune di Genova, storico spagnolo Bartolomè De Las Casas, World History Encyclopedia, Institute and Museum of the History. Tutti dicono che Colombo era nato a Genova. Tu che documenti hai consultato? Sei uno storico? Anche Amerigo Vespucci che esplora e dà il nome all'America era italiano , di Firenze. Vespucci era anche il cognome di Simonetta Cattaneo Vespucci, la bellissima modella del quadro "La nascita di Venere" di Botticelli. Ciao.

    • @adrianarivoltella5940
      @adrianarivoltella5940 2 місяці тому

      @@markusscheef3878 Ho risposto molte volte a queste obiezioni. Posso aggiungere: durante il 1400 (XV secolo) Genova era una libera e ricca Repubblica Marinara governata dalla potente Famiglia Doria e per qualche periodo dai Duchi Sforza, Signori di Milano e dai francesi. Solo nel 1528 (XVI secolo) diventa in parte dipendente dalla Spagna (77 anni dopo la nascita di Colombo) pur conservando una certa autonomia. Le mie fonti storiche sono: Documenti Notarili del Comune di Genova, storico spagnolo Bartolomè de las Casas , World History Encyclopedia, Institute and Museum of the History, ecc. Tutti dicono che Colombo era nato a Genova. Tu sei uno storico? Che documenti hai consultato? Anche Amerigo Vespucci che esplora e dà il nome all'America era Italiano di Firenze. Ciao.

    • @agushll74
      @agushll74 2 місяці тому

      No es una cuestión de nacionalidad, prácticamente hoy en día nadie discute que Colón era italiano, Americo Vespuccio igual y de ahí el nombre del continente. Colón buscaba financiación para acometer su empresa, ir a las Indias orientales por occidente, pidió dinero a los monarcas de la época y lo que está claro es que quien le dió el dinero fueron los Reyes Católicos, que fueron unos adelantados a su época. El rey de Portugal lo consideró un loco. Como consecuencia España creo y tuvo un imperio que los portugueses anhelaron y envidiaron, es por eso que fueron a llorarle al Papa de Roma para que les diera un pedacito de las tierras descubiertas y que se materializó en el Brasil gracias a ese infame tratado de Tordesillas. Evidentemente la historia hubiera podido ser completamente diferente de lo que es. Aún hoy en día ese imperio persiste pese a la independencia de los territorios que formaban los virreinatos de Perú, Granada y la Nueva España, que no colonias (invención nefasta anglosajona que más de uno hoy en día se cree en hispanoámerica) en sus ciudades, cultura, idiomas, mestizaje de sus gentes y que nos unen más que nos separan, todo ello pese a la leyenda negra de que los españoles fuimos a conquistar, matar y saquear todo el oro.

    • @adrianarivoltella5940
      @adrianarivoltella5940 2 місяці тому +1

      @@agushll74 Bravo, finalmente qualcuno dice la verità. A me molte persone hanno contestato che Colombo fosse italiano. Mi hanno detto che era olandese, di Majorca, figlio di un Grande di Spagna, cubano, ebreo convertito che si doveva nascondere ( ma perchè? alla Corte spagnola c'erano molti ebrei, convertiti e non convertiti) e, dulcis in fundo, che non si sa bene da dove venisse ma la corona spagnola e il Papa nascondevano la verità (e chi era? un extraterrestre?). Questo mi hanno risposto quando mi sono azzardata a dire la nazionalità di Colombo. Grazie della tua risposta. Ciao.

  • @Aces77777
    @Aces77777 7 місяців тому +6

    At the height of the Spanish Empire

  • @musicaconspirito
    @musicaconspirito 9 місяців тому +2


  • @MateoRubio-xm1sq
    @MateoRubio-xm1sq 4 місяці тому +2


  • @MateoRubio-xm1sq
    @MateoRubio-xm1sq 4 місяці тому +1


  • @raphaelledesma9393
    @raphaelledesma9393 8 місяців тому +2

    Lol Isabela of Castile looks more like the Virgin Mary than her actual paintings. Who was in charge of costume?

    • @alexandresoleiro4149
      @alexandresoleiro4149 5 місяців тому

      It was a cerimony you asshole! And you have paintings of her dressed like This.

  • @ellenchavez2043
    @ellenchavez2043 7 місяців тому +1

    The best scene in the movie was the meeting of the two people, facing each other.
    Fast fact: when Columbus set sail, there was no Spain and the Moors were still on the Peninsula. The New World was claimed under the flags or Aragon and Castile.

    • @martinbeckdorf4565
      @martinbeckdorf4565 6 місяців тому

      Nos quite. The Grenada Capitulations were ratified on january of the 92', making the Emirate of Grenada defunct that same day. The Moors, as a group, where allowed to stay, but most of the nobility left Spain the next year with Boabdil.
      What is true is that there was no "Spain" as a unified crown or polity. Still, the Capitulations do mention "España" once, in the part about the Moorish right to return to "Spain", as opposed to "Berberia" or the Barbary Coast. So the concept of Spain as a geographical space did exist.

  • @lynx141
    @lynx141 9 місяців тому +9

    That attire-must be really uncomfortable.

  • @kenllacer
    @kenllacer 3 місяці тому

    1:23 Is that Charles V the future Holy Roman Emperor?

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому

      No. Charles I would be born later in 1500. He will be the grandson of Queen Isabel and King Fernando.

  • @julian9898
    @julian9898 8 місяців тому +1

    What is the title of that song that is playing? 😀

    • @raphaelledesma9393
      @raphaelledesma9393 8 місяців тому +7

      It’s the Te Deum but not the traditional chant version. The music must have been made for the film
      Te Deum laudamus (We praise you O God)
      Te Domine confitemur (We confess you O Lord)
      Omnis terra veneratur (All the earth praises You)

    • @constantine8137
      @constantine8137 4 місяці тому +1

      Vangelis. 1492 Conquest of Paradise. But it wasn't on the album.

  • @whoahorseywhoa4685
    @whoahorseywhoa4685 8 місяців тому +13

    man as a Mexican I feel conflicted over Spain and its Empire built on stolen riches from Mexico and so many other counties... only respect i have for them is that they were able to throw off 800 years of muslim rule ( or maybe that declined on its own ? dont know ) and reestablish Christianity .

    • @NhatHuyNg
      @NhatHuyNg 8 місяців тому

      the fvck are you talking about? mexico didnt exist when the spanish came to the Americas. Actually, if the Spanish hadnt come then mexico would not have existed.

    • @hugoramirez6698
      @hugoramirez6698 8 місяців тому +17

      I don't blame you, your education system is feeding you with lies about the Spanish Empire, so you have this conflict within you. The day you stop learning from "Official" History, investigating by yourself a little deeper, you will have enough reasons to be proud of your history, and little to nothing to feel guilty or angry about. I hope that would be your case.

    • @whoahorseywhoa4685
      @whoahorseywhoa4685 8 місяців тому

      @@hugoramirez6698 lies ? lol next your going to tell me the Spanish never set foot in Mexico or Latin America ? Are you Spanish ? if you are, I think rather it is your education system that has white washed and glorified what Spain did in the Americas and other countries.. and by the way, I am not just thinking only Spain was a greedy colonizer, I know many others were and are. I also understand that the white man was not the only one to blame ... muslims were also colonizers and slave traders and Africans also participated in slavery ...

    • @anastaziarosas7176
      @anastaziarosas7176 8 місяців тому +1

      Baby Andalousie was a part from Spain and christians people were living there, and the Muslims came take it from them and fight them in the name of God and "Jihad", they kill many men and boys(+11ans) and slave the women and girls and children, and the Muslims from north Africa and from "The Middle East" to live there, (and I don't support what Spain did to Muslims and Jewish people.) If Andalousie still to the Muslims until now, I don't guess that it gonna be good and peaceful... as much as today, I mean just look to the Muslims countries and compare them with development ones...

    • @hermericojimenez2616
      @hermericojimenez2616 8 місяців тому

      Always some mexican crying. What a virgin country...

  • @Mr99663311
    @Mr99663311 6 місяців тому +4

    No se conquistó ningún paraíso. No había ningún paraíso. ¿Por qué se unieron tantas tribus a Cortés? Reflexionen. ¿Por qué en Estados Unidos no hay apenas nativos y México rebosa nativos? Reflexionen. México no es azteca. México es hispano. Reflexionen.

    • @isengardteruelhhh
      @isengardteruelhhh 4 місяці тому +3

      Si había un paraíso, solo lo que habitado por demonios, gracias a España se comenzó a civilizar

  • @martinmanifold2241
    @martinmanifold2241 8 місяців тому +3

    Fantastic music ......shame it sounded a disaster for native americans

    • @joseramongomez2656
      @joseramongomez2656 8 місяців тому +6

      Specially in the United States

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому

      In the US they don't understand it. They think they arrived from Jupiter. Ridley Scott said the movied didn't work there because none said the words shit' or 'fuck' in the movie

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 3 місяці тому +1

      Black legend created by the Brits and later somatized by the US

    • @markusscheef3878
      @markusscheef3878 2 місяці тому

      Well most of the native Americans were wiped out by the US army and settlers in the century XIX

    • @martinmanifold2241
      @martinmanifold2241 2 місяці тому

      @@markusscheef3878 not in south america ....that genocide is all on the spanish and Portuguese conquistadors